2200NOTE: Vv�ith,p jer validation this form constitutes an CITY OF LA QUINTA encroachment permit APPLICATION FOR PERMIT PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION (ENCROACHMENT) For the construction of public or private curbs, driveways, pavements, sidewalks, parking lots, sewers, water mains and other like public works improvements in connection with MINOR IMPROVEMENTS and APPROVED SUBDIVISIONS DATE: -6-3-94 LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION 51-200 Diaz Subdivision Improvement Permit— Class III Minor Improvement Permit Class IV (Street address or Description of Location) PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION -Approach Entry Sketch (attach construction plans if appropriate) DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION Sawcut curb to create per Riverside County Std No 207 entry =. Attached DIMENSION OF INSTALLATION OR REMOVAL approx. 8x12 if the inprovements in the R/W need to be removed for any reason the City will not be responsible for replacement or costs SIZE OF EXCAVATION, IF NEEDED APPROXIMATE TIME WHEN WORK WILL BEGIN 6-3-94 APPROXIMATE TIME OF COMPLETION 6-15-5 ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $ " (Including removal of all obstruction, materials, and debris, backfilling, com- paction and placing permanent resurfacing and/or replacing improvements) _ In consideration of the granting of this permit, the applicant hereby agrees to: JUN 0(9 3. X 1994R1 Indem1nify, defend and save the City, its authorized agents, officers, representatives and employees, harmless from and g 'ns ny and all penalties, liabilities or loss resulting from claims or court action and arising out of any accident, loss or damage to ersons or property ' happening or occurring as a proximate result of any work undertaken under the permit granted pursuant to this appli ation. Notify the Administrative Authority at least twenty-four (24) hours in adva ce of the time when work will be started. Comply with all applicable City NOrdinances, the terms and conditions of t permit and all applicable rules and regulations of the City of La Quinta and to pay for any additional replacement necessary as the res of this work. .� Signa • re of Applicant or Agent ATS Construction 78-070 Calle Cadiz La Quinta CA 92253 564-4832 Name of Applicant (please print) Business Address Telephone No. Name of Contractor and Job Foreman Business Address Telephone No. 487584 626 Contractor's License No. City Business License No. on file Applicant's Insurance Company Policy Number FEES: Subdivision Improvement Permit — Class 111 Public improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs Private improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs Minor Improvement Permit — Class IV: See attached schedule 2200 Inspection Fee $ 20 PERMIT VALIDATION 10 Permit Fee PERMIT NO. 2200 Penalty DATE APPROVED 6-3-94 Cash Deposit -Surety Bond if required EXPIRATION DATE 6-15-94 TOTAL: $ 30 DATE IS UE 6-3-94 Receipt No. By WAIA Received by Date Administrative Authority Recorded by TELEPHONE: (619) 564-2246 ,& -op, NOTE: With Proper validation this form constitutes an encroachment permit CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION FOR PERMIT -PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION (ENCROACHMENT) ror the construction of public or private curbs, driveways, pavements, sidewalks, parking lots, sewers, water Hying and other like public works improvements in connection with MINOR IMPROVEMENTS and APPROVED SUBDIVISIONS DATE:y Subdivision Improvement Permit — Class III Minor Improvement Permit Class IV LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION 51-2-00 (Street address or Description of U - r1on) PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION DESCRIPTION OF I/ DIMENSION OF INSTALLATION OR REMOVAL SIZE OF EXCAVATION, IF NEEDED APPROXIMATE TIME WHEN WORK WILL BEGIN APPROXIMATE TIME OF COMPLETION 3 ci Ay,5 ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST S 375" (Including removal of all obstruction, materials, and debris, backfilling, com. Paetion and placing permanent resurfacing and/or replacing improvements) _ In consideration of the granting of this permit, the applicant hereby agrees to: Sketch (attach construction plans if appropriate) —57-2-& 0 .O/Az— CV'Qs_ I ita+re -Vevr I Si Tt415 FEL -ell, — — wi i L BE o F LuRB, 15 cvT — Iridanmfy, defend and saw the City. its authorized agents, offign. representatives and amoloyees. harmless from and against any and all Denaitles, liabilities or loss resulting from claims or court action and arising out of any accident. toss or happlin-V or occu:rIn; a:: =_ ,irate result 'a' lorry ar y worst ur-6022ken unothe � r granted Pursuant to this application. to Persona or property Notify the Administratrve Authority at leant twen his ia ty-four (24) hours in advance of the term when worts will be started. Carnally anth all applicable City Ordinances. the terns and conditions of the Pe it annd d all applicable rules a V Quina and to pay for arty additional replaartent n regulations of the City of l y as the result of its wort. 1 Name of Applicant (please print) Signature Y-0-, or Agent b elf -Cl Business Address bA �/Ni�/Zr� 64� yz-z 5:3 <q S� Y--'183 Z Telephone No. Name of Contractor and Job Foreman ���� Business Address Telephone No. Contractor's License No. A f City Business License No. Applicant's Insurance Company Policy Number FEES: Subdivision Improvement Permit _Class II I Public improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs Private improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs Minor improvement Permit — Class IV: See attached schedule Inspection Fee $ 7� Permit Fee 1 h Penalty Cash Deposit -Surety Bond if required TOTAL: Receipt No. . a 3o PERMIT VALIDATION PERMIT NO. DATE APPROVED EXPIRATION DATE DATE ISSUED a Received by Date BY Administrative Authority 3ecorded by TELEPHONE: (619) 564-2246 y,. r -PROPER T Y INE .�T 2 I 6" MIN i -N t � V 'N r X -�6 Z 1— CY1wNraclAt Jv,Mw. 10' MAX• /4T GUA/A &MUTAL S/DEWA L X PROo£ATr iH lUb It I r W I I M ° 'NEN NO SIDEWALK SIDEWALK EXISTS. OR /S REQUIRED t A4 mmsrAucr/ON smALL K CLASS 'A?' CONCRETE it 10' OF FL.LL AIE/6Mr CUA'/ REOUIR!D IErwfEM /10/VI WAYS r/rM/M AN OMf PROPtRrr raomrAer. .1110 am: Y[ET cNa's . \\ st6��Eo MIAOQ �wsltlOw. �f REVISIONS -II- r/ 3-60 •-16-77 2-62 J. (MERE ABOVE LIA/I/IMG SLOPES CAM VO, - or Awr mcAuse OF ME/GMr OF Ct/AI , DEAMf55 S'"WALR UM"L SAID SLOPES ARE O&MINED. LOWI A DINAL SLOPE OF WARPED AREA ADJACENr M OR/VEwAr SMALL Nor mor MORE rMAM 6F1�pn rW LLWGrMQML AMAOC LIME OF rMXE OEwALlr. SCNEMAr/C r -so 7ABLE OF fit' ZMENSIONS Way or 993Vfwr/AL CO MICRCUL p "1'" D - I-F- City of La Quinta CONCRETE DRIVEWAY AAPROACH STANDARD N0. 207 rIKS/OiFN TIAL At ' A1/M. -�7COrMfPCIAL 30' MAP. "'riff. 10' WAS. win. 'NEN NO SIDEWALK SIDEWALK EXISTS. OR /S REQUIRED t A4 mmsrAucr/ON smALL K CLASS 'A?' CONCRETE it 10' OF FL.LL AIE/6Mr CUA'/ REOUIR!D IErwfEM /10/VI WAYS r/rM/M AN OMf PROPtRrr raomrAer. .1110 am: Y[ET cNa's . \\ st6��Eo MIAOQ �wsltlOw. �f REVISIONS -II- r/ 3-60 •-16-77 2-62 J. (MERE ABOVE LIA/I/IMG SLOPES CAM VO, - or Awr mcAuse OF ME/GMr OF Ct/AI , DEAMf55 S'"WALR UM"L SAID SLOPES ARE O&MINED. LOWI A DINAL SLOPE OF WARPED AREA ADJACENr M OR/VEwAr SMALL Nor mor MORE rMAM 6F1�pn rW LLWGrMQML AMAOC LIME OF rMXE OEwALlr. SCNEMAr/C r -so 7ABLE OF fit' ZMENSIONS Way or 993Vfwr/AL CO MICRCUL p "1'" D - I-F- City of La Quinta CONCRETE DRIVEWAY AAPROACH STANDARD N0. 207