9812-044 (AR) Structural CalcsJoh1Namle: EDWARDS Truss ID: T3 2 Drw : $I� X -ICC REAM SIZE RSQ'D 'IOP CHM 2x4 HF 1650F -1.5E Platim spec : AMI/IPI - 1995 ----------LOAD CASE #1 LESICN LOADS ---------------- 1 0- 1-12 " 1622 3.50" 1.50" BCP CHM 2x4 HF 1650F-1.SE THIS DESIGN IS THE calpWTIE 1ES= CF Dir L.Plf L.Loc R.Plf R.Lcc LLfIL 2 17- 4- 4 1623 3.50" 1.50" ;�M 2x3 SPF = Pala= IMAD CASES. TC Vert 60.0 0- 0- 0 60.0 17- 6- 0 .53 SLIEER 2x4 HF 165OF-1.5E PLATE VAILES PER ICSO ISI RE[CRI' #1607. BC Vert 114.0 0- 0- 0 114.0 17- 6- 0 .00 TC Fad AXL am CSI Nail pattern sho,.a1 is fcr undf- loads Lcerled for 10 PSF rrn-cann-rent BCIL.Lbs kracirrg X.Lce U,/`m 1 -1096 .00 2 -2711 .02 .08 .17 .09 .19 only. QtMEritrm'ts>t sated I > 350# Must be Fexris (by cthers) to dict.- bite (by etl-=s) ecpially to each ppreve t rctatirn/tcpplirs�. See HIB -91 and TC Vest 100.0 TC Vit 100.0 3- 4-12 .46 14- 3- 0 .18 3 -2492 01 unless roll clusters are shoal ( ). ADSI/IPI 1-1995; arra 4 .10 .11 plyy, 2 -PLY! Mail w/10d BOSS, statg--d NM -91 PLA= BASED CN GZaN LLME4R VAIIES. -2492 .01 5 -2710 .02 .10 .16 .11 .18 Sect. 12) in: TC- 2/ft BC- 2/ft VERS- 2/ft 6 -1085 .00 .08 .08 AXL BCFC�9 END CSI AR z \G��SU c 2 2507 .19 .77 .96 THIS PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECTS CERTIFICATION Robert S. 'AM FAKE CSI t EB Ftp CSI IS TO VERIFY THIS TRUSS TO CARRY THE APPLIED Alcumbrac 3-7 1508 � -1686 .0088 LOADS. THE INPUT LOADS AND DIMENSIONS WERE .59 4-7 -zn .os PROVIDED BY OTHERS AND SHALL BE VERIFIED N0. C 0381 AND APPROVED FOR THE SPECIFIC APPLICATION REN. MAXL/9 BY THE PROJECT DESIGN PROFESSIONAL. _ tJr 9 IN MEM 8 ( L/999 IN hh1EMM 7-8 (LIVE) L- -.06" D= -.26" z` -.32"' AJoint- Locations 100// 1 10011 1 0- 0- 0 s 17- 6- 0 2 6- 9-10 6 0- 0- 0 6-9-10 , 1-1� 1-11-6 6-910 3 8- 9- 0 7 8- 9- o 6-9-10 8-9-0 10-8-6 17-6-0 4 0- 8- 6 8 17- 6- 0�- 1 8-9-0 t R-9-0 t 2-PLYS 1 2 3 4 5 REQUIRED 4.00 -4.00 3-5 -40 2-4 2-4,,. 3-6-103 4 i t 3-4 ^ (= i_ 3 6=10 4 6-6 " r I SHIP 66 10-7-10 - ` 10.7.1 t , 5-6 „ .� ... 17-6-0 6 7 8 r� B� C3%�Ft 8-9-0 8-9-0 1/7/99 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "18" for 18 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge. Scale: 9/32" = 1' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: .EJ. w0: L81001 ® This design is for an individual building component. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer and done in Chk: BR accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer shall ascertain that the leads utilized on Dog=: BR T Rl l S WA L thisdesign meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code. It is assumed that the top chord is laterally braced by the roof or floor TC Live 16.0 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any environment that will cause the moisture TC Dead 14.0 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.00 ® SYSTEMS content of the wood exceed 199- and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install and brace this truss in accordance with the following BC Live .0 psf O. C. Spacing 2- 0- 0 standards: 'TRU ,SCOM MA\UAL', by Tn>_swal, 'QUALITY CONTROL STANDARD FOR METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES'- (QST -88), 'HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES'- (HIB -91) and 'HIB -91 SUNLMARY BC Dead 57.0 psf Design Spec UBC 1101 N. Great S.W. Pkwy., Arlington TX 76011 SHEET' by TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Nladison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1250 Connecticut Ave, NAV, Ste 200, Washington, DC 20036. ITOTAL 87.0 psf ISeqn 09.30.98- 974 job Name: EDWARDS Truss, ID: T2 4 Drw : 11 1W X -IDC RFILI' SIZE RDQ'D TDP CIS 2x4 HF 1650F-1.SE Plat spec : AISI/`IPI - 1995 ----------LOAD CPSE 11 MIIN LOAM ---------------- 1 0- 1-12 747 3.50" 1.50" BOr CHS 2x4 HF 165OF-1.SE THIS IFSIIN IS THE CU4i1STIE RFS[II,T CF Dix L.P1f L.Icc R.P1f R.Loc U,/'M 2 17- 4- 4 748 3.50" 1.50" SSB 2x3 SPF STUD Mfr mPLE LOAD CASES. •TC Vert 60.0 0- 0- 0 60.0 17- 6- 0 .53 Chk: BR SLIIIER 2x4 HF 165OF-1.SE PLATE VALLFS FIR ICBG RFSEVKH REFCRr #1607. BC Vat 14.0 0- 0- 0 14.0 17- 6- 0 .00 TC FME AXL 1 13D CSI F�ztt�ad bracirr1 is zea ,ted (by cthers) to Icacled fr-r 10 PSF rxn-oarcmtn rtt BQL. rctatirn/tc lliitn�J See HIB -91 rani PIAMU BASED CCT C#IIQ LLM M VALIE5. Type... TC Vat Lbs X.Loc Lit/ -M 100.0 3- 4-12 .46 -141 .00 2 -1314 .02 .05 .36 .05 .38 pxevad I/'PPI 1-1995; 10_.3.4.5 and TC Vat 100.0 14- 3- 0 .43 3 -1071 .01 .32 .33 content of the wood exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install and. brace this truss in accordance with the following BC Live .0 psf O.C. Spacing 2- 0- 0 4 -1071 .01 .31 .32 Design Spec UBC (QST -88), 'HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES'- (HIB -91) and -91 SUMMARY 5 -1313 .02 6 -140 .35 .05 .37 .05 SHEET' by TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper ARCy�TF .00 Association (AFPA) is located at 1250 Connecticut Ave, NW, Ste 200, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 37.0 psf �SED BC I= AXL END CSI � c� 1291 THUS PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECT'S CERTIFICATION Robert S.1 2 U89 .18 -.21 .39 IS TO VERIFY THIS TRUSS TO CARRY THE APPLIED Alcumbrac rm I= CSI T -M I= CSI &GADS. THE INPUT LOADS AND DIMENSIONS WERE � � 2-7 -351 • .17 9LM -1237 .14 ,p NO. C 0381 3-7 689 .53 MM -1236 .14 PROVIDED BY OTHERS AND SHALL BE VERIFIED 4-7 -347 .17 AND APPROVED FOR THE SPECIFIC APPLICATION BY THE PROJECT DESIGN PROFESSIONAL. ��Q' T,/999IN M 77� $ (LIVE) LF -.06" D= -.08" T= -.33„ Jout- Iaaticns 100/0 100# 1 0- 0- 0 5 17- 6- 0 2 6- 9-10 6 0- 0- 0 6-9-10 1-I1-6 1-11-6 6-9-10 3 8- 9- 0 7 8- 9- 0 6-9-10 8-9-0 10-8-6 17-6-0 4 10- 8- 6 8 17- 6- 0 R-9-0 8-9-0 1 2 3 4 .5 4. 00 3-5 17-6-0 6 7 8 8-9-0 8-9-0� 8-9-0 17-6-0 1/7/99 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by"18" for 18 gauge or "H" for.16 gauge. Scale: 9/32" = 1' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. ms• Jeb: .EJ. WO: L81001 This design is for an individual building component. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer and done in Chk: BR accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions arc to be Dag=: BR verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer shall ascertain that the loads utilized on TC Live 16.0 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code. It is assumed that the top chord is laterally braced by the roof or floor T Rl l S WA L sheathing and the bonom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral TC Dead 14.0 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1'.00 support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any environment that will cause the moisture ® SYSTEMS content of the wood exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install and. brace this truss in accordance with the following BC Live .0 psf O.C. Spacing 2- 0- 0 standards: 'TRUSCOI I MANUAL', by Tnuwal, 'QUALITY CONTROL STANDARD FOR METAL, PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' - 'HIB BC Dead 7.0 Design Spec UBC (QST -88), 'HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES'- (HIB -91) and -91 SUMMARY psf 1101 N. Great S. N'. Pkay.• Arlington TX 76011 SHEET' by TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1250 Connecticut Ave, NW, Ste 200, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 37.0 psf Sega 09.30.98- 973 ]ob. Narne: EDWARDS Truss ID: T1 Qty: 1 Drw : - EIS X -LDC FVCr � SIZE REQ'D " " TOP Cx3M 2x4 HF 1650E -1 -SE ic;I/IPI - 1995 ----------ISD CASE IFSIIN IDPIIS ---------------- 1 2 0- 1-12 1216 17- 4- 4 1217 3.502.00 3.50" 2.00" Bor tM 2x4 HF 1650F -1.5E FIEEI 2x3 SPF SnD INS IS THE COMP SrIE RFSW GF FinIZTP E IMD CASES. Dir TC Vert L. Plf L.Itr 60.0 0- 0- 0 R.Plf 60.0 R.Lcc I7.M1, 8- 0- 0 .53 (lv, ) SLIIFIt 2x4 HF 1650E -1 -SE EiA'l£ VALLES PER ICBO REMUKi REEUC #1607. TC Vert 145.6 8- 0- 0 145.6 9- 6- 0 .53 TC 1 FCRCE AM -565 .00 EM .46 CSI .46 Lutes shear allcvzbles are MM 91. Perrsr�t bracing is C ct1�s) to HIB Load fon 10 PSF nrn >t Ba.L. Drainage frust be Irv✓ided to avoid ping. PLA= BASED CN C�FN UNEER VAUES. TC Vert BC Vit Type... 60.0 9- 6- 0 34.0 0- 0- 0 LhB X.Icc 60.0 34.0 UV 17- 6- 0 .53 17- 6- 0 .00 2 3 -2463 .05 -2370 .05 .46 .71 .51 .77 greve>t rctation/tclp See -91 aryl I/`IPI 1-1995; aryl TC Vert 176.0 8- 0- 0 1.00 4 -2463 .05 .46 .51 7C Vert 154.0 8- 0- 0 .00 • 5 -565 .00 .46 -.46 �w`SEp ARC't�l TC Veit Vert 176.0 9- 6- 0 154.0 9- 6- 0 1.00 DC Ftp AXL BM CSI \C1 FC 17-6-0 .00 1 2281 .34 .43 .77 ARCHITECTS CERTIFICATION Robert S. 2 2281 .34 .43 .7'7 THIS PROFESSIONAL IS TO VERIFY THIS TRUSS TO CARRY THE APPLIED Aicumbrac - 4EEI FCRC£ CSI [m FLi3'B CSI 2-6 205 .16 STEFU -1963 .22 LOADS. THE INPUT LOADS AND DIMENSIONS WERE � Na/^� Na v 381 � 3-6 205 .16 -'U-M -1963 .22 PROVIDED BY OTHERS AND SHALL BE VERIFIED AND APPROVED FOR THE SPECIFIC APPLICATION EN BY THE PROJECT DESIGN PROFESSIONAL 999 =aT ( (lv, ) D= -.16" T= -.28" = Joint Locations 330N 33011 z 8- 0- 0 6 8- 9- 0 8-0-0 9-6-0 4 17- 6- 0 7 17- 6- 0 8-0-0 17-6-0 7-11-11 � 7-11-11• ;2 1 3 - 4 1.6.0 -:4.00 6- 6 • 3-3-8 � 3 8 3-8 T I 7-8 7-8 SHIP I0-7-10 I0-7-1 5-5 17-6-0 890 g90 ; 8-9-0 17-6-0 1/7/99 All plates are 20' gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by 1118" for 18 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge. Scale: 9/32" = 1' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Jab-: .EJ. WO: L81001 This design is for an individual building component. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer and done in Chk: BR accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be Degnr: BR verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer shall ascertain that the loads utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code. It is assumed that the top chord is laterally braced by the roof or floor TC Live 16.0 pe f DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 T Rl l S WA L sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral TC Dead 14.0 psf Rep b1br End 1.00 support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any environment that will cause the moisture ® SYSTEMS content of the wood exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install and brace this truss in accordance with the following BC Live .0 psf O.C. Spacing 2- 0- 0 standards: 'TRUSCONI MANUAL', by Trtlswal, 'QUALITY CONTROL STANDARD FOR METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' - BC Dead 7.0 Design Spec UBC (QST -W, 'HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' - (HIB -91) and 'HIB -91 SLryINIARY psf 110t N. Great S.W. Pk y.. Arlington TX 76011 SHEET' by TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (FP[) is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1250 Connecticut Ave, NW, Ste 200, Washington, DC 20036. ITOTAL 37.0 psf ISeqn 09.30.98- 972 job Name: -EDWARDS i ^ 5-6-0 Truss ID: JC1I Drw : EM - X -LCC RON= SIZE FQ'D TOP CLRD 2x4 HF 1650E -1 -SE Platin? Exec PTSI/'I'PI - 1995 Platin? 1 0- 1-12 199 3.50" 1.50" Wr aCRD 2x4 HF 1650F-1"SE PLATE R: R I®0 FEE0*r i FE= :1607. 2 2 5- 2- 7 150 3.50" 1.50" SLICER 2x4 HF 1650F-1.SE Locatirn of interior bearings shculd be 3 5- 4- 4 48 3.50" 1.50" rt tarpmary shairg trust Into icrsupAR truss. clearly narked on each truss. Shim beazinis (if fcr SED C TC I= AM HID CSI be in place before esectirg this needed rereqq atlqxzt. PLATIN BASED CN aZMN 11243FR VA=. �J 1 50 .01 -.23 .24 ' Robert S. 2 3 44 .00• -2 .00 .27 .00 .27 .00 _ _ . -Akumbrac FIC KPIM •.. AXL EM _M CSI - - -, ^. A NOL WI o - o THIS PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECT'S CERTIFICATION � • , z :oo o : IS TO VERIFY THIS TRUSS TO CARRY THE APPLIED WEB SLIRL F= CSI . -70 .01 tEB FMCE GSI 1 /. 7/99 LOADS. THE INPUT LOADS AND DIMENSIONS WERE ' Z. All plates are 20 gauge.Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "18" for 18 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge. OVER 3 SUPICRIS Scale: 23/32" = 1' PROVIDED BY OTHERS AND SHALL BE VERIFIED ms• Jab: _EJ. w0: L81001 This design is for an individual building component. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer and done in Chk: BR AND APPROVED FOR THE SPECIFIC APPLICATION ' accordance with the current versions of TP[ and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be ` Dsgnr:. FIR verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer shall ascertain that the loads utilized on OV TLIC 00/'1 ICf1T r1CCIGIU DDr1GC4Z4ZItlPl01 r 5-6-0 - Jni nit T coat i =ls - 5-6-0 1 0- 0- 0 3 0- 0- 0 2 5- 6- 0 4 5- 6- 0 2 �- 4.00 2-5-0' 34 y 2-5-0. - R3-7 ' ' w 0-7-10 " 1, - � • , ' 560 3 5-65-6 0 .} y 1 /. 7/99 5-6-0- - All plates are 20 gauge.Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "18" for 18 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge. OVER 3 SUPICRIS Scale: 23/32" = 1' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. ms• Jab: _EJ. w0: L81001 This design is for an individual building component. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer and done in Chk: BR ® accordance with the current versions of TP[ and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be ` Dsgnr:. FIR verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer shall ascertain that the loads utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code. It is assumed that the top chord is laterally braced by the roof or floor TC Live 16.0 psf DurFacs L-1.25 P=1.25 TRU SWAL sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral , support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any environment that will cause the moisture TC Dead -14.0 pe f Rep Mbr Bud 1.15 ® SYSTEMS content of the wood exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install and brace this truss in accordance with the following BC Live .0 ps f O.C. Spacing 2- 0- 0 standards: 'TRUSCOM MANUAL', by Truswal, 'QUALITY CONTROL STANDARD FOR METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' - (QST -88), 'HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES'- (HIB -91) and 'HIB -91 SUMMARY BC Dead 7.0 ps f Design Spec UBC 1101 N. Great S.W. PL„y. • Arlington TX 76011 SHEET' by TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1250 Connecticut Ave, NW, Ste 200, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 37.0 psf Seqn 09.30.98- 970 r Job -Name: EDWARDS Truss ID: 13 Qty: 2 Drw : 2FG X -LCC FEZT SIZE RFu'D TDP CEIRD 2x4 HF 165OF-1-SE Plat; � s ADSI/`IPI - 1995 1" 1- 9-L2 307 3.50" 1.50" Bor CHM 2x4 HF 1650F -1.5E IIILS LESICII IS ME Ca4F SrlE RES(= CF �" MIIHTPIE 2 5- 8- 7 , 148 3.50" 1.50" r S[,IIII2 2x4 HF 1650F -1.5E LC1aD CASES,t S�� AR 3', 7-10- 4 '40 3.50" 1.50" 1 ry led for 10 PSF rxn-csia.¢rstt• B=-' KATE VALLES PER ICBG F R=#1607. Lcxaticn intexicr bearirrjB sho A d be v y�l�c s Inte icr siert cr terrpcaary d=ir%j mist of this trrass.. clearly marked on each truss. �G TL FERC£ AXL EVD CSI be in place before erectIM BASED CN G;!EEN LLtIEER VALLFS. Shim bearings (if needed) fcr req. stppmt. Robert S.• ,J 1• -37 .00 .20 .20 2 44. .00 .25 .25 PLiN= Aicumbrac 3 -2 .00 - .00 .00 v ~ BC r ' AXL EM CSI - THIS PROFESSIONAL ARCQ;ITECTS CERTIFICATION 9 I - 1 .. 0 .00 .31 .31 2 0 ` . 00 .31 .31 CARRY THE APPLIED IS TO VERIFY THIS TRUSS TO C ' > �y 3 - 0 .00 .00 .00Fes 1R LOADS. THE INPUT LOADS AND DIMENSIONS WERE Y1LI4> F Wi1B lT�£ CSI SffB . csl PROVIDED BY OTHERS AND S BE VERIFIED f _TTM 763 .01 , AND -APPROVED FOR THE SPECIFIC APPLICATION - _ BY THE PROJECEC'T DEWN PROFESMQWJL, iPX E FLF_X'I'ICN(span) '1/999 IN MEM 3-4 (L E) e IF .02" D= .03" T= .04" VIAX Ig =CN (cat) r r 5-0-0 1,/455 INMEM 3-0 (LSVE) Y = 8-0-0 LF -.04" D= -.06" T= -.10" fLncaticns _ - Joint 1 2 1 0- 0- 0 3 0- 0- 0 2 8-0-0 4 8-0-0 > r 4.00 1 2-7-0 3-4 2-7-0 4-4 R3-8 T o 0-7-10 Boo 3 4 8-0-0 �, 1 / 7/99 8-0-0, All plates are' 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "18" for 18 gauge or- "H" for 16 gauge. 'Y cvm 3-SUPEC9M t Scale: 5/8" = 1' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. me• Jab: .EJ-. - w0: 181001 This design is for an individual building component. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer and done in Chk: BR accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be Dsgnr: BR verified by the. component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer shall ascertain that the loads utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code. It is assumed that the top chord is laterally braced by the roof or floor TC Live 16.0 psf DurFaes L=1.25 P=1.25 TRU SWAL sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral TC Dead 14.0 ps f Rep Mbr Bad 1,15 support of components membersonly to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any environment that will cause the moisture ® SYSTEMS content of the wood exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install and.brace this truss in accordance with the following BC Live . 0 ps f O. C. Spacing 2- 0- 0 standards: 'TRUSCOM MANUAL', by Truswal, 'QUALITY CONTROL STANDARD FOR METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES'- 'HIB BC Dead 7.0 paf Design Spec UBC (QST -88), 'HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES'- (HIB -91) and -91 SUMMARY 1101 N. Great S.W. Pkwy., Arlington TX 76011 SHEET' by TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1250 Connecticut Ave, NW, Ste 200, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 37.0 paf SecIn 09.30.98- 966 l rKUM b 1 U H 1 k Nrapa- tvU: ely l'T314Jbi✓ Jan: a r 1 trfJ bj: clFiM Y4+ '1r1.�I1. .- :`Vl\r-.�L i r�. �L� „«. .! ..r1 ^: •y •w .I ., . •fir. 4 1,THRU 2 TOW 60 ,kZ D CTLESS SF UT SYSTEM AIR CONDITIONING INDOOR. SECTIONS' uLG-;pl ivr F.Appin Jaen Standard Epulprnent c l: r" H'rH?�i a Inivcr< �r•.L'1 Sy3-r- t, :@Sian for Iasi • $1rT1.1®. easy-to-use 'h'Iimless remote coritrdl,;):',iIdes en;:Z!"MctiL:hltxrjjrQr6a1a6.pt-awns. loalZorteconCothrThmWing ancwrKvviv;ro,.v•v :. tyt ' 1fV' or e>a=rtt; consm-r-wt wWe. duc..Lv=t.r • Mf(:r(;D,rccemor Control provideli 12 :a 'W. 1: Psertt :I Is difficult t0 )n6tartl rNler jY savaIj) weer, 110=. �. �no,1 rrmLu anr! muuetP hlnWgrrir._nn f0f .:IIr7�:7l,ict. - $ --' - Ijll$Yful.di)it Operaron 3rd maxiermum air FlOw rnroug"I mu!") r10G r -no. Rirml mr!!mnnr Inv-A'M/ftS'.tjtCCi18R�P iOU�'gtS:. Pwrnannnt easy to remove and clean. t;flera h'eip tp :::v! ^ r•ctn c'ed of hyr3rvptrtu'r:osted aluminum Mra. rem%,e a;rbome r(mv find Keep be sys1PT, oCer31y.� r =r-., =pn_r tube--: at maximum rapac tinct erm-ency. • .Degilg:Trt taibira:l bic:id6 oita any I'Aca._ ?hlydPany feettto- J:oig'f".%'TPAse7 n5t'Jt'COt -?' •l•Cr�.,i .:nnn 1Ge)e%;r11i mn and, evrg rvr, tuttirvg %nnewmo Y,,. thr r4Utdoor ::nrt -;_!..... !�.cnr 39^.ttonu by IF --L TOStMq ta001;0a, Suovgh the name uoer-:ng trr, the wall. r•r=s, -r.. der AW Stanaa-a 21 J --70o lao GertttwatlOn ' Mac,.. t:.nt:y 'ai:i4i:\' i:, :S',) 9;'1'JC GonlrnAn ManulPcturing ;;ampany. 160' Sewftn: - :-tauswH. I oxas irOJB vt C . SC.^•.:G:, 7,1.17 £O'd d85=bO 66.-LO—Upe FHUM BTU HIR PHONE NO. 6191'711kr.):2 Tr,n. H/ 199-4 0�1: IUHM F3 1 F. `,-. f_—. ,�.., - - _ -- • , ,,-�-.+ray �._r�T%rrarbc± � -• ... . __—. ... ' ._ = ' I I} -- ' ^s•..�•�A� _ — -.. ,- . 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' a. mv*m - 0,:7MOF FAIJ WA`TZ Cc;e-r,,;,,uOGq pRy f uu.+ f@MnERtTOf-6EOtIVE F 1` tGRkF OATA rrP.�__: •� • 131 MV •'.�� ` t , • h_._ _ -. 1.�:.�- elft. 1� . ppp • � Yd mHING (URGRAM •• JtJF.:ti•L'A-C CONTRfI', nIR(1!: " haw•� ,cau✓'_ _7� I u., I „. ITYPICAL-WIIOFIu FOR ;m=wiTm.AI;-_Tlf.4S -NO 'ON .SC(iT1UN' . iii .4 \" i . � J —_ P. • ••J-e� Wil'• .—_�• • - 7uwr n•'a.Y t Jvititw uiAGRJ.iir':v�i.VL`L:P.C�:CUTY_L �.!'._C;'.! ... ,TVPICAL WIRING FOR 1;9F VNIYH OUCI EU Iia006R SECTION) '•• -• . 11o'*F: 90-d V d&S:VO 66 -LO -UEC FKUM l31U 111K PHU114k NU. :. b1`.i / (1117'. Jcln. b ( .lyyy U1j: l (HM P1 J.. as t r� ^.nnAN7nnir� � n7D;;••0 e .1 ` HRU 2 TON 60 HERTZ HORIZONTAL. DISCHARGE/ SPLIT SYSTEM AIR CONDITIC)WNG PRELIM lIt RY DATA :,F. $vq,pTi ;t. r P.�PL,GaTIG� STPNOMW EQUISMENT a %iIA:PIS ser'es mi.'c ;18 1w ivb$. •.unuGiu• it y, i.;;ar,�.,l.•„s . "ss sa .Ion sr•C IiQ�id ;,• . r!.2 ar. vF,ivAA xR)- !lora r nnrrtl nc ,114••211rt! r)(I"InntA18,r Liquid sh rtol-Velvils With bulit- '.A'::)w';,•,:r r;nr I(iCxl [o -;(aurid :Bve;, :n tiowr'alor c)wansfon cev,ce. lewal1 F:,ily cora jed far 15' tubirsg tr,F for usr w':7 ;yF!I;al rninisp;;t lane voltage control usCul svnyDle fpr '..^. •J�: a� 5C:;l u:f•.e5 wcd A5.- s'tarldix Tl :}P CJi:i,Z�iiv�'• iG iJiiiGi31.1'Ii:ii{�jilii •I,1CGy: Totally t7I1 agwf Vermaheml•; ItlDri,sllfYl :�P NST Ca+vTTaUCTIA� condenser Mum. designed.tur PSC - CpC/Rilpn t>�kktd �;7WQe:. tsolale9 UOmaresSorf`l,mpar-Ment pa,:11 lir•i•,n wim ball nr Sint • ut{uiu a,,r.Ilier user �e,:lvr t iwi;N;;"C•V zecloc • •�'•>:�•" ^•'•• ••' C-� 7a!v'r.ni74:1 ctYJl ,--6-> With into..RIAI :1VAtSOAp 7tpt2G2164r ttr �.n:•.,� :rsi:a: rolarY C)i?7CreSWrryilh elrternal Overload f.vo-ezoon. -��::; .gran Tv:3^_tabu.. „�'r:^•�.�ny•!_ p '501 seemitst - MUusran . Texas 77ow; HDC SE- P.IES'i'1A! LO -d d65=b0 66—LO—Uer PROJECT •. • SHEET NO, r B, G.., STR U CTU RAL JOB NO. 'ITELDATE t oS. ENGINEERING, ENGINEER 00 v ss �- s NAV 08, 1999 ,? t QPOFESSI N T W c I T 2Co� c7 P.S. �. I' CVI3L02 `P q � fi rFOFCAI�FOP • 14 s VALID ONLY IF SIGNED IN RED, o LA S E l S M kc- C.4') 1 f -0i / Z: .7 �./��`+�: . - �l,a�o�(1,3:�(./Zf��(�ID1 t �I•'7,�-,�. IP;S,f-;' .. 3 t '.. . PROJECT SHEET NO w#7'-77FK.e n— A,4.0 i rn, .a B.G. STRUCTURAL JOB H0 irEra, DATE. ENGINEERING, ENGINEER, PROJECTSHEET N0.'. SIL B, G' STR U CTU RAl N0.o;-g. K STEM. � ENGINEERING � ENGENEE :r f A 1 I� r y A 1 I� PROJECT SHEET N0. B. G.. STR-U CTU R -AL JD9 N° ITEM DATE ENGINEERING. ENGINEERf j �. I . t�1tt Cu c$1}Is-4"1 Ma- > Ko 2Z Ma a v ecze r are, 2Ai � 3� d PROJECT i t SHEET NO. ! B. G.:STR U CTU RAL JOB NO.. $�-4 IIEM f. DATE . ENGINEERING'. ENGINEER ; `.✓At...S -rit2 r �..lA w S To �3 V Go*�Ti� �Jov S30� E R�to�J• �,,� oP►;Jh,i �C T, f�i2-�,a� �,•%a�•�. 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