MDG 1999-002Introduction With over 100 homes built and sold to date in the La Quinta Cove, we feel our flexibility has kept us prosperous. We have in the past and will continue in the future to make the necessary elevation changes. Personally owning our own home in the Cove, it is our desire to keep the Cove unique and un-tract like. Enclosed you will fincLour floor plars with varied elevations. Also enclosed are color charts and roof tile samples. Please feel free to call on me at anytime for any questions you may have. Thank you, David ss Miller Pacific Trades Construction & Development ECEV Ji:1:1;) 8 CITY OF LAQUINTA PLANNING DEPARTMENT • vb: • JiNt4 1999 • APPROVED LA QUINTA PLANNING ( MMISSION TO: 444" FILE COPI' MEMORANDUM HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: ' JERRY HERMAN, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR . DATE: • JANUARY 26, 1999 • RE: MASTER DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR PACIFIC TRA-DES CONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT (MDG 99-002) The Zoning Code requires additional development' standards for the Cove Residential area called. Master Design Guidelines. Design Guidelines are required for any developer/applicant constructing five or more housesin the RC District. Therefore when a developer vyants to pull a permit for the sixth house, the guideli les must have been reviewed and accepted by the Planning Commission. Mr. Dave R, Miller, Pacific Trades Construction and Development, seeks building permit approval for his sixth plus house. He is submitting Master.DeEign Guidelines for Planning Commission review. The Guidelines contain information as to how the developer/applicant intends to vary the exterior of the units which includes, but is not limited to, roof types, window and entry treatment, and setbacks. Staff has reviewed the guidelines and has determined the applicant: has provided adequate deviations to the elevations such as varied roof lines and window treatments. In addition, upon Planning Commissionapproval, staff will use the guidelines to evaluate each building permit application from this developer for . compliance with the approved guidelines. RECOMMENDATION: Planning staff recommends the Planning Commission accept the. Master Design Guidelines (MDG 99-002) as presented. P:\FREDWD698-002.pc.wpd NO CORRESPONDENCE SO. OCEANSIDE • LA QUINTA, CA CA LIC# B425381 (760) 967-0069 PACIFIC TRADES MASTER GUIDELINES FOR THE "LA QUINTA COVE" Introduction With over 100 homes built and sold to date in the La Quinta Cove, we feel our flexibility has kept us prosperous. We have in the past and will continue in the future to make the necessary elevation changes. Personally owning our own home in the Cove, it is our desire to keep the Cove unique and un-tract like. Enclosed you will find our floor plans with varied elevations. Also enclosed are color charts and roof tile samples. Please feel free to call on me at anytime for any questions you may have. Thank you, David Ross Miller Pacific Trades Construction & Development rot a'Is red, >Y•✓ � I Dares) vciA Y INg L J* OR• 'BEDROOM -- :R.Wnhi eelirGetheft- IEP!OF EcS To'le ►ttk wr Hutt ! L RCA YOolL�K� at o spar N • r • f BEDROOM 2 Iar t c a IMI1lv. . ►t oCAWC'aw - ml LINEN WALK-IN c, cT c� bT� FAIRLY ROOM ACf a o'LVldIsmrt { riWL�CD Or Od1YGUM — # 1lL1)32 Pg4S Ft SLAP PC OI CCOV. CARP[{ ter, p-fr Ovule ENTR n 2 1a•c��r�rr =T DRYER 0 WASHEF •�F00e. 1E SIN" IIw 2 C1�RAAE -'r---• - 1 1 1 t• 1 . I 5"-d } } ! 6 T ra) eD Lin /112m "71 rto Pacific Trades "Mesquite" Conventional Pacific Trades "Mesquite" Santa Fe Pacific Trades "Casita La Quinta" Master *Please Note: On Master Plan extra chimney, hand painted tile mural, hand painted wall address. Standard Casita includes basic house without wall around whole perimeter, shutters, murals and chimney stack. Pacific Trades "La Quinta II" * Gable Roof with flat window Pacific Trades "La Quinta II" * Please Note. Cover entry with extended roof to edge of house, bay window and foam treatments. v m w Pacific Trades "La Quinta III" Pacific Trades "La Quinta III" *Please Note: On this elevation the raised roof at entry and the full "bay area" Pacific Trades "La Paz" *Please Note: Gable Roof with sloped covered entry Pacific Trades "La Paz" *Please Note: Hip at garage and parapet at cover entry 100 100 OFFSET_ 21 50 STANDARD 20 50 FRONT SETBACKS X-11 SANTANA (BASE 100) X-25 SADDLEBACK (BASE 200) X-53 PURE IVORY (BASE 100) X-79 VILLA (BASE 100) X-504 BLUE GREY (BASE 200) I Gclo LOsa giftccao) Division of La Habra Products Inc. X-12 CHABLIS (BASE 100) X-16 SILVER GREY (BASE 200) X-28 MIRAGE (BASE 200) X-55 FRENCH VANILLA (BASE 100) X-81 OATMEAL (BASE 200) X-575 CANYON (BASE 200) X-34 SAN SIMEON (BASE 200) X-56 FRENCH GREY (BASE 200) X-82 HACIENDA (BASE 200) X-580 SIERRA TAN (BASE 200) ®These colors are intended to show the approximate color of 16/20 float finish stucco. (Colors will vary in other products). °Application by machine spray or texturing will increase the depth of color. ()Variations in color due to weather, job conditions and method of application should be expected. nabLAmeiratack MAface f2D3 X-17 MISTY (BASE 200) X-40 DOVE GREY (BASE 200) X-71 MIAMI PEACH (BASE 100) X-86 SANDSTONE (BASE 200) X-592 TUCSON (BASE 100) X-23 ASPEN (BASE 200) X-48 MEADOWBROOK (BASE 100) X-72 ADOBE (BASE 200) X-97 PACIFIC SAND (BASE 200) X-820 SILVERADO (BASE 200) X-24 SANTA FE (BASE 200) X-50 CRYSTAL WHITE (BASE 100) X-73 EGGSHELL (BASE 100) X-501 CORTEZ (BASE 200) X-830 CLAY (BASE 200) EAGLE ROOFING TILES lalihu Standard Color Bonded Finish Saliba Premium Color Bonded Finish ' - ' isana6pi 13/7001/d 9NIJOBEI Ak AgOti • ...„,. •.. , . f.,,tE Jo' Vlikr(LIlF IH BrO:)1,2_1•1• papuog J0103-sap4s JaOsag peqsothano ping