2258NOTE?: 11 With proper validation this form constitutes an encroachment permit CITY OF LA QUINTA y; APPLICATION FOR PERMIT PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION (ENCROACHMENT) For the- construction of public or private curbs, driveways, pavements, sidewalks, parking lots, sewers, water mains and other like public works improvements in connection with MINOR IMPROVEMENTS and APPROVED SUBDIVISIONS Subdivision Improvement Permit — Class II I DATE: 11-2-94 Minor Improvement Permit Class IV LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION 6000 west of Dune Palms Rd. on Miles Ave Tract 23935 Final - Topaz (Street address or Description of Location) PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION Install 18" water line Sketch (attach construction plans if appropriate) DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION $awcut street, trench and install water line DIMENSION OF INSTALLATION OR REMOVAL SIZE OF EXCAVATION, IF NEEDED APPROXIMATE TIME WHEN WORK WILL BEGIN 11-3-94 APPROXIMATE TIME OF COMPLETION 11-15`94 ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $ 35.250' (Including removal of all obstruction, materials, and debris, backfilling, com- paction and placing permanent resurfacing and/or replacing improvements) In consideration of the granting of this permit, the applicant hereby agrees to: See attached conditions See attached water plans 1 IN Indemnify, defend and save the City, its authorized agents, officers, representatives and employees, harmless from and against any and all penalties, liabilities or loss resulting from claims or court action and arising out of any accident, loss or damage to persons or property happening or occurring as a proximate result of any work undertaken under the permit granted pursuant to this application. Notify the Administrative Authority at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the time when work will be started. Comply with all applicable City Ordinances, the terms and conditions of the permit and all applicableru.es- and regulations of the City of La Quinta and to pay for any additional replacement necessary as the result of this work. Slgn—Tu e.of Applicant ord4ge Century Homes Communities 1535 South "D" est San Bernardino, CA (909) 381-6007 Name of Applicant (please print) Business Address Telephone No. Maverick Pipeline P.O. Box 1091 Romoland, CA 92585 (909) 928-4814 Name of Contractor and Job Foreman Business Address Telephone No. 314473-B 2120 Contractor's License No. City Business License No. United National Ins. SMP 42985 Applicant's Insurance Company Policy Number FEES: Subdivision Improvement Permit — Class 111 Public improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs Private improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs Minor Improvement Permit — Class IV: See attached schedule Inspection Fee $ 353 II Permit Fee Penalty Cash Deposit -Surety Bond if required TOTAL: Receipt No Received by 10 $ 363 Date p��i Cil.1i�/ 2258 PERMIT NO. PERMIT VALIDATION 2258 DATE APPROVED 11-2-94 EXPIRATION DATE 12-31-94 DATE IS UE 1-2-94 By / / Administrative Authority Recorded by 11 TELEPHONE: (619) 564-2246 NOTE: With proper validation this form constitutes an encroachment permit CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION FOR PERMIT PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION (ENCROACHMENT) For the construction of public or private curbs, driveways, pavements, sidewalks, parking and other like public works improvements in connection with MINOR IMPROVEMENTS and APPROVE SUED VIS nm ns ONS DATE: LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION -..r�' (Street address or Ossaiption of Location) tt DIMENSION OF INSTALLATION OR REMOVAL. - I WI P PL..".— .� SIZE OF EXCAVATION, IF NEEDED APPROXIMATE TIME WHEN WORK WILL BEG APPROXIMATE TIME OF COMPLETION ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST S�U (Including removal of all obstruction, materials_ and ebris, backfilling, com• Pwbcn and placing permanent resurfacing and/or replacing improvement ) Subdivision Improvement Permit — Class III Minor Improvement Permit Class IV 0 F Sketch (attach construction plans if appropriate) z� t��Tir�tt�t� S o�-1 s In consideration of the granting of this permit, the applicant hereby agrees to: Indemnify. defandand saw the City, its authorized agents. officers. n�rssentstives and employees, harmless from and part enin orc liabilitiesin Ion rsyuiting from claims or court action and arising out of any accident, loss or against any end all haPOemng Or occurring u e Proxima" result of any work undertaken under the permit granted Pursuant to ��atppticsttiion or p►ppeity Notify the Administrative Authority at least twsntyfour 124) hilus in advance of the time when work will be staged. dd Comply oath all appliceble City Ordination, the terms and conditions of the permit and all applicable rules and Started. of cite City Of La Quints and to pay for any aitional replecilmil tt necssaary as the resit Of this work, k'+ -o tom, aao fApplioa'nAt/(plea priNament► U2' �t/ �-- t �1—► rJ PL Cc ractor and Job Foreman Contractor's License No. Signature of Applicant or Agent Business /address Scx t Dq 1 RomyL tv Business Address Telephone No. alZSBS /109) %,5-g8/ Telephone No. -\ 2L City Business License No. Applicant's Insurance Company -:;> F r ZfAS Policy Number FEES: Subdivision Improvement Permit —Class III Public improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs Private improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs Minor Improvement Permit — Class IV: See attached schedule Inspection Fee S Permit Fee Penalty Cash Oeposit-Surety Bond if required TOTAL: Receipt No. , PERMIT VALIDATION PERMIT NO. Z Z Sg DATE APPROVED j EXPIRATION DATE i e-1 -3 DATE ISSUED Y T Received by Date By Administrative Authority I3eeorded by TELEPHONE: (619) 564-2246 r r a ' -he fo,low,np kienerat and SCUM, Prov,s,one art. atwa,ad to end made • dart of Perrntt No. GENERAL PROVISIONS The following snail always apply: ENCROACHMENT ON PRIVATE PROPERTY.'his oermn authorizes war% to be accomm,snee within City of La Quints r,gnt of waw ONLY. Whenever construction extends wltn,n or,vate Ofcoartv. ,t snail be ins restionsfpa,ty Of the oermntes for net contractors, to secure oerm,ss,on from abutting property owners. Such authorization must be secured by the permittee prior to starting war%. TRACKLAYING CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT: Clast&otnctoarfngcpnmmctronedufdmerrcshallnptbaoermnteato oavea surface unless tmao win smomn-laced street gabs. All mernantca, Outngga! shall be fntea won rubber stress paving tlurtnq excavations. Rubber -tired edu,omem only snarl be used 9 oacnai operations m paws ars hoax to ori snv Pavement ,s scarrea. SOallOO. Or broken during the term m th13 CO n10n t0 protan xistrin that Mesa portions of road be resurfaeea ova► mete amts ntr>a. or d the davement IS marred. City of La aa, If the eeausid surfspR w,rldth. Resurfacing shall consist of one coat of Quiff Mall red ueat 9 DWs aporotman sen coat as spaedied above, ivied mance 12"1 of A.C. PROTECTION OFQ TRAFFIC: All excavations and work arena spall be property I,gnoeo and barricaded n deemed naeaayrt, ot, the Cin f theorrerrt. Quints Cityll be UrontS24 Hrl.in Suitable detours app detour signs snail pldeaosedemenecesam&, the Cin tk the prolan The City snap be palsied 24 Hra. In advance of any traffic detours a snail becatinearldns. CARE OF DRAINAGE STRUCTURES: Any drainage structure including corrugated metal o,oe. concrete pipe, at&&1 culvert aha conente structures eneourtnno during excavation wn,cn necaautate remdyai snail ba replaced ,n kind. In the svent.It becomes necessary to remove Or cut existing drainage structures. City of La Quints stall be natrfied &nor to eommeneamam of this Drainage structures and coon drains snail be kept free at debris at oro woe%. times for (l►Op&► drainage RIGHT OF WAY CLEANUP: Any surplus material f resulting a from excavation and backfill operations Snao be removed from the right o f war.Allpavessurfaces rain1149 Oaeitch eaoball ofearnandother arigilonabtamotorists lmmeolatelyaherbackfill and compaction pirtExisting gutter Ione entl tanker ditches spall be requirreplaced, to their origin, standard or batter. All excess rnatanal aha,, be removed dna to oawng. Water tantar snarl be used. as roquuatl. to sprinkle the job stn to keep down Oust conditions and shoo be used immsmatety char bactdill. DE -WATER OPERATIONS: If da -watering operations are requkrso and pumps are forcing water on City of La Quints roads, It shall bs the resconslb,lny of Ina Parmmee (contractor) to control this water Ono to protr,pa off street be codes when neoeaaary, CLOSING STREETS: No strew shall be Closed. A minimum Of ase lane of tr Provide snap be met be co at all tint&& to access forme sdjo,nong Propariy owners and emargeney vehicles. In the event rc istekbvM& any leffic provide limned right Of time. peftn,Rn shall COfltna this Office tp obtain the pec PsrmmseMatMmust�&streettar easary Permission. SPECIAL PROVISIONS The folMnng yell apply ONLY when indicated: Rl NOTIFICATION: Permme& snail notify the City a7 77-7075- least 48 hours In advance of starting Construction. R2 CASH DEPOSITS OR BONDS: A coon bond or N 'bona In an amount of ria rasa than s an approved sure Shall be furnished in the name of City of La Quime to cover all roods and survey monuments. This bond shall be continuous un d Cancelled on the restoration Engineer. of the his bO La Qyk be Posted prior to commencement of any work an this by [h& City tion ofw. Thfri pulp must be project. UTILITY CLEARANCE: (Substructures) Prior in malting any e%nvatron within the CitV Of L e Quints right of weyouMa,trod by Permit, in& penttmse snail Contact all concerned utility Comoan+a ratotrve to m& tacatipn of enstin OMtoge to 4mxnng umxtructures resuttong nom op&rabons on'tom o under thta gsripson eeurea. of the Oermmn. p&rmhshallb&thasoyrespprakbklity UTILITY CLEARANCE (Surface sbuCturesl No work Sha,, M Proposed wont site. The permmee snail nes �� under, this 0&rtnrt until all utilities are dile of the dy, all concerned utlllty companies of the proposed work R5 PAVEMENT WIDENING: Area betvwen the aopoaw m stufaeeo withindtn of A.0 psych j llch" gutter line and the existing road pavennnt shall be having an "R"valuaofnot less than gDaceda� inehesatcisss —-_and In conforms aggregate subbase course and Scecn,cations. Ordinance M461.nes with Cit„ of La Quints Road tmprovemGM Standards PARKWAY GRADING: Area between the Property line and too Of the proposed concrete curb shall be graded to a slope of 1/4 inch to one foot (11. R7 GRADES & STAKES: City of La Quints shall eSlablish grades and stakes for the proposed concrete curb and gutter construction. GRADE CHECKING: City at La Quints snail Chest grades upon rece a licensed engineer. ipt of ptan and profile and/or grades a&establisheo W R9 CURB REMOVAL FOR DRIVEWAYS: A portion of the existing Concrete pub and/or curb and gutter I (Mtlshall Oe removed. Curb and/or pup and gutter shall be saw cut prior to removal. Depressed curb. matching Concretes guts► end concrete tlhveway approach Snail be Constructed in conformance with City of La Quints Standard #207. RIO DRIVEWAYS. A.C.: Driveways shall be constructed as not to alter existing drainage pattern. Surfacing between the Property fine and the existing read paving snail be 2-1/2 inches of A.C. Paving placed an (.._�j of M�.._� aggregate base. Driveway, construction snail conform to attached drawing. RII CULVERTS.. :nenO,ameterf culvert snail beinstallea with oto ins at ached ,nataiv 1.1 /2 manes oe,ow dna m tape with the existing ilow tine• Culvert mstauanon snap eorttorm to the ettarnetl mewing R1 SIGHT CLEARANCE Sight clearance of 600 feet ,n either direction snail be assured and maintained 13 SOIL STERILIZER: The area to be surfaced shall be [rented w,m soft stanhzer. Rate of application shall Comply With the manutacturer's specifications. R14 COORDINATE WORK: The proposed work shall be subordinated to arty operation which the State of California or City of La Quinn may conauct in this area during the period of this permit. Wont shall be coorofnateawfth the State or City of La Quints forces to preclude delay or Interference with State or City of La Quints projects. R1 URVEY MONUMENTS: Prior to excavation or p Conterf,neof all "Mom orpropertylines when , beginning of construction. all survey monuments wn,cn anat on the .. be rep,aeap vv a aertnd eMl matte shad b& camestet&IV tied out oro they may pa r"Whranotarrealy &ngturrin n ctrneyer R ate &tmerkw entl» cwMmest. A compete set of noon wwmnq Me vn to Mese ,ndnumeno ensu be furnwrtaa to the city Engrnew tswa to tri& eemidesr or any matumemeL rhino snail oe nolonso upon comers em ar reon do tech a am @laver manures es ter.v........... ..� .. ..-.>�.,: -. �;: r. •f. �.. ...� :,.+.� �,�..�, ... �• , ,-.t•}�'�.�_. ,. .._ .-.'a;�e ,. •s•,. .. - •k0.-. rr e._.. ,: ac7• .-. • - =16 -'_RVEY MONUMENTS. P•lor to excavation or oeamnmo of construction. an survey monuments snap bet :i ua Uutnra ana suilaote payment or guarantee or oavmem snail be made as relmoursemem for it, work I ice oil[ tiv l.n v A 1 'AVEMENT CUTTING; Pavement wait be mechanically cut to a snalgnt edge offer toe n2rorved, cutting snail be approved through the office of the City Engineer, tUnder no circumstances snail eM�� at g auto ant oil used ro excavate drier to cutting or oavementt. Excavation matehaf snail be placed in sato a iaenuate the xeafratingaduibmenr general now Or Traffic. Prior to final paying operations. any damage to oavemem position as to best corrected. straight PAVEMENT CUTTING. Pavement snail be saw cut onor to removal. Prior to final paving operations. ot egg° snail be pavement strafgnt edge snail be corrected. R1 LIMIT OF EXCAVATIONS: Excavations snail Its ltmnedtol.OOOlihila&feetotooentrenenoerorobactcfllldany damage to begin. All ng Public. T snail be mope►ry lice Get, witn lights overnight• on weeltenes and not the traveling oerationsmust gpubuaThePublleWorxsinsoectorsnandetermmemesunabwrvOfexeavationoam 'or Ins Orotectfona, excavation snail remain open for a period exceeding rive determine day No excavation snarl ti made nein i material is actually on the WOrK Site. g n earn Cass. No BACKFILL MATERIALss the amts[ruction Backfill shall be tree Or brusn. roots Or Omar organic substance detrimema.. • Of producing an adequately consolidatetl Cocain. Any material which trial City of la , .Quinta deems unsult saturated meteriall which is encountered during excavation shall not be usetl for backfill. but snail be sum tar purposes replaced try an approve° sano or gravel. ablaboOngyor R21 BACKFILL$ANO: Barifill shall be arnrwed �rohpplamentea or the feet 13'1 and vibrotsd h •mIx sand p f equivalent and She be ptaeetl m li}tg Of Case a relative compaction Of 95 percent Sh bor e sante ��°nt. Alternate m°enocs m terthan mm the c;rpctual Section of the roadway. put fn any R2 BACKFILL PLACEMENT: Backfill small be eopllsd In Is Of's of not more tnan 50 as of the coral da before Hooding Or a maximum of fiw.toot 15'11ihs where trenches a►ebf axeessrve eeo[ns. Care Into l aK backfill material is not subleeed to extreme swell Oto of me trenen resulting Compaction snail be not less than 9pperesmr owing orations. 8adefill material shall be placed that the the compaction. Where ponding or flooding is used for a I Or equivalent lent to the surrounding _ so the[ the sealemsm.adequatedke wale c naverihs,to alter the water. 1l -bit c letting Is usatl. the lets shall be of sufficient length to reach the bottom of escn ; supply shall ba centmuous. struCtad to retain R23 COMPACTIONaver and the water TESTS:Ifsorequiredbythelnspector.Comp+cronto=$Shall bema(Seatintervals ofnot more tha, 1,000 feet and a minimum of one 01 test on each road. One 11) copy of each test snail be forwarded to the CI approval and }Ilea piker TO mating permanent repairs. Compaction tests snail be made es outlfnee m SernOn Standard Spectrcauwm Division of Highways.ty Engineer for R24 COMPACTION TESTS: If so reaurree by thspeadf, &toOf California, dated January 1973. a x01 of the Ono 11)cOpy of earn test shall be forwarded tomeCitvEnq eeftafction e��allbemaa°for each cranin CdtnOaaton tests shall be mace asouttrned in Semon &3. 01 of approval and filed prior to mak&n g Or aafrrfce line. of California. dated January 1973. Standard 9Permanertt ropeate Specfficatrons. Division of MRhwara.State 25 TEMPORARY PAVEMENT REPAIRS: After consisting of 2 inches of SC- 800 shall be ptaeeo an a pepareOf oIll and compaction opere[ions, a to after a maximum of 3.000 lineal feet of trench me$ been excavated andbaekfilelo operations patch temporary paying atfau be p1eMd the placement of the temporary pavement exCeeO a five 5 p p R28 PERMANENT PAVEMENT REPAIR: Aher backfill arra compaction1 1 day limit. case shall consisting of two Inches 12"1 of SC -800 shat) be Placedimmediately. operations have been completed• a to surfacing plat". laced on a mately. A permanent patch of �Orory patch temporary roe* reoalr. dA Z /AICjtt lass bass Small be Placed no later than — inches A. C. 6/14f7 -CZ Ti rqy "r5 7/n/4 , days ahercen teuon of R27 PAVEMENT REPAIR: F.AS.: Upon completion ofbacttilland corftpactfon.atemporary patch consistin of at Ma mix paving hes 16-1 one et elated Immediately. A permanent paten of three Inches 13i of A.C, Surfacing be Nailed on six m g two menes 121 enea 18') Concrete base as directed. but not tater than fifteen } 15) days after eamptetipn of g shau Paving. Concrete base shall be of five -sock mix and shall conform to the City of La Ou&nts Roae trftprpyettt and Specifications. Ordinance 11461. tamborary 28' OG SEAL A fog seal coat consisting of an application of a OM Standards deterinfnea try the City Engineer. sPaltfe emulsion snarl be applied am all paten areas as R29 SEAL ARMOR COAT: A seal coat consisting of an application binder and screenings snail be 13011116don all where such $ea& clan existed prior to issuance of this Dermal. Seaa m armor coats shall be epptiedas soacid rn Section 37, Standard $peclfications. State of California. Division of Hi Datcrt arses be accomplished by a licensed contractor en a Highways. dated January 1973. Work of awm R3 STREET RESTRIPIN g god in the business of pavement repair. p em repair t° G: Where street striping issttltvisible onstreets tobeexcavated.Suctrstripfngsnallbere la Completion of permanent repairs. replaced upon R31 TREE RELOCATION OR REMOVAL. Tree relocation within ins City of La Quanta road right of wevshall be sctStn011sheg by a licensee. bonded and insured tree service. and handled safelywitnout mterfsrsnceor haiartltolhe trawh It shall be the responsibility of the permittee to maintain the tree in a vigorous growing condnton at Its newnigpu0lic. Trees tobe►emOveOshall beremoved insecfonswhich can behandled safelvwtthoutinterference orhatam highway igh location. traffic. The entire width of the tree stumo snail be removed and disposed of so that no debris remains In view nig civ becomes necessary to restrict traffic. the work shall be restricted to a minimum of 500 feet at anyone time, ave of the Signs. flagmen end/or bameades shall be provided to �°�• Where it protect the traveling Adequate Large holes resulting from tree removal shall be backfilled and coin n public at all times. Surrounding ground. whichever is the greater compaction as determines n°ties moa or fief method. C tests Sh811 comp) with by the Impact Or field inethOd. tint tc ion y Section 6.3.01 of the Stsntlaztl Spacrtications• Division of Highways. State of California. dated January 1973. nts•dated R32 TREE TRIMMING: I. All the necessary trimsects ling Shall t accomplish- to prOme clearance of the fac&Ilty fm one Calendar All broken or week sections within the trimming snail be removed, veer. o• Where n becomes necessary to restrict traffic. the wcrfk shall be restricted to a maximum of 500feet al anyone time. Adeduate signs, flagmen. and/or barricades small be pfoviQed to protect the traveling public at all Umar C' If tree trunks are partially outside of the City of La Quints road right of way, permntee small make his own mertn with bythis Dermal. Owners property owners for consent to the trimming In addition to the autnorrZation morticed by this d. All tree trimming an EVERGREEN TREES, PALM TREE$, and other ORNAMENTAL TREES shall be aceomoeahed to the salisract:on Of the City Public Works tntioecta. e. Aburang -teeny owners shall be comactm m all iristartbea prior to trimming or redoing /naL f. Pruning anau, an all17.'lanti .-- W at me MOYIder Of me cl'Oten to tnstr� ver._.,.__ .• � � �. ) t.l.' •j:. •-•1-:rT,.. ..-.• .•�•.. • .. i.Y,: .• . •.f•}.:-.. .. •.:!•n ,•e'•,. �'a;t! _ .. it;t-�..i: ". .. •t•0.-ir L�:.-��.- ..: ic7• , ta;a •.�-,•:9•+_.. . -. -:;�•!.•_i: •.. .. - SPECIAL CONDITIONS --PERMIT NO. 2258 --- CENTURY HOMES --- In addition to the standard permit conditions, the following shall apply: 1. All work shall* be performed in accordance with the latest edition of the Standard Specifications For Public Works Construction. 2. Permittee shall be responsible for providing continuous dust and erosion control. 3. Streets shall be kept clean: They shall be completely cleaned at the end of each working day and . more frequently if required. 4. Contractor shall comply with the local ' noise ordinance. Operation and maintenance of equipment within one half mile of human occupancy shall be performed only during the following time periods: October 1st to April 30: Monday -Friday 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. May. 1st to September 30: Monday -Friday 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Work shall be prohibited on legal holidays including Sundays. 5. Permittee shall assume responsibility for repair of any pavement breakdown at the haul road access to any public or private street and for any damage to other City streets or facilities. 6. Permittee shall submit a traffic control plan to the Engineering Dept. for approval prior to starting work in travel way. Advance warning signs and traffic control shall be installed and maintained in accordance with Cal Trans Standards or the Work Area Traffic Control Handbook (WATCH Manual) . It shall be the permittee's responsibility to detour and barricade this site. 7. Street closures shall not be permitted. A minimum of one travel lane on paved surface shall be maintained with flagmen at all times. 8. Permanent pavement replacement section shall'be one inch greater than existing, but not less than 3"of A.C. over 4.5" of A.B. whichever is greater. 9. All landscaping irrigation decorative rock etc. shall be protected in place as much as possible or replaced to its original condition. 10. Prior to excavating, the permittee shallcontact Underground Service Alert at 1(800) 422-4133. 11. All work shall be coordinated with. the City's contractor and others working within the area as directed by and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Special Conditions - Permit No. 2258 Page I of 2 SPECIAL CONDITIONS - PERMIT NO. 2258 CONTINUED 12.. Should additional work, materials, or modifications of the work be required in order to meet city standards, safety requirements, signage requirements, or to fit actual field conditions, the work shall be performed by the permittee as directed .by and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer at no cost to the City of La Quinta. 13: All backfill and subgrade soil shall be compacted to 90% relative dry density, all backfill soil within the top 2' of finish pavement surface shall be compacted to 95 % relative dry density, all base material shall be compacted to 95% relative dry density. 14. When work is within 500' of a signalized intersection , the permittee shall notify Riverside ,County Signal Dept. at (714) 275- 6894 or Caltrans Signal Dept at (619) 688-6845 as appropriate. 15. Site clearance of 600' in .either direction shall be assured and maintained at all times. 16. Street striping that .is damaged, removed etc. shall be replaced to its original condition by the permittee at. no cost to the City. 17. All excavations at or near the travel way shall be backfilled and paved as directed by' and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer at the end of each work day for the protection of the traveling public. 18. This permit authorizes work in the City of La Quinta Right -of -Way only. It is the permittee's responsibility to secure. permission from any other abutting agencies or property owners. 19. Ingress and egress for all properties- shall be maintained at all times. 20. The City will determine the final limits of asphalt replacement. 21. The pavement replacement section width shall be one foot greater on each side of the trench. 22. No work in the travel way at the intersection of Dune Palms Rd. and Miles Ave shall be allowed prior to 8:30 am. The travel way at that intersection shall be restored to normal operation by 2:30 pm. Special Conditions - Permit No. 2258 Page 2 of 2 ESTIMATE E OF QUANTITIES N0. DESCRIPTION I UNIT QUANTITY 4 1. 18,. DUCTILE IRON PIPE L.F. 51.3 2. 6"BLOWOFF ASSEMBLY EA. 1 '3. 6.. GATE, VALVE EA. 1 4. M N 6 X 18 REDUCER EA. I 5. PAVEMENT .REPLACEMENT S. F. 2050 , used. List shall e 11 inclu d e quantity, man ufac to re r mode 1 size, and other pertinent data. : .. _ _ . ... 211 � 15 18.0 - Contractor 31 2 _ _ 15 1 8 I31 2 O1 5 1� Co _ t. re ct or -" s h ' a l 1 s s h e d u l e h i s c onst r u c t ion a c t i v i t i e s with t h � t h e C hi ef InsPecfor, daily, and 4.30 P.m. for the working n 8 d a Y32 116 17 16 17 32 1 16 D ERT DR If C4�� is unable to inspector or inspectors, Contractor shall reschedule its work for time. 2 i If Contractor elects to cancel scheduled work without noticet0CVWD.21 2 7 0 Contractor shall bechar charged hour of inspection time for each daY of occurrence. 3. Contractor shal call Underground Service Alert at1_800_4 2_4133 atleastco_kin8do s prior start of construction IL. Curt and gutter shall' P1�.ce before any domestic water pipelines are constructed.NOT/CETO C0NRA TOR. SE11RESPQNS9UTYCONTRACTOP AGREES THAT HE SHALL ASSUME t �0�_ ANC t0MPLErE r(SP S Jr�lrY FOR JOJSlrE CD Ddrovs JJ r,VGTiE CDSPS _ N l A IRUCrION 0_ THISPR . tCTINCLUDIG SAFETY0FALLL SOSN QUIREENT SHALL APPLY ON UAL N V C P .0 ERIY THAT THIS RE17----7 — X A P I iV D _ tI1,ii w.• __". 1�i :,Lr .t l M l � D , 0 NORMAL 4 M n L W OR K I N G h O U R S , A N D . 0 T H A T T H 0E c . C O N TXR C A E CP T TO r ? S H A L L D E F £ _W D , lNDE N FY AND HOLD OWNETHE CITY FLA 0UlNTA AND rNE _ R, 1 4f Q Q 3 3 _ - _2 �o , _ _ .. _ , _ • , /. �- < c a� r ti f Y that t h e d e s i 8 n o f the ew w a t o.R _r C .. , C system �rrRr+cc R in T r a a c �t N o ^ i ' si nAL OR ALLEDGED, !N 0 100 200 400 600 800��G Nt£R HARMLFSS FROti4NY AND LlABILITY RE CONNECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE 0F WORK ON THIS PROJECT, EXCEPTING FOP cordance with the water system expansion plans of the Coachella Valley Water istrict'and that the water service,'storaL/ABILITY ARISING FROM THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF THE OWNtR, THE CITY O- a and distribution system will be LA 0UrNTA OR THE ENGINEER. de4uate to Provide water service to such tract. This certification does notSCALE. 1,,_200 I.3tItotcb�..1va.gee that It will 5waterto suCYtract atanYspecific EXISTING UNDERCfOJVD SRCTURESTHE EXISTENCE AND LOCATION 0r ANY uantides flows or Pressures for fire Protection or any other purpose. UNOc GROUND JT/LlTYP/PES CONDUITS, OR STRUCTURES SHOWN 0N THESE PLANS ARE 0BTANED BY A SEARCH 0F THE AVAILABLE RECORDS. T0 THE BEST AS SHOWN ON0F OUR KNOWLED3E ThERE ARE NDEX/ EXISTING UTILITIES _UE PRECAUTIONARY i COACHELLA`VALLEY WATER DISTRICT THESE PLANS. THE CONTRACTOR /S REQUIRED T0 TAKE D MEASURES TO PR TECT THE UTILITY LINES SHOWN AND ANY OTHER LINES NOT 0F NOT SHOWN ON THESE DRAWINGS. IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTORS Date.RECORD OR By. RESPONSIBILITY T0 NOTIFY THE OWNERS 0F THE UTILITIES 0R STRUCTURES CONCERNED BEFORE STARTING WORK. THECONTRACTOR FURTHER ASSUMES ALL aleBohnenberger LIABILITY AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR UNDERGROUND PlPES Director Engineering CONDUITS, STRUCTURES SHOWN 0R OTSHOWN ON THESE DRAWINGS. R.0.E.No. C028454 UNAUTHORIZED CHANGES &JSES CAUTION: THEENGINEER PREPARING THESE WILL NOT BERESPONSIBLE FOR 0R LIABLE FOR UNAUTHORIZED CHANGES T0 OR USES THESEPLANS. ALL CHANGES T0 THE PLANS MUST BE IN WRITING AND MUST BE BY THE PREP RER 0F THESE PLANS.R W R W 1rZ 05 43 12' BENCH MARK.- 3 1E 28 HANDWELL MONUMENT WITH COUNTY TA AT INTERSECTION OF ADAMS STREET AND MILES AVENUE. ELEV, 92.06 APPROVAL EXISTING PA EMENT .V.W.D. DRAWING 0F BEAR/NGS. N89 3 30ME DA. RNORTH LINE 0F THESW 1/4 0F SECTION 20 TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, EXISTING CURB dGUTTER a�or.« 16 SEPT 1 99 4 AP NO. 14087RANGE 7 EAST S.B.M. AS SHOWN ON PARCEL MEXISTING GAS MANN MAP BOOK 67 PAGE 41. ReeewreeeetcroRa PROP. 18 WATER IN 851Appw.: GENERAL MANAGER-CNG O.OERRCL me. m DAM D CHANGES & USES TYPICAL STREET SECTIONUNAUTHOR/ZEMILES AVENUECAU ION. THE ENGINEERNEERPREPARING THESE PLANS WILL NOT E RESPONSIBLE FOR OR LIABLE fD� UNAUTHORIZED CHANGES TO OR USES 0F THESE PLANS. ALL 01 0 SCALE CHANGES TO THE PLANS MUST BE IN WRITING AND MUST BE APPROVEDBY THEPREPARER OF THESE PLANS Underground Service Alert SHEETREVSIONS? APPROVED BY. PREPARD Br: IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA HomEsv)FESS/4,BENCHMARK. RE t9`� C!/TWOOD LANEcall. Toll Free OFFSITE 18WATER MAINPD_ PD -3-1E N 1 O F S R/£RS/DE, CA/FORN14 HANOWELL MONUMENT WITH COUNTY 1-800 TAG AT INTERSECTION Of DMS 5T. Cantu ry_Crowell Communities mN021884rn P�AKUNDER Tf f9P9% 780-1.45 IN MILES AVE. WEST OF DUNE PALMS AT MLES AVENUE. 422-4133 2sHEETs o� sbN on FOR TRACT 23935 FINAL CIV\\, 292.067�o� al,"M now TWO WORKING DAYS A PORTION OF SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 20 0F A� C4VD M COSPER R.C.E. 38022 DA YOU DIG TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, S.B.B.M.W.O. 94-208UU C ORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER BRICESGA rC.E6aTE:223 � , - ,. �- '... .. , .. : ,..-j.- r , t 2®85 " 8 9 24 25 . 8 9 24 25 8 9 Lv lever �i 1Gs arse >i' d3 moi to remove di Y rt rocks foreign rei n materia 8 materials. -.. 7 23 26 ' 10 26 '7 1 9. No water or sewer i aline P s shall be P installedunde r decorative concrete, - � concrete, ,10 ,7 curbs or sidewalks without prior approval in - tract p vel of CVWD. . PP All trac t I st eets shall be paved withasphalt concrete Pavement. , _ • 6 1 1 1 2 2 7 . 2 o~ 6 , 1 2 2 , 2 7 6 I I Ia, • 10. These plans s maY be sub jact to rev ew and/or r revision by CVWD - if _ 5 21 VO 28 5 2f O28 , ' 5 12 , construction hasnotbe un within 12 months from Approval as shown CVWDaw in Dr in 8 Approval, a . Blocks. � 4 3 , � 2 2 0 9 4 1 3 , 2 20 9 4` � 1 3 . 11. Cor -." .tractor shall sub m it to CVWD a list of materials to be used prior to the P ( 30 I 1 4 19 30 , Z 14 re oval c ructi on conference. re P nce.` 0 nl materials'on Y thea roved ..'list PP may be Y , used. List shall e 11 inclu d e quantity, man ufac to re r mode 1 size, and other pertinent data. : .. _ _ . ... 211 � 15 18.0 - Contractor 31 2 _ _ 15 1 8 I31 2 O1 5 1� Co _ t. re ct or -" s h ' a l 1 s s h e d u l e h i s c onst r u c t ion a c t i v i t i e s with t h � t h e C hi ef InsPecfor, daily, and 4.30 P.m. for the working n 8 d a Y32 116 17 16 17 32 1 16 D ERT DR If C4�� is unable to inspector or inspectors, Contractor shall reschedule its work for time. 2 i If Contractor elects to cancel scheduled work without noticet0CVWD.21 2 7 0 Contractor shall bechar charged hour of inspection time for each daY of occurrence. 3. Contractor shal call Underground Service Alert at1_800_4 2_4133 atleastco_kin8do s prior start of construction IL. Curt and gutter shall' P1�.ce before any domestic water pipelines are constructed.NOT/CETO C0NRA TOR. SE11RESPQNS9UTYCONTRACTOP AGREES THAT HE SHALL ASSUME t �0�_ ANC t0MPLErE r(SP S Jr�lrY FOR JOJSlrE CD Ddrovs JJ r,VGTiE CDSPS _ N l A IRUCrION 0_ THISPR . tCTINCLUDIG SAFETY0FALLL SOSN QUIREENT SHALL APPLY ON UAL N V C P .0 ERIY THAT THIS RE17----7 — X A P I iV D _ tI1,ii w.• __". 1�i :,Lr .t l M l � D , 0 NORMAL 4 M n L W OR K I N G h O U R S , A N D . 0 T H A T T H 0E c . C O N TXR C A E CP T TO r ? S H A L L D E F £ _W D , lNDE N FY AND HOLD OWNETHE CITY FLA 0UlNTA AND rNE _ R, 1 4f Q Q 3 3 _ - _2 �o , _ _ .. _ , _ • , /. �- < c a� r ti f Y that t h e d e s i 8 n o f the ew w a t o.R _r C .. , C system �rrRr+cc R in T r a a c �t N o ^ i ' si nAL OR ALLEDGED, !N 0 100 200 400 600 800��G Nt£R HARMLFSS FROti4NY AND LlABILITY RE CONNECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE 0F WORK ON THIS PROJECT, EXCEPTING FOP cordance with the water system expansion plans of the Coachella Valley Water istrict'and that the water service,'storaL/ABILITY ARISING FROM THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF THE OWNtR, THE CITY O- a and distribution system will be LA 0UrNTA OR THE ENGINEER. de4uate to Provide water service to such tract. This certification does notSCALE. 1,,_200 I.3tItotcb�..1va.gee that It will 5waterto suCYtract atanYspecific EXISTING UNDERCfOJVD SRCTURESTHE EXISTENCE AND LOCATION 0r ANY uantides flows or Pressures for fire Protection or any other purpose. UNOc GROUND JT/LlTYP/PES CONDUITS, OR STRUCTURES SHOWN 0N THESE PLANS ARE 0BTANED BY A SEARCH 0F THE AVAILABLE RECORDS. T0 THE BEST AS SHOWN ON0F OUR KNOWLED3E ThERE ARE NDEX/ EXISTING UTILITIES _UE PRECAUTIONARY i COACHELLA`VALLEY WATER DISTRICT THESE PLANS. THE CONTRACTOR /S REQUIRED T0 TAKE D MEASURES TO PR TECT THE UTILITY LINES SHOWN AND ANY OTHER LINES NOT 0F NOT SHOWN ON THESE DRAWINGS. IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTORS Date.RECORD OR By. RESPONSIBILITY T0 NOTIFY THE OWNERS 0F THE UTILITIES 0R STRUCTURES CONCERNED BEFORE STARTING WORK. THECONTRACTOR FURTHER ASSUMES ALL aleBohnenberger LIABILITY AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR UNDERGROUND PlPES Director Engineering CONDUITS, STRUCTURES SHOWN 0R OTSHOWN ON THESE DRAWINGS. R.0.E.No. C028454 UNAUTHORIZED CHANGES &JSES CAUTION: THEENGINEER PREPARING THESE WILL NOT BERESPONSIBLE FOR 0R LIABLE FOR UNAUTHORIZED CHANGES T0 OR USES THESEPLANS. ALL CHANGES T0 THE PLANS MUST BE IN WRITING AND MUST BE BY THE PREP RER 0F THESE PLANS.R W R W 1rZ 05 43 12' BENCH MARK.- 3 1E 28 HANDWELL MONUMENT WITH COUNTY TA AT INTERSECTION OF ADAMS STREET AND MILES AVENUE. ELEV, 92.06 APPROVAL EXISTING PA EMENT .V.W.D. DRAWING 0F BEAR/NGS. N89 3 30ME DA. RNORTH LINE 0F THESW 1/4 0F SECTION 20 TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, EXISTING CURB dGUTTER a�or.« 16 SEPT 1 99 4 AP NO. 14087RANGE 7 EAST S.B.M. AS SHOWN ON PARCEL MEXISTING GAS MANN MAP BOOK 67 PAGE 41. ReeewreeeetcroRa PROP. 18 WATER IN 851Appw.: GENERAL MANAGER-CNG O.OERRCL me. m DAM D CHANGES & USES TYPICAL STREET SECTIONUNAUTHOR/ZEMILES AVENUECAU ION. THE ENGINEERNEERPREPARING THESE PLANS WILL NOT E RESPONSIBLE FOR OR LIABLE fD� UNAUTHORIZED CHANGES TO OR USES 0F THESE PLANS. ALL 01 0 SCALE CHANGES TO THE PLANS MUST BE IN WRITING AND MUST BE APPROVEDBY THEPREPARER OF THESE PLANS Underground Service Alert SHEETREVSIONS? APPROVED BY. PREPARD Br: IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA HomEsv)FESS/4,BENCHMARK. RE t9`� C!/TWOOD LANEcall. Toll Free OFFSITE 18WATER MAINPD_ PD -3-1E N 1 O F S R/£RS/DE, CA/FORN14 HANOWELL MONUMENT WITH COUNTY 1-800 TAG AT INTERSECTION Of DMS 5T. Cantu ry_Crowell Communities mN021884rn P�AKUNDER Tf f9P9% 780-1.45 IN MILES AVE. WEST OF DUNE PALMS AT MLES AVENUE. 422-4133 2sHEETs o� sbN on FOR TRACT 23935 FINAL CIV\\, 292.067�o� al,"M now TWO WORKING DAYS A PORTION OF SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 20 0F A� C4VD M COSPER R.C.E. 38022 DA YOU DIG TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, S.B.B.M.W.O. 94-208UU C ORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER BRICESGA rC.E6aTE:223 � , - ,. �- '... .. , .. : ,..-j.- r , t 2®85 "