2018-19 DRD - MOU Amendment 3 Joint Facility UseThis AMENDMENT NO. 3 to Memorandum of Understanding by and between the CITY OF LA QUINTA (CITY), a California municipal corporation, and DESERT RECREATION DISTRICT (DISTRICT), is made and entered into as of the 1st day of July 2018 ("Effective Date") for recreation, health and fitness opportunities. RECITALS WHEREAS, on or about June 10, 2016, the CITY and the DISTRICT entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to provide facility use at no additional cost to members of the DISTRICT during 10 holidays per calendar year and to allow La Quinta Wellness Center members to use the La Quinta Community Fitness Center during the La Quinta Arts Festival. The initial term of the MOU expired on June 30, 2017; and WHEREAS, on or about April 25, 2017, the CITY and the DISTRICT agreed to extend the term of the MOU and amend the Obligations of the DISTRICT (Exhibit A) and execute Amendment No. 1. The extended term expired on June 30, 2018; and WHEREAS, on or about June 19, 2017, the CITY and the DISTRICT amend the Obligations of DISTRICT (Exhibit A) and executed Amendment No. 2 ; and WHEREAS, the CITY and the DISTRICT wish to amend the MOU as follows (Amendment No. 3): 1) Section 1.2 - TERM OF MEMORANDUM – extend the term of the MOU to expire on June 30, 2019 2) Section 2.0 – OBLIGATIONS OF THE DISTRICT (Exhibit A) 3) Section 3.0 – OBLIGATIONS OF THE CITY (Exhibit B) AMENDMENT In consideration of the foregoing Recitals and the covenants and promises hereinafter contained, and for good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency and receipt of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1) Section 1.2 amended to read as follows: 1.2 This MOU is to remain in effect for one (1) year (July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019) with an option to renew for an additional one (1) year following its execution by the parties to this MOU. This MOU may be terminated at any time by any of the parties to the MOU with a thirty (30) day written notice to the remaining party. 2) Section 2.0 amended to read as follows: 2.0 OBLIGATIONS OF THE DISTRICT. The DISTRICT will provide the services listed on revised Exhibit A dated July 1, 2018, attached and incorporated (DISTRICT obligations). Exhibit A Dated July 1, 2018 Obligations of DISTRICT The DISTRICT will allow La Quinta Wellness Center fitness members use of the La Quinta Community Fitness Center during: a. the La Quinta Arts Festival, and b. scheduled routine maintenance closures as determined by the City. The City will provide the DISTRICT advanced notification in writing of routine maintenance closures. The DISTRICT will provide two (2) outdoor movies on the following dates and locations along with two (2) staff members, movie equipment, set-up and showing of the movie: • July 13, 2018 – Fritz Burns Pool • August 17, 2018 – Fritz Burns Pool 3) Section 3.0 amended to read as follows: 3.0 OBLIGATIONS OF THE CITY. The CITY will provide the services listed on revised Exhibit B dated July 1, 2018, attached and incorporated (CITY obligations). Exhibit B dated July 1, 2018 amended to read as follows: Exhibit B Dated July 1, 2018 Obligations of the City The CITY will allow La Quinta Community Fitness Center members use of the La Quinta Wellness Center on the following holidays: • Martin Luther King Day • President Day • Memorial Day • 4th of July • Labor Day • Veteran’s Day • Friday after Thanksgiving • Christmas Eve • New Year’s Eve • New Year’s Day Holiday use will be granted if said holidays fall on a Monday through Saturday. No Sunday use will be granted. The CITY will allow La Quinta Community Fitness Center members use of the La Quinta Wellness Center during scheduled routine maintenance closures as determined by the Exhibit A Dated July 1, 2018 Obligations of the DISTRICT The DISTRICT will allow La Quinta Wellness Center fitness members use of the La Quinta Community Fitness Center during: a. the La Quinta Arts Festival, and b. scheduled routine maintenance closures as determined by the City. The City will provide the DISTRICT advanced notification in writing of routine maintenance closures. The DISTRICT will provide two (2) outdoor movies on the following dates and locations along with two (2) staff members, movie equipment, set-up and showing of the movie: • July 13, 2018 – Fritz Burns Pool • August 17, 2018 – Fritz Burns Pool Exhibit B Dated July 1, 2018 Obligations of the CITY The CITY will allow La Quinta Community Fitness Center members use of the La Quinta Wellness Center on the following holidays: • Martin Luther King Day • President Day • Memorial Day • 4th of July • Labor Day • Veteran’s Day • Friday after Thanksgiving • Christmas Eve • New Year’s Eve • New Year’s Day Holiday use will be granted if said holidays fall on a Monday through Saturday. No Sunday use will be granted. The CITY will allow La Quinta Community Fitness Center members use of the La Quinta Wellness Center during scheduled routine maintenance closures as determined by the DISTRICT. The DISTRICT will provide the CITY advanced notification in writing of routine maintenance closures. The CITY will pay a total of $1,200 for the DISTRICT to provide the outdoor movies on the dates and locations as listed on revised Exhibit A dated July 1, 2018. June26,2018ChristinaCalderonCityofLaQuinta78495CalleTampicoLaQuinta,CA92253MemberName:DesertRecreationDistrictAdditionalProtectedParty:CityofLaQuintaActivity:JointuseoffacilitiesCoveragePeriod:From12:01AMon7/1/2018to11:59PMon6/30/2019ThisEvidenceofCoverageisissuedonanannualbasisandwillbeautomaticallyreissuedeveryJuneuntilexpirationofthewrittencontract.TheDesertRecreationDistrict(Member)alongwithotherCaliforniapublicagencies,isamemberoftheCaliforniaJointPowersInsuranceAuthority(CaliforniaJPIA),andparticipatesinthefollowingself-insuranceandcommercialinsuranceprogramthatisadministeredbytheCaliforniaJPIAforitsmembers:PrimaryLiabilityProgram,IncludingAutomobileLiabilityCoverageLimit:$1,000,000peroccurrenceAnnualAggregateLimit:$1,000,000OnbehalfoftheMember,theCaliforniaJPIAagreestoincludetheabove-namedadditionalProtectedPartyasaProtectedPartyundertheMemorandumofCoverage-PrimaryLiabilityProgram,subjecttotheabove-statedlimits,butonlyfor‘Occurrences”arisingoutofthedescribedactivity,duringthedescribedCoveragePeriod,andwhererequiredunderthetermsofawrittenagreementbetweentheMemberandtheadditionalProtectedParty.TheCaliforniaJPIAwillendeavortoprovideatleastthirty(30)daysnoticeofanychangeintheforegoinginformation.Ifthewrittenagreementrequires,coverageshallbeprimary.Coverageissubjecttoalltheterms,Definitions,Exclusions,ConditionsandResponsibilitiesoftheMemorandumofCoverage-PrimaryLiabilityProgramandtheLimitsofCoveragestatedabove.AnyinjuryordamagecausedbythesolenegligenceoftheadditionalProtectedPartynamedaboveisnotcovered.Sincerely,JimThydenInsuranceProgramsManagerCALIFORNIAPt‘ACALIF0RNEAJOINTPOWERSINSURANCEAUTHORITY8081MOODYSTREET,LAPALMA,CA90623TEL(562)467-8700FAX(562)860-4992 July 5, 2018 Kevin Kalman mradeva@laquintaca.gov desert Recreation District 45305 Oasis Street, Indio, CA 92201 Member Name: City of La Quinta Activity: Joint Use of Facility Coverage Period: From 12:01 AM on 7/1/2018 to 11:59 PM on 6/30/2019 The City of La Quinta (Member) along with other California public agencies, is a member of the California Joint Powers Insurance Authority (California JPIA), and participates in the following self-insurance and commercial insurance program that is administered by the California JPIA for its members: Primary Liability Program, Including Automobile Liability Coverage Limit: $1,000,000 per occurrence Annual Aggregate Limit: $1,000,000 Coverage is subject to all the terms, Definitions, Exclusions, Conditions and Responsibilities of the Memorandum of Coverage - Primary Liability Program and the Limits of Coverage stated above. Sincerely, Jim Thyden Insurance Programs Manager