17-208978-495 CALLS TAMPICO CODE COMPLIANCE DIVISION LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 (760) 777-7050 FAX (760) 777-7155 COURTESY NOTICE GABRIEL AS CENCIO / JO AQ UINA AS CENCIO 52621 AVENIDA HERRERA LA QUINTA, CA 92253 RE: 52 6 21 AVENIDA HERRERA APN : 773-293-018 Case No: 17-2089 Date: September 12, 2017 To GABRIEL AS C ENCIO / JO AQ UINA AS CENCIO: The Code Compliance Division has received information that the following condition(s) may be present at the above referenced property address that maybe in violation of the La Quinta Municipal Code. CODE SECTION VIOLATION/CORRECTIVE ACTION COMPLIANCE DATE CBC 105.1 -PERMITS VIOLATION: Any owner or authorized agent who intends to September 26, 2017 REQUIRED construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, demolish, orchange the o c c upanc y,o f a building, or structure, o r to: erect, install,. a nlarg e, r alter, repair, remove, convert orreplaee any electrical, gas, . mechanical or plumbing•system,•the installation of which is,,,'. regulated by;this code; or to cause any such work to,be,.done, shall first make application to the building official and obtain the required ' permit:• .. CORRECTIVE ACTION: Cease and Desist any and allwork that requires a Buifding Permit from the City of La Quinta. Immediately contact the Community Development Department and submit the required plans to obtain a Building Permit. Specifically, the air conditioning unit, the new window, the new door, added plumbing and electrical all require a permit. Please contact the Building Department at 760-777-7125 to discuss the procedure to obtain the proper permit (s) and for guidance to restore the garage to its o rig inal condition., 9.150.070 (B) LQMC - SPACES VIOLATION:. 4;. September -26, 2017 REQUIRED BY USE - GARAGE Parking fo r Residential Land Uses. Table 9-11 e•ontains the minimum ' number of parking spaces required foreach type of residential land use. Whenever any commercial or industrial use is located ona building site that is also used for residential purposes, parking facilities shall be provided in conformance with Section 9.150.070 (Shared Parking). Table 9-11 Parking for Residential Land Uses: Single-family detached, single-family attached and duplexes: Minimum Off -Street Parking Requirement: 2 spaces per unit in garage plus'0.5 guest spaces per unit if no on -street -parking is ' available.sIn a garage, tandem parking may be used to meet the above -stated minimum required parking in the RC district only. CORRECTIVE ACTION: Aminimumtwo car garage is.required. You must obtain the proper perm its and restore your garage area to its intended use. You may contact the City of La Quinta Building Department at 760-777-7125. This letter is being sent to you as a courtesy to allow you to correct the violation(s) should they exist..A code compliance officer will be assigned to investigate this report by the Compliance Dates outlined above. If the report is valid, the City of La Quinta encourages you to take immediate action to correct the violation(s). Failure to correct any yiolation(s), will result in furthe r ac tio n by the city. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Officer Kevin Meredith at (760) 777-7017. Please provide the. case number 17-2089 and property address: f Your efforts to maintain the s ety appearance of our city are greatly appreciated. You may contact me at the aforementioned phone number require assistance. Sincerel, Kevin Meredith Code Compliance Offic 60) 777-7017 r , K' -M M s