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MDG 2000-010
Fee required: `$"LSO RC DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION I • • .CITY OF LA QUINTA Community Development Department 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO 10 2 g 200� N,�1 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 • ���do 760-777-7125 RCD CNo° �* I� `� �dv (Check one) Cove Residential Permit Date Accepted: 4 2 �..--(, ID N/ Master Design Guidelines - Cove Residential Adjustment - $100.00 $250.00 $300.00 RC Development (RCD) applications are governed by Section 9.50.090 of the Zoning Code ( copy attached). All single family residences in the RC District shall be reviewed pursuant to the Cove Residential Design Procedures. Review and approval by the Community Development Director for this application is required. Nature of Request: Lot No: Block No: Unit No: Assessor's Parcel No: (List additional lots involved here or attach): Street Location(s)/address: Additional Information: (Additional written material can be submitted separately) ARCHITECTURAL PLANS - Three sets containing the front and, if applicable, street side yard architectural elevations, building floor plan and landscape/irrigation plan shall be submitted with this application unless otherwise determined by Department staff. Color scheme for the proposed unit(s) must also be provided in an appropriate format. ********************************************************************* Applicant: MARK 7uv(c.L (Print Name) Address: 77-4 S-0 $ /4 g R D - Owner(s): /14a/( — vVlZL Address: (Print Name) 1 Z -gsVo so ism *************************************** Tod--171-13 3 y ./Pe R ?7 576 LZ. (Phon PAZ" 0654-R -r/CA• c12,2,60 760-?7)-733 y (Phone/Fax) go, P•4 L,-k ->>5 Ail 4 4-- "i Z z>60. ****GRANT DEED, ESCROW INSTRUCTIONS OR • T s R SUITABLE Signature of Applicant: Authority for this application is hereby given: Signature of Property Owner(s): PROOF OF OWNEF.SHIP IS REQUIRED**** Date: IC '�7—C3G Date: ! -2 ? —DO Any false or misleading information given in this application shall be grounds to deny this application. Signatures and addresses of all property owners affected by this application shall be included in this submittal. Separate letters of authorization can be submitted. C: \ Wrkgrp\Forms\RCDapplic. wpd �(;,�� ors .K TO: • 44aI4 4 MEMORANDUM HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING • COMMISSION FROM: CHRISTINE DI IORIO, PLANNING MANAGER DATE: MAY 9, 2000 RE: MASTER DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR SUNROSE CORPORATION (MDG 2000-010) ' The Zoning Code requires additional development standards for the Cove Residential area called Master Design Guidelines. Design Guidelines are required for 'any developer/applicant constructing five or more houses in the RC District. Therefore when a developer wants to pull a permit for the fifth house, the guidelines must have been reviewed and accepted by the Planning Commission. Mark Tuvell, Sunrose Corporation seeks building permit approval for .his fifth plus house. He is submitting Master Design Guidelines for Planning Commission review. The attached Guidelines contain information as to how the developer/applicant intends to vary theexterior of the unit which includes, but is not limited to, roof types, window and entry treatment, stucco and paint colors, and roof tile, colors. Applicant is proposing design package which includes one floor plan with two separate design elevation options. Staff determined the guidelines provide adequate deviations to the elevations such as varied roof lines and architectural details. In addition, upon Planning Commission approval, staff will use the guidelines to evaluate each building permit application from this developer forcompliance with the approved guidelines. RECOMMENDATION: Planning staff recommends the. Planning Commission accept the Master Design Guidelines (MDG 2000-010) as presented. C:\WPDdocs\MDG 2000-010.wpd 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO — LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253.- (760) 777-7000 TDD (760) 777-1227 May 10, 2000 Mark Tuvell 72-850 Somera Road Palm Desert, CA 92260 Dear Mr. Tuvell: This is to inform you that the Planning Commission at their meeting of May 9,2000 approved your Master Design Guidelines 2000-010; in order to .finalize your approval please submit two (reduced 81/2" x 11") copies of each side elevations for each proposed plan. We will need to have these on file prior to :he Community Development Department's approval of building permits. Should you have any questions regarding the above information, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR FRED BAKER, AICP Principal Planner MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINT.A, CALIFORNIA.92253 SUNROSE CORPORATION 72-850 SOMERA RD PALM DESERT CA 92260 MASTER GUIDELINES TABLE OF CONTENTS INTODUCTION HOUSE ELEVATION A FLOOR PLAN PLOT PLAN HOUSE ELEVATION B FLOOR PLAN PLOT PLAN ELEVATION A&B HOT MOP COMPOSITON ELEVATION B 2 PIECE TILE COMPOSTION AND APPLICATION 8 STUCCO COLOR SELECTION 9-10 PAINT COLOR SELECTION 11-13 1 3 4 6 7 SUN -ROSE WAS INCORPORATED IN 1988 AND HAS BEEN BUILING HOMES IN THE COACHELLA VALLEY SCINCE THEN. SUNROSE CORPORATION HAS BEEN BUILDING HOMES IN THE LAQUINTA COVE AREA FOR THE LAST TEN YEARS. OUR GOAL IS TO OFFER THE HOME BUYER THE BEST QUALITY HOME IN KEEPING WITH GOOD VALUE AND HIGH STANDARDS. �� : 1 -6 M. cL...5•C ni ' o" rico Q f6,i_ OW. (EHE 1.4511.? f?I'l• • swiag Maio! OR. eArZPY-r- 22-66 AlAti_,OR.0(144CL ) vny Aan, stac•Lir 4 POLE ) FIOL5 I ) HALL. WA/ .,3111,1“ 3.,1111 ..111 ,ky ) f3C0 e,AQPE-1- e-‘c3 F.xV. .4HE.L174 POLE. ..F3A1H -viLE - • ' 41'4 1 k s• . Fe'r GRA n'lz" H0.4AL..u1-112. HE. atEIZ (C.,A.5) 6.; -..N&(.1.11Z6121.10Ohl wry 41. 2�AJ, pi izA1V.9/6fir- • • .e.161AN . e 134mihtsoLocoei x WALL. WALL:5 c. oven HcdtHahn‘le'L roaq.). ca.L Evre, .• . . ZOL •• 2 a‘...e5sC7.CANI :,L1/R `.-10 C4FC18" E.Lec-,021e.m..OWLourt..e.f/Pr2ora1 f, la Hof oufLE-1 - .9101(.6 E2C.:aff.leC liOvRa.14/810.1t0 6K/4-le _ faLc9Hon.1C. ciAIBLE (Re. 4.) -ry ,S)kj SINGLE POLE" tv.):104 Lia-1fik14. exfg.uco-r1104.( FI.1010 CELL) .11: 9wre ,/.1A&ILEHE11 .,:R.1 . te.IA2Co 65-LI . • 3(:Fle6 Box 1.0 ALY(N5. iCe3o.V2Sle I . 0 A60./C DOAK fe> -11L Fatki.1 1?Lao. ibIFTZ \ 7 A• 7 A s _ 2.2_4•_L 3". --- Pi 6 •-• k-001Z R_,Aq se,AL6i1/1-(1.-di i • • • • N \ • (j- (.c•N ' '-••• • -I ' 1 :71 0 -7- .. • O.C. 6 ' 0. •:fmc>I,IER.. Z3�:a.su� so_ 613 ( it / waUC--cievoGi41 SNELFf POLE f6frt?RvLZ -. eH°c 0 G.11•0 of 4°4°e0 1) <..,u. V, ,m .;1. a ,',+.id krimaym GPC^f, I CXCl Q.\ -11;2u \40. GAL...IArri�• IIEAiJR (CAS) ea-1126P 1.10on118:: P.LATF.or-rl. 3"STEEL Po5TEl'IF 2. IuI5i G01JC. 0 FKG? 4•1•11%; °L9 UI © 2%6,5 •(EMP 541E1.1%� Poi.[ GFCS C-O OCT r 1Anfi1,J. pi0e zal P/6ELP- `- 4A.I2Ac1E 13431Id114,SouPcoR sie"=.N 14(14ALL. WALL!) ci..t.h1 : u 0, C. oVER R .1 Haf'CNA0JEL. r'Iioy7 .. cELL, 0'o /5' 0„ C0_6" /916✓1 GL(sGffLIGA( &{H 'QLa ICGGESSEO.Canl .W/R Y0.. . OF CI ''' #1.f:L1(:ICAL Our-E-(irrarELTt "�7 ELOvf LE.� Hof. °after FAIJ •• 31'101ck per&c-roz no°RJR."%$1P'Vre BAUCUP w '4feLEPN Onl6 C% CABLE (Rd-4) TJ $ SI146L6 OGLE SI J1 1-1 FxfR..LIGH111.4 (f9-lor0 CELL) '->/ . _..5»JAL5 LI'(e FRE/1C 12oOl • ?E=lf? /ibHLENEaRYII MARco•10-"•1L • 3Va1Q6 Box 14/ 41_5. P(`5, 1030;125.a 1 to GFC: j1 0 J J.. LIVII•lel KN1. --5:0 --' l:e yL.O'-__ yD t'I H WALL li kI'r_�ilEi 11uG (I W a "VIn.InlGI F'1'I. FKeoc.iJ VCOL Pf I-POk-POg P1.Afr1 •. 5C.A1.6i 0-141-0" sna. oo. 6 • t. 44 4 y. 4 4 • • • • 2 c. /7. o-2 1 • > —z \c) —2 • •••<' \N) V', P • 3 Faun PLIF9 TOUCH PLY IV 11PR-12-2000 WED 08:34 AM CAMERON ASHLEY Gravel Surface/5 PIy Root With Mailable peck _ SPECII'ICAIlON NO. G•BS'1P•N • CrO+•.rcV!7t.r-- -, - .. ; �:•`'x�.,,l:aen.. A°,PHALTrOnAVEL ASPHALT ONC PLO ULTRA•11ABF. NAIWILE f°UCI MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS SVCCIPICATION NO. G.651P•N (Eligibly for 12 Your Premium Guaranteo, All Zones) MATERIALS: Mochanlcrl 1pstenclo • no toqu(red IN I E(:/NENMAGLAS ULTRA BASE ' , 1 Ply INTEC/PERMAGLAS TOUGH PLY IV • a PhDs Aaphall • PG requirc;i SURFACING MATERIALS: GravoVOlap • as rogLdrod Asphalt • no required Accoavorius and Flushing Materials oe loquired APPLICATION RECOMMENDATIONS: ROOI' DOCK shall bo Ilan, clean, dry and mouth. All monibranos shall bo appHcd so tho flow of water i6 over Or pewee! Io, bw never P9:0101 the lope. INTEC/PERMAGLAS ULTRA BASE lap 2` (5 cm).on vino and 4" (10 cm) on el IS, nnU turn up to lop of Ih,1 cent. lnrdi I hrol row 01 laotonots (on Iho (mm) 1'11' (3.5 cm) Irom hooding odtto on 0" (23 cm) comers. Inclob second row of fasteners 14' (30 cm) from thy lending odgr on 10" (45 cm) contort. Install t(lii0 row al loslc4ors 20' (OS cm) Irom tlt0 loading edge on 16' (45 cm) canters and sleggrrrud hem second row, VALLEYS AND WATERWAYS shall receive an oxha layer of TOUGH PLY IV which shall bo n1 loss( 39:/i (100 cm) wide and hall extend At tenet 0"(20cin)up01oInccn000utolthe valley:: satin auniform mapping OI h01 nsphalt, optimum of 25 lb/squaw (1.2 kghn'). TIOs ply strait be Inid prior to Iha Appllration of the rooting piles. INTEC/PERMAGLAS TOUGH PLY IV end laps shall 00 at least 4' (10 cm) and nd)acont one taps Mall be al feast 12" (30.5 cm) Open. Instil) lour aka of TOUGH PLY IV in alring(c lnahiun, 1s1p00 30'/io (78 cm) with a 9'/rr (24 cm) oxposuro. Starter ships of 9'lv`, 19`lc', 291/u" and 39'fr' (25, 50, 75, 100 0n1) shall be used and the aecond hull oh0C1 shalt be 10;d O nwxlmum ul 7''(,n• (19 can) exno6ote. Embed Iho lull width 01 ouch ply sheet in huh asphAH, optimum of 25 Ibl0quare (1.2 kprm'). Each ply spiel ha lightly Warned, ao it lc app(icd.'Tufo all plied up to top of cant. SASE FLASHING; All guarantee rout syalams must by flashed BCCOIOInp to the "Ploching Dotabu", Sucliun 7. SURFACING: Embod not loss than 400 lb (20 k))!in") of gravel or 300lb (15 kglm') slap/square Into a minimum 0( 001b (3.0 Lglnr) 01 hol arphelVtx(uar0. All DI MC Flecolnnln81c1,1 e0110 014 Apphcaliol To antiques .ore l lorlh in pit? m,Ulud/ Cho considurud pan of Rd5 specihcnucn, Peirn2plsc Bondable Liao Type 28. G0,nbleelinn Ease, FIFA Once 30, .Type n0 Smooth or Peur0wanl may be Substituted lor Ultra base. Fc( Nk FAX N0, 760+342 6461 P, 01 Gravel Surface/4 PIy Roof With Mailable Deck SPECIFICATION NOS. 0•134TP•N, G-B4SP-N' ONr PLY ULTRA OArO A,$V'rtALT/GI tAVCI Tl li 1rF. PLr0S 1 UL'.OH PLY iv h'AILnnLs peen At1P1 AIT MATERIAL REOUINEMLN'fS SPECIFICATION NO. G•e1TP-N (Eligible to 12 Year Premium Guarantee, Zones A and a) MATERIALS; Mechanical lnateno ro - a' required INTEC/PERMAGLAS ULTRA BASE' • 1 Ply INTEC/PERMAGLAS TOUGH PLY IV • 3 Plies Asphalt - ns required SURFACING MATERIALS; GIQvelSlap • its method Asphalt • as roqulrod Accessories and Flushing Materials 03 required APPLICATION RECOMMENDATIONS' ROOF DECK shall be lure, clean, dry and slnooUl. All membranes shop be apptlod a0 Iho (law al WOIOr IS aver or porallol lo, bul novor ngn(nsl Ibis laps. INTEC/PERMAGLAS ULTRA BASE lap 2' (5 On( on sales e11114" (I Or am) on ends, and turn up to sop o1 the cant. Install lust low nl fasteners (on Iho Seam) 1'!!' (3.5 cm) from leading edgo on 9' (23 cm) centers, Install socdnd tow oI fa91e1101s (4' (30 tin) Irom Iho loading ceg0 on 10" (45 cm) contort. !Ratan II tird (ow of fasteners 20' (08 cm) from the loading adyu on 18" (45 cm) canter; and sioggered Irom second row VALLEYS AND WATERWAYS shall racetve en cxlra lryol 01 TOUGH PLY IV which ohnil bo of Ioaot 39'/0" (10U cm) wlrio and cllall oxlond of leash a" (20 cm) vp Iho Inclbios out of Iho valleys. set In a uniform mopping of hot asphan. optimum of 25 lb!Gtauare (1.2 kulm'). 1 hie ply shall be told prior 10 the applicallon 011110 r001(ng psee. INTEC/PERMAGLAS TOUGH PLY IV end laps shall be of len3t 4" (10 cm) told 0G4i,Canl and laps shall be ut least 12"(30.5cm)near!.inalallOno pliesof TOUGHPLY IVinshingle Cashion, lapping 2611lro" (09 cm) with a 1211ra" (32 co)lexposure. Starter Cups of 13 'le', 26'h' and 3921a' (33, 67, 100 om) shall be used and the 6ecorxl lull sheet shall OR 'Aid maximumof 10'ha"(27 cm) ooposlrre. Embod rho lull width of Oach ply sheet inhot sspliatl, oplimumol25lb/S1(uaro (1.2 kp/nt'). Each.ply 611;1110a lightly bloomed so it is applied. Turn 1111 plies up lo lap of cant. BASE FLASHING: All gunrenleo roof systems must be Unshod according lo Iho "Flashing Dwarfs'. Socbon 7. SURFACING; Embod not 10G7 Ihan 400 lb (20 kgtul') of gravel ur 3001b (16 kg/ml) slagtsquare Into a minlrnurb OI 00 Ib (3.0 k ma) of hot PF,phnlll square. Alt of the NaOorumanl.4lions se dA(T,licalrnn Techniques set (pall A) ll1/c m,anuAl Ara cnns/daed pad of Inns sprei(lention. NOTE TO SPECIFIERS; SUPER PLY ("SP") nrny bo spociliud In Zona A only (Soe Zone Mnp pg. 36) To spoclly, call out specrlicioti0n G-B4SP-IN And use 1110 wOrd$ SUPER PLY in place of TOUGH PLY IV whorovor thoy appear In 'his specification. 1 Permag(as Bondable Base Type 28, Combination Dnao, Flux Onto 30, Type .10 Smooth or Pc(cncolunt may bo substituted for Uwe ease. The:;n •.seethe liens ale 605l0 /or an INII;C/P[nMRGLAS 1100yIN0 GUARANTEE, %Ma h in0 Ou;010n 01 3A a4ewn10d lutrk/Puhn:ud•,: lnf ,r .0 . nl rrxldi0000 rin oar meal 'R001117 Syntnm; Mnnvar' have bean mat, and 0Aa ,.,0 bend togrdr0nlanlla 131 OnClmnonhatl 6 'O0Onwl noo,u,a Gu0rinlee I14'e bnun cumylo4 J bIN TE C/PE(R MA GL A S .3 • avrlr.up means Syxlema 50 COLOR CLAY ROOF TILES TWO.PIE(E MISSION T.ILE I(GO 934I 6 / 166 per square SPECIFICATIONS • 1. Dimensions — One section of 2-piece tapered barrel Mission Tile is 18" long; 9" wide of large end tapered.to 71/7" at stroll end. 2. Weight — Approximately 1,000 ibs, por square, dry. Moisturo absorption not Wrote Ikon 11%. . 3. Flee Rating — Posses standard Class "A" burning brans less. • 4. Specify Cola; lhrougtrbndy — Adobe, Sand, Sahara, Buff, Blanca; Pooch, Red. Ceramic (aslant Co,or Finish — Gloze, Smits, Matte. 5. Specify Flush -- Antique flush (mane biuck), Flosh (gloss brown), • (ustom color Flush. UNDER111E PREPARATION 1. Specify desired weight of underinyment membrane,under tile. 2. Sweep roof sun'uce broom dean. (over kuolholes with melel fleshing. 3. For plidses up to 3/12: — Comply with code of the building official having ILLrisdirtion. 4. for pitches 3/12 and over; a. NMI one layer of ilia Uniform Building Cade required minimum 40# or heovier.felt. Lay with a 4' hood lup and o 6" end lap. Noll securely in pinto ps code requires. b. Blind nail under lops. TILE—F,ASTENERS — All tiles shall bo inechanically fastened per the , Uniforni Building Cade. 1. Specify lasienars: e. Galvanized nulls. b. Munufoaured fastening systems, ;tor munufodurer's spedlltalions: 1 S" long lie, Oversized, copper; brass cr stainless steel, for pitches of 2/1.2 la 24/12. APPLICATION OF TILE Starling along the Bove, pan Ides ore layered in vertical rows a mexiniurn of 11 t/ 2' on center. A booster lile is set and fastened over the lower odge ul each pan lile. A starter tile is Ilion fastened over the booster file and intervening sputa, completing the cave course. Random laying of the rovor or 'top' 'Ile Is provided by vorying the verllcal exposure km 11 inches to not more than 15 Inches 10 the weather. lilli4dlli(IN`i(((Iflflfil(I � "•(1 •„'.,•//• Ilfblil((/u(fl ran OWC•PIe0E MISSION rill 82 tops 03 Pans c i Square / Approxlreololy 1000 pounds per igame / Spored ci.I1 I/!' (omen, Maximum IS' expasufe i'. Lay clay roofing tiles with vortical rows snood u maximum of 1 I s/ " an � 00 centers. 2. 0n eaves use envo dosuro or i` x 2" wood stria to raise et boost first horizontal course 1/4'1"above•shealhing. Subsequent courses are laid with For Itlsslon two -Para ball and Fight avolloble a rnintntuln 3" head lup. 3. On eaves use booster and stoner tile for first course to store first course of Lila. 4. Fasten each yle lo sheathing wilh one No. 11 gouge corrosion resistant nail with length sufficient la penetrate 3/4' alto Iho sheathing or Ihruugh ;he sheathing Illicitness. Approved lies mvy be used os on ollenlalive to nailing. S. Standard exposure — All cover tiles shall be laid with a rnaximum exposure of -I 5" lo Ilse weather or Random exposure — (over lilos may ha luid horn 11" to 15° exposure, Thus breaking all horizontal lines. 6. Lay field cover lile lugs dry, or Imbed Inc laps of drown liles'in remain mortar or fooling mastic. SHADE BLENDING Ahor thou' 75 to 100 tiles are insiulled, exumine the application al a distance from ground levol for 5iralghl, true lines and good color, blend. Thls, should be done of regular intervals dosing installat:on to ensure (III ntlroilive and acceploble roof. Blending of shade Is patiiculoily importanno avoid sireoks or °hol spots', Aweplable blending can only be done os lino tile is insiulled. FOR ALL APPLICATIONS First row of lops °her gabfo roll shall be sal in cement.mortur or fooling mastic. Mechonicully fasten c booster Tile sal us content mortar or roofing mastic, flush wink and under a starter tile where.° double cave effect is desired. Where Ilia loins hips mid ridges, any voids shall be flllnd with cement mortar. (up hips and ridges with cover tilos and polnl neatly with cement mortar. Mecfidhicgfly forsen and set all gable roke rile in cement moderato roofing • maslic.'Medranicafly faslon and set all hip and ridge the in cement nrorlar. All IIM in routed with mortar shall be immersed in water for o minimum of 2 minutes before installing. Moiwr pig be used or all hips and ridges. no/it (LOSUR' 60.81E RAHETIIF STARTER AND BOOSTS( P"2 (tong Msrlor Sam; T le Hiasior top 2"A2'L('03'-- ROOT TILE RIDOE Typl(01 C use•Sutiiun Buller bowl ,hold be :v: tut}, 6'— 6' la me lu. 1a,10 lot holm • Ris• Ills Mingo, 1111 -/ Beotlu Wei Shaoddng, —HIp6olles - HtP AND RID01 BOWER MISSION DETAIL • Typitul (coss•Secllon Perlund Catueel Ylagv an Paper 0oiktd —� ye The COWANeshiMlull B Allunl„ t6 eCOWANCOWANrlaug Mehl (Impel Flashing 8lydsiop Uldedaymtlt 0nduloy0ulu J Skruddng Ru,ITBu �Piyrood EAVE, RAKE AND BIROSTOP DETAIL -- B Iloil holm Tile Ic Nudel 110.1 :pill lilt —1h1u Tilu lock to !R llu `Ilwl Eu1111110 Socelor 111e Mission file 2' A °" Hciln • All Halls (h'u lc be 11go. Imtr.J,wlth s/s' o hood Dud skull • ponrtralr 1/c' into. lu:o ndlar or dmolhin0 or Iluu;haelldup iI letklhuu I/j' All oo"Is 1(.6 ((rra1i00 ,wilco,(. TWO-PIECE MISSION TILE FOR 7,12 TO 24,12 SlDPSS Pald011 (maul Plotter on Paper Buckrd Melvl boll, Coa.11tc Flo,hieg 3's4'Holdup --\\ chitin \ Roo( Tilo —. Uvdtrloymncl Mooed tv ^ • B00 TO WALL FLASHIN0 AND COUNTER FLASNIHO - ROOF TO WALL PAN FLASHING WITH E-BAR COUNTER FIASNINO SHOWN WITH 2 PIECE MISSION TILE • IIdto Nsika (0" O.(. 1o3Oaod H)ll 16ro lilt loth sod 111, to Nadu —\ • Ho11 Pon lilt I I1/i" --{ —• Shaolhin S((n0a it TW0•PIECE MISSION TILE FOR 7,12 To 24,12 ROM Recanlnlonded 11/1"•2' Drn0on4 kale! Drip —f Mulol A1V• Pooding ship 7 A Wood Fascia Rool ills Usdulmrmoel Plyuoad EAVE AND FASCIA DETAIL Vededayweut—\\ - (ame'dMotto: 2'A6'110110, �—Rool111u 2' 12'' 51, ip Undudamsel Uodorlay'leoi nwn elread up on3 Orel Fr ull(al 3" 11 0 uail,r RCOF TILE RIDGE Ty p 001 CIp1s SecliDn (outgo! nothing flasldrq — rcd'Sub -- 11/r"— 0.C. Tit SECTION SHOWING LEFT GABLE RAKE AFIG WALL FLASNINO Wier Noll thl, TII1 lock and 111, lu Hvlllr 1:le lost — Tidies / la 24 Nos. Slops Si(I10H 1 TWO-PIECE MISSION TILE FOR 7,12:T0 24.12 SLOPES •Diutunsions end vlighcs us APPROIWdATi. Division of La Habra Products Inc. ,. X-25 SADDLEBACK (BASE 200) X 53 PURE IVORY (BASE 100) ^x ar t_ Silnce Ilm6' • X.12 CHABLIS (BASE 100) X•55 FRENCH VANILLA (BASE 100) X-81 OATMEAL (BASE 200) X-48 MEADOW BROOK (BASE 100) %56 FRENCH GREY (BASE 200) • X.71 MIAMI PEACH (BASE 100) X.72 ADOBE (BASE 200) • ' X-86 SANDSTONE (BASE 200) X504 BLUE GREY (BASE 200)' - .. X-575 CANYON (BASE 200) • X-580 SIERRA TAN (BASE 200) 1 X.592 TUCSON (BASE t00) • Those colors are intended to show 20 the approximate color of 10float finish stucco. (Colors will vary in other products). • Application by mat ine spL if or texturing will Mc_ tease the depth of cylol. •• 1 • • X-97 PACIFIC SAND (BASE 200 X.24 SANTA FE (BASE 200) • X-50 CRYSTAL WHITE (BASE 100) X-820 SILVERADO (BASE 200) X-030 CLAY (BASE 200) • Variations in color duo 10 weather. job conditions and method 0l application should be expected.{ T • • . l a1 • a, Tt • • • • ViStaPaint Interior /Exterior Stock Colors 00 White 32 Shell White 33 OffWhite SHEENS 32 Shell White Spread the Word 49 Vista White 23 Swiss Coffee 59 Bone White 37 White Shadow I 7 Whisper Gray 31 Porcelain 50 Antique White 60 Indian White 53 Nu Navajo Flat Velva Sheen Eggshell Semi -Gloss Gloss 64 Windsor Gray 33 OffWhite 00 White 61 Spice Beige 34 Cape Cod Gray 05 Black 13 Sandalwood 32 Shell White 46 Sherwood Green 52 Flax 32 Shell White 66 Spanish Brown 55 Vista Teal 53 Nu Navajo 33 OffWhite 34 Cape Cod Gray 17 Whisper Gray 37 White Shadow 44 Dover Gray 50 Antique White 88 Newport Blue 49 Vista White 63 Labrador Blue 12 Oxford Brown 33 Off White 72 Toga 66 Spanish Brown 97 Mesquite 32 Shell White 51 Vista Tan 51 Vista Tan 46 Sherwood Green 17 Whisper Gray 61 Spice Beige 32 Shell White 64 Windsor Gray 182 Mariposa 49 Vista White II 7 Whisper Gray .AI 50 Antique White 13 Sandalwood 45 Indian Red I12 Oxford Brown 23 Swiss Coffee 6I Spice Beige 17 Whisper Gray 00 White 88 Newport Blue 55 Vista Teal 31 Porcelain 50 Antique White 23 Swiss Coffee 97 Mesquite 72 Toga 49 Vista White 17 Whisper Gray 63 Labrador Blue 49 Vista White 88 Newport Blue 00 White 17 Whisper Gray 5 I Vista Tan 37 White Shadow 61 Spice Beige 60 Indian White 3I Porcelain 68 Canyon Brown 31 Porcelain 52 Flax 05 Black 59 Bone White 82 Mariposa FINE ARCHITECTURAL FINISHES ➢ CAREFREE Series Our premium line of water -base paint finishes. Exceptional durability, washability, adhesion and color retention on a variety of surfaces. Easy to apply, non -yellowing and block resistant. 8100 Carefree Flat Interior Flat Acrylic Enamel 8200 Carefree Velva Sheen Interior Low Sheen Acrylic Enamel 8000 Carefree Eggshell Interior/Exterior 100% Acrylic Enamel 8400 Carefree Semi -Gloss Interior/Exterior 100% Acrylic Enamel. Available in all stock colors. 8500 Carefree Gloss Interior/Exterior 100% Acrylic Enamel ➢ 2000 DURATONE A premium 100% acrylic interior/exterior flat for use on concrete, stucco, masonry and wood. Excellent color retention and is resistant to fade and chalk. Provides a tough, flexible finish. Exhibits outstanding adhesion and durability characteristics. ➢ 3000 ACRIBOND An excellent quality 100% acrylic solid color stain and finish. For use on exterior and interior wood, concrete, stucco and masonry. Provides superb durability and color retention. Available in all stock colors. ➢ 1000 DURAGLIDE A fortified vinyl acrylic interior/exterior flat. Excellent for use on properly primed concrete, stucco, masonry and plaster. Outstanding hide and touch-up characteristics. Resistance to fading and chalking. ➢ 9000 PROFORMER A. quick dry alkyd gloss enamel for interior and exterior use. Excellent scrubability and stain resistance. 500 SOLOTEX A premium 100% acrylic elastomeric coating system. Designed for use on exterior concrete, stucco, plaster and masonry. This hi -build coating effectively fills and bridges minor cracks and imperfections. Excellent flexibility and weather/water resistance. ➢ Vista Paint offers a full line of quality primers and finishes developed to meet every specification. For additional product information, contact your Vista Paint store or representative. LIGHT REFLECTANCE VALUES * # Stock Color L.R.V. # Stock Color L.R.V. # Stock Color L.R.V. # Stock Color L.R.V. 05 Black 4 34 Cape Cod Gray 46 52 Flax 67 66 Spanish Brown 10 12 Oxford Brown 7 37 White Shadow 81 53 Nu Navajo 64 68 Canyon Brown I I 13 Sandalwood 33 44 Dover Gray 40 55 Vista Teal 10 72 Toga 59 17 Whisper Gray 67 45 Indian Red 7 59 Bone White 69 82 Mariposa 17 23 Swiss Coffee 82 46 Sherwood Green 9 60 Indian White 70 88 Newport Blue 21 31 Porcelain 82 49 Vista White 76 61 Spice Beige 51 97 Mesquite 26 32 Shell White 81 50 Antique White 72 63 Labrador Blue 37 00 White 92 33 Off White 75 51 Vista Tan 48 64 Windsor Gray 12 * Light Reflectance Values indicate the relative lightness of a color. The scale ranges from 0 (black) to 100 (white). COLOR CHIPS AND PAINT Color samples are reproduced as accurately as possible. Actual color appearance may vary slightly because of surface texture, type of substrate, method of application, lighting, sheen of paint, size and shape of area painted and adjacent colors. Some light colors may require more than one coat for complete coverage. If exact shades and matches are critical, a small test sample should be applied on the actual surface to be painted before full paint application. If a color match to a specific chip or color is required, the actual chip or sample must be submitted to Vista Paint. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1