Slurry Seal & Striping Improv FY 2017-18 PMP Zone 2 - Invitation to Bidmediagroup pppr of : HE USA -ODAY NETWORK PO Box 23430 Green Bay, WI 54305-3430 Tel: 760-778-4578 / Fax 760-778-4731 Email: legals@thedesertsun com PROOF OF PUBLICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA SS. COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE CITY OF LAQUINTA 78495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA CA 92253 I am over the age of 18 years old, a citizen of the r )nit ,,j CtntPc �nrl nn* pa ty t ), nr hove interest in this matter. I hereby certify that the attached advertisement appeared in said newspaper (set in type not smaller than non pariel) in each and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit: 06/06/18 06/13418 I acknowledge that I am a principal clerk of the printer of The Desert Sun, printed and published weekly in the City of Palm Springs, County of Riverside, State of California. The Desert Sun was adjudicated a Newspaper of general circulation on March 24, 1988 by the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of California Case No. 191236. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is tnie And _!1?'r-P_t. FYef`uted on this 1 3th of June 2018 in Palm Springs, California. DECLARANT Ad#:0002957250 P O : PROJECT NO. 2017-27 # of Affidavits :1 Bids and Proposals SECTION 1100 INVITATION TO BID PROJECT NO. 2017-27 FISCAL YEAR 2017/2018 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN ZONE 2 SLURRY SEAL AND STRIPING IMPROVEMENTS SEALED BIDS will be received by the City Of La Quinta (City) at the Office of the City Clerk located at 78-495 Calla Tampico, La Quinta, California, 92253; until 10:D0 A.M. on Thursday, June 21. 2018 at whIrh time they will he publicly opened and read for pc arming work as follows: The project consists of furnishing and applying slurry seal on select streets with- in the City of La Quinta, and all other items and facilities nec;majand indden- tal to complete theimprovemerits as required by the project specifications, and other provisions of the contract These streets indude,. the Highland Palms hfeighborhood, Simon Drive, Caleo Bay DrivelLa Quinta Center Drive, Lake La C{u nla Drive La Quinta Drive, Auto Centre Drive, Avenue 48, Avenue 5D, and en unmarked alley in W Quinta Village between Avenida Bermudas and Desert Club Drive. The work Includes, but it not 11mited to, cleaning Of streets, header cuts, application of crack sealant, removal of existing striping, application of Type II, latex Emulsion Aggregate Slurry Seal, signing, and re -striping slurried streets- Additional work includes removing post delineators, furnishing and in- stalling surface mounted rubber curb, and furnishing and Installing interlocking stone pavers at the Avenida Mentexuma roundabout, at Cal le Madrid. All proj- ect work and incidental items to complete the project shall be performed In ac- cordance with the plans, speciflcatlons, and other provisions of the contract. All the above Improvements are to be constructed In a workmanlike manner, leav- ing the entire project in a. neat and nreiantable condition. Refer to Sections 30D0-mrd 40Derivr-moi-e information. This project $hail be completed within 40 working days front the date specifled In the Notice to Proceed. Time for the commencement and completion of the work is Important and is to be of the essence of the Contract: The successful bidder should plan to order any long lead time equipment items immediately fallowing "Notice of Award'. A pre-bld conference is scheduled for 10:30 A.M., Thursday, June 11, 2018 in the Public Works conference room of City of Li Quinta, City Hall located at 78-495 Calla Tampico, La Quinta, California 92253. Complete sets of the bidding documents may purchased online at: www. pl a n d tp I a n roornxom IMPORTANT: If you are not on the plan holders list through Planit Planroom YOU Mil not receive addendums. It is the responsibility of the bidder to ensure that they are placed on the plan} alders list. Bidding procedures are prescribed in the Project Specifications. Bids shall be executed upon the forms bound and made a part of said Specifications. Bid security in an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the total bid dollar amount. and conforming to the prescribed bidding procedures Is required to be submitted with each hid, as a guaranty to be forfeited should the bidder, if awarded the contract, fail to eater into the same, or falls to furnish in a timely manner the bonds and/or proof of insurance. The City reserves the right to re- lect any or all bids, and to waive any irregularities in the bids. Sid log sheets can he found at http:/hvww.laqulnuca.govlbusinessldesign and=deveiepmentlbid-o n-jobs. Pursuant to the provisions. of California Labor Code Section 57074 each bid sub- mitted in response to.this Invitation to Bid shall contain, as is bid item, adequate sheeting, shoring, and.bradrig, or equivalent method, for the protection of life and limb In trenches and open excavation, which shall conform to applicable safety orders. By listing this sum, the bidder warrants drat its acilan does not convey tort liability to the City, its consultants, and the Ir.employees, agents, and sub consultants. Pursuant to Section 1770, et, seq., of the California Labor Code, the successful bidder shall pay not less than theprevailing rate of per ,diem wages as deter- mined by the Director of the California Department of Industrial Relations. These wage rates are avallable from the California Department of Industrial Re- lations. Interrtetwebsite at httodlwwwAIr.ca.gov. Pursuant to Section 1725-5 of the California Lahof Code, no contractor or sub- contractor may be awarded a contract for public work on a public works project unless registered with the Department of Industrial Relations at the time the contract is awarded. Contractors and subcontractors may find additional infor- rnation for re9IsterIng at the Department of Industrial Relatiormmtisite at httlaWwwwAt r.ce.gnvlPu bl Ic- WorkslisubiieW orks.htm I. Pursuant to Labor Code section 1771.1, no contractor or subcontractor may be listed on a bid proposal for a public works project submitted on or after March 1, 2015 unless registered with the Department of Industrial Relations. Further- more, all bidders and contractors are hereby notified that no contractor or sub- contractor may be awarded, on or a(terApri€ 1, 2015, a contract for public work on a public works project unless registered with the Department of Industrial Relations. Pursuant to Labor Code section 1771.4, all bidders are hereby notified that this project is suhject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the Depart- ment of Industrial Relations. Pursuant to SB854, all contractors and subcontractors must furnish electronic certified payroll records directly to the Labor Commissioner (aka Division of La- bor Standards Enforcement). All contractors and subcontractors must also pro- vide a copy and proof to the City of online submittal within 2 days of online submission. Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 22300, for monies earned by the Con- tractor and withheld by the City to ensure the performance -of the CDntract, the Contractor may, at Its optlom; choose to substitute securities meeting the re- quirements of said Public Contract Code Sectlon Z2300. All bidders shall be licensed under the provisions of Chapter 9, ❑ivislon 3 of the Buslness and Professions Code of the state of California to do the type of work contemplated In the project. in accordance with provisions of California Public Contract Code section 3300, the City has determined that the General Contrac- tor shall possess a valid Class A (General Contractor), C12 (Earthwork and Paving Contractor) and/or C32 (Parking and Highway Improvement Contractor) at the time that the bid Is submitted.. Subtontractors shall possess valid, suitable licens- es for the work they wlll perform. Failure to possess the specified lice nse($) shall render The bid as non-respanslve, The successful bidder will be required to fur- nish a Labor and Materlais bond In the amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract price, as well as a Faithful Performance Bond, in the amount equal to one hundred percent (i DDIA) of the Contract price. Each bidder shall submit with its bid a statement setting forth its experience on the forms included in the Bid Proposal. Telephones will not be available to bidders. Bid forms received after the desig- nated time will not be accepted. Bidders and their authorised agents are' invit- ed to attend. No bidder may withdraw its bid for a period of sixty (60) days after the date set for the opening of bids. Approv By: /s/ Bryan McKinney, P.E., City Engineer Date: 5/31/18 Publish; By: /s/ Monika Radeva, Interim Clerk JT Date: 5131118 Published:.June 6, 13, 2018