MDG 1999-004RCD Case No. Date Accepted: Fee required: • CITY OF LA QUIFA Community Development Department 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 760-777-7125 99-Oo OA 1999 QUi 1,+��f (Check one) _Cove Residential Permit $100.00 • XMaster Design Guidelines - $250.00 Cove Residential Adjustment - $300.00 RC DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION RC Development (RCD) applications are governed by Section 9.50.090 of the Zoning Code ( copy attached). All single family residences in the RC_ District shall be reviewed pursuant to the Cove Residential Design ProcecLires. Review and approval by the Community Development Director f9r this application is required.,� Nature of Request: /t zzy 6,01,e N sr rip,t),. OA/ /Ke 2,/�% Lot No: Block No: Unit No: Assessor's Parcel No: OE.e (List additional lots involved here or attach): Street Location(s)/address: Additional Information: (Additional written material can be submitted separately) ARCHITECTURAL PLANS - Three sets containing the front and, if applicable, street side yard architectural elevations, building floor plan and landscape/irrigation plan shall be submitted with this application unless otherwise determined by Department staff. Color scheme for the proposed unit(s) must also be provided in an appropriate format. Applicant:lx.P.� Address: Owner(s): Address: ****GRANT DEED, ESCROW Signature of Applicant: ONS OR OTHER SUITABLE POOF OF OWNERSH P IS REQUIRED**** Authority for this application is he y given: • OettoouTle Date: Signature of Property Owner(s): Date: Any false or misleading information given in this application shall be grounds to deny this application. Signatures and addresses of all property owners affected by this application shall be included in this submittal. Separate letters of authorization can be submitted. C:\ Wrkgrp\Forms\RCDapplic.wpd TO: FROM: DATE: RE: SFILE Ctipy B'"" 4 ,(F'ar" MEMORANDUM HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION JERRY HERMAN, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR JUNE 8, 1999 RE -SUBMITTAL OF MASTER DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR COACHELLA VALLEY HOUSING COALITION, (MDG 99-004) Per Planning Commission, direction the Coachella Valley Housing Coalition is re- submitting for approval their Master Design Guidelines with three elevations and one design option for each elevation. Also, additional architectural details are proposed on each elevation. Staff has reviewed the proposed guidelines and has determined the applicant hasprovidedadequate-design- deviations to the elevations, and clarity in presentation per Commission request. Upon Planning Commission approval, staff will use the guidelines to evaluate each building. permit application from this developer for compliance with the approved guidelines. RECOMMENDATION: Planning staff recommends the Planning Commission accept the Master Design Guidelines (MDG 99-004) as presented. C:\WPDdocs\mdg 99-004 RESUBMITTAL.wpd TO: FROM: DATE: RE: • FILE COPY 44abdL MEMORANDUM HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION JERRY HERMAN, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR MAY 25, 1999 MASTER DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR COACHELLA VALLEY HOUSING COALITION, MR. CAL .WHITE (MDG 99-004) The Zoning Code requires additional development standards for the Cove Residential area called Master Design Guidelines. Design Guidelines are required for any developer/applicant constructing five or more houses in the RC District. Therefore when a developer wants to pull a permit for the sixth house, the guidelines must have been reviewed and accepted by the Planning Commission. Mr. Cal White, with the Coachella Valley Housing Coalition seeks building permit approval for his sixth plus house. He is submitting Master Design Guidelines for Planning Commission review. The attached Guidelines contain information as to how the developer/applicant intends to vary the exterior of the units which includes, but is not limited to, roof types, window and entry treatment, stucco and paint colors, roof tile colors, and setbacks. Staff has reviewed the guidelines and has determined the applicant has provided adequate deviations to the elevations such as varied roof lines, entry treatment and window treatments. In addition, upon Planning Commission approval, staff will use the guidelines to evaluate each building permit application from this developer for compliance with the approved guidelines. RECOMMENDATION: Planning staff recommends the Planning Commission accept the Master Design Guidelines (MDG 99-004) as presented. P:\FRED\MDG 99-004.pc.wpd NO CORRESPONDENCE IA GUINTA PUNNING COMMISSION APPROVED COACHELLA VALLEY HOUSING COALITION MASTER GUIDELINES for the City of La Quinta Coachella Valley Housing Coalition Single Family Housing Program Table of Contents Introduction 1. Master Floor Plans 2. Exterior Elevations 3. Site Plan 4. Stucco Colors 5. Exterior Trim Colors 6. Roof Tile Colors Introduction Single-family residences to be built on scattered sites in the City of La Quinta as part of the Coachella Valley Housing Coalition Single Family Housing Program. Proposed residences will be in the Southern California style stuccoed and built with front patios to enhance neighborliness. Design features include cut out designs an porch arches and pop -outs around the garage and front windows. Homes will have: steel stud framing; tile roofs; two -car garages; central air conditioning; sodded front lawns with a sprinkler system and backyards with six foot fencing. 1. Master Floor Plans Model 1280 3-BD Plan Model 1320 4-BD Plan Two Floor Plans: 3-bedroom, 2 bath, Model 1280 and 4-bedroom, 2 bath, Model 1320 Both Models are 40-foot wide and the three variations of roof plans and elevations (Plan "A", "B", and "C") are designed to be used on either model. 0 13.-0" w.f,f 6068 XO _73.i ii.n.g. _- .'. 40.-0" 10.-8" 4030 XO cgr FLUORESCENT ^� LIGHT FIXTURE Living" Room 13'-0 5040 XO • .c 30" elect DOOR v MDR IR' CCN LINE TO OUTBID .13'-10" 4040 XO VD. AA. SMITH CONSERV S0 40 GAL. GAS WATER NTR W /AUTO PILOT IGNITICH PRESSURE RELIEF. VALVE eU EART110UAKE STRAPS — — / Master Bedroom 9_6" NEAT PUMP IDEA RETURN T A AIR GRILL EI1PS1AR IRE -• �'T •T 51.1.1036 W/BETD " \ OUTPUT CAP /\ 4 / 31000 WU Washer Dryer Gloeet Bedroom # 3 4040 X0 apt 'FJORCN LAYOUT VARIES qEE ROOF FRAMING PLAN ..FLOOR PLAN 3 BDR. SCALE 1 "=10' Jy1J T All nss Sit• TYPE x GP. FROM FLOOR TO ROC* Garage OUTLET AT CEILING NEIGNT FOR GARAGE DOOR CPEItER in O 0 O in I 0 0 • 13'-0" 40'-0" 10.-8" 30" , 13'-10" 1 anL OUICK BGx A.0 _IKFL hen I__• -Li LIGHT FIXTURE _—_ J-- 3A6• LIQUID OREL DOOR U. NeR It 41111 Bedroom // 4 I� \ c 4 il/ I NEAT PUMP LINE TO If TEIIP9TAR \OUtSIDE) B111036 4)h 9 OUTFUT CAP 31000 BTU 2-36 O I III h 1 T—' r Living Room 3/A• P> 11) RETURN — tire AIR GRILL THERIOSTAT WBETBACK W ,•m• D W t AO. 9HIf 1 CCNSERV 90 AO GAL. GAS WATER RIR W/AUIO PILOT IGNITION / PRESSURE FELIEF vALvE w EARtNWAKE STRAPS Mosier Bedroom 9.-6" 1 ®'t 1 —:I Cloeet Bedroom # 3 (2) 3'-0• z 6•-S• 4) n-nc ATTIC ACCc» Bedroom 1y 2 (2) 3'-0• z 6'-S• 4D 1.r PORCH LA'OUT VARIES 1EE ROOF FRAM.* PLAN L 4'-9" en 10'-10• SAS' TYPE GP. FROM FLOOR TO ROOF Garage OUTLET AT CEILING • -HEIGHT-FOR GARAGE DOOR OPENER 19.-0" FLOOR PLAN 4 BDR. SCALE 1"=10' 2. Exterior Elevations Plan A Elevations * Front Elevation ** Alternate Front Elevation * * Plan B Plan C * Working Drawing ** Perspective Rendering Elevation * Front Elevation ** Alternate Front Elevation * * Elevation * Front Elevation ** Alternate Front Elevation ** 1111111111111111111/11111111/1/111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111/111II11IIIIII1N1i111111/1/1/1 11111111I1/11111II11i111II1111I111 e 4111/11111 111111111111111111/11I1/111l0,% .01.0"11" v".,1/111 0000000000ammo 0000..��;-.A11111111111111���. O 0 O O ■�■1 1■�� 0 0 0 00 � 00 00 00 FRONT ELEVATION 00 00 00 FOUR BEDROOM REAR ELEVATION 00 00 00 VoCCO THREE BEDROOM LEFT ELEVATION m m 0000 0000 DODO DODO -1 Cl 00 n DUTCH GABLE• OPTION ELEVATION THREE BEDROOM REAR ELEVATION 00 00 00 SOUR BEDROOM LEFT ELEVATION L 01111OR as O11 1142 m R r f4110100 RYC71101C PANDA PO 10/ 111i MO ilA>m q sa0 Ca -Ms CO COOL 1 AU M"OKO• 0111[1S PVC. IL CO A 0IA CR _ 400010 10 R CO10 MI 101 Ca 11131-301 011 MIL COM 11Q1 ML 111100112 lI LS 011.0 1A1t. RIGHT ELEVATION PLAN "A" ELEVATION I1////////////111111////////.R.••+.�O/////�//////////I 11///////11///////m//////��%�- f '1111!////////////1 .///////./////// n%=� 11///////11110111.t -- I•1 • 0000 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O 0 FRONT ELEVATION 00 00 .�- E • - 1Ta.• par11M1 LOAIDIvan FOUR BEDROOM REAR ELEVATION 00 J 00 00 n THREE BEDROOM LEFT ELEVATION mE= RIGHT ELEVATION L z 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 O O O ALTERNATE FRONT ELEVATION 4 #10 SCREWS THREE BEDROOM REAR ELEVATION 00 00 00 1slum —1 — FOUR BEDROOM LEFT ELEVATION 1. 0O00011 M.1 COMM TO E 1• arMoa ro vin110rc PAWLS 01G 1L/ TUT wO f10tOD rfL COO 01-a1. 0. (40M M1 WOOo1 0= WWI MAIL It of A 011 o11 1 ROM 10 R QOIC nL MI ia0 ■Or-za1 o1 coma 01Q 40 Ml MEOW 1w01 t MIL P. PLAN "B" ELEVATION PREPARED FOR NOL i gliVa �sb�i l.11lllll1,1111M1ll/l/%llllll11llllllllllull/ll//l//l l//IllsLull111llllllll/llllmlllllllltIllllll//lull llllllllll/!4%" !�llllllllllll�'% l/..lull- `41lllll11"�%--® --4-%1�I11l1 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O FRONT ELEVATION . WO 00 00 00 FOUR BEDROOM REAR ELEVATION 00 OD 00 FOUR BEDROOM LEFT ELEVATION m m RIGHT ELEVATION iiiiiillll/llllllallll»llmlllllmlllmlllllllllullll Illllllll111l11Plllulll//l111111f11111l111.11lllllllllllll Ummmiill11W'==�-talllllllllliol/G --4teslllllllllll ��•/i/llllllllll/llll�����.11lllllll „�� O O O O 0 0 0 0 O O o 0 O O O O MIRROR FRONT ELEVATION THREE BEDROOM REAR ELEVATION 00 O0 00 THREE BEDROOM LEFT ELEVATION t coma ow. moon To s 1• LOOM ROMR = moo am 11Y 1RT MO MOO 1O lam ml-42D a cam P. PO. IAIM= 6EC OWLETS OWL R ON A 0$i al 1 0:0110 10 s owe 111E no coo 001-301 at EOM/ 0.01 40 E POT 4. MOM OWLi OWL PAWL PLAN "C" ELEVATION 3. Site Plan Typical site plan with set backs LJ Lc 4:1 co cc Lz p= 37c •_ 4, • 100 17. 12' (2d- 22, 31.5' ai.115/ F PLAN 1 280 PAD= 6)12.3 F.F.= AO? 55' 100 • 17. ‘.0 49.5' 27' EXISTING RETAINING WALL Q. • • • io EXISTING WOODEN FENCE ELBEL1 POWER POLE (,z-N Typical Site Plan • • 9 30N34 N3000M ONIlSIX3 9 EXISTING CURB do CUTTER -2) m to m o' 9 6 9 • iti 5' WIDE P.U.E. 50' T Typical Site Plan 9 F( 9 4. Stucco Colors SP 354 FANDANGO SP 126 ROSEWOOD SP 165 BURNT CRIMSON SP 21 SPANISH WHITE SP 511 OYSTER SP 167 MISSION ROSE SP 175 BARLEY SP 176 FLAXSEED SP 172 ADOBE SOUTH SP 338 SEALPOINT SP 14 BAJA WHITE SP 161 TAMBORLANE EXTERIOR COLORS SP 133 SANDAL SP 68 STONISH BEIGE SP 2750 PHOENIX VILLA SP 651 MILKWEED SP 513 SAHARA SP 148 CORAL CLAY SP 177 HICKORY SP 149 SILVER TAUPE SP 147 TRUFFLE vil SP 40 ASH GREY SP 134 BISON BEIGE SP 131 MONTEREY GREY SP 150 LINEN WHITE NOTE: Popular Whites and Classic Colors are returnable. All other colors are not retumable. EXTERIOR COLORS FINE ARCHITECTURAL FINISHES " - •-14- '0-, • ' - • • 4 - ZNECC )ra Products Inc. Dan Oinee 'um X-17 MISTY (BASE 200) X-40 DOVE GREY (BASE 200) X-71 MIAMI PEACH (BASE 100) X-86 SANDSTONE (BASE 200) X-592 TUCSON (BASE 100) X-23 ASPEN (BASE 200) X-48 MEADOWBROOK (BASE 100) X-72 ADOBE (BASE 200) X-97 PACIFIC SAND (BASE 200) X-820 SILVERADO (BASE 200) X-24 SANTA FE (BASE 200) X-50 CRYSTAL WHITE (BASE 100) X-73 EGGSHELL (BASE 100) X-501 CORTEZ (BASE 200) X-830 CLAY (BASE 200) pray or texturing will increase the depth of color Variations in color due to weather, job conditions and method of application should be expected. EXTERIOR STUCCO SPECIFICATIONS AND DESCRIPTION I. SPECIFICATIONS A. MATERIALS All exterior stucco color coat shall be manufactured by La Habra Stucco and be the color, finish and sand gradation as shown on the plans. Stucco color coat shall be La Habra base and color pack or La Habra premix. B. SUBSTITUTIONS Any substitutions must be approved in writing ten (10) days prior to bid date by the Architect, Builder or Color Coordinator. II. DESCRIPTION A. Use: La Habra Exterior Color Coat provides a lasting, durable color finish that can be applied to portland cement base coat by hand or machine application. B. Composition: La Habra Exterior Color Coat finish is a mechanically blended compound of portland cement, hydrated lime and inert aggregates (16/20 or 20/30 sand), packed in sealed multi -wall bags. C. Color: 30 standard colors available in premix stucco or base and packaged color. Special Colors available upon request. La Habra Package Color is specifically designed for use with La Habra's Base. D. Coverage: Approximate coverage per 90 Ib. bag: Float Finish 15-20 sq. yds.; Light Spanish Texture or Machine Dash 10-15 sq. yds. per bag. E. Advantages: • Integral color - does not need painting • Wide variety of textures and finishes • Economical • Low maintenance E. Shelf Life: Six (6) months if kept in dry condition. III. JOB PROCEDURE A. Condition of Surface: 1. Hand application over portland cement: Prior to application of exterior color coat finish, the base coat shall be sprayed with clean water to control and equalize suction. 2. Machine application over portland cement: It is not necessary to dampen the base coat before application of the exterior finish by machine. B. Mixing: Exterior stucco color coat shall be power mixed with clean water for at least 15 minutes, and shall be used within two hours after mixing. C. Application: Color coat shall be approximately 1/8" thick. 1. Hand application: Apply using trowel. Spread on an even coat then rubber float (sand finish) or texture to desired finish. 2. Machine application: Spray first coat over the dry surface and cover base coat completely. After first coat has dried, spray second coat to the desired finish. During periods of high humidity it is recommended that one full day be allowed between coats. La Habra Exterior Stucco Color Coat will normally dry and set the same day. Allow 28 days for curing. 3. Color and performance may be affected by the addition of field additives. IV. MATERIAL STANDARDS A. Hydrated Lime: Federal Specifications SS-L-351, Type F. B. White Portland Cement: Type 1 ASTM C150-56; Federal Specification SS-C-192B. FOG COAT is available in La Habra's 30 standard colors. When ordering Fog Coat specify DX for Float Finish, DXT for Machine Finish and 1-1/2 DX for Spanish Texture. Colors may vary due to weather and job conditions. Prior to fog coating, a sample area should be applied and allowed to dry for color approval. La Habra Stucco Division of La Habra Products Inc. LlVSTUr>tl1 CO MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION Sales Office & Warehouse: Riverside P.O. Box 3700 2150 Eastridge Ave. 1631 W Lincoln Ave. Riverside, Calif. 92507 Anaheim, Calif. 92803 (909) 653-3549 (714) 774-1186 Northern California FAX: (714) 774-8599 (510) 444-2497 8161 Lankershim Blvd. FAX: (510) 835-8941 North Hollywood, Calif. 91605-1611 Corporate Office: (818) 504-9180 P.O. Box 3700, 240 S. Loara St. FAX: (818) 504-1985 Anaheim, Calif. 92803 (714) 778-2266 La Habra Stucco E mail FAX: (714) 774-2079 and Web -site addresses: E mail: info©lahabrastucco.com Web -site: www.lahabrastucco.com X-11 SANTANA (BASE 100) X-25 SADDLEBACK (BASE 200) X-53 PURE IVORY (BASE 100) X-79 VILLA (BASE 100) X-504 BLUE GREY (BASE 200) )1, ,11Z Division of La H X-12 CHABLIS (BASE 100) X-16 SILVER GREY (BASE 200) X-28 MIRAGE (BASE 200) X-55 FRENCH VANILLA (BASE 100) X-81 OATMEAL (BASE 200) X-575 CANYON (BASE 200) X-34 SAN SIMEON (BASE 200) X-56 FRENCH GREY (BASE 200) X-82 HACIENDA (BASE 200) X-580 SIERRA TAN (BASE 200) These colors are intended to show the approximate color of 16/20 float finish stucco. (Colors will vary in other products). Application by mach. .2 t!.- .ram • �• .10, • - F • sr • . a 3� 'mod '1 t ` if ibn-Uf La Pt'oduut6 jnc..,. •h�` yi"r _ •T . r r J� Ate: J • 1 SP 51 BIRCHWOOD SP 856 WHISPER GRAY SP 71 MISTY SP 154 CABLE ASH SP 181 DOMINICK SP 128 DRIFTING SP 19 HEATHER SP 127 ICE GRAY SP 168 BEIGE PEBBLE SP 164 FRENCH WHITE SP 155 HARBOUR MIST SP 1 WHITE SP 180 LUPINE TEASE SP 132 NINJA GRAY SP 136 BRIDGEWATER SP 156 WHITE QUARTZ SP 39 VILLAGE BLUE SP 215 GRAY PEARL SP 143 SHADY SP 145 BOXWOOD _::M=Milli SP 152 CASHMERE SP 129 MEADOWOOD SP 142 OPALINE SP 140 JUNIPER SP 262 SABLE SP 115-1 WHITE SAND SP 139 MALLARD POPULAR WHI Y ES SP 70 PEARL WHITE SP 114-1 WHISPER SP 60 NAVAO WHITE SP 514 BONE CHINA SP 836 SWISS COFFEE SP 427 BONE WHITE Popular Whites are factory -tinted colors that are stocked in most of our standard finishes. W U1-Eringlrr i PAINTS CLASSIC COLORS Our Classic Colors collection includes a proven palette of colors that have beautified and protected fine homes throughout the Southwest. These traditional favorites can be used with style and confidence. SP 5 WEATHERED CORAL SP 17 CAMEO SP 63 TRAVERTINE SP 41 ADOBE SP 3 CLIFF BROWN SP 6 ASPEN YELLOW SP 8 DESERT GRAY SP 7 MESA TAN SP 74 COCOA SP 72 CAPE COD BLUE SP 18 WOODLAWN GREEN SP 56 WEATHERED BROWN EXTERIOR COLORS FINE ARCHITECTURAL FINISHES PREMIUM EXTERIOR PAINTS EVERSHIELD (W701) Simply, the finest exterior flat finish available today. Evershield is a premium quality 100% acrylic flat paint suited for many types of exterior masonry, wood, or metal surfaces. Cleans up easily with warm, soapy water. ACRI-FLAT (W704) Acri-Flat is a versatile 100% acrylic paint that provides an extremely flat finish and is ideally suited as a self -priming solid color stain for rough -sawn wood, or over many types of masonry, properly prepared smooth wood and metal. Cleans up easily with warm, soapy water. VIN-L-TEX (W201) A fine exterior acrylic copolymer flat paint for stucco, masonry, concrete, and properly prepared wood and metal. Cleans up easily with warm, soapy water. PROKOTE PLUS (W202) An acrylic -copolymer exterior flat paint specially designed for new residential construction and property maintenance applications. Prokote Plus provides a durable protective finish over stucco and many types of masonry, with flexibility suited for properly prepared wood and metal. Cleans up easily with warm, soapy water. ENDURACRYL (W705) A premium quality low - sheen enamel paint for properly prepared wood siding, trim, masonry, and metal. Enduracryl is a 100% acrylic paint that produces a soft luster finish and is non -yellowing. Cleans easily with warm, soapy water. PERMA-SERIES ENAMELS These premium quality 100% acrylic enamels are specifically designed to provide superior non -blocking (i.e., the ability of freshly painted surfaces to resist sticking to each other) properties and adhesion to aged alkyd enamels. Perma-Series enamels can be used on properly primed interior and exterior surfaces, such as walls, doors, cabinets, and window frames. Cleans up easily with warm, soapy water. PERMASHELL (W940) Acrylic Eggshell Enamel PERMASHEEN (W901) Acrylic Semi -Gloss Enamel PERMAGLOSS (W960) Acrylic Gloss Enamel RANCHO (QD60) A fast -drying alkyd gloss enamel ideal for properly prepared and primed exterior wood trim, fascia, front doors, masonry, and metal. Cleans up with paint thinner. LIGHT REFLECTANCE VALUES* Number Name LRV Number Name LRV Number Name SP 41 Adobe 47 SP 3 Cliff Brown 41 SP 139 Mallard_ SP 172 Adobe South 53 SP 74 Cocoa SP 40 Ash Grey 44 SP 148 Coral Clay SP 6 Aspen Yellow 68 SP 8 Desert Gray 34 SP 651 Milkweed SP 14 Baja White 70 SP 181 Dominick 81 SP 175 Barley 53 SP 128 Drifting 42 SP 168 Beige Pebble 56 SP 354 Fandango 28 SP 51 Birchwood 49 SP 176 Flaxseed 73 SP 134 Bison Beige F5 SP 164 French White 75 SP 514 Bone China 80 SP 215 Gray Pearl 49 SP 427 Bone White 70 SP 155 Harbour Mist _ 50 SP 145 Boxwood .17 SP 19 Heather 57 SP 136 Bridgewater 22 SP-177 Hickory _ 33 SP 165 Bumt Crimson 8 SP 127 Ice Gray 53 SP 154 Cable Ash 38 SP 140 Juniper 25 SP 17 Cameo SP 72 Cape Cod Blue SP 152 Cashmere 67 69 SP 150 Linen White 67 32 SP 180 Lupine Tease 8 12 SP 129 Meadowood _ 43 SP 7 Mesa Tan - SP 167 SP 71 SP 131 SP 60 Mission Rose Misty Monterey Grey Navajo White SP 132 Ninja Gray SP 142 Opaline SP 51-1 Oyster- SP 70 Pearl White SP 2750 Phoenix Villa SP 126 Rosewood SP 262 _ Sable SP 513 Sahara SP 133 Sandal LRV 10 32 25 81 50 46 25 71 14 57 62 77 80 15 7 49 41 Number Name LRV SP 338 Sealpoint 38 SP 143 Shady 63 SP 149 Silver Taupe 59 SP 21 Spanish White 76 SP 68 Stonish Beige 45 SP 836. Swiss Coffee 82 SP 161 Tamborlane 26 SP 63 Travertine 56 SP 147 Truffle 30 SP 39 Village Blue 24 SP 56 Weathered Brown 7 SP 5 Weathered Coral 60 88 73 91 63 75 6 SP 114-1 SP 856 SP 1 _SP 156 SP 115-1 SP 18 'Light Reflectance Values indicate the relative lightness of a color. The scale ranges from 0 (black) to 100 (white). Color Chips & Paint These color chips are produced as accurately as possible; however, actual paint colors will vary from these samples and from batch -to -batch. Paint colors are affected by many factors, including lighting, age, type of finish, type of substrate, and adjacent colors. Some light colors may require more than one coat for complete coverage. If final color appearance and color matches are critical, paint should be Whisper Whisper Gray White White Quartz White Sand Woodla4vn Green tested on the actual surface before full paint application. If a color match to a specific chip or color is required, the actual chip or sample must be submitted to Dunn -Edwards. Application of the paint constitutes acceptance of the color. Dunn -Edwards assumes no responsibility for color acceptability after application. 398/375 SP 454 FAhM343C SP21 SPAMSH WHITE SP 1E6 RLSEWYJC SP 14 BAJA WHITE SP 165 BURA77.R1MSCN SP 2750 PHOENIX VILLA 5P E51 MILKWEED SP 513 SAHARA 5F 134 B1SCA.BEIGE SP 161 TAMBORL4 •E SP 176 FLAXSEED EXTERIOR COLORS SP 6BSTOMSHBEIGE SP 17719C1CORY SP 131 MONTEREYGRE NC'E. Fo514w Whiles ars Gestic Colors are returnable. All other coal are not felon -able. SP 116 CORAL CLAY SP147 TRUFFLE SP 149 SILVER TAUPE SP 40 ASH GREY SP 150 LINEN WHITE X-17 MISTY (BASE 200) X-24 SANTA FE (BASE 200) X-40 DOVE GREY (BASE 200) X.48 MEADOWBROOK (BASE 100) X-50 CRYSTAL WHITE (BASE 100) X-23 ASPEN (BASE 200) X-97 PACIFIC SANG (BASE 2001 X-73 EGGSHELL (BASE 100) X-592 TUCSON (BASE 100) X-820 SILVERAOO (BASE 200) X-030 CLAY (BASE 200) pray 01 texturing will increase the depth of color. • Variations M color due to weather, lb conditions and method of application should be expected. 5. Exterior Trim Colors • • 2 .• is ' a 4 4 • 0-111 OATMEAL (BASE 200) • X-82 HACIENDA (BASE 200) r X-508 BLUE GREY (BASE 200) t X-575 CANYON (BASE 200) t X-580 SIERRA TAN (BASE 200) ■ These COtors me mten0e0 to show the approximate Color 0I 1620 Soot finish stucco. (Colors vein very in other prochcts). ,' • Apptltet . / • . 4 f Mn; s 0 7'w 8, • • • SP51 B/RCHPYA70 SP 19 HEATHER s, SP 168 BEIGE PEBBLE SP 164 FRENCH WHITE - SP262 SALE • t. • POPULAR WHf , ES vyedi Wda --1411NTS'-' SP 70 PEARL WHITE SP 114-1 WHISPER SP W NAVAIO WHRE SP 514 BONE CHINA SP 656 SWISS COFFEE SP 427 BONE WHITE Popular Whites are factory -lined colors Ihaf are staked in most of our standard finishes. CLASSIC COLORS Our Classic Colors collection includes a proven palette of colors that have beautified and protected line homes throughout the Southwest. These traditional favorites can be used with style and confidence. W I nFAThTJh'.0 LW& SP 17 CAMEO SP 67 TRAVERTINE SP di ADORE SP J CLIFF BROWN SP 7 MESA TAN SP6 ASPEN YELLOW SP6 DESERT GRAY 5P74 COCOA 5P 72 CAPECOD BLUE SP is WOODfAWN GREEN SP 56 WEATHERED BROWN 6: Roof Tile Colors EAGLEROOFING TILES Capistrano Standard Color Bonded Finish *3107 Caramel/Be Capistrano Premium Color Bonded Finish #3201 Peach/Cream Flash #3234 Tan/Cream, W?ns Flashes Capistrano Standard Integral Colors Arrowhead Gray #3209 Light Gray/Smoke Gray Flash Capistrano standard Color Selections Colored cement glaze is applied as tiles are extruded , resulting in durable, vibrant colors. Capistrano Destgiier Color Selections Definitely non-tra- ditional! Brighter, lighter shades of computer -blended tri-colors offer new opportunities for roof design expression with today's Eagle tile. 1:0VER PHOTO: TOPAN&A 3576 Capistrano Custom Colors Mountain Shadows Custom blend 3800 series Capistrano Designer Series -Colo TRADITIONAL SOUTHWESTER) HIGH BARREL ROOFING TILE Canyon Brown Capistrano Premium Integral Colors Sunrise Blend Bonded Finish Gray Brown Blend Sierra Ridge Capistrano • DIMENSIONS Length: 17" Width: 12%" Average Thickness: %" Weight: 9.5 lbs. per square foot (approximate dry installed weight) Coverage: Approximately 88.5 tiles* per 100 square feet `at minimum 3" headlap APPROVALS International Conference of Building Officials I.C.B.O.E.S. Report 4660, and City of Los Angeles Research Report #25021 FIRE RESISTANCE Eagle tiles easily exceed the resistance requirements for burning brands and spread of flame listed in A.S.T.M. Class A fire test criteria. COLD WEATHER RESISTANCE Eagle tiles surpass the freeze -thaw test requirements of all known building code development agencies. Note: Eagle recommends the application of integrally colored tiles in areas subject to numerous severe freeze -thaw cycles. INSTALLATION Detailed installation recommendations and I.C.B.O.E.S. report available upon request. WARRANTY Limited lifetime PRODUCT warranty available. NOTE: Eagle warrants the performance of tiles only. Workmanship and accessory materials MUST be warranted by others. NOTICE Natural shade variations in raw materials used during the manufacturing process affect tile coloring. We recommend blended or flashed tile colors to minimize noticeable shading differences. DISCLAIMER The printed colors shown in this brochure may vary from actual tile colors. Before making a final selection, be sure to review current tile samples and roof installations. AMERICAN MADE SUPPORTING MEMBER TECHNICAL DATA AN CHOR LUG/ BEARING PAD NAIL HOLE 1 WEATHER BARS NAIL HOLE l/ EAGLE®` ROOFING PRODUCTS EAGLE ROOFING PRODUCTS COMPANY GENERAL OFFICES: 3546 N. Riverside Ave. Rialto, CA 92377 Telephone (909) 355-7000 FAX (909) 355-2331 AMERICAN OWNED MEMBER NATIONAL TILE ROOFING MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION 1-800-300-EAGLE A DIVISION OF BURLINGAME INDUSTRIES, INC. Innovations in Permanent, Firesafe Roofing Since 1963.