CC Resolution 2018-040 Position ReclassificationsRESOLUTION NO. 2018 - 040 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE CLASSIFICATIONS OF ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT TO ADMINISTRATIVE TECHNICIAN AND COMMUNITY RESOURCES COORDINATOR TO COMMUNITY RESOURCES SPECIALIST WHEREAS, the City Council previously approved and adopted the 2018/19 Classification Plan; and WHEREAS, the City's Personnel Policy Section 2.05, Preparation and Amendment of Classification Plan, requires amendments to the Classification Plan be adopted by a Resolution of the City Council; and WHEREAS, amendment of the Administrative Assistant and Community Resources Coordinator will allow the City to continue to achieve benefits, efficiencies and expanded duties. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: SECTION 1. The City does hereby approve and adopt the revisions to the Classification Plan for Fiscal Year 2018/19, attached hereto as 'Exhibit A" and incorporated herein by reference. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 17th day of July, 2018, by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Fitzpatrick, Pena, Radi, Sanchez, Mayor Evans NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None LINDA EVANS, Mayor City of La Quinta, California Resolution No. 2018-040 Reclassifications Adopted: July 17, 2018 Page 2 of 2 ATTEST: MONIKA RADEVA, Acting Laity Clerk City of La Quinta, California (CITY SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM: WILLIAM H. IHRKE, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California EXHIBIT A CITY OF LAQUINTA RESOLUTION NO. 2018-040 AUTHORIZED POSITIONS EFFECTIVE JULY 17, 2018 CLASSIFICATION SPECIFICATION AUTH RIZED WORKING TI,TL RATING Administrative Administrative Assistant Administrative Assistant All Administrative Technician Administrative Technician B21 Executive Assistant B22 Cade Administration Code Administration Technician Code Administration Specialist Code Administration Supervisor Code Administration Coordinator Maintenance & Operations Maintenance & Operations Worker Maintenance & Operations Technician Maintenance & Operations Coordinator Maintenance & Operations Superintendent Management Administration Management Assistant Management Specialist Management Coordinator Management Analyst Management Manager Director City Manager * City Manager salary is determined by City Council contract Building Inspector I Code Compliance Officer I Permit Technician Building Inspecttor II Code Compliance Officer II Construction Inspector Animal Control/Code Compliance Supervisor Plans Examiner/Inspection Supervisor Construction Manager/Inspection Supervisor Buildings Worker Maintenance Worker I Parks Worker Maintenance Worker II Traffic Signal Technician Buildings Coordinator Maintenance Foreman Parks Foreman Buildings Superintendent Parks Superintendent Community Resources Coordinator Management Assistant Account Technician Community Resources Specialist Deputy City Clerk Junior Accountant Management Specialist Accountant Marketing Management Coordinator Associate Planner Community Resources Analyst Financial Services Analyst Human Resources Analyst Management Analyst Public Safety Analyst Senior Accountant Traiffic Operations Analyst Associate Engineer Senior Planner Assistant to the City Manager Building Official Community Resources Manager Hub Manager Human Resources Manager Maintenance Manager Planning Manager Public Safety Manager Senior Civil Engineer City Clerk City Engineer Community Resources Director Design & Development Director/City Engineer Facilities Director Finance Director/Treasurer City Manager B22 B22 B22 B23 B23 B23 B32 B32 C43 A11 A11 A11 Al2 B21 B23 624 B24 B32 B32 B21 B21/B22 B22 B24 B24/KS B24 B241B25 B25 C41 C42 C42 C42 C42 C42/C43 C42 C42 C42 C43 C44 D61 D61 D61 D61 D61 D61 D61 D61 D61 D62 D65 E82 E82 E82 E82 F101* W J W u to Q J Ol Q -1 Ln 00 >- O Z 0 H W Q' u Ln 0 z 0 z a N 00 r, W 'rn o o Lri W ur Ln C)Ln It W o0 It n 00 N Ol N V) N a. 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F n 'E 'E ❑ r. u C 1 0 0 0 0 O o 0 0 0 0 700Lf100 u} Ln n of O 5 Vr Vr rl V! 0) rn rn C) rn v C C C C C C a] w w w w w Q1 N O1 N N N 2D_aaaa w � c E E O O ❑ m u E N d O O V O E-Q._�- vmQE.0 E ❑ E u ' c E > o c� 0 0 0 m O O O uu—u w E e •� m e c c Q E c a ❑ o v M�v m�,�05- Lu N O N u taa�dAra — GEM ,,/ th, DESERT — CLASS SPECIFICATION Management Specialist CLASS SERIES BAND/GRADE/SUBGRADE FLSA STATUS Management Administration 1 1324-1332 Non -Exempt This class is the second level in a four -level Management Administration Series focused on responsibilities associated with coordinating City processes and/or programs as a subject matter expert, or supervising non-exempt staff engaged in similar work. Incumbents, as assigned, are responsible for research, analysis, report writing and presentation; contract development and management; records reconciliation; program coordination; grant and contract management; and coordination across departments. _ QISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: Positions assigned to this classification perform programmatic and/or administrative coordination of a city service or program as a subject matter expert. As assigned, !incumbents may supervise staff. This class specification represents only the core areas of responsibilities; specific position assignments will vary depending on the needs of the department. • Works with internal and external customers and stakeholders to resolve questions, service requests and/or problems and complaints; coordinates with contractors and outside service providers when required to resolve problems. • Conducts research and keeps abreast of changes in assigned field in order to assist in, or develop, plans, programs, goals and objectives. • Prepares written reports, plans, public information collateral and/or program documents such as grant funding applications, agreements, etc. • As assigned, supervises staff to include: prioritizing and assigning work; conducting performance evaluations; ensuring staff are trained; ensuring that employees follow policies and procedures; maintaining a healthy and safe working environment; and making hiring, termination and disciplinary recommendations. • Maintains cooperative working relationships with peers, other jurisdictions and state or federal agencies as assigned. • Creates, updates, distributes and maintains records, reports, logs and other documentation. • Performs other duties of a similar nature and level as assigned. ES MIGHT INCLUDE: Positions assigned to Junior Accountant functions may also be responsible for: Preparing various financial schedules and reports; �• Preparing journal entries and, reconciling the general ledger with subsidiary financial applications; Assist with internal and external audit requirements ensuring regulatory compliance; Assist with preparation and verification of payroll and related documents (such as timesheets, retirement information, etc.) Rev. July 2017 Administering and ta owkrcv — GEM .0he DEM I' — CLASS SPECIFICATION Management Specialist overseeing purchasing; and Assist with monitoring daily cash flows, performing cashering, and reconciling monthly bank statements. sitions assigned to Accountant functions may also be responsible for: Performing complex and difficult accounting and financial support work within programmatic and procedural guidelines; Preparing journal entries and reconciling various general ledger and subsidiary accounts; Calculating and preparing reimbursement billings and tracking receivables; Assisting in preparation of annual audit schedules for external auditors; Assisting the Finance Director during the annual auditing process; Assisting with the preparation of the annual and mid -year budgets; Assisting with grant and CIP accounting; and Monitoring daily cash flow, audit cashiering and, reconciling monthly bank statements, ositions assigned to Community Resources Specialist functions may also be �sponsible for: • Prepare and execute instructor/volunteer service contracts for recreation programs; • Develop partnerships with local community groups and nonprofits to provide/enhance programs and services; • Preparing monthly/quarterly reports on program/fitness membership attendance at the Wellness Center and offsite facilities; and • Assist with strategic planning, goal setting and budget development for the Wellness Center division. sitions assigned to Management Specialist (City Manager's) function may also be sponsible for: Engaging in economic and business development efforts including outreach, and preparation of outreach materials connected to economic development related agreements; Making presentations before City Council, Commissions, and stakeholder groups; Serving as Housing Coordinator; responding to/coordinating tenant requests, developing and,evaluating housing program applications, housing reports; and Provide reports and oversight of transient occupancy tax incentive program and medical cannabis delivery permit applications. ositions assigned to Management Specialist (Design & Development) function may Iso be responsible for: Assisting in the coordination of the Short Term Vacation Rental Program and business licenses; i• Providing responsible, complex clerical and administrative support to the department; • Preparing a variety of reports and analytics needed by the Design and Development Director; • Addressing the interests of a variety of customers and stakeholders; and • Making presentations before City Council,_ commissions or stakeholder groups. Rev. July 2017 ta Qw�fra GEM a f the DE.SEKI' CLASS SPECIFICATION Manaqement Specialist I Positions assigned to Deputy City Clerk functions may also be responsible for: • Preparing and distributing council agenda materials, including transcribing meeting minutes; ■ Maintaining indices and Codes and notarizing documents; • Records management including overseeing/coordinating city-wide scanning project and record destruction, legal recording and processing all record requests, subpoenas and summons; • City-wide contract processing and official document recording • Serving as Risk Manager for business -related matters, including claims and insurance review; Managing FPPC and election filings; Providing administrative services to Council and City Manager Serving as support staff to the Oversight Board, and Advisory Committee; Serving as Housing Coordinator; Serving as Laserfische Administrator; Providing city-wide editing and research services; and Serving as Deputy Elections Official , Deputy Records Manager; and performing duties of City Clerk in the absence of the City Clerk. Positions assigned to Software Program Report Writer (Design and Development) Functions may also be responsible for: C Work with staff to collect and document report requirements, to understand data structures, set and follow best practices; i Administer the design, development, testing, performance tuning and general troubleshooting of a variety of departmental reports; • Perform quality assurance on new reports and changes to reports; Analyze and problem solve with attention to accuracy and detail; and Act as a liaison for the department for purposes of data integration and standardization. TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE: Associate's Degree and, as assigned, two (2) years experience related to area of assignment. Or an equivalent combination of education and experience sufficient to successfully perform the essential duties of the job such as those listed above. LICENSING/CERTIFICATIONS: Some positions may require a valid Class C California Driver's License. As assigned, must obtain Notary Public certification within six (6) months of employment. • Documentation and record -keeping principles; • Supervisory principles; • Contract administration • Program development, and performance monitoring; administration and evaluation; Rev. July 2017 ta Qwkra — GEM n% rlv DESERT — CLASS SPECIFICATION Management Specialist Research methods, program analysis and report preparation; Organizational structure of the city and city services as they relate to area of assignment; Applicable local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations; Modern office equipment; and Communication, interpersonal skills as applied to interaction with subordinates, coworkers, supervisor, the general public, etc. sufficient to exchange or convey information, evaluate performance and provide and/or receive work direction. Positions assigned to City Managers also require knowledge of: • Housing, Socio-economic, and incentive programs; and ■ Legislation including State and Local ordinances. Positions assigned to Junior Accountant and Accountant also require knowledge of: ■ Principles of basic accounting/bookkeeping; • Computer accounting applications; • Basic governmental accounting and budgeting; and • Methods of receiving and accounting for funds. Positions assigned to Community Resources also require knowledge of: • Safety precautions and procedures for public recreation and event planning; ■ Principles and techniques of recreational, cultural and social programs and event planning; and • Public information and marketing strategies. Positions assigned to Design and Development also require knowledge of: • Short-term Vacation Rentals; • CDBG grant processing and administration; and • Effective public speaking and presentation techniques. Positions assigned to City Clerk also require knowledge of: • Housing needs and socio-economic issues related to low and moderate income families, • Contract review and processing principles; and • Municipal Records Management. Positions assigned to Software Program Report Writer (Design & Development) also require knowledge of: • Installation, configuration and admistration of SQL Server 2012; • Configuration and administration of SQL Server Reporting Services; ■ Sunguard Public Sector TRAKiT application and Utilities Maintenance modules; • Structured Query Language (SQL), Transact -Structured Query Language (T-SQL), Sequal Server Reporting Services (SSRS) and Sequal Server Integration Servives (SSIS); Y SSIS to export and import data; ■ Building Complex SQL queries; ■ Creating and modifying complex stored procedures; Rev. July 2017 4 ta Qw�(& — GEN1 of rbe DFSE1(1' — CLASS SPECIFICATION Management Specialist ■ Creating and implementing update statements; and ■ Creating and maintaining sound backup and recovery procedures. Analyzing problems and identifying solutions; Mathematical computations common to basic statistics; Understanding and acting upon written and verbal descriptions of problems; Negotiation and conflict resolution; Preparing written reports of moderate to high complexity and keeping accurate records; Operating a computer and relevant software applications; Operating modern office equipment; Supervising and evaluating employees; Prioritizing and assigning work; Applying local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations; Customer Service; and Communication, interpersonal skills as applied to interaction with coworkers, supervisor, the general public, etc. sufficient to exchange or convey information and to receive work direction. ADA AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS: Positions in this class typically require: standing, walking, fingering, talking, hearing, seeing and repetitive motions. Some positions may require occasional pushing, pulling, lifting and grasping. Sedentary Work: Exerting up to 10 pounds of force occasionally and/or a negligible amount of force frequently or constantly to lift, carry, push, pull or otherwise move objects, including the human body. Sedentary work involves sitting most of the time. Jobs are sedentary if walking and standing are required only occasionally and all other sedentary criteria are met. Light Work: Exerting up to 20 pounds of force occasionally, and/or up to 10 pounds of force frequently, and/or negligible amount of force constantly to move objects. If the use of arm and/or leg controls requires exertion of forces greater than that for Sedentary Work and the worker sits most of the time, the job is rated for Light Work. NOTE: The above job description is intended to represent only the key areas of 1 responsibilities; specific position assignments will vary depending on the business needs of 'the department. Rev. July 2017