With -proper validation 2C9,
Ithis form constitutes 60C—�Q�
encroachment permitt I+
For the construction of public or private curbs, driveways, pavements, sidewalks, parking lots, sewers, water mains
and other like public works improvements in connection with MINOR IMPROVEMENTS and APPROVED SUBDIVISIONS
Subdivision Improvement Permit — Class II I
DATE: 3"11.95 Minor Improvement Permit Class IV
LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION Clubhouse within The Citrus Course Tract 24890
PP 94-527
(Street address or Description of Location)
'RPrOSE OF CONSTRUCTION Sketch (attach construction plans if appropriate)
ove Construct Aardscaps =nts
concrete work per the approved plan
(Including removal of all obstruction, materials, and debris, backfilling, com-
paction and placing permanent resurfacing and/or replacing improvements) _
In consideration of the granting of this permit, the applicant hereby agrees to:
See attached conditions
l! ApR 03 1
I �3y 995
Indemnify, • defend and save the City, its authorized agents, officers, representatives and employees, harmless from and against any and all
penalties, liabilities or loss resulting from claims or court action and arising out of any accident, loss or damage to persons or property
happening or occurring as a proximate result of any work undertaken under the permit granted pursuant to this application.'
Notify the Administrative Authority at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the time when work will be started.
Comply with all applicable City Ordinances, the terms and conditions of -the permit and all applicable rules and regulations of the City of
La Quinta and to y p y f t
pay for an additional replacement necessary as result of this work.
& Signatur of Applicant or Agent
RSL Recreation Corp. 56-140 PGA Blvd La Quinta, CA 92253 564-1088
Name of Applicant (please print) Business Address Telephone No.
Rancho Capistrano Dev. 79-687 Country Club Dr. Bermuda Dunes, CA 92201 145-7755
Name of Contractor and Job -Foreman Business Address Telephone No.
Contractor's License No. City Business License No.
EXCO Ins DOLS -190-791
Applicant's Insurance Company Policy,Number
FEES: Subdivision Improvement Permit —Class 111
Public improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs
Private improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs
Minor Improvement Permit — Class IV: See attached schedule
Inspection Fee $
Permit Fee
Cash Deposit -Surety Bond
if required
Receipt No.
Received by
$ 4893
Administrative Authority
Recorded by 11 TELEPHONE: (619) 564-2246
With proper validation
this form constitutes an
encroachment permit CITY OF LA QUINTA
For the construction of public or private curbs, driveways, pavements, sidewalks; parking lou, sewers, water mains
and other like public works improvements in connection with MINOR IMPROVEMENTS and APPROVED SUBDIVISIONS
�l--1 —7---9��- Subdivision Improvement Permit — Clara III
GATE: Minor Improvement Permit Class IV
W Tr i ? L
Istreat addrau or Description of Location)
PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION !- �-5 r��T�f>1564of/
Sketch (attach construction plans if appropriate)
(Including removal of all obstruction, materials, and debris, badcfitling, cont
paetion and placing permanent resurfacing and/or replacing improvements)
In consideration of the granting of this permit, the applicant hereby agrees to:
Gowl Jl�o�j�
Indemnih. defend cerci save the City, its authorized agsno. officers, representatives and arnolayees, hat"asa from ane against airy and all
Penenies. "Wlit"s M Ion rasWting from daims or court action and arising out of spry accident, l*aa or darttege so persona or propaity
happening or occurring es a pro:irrote result of any wort undwtabn under the permit granted pursuant to this application.
Notify the Administrative Authority at ISM tvwnrV-four 1241 hours in advance of the time when work d.
trill be starte
Comely with all applicable Clry Ordirmum, the tame and conditions of the permit and all applicable rules and regulations of the C)tv of
La Quints and to pay for any additional replacement necessary µ the result of this wort.
Name of Applicant (please print)
X ,�M(C.�ta �wni��nsa-e
_ Signature of Applicant or Agent
'140 D-
- GO-?
Business Address
� 223
�y �og8
Telw�ons No. a
Der V" ,f�� Gr-- 011/ �-�7 5 3'
Name of Contractor and Job Foreman
�q 7�'�.S
Business Address Telephone No.
x �
Contractor's License No. / %1�e9
City BusinLicense No.
-rw(Cb Z�!5 Business License
Applicant's insurance Company 151611, LIABILITY Policy Number
FEES: Subolvision Improvement Permit —Class III
Public improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs
Private improvements: 3% of estimated construction cont
Minor Improvement Permit—Class
IV: See attached schedule
inspection Fee S �1Jr/3 I
Permit Fee d
Cash Deposit -Surety Bond
if required
Receipt No.
Received by Date
Recorded by --
1 v86
7 -
By /
Administrative Authority
C7 • �ha f011avwina uenenl aro tioecyl rirovfsions ars onac nea to aro made a cart or Penvmf No. L
-he following snail always aaoir
"ENCROACHMENT ON PRIVATE PROPERTY -his permit authorizes war[ to be arxdmdi,sned wln,n
ONLY. Whenever construction extends wifnin orivale crocemr. it snail pe file re
Secure permission from attuningCity of La Ouinte right of we
or owners. Sucn autnorization m sD secured
or the oem+^tee for nos contractors, f
TRACKLAYING CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT: C:eROorneftiavt must be secured by the oermines prior to
oave'a ounace unless ^d constructron eou,bmem shall n starting worn
tilted Wiln 7mOatn-faced street Oaaa. All moo nan real gum It bs germ
:rte caving dUflnq excxvetlerts. Rubber -tinea eeuiament aniv Snail be used in eraanill be tfnep Witn runeeratre tea mitwine gnarl
Osvement is scarrea. 5031100, or broken curing the term m this con oaititfell operations in a snots to orate,
tnR tnesa btxtiona or road ba resurtacea aver their entire �a ar ft the ty of dread. If the etiatin
oavemem is maned City of V punts snail revue,
surfacing Plus acorn nate seal cost as sbeciilea above. wwfalh. Rasunectng shall consist of one
con of two incnas 12"1 of As
PROTECTION OF TRAFFIC: All excavations and war[ areas snail ba -
Engineer or La Qulnta City Public Worts Inspectors. Suita0le aatdurs aro ray itgntea aro bameaa
at 1110 010 160. detour signs WWII be ed adeemed ins
try the C;.
1 Ria City ana11 be notrtied 24 Hrs. in aavenea of a olaesa aro rtylntsl
CARE OF DRAINAGE STq IIsi traffic dRaurs or aelitleanors. ^edtortneauratio
cdnerets structures encountered du 9 exovai con wneen nstructure inuuaing corrugated metal Dios. co
neeesaart, to nm ecess tate remover ansa b0 r ate alae' atae, culvert an
five or cut Oxmlrq drainage atructuna. City at V _ etiyeed in it In the
Ofainage rIrYQUto$ aro anon drains snail be Leot tree of aeons at Quints
�l be notified ferfl.et become
anor to ctunmencemei ft of this won
RIGHT OF WAY CLEANUP: Droner aninngs.
Athi surplus material resulting from aLcava"on and baCttfll operations snag be rem0
waw. All caved surfaces snail 0e 0rcomed dean of.eann and owner objectionable materls la immeaunh, Otter baektlll arta
Existing gutter tine and drainage atones snail be reomcea to ins'? original stanaaro or V l from the right .
Prior to caving. Water tanker shall be used, as r patter. A110 eamDaetioi
inlmadlstenr after astaflll, rebuffed. to anrinkis ins job site to Lee excess material anau be remove
0 dotiiirf oust conaltions dna [nail be uaa
OE -WATER OPERATIONS: If do-watenng a0eratlans are required and q
Ina resconsinllnv at ns asoommsa ICOntrat2prl t0 control ,ilia water and los are forcing yyeteran City ' V Quints r
CLOSING STREETS:0rovf0a �-0treet 08meace[ v,men noce�ryt small t
No street shalt be closed. A minimum at one one of traffic snail be maintained at au times to
dimes tar the sataining pmo nm, owners aro emw94rtcv venu=s. In ilia event n Is telt bums
any lengm of time. 0ermmea snail contact tma office to Orovfaa timrts
Obtain the necessaryDettnmesnat rte mYRcfb[e• Strom to:
follwing styli apply ONLYwhen indicated:
RI NOTIFICATION: Perm nes shall notrly, ne City a TI 7S
R2 CASH OEPO_ OR BONDS: A cogn st least 48 hours in advance of starting omtab union.
211811 ba Iurnnnso lin na name of ity Of L nif a i an aa,d co" surety bona in an amountof not less rnan a
roads and survey La Qul be to cover e0 wart involved in ins restorapon at the va
monuments. This bona rnan be continuous
until cancelled by the City Engineer. This
Onstad origr to commerfesrrfem of any worm on thea finite La Quints
Orojeea . bona mart b0
U71hr OLsrmn, t� oa niNCE.es snailucontact all cone m i^g rnv eseavauonwn^in tneCity at La Quints n
gnt Oarrage to matin ed utility cbm0ames relative to Ina location at existing s�auutnrftea
g stmstrvauraa resuming from o
of theosrmmas, g 00ntionsebnduaepuroertnawrmhsmall beIn* sale r�rea.
UTILITY teseeryibilory
FRANCE. ISurtace structures, No wort snail be done under this Derma until all utflfti0s are dear of the
Prft0a2ea won sets. The Pefrnmee snail not1ty all mncernsd utility cpmp�n,y of the Or000sea war[,
R5 PAVEMENT WIDENING. Area between ins 0rocosed m
surfaced with inches of A.C. Davin ^dere gutter fine anti the existing road Dave
having an "R'valueot not testi rnan 9 Plseso on____,inches at class ^1e^I anon be
and Soecnicabons. Ordinance 04g a^a'^contormeneswirn0;ryof La Quints
n dvemnntStanaarda
RB , PARKWAY GRADING: Area oetvveen ins 0rcoe
1 /4 ,nen to dna fact I11. nil line dna too of the arcuosea concrete curb shall be gradedrd a sides
R7 GRACES & STAKES: City of La Quints snail establish graded and staked for fns at
construction. PtaPOaso concrete
euro dna putter
R RADECHECIUNG:Citydlla0ulntasnelleneetgraaeauoonreeefutatclanandcramsena/orgraaesasestablishedb
a licensed engined►.
R9 CURB REMOVALFOR DRIVEWAYS:A Portion atthe existingY
rsmin"M Curb and/or turn anti gutter snail be saw Concrete curb and/or curb and gutter ( f
concrete Ofivewa a cut bflOr to curb
Oaeromed euro, m e1Mlshall be
V nadacn snail be constructed in contarrnanea with City of to curb.
Standard nen Q gutter and
R10 DRIVEWAYS. A,C,; Orivewevs snarl be constructed as not to alter existing drainage Pattern. Surfacing be
0ro0ertv rine and the carting roan caving snail be 2-1/2 inches of A.C.g 0
aggregate base. Orivewav, construction snail conform to attacnea craw naavfn g tween rile
9 Dlacad on 1 "I of ala
.men diameter i
culvert snail be installed worn the invert accroxlmatety 1.1 ; 2
mcnes below and in fine with the existing flow fine. Culvert installation snail cdntorm to the attar nea drawing
_ R12 SIGHT CLEARANCE: $;gro eteannes at 600 f
eet in Oltner 3 SOIL STERILIZER: The area to be sunacea steal be treated vn
an snail be
manuracturer•s saaertieations. tn�so l stanp
lizer. Aare assure
aPnnt an snaiand l mmplvM„in the
COORDINATE WORK; The tuo0oseo wort srtatl be sucarafnated to any onerstlon which the State of California or
City of La Qulnta may conaua In this area curing
City Of l a Quints tortes to Prectuas delay or interference awiitnOf t Sthis ate p 041111111t.Worksnail n s crmnatea wit^ the State or
R15 SURVEY MONUMEN City of La Quints orojeets.
T5: Prior to excavation or beginning of constriralon. all survey monumsms wnit n Oasl
CaRlenina at all sweats ar aranertv lines Wnen im,dtVeO Riau be
omttaratahr tied out so tnev m on file
b»nmaceofly a kvrlied civil engineer or survews of 1".�__ av Oe reaaflveni. H.w��...
-.0 : - c r MONUMENTS P, -or to eleaveIran or oeofnnine or construction. ars survev monuments snail ba s.
:I V uuinta and surlaale Oavmeni Of Guarantee al Oavment snail as made as reimoursemem for all' aKr :•J, °3
R 17 'AVEMENT CUTTING. Pavemem will be memanleeliv cut to a airoiam a vvotk invoivec
cunino snail be souroveo tnrouon the office or the Gtv Engt'a a teem 'Under 0"no Gi ar to 9 circumstances n. Mood at cavemen.
oe used to excavate odor to cumno or oavemPrnt Excavation material snail be olaceo in sucn a 00ahn
tacllltate me General flow or cradle. Prior to tinal baveno operations. anv cameos to pavement g e6 snail n
oominon as to des
'orreaed. straight Bags snail be
R18 `AVEMENT CUTTING. Pavement snail be saw cut prior to removal. Prior to final paving operations,
Davement siralgnt edge snail be corrected.
19 OMIT OF ^ any damage tc
u(CAVATIONS: Excavations small be umrtsa [0 1.000lineal feet of poen trench before packfIII eoeranons mus
begin• all excavations snail be arooerw oamcaaea min Monts overnignt, on weeeenos.and noleaaysrortnegroteafon o
thetraysnngpuplla The Public Woritsinsbeaorsnaudetermmethe sultabmty, of excavation oarneamhgmoochcase. e,
excavation st0fiais scall remain poen tar i OeftOp exceeding rive It" days. No excavation small be made unless tme construct10r
matenal is actually an the work site.
20 BACKFILL MATERIAL Backtfll snail be tree or orusn. rootsor otner organic substance aetrimenta. , ..:s
Of Ptdcucrng an adeaualely consolidated backfill. Any matenal WniCn the City at La Quinta deems UrlsYltable lsfor
satursied rnatertall wnch is encountered during excavation shad not as used tar oacktlll, but snall be Supplemented
• rematxc w en aptiroved sane or gravel.
ILSANO: Sacktlll shall be approved hamn•fitlx sane or equivalent and shall be olaceo In IihS of
throe reel 131 and vibraron using vicrotamile/or eaunafent equ loment. Al to mate metn0as may Oesup
ase a rotative Compaalen at 95 percent small be attained within the s -r • ruted.b tanner
t.aural section of the roadway. but In anv
R22 BACKFILL PLACEMENT: BacldiY shalt be spoiled In lavers of not more tnan 50 percent of the total depth at the tremor
before flooding or a maximum of tive-root 151 lifts wnere trenches steel excessive aeatns. Care is to be ek
resuilbBcktll magnet lm not SlipleQen to extreme awe11 by flooding operations. 6idtfill material shall be weneematthe
resuliing cdmpaaton snail be not less than 90careem fl oding opet to the surrounding n Pial so that the
COMeaciton. Where dancing or flooding is used for a maximum
settlement' adequate tl ked veal be cpm
aver isine greats r
the water. Where jarring is used. the lets shall be of sufficient origin to reach ice bottom of seen t svuaaoto retair
Csupply small be continuous- aver one the water
OMPACTION TESTS: If sa required bvthe In
hot and a minimum of ons (1) test on seen rG a. One
o 1 Caopy Oftestsshallsn meas etlrnrded o} hatm
approval andllled OreOf t0 maxim ttV of Gaon test shall be tOtwarded to the Cl OfeTflan 1 •�C
Standard 9 Permanent iedaua Compaction tests snail be mace as ouuined o $ H Engineer tar
Spaelrieaaons• o Division of Highweve• State of CaYlamim. dated January 1973, Section e'3.01 at me
R24 COMPACTION TESTS: it so reauaed by the insoaetor. compaction casts small be mace tar eaert crossih
One 111 Copy Of 6114m test snail be torwaraed to the City Engineer for approval and f 11 g or aervto tine.
�hactiontemI WWII befila0aamoutlineninSecumti.3,01otthaStanoa°corlortomakingpermortentrepaua.
Of Caldorma.OaheJanuary 1973 ntSOOW'cmlcns.0ivisionotmigttweve•State
RZS TEMPORARY PAVEMENT REPAIRS: After completion of bsettili and compaction operations. a temperory pater
consisting of 2 incites of SC -1300 shall be via so on a precarea suograee. The SC -800 temoorary Paying
after a maximum at 3.000 lineal feet at trench has been excavated and Oacktill Operations completed. but In Y be p1aCeC
the placement of the temocrary pavement exceed a five 15) day limit, aeasesnal
R26 PERMANENT PAVEMENT REPAIR: After backfill one compaction operations nave peen completed. a temoorary Daae s
CQMlsting of two Inches 12'1 of SC -800 shall be olaceo immeolatety. A Permanent oaten of paler
surfacing placed on a inch etaeta"--� inches A.0
tWnporary road repair• hall be placed no later than days ane►
cdnipletidn o•
R27 PAVEMENT REPAIR: F.A.S..Upon completion Ofbacktilland cpmoaaion.atemoorary Patch consistingOftweinchesl2-
of pla mix ns six
(Sas to") snail be placed Immearately. A Permanent paten m three Inches 13i of A.C. surfacing anal.
t>• placed on sa ihaiea ft91 conQete bass as directed- but not later than fifteen 115) day after camoteed of temoorar<
having• Cbncrate came stall be of five -soar mak and shall conform to the City of V Ctillnia Road Imp►ovemerrr Stanaartlt
affe Soeutic=OnIL Ordinance "61.
R28 OG SEAL: A fog seal coat consistin
dwemiined got an aOpbWUOn of asphilllC emulsion snail be applad over all patch areae as
Wins City Englneer-
R29 SEAL ARMOR COAT: A seal coat consisting of an application binder and screenings snail be section on all ostia ares-
where suen seal costs exlstea Prior to issuance of this oermit• Seal or armor coats Snail be soclied as Soecelied In $ ectior
be Standard Specifications. allcsn Stas t California. Division of Highwevs. dated January 1973. Work of pavement repair is
N accombllshed by s Ileensee contractor engaged in ins business of pavement repair.
R30 STREETRESTRIPING.WherestreetscriningIsst"Ivisfoieanstreetstoaaexcavated.sucnstrivingsmallbereplaceduoor.
Comoletson of permanent repairs.
R31 TREE RELOCATION OR REMOVAL. Tree relocation wlininthe City of La Quinta road right of way snail be accomplisnoo
by a licensed. tionaed and insured tree service. and handle safely WiInOYI mterferenCOOr mallard to the traveling pupllc.
It shall be ens re=onslbdity of eh....._...__ -_
Trees to os removed shalt be removed to sections winch can be handled safety witn uiInterference or natrardto h ging condition at its now anwev
traffic. The entire witlm of ins tree slump snail be removed and disposed of so trial no debris remains in view of the
highway. The slump hate snail beoacktltleeand thorougntycompacted assoectfiedinthe followi
becomes necessary to res -et traffic. the work shall be restricted to a maximngparegtaptt.Where fc
um of 500 feet at any one time. Adequate
stens. flagmen end/or barricades shall be provided to protea the traveling public at all times.
Large notes resulting from tree removal shall be backfilled and Compacted to not less than 90 percent or equlvelant t0 the
surrounding ground• whichever is the greater compaction as deterrrllnea by ins impact or field method. t"018COMIO the
teats snail comely with Seaton 6.3.01 of the Standard Soecltications• Division of Hignways. State et California. 0 dated
January 1973-
a- Only the necessary trimming shall be accomaissnea to oravloe clearance of the facility for one Calendar veer
All broken or week sextons within the trimming snail be removed.
0. Where it becomes necessary to restna traffic. the work shall be restricted to a maximum of 500 feet at a
Adequate signs, flagmen, and/or barricades snail be provided to r
ttyone time.
t:. If tree trucks are venially Outside of the Ci Qprotea the traveling public at all times.
arrangements wi in ad)olnin df Quinta road rlgM of way. permmee snail make nim own
g property owners
by this barren. for consent to the trimming to addition to the autnormmuon provided
d All tree trimming on EVERGREEN TREES, PALM TREES• and other ORNAMENTAL TREES shall be accomplished to
the satisfacoon of the City Public Works Insomar.
e. Abumns
In addition to the standard permit conditions, the following shall apply:
1. All work shall be performed in accordance with the latest edition of the Standard Specifications
For Public Works Construction.
2. Permittee shall be responsible for providing continuous dust and erosion control.
3. Streets shall be kept clean. They shall be completely cleaned at the end of each working day
and more frequently if required.
4. Contractor shall comply with the local noise ordinance. Operation and . maintenance of
equipment within one half mile of human occupancy shall be performed only during the
following time periods:
October 1st to April 30: Monday -Friday. 7:00 a.m. to 5:30p. m.
Saturday 8:00 a.m. to S:OOp.m.
May 1st to September 30: Monday -Friday 6:00. a.m. to 7:00p.m.
Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00p.m.
, Work shall be prohibited on legal holidays including Sundays.
5. Permittee shall assume responsibility for repair of any pavement breakdown at the haul road
access to any public or private street and for any damage to other City streets or facilities.
6. , Advance warning signs and traffic control shall be installed and maintained in accordance with
Cal Trans Standards. It shall be the permittee's responsibility to detour and barricade this site.
7. Street closures shall not be permitted. A minimum of one travel lane on paved surface shall be
maintained with flagmen at all times.
8. Prior to excavating, the permittee shall contact Underground Service Alert at 1(800) 422-4133.
9. Should additional work, materials, or modifications of the work be required in order to meet city
standards,. safety requirements, signage requirements,. or to fit actual field conditions, the work
shall be performed by the permittee as directed by and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer
at no cost to the City of La Quinta. .
10. All work shall be coordinated with the City, the City's contractor and/or others working within
the area as directed by and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.
Special Conditions - Permit No. 2329
Page 1 of 2
12. All backfill and subgrade soil shall be compacted to 90% relative dry density, all backfill soil
within the top 2' of finish pavement surface shall be compacted to 95 % relative dry density, all
base material shall be compacted to 95 % relative dry density.
13. Work authorized by this permit shall be as shown on the plan labeled "LOT 36, TRACT 24890
14. All excavations at or near the travel way shall be backfilled and paved if necessary at the end
of each work day for the protection of the traveling public.
Special Conditions - Permit No. 2329
Page 2 of 2