1417.�c;'NOTE: With,proper validation this form constitutes an encroachment permit CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION FOR PERMIT, . PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION (ENCROACHMENT) For the construction of public or private curbs, driveways, pavements, sidewalks, parking lots, sewers, water mains and other like public works improvements in connection with MINOR IMPROVEMENTS and APPROVED SUBDIVISIONS DATE April 14, 1992 LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION Subdivision Improvement Permit - Class I I I Minor Improvement Permit Class IV (Street address or Description of Location) PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION Move Equipment Sketch•(attach constructionlans if appropriate) ppropriate) DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION Grinder 10'wide, 84,000 wt. all else legal.. ROUTE: Washington at Fred Waring to 52nd. DIMENSION OF INSTALLATION OR REMOVAL SIZE OF EXCAVATION, IF NEEDED MOVE DATE: 4/14/92 APPROXIMATE TIME WHEN WORK WILL BEGIN APPROXIMATE TIME OF COMPLETION ; ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $ (Including removal of all obstruction, materials, and debris, backfilling, com- paction and placing permanent resurfacing and/or replacing improvements) In consideration of the granting of this permit, the applicant hereby agrees to: Indemnify, -defend and save the City, its authorized agents, officers, representatives and employees, harmless •from and against any and all penalties, liabilities or loss resulting from claims or court action and arising out of any accident, loss or damage to persons or property happening or occurring as a proximate result of any work undertaken under the permit granted pursuant to this application. Notify the Administrative Authority at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the time when work' will -,be started. Comply with all applicable City Ordinances, the terms; and conditions of the permit and all applicable rules and regulations, of the.City of La Quinta and to pay for any additional replacement necessary as the result of this work. ' rZA/;4 Signature of.'Applicant or Agent Tarmac California P.O. Box 14050 Palm Desert, CA 92255 775-8267 Name of Applicant (please print) Business Address Telephone No. Name of Contractor and Job Foreman Business Address Telephone No. On file On file Contractor's License No. City Business License No. On f ile Applicant's Insurance Company Policy Number FEES: Subdivision Improvement Permit — Class 111 Public improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs Private improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs Minor Improvement Permit — Class IV: See attached schedule Inspection Fee $ 10.00 Permit Fee Penalty Cash Deposit -Surety Bond if required TOTAL: $ 10.00 i Receipt No. Received by Recorded by Date 144.7 �v PERMIT VALIDATION PERMIT NO. 1417 DATE APPROVED 4/14/92' , EXPIRATION DATE 4/14/92 DATE ISSUED 4/14/92 B Administrative Authority TELEPHONE: (619) 564-2246 n=,t" Ia191 '1NORI u AMj" «'aaaf,rrwvRl► Aa aims Ljv0 11v0 N011vb1dX7 rl3naaddr ud� 0% 11YIb ;e N011e,a11M'A 1rWtl3•) 1 +q ooft+e>o•4 44 #a •g D•4q•y i Dy 10 -mod I V I O'L Dung aII 1'tocaq X13 v r.u.d ,A' t-w,ed jf� %#011301 • gnDatAt o•1ao1/ tvg AI a'10 + W.+d 1�x..A�o.awr O t�sg0 u0,L1+Uuu� y1•+A+Rs• to %C :CL.w.e+p +ouu •tlur tilcq u0,uniletrp0 A•17t�a 0d i 9t[' ;0+.4y400Ay{I u-*-rwaWI „o•,. ao=5 -T39d ,•ownN ���od _ �'.�Q:73 Ki�N•�IyI 11u t7IQQ� sn�•�.�. 'pk NUA'i h•4'1�� �� d/� A•7 a /Q/ nu i7 1 1 r Cl u/ vv nsuwne u9w a� o Ou9,ett1a9„uo7,o — Cjr 01 neW11I IwAy to 1ut:rrtlpr 10 tufuft s to •w •RP 4* 10 0L9 6"106 •uD to �+ sp.aa xm a++���.. A,4� Mf m tw• 4u, � n N It -ft W -A wv0e A A+"J w°n °ar rr• ww+ .cy,o-] arV tip M 1p�uyy u t.r'oy I►C1 rMp,y..•ey �1 11 A",I #__V y,woy 1;4tiruN �m"� Its% 1++n'K,ry 0uurr,a y,µ,y Ma AOMAC"04 AMp A� x'4'+1 Wr•� waW,or+4 ~ Mwnau ^ 11 e a aura "" A�+ 1'41•ep A 41 �»r�P►�1 tw :01 tsR,il� uonLap,lu03 ul Aaa,•y 140,itlg9 1 1 W 'uua,.e atA {o bu„us+0 uq to .� 1tsu.ur•aaawr 8vo•tiotu ,e�Dua O�t}ytf1y 1ua.tuL ti� •but r � b 061 Dut uagDp II { •V 's+.g*p 740 'ti•ted, Ry 'YO �+io 119 10 IuaW of %ppopUll t ISO NOI:.' MI SNO-3 a3LdW1153 NOLL31dwO3SO 3W149LdwIxOWd4V N1039 jjvA )IVOM N3K% ir111 3LLTAIxONddV V 03g33M dl'N014VAYJX3 AID UIS r ' clw/,�,t�/j� a�1,,� 1VAOMW ao NOLLYr V SNI dO NOIS wI d"' i d�NOUUAi p arp uo,q^.aabo yst�9l tA1e'� NOWf1lt•1I J0 3SOdN(14 � NOU-W WSN03 10 NOIL�OI Al � Ley >a+fw,t�a.lewl �!N til �' s+1a~,Id w1ru9,1wCu1l ua�NAlpgns 31V0 ISI^g d3AO"lld Pug S.LN31'V3A0YdVI UONI” 1aim uotx•uuoo w gjwuA A4j* ,1 qVI o,q„d 1'Ir{ d•tno D4• a a,t>u.a 'ttlr,uwlp,q 'Q'LIM •A04 ' VIII64trp 'tarta 91aM,o ,o.917gnd 19 ug fru-juem •41 ,e, 11N3AH—JV0U3N3l N0t=nHrn00 S)IUOM Onentt ltWb3d >dOd 1V011vilid4v u.p YINIno v1 J0 A.I L'"•'o W•�.�•��• 610014iA 1 - .ts,a,p vLM 01 d stow L T: 9 T NOW Z6-2 T —Zldti NOTQI , With prover validation th le term e>en•tltut.a o ml< rn CITY OP LA CIUINTA rogoh mant APPLICATION . IFC -Pt PERMIT PLA®LIC WORKS CONS•rRUCT10N (ENCPIOAOMMENT) For eho emnt ruatlon of publla or privet0ourbs, drlv.wey., P.vemente, .ld.wellu, p.rkinp lot., •.wor•, weer malru and ether IlketPubliO works Improrrmrntr In eaann.ert 1­wlen MINOR IMPROVSMHNTH end APPROVED IDUBOIVISIONS Ayr Sl 14. 1992 BubdWlelen Improvement Permit — CL_ 111 OATS: Minor Improroment Permit Cl- IV LOOATION OF CONSTRUCTION 19[rNt adtlr.R or DemnP[Ien Of t.wwt10n1 PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION bloyw 23gpd p .tat Sksttdt (atteah oonttrumlen plan. If epproOrlets) DE RiPTIOI.� OP GONHT RUCTION •r > t. ea1P� SaRn1. 80/7TH4 WMe1%1RSLon at Hred Wrring to 52nd, DIMENSION OF IW67ALLA7I0N OR RHMOVAL B12H OF EXCAVATION, IF NEEOHO MOVE DAWR. 4/14/92 APPROXIMATH TIME WM HN WORK WILL OEOIN APPROXIMATE TIME OF COMPLETION HBTIMATEO CONSTRUCTION COST s (Inoludlnp »moral of all ebttruatlon, material•, and debrl•, --filling. nem• Pam= and Pleolne P.rmensm r urfooln. and/or rr Pl..In9 Improvomen e.I In oo-1-1 -n of .th• 9»ntin9 of —I. Permit, ch. rPPllunt nerebY r9»ee t01 P�aer..nlh .a.reno e1M mva . al<r. It. • «I p.nt., onle.r•. r• .•«n .mr« •nr a n•rmlw • •p•In.t . nehl«. •blli�iq m ly N In. H m o or . yn e0 .On .no .—In. t e1 .nV ...... �, entl •oP.S'tY n•PP•nlnp or o r,ne . a wl,r.•a ewult nr wpr4 r.....Men u th• permit sev tW Y tl e�•PPI 0�ilon. n P Nt.<Ifr th. AdTlnlKra[Ir. AutnorIN hour. , etly.ne• or a time wh.n werM well b .[rrao. Coen PIY with •11 • Plbrb,e OItY Ordlnen0 the corm .ntl apnonlon.ne t P m . I —.11 •ble rule. •M •eOrl.tlOn..1 rh. CIN of V Quina .no to p•r 1er •nV eodltlon•1 r• plwement�n•e•.torY a. th. nn." Oi -1. wore. Nemo of COntraotor and Job Fe»men BurinO•t Add»« Telephone No. Ott Lila On fila Gentraator'r Livenee No. Ciay Lloene. No. On Piles 6193427504 APolloan<•. Inwronoo CempanV Polloy Number FEES. Subdlvl•len Improvement Permit — Clam 111 Publlo IMPro nt•1 :I% of .•tlnl.ted P n.truotlon eoe 1 4 1 % Prlre[e Imprewment•1 ,b 01 ..tlmet•d Oon.truOtlon Cn Minor Improvement Prrrnit — Clam IV: See atuohod eah,d,l, I—peoclon Pa. ® P.rmlt Pae 10.00 PHRMIT VALIDATION Penalty PHRMIT NO. -- C•ah Osoa.le-gu reay pond PATE APPROVED —4 L14 92 11 r.qul»d EXPIRATION DATe 4/14/92 TOTALS ID <^-^^ R.aeip< No. OATC IyUHO 4/14/92 R•oaived by Oet. �$•��G !/ Adml�<ro<IVP Authority Reoord." by 'T■LHPFiONIB: (!<9) SID4.224ID TRANSMISSION REPORT THIS DOCUMENT WAS SENT ** COUNT # 1 *** SEND *** (REDUCED SAMPLE ABOVE) NO REMOTE STATION I.D. START TIME DURATION #PAGES COMMENT 1 6193427504 4-14-92 7:45AM 1'01" 1 TOTAL 0:01,01" XEROX TELECOPIER 7020