2325NOTE: With °proper�validation this foRm constitutes an encroachment permit CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION FOR PERMIT PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION (ENCROACHMENT) For the construction of public or private curbs, driveways, pavements, sidewalks, parking lots, sewers, water mains and other like public works improvements in connection with MINOR•IMPROVEMENTS and APPROVED SUBDIVISIONS DATE 3-14-95 LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION Subdivision Improvement Permit — Class I I I Minor Improvement Permit Class IV N.H. Corner of is Palma Dr. Adams St. (Street address or Description of Location) PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION Provide power for cable T.V. Sketch (attach construction plans if appropriate) DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION 110 trench a ind sidewalk See attached conditions DIMENSION OF INSTALLATION OR REMOVAL trent Sea attached drawing SIZE OF EXCAVATION, IF NEEDED 30 x 6 wide APPROXIMATE TIME WHEN WORK WILL BEGIN 3-18-9 APPROXIMATE TIME OF COMPLETION 3-31-95 ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $ 700 (Including removal of all obstruction, materials, and debris, backfilling, com- paction and placing permanent resurfacing and/or replacing improvements) In consideration of the granting of this permit, the applicant hereby agrees to: Indemnify, defend and save the City, its authorized agents, officers, representatives and employees, harmless from and against any and all penalties, liabilities or loss resulting from claims or court action and arising out of any accident, loss or' damage to persons or property happening or occurring as a proximate result of any work undertaken under the permit granted pursuant to this application! Notify the Administrative Authority at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the time when work will be started. r Comply with all applicable City Ordinances, the terms and conditions of the permit and all applicable rules a regulations of the City of L\ La Quinta and to pay for any additional replacement necessary as the resul of this work. i t Signature of Applicaf) or Agent ' Colony Cablevision 41-725 Cook St. Pala Desert, CA 340-1312 Name of Applicant (please print) Business Address Telephone No. .Cochran Comlmunication Const. 36-630 Cathedral Canyon Dr. Cathedral City, CA 328-6778 Name of Contractor and Job Foreman Business Address Telephone No. , 478543 1 865 • Contractor's License No. Applicant's Insurance Company FEES: Subdivision Improvement Permit — Class 111 Public improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs Private improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs Minor Improvement Permit — Class IV: See attached schedule Inspection Fee $ Permit Fee _ Penalty Cash Deposit -Surety Bond if required TOTAL: Receipt No. Received by Recorded by 80 10 $ 90 Date City Business License No. 700821519 Policy Number 2321, D MAR 15 1995 PERMIT VALIDATION PERMIT NO. 2325 DATE APPROVED EXPIRATION DATE 3-14-95 4-17-95 DATE I SUED J 46, By n Administrative Authority TELEPHONE: (619) 564-2246 NOTE: With proper validation this form constitutes an encroachment permit CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION FOR PERMIT -PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION (ENCROACHMENT) For the construction. of public or private curbs, driveways, pavements, sidewalks, parking lou, sewers, water mains and other like public works improvements in connection with MINOR IMPROVEMENTS and APPROVED SUBDIVISIONS 9 Subdivision Improvement permit — Class III GATE:-_rr ) Minor Improvement Pe it pass IV LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION a • �� Ad Al �i� L� A A,7 ,4 5 -r (Street address or pattriation of Location) PURPOSE •OF CONSTRUCTION _6 0o j e ? �A ��7 B1 sketch (attach construction Inns if a V P pproprina) DESCRI TION OF CONSTRUCTION G /' DIMEN ION OF INSTALLATION OR R MOVAL i E✓11 �l — a �� �E SIZE OF EXCAVATION, IF NEEDED L APPROXIMATE TIME WHEN WORK WILL BEGIN APPROXIMATE TIME OF COMPLETION � ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST S o� (Including removal of all obstruction, materials, and debris, backfilling, Com- Paetion and placing permanent resurfacing and/or replacing improvements) In consideration of the granting of this permit, the applicant hereby agrees to: PUBLIC WORKS Indannov,.defend and save the CIN, its authorized agents. officm, representath," and amploype. hannloa from and against any srte all Penaltiet, liabilities or loss resulting from claim Or Court action and &rising out of any secidant, Ion a Qarrhegs to parsons or propsity happen or ooeurring as a pro:irmto remit of any wort undertalcran under the permit gnntad pursuant to this appletion. Notlfy the Administrative Authority at Ices twenty-four 124) hour in advanee of the time when wort will be stared Comply with all eppinbls City Ordinanese, the temp and conditions of the permit and al applicable rules and mWWtwm of the City of La Quina and to pav for any additional replKenwnt neensen, as the result of this wort n _ CITY OF LA., QUINTA MAR 14 1995 C�Ci �Sv�F U• S gnaturs of Applian ApsM 1 x C'�Lz: �'Ny C��cFvisia,N Name wok 57- Ili 3%U /�/� Nae of Applicant (please print) Business Address Telephone Na n XCQZ&,Y,4 ) COWMo C.l- ,.L S r,d �.rT//ED/)11 ��IYPQ Al Name of Contractor and Job Foreman Business Address / Telephone No. Contractor's License No. City Business License No. 7C ( / � X 7DD�Zl G-/ C% Applicants Insurance Company lag•V, 1.11,061IL-1TY Policy Number FEES: Subeivision Improvement Permit —Class III Public improvements: 3% of estimated construction coin Private improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs Minor Improvement Permit — Class IV: See attached schedule Inspection Fee S 6e0__ Permit Fee 1 1) Penalty Cash Deposit -Surety Bond if required TOTAL: Receipt No. s 70 1%1386 PERMIT VALIDATION PERMIT NO. rr DATE APPROVED 3 7 =� EXPIRATION DATE — 1-7 - � 5 DATE ISSUED 8y / Received by Date AdministrativeAuthority Recorded try TELEPHONE: (619)77 -he following tion m l Ono Sceculn l+rovfslons are artacnad to and Maine a dart of Pertrirt No. GENERAL PROVISIONS -he (ollowfnq snail always atloly ENCROACHMENT ON PRIVATE PROPERTY 'ills oermrt au[norfzea wart t ONLY. Whenever construction errands wltnln orlvate crooerty. t snail De the esconsmusty or Ina oerM secure permission from aounfn Citv of La Quints rfgnt of wa, g prUIPMv owners. Such autnorttatton must oe secured ov Ino 'Ree for I' Is contractors) t, TRACKLAYING CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT: ClaKea tfaotfevf oe►R+Inee onor t oaebsurfaceuntesarRleowftnsm nocon?t o starting wort. octn•recea street cads. All mechonleaf Cutnion eaulomer" snail not on Cer"'IM801 :ria Covina curing excavations Rubber-tfrea ebwomenr onry anew be used q^erssnail bstltteawftnrunnerstraK �«rraanen agement Is scarred. spatted. or oroxen inuring the term or tilts co^ oacatlll acerKlona in ,ncesto crated that these canton, ot road tie resurtaeea over their entire contract. or If the pavement Ise marred City araaa It the exfstln, surfacing plus aooroonats vaffatn. Resurfacing snail eonstat of one N at La Quenu gnat( reousr ,gal coat as xpecittec eoove. coat of two Inert PROTECTION OF TRAFFI se 12'1 of A.0 C: All excavations and wort areas snail bacrooenv ugntea and banrcaa Engineer or La Quints City Public Works tnsoet:tors• Suitools aetoura and detour signs of the orolsa. The Ci placed a°ea^'se ^sea,aa►vov,the Gr City snail be nottfted 24 Mrs. In advance of a g Biline croL ono molmat CARE OF DRAINAGE^y traffic tlKoure Of tlallneetlolta, Mofdrtmaauratlo, STRUCTURES: Anv drainage structure including corrugated metal °toe. concrete COhrete structures encountered during excavation wnfcn necessitate remOVN snap be rnOlatnd Ino kind. In the nabassary to remove or Cut existing drainage structufea.Conn. steel Culvert flow Drainage structures and o City at La Quints shall be notified onor to commendme�t.It become pan drains snail be kept tree of debris at am times CrdDnf drainage. RIGHT OF WAV C mot tots wort CLEANUP: Any surofua material resulting from excavation and bacocflll o way. All oavea surfaces snap be broomed Caen of eann and other Oblocttonabla materials lmmeolotah, afterbacttlll a operations snail Da removed from trio right o Existing gutter tine and drslnage audiles snail be reotaceo to their origins stanosro of cotter. All a Dilor to paving. Water Canter shall be used, as r �COrRpaCbOn Immediately after baaddl. etluueo. to sOnnate tris loo site t° tee excess matanao ahau be remove, p down Oust conditions and sham ba uses DE -WATER OPERATIONS. If da-wetenng aperomens are repufrep (no resconmomty m the Dermfnee Icomtractorf to control this water aDgmps are forcing wale ran City Of V Quints rads. It snail b, CLOSING STREETS: No street snail be closed. A minimum ot one Ise Drcwtae off-street com"caa, when nedaaarv. a=e9 for trio Obtaining prppetly bwrnefa aro 'Ono Of tfar ie snail be maintained at ell Iti see to any lengtn at time. Committee small cc ntaet tnla�O�~n�lL In the event Ir a felt Ovthe beim orbvfoa lfmne, g to aoufn file neceaaa msetmatriamumcloaeastreetto ry Permission. The folhv, SPECIAL PROVISIONS ^9 small apply ONLY when Indicated: R1 'NOTIFICATION: Petfhmee snail nottfy the City -7)7--207S— R2 )-% %07� R2 CASH DEPOSITS OR BONDS: A use -at I/aK 48 hours In advance of starting ahaotratan. shall be turnlsnno in trio nems of City of^Loot an approvsa surety bond to an amount of not tea roan s rosins and survey monuments. This bona stall be conttinuoua ints to Cover ail until cark ncel edved the o City Engineer. of the vin posted prior to eommencemem at an bo fns Ci rlo" Ls Quanta y wort on thea Drdlea . N Emgtneer. Tills bore must be UTILITY CLEARANCE; (Substructures,Priartomattn an• e bypermR.inepammrteesnail contact all concerng /'�vauonwithin tnOCitvofLaQuints rogmat Damage to sxisbm sin ration COrlfanoes relatne to the locabp^ Of existing SLIS �rf:e0 at the oermmee. g xuoaavaurea resuming from operations m naVaedunderintoDenmRsnailbeineaOle rural. UTILITYteepdruletllry CLEARANCE. (Surface strnctureeo No wort !mall be noneuROer ante DarthR until all. OrCpoaeb wart site. The Oe►mmee anal) notify ail concerned utility Companies ase Oeaf Of the Cbmpsnlee of rile proposed work, PAVEMENT WIDENING: Area between trio or the Cont"" surtacaowfrn ;rfeheaofA.0 Ogen gutter tine and the existing road Dae surfaced an•'R'valyadfnotInasthan gplacedon inchesOtclass _ rnem shall be and Specifications. Ordinance 0461 • and In eonfofmaneewf-^ Cityaf la Qui Rai^ aQ00regate subbasecourse 1lrordvemem Stanaras PARKWAY GRADING: Area between the crape lJ 1/4 fncn to one tact(I.I. nv(ills end too °t the or°dosed concrete curb snail be ra R7 GRADES o STAKES: City of la Quanta snarl establish grades and states for tris g adtoaalobaot construction. & proposed concrete RB GRADE CHECKING: City of La curb and gutter a licensed engineer. QulneasnallehecagratlesuoonreeKptotclanandovoflleend/orgracasaaeatablishedby R9 CURB REMOVALFOR DRIVEWAYS: A portion of the existing concrete cure and/or curb and gutter 1 f nmtcveb. Curb and/or cute and gutter snail be saw Cyt prior to removal, 0eptessod curb. matching cancJfte Concrete onvewev a eetlahall be aorarn snarl be constructed In conformance with City of La Quints Standard 0207, gutter en° RIO DRIVEWAYS. A.C.: Orlvnwevs snail be constructed as not to alter existing dramas Pattern. Surfacing Propenv tine and the extorting road caving snail be 2.1 /2 inches of A.C.g aggregate case. Driveway construction snail conform to attached drawing. avin atvesn file g placed on I '7 Cf class R 11 CULVERTS. .:� nen dfametert ­—­; Culvert snail oe installed with the Invert aoproximatery 1.1 '2 inches below and In fine wain one existing flow line. Culvert tnstaltatfon'snall conform to trio attacned drawing R13 SIGHT CLEARANCE: Sight clearance of 600 feet In eller direction snail tie assured and maintained. R13 SOIL acture s SO The sten to pe surtaeedsnam be treated wit^ scot sterilizer. Rate at application snail Com manuracturer•s soeerfieatlons. COORDINATE Dtywlthtne WORK' The Cropasea veR shins( be sucardtnatec to any operation which the State of California or CUV of La Qulma may conduct In this area our,ng the period of this permit. WoR snail be eoordtiutea vwtn the State ar City of La Quints forces to preclude delay or Interference wltm State or City of La Quinta ardlwal. R1 SURVEY MONUMENTS: Prior to excavation or boglnning at construction, all survey camentne ot all stteeb or orooerty lines whom IRwlved snail a monuments w^len exist be rettacao by a licensee ehnr engmew or s ecmblately tied out so to on rile �-_--. yryevdrettil. ,� they mayOereamheraf,.,...�_... o .-"w c r •40NUMENTS. P -•or to excavation or Dealnnine., construction. ai, survev monuments snail be'I,r,aaut by - :t u uuinla one suiloole oavmem or guarantee of Ointment snail as maga as reimbursement to► an wpnk Imrotvs. A17 34VEMENT CUTTING. Pavement will be macitan,cal,v, alt to a strx ont sada tutor to a icavarse Metftop of Cavemen ()@Elsa snap x be vat ono through the Orftce Or the Citv Engineer. IUrtae► n0 circumstances snag excavating oa Utat TO excavate Olow or traffic.cuttinPrior oaV final E7[WaflOn material snap be OIaC°a in ,ac111taIe the general now Ot tnatTt(). ?nor f0 nnal Oavino Operations. anv damaae IO Oavemem S1ri g a0ulOmant such a OoaltlOn as to best .onlRea Ignt edge snail be RIB '4VEMENT CUTTING. Pavement snail be saw cut prior to removal. Prior to renal paving ooerotloh pavement straignt edge snail be corrected, Operations. anv damage rc R19 LIMIT OF EXCAVATIONS: Excavations snail be limited to 1.000lineal tee, at' oen treses oerore baektill oosranons mus: begit. All excavations snail be craved, earricadeo with lidnts overnight. on weeKenos and molicays tar ins she travaiing puaue. The Public WorKs inspector small determine the sullaonln, at excavation oarricadln I materseXitavtl is scall remelt oven for a eeflOp eKceonlhq rive tJ) days. No excavation snail be mace unless ins construictiar material is aR@a11V On the WOIK site. g in seen WSg. Nc R20 BACKFiLLMATERIALBacktiUsnail be free at Crush. rootsorOther organic substance aetrlmema.. of ardoucing an aoeouately consolidated backtill. Anv Material Mm,ct the Ciri at La QUihta deems Un%@Itabto ours yes Saturate° meterlall wmieh is encdun,ereti Burin purpgy or replaced by an approved sane or gravel, g excavation snaLL not Caused for tacxtlll, but shall be su R21 BACKFILLSANO: Batyttlll shall be ° ppierttentea or throe rest 13'1 dna vltrsroa limn viOppr ttatin-mix same or equivalent arta snail be ctaced In tlftt at g r^deroreounaiemgouipment.Altematemetnodamavoesub ^dtgroatertnan Cade a felarne COmdaction of 95 no COM snail be attained within the R:ructural section of the raaammv, BACKFILL%tntttati. but In anv PLACEMENT: Bacid,ll snail tis abollea ,n levels at not more than 50 percent of the total da before flaouing or a maximum at five -toot 151 liftswnere trenches aracit excesalve aeptns. Cars is to os ex batitt,ll material is not subleaeo la exReme swell pin of the ri t trener resultingftOO°I^gODefattdnS.BackfillmaterialshallDe e�erasotnatine ()omoaettonsnallb°notlesstnon90oerromorequivalent tothe surrounam A1°�sotnstthe edmoandtn. Where dancing or flooding Is used for a manmum sattlernem. a g ground. wnleh de0uats allies will be constructed °ais to reater tain the waren. Where onus rs used, the lets shall pa of sufficient length to reacts Ins bottom of seen ; to retain tsIOPN snag be ewtnnuous. aver also the water R23 COMPACTION TESTS: If so required bytne inspector, feat and a minimum at one (1) test on earn roan cpmoaOV attests shallSn mage et Intervalsot not m approval and filed arlorto malun One I I I Copy at each test shall tis t 1 inter ed to the G more than I .�C Standar° Specific t 9 permanent reoatrs. Cpm Pactian tesmsnall be rage asoutlln a tIn o Section Engineer tar ons. Oiwuon at Mighwave, Slat° of California. dated January 1973 on 6.3.01 at the R2 'COMPACTION TESTS: If so ►otiuired by me lnspeaor. comoaawn teen snail be made for earn a On°I11ccovatseentee:snailbetbrwargeatotri°City ComacrtartesmSh gnu filed onortoMakin Compaction tests snail be maps asouwnepInS coOn eCitv3.3.01oftheSeanaaro geeing aervre Sins. dCalHomia Called January 1973 Spoahcatlons.0ivtsn� onarttrawate R25 TEMPORARY PA gttuaava. State PAVEMENT REPAIRS; Alter completion of bactflll and compaction operations. a temporon, patch consisting of 2 incises at SC -800 shall be placed on a prepared %upgrade. Tho SC -8 ins placement of the temporary pavement exceed a five 15) da00 tem fiery Dawn after a maximum of 3.000 lineal feet at trench has teen excavated and back}ill operations comals.too. out intn0 cases aldl y limit. R26 PERMANENT PAVEMENT REPAIR: After backfill dna compaction imit.ons nave gees completed. a temptirary pater consisting of two Inches 12"1 of SC•800 snail be placed Immeaiatew A Permanent oaten of Surfacing placed an a inch class /melted A C. tMnPorary rasa repair. �baae shall be Placed no Tater than Gay agar cpmpietlon or R27 PAVEMENT REPAIR: F.A.S.: Upon becliaetla nnotbaekt,llandcompaction,atenrporarypatenconsistingattwoInches(Z7 of cora mi: Paving (SC -8001 shall De olacea lrnrtreaiately. A Permanent paten at tnres Inches 131 of A.0 be Placed on six lnrnes 16-1 concrete base as atrectea. out not tater than fifteen 1151 say aper cdmoieaon surfaasg snail Pairing. Canve,a Ostia aha11 bsof five -elle mix and shall conform to tris City at La O days Road tmmalsoo ottemocrary ane Specifications. Ordinance 0461. gm Standards RZB FOG SEAL A tog $eal coal consisting of an application of asonaltic emulsion snail D° avowo over all Wttlt areas as W trio City Engineer. R29 SEAL ARMOR COAT: A seal coat eonsiatinq of an aopticauon binder and screenings small be availed on all patty areas 37. St sues Seel coats 6xistion . palsy f alit a nimat this palms. Seal Or armor coats shall be applied as sOeafled In Seaton be Stannard Specifications. Stats of California, Oivlslon of Mighways. stated January 1973. Wont of oavem be eeopmOltshed by • licensed contractor engaged In fns business of pavement repair. repair to R30 STREET RESTRIPING. Where street striving is still visible on streets to to excavated. such striping snail be replaced upon completion of Permanent reoairs. R31 TREE RELOCATION OR REMOVAL. Tree relocation wain the City of La Quinta road right of wav snail be aceomollsheo by a l,censea. Damage and Insured tree service. and nanoted sately without mterterence or na:ara to tme traveling public. It Shall be the responsibility of the oermntee to maintain the tree in a vigorous growing condition at its new location Trees to to removed shall be removed in socnons whlch can be handled sately without Intenerence or maxarp to h,gnwav traffic. The entire width of tie tree stump snail be removed and disposed of so that no debris remains in view Of the h,ghwav The slump hole snail be oacktllled and thorougniveampactep becomes necomary to resas Specified in ins following parogropn.Where It restrict traffic. the walk shall be restricted to a maximum of 500 feel at env one time. Adequate signs. flagmen and/or barricades shall be provided to protect the traveling public at all times. Large nodes resulting }fpm tree removal Surrounding ground. Shell be backbiled antiCOntpactee to not less than 90 Percent or equivalent to the Whichever is the greater compaction as determined by true impact or field metnde• Compaction tests snail comd,v with Season 6.3.01 of the Standard Soecdicatibns. division of Mighwevs. State of California. dated January 1973. R32 TREE TRIMMING: a. Only ins haeessary trimming snail be accomoi,sneti to provide Clearance of the fadllri for one ()decider veer All broken or Woolf Sernons within the trimming snail be removed. p Where ,teSigbecomes necessarytgresmatraffic,thewant shallberestrtcteatoamaximum of500feet atanyone lame. Adequate signs, flagman. and/or Darrrcapes snail be Crowded to protea Into trawling puttsc at all times. G If tree mens era Catjoini ounwe of the Ciri of Li Quintet road right at wev. Pennines snail Maas his own by this ermit with adjoining property owners for consent to the tnmming In addition to tna autncw- UOn PTOvlaed by this oarmrt. d. All tree trimming on EVERGREEN TREES. PALM TREES, and other ORNAMENTAL TREES shall be aoeompliaheo to the satisfaction of the City Public Works Inspeoor, s. Abutting nrnn....... -- -_ _ _ _ SPECIAL CONDITIONS --PERMIT NO. 2325 --- COCHRAN COMMUNICATIONS. --- In addition to the standard permit conditions, the following shall apply: 1. All work shall be performed in accordance with the latest edition of the Standard Specifications For Public Works Construction. 2. Permittee shall be responsible for providing continuous dust and erosion control. 3. Streets shall be kept clean. They shall be completely cleaned at the end of each working. day and more frequently if required. 4. Contractor shall comply with the local noise ordinance. Operation ' and maintenance of equipment within one half mile of human occupancy shall be performed only during the following time periods:. October 1st to April 30: Monday -Friday 7:00 ,a. m. to 5:30p. m. Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00p.m. May 1 st to September 30: Monday -Friday 6:00 a.m. to . 7:00p. m. Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00p.m. Work shall be prohibited on legal holidays including Sundays. 5. Permittee/contractor shall assume responsibility for repair of any pavement damage to any public or private street and for any damage to other City streets or facilities as a result of work performed under this permit. 6. Advance warning signs and traffic control shall be installed and maintained in accordance with Cal Trans Standards or the Work Area Traffic Control Handbook (WATCH Manual). It shall be -the permittee's responsibility to detour and barricade this site. 7. - Street closures shall not be permitted. A minimum of one travel lane on paved surface shall be maintained with- flagmen at all times. 8. Prior to excavating, the permittee shall contact Underground Service Alert at 1(800) 422-4133, 9. Should additional work, materials, or modifications of the work be required in order to meet city standards, safety requirements, signage requirements, or to fit actual field conditions, the work shall be performed by the permittee as directed by and to the satisfaction of the City' Engineer at no cost to the City of La Quinta. Special Conditions - Permit No. 2325 Page 1 of 2 SPECIAL CONDITIONS ---PERMIT NO. 2325 continued 10. All work shall be coordinated with the City's contractor and others working within the area as directed *by and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 11. All backfill and subgrade soil shall be compacted to 90% relative dry density, all backfill soil within the top 2' of finish pavement surface shall be compacted to 95 % relative dry density, all base material shall be compacted to 95 % relative dry density. 12. All excavations at or near the travel way shall be backfilled and paved at the end of every work day as directed by and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer for the protection of the traveling public. 13. All landscaping, irrigation, decorative rock, decorative concrete, lighting etc. shall be replaced to its original .condition. 14. Access and egress to all local properties shall be maintained at all times. 15. Permanent pavement replacement section shall be one inch greater than existing, but not less than 3" of A.C. over 4.5" of A.B. 16. If the work is to be performed by forces other than that of the utility company the contracting company shall be required to apply for an additional encroachment permit and pay the appropriate fee. Special Conditions - Permit No. 2325 Page 2 of 2 Attn: Needs Approv Proposed Pov DA C Iii OF CURB WALL f CABL E T -V .FE,DESTAL / T RE" CI -i jI PROP(ZS.F D P0 Wr R S U PPL.Ir lEX/STING MFTE.RS AX/84-3388 AX/B4 -3.436 al for ier Meter 73' I.NTCRNAL USE ONLY uthoriz.ed signalure Date U) S/DEVVALA a n r w A &- w .-. .. N Colony Cablevlslon of California Phone: (619) 340-1312 O , Colony Contact: al for ier Meter 73' I.NTCRNAL USE ONLY uthoriz.ed signalure Date U) S/DEVVALA a n r w A &- w .-. .. N Colony Cablevlslon of California Phone: (619) 340-1312