2271With proper validation
this form constitutes an
encroachment permit
For the construction of public or private curbs, driveways, pavements, sidewalks, parking lots, sewers, water mains
and other like public works improvements in connection with MINOR IMPROVEMENTS and APPROVED SUBDIVISIONS
Subdivision Improvement Permit —Class II I
DATE: 12-8-94 Minor Improvement Permit Class IV
LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION La Quinta Village Shopping Center — perimeter area
along Calle Tampico and Washington Street
(Street address or Description of Location)
PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION Install perimeter Sketch (attach construction plans if appropriate)
DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION Perimeter landscaping See attached conditions
and irrigation
(Including removal of all obstruction, materials, and debris, backfilling, com-
paction and placing permanent resurfacing and/or replacing improvements) _
In consideration of the granting of this permit, the applicant hereby agrees to:
Refer to Landscape plans prepared by
Horton Shepardaon Associates
pages SD -1 to SD -3 and L-4 to L-8 and
SD -9 to ad -14, also refer to Project
Specification book prepared by Architect
Indemnify, defend and save the City, its authorized agents, officers, representatives and employees, harmless from and against any and all
penalties, liabilities or loss resulting from claims or court action and arising out of any accident, loss or damage to persons or property
happening or occurring as a proximate result of any work undertaken under the permit granted pursuant to this application.
Notify the Administrative Authority at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the time when work will be started.
Comply with all applicable City Ordinances, the terms and conditions of the permit and all applicable rules and regulations of the City of
La Quinta and to pay for any additional replacement necessary as the result of this work.
Signature of Applicant or Ag� t
La Quints, Village Associates 796 W. 9th St. San Pedro, CA 90731
Name of Applicant (please print) Business Address Telephone No.
Moorefield Const. 1950 Sawtelle Blvd #295 L.A. CA 90025 (310) 478-8295
Name of Contractor and Job Foreman Business Address Telephone No.
397892 t 3235
Contractor's License No. City Business License No.
Farmers 09403-29-70
Applicant's Insurance Company Policy Number
FEES: Subdivision Improvement Permit — Class 111
Public improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs
Private improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs
Minor Improvement Permit — Class IV: See attached schedule
Inspection Fee $
Permit Fee _
Penalty ,,
Cash Deposit -Surety Bond
if required
$ 460
Receipt No.
Received by Date
Administrative Authority
Recorded by II TELEPHONE: (619) 564-2246
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Permittee shall retrofit and install shrubs and irrigation, as needed and directed by the City
Engineer, around any existing utility enclosures and structures protruding above ground
level, including any utiltity enclosures and structures that may be installed prior to final
acceptance of the landscaping work by the City.
Permittee shall not install landscaping or irrigation improvements in the retention basin
located at the corner of Calle Tampico and Washington Street, until the City issues an
addendum to this permit that approves the retention basin grading and drainage
"he fallovieno General and Soeeut Provisions are ataensd to area meas a part of Permit No. �i (/ / /
,he following snail always aopty:
ENCROACHMENT ON PRIVATE PROPERTY 'his oermn autnortzes worn to be eccommtsned within City of La Quints rtgnt of wav
ONLY. Whenever construction extends witnln Private ordoenv. it snail be me resoonstounv or tree bermrttee Lor h
secure permission tram acuntng procenv owners. Sucn autnorLzatton molt be assured ov the oermLttee drLor to
R Contractors[ to
TpACKLAYING CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT: Cleated traaclavhng Lon starting worst.
Paved surface unless tmedwnn smown-faced street Baas. All mecnantcat outn
strvcttdm QOUromem !hall not ba Oe/TrtteOtO ooe►Re on em
:no caving during excavations. Ruboer•urea equtoment only sneU pa u ggers snail be tmedwnn rubber
Pavement is scarreo. spatted. or broken during tree term of Ihts convect. or Itthe
oevemelm I oaaations in City o} o argon.
La gore. Street shoes toproteci
Inst theta oamons of road be resurfaced over their entire wtath. Resurt Y. If the existing
surfacing plus eppropnets seal cost as specified cooed.n9 sneU conatst of one wet of Quina snail request
two mates 12') of A.C.
PROTECTION OF TRAFFIC: All excavations and work areas shall bauroperry lighted and bamcaaed as aeemea neL
Engineer or La Quints City Public works Inspectors."
detours aro detour stgnsrrhall be pieced era
of the proles. The Ci easarveythe Ciry
ry shalt be notified 24 Hrs. Ln advance of any traffic m°'^a�"eotb►theduratton
CARE OF DRAINAGE STRUCTURES:nagecornu a e delinsamorq
conctets structures encountered during excavate on whish structuneceearre gtro rewrtugated metal pipe• concrete
necessary td remove dr cut existing
drainage llrURura7. CI p} maVaf shalt be replaced in kind. In the ttNl culvert end
Drainage structures end City Quina !mail be notified prior to comma Q1°rtat be meet
open drams shall be kept free of door's at all times for hcomem d} hit wont.
RIGHT OF WAY CLEANUP:res Proper drainage.
way. All paved surfaces snail beebroomed cleanofearin and Other objectionableIting from n am backfill is immediately
m edi snail attar ramp
Existing gutter line and drainage mtcnes snail be reciacea to their original stanaara or better, All 6=832 mate�aroll the mov of
Prior to Paving. Water tanker snail be used, at required. o ndcormparnon.
immedutely after backfill. sprinkle the lob yte to keep dawn dust condtttons anti
be removed
- red aihslt be used
DE -WATER OPERATIONS: If ds -watering operations are required and pumov are forcing water an City o} la Quina roads, it shall be
the restonsLOLILry of the parmLRee Ieantrattort to control this water and to are f a Off-street wet Oa City of when hemeatN.
CLOSING STREETS: No street shall be closed. A minimum of one lane of traffic shall be maintained at all times to
access far the aclotnlng property owners and emergency venlelea. In the evert[ n i! fen ovine Perm mea mat tie moat
any lengh of time. Dermmes sneU contact tnts office to obtain the the eve provoa limned
necessary permission. �� a nram tar
The folhang !hall applyONLY when indicated:
®RINOTIFICATION: Permmee shall notify, the City a -777--7075-
� 707S
R2 CASH DEPOSITS OR BONDS: A sash bond or an at Iaat 48 hours in
advance of starting cof�ucmn
stall be lurntsned in the memo of City of La Quints o cover all hh art t ,nail a amount s not teat than •
roads and survey, monuments. This bona snail be continuous urml carve It din she restorenon at the vanpua V omnia
Posted prior to commencement of any work an this by the City Engineer. This
project , bond must be
ermm Subsail ctntactariortomekineenvsxnvatortwnhtnthsCitvotLaQuintanghtdtipmeyaum«Lrad
by permit. he pertnmss snail context all concerned utility compamas rotative to the 1oL:auon LN extsung s
Damage to e:tahng subsuvcturea retuning from operations conducted under thm Damm shall be the sots
of the pmmmss. substructures.
R4 UTILITY CLEARANCE: (Surface structureal No
work snap be done under this dermrt until all utilities are clear of the
Dropoled work site. The permmee snail notify all concerned utility companies of the proposed work•
R5 PAVEMENT WIDENING: Area bemoan the prppos•d w
surfaced with inches ofA.C.Davin r10-1 mer line and the existing road pavement shall be
having an'R'value ofnot less tman 9Dlaeedan inchelofefsas
and in conformenco Antm Citvof La Quints Road Improvementfesubbsaacourse
and SDecLficattans. Ordinance 0461.SIScards
R6 PARKWAY GRADING: Area between the property line and too at the
1/4 incn to one foot 11OroDoaeoneietecurpshallbegradsdtdaaiap♦of
1. w
R7 GRADES Be STAKES: City of La Quints shall establish grades aro states for the proposed concrete euro and
Re GRADE CHECKING: City of La Quints snail checkgraeesupon recstptd}ptanand prafileand/or gradesesasablished
a licensed engineer.
Re CURB REMOVAL FOR DRIVEWAYS: A portion of the existing concrete curb and/or curb and gutter 1 (001ohs 0 be
removed• Curb and/or curb and gutter shall be saw cut prior to removal. Depressed curb. matcntng concrete gutter and
concrete driveway approach shall be constructed in conformance with City of La Quints Standard 0207.
RIO DRIVEWAYS. A.C.: Driveways shall be constructed as not to alter existing drainage pattern. Surfacing between the
property line and the existing road paving snail be 2-1/2 inches of A.C. oavtng paced an 1 __) of class
aggregate base. Driveway construction snail conform to artacned drawing.
ncnes below area in time wren tneaexisting flow L vertlvnstaiatton snameter ert snail be il contllea ormthe tto the et acneel crowitre invert ng t i 2
R12 SIGHT CLEARANCE Sight clearance of 600 feet in either dtrecvon snail be assured ano matntamaa.
R13 SOIL STERILIZER: The area Pe surfaced shall be tre
menutactcurev's ated wren sou sterilizer. Rets of application shallcommtywtth the
manufacturer's spectfieatons.
R14 COORDINATE WORK: The proposed work shall be suDardtnatsd to any operation which the State of California or
City of La Quints may conduct in this area during the panoo of this permn. Work sbe
City of La Quints forces to preclude delay or interference with hell coordinated whin the State or
$tea Or City p} L8 ll be prOleCm.
R1$ SURVEY MONUMENTS: Prior to excavation Of beginning of construction. all survey monuments wnLcn exist on the
centerline of all stream or propene lines wnen Lnvohved shalt be comptstom, feed out so they may be raadLhv arowrtectty
be rafuaeia ov a ueanaso ctvtl engineer w survevo► at ms szmsrfae Riots perriteeeea d commate sot or masa arvpca
be tetonftaq upon darrpoom at mmoraem.nr n..,C.N Enm_nsardrrortotrars"+wsrarammhonumsnn Thi.e.. t"e
70-_kVCy-MONUMENTS. P• ortoexcavation oroeoinnrrtoorconstruction. all survevntonumenrssnam
j" nee out in t;uv
;f La Uulnta and surlaols Cayman, or guarantee dt payment snail be mace as reimoursemen, 'or all yyaa
R17 'AVEMENT CUTTING: Pavement Wool be mtlefanocalty cut to a
cutting snail be eoproveo through the allies or me City Engineer. lUhder no equipment ea
xarognt segs prior to excavation. Method of mayement
oft used to excavate Prior to cuttsno or oavenleml. Excavation material snap be placed in such a
cdeumsaanees snarl exeatrating eauioment
raclutate the General flow or traffic. Prior to final paving operations, anv oamaee to Pavement straight
correctea. eosrtion as to nest
R18 PAVEMENT CUTTING. Pavement snail be saw cut prior to removal. prior to renal Paan edge snarl be
Pavement Straight edge shall be corrected.
R19 LIMITOF EXCAVATIONS: Excavations snail be limrtea to 1,es, g aoeronons. any damage to
begin. All excavations snail be Ofooerry barricaeea Witn lights overni ntean push LrehCh before Dant}1110
06fations must
'no traveling g Mreekendsandmalwaystorteprotection of
9pudue.ihePubheWorksinspeaorsnarlaetermfnernsswtabdlevotexcavatipnoarneamn trigger,
matersexcavationis scall remain open ror a Period exceeding I've 161 days, NO excavation snail be made unless the Construction
material i4 actU611V On the WO►K si[6. g ease. NC
R20 BACKFILL MATERIAL: Bacgkfal shall be tree or brush, roots or other organic suostance detrimerrm. ; , .;s
of producing an adequately consblide[ed baedill. AnY material whmh the City at La Qllinta seems urlapl
• Saturated material) which Is encountered duringa llaeltlr Purposes
repleted xeavaaon snallnot be used for backfill, but snali be s late^mor
pv an approved sand or gravel. _
R21 BACKFILL SAND: Backfill shall be a PWememea or
throe feet 13') and vibrated using vlbrot mopequivalent,
°r equivalent and shall be Placed In lips Of not
Cafe a rotative and
si 95 baleen[ shall be equipment. Alternate Methodsm groatenany
shamed within the -t;r aV be roaawsV. but In any
R22 BACKFILL PLACEMENT: Baeldill shall be eoolieo in lavers of not more Inah50 cbual section of the roativaay,
before tiooding ora maximum of five-foot (51 lihswners a►enenes crept a Perean[ of the total de
backfill material Is not sublectetl to extreme xeeastvede pthotths trench
dwell by flooding mats.Carstotobs Placed
resulting Compaction shall be not 1633 than 90oareerit or ecurvowntto operations. s. surrounding
ill material shall be
comoactlon. Where pending or flooding is used for a maximum settlement, adeuat°VCS a0'o the
the water. Where letting is used. the jets shall beef sufficient le ground. wnienever13thegreater
deduftte dikes will be COnaptread t0 retain
supply shall be continuous. ^gat to reach •the bottom of seen ka r
R23 COMPACTION TESTS: If so required by the in vs and the water
fast and a minimum of one (1) test on often rooP� or. compaction copy bemaae at intervals of not m
approval and filed criorto makingOne 111 copy of each test shall be roryvaraed to the CI Ore than 1.000
Standard SpsaklflMlons. Division at H Hent repairs. Compaction tests shall be Maas as outlined o Seeo H Engineer tar
R24 COMPACTION TESTS: If so required ighwe"' Stns of California. dated J on 8 3 01 of the
by the inspector.
January 1973.
One 11) c sear. compaction tests shall be made for seen crossing
Compaction [eats shall be made as outlined In Semen 8.3.01 a the Statdaro Sinead d attar t M8kin n of M'
Of California. dated January 1973. 9permarrrnrooarta.
PAVEMENT REPAIRS: Ater mtrotahon of backfill and eompactlon Operation a to
consisting of 2 inches of SC• 800 shall be placed on a prepared suaxTrade. The SC -800 temporary
afteramaximumof3.000linealfeetattrenchhaspeenexcavatedandbackfill shallmporary paten
the placement at the temporary eaautinno a Waeeo
m ry Pavement exceed a five 15) day limit. operations COmpletea. batt to hp yae Shall
R26 PERMANENT PAVEMENT REPAIR: After backfill vino eomoactfon operations nave been completed. a to
consisting of two inches 12") of SIC shall be erased immediately. A permanent patch of
surfacing ralDOnry Paten
9 Ploadd ep a inch clap -bass snap be placed no later than -� inches A.C.
temporary road repair. days aheresirelple[ion of
R27 PAVEMENT REPAIR: F.A.S.:Upon completion Ofbackfillanacdm
Of cold mix Paving (SC -800) shall be placed immecUR paent p a terlttx hree inch s 13'1 Cin of
be Placed on six inehes'le"I concrete bass as airs H• A Permanent paten of three thanes 13"1 of A. Of
two tames 12�
paying. Concrete bads anal) be of five sect mf: and rec ed. b conform tout not later the liftof I15) days after completion at surfacing snail
and SPectficapgha Ordinance 0461. H Outnte Road Improvement tam
R28 FOG SEAL: A tog seal coat consistingD a+ter^entStanaards
detetnmeo by the Ci of an application of asmtahie emulsion shall be applied over all
H Engineer. Paten area as
R29 SEAL ARMOR COAT: A seal coat consisting of an application binder and screenings shall be applied Ong" where such seal coats existed prior tO Issuance of this permit. Seal dr armor COBta Shell be applied li specifiedng"pin n areas
37. Standard Specifications. State of California,mater areae
be accomplished by a licensed contractor engaged giint the
Highways Dated January 1973. Work of avem
R30 STREET RESTRIPING. Where street striving ss stiibi anailrld
eet� be excavated.Pavement
such striping shallll be replacedupon
completion at permanent repairs.
R31 TREE RELOCATION OR REMOVAL. Tree relocation within the City of La Quanta road right Of way stall be aaomolisnea
by a licensed. bonded and insured tree service. and handled safely without Interference or hazard to the trawls
It shall be the responsibility Of the permittee to maintain the tree in a vigorous growing condition at its new location.
Trees to be removed shall be removed in sections Wrntt.h can be handled safelvwnnout interference or ria
traffic. The entire width of the tree stump snail be removed and disposed of so inat no debris remains in view of the
highway. The stump hole snail be backfilled and thoroughly zardtd highway
becomes necessary to restrict traffic. the work shall be restricted to
signsas . 1500 teetn the la any one time. Adequate
signs. flagmen and/or barricades shall be Provided to protect the If8 Velfn owing gree' Where e
Large holes resulting from tree removal Shall beb8cktilledand cdm gpublicatalltimes.
surrounding ground. whichever is the greater compactionpeateotono[lessthan90Percentorequivalenttothe
detetests shall comply with Section 6.3.01 of the Standard Specifications.1 pivision of Highways. fieldmethod.
of California. January 1973 -Compaction
a. Only the necessary trimming snail be a
All broken or Weak Sccomoltsneo to prOvtde clearance of the facility for one calendar year.
actions within the trimming snail be removed,
b. Where it becomes necessary to restrict traffic. thework shall be restricted toa maximum of 500 feet at a
Adequate signs, flagmen, and/or barricades snail be provided to protea nyone time.
C. If tree are partially outside the City of La Qui the traveling public at all times.
arrangements With etllOrnmg propertyv owners me road right of way, permmee snail meta his own
by this oermrt. for Consent td the trimming to addition to the autnorization provided
d. All tree trimming on EVERGREEN TREES. PALM TREES. and other ORNAMENTAL TREES shall be 8000mpltahed to
the Satisfarnon of the City Public Works inspector.
• - •- e.
Abuttingprov�111natro shall be cot elm
In all instances, prior to trimming a topping trona
Pruning aarnesa.'gs of me shoulder of the
_ _ 21 and seers ....r --•-- ---... __. _- erdtph 20 maurewsn• rasa noono n ..0 _.
In addition to the standard permit conditions, the following shall apply:
1. All work shall be performed in accordance with the latest edition of the Standard Specifications
For Public Works Construction.
2. Permittee shall be responsible for providing continuous dust and erosion control.
3. Streets shall be kept clean. They shall be completely cleaned at the end of each working day
and more frequently . if required.
4. Contractor shall comply with the local noise ordinance. Operation and maintenance of
equipment within one half mile of human occupancy shall be performed only during the
following time periods:
October 1st to April 30: Monday -Friday 7:00 a.m. to 5:30p.m.
Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00p.m:
May 1st to September 30: Monday -Friday 6:00 a.m. to 7:00p.m.
Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00p.m.
Work shall be prohibited on legal holidays including Sundays.
5. Permittee shall assume responsibility for repair of any pavement breakdown at the haul road
access to any public or private street and .for any damage to other City streets or facilities.
6. Advance warning signs and traffic control shall be installed and maintained in accordance with
Cal Trans Standards. It shall be the permittee's responsibility to detour and barricade this site.
7. Street closures shall not be permitted. A minimum of one travel lane on paved surface shall be
maintained with flagmen at all times.
8. Prior to excavating, the permittee shall contact Underground Service Alert at 1(800) 422-4133.
9. Should additional work, materials, or modifications of the work be required in order to meet city
standards, safety requirements, signage requirements, or to fit actual field conditions, the work
shall be performed by the permittee as directed by and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer
at no cost to the City of La Quints..
10.. All. work shall be coordinated with the City, the City's contractor_ and/or others working within
the area as directed by and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.
Special Conditions - Pennit No. 2271. Page 1 of 2
11. When the work is within 500' of a signalized intersection, the permittee shall notify, Riverside
County Signal Dept. at (714) 275-6894 or Caltrans Signal Dept. at (619) *688-6845 as
appropriate a minimum of 48 hrs prior to starting work.
12. All. backfill and subgrade soil shall be compacted to 90% relative dry density, all backfill soil
within the top 2' of. finishpavement surface shall be compacted to 95% relative dry density, all
base material shall be compacted to 95% relative dry density.
13. Work authorized by this permit shall be as shown on the Landscape and Irrigation plan approved
by the City for The La Quinta Village Shopping Center (Ralphs). .
14. All excavations at or near the travel way shall be backfilled and paved if necessary at the end
. of each work day for the protection of the traveling public.
15. A Licensed Landscape Architect shall be retained by. the Applicant/Developer to certify that all
plant material delivered to the site are the species and size specified on the plans. The Architect
or a qualified representative of same, shall review the material with the City Inspector present;
A 48 hour notice is required.
16. Permittee shall retrofit and . install shrubs and irrigation, as needed and directed by the City
Engineer, around any existing utility enclosures and structures protruding above ground level,
including any utility and/or structures .that may be installed prior to final acceptance of the
landscaping work by the City.
17. Permittee shall not install landscaping or irrigation in the retention basin located at the
corner of Calle Tampico and Washington Street, until the City issues an addendum to this permit
that approves the retention basin grading and drainage improvements.
Special Conditions - Permii No. 2271
Page 2 of 2
oc'�' 19 ' 94 12:30
NP ►1F".._ • �tI.tl..
1.01 bescriotion
A. Underground landscape sprinkler sy
and controllers.
A. Bidders shall examine the site a familia
scope of work to be completed Prior 1
B. The plans for the work show the site
shall convey immediately to the Lands
between the plans and the actual site
changes in plans made to correct the
and time.
TNP #90-376
compleie with remote control valves
size themselves with the conditions and the
it is understood to •be. The contractor
e Architect any discrepancy or variation
If the contractor begins work prior to
!mmncv he does so at his own expense
1.03 Intrr*+*Ptati011 Of pllils and S ion
A. The Landscape Architect will interpret the meaning of plans and specifications.
If a misunderstanding should take plae% the decision of. the Landscape Architect
shall be final. I
B. Should there appear to be an error o
specifications, the Contractor shall a
proceeding. Should the contractor pr
the matter to the Landscape Architec
any changes at his own expense and
discrepancy in or between the plans and
►fer with the Landscape Architect before
eed with the installation without referring
he does so on his own and will provide
1.04 Legal BMHiMW=
A. The Contractor shall comply with all I egal requirementsof the Governing bodies
who have control over the jurisdictio of the area in which the project is being
constructed. ;
. B1. tx�.'fie;�\��e,�:�n..:l!r:a:w2G?`^.�•'`•^.`;6-:'r'.;!�k:;•1 evr:•��:. •'��. : ta..i��._C�;:= ...•
; < s..
OCT•• 19 '94 12:31
TNP (/80-376
1.05 r' ntractor Oualif'ca ions
A. Installation of the irrigatio# system shall be by a irrigation contractor who
possess a valid license as C-27 or landscape irrigation contractor in the
State of California.
1.06 r'...*+A*'e1 Reau eat
pERMITS: Obtain and pay for all permits required by governing authorities.
1.07 L f
A. Record Drawings:
1) Record accurately o% one complete set of black and wbite prints of
the drawings, all charges in the work constituting departures from the
contract drawings including changes in both pressure and non-
pressure lines. The location of all valve box, gate valve, quick
couplers, shall -be clearly Indicate on the as- built drawings.
?a Upon completion of each increment of work, transfer all such
• Information and diiienslons to the prints. Record changes and
dimensions in a legi4e -and workmanlike manner. When the drawings
are approved, tran#er all information to a set or reproducible
drawings supplied aticost by the Landscape Architect.
3) Dimension from twoanent points of reference (sidewalks, curbs,
driveways, buildingsj and other items not likely to change in location
over long period of dime). Post information on as -built drawings day
to day as the project is installed. All dimensions noted on drawings
shall be 3/16 inch inisize.
4.) Show dimensional lot'fi.ations and depths of the following -
Point of connection
Route of Sprinkler pressure lines tdim�ensions maximum I00
feet along routing and all directional changes)
Sprinkler control valves
Gate Valves ;
Quick Coupling valves
Other related iequipment (as may be directed by the Landscape
Architect). '
Routing of control wires
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TNP #90-376
Maintain as built dr+ings on site at all times.
Make all changes to reproducible drawings in drawing ink. Make all
changes equal to the ioriginal drawing.
As -built drawings shall be approved -by Landscape architect be charts
are prepared.
B. Controller Charts:
1) Provide one controll* chart of the maximum size controller door will
allow, for each conttolier supplied, indicating area covered by that
2) The chart shall be a readable reduction -of the final as -built drawing.
3) The chart shall be a black line drawing, with each zone .area colored
in a different color.
4) When finished the chart shall be sealed within two pieces of minimum
of 20 mils clear plastic.
5) The charts shall be (iompleted and approved by Landscape architect
prior to final inspectnon.
C. Substitutions:
1) Substitutions of specified materials will not be permitted without the
Landscape Arcbitece3 written approval. Substitution of equipment
will be accepted on the basis that such equipment performs equally
and has construction quality and materials identical to the
performance and que(lity of materials -originally specified. Equipment
noted under Part 2 -.Products as well as the features they offer, will
be used as a basis for cumparison of equipment offered as substitutes.
2) Any items which are (approved as substitutions or. alternates indicates
only that the equipment likely meets the requirements of the drawings
and specifications on the basis of the .samples and information
3) The Contractor is responsible for performance of substituted items.
Replacement of substituted items will be required by the contractor
at no cost to the owner if they are determined by the Landscape
Architect to not be Satisfactory.
OCT 19 '94 12:32
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1.08 .L �ri aj�intenance Manua
sinal completion of
A. Deliver to the Landscape Architect 4 days Prior to
tit All material shall
construction, all descriptive material in adequate quantity-
noel will able to efficiently and
be prepared such a way that operatin nclu e a SPare parts list' Provide
effectively operate the system. for. each piece of
:manufacturer informs tib drm instruction a ua including the following--
equipment. including
13 Operating and maintoance instructions on all equipment.
2j Length of guarantee period
3) List of stating contractor's including address and telephone number.
4) List of equipment umnufacturers including names and addresses of
local representatives:
'1.09 meakw List any _
A. Eefore any work is begun, a,material list must be submittl terature must be
that anot specified, catabog data and a full descrip
tive present to Landscape Architect for approval- Certification for pipe or
fit" that are other than specified must be provided
statement by authorized personnel from the menuf a 'e1' that
they meet
specif leations.
g, -Use the following format far the material list:
t m N . Aesc_rim t_ MaM.&_C sum' .MPA1 9-
Laterals Swanson Class 200
Z• Sib head TWO 570Z 6P
3. next item
C. Material or Equipment furnithed or install d w1lb u t'eriathe Prior !approvalhall of the
Landscape Architect may be rejected an
from the project at no expense to the owner-
OCT 19 '94 12:33
TNP #90-376
1.10ya ,mpmAtlo ist
A. Complete the following list of completion and submit at the end of the
(Where applicable indicate who received and date)
1. Material approvals
2- plumbing permits (if none required, indicate)
3. Pressure line test
4. As -built drawings completed (date and by whom)
S. Materials supplied
6. Controller charts supplied
7. Written guarantee
S. Manufacturer warranties, if require
9. Equipment and system operation instructions
10. Operation and maintenance manuals
11. Lowering of sprinkler heads in turf areas (indicate date by which it is
to be completed if it has not been done)
8. The signed and date log shall be delivered to the Landscepe Architect before
final acceptance of the project.
A. The contractor shall submit a written guarantee that all work showing
defects in materials or workmanship will be replaced or repaired at no cost
to the- Owner for a period of 1 year from the date of the owner has accepted
the project. Work covered under the guarantee period will include but not
be limited to, and repair and replacement of any malfunctioning equipment.
Correct all defects and resulting damages within 3 days after notification -
If no response to notification is made within a 5* day period, the owner may
proceed with repairs and charge the expenses incurred for the workwithout
contractor. The owner may make emergency repairs as necessary
voiding the guarantee.
1.12 *M—kn atct bZ
A. Equipment shall be installed in accordance with the recommendation of the
manufacture' and the best . standard practice for this type of work. Care
must be taken to keep the inside of the pipes clean and free of dirt, rock,
cuttings, etc.
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OCT 19 '94 12:33 PAGE.007
TNP #90-376
�^ B. The canuvator shall be responsible for full and complete coverage of an
irrigated areas and shall make any necessary minor adjustments at no
additional cost to the owner.
2,01 [metal P12M9
A. Mainline shall be "Schedule 40 PVC" on sizes 1 1/2" or smaller. 2" and larger
shall be "Class 315".
B. Lateral lines shall be "Class 200 PVC".
G. All PVC piping and sleeves - shall be wnplasticired, rigid polyvinyl chloride
(PVC) type 1120-1220, continuously marked with manufacturers name 6r
trademark, size, schedule and type, working pressure at 23' C (73.41F) and
NSF approved.
2.02 PVC. Fitma
A. Solvent Weld pipe:
All. pipe shall be solvent weld unless specified otherwi$e. Use Solvent cement
meeting ASTM A-2564 as recommended by pipe Manufacturer.
B. Rubber Gasket PVC pipe, Couplings and Fittings:
Section Deleted.
C. All pipe and fittings shall bear manufacturers's name, nominal pipe size,
schedule or class, pressure rating p.s.i., NSF (National Sanitation Foundation)
-and date of extrusion.
D. All fittings shall be Schedule 40 -
E. Fittings Specification shall be:
Injection molded of high tensile strength, high iMPaCt Strength poly vinyl
chloride: The fittings shall meet the cell classification 12454B. .
F. All threaded nipples shall bo molded end, schedule 80.
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OCT .19 ' 94 12:34
2.03 toint Camoouod
� n ssa . .
A. Teflon tape all threaded connections.
204 Ris�
A. All risers shall be molded end, schedule 80 PVC.
IL All risers Shan have a trips �swingjoint on the supply side.
sera which extend above .the ground more thand two {2? 10096 stagy id
D twice
C. All ri supported underground with P rebar
depth shall be
steel clamps.
2.05 • bk igha s
A. All sr,,,ingjoints shall have triple swing with three way action.
'saringjoints next to hardscape shall have supply line threaded fitting
B' All �
facing. away • from the herdsaspe-
the adjustm.ent of elevation shall have
C. The swine leg leg which provides
adequate length to provide proper head elevation adjustment.
rots shall include mar -lex street elbows and high grade
D. All r and $e swingjo'
oiyethylene molded nipyples.
" int$ shall bear a 315 psi pr -e l.
have o -ring fittings and shall be a Lasso swing; rating and shall
E. All 1 and larger swingjo Dint or equa
2.06-- " ALnocnatic Cam_ a� lies'
The Controller shall have a minimum number of independent programs that
A. Can ruts concurrently.
B. The Controller shall Have water budgeting capability in all stations.
C. Controller shall be capable of program analysis and scrolling watering
tTheine days -on and days -off information. Theon it also shall display the
time of day at which each watering cycle
OV80 7
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OCT 19 194 12:34
D. The controller shall have a semi-automatic manual cycle feature.
E. The controller shall have it manual feature -
g. The exact location of the controller shall be determined in the field by the
Landscape Architect and the owners personal representative prior to
installation. The contractor shall be responsible for coordinating the
electrical service to the controller to this location. Any wordination
problems shall be reported to the Landscape Architect mediately.
G. The Controller $ba a be ,be haven
vallabl tOb ped t breaker, weather-
proof Steel case, k yed lock and wall U10Unt.
2.07 R_ to Control Valves
A. All valves• shall be installed in shrub areas where ever Possible.
B, All valves shall be able to be manually. op Waw vtpower valve
bleeding valve. All valves shall be operative 1
C. All valves shall be normally closed type with flow control.
2.08 W r, ;t Electrical Regular Voltage
A. Obtain and pay for new electrical meter service required.
B. Provide connections and power to automatic controller
C. All electrical work shall conform to local codes, and ordinances.
2.49 wldr4 _ Lam► Volta�te
A. Multiple wire shall be taped at .10' intervals.
B, Wiring shall follow the route of the mainline wherever possible and shall be
install in a position where it is shielded from digging by the mainline. See
detail for exact location.
-1,s. - _
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OCT 19 '94 12:35
be Wt to
C. Connections between controller and valves boxes. v No conneCl tions other
a m�mum and shall only be made in
than the connection to controller and remote Locar will
any dattfonal
without prior approval of the Landscape
�pnnections that have been approved shall be indicated on as �sea g
All splices sbaU be made using Scotch -Lok Unpack waterproofing
packets, Peri-Tite connectors or equal
D. g5cpansion Loop including
10" of wire shall be placed at each wire
connection and comerAU -
E. be TSF X14 or larger, and sizing of wire shall be in $coordance
' With matrnfacturers recommendatio
F. All ground wires shall be white
2.10 etMry Sprinkle* He_a_ds
A. Thesprintder•shall be of the gear
driven rotary type. The sprinkler 111"U
Crave radius adjustment capabilities by means of a stainless sleet nozzle
retainer/radius-adjustment screw.
sprinkler shall be available in both full -circle and adjustable part-drCIO
B` The aim table
configurations. The adjustable pan circle lmert shall have a ratcheting type
from 40 to 360 degrees. The pop-up SIS
riser assembly for final arc orientation.
The sprinkler shall be serviceable of tel' installatidon Inlet field filter screen•
C. the rises' assembly,
the body cap and removing
�.. The body apd riser of the sprinkler shall be CoMtructed of non -corrosive,
heavy duty ABS.
2.I,1 �- --� g .ht�ry Ssrav Heads_
consisting of
l and part,
A. The sprinkler heads shall have removable no � li�be� available in lares of 0
circle patterns. The part circleat erns. coverage
120, 180, 240, and 270 degree Patterns-
B. The nozzle shall be comprised or 1 or moreoff by rifices. at five a stainless steel screw.
shall -be adjustable from full onto full o
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OCT '19 '94 12,36
PAGE •011
nstrncted of non-corros've heavy duty
Of the sprlakler shall be �%° nozzle piston. All sprinkler p�
C. T
shall be in the
cycolac. A filter screen the top of the unit by°val of a the SPri�'
able througha stainless steel retraction
shall be TeM0v iston shall be retracted by
cap. The sprinkler P
spring -selected from
e Compensating
D. AU nozzles sballchhave ow d ng p� pressurPressure, radius and Sa
manuf actvre1�
1�+ Ht Pam and 6"�P�p .
�- noted, with•a rise of Ii
A. 12"' 141 -POP heads shall be used where
heads shall be lctalled where indication of -high rise POP-UP
a- 6" Pop -UP designed for in -ground Installation'
C. The Sprinkler shall be of the fixed sp� Y
�� shall have removable no
consisting of full and part
nkler shall be available in arcs of 90,
D. The sPY i The part circle coverage
Acle patterns. Patterns' 120, 180, 240, and 270 degr8e P
• he nozzle shall be compr1Sed or 1 or more oa•If1Ce5 steel screw-
crew and
shaii'be adjustable from full onto full off by a stagy
ed of non-corr'°S1ve heavy duty
F. The body of the sprinkler shall be construct istn- All sprinkler' parts
n shall be in the nozzle pist9n. All
a the sprinkler
cycolac. A filter scree h the top of the unit Y
sha11 be removable throu8 a stainless steel retraction
Cap. The sprinkler piston shall be retracted by
spring -
.0 The riser piston shall have p ratcheting adlustment feature.
2.13 "" Y A"� Pon3 nd installation*
ced spray desk
ed. for in-grov
A. The sprinkler shall be of the f a
B. of 9 ,
The sprinkler heads shall have ,�snovable nozzles consisting of full and part
terns. .The part circle coverage
shall be available in arcs
circle pat 270 deSre� Patterns•
120, 180, 240, and
C. The uozzle
Ali be comprisedor 1 or more orifi at steel screrange*
shall be adjustable from full onto full off by a stainless
,;�it�7�T?3'..mre.• ..q.-,^�'ry •V; .ca•R�f: e• _ �. :,tlrS �: .,
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t t�osrza
l aWjLS NOLLVE)raM advosaWl •
•Suis a.msolo oua.idoau tPVA haze ssaialms
00£ salsas aq 1180 ssuauodui6o Isusazal aqz pus O•A•d ul2JtA ,lo epeul aq llagS *v
•uoneAelo ;o lea! Z£ as 1► aio j agues zuaunenjpe ue pus aneq ll8gS S
•arpseld SSV aAlsauoo-uou ORM Aft 3o PoP1oul SaRDoq aAeq llegS 'd
saAl A 42SWO LI'Z
raidnoo )pinb goes so; tial Quo g31M , MMO aq1 aplAosd-eomdeos leaf; W 'd
Ai6rlu- oO � ! 9l'Z
ara 1Wgs gotgm uo adtd aq2 M Isnba azls 2y1 3o aq !legs saAleA MOS IN V, •
• -sBulMaip
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el Igc) Sm
aalAap $apesuaduioo
pazoalas &Ijado ld. g2lm lle,4sul eq tisgs S;glzzou Auds POMU tiH .V
Zulu UbT'Z
•aotAap gdamo
amssasd malas A138" 'PIM Pa1182sal uc aq Ilgg$ satzzou Leide PsXH IIV .3
•asttzea; �uaunsnjpe $ulaaqmei s *,&Vq llggs aoiscd rads ays, •3
es aq llsgs uvzsid ral�luuds aq t, -deo
noz was ISMS ssalulers a q . a p o do3 alp gBnosgs alggnorj aq llsgs
Mpl=& ap e 3o IleAoraa.i 3lun aqs 3 sa�li; •oglooAo
sued sal�lttisds ll�► •uo3sld alzzou aqP al aq Ilggs •Q
,l2np AAeag aAlsosso:►-aou Jo Pa)acuzsuoo aq Ilegs salxulsds aq3 30 APo4 •
9L£-06# dNJ.
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-a jels aqui papuaunuooas s ram3ospoow
apninut il8us PEM paPMUn sooaj XW=,Sjnuwm aq IleKs sagm uor4ngTZWP IN •Q
•d•o pus •Q•I PaPUSWWOOW
Sulpntoul `papuauzmoaas sasn3as;nusm aq ltegs sagM rasa `"UtWO ITV 13
•iaals ssalul s
do pa2anszsuoa aq ;lugs s=d ;DHM9 u ny •.taggni auoaltls ;o polon'nsuoo
aq [legs slams 3daoxa sTetra3sua olioutozsela tib 'aouvrlsas Aa
so; sso3lgW An s3e�dosdds uls)uoa iisgs , Bab age o� pasodxa stelsa3eu�
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� a ZZ•Z
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A A 6T'Z
•aAteA .radosd ati3 tPVS
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adsaspseq its 03 vmu Itersul aq tlsgs saAteA ;;o uWS . •S
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2t3•um 3NlaaojHs aDv- iA v i mna d'T
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E T 0 ' 39Ud
OCT 19 '94 12:37
TNP #90-376
shall o
All remote control valves supplying the emitters s pen and close properly
under low now and pressure conditions.
r. Manufacturer recommended filtration shall be supplied to each zone.
2.23 b159c VAIX9 loxes
A. All valve boxes shall be sized as to provide adequate work space for
maintenance of the valves or components installed therein.
B. Valve. boxes shall be Install with proper extensions and sidewall depth to
properly Support surrounding soil.
C. 1
All Valve Bones shall be propery labeled where specified.
2.24 Mg-teMials t7 Be M&W112d
A. Contractor shall suppfY the following as part of the -contract:
1) 2 keys for each automatic controller
• 2) 2 keys for valve boxes
3) 2 wrenches for adjusting each type of sprinkle' supplied.
4) 2 special tools .(if made by manufactui er for specific head)
3,0; Sched I
A. Thee contractor Is responsible for notification to the Lampe Architect of
there readiness for inspections. The following criteria shall be used by
contractor in the mutual setting of inspection scheduling.
Advance Notification Time:
i) Preconstruction conference ........ 6 days
j 02780-13
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OCT 19 ' 94 12:'38
TNP *90-376
2) system layout, Mainline
pressure testing, Coverage tests,
Final inspections ............... 2 days
3.02 WU
A. All new water meters and water supply connection fees shall be paid for by
the contractor at. no expense to the owner unless specified otherwise.
B. All connections to existing water supplies shall be =npleted at the
approximate location show on drawings. Any cbanges required to make this
connection shall be completed and paid for by the contractor at no additional
cost to the owner.
3.03 Law - t
A. Coordinate installation procedures with other trades before starting layout.
Layout sprinkler system using a systematic lagout using flags or approved
��. staking method_
3:04 Assam
A. lostall more than one assembly it's own line
B. Pressure lines on drawings are diagrammatic therefore Install assemblies in
proper location in actual installation.
C. Assemble brass pipe and fittings, and plastic pipe and threaded fittings using
Teflon tape Daly.
D. Ustall backflow assemblies in shrub areas according to local code and at a
minimum height meeting that code.
3.05 IM9
A. - Check installation detail for line location.
Do not place lines closer that V' from other trades.
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PAGE -016
OCT 19 '94 12:38
TW #9
3.06 Tis wid_V1 andth
Stake all sprinkler head locations and 'ren a min mum wider 3"f and 12"
A. a de for main supply and
ig below finish gra In rock soil conditions trench 2
below finish grade for laterals and wiring.ab that. from materi
deeper and provide 2" of sand or fine soil
ich be allowed w
could damage pipe. No mechanical
dripliae of existing trees.
3.07 . Big whiciz
stones, and•other UnsWtable materials
A. Use backfill free of rocks, large blems. Apply backfill material in G"
could damage Pipe or create settling Pro. Use topsoil (not sub soil)
layers and twnp each 1�'� to prevent settling. aotion. Take care to
Within the top 6" of backfill: Use water�L a' � pdamage to MY other
protect other trades work and to.prevent Achieve established or
property dieing settling with eery use of wets*' and
fired finish grade and repair all damage existing Plantings
Construction. Remove excess excavation and backfill material from the site
B. Any imported soil that is needed because of the lack of proper bapk fill soil
for.cradling � pipe or top soil shall be Provided at contractors
!mpaction of backfill shall equal undisturbed soil • next to trench.
shall conform to adjacent She without dips,
D. All -gradin-9 after �emching
. Sunken areas or other undulating irregularities.
3.08 no_ tbej ID
A. All sprinkler lines shall be flushed prior to installation of the nozzles.
all head locations and lines making sure that all are totally clear.
CheckB•1 en.
Flushing shall be comb sled with the valve full op
A. Care shall be used in crossing under existing paveimnt.
B. pbacelnent of pipe under pavement may be installed by boring, jacking, or
hydraulic driving. No hydraulic driving will be permitted under asphalt.
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OCT 19 '94 12:39 PAGE. 017
TNI? #91)-376
C. Written permission from ower shall be .obtained before cutting existing
pavement. All necessary repairs and replacements shall be approved
Owner, and shall be at no addition cost to the owner.
3.10 Sp k er Locati_ InstaUstion
A. Sprinkler heads shall be installed as indicated on drawings
ia. Spacing of sprinkler heads shall not exceed the manufacturers
recommendations. The location of sprinkler beads shall not exceed the
drawings spacing.
C. Sprinkler heads in turf areas shall be raised to a minimum of 3" above grade.
Heads along -curbs, walks, driveways, etc., shall be raised 1/2" above finish
grade. Meads shall be lowered within a mutually determined length of time
not to excess twelve days after notification by Landscape
3.11 e*it= the S�* =
A. All adjustment and - pressvre testing of the sprinkler system shall be
completed before any seeding or planting begins.
a. Sy3tems with moisture sensing devices shall ,be checked after a proper period
of time of operation for proper location and installation of sensing device.
C. Contractor shall coordinate operation and transfer of operation of sprinkler
system to owner or owners landscape maintenance -manager. Systems with
moisture sensing devices shall additionally have coordination of sensing
operation between owner or owners landscape maintenance manager and
manufacturers field information manager.
3.12 .. r=oye'wm Test
A. Coverage test shalt be conVIeted before any seeding, sodding or planting is
commenced. Coverage test shall be completed in the Presence of the
Landscape Architect. The test is conducted to verify that water coverage
is sufficient and adequate for lawn and plantings. The contractor shall
furnish all materials and perform all work required to Correct any
inadequacies of overage due to deviations from plans or where the system
has been deliberately been installed as indicated on the drawings without
bringing the inadequacies to the attention of the Landscape Architect.
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oc`r 19 '94 12:40 PAGE.019
TNP 990-376
1.01 exal
A. The terms and definitions stated in these General Conditions shall apAy to
sll sections of the specifications as set forth fully therein.
B. The indications on the drawings or the requirements of the specifications and
listings shall be as binding as thought shown and/or required by both.
C. All part of the work specified herein and/or indicated on the plans, may be
completed by separate Contractors and it shall be the responsibility of each
Contractor to determine the effect of their work upon the work of others.
The Contractor, however, is to coordinate the various trades under his
The Contractor shall perform all work in accordance with ail applicable
building requirements and ordinances even though such requirements are not
specifically mentioned herein. Any work In conflict with such requirements
shall be brought to the attention of the Owner's Authorized Representative
by the Contractor and the Contractor shall not proceed with such
without the written approval ' of the Owner's Authorized Representative.
02 Definitions
Contractor shall mean the Contractor or his Sub -Contractor, • or his Supplier
performing work for the Owner's Authorized Representative.
Work shall mean all labor, material, equlpment, services, permits and
licenses, necessary to furnish and/or install in place all materials, equipment
and/or appliances specified in any one section and/or shown on the plans
and/or specifications
Furnish shall mean to purchase and deliver as.directed by the Owner's Aut-
horized Representative, all materials, equlpment, or appliances specified in
any one section and/or shown on the plans and/or specifications.
install shall mean all labor, material, equipment, services necessary to set in
place, connect, hook-up and/or make ready for operation all materials,
equipment and/or appliances furnished by the Contractor and/or by others.
..........._ 'k: -:«, p.• ••a'� ;^;i;7�,.�:a•e•Ra.f...:.ry '.$; r: vi�n��:ca:7;:>:
OCT 19 '94 12:41
Contract shall consist of the written agreement between Contraotar and
Owner's Authorized Reprtseutative, Plans, eneral Conditions, and entire
armed and what is indicated in
Specification Section for the work being perf
one part shall be as binding as if indicated in all parts.
Construction site shall mean the site as indicated by plans Md SPecifications.
1.03 Oman=
Unless Otherwise specified herein, the Contractor, upon impletion of the
rovide• the Owner's Authorized
entire work described in the Con�rante� ptm8 •that all work performed as
Representative with $ written guaranteed fora .period of one (1) year from
a part to the Contract is fully
the date of acceptance, and that during said one year period, all defective
workmanship and/or materials shall be repaired and/or replaced in place,
including any work or other which has been damaged by such defective work-
manship and/or materials and by the repair and/or replacement of same, at
no additional Cost to the Owner's Authorized Representative.
Add on's (Extras
A purchase order is to be issued to the Contrac�Camended
the execution of
work other thea Specified in the Contract. Theo tractann t
or added m except by an Amendment Or P hp e order erformed withoutgned by the
Owner's Authorized Representative. Any
work an
executed writing shall be presumed to have been included in the Contract
without additional charge.
201 Permits Ard 3rve1►s
A. The Owner's Authorized Representative shall establish all lot lines and
restrictions. All other lines, grades and levels shalt be established by the
Contractor and he shall verify all dimensions, lines 'and grades. indicated on
�� The owner's Authorized jtW"entative shall furnish ail
surveys. Permits and licensesthe'required for executionof the work shall be
procured and paid for by the Contractor. The Contractor shall give all
ponces, call for inspections and Comply with all laws and ordinances bearing
an the work.
v..iai�.+ ++�. :'Y:i'u?�•.�, `v- ::^:.�-. •:�: -1- 777
OCT 19 '94 12:42 PAGE.021
2.02 is -Asti `-`--' M"`M=prive's Resoonsibilitie�
A. The Contractor shall give efficient supervision to the work, using best skill
and attention. When absent from job, he will appoint a supervisor capable of
discussing minor chatters with the Owner's Authorized P-epresentattve.
and other
shall carefully study and compare all drawings, specs
fications make
instructions for the
difficult to produce 1st class�wouldcated In a mWmw which or anY discrepancies or conflictswhich
appear between drawings and specifications and local ordinances or restric-
tions shall be referred to Owner's - Authorized Representative for
interpretation Or correction before proceeding with work. Alleged extras
shall be presumed to be part of Contract without additional charge vales
certified by Owner's Authorized Representative.
2.03 Midden obs les
A. Prior. to cutting into the soil, the Contractor shall locate all cables, conduits,
sewers, septic tanks and such other utilities W are commonly encountered
underground and he shall take proper precauOon as.not to damage or disturb
such improvements. if a conflict exists between such obstacles and the
proposed work, be shall promptly notify the Owner's Authorized
Representative who will arrange for relocation. Contractor will proceed in
the some manner if rock layers or any otherr condition encountered under-
ground makes changes advisable.
2.04 • F-ftWJ lczMeation_
A. Upon completion of work in its entirety. COntractor shall notify the Ownees
Authorized Representative who will arrange for final inspection at which
time the Contractor shall be present. Any assumed ar existing variance or
omission shall be noted at this time, and the (Dpntrtt actor shall stipulate when
and how said variance will be rectified. When changes, if any, are Carried
out and the areas of work cleaned, the job will he considered completed and
the Contract executed.
2.OS ggM12.,1a1J1d =—Warlmlanshit)
A. Neither completion of the job nor final payment shall -relieve the Contractor
of responsibility for guaranteed stated in the Contract, or of responsibility
for faulty Materials or poor workmanship. TheContractor Shall promptly
remedy any defects which occur during the guarantee period. Notice of
sussed defects will be forwarded to the Contractor by the Owner's
Authorized Representative in duplicate. Contractor will return one (1) copy
of the Contract, noting thereon what action was taken. All questions arising
under this article shall be decided by the Owner's Authorized Representative.
OC? .19 ' 94 12:42
, .. 9� contract
2.06 1M -_ Q the right to Wrminste the
's Authorized Represwtsti°e rem' is not perform*8 �
A. The Owner reasonable opinion the Contractor to
Contract if in his rens per's Authored Rormentative will unera
Contract as required. ination.
Contractor for work to date of term
2.07 IMUMM
work Prior to
r as well as his Coatractorg. shall not commence ,s
Conu.gcto policies a gtable to the me
A. obtai ain8 the following
i li�ies shall be maintained during the life
Authorized RgPTesentative. 'These po rodvced to the Owner's Authorized
of the Contract and should be p
Representative upon request.
2:08 �uP'-ce �"'tt' Buildin_�des lations
A. ' {Fork under this Contract to comply with all laws, ordinances, & r�
2.09 tati n f Drawln
discrepancies In, or omission from the drawings or
A. Should a Contractor find to their meaning, he shall at once
nota f Ythe L s, or should u�, doubt ediatelY confirm same in writin&
notify the Landscap
Dints of conflict between the work and
Sid the Coutractor
discover any p work is to be
or ordinances of the municipality in which tate lately
, ,�, laws, A�itect at once and immed
��ed, he shall notify the Landscape
'Confirm same writing.
Representative find 'it necessary to issue a
C. Should the Owner's Authorized Rep will be delivemd to all bidders*
clarification or change, a written Addendum
2.10 Adder
and all Addenda issued by the owner's Authori� Represeiftia�odura�
A. Any Il form a part of the dravnnp, and
the time of bidding and Shall be included by the *Contractor in his PrOP"al-
Contmcr- Do=nents,
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OCT 19 -94 12:43
3.01 -cc._"P o-� f Wor
A. Soil Weparation and planting, per Plan.
_ materials shall be best available.
soil preparation and plaatiug until all work such as
1) Do not begin concrete work, electrical except
header installation, walks, paving, whets access is neCMAM,
for fixture location, Fencing exceptother
drainage work.. gas line installation, irrigation work, SW any
work required under plans and sgeclflcations around planting areas is
completed and approved.
2) Specimen trees twerny (20) inch, and urges' box sizes or palm trees
where access weight be restricted .
are exempt from this rule or building. All plants and planting
construction phases of landscaping Contractor.
shall be continually maintained by tt;e.i.andsCape
All plants rowth,•weli rooted, free from
shall be healthy, of normal g
S. p a and larvae. The roots shall stow no evedenoe
disof having
ease, insect eggs
been restricted, deformed or root bound at any time.
plants not conforming to �
I) requirements specified, i.e.: root►
plantedin unacceptable soil mtx,
diseased, having pests, m'
considered defective. Such plants, Whether in ,place or not, will be
and shall be immediately replaced at no cost
marked as rejected
(labor or materials) to client with new $�P�able plants•
Plant material listed may or may riot. have been approved
pgrkultaral Commissioner's office. COrittBctAt► please contact the
Oz's Authorized Representative for Mtus of AV-WVlturai
material not conforming
Commissioner approval or denial. Plant
with quarantine laws may be destroyed and civil action taken- All
plant material is subject to inspection at the discretion of the
Agricultural Commissioner's office. A11:91ant material must be free
from Red Scale (Acnidiella aurantii).
OCT. 19 ' 94 12:44
� ip the plant list or on
3) Varieties and sized of plants shall be as sta
' the plant.
substitution of plants or sizes
q) Under no conditions will there be any except with the express
for those listed on the accompatlY�
written consent of the Landscape
All plants shall be trate to name and one of each lot shall be tagged
g) with the standards
with the name and
1 ° Plants mended the. AMWIcan Assodation of
of practice
Special care shall be taken to insure that ply in Mainers are
Water for soil preparation, plan lug and
adequately watered.
irrigation will be furalst►ed by ovme't'•
7) plants in containers sP
ecified in the Coachella Valley for shade
locations are to be protected from sun prior to Planting'
onsible for climatizing plant material that is
g) The Contractor is resp If plant material purchased
•pot grown within the Coachella Valley. p affected by weather
outside the Coachella Va�lltehYe leu Y of the Contractor foot'
• conditions, it then becotnP
replacement whether planted or -still in containers•
3.03 Gene -•'moi Work Proced
A. Work procedures shall follow best customary practice.
3.04 W12ftAll weed and
reliminary grading and finish grad8•
A; � Weed before and during Pfrom SIM reliminary
grs4ses shall be dug out by the roots and_� the �er's3Authorized
maintained and - remain weed free until turnover
' gtative.
%05 361 �ditioni
A. In areas to be planted, thor•ouedY cultivate soit in two directions to a depth
n ground cover areas incorporate the following to a depth
of 12 . For lawn and tree,
areas incorporating -the
of 4" - W. For u'es. shrub and vine planting
following to a depth of V, both by a'earls of rototiller or equal -
/ --N'
rwry+. '^t+tv'cr, n wpp ... :;' � �'>: x„<<'�;?;• ''1:= tiiht%�:,t-.+•'it�,.:'::'r.y�
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OCT .19 ' 94 12:44
ons 1 Lan .iew8 At Pass
Soil Preparation/1,000 square feet
n[trogen stabilized organic amenim eat derived from
q cubic yards
redwood, fir or cedar sawdust
15 Ibs. 16-20-0 ammonium phosphate
15 lbs. soil sulfur
ed M
Note; Raised planters shall be back filled with sdefiil nitionnof�ed
fie. See Landscape Architect to
B. Back fill (for plant holes):
lRack Fill ix
6 parts by volume on-site soil
stabilized organic amendment
4 parts by volume nitc'o8
1 lb. 16-20-0 per cubic yard of mix
• 2 lbs. iron sulfate Per Cubic yard of mix
1 blended Prior to use for backfill
The above, materials should be thorough y
purposes. AIW, the iron sulfate should not contact cement surfaces since
severe staining could occur.
orated preplan as recommpnded, the postplsnt
if the 16-20-0 is
incorporated n1y fertilizer program.
maintenance can consist primarily of a nl`o 1 which
after planting, �atnmoniumci sulfate,
Beginning approximately 30 days
be applied lied at the rate of 5
WM have an acidifying effect on the -80", should in order to ensure
Ms. va 1,000 square feet on a monthly basis Soil
ium weir on Best Fertilizer
soil phosphorus a De
continuing adequate onium•sulfate in
I6-6-8 or equal should be substituted for• the amm
Company 1 000 square feet.
early spring and again in late fall at the rate of 6 lbs. Pur
lents have been well established the frequency of fertilizer
applications can be deer
OCT 19 '94 12:45
C. plant Packet fertilizer.
TNP ##376
Use Nutri -Pak 3 year commercial fertilizer packets placed equally around the
plant 6 - 8 inches deep near, but not direct contact with roots -
1) 16-&8 for trees, shrubs and vines in the following amounts:
No of 3 ynr Rackets
I gallon
5 gallon
i5 gallon
24" box
30" box
36" box
• 6
42" box
48" box
2) 12-4-12 for palm
trees in the following amounts:
1 n ize
No of 3 yeM. oark+ets
15 gallon
24" box
30" box
36" box
42" box
48" box
Bare Root
Refer to Nutri -Pak instructions for further information- Contact Evans L.
Slater -of Cynevan Associates (619)323-2250.
3.06 'free and Shrub Plant
A. Excavate pits with vertical sides for all plants, shrubs, and trees,
1) Pits for trees shall be dug four (4) -inches deeper than the ball and six
(6) inches wider than the average diameter of the ball.
2) Pits for shrubs and vines shall be dug two (2) inches deeper than the
ball .and four (4) inches wider than the average diameter of the balL
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OCT 19 '94 12:46
PAGE -028
TNP #90-376
For 15 gallon to 24" box trees, f erdHze with
One pound of nitrogen or
7 pounds of 15-15-15 granular per Year.
48 box or larger, fertilizing can be done on any
schedule from 1aJanuaryFor large trees, to lune. Mature citrus trees need 3 pounds of
actual nitrogen each year or 24 pounds of a balanced NPK mix, such
as 15-15-15 fertilizer.
An application rate of 5 pounds/tree with the first application is
the second in Marcb/April. the third in May/Junes
January, February,
and the forth in September/october is recommmded.
F,,gizer should NEVER be Plac"n the upper• collar nest to the tree
trunk. It should be spread evenly,, not In lumps, at the 46P line of
C. pruning Practices
in the sunmter. Prune early spring -after the
1) Domot p� citrus trees size of citrus under control
Iasi. wetter frost_ Pruning not only keeps
but 1t also improves the size and quality of the fruit'
2) Allow trees to grow naturally, ping to Shape. Use a saw to remove
in diameter with asphaltic
limbs. Paint slain W l
/2 inch or larger
emulsion tree P aid healing and. prevent disease.
'g) Remove limbs that rub or crow.
Remove "wild" growth in tree. Pull
off rather than cutting suckers that grow below bud union.
branches around perimeter of trees. They
4) Do not remove low hanging inside branches and
shade soil and help keep roots cool. Also 9pening 9 .degrees Can Cause
exposing bark to temperatures high'
sunburn of the bark and possible loss of tree limbs.
D. Cultivation
weeds and Bermuda grass under control' Pull or scrape from
1) Keep is are In rite top eight
around trunk, do not dlg. Most theder � t� Carefully cultivate
laches of the foil, so digging lied, keeF clear of trunk-
arouad basins. If mulch is app
OCT 19 '94 12:46
TNP #99-376
1? plant the Citrus tree just above the existing grvuud level. It is
important to have the tree root ball 1" to 4" above the height of the
overall hole for drainage and setting.
a. Measure distankx from bottom of tree container to the lowest
soil surface level at the top of the box. Dig hole one foot
larger - all the way around -*than outside edge of container and
1 to 4" 'less than the depth of the container.
b. Measure hole to make sure depth is right, then set the tree in
hole, so that the containers soil level at trunk is 1 to 4" above
outside of the hole. This allows for setting and watering -
C. Check level to make sure root ball soil level is just above hole
height. If not, remove tree and -put soil back into the bottom
of the hole to raise trey Cut bands from box and remove box
sides, leaving container bottom.
d. Mix soil from hole and planter mulch listed previously in these
specifications at 58/50 rate and tamp firmly around root ball.
Fill hole alternating soil and watef to eliminate air pockets.
stop adding soil -when even with the root ball.
S. Build up first collar 1 to 3" by making a 6" ridge of soil all the
way around the tree trunk. Make water basin are8 with
collar at least three feet sway from tree VV&' Keep
308 t3rou1Cover plaatinst
A. Qrotmd covers shall be planted sufficiently deep to cover all -roots and spaced
jIs specfied in ground cover list on landscape plan-
$. Ground cover plants shall have been grown in flats and shall remain in those
fats until time for transplanting. At time of transplanting, the flat soil shall
contain sufficient moisture so that the soil does not fall apart when lifting
plants from the flat Each plant shall be planted with its proportionate
amount of the flat soil in a manner that will insure a Minimum of disturbance
to the root system.
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