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COC 1908 026
• M I41+ R;V�rec''E TG VAA A.Vr.. L t VUlAn • • ?4•10b Calle Zatado La Quints, CalIforaia .92253 1i:•: ''►,:.ai tUE i F•1� CATION FO_R_C_IIFICATZ OF COMP Application No. fA -662" t'4`t'f cEFE B 0 6 1992 CITY OF LA WINid' PLA? NiNca DEPARTMENT Applicant: THE REITH COMPANIES -INLAND EMPIRE 22690 Cactus Avenue, Ste. 300 Owner: ame) Moreno Valley CA (City) Dwight L. Stuart (Name) Beverly Hills, (Mate) agR'xX DATA: (City) 769 CA (state) 290 006 Assessor's Parcel Number: 769 - 290 -_ 005 Street address FOR WAIVER'OF PARCEL MAP ONLY: PMN (Address 714/653-0234 {P one) 9595 Wilshire Blvd. (A reae 213/859-2777 (Pbono) 00 0 CASH I TO1¢AL 0 92 200.00 APPROVAL DATE: R UTS1': (Include number of parcels to be certified and dimensions of such parcels) See attached Exhibit "A" RZANT: Instructions . attaohed must be,,completed- in order to application 10 'be aooept®, &NATION IDS: $50.00 if in conjunction with approved waiver of parcel map or foi—;--araliar Wifsee. . I certify that J am/we are the record owner(s) or authorized agent and that the information filed is true and' correct to the best of my knowledge. (Authorized agent must possess letter from owners including a»thority tosi:... In owner's behalf.) Date !`2'49/q Signed Signed dP Date. Date Piled /— 6 - yz Related Piles , Vs-7H- ssn wpr'oM. oo1 I RECORDING REQUESTED BY CITY OF LA QUINTA 0 N WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: IN. m IC CITY OF LA QUINTA Wm• ' Planning & Development Department CD P. O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 'h CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Chapter 13.72 La Quinta Municipal Code) I certify that I have reviewed the following described real property and have determined that it substantially complies with all applicable provisions of the Subdivision Map Act and the City of La Quinta Subdivision Regulations, Title 13, L.Q.M.C. The real property is located in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California, described as follows: • SEE EXHIBIT 'A' • OWNER(S) OF RECORD : Dwight L. Stuart Executed on FORM.013 February 21.. , 1992, at 'Riverside, California RY-H rector Planning & Development City of La Quinta CrulibM•23211.,...0 fi APR 0 3 19ii" CITY OF LA OUINTA PLANNING DEPARTMENT 65770 EXHIBIT "A" PARCEL 1 ' CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE LEGAL DESCRIPTION BEING A PORTION OF THE EAST HALF, OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER, OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 9, TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, S.B.M., DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID EAST HALF, THENCE SOUTH 00° 03' 39" WEST A DISTANCE OF 509.51 FEET ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID EAST HALF, TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF THE ALL AMERICANCANAL, PER GRANT DEED RECORDED SEPTEMBER 18, 1947 IN BOOK 84,7 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS AT PAGE 540 RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY,1 SAID POINT BEING THE'TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING SOUTH 00° 03' 39" WEST A DISTANCE OF 809.82 FEET ALONG SAID EAST LINE TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID EAST HALF; THENCE SOUTH 89° 39' 02" WEST A DISTANCE OF 663.09 FEET, ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID EAST HALF TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID EAST HALF. jl THENCE NORTH 00°105' 21" EAST A DISTANCE OF 189.59 FEET, ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID EAST HALF TO A POINT ON THE SAID SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID ALL AMERICAN CANAL; THENCE NORTH 46°.'45' 02" EAST A DISTANCE OF 911.12 FEET ALONG THE SAID SOUTHEASTERLY LINE TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PARCEL CONTAINS 7.61 ACRES'MORE OR .LESS. II Theodore M. Brown L.S. 5884 - Exp. 12/31/92 THE KEITH COMPANIES - INLAND EMPIRE DATED: January 6, 1992 Notes: 9900-F811003-01-ke January 6, 1992 65770 EXHIBIT "A" PARCEL 2 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE LEGAL DESCRIPTION BEING A PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 9, TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, RANGE,7 EAST, S.B.M., DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER; THENCE SOUTH 00° 03' 39" WEST A DISTANCE OF 509.51 FEET ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF THE ALL AMERICAN CANAL, PER GRANT DEED RECORDED FEBRUARY 24, 1950 IN BOOK 1149 AT PAGES 544 THROUGH 548 INCLUSIVE, RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, SAID POINT BEING THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID WEST LINE SOUTH 00° 03' 39" WEST A DISTANCE OF 809.82 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER. THENCE NORTH 89° 39' 02" EAST A DISTANCE OF 1,326.18 FEET, ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER; THENCE NORTH 00° 00' 13" EAST A DISTANCE OF 1,316.56 FEET ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER; THENCE SOUTH 89° 46' 12" WEST A DISTANCE OF 781.54 FEET ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER TO A POINT ON THE SAID SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID ALL AMERICAN CANAL; THENCE SOUTH 46° 44' 42" WEST A DISTANCE OF 699.59 FEET ALONG SAID SOUTHEASTERLY LINE TO AN ANGLE POINT THEREIN; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID SOUTHEASTERLY LINE SOUTH 46° 45' 02" WEST A DISTANCE OF 47.14 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THE =OVE DESCRIBED PARCEL CONTAINS 36.92 ACRES MORE OR LESS. fi K't Theodore M. Brown L.B. 5884 - Exp. 12/31/92 'THE KEITH COMPANIES - INLAND EMPIR DATED: January 6, 1992 Notes: 9900-F811003-01-ke January 6, 1992 six (6) south, range seven • THOUS C. TAGERBT UX TO 1! W. L. TAGER ITAL in consideration of ton do by i iknowledgeel: do hereby terwAte with right of survivor .)f Riverside. State Of Califo JIAMeri North hali1(1/2) Ofit :0119Au.szt. t • 8. B. X of the northwest quarter ( ' .I.t ii0C4 - • seven (7) east S. B. IL...- ... , .!• j4. 4 TO HAVN AND TO HOLD to A said an ,their heirs or assigns. •;_?.: r,l','.. • — . • . .. wITNESS our hands this 24 lidny of SO om or; 1916.' 1 if mat, C.. Yager 1 ' 1. and NAM, 74.012b his wifi; the rsoslpt.of whioh is hers- XARGARBT TAGER, as Joint property situated in the County S follows: /4) of section ten (10), township hs 8. W. southwest quarter (1/4) Ael(10).townehip six (6) south, range State of California. ) (88 County of Locingeles. ) . Om, 24th day of November, 1916,. before me. B., Y. Taft; a Notary Publi ;Orl.s. d County, personally appeared Thomas e an1 . 4. A • • .C. .1ager_anl_Mae lager, hiel .own to me to be the persons whose nnmesnre fl -. subscribed to the foregoing ins rumsnt and aoknowledged that they executed the same. WITNESS my hand and offiail-seal.. Y. Taft, Notary .Publio in and for the (NOTAiIAL1 SUL) ..31.0ounty of Los Angeles, State of Caliiornia. 11 4; 1 Received Copied in Boo': No. ifornia. 61.0n record Hari 1, 456 of Dee, it : ,Co'Clook P. M. at request of Grantees. 9i records of Riverside County, Cal- S. Logan, Reoordwr. • DEED WO. 5622.1t THIS DEED, nada Aori1 25, 1949', by BOCTEERH P:.CIFIC. L4VCD CO1:PAWT, a Corporation ,of the Meta, of California, first •party, unto MEW S. KORGAB, second party, •t WIT ISSETEt -That `first party, for and in eonaideration of Ten land 00/100 (10.00) Dollars, -;receipt whereof -is acknowledged, does hereby grant, bargain, sell aid Convey unto'second party, her heirs and assigns, the following.dcscribed land situated 1_• than'County of D verside, State of California, to wits . - South Ralf of Aortheaat_Qoatrisr__ 8 ofJEf ), South- east__ near o or ®ost QQuarter (88 0)j.and Worth 13 of- Southeast-$n isi-(WWs•.f) _of-Seetion Nino .(9), Southeast Quarter of Southwest Quart. (BFhof81i#) and Southwest Quarter of Southeast Quarter (SWof8lf) of Section Tweaty.ono (21), Township Hs (6)-oath, Range Seven (7) East Sash and Bernardino Base Meridian, contain:ing.Two Hundred -Eighty and 00/100 (280.00) acres, more loss. : Together With all rights', privileges, and apptrtenanees belonging or in any wise appertaining. , RHSBRYIAO a right of may tor•private road upon and along theyaaast Tsse ty : •ad 00/100 (20.00) feet of Southeast Quartet. of Northwest guar- ter (SS$ofSli$) a2nd• the wept Twenty and 04/100129.00) feet. of South unto i: Half of Wortheaat Quarter (3}ofW$f) a orth B.1F •of Southeast Quarter ($fofSH*) of said Section Win 49).foPt ;bonefit of and appurtenant to Rorthwe$t Quarter of Wergheaat_Q' arfer (BWiefBP4), wortheaat Quarter of NOrtb eat Quarter (U of ), • East Ralf of Southr,et Quarter• (Stof ) a ,,8outhweet Quarter of Southeast guar• ter (3Wiof3Bg)•of said Section Aire (9)1 Also, a right of way for' private road upca and along the east Twenty and 00/100 (20.00). test of Southeast Quarter of Southwest Quarter (SktotSui) and the, • 07E 0f i • vest Twenty and 00/100 (20.00) foot ofloutheest Quarter of South east Quarter ON/alai) of said Sciatica Tweaty.one (21) for the 1 benefit of and apparteaa t to Northeast Quarter of iobtheest Quartory *013$of ) eM Northwest. Quarter of Southa.&st Quarter ( ofS2¢) of • said Section Seentyaone (21), and for use by the public in the event al said rights of way aro dedicated to the public use by first party,. ; its successors or assigns. • end towesisting „tax a d'ass®osuont lions. ;IN NITNSdS. , first. party has caused its MO, to beI hereunto a%baoribod*by Ito officer, the to"duly authorised, and I f its uateg,.rato seal to' be hereunto affixed and attested by its 1 r • Sooreta , Or itanista0 seorotary on tna day and wits, first heroin. Shoe®' so ittea�. PACIFIC LAND CONrANT Sale $os. 857�R, 8575.. Dates Rovoaber 30, 1943 Appraisal Ao. PA 163anti 01841 0 2. a; 'STATE or CAUS'OaNFA, ( 11 CO .ad Cori, 4/ SP'I dee eaalemr I s" ! 11 , 00 11,th - ,,; d Phi' . ; , ! fig r as Flo Ow T&easad � e Roz,frei eared tiro Ni lie Ivfssr ar. Rl Tll' W. (.EOHCE. a Notary "Mr in oar! /es go Ce . d ► d f ay. D , appaand Made.coMade.me.) . ffit . P ROT O. RYLLRAND and,CSAS. f, WALK,' IR., Ca.vo b ess b b d. Visa aa1t et sad lAaallutant 5Oeretery, rear peoti ve1y„ Vb docsr•t A fa sad tba easetd @s ea+ o, bear;-, am a, amwego0 d ea War ql els airpsPa2tm amnia ateczaiare eetTIMICLU as sad as9•comagse1 shi macs f .f5n ea ebs COI sad Cimdfits On coldo ego a°6°SS'4'/b° awe* 0Petga. Carp.sudes Notary It blIc le ers9 1v tAa =ty mad Casaty d &a Osme¢aetps.a as CaR(vwa Id► •'asamleaMM £.pi47 10, IOaa f ; • i=7�t'>: riti hY`"171�5'�?'st., '.�-..-s�!- eaer"�"a'J:e�'st. .W ��w�;r.n•'?,� w:;"i�u'Mwti'?&1'.3�: _a Jt.'LN:b'E.VTCREDCTOR tQ9_.�t:o.�.l.G...t'Ja:onu..�:r•S.•,:.!!. �?r.::: .-. hlteck AMOUNT OF JUDGMENT $ V.A.+ :. .. _ 4• i , 9 . I \TF.KED UNDER DATE OF Ya.:( ..1;4P14.... 19.' IN THE DOCKET OF THE COURT. • i. 1 certify that the foregoing le a true nailcoe e t abates of the JuiI went entered in the abuy, se entitled .ca. i' i ree of 1.00 paid fur this ALatrait. irate of laminate of this abstract f i .,J.y....11 s.�it�� ... .111.69.. �, ±.` ti na 8D 12O E.33 1,0t276ILVL tcs• FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION. secApi of whirl is liereby ecltnowleeged. e=' .licrebg . ..2C2:a. Do 6xaa> to the :cal propertg in the. - ' County oI '=t et s= State of California, described as follows:. ?ort.l,efta: `•ifarter r' i-r.'_'r•:: �, ^ i Fain 7 , - t 1:etst :•�ti..ter n' �.. :tiat�. S-� ^A.;t.ardi��a ��l;e -3�d '•=r;�.��n � � t}:r- � tt t h+?Y'nrtli .23 ��n�•-� n" So,."ti-.^ i s, d.' v z..`::p & ^•. h s Par-e 7 rrtari'nn7.: ! :... ,rr--. ! >-:tn t}•.:xt:r Feat ro• tuff. 1. '11 r`afjCr 1 i!x•r:-_ t-^... rr^ .tbe __5^mil r.gr 1 n'n-r4 -,r: for -. `-1; •-.. _rnsr ir!w 2. pea_ seLtember I_- 19. On Sentiarlbor i, 1950 Wags ma the undersigremd ■ Rotary Publii la end for uid Country and Stale. person. ally ■ppcusd . .. i1LBERTA BAS3Il?GE LIPPS known to IDE at, be tho pennon-� hme o e—�— >tutis+x�tixd to the xilla iLetre hart. cad acknowledged awl "'rtl, ✓A-eeeeuecl the Kam • 15yj 4S-m) Fa -La ;Lad official seal. . armyV RAY >YS7DL1 • es a Li in 1•n4c ���, .I Ci hi;,ya Recorded and Compared: JACK A. ROSS, County Recorder, y eput7 L 11199 �cr 51.9 (ENDORSED) 950 A Gn4' CALED - M ll .49 HARRY L. ALLISON CO. CLERK BY Edith Campbell DEPUTY ` 31IIE Of CAI.tFOON1A••J'' yYL •:• i_ p Ii4dRI ]- a e ty Cleli lsfL£R NOPCA9r ■ Irldas•-- e1.10 bpoxii n 240El1 E, VP.R .AN •sn_ennsidecatinn of—mi sndi0i19 — - — — to filer ' in 10nd r aid, tcreipt of which is hereby stknoxledged close te. GRANT- TO :" t'rt f5! RYA BAB8IDGB LIFPS `_sa sJr rr1 ed imtn Co RILVERUrs 5tafcoi Cal.ifarnie, described :s_foliowS:. 8A rofei ot_the South lit of the 8orthesst:1/4� -40 acres of the. Soutlieest 1/4 of the. gorttwest' 1/4, a11: Section. S; Toun htp A South,, !tense 7- E;atl .40 sores - of the Southwest 1/4 of the_ Southeast 1%4► cad 40. of the Southeast:1/4 of the Southwest -1/4„..all 1II • Section 21,-7ownshlp a South, 8*1,7 East a Ssa Bernardii>s:. • Base sail 1�s11AV1:A DiO1101_ntoi:,i,rC.ra++t.t 1111NESS_..-- bar ,7.,.. _. _ auk xnt_ : 19 5D. - ■ 111 T-� at mac pAttu rerai 7.17-1: OF CALIFORNIA, Ct}UNTt OF . Ad ELE On t,it 9th aly of 14. [OTC the vndoreliie1 a Ntuary 1'ul)lic in and for saidCrAlnkr. M.unrlly app+c3feri RR, MI rnr�jy rlaa]C +m as-B'laa E._Targe.11-.. I.nn.%Mn!o Mc',u 14- ll+e IATS011._,a f r ,hr nid,it, iu.,ruwrus, anJ ac7 namlr,lgrd t'u! .#-1,r- esrcu:rl +1ir aa,„c. SV i7•'.11iSS in; }uin• aps] u 1sr5L: -• _: -sr .1V0au T'ubliC. in xi Recorded and Compared: JACK A. ROSS, County Recorder, by • • County and S+a,e. Los v Deputy Doll Yl 'l IIIl ie iFal PraP6rt1 • :'iQerszeG State or Calxlurniy desm'hrci as fo34ol:a: Otte •South iimAalf of the Northeast clnrter of Ssct1or 9; S'csrtshin South, 7 ::3st, .sin ?eniardina 'Ease ani :7eridfn and the-S-+utlielst Qasrter of • r'$he=fi4rthne'st .Iaarter of Section 9, Tortiahio 6-So�thi Bang-e 7 xsst; ��erxlar�ino $ase :a:3 7ariA3ah, e_r:entins therefrom t':e South t%irLv feet:•. 17thereof. for road '•1: A11. General 'and Snecill taxes for the.. f:sn'al wear am xecial: district levies,.^sf-'nts for wThicharc inolu•!e� t`ereia Ind col1ected•t.herc-mah. '~2r- Covenants; con3zti.ci_arestricts_^:s, •reservati^n!, r_.1''.ts,-r=rh+s of .. - Pay add ease. ents of r6cer3.. - �deffesiDeput y Recorded and Compared: JACK A. ROSS, County Recorder, by , l'•_C)• "i%r-ice +.:dhn41, : • en 60 SOUTELRN PAc:Iic LAND CO. TO W. M. CLA!;ri, LT AL This Deed corporation of the.State-o s joint tenants, with rig iITNESSLTY: partyi4 for rand in considerntion.of kdne thousand nine hundred ten and 00/10, (1910.�. dollars, reoeipt wLereof is acknowledged, heretv Fr%nts a:.d conveys t3sioo parties, and 9,2:11EnJ, the followfn,- described ' I land Sitalz.tcC in the Count ofiniverside, Jtate of California, to -wit: North;:est uarter of.Orthwest quarter CI'di of NW ) of Section Nine (...;) township 31x (6) South, uange Seven (7) East, San Bernardino 3ase and Leridian, ; containing forty and 00/10 (40.00) oea more or less; gether with all rights, : 1, privileges and appurtenanc a thereun belonging or in anywise appertaining; subject., _ however, to any rights, li no orteno branoes oreated or permitted, by any pther pereon ,.• _ than the said first party, since 29, .,., i i • # •. ,, Exoepting andlawfulwidthtawftll eata»ia ed County i.oadu. -ii:... ---'• 'Provided h weve4, tha t .t-first party is not, and shall never be held, liable for the second installment of any assessment or t.xation of the land hereb conveyed, wOch has been or shall be levied or imposed for the fiscal year beginning, July 1, l.; nor for any assessment or taxation levied or ass!ssed for any subsequent year; nor for.any failure to pay The same. .Thompson; Deed No. 2960-R -,:corder. SOUTHERN PACIFIC LAND CO:2A b :- 'arty unto ... M. CLA4Fcah$4122. .sedond parties, 1E IT.a.SS 4111Ri0F, first party has caused it. .,Ime to be -hereunto subscribed by its officers,lgt ui.tv authbrized, and its see. to be affixed, on the k *ki date herein first written. • (CORPORATE SEAL ia CounterLiigned: R.B.McAllister, n Countersigned: C.P.Lincoln, for aUdior. Sale No. 6478-R Date Septe be,r 8, 1 28. Appraisal iio. 544 ' SOUTRER:: .ACI]IC LAND COMPANY. By Guy V. Shoup, Vice President asioner By G.L.King, :*:;eoretary. - I I if Callforr:fa County of :%ar, Franoisco. ) • .. On February 20, 929, before me Frank :iarvey, a:i;otor;, Public the said ::itll anc :rour.L a, I i Y y, p�raonal y appeared Guy V;Shoup, known t. me to be the.Yioe- '.. be -ht Secretary of the :southern P.oifio Lend,: t exeouted the within instrument,` and ala0 k half of the corporation therein ramed,.an xeouted. the same. President, and.C.L.ising, kn L;oc,pac,y, the,j oor;:oration de to.Me. to be Ilthe. person,• • they' aoknow1 dgc.d I:: ;,1 MSS . a.t.r..y wri t teen. in ! ntered in record df Deeds .n.tered on record card G.L. it awho4x tha o 1 said 6ity and L) unto set my hand and affixed my o:fiolal day and year,in thfa- cert,ii icate first Harvey, `Notary.Pubil•c ,in and for the `City and e fi'y cOlunisaion exires -.1ne 20, 1931.- County of aan Francisoo, State pi California. .0.0.2/9/29.. . 2/11/29. received fork i{oo -.. Security Title ins. r.'eoords of .riverside IFees •::1.10 mpared: Copyist L.Thompaon ..o,::parer k III i (hOTARIAL Entered in record of Deeds ::ntered or. record card G.L. _ • Frank Har•, Notary -Public in and for the City and f»San Francisoo, State of Califoxn 88ion expires June 20, 1931. ;1904 neoeived for heoord Feb •6, 1'29 at 3C Lin. past 6 o'clooktie.11. at request of Security Title ne. 4 Guar.Co.Copied in .cook 110. oul of :.eeda' page 5, et atq., records of .riverside Colt#, California. Fees 1.10 -. Jack .;.nosy, .ceoorder. II jl xl W. M. CLARK', aT AL TO /thTF.th ;( :T AL 1 I:: CO::J1Di.,h„TIC1: of. Ten ( 10.00) Dollaru, M. CL.',:,i: acid MILDRED D. I . r CL.;:er:, hisWife, _ nci THOS. C. YAGi.i%, do hereby grant- to „.tT1it'ii C. ..ILLI.,and L:ARGARETI F. :':ILI.I,.L:S, hu;cband and wife, us Joint tenants, with ri�t.c of Jurvivorshio, and not as , r tenants 1ncorrnon, All that real property situate, in the County o: i:iverside, .hate of Califor:.is",' described as follows: �. 1 The ;rest half .1%Y1) of the Ro thweat I� i quart..r (IT,f;,) of the' Northwest quarter•tu' •).of 5eotion IJine (91, To '•ship 3�"7c (6) South, nan;e ::eve❑ '(7) East, San Barnerdino�� zase and ker{$(idi In. 1 Its .. spared: CopyatL.Thompaon parer L. n P H. yds. ) I WITHESS•our hands .i 7t` of January, 1929. W.M. Clark Mildred D.Clnrk • State of Cal,ii'ornia, ). 88. Count;: of Riverside. ) On this 7th day of January , nithe year one thou and nine :.undyed twenty- 4. $ t A nine, before sae Chester:: A.. parey, a Notary Public in and for :aid County and State, persora:ly appeared YI.M.Clark,. L.ildred`D.Clark and Thos. C.Yaeer, known to me. to be .I' the persois described in`and whose name tre subscribed to the within. instrument, and hos. C.Yager. .41 estate o1 Cal ii4I10a, el. County of Riverside. ) `On this •7th_d nine, 'before Me Cheater A II personaIly,appearedW.L the persons described IL acknowledged pat they x o :1ITNZSS h= 1 irst above written. It O. Yager. 3 year one thousand nine r.undred twenty - a in"and for raid County and State rhos. C.Yageri. known tO• eoribed to the within insrument,--an • _ Y::tk�f �:.'.'S�Pk\1:-+"I`'_! j?�."_'✓u•�s�i..�. e`�nvAi.: �. the day and year in tl;ie certificate .Sparey•, {. Not ry tublic InUi,d for u4id .).unty and State. .Ly Commission expiresw«pril 1930. :.c.ceived for A�eoord ieb 26, 929 at 30 request of �rcurity• title I . •• Guar.c.o Copied in 3ook et se;i., records of niverside County,'::a1ifornia. Fees 1.00 e I 'Jack A.i<oss, orpson; nee 'der. J190� :. . i ' R.iverei 3tata of Ce].ltorniR. i }'•a I*= !� -Bacot-red for Retard liter 21, �7��, it =F M 1 past 3 oseloct $..Y. at re -quest - � _ i � �'• , Of Riverside .:�=-� ersiVieTitle Co tny, Copied in Bcol Via. 221 of Official. Recoithir Page g9E at V i,:l TC- seq 1Ietords or Riverside County, California. Y' th 4a , Pees $2.0O' • r a. i ,i. -4 -.1: L -_ • {' * !_�. ' `-•'� cR 'Eli Al.` _ # ; d J .. _ IN CO3IDEM''IGM of Ten Dollars, AR'Fh1JR C. 'WELLIA113, end matissir E. _ jinni ll3, a; pe'Zfa • : herab grant to C$0. A. SCEEE all that reel �; +.tYY �• ■ pioperty siti�xnte is -the. *-= .. l i.. ! '1 1, f : - .y un y 'of. Riversides State of California,described ee follows: _' l ,! ,. ' V. a 1. itte West Eair. (Wit) of the Northwest quarter the l}orthrreet us.rter_ 4 I (i t of S ton. Sine • (qw ) in Touak( ip Six . (6) South, Range -Seven .) East, San Bernardino 1. Hess sot 32 dim, Comprising Twenty (20) Acres,. more or 'less.-, :f ' { 1 {i. tict their -hands this 6tx clay of Auguat, 1g2Sw j. t=- . Ga this -8th'day of Abet, in the year one thoneeni nine ht1 Ise Ile got/my-Public in end for said County and State,; panto ; ij �. kk • r , fAs't Co Wifiams,:ens# Margaret Et. Viiitins, hie wife, kncrrn•to me t4. , :, deso• `rtbed'3n and whose woes are aubaeribed to the within instrument, a. ' ��t they - eaa�ged- the lame. L. inpnqr;nty hsn*t and official seal the day endi year; ii thfsC + ' * , Cberleo yaciceon, f t i; i ''''t 4-, • ^ F s.=`�i' •r • M1 �: + - s .YY 1 - NotexyPublic. in.e-=;i Qr!eliii H " � IAt 8R J) } Oral State, : r , . taeetc a +Xpi..rea Feb. B. 1924. .' • •i !, • ZO Min peat- 1=a'block P. U. at request 'Records, Page-294 et.eeq;;.Recorda of Jack A. Roes, Recorder By G. E. 11cC1ure, epUty Recorder =• Co:parer L. Hyde, 1• Thartite Grp margelgiexecuted by Fred 14. Barris,.: endJitadeiln k;.1rrta, to' Pirat Netico;41.31ani in Riverside, dated ruly 13th;,:1934 :.and recorded u1 27th, 1934, 1n Bottle 1e1; Page 396 or Official Eecordss,.in the office of- .he County,Reeor r:of Riverside County, State of Calitoraie, together with the debt t tereby•ssaaured ' i.s fully peid,-satisfied and discharged, f Dated 13th 1935. Corporation, _ t ��• ;,,perso n appeared :ones.E..1Ci111Dn, knawu to me to be the Preaideatv,4 14 Cray, r,'� I ' I ,Free i i to ma to ' :be. the Secretary of the corporation tba,t: exe the within• ! Zs; leg- f ?nnatrwaont, and known to aye; to b e the persons w ex ec, xec ttie 'within enet4tsregbtng-:inatr'u ' nt on7behelt. of the corporation therein pmea aOk bl wledged `e. r £hsT• auatr. aoxporatiou executed the seize. 'l; ,"•�' i 1; •s ,bent'end o ciel seal the day end ;Tar to th ajc1ertificete firet " ) • i r- 4 1047 -,fe.r.; - _ "NgittetZSEMZEIME . . i - • ; , • • .. .. . ..:••730.. t.• SC:13:_.v ) - • . '1Geo. i. Schee, en. uncerried men, for end in oonaidereti a of Ten end Ne/lOCI .T0._ • II ' CIIKTT DiaD .) ./1,7R 1!INNICE; TT AL). I Dollars does hereby Trent to xelph m..innioh, end Kovona t. C inaioh, 'husbend ond 'rife, so 1 Joint tenants, es to co undivided cne-half ir.terest; :nd roul P. nlochar End -.•erono R. .-loche:, husband end wife,. es Joi:t Tenents , Es to and undivided one -bait interest all that reel 'property situated in the County of Sea-Bieee ,:iverside, State of Cclifornia, I, i . bounded and described as follows: The West half (';:a) of the iiortheest quer ter (zr.".-) of the i;ortraxgrot quorter (- -7 (NW) of Section mine (9) in 'Township Six"(6) South, range Seven (7) 1•Xst, Sen Sernerdino Base and Meridien, cdc2risinc Nenty (ZO) acres, ore 'or less. ' • • 4 ,. 4 . .I A ITliSe.y hand end see' this t.th day of ;pril, li,45. , Sited end executed in Se,4 A. Schee, seal . presence of • . ' • • . "iI ", • • U.S.1:R.S. d2.75, Cancelled I •,. .. STATS OF qCA".I.70FC:IA, ) 4 ' , s• 1, 1 ' 6' County of San mitre.o. ) , . .. . , On this fifth day of April 1:inteen ::undred cnd,zorty-five before me, clifford ! C. 7e,apei:a Nctery "?.ublic in End for Sici Cotnity end State, residing therein, duly commission ed end sworn personally appeared Geo. ;.. Sateei,-en uncarried men,- Imiovn to me. to be the• r 4 4' person described in End• whose nano is sut-Earibed to the within instrument-eh:I acknowledged to me that he executed the sena. .. I': t.11.--:2-S3 '.'.TiL-22CF, I have hereunto set r_y hen4 and affixed my ,;fficial Seel, ; • '. at my office, in said County of San Diego, State of ealifornts, the day tad ye•-r in this ••• ',' certificate fret :hove written.. i • 'In • Clifford C. ?eese. :, I' •_. . : 1 • N o tory, rublic' in End for the county of ,. I ' . , 1 • , (YOTARIAL sz-L) Sea Diego, State.of Ctlifcrnia. • Recieved for Record Jun 9 1945 at30 min. pest 9 o'clock a.c. at request cf . .0.01 ecurity "Title Ips..b. Ctee Co. I-oyied in 200k ;40. CS3 of tfrfficiel Records,. p•ge L'I9 ; 1 , Recordof Riverside County, California. I, • , . • i 7Cea: .1.00 . Jack A. Roes,' Recorder ;) . _ • • .6 . .., . .'• •-••• ' • Comp:red: Copyist s. Johnson; Col_parer A. •unatedt.- . . I ,1 ".i . • r FULL 71.,:r, J.77:1YANC 2 • i. .. . 41 This Indenture cede the 7th day of June, 1945 at Long Beach, california, Iitaessetb: • * ' s •• • . . . ., • • . L... VilDISAS TI.:7. MIS..g.31 a corporation formerly WIISTUCI. TRUST AND SATiKCS . .. BANIC,114 California enrperetion, with.principel l'Aece of business et Long Beach, Calif I .. ,. .. -.:' r.•Trustee, under Deta of Trust..exeouted by -1:aiy A. 'Gardner. a widow, , trustor end recorded -. .„:„.•;,.;: "..-SepteCber 24,1941, in Hook 45.:; Pegs 417; of offioial Records in 'the office of the • -. ;4-CountY. Recorder of les-Angeles Riverside County, California, has been, duly requested ••:-.,t,q, quitclaiz.and reconveY the. properti, :theesir; conveyed, by reeson of. the .payment of the indebtedness' secured by soid Deed of Trust :".'" -- ..•.'',Ir• ' ••• '-"*.'''," -:" - ••••• ..- ' •''.2.:',-::'- : , ... • • -.1.• • or MIMI:PORE in consideration of the payment 1..: the Trustes'a fee hereto? - receipt of rhieh it hereby acknowledgee.,*.exid the payment of seici.indebtedneaS r nd et .1....:.„:.., '.. .the -request of the bolder of this note asoured.by said Deed of irust, sold Trustee •;',' ' -'• •[ .does hereby wITCLAIM end RECCCITST without.aarrinty. to .tbe-person or persons lecally •••'...:,..::1,. • . .• entitled thereto, all of the property conveyed by said Deed of•Tr'ust. ir eITIIISSS r.-:Erly.c?; the soid IT:=1.74s1. BOK, 'formerly .rm'act TRUST /I:D ,•,''• SAy-ii:CS BANK, es Trustee, hes caueed•its'aorporite :name,end :seal to be...effixed.,f; its ••• President end 4:s.vistantr Secretary, duly'auiZorized, thia?7tb.day of June, .1S45. ., ..:....' . If - ' ''''''. r , ' •-. IP'stern .isank, . formerly ,• , ; ,..-„,,,,.:,, .-• ..;-• ,..:-.:.s. ,.., ..:••••••: - roettereCTruit and .5svingsI"L'-nk. ' : :•••*" • •4 1 By Jay L. Reed', vice%eresident- • • •,,...•.-...... (CMCRATS3/0';: Attest:". R. E. Aegenbruch::: .., '.:•-•:.i;•:-t ' '-',1•'i'''''' • s....,.. ' . • • E 4.., '. .• STATE cFscaer llx:iA,. i•, 7: )...... ._ ' UM "•--Y":°" UZI'', • • •• 1.,,.....--- ---,.” •••,-.,-., •"'...';'2;1:1,-.!"; : ..;,....;, 4"hii" 7th do .. --Yek.:.......-....,:‘. 3. .c7"::....::::::;...,!..., 0 . nty,of,Los Aese1oe, )ss., ••,i.....,,,.,. :.1945 Tbefoie .4,e, 4otar37;:. •-4,04.,:i-:--,, ..-.,--i..-;.;-.3 . . ,.- .; ;::: ' -• ' '...:::,.)----;:h..;:.:,---n,---=!--w,:_, ,., It--r-v:e---: A-1 •,..4 ,_ • ..Q., ' 'vdt-'• ' . ,47:1‘16.,-;.4,,..rs...--.14' ,..1q..1..;0.71..,..-..,— , 1,,.. ..- ,,,,,x,t;. s• ,..t.• ....;.40 ,.......,...., .„-_,..e.1........,,.#--..:,,--:":.-...3.=-4:;-• ",`.4-, ---7,---if, e;--x.- fi • ...• .'".6.,,,,,..vi -',...•,,,,,7_,....1::..,_....,..2.,....V.iller,,,..,,i'553r.....,i. ":.'...-;.: .' C.. .L.."...".2-t...:-..31.1).2.. . 0e, . '...4, , Z:•'.4 .-6,7;',-;...4t. :••...'"'"".4...4..... ,-.4 ,.. 4 ,-. , , II. I' A., ..,..... - ..:It....,',...• ,..7. — -....„1"11373,- 7E1- 7,12, t. • cl5 Sr: Cezpered: Con.ist B. Jaanson;Cocperer.I. Sunetedt 4i 9' iv►iall;?),IN IClir ET AL ' :. ) • .� , . In Lonsideratlorl of 410.0C, recei-,t of wb_ch is hereby ae na+'Zedeed, ?Wit. F. • OCPL t and VE.Fluita R. BL A.,ITU , husband and wife, do hereby remise, relea e and forever itclaim Its ihLr1 'U.INNICR and R iNkt. 1!11:i ICI-, husband and wire, as join tenents, the el Aron}rty in the County of Riverside, State oft.alifornia, described ass _ . }, . L i •{' Parcel 1. The Nest half of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter. '�t • Y%tSection.9 Township-6 South, Fenge 7 last, San Bernardino Base and #.e idlan. • '../ , - :a Parcel 2. The Last half of the' Soiith 331.5 feet.of .the Southea t quarter of ;1 t eSoutheast quarter of LiectIon j, Towrship C Eauth, he 7 Last, Sa errardino se �'.. ,: d erid - inn.- _4: . Gated this 27tb day of June, 1947. , . � Paul '•t'. Blocher •Verona E. I . H�.CCZZ�! 1,: STAR ,OF CAL1F.,RNIA,) . ;. . ' Ctjunty cf Orange. -) ss.. I ' ''� ' Onthis ICth day:of Jul 1S47,before rye John Lutz jr. a Notary'i'ubitc. in . , ani for., said. County and State, personally appeared "Verona h. Blocher, known: to -me to be I. re . ' ',Abe'. irson described in end whose mare' is subscribed to the within' lnatrumentt and nckno}a- Jacks ad ' Com parer: J. Goad. • _i'-; ].edged, that She7exec'uted the same. , _ • WITNESS' my hand and . •official seal the day and year i� .this certificate T. rs t' • , ebote 't writta .' _•F John Lutz Jr. , - , I - Notary Public in and for. • said County and -State. • ,� .,County . ,', - , spoeere -Paul P. Blocher,, known to _ MO' to'. be the pc rson whose 1nams bs aubaciibad : to the J ''vitni _l etrusaent 1;0 duly acknowledged to me that he executed. the' same - ' -"' 1+ M1 H. .' WITNi y bend and official seal. ` • -I; i On tabs- tltb day of July, 191?, before me, l:arie L...%hnsora,: a -Notary Rubric lnrink State; residing therein,,duly- cokmisaioned and sworn, Iliersona 4 Marie L.'Jo ,nsoa . ',.I • aotery Public $a and• fa tNoThhlaL S£ALY said County a .Star e.1 Ccfr ;salon F4rpires Inge: 12, 1950. , ' _ , ►.; I. 1 { Bee iced for reco ... luG 11, 1947, et 30,Min, past 9 orplcic ff1272. of Se ter Lit.I..m dt Ctee.. CO;; Copied in Book:No. 81+2 of Offi.� 511+ cords-of-Bivergide ty, California. �_ �. , - t; f:: Fees : $I.I� .:. + i s ' I Jack At. Ross,. �ixr • - ` Comparert ;.3'. Gdad *Quo i • I it. ; A fttkL: fl 1GFi; • EI AL ) . .4 ) �• -. *'ka : 11 0.,• 'YSu , LT AL ) : :.In Consideration of Teri ant! no/1CC Dollars RA H 1`.INNlCH and h0WEJ k i-.1NNICi', j usl5ars !• ni wife, Do Ilex'eby Grant to W.40. TYSON and CYhTP:ll. ANN TYSGr., hushard aril • •'a I g:- 16TIA,S'?omit Tenants all that heal Property situate in the County of Riverside, Stare • i 1. .: . r talirornia;-described as. follows: - ' .o • ,The''lest halt of the Northwest quarter of the Northwestvuarter of section i To tp . 6 South, hanfe 7 East, S-n Bernardino Base and. neridian.. _ t..• , • E.XCEPTIT:G therefrom that portion as conveyed to 'the United States of America. Ttc deed,. i'or canal purposes. t;' .• 1 ALSO I.ACEPTIISG therefrtm that portior. thereof conveyed to the Co=snty of hiver ide r by Deed frog 4-. •i.. Williams and i.arparet 1: . 3 .11 isms dated Nave. ber 24, 193O, '., ` ` k3nd recorded December 1930, in Book 867 page 7 of DeeJs In the rice of the tourty rI: ` '1 uecorder of the County of hiVeraide, Stateof California. 1,4 , '. t - W1TNE5S our hands this 27th u ay of June, 15/47. •t i i..- haler 11;nrich - , , ,U.S.I.B..S$) .t4O Cancelled. howe,na. Minnich • !fr.. ;1 Cooney of Rivers ide. -) .. ss. 3' i •OAS this, 7thii day otf July, 1947, before :ace, Haire L. J'ohnson, a Notary Public in "end for said County and State, personally .:neared kainh Pinnich and lschiens Ninnich,. fiLniliwn to ire. to be the persons described in errs Whose names are subscribed to the with-} .1 tkistratent, end.' ar',tnowledged thatthey executed the same. - WITNESS my hand.andofficial seal the day srd 'ear ir* this .certificate first f E' Com.-issi.cxr EInires Aug. 12, •1750. i * 1,' f { Beceivett for record AUG 11, l :i+7, at 30 Mr. peat G o'clock .:. !' .' at request; : o iecu ity T%,tle Ins. dd Gtee. Co.. Copied in Book No. el+2 ofj Ofrielal, li cords,. page 01273 Marie L. Johnson Notary Public in and for said County and State.. !-' , In Cor sideration, or TEN end G'Q/1Co Dollars,' WILL. WILL-1 4,S,tand. his lfer Do1..by Grant terGEORGEEEMEL and (OftQNAFEIDEL,. bisfir.vlfe _ 'el' hat Beal. property actuate In the County of iiverside', State ;ofd ' IC 'i es f lla�usr .-, 1 1s."4-' f ' • la SierraGardens, Lot IC : in. Btock 30' , f ss Ishc t Say meet vrt,tfii J Page 12 to' 50�xtaclusitre of r,aps,'iiiverside County Records,. ; -: : ': Recorded and Compared: JACK A. 1o3S, County`,F.e crd,:r 1••11:11.\I111, 1111.11111:,11: Grant !rrlrlrrrrlrirlrrrrrr r rr rrrrlrrrlrrrrrlririr�rrrrrrr � rilir! iirlr � %rri� • • •atL"�uL £>K alNotemLe is end fas nld Connef•aed Statrpee�. �' Wxs'cvht� d�tr �jti a tnS� `ncix r • `'��++� -aGliritiii'a:,Ann'i2�:son..:>�^,�k�x�,�.. VsAv .`'0xc vAl:-1M10.54%-fik.5'TY�`` ' !h>S -n w " T =y'�q tn=4."µT�i*1nF-'QY-,`''•`�S y„ t'4.'" a 'CIaS"'n o`- y to .jo be the yeas wlm'.e 1a '1' '"septiti 7ntidu bist u end ae rledsed eLat� 'k3, .Lr P �.'s.,ci,..�,z'•Iy' �v+1.r �.*'r+,c.. L® I ,� itE00HDEDP PI8.58 . TH1$ IN$C&UIHII�i' OrA . J...LIa rY Gub a4,Lst" -•c K 1 Sa- i4r 1 ,i:�}--a c 3�gi r,,�u '^ 4 1 �S i' 7- 2.t i ei �'t '� P� bi ,.�i ari f��awPue2i� g�au�--� Katme�9rosr < -.� �.. 1.,; ,.�r -..4b. .,0v,A, w..!A'N..41r ac,5tv=t4, tir45 266�erletf,Noor Ave. '« �ndi- CiitiSoxnia>n /' Ti• S�imal�al•1��,!?'° _ 9 1 e....- � ib. �+.._ry y �y- as.S..•'�Ct�,. >t Al Rotairsal Art. 1931s ,....ga.i*• -. .._may.. -+-•480.• A. D. P11421. Cannily, Clark. Dy Lida Pulsar. Deputy Clerk. ,II tl State of California. 1 (as County of Itiverwido. ' Clerkof thsSuperior Court of Geld • 10. E 18 I. A.D. Pilch. County Clerk -and ez-officio' County. hereby certify th.• foregoing to b• a, fell.' true end correct copy Of ttio to asdoi coder and ento:od on the E9th day of Ootober. 1918. in book 39 of Superior Court Minutes, at .page E16. In the natter of ffia teetotal of Ala Stawy dmooseed ID WITS1133 6858707. I Pave hereunto Get my band affi affixed aq offlotal seal this 19th day of October. A.B. 1918. (S—'RICR ,:our? int.) A. D. Pilch.' Cleric. Dy Lytle Palmer. Deputy. Received for record Oct. 29. 191f , et 4 o'clock P. Y.'at requost of Attoraay. Copied in Doak 7o. 492 of Deeds, p (;e S`D at seq..r.eord. of Riveretde County. California. Pees 11.20' somas. PACIPIC LAID CO. 1 (Deed De. 801-1.- Issued for Contract Do. 446-B. TO 1 ( • Dated September 4. 1911. CRAB. 8. _____ 1 • f) 7O17793RH PACIFI+C �.,APD COOTAFT..a corporation duly moorporated and astatine under. ' tie• laws of thel0=Leto Of Cslifornis. firer panty; unto C2AB. G. RIEDER. °000nd j •7arV. i WIT213324P': That first party. for and, in consideration of sight hnndrod end I I. S. Logan. E000rder By J. B. Covey. Deputy Recorder. 11 • p • TOIS DSO, Pad. on October 9. 1918. by i -•- 1 00/100 (800.0011dollars. receipt whereof 1s aaknoeledgsd. hereby grants and conveys ' 4P unto seeond parey..bis heirs -and assigns. the following described land °Stunted in the County of Rivera1.1C ftate of Californin, to -wit: II ''i'.sesthoa,t gmart+r of north/east quartos (1.1.1/4 of 7.1.1/4) of section nine (9)'toaltihip ciu (6) south, range seven (7) east. San Bernardino Base and Soridien, ooa4oiaing f8rt3 and•00/100 (40.001 sores, according to to Onitod Stotec Public 8usvey®=.togoth®s with all rights. privil®gos and appartoaances thoreanto belonging. for ti.eppgartno szpaataioing; cmbject..hoaerver. to sayright.. lions or oncambrsnees • •.rued era pess$ttod by any others person tuna the osid first party, since Saps®Der 4. 191.. lino ant 'oat to the condition that a strip of lend twenty (EO1 feet rid.o •'alas,$ osFQ arm the Swat sido•of the, shorn doerribed • enlace :.>, awed by the pub foe eesse. tea f•sre0oirs cone se 'a,.right of say.of lanai width for any be apha.B.11-Aanad7 gods heratofo s- I.carinlly ootabllahT and non in public moo open T. . d ta® ands% int. a• = 339 I ih IT'', f tt:9t3+ tvilliIttf t' m1 flow-TitIv t•. • p Preened. bowerar.tlsat first par la not. and seal: never be bold. liable for any cfaanainuant1or taxation of the said /and. looted or imputed for to floral year bogie8siise Jaly�l. 1913. sad s11 oaboogaest yearn; ®or f r say fella o to pay the omo. IH 871143188 1911 33(y. 48e mid Soutther0 Pact fie lead Compaq ben owned Its same and corporate esal to be baroento sabceribod and affixed•by ito Tiao President. and. Seerotary. oa the date borate first written. !.turn Pact fie Lana Cogaq. (07320118111 SDAL) Dy thn. Y. Dorris, Ito rico President • Dy 8. L. King. Its Seeretarl. � 1 Countersigned:.'D. A.,6b.13aater, Land Coesaissioner., Cauntertd d: C. P. Llneola for Auditor. Aypraioal Do. 11. Chheotod by C. L. ,Ft. D. r. I. I. State of California. City and ,as County of Sen Prasoi000. ti Oa October 18th. 1918, bofcro ca. 3. D. Dyan; 1. a 9otary Public la and for the City and County of Sae Francisco. State of Califcrnla, personally appeared Co. P..Serriw o. knon to co to be the Tioo President and 0. L. Ile,. knoos •tojiao to be the Sooretery, of tho Carperat!ca'that executed the fore- . going Iootraaent, and kno a to es to be the parsons who executed the acid loetro-est on behalf of the aorporatloa tbsrein weed, andeach .sekno®ladged•to we that such incorporation assented the sans. • ID 0ITHBSS rM2801, I bane lierow.to affixed' q .I -nature and seal of offie,. a- ay office 10 the ea d• City end County of San Francisco, state o: California. • on the day above written. - 1 1 D. D. D'a yan. Notary Public lnad for the (BCTADIALiSKI!.)• .City and County of San ?ruraisee . State of California. I � Datored la rsoord of 8eodo 9. L. H. 10/9/18 Datered on near,' .eard CL? 10/11/18.. 1k 11 Deceived far record Soo. 1. 1918. at 10 Ilia. past 11 o'clock A.D. at request Anorisan Dank. Copied is Pooh Do.' 408 of Decide. pogo ;i89 et seq. rocordloy 04 ftivorsddo County. California.' 1V Imes @1.00 = 4 I. 8. Logan. Poe order. ay a. P. Coves. ty Recorder. . CHA I. 0 . unit A! AL 1 t PO � � f J. C. nIL801 • 1 October. A.D:1I.9LD. be'eoa CUB. e. RIMER .and CORA D. RUM. hug wed aid wits, 1 of 'Spokane. iliashiserten. portion' et the ft rat part. one .J. C. 1IL801 o f Milan; Idahe. party of the pooid part. v711ffiY3s Thai the weld parties of the first pert; for and is eonaldoratloo of the owe cif ono theanued flew )aaedriA and eo/1.10 ($1800) dollars, to thou In ban paid by the Dail hearty of the wooed part._ the reoaipt whereof is hereby sesnoelsdeed do Doroby,g'r r t. bargain. call •and oeervay, unto tie said party of the 000eed part, • his Noire ardi oestrus forever, all that tract or 'areal of lead. 1y:r; and belay in the County of Riverside, and 2tete of CS. • ferule. 'eel 4eeerl)ed no frllesrs. to -wit; The northoeot q rtor•(H_B.1/4) of the oortDneot quarter (1.2.1/4) of section • ono (9), township et: (6) soutD re j n�go eevon f'1 � sot.•of'the San sermrdfoo iiortdian, containing forty (40) scree, more or loos, ccecrding to povernnent Caney, subject to all 000ditlons, reservations and provisos to contained in the touthere Pool tie Lead !f'Conrpeay contract and .400d ,nd Sob•eet also to the conditions That a strip of lard twenty (20) feet wide olonr'aod unoa the oast side of tut •Dove do- ib ecribod pr®lses may bo used:by two public) for a'. pea, road purposes. FO 8A21'IAl1D I'0 FOLD the awestogether e:th a.1 the bereditoneota and appar- ' toaaneoo the manta be loos 1 ne. or 1a aoyvribe appwrite Islop. to the said pares of the second part. Iels heirs e^d easip^s forever. And the said Chat. C. pe••der and Cora 19t Reeder? hawe....V...m-... fen -._...-e of - - papa -. or heir he • I .ozoostcrs and adednistratare. do covenant.a!tD the said party it tbo':.ccord port, 11 Die helve and eoo:pus, that trey aro well aoised in fee of the lands i.id prebdees • sfltreesid. and have good rigPt to sell and Garrey' the caste in oaaner cc& for afore • said, that. tie came aro free free all encoabrac000, except suoh lions or eeoarobrenc.e I as nay Piave loan nads or suffered 'by the maid party of The second par: !roe and aster' taia' date and s:oaen% taros and seeaseneots for.tfo,yeer 1913 and enhe.gent years.. And tlsc4abo,e Darpainmd and granted lands and prealsea, 1n the q: let and pee.oe- able poaaoeacion of the said party of the secon! part. Dia heirs and oral pea. against el: pwreens ;lawfully oleisinp, •or to eloia the ehgla' or say part...thertof, the se.f:d parties of the 'first part w •Y' 1$ 7239r1ai e1ffit3Ct. no sold peruse of the tarot part have hereunto sat their Dsnd a eetm as the day and year tiro* above written. 81;�da pooled Dad delivered In 1 . Chan. O. &Ader preoaaso et wry 0. Brain peatete od 1Parhieytea ,) ass.es'v %4rir et �altsae (es I. Uzi O. RSvia. a Rotary Paine la and for `t State of 8aa11n8'tcn. do hereby certify that of tlt1A 18ta day of 8eptaniaere A.D. "a 1811F'. o pan emmally appeared before ne. Chas. 0. feeler and Core D. feeder. husband :,: cell ) i Te itr9 as-lroanze to be. the individuals doeortbo9'!a and who oaroon:ed the within t. s ����Q �� �psy,.001£i oeftaaviod aA!, that they �:a aleasecooled the cane an their tree and :. ta d���Jffits �e•ead purposes t8einaiii �vstiesseA:�;. 4•' 17..). . �S '..; .p " .. - _r r k� Core D. Reader 9 Lig I Yit18 I81 1tt71R8. Aside tble eis<&aesth day of. (tool) YSeo1) . y' �m'�'.:•,. ''Spa•': •Ya...7 ."��',"�..`.g;�^.K;,St`�.:.?u:"�r?f'�"�sort •+�.. mow. �'c. is °'y=. _ :.�iiJ4-3'tf�i�eti:st .;ins:.r�. `'9:,. -;..•$ .�:;;�e.� .sw.�a�.�'-3>ic . ; "�.. %�i i:a�r�"•.s�'E�'�Y?�o;� I.R.B. $1.50 Cancelled.. • e, t$ t t t i f• lf. 1 1 i s i e 1 1 I t,t t i t t t l t v 14 II 1 0TVI18 ander q had and official goal tbia t.ta ay of 3eeteabar, A.D. 1911. Nary 0. Itel.a. Rotary 'ablia. QNALT-v•••,..-rt►°ma>.""� " • 8aatlie s et tpo8ans." isste 8000ived for record Nov. 1. 1913. at 10 sin. past 11 e'rloek 1.11. of ropuest of Pent. Copied „in Book Bo. 492 of Dowers. pa go 341 it sea. r000ree of aiv wide County. vs�-R�,=„:::Q:�+::��°se-�{[�?-,:�?fit= ��=.:a.�-• Ot'IOO TI 11 1B83 ACT CO. :I • ' I..3. to oa, Recorder, By J. 9. Covey. Deputy Records-. ..w oaao.eoea TO T. :an FISH MIS :6D8➢"V9S. Tads thi 11th ay of October, is the year of our rd ono thousand nine hundred eigb loon, bet.. so O11IC11 ?ITI.a i a.-sig1CT CCIiQ/'T. a o•- oration, carp :f t!s first part, end R. J498T PISS, party of the 0000nd port. • s'TBIt383ff: That for =-•d it oossldoratioo ra the wa .f ton and no/100 ($10.00) � I dollars, to hand poll try the d party of the atoerd part, the receipt .hare' is hereby notnaolodsod, the said ty of the fire- pert do,e by the,. preaoote grant. bargain. ae.l, convoy and soofirn ar.:o tea said party rf the second part srd to her heirs and assigns forever, all that .-ertaln lot or pare,1 of land situate, in t►s City of 81vervide. Cnnnty of Bivaroid State of Ca:1f)rnis, and hoarded and per- 1� tlealarly doaoribet as follows. to-rit:•j Lot Semi (21 in block throe 13) of Co • se Prost'. Satdlvlaloa of Blocks Two (c) and Tiaec (3). Range Teelva 1121. City of BS staid,. as ohms by asp on file in V. of Plow of the Catnty Recorder of the Casty o 3(v ervlde. S :ate of California.. in book 8 of Slaps, at ran 1v0 thereof. • TOttalff182 with all end singular. the tasoaeata heredltenant's ad oppertaoanese — thereanto belonging. or is anyoioe appertaining. and t.hs reversio, and reversions, rsaaimdor ant ranaistan. tenth. issues oat profits th- lof.• ;I TO I19a AIID TO BOLD ell and singular the acid resat - . a together with the ap- - partaenoeo onto thy said party of the Gotland part and to r hots and assigns forever. 0. IN e1113e3 trEgazer. The said party of the first part •. - hereunto caused its cora ponds mess Ito be oabeoribed and its earporate seal to be off t by its propos officers therounto duly anthortsod by resolution of its Board of rooters. ' II " 0 • (CCdi'PO!LT3 sm) Pi freak 3. Nosh. Pro aidaat. : z ` cam. ` dttoot: 9. 3. Wells. Secretary. State of California. ) ' ':t- :'rG '.. (es Cow* of 1livenratde. •i.. On this lit% lay .of October. is ttte rftaugantl alga tneffired Goa ei itooa, before mo. tarry S. Casztley, a awry Pa • :LS•:.?.ri`: HI:Wtti9e;' yoreesally appeared Prank D. Trot%. tocwa toms:ta " r?..: , are@•i►.•iu tbal to an to be -the 83eratasy of the ocardsaUarv' . - :�. l.�,�,,,:f"� C013MAVATEI DIS:PlICT A abbe Ageney of tba State of Cntdomu; organized • ttteUne vt ,u,O lhox.eertain acts of tine I viva tt ui .aid slat!, ami etca the noun Q'ater Dutnu Act d amens; ea�eria a oachella io Merger Act ti Ames k iftaiV4by Crant to I aS` Yf Y .fr .1'sc> <......lOI1t1 u� aAtatL `M..f.i.iLS+r. YYs��. f e,e i i of �tate'uI ceLrDmea, aacnbea �; ai9), ectie Lin {Zatstii t ai Y-ta on, 9 Tpins lcS sea ontainin .08:21 acres more orcle te. ;' r ig, .:x . '?ffa 'tt '�DDCUD[.rellr 'DDCYYe.reAr E DDLYDeleAYl Dueese.rean t 'D[eViV Why"— - •� aH-n+ �Fta2e, ^eSvLrt ^ 2sI WtgAV%t* S4g' i # $s AZif,7: -S,5.:AMMTAMMi� Cr4n.1 tnt6in netrumenrmdrfnow,a Recorded and Compared: JACK A. ROSS, COUNTY RECORDER, by4 us tt h •"-' � „s N hcgs , s. � cs.Tt , RPORR TION OF AMEFU <a QI fo is c iOPPw i'T4A11. rustor,�to�be �cerpreted as?�Truscoes �wfiaeoontac Kq;�i � v H � --,.� grfw °` ,vu TRUSTEE and H71NK OFSAMERICA�NATIONAL TRUST AND SAVI'1GS AS�O WffCN�?a$naaonal ....�.r'n�. w • to . 9 .b � r�• - 93 0 /2- • tt •.CDAl�aftuiitaQJ -•• • •'i •r - - r !i'r Oie 1 pia fu . AOrT 111•T11i DQIOLe'• iris •mpiminili maim :r I Or L I / Ow Nam t O a= `o as Si Cry UM" Trr K mill id rf fr rr :Lima limb ar mast dose Ammer Kati MY lit r Sr 0m l i_My Or tCilliYrl►-!r!�rrri s �' nC e96 7FIXt:S0QS 11rn 1123.4•64SQ fantiiT 07 iD aoau ir Ca • CCS:i'f'330 BT =1;92LST•70I.6a, f+ : + " r-. • • u i t c 7 ,11 v "rari �:aa tAi - - Ciao. � r r .` tt. :ais:a. tai. d.ri a i f ftii aw �. alr a+a.+.>r �. �. ... htry :_ 'am`. ____I:.`T11La • • _ - _--S "c_.;'.�- • . _ 4 4 This DBBD, made a,+ril 25, 1949', by SOCTEER= P:.CIPIC.I.Ade CO.PA.NT, a Corporation of the State of California, first party, unto NTfl.81I B. tOR0AS, second party, EIVHESSBTBs,"That first party, for and in consideration of Tea and 00/100 (10.00) Dollars, receipt whereof is acknoelodged,. - does hereby grant, bargain, aell and Convey Unto second party,' • her heirs and &saigne, the following described land situated 17, the County. of riverside,' State of California,. to wits South Half of Northeast Quarter'((6 fNE*), South- . east•Quarter of Northwest Quarter (Sfi#ot t) and North Ralf of Southeast_ Quarter (N*ofs }) of Section Hine (9), T; Southeast Quarter of Southeast Quart.`; (SB4of8V9 and tly� Southwest Quarter' of Southeast' Quarter (XS-faSE) of Section-twenty.one (21), Township 81z (6) South, Range Seven (7) East San Bernardino Base and Meridian, contain. ing.Two Hundred Eighty and 00/100 (280.00) acres, more or z ' less.. Together with all rights, 'privileges and.'appurtonanees there- unto belonging or in any wise appertaining., RBSERVIRO a right of way for private road upon'and along the east Twenty :id 00/100 (20.00)•feet,of 8outheaet Quartet of 'Northwest Oar - tar (88gofll4)-and the west Twenty and 00/100120100) feet of South Ralf of.Northeast Quarter (Siof874) end:aorth Sa13 oc f Southeast Quarter Mersa%) of .said 8eetloa 9ia49). for' fh•,benefit, of and -appurtenant to Horthvost'Quarter of Qoibleast_Qw*rEer.(H*ofH83), •c. c' • Northeast Quarter of Northwest Quarter (Rllgof s*), Seat Ralf of .i9 Southeast Quarter'(B}otSH})'and Southeast Quarter of Southeast Quar•. ter (SelofSS*)'of said SectioaSine (9); Also, a right of way for e3 private road upca and along the east Twenty and 00/100 (20.00) ' feet of Southeast Quarter of Southwest Quarter (SH}ofS8t) and the li 1 • Ir. 11 Ij 'vest Twenty and 00/100 (20.00) feet of ;oathwost Quarter. of South- east Quarter (S*{ofSNi) of said Section Teenty.one (21) for the. .u__... .,. ._ _ .._._ . •_ v .... .• anhthvest Quarter'' Boat Twenty. and 00/100 (20.00) feet of :outhvest Quarter of Bout/b- oast Quarter (8*ofS24) of said Section Yuentyaone (21) for the • benefit of and appurtenantto Northeast Quarter of Soatheost 8oarter (N@*ofSg) and gortheost Quarter of Bouthaast'Quarter (NNtof8Ei) of. said Section reenty-one (21), and for use by: the public in the event:. ::said rights of. nay are dedicated to the public use by first pasty, '7:- i its successors or assigns.' •; x SUBJECT,'bouever,. to any and all °aseaento sad rights of Sal and to existing tax and'aesossaent stew. IN wITNESS THERIXOY, first party has caused its Mee to be hereunto subooribed•by its officer, thoreunto duly.eutbolised, its wa._^ate seal to be hereunto' affixed and attested by its Secretary6r Assistant secretary on tan day and year first herein 'i'ETATE aOT CALTOQMIA 1,a.. cysed:rsds..I •_ .irk 1SAJ ',./ �7 mps oar mamas lte�m4d ad Aws Nlae i syn.. YrZOR 4 e ma heftA. C C......7411. A.n.o d a s aim ANT 0. HILLBBAAN) and CSAS. E. HAU S. IA., aoe'd a se edq d as sasyssaWan @sos a..d . ... iJs 6K 4'c4M oaf 40:+d elt;W rd sp.w*. ary.d Geary "oak", Cseiad hair+ as#,Asekesa ees: 1 - MST Pet-Petds !s awl M W Gt,.ai Can* d km /wcLy�em d fa�a ah 1E4",5=4 ..s,010.1na •Y , 4 v.�.'•E V r Pw ys v' .•r • JW� .a.`�' ' �:tdeGss' .P.r. a 1z'`'�,:i-'. s'�L,,r Defendant Ji'DCME.\T CBEDITOQ 7n-1.LRl-.4..4439-Lji:o.:11.t....2'a:�eU.:_l:C_.. r ��::_••t:c1 JUI):MF»\TDEBTOA•'�ul.l 1,1 AMOUNT OF JLDCME.\1 $ ... .. ENTERED UNDER DATE OF -aj.:lit-S4)4..� - 1949 IN THE DOCKET OP THE.COu@T: 1 certify that the foregolag b a,trua and eoe-ecl abstract of (he'JudgTent enured In the alwee -.rntltledcetM. : - . • Yee of 81.00 W d fer this Ab:tran Daly ef.buuaace el this. andrart �'nin•wazry-5sr- -�erc .. • 11r`"y3 Sir f'?c?�.r. The petition of H. A. Greene, et el, for pub11A highnalre Sn the;5th Road Dtetriot, haring: been preaented to the Board aid 1t app ,red to'the Board that there are ao'noa°oonsestlslg land owners. IIt.le.ordored.thet the petition be granted and the 0o4Mty Surveyor, le hereby instructed to plat the;; following described lapel as pib fo Itghweye of thlo County to wltt .4 IrBeginning athe Railroad in the town of Indio at a point o the west ?ins of 4eotlon 24, T .,5 $.. S. 7 E., S. B.-M.1 Thenoe south to the northwest corner of Seatlon 25 ilase township and tame; ':hence cast to the right of way of the S.P.3.8..t Thence • southeast.perallel with the R..R.'to Walters over Sections 25, )0, 32 In 7. 5 S.,, 9. 7 E., and Seotionsl 5; 8, 9, 16, 15, "22, t,SI.36 In T. 6 S., 71'..9 F., and SectIona 1, T. 7 3., end Sectlors 0, 7, 8', 17 In S. 7 3., H. ,% T., 5. Aisojll . aeotion 1in"s In 7.c S.,, :. 7 E., and T. 5 S., H. ..., Lind T. 6 S 9 7:! and a . 6. S., °: i'., e.nC' 7 "�S . '. 7 1. , and 7.,7S. f. 9 F. :MO 7 S., B. 9 E., .and T. 3 S., 3. 8 F'., and T. 2 S.. R. 9 E , ,S. F.• ... .A11 the nhofe.descrlbed Roads to• br c•) f. In Jldth!i' PSIS MD. Bade on .October 9, 1918, by �'?�HffiiB,PACIFIC'LAIFD c'etraHT, a oerporstlon duly laoorperatsd and existing ander the laws of %be State of California. first party, ante CBAS. 0. BSEDOB. oeoond Da:ty. wITSSsS9? : ;hat first party, for and in ooaoidoretion of eight. hundred end 00/100 (800.00) dollars. r000ipt whereof la acknowledged, hereby greats and conveys. i unto second party; bin heirs end assigns. the followingdescribed land oltnated In :he County" of Biv roide. itoto•of California; to-witt Northeast starter of aorIeeet quarter (11.3.1/4 of 0.8.1/4) of aoetion'nine. (9` toeuaeip six 1(6) scuts. range Gev00 (7) east. San Bernardino Baao and Meridian. ._ntainlag fort; a 00/100 (40.001 acres. a000rdingto the United States Publie ?uswgye; together with all rights, privileged and appurtenances tharennto belonging. or in mrada° appertaining; subject, hocever, to any rights, liens or encumbrances tl rat or 962112,rea by any other person .thaw the ms& Wei' perity.- sine aeptonbor 1.91a. glee agbjeot.tu the acaditioa that a strip land twenty(80) feet side ,aorta sea tztera that let ®ale of the above bsoribodlpataieee may be a®odd, by the pea tzrezitim yo"asifat 8a�. a 0msetefor®laritilleR�llatice' 04 1 width 'foil say'. eat is 1.10 son Prori od . •II sur geeont or taxation of the said land, lolled or ispoaed for the fisenl year begiffiingI7aly 1, 1913, ens all.snbsetuent years; nor for any failure'to pay tte Game. IS gropes q1111113CP, ?be said Southern Poolfta land Coapauy bee caused its name and corporate seal to be serecuto enbseribod asd affixed by its. vioo President and - `Seeretary', on the date herein first written'' ._ a outbern'Pacific Lend'Coapany-. o :by 3m.;',P, Herrin,`Ite Vioe Pree:dcnt' ( WL1,0F, � . Ss1L) 'Tr C. L. sir, ',orates;. bowcrfer,tamt first party is net. ,and shall weer be bell, liable for Li • • Provided. hamermar.that first party, is not, and shall newer Do held. liable for any Beessent et taxation of the said Wel. levied or Imposed for the flees' year beginning July 1. 1913. irrd ell subsequent years; nor for any falluna to pay Um mama Is 27?81238 WHIB3CP. The maid Southern Parrifts land Company has caused its sass aid corporate seal to be hares:Me subs/a/sited and affixed by its Vine Preisleant sal S.oretery. on the date herein first written. Southern Pacific LandCompany. (CORPOSATB suk) By Va. R. Herrin, Its Vice President By O• L. fine. Its Secrete?!. Counteraigned: B. A. Noillaster, Land Commissioner. 1, Ccruntersiges2:,:C. P. Lincoln 'for Auditor. Appraisal no. u. Checked by 0. L. R. R. if. N. f; . • , • State of California. City and (SO Coanty of Small /ranee/43o. On Ootobar.,18tb. 1918. befcre n., B. B. Ryan a Rotel, Public/ in and or the City and County of San Franolsoo. State of California. personally appeared no. P. Berrie. known to me to De the 'toe President and 0. L.. known to me to be the Secretary. of the Corporation that executed the for. - pine instroment. aod kno n to am to be the persona who executed the said instru-ent 4on behalf of the oorporation therein named. and each aohncraledgad to me that such corporation executed the none. IN WIT8BS3 IIMBBOY. I have berretwto affixed my siosature and Baal of offio•, st office in the said City and County of San Pranalsoo. State of California. /. 3. B. klan. Notary Public/ in and for the City and County of San Prar.olsoo. State of California. 11 on the day above written. 4 fROTABIAL SEAL) iL Brit./rod in record tered on reoori of deeds G.A.. R. 10/9/18 r it card l0/11/18. . ri ,r7 Bewared for rector& Bow. 1. 1918. at 10 min. past 11 o'clock A.Y. at request of Scandinavian Ameriesn Bank. Copied team* Be. 492 of Deeds. P8410 reaorde of Riverside Oannty. California. Vass 21.00 1. 15. Logan. Raaordar. 41 By J. H. envoi. Reputy ReaarBer. , • :529 at seq. • r .ln.lU 0 •• Q • 1'tf s' r } • F1• ..rantee.:opid _ Y 2,;" *• hn 0- - giNgiftantib MOM ' DEpp' .10.00, ..i.._3L....n .a-i orni EggitteYattOSIEr'v as: ant 10,. of so r - - - 1.2f IIisr! ' c .; att:ery, Bois .1,F.icse1i ems' BbsMi S1b .0 tefore =e 9 E' , 'per.ore;ly I{ 7=e W7 -C ego tissoptoom rimv ;pa Eeetsc4ncwiedged wit e.tecuted X1209=3,;� official a :d •.ja ,g�keima pnpp et.5 in 43ao.610 [g 4ffioiel =e"11 . .o sty, a-ifor ie.` �e n :.,ri:se.ia satscrited. r Greea...otery?ut 1c ram''" ;1.G0` Co..pared:. Copyist o e t , ` •'+ 0 (•10.00) ;sS;k fir• iridw1+ i Zorot^ County commission a.3osa. a P } PAGIFICRL.1D GEORGE corporation cni:CL:OE. CA. TI`:I::3, dT, L2 /EIS DAD. the to ;olle:s, convey ted•ia Base e::d tocetter CWPA t •.f! re10 e '(] California. first Gree ,e Aria yrt1e Kinsella, itEWORa es e33 toRtin441 past page December De second second assigns t.,414toanty of parties. c uortbeast ?oa,cship, wiz 'eridian.containiap North pane cega twenty SUcJ .C: half 19�. appertaining. 1201 sVab pert bs, firsiharty.for atd in coo whereof ft ac::n ledged,does tsnea"'� cy.and survivor. forever. �.. 3lvereid' e` CBto of Ca;.iforn (iiiartEt) South,necLe Serve /10ot o 0 appurtenances V• „ w3. 0- eco ds of for held KZ' }aah` , iy ..t t O.. -- l _ regaest x O �Y. o 0 a 4 _ { r,•' • 1 .43 1 .-. Unto privil Y.eservint, joint i pala? • t e ail easements a• t GEOlGE survivor CCS?i::Y, a:^J end grent,bergain,sell- thea,end following described e,to-wit: • d a' for rim a feat Acres, thereunto cg No:ery'Futife CA.?BIN of'Ten telonging upon c7] in. upon or 00/100 0 su o -0 e H is f,{ 1}I lt •rr a yo 0o A • - • • o . o • „• :3:' „ r • wt as :� tY' c• • r a ka •u . ° torpors .I ...L.. (10.00) T:ZS ].EF..D, ;rode December9, .1oc i,:..:::in�,` of- "al1f�nia,first �•parties. convey :.olle: s, unto we) EGOsatia sicced 113 0 ram' CCL• PA:+'? �• • • t: of the second iticinga second w ereof is Part es,', trom 0 4. a 3'c6 nto an consideration :e,c ac? ,iledged,doesherety' reot,ce:gain,sell to survivor [P tte=.ec3 tenancy,e:.d assigns of such survivcr.f0rever. the County -of ..ortn Lice • toeet••e:wit1 ..ectloa u half (9). o.uos ..eridiaa,coateiniry Ao cfnalzfett appertaining. KSZEPIPCIAB' Mar 19L'1. ai..- s eed :e to:eanto aifixtd first • 0 hip ae(11a5gj0v0/1 0 (80 EMERMIVICEUXXi OZO privileges."jj 3eSe nf<O SLR ,. end al/ easements rtheeet feet of followine CaIforytIeWic w�ii: (:�,}of:=)' ' I «ouih�aecCe seven y+e f e_parteneaces for the fiscal rear asessrents for officer: here' riehts teri -nice +t.17 wt improvements 1 acres, thereunto n.- .�'zc-r, irSt .431 e :i.ere.t:ato anth•rized, and its & _ae02.,34433 ,e§ 4 i11etracd, D.3econ, ,.asistant cancelled ..jam€]'..•,. Yh:s(�3s�p . l: •(o11:►1iR7 $ I ! _ tlii's 30th t.otary y.:Cillet: end, :at:;.anjt c Eras day or and'ior 'maven cor;.oreat�ioD., .{LOS:t ' to ..e cer.ber , ti:e said .it;. 4 described -being Cr* ion nd E2) nezed,end corph_nt corporation,o corporation; Ern CY�Da 033:83- BB ehovg su that corporation es -lrectors; Instrument !Y, office .ar :appraisal person0j it CUM Ws ai designated; d affixed signature iadicat ro co:po ec.norledg4d and -voluntarily WIT:.'EGS :.:t.' EO: , i written. ot2 Way 5i0.1A A1. commission J:anteea: Cot.nty.,6alifornia. :1.00• 1 d . 04• R Cop ed•:l0 end Q c' Compared: six-sOSE::zua. ET AL So. described ..aa ::er:ardico escicatitre telongine or eo::orate 11:3, ::ounty.,peZsooelly 71ce-Preside:. that_ezecute }the witni on ehalf•of t e depo4e ecquQQ instrtadn instrtia signature; of a resolution cos oretio , exe t purposes t alone Youi• Q A' n o 0 editiMialleCadieal ti• - o 0* appeared-Avbsnhfaile :,outhtA 'recif fiend icstrt:cent,end corporation elellaitaD iated t Oita] corporate arB enL ca the ea ,t 11 instrument " �etioa its �oerd-( +td 8] anal (} cutedi the o3 for E hereinu.ent1tned. CID my heed u i myi County.:te year is � certificate 6 �!`Iic . fox the CIt ( County W illanolaco,State GOJ1C0 sworn,did said to said authority bar 18,, �� p o - • 10 c c10 (R[�jf LF iiOSS S:Charles,Comperer • • '.�)114 7PY4 posit pads was seid ce o n u w officer Recorder.' A.Sunatedt. o'clock " aiifornia. detdifla • 0o Q pf said CUD P aT ° Glr _ v riverside 4.31 - 4 a ,a i:....::i 0 h$ • ° J 4 la ° d L3 1�r r a ri . _ r tl f7.a ra P 0 ° 412 n D lr ThIS DEED, aade April 25, 1949', by SCCTEERN PACIFIC:LAND COLPANY•, a.Corporation of the State of California, first:yarty,;• unto HELEN B. MORGAN,.second panty, . WITNBSSETEt That first party, for and in consideration of. Ten and 00/100 (10,00) Dollars, receipt whorsof is acknowledged, does hereby grant, bargain, sell and Convey unto second her heirs and assigns, the following dcseribed•land situated the County of riverside, State of California,;. to wits South Half of Northeast Quarter (SicfEE}), South. east Quarter of Northwest Quarter Ongoing) and North li Half of Southeast Quarter ofS'�)of Section Nine (9)s Southeast Quarter of Scutbwest Quart.- (SN#of$N) Southwest Quarter of Southeast Quarter (S8}ot8 ) of Soction Twenty-one (21), Township Biz (G) South, Range Seven (7) East San Bernardino Base and Meridian, contain.,:. log.Tao Hundred EigLty and 00/100 (280.00) acres, more or:,,; loss: ;• Together with all rights,,, privileges and appurtenances there. • :unto belonging or is any wise appertaining. RESERVING a right of way -for private road upon and along the eas• t Twenty :id 00/100 (20.00) feet, of Southeast Quarter of Northwest:Qua. . ter (SS}ofN@}) and the west Twenty and OC/100•Y20.00) feet of Soutb:<'-.t.< Half of: Northeast, Quarter (S$ofE ) ad:North Bal; of Soutboast , e Quarter (NiofSE1) of said Section Hi�(9) for' na=tttb'benefit of :appurtenant to Northeast Quarter -of NoAtoast..Qouer4er (NB}ofNE}), -vorthoast Quarter of Northwest Quarter MAMBO, East Half of, Southeast Quarter1H4ofSS) and Sout weet.Quarter.of Southeast•Quar-+�,;_. ter (SBiofSSf 'of said Section Sine (9); Also, a right of way for'',;`:••, private road upca and. along the, oast Twenty and 00/100 (20.00) ' feet of Southeast.Quarter of-, Southeast Quarter (SSrofST) and the._. ' vest Twenty and 00/100 (20.00)-feet.of southeast Quarter. of South. east Quarter (SWiofSE) of said Section Twenty. ono (21) for the benefit of and appurtenant to Northeast Quarter of Southwest Quarter vest Twenty and 00/100 (20.00) foot of.loothvest Quarter of Booth. east Quarter (89iofSni) of said Section ieonty.one (21) for the - benefit of and .appurtenant .to:northeast Quarter of Bobtheeot Qu rtore (RItofSRi) and Uorthaost Quarter of Southeast Quarter (wP*OfSni) of • Y said•8ection.Twenty-one (21), and for use by the public in the even said rights of way are dedicated to the public ose by first party, its successors or, assigns.','. SUBJECT, however,to any e all easements &ad,rights o and to'existing tax and'aesossment lions. •rV� In WITNESS UlEBREOP, first party has caused -its oG4Ao to baw� hereunto snbeeribed'by itsofficer, thereunto duly euthorissd,.and its w.f.-rate seal to be hereunto affixed and attestod by ita - Secretary Cr Assistant leoretary on tan day and year first heroin. . above aritton.r;, 'sum or CAurocet. ((a co.dr...0 d S.Itaxia, I - _ Oe a.. 11.th e.. d 1�y ( ,. de jaw Ow ?bawd A +66abaQ od h.p Wino ✓ . MTH W. GEORGE, • "ow, Priam 6and Ar a. co, e./ C«.y n.e 4 7 •►Or•.I :. .. 0.1 Kmiec SO" ROT O. RILLEBRARD and CBAS. 8,' SAGAA,_JR., 6we6ru6w Vice Preafdeat'and Assistant Secretary, respectively, •: 4 W ®p.,a.. Aw.W 6 ea Oel ,aseW b aL+.b 6esae..l ed dr ►.er. y J. Pm...�ei. mend4 a em fee d-•M crysaks O me am/ wile ., r tl...ad amadJ W rr ,a:... .}b 6 U. Crh ..I C...b hm.a..y ea et, ed 6 di! mte O,Je J.e wile.. • �mds • No • ar, P.hac 6 sod lot J, •e W • C. CM,i.! Loeb da.. / d 0.810>� .!. :.F;:. Plaintiff CASE NO. ABSTRACT OF JUDGMENT Defendant Jl'DGME.\'P CREDITOR .....:..::T!.C�.?.d..?tr4A.G.:.C.is0.:7.1.t....41d:�e�l..lnS.a....!.:Cari• _:.Pt ton AMOUNT OF JUDGMENT 8 a..•.eJ'H_.:_._ ENTERED U,YDER DATE OF` Ya:/ Ill;t?le:' ' 1919 IN THE DOCKET-0Y THE COURT. I rertifi that the foregoing l a trite and cor`ert abstract of the lodgment entered la the above entitled case. . - ', Yee of $1.00 paidfur this Ab¢rart -- .11a1e of issuance of this abatrart _ _ • _ _ 2,80 Jac* A.,Roea; Record7,r Hy A. A: Wheat, Deputy. Recorder )tItlNICH and. ROVENAIN !I^H, husband and rife, and PAUL P :aLocitER and VERONA'R. ;BLOCHER husband and.wl'e, :of the County or R1veral3'e, State of Cdllfornla, for and lnconrl1eratton of_the sum of Ft'ty".and 4O/100 Dollars ($50.40), lawful mane �� y :ot the United States to ua: In ,hand oald by THE tP.7ITE1).STA7'ES OF A'•'F.FIt'A; 1'n oursuanco of the orovtatons_of'the.Act of June 17, 190.2',:(32 Stet. :88)', and;.Act' spend atory thereof or supnlementary:or anollcahle thereto, the. reicelnt-whereofIs hereby ack ,n .wledded., do by these present grant and 'convey to THE JUITED STA?ES OF, AHEPICA end "Ate,: assigns, al'_ that real property•eltuate !n R1eeralde•,County,.State of•Calltornla, des •orlbed adfollows:}' f4 o parcel of land legated in Siveraide County, California, In the best half Sorthwest-quartz Uorthweet meter ( ) of Section nine (9),.Townehlp six' (6) South, Aange.eeven (7) East, San Bernardino Merldlan, particularly described as follovr: Beginning at a point on the south line of the Weet half Northwest quarter North- west quarter (Nigli 14) of said Section nine (9), which is North eighty-nine degree,, thirty-nine aibutte0, taro seconds (8=° 39' 00°) Eaet, two hundred and no Hundredths (200.00) ft. from the'southw eat gorner of said subdivision, thence .from the initial point by metes and bounds: ' _ let course: Borth sixty degrees, fifty-s2x minutee,twenty-seven eeconde (60° ' I 56' 27') East, two hundred twelve and eighty-four hun redths (212.84) feet. ,, 2nd eourset Borth forty-six degrees, forty our einutep, thirteen seconds (46e 44' 13°) East, three hundred eighty and ninety-one. undredttaa (180.01) feet to a ooint on the east line of the Vest half Northwest quart, Northwest quarter (WinNill ) of said Section nine (9), which is South zero degrees, fo minutee, twenty-four eeconde (0°"04' ?4°)•• gets nine hundred fifty -sine and twenty-six dredthp (050.26) feet from the northeeetearner of said subdivision. , ?rd eouree: South zero degrees, four minutee, twen -four seconds (0° 04' 249 Wept, one hu dred'eeq my -one end hundredth,' (171 86) feet alongethe east line of .the Wept half Northwest ouarter Northwest quarter (W NV 1V*) of said Secticn nine (9), Lo a point thereon which ta North zero degrees, four minutee, twenty-four peconds (0° 04' 24P) East, one hundred eighty -sine and seventy-five hundredths (189.75) feet from thg pont`:eeet eornar of said subdivision. • 4th course: South forty six degrees, forty-fourmtnutes, thirteen seconds (46° 44' leO) Weet, two hundred seventy-eight and slaty-sevenhundredths (278.67) feet to a point on the South line of the Wept half Northwest ,'tarter oorthweet ouarfter (we. WOW of said Section nine (9), which le South eighty-nine degrees, thirty-nine minutee, "zero !econd,. (81° vo' 001) Weet, two hundred two and sixty-nine Hundredths (202.69) feet from the soetheert�corner of said subdivision. 5th course: South eighty-nine degrees, thirty-nine minutes", zero eeconde (80°' 19' 009 Wept, two hundred pixty and twenty-eight hundredths (260.28) feet along tee south line of the 'Wept half Northweet ouarter Northwest nuarter (b *NV*) of said 3ecticn line (9); to the ooint of.beginnine. Said oarcel of land contains one aau twenty -Nix "hundredths (1.26) Acres more or lees. Subject to eapemente. or rigete of way existing or of record ln favor of the eue'ic or third nartiee. "TO HAVE AND ?0 HOLD; the above granted end, descrihed oremisee, with all of its ennurtenences, :into paid ^.HE UNITED STATES OF AMFF.ICA and Ste apeigne, fo'•ever. IN WITEFSe WHEnrOF we have hereunto eat our hands, thls.11th day•of June, 1947. Mrs. Ca-rte Rsr..e1_ Ralnh Nlnnlch lltnepe Vendoe • Coneideration lase than .$100.00 No IRS required. Checked ae to engineering data P. A. Oliver, Office Engineer STA:'E OF CALIFORNIA ) ®s. County of Riverside ) Rowena Mtnnlch Vendor Paul P. Blocher Vendor "Verona R. Blocher • Vendor On this llth day of June, in the year 1947, before me, Stanley O. Ottman, a Notary Public In and for the County and State eforeeald, pereonally.aooeared Ralph Mlnnich and Rowena Minnich, husband and wife, and Paul P. Blocher and Verona R. Blocher, husband and wife, known to me to be the person, whose names are pufiecrtbed to the within }netrument, and acknowledged that they executed the same.' INeWITBSSS VHPEOF I have hereunto set.my hand and affixed my official, seal the lay and year in thils certificate first above written., - . Stanley 0. Ottioan ',TANLEY QA, QTTMAN (NOTARIAL SEAL) Notary Public in and for the County of, My Comelesdon Expires Anril 17, 1948. Riverside, State of Cali•'ornl"a. • C IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto eet.my hand and affixed my official seal the lay and year is th10 certificate first above written. Stanley G. Ottman STANLEY G. 9T7MAN (NOTASIAL SEAL) Notary Public In and for the County of. My Com-"leelon Exviree Anril 1,, 1948. Riverside, State of Cal1'ornla. • Received for record Beo 18, 1947 at 30 Min. oast 9 o'clock A.N. at renuePt of #2673 SECURITY TITLE I"9. & GTEr. CO. Cooled in Book No. 847 of Official Recordr, nage 518, •t sec., Recordo of Rlvoraldo County, California. Feeo, al.b0 Jack A. Roi'e, Recorder Comoared:Cooyist C. Morey: Comoarer J. Goad, • aICA601,IHSURANCE C p~• , RECORDING REOUEBTED iv • SHEPPARD,'I. MULLIN, RICHTER.:•. & HAMPTON • if AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO • rSheppard, Mullin, Richter 041e & Hampton:!' 333 South Hope St. ► 48th Pl. sum Address Los Angeles; CA 90071 0,,,a Att: .7ameal J. Carroll III, stet. L Esquire AIL AX TA s' rDWight L. Stuart, 9595 Wilshire Boulevard Name Suite 609 JI a'fee' Beverly Hills, CA 90212 Addnna col A a� S p� SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE Corporation Quitclaim De d ' 11110 POR1O PURttteinD 61PTICon TITt.6 IIt6UA6 S The undersigned grantor(s) dec No e Documentary transfer tax is $ ( ) computed on full value of pro conveyed, or ( ) computed on full value less v ue of liens and encimbrances remaining at time of tale.' snd ( ) Unincorporated area: ( ) City of I •FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, D.S. EQUITIES, INC. , a corporation organized under the laws of the State of California hereby REMISES, RELEASES AND QUITCLAIMS to DWIGi1. Trustee of the Dwight L. Stuart 1984 Trust, as amen�'e �.• STUART, the following dR Riverside ropcm in the , State of California: • County of a SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AK) MADE A PART HEREOF !i In Witness Whereof, said corporation has caused its corporation s dentandand d seal to be affixed hereto erdtthhiss instrument to be executed by its I[hereunto duly authorized. \Dated: before a Notary Public in and for said arcd _ e-orrthe-basis-ef By personally kn n to me or-proved-termwho executed um�-to be theepcmoerso the within instrument as the �• President, and personally known to be or proved to me xoonn the cu band of satisfactory evidence to be the p the within instrument as the Secretary of the Corporation that executed the within instrument and acknowledged to me that such corpo- ration executed the within instrument pursuant to its by-laws or a resolution of its board of directors. WITNESS my hand and official seal. • Signal Title Order No. Escrow or Loan No. MAIL TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE President Secretary EXHIBIT 9A' (Real Property Description) PARCEL 1: The Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section ling, Township 6 South, Range 7 East, San Bernardino Meridian, the County of Riverside,.State of California, according to 4 .the Official Plat thereof. i• 'EXCEPTING THEREFROM the Northerly 30.00 feet thereof included in 52nd Avenue. PARCEL 2: .. • The North half of the Northeast quarter of Section 9, Township 6 South, Range 7 East, San Bernardino Meridian, in the County of -Riverside, State of California; according to the Official Plat thereof. EXCEPTING THEREFROM the Northerly 30.00 feet thereof -included in 52nd Avenue. 11 iI• 2034202C.C7 • II . II H.L.M. • t ws1'rl A+%r1 1`A:z� -'HELEN L.-WILLIAMS MC GILL ) }; t . . O,.A.AN�4 ,DEED., .. l _THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA :) MOO HELEN L..VILLIAMS MC GILL, of the County of Los Angeles, State of California, for and in consideration of the eum•of One Hundred four wad 40/100 Dollars ($104.40), lawful money of the United States to me ',n hand'paid by:THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, in pursuance of the provisions of the Aot of June 17, 1902 (32 Stat. 388), and Acts amendatory thereof or supplem-r.t.ary or applicable thereto, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledbed, do_by these presents grant and convey to THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and its asal3nc, all that real property situate in Riverside County', State of California, described as follows:I A parcel ofland located in Riverside County, California, in the East half Northwest quarter Northwest quarter (EiNW}NW}) of Section nine (9), Township six (6) south, Range seven (7) east, San Bernardino Meridian, partioularly described as follows: A strip of land one hundred twenty-five and no hundredthe (125.00) feet :n width,}N in the Eeet half Northwest quarter Northwest quarter (E}NWW}) of said Section nine ro), which ie sev.nty-five end no hundredths (75.00) feet on the,right side, and fi'ty and n hundredths (50.00) feet on the left side, measured at right angles to the following described centerline: ; Beginning at a point on the eas. line of the East half Northwest quarter Nortl- west quarter (EiNW}NW}) of said Section nine (9), which 1e South zero degrees, two min- utes, thirty-eight second, (0° 02' 35°) West, four hundred forty and seventy-nine hundred - the (440.79) feet from the northeast corner of said subdivision, thence: let course: South forty-six deare°c, forty-four minutee,'thirteen seconds (46° 44' 13') West, nine hundred ten and eighty-six hundredths (910.86) feet to a point on the West line of the East half North•est quarter Northwest quarter (E±NW}NW*) of said Section nine (9), which is South zero degrees, four minutes, twenty-four seconde (0° 04' 24') Wept, one thousand sixty-two and thirty-eight hundredth, (1062.38) feet.from the northwest corner of acid eubdivison. Said parcel of land contains two and sixty-one hundredths (2.61) Acres more or lees. Subject to easements or rights of way existing or of record in favor of the public or third nartles. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, th` above granted and described premleee, with all of its appurtenancea, unto said THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and its assigns, forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto sat my handl, this 12th day of June, 1947e -.tt xu -• 1 u C ,.t Herbert M. Williams , Witness Ib Checke_ as to Engineering Data. P. A. J11ver, Office�Engineer U.S.I.R. . L.55 Cancelled. Helen L. Williams McGill Vendor } ti ti STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Loa Angeles)ee. on this 12th day'of June, in the year 1947, before me, M. C. Noltenameier, a Notary Public in and for the County add State aforesaid; persorally appeared Helen L. Williams McGill, known to me to be the pereon.whoee name''te subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged that she executed the esme, 4. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have here:nto set my hen and affixed my official seal the day and year in this oertificate *fret shove written. 'M. C. Noltenameier, (NOTARIAL SEAL) 'Notary Public ` My Commission Expires: April 2, 1948. #2674 Received for record Sep 18, 1947 at 30 Min. past 9 o!.clock A.M. at request of SECURITY TITLE INS. do ()TEE. CO. Copied'in Book Ho. 847 of Official Records, page 540, Records of Riverside Colunty,•California. Fees, $1.10 1�. Jack A. Rosa, Recorder Compared: Copyist C. Morey: Comparer J. Goad. 00000 • Kt. fit :1. ' -'`' .. 1 iii RECOR REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL THIS DEED AND, UNLESS M OTHERWISE SHOWN BELOW, MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: Mr. and Mrs. G. Douglas Taylor 81=038'Hiles 'Aven4e ' "—___......._._. Indio, Ca. ....92201.._..-._...... _ • PAID O(1 Tlanstet Tax o�10GM s.U. i.tt .RDER SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE _( TEingg •DO=ated (City or ' (• nincurporatcd") Grant Deed 1111: t'\t'l h .i(.XI:U Cli IXT011,•' I' :CL\ItF.ta Nit ! \tti\•r Oil TR AV:4TR TAX is $-26.A0 IX ut ,I wt full valuepr.q'enr 0 ....torqued .n' lull ..due k,. value of liens or enrun'hran.r. remaining at time or tale, and .J-..--HAROLD---EULS-..and EDITH G. PULS, husband and wife For a ValuableConsid,•ration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby GRANT(8) To G...DOUGLAS..-TAYLOR and CHARLOTTE R. TAYLOR, husband and wife as community property all that real pr. i city situated in the County of Riverside Slate of California. dc. rihc,l as Callous: PARCEL 1: That portion of the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 9, Township 6 South, RAnge 7 East, San Bernardino Base and Meridian as shown by United States Government Survey which lies Northwest of the All American Canal as described as Parcel C0335 in the deed recorded on February 24, 1950 as Instrument 02790. PARCEL 2: That portion of the East half of the Norhtwcst quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 9, Township 6 South, Range 7 East, San Bernardino Base and Meridian as shown by United States Government Survey which lies Northwest of the All American Canal as described 1n deed recorded September 18, 1947 as Instrument 02674. SUBJECT TO: 1. General and special taxes and special district levies not delinquent; 2. Covenants, conditions, reservations, restrictions; rights, rights of way and easements for public utilities, districts, water companies, alleys and streets, if any. I,:tt.•.I February 8, 1974 r,.oi.I1 ,F_r'Riverside.On .•., .. .... -':..: �' I.•L•ie me. the sister. •i,u. d, a X..tarv. I''tlli.• in atd 1.1. raid State, per-atalll appeared J. Harold Puls and Edith C. Puls ......................................... ... ktnn•n to me u. I.e the p,•r•..n S u1:.:-.-,, ,,. S art<tth.eril..d to the within in-Irmu,vt an•Ia.•An.,rlr.I ...l that they rue,ute,l the &ante. WI1 XlSS my hand and oErial teal. Signature �_(�•*-'- ' r � YllTzC.-C..l.`r l . c c arold Pu1s, i itth G.•PuIs orrtc,aI SEAL JOAN I.. DAVIS NO-) 7: '.t' I tU/0RN1A P.: IN R.V:T7.::E CJVNTY My Commission Expires June 29, 1974 (Tblt .re. roe nC,l.l not.rta, tell MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO PARTY SHOWN ON FOLLOWING LINE; IF NO PARTY SHOWN. MAIL AS DIRECTED ABOVE (Name) 3422 (SC 2504 3.7,• P.S. (Address -Number, Street, Cit y, State, and Zip Code) END RECORDED DOCUMENT W. D. BALOGH, COUNTY RECORDER al:is under my hand, at the City of Washington, the fourth day of December,in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and sixteen. and of the I_ndependenoe of the United States the one hundred and forty-first. .. By the President; Woodrow.,fYil®on • By •M„ H. Gulick. LasiBteat.5eoretp 7,, L. Q. O. Lamar, /boarder 4.sthe'Oenerii, Lind Otf+.oe.. Recorded: Paten` Iuah s • • Lae Anpelse 018886.Reoei ved U. S. Land Office El.Centro, Cal., Date Dee. 14, 1916. 4-1028. THE UNITED STATES OF AMBRICA. TO ALL TO WHOM. THESE PRESENTS SHALL COMB, GREETING: 'MEAS. a Csrtifioate of the Register of the Land Offioe at Los Angeles, Cal- ifornia. has been deposited in the General Land Offioe, whereby it appears that fu13 payment has been made by the claimant THOMAS 0. YAGER, according to the provisions of the Act of Congress approved March 3, 1877, entitled "An Act to provide for the sale of desert lands in certain States and Territories", as emended by the Act of Marsh 3, 1891. for The northwest quarter of section ten in township sin south of range seven east of the San Bernardino Merid'an, California, oontaining one hundred sixty acres, acoording to the official plat of the survey of the said lend, returned to the General Land Offioe by the Surveyor -General; IOW MEOW YE, .That the United States of America, in consideration of the prem- ises, and in conformity wit% the several aote of Congress in each oase made and prof vided. has given and granted, and by these presents does give and grant. unto the' eaid claimant and to the heirs of the said claimant the tract above described; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the ewes, together with all the rights, privileges, immunities and Appurtenances, of whatsoever nature, therounto belonging. unto the said oldimany and to the heirs and assigns of the said claimant forever; subjeot to any vested and, scorned water rights for mining, agricultural, manufacturing, or other purposes wadi I rights to ditches and reservoirs used in connection with such water rights, as may be recognised and acknowledged by the local custome, laws and decisions of oourts; and there is reserved from the landa hereby granted, a right of way thereon for ditches or canals constructed by the authority of the United States. IMi TESTIMONY WHEREOF. America. have caused these Land Office to be hereunto I, Woodrow Wilson President of the United States of letters to be made Patent, and the Seal of the General affixed. laIRERAL LARD onus sag') WOEo ' sou 5t E ye M_ { Recorded and Compared: JACK A. ROSS, County Recorder, by -Deputy r- 11'14 5 7;00.1 K' Recorded•land Compared: JACK A. ROSS, County)Recorder,.by S'" et, Deputy • ; . ss rk ` :::;,.. . $ A :src" as Aro f..• feallrain , a�aoio nouns ;#: 4:. ,� ,' ;►. 'e; ixtif ?��r^,{�J:'4a'Sd":y hs�` ��:::':-TJ%� ���'r�>�1.�.fit'�C'.:'-•4.`-i�'''}:i.Sr''1�ib.c.��..:.h� atrari , .dire Fionw Ntersier:P./ Numb:0 Raeon atoucmo ElY C") amp cvsels AtC000119 tgAn. ?WS OLCO M..d.o.ts. 011datettla SOMA 1181.911. 11411. 149 1141.11111109 T(31 Mr. and Mrs. G. Douglas Taylor 81-03e Wiles Aventie ''' 92201 • sti 1 I ffi MI IT. 17 4 I • SPACE ABOVE TICS LINE PO A AlteORDITRI Vet • * _liAlat47,01.4t17d (Cayor't...minNAmstcdj Grant Deed *MI. ‘1.1111.‘1.1: i:\.t'VC h‘tIF.," 011' ‘11.VnitY111,!,\.4/..P. A.-26.40 ;,1 ••••.qa. ! fun Iue t.r ,*la, 0 ran, or ynruml.rni, Mail/411g 61 lime Gi 4,34, CIA Ft , FAROLD ZULS and tDIV • hrsiPtiond and viin rot 3 ValuAlde Cnn4idt jI.n. the rceviri of .1.1i1cli it bitchy rkrtowleiii.c‘i, berth,. r,”ANT(s) To__ DOUGLAS TAYLOR 4nd cRAR4ITE.A.._IAXL,OR._11404nA_sn4..YqS ss VPP!S!IY all 0121 r:alig.,11) ilkiatril reide. state ;• PARCEL That portion of the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section_ 9, 1 Township 6 South, .Ange 7 Cast, Sat Bernardino Base end Meridian es shown by Uoited States Coverretent Survey which lie; Northwest cf the AU American Canal ' as described as Parcel C013S in the dead recorded on Fsbrary 2t, 1950 at Instrument 82790, • • ?ARM 2!, That portion of the Race half of the Norhtweet quarter of the Notlhweat qLierter of Section S, Township 6 Soch, Rene.7 East, San Bernardino Rate end Neadian as shove by '.:nitad Settee CovernMene Survey which list Marthvett crthe All American Canal as dascribed in deed recorded September 19, 190 at Inetrument • 12674, • • 5U2..4CT TO! 1. Central and.epeelal taxes fed apecisl district leviee act delinquent; • 2.. Covenatto„ Conditions, restruaticts, restrictions; rigMts, rights of way and eaaantnta for publi.c utilities, distriCte, 'eter allays and Berttta, if any;, • Febrae.r.y. B,..1974 .II IV_ 1• Riverside. . • It t,•te vn•Ict• 4. .V.Iate I'nidi•• It.4:••; 41'1 '41-1 J, Harold PUlo ar.,3 Edith C. PuIt • Lima:I.,wr f,r• .n 6.4.; • f.,n, a "e.al,•=1:l.,: ....ult.". 5. kr14•14 11151 , .th,Y,„..„,..e1444.41e41 It 555,.., a 11:0:S$ ban.: oft vr,/;t! •• • • 11• ,J sroldPuls, ) ; t,PS;C,At %tgq, JOft:i !„ 0Avls MC's/ :•...!Aoyetwu CovAtnitai.ea Laplrea ;e5a li74 111131,m 15/ce./1*.J. MAIL TAX SVATTROINI1 70 FAATT 4OWN O4FOLE•Oiathri LIME; IT to PArry SilOWN. MAIL AS DIPEO7g0 ABOVE 1, (Went) 9413 tAddr4i4 Nkatte.,$iirei, State, aiL4 Zit Colo) ate taa• s./1. min orrknomn nvijAPT W D. BALOGHP COUNTY RECORDER • &AO II'ea 01409ILD t1/1" CILLO. .-- 01-1Q110,16 1.0091 11111.0a, Na MS Si ATEILICOTS TO • • Nr. and ire. C. DovaLes Taylor 111-438 Xi1 Avs&iu- --- India, 92701 14 $ g 211 ases ta ill 5,., • ).4 0CA '7,.1.‘0411ca I it: .• 'ASIR la ..-.....• e (liaiNt 5 .. # 5. .1 1 • g • 1 NI • . ,!i, . ., BPACIE ABOVE Iwig LAME POO PiCOPOtitil 01111: • _12sincorpolated.i_ ___. _ Wilco -1 ••••••••=••••••-/ • • • . . . Grant Deed _ ! , lilt i •I,IE'V•Yli) cll 1NT. Par.. Or.f:1.%Er,•1 ' ,. . • i.• 1 MC% (\AV'S; %•.-ITA TAX 61_26.40 . s”....1. .1 •••• 'on .41lis 1 pr..p...n• no...••1. Ay . gr,•• v....y..4 es. Nal ...km; 11,... TaJr• ..I twa• er ntrendiva. ft-Guam:as a ten. al ••••• **NI ' . 1 ' , For a Valfable Co•si.laratioa. ibereeeirt of whirl. la Litety selsowladEtt heathy 'CRANTiot 1 e To._...G. DOUGLAS TAYLOR and DIAILPTTN...A.t_P410.g.___busbend and wife as cannuelty property . ( • . , ' 1 ' • all OW reo/pa.4,1). ekurted io Om County of_ iliver•ide • if 5.*...4 C_Oit.rnia. attaaribra ao f••11-.•: - r ., . .i . • PARCEL 1; That portion of the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 9; Towaship 6 South, Range 7 Last, San Bernardino Base and Meridian as show by ' United States 'Coverns:lent Survey which lies lorttrwe-st of the All American Canal • as described as Parcel C0335 to the deed recorded on February 24, .1950 as . instrument #2790. - .- . . • , . .. . , PARCEL 2: That portion of the Last halfof the Norhrwe•t quart•r of the Northwest quarter .. , 'of Section 9, Township 6 South, lenge 7 Best, San Bernardino Base and•Feridian • as shown by Dotted States 'Goverment Surrey which lies Ilorthweet of the All American Canal as described in deed recorded September II, 1947 as Io.stnavent _ •. - ' 2674. . , • ' . SUIJECT;TO: 1:. General and special tese-s and special district levies mot delinquent; 2. Covenants, conditiocui, reservations, restrictions; rights, rights of • way and esseeeots for poblic utilities, districts, water companies, • • alleys and stre•tsi if any. • r, $ . . . • ()0 . , , , D.1.4_Liebru-su_8,_A974 1.1.c old vrE (4- clurrHiritt * I ,P'Nis,: .1 -7 •../ 1-1.4v see, eradrs• •Ame..1. • S"....zry' NIA. Is ••41 t• 14i.1 Rd" •••••••••.11' Ailv•v4 , ::.• J.' Earold. Pul!andEdith C. Pui• -- • • f i I I f 9, 4 +1 It 11 • I • t, • a g:t'l'I'l;At':"*„F:XSPVk''tji*t43*3OSP'e'N\'t4VZVZPF.Y.r4-%•-:-AIF',i'rVtaVV",stf?Pir:r.U,V'gt,At.V9yfi.e,':,P',.„,,ZM„:f7-A.,,'F:0,,-8.:Fkt'f,;3W&Sr'...,eg:' Atg. • .t.kt)r,37.,_ al!,' - R., ,_ 'VWW-F...c4 ,,:ig,.....3.4AZA ' 7...1. ;;4... NI XN'te•ft . :' 11C-1620f.' .4g44.144.4, V .Pe.41.?..,,1trAr.:1 'w. ogitz .-Av...... r ,-.4...„*„.J, i!'',OzWe IP,: • e- zi •ao MOO otc000te OWL TOT aixo ATIO. waflt omaseanyt SHOWN ateO. tsata Tan tnMTDODera TO: • 14r. and Ws. C. Douglas Taylor ur:033 Tndio,"Cai' 92701 . lllC CNN R'Y.\11) l:a'CTtlat.. nrl.t.tart.t e - I.. t W:\T %NV it \\r/T7t T. I. 8 _26.40 t• fi n.q-, l.. !en Ave J prey,. mase,ey.. - ..goys.✓ a loll ..6. Irv. ..h .1 Ger ea .medaas.. r.e.aiea a .m J ..L: wed ' .J.LBASQL0-.PDLS...aad DLIB...G.,._rRLS.. husband and viral . For a Valoable'Coseideratieo, the receipt sf whirls is berebf arloo.lydpel hereby GRAVTi.I f...DQUGLAS. TATIOR.And TER...Ra TATIP.4._iusband and wife as co:srueity property .• all Annal pr.le.ly tituattd in lbr Caw. d_ .Q1veraide • Slate-4 f.1! iwYtia .h.. rilrJ o I•44:.•: PARCEL 1: That portico of the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 9, Township 6 South, MAnge 7 East. San Bernardino Baae and Meridian as shown by I United States Government Survey which lies Sorthvesc'of the All American Canal as described as Parcel C0335 in the deed recorded on February 26, 1950 as Inatruaent 02790. . PABCEI 2: That portion of the Fast half of the Soria -west quarter of the.0orthveat quarter of Section-9, Township 6 South, Range 7 Past, San Bernardino lass end'Neridian as shown by United Staten Government Surrey which lie. Northwest of the All' American Canal as described in deed'recorded September 16. 1947 as Instrument 02674. • SUBJ%LT TO: 1. General and special tares and special district levies not delinquent; 2. Covenants, conditions, reservations, restrictions; rights,- rights of way and easements for public utilities, districts, water companies, alleys and streets if 'guy. • • pmed_Peb'IluarZ _1974 OH:1cr1't iEfvefoida__ - l rL.._"f_ib.v s% thy awing • .ifn.1 • ...i' )tiler Y .cd 1•..,:d von r.r.w.OT aNea*•t Garold Pule and Edith C. Pula as • t:ac sass .T.•J. r.t4 (Addreng-A'o..M, Sv n,City. ST.u, o.l Zit Ca.) . END, RECORDED DOCUMENT: D. BALOGH. COUNTY RECORDER 4' QOItQt11$11101t,is • ' . sciw ateoaoteeo atovasnta ay mu, vow omamaea ewa rem ouo wax warn. oTIlmeD oar raaoa, MA Tan p7.■maas W iie.;snd Ire. O. Douglas Taylor T-03$ RYIas"Avchai Indio, it SPACE! ADWt ?MPS L. P'OR Rt+pipDtlwwe Ot: 4 _oiecorporatad. III WSJ Pir "ComactopsrPOPCP Grant Deed lilt I ct NTner.• lr/r.l.tlt I fI pal W:\T%IV it%Na4TU T.\tb $ _26.40 . —. • ..mj a a o 'A tabs J yr.swn....e.., d... . Qpwarard 6roa ra.m.4Iapw em.i.aei a tar ei_•. god Tot i Valaeble Coo.id.ratiaa the receipt of v►i'i6 io 6err6f or►oowiedted. betel, GRAM,' • Te. .B.'MGM. TATm.sad 1111:1L3AT7AQ._ d._e*r_ wife. as os� it, property . • aA Aid real Fel v,Ir .AGchd'c the Camay si_...Ulvero*4. _ _ _ .._..•_ _ Stm J Csrd.eeim. &o rbed o 66 PARCEL I:, That portion of the northeast quarter of the Northman quarter of Section 9, Township 6 South, RAn s 7 Pant, Sao Bernardino Saes and neridimo ea shown by Baited States Government Survey which lire Sortbeest of the All Americana Canal ao described as Parcel GD33S is the doed:recorted on Petersen? 24. 1950 as Instrument 22790. 1. •PARCEL 2: That portion of the Seat half of the.0otttwest �. quarter of tfls northwest quarter of Section 9, Tovaobip 6 South, -Range 7 East, Sca 9sreardtco Paso sad'►1,ridiaa as shown by United States Government Survey which lies aortlemmet of the All .American Canal as described in dead'recorded September lt, 1947 as Iaatrmeoc I /2674.` . SUBJECT TO: '1. General and spatial cawssadspecial district levies sot deliagwent; • 2. Covenants, camdltiana,-reeervatioss, restrictions: richt°. rights of. { way and eeaornnta for piddle utilities, districts, cater companies. •.alleys and streets. If say. I ' • p y4__-PBbruar i 1974 STATIC ►.T CUBIS a% 1 (2..,_TY:.'T edam ®. de ®.a. . +63a..4:a Rao► 1164... h god N ..J Roo.�► • CC MIN 111COGOID AU 10 VILLARD R. POOL Carden Grove, California 111111 GRIDOOFTIME RACE INTERNAL WPM STAN" IN THIS SPACE CORPORATION *RANT DEED POE A VAWAKE CONSIOBATiON, receipt of which is hereby ocknowled9ed, HUTT DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION OF INDIO • corperetion orpenited ender the levee of the Siete of California GIANT to POPHAM CORPORATION doss hereby the reel property in the County of Riverside Stift cf Celifornie, descriited es: The Korth half of the northeast quarter of Section 9, Township 6 South, Range 7 East, San Bernardino Base and Meridian SUBJECT TO: Rights, rights of way, easement, covenants, conditions, and restrictions, now of record, if any. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. Ho.,1 cotrotot•c• hos co.te0 co/pd,al• nem* ad mai to be sor•twl hveto end fot•s .rtsitu,n4ett to be •••cuted c. 's . .____Pres•dien, and Socttley eseteunt) duly euthat•led May 10, 1963 Dew- 1.••1 (•.•••11.,‘ (A.,...t• Orange (sipai) HUTT DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION OF I IO, a California rporWon Kay 10, 1963 •••••• ••• ...thrstrtoll1 htt•ott 'Av.( rod/ tw rt. c._,, *ft/ Mee p•••••teor oftwtes.11.- . _.-- — WILLARD R POOL be MI • -- - P1.4 .4.111.... _RE4VISe. JR. _ •• • • ".• .•• • 10 ,_*_.,_ 11. to— tel •• "t•• -•••• •••••-•• 1... • . •••••• ••••• trt• sar• rt. ••••• fed ••• •• r' • t o•••• • ••••• • • • • r••• *we,. •-•••••• •••4 • -.soft • . r •• •• or, • re, •••- • • • ••••• •••• • t • •• .••• o• .ao..• or bowl 111•••• •••• • • ',MISS •••• No.4 •-• o. •9 r. . ire. • II.. 1/•. • AO II itettItle.-"v TLIVIer' 41;*" .1teeilpent • .0 • • • Additional information: • Time: • Co o we. It Land Title Company Please deliver the following to: \oc2 4 \ co This information was sent by: Marta Piattoni customer Service Department Number of pages, including this cover sheet: Z. Any questions? Call 714-653-3853 Ekt.337 VGt2'a docc6C 0-7 Thank You I E C ANY SI CE 1 76 Reliance A affiance Group HoWinjr Compan> JS 4076. 9/90 'jots ll _ 00 lTo a. loot • Gmsdfso_Grow,CCA1 i toav+ie O Pt.ACt INTIM/4 0 V Wt!! $tom$ IN TNIS SPAC! If f; WWPOQAYIOCA &RANT DUD . I Y 'POO A VALUAOLI CONSi0HWTION, which is ha►ebyr ecknoatadeod, 'HUTT DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION OF INDIO e,cc,yo,aoyn o,esnited looks SOw level of Ma Si•ta of Cal VOrnis Cavaooi 4 POPi1AM CORPORATION• Ow tool pio¢xty In the Wks of California, da•criIwd at•: • does Mosby of Riverside , •The North half of the northeast quarter of Section 9. ToOnship 6 South, Range 7 East, San Bernardino Base and Meridian ti f SUBJECT TO: Rights, 'rights of way, easement, covenants, conditions, and restrictions, now of record, !� if any. . iSi•Il cc.,..,', p, • Orange - b•Yb• — •.•� 0 ..•••Vr • M.• •.•. •'.♦..-0 YY 1,4 rM•I YN Pre e•••YV •11, M.••••l.....-_-.. --.__.� 1 ---' •?U. R s POOL - • -• H. C, -REAVISa. JR. .-' __ - • ._.,.. -.�.. ,+ ...• .• Wrr• • ... •......,•.• ..•. •,•..W .O. ....a .n• ......... — no ••• r. .-••.h.•M n.. . 'I.., . ...•.. .. .• ......if-..Ir •h `e�•h' .. •• ••b ,. ....if,• ., - ,. N"I+r \ •..!...^w ' it . •. 10., o a► • -•• ~I r. 0: M•v ;I 4••••1$$ -• !.••• ••t r• • ..• :t.• 1 I;U i • ,1. •. • _-. - it .. IN WITNESS.WMEQFOr. ,a.4 io•r- ,'-c "II uv••d its C0•pc..1• 401.4 4,4.146I ro b• •A.04 hr••o •..d •h...Mi'yAyrlt to D• ••OC4. 14 C, 's . - ---p.•1•L•'. •.d. :. _ �aa•r •na••v•+•, duly •vthc,.i•d Donut May 10, 1963 •'f . HURT DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION OP - IP IO, • Celifornte't rpocrit •Lcn • - MARGARET DAWSON SHEL 1) es 0 1 husband and wife, the tr111."1•••,.,..” the Cotiniv ‘ The Northwest Ran.ae 71East, • 1 Joi enmity Grant ed . , 1 (Individual) 4 .1 —Afflarried VOTAa_MhO acquired.title MARGARET YAGER, a vidoeti H., SUBJECT TO: 1 1. 1 A (GRANTOR • GRANTORS) .:s 's :,....,' ',:'........ ',:t!`.!-1.11ERA iri. , ,,,i..i..t ..hich )... 1 v I ',verb.Grant Tel . SAMUEL L. CARPtITER, JR. and SOPHIA K. Cititi'i.ANTI.Iii.. .• I. As Join' Tenants A s 1 ., 1 k• :1 v $ .Riverimid ) x ‘1.114. of Califyrnia. ilem.ribrif :r. follnks.,: If r \ quarter opth Northwest quarter of Section 10, Township 6 ,South, San Bernardin me and Meridian. x. 1 V \ git! l Taxes for the fi e:al year 1930.60, a lien not vet Da/fable. 1, k 2. Standby charges 0i the Ceaohella 'Valley County Water District for 1959-60, a • \ t 1 lien not yet payable. li \ \ 3. Covenant', conditionscondition4 restrictione, reservations, rights of way or 1 to easements of rettied• I 11 1 1 A 1 ipi , ,/ ty 0 1 35.20 v.tsrs and Int •Iiii I nun') •..1 S.". • .11, a • • MA11GAP.ET DAWSCei SMELVIR, fornCily MARGARET YAGER , N 1 t k 41. , k k s N V .11.airs1 A.Ug,U3t 3, . 59. II 0e.crt; -• :• -' •1 ./ • ._4.• , -4-24, - I.-. •••••e".4.4 t k Barest Dawson Sraelizer) . ; 114 i -•I 11-1: 111, I 11.111111N11! 5 I fliATV OF RF.CORDED. PI.F.ASF. MAIL THIS INSTRUMENT TO A - Hrs. S. L. Carpenter, Jr., Box 9.... 1, ehoHirage, 3291 % (Arms N.,.. 2.70242 ESCROW n e ull. Aftligneu N k ‘ SPACE BELOW FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY , k ' 1 1 * F il . '.i / knw on to me to be ihvermi n rheas naiads CI •Ilit.rtobed toi within instrument arid arkna'ale,ler,1 o.... A* .1! . i 7, . . .she etecuted the same. . i i. ' u 0 Cr) "C :L.: 1 i..r k I • 1 V) ,C WITNESS nvy lund and <Ariel ...el. k l 1 . k i \ .1 IX 0 • i!) V —J I' .e.: •J CS . • ',al o / . ‘ ' i % 11 ;‘ ' 4 ...e ; = al ...1 • •r 5 r,�i i 1 t1/_ r•J�.t..0 - N :�i , Sr i pc_ �i ,a4yrr.,:ra �^ _�. :•iv°::+rU�k.c�'�K�'��$a.. c?i'^',. �.�X� .�.u^�?'�`1�€.�7:_:rh , n5.7 �.%3 ..c-'c`.. •OARPOTTER, Ausbe.ad and Witt') AMU EL L. RP OnLx • as J FOR A VALUABLE • Da Hereby Gem `P S:L'tIU..L L. Cl_itPENTFatt'' l ; ' th0 picipqrty L1 tki • v �+`- � Ct yc' KIV;SIISInt �' fir' oStaB0 d as ?_'� - t37C of Section lOR — . 'rhe tl,rthwf •et ' quart < � ;;i ti •, t t , . Tovnstiig 6 5ou ,n, z•i'f' rniaidino Base and Meri• diaa. 5 t! = dby. c: .reeia•o .. the Coao.lela 1•? ey ow: t y War, Uist I- :,for gi61 .,a -_ion cot yet puyabLe: re3ervaYiono, r Dated ..... .._...5.?!:.."r.Q.R.G T.'... STAT-r OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF before me. Alto • undersigned, a 'N said County, and State. pereemaiiy op • knovm to tee to be fko Perostifortitts= .ubotribed o tho within foam. tiC F ...... elm Notary,' eigetotroto > S t His name t naery'a l shall be btu r'Se.r. 82OS . Caroeininase • Racoa REQUB .so anon. ofcaxm¢o Sul. tin rSchwartzr!lan, Greenberg.: b Fitaberg 9777•Wilshire Boulevard w a Beverly Hills -California • rtttm mesa to ass C FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATI 'SOPHIA R. CARPENTER hereby CR/iNTiS) to SOPHIA K Trustees under .the: CARPENTER, JR. , an ski the following described real property. County of Riverside • Norti.west 1J �.Twn. 6S, Rge. Dated October 2.2 1 T \TE OF t:Al.l ?1LA I:01•NTY OF r ttn Dr+nhnr ,i'. 196g .,encd, a %.dare I uM, in and forgeld tte SOPHYA R_ (`ARP .11 .a.n___afn.v name II d aeknoaledeed that r ""' and official reek r- 3 NE FO, RECORDER'S. USE AtmD Yatle? cOPANT 4 a t l Porm of Sec. 10, . RECORDING"A 11. ANO WHIM,, RECORDED MAI Mr. and Mrs..1J. L. Johnsto_ 81-395 Helen,St. Indio, Calif; 92201 TEDEl N•Nt cIT. & 6r•Tt t —_ NAIL TAI t TAT TO N Nt II A;: ACAS same as above ST•Tt ed IY THIS FORM FI III. A \ ALI'ABLE: l.0NSIDERATIU\, SOPHIA K. CARPENTER AND SAM CREATED UNDER THE WILV'OF S J. L. JOHNSTO li . a Ih. (..IL..: inr ,!..., r::..•.i : •..I ;.I,.•.,.rlc •••v:iI •,( R I VERSI DE, The Norlthwest' Range 7 East;! SUBJECT TO (1) Taxes for the (2) Covenants, con or easements, of quarter of San Bernar May's, 1972 R fiF. I'\r\ rIF Los Angeles May6, 1972 •i::�.d. a NOWT Pul4k is a:.d f..r 1 C•'unr ,.,.•,.,r;•! SOPHIA K,' CARPENTEERs E. SAMUEL L. CARP�NJ If . :L. I..r...:, S : rn.' S .�. ir..i�...::•I ar►a•.w :.... .... I!,.il they -:•:... ..f \olan L, ,S2 Ya cA 3 o Ilb 11! 8zop�,r. CA - a •V+« • S LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE .e. irau:h-r - 46.75 NCI COMPA V.. TRUSTEES UNDER THE TRUST Section 10, Township 6 South, to the official plat thereof. (SIIPtitA KC, CARPEHTT SAMUEL L. CARPENTER, I VI FOR NOTARY SEAL OR STAMP II. Recorded and Compared: JACK A.'ROSS, COUNTY RECORDER,: p Compares Recorded and Compared: JACK A. ROSS, COUNTY RECORDER, BY j v� • • ' •"t han''"the • ..v. e•.Ifv _33 my a.erd aa.0 off to I- a `a 1. I ., 'J1'lllaa Cing,Jn, -C:... 3:':.1: ' Color, :.ublio 1:, a:.c ._r ..._ and -:a_e. -•eoeive: !or 11, l>_. at _ :Id. _e.rt rc,ce_t o: ?.i►er:::s .ir:c .._..s lec'... .00: .aC. ): -c•::a .. a 1, G. lw . i.ee ..60 ,.' J.e, ....3 a, ...-ooreer. SCtTEL88 74:1 IC LAM: CO. TO ..,,: , C. i.LARY. _T AL Co: pared: Jo, _ t .._om; aori; C. ,S.Lr• r , .'-.'-yde. Deed Do. L960-8 Tole iced made tebruary 9, lvE?, , tar SIXTEh h l : ACU IC CC:;.:: Y, a . osroretion o1 tce ..tote of California, first party unto S. CZ.:;i7. and 71:C3. C. TAGL8. ee.jolr.t .e:.anta, wits rle:ht o1 survivoretip, second parties, ]jJJ] .I::'_SShT?:: That first party. for :.nd 1:. c3zsidart1;. 01' ice thauo;,d • nine t.uaered ter a:.d C0/100 (1910.63) dol_era, reoelpt whereof is acknowledged, II , hereb; gratis e_d ooa7eye unto.second-parties, sr.' e.eiecw. the follow:he decsribed lane situated li. :a.e.County of niveraide, Jtete of Callfor_ie, to -nit: I4 Sorth.:est ,uar ter of . orttweet ;uarter (913 of 1.' ) o1 ...cation .:1ne (ai :owr.ohip 3Ix td) Mouth, Lange ,ievea (7) East, San.3erna.rdizo 3aee ent A-eridtan, 000:alning;,forty nod 00/10J (40.00) aerie more or lees; :!gether with all ri�ht�, privilegoe and appurte a ncea tr.ereunto •_elone.im,r; or to anywise appertaloing; eubjeot •h , .to any rights. liens or encumbrances created or permitted, by at.; ither peraon `eaid'first party, ^ainde •:;eptember 8,;.929, icoepting from'the foregolcg conveyance a right,o1 way of lawful width for any sod all existing and lawfull; established County +-oade. . ' Provided however, that'tte first party 1s not, end shall never to held, liable for the 'second icetallment'of any aeaeeeeent or taxation of the land hereby conveyed,!.Iwtict Las been.or shall be levied or imposed Jor the fiscal year beginninE, July 1, 1929; for for any assessment or taxation levied or assessed for shy subsequent leer; 'no'r for;scy'lallure to pay the sacs.' lt: AIT:L5S LYiREOF, first party has caused its name to be tereunto Y4 subscribed by its .officers, first duly authorized, sad its seal to be -affixed, sa the date herein first written. R • SO1T'NLi :ACIFIC L:.D CO)CP1,7f (COH?C5LiE S_'AL) 3y Cay.V. Shoup, Vice Preeidon Countersigned: B.B.tCcAlliater, Land Coraiestoser 3y C.L.Ying,,Seoretary. Countersigned:'C.P.Lincoln, for auditor ' Sale lie 6478-H Date September 8,192.8. Appraisal No. 544 • otvelegfe ra. ..tate. 01 Ca114'or ia, County of of erelde. :.tat. of California as. Cit.' and County of .Sae. Franoisoo. ) On }etrury 20, 1,L9, before a }rank ;:arvq, a ..:etwry rub.le it. ime !or ' the said :lty arc :2u:.t4, persona:1y appeared Juy 7..toup, known t: re to oe tr.e .1es- :reJlder.t, end ;.L.k!%g, known to cc to be the ..eoreter; ol.the .)t.thcrr. - o111e .•ar.d -o:..ar.y, the oOr: oraticn described in and thtt executed tr.e within instrument. and also known to r.e to oe the ;er. or.e ai.o cxecut.d •1t xn to:.alf .31 tt.e eor, oretl3n tr c:e1:. :.aced, and the:. aou.owledg.d'ta . e tact eco:. oor;oratlou ex.c.,ted tr.e sat.t. . 1. T: i 3 »1:6..cOF I have hereunto jet my Leon and a1fLt.d ay ofto:t1 seal, at cv o:11:e lr. _aid City a:.: Co-nt the.da;- ar.a'year'ln tr.i; oertillc•,te fires r:.. . _w:. Lztered i:. record .31 :reds :erect on rc:rd cLrd ..L ,. 2/11/L9 Frank Harvey, rotary 'ub! Sc In and for, the :it:: ant :runty of ..a:. irar.cicoo, .:;.te 7: l"y Conies for. ex trey une LO, 1921. 1y ,1904 I ..eoelved. :or ..ecord },b 16, lb.a a; kin. pa..t o'cl)c. A.A. at request o1 Jeccr1t: .1t , Ins..A' .:uar.io..o;;led in .;poi "o. *01 of -cede ;ac•e b, et _•.q , records of ..1'•.raice County, California. i 'zees ,1.1. Jbci. ..noon, .,eoorder. it Co:.{.ored: :.:boc,.eon; :o..parer :.H.Dyds. 1 11 �1 r.✓° ) { I:" Cf..".ilb:.n.r : of Ten (00.0G) Dollars, .yY. C1:.,E :end 1'1=_: C:.-itX, hi. a11t, .nd .:HP3. C.. Y.G...:., do hereb, grant to .nT rii C. ..ILLI:.1: and :A?..A1i ! Y. :I1:I1.13,iEhuata:.o and wife, as Joint tenants, with rfdht 01 dur-,ivorattp, and rat as, tenants In cOr.non, all thtt real troperty situate in tr.e Coun.y ,: niveraide, .,tots of Jallf,or:.ia, deuorlbed as follows: �M 1 :he ..eat Lnlf Ia'a) of the 2orthaeat ;ua•ter (NA) o: the ::orthwejt quarter i.• ) of-tot:on :tine (9), i'ownship6) 31x ( South, range ..ev'en,(7► neat, ..en . li ' . Barnerdioo nest one Leridian. . ' is •ilr::LSS Cur Lands thin 7.th day of •auuary, 1929. 7.1.Clark kildred D.Clark thoe.-C.Tager. as. 4� +�Cn this 7th de:: of January,. in the year one thousand nice hundred t'secty- nir.e, Delore 'ce Chester A.oparey, a toter: iublio i'n a:d for :aid County and State, persona:ly appeared ..li.Clark,.111dred L.Clark andrtThos. C.Ya.zer,.known to eke to a the perao;.a described in•and whose 'names are aubsoribedto the within instrument, and • Savieegs Dank of Pasadena, the sorporatlin that execneted the within and forygoiog taapa1/41164,..knocn,. tO me to ha. t per! ons who axe onted_t wittkin Lac tefoseciet „on behalf of the aorporation therein named, ad aelinowladged to no that melt corpeaatiosi offisial seal. 'V assented the M. ITRESS My hand and • 4, ry colasioaexpires f.ebrua Ty E3, 91898 Setiet ad for ream& Yeb 26, 1929 at 30 min past 8 co' elook A•le. at request of Saaerity Title roue Guar Co. Copied in nook No.'800 at Deeds. page 183. et sat., records of Riverside County, California.. res. 400 Jack a. Roos, Reaorder. . a . s • ;;"'"...,..,41 • . Compared: wopyist 1.1t. CLARE ET AL 120 CIARESCH COLEI'Alt ! GILL AL of 19g• • Alexia 2. Healer Notary rnblie in and for the County Los •neiss, state of :alifornia H.Hyde; Compares +ea+ • 16 pc) 8 • L. Thompson. 00 11. CO-SIDERATION of ran 410.00) Dollars, 3.. CLA-X sal 1.I-LiSED 3. :.-LARK, his vire; acd THOS. C. TAGEH, do hereby gs ant to CLLIZICZ COLEXLS It GILL ani 11XLES saC GILL husband. ant BIM, as joint tenants. cith right of sus - II •iworship, and not as tenants in a ocaeon, all that real property situate in Gee County of aiverside, State d California. deaorib•?d as. tllows: The East half iti) of ths borthwest quarter (Hot) of the Nortkeest (carter (u+) of Seetion Sine (9) Township Six (6) South, Rane Seven (7) East, •• Bernardino pass ard meridian. ;i4ITSEIS our hard. this 7th day of January, 1929. 1.14; Clark rildied D. Clark STATH CC! :ALL' -"MIN IA Thos• C. Tager • 11 1111• Couni.y of riverside HOn this 7th day of January in the year one thousand nine bruadzed twenty -wine, before see, Chester A. Sparey a Rotary Publics in and for said County and State, personally appeared 1.1. Clark and Mildred D. Clark, and Thoa. C. •Tager. knows to San re t, be the persons described in and whose:mem. are subscribed to the within inatr • ment:and aeknooledged that they exesuled the miss. - • WIT111:39 my hand and official seal the &ay aryl year in this Certifioate first above mei tten. • - • • ••• trotertur. • •••..•• • . //'•cammiisaion expires April 8, 1930. • • 4 4,t4.31"4'. - • Cheater A• Sparey Notary Pablie in and for said Co&tty a rdStata. Received for rested Pei) 26, 1929 Si 30 ain past 8 4'0 look A.Y. •t request of 5.4rcr Le; Title Ing & Oust. Co.'Capied in Book So• 800 of Deeds, page 186 st seq.. re•arts of Riverside County, California. 11- S.S0 • Jack A. Ross, Roeder. • ,t Compared: Copyist L.H.Ryde; Composer L. Thompaan. • ii i ii ,... i 1 1, ....... , 1 • FULL RECCE 1EYANCE LC 7 ALL BY VISSE FRIVE7rTS: • TRA71, 132317.13, PLOBEER ABSTRACT LED TITLE GI:WANTS COVAIIT, a ocrporation or.;an- , . • lied sad existing under the laws of the State of California, True tee under Deed of ?rust executed by Barnard Willis:1 Shaper and Helen Stinson Shaper, husband a rd w_fe, trostarie. ard resorsed Jar. 29, 1926, In Book 646 page 144 of Deeds,in tls office of tbe Count/ Resorder of Riverside County, In said State.'has been duly requested , to qnit • claire and reozavey tho property hereinafter mentioned, by reason g ths17. cent af: the indebtedn-,es scoured by said Deed of Trust; NOT, 11M13YORE, IW COaLIANCE with said :aquae t and' in gond 'Sera tion of the sun of CDs Dollar. receipt of which is hereby acknawledged, and ths payment of sail la- ' 11 debtedness, said Trustee n0:.3 HERM JYITCLAKE AD RWOMT the persan or ;,ersaos legally entitled thereto, bat without warranty, all of the ;soperty Dawned by avid. Dead of rrust non held by said ?ratites under the terns 31 said Deed of Trust. 7;/?NtSS Tsar, said Plower Abstraot and Title Guaranty Cca,any. as Trustee has caused its corporate raw ard seal to be hereto affixed by its ?resident sal Secretary ther•unto duly autharized this 23rd day Df Febrtary, 192. (CORMRAT SAL) PIOnEll ABSTRACT TITLE uULIAITT t;C:TANT. By J.L. oiek. President TrUl to0 0 • 11, By 2.1. ulasseaok 5.07.1127 Sl'ATZ OP CILIPOIMIA 00. County' af San Bernardino .1 . On this 23rd day of February. 1929, bei'cre ne, z•c. otidham, a Notary 7ub11e in ard for said County ant State, personally appeared J.L. asxck, known ta me to be the • President and I.N. ulass000k, knan ta to be the Secretary of Pioneer Abstract and .• Guaranty Comparry. Trustee..tbs oorporatioa that executed the foraying instru- spent and Imam to me to te the persons who executed tbe sane on behalf of the ear- - paratian therein named, and acknowledged ta:me that raid oorporation executed the sane air such Trustee. V111,33 my bard ard official eclat. (NOTARIAL SELL) Stidban - Notary Fate in and for said County of San BernardLoo.State of California. • f 187 • r • • 10149 3 wW AlGC0rbI -T'o a ▪ 1,0 v e 0 a0 e0 , thousand survivorship e ticn of o � . a b o_ oq pC•b °d D 1::1JE:'";.;ed: , nine hundrea ena this second forty husband tenants te' a gall EEO tuta,cin201 SIB second c a '40 presents or v_rside parcel .� ssrnardino Ht.:.e aecon q (1940) co. said (Z10-CO ) s. 0 eS^G'J V ` 0 9 Nove•i)er betv.een 7 0 as Teo xth op& LEW CON lord i o CQ won, parties a9 IMMO 0$ OD£ Cam Dollars them hereat,jliwzgv . v ls7 flpD end ge itD- 7 ce CO 073 i 3 'fie bascm? BM oii em t. m hand paid tEi J consider - a said party grant, second 1 r�- 00 receipt x bargain, being described confessed R . California, a ck:.owl edged, confirm follows,to-wit en Norttwt 1%uarter ?ov.'nship_ Siz (c) section. a ] Xe-Ficitut„ . tti end :singular anywise appertaining 'ECG rs.. with `unto` belonging. { in ' h- r�ein`dtacribed, his pe irs ;all 'aids •s cG1.1.1, administrators, v that v,ith a signs, lane the r aREvrR: parties CO ve nant, grant, said Clarence secondacem eliD wean cat from said ;art,; for bergui ttat in -cumbrances heirs, �xecutO rs,. their and/or t .. 0 County of the Seven =a :fh said piece IJorthwest arpurte •:aloes UCL•D- G said the Y_cciil and second executors unto w • P_ aidt part Lelen �8 m¢� 03 ce Q3 am- on rEcepazy a�T.l `'3 admi�tstratcrs d0 sane. said ItclilladIncepOmmum Cm , ecv a•� al) garazmzo4. w'rria ? a� Lanes assigns, E. (.. E. 'Heard Ralph. RelphvW. roine 0n thaw. 2 �.day'o• 7ovem..er, in.'the ',ea.;one �s's ' : �. ++ s- 4 &4 A 4* _'�r . forty,-.bsiora `me; Ge'rtruce•:Sul'1`Lven, a notary public 41n appeared Clareacs`- Coleman HcGi'll' o• Cie kh n t0 be the wha executed the- within : - - nt; who acknowledged 1 u 5 c1E3SCt „' The and pt-sz Delivered a .a 'herediteme nts ntfl dEEM a..wire above granted t ritten. t with ensealing premises Coleman McGi'_ l Cl arence Clarence _Helea�L. Coleman MEINE RictIrat At tie 'affirm mama Helen' L. Williams ticGil'i• „ by p , Nk.; y 7 rah K riYrrdt, MY►L empires c > irL of - : w e, CV po P s Oa June, Az �yya qt thouse:Le a and. for person sameto A 0 ' y ` Gerttrude bullivan , -.Cerrude Sullivan pub�l ic, . Notary a o argQ ,, 1 t.; ; this 1Zth days( ;.ovember,6 a5M) a 6�h p hereunto t�L.S. ) V P ine k pdred an▪ d_F' • said "County, par aonal l; descend ti• _ia Trails -_ County, Texan. Y thousand aye 0 • a f nine hiundred 933. 00 a 0 4 4 forty,be:ore Mai can County pers,onelly-appeared Helen 6'�;-!5 doV Cia•V •l1K a, 0 °' �)•�:.. a 9; � C e ,tSSnit SSas - o a -• 0 �ef.,�. �. 8 n,. o u .a Do •` .i INDZn s, !aide thcuas na -nlne‘t:undred the ( .wart, •la' :: SaT:, :en this•fourteentb•1ay fo 11940)• totwe i1�[ idR:SFlle1i., the said �e� t: ( tht tlrst Dollars,• totiia load id' is hereby aggressed endle ancnledged, a? ceact? e �_ Fe' b se ecnn end 1#10.0p) whereof hairs be.:g 1ta desorlbed a Sectioa Magi- IC), a� hi Satin)+ to :tine _.d q �,� � JeSe eafi:erSd lea.' ,,i$�l a i; • - i �. • off* % • °o 'n ' oa Together sit... all ads•sing • al+the bar taneate and ,aj urtensnees ✓ - a unto �eio 2a.' of 1n na lee e " ~ ^"' -`"" aZ ►► rIry �pu:Wa a�; TO �FJY,�E.; i4 TO► 2� thl .gfd ] described; _ s1I• s purteaaxes. uatOSLAe'.bd1d party of #he.aee her 'e,i s?e:gi a•sleoll!FO4. dnd'tie said Y •t7..iher, pertytof - for his Lairs. ezeeutors•and ad:aroistrtators,ydoes• ,Bann, ernt, bargain Band c thhetseid part: er Lpe eoand ,art her heir land easigne, tint `.e enaeaiLg dellvely ofS %si presents as we (, 11 selzedi*WPMpr -ilia - 64 � pre•ises'Ll1fee•aigale;.that_tby are•fre• 1 i acumbranceaietate►er i111, a .d,� id tears, usCutori,_and/or pdniaibiratoris stall�2A•i1AT?? Ara to i9 arm_ us ail lawtnl a_alm��+.ta st ors er ' � . ,a• 00, , .-.13 . tz.ssi --4t tr, he sal pert' of tt; first part kas ul °'uo ` a..a sees ttie d ,•aad year liras"ov�e ten4 o" - ` er....tergl - o _ 's 1 a )�).Yal x'lbe�-p� a±3 ( S.) D m.- - a - , S •ed, Sealed nna Deilvered la, k. .:Jii1 7Jigler-• v) 'b' . .&• 4r (�Tares G..ieur ; •: p �� O ; "p - ,-0o m ' E+r ::I�:6ii• 01 4 • is " P. '`' On t'te 1.l.ttiley 7 : a 0 4•,. D DuDac 0 aale° st owe F37 3 per.1on 4g . 'CO CPo a^ ao • ' a' a a Co {.2�©64 2.0 a o c5& e `H. --x7- a [4' a v .10 0 8, e CO:s1a Deceived jook•r o. To?the 0 Division � � q Ite Zest Fe 11 gel if or t1a. Peas 0• pert, by fot GelII 0 of our an -unmarried sound* e•td 'pe rty r�eleas•,,blien,[ t] e0xirn unto tie -timid !raver, a1).Anat Berta 'theca 3etitornli,i c:punty'of Rldefside, 411111 312) ( tat Tor we t cl4r 072.1/L) ems ' 'South. co EtZetP onsideration of these ?arty' secoa presents a� the par I. seo-Mate-re C 3 Q7 and Tastes s State ea .;;lD nquz'sSALL ` U. Q aloe azpit•e lacy 20 1942 report 483. ot', Oftiotal a 08 ;ovsmbepl2 in a.;FIS . of Ena Seven premises, and ?art ( first and that time CAI] . d and'',t�tat D3?E9;the s� 0•Y•. - F y o? :for thee et i:7)•East. C end part, Caiin a a �a il1.. 6 1. !Walsh 'in a"year be nine undrea Bad toreif Count x orboaeily eppgere�' al X.Fisher, nescrtsjd 1n Bab wh' ezeoute4 thq b fre� ect.end_a4 /J oFl ,alga au0it�, a V c 1Dh.2.1So1�. o i � _. ID tlotasy P tiblt$, lanai!** ti, .. 4,0 g QQ� i41- •• i i1 ►.�F•, .29 . a• ' of Sacremsat0. To Etg Cal DSreetor Depattaint. of Sacramento. Dolma? of Eta dad. 0 a a 9 of ways • +_f •r. 70 0' -7 0, within • a to a Fort3 instrument; 1 ° v 'a. O ors )Siehigen r a a 0 0 Dop o!cibcic a, .as, rTquest of •'i:L.I'ccill. Zee ran. pace t, a r'�` oorda of Itivneereide County. , •iac a.R0.lr, i e Order. a a a 1 x�. �? s: tiv K.ttL0 t ' 1 irr Q l' - 7Q 12, Cb➢ytat IsTlyd•; Public of t' he otale;, and or tee a - a 940• et it).t Compares 7011 •N••.N' NOTICE 14t4 State State Aetoultozo, Celifornfa. 04; •c Junior, protest StisiaT t more 42 4p • Ra- of teufoital .1 0 Yo E ° Qp a- . 0„ a;-140 10 � a 00 0 Kee, n - aE ;" D7 this a4t1c+ of ,pioteat; to,a11 whom it mad oonoea,� s>ya underaiaaad pbotiatplt,by wane prea•atale puDlio],T�end .to and fee 'thasesiartmeitL q f dTroslia"; vtat of Higl aye se lftornl ta't t r` d of lianas tyastlq• tr 11 7.0 e,. yartto4iarls, addeltultoihi•eutaatl 6LEatamoaoat nna P1a t �tasantlae.tbets og At °�09 1400 d ao soy[ �a t�• •. 00 '0 ad 404 g5 ( iP p.•9S6-3ootD.Xe`etmorelana!Aremaa, ov$a Ot ST;.. 0 x e1_ • a a c ¢„.0 ,ate b, `�' l o_. a�ecti •+1. gd a 0& s'n.1.p �. a r a ° • Qt 0 a 4 9 a 0 ° 0 0 a .t V =a -0 ° a o ,o q ' c 0 Qa a a 0 I, . 9!I0 a a a a V a .it4 e+t T it% FOB A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION: reasipt of Ades b itastib7 ps jferebb7 Gem, To_—SAMUEL L: CARPI (Ttii;Eta JR_ ft SOPHIA E. ca@ meitr::::..._..:._: •.. husband atd rife • _:' . _— . As•JoI tgAstsmss.- u: the reel P ' . . is tie— it I I Riveraads 4— -._.. Serif of California described COm ' , Cowut of _ i ` `k The• El.st. half ;of.•t e. Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section lay' Township 6 South, Range 7 East, Sae Berardino Base and Meridian. •`. 6ICEP,T11N6 • ,, ,:(7 tkere'rrn the portion thereof described aS 'o'.lows: a strip of. •,n.1 -'.JO feet in width, ih the East half of Ut %ortisrest gmarte the northwest quarter or raid Section 9, with is 711'.043• feet on.the right •. Sipe and SI.J.' 'eet of+. the left aide. measured at ri-:ht an_les te t Hine of ' 'b11o*inr. described center••1.inc: ;eginnint at a point on tjpt t`te• Fast half o.` the \ertheest quarter .of,; the Nortrhweit quarter: of said . . r' Section ), wiith. is South (`� •)-r 3's '.lest, 440.79 feet frees the Northeast }`!.;; corner of tail Subdivision; thence Souza lc• 44( I-P' West, 410.'t.feet to a iNoint on the pest line of. the. East halt of the `fort:twest q:`.arter of the Southwest 4:'after o' said Section 9, which is South Oa. i' 24" vest, L feet from the Sorthv3s' corner c I..ai.'-Sri'iis•ision. h .. • 2nd installment taxes for the fiscal. year of 1955-56, including any special district levies, payments for which areincluded therein and collected therewith. Covena s;conditlons,'restrictions, easements of record. i • II V •. iacIIcaR ' • STATE oCOUENCIEMEMERI NTY OF L \ ' in En RECORDED. PLEASE WAn. fus DaSTIu!:riff:t 1;l ss .$AMJEl. L. _f.LRFffi19;..,18------ - .. 1 . QZ 797. WA PJt.SPB.LgCS.:fa[ TY • Esaaw N. .274 y1y • j ` fi ORDER � mta.�s�: !e r�ue2 ers!Pe Oe �f.. �'."-.I - ��'risr yl..:. y .- .ems , OPACE e''e FOR RECORDER'S ,reset 4 • . gauss rail. a aad,Iio .aid Cmh ®d SW% i:..a tl 1 ...a! FEIIN L,, dI1L..NcL 1 4 • ��i ry .. L aA may mar • • 1 a a, 4- va' 0 ▪ a a a Yuri • • Ted; FAPCI:D,ET AL'r �'.'q' s• s rdenture, CABBIlI R, petitioner • is spouse, and' RC%D• G. el i molisecond property part, mvo 0' 475-4-171 P,tip� 8 .e0 f0 Uoa° copy, Raid real of party -Of property second $3,200'.00 1946, 24, 6aid recorded-'ooncurrentl' this 1 E iRI C part, a ade order 02 SRO etZSe . witne9�.t»; pursuant -C our.t California, • being filed s part notices permitting concurrently M • •- Carbinier part pi chased for her title And "Whereas, an+1Mt. d* upon make tan order of the said interest said 1946, M.a by and between pzrmitting Incompetent given person thereof, filed County herewith subject hereinafter juperior notice property Court, having i946, par ties indenture; o per tng inc mpetent Cot+t, him Roes heed hereby interest person; considerati d convey estate of.' said_ CABCLIT E second ng part; herewith a? said been sale described, C•}3 said upon given certified hereby return re directing copy referred . ,: V Caroline(43-SIA-41-1? Ito Apo. (•� i j v o 03 Tf j quiredantWta conveyance order made 0 filed June executed confirmation part t� �W O fii3 LIMO on 'C3X] (3] C WO said community paid g:•ant property �.- of -Q ail ° « . goe ,�g Seon .a� property party parties described -That towit: '2Qgrth • ertain youth, Range cantaining:3ighty d crluol sa a O 0'- 0 3 Reserving rights ances; a go 4 • o a G� C - a i d ; ap followa: real property Northeast seven and.. 0.C/100 appurtenances. right land. Subject Qua unto written. o — a o unto• part, Thousand second said 133530 (8 .0:00 ) thereunto part, ` • • 11 Rf • ..43301 ':E party joint :f•, Riverside, tenants, by authority 1946, hereby: made confirmation by said Superior certified - pert heieor, ‘ourt,the petitioner spouse, at gsuch order Hundred ;Dollars receipt whereof gaRece di. Ma situated LID sec.. nd. order said said Lourt Superior 03,200.00) is hereby part, incompetent County ..ivarterraCIIMPC3 °cam-- •] ` Benurdino PP?IM more .0 .acme Twain 0ep o slap record. have said an parties In-witnes% belonging road conditions, eto whereo 'hereunto set -00 0 o C 0 upon person, -acknowledged, right, in.:and Riverside,. Section 0 fitn to the ,• o • Township; F 0 ,0 1`cr1. . �o'37P.• r�1. and. bi=eridae. LterldTan together many along 1946-1947.1 restrictions, above second described goseu their fob - - / j,. tinB ECG- 1 said a party George rer.ait aLa with all appertaining., Ce0)°rteet Twenty reservations•easement stand/or property, heirs together with and assigns forever. part, petitioner this. indenture 0 first above petitioner spouse `CAROLIl-I incompetent person. for: order communityproperty a .0 parties l 0 vt 6 -4 • j, r )6. • a privileges 0 0 as 0 0 , ► • , DOD . ue 24, 1946, make an er 1•nf M .g f37 �� � � �v s c:,nd m wcorde cone:urgently thi '.�inden• re.;�' o e of „community► 0 a uo v 0 0 00' 1 e o n$ 0° • perrittt ing incoapete Co:gt; as hiki #tn 4 to 11 '� Bb an re I pr ope ersont arty cons$.i Oration y find osthte parties convey described �x ry 0 00v That' Calif or.:1a,; to -wit: �h Eeon ° a.ff V, go 0 N 8. a6 ,a {C{�tyC3 gai J 8 0 ,Ell ° • A r'ia °o.a0a o, peraoz •ai O nP 0 �% 6 ° d g n� �. .0 Said �iSar,ties of the contain -ouih, Menge ing 1g notice having been part; herewith said given and certi fried hereby requ ed by law, diT dir ;ng copy conveyance which referred saidapwagNEKERID Cis an � said certain priv#leees. yReserving Eon 0 tiAr property Throe unto Thousand second said CARCLIEE folloYs; real I. .even ocj10 Ca property a MI Co order Comp petitioner spouse, pursuant part, e2 made LxrLY CAROL•iiT faCo Hundred receipt scan situated order Dollars whereof second part, incompetent m D . "Ortheast cg appurtenances' sight land. 'L0iO0) thereunto Bernardino more belcngi.;g road 0y etDamco �' u Va3 g7 Subject r is antes, a?- ° 0 aforesaid, record. have said 4 0 D a Q 0 oo p cv written. whose tq yu:Af •l32-_ei C�� .. 0 } pO0 QM pyist 0 O ° Copied seal. .iiarry said { � {[ � j,.�y/�� ) petitioner person. a 0 0, a: p. Barry (.1f : j 4IN:1 Ar a 0 County a• together assigns part, this with a forever. petitioner indenture ° 0 a lliUIama known - to and/or a � Ca0 0 9 0 appurteni ° " * Q e above order property Notary me acknowled 'Notary States O ° 1946[ f•8# iD ° pgi California. a o County, ' U a 0.. a B.,Jhite .0 book Agnes Coparer a lublie theft44 Public past Burch; Apr. TITLS seq., Compared: • 0 n also conditizns, cm co eap witnesg above described upon County 0 Tune executed confirmation part order said e3 a Court Super for (43,200.00) hereby cal person, ° o 0 acknowledged, right, Riverside, River Section L:11 4[S�:J along Nine ezt iownship keridian, togeth er with 1946-1947. restrictions, o " appertaining. Twenty reservations, property, s , party 1 and), • : t, second Whereof, hereunto.set 0.. 0, va h .0! 0 Angeles)ss h this-j Q3 y, peraocal,} y r) j subscribed . o hrJ the A !n (NOTARIAL' _ commission 7, 1950 for GO.;RAt T! CCF:�AMY, Records band a 1946, heirs George ,er aitting spouse incompetent before appeared Scla G�:.-�CGi; foregoing official expires' a rdsg, j 31.50, ` m q. Dod - 0.. 9 ?•slot Official DerST Hester 40 . a. 6' o o CO • 4 'SP-- O 0 0 ° e 0 0 0 4 P k at•Request a 00 ° 0 ° 0 0 0 Records,, C U` a' 0j tl 11 P 0U V a ° a 0 n Q „ofa S. 0 4. :p • D a� -sr Q Zvi 0 a Y1 f. may•, ,_ .� _•x-�=,i!�'� , -g 04 0 a 0 0 GEORG3 d 0_ a Q a C30RG3 oCARB 1: E ,F:[../fit? CARD r �: BLS, _ husband: �- im:Ri 00 That o0 e 0 ° I o a o °a 0. 4.65 0 Eight 0 • 0 a° 9.' 9 - receipt of which is vied man,ala9 SAS JOZf1TElsfEE6tisa FweGorg dOc3 property w _0 •0 Northeast hereby situated hereby TOIHAROLD acknowledged G. EESS and NEILIE. E. property, in•'bhe described -.as: County a a Riverside Section .Quarter :. th;R�nge a,'i-i•] M.2320 an Bernardino o0Jt001 more _� ' to . t . t1. , tta along TO west ] . .ara Sou (80.00) appurtenances subject right , o! a STAR County Public the person 0 0 '00 a 0a 0 vay road also upon (3p records belonging condit ions, 7 x U.S l.R.S. 7.15 the t CALI VM`p'- iII eato (�� `•j. An8elea•jas. this for lsaid whose, name j executed:tie time. ,da RBdAL) April Received canceled ys year Pine L er idian County Y Township rights,.privileges appertaining.• Reserving 1946-1947. restrictions, 1946. 1946, p=:rsonal.y subscribed hand 1950 warm.TIME (.10:7l.14.i RecordCQ• Riverside Fees-31.00 ° 0 0°o a 0 9 0 expires Record Copied County, 0 0 RA 0 a Copyist 00' d " ao G° Iall 001: Is Id_ __ �CF3:of Part ° ups �r� , andi upon and -which parcel grnaa 3 Pr bu 0 George reservations, Carbinier i before api e, red 83 Ma ot1iciel. 0 0 book California. G bac73 ilding.aRain Lot Paget -Salt tT R .;lhite GEORGE at.right of said land. easements and/or Williams, CARGINIR known for egoin,g.iastrument Parry 1946 said 0 Vlilliams County c k C: ifornia thereon, 0 FALLS Code County -which s g Mock QD OJ and8 Records claimed for '1'h4 I letiocall Cotton Ia ula;ion. CQ land ROSS, past 0 Notary tome and acknowledged Notary J Public o'clock Records, Recorder. Burch, Deputy F.Rickor a SPRINGS 'believes! in and mth Page Recorder,= Procedure, •described 10 ° 0• •R oast 4; y Chapter claims D Call' on ta, r ouows cnmmTstm HIGHLANDS pa CO full Riverside Govern-e recorded BCD ECG map California., County,• ceiling areas in court lien t o-wit t ° 0 a O v • Dated Grant .Deed t'-a o1d G. F.ees arid Nellie (Reis h-.u5end, arlG v' Ie • • ti FOR�:A t'QLliABLE CO SIDERATIOV, rccvpc of .Sirb'u Ixrcb. ►doo.Iodged d t Ga✓-lel a_ < a .ra rigid can, • }• .Do • V. t}e;rcal property In the ..... f t t . County of �.! co-s de c . . -): tau of California. dociScd as follows: . s f North half h _ ..a__ O the Northeast east � .er e` :.GCL!D:: y .rns^i� E v� n, Ra. e 7 :as:, Sa 3e a =-no Base ire xer a_.. i�1b o r 'girl s� e_e.va:!ons t tit= t,,. t. . �. T;!EN RECORDED. PLEASE MA!L T•ri1S IvSTRbu:.1T TO II" • l' ORDER No-.—.,, rSG90W ._._._ -. .. On .-__�—_—__.__. , .?il �ii. iiiiifi/iii�i?l�Yli%ii:. Y/r% .. 1 no. C Uy_ . 1'' SPACE •BELOW /OR RCCORDCR'S USE ONLY Nail ^ Robb< it ror ie n .nd s<t r_ . If e •\ % O \ L'1 W cy L Lao,.' vl roe to tr. lti< porsonJ ,oju< ou...<--...._.._.. I rutvJr to l e oitlio inrpvmevl .nd -al teem f 'Sit .l L ' r, ,L __ Kv:ed tee ...wino- - r-. iiNi . WETS" oy A...d sad cE i.I .e.l ` i ce-. I,Ct ladocr'?"q` 4 / 2lJ r.arrr1.. - hlr Comm'e.;on Ea Pir..a='_li _—.-- L: IGSIII;IJ-St YL troono •Iowa/ I I-Yl • 7 t •• - S c wEcor.o...sr. nrOUESTCC) BY 8 W1-11(ni ncconoco. cLEAtic MAIL TO P-r:-.tvi Dr''. :.• TICS LIME FOR RECORDER'S 'JSE Reed lUANNINI anl..Lul S.; GM. .1 ka.n4 . and is• i I ••• Va!odl•le Con,ileralion. the receipt of which hereby a. ln••wi••1; 1„ IfTT DF.V OPMF.NT cortroRATION. 0 ND110., f!ta1i orni a Cort,t,r.,; i fl 1roper1, oiinaied in the C.:witty of .... 4...; I side Stale of rwliforoir. •le•wribed e's krrel.• The Nnit1- half ni the NortheaS ection 9, Tnwnsnip , Range ? East. ::an.liernerdinn Base and Meridi SUTITEC7T Rights, rights of way, essence now of record, if any. 1••"1••:.•ry• 10,3 - I \I I 1 \I hull \I‘. I 1!‘ \ I \ q 4 • tenants, conditions. and restriction.; „ t. • • u sa Utennint • I• •••• /•• 14.1-ri me, the amier.leme.l. N"larl ft•t . (.1 A' •. •• • ..• • •• •-• l r‘rvionl Ihr.same. •• •, ..1•••i..1 y: C. • r L it r r r. 'OR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION. f3i i51 i te'erobreskitararledged, ilHUTT DEVE O ?? CO:PUBATION OP INDIO a corporation organized under the Ia aerie} Ow basso tIt! • California POPHAM CORPORATION lr.,. GRANT to .the reel proporty In the County. of Riverside dF Siete of CalHiifornia, deecrlhed assd 1: The North half ofquarter the no$t aSR quarter of Section 9, TO,nehip 6 South, Range 7 BBB San Bernardino Base and. Meridian 1 SUBJECT TO: Rights right6 o =ay, easement, covenants, conditions, and' 9trietions, now of record, • if any.. il It 49 .. I IN WITNESS WHEREOF. telrltotporetio•� hat Caused Ito Corporate name and ,t`•t Intl+ vment to be 1 Iharaunt • dvty authorttad. Dated Melly 10, 1963 g (Seal) 1'A'1 ...I. (ntiO' iN". CWhI• Os ,t. Orange p,_ Hay •"110, 1963. I M,••• w•. Co....,,,,Nllrn 0,11Md. • ho,.,7 ••,4,t* IX - tar rV 71 f1 Co....,,, and t4.. B•r.Y•11i .ee..•.d I ' WII:LARD R, . 'QQI, _ - H��_ C_,._RE®VIS ;,_ _, ,.•.. �• ,� a •a.----- - — - 1--_tu.a•n .a ••-. ,.•or..ata. „•., •.•t.,.d ,.• ..44n o4*,,,wn. god•...... ,. -.• •of no 4v +o,r 4 ... •.a,i,tae CO e,Mw worn,. o. 1+•. ., .•,• r•,r3••'a.. raraln ..onslleea•• •.a"..@tod • ` :.• .••, ...eh tvzara•a,.tae•t,14id C.•a oral.• w ..,•,•y,., ..., l'... ,. .., O, t•w• ar a .aa Of A t of •.•••w• _ I , A.,Mu ..r ..d ••• Ora.,MM tiE • HEL "it bt i 0. . I. 1 Para RECORDING REQUESTED MY AND WHEN .:rconotto seam', NA•SIC 1177 W. Sestinas St. ADMMS9 Vancouver 1 BC Canada nibs Golden Speck CITY *,ATE ,;A• • IA Titk Order No 22872 'd Escrow N2 NAME A 00.till• CIT• STA?' E L ' YAM ?Al svAritaltient SANE AS ABOVE ADDRESS y. FOR VALUE RECEIVED, POPSAX TI,Off a ri GRANTS to ni THE G0LOW.SPE, a CS ifornia corporation ABOVE MIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USEzv ,11A:g4;i7IttliST ,P.9 full value of property conveyed, or full Talus less liens and apeumbrancas thereon at ne of Aletrt IINNrialstwe tat _ Trms IS SIT:LANCE MANY ant Oteb NN Teiut via= sur:litta I all that real property situate in thef County of RIVERSIDE The North half of the II 7 East, San Bernardino 'I IN WITNESS WHERE.0/ihsaid co / 3- 41day of ) 517.TE OF CALIFORNIA // County of Public, h d State; known to me to b. the of the corporation that executed thn within Isstrowiseta. sod also known to me to be the persona who erocutoilt behalf sud, corporation, and acknowledged to rue that nub corporates ex- ecuted the same, and funher acknowledged Wine that suck ear- pop/tan-Totes the within buttrurnent to Its by-laws or A regotu on of ita Beard of qitae.-, bed area is Corporation , State of California, described as follows: at quarter of Section 9, Township 6 South , Range sad Ibridiab. .prescnis by its 4fficers thcreuntc duly authorized, this " . , • .J t I F;I: "4' P.:- • ) rqspt.r.•• ••• . FOR NOTARY SEAL OR STAMP OFFICIAL SEAL "41 F L DAVIS • •":F•LIC • CAUFORNIA i Jrdet .'lumber umber. 1. — RECORDING REQUESTED DY%;. ANO WHEN RECORDED MAIL THIS DUD ANC, OTHERWISE e.HOWN BELOW. MAIL TAR STATUS ;ir.. and Mrs, ...J....L. Johnston 44-883. i:ingStreet Indio Ca 92201 Lt. Co THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR DOCU .0 con+p Ocomp a1; g.. RE(s) ARY TR on fall .due O! on full 'aloefta s g ag ce g "I 4 } p f' s ac 0: g .6. fir . aO G < k s 8 I 'SPACE 'ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE f: t(t4ne urpe n act (City or "Unincorporated") Grant Deed AX li conveyed, or of liens or eneumbraurr4 rrnia ininv a1 time ..I .air, and THE GOLDEN SPECK* 4 Cal. fA.KA.%I{,.CC.hpplCA,tuDA aluahll• Consideration, t s receipt .>T high is hereby acknowledged. herchv t:l{ANT‘5, T . J. L. J.Ot7NS.TOfI..a>.td..XFR 1t..1.....J.OBN$Mao_huahand..and..Wife .as t(.nnants .in common all that rim' property situated in the Coun of .ltivag8ide.— State of Cnlifulnia..h•srrihc,l as follows: The North half of the Northeast quarter f Section 9, Township 6 South, RAnge 7 East, San Bernardino Base and Meridian SUBJECT TO: 1. General and special tames and special district levies not delinquent; 2. Covenants, conditions,:re®rvationm, restrictiona; rights. rights of way and easements for public utilities, districts, water companies, alleys and streets, if any. Dated... % t* i ..19.7.5....._.... _THILIWER By1L ETAT& OF CALIrORNIJe— E Y O•F.. ei• `•eefelll y us .t iO4,..wt.t� i before me, ends signed, - ' otau Public in and for jaiusS e,(e, persor Ippeared to me to be President, and4L.. a= Ras. . known to Inc to be the •$cp.ta;y t$�Q�tbe that executed the withva Instrume�� to me to be the persons who exert) the within Iiostromastea bean sal t9tt tion therein named, and acknowledge a tot that such Corporation executed the name, nod echo tsdg1d teal= executed the within Instrument pursuaa to its by- laws or a resolution of is board of directors. ,, ,r ';. u(':4 o' . WITNESS my hand and official seal . ;;', •; rnia..Co.x1 oration. I resident (Notary Public '§ gnaturt) • „f Imi..nr., 6•- ..Ili, ial nnlrnnl .r.i1• ct'TF!IENTS T(l PARTY SHOWN •N FOLLOWING LINE IF NO PARTY SHOWN. nr • AS DIRECTED Antvr. Canada, Province of British Coluabia City of Vancouver Consulate General of the United States of America I, Florence United States of Americ British Columbia, Canada do hereby certify that - before wham the annex has been executed, was at ;t certificate; a HOTARY%PUBL the Prooce of nod and qualified, he signed the annexed ancouver in the Province of British Columbia, Canada. KITS WHEREOF I have hers to sat my hand and *MOW ixbd the eel of pa Consulate Gernert' at ancouver, aforesaid, this 11th ay of ,July, 1975 •i y. lore C. Adamson Consul Of the United Stater of America z Ssesived :JJL •roeort Pol. 6, 111it. sit l e'elrsi J. Y. at reQ2006400: fhs`Jtl,Os>• f ♦i ; sift Ahstrast do. Oopied !u Doak le. r of Ps$aate. peas tWd at req., reearlt s=• Riverside Oeent?. Califbrnia. s. Pees 80j I. S. Logan. Beasrler. Los Aagoles O13686.ltoodved I. S. Land Ohio* it Centre, Oal., Date Des. id. 11116. t-lOSS, TD MI!lm SILTD8 07 AURIGA. TO ALL TO SRO' IBM MUSTS SKILL COS. GR310I00t WISSIA3, a Certificate of the Register of the Land Office et Los Angeles, Cal- ifornia, has been deposited in the General Land Offia whereby it appears that fall payment has been node by the edam at`TKZ Aa 0. WKS, scoording to the provisions of the Act of Congress approved !Wash W, 18T1. entitled 'An Lot to provide for the sale of desert leads is certain States and Territories', as amended by the Lot of tarok 8, 1861, for The northwest Quarter of 'motion ten in township six south of range seven east of the Son Bernardino xoridian. California. oontaining one handred sixty sores, - assorting ii the official plat of the Wass if.the said band, returned to the • general Land Offios by the Surveyor -General; WOW UOW YI,.That the Salted States of Aaeriaa, in eonaideration of the prem- ises, end in oonfondty with the several sets of Ooagrsu in Inch ease redo and prof vile!, hes given and Srsa'ced. oat by these preeents dose give end grant, unto the sold clausal and to the heirs of the sail elaiaent the treat above deeoribel; TO HAM LID TO HOLD the seas, together with all the rights, privileges, immunities and appurtsnanaes, of whatsoever nature, thereinto belonging. unto the sell claimant and to the heirs and &seisms of the sat! claimant forever; snbleet to any vested sal accrued water rights for mining, agrieultaral, nanaitetusing, or other purposes. end( right - 'to ditches end reservoirs used in **emotion with sash water rights. as may be reoogaised and .ekaowledged by the local customs. laws and lesisions of worts; wad there is reserved from the 'limas hereby granted, a right of way thereon for ditekes er samals constructed by the authority of the United States. II maim SUMP. I, Woodrow Wilson , President of the United States of Amariea, have sensed these letters to is made Patent, and the Seal of the General Land Office to b: hereunto affixed. 01v7W under my head. at the City of Washington, the fourth day of Deoeaber. in the year of our Lord one thay.sand mine hundred and sixteen. end of the Indrpeadeeae of the United States toe one hundred sal forty-first. By the Presidents Woodrow tilsell By Y.I. 0aliok, Leeisteet $emtsr-.., (OBWHIAL LAND art a' sus') : L. 4. 0. Lamar. Jaoo*der of $ s rsi' L*k Attlee.. 3esartet ) lstsPi$ Bristow 886096,.• .. s :. - i. itot+ivel foe 7eoorl ?ib. id. 1W17. d 1 6.14esk A. 1i. at russet el;dii"rsrsils Title Ooa *a7 Copied 6 ;PS.,,i of fatso.$ai Agf at, rector/tot *Ivsssa4. 0dab Osliforcis. lees so • I. S. `Lo/,aa, "Beepllss' :• Br it. R; cosy. Debs f lti. • 1-' . • . • • 4,',..•••„::'fftt:**".., ; . - day of :Tune -a . • -12e 4531avioak 1 I #61 ,*34: g 510 f db air.e., hundred .thirt one, county. Allid:Sts4e.1 arm:m11: ir i i I described - k . tr..a t I bell executed V.is certi ticete 5 ". . - o 90 0 • -•-?` °°. d -• 0 ". . _ . 0 • 0 Q. t+• ,• • G o •) ,o° 00 00 0 0 o o d 95:213' 16 °a o a LF tberaCoaatp-a< '�!s , • 9>!bllarwa� 0 0 °0 fie, �8 fl pieew B• situate. Ce +9 3 3q, 0 T'' t� 0 C (b :3 'MI a= =.r- nrd 92Dcg be2oaging C ea � ; .. ) 3aoert g� �j Q33 m _;,3 ' .° rents .eCEIECZI l _ a, q'' - el �" ° q �>!4;t -..- r• end .3rti .teges il .1* 10 49 0,1503' a t*. ''' . ; .1.,0 ;1 c i• ... ;Sorslr t�et i3 Northwest g 0 0 c3 p teal ,l sna°the 03 (10) ibpa • • 6 •v. i�t + •r co4bo 1i R h p „ 0 ,y Q 0 la 9 • o0a. 0 ro 0 guerter 0 +.� caD{:1711?ga89 Ica gin 'south, Vs:reunit° tend. end. STAiTZ Rt.srs1a.,a 8ta is w ta•t..V. Range BOLD, cEIR tior �`:Tas t gas ten meant', =roti•ts sinvdsr thereunto hstrs' and assigns &_ _ %_�. = ,A) a ° -rearms- :MEG? 9 f l 1J , t• • ` C C.1• 'k•1 00 o fla ir.ctdent, party SW90 iN.�.3 Seat Lon i sad thereof. '4 id 0 end 1d o 00 d•beteg 1J • o• - o Township r ar. 008 -ratans, prenstsee. ,tage wtth p partr the second ao Co • 6 p, cre A written. a O 4 � sn V0 r Q 0 0 0 0° 0 0u m0 0 g V 0 0 A ci 6 9 v gait. • tr ems••fQame e Wanted' 0 u IlQ C ri Co••n•a • i'.- a00 gag 029 e ° u 0 O 0 a • xa?❑ B s gear: within trumment, fl�G2.59ealie Ga - CIGTABLiL. '8►Ll Q ° 4- 0 v t+ t w 0 G7.o xO 0 �p0 a ^a , _ L , ° o D eJ ° .0 or .5.•>•a18fla p a & FI1 a } j c , Riverside op County tad j3 0 22.1).EISIE Zx:Ta ' 0 &Q 001C 30 s. 0 o. 4•Oelchsrt,. , , •i 1, ) rest ttIng.4 1 lat•wn Lac O ie 1b0 V fl LX ,:7c County tten. 0 a 2 egaleeco. ° 4O 6 d 00fN } Q °J pas t 1ss 31I 9 1 A b icomIsslca ed. 0 Cpersoct ° •. 4 O °• 0 00 .! 4!r; saa;iostestimati'ot the'velue:of ILs-visit of ssta-pxop .vaa;laiad not • ssear Disrt astdgt.tothe p^titioner,. thie;tlido� Ot• FT.Csc�ts: sea r-¢ssarpetitio iir;„ that tie ttme fCr,h iv.:11- \ • :dscrcAN0X0; Loan No..: C\Z- iNtiN.RECORDED'MAIL - ao John P:-Hooten, 82-365 Highway 111 ! ; Indio, California., 92201 •:; &:- 3 ..ir,-, ir.,-1•4'.... 4 ..., l'.1.• i)1.re • •t. • . 9UITCLAIM DEED FORA VAL ABt.v.coti,itbEwior4, :receipt of which is hereby a4nOwledgeir. John P Hooten and 1 usana'and.wife, as community property ..i•=a • , 0 • t.' • • W • ..• -:•:e • RECORDERS USE • . .:. At -Ns ': • :, 4 1 . . ; - : DOCUMENTARY.: TRAWSFER TAX Suoiiii.411it.;.4.:." .61.. .• V ,...COMPUTE0 OtIrFULIZQALUE OF PROPERTY CONVEYED t' . W.,51t.,...COMPUTED:-.ON: FULL 'VALUELESS .LIENS ANO ENZtBsRAN7....47,..R7Alsi?.1,,NG AT •TIMEt OF SALE • ,..•;•;,,ti;•ft • . . 114r Signature of Dactaraot or Agent Oatarmining tax —, Firm Nam. - ' •.•,:„;-Mittlir. rt., .4 e.41b409%tog-5. • -•;‘..t-•'•:0101C,V.W.01,it 1,04 lou harebyARpol ISE: RELEASE AND FOREVER QUITCLAIM to' • Robert C.:Hooten, a single man,. aS7,td:;.an-iindivided..50Vinterest in ° : • real ;; proparty4.1 istixt i ty County o Riverside • I - 1.• • • • ••• r: • : • t ;:2 ':', ,. State of California; ;.described ; .:,, , • .:!. c.• 1..4:4 jiii-.'4'.'. eSt4halUof.,theiNorthwest?.quarter:of4lie Northwest quarteri.H 61SetahTRande.7iEas.t:fSanq3eiliirdirio'.;Meridiinii,detcritiedias „„t ,•, ... • • --...!).• • 7.-cN ,....":ah 4•Y•1-'"- :I! ;.:.V. 14, ..,:''',!:: ..A. ',; 1.• •:$. '•' - ,•,, ...•• Parcel Map boa.A4-, pages :6T.and-.:68.0-;Riverside: ,t • • `;•:-.4 ••%$•'" • Dated Morn 13.• 1978 STATE OF•CAl.IFORNIA1 , COUNTY OF ) i.. . ..- • -.N.-•i Riverside • - -,. - 1 __Notary puIDi..le, 11$ and t •ow,. 4 4,140,44$,...t ....$ .• ,nsp .. ai 3,, ..:i..its'i. '.',Po'isatier111/149PPsma • • • • : .. '.3','....:PHodtenva d ..;rPfiriirieticD.Iitt Heci fen .• . , . .:•••• • . 0121.W....1,46041.111:334 knotart.to nts to be ttbs mew %Pion nem • clod ecknowlodirsd that btil:exowied thiez;$$1.';,:. -•- . . •• • • " ' I .:...:;::::...;-.1..: . •;.'.4 .....!.., • , ..„ . , ., :4.. . .... . . 1* • •••• •'•• ;35."- . • OFFIrIALiSEAL;::: ....:f •:.- GLAM'SACOTY.is ..: :.,NOTaFrr..,Py6ht,F,...45!tiroRN.INt My 'comm.- cr.pl:e3LWiR 28,19111: notarial as If? • • - C) •I:7) C? ''••• John.P. Hooters 11182365/ ighway 1114 :i. 4if,Indio, California 92201 : ,.,,., :-.7.5st •, 1..4: ,;,..„.„ .,....,.,......... ,.4!..... i ,..... tAl PATSWHIS 10 i': • / I "'".. '::Johnfl P. HOoten ''. 3. 82-3651Highway4111 5.. "I— Inclio;California .', 92201 Cit., vs, ...POO L. .:•_ t. 4. to $923 E••417.74 , • • j. • .• t Hooten; a single man • the'following.describtreal property in the County of ' Ri versi de See attached .1.4 r 4 *:-.v.), °,•74-..- , . • 'ea. ,.--.1 .,,----,7:::,,',.,.f.., la ,••‘t le,.;1 jci if ....,r 9 ; ' , :4,, - , ,,,, ,i,it.;; k.,-,ez, • - '1`.:: ',' STATE OF.CAUFORNIA ,''' ' ", 4.. I- COUN'rY;OF 'AI -Riverside • Iss. ......-or,!,,t-piev421978 .i'• , before.1: ' • me! the (4,7 • ,• I: i , I ABOVE .THIS LINE FOR 'RECORDER'S USE . Irin .4 ; Andividual GrantiDeed ' THIS FORM FURNISHED BY TICOR TITLE INSURERS A. P. .... . ••• ...4." ,, ic,,4,,1 The tutdcrsigned grantor 0...declare • 1 : ,yi,,,k.,q,7„..,irdod,..:?,-•.;;4.4.2..:::,.4,„....y.k.4, : CiocumenialiPti.ifersta ja t's**- (s)-e*-- , , . .::)l'O (mputedsolr fiill.,yalu'e.TSf property conveyed, or ,,ua,,qp.,...,..-„socura..6-,-1141.4 . :-1... S'• r --• („Iticopplted on full vaine tess.value of liens and encumbrances remaining at time .i..(r) Ilinincorvarated :area: 1 rti'f; City of te • ..:Y••*44f• ; iaiiiirolfeiMsaii4Rik.. a- • f. i- ;FOR ;ANALUAELEXONSIDERATION, receipt of which is here...), acknowledged, flf...f- ;:iif. :. ; • ,I 1 -;:: ... and...Janet''D: Hooten: ., ,:: • tk . , , f •=1; 3 .•-•,•1-;•?:.V.A7,:,:- John -hereby. G 'Robert , State of California: XXM May 12,1.978 en • • 1711) • 0. !I' I SPACE untle!-- ijilrie'd774.51Ortirr inlAinext .ane..for. said' State. personally anneal:ell ;:i•-•',',1Johri'P;r1400ten and Janet D Hootan •"! • ettxt frx • - :40 :We • MS. knowIll lilt to be the pc name ---a_-_- xub.cribed to the within . • • • - ' instrument and acknowledged that they executed the same - WITNESS inyhand and official seal! . • c:1: • t *4: ..1'.,•••woo.•:;:: •i-oti.''s • of sale.• 'and i : : . Pt: ,. • EIS : title, no .:)Ltving it /1 I • et:AA.4- • i;41 : CIAL SEAL VP4ARLYNE G. LOCKWOOD •'e.-au.g4.;C---cAtm••t:rnivI- mVt.RSID[ cimm My comm. mires WV 13. Mt OFFICIAL SEAL. YNE G. IOCKWOOD now", puatic - CALIFORNIA .:3:NIY . i::,V 13, 1931 4 . OFFICIAL SEAL is ::-.46.10.**4 AR: YtsIE G. LOCKWOOD NOAY PUBLIC CAUFORNIA 14 an• •• " • LEGAL: DESCRIPTION:' • .., s A:fifty (50):ercent intere portion:of West half. of the Sec54 9, Township 6 South described .as -follows . Parc2 as shown in 'Parcel CounwyipRecords:..:'' ..: Said 'ell isllocated•South;= froe;the`Noithwest;corner;o for pipeline lies•,five (5) 4. waterwell,and appurtenances, over that orthwest.Quarterof the.Northwest Quarter of Range 7 East, San Bernardino Meridian, • Book 444 pages 67 and 63 of Riverside -47�.. 49" st, a' distance of 183.15 feet, said:,Parcel 2. oses';. a strip of land ten (10) feet. in et each side of the following described . BEGINNING at:the•Northwest,corner..of Parcel 2, as shown in Parcel Map 44, " " '.' .pages`67 and:68 of RiversidT1County Records; I 'THENCE South""10° 47''49" East, 133.15 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING: T!!ENCE'South,';10° 47' 53" Est, 15.85 feet; ':THENCE North,73° 05' 31" Esrst, 34.18 feet; THENCE North, 16° 35' 42" We t, 117.01 feet; THENCE North, 16° 23' 32" West•,�62.01 feet; / ' THENCE North, 11°_ 09' 57" West, 14.82 feet, to the point of termination. _Said point is located on the North line of said Parcel 2, North 87° 47', 12'� East, a distance of 15.20 feet from the Northwest corner thereof. • 1., • The said lines of the above described prolonged or shortened at all their points of intersection. course are to}be prolonged'or ;North line Of Parcel 2. ;rr, . t. • strip of land are to be angle points., so as to terminate Likewise, the.side lines of the shortened, so as to terminate at 1 I14 11 z,• . It i' at final the •••• • 'Zi*.,4* 417,1%.• 4:; '3".n• 14.‘'\\\\\\‘‘‘'s•V/i// Dt DOCMIENTARY: je,X di kr • 'Po-. -P------.F6Y04.ed to Ward vim*. cirat4i leis Woe Or Bens or eiciariiir7s Oa:* . • . t:Filtz,vtrtwAt,-,re - - , FOR A VAILIABLICONSIDERIJION, resmptot Mitch is betibiockorattodgett.;, Jeflery Starrand Judith Hoo ten 'Start-T. - • _ . • • husband and.':wi wife as CdrmitirglyAoperty as to undivided:36%;:intereit'•':: • -4.1;* • 149Wereby remise, reuse and tarter quitclaim to . Robert C. Hooten, a single man • *. • • • ••••' • • •. : .. • ' •••',; the following descraxil reel property in the County of Riverside ,State of California: As per legal description'attached hereto and made a part hereof. . • . • ••• Date a : • • . V•-•k4q4-',' • • • • • ‘1...,E • OrROALse - WADYS.W,COW • korAiitkiticreilliCaTOA.. if:Vies-me couhfir ea...Melon laptrai Atit.:2/171;31. • •. • • • • • : steeare eaten wad trial emblem la tee field eiketokielets yea Vas, teat It; tilt la ell Wale, eat EMI canoe parea.ta yew treaserttruCeastat a terywAl ne•elot.teestenty Mem tot yew tarpon. Su ve vn p, ova .� . . �`•d' ° 1. ` r p fii`„s c t. `--7tt t��aa� on�th,r,Nbcthwelit ubftc.o fi� ~ �� onehaub��lnfig ada.. Rd��tet' 741'1a031 (ttp9�lnuaru+rbu.i��•"-•'"�2��ncp��•.v `. w•:'.;r_. 8-� nty-l;�corae,n.nd=hy,=Uecdb;f r_psa.'cnric record Deccmber23. _1952_As.:Instrumrnt No. S+ 29,_ :`';'� •: TTFG thcrc[rom thlt onion convc ed to the ilnitid States of:A,rerfcii for ALSO EXCF,PTING therefroam that portion c.:Ac 'South.°b° 21'.:Gnat,' G34.98 feet front the•No the.tJt t,Section• line of said Sect ion•9; • 77Thencc South...0 21': Enst,' 607.12 feet '`on s corner; Thence North 89°.47' 23" F.act,' 23.73 feet; rihed "na follow:: Beginning at n.point rtaiwcst''corner of said Section, ,ncasured• un •'_ r anid t.'cl •Section Zinc., tothe one-r.i"teenth �.Thcncc North 2° 16' 40" .het, 6T17.59 feet'. tothe, point of Beginning. • -4.7724g. r �F �, €s,�•t'' a r'"' { 4-'t _`" _ Y .a hey+ �. ,Ah 4 e:r, a5os eri: E. uu 1'vr ru,.. ..ia. S•,R,. f,�.r, r3k.. t ...:r-.... ;` `*a.P -.., , f ��`x .�•a _ } ^,'e:'414te:'Vils f>.5'trg4r.:.1+'ri:i`'' , na!•ci• i'J is .r i• �r a . t s 'C .-- i 3 >r n .,;, .s I� w' Ire, . .. ,sue 'fit t 4 +•� -r IIil ,..i ::t I. 11 f :If the Sl LitI nsr girirter' and the ht.st half •J . th Irthcn4t 4uartl 1 r •. :af tln• )u !Mat goal tl r of See Clan 1y;, Township 6 coiith� l:angc 7 }Ost,TSnn P• : rna}r�diii Base. end t•lori:d Lao. is 3�&+ The Soutlieo quartet of the Suutht ist.'-qu lrt.•r of Tr.:tfonnl. 16a 1 nnuali1; 6 South, •l:an;;.,j7 r'nst, San Ci•illertllna tease nod leridtan, as snowl,•b..bnited .Lahti PALL 1'.I_7. ..,.. c,Eosthalf a tha Not•61011st; quarter. o! the •Suuth.ast duur.t•cr 'of Section Q Tut nship 6 ••South, ongo=:T-1 est;:•S in llcrnardiuo hose and Meridl.6o rxi1t..F f4K?.IFt ft:.• rThc Nort lebst c uartcr 6f the Southwl.se_cinnrtcr, 71teti� utheas bquarter,othe .,.. quarto st quatNorli.0rtLt ad.tie :estvuic half_ot.fi'rther,uarttrofhe'orthwest quarto of:Sec'tinn1'21 fshl l'i Sou Eli l T Gu'MM, �'tii,�il nardino lie idiir , in th .C6ut t4�). of Rl�%ersidc;'tSt tcofCaliforn a, nccot �fp1�{L ficial-plat ;i thCYCJ .._..- ';iik� ��•e: :K' .....� 0' ---,.. � _. '.1; �. �r: �''.,.���.. _. .. �# _�;•+: w`�.. ��-.i r:"F3�i..�r.;�, ji�•y� �'v3#' h�� r KLe..i •�� mow:-pt`� '�%'�? i€ -'v, '" s+ j, ,;� -� 9 v,ti � w... �;' _ �� � 't+'t+��f �w,t�' �,?� ,� '� t .Y ,�.r .i, 7 Fes Tt aorthcas � d�Ju Range nariaoffliapla'i SeCtate•gGaittiLace d /tl ; Ks Mk. a y ar y 1 r-,l, '� saY .. i >'k..� 4 6-A •?'. aY}.. ..FJ .l:lrtY.•...< _,-�+i��:,t,..^sn:�,:r-.ya.:.;: ... .:.:5� „•.... ,".. :S+t :x-'-�3 _.. .�. .3 z ill"IRSpla`..That first part„for and in can Y (aa:00} :Dollars„ receipt whereof is ac'rnowledged,does n4•deaond:parties, in joint tenancy and t ad=reeaigre_:Of auch survivor, forever, the :f :•the County -of Riverside,State of Calitora astir lublt,"o} Northeast quarter (Niof 1E*,j �? d o:li th , ;�31�e�;(g)',,,Townahip Six (o) 5ou,FcanEe•gev rid ;eoditnining eighty and 00/100. (80.00 a11. , hte, .privileges and appurtenanoe ^eflY a spperta�ning. Reserving a right of way TO • "'tKewest.ltweity-.(20E-feet of said land. „ 1-StrialCT to any end ail easements and riigbit tirseid-lcn&.•Ma.4 to: tales for the fiscal year teCinn ng. Seri- ,ta eriy a eaia1 assessments for iaprovemente C «t. ovember �I8� 1941:c.'• i ` t..:f ,, f;: i,.- w: -4 • .;3I.wII9ESS,S�::b oi',tirst party has caused •i s '�i 1 t `fi;l r'b:'.`subsaribed:.by..Lts;dfflcer, tLereunto duly euthoriz.ed, 4.'10irbethtrr'eun et'fitedrend• attdated by its. Secretary-,br'4 y1;daa,� ,ye - tirst:;hereina-hove written. •, , ( 4t, . ! �, s ' , 50L• EX: FiCIFIC ' • `I 'l= .,.s�/- +:�"(' t tlla :•t.L1L) ` By Roy G:lilleb end ' �► u�� il; `i.tk• 11'��, ! : Attest Jay D.B o 8i� =Dit e. �ibvemter. 18, 1941 appreisa .Di • "4.3.j•i2.2O::aancelled , -: 1 CG leg r,fp t', -SAN tza CIsCo ) a:. " : 1 ci tilts of deysot:Decen.ber, in the sear I CPuntia:,id:en for the said City end Countyy,p Oran, 1 d'or t to. tale 'b e jto•e the Vice -Presides i. :'gorporatio.4 described in •end thtdt' execute as t ifsio., .be: the.petson who executed it o4' , l er teing by me duly sworn,dididepo liibil:tin above 'designated; teat he is ; ecqu il>i tii ;. he seal' affixed to said instruim ro' rporetthu.;• that the signature to said%inst t oration: 4b.' indicated after said signature• 6a?.eif.z.bl4sgid •porporation by authority. of s;,:etut.::he cknowledged to me that the-0/di-do ant fiffely;end.. doluntarily and for the uses;.an J-, ` ..1;1'IU'''.WXTN1 S iI.1 .0y, I have hereunto set tqy h :1.,;-Yatmg�'ottieeiti'seid City aid County,the day end'yeer 4above wieititen:., ! - I. ; i=f•r ; 4:;:; j - i ' A.L.jihi .t1e;Notary >' • ;' - �, _( •%AL.•SEAL) and County of San 1 ti `' y:dbanteie l pires.September18, 194E 11,,}} i' ' i' it ' rt "l e dj or fiteoord+ Jan 11 1944 at 5 min pa .G:bp%t . is Bobt. No.610 of Official Records,'{ KN may: .ar • ' • • ! 1 iu T8i SUPERIOR COURF'C? ,TSl: _STATE m► CALII7O14IL,. J, • _ a I if ' T88 COt%:Tl Oh RI�83IIs j % thi 't at of nisi 'tio ,.af. !' )' i ! _� 1atfr;5:1. ,..• •,) Bo._1O1711 r .;i11:. •, tari is"oara; pss+3 ; suis or -) - ;cow Sail •': f o ty. -_ • tofhis ,,p'roD:,Cade I433.63' .� J wite;•I , Car in1 er,1 en.) I: ,i_ ncompe 4nt:-, ; 's oa: 'i :I.. , .i !: 'r II _ t this Z4th day Hof June,' •1;16; *twee GBCBGE Lit _„ - ' �. 1 . F _ CIBm�[IEB, pe ioaer;for •,. {., ' a �D-0mit, agile' of ommuaity sreal•proyerty of *his 'sD Caroline C - ! ' no Z. Martin -•Smith of tberlaw-lira Ham"', XHICKSON, BIII = & ,� hiss ,. yproves to%iths satisfaction 'of the,Conr't that' his'return af,sa )' reel proper! ,pe ttoa or•confirmationatbereof as filed on the:27th'day.,. yi 1 • 1946, sad' that the :s Dereapon'fized .m• 24th' "day of `Jane, -1946, • bear! , thereof!, and hat" tie= notice of `ee3d"des - e the, t ae for ' ' bee ' I areo , A , i ri>ag his%Oeea :gins in the torn And • -• r 1sr;;end thereupon, , after'esaminiarg "the siturn sad bea dance, the Court Ifindal tb.et anon, sad'ill-the'�aliaget ons , of said',petit _ o *rue; •a, • ,' 'f ,. i a 'Are rne, at, ��' .D _ to,,A eder ot:thisl-Court the r ert _deseri .-,. P, y' Dad 'ilQaiid -petition has seo s sad by Inhe itaace Tax appraiser for 3 200.00• for the oars la sup spat' !ffi eoadilliadaq* lneeesaeryr propidi �fnads. ''� _ ( s+o�Itai �aDiaisr .t � s. , ! �d:aaPPort af" ,colt ,, a , o 'Day fazes, 4ipterast aad'Other eh sge>1s incurred • fed ;._ j• ,1 Di Dsid;fni; ;tae•.proi.ectioit a id"prea�rvatioa ol,'ether 4064aity. ,' • -''�' - ' held D ��� -� i� Y'seal y {�! e`and•,Caroline .Carbiai.r; ;end •;that said sals ws for the•tadyentage,- fit and best.fiaterett ol_aeie iaaampetent 'Ceiroliae TCssbtaids,;Ithat;,notiee :of: -the e-p �..Il'!t snaliwt'sez wee dtuy,giesg qs-requirii,Ar law,''end kth Said notice ribs3 Abseil I mil, a s ,the earns es in . he rei.na ter ;desartbed th guired ion � .. sot - - i63a of=thd. oebets Ca ions!`not ot't.� that :as 'se .11., - < • -return e t Dti inie It s dtgpoa;the attic !y"$ raliszar2ths Atwitter the- ., .,.. hrsator Or � of �Ot iaiyitatioas '.: � ' ;•l that:the-emit „ ; '. • , 'offere; li'it (least SKIS `ot the aperelse value t I is to the okvalue';of `the aold' ' - + ' � {, ,Pst+Dert7''. ; �� 'tlst • dtta etcesd =i it :�etLss¢ per cent, izaluaiveLof the espense of, i'new sale oonnot be ` ' QQ� read ab�' . � ! , r_. . r t � .: t , l � . - - i •�. ,f an_•objecting• thereto alr' •offering e; er"pries; t . ? by the;;COutt:that the sale sotaad -tbe,,reel 'rt.y.here 4 — _: � Drum iti► ' ea the to gq 14 ¢-Hess' end4Nellie B. Hess, hosbezfd'e`nd rife, est totnt Te s,: " t ; cum° of ; eba;''subject ra. ` rt n tious s ±siin # ' , 'orBac ,p nil •'ehtsrges, ttir�the interest - ;. ' • • '• Caroice-Cer'Dinier be end the .. Is hereby, aenfirmed, cod;' the ti n r. toile ! �",� • i _I. t it ;'pe tic calm, chili IE8, 1s''direate to i• • sao04nts•td'said e••• a r.a'deed af=conveyance,thereof.:The reel, p rty,so'sold •C•' U - .I. undo gibed _is foI ` : •, I roe ; . ` { �+ �' tr'ieerae zeal property sitnhted in the ,County at. Rieereidl.; state of ;, {, ` I • O 4, to'w►ft: o Halt'; at Northeast µQuarter (M}_to }) d'of Section Ntns($)',,•T i • 1 <� ' ,,� .i6j'. �t#c,., 8edea, (7).•Heat, San.Bernardino Bsse end;tsri is �' 2 • • 'sad OQ 1�Q a . a, _c ntei � i . *delay ,� . (8Q 0a),, dares, `more or. less; together-with'eli righ , o .r 1, sad ` apDn=teaiaset to, bolo.;ijlleBes°Quid : I lot;wo }t' ""`. nging or; in , y; wise-Appartaiaing: , ser ing e. rfeb .. . t , . 3 �- p a : y; up on' end "along the ;lest Twenty • (201, feet ie e: r. • . i � �� :, OR _ ;at, d�•L i r, o ,,• .: '" 'i r . ° that $reel. estate •brok rs easioiiaioa 3�''astou nti�g� t i ') 1Eo•. 9t00 be rpstd to .. H. f isaddea; a liioensed real eat.te _broil • 1 .• P, ' :,Additional: in the ,amount of '$3s . .here0 ��' ' ._S �I ,I 1 is . • ;�..: t, i:5 • 1• SIAL) '°#' . •Judge,tjt 'the Cb , t } �• 1 I.t, _.� 1 • . • 8 9 • - 10 11 12 13 14 15. 16 17 18 19 . 20 21 - 22' 23 24. 25 26 27 28 Atit39111.1. M. YEAGER • ATTORNST AT L.O.W sum so,. LAW sum. 09 II BROADWAY IL CIFITRO. CALIFORNIA 112143 TELl'INION1 361.2321 Yeager.: : 'Ads frm( m. rem made to the satisfaction _. • .._ . • . . , . • • J I • ; . 17 ' ct _ •notate of '• _'' ;,- [Indio - 5 2 5 3 _ .•,• 1.-, •.- - LEON KENNEDY, ,..g parnmaxwo SALE OF REAL AND ' Mad/I'PROPERTT AS A UNIT Dec ased. ) 'BirdESCUTRIX (PROBATE CODE 754.5) ‘ 5, . ... MUNE( • • • The yeti kod ' • ft :•;•Ti.) ae Executrix eV_ :, • 1% for an order conrsiinclar ' ic • :.- f4 .•- . ..:.• . ;1:! . . goalCa:4 ndersonal property as a unit and.clheiiiing o ny yance of'eame, came on regulerly i .. ' .4;,.! •7 ':Iii.: "?:'.:-. for hearing by the Courttbie date. Petitioner appeared bi counsel Russell The Court“ of• this Ccourto •4 •f` ". • 1.; oue notice �f thei tims-and 'place for the hearing .)4 A• • • of said return in. etiti�nJa baor(NiTen as required hi )ay. ."' • 2. On Harch9l9lI, saidy,executriz oold at private pile; acbleetit confirmation by tbe,Court, •thereal ahe personal prep4rty, as a unit,hirein described, to Job: s • . kooten, for the sum-r,of ?or Hundred Seventy-five Ihonae 4 tiOe7Cf:'-MARGARR2 LENNEDY.::4-11 up dueissa, prayincic." 11 12 ' 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 .21 22. 23 24 25 26 without notice Aso aft 4t pq ty' ®old' as. a unit::= one-fougt4 7,4 pQao®Y''Qf . Bale': t . r0 r � .P}roperty' was appraised*,- ne a unit within oatvysag _:f.,JV �t®ale. The sum offered at the eats' is the sameT,Aisctl'the appraised value of the real. and p rdonaaL•.prapor*Va s a unit and, as a- conaequsnae,:: is not disproportionatet tWnalue-of the property at the- .1 t ' cent al = $ (5). percent on the ;mount of Ad in excess of Ten Thousand _Dollars (a10,0.0 00),'excluaive of the expense of a new • sale, cannot b offered' a high ' d. ' Th:'ts.sn conducted. 9. ThaE t';is •..•kr • interest of.th be sold 7. on the ; A oum ®uceedinq.esid'=hid at loasebten (10) per • fi at Ten Thousandt.Dlars ($10,000.00) and i1 nobtainod�-:andzno person objected thereto or egally made and fairly vantage, benefit, and .best' satato .°thaat .®': Yeal 'and personal prof arty, unit tog the'' -.following reasons, • . All of the. p oparties are used operated ag a•busina ss:unit and would, and d..r Command a h as a and' ghat'pgioe'sold on said basis. • time of sale. c -......--.— — .......--- : 1:• 44.:::;&ki.V...A .. V. .ii ...j.:"' • - • 2 4 . • . f5 6 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2;/ 28 • T.: to pre • r•gar.i? internsta the • ... , • ; . . sifisiest • Vropartles. s the highest • • . :—IsesPoo soquirio4 Sainary in okder -its estates.. 'etaili.as • ' • ; • . • •-,.ts. F'Ssittner 10. .Th t.a inretP :. , ., ..,: required 'because of waiver thereof in docedank o Will. , f - - ir • 4: • 11. Theto-asid Oneontris.by contract in writing, • engaged Gladys S. Coty, a dily;lieensed : g to obtain a purchaser :for:said the estatewoild pay-oHe-fort fee in the aun ($17,500.00). real estate broker .. • roperty and did agree that of the brokerage o/,deventesinThonsand rive Hundred Dollars WHEREFORS, IT IS OADSREDAND ADJUDGED, as 1. Th 4alo so sods '41.[:.tibi real and personal l•-• property asa nlit•-rheEsia:SiScitihed, to'John P. Hootall .( • - :: • for the sum Of pOugOlundre enty—five Thousand Dollars 110.4tiff'1.- ($475,000.00)- Sihris. confirnsdi;_and on.paynent of the v.1•7,',- • • purchaie price the enecntrixjs directed to exacute.aid. 6:44Ct • deliver a deed of con ance:964ths property to the • 1..4 purchaser. • . ' 4t 2. Th 1,sum of Seventsew:Thousand Five Eutidte. h.- s.. : • : • _ • • • VESTING: • • LEON KENNEDY, 'a married_ M. P. KENNEDY, a married' 111 c) LEON,KENNEDY AND MARGARE rl MARCUS P. KENNEDY AND'TI • 2 KENNEDY BROS.. atl'artners KENNEDY BROS,' a_co-partner • • II - • LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PARCEL 1: _ The Southwest quarter, also.knowniaG ernment Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8 of -Y ItnT7 a st t Section 16) Township 6 S uth, age,San Bernardino Base and Meridian; 4 r-•)' 4 V EXCEPTING therefrom that portion Of,the)S ihwest quarter of the Soutwa:-:: quarter of,said_Section (onveyed'to-tbe unty of Riverside by Deed from Florence N. Brady, datettiovEmbe .93o and recorded .December 16, 1930 in Book • 867 page 165 ofeeds Rrie Cnunty Records. 2 • ' • • • • 37, =1. and 2; .!•i 41•,,..q. .i.4,.nd it.4o*PARCEL 3; ,, 8, and 12; and.;: 10, and 11 ... • PARCEL 2: • Government Lots 1, 3 an114-in Section i, Township 6 SOulh, Range 7 East, San 'Bernardino Bttst and Meridian. PARCEL 3: 1 • The Westhalf of the Sou beast qu..rtvr and the: W(.!;t half of LlIc Nort.hcl.s: quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 26, Township 6 South, Rance 7 East, San Bernardino B se and Mvridian.:- PARCEL 4 . . At i-. ..i,' -.-' Thn Southeast quarter of the,Soutl..e.s quarter.ot Fractional Section lc, Township 6 South, Range East, Stir B6rnardino Base and Meridian,, as, shown .by United States G vernment q xycy? • :• t. ., .• . .,. • ": • - . V::- 1 i • , ...;'''. PAUCEL 5: ' ' -• ,,,:•+ , ..'. ''.1-i:•:' • • v - - • Government Lot 3 in Fractional Section 8,:-. Township 6 South, Paine 7 Ea•st, r..in'rrrN:trdii.o it.1:;_ and Meridian, ;v:.:A.+Jwn hy tInil-d ::t.1!-r.! Government 'Survey, bring also known as the Soulhwest. Juarler of the. Southcastquarter of sai Fractional Section 8; , EXCEPTING therefrom a riqht. of The United. States of Ameirica. wayjor.canal purpor.cs, ;Jr. ;:c9u- ty v. --CONTI:: ED- - • I: • 1 • 1 .1 'PARCEL 5: (,cont'd) . :ALSO EXCEPTING therefrom h� �o �•�: . t h:.Wes•half of the Southeast 'quarter of Secto r, ,:. ,� �.outh Range 7 East, San Bernardino Base and Me ;'-.`3c� as5follows: BEGINNING at the Southea o n- o ',West7 half. of the Southeast quarter; t,• THENCE Northerly,alon {� , '_,.:.,. g= e E s_ � ;_g: d _West half of the :Southeast quarter, •30.00'.;e- 0;'? • e�UE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE continuing. alon.g• s id' a t 'in''; .•��',00 feet; ` THENCE Westerly, parallel t'o e` South..1i a of said West half of • the Southeast quarter, 190.00'feet`; i.., THENCE Southerly, paralleP-to-'the•E. t`o'said West half of the Southeast, 505.00 fret•;• TIIENCE Easterly, 190. 00' fleet to the ,,TRUE POINT Or BEGINNING. t • ;S I. . • , i • PARCEL .6: . • 'The Northwest quarter 4 .8, TowAhip 6 'South; .as shown by United St el • EXCEPTING therefrom a The United States of PARCELJ7: The East half of the Section:16, Township Meridian. PARCEL 8: • II . . The West half of the Section 9, Township 6 Meridian, as shown by September 15, 1903; •-_. EXCtPTING therefrom t by Deed from A. C. Wi 16, 193,0 in Book 867 by Deed from Kennedy 23, 1952 as Instrumen No.:54929f % r ALSO EXCEPTING theref om that portion conveyed to the United States e..! America for canal purposes; ALSO EXCEPTING therefiom that :+ortion descrihed a7, follows: BEGINNING at a point -South Of 21' East, 634-.98 fer:t float the Nortl-...t corner of said Sectio , measured on the West Section line of said E:.-:-.• 9; THENCE South 0° 21' E st! 68702 feet, on said West Section line,,', one-si,iteenth.corner; ...q;. A $ „ THENCE'Ncirth 89° 47' 31,.. East'i '3.73:feet; THENCE North 2° 19'• 40"yest, 661.59 ieet, to the'POtNT":OF BEG1NNTN% NOTE: . Said property ssaltositiated in the Coachella Valley County -Water District. ang0-7.T.U. testoVii right. meric -.• ortheast quarter of the Southeast quarter South, Range 7 East, San Bernardino Base uarter of Fractional Section Bernardino Base and Meridian,:: • tire"; vey; • ' r canal purposes, as acquired by of and orthwest quarter of the -Northwest 'quarter of South, Range 2.East, San Bernardino Base and Unithd'StatesiGovernment Survey approved 4 • • ose port ons eonVeycd to the County of Rives. hams --and Margaret H. Williams, recorded,Dece age 162 of Deed, Riverside County Records, rot., a Co -partnership, filed -for record,Decs: , • 1 • - • I ' i - 1. 1 PARCELO: ..: The Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter: Th, 5:(mth,a..t qua:t.:: of the Northwest quarter and the Went onol-half of Ihe :;orth--t. quart' of Lho Northwest quarter of rpecon 21, Township r, !:on111„ Py;:.je 7 L-in Be o,Irdino Mei.idi:n., in the Coon'tyof Piver!:ide, :;lat'e el Calif's:-. t. iJccord ng to thc, olficial;:plat thdzeol: •-. :1* i• . '..'. ExCEPT from the W,:st doe-half'of theNorthe;:st qth)rtf:r of ti :ort'..-7.1:• q;t;irtc•r of said.Sectior021.,' The .Eaitily 240 foot of thr: No .erly feet. • -7CONTINUED-- .11 •,•• i �,..0'441 7rtetor 2--550 Intaroetional 7.-actors 2---Y:D. _Faral 7reo4..ore 0 3-•--420 International Cotton Piokerr I---16 ft:'Yaiiey Farg. Dieo`4� Th. . tea•:•., -'i2 otian Trailer e.' `�••' 0 f 501•oi iSi:s1e,1 = •• '• I---•I0,000•' gal'.• Tortilizer'.= :ircx Cotton,F1antsrs;and Inoorpora eide':Tanks ia''1�'rf' bords: "*°411.' I-=-- s{ip;_?osder and doer �63cA;A:.al.'.i'(nn-`d7- • 2-- T5j_eldeaetn�a_(,'IIo)'gsl- . - __ I -25". 2i115: •Bsymill: i:V.roo Bp: motor- and all I=5!Hp -,.grEingrinder. :�z .• , ::,#;•:* ' • '!s I = , Yolaases.p=p e..nd'br!x{ gvage.te r I-1�j 'injacto: •rig -=•' _ .. - I--Jdais j?,• 2>.otor grader .:r-,- :� • 'I• •-Big ox'scra er ble.de-V••o`.•.1. i't..'dreg scraper • :4.'. is •bottoir• roll-over plow ..• -a�;':-- i =.3 bottom roll-over •] ntornationel `4• :1---I2?t: land plane j(�b7 •- ".y d, =1970.2 ton Internationa Ilpic2;-up•• ▪ _z+.I-100'..on I ydraulic }•r eas.,L•;r{s '. ••••: compressor :i.. ''I--jnp. grinder • • Y'j 1 ,..1-=7h: eading machine • • I --Spray rig --tor type .': I=-5orey'r3g Bohn self -prop I---Qutting torch complete ';'.1 2--cu. ti:ator frames . ' -Deep chisel • • I8" Ft. International di • ••-•r;•I--Tool carry -all ;.:.I• .--eater truck • --Stalk chopper I--Teelo. ,! • I --:ring roller • / 6• I--StBai c_Be:ner I ---Large border"cro=der I-500 ton. grain silo• • 1-1000 gal 1:B3 tank • 5-250 gal NE5 tanks s-itchag* •• • • J. f• • •D•►r . +.:7t �.-��+tea "_ram _.,•_ • 1• • PARCEL 1 U: The .West half of the Sout Td Range 7 East, San Bernardi Vof C lifornia,.*according. PARCEL 11: The Southeast quarter of..the?N 6 South, Range 7 East, •San LBer Riverside. State of Califeii PARCEL 12: f"S.!Ction` 21, T ownship 6 South, "the.County of Riverside, Steti: ;p]af thereof. - Y of Section 20, Township in the County of o'ithe'official plat thereof. The Northeast quarter of.Sa ti '2 y �n8hip 6 South, Range 7 East, San Bernardino Meridian, .Cbunt .of;R �ra `ide, State of California, according' to the official lati:thereoi �i,... undivided The decedent's (Leon Kenney)/community 1/4'"interest in the 25 % interest held by Kenned` Bros:, a.copartnership, consisting of Leon Kennedy and M P. Kennedy, in the following described real property: 19.5 acres, more or less, in the West One -Half of Lot 1G, Coachella Land & Water Subdivision of Suction 17, Township 6 South, Range 8 East, as shown in Map Book 4, Page 53, of Map Records of Riverside County, together with undivided community 1/4 interoit"1n a 25 percent interest held by Kennedy Br there, a Co -Partnership, in.the following personal properties located: on 'be above -described real property; . a. tractors and babe •wa 'on b. office building �nd scale c. well, tank and tbwer d. gin o. cotton trailers ' (1) 39 wire trailers (2) 10 wood trallera (3). 1. small wood trailer f. office equipMent u g. automatic sample r h. house trailer i. trash trailer (3 each) D4114ra (41711,500.0:1 1a allured as a soasiseioa to ... - •,.Oladyo M'. Coty, real o9G6te broter,4tor hes osrvices fa • P1 . 3{; obtaining the perahaser of the f 4i!. is dlseated 4,0 pay sale suss in arras gociant with ;said broker. 10 11 '; 12,, "Dated' 1M -4 311 13P; 14i! 1 51/.+ -••• `,.r..,; c1.T.nv;,.'r'9 THIS CFP.TIFICTE ; , I — ,: ' -ri; i .C, TO r:F. A HALL 7 ..-:'Y l)F THE OnI( Ni•.L 16 .r,j,' •f•FCC,F01N MY OFF:OE. L a ...,.;. , . j. t P:% 2.7 17 ' LX).Vnl: ,l . _.1, CT1'lTY CLERK _ i 18 I,' c../'. ll.a Igr.e cl `.uce,•eot, C,.nty al R,vor ds. Cailtern0 19 .l ' !?/- ./ J otwly s property, and the executrix aeaocdsroe with her eouteootual 3. Tho taxes' on the'ptoparty ahonld be ,prorated' 41 and ths•esoros ebargos paid, as psavidod to said 4. She real 'ad psr000al property -so sold as s nit is,situat. irthe County of livessids,'Caliloroia. Band ie dese:ibed es lolloess (See tshibit A). J . MRED METNENY • JODGES Of, Tad 8u1,811I04. COORS • • • • :fter.Concer4o..PIEFIU .:14) . 7' •*•'1./1071., enema asoiaituas mart te ;;:.,41111 " • • '• • " • !•'• •••i Johri Hooten EtAl • 75-707 Hwy.. , 11 Nhble Palm.Desert. Ca. 92260 - • L • • WA IAA Weausers to • w..4. rt* Ntiue. • .. TO 10/3 CA lit•?.1 • • The undersigned grantor (s). cleclare(s Documentary transfer tax is ( ) computed on fill value of property ( ) computed on full value leas ralnetif ( ) Unboorporated area: • ( ).Ctof . • FOR 'A VALUABLE:CONSIDERATION,. '.,KENNEDY BROS. • a par tnership • DO . }EMERY- GRANT. TO: - J:P 20% interest; John P. Hootati.: ad to an undivided 10% inters wife as. Ccanuunity Property asl. ' and Marsha•liooten Converse, h 20%• inrereit; ,John D. Hooten, the following described real property in the AiBOVE LiUNE PO N RECORDItit'S USE:....-- 141 vidual Grant Med , -f! 14. nits sloqui ruemsoree infmcolPyrris muscles „ .. • • • TiveYed; or ens and enesmobrszawereastadning4t data of sale. 1 • • • • IV. • and A. P. .•:,11444 pt cd, whials ;ackneiw ;; nterprillea' rnia Corporation as to an undivided nd1anet• 44..Riec;t4ait. husband::and wife aka .Courcunity Proper t; .Jeffierk;Stiafkrid...T4dith Hooten Starr, husband and. to'. an Aindividad 30%' intereat;•.Michael Reagan Converse. Comity Property, as to an undiVided a •einglittian.s.ai ta an.undivided 20% interest; • . ,-. • A ' '14- .; County of Riverside .. . : ' ri Stab of orals: As per legal description a taohnd beret enfilade a part hereof. - li. .. • :•*2. • :4 '` . .• ii. 1 • . . • ' _,..,,,,,. If •„,-..., Subject to:. , ii* . .. 1..,A1l General and. Special:• :: • • . or-Paratilia jfr - .. -• - 2.-..:Covenantir;:c.cOiidiiiOns •e -.-• , - >ease:meats:or-record. 1:1----7,---e* 3.Cui-rant :Ilia a alai iiii • - . t. 1.4.... •,-- , :-..1g .1-4.r,-,:i. 7, -, :t.,.....,..: • • • STATE OF CAUToRNIK cowry OF Riverside • on April' 12. 1977 , stmeohe signed, a Notary Public In and for liorcus P: Kennedy; Tina Kennedy •st:DAI ff.. • t' • • i • to be the persen..-II...whoze a are • .;;;;the..4111.'.,%..:, instrument arid acknowlecigedthat ttpf • .1"'}Ctecnii;i s•'• WITNESS my hand and oScIal sal. • I: "." 977-1978. ,a lien not yet. duel:, . : ions telof4we/ and'. VI/ . tr ct. • ,?:•. • zuledy w.--- ,:.4t4f•F.•:- • Or Enna. gzspir •Jw NOTACZY PUBLIC • Caticorn,;!A OFFICIAL SEAL RUTH O. MA.THEig ‘7.,eni.i7 • ..RIVERSILI• COUNTY • • west • WI 18.'1981 • 1 pt. 1 7,.,, 4iit, e• ) l._ a yil,A, 1:STATB.OP;CALIFORNtA' r. :.. � ' •: 'Riverside ; , . � 1 .'COUNTY: OF' :•y;�le�¢krY�iv z • ._rr. _. the neden,laneda Notary Public la and l•r d ' to be -all 4`Of ;ihe. portlier, of. the that,eiecuted the within' Instrueunt, and acknowl • that such partnership c:ecuted the same. ••._ WITNESS m1 ha• a oBrdal ` Name.ITTped et !anted)." • FICIAL SEAL tH'b 'MATHEIS • Pt78t �C„,CALICQRNtA oStDE �`Um :. •etpktl ft:3 I . 19tI //qq PARCEL 8; �,''JI1I .•1The Wes half,of the Northwe®t q rter Of N tha orthwest :quarter of Section .9. Township: 60..6 South. Range •7.Eaet,,San Berra in BaBo Meridian .es shown by •United States tr -•' 1 ' Governmentt•Survey approvea:Se t ® EXCEPTING therefrom those?+ppoori ''� : •'. ,, th ounty of Riverside., by Deed:•fr A. C. Wililialna and Margsro )t 1 oc o cetitber 16, 1930 in, Book 867''paga.c 162 of Deeds,,'. Riverside 'County i �o r d ed::from Kenned Bros.. a co= artners i filed for record December 3• '1932'as at^ •— t No 54929; ALSO EXCEPTING therefromt a o ion 4:rtcrIChatIlloited States of America for canal purposes, t. �, e.Y ALSO excepting therefrom that portion deg ri.ed'as:follows: Beginning at a point :; South 0° 21' East, 634,,98 feet from: the °raiest corner of- said Section, rc9 ured on the Wes;tSection line• of si id Sed`tiotia9 ?^ , Thence South.0° 21 • East,•'87 '1 Lfeat;o e = est Section line, to•the.ore-sixteenth•- corner; I•3, .:� ;.: Thence North 890 47 23" East `23i73 ee • Thence North 2., 19 40" Wedt'�;68759 eat t e Point of Beginning. 0 3�. L C :. . PARCEL 4,, . yr S''V , 4 ' ' The Southeast quarter of 't eSou ese f Fraotional Section 16 Tot,tahip 6 .South, Range:7 Eatt, San B raardtno;_H�`e (a'• riian, ae shown by United States Government `Survey[ • ' :, :'6, ky PARCEL 12: } i �` yr iC :: :.tt` .• y ., �� The Northeast quarter of.S:ctio 21 SDips ;80a.t h Range 7 East, San Bernardino Meridian, County of Rivers de; to ggof 'dit'rnit according to the official• plat._ f'' thereo r �' 't• �.•`.Q�`' :t• a part hereof... •• ••••••, • •-• : . ...• • This deed it being executed.,p of Real and ,Peraorial:Property. Superior. Court of the.State...0 • 4 • y 4 • • 4 — • • . 4 • DATED. - 61 I I e. STATE OF CALIFORNIA., : L1., , 1 ,..o.unc.':. .,' Riveraid.'t ey ot . k • • .11.L:e, 4 !. 4 • 1ANDWIZEN RECOilDED MAILwan.f•r •• ;*.t. i7 P . llaot ttroot ' • n • Da sart.:.:;.:Ca • .441226 .. • 1!f•••i: ;ill: •ll;t1)VVAt.g, (.,:."f2AKoFAMERICA•- . . ./ .-.!,TITLE.ORDE11$10: ESCROW NO 916-9437 .;."/ • .• • FORA VALUABLE CONSIDERA do hcreby'CRANT.tO • Declarant or Agent determining tax Firm name 'v:;••1 . maGAstri: ".•ere cIcnowleaged, -Iftria—Ciifilx of the Will of •LEON KENNEDY.. :dee eased ...v. t all that real property situated in thn e._ uinco State of California, described as follow ;-• 44, ;;• • ' 4 On A.P.K i 1'112 4•19.47;t1. County and State.: perso. appeared JMugara . . known to me to be the person.-...,?2,Wo's" to me that....40 executed WITNESS myr hand and offiCial•sleitr:, • • :PUTH1): - : •: ""Y Pt/ALI ". CALIF • rgar�Eay2 as Executrix o!' •I‘e Will on..Rennedir:;...deceaaed... ault. •• .... Notary Public in and for said - - glfAigmtrix. otshe Wil). of Leon Relined it a acknowledged . ,t• - .71 in or:said.:' mission expires t . • County and State.;:: 19 . . • .. •• IRGAL DESCRIPTION: '0) PARCEL I: • 03 • ri r5 The Sou&twest quarter,'s i,15 Township 6.Southi Range. EXCEPTINQ therefrom that of. said 'Section conveyed dated November 4, 1930 a Riverside County Records PARCEL 2: rovernment Lots 1, 3 and •Bpse and Meridian. PARCEL 3: ' The West half of the Sou of the Southeast quarter Base and Meridian. PARCEL 4: The Southeast quarter.of South, Range 7 East, San Government Survey; • heas of $ • - 4. • t.# • th* Sbutheas Bernardino'fBe 4 le% . PARCEL 7: , ;:, , ..,.. . • ' , ..: .;1 • 's4.T Base and Meridian. , The East half of the North ssquarter o e Southeast quarter of Section 16, Township 6.South", Rang, : Siliern . • PARCEL9: '!, • •••••,:-. •.:14 , - eta 5, 6, 7, and 8 of Section:16' isiVand Meridian; et.quarter of the Southwest quarter._ side by Deed from Florence N. Brady; '1950 lin Book 867 page 165 of Deeds, vonshiP I vt- luarteciand•the West half of the Northeast quarter.-i ToinshiO_6 South, Range 7 East, SanBr.rnardino - • •••:,. tar of Tractional Section 16, Township 6 eind•Meridian, as shown by United States 6 South, Range 7 East, San Bernardino f. ,, ..e. The Northeast qu'arter.of the i-uthwest quarter; The Southeast quarter,of the • Northwest quarter and7 ..,777:71f of the Northeast nuartcr of the Northwest quarter of Section 21, Tolonshill 6 SOuth,-Renge'7.gsat, San Bernardino Meridian, in the County of Riverside, Stati•of alifornis according to-thenfficial plat' thereof. 'EXCEPT, from the West one hslf f:the of said Section 21, The Easterly PARCEL[10: The Weet half of theSoU East,.San Bernardino Mer according. to the officia • PARCEL'11: • , , ' . . • The Southeast quarter of Range 7 East, San Berner California, according to PARCEL 12: The Northeast quarter of Meridian, County of Rive thereof. • • . rtheast quarter of the Northwest curter eat of the Northerly 910.00 feet. •' Li of ctitin211:Township 6 South, Rani 7 of Riverside, Srote of California, - • Rork eas Auarter of Section 20, Township.6 S. 'th, Wiidiai 0 the County.of Riverside, State ot, 1'o ficial plAtahereof.. Section 21, Township 6 South, Range 7 Fast, in Bernardino aide,. State ofCalifornia, according to the official plat : - T 4 110 4'. dl PARCEL 51 Ch 0 94 Government Lot 3 in Fractidnal In . tp San Bernardino Base and ileridi ni A being.aleo known as the S uth14-01 . .... Section 8; • I. •_:, : ' - * ' EXCEPTING therefrom a ri States of America. - ALF0 EXCEPTING therefrom of Section 8, Township 6. 'described as follows: Beginning at the Southeas Thence Northerly, along t 30.00 feet to the TRUE PO Thence continuing along 4 Thence Westerly, parallel quarter, 190.00 feet; Thence Southerly, paralle feet; ; Thence Easterly, 190.0f f PARCEL 6: The Northwest quarter of 6 S.'uth, Range 7 East, Sc Government Survey; EXCEPTING therefrom a rig States of America. '16GAL DESGRIPILuN 1111 T* ha pOrti-,0 outhgRante •;fr, co eEi NT,0 id'E t :to ha East1Iofea d et tor.the:TRUE:POTNT ..* • .Tovnehtp 6 South, Range 7 East, ob United States Government Survey., thiAlutheast quarter of said Fractional ogee, as acquired by The United'F'7' • • :•,:;,t4 -V: - half of the Southeast quarter ". San%Bernardino Base and Meridian, Alf:of the Southeast quarter; E half, -of the Southeast quarter, - -;;• 0 feet; • f said West half of the Southeast West half of the Southeast 505.00 . - OF BEGINNING. he Southeast quarter of Fractional Section 8, Township Bernardino Base and Meridian, as shown by United States - . t of way for canal:purposes, as acquired by the United 1 * * * * * •* * * * * * L DESCRPT4 tPARCEL 8: . ) The West half of the Northwest quatter of th ;l1Orthwest quarter of Section 9, ' ownship 6 South Range 7 East, San.Bernardino Biel4ei4416ridian, as shown by United Stites Government Survey approved.Sepiambit. 15i 1,031: • - - • 44.1, li - t ,.; EXCEPTING therefrom those.p1trona 9conveye ,r 0:- ue'eounty of Riverside, by De Je from. • A. C. Williams and Margaret /LiWilriams-; riaidicl DeCiMber.16, 1930 in Book 86' 'age 162 of Deeds, Riverside County RecardWada by Deed from.Kennedy Bros., a co-: :nershiP. i l952as•Inetrucent No. 549294 . ; . filed for'record December 23 ALSO EXCEPTING therefrom:tha canal purposes; p • )0L,.11tH q- 4portion;c6nVeyed: the United States of America .or. • • ..,• • ',Lao EXCEPTING therefrom..the ,por On &wort ;As follows: Beginning at a point South 0° 21''East,• 634.9fifo cOrner.of said Section, measured on the West Nectionline.ofAeid.4ect06.9j-; Thence South 06 21' East,. 68 .121Aet on .;t3-;; *-• corner; 1 ;‘, Thence North 89° 47' 23" Eas , 23.73 feitp Thence North 6 4 ' d. esCSection line, to the one -sixteenth 2° 19' 40" West 687.59 feet ':t Point of Beginning. * *-* *;* * * * * * 4'1 " • I . 1 • . :A • . AND WHEN. RSCORDEDl$A1l'.TD John .P. Rootan ei 'al • •75-707 Hwy;:111 Palm Desert; Ca.:92260:7. ' MAIL TAX ITATINILO1I TO • y; :M.a' • Ae SE,. WS fia®oui' c,T . a D7 AIX I . Escrow No • Title Order No L. I signed, a Notary Public in and for said Cots ap to be the person Instrument and a oL- Slanatu THIS UNE'' fioi RECORo[R'i USZ •fnit•atuZ 'of.prolierty conveyed, or lilt.. Slue. Ieiu.. liens- & enrumhrancea . • ,. •.n.ai.ttme$f Bale. larsn ,oraaent delerminiI tax • firm name rated srreea '.: City of :_•Gran Mil FORM FURNISHED Sy STSWAR1T�1T C�e1 Aart OP RIVERSIDE COUNTY FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, rLeipt of.which is'hereby adcnowkdged, JOHN P. HOOTEN and JANET D. HOOTEN, husband and wife HEREBY GRANTS TO: J. P. H. Enlerpriaea, a California corporation as to an undivided 20% interest; John P. Hooten aitd Janet D. Hooten, husband and wife as Community Property as. to an undivided 1 interet; Jiffiry Starr' and Judith Hooten Starr, hus- band and wife as Community .Pro arty as to ititittadivided 30% interest; Michael Reagan ' I Converse and Marsha Hooten Con erse,; husband and yife as Community Property.as .to an' undivided 20%.interest, John'D..:Rooten, a'. single'sasn;as•to an undivided 20% interest. the following described real property in the - .. 'f countyof •Riverside •` '' r' �.:;'itate:oi.-. A 25% interest in and to the:f 'attached hereto.and made a pie 4owingjdascribm property, as set out in Exhibit A harabf:' SUBJECT .TO: 1. All General and Special takes -for;the fiscai;year 1977-1978, a lien not yet due or payable. • 5t 2. Current aaseeetnents in favot of Coachell1401ey'County Water District. 3. Covenants, conditidns, rest ictiona,iesetviti0�ts�rights. rights of way and ea lament r of record. ;.,a4, 4:u ..' . . • Dated April '7, 1977 STATE OF CAL IA • COI: ' 'Y 0�=7�� ddC On before me, the,under. s; and Slate; penonall, :T. t.. SS, .' to mom. roR. NOTARY SEAL OR STAMP ' . - -- r T.....1 •r Print.d l of Nnte :.:vs-.•.• r. • AL'InSCRUTIntk(,s.� RCFV '1 ,••• r The. Southaest;quarterlso: kno " IiTownship'6= South; Rai got 7 Ease• �EXCEPTINC. therefrois::that portion -.'of said.Section."conveyed to. the dated November;4', 1930 and recor RSvoraide' County) Records.: 'PARCEL' z:• •rovernmcnt Lets ��1, 3 and 4. in: Se B'se' and Meridian. . 4f PARCF:I, 3 i The hest half of the SoL theast q of the Southeast quarter of Sect Base and Meridian. . i . 1 PARCEL 4i The.Southeast quarter of South, Range 7 L•ast,•Son Government Survey; PARCEL 'h ;o f 1€h bunty ed:'De tion 16;- ar 0 the Southeas `quartet.o- Bcrnardtno..Base and Her. f' t• I The East half o;f the Northeast g9arter:of the -So •Township 6 South, Range 7 East,.Sen';Bernardino B • PARCEL 9: • The Northenst'quarter of the Southwestquarte ,•Northwest quarter and the West one-half:of: Gh quarter of Section 21, Township 4 South,'Rag in the County of Riverside, Statd.of;Califo thereof.. , 4� t ; ;t> the' Nrth®ao 240..feet o X.� • EXCEPT from the Weet ono -half of of. said Section 21,' The Easterly; PARCEL '10:• 11 • The West half of the Southwest'q East, San Bernardino Meridian, i according to the :official pint th • PARCEL 11: • r • . The Southeast quarterr.of.'tl;e'Nor Ronge 7 East,' San Bernardino, Mer California, according to•.the•off •.. • The Northeast yuartcr of Section Meridian, County'of Riverside,',S thereof. '! PARCEL 12: and 8 of Section 16,1- �` i $ ,the.'Southwest quarter:;:�' f 8edwfi'om':Florence`N. Brady,' Boo1r867 page 165 of Deeds, 011 half, of the, tortheast quarter . •t�th, Range, 7 Fast, San 9••rnardino Practional Section'.16, Township'6 ien; as shown by United States beast quarter of Section 16, gland Meridian. 04)utheast quarter of the. if quarter of the Northwest ait';'.`'San Bernardino Meridian, caording'to the official plat of the.Nnrthwest quarter h1rly.910.00 feet, arter #of: Section.:21 Township 6 S-uth, Ronge �. the Countt0t» iv..reide, ,State. of Cali.furnit , ereof ' •:': - heist dian,61,111, Rsn a ''y.Eaet, San Bcrnar•lino ordingtto'the official pint b1•eginning at.a point `eaid:'Section, measured on `1inev:,to .the one -sixteenth • -1; • - . , Order No,EsvNo. '1 Loan.s . • WHEN RECORDED MAIL. •••• • John/P. Hooten-":2• 82-i365K11:1gliway,:111 Indio, California ct • MAICFACC3 irATEMENTS JO' ---:•1544701N4S, John,P.:.Vio.otewL, >, • 82i3,65H Ihy•tay111 Indio', fornia -• • • :40 "1:‘.. • T -; FOR‘ hus •:• • • .: - .;.,r.... t.Fi.".;;. •:.. • ...--.1..t ' 4.: ' . , ;31 :),....,?...., 1......;•. ; ' :i. • •• 0 ';.:1••• — -,1, ••'.'•:,... ac2 j.:-.i „°: . It'::: • . .: iiiT: . 21g: of,...,......: ,..,f,... ;., .;,. ••,-,..i. 0 z ,... ...III ‘: . i,,;,;..:. • ' L R r4 • g• 1‘1•,1;•. I... I.; —,:... V :i.i.•..1 ' at '-i• • .:;'4..ii*: -.. "I" .117::'...1'1!-..•:. • ',‘!).4.7'; fSPACE ABOV L FOR RECORDER'S USE !•••••••,,,)•• C* -; I DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX •' • - . COMPUTED ON FULL VALUE OF PROPERTY CONVEYED • S—••7•COMPUTED:TON FULLVALUE LESSiLIENS7.2ACI •:%'•,,t;:ENCUMBRANCES REMAINING AT..TIME OFriSA . : .•.;.i.!;-•- • z•:!'•.7 • Signature of Declarant or Agent determining liz — Firm.Narne . • • UITCLAIM i:DEED'.1 4 . ja.iMPLI receipt of ',which -is hereby acknowledged, .asorroTiunity prOliert " REteASErAND IFOREVER saini'CLAini:to: John P. '.:1-iciten: and. ••‘,F• o,miuntyproperty as to iriuridivided 130% in 1s, Jeff ery.'jStarrf"an Janet D.' Flooten ••‘; • 74,P4), • the reale property Tin the, City •• 4. .";.!..• Codgrrif ••?J'''' c-42?-co. 4fRlvers.1 • 1:::_. • ;F.; t=4.• - , - . Silte;fof California, described :IS . ilt:• 1 F - :.'''s i l',..,.-. ' • That •portion ot.,yest alti.of)the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Se -Et, bfil99,/tTowhSliiii. 6 Stlith ,';Ringe 7 East, San Bernardino Meridian, described as , •':'fo-711"6-CSI1- ' '••1 ',"-ft!;: 'Vil': :: •:':: :::; .: . ,... . • . . „ , . : .•:: : ••••!•c• T • ' :" ar %.,1-. ir , :•,:, •ir -, • " •, 4 .44;arkp, "'• ,- • ParCelA.Zand 2 as shoWn in l'arcel :Map book 44, pages .67 • and: 68-ipfiRiversi de County Records. • •:•: ' ;J:•••••,,: . ..', P ited • : .1144 ii:;,..... 1 , ,••,a , ..,.. . ' . "1"-.VTEr077"CALIFORNIA, MM :, .....71=4,,,,,,11,..;Z:: '' .. 'n411r COUNTY FeitgE40-1: ./9 Af 6 667ES 1 as. • . ..,:.,,, : t : onfr4424: 7• 2,:= ''.1?::••••:-.Ci(..! iN' Y . t "; 5gre 4.rn'wer.-thiZnerriir;4 b;7:61;t4:Nhfn Ouilie in: and to,. said 167 " :,-,1-,329We-ww0.=.... .3Nysq.,*,;; ,i :1 :, : • oVirtiii=vr-TS_Artg41":44 •:-';'.::',=bretS ''?.....' •I'',:;-•'.: 5.:''.. '5;"•..il ' 1,16 oviesin'oirestrurnent and acknowledged that . • : • -pecal - • • • I . -y-.reigned the earn fi. . • .. • . STEWART . TI LL ci..`!.!?/INY 11:17, recorded •;. this inztvu:.i,::na:; ,.1:1 c:;,...•::: 'dation I.; only. it.'fi:.:.,; aat............c.o.n 0,.iy.a4ned 89.; . • t.'0;:Its :41..e..:t ::ppil tpett...f. Cie • I examination- of::tbe txt1Jt.ivioi:....;!1;. zi'31:.':yt L': bepli ca.clo.1; ;;.41.-v..:,., ., :f€ :!:.':, .1 4- F.:1 7 •• . fr.!, 4 ".i.??..:: ei'..:f. .....,:•;•.: i.:•ki.. :-. i .•-•1•-•': ...-.•:•';':' ?..•:,:l•I :••••1 1! i.'•':••••': : , ,•, : • '.• C,.......: a. -: 4 . i•••.4.;•• •:(•••••• p • 0 1.1 I C '1 EA L.°4" • TONI IRENE:CARVER Noi Arr., P ifiCiPAIOff Milne r-v-1.08..AriCitt'ES ‘COUNTON: . „ Ceacmisilen.leetraa:seeternow:Ei tog i (Thlt aria for off iclat notariel seal) • • as . 1 :1 • • •: ' • .. • Order No • : • Loan 1`• WHEN 'RECORDED ct) ohN..„4.1to.ot.c.p •..: igfitvay,1111. ndi.6;.. • TfOrhi • • FOR. RECORDER'S '-t-IDOCUMENTARY'fFI. FE R 1F4"--7-7E--'41X-et WV& i.•••• • .104 • ,`,4: COMPUTED ON FULL VALUE OF PROPERTY CONVEYED Johnt:P„. HootenA 1:''-'COMPUTED— N 'FULL VALUE LESS LIENS AND ;.„ 82'-:165!Highwayp1‘11 da f ornia • EN,C„,,zUMe.;84:FIA:N ES REMAINING AT TIME OF SALE • • • .7 • • - ,:•stl'• Signature of °eclat of Agent determlnieg la; — F It m Nam* .....:::1kC*..-P*- ,q ..*.:..' ' • •••••;41,;;. • ...t-.4e,.. ' 'ei • • 4' ..;•:. " .:'Zi2,,,,,v.si 96ITCLAI4-: DEED . ::.. :-.... ...:.:,':::. :i•-•„;;:4 'A.:VALUABLE:CONSIDERATION, receipt of whiChlis; hereby acknowledged, .John .D. Hooter), a .. .. • - -'1 - :'....'4 -.-.1-,:ia.-___. f • '''' '::•':.:•• 7 • : • . • do es hereby REMISE..:.RELEASE AND FOREVER OW husband and wife,?asreiiiiiifuility property; • _ • the real propctrty,ln • • County • ...';c..That•:'portfon-;of41 Section.:9Townshi . follow-'-'_.e' Deter. ms Stateper101181 • . • 7•041-• • • , . . T.5 • TCLAIM to • John P. HOoten and Janet D. Hooten, to an undivided 20% interest • . • i ; a3fs.c.:pfthe Northwest quarter. of the Nor !Soilth••• Range.7 East, San Bernardino Mer . • • •••:La` • ' '•t• " tte:=1-t4-. . shown in .Parcel Map book 44,- Recbrds. •• • '' 110-0 tal kme tobeth. p0.4dnin,4....674 S • wbscribod to ithoStualn -Instrumentand. acknowledged that *:th rui:Je ;:.zonly. It 01 • ' •!;*.'.. • 4.7; .11>•00.6••••0000.000041100.,0.011•••••• •1:;1' ' ' .OFFIC141SEAL JEAN-.E.AMO.MAN 1 •.'' RY PUBLICALIFORN!A ;. • a ▪ PRINLIFAL.'OEFICE IN 4 . • aliforn,..ia: hwest quarter of described as dian; described as • ages ,67=.and ' • . . `f ilaz: roc ordod i:; acomodation t Niezift;xaminod.:as p,n titic •••K " ItAit4”. 1 11' a Order No: Escrow No,: • Loan No.. C CO WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: . 1 John-P Hooten 82-365. Highway 111 Indio,�.California 92201 SPACE ABOVJ&HIS LFOR RECO• RDERS USE DOCUMENTARY., TRANSFER TAX i . • • -31. ' ' ' ' ir.COMPUTED ON FULLwALUE-OF PROPERTY.CONVEYED•f% •COMPUTE0-:ON441;LL':VALUE;LESS LIENS'AND'?�' yti;', ENCUMBRANCES REMAIN(NG„AT-.TIME%OF SALE i`• • �• 5's ;s ue •�Slanature, of'Oaclarant or Aeent tlattrminlnp tau — F Irm Nam• ,- -:. ' •.,..,:•�?t'uiwlvr•..' ..SJ' Fhil'C'.: .,. •,n yt ;.:}�p:".•`jiN?�Y tit:• .»_.:� 'QUITCLAIM - DEED = r CONSIDERATION,:receipt of wack nowledged. is hereby Michael Regan Converse: ooten•:Converse; husband and:wifeas community property do•^hereby'REMISE,-RELEASE AND FOREVER .QUITCLAIM to John P. Hooten and Janet husband:<and. wi feas 'connnuni ty proper , as : to an undivided 20%;interest -i n Cityof ''•'`•`c %eq;> Riverside the' real!property-in''the County of State'of California, described as- ' it* ---,a,�.• .... the:Northwest;jquarter.of-thelNorthwest•::quaeter,of Range_VEAt, iSan Bernarndino Meridiades i-Abed as and-2..as shown<:in. Parcel.,Map book-44 de County :Records.. Dated • April 27, 1978• STATE' OF CALIFORNIA.,S1 COUNTY •OF=ORANGE- a: 1 j ti V.441,4311.4.1(4.1.4'. .193L8Y• . ; -c;i • Cesfofnj 'IeytI undne..arped,,• -_a. .N.,'Ct.iryPurblic in and (or said `•F.:ti�4i: r,'%Mara'ta.. • SiaeR. pereord �wt«w+ shHot.P *s-•Canv e r s e - -slid M cha"P1., RPagan ronvers© "'Li. ••.,rig, li ' 3�.:ekwmnitwar�i7a/rgrrfa?tst90atgrtY,moNt.t.tDRbAae lP p'sofase'' . sarttia�. �eduw.l-wltdgtd;.:the.' t end '40:447.4eie'9r444.<„4.oxw • .<! +}••'...S�,iS- . �-�; o • S'L'= .:70:7A-sY has rccoi.',od' this 11:":1:li;t.i,t cc:.., ....__::nc.• :.. . 1)L f. 1L :tot .u': V:: Li:i ::::".. cJ 1L" t" 1.1 :... ... oxazi I. Ent +.;JO' GS 1: P. J. it lc ,Slav bdctl G':1%J: •'I..1 i • ♦eseeeeieeoeeeaeeseeeeoe•t•eoe•: tis:.• 7;,.,�5= 2`:OFFICIAC.SEAL ' r. sw, may:. ? JEAN LAMPMAN 4.? 6 ' •, t. .-f,DTART PUBLIC_ J,CALIFORNIA • 1• 9i yS PRINCIPAL. OFFICE IN 60• r k ' ORANGE COUNTY • '` o.My.Commiss'ron Expires March 16, 1902 ;. r!i°r� Ali` :;::• t (This arse for official notarial seal - ' Qrder No Escrow Non 2r Loan Ne ro ¢-. ,s •tti= 6,3 WHEN'RECORDEDPM4j John:.P.. ,oc_ a 82d365 ay.jri� Infor ` TION.- receipt •of; which is x• do • e5:hereby,fiEMISE, husbaridfand wife • the real. property in`theCity. of . County of_ :- Riverside yy That' port.ion: of41est hay of Section `9' 'Township65''South, follows: L , SPACE ABOVE %�,SiLINE OR RECORDERS USEJ"x•? DOCUMENTARY;.TRANSFER TAX,'$ ='none:4 31.;r ittaMrt: COMPUTED'. ON".FULL'VALOE OF PROPERTYYCONVEYED " '�!!)M .14COPUTED ON FLJLJ VALUE ESSti LIENS:'AND 'a ENCUMBRANCES:REMAINING,'AT':TIME OF .SALE' Irt Slgnaturo of.Docloront or Agent dotormining tax.— Firm Nemo ... 4 a.{ 111 ,VUITCLAVM ^DEED hereby acknowledged, Pit Enterprises,r RELEASE AND FOREVER QUITCLAIM to John.P:.Hooten and Janet D. Hooten, as.cornmunity property, as.:to•an undivided 20% interest.in andg as shown ir, CountyRecords:': Range 7 E t , State .of California, described r" the No:hwest quarter of the Northwest. quarter of. •. ..,� as ,.San Bernardino Meridian, described as -%%w-r-_.:..%,.._.,T �,.,�.�... .. - tee.. •-R=1._ .•iJ ... Rirri,14:. • Parcel. Map book 44, ,Wr. OX/CYted the same. pages. .67 and.68 of. s7.1.:WAr, TIT, ';i,:i cordoa IL Co it �•. "dr t �NI tl' Lit'ttai.+: 9 �il"-- . It *rot for ollklal nolarlal Ind) as. T, . t. ITo aao C -t-M'-w14441 .. b •a1 �.� ��4� Y fi �'�• _` ` j +I(Corppratloo) ,r�l'i�Slr.a :rC) TATE.OF,CAL1FORNIA.ac ?N�Urasr CO jCOti Y;O ersidell :."F...._,�r;•:•;�'�.;, '.vY ,..' SS. = � On•`Apri1a..'3 '-1978:,-:.t*W- "bc(ore me. th peraona11 nrcder ---- known'':7ohri`'•P: State,: yE 'ppe iiooten •to me.to beahe pre9iderit'" • Prrsidcnt, d ; t s w j; _ knoxa to me tobe�`XBX7CiCXiC7CXX of the co known aocineAo..be thes1-;ii.i.tiOrt.k.who.'executed the within , Instrument:on?behalf:oli'the?tbiporationitherein named, end :: acknowledged:torme thalvuch'corporation'.executed the within instroment:purauant.to.ite;bylawa,or i.reeolution of its uoard I. 4 .:. e odes -signed,. a Notary; Public. in. and for. maid.. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ` cOFFICIAL SEAL !GLADYS'M. COTY . •?• NOTARY pUBUC • CAUVORNtA cijR1VES51DE COUMY '' 'r' SAY easz;o . 03+113.612 Z, 19$1 (Thte eras ler etktat eaietal Nan •4 H E La 1982 - 1992Ten Carat Decade February 24, 1992 Riverside County Recorder PO Box 751 Riverside, CA 92501 SUBJECT: CERTIFICATE sOFCOMPLIANCE 92 O'0s2 Dear Colleague: HUE COM! Enclosed please find the attached exhibits and legal descriptions for Certificate of Compliance 92-002. The attached documents meet the provisions of Section 66499.34 and 66499.35 of the Subdivision Map Act based on the City's most recent approval of the Vista Santa Rosa Specific Plan (90-020), which included the ultimate development of 850 residential units on approximately 250 acres. If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN PLANNING DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Greg Trousdell Associate Planner GT:ccs Attachments: 1. Certificate of Compliance Form 2. Legal Descriptions 3. Large Exhibit cc: Keith Company LTRGT.085/CS City of La Quinta Post Office Box 1504 • 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, California 92253 Phone (619) 564-2246, Fax (619) 564-5617 Design & Production: Mark Palmer Design. 619.346.0772 • RECORDING REQUESTED BY CITY OF LA QUINTA WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: CITY OF LA QUINTA Planning & Development Department P. O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Chapter 13.72 La Quinta Municipal Code) I certify that I have reviewed the following described real property and have determined that it'; substantially complies with all applicable provisions of the Subdivision Map Act and the City of La Quinta Subdivision Regulations, Title 13, L.Q.M.C. The real property is located in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California, described as follows: SEE EXHIBIT 'A' OWNER(S) OF RECORD : Dwight L. Stuart Executed on FORM.013 February 21 , 1992, at Riverside, California rector Planning & Development ity of La Quints EXHIBIT "A" PARCEL 1 „ CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE LEGAL DESCRIPTION BEING A PORTION OF THE EAST HALF, OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER, OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 9, TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, S.B.M., DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID EAST HALF, THENCE SOUTH 00° 03' 39" WEST A DISTANCE OF 509.51 FEET ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID EAST HALF, TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF THE ALL AMERICAN CANAL, PER GRANT DEED RECORDED SEPTEMBER 18, 1947 IN BOOK 847 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS AT PAGE 540 RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, SAID POINT BEING THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING SOUTH 00° 03' 39" WEST A DISTANCE OF 809.82 FEET ALONG SAID EAST LINE TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID EAST HALF; THENCE SOUTH 89° 39' 02" WEST A DISTANCE OF 663.09 FEET, ALONG THE SOUTH LINE, OF SAID EAST HALF TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID EAST HALF. THENCE NORTH 00° 05' 21" EAST A DISTANCE OF 189.59 FEET, ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID EAST HALF TO A POINT ON THE SAID SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID ALL AMERICAN CANAL; THENCE NORTH 46° 45' 02" EAST A DISTANCE OF 911.12 FEET ALONG THE SAID SOUTHEASTERLY LINE TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PARCEL CONTAINS 7.61 ACRES MORE OR LESS.. heodore M. Brown L.S. 5884 - Exp. 12/31/92 THE KEITH COMPANIES - INLAND EMPIRE DATED: January 6, 1992 Notes: 9900-F811003-01-ke January 6, 1992 EXHIBIT "A" PARCEL 2 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE LEGAL DESCRIPTION BEING A PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 9, TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, S.B.M., DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER; THENCE SOUTH 00° 03' 39" WEST A DISTANCE OF 509.51 FEET ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF THE ALL AMERICAN CANAL, PER GRANT DEED RECORDED FEBRUARY 24, 1950 IN BOOK 1149 AT PAGES 544 THROUGH 548 INCLUSIVE, RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, SAID POINT BEING THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID WEST LINE SOUTH 00° 03' 39" WEST A DISTANCE OF.809.82 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER. THENCE NORTH 89° 39'. 02" EAST A DISTANCE OF 1,326.18 FEET, ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER; THENCE NORTH 00° 00' 13" EAST A DISTANCE OF 1,316.56 FEET ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER; THENCE SOUTH 89° 46' 12" WEST A DISTANCE OF 781.54 FEET ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER TO. A POINT ON THE SAID SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID ALL AMERICAN CANAL; THENCE SOUTH 46° 44' 42" WEST A DISTANCE OF 699.59 FEET ALONG SAID SOUTHEASTERLY LINE TO AN ANGLE POINT THEREIN; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID SOUTHEASTERLY LINE SOUTH 46° 45' 02" WEST A DISTANCE OF 47.14 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THE :OVE DESCRIBED PARCEL CONTAINS 36.92 ACRES MORE OR LESS. • Theodore M. Brown L.B. 5884 - Exp. 12/31/92 THE KEITH COMPANIES - INLAND EMPIR DATED: January 6, 1992 Notes: 9900-F811003-01-ke January 6, 1992 ST H E C I T 1982 - 1992 February 13, 1992 Ten Carat Decade FILE COPY Keith Companies Mr. Theodore M. Brown, Land Surveyor 22690 Cactus Avenue, Suite 300 Moreno Valley, CA 92388 *SUBJECT: STUART ENTERPRISES, LTD • APN: 769-290-005_ 006 C&E T rEargATE`• OMPLIANCEx 2 Q;02 ter' Dear Mr. Brown: we received an application on February 6, 1992, requesting that the City issue a Certificate of Compliance for the above mentioned parcels located south of 52nd Avenue, easterly of Jefferson Street. We examined the legal documents which were provided, however, we did not find proper legal documentation for the parcels prior to March of 1972 pursuant to the Subdivision Map Act requirements. The documents provided described adjacent properties verses the proposed parcels in question. Once we have received the proper documentation, we will issue a Certificate of Compliance, and record the proposed legal descriptions and Certificate of Compliance forms. If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN PLAI LING (& DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Gr-• Trousdell- Associate Planner GT:ccs cc: Steve Speer; City Engineer LTRGT.077/CS City of La Quinta Post Office Box 1504 • 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, California 92253 Phone (619) 564-2246, Fax (619) 564-5617 Design 8 Production: Mark Patrner Design. 619.346-0772 11 la III Old 0' 200E 4t}0' 600' _43(COO' SCALE: I" - 400 FEET CITY ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATE OF COMPLlt:",ICE THIS MAP HAS BEEN EXAMINED THIS DAY OF , ID FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE. SUPD)VIS!ON MAP ACT AND ANY APPLICAELE LOCAL ORDINANCE ENACTED PURSUANT THERETO. ZL"X 2 "HJ© FL US/ NO TAC, 44/67-6.8 A.✓4Y' 7 '. \ N 0O'07'0 " E FRANI RENOLDS CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. 32740 EXPIRES 6/30/94 P.D.C. (!(I324.73115 -� t?P4 e5 5 \ .,/i 4; in: I (10 /7C \ re, I Cr ° G 0 e0.8. i 1�r ��- ni r P\ ,. �• n V\/0.' IN THE CITY 0 " LA °UINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA REC3 D OE= SUR\/[-Y A PORTION OF SECTIONS 9 AND 10 TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH RANGE 7 EAST SAN BERNARD I NO MERIDIAN 4)1 -72 /" /.F. / 744?,L. , //O rAG, Div. O.5 5ET TAG G.S. 4C9/ r �F /'/r.>. 44 /6'7-Ffj. [ [ [2E49.73)) ) (2646.9 1) (((2(^49.45))) N33D° 4C ' 12'E 2649 .7C /�470.03 (((1324.73))) j..- (470.03) 132a B5 i41 w . !"/aQ. ENO I'IP. i' t, P.: \, tO I,•r'r TJ!:; I:.r' L.S.J7' 3` 1/1 ? r\ oj` Al I T/' Cam"'-�.----16:_ r.U)); / 6E3.09 ,r.-7:7((_ .:1))) SED° 39•C2' N 1 z7S 1? (((1226.22))) PARCEL I - 77:). /'r; . L ' C.ti' /.z.'A : 19 4't /67 - CS P".O. F'M. ,41,r/ FL/1 / A/✓ Cr' 77//1- F /.�� o�- /1.V. 1/7 l .9, a.' 'r /'• I, F' V; 7 ? / L.S. L11,',;5'.// 1327.52 f7. JP.,G.{/ 0.G' 4/r COL T.�? r'G.T.G L.. 5. 4 /4 6 p�`_'/T IF. C. 67/7�; kreleleeeler1 <S • Gross Area : 44.53k Ne/ Areo : 43. 96' Assessors Parcel No. 769 - 290-005 769- 290-000 FD. / ` J ' , A1C 7,26, PER Pn'• 44/67-68, ON O 2' SFT 777G L.5. 4 6 9 /. /-/Z/___/ ' - N.8.9°39'02 "E. /326./6' r� N 89°32'04" E 2655.04 [26 55.3) rl_ r Eyorf • S r,1'{ Tf_ S THE KEITH Co""RAf IES IN BK. 1209/ PG.330 R/V. CO. [1327.61 S?9°32'04'W 1327.49 (!'27.52 N 00'00'13" E 30.00 Lu m. 0 0 0 z FO. 2 X 2"HU3 FLUSH, NO TAG SET TAG L.S. 4l9/, " P.ei R.S. 46/90 OVER /i4 /P. TAGGED G .S . e606, Div. 0.5; • AI.1/4 605AJ I' ' SEA 9, PG'R P'4f 44/67- 68, 4 5. 85 42-43, 4VO 54 83/re. of f AND EE'PIRE, [2632. 721 ( (2632.37)1 (2632.20) N89° 46' 42'E 2632.35 52ND AVENUE MST, 80907 REC., 8-'1--13.3 OR RI V CO. O wriee r : REC., '10--5-5O INC _ AUGUST 1990 (� f0c� Dwight- L. Shiar-f ' r� �\' � 9595 Wilshire f8/Vd C� Q�. Bever/y H,/ls, Co. 902/2 e (2/3) 859 -2 77 7 \ Q. /fe/M Co. /rV/ond Empire 22690 Cocfus Ave. Sfe, 800 Moreno Vole y, Co. 92553 (7/1)6053 - 0234 PD. Gwx2'h'Uf3 NO 7;46,A/C R•EF.E/76`A10E- FLU�JSHn, /17t'G �J4ND_ 4V C f • i�. I _0L 'L/ • P/-L, Cr L D L- /� G H/Jf I '/TH .Q / "' 1 P. A.U7 PL /157/C PGC/C 4N,4,/ O L 4E9/, FL US% C/!? CC''NE/: SLf:CT/ON ez-fr 35/6/- PASTS CF P"ARIN„S: E 'ARINGS ARE BASED ON THE N^RTH LINE OF THE NW/4 CF SECTION 9 TO4N HTP 6 SOUTH PANDF 7 EAST S.B.M. PER P.M. 44\67-68 AS BEING N £ " 46' (2" E 0INDICATES SET 1' IPON PIPE WITH PLASTIC PLUG STAMPED L.S UNLESS OTHS9WISE NOTED, SET FLUSH t INDICATES 1,4 ,Ni plr" T FOUND AS NOTED (xxx) PEP P.S. 40/90 ( (xxx)) F .P. M . P . ES/42-43 (( (xxx))) PEP P.M. 44/67-68 (xxx) PER U. S.O. P. MAP C-2N-265 Ply. CO. BK. I\PG. 48. ( (xxx)) PEP P.M. 10/27 [ [ [xxx) 1) PEP P.M. 63/66 (xx() PEr. 600''. 1149. PAGES 544 THROUGH 54E OF DEEDS ((xxx.)) PER E.07 E47. PARE 540 OF CE:ECS <xxx> PEP P.S. 67/76 C.S.T.©. IND:CATES COUNTY SURVEYOR'S TIE soot:. 011 Pereeleteleeelellerteetere 4E91, (2631.2) S69° 32 ' 20' W 2631.75 53 3 AVEN"i'! COUNTY SURVEYOR'S STATEt'T THIS MAP HAS BEEN EXAMINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 8766 OF THE LAND SURVEYORS' ACT THIS DAY OF , 19 GERALD A. STAYNER, COUNTY SURVEYOR L.S. EXP. DATE 50' N � 0 0 0 0 z 0 rra 50' 01/ FO. A✓A/L f R/UEF3S/OE CO. TAG FLUSH PEF3 C.S.TJ3 72//CB Ot/Ef3 /7- " I. P. TAGGE0 L.5. 2606, 0/1. 0. 5 . /V c1 COf3/✓E243' SEC. /O PE/3 h18. 85/42-45. [[2649.65]] [2649.41 S 89°55'14'E 2649.67 1324.84 1N T. 8286 REC., '1 27-69 OR RIV CO. 1322.72 N99°55'12" Fes. /'LP, tiyW4/L E 4' CO13A/Ef3 5.ET TAG G.S. 469/, PJr'8 /// /30.. 1320.61 rn m lD 0 0 2545.44 N89°45'36"E 2641.22 SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT SHEET i OF 1 SHEET RECORDER'S STATEMENT FILED THIS DAY OF 19_ 4AT M IN BOOK OF RECORDS OF SURVEY, AT PAGE AT THE REQUEST OF THE COUNTY SURVEYOR. NO. FEE WILLIAM E CONERLY, COUNTY RECORDER BY: ,DEPUTY Fes. / %4' I /' / rH A SOL/413E- TOP A/VO R/!/ CO. 7796 O/t/. O.B; N. //4 COS/✓EPP 55G /O , / Ef3 C.5.775. 74/8. 1324.63 1322.72 1320.61 THIS MAP CORRECTLY REPRESENTS A SURVEY MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTION IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE LAND SURVEYORS' ACT, AT THE REQUEST OF STUART ENTERPRISES IN AUGUST 1990, PAUL D. COOK L.S. 4691 EXP. DATE 9\30\91 /'. N 0 W N00°12'15*E HST 45' 36'E i 2642.37 PO. 2XI'"HUB H'/Th/ 7.4G 117.C. E. 9/2/ DVE5 TAGGED fLC. E. 9/Z/ O/✓. 2.0', E. //4 COR. SEC. /0, PER 1741. /20/48-49. NOO•12.15°E w J [./• MC/SE /'X2'NUB FLUSH h'/2' T/E5, OUG ANO NO I.P. FOUND, REPGACEO /'XZ'"HUB W/TH A // 1. P. AND PGAST/C PLUG �1,9,3/1ED.L.S.469/, FL.U5H .S. //4 COi7. SEC. /O, PEf3 Ct S.TB. ////24. RIVERSIDE CO. 90-161 "i1T'IrTT'� 4441461,11iiittiialiiii,iLiluill aLL1111. llh Ji '1'11'111 Iii 1.1 '1111 i.11111 , I I. I LI I hi p (• I 200' 400' 800' 1200 1600' • -• i SCALE: I" = 400 FEET CITY ENGNEER'S CERTIFICATE OF COM!'LIANCE THIS MAP HAS BEEN EXAMINED THIS DAY OF ,I9 FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE SUBDIVISION MAP ACT AND ANY APPLICABLE LOCAL ORDINANCE ENACTED PURSUANT THERETO. FRANK RENOLDS CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. 32740 EXPIRES 6 /30/94 Fo.z"xz"HU8 FL 4/51/, NO 7716', 15L-7- TAG Z. ..5 46.9/1 Per 1?Al. 44/67-6-8 OVE/5" /%41"/"F.' \ 7466E0 L.S. 4/46, OA/. /.0' V.14/ CO.A=Mil__73 ,e3EC. 6 /75P 15,5. 67/ 76. M 00°0704" E I G63.00 ( (1) )) 313' 02'W 1326.10 ( ( (132.22)) ) I \ I , \ PARCEL 1 ON. 0.5' 7/1665.0 L.S. /72i/". 7-! /67- 68. It((324.73))) 13f4 65 r!C\I 0 0: NN PriM 7:5 WMOD Nrero lii NNi Inww 0100 (r1*; 111 , 0 Fft7). 1" I.P. (7, •T'vr Ar./ Pm. 4 /67- IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF A PORTION l" if 11//NA/L.,/v0 726, \ ON. 0.8; SET 74(4' L. S. 469/ PEI P.O.C. Z_4t IF ••-(i''JI / • M ',N eA . L.,) • VI N.4/L,FLI/517; NO .44',-05P7-50 A TI/E 8.11' COR: OA- 77/5' //0 OP N.W. I/4 OF .55T I" LP Y''771 PL,4577C PLIAS' it;',417,C.50 L.S. 46.6/, FLZ/SH. /"-O. /"1:R, LW. 0..C' COB. $5C. 9 T4.676E0 L.6.4446' P.,ficrf Ff.5. 67/76 1327.52 to Cr• oe Cu 1,1 U(2649.73fl) (2648.90) ( ( (2649.46) ) ) N39° 4612E 2649.70 470.03 (((1324.73))) (470.03} 024 85 Gross Area: 44.53Ac Ne/Area: 43.96 //// , Assessor,S Parcel No. 769-290-005 / 769-290-0OG / z /////// / ['XI. 44/67-68,0? C.?' 0 4( M89°39' 02"E. / 326.16' H 6570 RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA RI CORI) OF OF SECTIONS 9 AND 10 rOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN THE KEITH COMPANIES INLAND EMPIRE, INC. BK. .1209/PG.330 OR. RIV. CO. (1327.6) S89° 3204SW 1327 .49 - 1.327.52 N 89°32'04" E 2655.04 (2655.3) N 00°00'13" E 30.00 SURVEYOR S NOTES \)• FO. 2"X 2” HZA5 FLUSH, NO 1 TA6, SET 746 L.S. 469/, „ R5R- /5'.5. 48/90 OVER al IP 7;4665_0 L.S. eco6, DN. 0.5; N 1/4' CO/FAIEP sec. ,9 , PEP P'M 44/67-68, 47e. ee 42-43, .,.two P47 8.5/68. (2E32 .721 ( (2E32.37) ) (2632 .20) N99° 46' 42 'E 2632.35 1NS-11, 80907 OR RIV CO 52ND AVENUE 50' R 8 -1- 63 0 mmer ,co r?'() Dw4h/- L.Shiart / 9.5.',5 Wilshire Siva! Beverly Hills, Ca. 902/2 N-cf.'co.4-. (2/.) 859 -2777 ---\ ' \ 0 • ‹. • (J c ' ...k. 4 > • 0 ' . •ef.) REC.., '10-'3-50 /6refared /5y : A'ei Co. /tilonci Empire 22690 Codas Ave. Ve, 800 Moreno Volley, Co. 92553 (7/4)653-0234 F.O. zff Hue NO zws, ITEFEPENCE F41/54r, DU a AND TP FOC/4/Z5. REPLACED P-72" HUB irITH A /1' I. f A,VD PLAST/C FMC/S Af4/1'11'50 L...5. 469/, rzei.5q, c//4. com,vEn ..5.Ecnom .r, PIT 3.5/8/- b BASIS OF BEARINGS: BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE NORTH LINE OF THE NW/4 OF SECTION 9 TOwNSHIP 6 SOUTH RANG' 7 EAST S .8 .M . PER P.M. 44\67-68 AS BEING N 89° 46'12" E. O INDICATES SET 1° IRON PIPE WITH PLASTIC PLUG STAMPED L.S UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, SET FLUSH 0, INDICATES MONUMENT FOUND AS NOTED (xxx) PER P.S. 4S/90 ( (xxx) ) PER N.B. 88/42-43 ( ( (xxx) )1 PER P .M. 44/67-68 (xxx) PER U.S .8 .R MAP C-2N-256 RIV. CO. BK. I\ PG. 48. (xxx)) PER P.M. 10/27 ( ( (xxx) ) PER P .M. e3/68 (xxx) PEP. BOOK 1149. PAGES 544 THROUGH 549 OF DEEDS (xxx1) PER BOOK 847. PAGE 540 OF DEEDS <xxx> PER A.S. 67/76 C.S.T.B. INDICATES COUNTY SURVEYOR'S TIE BOOK. 4691, (2631.2) S69° 32'20°W 2631.75 • ,,,,,,,,,,,mworefnmeowymmerwimpmerwswenew t4411Ir gT 53RD AVENUE COUNTY SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT THIS MAP HAS BEEN EXAMINED rNI ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 8766 OF THE LAND SURVEYORS' ACT THIS DAY OF , 19 GERALD A. STAYNSR, COUNTY SURVEYOR L.S. EXP. DATE • . RANGE 7 EAST AUGUST 1990 1I/1/L ,9'ive-155/9e. co. 7.--46 FLUSH P515 C.S '7%./6-6' OVER P 7-,4G-GEO 1. .6. ON 0.8; 4/.W. CO/341E1T .5'L'e /0 PER Ai. O. e8/40-45, 50' GO' 0. 0 .6•1 rl m 10 11 in CO In 1324.84 • [FA443 .645)3] S 89° 55 • 14'E 2649.67 1 JN3J82 8 6 Cr) R C, 1 .27 69 Of?, RIV CO. 1322.72 ••s N89° 55 ' 12"E FD. PV/NA/L. , 04/.0.7; //4 CORA/5.5 .55C. 9, 5-5T 7715 L.5. 4a-/,P515' ////...30. 1320.61 N 0 Cu 2645 4 N89' 4-J*36'E 2641.22 SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT 65.770 SHEET I OF 1 SHEET RECORDER'S STATEMENT FILED THIS DAY OF .M IN BOOK OF RECORDS OF SURVEY, AT PAGE AT THE REQUEST OF THE COUNTY SURVEYOR. NO FEE WILLIAM E.CONERLY, COUNTY RECORDER BY: ,DEPUTY FD- P/4"1.17 W/7-1-/ A SC/4/5 rat' 4/VP nvv. co. r,46 coATA/e/3 .556. /0, PER C.S. re. 74/8. 1324.83 1322.72 1320.61 THIS MAP CORRECTLY REPRESENTS A SURVEY MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTION IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE LAND SURVEYORS' ACT, AT THE --- REQUEST OF STUART ENTERPRISES IN AUGUST 1990. .‘e t). PAUL D. COOK L.S. 46 I EXP. DATE 9\30\91 N 0 0 (r) to Cu Cu NO0' 1215"E N09° 45'30.E 2642.3744. z",rNefe win," 7C-7. 11.C. E. 9/2/ 01/517 /1/1:f? 74'SGE.0 if C. if9/4"."/ 0/1/ 2.0, C. //4 CO/7. 656- /0, /4'58' PYkl. /e0/46' -49 FD. TA'CASED rza..5,q 1,/z- 7/5, Z2Z1G ,41/12 NO frve..4fro, IF.,f/a..Aceo 1,f,/Th' A /"I RAW, A-4...4.57/0 PLUS /11,47r/45-50 PZ-Z./.5/1, //4 COB/0, PE5 C- 5.7713. ////24- RIVERSIDE CO. 9 0 -161 77 7,7r ..... ""•-•'-"T1' 7