0210-177 (AR)LICENSED CONTRACTOR DECLARATIOd :•i hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed udder provisions of Chapter (commencing with Section 7000) of Divisi'uii:3 ot.�the Business and Professionals Code, and my License is in full force and effect' License # Lic. Class Exp. Date . `_fief Date Signature of Contractor� OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: ( ) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for Sale (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). (.) I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). ( ) I am exempt under Section , B&P.C. for this reason Date Signature of Owner 0 I� WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: () I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code,pfor the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. •r ( ) I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this , permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier &policy no. are Carrier J)A(!ik'?G :�/1.3� f�Y3;ds� Policy No. MR CA3624:1I9 (This section need not be completed if the permit valuation is for $100.00 or less). () I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California an agree that if I should become subject t?/the workers' compensation provisions Of. Section 3700 of the Labor '�. f Ji P i ✓ ovis yr Code, I shalllfo ;with comply with those provls10 s. D.ate.�'�r� � Applicant � ��� Y 'Warning: Failure to secure "Workers' Compensation coverage is unlawful, and, shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to $100,000-,!9 addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor Code, interest and attorney's fees. IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth 'on. his application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made & each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this applicaton agrees to, & shall, indemnify & hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this applicatiopaand state that the above informations correct. I agree to comply w(ih all lit t and State laws relating to the buildin construction, and hereby authq i; , representatives of this City to enter upon the above-mentioned propertyafo I'nspe�Ctioh purposes. e � / Signature (Owner/Agent) `, 1� A * Date NV�` \`t — PERMIT�#�i ' BUILDING PERMIT DATE VALUATION p LOT TRACT 30 29�49-1 JOB SITE ADDRESS��..fi 3Rg ya��`��si� APN OWNER CONTRACTOR / DESIGNER / EN INEER ':Fora., B3.O TkMS DITC TOLL B1tOTIWIS .INC '14-923 NOV-.�LY .�1� �1 �� (A��'.x^`baa 74-9Z31T0V , ,Y.9.,.E r�.�tiW UL 2- - PAYA1, DM—, E.r M 92260 Is til. M DEZIER"t. cAP .. 92260 (760)674x9699 C-31di- 3832USE OF PERMIT SUPPI:fMMfj°d+a7°a1.T.,'f'KT';Nk'R,Yi+IT#0203'34&,e1001140 3113,I'. (",.,SMA TO :'sF7 WHIM U'RDEri CbW03`I WLTC'TY0 (VEX't''.ANA) CUSTOM OM CaNSi`RUCT3019– 317.00. :ter } CONS !'3° UC f ION P: w 301-1000-418-000 S", 50 PLAN CHErm FP, FER -000 hLEZ111PUCAJ,FRK -000- 420-000 $0.(}9 PL,[fMMr 0 ME • 101.000.419.000 $18.00 S'T'R,ONO MOTION PEP", - RY ID 102 -0 -DO -7A11000 $2.47 .ART 'i'9.,J PIVIDT Fr'+ Dr A^V0 _ 'OV1011- g�n.:f4a'19i_,ii .:C _,nuR�"ri ar.� ftn Vr Y!_YaM aa.xvs :illi ^ L�AYIY, A. A�.♦ V^4}lIW�T•7d ^yiiW aziY �,. fes' . ... �p` •�,� �+''� -yam .i .0.t . ,,.�.eV �.n0.It, LK IX SS PRZP ITT, VM) $0,00 1st.! 6 DU now ��.� ���►7 � RECEIPT DATE -BY � � DAT. FIN LED INSPECTOR INSPECTION RECORD OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS Set Backs Underground Ducts Forms & Footings Ducts Slab Grade Retum Air Steel Combustion Air Roof Deck Exhaust Fans O.K. to Wrap F.A.U. Framing Compressor Insulation Vents Fireplace P.L. Grills Fireplace T.O. Fans 8 Controls Party Wall Insulation Condensate Lines Party Wall Firewall Exterior Lath Drywall - Int. Lath Final Final ' o BLOCKWALL APPROVALS steel POOLS - SPAS Set Backs Electric Bond Footings Main Drain Bond Beam Approval to Cover Equipment Location Underground Electric Underground Plbg. Test Final Gas Piping PLUMBING APPROVALS Gas Test Electric Final Waste Lines Heater Final Water Piping Plumbing Final Plumbing Top Out Equipment Enclosure - Shower Pans O.K. for Finish Plaster Sewer Lateral Pool Cover Sewer Connection Encapsulation Gas Piping Gas Test Appliances Final Final Utility Notice (Gas) ELECTRICAL APPROVALS Temp. Power Pole Underground Conduit Rough Wiring Low Voltage Wiring Fixtures Main Service Sub Panels Exterior Receptacles G.F.I. Smoke Detectors Temp. Use of Power �FInai Utility Notice (Perm) COMMENTS: Vezzeo�s i FILE No.221 0221 '03 AM 08:02 ID:YTC/EDAIS ENGR. FAX:520 3411075 02�-Viv60`7 (92.3) 34.4•-3566 J AX (92t1) 341-1075 r:T'fAI},; yttp?11�aiu�trL�ee.corn PAGE 1 F I CSIMILE TRANSMITTAL ATTN: ITODD FROM: WESLEY -7— I i a j COMPANY: TANDEM WEST i TOLL BROTHERS PAGES:. ;JIacludes cover page. FAX: 7602'188-2145 _..7r/ / JJ e�, DATE: 02/21/2003 4 OFFICE: ! Ic7c. RE IENGINEER TRUSS REPA urgent Ekor Reviv% COMMENTS: If you have any questions", please calf Thank you, Wesley t:'omment 11 Please Reply FILE No.221 02/21 '03 AM 08:04 ID:YTC/EDAIS ENGR. FAX:520 3411075 02/21/2063 07:13 &QQER STES. INC i 19283411075 P4070MH r. AW TRUN t , i Utw�► TIIUS9 t01rPAror. WW AZ e�J6S 0,01 i Nov i8 2000 MITeY iAeuttMe, IpR• Feb t :a0 6-5-0 t-tt- Z7- -0 _+_j—�^ rib -6--a—♦ 8-4-• 5-�-8 S -6-a 0-4.0 7- t-115 i 01198 I ,but 11 8216 sac i'r ',' /� 8 394 ,b 1 03 . I 4118 7 PAGE 5 NO -873 962 vwUL d II 4116 LONA li 3x4 346 = 3A a 414 z .1-+-0 3X4 II 8-4-4 ks-D. 11-11-•0 f...-._a-.� i �}- MIS, �—����.�+•o V mom rat. onelu (x,>0: I1:a-z-lad►-t-61 W�-0011-e.0-�-1�. (4�o-t-e.a-t.u� RLL i j a W� 2-0-11 CSI 1111c,le. tne►e°M , lie 1C TCR :4.0 lumber immas 1 >'J SC um OA Mp Strta lncr 128 SCOL 100 Cod• uMOVANS15 wMKft CEF ,n Ace) I/dill PLAIS Glop TOP CHORD 3 X 4 SPF 165011" 1.611 SOT CHORD 2 x 4 SPF I SW 1.41 W-_18 2 X 6 4 Stud -0 •Emepto WV 9 x 4 HF NII.1e:84-0 SURER Lott 2 It 8 'DF Rb.3 4--5-10 RUCTIM (Ib/llza) gas) 408/0-5-11 08/0-3-11 ►ORCES pb) -flat loan Case CfA TOP Chm ►•z■ -2904, 2-30-21�oe. -4-1630,-•s--�e�3, s -e.-16; 801 CHORD 1-13.3253, '12-•134162, 11-120704, 10-1101704, 0-10.1 :rtes 3-12--624, .4-11.421, 4-100-133, 7-10--387, 6-10.738. 7-8.1323.3-1,5-183 • NOTES , 1 Provide "uot , drolnoppe to prevent grater ding. �; This truce hoe been deelgrod Tore 10.0 pef ,bottom 066 lies toad Mone other leve loads per Teble No, 1629, UBC -07; 3) 4 plate rdtiAQ Muction a( 2Cx has .been appplied for the grain lumber rr Refer to "am(e) tot truai k- (ruse gvnnectloM. 3) This tress has 1046n desIgme with ANSIPPi 11=1046 c0terlo. l OV WE'SM it mgora i �Smm To arla�am aoKh+s at 0Yp'.SM,lEM1" IN�+ot RA1l1 �1�,1AIOW MAA/Tit Vm=Q'fmWWALC4040was J#mN p'1tVeW.• (�ARIQI A �t-11110; At �1p:19w.1a(N' NAMR�'1p0� NL1'IgO� ►7� w0cuolum"(Dimm#IF"'s ®umgo-OL bisimmONelks rlr.tiff mAI "mNp101(l e• 0106,000660 *vmnvmm of tae O 7Rrmt 414 JISPars / Wt 1 1 CEF ,n Ace) I/dill PLAIS Glop 0.96 Val -0-18 -0.18 11-13 >999 U020 1N/144 � a60 0.62 Yo -a,, 12. Is e4L,0.09 a 31K )1999 �/0 16S Ib III tl MM I1/411111 - V#m2 t: BRACING { TOP CHORD Sheolthed, except and Vertical:. SOT CHORD Rigid calling 41099th► 000led Of 10-0-0 at bracing. WEBS 1 Row at rrtidpt 3-12, 4-10 RUCTIM (Ib/llza) gas) 408/0-5-11 08/0-3-11 ►ORCES pb) -flat loan Case CfA TOP Chm ►•z■ -2904, 2-30-21�oe. -4-1630,-•s--�e�3, s -e.-16; 801 CHORD 1-13.3253, '12-•134162, 11-120704, 10-1101704, 0-10.1 :rtes 3-12--624, .4-11.421, 4-100-133, 7-10--387, 6-10.738. 7-8.1323.3-1,5-183 • NOTES , 1 Provide "uot , drolnoppe to prevent grater ding. �; This truce hoe been deelgrod Tore 10.0 pef ,bottom 066 lies toad Mone other leve loads per Teble No, 1629, UBC -07; 3) 4 plate rdtiAQ Muction a( 2Cx has .been appplied for the grain lumber rr Refer to "am(e) tot truai k- (ruse gvnnectloM. 3) This tress has 1046n desIgme with ANSIPPi 11=1046 c0terlo. l OV WE'SM it mgora i �Smm To arla�am aoKh+s at 0Yp'.SM,lEM1" IN�+ot RA1l1 �1�,1AIOW MAA/Tit Vm=Q'fmWWALC4040was J#mN p'1tVeW.• (�ARIQI A �t-11110; At �1p:19w.1a(N' NAMR�'1p0� NL1'IgO� ►7� w0cuolum"(Dimm#IF"'s ®umgo-OL bisimmONelks rlr.tiff mAI "mNp101(l e• 0106,000660 *vmnvmm of tae O 7Rrmt 414 JISPars / Wt 1 1 FILE No.221 02/21 '03 AM 08:03 ID:YTC/EDAIS ENGR. 02/21i2003 07:13 BIJNSER STEE_ INC a 19283411075 P4067AW M3 1 Roof TRUSS VUUA 71111MCo. VUMA e.7AZ 36it 4.iot • SRt s tae+ 16 2000 i FAX:520 3411075 iv..v.. v-4.wry 1 1 Ilrl- 1roM IMustrtes, Inv. I%, Fob 13 02-M.- 1 10 1.1 .97_19 :Q.--4--� U-1-15 1---f.p M1.1Y-3-10 i.1••e t-4-� 7-6-0 S -r1-0 &s 1,644 0 is 1t to 3xd • 't0 s Sr9 s 4e6 4 7 w • • 4A as 3*4 11 1.3-10 4 L4=3-0 1—.: 1:11'4 _ .2�b-a 6-41-10 a ---e ?.§..o 7-8-0 11 _o um" (�) is CuiC Z -O -I C91 0 In (Ise) 1/#A PU11E5 tti6L X60 owes Inarem t 2S 1C 0:00 Yal " -0.17 10-12 a9N W49 TOO�IL 14,11 1141"ser 111 mw • 120 OC 0.72 Vert ; -0,30 10-11 sew BC 10444 Cfto% �7/N1Sro r 1160 JJWZfez LC LL w 0.Von - 300 Ne wslthtl 1d0 is WYOct Q�.1 IWING 12 'WOM A 391 - 2.2 ftrjjajDj6._ HOT CXM x 4 9 / 1 OF 1.41 except end vertkols. Im 2 X 4 fiF Stud -G O01 CNORD R9Id OsWQ dlre"y "plied or 11 W t 3 x 6 Or 1ea0r '1.46 4-3-6 1W0-0 to brooMp, wzu 1 flaw at midpt 4-10 MAClIONS (b/ilio) .8s1406/0-5-8 FORM 00) - " Load Gave Only MP CHOM 1-2. 2531, 1-11--1531 ;I_4w-2oA 4-3m-1637. 6 -6* -1637, 8-7--1119. 1 -16* -1 OOT CnORO 1-t3-22113. 12-13-220 11-12-11171, 10-11-1671, 9-10-1060, 0-9.0 wmS 3-13-143. 2-120-4W 4.12-400. 4--10.-46. 6-10--440, 6-10-1021, G-9--62 1) Mrafa oem"ke 4rotnv96 to prmrtt ro61r pondlA, R 2 "it trove Roo bw dee ned !ora ICA p boltoOn chard I" load nonraneurMt. lihM any ix I abler his MM W Tablt N0, 18-9, IJBC-07. A VIM MI^0 r'aduCOn of =OX has bNnoppMd for th0 green lumber members. L 4 Refer to g1rdsr(s) 1w Ifun to trllts gwmac Ions. , b TOiu VM bee 04611 designed with AN31/Tpl 1-1995 cehmla. LW "M31 Manderd (DA"mofteNw wKywontI11w,,&4-.mv*N11t mmm w OMMIMMOMIiia"MMOLMWXa"02iOWO)aro&t ®�+t.arao ww ��earie�c�+�t sI1w1�.�w,.�ww�w � Is Alb l�� I/ TMI N Ia. i#pl NAftl blMrM09 ®�!� 1IR b t7'td�ls 1124dt11 Wit# ! Ibr Gt9ib ISR 1Y IDr MMS • PAGE 4 NO. 19173 GM3 rrnm,, .4 POA MUM JO X PAW /Lor I �K FILE No.221 02/21 '03 AM 08:03 ID:YTC/EDAIS EPGR. 02/21/2003 07:13 HUNGER STEe. INC 4 19283411WS .•� .._.. ----v ■v ,.. vv•6♦ 1V•r 1v0 yRM/0 rV14vn. FAX:520 3411075 rMA-WV 3411V/0 P407AMN G6 -OW RO01 Tn11FJs l t I YUMA TAM COMPMW'r. AAW 02 OWS 41201 Sul 4 DIOr lis .2900 MmM lndaete". Inc. ted rob w _ 1' t� �� wry*.•�"� �� � 8 _ ��/ 8-� .- . A -Z -to a-�-�. 0-11-o s -t-1• 4�le-Z-10 I_ i � 2d 6.00 ;1F 'v PAGE 3 NO. 873 W4 t'FNt 4 1 UMM DRIICItIfl TV CHM 2 X 4 $fr 155OF 1.46c ITOP�p smatme V 3-0-1 04 Wne. 001 011060 11 9 4 SPF 1650/ 1,40 ,.WT CKaMO Rigld e111M§ 09'fct* OOpgod or vf109 2 K k Mi awf-0 I 5-3-11 Ier ot "4091 ing 4-6 I asncrrolla le»a fr U �!>� 1.661/ ,a -a, e.:6�•e-0, e•t ase/o-s-a u1 =346 Doll e). 6--462(low Na ) Mea Gror trt161 nod set: 4)..6-104(Ioof sae 31, 6-1f10(f»d as 3) 1 FMCM (o►) - MI Lao ton Ont 1016 CHM 1-2*-e2e, 2-3•-271 3-l•-100, 4-3-143. 6-�.W � MY 1KM 1-12•w0, 11-18-(120, 16•,1,-544. 0-10-167 -604,62 w 7-6o_eo. 6 -T. -6o w 2-180146. 2-11--170, 3-11N90; 3 -1U -SEL 4 -1O -S)7. 4-0•-1117. 6-8• t W AN fdequota drains to jw&4n0 WAr pondin¢¢ true ha+ been delft IWO for (1 10.0 par trottoA, 6nOr0 Bre l0od r*IMVurrwd with f fj other We [ad t W Tows No. I6-6. 'AG -97. 61 �=c A 00 Muni ravulon of 2016 "to am Oppli00 Ip► Ins IumOH R1iRl0p1. MY* n1aHOn+001 /onnsaft" 10 WM att otNir) yr IMS to kwin0 01 1 /00055 or 1� !) Iwo kpM we4bten d"19440 tN eta 4t1; 10 irpllri at IM 6. 9QD LOW CASH) Starawd i ffiI�.1. 1DAATAtiM w w!{Iq't;117 wft- 00 WN, 1MN..113A6' VMPAAW M % M W w iR1°ri `or�sr.wdaMwturo,�.s�a>r f slice ,1'N, ,�04 TRM GO-oJUD uranr / W i 1 34 R '9 11,0 0 e 7 \(�1 h4 s sll.. �16o3a4. ,.3114 n 30 >. 6-2-19 6.11-o Mott www (N.')1 (t.0-2-t2,+r•1-6], (J:4-2-e,0-i-IZj, [kC-i->b,0-1-1Z� LOpINO 1111 (per 57ApNo 2-04 e>0 WL b, (Ise I/aefl RlA11S alp 1 PRatAt Maven 120 TC 0.01 Vert -o.is 1-17 >M YM Milo t9d/tK TW1 14.0 t.umbtr ow"Is 120 BC 4.72 -0.31 1-12 }666 =66 0.0 Rep &MM lncr fO 96 0.71 0.05 6 n/a OCOI 10a Coot 1,MCi7jpM3$a Wn I/41n . 360 welant: 122 to 1 UMM DRIICItIfl TV CHM 2 X 4 $fr 155OF 1.46c ITOP�p smatme V 3-0-1 04 Wne. 001 011060 11 9 4 SPF 1650/ 1,40 ,.WT CKaMO Rigld e111M§ 09'fct* OOpgod or vf109 2 K k Mi awf-0 I 5-3-11 Ier ot "4091 ing 4-6 I asncrrolla le»a fr U �!>� 1.661/ ,a -a, e.:6�•e-0, e•t ase/o-s-a u1 =346 Doll e). 6--462(low Na ) Mea Gror trt161 nod set: 4)..6-104(Ioof sae 31, 6-1f10(f»d as 3) 1 FMCM (o►) - MI Lao ton Ont 1016 CHM 1-2*-e2e, 2-3•-271 3-l•-100, 4-3-143. 6-�.W � MY 1KM 1-12•w0, 11-18-(120, 16•,1,-544. 0-10-167 -604,62 w 7-6o_eo. 6 -T. -6o w 2-180146. 2-11--170, 3-11N90; 3 -1U -SEL 4 -1O -S)7. 4-0•-1117. 6-8• t W AN fdequota drains to jw&4n0 WAr pondin¢¢ true ha+ been delft IWO for (1 10.0 par trottoA, 6nOr0 Bre l0od r*IMVurrwd with f fj other We [ad t W Tows No. I6-6. 'AG -97. 61 �=c A 00 Muni ravulon of 2016 "to am Oppli00 Ip► Ins IumOH R1iRl0p1. MY* n1aHOn+001 /onnsaft" 10 WM att otNir) yr IMS to kwin0 01 1 /00055 or 1� !) Iwo kpM we4bten d"19440 tN eta 4t1; 10 irpllri at IM 6. 9QD LOW CASH) Starawd i ffiI�.1. 1DAATAtiM w w!{Iq't;117 wft- 00 WN, 1MN..113A6' VMPAAW M % M W w iR1°ri `or�sr.wdaMwturo,�.s�a>r f slice ,1'N, ,�04 TRM GO-oJUD uranr / W i 1 FILE No.221 02/21 '03 Aft 08:02 ID:YTC/EDAIS ENGR. 1�Pi21•2003 07:13 BU GER STB:!_ INC -0 19263411075 FAX:520 3411075 PHA -0" "t,&V10 p�71Y11+ Hit-pi10 BOOP r11US'� , 1 i YUU INUSS CO.. 'N1tA. K x8305 x+101#IRRI i Now 10 20M Mint in00"11. Inc. % top 1 . 4-4-11,0,=0:.t-1__U&JI. � l I"-0 ;�, 74.1 ;? 30-4-0 -,,I 4-4-11 4-1-• 4 -it -p 4-11•-01 8-4-e 3-W 0-6-3 dao rpt' 41to s 4106 w 3 il I if 1® 14 L� 113 1211 to 44 = X 11 hi ; 414 a-1 JJ1111i s enb to W 11 3d 540-0 2-10--a 0-0-0 I�t-9-771 4-3-10 3b 905 Hft Pogo -w wMu �.17T {fA--a,o-s•trj, [BA-a-�o-+-1J, [8404i -4A-1-, 3). ,lo-i-lo,Oro-7], [+t o-1 •t0,a-�-a �1eto-s-l�.o-1_e1. (16:0-1-e,0-2-4) tjr r Luer"�p�t) Ot�gptaC ,-0-0 CEI ock i� (iso) 1/401 PIXIES 011/ nu S. prat., Increase 1. 0 1C py V L p,os 1p >088 Mh30 105/144 COL 14.0 Luhlb4r ftmm t,10 J1c ,1j1 40,30 1J-14 �1! GL 0.0 Rep Saw ;net r[9 we OAS Han 0.04 0 ilia am 10.0 Cods UKOVAN6193 I41 LG #A MM tjdatl • 140 wnghC 1706 tOr d+Ono ! x • of Hibor: 1,11c i TOP Ch" "01 a► 3-0-10 ac p cone, t►I�spt rd wn"oala. wt t�4pI1D x 4 IFF IUW Im EDT .C+IORO mow etalln0 Qrec%r apptia or 4-0-16 as bmelnq. 1Yt� x 4 1Q y shKAtd WIND 1 Raw It Wilpt 2-14, 4-1x.0..13, 0-12. 1-1a. 1-1 W10 2014 Ni t 3 ROW$ 01 1/3 9114-13 Iti:At 1014 (ft/swoesso/0-8­7 (IWt 0wl-0), 110317/004 (inpui- 0-3-0) MON UPW tA■-2200099 ace@ 1), 120-t300(toad wa 3), 0--1370(load can 3) Moa umv 10■4103(ind batt 3). 12■44wnd 0086 2), 0.2094(wil tsp 3) PORIZS (ID) - F*W load. rA Q�p Orluyy TOP Ch1-2-616. 9-3•-Nj 1-4.414. 4.0&-541., 9-80-JbML 8-74208. 7-80213. a+os-14ft. 1-100-M IM "NO 15-100-0. 14-106M, 13.14■707, iZ+13+-977, 11-17-174, 10-11■17k 9-10-174 YflD9 s.l 3.1 ■1-14---- 4^1J•-30 -13--lib. f<-13-peD, 8-ti■-1?31s, �=10- �y. +s-- 0.11, xf 1 Tufa UM Ms VW ObPeWr tat wtl4lof=0 lQ00109 conrpgona. 1 a adowft drowls tp plow, 11pcf► 0'40610. 1 3 W01111111! XmP kad Mating a� It p,'14) 10. 19, 0 Imgr than Mp♦d becaq jigs. 61100 rwft dloNgt111a1 tsrin04t1on (by am*) o1 try" tojomwv 01otd Doom of Ivall pf S)wlthdmwN JllRonlOpo�mIb Wool st Joint o. 124 0 wa at JNRt Is wwt 1310 t0 10NR at lOht !. dM� INb Mtti8686n1ahori� m► 0 O -O 9fm I 1 '4 �al1ripa�M Cenmct Vwa to not 7 0 rw 350,0 D0. �Cll LCD Ct CM21 a1ln.rir,d I _ f TAVDB 817 -Din AVAD / LOT 1 ��Ir 71!11 tyl1.4QI w � 140 a� lltA I � tiilAM6lUiL 1111At Iw +041 MAY D N . j�