2018 06 13 FAC Minutes FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION MINUTES WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13, 2018 CALL TO ORDER A regular quarterly meeting of the La Quinta Financial Advisory Commission was called to order at 3:00 p.m. by Chairperson Batavick. PRESENT: Commissioners Johnson, Lopez, Mills, Rosen, Turbow, Twohey, and Chairperson Batavick ABSENT: None PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Lopez led the audience in the pledge of allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA – None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA – Confirmed ANNOUNCEMENTS, PRESENTATIONS, AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 1. FIRST EMPIRE SECURITIES Financial Service Analyst Hallick introduced Matthew D’Avanzo, Broker of First Empire Securities, who presented the City’s current investment portfolio analysis. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS 1. APPROVE FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION MINUTES DATED MAY 9, 2018 Commissioner Mills said the vote for the motion for Business Session Item No. 1, page No. 2, should reflect “noes” votes for Commissioners Mills and Rosen, and not Twohey and Rosen. Motion – A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Johnson/Lopez to approve Consent Calendar Item No. 1, as amended. Motion passed unanimously. 2. RECEIVE AND FILE REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORTS DATED MARCH 31, 2018 Motion – A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Johnson/Lopez to receive and file Consent Calendar Item No. 2, as recommended. Motion passed unanimously. STUDY SESSION – None BUSINESS SESSION 1. APPROVE SILVERROCK EVENT SITE – PHASE 1 ENHANCED PLAN Community Resources Director Escobedo, Facilities Director Howlett, and City Consultant Chris Hermann, President/CEO of Hermann Design Group, presented the staff report, which is on file in the Finance Department. Commission discussion followed on the event site parking; site size and infrastructure development; estimated annual operating cost; site design, including turf acreage and water features; comparison analysis of the event site to other jurisdictions’ event sites; presenting the project to all City Commissions for comments; possible use of Measure G funds and other potential funding sources; naming the site; Commission’s desire to obtain additional information from staff regarding site annual operating costs, accommodations, design, and preparing a letter of support and Commission recommendations for Council’s consideration; use of development impact fees to fund the project; and upcoming SilverRock Event Site Ad-hoc Committee meeting. The Commission directed staff to schedule a meeting between staff, representatives of Hermann Design Group, Commissioners Mills and Rosen, and Chairperson Batavick to prepare a letter of support, including additional Commission recommendations, on behalf of the Commission recommending Council approval of the SilverRock Event Site – Phase 1 Enhanced Plan. Motion – A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Johnson/Lopez authorizing Commissioners Mills and Rosen, and Chairperson Batavick, to prepare a letter of support outlining the Commission’s comments and recommending Council approval of the SilverRock Event Site – Phase 1 Enhanced Plan. Motion passed unanimously. 2. REVIEW AND RECOMMEND FINAL PROPOSED BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2018/19 Finance Director Campos and Financial Services Analyst Hallick presented the staff report, which is on file in the Finance Department. Commission discussion followed on General Fund revenue projections; Measure G funds balance; pending internal funding requests; and initial reserve funding allocations. Motion – A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Johnson/Mills to recommend Council approval of the final proposed budget for fiscal year 2018/19. Motion passed unanimously. 3. REVIEW CAPITAL ASSET POLICY AND RECOMMEND APPROVAL BY CITY COUNCIL Finance Senior Accountant Martinez presented the staff report, which is on file in the Finance Department. The Commission discussed surplus process and disposal requirements and Governmental Accounting Standards Board regulations for capital leases. COMMISSIONER ROSEN LEFT THE DIAS AT 5:08 P.M. Motion – A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Lopez/Mills to recommend Council approval of the Capital Asset Policy. Motion passed: ayes 6, absent 1 (Commissioner Rosen). 4. DISCUSS AND PROVIDE DIRECTION TO STAFF REGARDING PARTICIPATION IN THE CALIFORNIA ASSET MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Financial Services Analyst Hallick presented the staff report, which is on file in the Finance Department. The Commission discussed fees and basis points for the program; funds accepted and requirements for the California Asset Management Program. Motion – A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Johnson/Lopez recommending Council approval of City’s participation in the California Asset Management Program. Motion passed: ayes 6, absent 1 (Commissioner Rosen) COMMISSIONER ROSEN RETURNED TO THE DIAS AT 5:20P.M. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS All departmental reports are on file in the Finance Department. 1. FOURTH QUARTER 2017 (OCTOBER – DECEMBER) SALES TAX UPDATE FOR THE CITY OF LA QUNTA 2. REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL UPDATE FOR BANKING SERVICES CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL – None COMMISSIONERS’ ITEMS – None ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Johnson/Lopez to adjourn this meeting at 5:33 p.m. Motion passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Jessica Delgado, Management Assistant City of La Quinta, California