1959NOTE: With proper validation t9,is form constitutes an _ CITY OF LA QUINTA encroachment permit w APPLICATION FOR PERMIT PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION (ENCROACHMENT) For the construction of public or private curbs, driveways, pavements, sidewalks, parking lots, sewers, water mains and other like public works improvements in connection with MINOR IMPROVEMENTS and APPROVED SUBDIVISIONS DATE: 11/5/93 LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION RANCHO LA (Street address or Description of Location) PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION 11109E EQMMMT DESCRIPTION 9F CONS1 TRUCTION 623 ONWE 14 H, 12 W, 80,000 LBS DIMENSION OF INSTALLATION OR REMOVAL SIZE OF EXCAVATION, IF NEEDED Subdivision'',Improvement Permit — Class III Minor Improvement Permit Class IV Sketch (attach construction plans if appropriate) HAUL ROUTE: 48TH 'WEST TO WASHINGTON, SOUTH TO 50TH HAUL DATE: 11/8/93 PILOT CAR_RBQUIREO �. u APPROXIMATE TIME WHEN WORK WILL BEGIN APPROXIMATE TIME OF COMPLETION ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $ NOV 0 5 1993 (Including removal of all obstruction, materials, and debris, backfilling, com- paction and placing permanent resurfacing and/or replacing improvements) In consideration of the granting of this permit, the applicant hereby agrees to: Indemnify, defend and save the City, its authorized agents, officers, representatives and employees, har�I�fmdd a®a nst any and all penalties, liabilities or loss resulting from claims or court action and arising out of any accident, loss or damage"to persons or property happening or occurring as a proximate result of any work undertaken under the permit granted pursuant to this application. ay Notify the Administrative Authority at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the time when work will be started. Comply with all applicable City Ordinances, the terms and conditions of the permit and all applicable rules and regulations of the City of La Quinta and to pay for any additional replacement necessary as the result of thYi k. Signature of Applicanor gent JOHNSON TRUCKING P.O. BOX 1618, FALLBROOK, CA 9W8 723-8257 Name of Applicant (please print) Business Address Telephone No. S WO ENGINEERING, INC. 79411 COUNTRY CLUB DR., BEUMDA DUNES, CA 345-1778 Name of Contractor anc.Job Foreman Business Address Telephone No. ON FM Contractor's License No. t, ON FILE ON FM City Business License No. ON FILE Applicant's Insurance Company Policy Number FEES: Subdivision Improvement Permit — Class III Public improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs Private improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs Minor Improvement Permit — Class IV: See attached schedule Inspection Fee $ Permit Fee 10.00 Penalty Cash Deposit -Surety Bond if required TOTAL: Receipt No. Received by Recorded by $ 10.00 a Date 1957 PERMIT VALIDATION PERMIT NO. 1959 DATE APPROVED 11/5/93 r EXPIRATION DATE 11/8/93 DATE ISS ED /^ By 4W4 Administrative Authority TELEPHONE: (619) 564-2246 CEVE NOV— '5-93 , 4. w proper valwAtior' ahfs tot" constitutes all oachmeel pe++nit FRI 13:51 N U E V O ENGINEERING CITY OF LA GUINTA APPLICATION FOR PEAMIt ,111BLIC WOhKS CONSTROCTION IENCROACHMENT) For sten gird nrr>r,sni'r.lrnn rpt f►ublic nr ntivete curbs, driveways, plvernents, sidewalks, parkinq tots, %(I llu!t,saki I?,il,li�; works tm'trpvr!rnents in cnn►'r.r..tion Mill MINOII 1tv1PI10VEMENTS and AIlPI1ov U Sllftvvl UIVISIOMS P _ 0 3 BATE: 11-5-93 Subdivision Improvement Perrnit -- Class III +` Minor Improvement Permit Class I V LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION Rancho La Quanta ---------- MIMI address or naterir,ri— .9 w.rwnr PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION Move Equipment DESCRIPTION Of�ppSTIgr*VON, 23 ScrapeU losr DIMENSION OF INSTALLATION OR RE1410VAL SIZE OF EXCAVATION, IF NEEDED APPROXIMATE TIME WF1EN WORK WILL g1;GIN APPROXIMATE TIME OF COMPLETION EStIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS llncluding removal of ill obstruction, mptertals, and deb -It, back tilling. com- paction and placing permanent resurfacing and/or replacing improvements) Its consideration of the granting of this permit, the applicant hereby agrees to. - Sketch (attach construction plans if a -}-- vJs pproprlate) KTif HAUL ROUTE: 48ths Washington, to .50th HAUL DATE: 11-8-93 penalties. , defend III. and leve tree Cffy, tie authorized agents, officers, repretentat(ves ar,d aril to penalties. Iir acelt Qr toll resulting (torr' cteirnl of court action and •rising out of any eceid@nte�tofsroredarnell rn arrd against ■ny mod all happening or occurring as a pros'fnw'a result of any work undertakefl under the Qe to p@rigor Of r permit granted pursuant to this application. p °r)arty Notify the h all fi srra'ive Authority at 1@011 twentyfour 1241 hours In advar'ce of the tims when work will ha started. Comply with all apprcet,le Clry Ordinances, Illi 'arms grid conditions of the pettait and all appiltable rvlel and rtgul@tions at the City of is Oulnta Cid to f,av for ar,y arlditlonaf rr!plecernent necessary as this tasull of this work. --�� Signature of App i gen At ,Johnson Trucking P.O. Sox 1618, Fallbrook, CA � (61Q} 723-$257 Maine of Applicant Iplease pr inti Busiftess Address Telephone No, flame of Contractor arid Job Forem3tj Business Address Uri Pile _ Telephone No, Contractor's License No. Applicant'1 Insurance Cgrrrparly 1=I:ES: Subdivision Ilnprovetnettt Permit -- Class 110 Public Improvetnents' 3% of estimated construction costs Private Inn.........._._...». On ELI CI1V Business License No Policy Number Private lmprovc+Hants: 396 of estimated consttuctlon costs I Minor s°Srrip,overnent Permit --Class IV: See attached schedule Minot r 111ec116n Fee S �. r irniie fee r1otty Tilt Oeposit•Surety 80,1(1 ►equlred TOTAL: S� �celpt No. �� °calved by Datav ?corded by. 0 a 0 Extended Page 3.1 PERMIT VALIDATIOIu PEnMIT NO. DATE APPROVED EXPIRATION DATE 93 DATE ISSUED ev Adtnttt{str Iva Aut�lior{ty TELEPIJONE: (8{91.554-2246 I