2125NOTE: With proper validation s �-this�f jam constitutes an' encroachment permit CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION FOR PERMIT PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION (ENCROACHMENT) For the construction of public or private curbs, driveways, pavements, sidewalks, parking lots, sewers, water mains and other like public works improvements in connection with MINOR IMPROVEMENTS and APPROVED SUBDIVISIONS 4/8/94 Subdivision Improvement Permit — Class I I I DATE: Minor Improvement Permit Class IV LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION SIS 58th Ave, betweenMadison and Jefferson (Street address or Description of Location) PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION TV urovlde RoryleA for tha fhjarry e o DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION DIMENSION OF INSTALLATION OR REMOVAL 3300' LIN FT. 42"DP. SIZE OF EXCAVATION, IF NEEDED APPROXIMATE TIME WHEN WORK WILL BEGIN 4/15/94 APPROXIMATE TIME OF COMPLETION 8/30/94 ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $ 25,000.00 (Including removal of all obstruction, materials, and debris, backfilling, com- paction and placing permanent resurfacing and/or replacing improvements) In consideration of the granting of this permit, the applicant hereby agrees to: Sketch (attach construction plans if appropriate) See Attached Conditions See Attached Drawings "AT -CT" See Work Order # 0547-7FO01BL G0,jTaA6TofL S r qV—R ., —r 1 coo Indemnify, defend and save the City, its authorized agents, officers, representatives and employees, harmless from and against any and all penalties, liabilities or loss resulting from claims or court action and arising out of any accident, loss or damage to persons or property happening or occurring as a proximate result of any work undertaken under the permit granted pursuant to this application. Notify the Administrative Authority at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the time when work will be started. Comply with all applicable City Ordinances, the terms and conditions of the permit and all applicable rules and regulations of the City of La Quinta and to pay for any additional replacement necessary as the result of this work. Signat re of Applicant or Agent GTE California, Inc. 45-590 Jackson Street, Indio, CA 92201 619-342-0532 Name of Applicant (please print) Business Address Telephone No. s, M Name of Contractor and Job foreman Business Address Telephone No. Contractor's License No. City Business License No. Applicant's Insurance Company Policy Number FEES: Subdivision Improvement Permit — Class 111 4 Public improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs Private improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs Minor Improvement Permit — Class IV: See attached schedule Inspection Fee $ Permit Fee 0 Penalty Cash Deposit -Surety Bond if required TOTAL Receipt No $ 0 Received by Date 2125 PERMIT VALIDATION PERMIT NO. 2125 DATE APPROVED 4/8/94 EXPIRATION DATE 8/30/94 DATE ISS ED /8/94 By Administrative Authority Recorded by 11 TELEPHONE: (619) 564-2246 NOTE: With proper validation this form constitutes an encroachment permit CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION FOR PERMIT CITY OF LA QUNTA APR 0 51994 PUBLIC WORKS PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION (ENCROACHMENT) For the construction of public or private curbs, driveways, pavements, sidewalks, parking lots, sewers, water mains and other like public works improvements in connection with MINOR IMPROVEMENTS and APPROVED SUBDIVISIONS qI S 114 Subdivision Improvement Permit — Class I I 04/011/94 I DATE:Minor Improvement Permit Class IV LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION S/S 58TH AVENUE, BETWEEN MADISON AND JEFFERSON (Street address or Description of Location) PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION TO PROVIDE SERVICE FOR THE Sk ch 1 QUARRY DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCT( N TRENCH AND PLACE 2-4" PVC & DIRECT D,CABLE DIMENSION OF INST 4,A ON OR REMOVAL 3300' LIN FT. L��. SIZE OF EXCAVATION, IF NEEDED APPROXIMATE TIME WHEN WORK WILL BEGIN 04715/94,, APPROXIMATE TIME OF COMPLETION 08/30/94 ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST S 25,000.00 (Including removal of all obstruction, materials, and debris, backfilling, com- paction and placing permanent resurfacing and/or replacing improvements) In consideration of the granting of this permit, the applicant hereby agrees to: UL attach construction plans if approprfatel a"t.3 t r tG S 07 SEE WORK ORDER # 0547-7FO01BL Indemnify, defend and save the City, its authorized agents, officers, representatives and employees, harmless from and against any and all penalties, liabilities or loss resulting from claims or court action and arising out of any accident, loss or damage to persons or property happening or occurring as a proximate result of any work undertaken under the permit granted pursuant to this application. Notify the Administrative Authority at least twenty-four 124) hours in advance of the time when work will be started. Comply with all applicable City Ordinances, the terms and conditions of the permit and all applicable rules and regulations of the City of Le Ouinta and to pay for any additional replacement necessary as the remit of this work. (F.L. SAVOY) Af Signature of Applicant or n GTE CALIFORNIA, INC 45-590 JACKSON STREET ' INDIO- CA 92201 619/342-0532 Name of Applicant (please print) Business Address Telephone No. Name of Contractor and Job Foreman Business Address Telephone No. Contractor's License No. City Business License No. Applicant's Insurance Company Policy Number FEES: Subdivision Improvement Permit —Class III Public improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs Private improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs Minor Improvement Permit — Class IV: See attached schedule Inspection Fee $ Permit Fee Penalty Cash Deposit -Surety Bond if required TOTAL: $ Receipt No. Received by Date Recorded by PERMIT NO PERMIT VALIDATION z�z5- DATE APPROVED /-8 9/ EXPIRATION DATE DATE ISSUED By TELEPHONE: (619) 564-2246 Administrative Authority f -he following General and Special Provisions are sneered to and made a can of Permit No. GENERAL PROVISIONS i 'he toilowina snail always andiv: NCROACHMENT ON PRIVATE PROPERTY: This permit authorizes work tope aCCOmollshed wimin City Of La Quinta rignt of wrav ONLY. Whenever construction extends witnin Onvate Prooeny, it Snail be Ins responsibility Of the parmntee for his eontractorsl to secure permission from abutting Procertv owners. Such authorization must be secured by ins Dermtttee prior to starting work. / 7RACKLAYINGCONSTRUC7IONEQUIPMENT: Cleatedtracklavingconstructionecuiomentshallnotbebermmedtoopersteonanv Davao Surface unless fined with smooth -faced street peas. All meenanicai ouinggers snail be fittedwnn ruboer street shoes to protea :tie Paving outing excavations. Rubber -urea souiciment onto shall be used in oaddill operations in paved areas If the extsung Pavement is scarrea. spelled. or broken curing the term at this Can traa. or rt the Osvemem n maned, Ciry of la trial these portions of road be resurfaced over their entire Width, titQuints shall reaust surtecmg plus appropriate seal con as speafied above. Resurfacing shell consist of ono cost Of two orches 12") of A C PROTECTION OF TRAFFIC: All excavations and work areas shall bapropeny lighted and bameaded asdaemed necliss"Ity the City Engineer or La Quints City Public Works Inspectors. Suitable detours and detour signsshall tie plai:adSnO maintained for the duration at the proles. The City shall be notified 24 Hra. in advance of any traffic detours or detineabons. CARE OF DRAINAGE STRUCTURES: Any drainage structure including Corrugated Metsl pipe• concrete pipe. Meet culvert aro concrete structures encountered during excavation which necessitate removal shag be replaced in kind. In the necessary to remove or cut exiting drainage structures. City of La Quints Stall be notified prior to commencement mf this Drainage structures and open drains shall be kept free at debris at all times for proper drainage. RIGHT OF WAY CLEANUP: Any surplus material resulting from excavation and backfill operations Sttall be removed fromthe right of way. All paves surfaces shall be broomed dean of earth and other objectionable materials immediately alterbactfill Slid compaction Existing gutter line and drainage ditches snail be replaced to their original standard or better. All excess material Shag be rsmpvep prior to paving. Water tanker snail be used, as required. to sprinkle the job site to keep down dost conditions and stag be usm immediately alter backfill. DE -WATER OPERATIONS: If de -watering operations are required and PUMPS are forcing water on City of La Quints roads, it shall be the rescionsimlity of me Permittee tcontractorl to control this water and to provfda Otf-effect pamntlas wean ttaopssry. CLOSING STREETS: No street shall be closed. A minimum of one tans of traffic shall be maintained at all times to accessfar ins eajoimng property Owners and am°rgperrnrtteethathemut��ossaa eneyvenscles. In the event ft isfettbythe Proya s honed any length Of time. Permittee shall contact this office to Obtain the necessa ry Permission.[reatfdr SPECIAL PROVISIONS The foltwing shall apply ONLY when indicated: R1 NOTIFICATION: Permmee shall notrfy the City at56427-77 7o7y 24Q at least 48 hours in advance of sterling COnaOUtSion. R2 CASH DEPOSITS OR BONDS: A cash bond or an approved surety bond in an amountcf notless theme shall be furnished in the name of City of La Quints to cover all work involved in the res tion of the varrdua V Qu his rocas and survey monuments. This bond shall be continuous unnl cancelled by the City Engineer. T Id. borttl must be I Posted prior to commencement of any work on this project R3 UTILITY CLEARANCE: (Substructuresl Priarto making any excavaucin within the City Of Ls Quints right alfwayguithortM by perms, the tin Subsntee shell contact all Bono Mad Utility cemparuea reiative to tits location at existing akebmUetuto& DamegstoexistingSubstructuresresultingfromoperationsconductedunderthepermitshallbeokesolaUbstrueds lily of the paromes. R4 UTIUTY CLEARANCE: (Surface structures, No work shag be done under this c artnh until 811 utilities are door of the Proposed work ane. The Parmmae snail notify ell concerned utility companies of the proposed work. R5 PAVEMENT WIDENING: Area between the Proposed concrete surfaced with inches of A.C. Paving plated on Bier line and the existing road pavement shall be having an "R'value of not less titan intoes of class aggregatesubbase course and in conformance with City of L a pointe Road 1m0 Ovemem Standards and Specifications. Ordinance 0461. R6 PARKWAY GRADING: Area between the property line end top of the proposed concrete curb Shall be gradedro a elope of 1/4 inch to one foot (11. R7 GRADES & STAKES: City of La Quints shall establish grades and stakes for the proposed concrete curb and gutter construction. R8 GRADECHECKING: Citvot La Quints Shall check grades upon racerot of Plan and opofile and/or grades 82 established by a licensed engineer. R9 CURB REMOVAL FOR DRIVEWAYS: A portion of the existing concrete curb and/or curb and gutter I featlshag bs removed. Curb and/or Curti and gutter shall be saw cut prior to removal. Depressed curb. matching concrete gutter and concrete driveway approach shall be constructed in conformance with City of La Quints Standard 0207. RIO DRIVEWAYS. A.C.: Driveways shall be constructed as not to attar exiting drainage pattern. Surfacut tietvveen the Property line and the exiting road Paving shall be 2-1 /2 inches of A.C. paving placed on (�") of dbet aggregate base. driveway construction shall conform to attached drawing. Rif CULVERTS: A :ncn diameter f inches below and in line with the existing flow fine. Culvert) instaven llation aall be 0 eon oirmthe attached the atchedinvenfdreawing. tely 1 /2 R1 SIGHT CLEARANCE: Sight Clearance of 600 feet in either direction shall be assured and maintained. R13 SOIL STERILIZER: The area to be surfaced shall be treated with soil sterilizer. Rate of application shall Comptywith the _ manufacturer's specifications. R1 COORDINATE WORK: The proposed work shall be subordinated to any operation which the State of California or City of La Quints may condul:t in this area during the period of this permit. Work shall be coordinated with the State or City of La Quints forces to preclude delay or interference with State or City of La Quima Prolem. SURVEY MONUMENTS: Prior to excavation or beginning of construction, all survey monuments which skit On the cemerlme of all stream or proparrytines when involved shag be completely tied out so they may be raadifyandcdrresty be remsead by a "Censed C7v11 erigmear or surveyor at the eiianfa of the permilma A eomplata Set of notes shamng the ties to these monumems anal, be tumf:ried to the City Enginew as im to the rei"WAN Of anyr anumen L This °ffice shall be mooned upon Cantplaaprt Of rootadanrnt at all survey monum°na for °ro°eraroma etaarw"r. t = 16 :. RVEY MONUMENTS P' nr to e.cavation or oeotnnina or Construction. all survey monuments snail be ueoout bvCal, ;t La Uuinia ana suitaoie oavmenT or guarantee or Payment snail be made as reimbursement for all wont invatvea R17 PAVEMENT CUTTING: Pavement will be mecnanicalfv cut to a stratatn adds Prior to excavation. Method of Pavement cunind snail be aouroveo throuan the orfice or the City Engineer. IUnaer no circumstances snail excavating eauroment `. oe used to excavate Prior to cutimo or oavementi. Excavation material small be otacea in such a Posit `n as to agest laminate the general now or tramc. Prnt ior to tinai Paving operations. any damaae to pavemesage snail be l correea. straight / PAVEMENT CUTTING: Pavement snail be saw cut Prior to removal. Prior to anal paving operations. any damage to / pavement straight edge snail be corrected. 19 LIMITOF EXCAVATIONS: Excavations snail be limitecto 1.0001ineaiteetot ooentrencn betarecacKtill Operations mum begin. All excavations snail be property barrlcaee0 witn (tants overnight. on weekenas and nOltaays,or tme Orotection or the traveling puotic. The Public Works inspector snatt determine the suttablliry of excavation Parricaeing in each ease. No �excavation snail remain open for a period exceeding hve t5i Clays. No excavation small be mace unless the construction material is actually on the work site. 20 BACKFILL MATERIAL Backtill shall be Ireeotbrusn. roots or other organic Substance oetrimenta.: . -:S usetarpurposes of Producing an adequately consolidated bacKtill. Any matenal which the City of La Quinta poems unsuitable (apongyor Saturated matertall which is encounteted during excavation small not be used for backfill, but Shall be Supplamemed or • repleted by an approved sand or gravel. R21 BACKFILL SAND: Beall ill shall be approved transn-iniv sand or equivalent and shelf be placed in lifts of notgreaterthen three feet (31 andvibratea using vibrotamper or eaurvatent equipment. Altemate methods maybe substituted, but in any case a relative compaction of 95 percent shall be attained within the structural section of the roadway. R22 BACKFILL PLACEMENT: Backfill shall be applied in lavers of not more tnan 50 percent of the total depth at the trenen before flooding or a maximum of five-foot l5'l liftswnere trenches are of excessive deptns. Care is to be exeime sed badifill materiel is not subjected to extreme swell by flooding operations. Backfill materiel shall be plam so that the that the ced resulting com action Shall be not less than 90percedr e0urvalentio the surrounding ground. whicnev c so greater compaction. Where Ponding or flooding is used for a maximum settlement, alleouate dikes will be cons the water. Where jetting is used. the lets shall be of sufficient length to reach the bottom of each :avat to retain er end the water supply shall' be continuous. /R23) COMPACTION TESTS: If so required bvtne inspector. compaction tests shall be made et intervalsof not more than 1.000 l� feet and a minimum of one (1) test on each road. One (1) coot' of seen test shall be forwerce to the Clty Engineer ipr approval and filed prior to making permanent repairs. COmpecbon tests shall be made as0utlined o Section 8. gin Ot the Standard Specifications. Division of Highways. State of California. dated January 1973. RI4 COMPACTION TESTS: If so required by the inspector. cdmoaction teas shell be made for seen crossing or servlet, time. One ( t) copy of each test snail be forwarded to the City Engineer tdr approval and f iled prior to making permanent repairs. Compaction tests snail be mace asoutlinea in Seaton 6.3.01 of the Standard Specrfications. Oivistonoi f H of California, dated January 1973. ghwevs.State R25 TEMPORARY PAVEMENT REPAIRS: After completion of bacdill and compaction operations. a temporary patch consisting of 2 inches of SC -800 shall be placed on a prepares subgrade. The SC -800 temporary paving shall be mecea after a maximum Of 3.000 lineal feet Of trench has been excavated and badtf ill operations completed. but in no case shall the placement of the temporary pavement exceed a five (5) day limit. R26 PERMANENT PAVEMENT REPAIR: Atter backfill and compaction operations have been completed. a temporary patch consisting of two inches (2•) of SC•80O shall be ptacea immediately. A permanent patch of surfacing placed on a inch class inches A.C. basesnaltbeplecidnolatertnan-days after txntpleuonof temporary road repair. R27 PAVEMENT REPAIR: F.A.S.: Upon completion of baeklill ane compeatdn. a temporarypatch consisting of two inches (2i Of cold mix paving (SC -80O) shall be placed immediately. A permanent patch of three inches 13'T of A.C. surfacing shall bs plated on six inches 16-) concrete base as directed, but not later than fifteen (15) days after completion of temporary paving. Concrete bass shall be of five -sect mix and shall conform to the City of La Quints Road Improvement Stanaarc, and Specifications. Ordinance 0461. R28 FOG SEAL: A fog seal coat consisting of an application of asphaltic emulsion snail be applied over all . determined by the City Engineer. patch arass R29 SEAL ARMOR COAT: A seal coat consisting of an application binder and screenings shall be applied on ell paten areas where such seal coats existed prior to issuance Of this permit. Seal or armor coats shall be applied as specified in Section 37. Standard Specifications. State of California. Division of Highways. dated January 1973. Work of pavement repair to be accomplished by a licensed contractor engaged in the business of pavement repair. 30 STREET RESTRIPING: Where street striping is still visible on streets to be excavated. such striping shall be replaced upon completion of permanent repairs. R31 TREE RELOCATION OR REMOVAL. Tree relocation within the City of La Quinta road right of way snail be aeeomplishea by a licensed. bonded and insured tree service. and handled safely witnout interference or hazard to the traveling public. It shall be the responsibility of the oermntee to maintain the tree in a vigorous growing conaitton at its new location. Trees to be removed shall be removed in sectionswnich can be handled safelvwitnout interference or nazard to highway traffic. The entire width of the tree stump snail be removed and disoosea of so that no debris remains in view of the highway. The stump hole shall be backfilled and thoroughly compacted as specified in the following paragraph. Where it becomes necessary to restrict traffic. the work shall be resincted to a maximum of 500 feet at any one time. Adequate signs. flagmen and/or barricades shall be provided to protect the traveling public at all times. Large holes resulting from tree removal shall be backfrlled and compacted to not less than 90 percent Or equivalent lO the etnoQ Compaction surrounding ground. whichever is the greater compaction as determined by the impact or field m tests Shall comply with Section 6.3.01 of the Stannard SPeerircations. Division of Highways. State of California. dated January 1973. R32 TREE TRIMMING: t • a. Ontv the necessary trimming snail be accomolisnea to provide clearance of the facility for one calendar year. All broken or week sections within the trimming snail be removed. b. Where it becomes necessary to restrict traffic. the work shall be restriciecito a maximum of 500feet at any onetime. Adequate signs. flagmen. ana/or barricades snail be provided to protect the traveling public at all times. c. If tree trunks are partially outside of the City of La Quinta road right of way, permittee small melte his own arrangements with adjoining property owners for consent to the trimming in audition lathe authorization provided by this permit. d. All tree trimming on EVERGREEN TREES. PALM TREES. and other ORNAMENTAL TREES shall be accomolishea to the satisfaction of the City Public Works Inspector. e. Abutting proo" owners snail be cam ctalL m all instances, prior to trimming or topping pees. 1. Pruning shalt. in all instances• beat the shoulder of me end een to insure even. teat heating in ani ana et, t..........__. .t SPECIAL CONDITIONS --PERMIT NO. 2125 --- GTE INC. --- In addition to the standard permit conditions, the following shall apply: 1. All work shall be performed in accordance with the latest edition of the Standard Specifications For Public Works Construction. 2. Permittee shall be responsible for providing continuous dust and erosion control. 3. Streets shall be kept clean. They shall be completely cleaned at the end of each working day and more frequently if required. 4. Contractor shall comply with the local noise ordinance. Operation and maintenance of equipment within one half mile of human occupancy shall be performed only during the following time periods: October 1st to April 30: Monday -Friday 7:00 a.m. to 5: 30p. m. Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00p.m. May 1st to September 30: Monday -Friday 6:00 a.m. to 7:00p. m. Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00p. m. Work shall be prohibited on legal holidays including Sundays. 5. Permittee/contractor shall assume responsibility for repair of any pavement damage to any public or private street and for any damage to other City streets or facilities as a result of work performed under this permit. 6. Advance warning signs and traffic control shall be installed and maintained in accordance with Cal Trans Standards. It shall be the permittee's responsibility to detour and barricade this site. A traffic control plan shall be submitted to the Engineering Dept fro approval prior to any work in the travel way. 7. Street closures shall not be permitted. A minimum of one travel lane on paved surface shall be maintained with flagmen at all times. 8. Prior to excavating, the permittee shall contact Underground Service Alert at 1(800) 422-4133. 9. Should additional work, materials, or modifications of the work be required in order to meet city standards, safety requirements, signage requirements, or to fit actual field conditions, the work shall be performed by the permittee as directed by and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer at no cost to the City of La Quinta. Special Conditions - Permit No. 2125 Page 1 of 2 SPECIAL CONDITIONS ---PERMIT NO. 2125 continued 10. All work shall be coordinated with the City's contractor and others working within the area as directed by and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 11. When the work is within 500' of a signalized intersection, the permittee shall notify Riverside County. Signal Dept. at (714) 275-6894 or Caltrans Signal Dept. at (619) 688-6845 as appropriate a minimum of 48 hrs prior to starting work. 12. All backfill and subgrade soil shall be compacted to 90% relative dry density, all backfill soil within the top 2' of finish pavement surface shall be compacted to 95 % relative dry density, all base material shall be compacted to 95% relative dry density. 13. If the work is to be performed by forces other than that of the utility company the contracting company shall be required to be a co -applicant and pay the appropriate fee. 14. All excavations at or near the travel way shall be backfilled and paved at the end of every work day as directed by and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer for the protection of the traveling public. 15. All landscaping, irrigation, decorative rock, decorative concrete, lighting etc. shall be replaced to its original condition. 16. Access and egress to all local properties shall be maintained at all times. 17. All street crossings in new asphalt shall be performed by a bore and jack operation unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. 18. Permanent pavement replacement section shall be one inch greater than existing, and shall be installed within 72hrs of completion of the work. Special Conditions - Permit No. 2125 Page 2 of 2 � 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20