With proper validation
this form constitutes an CITY OF LA QUINTA
encroachment permit
For the construction of public or private curbs, driveways, pavements, sidewalks, parking lots, sewers, water mains
and other like public works improvements in connection with MINOR IMPROVEMENTS and APPROVED SUBDIVISIONS
Laguna De La Paz
Subdivision Improvement Permit — Class I I I
Minor Improvement Permit Class IV
Eisenhower Drive
(Street address or Description of Location)
PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION Construct entry gate/pavement Sketch (attach construction plans if appropriate)
at the west project entrance
DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION install base and enriched
concrete as shown on the plans for 20052-3
See attached conditions
(Including removal of all obstruction, materials, and debris, backfilling, com-
paction and placing permanent resurfacing and/or replacing improvements) _
In consideration of the granting of this permit, the applicant hereby agrees to:
MqR 0
ey '99S
Indemnify, defend and save the City, its authorized agents, officers, representatives and employees, harmless frim and against any and all
penalties, liabilities or loss resulting from claims or court action and arising out of any accident, loss or damage to persons or property
happening or occurring as a proximate result of any work undertaken under the permit granted pursuant to this application.
Notify the Administrative Authority at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the time when work will be started.
Comply with all applicable City Ordinances, the terms and conditions of the permit and all applicable rules and regulations of the City of
La Quinta and to pay for any additional replacement necessary as the result of this work.
Signature of Applicant or Agent
Roger Snellenberger & Assoc. 41-865 Boardwalk Ste. 212 Palm Desert, CA 92211 777-7766
Name of Applicant (please print) Business Address Telephone No.
B&M Concrete 68-783 E. Palm Canyon Dr. #10 Cathedral City, 92234 322-5700
Name of Contractor and Job Foreman Business Address Telephone No.
Contractor's License No. City Business License No.
Sfingi & Hannon DOL 192605
Applicant's Insurance Company '+ Policy Number
FEES: Subdivision Improvement Permit — Class 111
Public improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs
Private improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs
Minor Improvement Permit — Class IV: See attached schedule
Inspection Fee $ 150
Permit Fee 10
Cash Deposit -Surety Bond
if required
Receipt No.
$ 160
Received by Date
Administrative Authority
Recorded by 11 TELEPHONE: (619) 564-2246
t MAR -06-1995 15:44 ROGER SNELLENBERGER & ASS P.02
93/02/1995 17:23 6197777155 CITY
CITY MAR 0 7 1995
»peA araoa wMideoorr ftBLIC WORKS
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X Roger Snellenberger & AssociatesAnc.` .-865 Boardwalk Ste. #212.
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-he tell-- uinenl aro Spocyl frrovrmdns ars anacneo to aro meds a cart of Perms No. ;�7� 32
'he fouowina snail always aootr
ENCROACHMENT ON PRIVATE PROPERTY. 'his permit autnorizes wax to be alxomotlsned wltmn
ONLY. Whenever construction emends within orivate orooeriv. it snail be the re City of V
secure permission from aeurtln wonslpulry or me Quints rignt of wa.
q Oropern owners. Such authorization must oe secured ttv the oermmss for his contracterst rr
TRACKLAYING CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT: C:aateotrsQlevi Derf 'rtes onpr to
Davao suneee uniesa titteawlih smoatn•recaa street paps Ac mechanical umton eduioment snail n starting wart.
:rte oavrnd curing not be
g excavations. Aubbar-tired eaulcmem only Snail be Used qn cacittal cc ars Shall be flttea Wlth fUDOar RreR
Pavement is scarred. spallse. or crOten during the term m this contract. or It the pavement la a1rrem n stl0eat0 pfotec
That tneao OORIpnt Of road to reauRaGeO Over their emirs Davea areas. If the existlni
Surfacing plus accrdOhate f1Yid[^• Resurfacing CiN at Li QyI,hL shall IeOUet
seal goat as sOecitte0 attova. ^9 shall consist of one coat at
PROTECTION OF TRAFFIC: All excavations and wort areas snail ba - two Inenaa 12"1 of A.0
EhglneerorLaQuintsCity Public WOrasinspectors. SuitableOstoursandp tour 1gtlasnabltlsola 00 and
df the Orolea. rho Ci smcguea adeemeo ^eG�arvtNtne at
N shall be notrtisd 24 Hr,. In advenes of any trsttie detours or Oslineations. maintai
CARE OF DRAINAGE STRUCTURES: Anv dramage structure including
concrete structures encountered during excavation wnicn necessrtats corrugateo metal Dips. concrete
neoesaary to remove Q movei snap be replaced in kind. In ne Steal .1t be rt enc
cut existing antiage keptfrres. City of V Quints Stall be rimitied onor to comms
Drainage structures end open drsina shall be rept tree pt debris at all timesevant.it Oaeome•
for oroper arsinags. rtcemem of this wan
RIGHT OF WAY CLEANUP: Any surplus matanal resulting from etcavation and bacttili o
way. All DaVsp SURin3 snarations snag
p be broomea clean at eann and other Oblsojanablo ma[anallemmepyq y aner0a� t
Existing gutter line and drain rom ins right c
prior to Davin aqa mimes snail be repiaceo to their original stanaaro or parser. Alla aeittillOno�paceon
9. Water ill. t shall be used. as reduced; to sonnste tris x022 material
immediately aR,/ patydlll. tab arts to tMp down Aust COf101tlOfls Socias be fartiovei
DE -WATER OPERATI and snag be usw
ONS. If de-wetenng operation, are re0uireo and Dumps aro forcing water on Ci
the respOrlLollrry at the Dermmee ICOntraCtOrl to control this water arta t0
N a) V Quints rosea. it snail br
CLOSING STREETS;Orovras art-ttrest oamcaoas when neenmrv.
arNo street shall De and e. a ge lmum Of tins Ione Of trs"ic snail be maintained at all times to
access for me eal0lning OrOpaty OWrt„t and artiMgency venielea in ins event It IS}alt bums Orin
any tengm at time. permittee snap contact this office to provas lirnrta
obtain the o mesinathefnufttfdoaissnrsstro
necesaary permission.
The tollwrng shad Sooty ONLY when indicated: '
CRI NOTIFICATION: Permnlee snail notrty the City at '777-7075
R2 CASH DEPOSITS OR BONDS: A nen bond or an `mat least AS hours In advance at starting ccnmrtlaton.
Shall be turnisned in the name of City of La approved Surety bond in an amount of not less inan t
maps ano survey monuments. This bona snail It Co cover ail
lwar 1 invowed
al din the restoration Of ins va
Posted orxor to comma neemem of any wdrK On thq by the City Enginesh Th��s La Quints
C.93�UT1LITY CLEARANCE: Dro1a�u . baro must to
ISubstructuraal Prior to mating any excavation witnin ins City at La Ouutta ngrd o}
by Dermrt. ins centimes, snail tamact all contained Utltll/ COrtipanip rela[rvs m ins
Damage to mining tGl muctures resunin from o tSubs udtar es.
of the oermmes. g perations co fOCapptt of eaaztng subanicturea.
�1 ^ditGed undo► In= Permit snail
be the Sols resciOriaiblliry
( R4)1T1UTY CLEARANCE (surtae.
� Promised wort site. lila airueturasl NO Wart anal) be pons under
permmunoar this Duntil all utilities ere clear of the
es !Holl notify all Cariterna0 utility companies of the grace,,” Work
R5 PAVEMENT WIDENING. Area petween me proposed concrWal gurter tine and the existing road pave
surtaceo with inches at A.C. Davin
having an "R'valueat not leas tnan g piano ono—inMes m elaas ^t s^all be
and Specifications. —ano in eonfarmant Swish Cityp} Quinta Aosta negate suo"as course
Ordinance x481. ^fOravarttantStandards
PARKWAY GRADING: Area between 'MO properiytineenotoDoftheprapoaedepnQsteeuroshallbegrsdsdeDj
1/4 inch to one toot I1 �.
,loos of
R7 GRADES &STAKES: City at La Quints snail establish rapes and states for the Proposed concrete
construction. 9
euro and guRer
GRADE Ci en KING: Gly of L a Qulnte snail checlt grades upon receipt at clan and araflle and/or grades asailtabliafleo by
a Ilrensed engineer.
R9 CURB REMOVAL FOR DRIVEWAYS: A portion of the existing concrete curb and/or curb and gutter 1 f
r'movea Curb ana/a corp and gutter shall be saw cut prior to removal. Oaprecasd curb. matching mncrsis
Concrete an away a Ntlthall be
pmoacn snail be constructed in conformance with City at La Quints Standard 9207. gutter and
RIO DRIVEWAYS. A.C.: Driveways snail be constructed as not to alter slusting drainage attism. Surfacing
Property line and the existing road caving snail be 2.1 /2 inches at A.C.a p
aggregate case. Driveway can
snail conform to attaeried Draw noaving placed tin I g ssia—cietwen Ins
-1 of Ua�
R 11 CULVERTS..: rich diameter t
nrnes balOW ano in sine with the exrstm now r d drawing.
' culvert sna0 De installed with the Invert anoraxtmatery 1 • t ; 2
f1 e. Culvert lnstsiia[lon snarl conform to the aitacrte
Al SIGHT CLEARANCE. Sight clearance of 600 feet in either direction snail be assured and malntainso.
R13 SOIL STERILIZER: The area to De surfaced snail be treated wltn sop sterilizer. Rate of application snail awn
manufacturer's Spect1=841ons.
<�COROTE WORK: Div with ins
• The proposed Nrom shaft be subordinated to any operation which the Stats of California or
City of La Quints may fotpr Ih this area during the period
City of La Quima torees too prof this permit. Work snail be COatdtttato0 with ms State or
pro delay or interference with State or City of La Quints ereimm.
15 RVEY MONUMENTS. Prior to excavation
Camsnrne at
all strset,Or oro or beginning Of CpristryrRton. all survey monuments which exist on the
� Darty lines when rilvolved Shap Nfs
roo"Mmo ov a licertaad cmi enginew ors ledmotstatlr tied out so tnev may be reaaiv ann.w —..
i,........�- ---urwvs ar fh. � —
o nvc r •.tONUMENTS P••or to excavatlOn or OeOinnInOaj eonstruetron. all survey monuments spall ea
:I u uurnta apo suri4010 davrttem or Guarantee m Cavment shall as mace as rermoursemem t
y.. u out DVS
R 17 3I VEMENT CUTTING. Pavement will W mse^anieatiir et* to a atrapm a ar Tru ware un varve•
cuntno snarl oa aooroveo tnrcuon the allies or Ins City Engineer. Gunder nogcircumstancesexcavation.
spa neMavann
00 uses to excavate Orlof to cUi,tRO Ot DaVlm1!m1 Excavation m M311 be mfhpd pawmen'
racnuate the General now or traffic. ?rlor to final paving operations. anvsaamaoe to pavementotacea in such
a 9 edwpmest
oosittgn as to nest
correaeo. straight
"AVEMENT CUTTING. Pavement snail be saw cut ortor to removal. Prier to final paving mage snarl be
pavement straight sage snail to corrected. q ooeratton
9� 11MITOF s am damage tc
C J EXCAVATIONS: Excavations snail oe umitea to 1.000lineal tee, of Doan trench oerore cacxtltl coerenons mus:
begin. all excavations snarl be oronerry oanlcaped wlln Irants overnrgnt, on weeuenos ane notraays for to
In* traveling aupuc. The Public Worxslnsbactersnandeterminethesuttaminvarexcavationcarricaatn i
excavation snail remain open for a oerioo excesainq nvetjl pays No excavation spall be mane unie a brd[ealon ov
material Is actually On the war% site. 9 ^ mac^Case. or
R BACKFI s%theeonstructior
LLMATERIAL taaccillshaltbefreeofbrush.rootsorOtherorganicsubstanceastrlmema....
0: DrOOYcmg an aOeauetely consolidate free
bacKlIll. Any matenal which the City at La 'S ui@tat purposes
saturated matena0 wmen Is encountered During excavation snaLL not be used for o Qui to as snarl beultablefswngyor
• reolaceo w an approved sand or gravel.
R21 BACKFILLLSANO: escKtlll shall be a luppindtenled or
three feet 131 and vibrated using vlorottammeara Na em^o or epurvatent and shall be Piece* in llffs Ot
case a rotative compactln at 95 percent snap c ahaime within nt. he �lematemetnoosmavoesup ^Otgreatertnan
uturat section of the rosawayn but in env
BACKFILL PLACEMENT: Backtlll snail be soolree in lavers of not more than 50 percent of the total de
before tlocOlng at a MAMMUm of flve•t*pt 151liftswhere trenches erect excessrvs percent
barttlll material is not suDlaOed to atveme swell by ftoodln otn of the trencr,
tans. Care is to pe Oxwetaed Mat the
resulting cOImOeRIOn shell be not Cels Than 90Oeteem or Gear a ant TO Othetill of nom ll material shall be
mend to that the
compaction. Where Dancing or tfoo*Ing is usea for a In
settlement' i0edu@Ie dikes will be COn
9 prouna. wnieneyN Ia the greater
the water. Where letting is used. the lets shall be of suxjmum IengM to reach 'the bottom w each : nruaadto retain
�Supply snail be cohnnuous. aver and the water
COMPACTION TESTS: If so redutred
bV the Inspector. CcMsctlan lasts shall be made at I ntervals of not m
feet ane a minimum of one f 11 test on each road. One (11 COPY at earn test snail be forwaraeo to ins Cl
approvaGenptdedpnortomakih are Man 1.000
Stanoard no tried
9 permanent repairs. Compaction tests snail be mall@ as outlined to Section
Engineer for
ons Oiviatn at Mighwave. State of California, Dated January 1973, n 8 3 01 of the
R24 COMPACTION TESTS. It so redulred by ins GnsceOor. COmdactlon tests
One 11)COpy of each test snail be forward@oto the Ci Shea d mace for scatfSossl
Com sczionteltasnailberhaaeasoutifneal:Ssct no.3.01Ofth. �socnndtiledoriortomatin ^9 oraervtnlrne.
at Califomla. 9 perRighw It is. S,k a.
Miles January 1973. Speedtealtons. Oivnwn of Miq�ye, State
R23 TEMPORARY PAVEMENT REPAIRS: After Completion of backfill and comoactfonopentppr,ry pa
erations. a tter.
Consisting of 2 incites at SC-800 shall be places On a prepare* supgrace The SC-800 temporary paying ahaU he places
after a maximum of 3.000 lineal feet of trancn has been exCavaled and packflll operations
the placement of the temporary pavement exceed a five 15) Day limit. COfTtOleted. but In cap ease hall
R26 PERMANENT PAVEMENT REPAIR: After oaetfill Ono compaction operations have Dean completed, a temporary pater.
Consisting of two Inches (2T of SC-800 Shall be placed immeolataly A permanent paten at
surfacing place* Ona inch Ctaal �� inches A. C.
temporary road repair. -base small be plaited no later than days art@/
txrfrtpletion or
R27 PAVEMENT mix pavingREPAIR: F.A.S.: nail be cidCompletionaimmsaeldill artdcompaction. a temocrary patcn consisting at two inehes 427
Of sad mix paving rhes 16-1 shall be Placed s air (3tately. A permanent patch of three inches 13T of A.C. surfacing snail
be maeed on six Gnomes f ail contrite Dass al directed. but not later than fifteen 1151 days atter Completion of temocrary
UN SP ConOea gas@ sinal c s five-seed[ MIX Ono shall conform to the City of La Quints Rosa Im overnen(StanOelos
Gild SOetlticatiahi Ordinance @a81.
^�> FOG SEAL A tog seal coat consineer.s[ing of an application of asphalttC emulsion snail be applied over all pallor, areal as
�•� determineo pv ins City Engineer.
R29 SEAL ARMOR COAT: A sena coat consisting of an application pincer and screenings snail be applied on all patch areas
37. St such seal coati tions.existed pilar to Isauaflce of this perm^. Seal or armor Coats snail be aDMIGO as speafied in Seaton
37. Standard Soeatieatlons. State of California. Division of Highways. datso January 1973. Wort of Pavement repair to
be aceomolkshed bV a licensed Contractor engaged in Ins business Of pavement repair.
STREET RESTRIPING. Where street striping Is still visime an streets to be excavate*. such striping snail be replace* upon
Completion of permanent repairs.
R31 TREE RELOCATION OR REMOVAL. Tree relocation within ins Ciry at La Quinta road right of wev spall be eceOmplGsnea
by @ licensed. pOn*ed and insured tree SerVtCe. and handled sately without mterterenca or nazaro t0 the I
It Shall be the responsibility of the permittee 10 maintain the tree in a vigorous growing conattion at Itsranewwling pupltt.
Trees to 0e fanlovea shall be removed In sections which Can be he naiad safety without interference or nazwo tc hignwav
traffic. The entire width at the tree stump snail be removed and disposed of so that h0 aebftS remains In view Of the
hlgnwav The slump hole snail be backtilted and Ihorougntycomgaaea as saaaftee in the following paragraph. Where
c It
becomes necessary to resmct traffic. the work shall be restricted to a matlmum of feet at any one time. Adequate
Signs. flagmen and/or barneades shall be provided to protect the traveling public at all times.
Large notes resulting from tree removal Shall be bac tfilled and compacted to not less than 90 percent Or sdunislent to ins
surrounding ground. whichever IS the greater compaction as determined ov The Impact or field method- Compaction
tests snail comply with Season 6.3.01 of the Stanaara Specifications, Division of Mignwevs. State at California. aatea
January 1973.
S. Only The necessary trimming snail be accomolisnea to DrcviOe clearance at the facility for one calendar veer
All broken or weak Sernons within the trimming snail be removed.
a. Where It becomesnecessarytorestricttraffic.thewortshallberestficteptoamaximumof500feetatanyoneTima.
Adeduate signs, flagmen, analor oarrlcaaes snail be provided to protea the traveling public at all times.
C. If tree trunks are partully Outside of the City at La Quima road right of way, perm a snail make his Own
by this@ arm" with adjoining property owners }Of consent to the trimming In addition t0 the autnonatin provided
by this permit.
d. All tree trimming on EVERGREEN TREES. PAULA TREES, and other ORNAMENTAL TREES shall be a
the sausfacttdn of the City Public Worts Insoeaar, CCbmpllahee to
m. Abumnemnr.rrvw..�.�.�_�_.. _
.In addition to the 'standard permit conditions; the following shall apply:
1. All work shall be performed in accordance with the latest edition of the Standard Specifications.
For Public Works Construction.
2. Permittee shall be responsible for providing continuous dust and erosion control.
3. Streets shall be kept clean. They shall be completely cleaned at the end of each working day
and more frequently if required.
4. Contractor shall comply with the local noise ordinance. Operation and .maintenance of
equipment within one half mile of human occupancy shall be performed only during the
following time periods:
October 1st to April 30: Monday -Friday 7:00 a.m. to 5:30p. m.
Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00p. m.
May 1st to September 30: Monday -Friday 6:00 a.m. to 7:00p.m.
Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00p.m.
Work shall be prohibited on legal holidays including Sundays.
5. . Permittee shall assume responsibility for repair of any pavement breakdown. at the haul road
access to any public or private street and for any damage to other. City streets or. facilities.
6. Advance warning signs and traffic control shall be installed and maintained in accordance with
Cal Trans Standards. It shall be the permittee's responsibility to detour and barricade this site.
7. Street closures shall not be permitted: A minimum of one travel lane on paved surface shall be
maintained with flagmen at all times.
8. Prior to excavating, the permittee shall contact Underground Service Alert at 1(800) 422-4133.
9. Should additional work, materials, or modifications of the work be. required in order to meet city
standards, safety requirements, signage requirements, or to fit actual field conditions, the work
shall be performed by the permittee as directed by and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer
at no cost to the City of La Quinta.
10. All work shall be coordinated with the City, the City's contractor and/or others working within
the area as directed by and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.
Special Conditions - Permit No. 2321
Page 1 of 2
12. All backfill and subgrade soil shall be compacted to 90% relative dry density, all backfill soil
within the top 2'. of finish pavement surface shall be compacted to 95 % relative dry density, all
base material shall be compacted to 95 % relative dry density.
13. Work authorized by this permit shall be only to construct the west project entrance to Laguna
De La Paz as shown on the street improvement plans for Tract 20052-3.
14. All excavations at or near the travel way shall be backfilled and paved if necessary at the end
of each work day for the protection of the traveling public.,
Special Conditions.- Permit No. 2321
Page 2 of 2
• • -r