2283., NOTE: With proper validation this form constitutes an CITY OF LA QUINTA encroachment permit - APPLICATION FOR PERMIT PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION (ENCROACHMENT) For the construction of public or private curbs, driveways, pavements, sidewalks, parking lots, sewers, water mains and other like public works improvements in connection with MINOR IMPROVEMENTS and APPROVED SUBDIVISIONS IJ_rro 1-4-95 LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION Tract 23268 Acacia Homes Miles Ave & Seeley Dr. Subdivision Improvement Permit — Class II I Minor Improvement Permit Class IV (Street address or Description of Location) PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION Build Single Family Homes Sketch (attach construction plans if appropriate) DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION Construct Driveway approaches and fine grade pads See attached conditions DIMENSION OF INSTALLATION OR REMOVAL SIZE OF EXCAVATION, IF NEEDED APPROXIMATE TIME WHEN WORK WILL BEGIN 1-4-95 APPROXIMATE TIME OF COMPLETION 1-95 ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $ 11,254 (Including removal of all obstruction, materials, and debris, backfilling, com- paction and placing permanent resurfacing and/or replacing improvements) In consideration of the granting of this permit, the applicant hereby agrees to: Driveway approaches per Riverside Co. Standard No. 207 Indemnify, defend and save the City, its authorized agents, officers, representatives and employees, harmless from and against any and all penalties, liabilities or loss resulting from claims or court action and arising out of any accident, loss or damage to persons or property happening or occurring as a proximate result of any work undertaken under the permit granted pursuant to this application. Notify the Administrative Authority at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the time when work will be started. Comply with all applicable City Ordinances, the terms and conditions of the permit and all applicable rules and regulations of the City of La Quinta and to pay for any additional replacement necessary as the result of thi rk. Signature of Applicant or Agent Acacia Construction 8141 E. Raiser Rd. Anaheim Hills, CA 92808 (714) 282-5800 Name of Applicant (please print) Business Address Telephone No. Darren Greer Name of Contractor and Job Foreman Business Address Telephone No. 8293954 1612 Contractor's License No. City Business License No. Applicant's Insurance Company FEES: Subdivision Improvement Permit —Class III Public improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs Private improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs Minor Improvement Permit — Class IV: See attached schedule Inspection Fee $ Permit Fee Penalty Cash Deposit -Surety Bond if required TOTAL: 343.62 10.00 $ 353.62 Receipt No. Received by Date PERMIT NO Policy Number JAN 04 PERMIT VALIDATION 2283 DATE APPROVED 1-4-95 EXPIRATION DATE 3-25-94 DATE ISS ED 1-4-95 By Administrative Authority Recorded by 11 TELEPHONE: (619) 564-2246 NOTE: With proper validation this form constitutes an encroachment permit CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION FOR PERMIT -PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION (ENCROACHMENT) For the construction of public or private curbs, driveways, pavements. sidewalks. parking lots, sewers. water maim and other like public works Improvements in connection with MINOR IMPROVEMENTS and APPROVED SUBDIVISIONS. DATE:— I .. q —.9 Subdivision Improvement Permit — Clan III Minor Improvement Permit Class IV LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION - ^T V 2 3 Z (h. IStra t address or Description of t.ocsooel h c PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTIONkt�t 'UGL_r_ 4+0 .✓l. Sketch (attach construction plans if appropriate) DESCRIPTION�OR CONSTRUCTION hV v S�� A (7,t DIMENSION OF INSTALLATION OR REMOVAL SIZE OF EXCAVATION, IF NEEDED APPROXIMATE TIME WHEN WORK WILL BEGIN APPROXIMATE TIME OF COMPLETION ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS 1 (Including removal of all obstruction, materials, and debris, b&&filling, cora paetion and placing permanent resurfacing and/or replacing improvements) In consideration of the granting of this permit, the applicant hereby agrees to: Indemnify. defend and ave the City. in authorized agras, off-- rsprssaesativee and arnprpyeas, hamuat front and qpu= any end all P"tiw. l4bilitlr or 1013 ntIldtina from daime or court action and viWM out of any accident. los or damage to persons or propeity happening or ooarmnp a a pre=_ kste muss of any wort undertaken under Me pamNt erensad pursuant to this applicaum Notify the Administrative AutA city at Mea twenty-four 1241 hove in adrenee of the tome wAen v,iort vMl be Isar I Comply with Oil appGuae Chy Ordliaeaa, the terms and eonditions of the permit and all appkaele MISS turd nPdatiors of the City of LO Ouln13 and to ANY for any additional replacernem necessary as the molt of 0110%vorlt. X UGrr-cy\ Name of Applicant (please print) Name of Contractor and Job Forenyn x_13D-9,39 S4 Contractors License No. Signature of Applicant or Agem Business Address Business Address Telephone N0. Telephone No. Clty Business License No. X A *icant's Insurance Company %ICt,. L.I AB t i -I TY Polley Number FEES: Inspecti Permit F Subaivision improvemaht Permit —Class III Public improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs Private improvemanx 3% Of estimated construction costs Minor Improvement Permit — Class IV: See attached schedule on Fee t �� 37 (e Z. I ee Penalty Cash Deposit -Surety Bond if required TOTAL: Receipt No. . $-35-3-02— — Received 3S3.02— Received by ' Date ' Recorded by, 1326 PERMIT VALIDATION all gG80S PERMIT NO. DATE APPROVED EXPIRATION DATE DATE ISSUED By Administrative Authority T ELEPHONE: (619) 564-2240 . -he lolowina lienenl aro SpeCai Nrovistans are anaClaQ to and 1"800 a cart OtFl rfmR No. GENERAL PROVISIONS 'nefoaowinq snail always acciv: TON ENMOWhe ever construction EextteOnds witnin or vasmriautnorizes work ONLY.e croceri. snail De tto 130 he a �Rrsneo w,tmn City of lA Secure permission tram aou awowty Of the permittee i Quints right at w" onsoTRXs rTace CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT:rs. Sucn must as seared w Ina perm 1e eotingRo Work. tc . 1"M ono to starting ware. pataa sunace Unless 1me0witrismoCtn-races street caps.Aum ng fonitruction s°tepmenr snail not bepermrttaet° :not osvinq Curing excavations. Rubber -urea eduiomem prim snail nic t t^riggerssnailbelineswnnr °O°r°t°onenv pavement is scarred. spailad. Of broken during the corm ormis ro pa in paohll operations in uDbermeetptop toorotect Ina Loess portions at rasa W ntnR. of it the08W0 peas. If the aigtmC nourraeed wet meir entire wrdtn. Resurtaclosveaons a marten City of La Quints Snail red uasi suflaahg plus aDafOOaafa sea coat a° =*cities some. ^g ansa abfataz of one coat of two inert 12'1 of A. C_ PROTECTION OF TRAFFIC: All *=ovations and work areas snail be•property lighten am barricaded as daemse Engineer or to Cluinta City Public Works inaoecmrs. Suitable deroura alpdetour ten and batisOdeda aro of flta proles. The City Snail be notified 24 Mrs. in advance of a emiga necessary eY the Gty rtv r tfic detours ordgtneshona. mimnt^°afartneourauon CARE OF DRAINAGE STRUCTURES: Any Crams a str concrete structures encounteredg u�r° including r corrugated metal pipe. concrete g drainage age s tr c wniat necepaUn nnpvM snit be replaced in kind. In the steel r:WNR and necessary ro remove v cut amtrnq drainage structures. City of La Quints snarl Ila Drainage structures and open aroma shall be kept tree m avm of b°�°f rror drat prior to commenoe1"aM of mis work. debris at ad times far O+dpt► arerMge, RIGHT OF WAY CLEANUP: Anysurpius material resulting tram excavation aro wait. All Caveat surtacas snail bebroomeo tyean of earth ppother objectionable materials ted pOfati0itS snail ba removed from the rignt at Sig gutter rine and drainage ditches snail be replaced to their original stanaaro or tie er. Allaexea&flata mon nanalprior to paving. Water tanker snail be used, as r rpcOmpacdon. imtmaaiatety attar oacafill. equired. to Sprinkle the job site t° Man down oust conditions aMg be fernovso ro shall be uceo OE -WATER OPERATIONS: If de•wetenng opentrdna are required and Dumps are rorterg water on Ci ty at V the reSpOnsialliN OI the POfm'MM ICOntractorl to control Into water and to provwe ad' Quints rpada, i[ Chau De CLOSING STREETS: No street shall be etosso. A minimum -nom oartteaaas waren pf one lane of traffic std oat ea tdr the earoimng PropertyOWnwS and emergency veirrdaa. in the s^°s De msmtainea at ail times to any length at time. Oerm"Tel shall contact this office t0 °~rorttsfehbvthepermmeeinatnam icw,,prains for aoatn the necoaspy Penrazzidn. ua ctOiaat am rot The folMnng shall apply ONLY when rndindicated:­Vwwiv5 NOTIFICATION: Pe -118411 shall natty the City at 7 7--70 R2 CASH DEPOSITS OR BONGS: A usn bona or an at least 48 hours in advanq of starting ccnwn=wn. Shall be furnished rn the name of City at V approved surety poop ,n M an ount of not leas inan s roads and survey fraft nems. This (lona snail Quints cbncover ila uell ntil tang li pin the restoration of tha v posted oridr to com1"aneamem of any work itproject.by the Ci as bon V usi as trio ry Engineer. TtUa ootid must be �UT1UTYCLEARANCE t5ubstruRurealPrior tomalting by permit' the Oonm1"p anal) cOm8C2 all concerned utlt�e�wmes list hmtllaCity of La pyllMa nghf of Damage to eaistmg atmltructurss resuming tram an ity �mcarlrp /llama m the latah at eat �evaUtharizea of the Dermmee.°pennonseonausesuntserfhts=Dannshall beOna $els ria. UTILITY r!roonaiediry CLEARANCE ISurface Structures) No work shay be done under this Carton UMll all utilities t>• C proposed work site. The permittee snail notify as concerned uttbry cOtfrpaiela at the proposal PAVEMENT WIOENI oar of tris � NG: Area between tris w work Surfaced with inches of A.C. sawn a0dsl0 corlaa a Oliver line and the eriatm having an"R'vatueot ng placed inches at CIM g road P@V*"I°M Shall be trot less than aloin CO aWagateaubbtaecoursa and Specifications. Ordinance asel. nfarmanpwltn Cih Of La Qurrtta Road l ^iCro+iemartt Standards PARKWAY GRADING: Area between theproperrv)ms 1 /4 inch to one toot 111. and too olthe oropoaaoeoncre[ecurb Shall Oe g►s oedtoauaoeor RI GRADES &STAKES: Gly of La Quints shall establish grades and stakes for the structproposed Concrete alto arta RADE CHECKING: City at L a Quints shell gutter a (tf:enSea engineer. ahetlt grapes ubanr ecarpt at plan and profile and/or graces as ssuMishea bV URB REMOVAL FOR DRIVEWAYS: A portion of the existing concrete curb and/or curb and utter I f removed. Curb and/or Carp and gutter shall be sswcut pnor ro removal. Oe g concrete driveway a aaalahap be DprOectt Shall be COnatrticted m Ire>,ea CWb, matching COfiQate gutter and conformance with Citv of La Quints Standard 0207, R10 DRIVEWAYS. A.C.. Driveway sada be conatruclad as not to alter existing dialnage panern. Surfacing property rine and the eauting roan paving snail be 2.1 /2 inches of A.C. p aggregate base. Driveway Ostwieen line sway construction snail conform to attached dfawinga" placed on 1 �_"i at tlaaS� R11 CULVERTS.:. :rich diameter i inches below ano In line witn the existing flow tine.' culvert snail be inswiea won the invert avorOxirnatsllr 1-1'.2 Cul installation snag conform to Ina attacnoo dnvvrng SIGHT CLEARANCE. Sigh clearance of 600 feet in either direction snail be aasurea and maintained. R13 SOIL SIERILI ER: The tea to Ce surfaced snail be treated wim ® sou atentizer. pate of aptaiution shall coin manufacturer's sovelficabon tWORK: Theplywimtne COORDINATE WORpropgiSaK: City of La Quints m wo^i shaft be sunordinated to any opsation which the State of California or may eato to this area during dlepenba at this Do... It. Nhpra:shatl ba eoordinstsa with the State or Cir of La ONU ENTS: to Crectude delay or rittertarence with State or City Ot La Quima arojeott. R1 SURVEY MONUMENTS; Prior caMenirte of all strsata ar to excavation or beginning at construction. all survey monuments can rogoffW tines wrl°nIn"Irreasnail becrolfrotetery ural sur a th int asst an the Ile nOiac m ova Irconses coni angtnew or survevar ef tna eimans♦ orH fa cry mov be nadilyanp tib to map deliq Ins die ro+>faa croartoanereae.x�..pa hrnmteetethe CitytNtpttwarrormer=o�lltaaaran°Sa°aieeiingme .16-_RVEY!iAONUMENTS. P-mrto excavation or oeaimmno of construction. au survey monuments snap bet a la uumia ano sutuom cavment or b suaoman a v cut t snap be mase as reimbursement for all rat u� l'tv - R17 °AVEMENT CUTTING: Pavement will be meertame�uv cut to a sthigm eOga mor toe atwa. cuttna smell be socroveo tnrouan the attics or the City En near. ,Unser no cueurnstances snit l excatiatI Of oul pavement oe uses to excavate prior to cuttino of oavemenrt Excavation material small be placed in such a lacunae tie genes/ now or tramc. Prior to nmol oavin �eowpmem q operations. any Oamaae to pavement straightosihdn as to oast o►reaes. e 1 a4VEMENT CUTTING. Pavement small be saw cut prior to removal. Prior to trial Davin cgs snau oe pavement straight edge snail be corrected. q operations, , R1 OMIT OF EXCAVATIONS: Exavagons snail be nmirea to 1, ahv damage o begin. All excavations snail be orcoeriv, barneadee with lidnttss oovenaignt o %veeaenss ana nor aays tar t Of oven trencn before oacktill a tme traveling paragons must gpuelie.ihePubticWorksinspsaprsnailaetermineinssuitaoilirvafexcavationcarricadin Inaorateaionot excavation !nail remain open tar a aerioa exceeding rive Ij1 payor rya excavation snail be mace Uf11e material is actually o ns work site. g neaen case.No R2 BACKFI sstneesnsirurnon LLMATERIAL tem,c lsolidanail etreecaroruan.roots car other organic suo=nceDetrimentu.•-,;a of prOOUCtng an atlegWaW COnsOpoile0 paatlll. Any material which ins City at la satpratea materiel! wnirn is encountered aurin a ��Purposea During excavation snail not pe used for oau Quints but snarl be aac4lspongyor retursts w an can which sena or gravel. _ ' •R2 BACKFILL SAND: Badetitl shall bemm, ppfemanteo or three toot t31and vibrated using viorm mac prem- sentntlorepulvalentansshallbeoeceoinlihsof ass a retative CampaaiOft Of 95 percent !hall be attained uip ant. `terriate ecatrd ^maybe of ins roaswhi tt mbut than awgy. tL but in any R22 BACKFILL PLACEMENT: Backfill snail be sopped in layers of not more than 50 percent of the total d before tloading of a maximum of f lye -foci 151 lifts wnere Trenches arwat excessive depths. Care is [o bs ax backfill materiel is not s solhstthetren/at resulting comoectisn snail besot leas than 900ereem oSwell by requivalent ing po tie l uasunlsn aerial shall be pa�eothatine compaction. Where conning or flooding is used for a maximum the adequate [e tliks! ground. rte noir ced so [mat ills g Around. wnienever lathe greater the water. Where (GUIRgtinuo s used. the lata shall be at sufficient length to reach the bottom Of each :aver @mo the water WpPtY !hell be continuous. uCatl t0 stain RZ3 COMPACTION TESTS: If so requires fast and a minimum of one I l ) test on seen y the rroa One o(rI I Copyaattseen teststs is au bIDS eeat intervals of rorweraed to tneiCl apprdvalansfiledpriortomalun are than 1,000 9 Permanent repaus. Compaction tests snail be madeforwarie d o n H Engineer tar Standard Spauttesucris, Division at Highways State Of Califoriria. dated Jan COMPACTION alai f13 01 of ills (� ON TESTS: If so revutred by the nsaeaor. eomoaaion tests snail be made forseencrossing Ona 111 copy of seen test snail be forwarded to the City Engineer for approval and t8ea prior to maxim Compaaion tear shall be meas as outuneq m S or sartria tins. C MPac ianlnia. Section of the Stannard 9permanentrepaus. sated January 1973. SPed dor' rs.0ivuionotMiglt�,a Sate R25 TEMPORARY PAVEMENT REPAIRS: After complmlon of baeklitl dna companion oaerations. a t after sting at 2 inched of SC -800 Shall be otacea on a prepared subgraue. rho SC -800 temporary Davin otter a maximum of 3.000lines I feet of trench rias aeon excavated and Daatill operations completes. out le nary paten the placement of the tempora g ah>tl be Plated . R26 , PERMANENT PAVEMENT REPAIR: Atter east !exceland Cort, ed a live )ctonday limit moeaa snail consisting at two inches (2'1 Of SC.800 shall be I operations hays been comoletea. a to 00 TV paten surfacing placed on a placed immediately A permanent paten at Inch Ctafa base snailbe placed no Iatertnan — ch � ines A. C. tMnpOrary road repair. danatterctkRpetionot R27 PAVEMENT REPAIR: F.A.S.: Upon completion Of b2cktdfano compaction. a temodrarV patch consislingot fvwGtnchesf2'1 of cold mix paving (SC -8001 shall be placed immedlstety. A permanent Paten at three inches 13') of A.C. be placed an six inches 16-1 concrete base as atrenea. but not tater than fifteen 115) days aster comalebOh of paying. Concrete Daae small be of five -sea mix and shall conform to the CiN of L3 Ovinia f7oatl 1rtl s+ufaeimg snail OW Speahcsocru . Ordinance aa61. temporary proverneraStanaaras R FOG SEAL: A fog seal coat consisting of an application of asonaltic emulsion snail be appuea aver all determined by the City Engineer. Pear dread as R29 SEAL ARMOR COAT: A Seal coat consisting of an application binder and screenings snarl be spotted on all where sucn seal coats existed prior to issuance of thtaparrhR. Seal or armor Coats ngstl be e 37, Standard Scac ticauons- State of Califonie. Division of Hi out S areas oohed as spectliadn Section be accomlblished by a licensed contractor engaged Highways, ness at dated January 1973. Work at pavement repair to R3 STREET RESTRIPING. Where ent repair. street strivin is sgu vtlsiae on streets o o ex epavexcavated. such stripingshall be r CpmDIetion at permanent r g repairs. epiaead upon R31 TREE RELOCATION OR REMOVAL. Tree reiocation•witn,n Ins City of La Quints road right of way snail be accomplished bye licensed. Donoed and insured tree service• and nanclea safety without mterterence or hazard to Ins traveling public. it shall be the responsibility of the permittee to maintain the tree in a vigorous growing condition at its new location. Trees to be removed shall be removea in sections wrf Ich can be handled sately witriout interference or nazarato hlghwav traffic. Tho entire width of the tree slump snail be removed and disposed of so trial no debris remains in view at the highway. rho stumohole snail bebackfilleoanothorougnrycompagaQassoecitteamthe following Paragraph. Where it becomes necessary to resmct traffic. the work shall be restricted to a maximum at 500 feet at any one rime, Adequate signs. flagmen and/or barricades small be provided to prolan the traveling public at all time!. Large notes resulting from tree removal Shall be backfilled ons cpm alactatflo not ercenier Surrounding ground. whichever is the greater compaction as determined by the moact of field memocL Com i to the tests snail comply with Semon 6.3.01 Of the Standard Specifications. Division of Highways. State of Californiapaction , dated January 1973. R32 TREE TRIMMING: a- Only the necessary trIMMing snail be accomolisned to proviso Clearance at the facility for one calendar year All broken or week sections within the trimming shall be removed. iX Where it becomes necessary to restrict traffic. the work shall be restrictea to a maximum of 500 feet at anyone time. Adequate signs, flagmen. and/or oarricades snail be provided to protea the traveling public al all times G If tree trunks are partally outside of the City of La Quirda rasa right of way. permittee snail make his own afrangemems witn adjoining prOverty syymers tar consent to the trimming to addition to the authorization provided by this comma. G. All tree trimming an EVERGREEN TREES. PALM TREK, and Other ORNAMENTAL TREES shall be admmD ishea to the Soustaction of the City Public Works lnspectair. e. AbL=M OrdOartyowns' a snau be d in as innana, tutor to trtfmmng or losing thea. f. Prun _ finealaCea. M car two SPECIAL CONDITIONS --PERMIT NO. 2283 --- ACACIA CONSTRUCTION --- In addition to the standard permit conditions, the following shall apply: 1. All work shall be performed in accordance with the latest edition of the Standard Specifications For Public Works Construction. 2.. Permittee shall be responsible for providing continuous dust and erosion control. 3. Streets shall be kept clean. They shall be completely cleaned of the end of each working day and more frequently if required. 4. Contractor shall comply with the local noise ordinance. Operation and maintenance of equipment within one half mile of human occupancy shall be performed. only during the following time periods: October 1 st to April 30: Monday -Friday 7:00 a.m. to 5: 30p. m. Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00p.m. May 1st to September 30: Monday -Friday 6:00 a.m. to 7:00p.m. Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00p.m. Work shall be prohibited on legal holidays including Sundays. 5. Permittee shall assume responsibility for repair of any pavement breakdown at the haul road access to any public or private street and for any damage to other City streets or facilities. 6. Advance warning signs and traffic control shall be installed and maintained in accordance with Cal Trans Standards. It shall be the permittee's responsibility to detour and barricade this site. 7. Street closures shall not be permitted. A minimum of one travel lane on paved surface shall be maintained with flagmen at all times. 8. Prior to excavating, the permittee shall contact Underground Service Alert at , 1(800) 422-4133. 9. Should additional work, materials, or modifications of the work be'required in order to meet city standards, safety requirements, signage requirements, or to fit actual field conditions, the work shall be performed by the permittee as directed by and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer at no cost to the City of La Quinta. 10. All work shall be coordinated with the City, the City's contractor and/or others working within the area as directed by and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Special Conditions - Permit No. 2283 Page 1 of 2 SPECIAL CONDITIONS --PERMIT NO. 2283 continued 11. When the work is within 500' of a -signalized intersection, the permittee shall notify Riverside County Signal Dept. at (714) 275-6894 or Caltrans Signal Dept. at (619) 688-6845 as appropriate a minimum of 48 hrs prior to starting work. 12. All backfill and subgrade soil shall be compacted to 90% relative dry density, all backfill soil within the top 2' of finish pavement surface shall be compacted to 95 % relative dry density, all base material shall be compacted to 95% relative dry density. 13.. Work authorized by this permit shall be as shown on the plan labeled "PLOT PLAN- TRACT NO. 23268 LOTS 19-21 AND LOTS 160-169" approved by the city and prepared by Advanced Engineering Group. 14. All excavations at or near the travel way shall be backfilled and paved if necessary at the end of each work day for the protection of the traveling public. Special Conditions - Permit No. 2283 Page 2 of 2