With proper validation
this form constitutes an CITY OF LA QUINTA
encroachment permit
For the construction of public or private curbs, driveways, pavements, sidewalks, parking lots, sewers, water mains
and other like public works improvements in connection with MINOR IMPROVEMENTS and APPROVED SUBDIVISIONS
Subdivision Improvement Permit — Class I II
DATE: 33"95 Minor Improvement Permit Class IV
LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION SIR Corner of Villeta Dr. & Arosa Way
(Street address or Description of Location)
PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION pig Telephone splice pit Sketch (attach construction plans if appropriate)
to repair phone cable
DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION Remove sidewalk & See attached conditions
Hadicapped Ramp dig pit & replace si mm
Sandicapped Ramp per ADA Standards
(Including removal of all obstruction, materials, and debris, backfilling, com-
paction and placing permanent resurfacing and/or replacing improvements)
In consideration of the granting of this permit, the applicant hereby agrees to:
Indemnify, defend and save the City, its authorized agents, officers, representatives and employees, harmless from and against any and all
penalties, liabilities or loss resulting from claims or court action and arising out of any accident, loss or damage to persons or property
happening or occurring as a proximate result of any work undertaken under the permit granted pursuant to this application.
Notify the Administrative Authority at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the time when work will be started.
Comply with all applicable City Ordinances, the terms and conditions of the permit and all applicable rules and regulations of the City of
La Quinta and to pay for any additional replacement necessary as the result of this work.
. ,..A .
4 .
Signature of Applicant or Agent
Henkele & McCoy 155 N. Such Ave San Dimas, CA 91773 (619) 329-7879 ,
Name of Applicant (please print) Business Address Telephone No.
Dave Weneel
Name of Contractor and Job Foreman Business Address Telephone No.
Contractor's License No.
Liberty Mutual
City Business License No.
Applicant's Insurance Company Policy Number
FEES: Subdivision Improvement Permit — Class 111
Public improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs
Private improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs
Minor Improvement Permit — Class IV: See attached schedule
Inspection Fee
Permit Fee
Cash Deposit -Surety Bond
if required
Receipt No.
$ 160.00
$ 170.00
Received by Date
Recorded by
TELEPHONE: (619) 564-2246
"hs fatlDYMne Wne►ai aro SOaerat Orovisions are attached to and meas a Dart of Pe Z` 12
rmtt No .
following snail always acciv.
ENCROACHMENT ON PRIVATE PROPERTY, -hilloerma aulnorizes work to De aecdmpfisned witnrn
ONLY. Whenever construction extends witnin orivate aracertv. it snail tie the re City at
secure permission from abuttingLa Quina right of wa.
oropem owners. Such aulnartratla^ must be ecuredatfv trlf a t>QrfT1m berthntee tot his contractors, it
a �natR7ctian eaUlpment small n starting wort.
Dawe standee unless rmtedwith smooth -Tesco sires[ paGs.Ail met:nanfeal outrt
:no paving outing imrucc rsteat000solo onam
9 e:cavatlana. Rubber -tired eguioment only spall be ussaq�erssnalibetitteowitnruboeraweK
onvemenr is scarrea. Saalleo. or Draken -tires [tie termor tnla snail be ar It the oaclttlll operations In anOm [o ordroc
InaT tneae pOrttant ot r e pavement is marred. Ci awed areas. If the eaitlmc
Dao be resurfaced over ineir entire whom. Resurface N at Ill
surfacing plus aooroonate deet coat as suscrilm above. ^q shall tbMlat of one Quints
amu) Ioduer
coat of two mann 12'1 of A.0
PROTECTION OF TRAFFIC: All excavations ano wart areas snall,ftoraperly Iigntaaaro pameadm
Engineer or La Qulnla Citv Public Works Inspectors, Suitable detours ano Detour signs snail be adeed aro
Of the prclecs. rho Ci as d main neeeaaery try the Get
N snail be notified 24 Mrs. In aavamn of any traffic Detours or dellnee^o^a. ^rl^s111eotorthsduraaor
CARE OF DRAINAGE STRUCTURES: Anv crainaae structure inetuain
concrete structures encountered during excavation which necoomilaq ecorruga[ed meat pipe. eonerets
necessary to remove or cut gloating drainage structures. r^nv� snail be replaced In kind. In the steel culvert ant:
Drainage structures dna o Cie Debris
V Quints snail be notified prier to cdmmencern�t tt his via
Don drains snail be kept tree at Debris al au timed for proper drainage.
RIGHT OF WAY nt at this wort
CLEANUP: Any surplus material resulting from excavation and backtill a
way. All utter surtacassnapbebrodmedclean atearth and otherable etlonaolematarulsimmedutelvaneroacvQ ano
oarations snail be removed from roto right a:
Eaisin9 gutter Zine aro Drainage Grtcnes snail be reotacea to inset original stancam or cotter. All eacass ma onaI
crier to paving, taster tanker stall be used, as rebuffed. to compaction
immediately after 0acidill. sprinkle the Jab sits IO kMp down dust candltlOhi and
be removw
ro ansa be usec
OE -WATER OPERATIONS. Itde-m aanng ooeramona aro required
ins resbansicaity at the oorrnmae am teaniractall [O control tmli water ahpf os are Toxone water an City of La
Oravloe orf- Quints rads• it snail be
CLOSING STREETS: No sweat snail be closed. A minimum at one loris n~s oamcnass when Irv.
asses for tote aaiaining �artyowners and
at traffic snail be maintained at all times to
anti length at llme, aerthlttee amau contact this ov'n�s. 'nine eve^! It lsfeltbvtn arm arartde umnoc
obtain ins p meetnatnernuatctdaeefineettar
necessary permission.
Tho follwing snail appty ONLY when Indicated:
R1 NOTIFICATION: Perrmmee snail nattty the City at 7S
R2 CASH DEPOSITS OR BONDS: A cgs bona or an t at least 48 hours In advance at starting ccuutr ftalan.
Shall be furnished in the nems of City at La croved surely bona in an amount of not less than s
roads ana survey monuments. This bona snail be conto tinuous er sit work
1 n inveivea
min the reaLOtaban of the vs
pbtasa crier to commencement of any work an this by the CiN Engineer. Thls1a Quints
orates . Pato must bo
Rai UTILITY CLEARANCE:1Subsnuctureat Pricrtc matin
by permit, ins poem ee snail contact all concent g any ekcayemonwitnln theCityof La Quutta ^antot
Damage to existing ed utllily compares toIatrve to the Iau,eumorIzed
g SUPsvtrciurea reautting hem operations onat[ng aupat
Of the 00►mmee. eanduetedundorthspen^hansllbetnesole r�uroa.
i R UTILITY CLEARANCE. regbdrtaieibry
CE !Surface swu nail n No wort small be Gone under this oarfnm until all utllltloa ere deer of the
0AVEMErocosec wort site. The oermmes snail notify e11 concerned utility comDentes of the proposed u wore
qq PAVEMENT WIDENING: Area between ins proposed concrete
surfaced with - ides of A.C. Davin gutter fine and the existing rano peva
having an"R'valuemnot less tnan 9Dtacooan inches atclas meet snail as
and Soecnicatfons. Ordinance a461. and in contormancewitnCirvatLaQui Rat^ Ret^ oac�eQate entSL course
i� mDrQVemMt $tampardi
PARKWAY GRADING: Area between the probe
1 /4 inch to one foot I1 j, mr line end too of the pr000aed concrete euro shall be
R7 GRADES & STAKES: City at La Quints snailestablish graces and stakes or the
construction. Dfap0le0 CahOeta
euro and gutter
RB) GRADE CHECKING: Civet et La Quints snail cmecltgraces upon receipt at plan and miotlte and/or graces saetttablished
S lirensea engineer.
R9 CURB REMOVAL FOR DRIVEWAYS: A portion Of the etlsbnq concrete tura and/or curb and gutter I
removes. Curb and/or curb and feettone u be
gutter snail be saw cut prior to removal. 0apr1Oe0 stub. matching COnCfete
gutter one
concrete anvewey approach snail be cdnstructad in conformance with City of La Quints Stanaara #207.
RIO DRIVEWAYS. A.C.. Driveways small be constructed as not to alter existing Drainagepattern. Surfacing Dropertv line and the existing road caving sail be 2-1 /2 inches toalt of A.C.
aggregate case. Orivewgv
construction shall conform to attached Drawing. ainin g astwsen me
9 Diacad on 1 of class
R 11 CULVERTS. ncn Diameter l
-acnes aeiow ana in cine witn ins existing eflow Iw - culvert snail as installed wiln the invert ancroacmatery 1.1 ',Z
. Culvert installation snail conform to the attached crewing
(IR 1 SIGHT CLEARANCE: Sight clearance of 600 feet in either direction snail be assured and mamtalnsd-
3 SOIL STEA ergA: The eros to ee surtacaoshau
manufacturer's spsefhcatlons. be treatwn
ed ln sell sterilizer. Rate of application snail com
R14 COORDINATE ptywimme
WORK: The grppo� work snail be Suooracnatea to any operation which the State
CIN of La Quints may cdnauct in this area ourtng the period at this permit. df California dr
Work shell be coordinated with the State or
City of La Quints forces to preclude delay or Interference with State or City at La Quinta orols=.
SURVEY MONUMENTS: Prior to excavgaon or Pegthning of construction• all survey monuments wnlcn bloat on the
cantanine m all atrses or prcomm itnes wrien Involved shau be
PNreotseeo av a licensed civil engmew or a edmotetehr tied out so they may oe ramstir anti
uitievdr et try.
o nve r •.tONUMENTS P•-nr fo exmavenon ar oeamn• • cr consnucnon. au survey monuments snarl be ,.=Gorst by
%f V uumla ane sualao,. Day'" ar Guaranies at r ,int small be mace as relrmoursemeent rpt) b wore _Ut bytlo e
A17 "AVEMENT CUTTING. Pavement wan a maenanarai:v cLK to a trapnt edge triol to e
cunmo snail ba eoorovea tnrouan the Greece at inn C,tY e:regineel. lunger n0 elrCUmstane ! Sna ^.Method at cavemen•
pe u:eC to a:gavels onor so cutnno or oavememt Excavation material small be oaaeed m avatin
laminate 'me general flow or trartic. Prior to final oavina operations. anv aamade to pavement straight g eoutdmem
such a ooanton as to nes:
correrteo. egret sage snarl oe
R18 -"AVEMENT CIJTTING. Pavement snail be saw cut odor to removal. Prior to final paving operations.
pavement stnigns edge snail be corrected.
anv damage is
R191 UMITOFEj(C,yVATIONS:E:cavaugnssnallbeumeteato1.000tine°lreetotooentrencnoeroreoacttlllo
begin. All excavations snail be cracerm barraCaeeC won fronts linesgnt, on weenen05 dna f ore a c t ill Operations mus:
the travenng pious. the Public Warns ansoecior snail Cetermfne the sw[abwry or a:save'lore oarneadin9 an °ern ease. ry i
exCavallon snail remain Coen for a oerloo excesainq five 161 gays. No enava[IOm small be made ones ° OrOIectls. ar
matenal is actually on me wont site. ss tree
R20 BACKFI eonstructfor
lL MATERIAL Backfill shall be free or crush. roots or other organic substance aetrimenta... --
ot OtOcucing an acsOualaly consollaatea baCKnll. Anv manna) wnlcn tna City of La Quanta deems Y^Suit estar Oongyes
saturated meaterlall wnaen is encountered Duringa 't uaefell purogvor
• reCacea :<avm'lon snau not oe used for oacatall. but snail be su
wen aooroveq .ano or gravel. ppleemented or
R21 BACKFILLSANO: 6tydlhl °hall be adbrgved trantn-m,* sand or
.qulval°nt and shall be placed an Iafts of
three feet 13*1 anc yitrtgc uslnq vlCrotsrmver Or eOuivarem equivalent
A ret ant:
mel bep placed
in su0
ase a relative comeaeuan at 95 caner small be attained Within the %:ructural section of the roadw�Oroaterfhar
stttutee. but in anv
22 , BACKFILL PLACEMENT: Bacidlrl snail ba aboaaea in layers of not more than 50 percent of the total depot of the ttener.
before 'loading or a ma>umum at tave-root 151 lifts wnere Inmenes areaf ekeeasrva depths. Cara f of l detaar of the
test to e
r e inti intense ti not ail eezallnot a sanon 9 twill by or rig aoeretions. Cars materiel shalt be ora fret the
resulting mOnlOmcttOn snail be not lei! than 90 oa►mein Cr eduayalenT t0 the surrounam a tlrouhd all beso
Compaction. Where Damping or flooding is used tar a maximum Settlement. adequate dikes wall be con
aver is the greater
the water. Where letting is used. the lets shall be at sufficient len to to reach the bottom of each
suppty snap be Continuous. 9 cloaca to retell
aver enc the water
R23 COMPACTION TESTS: If so required the inspector.
feet ano a minimum of one 111 test an tha rOns lot 1 waton testa snall be moos at Imervelsat not more than 1.00C
snail be 'Orwarceet to ins CItV
approval andflleconor to making permanent roaaus. Comps an tests snaPY at each fu be made 82 outlined In Section Engineer for
Standard SagION TESTS.
If Oitnuon at Highways- State. of California. dated January 1973. °•301 ohne
/ 341 COMPACTION TESTS: If so required by the insd
One 111 a soma'• COmDaalOn test] snap be mace for earn Crosslttg a anrvio lane.
Gov ofearntestsnail befa►wa►aeototheCitvEngineertargon.Car landfileaonortomaxngDngors ntrole,to .
Cwt smlcntests smallbemoan ssoLnmeoInSemon6.3.01OttheStandardSPOWICtlas.Oivnabnof mann ire State
at Calitoma. dame January 1973.
consisting snail D goonacompletion at prepared suagll and COmpactlOn OOOatlOns. a tenepprary pater.
char a ma:amum of 3.000linearfeet ole encu has Dean exated ana teacettl•operat o s comotetea out In Howe snau
the placement at the temoera paving sha4 a OlmteG
ry pavement exceed i five l51 day limit.
R26 PERMANENT PAVEMENT REPAIR: After oaexfill and eomoaction operations nave Coen completed. a eempprary patcr
surfacitnq of two inches 121 of SC-800 shall oe placed amntegataly A permanent patch of inches A.0
surfacing placed dna inch class �_
tamodrary rasa reamer. �n� basssnallbepa no latertnan
/-4Grr Gy,'fip %erz 11rl f E� 71AJ6; daysartaregrnpltiono:
R27 PAVEMENT REPAIR- F.A.S.. Upon completion ofbacktilland Compaction.3temodrarypatchconsistiP8tCh at three mcnesf3') ofngpfm"1O1nrnea12'
at cad men paving 1SC-8001 snail be placed ammeaaste A _
a prated on six corneaid-I nail torten° based
directed. but not Its later man "man 1151 days after Como nonan Ot temoo ary
end S0 clConcreteaxioGas° sinal beat 61 .eemlt mix arta shall conform to the City of La Counts Road lmprovermemStanamras
gild Sommlheanona. Ordinance sant.
:� SEAL A fog seal coat consisting of an application of asphaltic emulsion snail be aeon°d over all patch aloes as
ow the City Engineer.
R29 SEAL ARMOR COAT: A seal coat consisting of an application binder and screenings snail be aootaed on all
where such same coats existed prior to lssuanceat thq permit. Seal Or armor coats snail be availed as saacdisd In Section.
37. Stannard Specifications. State of California, Wtett areas
Ee aceomorashed by m Iecanseq contractor engagedDivision of Highways. (fated January 1973. War% of pavement repair is
STREET RESTRIPING.Wherestreet straoangasstaiis,oe anstreetst o a avvteaent rsuchstripingsnailbereplacedupon
camofetion at permanent repairs.
R31 TREE RELOCATION OR REMOVAL. Tree relocation witnln the City of La Quanta road regnt of way snail be aceomousmac
by a licensee. noticed and insured tree service. ano harecled sately without mtererence Or natara to tme trwelin9 putellc.
It shall be the responsibility of the permittee to maintain the tree in a vigorous growing condition at its new location
Trees [0 DO removed shall tieremoves in sectionswnfeh can be hanated safely without interference Of naxardto hagnwav
traffic. The entire w'Otn of the tree studio snail be removed and disposed of so trial no debris remains in view of the
highway rhes[umoholesnailbepacxfaltedandth"Ougntycompacteeasspeedeedinthefollowingparagraph.Whereit
becomes necessary to restrict traffic. the wort shall be restricted to a msxtmum Of 500 feet at any one time. Adequate
Signs. flagmen and/or barricades shall be provided to protect the traveling public at all times.
Large notes resulting from tree removal shall be backfilled and cpmoaaed to not less than 90 percent or equivalent to the
surrounding ground. whichever Is tree greater cOmoactlon as det°rminea try Ina Impact or field method. Compaction
teats small comply with Section 6.3.01 of the Stannard Specific
January 1973. tlons. Division of Hignwevs. State of California. Catec
a. Only ane necessary trimming snail be accomorlsneet to Draviee clearance of the taaltty for one calendar year
All broxen or wool[ sections within the trimming snail be removed.
a Where 11 becomes necessary to restnCT traffic. the work shall be restrlctecito a maximum at S00}et st anyone time.
Adequate signs, flagmen. and/or owncaaes snail be provided to protea the t►eveling pubdm at all limp.
C. If yen trunks are 0Mlally Outside of the City at La Quinta road right df way. perminge snap mate his own
acts^s Parmarmareat Math ad107nfng property ayyners for consent to the trimming in addition to the autefonntion provided
by this oermR.
d. All tree tramming on EVERGREEN TREES. PAW .TREES, and otner ORNAMENTAL TREES shall be accomplished to
the sanstarnern at the City^blie Worcs Inspector.
e. Abutting mff w ....�.��
r 3.
--- HENKELS & McCOY ---
In addition to the standard permit conditions, the following shall apply:
All work shall be performed in accordance with the latest, edition of the Standard Specifications
For Public Works Construction.
Permittee shall be responsible for providing continuous dust and erosion control.
Streets shall be kept clean. They shall be completely cleaned at the end of each working day
and more frequently if required.
4. Contractor shall ' comply with the local noise ordinance. Operation and maintenance of
equipment within one half mile of human occupancy shall be performed only during the
following time periods:
October 1st to April 30: Monday -Friday 7:00 a.m. to 5: 30p. m.
Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00p. m.
May 1st to September 30: . Monday -Friday 6:00 a.m. to 7:00p.m.
Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00p. m.
Work shall be prohibited on legal holidays including Sundays.
5. Permittee/contractor shall assume responsibility for repair of any pavement damage. to any public -
or private street and for any damage to other City streets or facilities as a result of work
performed under this permit.
6. . Advance warning signs and traffic control shall be installed and maintained in accordance with
Cal Trans Standards or. the Work Area Traffic Control Handbook (WATCH Manual). It shall
be the permittee's responsibility to detour and barricade this site.
7. Street closures shall not be permitted. A minimum of one travel lane on paved surface shall be
maintained with flagmen at all times.
8. Prior to excavating, the permittee shall contact Underground Service Alert at 1(800) 422-4133.
9. Should additional work, materials, or modifications of the work be required in order to meet city
standards, safety requirements, signage requirements, or to tit actual field conditions, the work
shall be performed by the permittee as directed by and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer
at no cost to the City of La Quinta.
Special Conditions - Permit No. 2312 Page 1 of 2
10. All work shall be coordinated with the City's .contractor and others working within the area as
directed by and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.
11. All backfill and subgrade soil shall be compacted to 90% relative dry density, all backfill soil
within the top 2' of finish pavement surface shall be compacted to 95% relative dry density, all
base material shall be compacted to 95% relative dry density.
12. All excavations at or near the travel way shall be backfilled and paved at the end of every work
day as directed .by and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer for the protection of the traveling
13. All landscaping, irrigation, decorative rock, decorative concrete, lighting etc. shall be replaced
to its original condition.
14. Access and egress to all local. properties shall be maintained at all times.
15. Permanent pavement replacement section shall be one inch greater than existing.
16. The Handicapped Access Ramp and sidewalk shall be replaced to their original condition.
Special Conditions - Permit No. 2312 Page 2 of 2
MAR -02-95 THU 14:27 HENKELS MC COY 6193291820 P.02
With proper validation
this lore" eonstltutef an '
encroedirnonm permit
r *0P.
e ' r r
For the coniVuct,pn of publlo or private curbs, driveways, pavemonti, sldewalko, parking late, sewers, water mains
and other like public works improvements in connection with MINOR IMPROVEMENTS end APPROVED SUBDIVISIONS
Subdivision Improvement Permit -- Class III
0ATE: _. ' 2 —2 Minor Improvement Permit Class 1V
(Suver sadrw o• OawlDuon of s..ocettonl '
PURPOSFi OF CON RUCTION 1Q lG ' ill.'—_ PA!DA.S Sketch (attach construction piens It appropriate)
!3F'.Ura~ _�• TA I�.�''i��D1�tP!, "A.f7.1_�
�L�(i/!- eS F�� ArA F 7"
(Including rarroval of all obstruction, meteriab, and debris, backfilling, calls. ; ci
pactlon and placing parmanant returfacinq andfor teotacinq Improvements) Q
In' oonsideratlon of the Qrantinq of this permit, the applicant hereby igloos to:
Indanplly,.dafand and leve the City, its avtnor4*d •fonts, officers, reores■nt■pw* and ompiovas, h*rmleu from end opdntt env and all
__t!n!sglta,JLbjpdn ert`toa tswWns.fsern claims or cow► ees:on and arising out of env ,cddtnt; soca ar'damape10 pe"a"s or vrowrty
happoning or tsoearrf"llso a orortYMU result of Inv wok vaWatskott undo the parmil frontad ourswnt to this Iopllr Con.
Notify the AOminitlratlW AYt11a111y at lent twonry.four 1341 hour* In sdvence of the time when work win pe tsan■d•
Comdv with 011 aoPllcmblf Ctv Ordbmanwo, lila tonne and renditions or the pon"It and all ■pplicable nib■ and npviatbni of the Cite of
L..Gulnw and to pay'for any addhlenal replaattNnt. mei e'aiary as the nIwlftof thb work. }\
Signature of Applicant or Agent.
Nems of Applicant (plaeN print) Business Address Telephone No,
Ntme of Contractor and Job Foreman Butirlou Address Totephone No.
Contractor's License No. City Business License No.
•Applicant's Insurand Colripony Policy Number
FEES: Subdlv4lon imprpvament Permit — Class III
Public Improvemonts: 3% of estimated construction Cotte
Pfivate ImProvarltentst 3% of ottimiltad Construction costs
Mlnar Improveminf Permit — Cut IV: See attached triledula
Inspactlon Fee S _
Permit Fee b
Penalty „
Cup Deposit -surely Bolide
If Imired
Ron Ips No,
Raaeived by
Recorded by
AaminittntIvs �uthgri;ty ,
TtLEPHONE: (619) 6"46
.,,iy�"c:;�i.: t:4.����ii�'�t�1�.v'SDau�:t�t�rs:*�`aYt•c4.�i�Y.��ri�;,�.�w,�`::t�•w�:,.,,,.-r:.,�•:�.:•�'...,,.