Notice of Election La Prensa Hispana (07.13.2018)A5Indio, Ca. del 11 al 19 de Julio, 2018MUNDO Sally C. PiPeS U sing smartpho- ne technology, health coaches worked with participants while physicians moni- tored and adjusted medi- cations.President Trump delivered a major speech from the White House Rose Garden on pres- cription drug prices this spring. He announced several policies aimed at reducing the overall cost of pharmaceuticals and limiting patients’ out-of- pocket expenses. His reform agenda, en- titled “American Patients First,” is largely exce- llent. It mostly harnesses the power of free-market competition, rather than government price con- trols, to drive down costs for patients while conti- nuing to incentivize drug manufacturers to invest in innovative, lifesaving research. Contrary to popular be- lief, drug spending has been relatively flat. It rose just 0.6 percent in 2017 significantly lower than the overall rate of inflation. Per-patient prescription spending ac- tually decreased 2.2 per- cent. Powerful middle- men known as pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) are to blame for those ri- sing costs. PBMs negotiate drug prices on behalf of in- surance plans. These middlemen also determi- ne which drugs insurers will cover and the levels of co-payment and co-in- surance. PBMs use their enormous negotiating leverage to extract big concessions from manu- facturers. Pharmaceutical companies give 37 per- cent of drugs’ list prices back to PBMs, insurers, and other middlemen via rebates and discounts. These rebates are often paid to PBMs weeks after a transaction occurs at a pharmacy and add up to more than $100 billion annually. Patients rarely get a share of that 12-figure sum. PBMs and insurers keep nearly 90 percent of the rebates they receive from drug companies. President Trump has pledged to fix this im- balance. He is calling on the Department of Health and Human Services to require PBMs to better disclose these rebates and to pass at least one- third of the savings to patients. Lower out-of- pocket costs lead to hig- her rates of adherence to medication and better health outcomes. President Trump has also promised to crack down on foreign cou- ntries that freeload off American research and development spending on pharmaceuticals. Right now, many countries ar- tificially cap the price of drugs. And they impose trade barriers that force American drug manufac- turers to sell their pro- ducts at steep discounts. Such practices shift the burden of funding drug development onto Ame- rican patients and taxpa- yers. Seventy percent of pharmaceutical compa- nies’ global profits come from sales made in the United States. Unfortunately, the president’s speech did contain one proposal an- tithetical to market prin- ciples. The administra- tion hopes to cap future price increases for drugs dispensed under Medi- care Part B at the rate of inflation. Part B pays for potent drugs, such as chemotherapy, that must be administered with a doctor’s supervision. Artificially capping Part B drug spending which comprises just 3 percent of total Medica- re spending could dis- courage manufacturers from investing in new re- search projects. It is en- couraging that President Trump did not call for the federal government to negotiate drug prices for the successful Medicare Part D drug program. The data show that America’s prescription drug tab is rising at a rate lower than inflation even as the companies who make those drugs are in- vesting ever-more money in research and develop- ment. But there are cer- tainly ways to drive drug prices lower and incenti- vize even more research. By moving to restrain the power of pharmacy be- nefit managers and crack down on unfair foreign trade barriers, the Trump administration appears to understand as much. Sally C. Pipes is pre- sident, CEO, and Tho- mas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy at the Pacific Research Institu- te. Her latest book is The False Promise of Single- Payer Health Care (En- counter). Follow her on Twitter @sallypipes. Trump’s Drug Pricing Speech Mostly Hit the Right Notes Joy Miedecke Comienze con Usted! Los republicanos creen que no hay mayor impacto en nuestras vidas, o en las vidas de nuestros hijos, nietos, familias y parientes, de los que elegimos para ser los líderes de nuestro país. Por qué USTED debería ser REPUBLICANO • Porque USTeDeS creen que este gran país fue fundado por los principios perdurables de Dios como se establece en la Constitución de los estados Unidos. • Porque TÚ crees en un gobierno más pequeño, y libertad del control del gobierno en nuestras vidas • Porque TÚ crees que la independencia es importante para tomar nuestras propias decisiones, para gobernar a nuestras familias y a nosotros mismos. • Porque USTeD cree que lo que gana le pertenece a usted. • Porque USTeDeS creen en igual justicia, derechos individuales y responsabilidades. • Realizado por la actual administración republicana • la eliminación de las restricciones que silencian a nuestras iglesias, incluidos los problemas del aborto • 800,000 + nuevos empleos desde enero de 2017 y la reforma fiscal • Control de inmigración • ley y orden: apoyar a la policía y tomar medidas enérgicas contra las pandillas • expansión de pequeñas empresas ¡Tu puedes hacer la diferencia! ¡Vota Republicano! ¡Haz que California sea grandiosa otra vez! east Valley Republican Headquarters 78870 Hwy 111 (entre Kohls & Hobby lobby) la Quinta 92253 760-771-9771 lun - Sáb 10:00 aM to 3:00 PM ** Por Teléfono 24 - 7 Ruth Poulton 760-771-2415 ** Joy Miedecke 760-357-4373 It Starts with You! Republicans believe there is no greater impact on our lives, or the lives of our children, grandchildren, families and relatives than who we choose to be the leaders of our country. Why YOU should be a REPUBLICAN • Because yOU believe that this great country was founded by God’s enduring principles as stated in the U. S. Constitution • Because yOU believe in smaller government, and freedom from government control in our lives • Because yOU believe that independence is important to make our own decisions, to govern our families and ourselves. • Because yOU believe that what you earn belongs to you. • Because yOU believe in equal justice, individual rights and responsibilities. accomplished by the current Republican administration • Removal of restrictions silencing our churches, including abortion issues • 800,000 + new jobs since January 2017 and tax reform • immigration Control • law & Order - supporting police & cracking down on gangs • Small Business expansion You CAN make a Difference! Vote Republican! Make California Great Again! east Valley Republican Headquarters, 78870 Hwy 111 (Between Kohls & Hobby lobby) la Quinta 92253760-771-9771 Mon - Sat 10:00 aM to 3:00 PM ** By phone 24 - 7 Ruth Poulton 760-771-2415 ** Joy Miedecke 760-357-4373 NOTIFICACIÓN DE LA ELECCIÓN POR LA PRESENTE SE DA AVISO de que se habrá de llevar a cabo una Elección Municipal General en la Ciudad de Murrieta, CA el Martes, 6 de Noviembre, de 2018, para los siguientes Funcionarios y Medida: Para uno (1) Miembro del Concejo Municipal, el distrito No. 1 - Período completo de cuatro años Para uno (1) Miembro del Concejo Municipal, el distrito No. 2 - Período completo de cuatro años Para uno (1) Miembro del Concejo Municipal, el distrito No. 5 - Período completo de cuatro años El periodo de nominación para estas oficios comienza el Lunes, 16 de Julio de 2018 y cierra el Viernes, 10 de Agosto de, 2018 a la 4:30 p.m. Si los papeles de nominación para un oficial incumbente no son presentados a la ciudad hasta el Viernes, 10 de Agosto, 2018 (88 días antes de las elecciones) los votantes tendrán hasta 83 días antes de las elecciones, el Miércoles 15 de Agosto, 2018 para nominar otros candidatos en lugar de la(s) persona(s) que son incumbentes 88 días antes de la elecciones, para la oficina electiva del incumbente. Si no se nomina a nadie o solamente a una persona para un cargo electivo, se puede realizar el nombramiento al cargo elegido según lo prescrito por la §10229 del Código Electoral del Estado de California. Los centros electorales estarán abiertos entre las 7:00 a.m. y 8:00 p.m. el 6 de Noviembre, de 2018. Stephanie D. Smith, MMCSecretaria Municipal Fechada: el 2 de Julio de, 2018 Publish: July 11, 2018 Monika Radeva, Acting City Clerk/Secretaria de la Ciudad Date Published: July 13, 2018 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NOTICE OF ELECTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a General Municipal Election will be held in the City of La Quinta on Tuesday, November 6, 2018 for the following Officers: One (1) Mayor seat to serve a full term of two (2) years Two (2) Council Member seats to serve full terms of four (4) years each Any resident, registered to vote in the City of La Quinta, may submit a Declaration of Candidacy with the La Quinta City Clerk at any time. Official Nomination Forms for any person desiring to file for any of these offices will be available at the La Quinta City Clerk’s office between July 16 and August 10, 2018. The polls will be open on Election Day, November 6, 2018, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. AVISO DE ELECCIÓN POR MEDIO DE LA PRESENTE SE NOTIFICA que el Mártes, 6 de Noviembre de 2018, tomará lugar una Elección General Municipal en la Ciudad de La Quinta, para los siguientes oficios: Uno (1) puesto de Alcalde para un mandato de plazo completo de dos (2) años Dos (2) puestos de Miembro del Consejo Municipal para un mandato de plazo completo de cuatro (4) años cada uno Cualquier residente, registrado para votar en la Ciudad de la Quinta, puede entregar su Declaración de Candidatura en la oficina de la Secretaria de la Ciudad. Los Formularios Oficiales para Nominación para cualquier persona que desee aplicar para cualquier de estos oficios estarán disponibles en la oficina de la Secretaria de la Ciudad entre el 16 de Julio hasta el 10 de Agosto de 2018. Las urnas de votación estarán abiertas el día de las Elecciones, el 6 de Noviembre de 2018, entre las horas de 7:00 a.m. a 8:00 p.m.Not the Last Straw E ast Valley Republi- can Women Feder- ated Headquarters is 88,000 cubic feet. 1 cubic foot can hold 2,400 standard plastic straws. This means that Head- quarters could hold 211.2 million plastic straws. According the National Parks Department, the 330 million people in the USA use 500,000 straws per day. That is 183,000,000 straws per year. Based on those num- bers, Headquarters here in La Quinta could hold 1 year and 2 months worth of straws. The entire US consumption of straws. Based on those num- bers, you can calculate that the US consump- tion of 50 years worth of straws would NOT fill one Super Wal-Mart. I think global warming Environmental nut jobs are grasping at the last straw.