MDG 1999-007RCD Case No. Date Accepted: �z " Fee required: $ Z • CITY OF LA Q UINTA Community Development Department 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253' 760-777-7125 QM0 (Check one) _Cove Residential Permit �9' /9 9 Master Design Guidelines - Sa_°`" Cove Residential Adjustment - JUL 0 91999 J, CITY OF LAQUINTA PLANNING DEPARTMENT $100.00 $250.00 $300.00 RC DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION RC Development (RCD) applications are governed by Section 9.50.090 of the Zoning Code ( copy attached). All single family residences in the RC District shall be reviewed pursuant to the Cove Residential Design Procedures. Review and approval by the Community Development Director for this application is required. Nature of Request: /''l/n r/4-/Z (r7>' t /No SJ°rZa!'E,Z ) Es — (lam2_= C -f Lot No: Block No: Unit No: Assessor's Parcel No: (List additional lots involved here or attach): Street Location(s)/address: Additional Information: A M . I NTA (Additional written material can be submitted separaTely)° Md ARCHITECTURAL PLANS - Three sets containing the front and, if applicable, street side yard architectural elevations, building floor plan and landscape/irrigation plan shall be submitted with this application unless otherwise determined by Department staff. Color scheme for the proposed unit(s) must also be provided in an appropriate format. ***************************************************************************************************************** Applicant: iI L L Cla34t• 1 (Print Name) l Address: 51 OO Ali'i'icL& V'C- L zA 7&o 501^. /1 (Phone/Fax) Owner(s): (Print Name) (Phone/Fax) Address: ****GRANT DEED, ESCROW INSTRUCTIONS OR OTHER SUITABLE PROOF OF OWNERSHIP IS REQUIRED**** Signature of Applican lk_ Date: 9 /9 Authority for this applicaln is hereby given: • Signature of Property Owner(s): Date: Any false or misleading information given in this application shall be grounds to deny this application. Signatures and addresses of all property owners affected by this application shall be included in this submittal. Separate letters of authorization can be submitted. C:\Wrkgrp\Forms\RCDapplic.wpd TO: FROM: DATE: RE: FILE CO.P efi alba MEMORANDUM. HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION CHRISTINE DI IORIO, PLANNING MANAGER C JULY 27, 1999 MASTER DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR JACK.CLARK JR. (MDG 99-007) The Zoning Code requires additional development standards for the Cove Residential area called Master Design Guidelines. Design Guidelines are required for any developer/applicant constructing five or more houses in the RC District. Therefore when a developer• wants to pull a permit for the fifth house, the.guidefines must have been reviewed and accepted by the Planning Commission. Jack Clark Jr. seeks building permit approval for his fifth plus house. He is submitting Master Design Guidelines for Planning Commission review. The attached Guidelines contain information as to how the developer/applicant intends to vary the exterior of the unit which includes, but is not limited to, roof types, window and entry treatment, stucco and paint colors, and roof tile colors. Applicant is proposing one floor plan with three separate design el3vation options including three separate roof plans. The design package includes three elevations and three roof plans for the proposed floor plan, color palettes, and roof tile samples. Staff determined the guidelines provide adequate deviations to the elevations such as varied architectural designs, roof lines, and architectural details. In, addition, upon Planning Commission approval, staff will use the guidelines to evaluate each building permit application from this developer for compliance with the apprcved guidelines. RECOMMENDATION: Planning staff recommends the Planning Commission accept the Master Design Guidelines (MDG 99-007) as presented. C:\WPDdocs\MDG 99-007.wpd NO CORRESPONDENCE 1 I • s/- ti l • IA CllaNIA HANN=COMPASSION APPROVED DATE JACK CLARK, JR GENERAL CONTRACTOR MASTER GUIDELINES J ECERfE JUL 091999 CITY OF LAQUINTA PLANNING DEPARTMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 2. FLOOR PLANS AND ELEVATIONS 3. SETBACKS 4. PAINT AND STUCCO COLORS 5. ROOF TILE SELECTIONS INTRODUCTION I have been building in the La Quinta Cove for twelve years. It has always been my goal to provide a quality product at a fair price. Even though the market is very competitive, I maintain'quality in every home I build. My plans offer my customers options in interior and exterior color schemes as well as material selections for a wide variety of tastes. It is my pleasure to present this submittal for your review. I am always available for questions or comments. 1 J FLOOR PLAN BALE V,'V-0- LIVING SPACE 1506 SQ FT. GARAGE 441 . SO. FT. IvfCJ L 15 SO FT. STREET ELEVATION 'A' 111 WALK-IN 0 BEDROO1I.2"2 AETA. Ow•EY TOP PPP* .HEera .MNG ROOM DINING ROOM YR 0u 0 r- BEDROOM •1 2 CAR GARAGE J ROOF 'PLAN 'A' VV0-0- ATTIC VENTILATION SLMvtARY / V3001h of 1506 SF. OR 713 St REOURED.. QI MY Bo'YBP@GOO 81 EAU 0 24" I&ET97% 4T 00 81 Ea M 8' 4 EATS 1E08 081 EA1 ADO 81 8081 70A Bl TOTAL 741 881 PI PROWS) ELEVATION al .14 WALI(- N BEDROOM T2s C BEDROOM 0 0 O1 IE7At O6NEY 70, frAX AIS SS106 _IVING ROOM DINING ROOM 5/12 KI 0 II 2 CAR GARAGE 6/0 ROOF PLAN 'B' VAV ATTIC VENTILATION SIMIAARY / I/300th o1 1506 SF. OR 723 Sl SECURED. a WV 60" EI&E VB716GOO 61 EAI 0 26" CUAEB IBR GO 8.1 EA! GO Ir. E" EAVE YEWS 12181 EA1 AOO 88 SO81 2W81 TOM 714 6 61 - STREET ELEVATION 'C' ROOF PLAN 'C' EG1LE v4r=r-o- ATTIC VENTILA11Cd SLI ARY / V3001h of 1506 SF. OR 723 Si REOURED. 01 I4 30" GME W.106 W061 FAl n 0ME19+ V00 00 61 (Al 60 15-. r FA* an VI 61 CAI 400 61 6061 A461 10741. t 744 6D N W01160. X-11 SANTANA (BASE 100) X-25 SADDLEBACK (BASE 200) X-53 PURE IVORY (BASE 100) X-79 VILLA (BASE 100) X-504 BLUE GREY (BASE 200) X-12 CHABLIS (BASE 100) X-16 SILVER GREY (BASE 200) X-28 MIRAGE (BASE 200) X-55 FRENCH VANILLA (BASE 100) X-81 OATMEAL (BASE 200) X-575 CANYON (BASE 200) X-34 SAN SIMEON (BASE 200) X-56 FRENCH GREY (BASE 200) X-82 HACIENDA (BASE 200) X-580 SIERRA TAN (BASE 200) These colors are intended to show the approximate color of 16/20 float finish stucco. (Colors will vary in other products). i Application b/ coact 20Setback 1' Offset Standard Offset 20etback +a Products Inc. Mince L gO X-17 MISTY (BASE 200) X-40 DOVE GREY (BASE 200) X-71 MIAMI PEACH (BASE 100) X-86 SANDSTONE (BASE 200) X-23 ASPEN (BASE 2e9) X-24 SANTA FE (BASE 200) X-48 MEADOWBROOK (BASE 100) X-50 CRYSTAL WHITE (BASE 100) X-72 ADOBE (BASE 200) X-73 EGGSHELL (BASE 100) X-97 PACIFIC SAND (BASE 200) X-501 CORTEZ (BASE 200) X-592 TUCSON (BASE 100) X-820 SILVERADO (BASE 200) X-830 CLAY (BASE 200) iy or texturing will increase the depth of color. ■ Variations in color due to weather, job conditions and method of application should be expected. 1-800-300-EAG!E EAiThL- Missicq, Red Flashed #2136 Dark Red/Brown Malibu I1esigiier Series -Colon Bonded Fiiiish #2217 Peach/Terracotta #2313 Terracotta/ Sun Valley #2241 Almond, Peach #2344 Burnt Orange ROOFING PROOUCT5 #2258 Tar/Creanr F►ash EAGL'ROOFIIWO TILES Malibit Standard 0oloi Bonded Finish #2110 Gray/Black #2146 Bright. Red Malibu Premium Color Bonded Finish #2202 Almond/Copper #2203 I u /Cream, Gray flash