1522AUG 6,'92 16:21 PGC APCH INC CA P.2 r'::x ;�.c.'JYI't�' !�ttU U'CC••b� :;•'v6Nlt1 r �G4�01!•+ i 114 uov CttJ01/4 L NOTE: With 00tr validation this term eomthutet on Introachtttent permit CITY OF LA OUINTA APPLICATION FOR PERMIT P� ...PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION (ENCROACHMENT) For the contVuction of public or private W011, driveways, pe+temants, eidowalki, parkins lots, 6ewart, Watar Millis end other titre public works Improyententt In oonneCtion with MINOR IMPROVEMENTS and APPROVED SUBDIVISION9 DATE: N92 LOCATION OP CONSTRUCTION — Subdivition Iftlproverngnt Permit -• Class ill firtor Improvlrnent ParmIt Clatt IV lessees eddrgµ or 6asaNpuon o! :.oaadani PUAPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION S 111. >l t(.�v4°f Skat`h lettaeh construction plant if approprlatl) DESGAIilTiON OF CONSTAUCTIOt&Q5011i if 1Nt6 G�tiT �T j p1Tjdn/C� DIMENSION OF INSTALLATIONOR Rfi VAL 4 r9atybt�llei 1-ra A SIZE 0ExCavaT10NIFNEEDED Sills APPROXIMATE TIME WHEN WOnK W I. V131N --- -- APPROXIN.ATfi TIME OF COMPLETION lace ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST S ilisClud(Ag removal of all obsrru.tion, materiels, and debris, beckfl10%carts. pection nc alocirtg permanent resurfacing and/or replacing improvements) In :ontlderAtIon of the granting of this otrrnit, tht applicant hereby agrees to: . ?As# ntfv.,dtttnd end aria the Ctry, rtt hothortled Agents, offlaaa, rgprisentettvib and emWoraaf, htrrnteas tram and against BAY end etl ptaa4Ns, Il oe; f or serf reevtttno frrirn 4t !ms or Court Ballon and arising out of any accident, lost Or darnm t0 persons or breDiny haptfrmp orr otc'urrtng of t AtO.t:p ow rpl4lt Of On -v 'NOtk undartakln Undat the permit V$ntad pa,rsuaet to this appllaat1CA. NO:rrt t -it Adnitnr0tr0t:Ve AUtBdr!ty, at Wee'! .W#A(y•o0ur ($4) hours in advaAca by Me lift wh0h Work t ad. ComO r with all e0011esb* :Ity Ordingnatt, tttc term; and send Gonta tmlt and ell reautst,ont o! Ind City of Le ouinti end to pay fw enp addtpGnO! rcPlcoamant naaeerary es reaul) shit r LA Signature of App(iwn: or Agent 0 Age! — f� �5��rc' LIN►{art)+ A"--- NVOT Nome of Apr IcanLfp ial—P punt) aWfnaet Addroae Telephone No, rName ofa:o^IrectorOno Jeb Portman Butiness Aadrast Telephone No, Contractar`r Licente No. Gay Business License No. • . r ..•n ...nr„rncc ..Vrnh�rty Policy Number P1:Ed: Cuactivttlon IMPrOvamont perntll — C)aas Ili Public improventahts: 3% of etll(Mild Construction cosit P. ivato impraremenit 3% of *Mt rtsated construotlon eottt Itnproyomen! Permit —Class. Iii: Set aiMached setodule 15 22 Inspection fee DO .....d. PERMIT VALIDATION Permit Pae — L Penalty PERMIT N0. Cash Depal:Sutaty Bond — — DATE APPROV E.D 6—Z7 "— 4 7 If rgaulred — EXPIRATION DATE /Z+'��'�_RZ TO AL: a�ZZ r D D DATE ISSUED Reeetot ka. •�-- Reca,veo bt �r By...� ' _ l)ate� Adtnlnlotr.uve A++tnority a --- . - - - - -- - - - -- - SENT BY:TDC ;10-29-92 Transpacific Development C o m p a n y October 28, 1992 01 Mr. Craig Yamasald ARCO 7 Mallard Irvine, CA 92714 Subject: One Eleven La Quinta Center Curb and Outter Dear Craig: --------------4 - 31078284H16195648580;# 2 ;Jany Corporate Headquarters suito Ira i This letter is to request that in lieu of 6" of base under the curb and curb and gutter detail on the ARCO plans, that our contractor increase the section of the curb and gutter, curb and "V" gutter by 2" in depth and increase the concrete strength to 3,000 psi, As we discussed on the phone, I discussed this item with Tom Riggle at Phillip, Graham, Combs and Sewee Ruangtragool of Jayldm Engineers. Sewee approved the alternate provided the subgrade compaction is increased from 900 to 950. We will ensure that the subgrade compaction is at 95 % and provide a separate soils report from Buena Engineers. We have also verified with the City Inspector that this is acceptable to the City of La Quinta., In the event that these is any problem with the City of La Quinta with final inspection and inspection, Washing tonr'Ada;ns Partnership and TDC will rectify the situation at our cost. The City of La Qui.-Ita :: noted that the curbs were already approved on the Washi on/Adams Partnership's a cC plans without the base and, therefore, he has no problem with increasing the base secu P; y Sincerely, WASHINGTON/ADAMS PARTNERSHIP By: ' Transpacific Development Company Vice President, Development CM:mak t,ernan Irle. Hall &7 0 199.` Steve Speer City of La Quinta P.0, Box 1504 78-105 Calle Estado La. Quinta, Ca, 92253 Re: Construction adjacent to Arco sitz at One Eleven La Quinta, Center Dear Steve; The Curb/Curb and Gutter shown on tl Out.Side. the Arco Parcel will be constri Approved One Eleven U Quinta Precise -rco grading,plari which is to be constructed I without. aggregate base as shown on the Plan, prepared by Hall & Foreman, Inc. Please do not hesitaie, to call, if there an'Y fi:--t.her questions, HALL & Forem,-:jn, Inc, Harold A. Garcelon P.F. Production Manager /ser CA11101 -ia 91764 •1!100 Fir 714..,-',41 751()