1736NOT Q . With proper validation 0� this form constitutes an CITY OF. LA QUINTA encroachment permit APPLICATION FOR PERMIT (... PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION (ENCROACHMENT) C� OF For• tlie ,construction of public or private curbs, driveways, pavements, sidewalks,' parking` lots, sewers, water"mains and other like public works, improvements in connection'w.iih=NOR IMPROVEMENTS and APPROVED SUBDIVISIONS �. Subdivision lmprovemeni Permit - Class l II DATE: S/11/93 _ Minor Improvement Permit Class IV LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION PGA West Sales Office . Ave 54' . La. Quinta (Street address or Description of Location) PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION Relocation Sketch .(attach construction plans: if appropriate) DESCRIPTION OF. CONSTRUCTION Sales Office Trailer ROUTE i JEFFERSON NORTH TO'.50th WEST TO WASHINGTON NORTH OUT.OF CITY LIMITS.., 4 :'DIMENSION OF INSTALLATION OR'REMOVAL SEE ATTACHED CONDITIONS 24wx5OU16H SIZE,OF EXCAVATION, IF.NEEDED r .APPROXIMATE TIME WHEN WORK WILL BEGIN 3/20/93 ' -APPROXIMATE TIME OF COMPLETION ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $ `"(Iriclud ng .removal of all 'obstruction,; materials, and debris, backfilling, com paction-,and placing permanent resurfacing .and/or replacing improvements) In; consideration of. the granting of this permit, the applicant hereby agrees to: } ,indemnify, defend and save the•Ciiy, its authorized agents, officers, representatives and employees, harmless from and against any and all penalties,-liabilities or loss resulting from claims or court action and arising out of any accident, loss or damage to persons. or. property 'happening oroccurring as a proximate result of any work undertaken under the permit granted pursuant,to this application. Notify the Administrative Authority at feast twenty-four (24)'hours'in advance of'the time when -work ,will be started. J Comply' with all.. applicable City Ordinances, the .terms and conditions of, the permit and all applicable rules and regulations of the City of La Quinta and to pay for any addifional replacement necessary as. the result of this work.: . Signature of Applicant or Agent Snow House:Movers Inc 11611 Westminster Ave Garden Hrove 92643 (714) 534=-1696 Name of,Applicant.(please print) Business Address : Telephone No. Name of Contractor and Job Foreman Business Address Telephone'No. 236161 B C21 2550 r 'Contractor's License No. City Business License NO. American Int'l..Surplus Lines 91644-930'1220' *' Applicant's Insurance Company Policy Number li FEES: 'Subdivision Improvement Permit =Class I I I' 1-93 10 Q, 9 Public improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs' YO.nO Private improvements: 30/6 of estimated construction costs Minor Improvement'Permit —Class IV: See attached schedule; •# Inspection Fee $ PERMIT VALIDATION Permit Fee 10.00 PERMIT NO.`1736 Penalty DATE APPROVED Cash Deposit-Surety Bond . R if requiredEXPIRATION^DATE 5'/20/93 TOTAL: $ 10,00 5/11/93 . DATE I SU D Receipt No. By �114,dA 6 Aol­ Received by Date < Adm inistrative.Authority ":. Recorded by TELEPHONE: (619) 564=2246 MaY b '93 9:33 1,111 SNOW HOUSE MOVERS 'INC. 1;s�_NT BY:Xerox Telecopier 7020 ; 5R 6-93 ,11:07AM z "0721 Whit pftlW validation TEL 7145347323 56a5617�+ this form aohnittataa aft anwoetdement permit CITY .0F I.A Q1UINITA APPLICATION FOA PIERMIT -PUBLIC MdORKI CONSTRUCTION (ENGROACFIAAENT) For. the *omo t,letion of pubtle or prtrbte Dorms, drlverivavl, pavomerrra, aldewalka, parking. Iata, Wotan, ter nvlRe end other like puWl works improvemanm in aonnti tioo wlde mINO" IMPROVEMENTS and APPROVEO 3UBQIVi$IONB P. 2i 3 7145347323;# 1 OATpI BubdiWrion Imtuovemgnt ®ermlt -Chea III e � Minor Improvement Permit 01eu IV I.4CATIONOPCANSTRU.CTIOAI ales -Office Ave. 54 La Quinta ,Baas adwran or Oeaerlpgoh at 6erlatlenl PURPO&I OF CONGTAUCTION Relocation attrti (atlat:h aonaatt;glan plant if apptppro DawurrioiNOFCONSTRUCTION s ROUTE: Jefferson north to 50TH St., west to Washington north out DIM&NGION OF INSTALLATION Oft REMOVAL of City Limits. __%L L t31S6 OF EXCAVATION, IF NEEf381) APPROXIMATE TIME 1f H&N V anK INILL BEGIN APPROXIMAT@ TIM9 OF COMPlgl'ION ESTIMATIQ CCN111TRUCTION COST it Ilnolpginp removal of all abitfuetion, mawrfab, And tlebrb, bilaktilling, Wim. peodon and plealny permanent ra+urtaoinp and/or replaaing Impra"mantal in Wlnolderatlan of the prentin6 of this permit, dee aAaNnalt hereby aptaer Loi Inuamnlfy,.aefane "enp Owe the Bleu. In evdrl>ftead eaam4, ottiagre, Peprteaptmtlwe Aral ernprareq, hemtrafa irakrr end 1pelrat any ehr Ivl Poneitlrr►, {iebllill" Ot lots ra�wWfto from leiOV{t or oeurt amxlotk end aflelng out a! arty eeatoefrt Iafaa av to pYreon4 er property ne4rpaerarp 'It,esavrrine a o Aroelmmle iewlt of any word ur�dertattag,,aae>ar th0 ae>rrtn tirasyte64 pur�ent to >illt 90Rt1ar"" NetlfV dra AWttlnlaretiVe Aud►arlty at taxa WARW.teyt t701 Nowa in a0aft of the time Won mmt Volo be atertaa, ttonnedV with all epoll04ble Clev 4iminem", the torM4 4rO dooditlana of are pee" rarp h iota all apglrtawtr 11 Qulnm and t0 PAV tot WY awltw* 1ePtae"Mm. no"1118M m the emit of this w, nate and 1rautettoe4 OI the Ally of Snow House Movers, ryune of Appllotnt (pleete pfilt). �Qletlfla of r4pidi6attt 4r Agdatt Inc,, 11611 Westminster Ave., Garden Grove, Ca 92643 avllnan Ad ftn Nems of Contreator and Job Foremen ( 714) 534-1696 236161 8 C21 Btldnew AmWam T�aeitane No. wuntraatar•I 1.000148 No. 25 O American I nt ' l Surplus Lines City Bulinala 1.1con4a Na, Applleant'l Inaurenn Compahy 91644-9301220 Polley Number Fdkd: 3�bnrYialon �marover"Writ Permit —Claps ill PU0114 Improvemen"I 3% of eetimoted oansarttetion Dane Private ImIlrovathann., 3% of ertinwted tonitlttatlbn ootat 1 3 Minor hr vemenT Permit _ Clam IVs 388 etteahad 40601418 lh4rActlon For B . Permit Pse _" 2 RFMT VALIl3 Penally PBPMIT No. CIA Deposiosutoty Bono if r&cwlrad DATE APPROV00 TOTAL, 30..�. � OXPIRATION CATI S ��'^"•'r4m�,� DATA' 1�1Sop RMIJ i No.