With proper validation
this form constitutes an
encroachment permit
For the construction of public or private curbs, driveways, pavements, sidewalks, parking lots, sewers, water mains
and other like public works improvements in connection with MINOR IMPROVEMENTS and APPROVED SUBDIVISIONS
L Subdivision Improvement Permit — Class II I
Minor Improvement Permit Class IV
LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION La Quinta Village Shopping Center
Washington & Tampico PP 91-456
(Street address or Description of Location)
Provide GTE Service t0 p appropriate)
PU POS OF ONSTRUCTION Sketch (attach construction plans if
S opping uenter
DESCRIPTION OF _CONSTRUCTIO Sawcut Tampico from northS4 Attached Conditions
side tote GTE Manhole & LS $eal Washington St.. antT
Calle Tampico See Attached Traffic Contrdl�Plans
(Including removal of all obstruction, materials, -and debris, backfilling, com-
paction and placing permanent resurfacing and/or replacing improvements)
In consideration of the granting of this permit, the applicant hereby agrees to: /
Indemnify, defend and save the City, its authorized agents, officers, representatives and employees, harmless from and against any and all
penalties, liabilities or loss resulting from claims or court action and arising out of any accident, loss or damage to persons or property
happening or occurring as a proximate result of any work undertaken under the permit granted pursuant to this application.
Notify the Administrative Authority at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the time when work will be started.
Comply with all applicable City Ordinances, the terms and conditions of the permit and all applicable rules and regulations of the City of
La Quinta and to pay for any additional replacement necessary as the result of this work.
2 W_ Z-�e,4 ,
Signature of Applicant or Agent C (310) 478-8295
Moorefield Construction Inc. 1950 Sawtelle Blvd Ste 295 Los Angeles, CA 90025
Name of Applicant (please print) Business Address Telephone No.
Bill Lessley Project Site (619) 564-5196
Name of Contractor and Job Foreman Business Address Telephone No.
397892 3295
Contractor's License No. City Business License No.
Scottsdale Ina GRS 498836
Applicant's Insurance Company Policy Number -
FEES: Subdivision Improvement Permit — Class 111
Public improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs
Private improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs
Minor Improvement Permit — Class IV: See attached schedule
Inspection Fee
Permit Fee
Cash Deposit -Surety Bond
if required
TOTAL: $ 490
Receipt No.
Received by Date
Recorded by
) OCT 2 7 1994
22j'r, --------
Administrative Authority
TELEPHONE: (619) 564-2246
With Proper validation
this form constitutes an
encroachment Permit
For the construction of public or private curbs, driveways, pavements, sidewalks,
and other like public works improvements in connection with MINOR IMPROVEMENTS and APPROVED SUBDIVISIONS
DATE: 10
. I
Subdivision Improvement Permit — Class III
Minor Improvement Permit Class IV
(Streit address or Oaseription of Location)'2ry
Sketch (attach construction plans if approprim)
5 EF- A -'I -7A --c hHM CKIAJD T o Al S
(Including removal of all obstruction, materials, and debris, backfilling com.
Pachon and placing permanent resurfacing and/or replacing improvements)
In consideration of the granting of this permit, the applicant hereby agrees to:
lndentnify, defend and saw the City, its authorized agents, officers, represenntivas and emOloyes, harrrtl•se from and
p•rtaitrM, liabilities or Ions restating horn claims or court action and arising out of any accident, lose ori any arid all
happ•nmg or occurring a a proitimate rewtt of any work ur►dartaken under the darner to Parson• or prppjrty
Notify the Adminrstretrve Authority at least twee Permit granted oursuant to this application.
ty-four 1241 hours in advance of the time when work will be stared.
ComWy with all aPOlicabia City'Ordinances,'the terms and condition• of the permrt and all opoliceble rules and regulations of the Gty Of
La Quinn additional r"Iscarnent necessaryand to pay for arty as thewrk
result of this o.
Name of Applicant (please printl
Name of Contractor and Job oreman
Contractor's License No.
4 G I ft
&,0,6Y e • Ji,- /I C, o 1, S -f (J i Ste/ "--.5 ��E ��
Signature of Applicant or Agent � S Las��r�rl~r C,rq yrioZ,$"
Business Address ( Telephone No..
Business Address Telephone No.
Vote r
City Business License No.
Applicant's Insurance Company g S3 4P
Policy Number
FEES: Subdivision Improvement Permit — Class I11
Public improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs
Private improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs
Minor Improvement Permit — Class IV: See attached schedule.
Inspection Fee $
Permit Fee I b
Cash Deposit -Surety Bond
if required
TOTAL: qq-0
Receipt No.
Received by Date
PERMIT NO. 225__
recorded by Administrative Authority
TELEPHONE: (619) 564.2246
The following General and S... Provisions are stacnad to and made a Dart of Perrin, No.
The following snail always apprv:
ENCROACHMENT ON PRIVATE PROPERTY- This permit authorizes wars to De
accomotlsneo within City Of to
ONLY. Whenever construction extends within private orocenv. t snail be the resoonsioiltry
of the Dermrttes for rtma
cOhireROfal t0
permission from anuning'procertv owners. Such authorization must De secured by the Pennines
prior to
TRACKLAYING CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT: Clested treOklayin starting war,'
Davao surface unlesstnte0wishSmootn•facedofe6tOaOS.Allmeenancaic oumron60Ui1, ntshallnotDeoermntedtooceraleonenv
the Pavinq curing excavations. be tMeo with
Rubber -tired eduiamem only shall be used in packtggers alsopernto s in Dava
o areas. If the to protect
Pavement is Scarred. SDalled. Or broken during the term Of this contracL or
Ft the Pavement is marred. City at La Quints Mall request
that these DoRtos Of road be resurfaced war their emirs width. ROSUracing shall consist of one cost
surfsphg plus sPOtObnne
goal coat as gpeafied above, of two tnChM 12'1 0} A.C.
PROTECTION OF TRAFFIC: All excavations ars work areas shall bepropeny lighten and barricaded n deemed necesgthroythe City
Engineer or La Quints City Public Works inspectors. Suitable Detours aro detour
signs snail be placed ono mainclirNdformg
of the proles. The City shall be notified 24 Hrs. in advance of any traffic detours or delinertpdna, duration
CARE OF DRAINAGE STRUCTURES: Any Drainage structure including corrugated metal 0106. concrete pipe, steel Culvert
concrete structures encountered during excavation which necessitate
removal shay be replaced in kind. In the event becomes
necessary to remove or cut earning drainage structures. City at La Quints shall be nortfie0 prior to eommenoement
Drainage structures and open
drams snail be kept free of debris at all times tar proper drelnsg6 work.
RIGHT OF WAY CLEANUP: Any surplus material resulting from excavation and backfill Operations snall be removed ffamtne right
way. All paved surfaces snail be broamed clean of earth and other Objestonaba
materials immeotat
Existing gutter tine and ely cher Oaetfill alp istrffpataion
drainage ditches snail be replaced to their original standard of be
primto caving. Water tanker tter. All ecen incline!
shall ghat be removed
idinely ch
ty after backfill.
mmediDe used, as required, to sprinkle the lob site to keep down dust conditions
and shall be used
DE-WATER OPERATIONS: If de-watenng operations are requirea and DUMPS are forcing water on City at La Quints roads. it shall be
the resoonsi0dity at the Perminee (cantraRml to control this water and
to PfOvpa Ott -Street bamrads$ %yuan negaa.ry.
CLOSING STREETS: No street shall be
closed. A minimum of one lane Of traffic shall be metntetned at all amen to Provos limitedaccesstar the sajoththg property owners and emergency vehicag. In the
evertt it is felt by the Permmee that he
any langur Of time. Permittee shelf contact this Office to Obtain the necessary permission. mus pose a nroet for
The fOlMnng shall apply ONLY when indicated:
Rl NOTIFICATION: Permmee shall nattily the City at / S
at least 48
hours in advance of starting Conduction.
R2 CASH DEPOSITS OR BONDS: A cash bond at an approved surety bond
in an amount at not less than s
shall be furnished to the name of City of La Quints to cover all work invaiveo
in the restoration of tha vgrpus LS Qutnta
roads and survey monuments. This bona shall be continuous until cancelled by the City Engineer. This bpd
Posted prior to commencemem of any work
on this project. must be
61)UTILTTY CLEARANCE: ISubstructuresl
Prior to making any excavaban within the City at La Quints right at weyaYtharizea
by permit, the Permmee snail contact all concemed utility Companies
relative W the location of
Damage to existing Substructures resulting from operations enning Substructures.
C, used under the permit
of the permmee.
shall be me goo responsibility
R4 UTILITY CLEARANCE: (Surface structures► No wont Shall be done
under this permit until all utilities are War of the
XOPOSOO wont site. The permntee snail notify all concernsO utility Companies of the proposed '
R5 PAVEMENT WIDENING: Area between the proposed COnChn
surfaced with inches of A.0 Psvtngplseedon 9=W line and the existing road pavement snail be
having an"R'value ofnot less
ihchesOfCISn aggregstssubbase
than course
and in conformance wnh City of La Quints Road Improvement Standards
and Specifications. Ordinance x481.
R6 PARKWAY GRADING: Area between the property line and too at the proposed concrete curb Shall be
1 /4 inch to one foot
11 �. graded
R7 GRADES & STAKES: City of La Quints shall establish grades and
stakes tar the
construction. proposed concrete scarp and gutter
RB GRADE CHECKING: City of La Quints snail cheakgradesupon reeeptotplan
a licensed engineer. and prafileand/or grades asantablishedby
R9 CURB REMOVAL FOR DRIVEWAYS: A portion of the existing concrete
curb and/or curb and gutter I taegt hall be
removed, Curb and/or curb and gutter shall be saw cut prior to removal. Deprened curb. matching Conents gutter and
concrete driveway approach shall be constructed in conformance
with City of La Quints Standard 11207.
RIO DRIVEWAYS. A.C.: Driveways as not
to alter 2.1 /2 inches of A.C. cang ving an ret. Surfacing between the
property line and the existing road caving shall bed
aggregate base. Driveway construction g p I --- I of W..
snail conform to attached drawing,
R 11 CULVERTS. A :ncn Diameter t
snail beslec he
inches below and in tine with the existing flow tine. Culverts /Z
installation saillvert
c0 ormwitht
to then achedinverttdraawing.l
i7 SIGHT CLEARANCE: Sight clearance
of 600 feet in either direction shall be assured and maintained.
R13 SOIL STERILIZER: The area to Oe surfaced shall be treated
with Doll sterilizer. Rate of application shall cumplywith the
manufacturer's specificatlans.
WORK: The proposed work shall be Subordinated to any operation which the State of California
City of La Quints may conduct
in this area during the period of this permit. Wort snail be coordinated with the State or
City Of La Quints forces 10 preclude delay or interference with State City
or of La Quints Projects.
R1 S RVEY MONUMENTS: Prior to excavation
or beginning of construction all survey monuments wnicn Small on the
centerline of all streets or property tines when involved shall becofhpinetvtlaa
out so they may beraawlyanoaprrectly
rtotriso by•ItCeneea Civil engineeroraurverornthe nitteras
. ,
It attheDWMRtea A cdfhorate set at netsawiomnq The
It" t0 mese manumetl0 snail be tummned o me City Engfnsw oriorm
the renwml oranvmonumeno.
00 naidgd upon cOinpROr1 lat re lisconerlT or all survey marnaments
Thtsattip snailr
for erecteerfsiwa ewerwr..
R16 -JRVEYMONUMENTS: PriOrta excavation oroeainnma at construction. all survev monuments snail be ilea autbyt; lv
' .1l La eluents and suitscle oavmem or quarantes of oavment snail be mace as relmoursemem for aR was
A 17 PAVEMENT CUTTING: Pavement will be maensnfeauv cut m s svaignt edge prior to exemist Avaq
,Method of pavement
cutting shall be socrovea tnrouqn the Office Of the City Engineer. (Under no circumstances snail
be used IO excavate Prior to cuttmexeavabng equipmenta of pavement). Excavation material snau be D18ce0 in such a
iaautate ins general flow or traffic. Prior to anal Paving operations. anv damage to oaJement straight ' Position as to pest
i correctea,
ynt gage shall be
18 PAVEMENT CUTTING. Pavement snail be saw cut prior to removal. Prior to final paying Operations, any damage to
• psvamsnt strafgnt gage snail be carrecea.
LIMIT OF EXCAVATIONS: Excavations small be lfmnea to 1.000lineal feet Of coon trench before baarhll Operanonsmtrn
begin. All excavations snail be mocerty barricaded with lights overnight. on weekenas and nOhdays tar the orotactidna,
the traveling public. The Public Works inspector snail determine the sultabilOf extCaVat
material is actually on the work site. son barrfcamng in seen ease. No
excavation snail remain open for a Darton exceeding live 15) days. NO excavation scall be made unless the construction
2 BACKFILL MATERIAL Backfill shall be freeotbrusn.rootsOrotherorganicsubstanceoetrimenta....;suaafprPuny
Of producing an sdmwtely consolidated baadill. Any material which the City of La Quintet deems unsultable tapongyor
saturated material) which is encountered during excavation snau not be used for backfill. but snail be supplamantso or
redacted by an approved sand or gravel.
R21 BACKFILL SAND: 8aekfill shall be aporoved transit -mm sand or equivalent and shall be Placed in lifts of rtdtpnatarthan
three feetf31andvibratedusingvibrotamoeroreaunaiemequipment.AlternatemethOdamaybesttsafnaed butrtany
Cafe ■ re18tlVe eOmpactiOn Of 95 peroent Shall be attained within the a;rt: ttural SenlOn Of the roadway. in
R2 BACKFILL PLACEMENT: Backlill shall be applied in lavers of not more tnan 50 percent of the total depth of the trench
before flooding or a maximum of five -100116') lifts where trenches ars of excessive depths• Care is to be exerctsadthatthe
baddill material is not subjected to extreme swell by flooding Operations. Backfill material shall be placed so that the
resulting 601111Paettdn shall be not less than 90 percent or eauivalem t0 the surrounding ground, wh lenever Is the greater
companion. Where ponding or flooding is used for a maximum settlement. adequate dikes well be consvucggdto retain
the water. Where jelling is used. the jets shell beat sufficient length to reach the bottom of earn :ager and the instar
Supply shay be cotmnuous.
COMPACTION TESTS: If so required by the inspector, cOm9BcuOn tests shall be permanent
at i ntenvals of not more than 000
fee! and a minimum of one (1) test on each road. One 11) copy of each test shall be forwaroetl t0 the Cloy ttitan
I. for
approval and filed orior to mang permenerepave. Compaelton tests shall be made asoutifned to Section 8.3,01 of the
Standard SPeafieatiOns. Division Of Highways, State of Califomia, dated January 1973.
R24 COMPACTION TESTS: If so required by the inspector. combs ton tests snail be msda for each crossing or sarvrs Iiria.
One 11) copy of each test shall be forwarded Ia the City Engine« for approval and filed prior to making Permanent npaas_
Cprhoactton tests snau be made as outlined to Section 6.3.01 Of the Standard SaeertieatTona. Division of Hgt}vvaq, State
Of California. dated January 1973.
TEMPORARY PAVEMENT REPAIRS: After completion of backfill and compaction operations. a temporary Patch
corTSlating of 2 inches of SC -800 shall be placed on a prepared laced
p be hay
subgvtrkg Srade. The SC -800 temporary pap
attar a maximum of 3.000 lineal feet Of trench has been excavated
the placement Of the temporary pavement exceed a five 15) day liand backf ill operations completed- but shall
be mit.
R26 PERMANENT PAVEMENT REPAIR: After backfill and companion operations have been Completed, a temporary patch
consisting of two inches 121 Of SC -800 shall be placed immediately. A permanent patch of
surfacing placed an a inch class base shall be placed no later than -� inChas A.C.
temporary road repair. days aherpdtttppatlon of
R27 PAVEMENT REPAIR: F.A.S.: Upon completion of backtill and cwthoaction, a temporarypaich consisting of two inches 121
Of cold mat palling (SC -800) shall be placed Immediately. A permanent paten of three mches 131 of 16A.C• 9urfatsftg Sha
be placed an sy
ix inches 1 concrete base as directed. but not later than fifteen 115) days after commedon of teitbora 1
P111'". Concrete base snail be of five -sock mi:and shall conform to the City of la Quints Road Improvnt Standards
�afhd Spaahcgu=m Ordinance 0481. eme
OG SEAL A fag seal coat consisting of an application of asonahfe emulsion snail be applied over all patch Wass ss
determined by the City Engineer.
R29 SEAL ARMOR COAT: A seal coat consisting of an application bender and screenings shall be applied on all patch areas
inline such seen coats as,ated prior to lssuand of this permit- S681 01' armor Coats shall be applied as soecdied inSects
37. Standard Specifications. State Of California. Division of Highways. • dated January 1973. Work
be accomplished by a Ilcsnsed contractor engaged in the business of pavement repair. of pavement recall, to
R3 STREET RESTRIPING: Where street striping is still visible on streets to be excavated. such striping shall be replaced uoon
completion of permanent repairs.
R31 TREE RELOCATION OR REMOVAL. Tree relocation within The City of La Quanta road right of way shall be accomplished
by a licensed• bonded and insured tree service, and handled safely without ithterference or hazard to the vawlingpublic.
It shall be the responsibility of the permmee to maintain the tree in a vigorous growing condition at its new location.
Trees to be removed sh811 be removed in senlonswhich can be handled safely Without interference or hazardto highwav
traffic. The entire width of the tree stump snail be removed and disposed of so that n0 debris remains In vlew Of the
hlghway.Thestumpholeshallbebackfilledandthoroughlycompactedasspecifiedinthefollowingparagraph Where it
becomes necessary to restrict traffic. the work shall be restricted to s maximum Of 500 feet at any one time. Adequate
Signs. flagmen and/or barricades shall be provided to protect the traveling public at all times.
Large holes resulting from tree removal shall be backfilled and compacted to not less than 90 percent or equivalent to the
surrounding ground• whichever is the greeter compaction as determined by the Impact or field method. Companion
tests shall comply with Section 6.3.01 of The Standard Speed
January 1973. y 'cations. Division Of Highways. State of California. dated
a. Only the necessary trimming snail be accomplished to provide clearance of the facility for one Calendar year.
All broken Or weak sections within the trimming snail be removed.
b. Where it becomes necessary to restrict traffic. the work shall be restricted to a matumum of 500 feetat aonetime.
Adequate signs, flagmen. and/or barricades snail be provided to protect the travekng public at all times
C. It tree trunks are part1811y outside of the City of La Quinta road right Of way. permittee shall map ht) own
arfangsmsrfm with adjoining property Owners for consent to the trimming in addition to the autnorv=uon provided
by this permit.
d. All tree trimming on EVERGREEN TREES. PALM TREES. acid other ORNAMENTAL TREES shall be accompllahadto
the sausfacbon of the City Public Works Inspector.
. - - a. ftp property own0m aha" be cOntattad, in all instances, prior to trimming or topping tread
Prunmq snau in all rnetwMM& tie at the shoulder of the crdKn to tr st re ahem. test net m a"
121 and nooYlai ns. Cwata� www v _.. - atM9 elrta of two a""
:S.j tn�.p'h'•T..'!."S+Cti-•q.e+:{.9'T.a Yv��•r•;.qJ'.�....y;c.crra•:�Yay.:?n+.:a-!4•an, .�:••O.1.J1'ei.•lr'11 :4�.. :ce.:ri:r.:.,e;...rf�x--..� .a tin �.lr :•.::. •;� . �. 4A r;vi�nay .. ....
In addition to the standard permit conditions, the following shall apply:
1. All work shall be performed in accordance with the latest edition of the Standard Specifications
For Public Works Construction.
2. Permittee shall be responsible for providing continuous dust and erosion control.
3. Streets shall be kept clean. They shall be completely cleaned at the end of each working day
and more frequently if required.
4. Contractor shall comply with the local noise ordinance. Operation and maintenance of
equipment within one half mile of human occupancy shall be performed only during the
following time periods:
October 1 st to April 30: Monday -Friday 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Saturday 8:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m.
May 1 st to September 30: Monday -Friday 6:00 a. m. to 7:00 p. m.
Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Work shall be prohibited on legal holidays including Sundays.
5. 'Permittee shall assume responsibility for repair of any pavement breakdown at the haul road
access to any public or private street and for any damage to other City streets or facilities.
6. Permittee shall submit a traffic control plan to the Engineering Dept. for approval prior to
starting work in travel way. Advance warning signs and traffic control shall be installed and
maintained in accordance with .Cal Trans Standards or the Work Area Traffic Control Handbook
(WATCH Manual) . It shall be the permittee's responsibility to detour and barricade this site.
7. Street closures shall not be permitted. A minimum of one travel lane on paved surface shall be
maintained with flagmen at all times.
8. Permanent pavement replacement section shall be one inch greater than existing. Existing
pavement section on Calle Tampico and Washington Street is 4" of A.C. over 6" of A.B.
9. All landscaping irrigation decorative rock etc. shall be protected in place as much as possible
or replaced to its original condition.
10. Prior to excavating, the permittee shall contact Underground Service Alert at 1(800) 422-4133.
11. All work shall be coordinated with the City's contractor and others working within the area as
directed by and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.
Special Conditions - Permit No. 2256 Page 1 of 2
12. Should additional work, materials, or modifications of the work be required in order to meet city
standards, safety requirements, signage requirements, or to fit actual field conditions, the work
shall be performed by the permittee as directed by and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer
at no cost to the City of La Quinta.
13.. All backfill and subgrade soil shall be compacted to 90% relative dry density, all ' backfill soil
within the top 2' of.finish pavement surface shall be compacted to 95% relative dry density, all
base material shall be compacted to 95% relative dry density.
14. When work - is within 500' of a . signalized intersection , the permittee shall notify Riverside
County Signal Dept. at (909) 275- 6894 or Caltrans Signal Dept at (619) 688-6845 as
15. Site clearance of 600' in either direction shall be assured and maintained at all times.
16. Street striping that is damaged, removed etc. shall be replaced to its original condition by the
permittee at no cost to the City.
17. All excavations at or near the travel way shall be backfilled and paved as directed by and to the
satisfaction of the City Engineer at the end of each work day for the protection of the traveling
18. This permit authorizes work in the City of La Quinta Right -of -Way only. It is the permittee's
responsibility to, secure permission from any other abutting agencies or property owners.
19. Ingress and egress for all properties shall be maintained at all times.
20. The City will determine the final limits of asphalt replacement.
21. The pavement replacement section width shall be one foot greater on .each side of the trench.
22. Trenches shall be backfilled with a slurry mix approved by the City Engineer. The mix design
shall be submitted to the Engineering Dept. for approval
23. The permittee/contractor shall fog seal the entire width of Washington St. and Calle Tampico
for the length equal to the property frontage.
24. Prior to the fog seal operation the striping improvements shall be sandblasted as directed by and
to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. After the fog seal operation the traffic striping
improvements shall be replaced as directed by and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.
Special Conditions - Permit No. 2256 Page 2 of 2
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