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MUP 2000-220
Z June 15, 2000 P.O. Box 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO I LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 l f I r Mr. Andy Fraser Toll Brothers Inc. k 74-923 Hovley Lane East, Suite 2-20 Palm Desert, California 92260 (7 60) 777-7000 (TDD) (760) 777-1227 aI_. p(0.5%/-o$'l'X;,V6Sroti AFWJt SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 2000-220 Dear Mr. Fraser:. The Community Development :Department has approved your request to establish a temporary sales trailer and guest parking lot at t[ie southeast corner of Medallist Drive and Kingston Heath pursuant to Section 9.60.250 of the Municipal Code, subject to the following conditions: 1. Obtain a building permit to place the temporary trailer on-site. 2. Mounted on the exterior of the sales office front door shall be a written notice providing emergency personnel your 24-hour emergency phone number they can call in case problems arise that need your prompt attention (i.,e., minimum 1" high letters). 3. The designated parking spaces shall be constructed before the sales complex is used by the developer. A minimum of one handicap parking space shall be provided. Please provide a 26 -foot wide aisle way for the parking lot pursuant to Chapter 9.150 of the Zoning Ordinance. 4. A sign permit is required for any on-site advertising. 5. Install one 2Al OBC fire extinguisher inside the front exit door of the sales office. 6. Trailer skirting is required to screen undercarriage hardware. f 7. A $500.00 security deposit shall be posted insuring that the trailer and other temporary improvements are removed from the site once this permit expires. t i I MUP220 - 41 gt r 1� owL 8. The trailer shall be removed upon the discontinuation of use for model home sales within 30 days. 9. The City may elect to add Conditions to this application request to mitigate any problems that arise not previously addressed herein: The temporary sales complex shall be removed'within one year, unless an extension is granted by the Community Development Director. This decision may be appealed to the Planning Commission provided the necessary paperwork and filing fee of $175.00 are filed with this office within 15 days. If you have any questions, please contact me at -760-777-7067. Sincerely, Enclosures �,LOPN[ENT DIRECTOR c: Community Development Director Building and Safety Director Public Works Director Code Compliance Department Fire Department Petty Sawyer, Executive Secretary j ecretary (B & S) Counter Technician (B MUP220 - 41 gt - h i I o SS S /slr;Q� aX 20 I kkA 0 ' 6< �J<ef L Gnu ity of La Quinta i i Community :Development Department 78-495 Calle. Tampico i 9w� La Quinta, California 92253 OF •ftp' (760) 777-711.25 FAX: (760) 777_4233 APPLICATION FOR MINOR USE PERMIT APPROVAL MINOR USE PERMIT applications are reviewed and approved' -by the Community Development Director pursuant to Section 9.210.020, of the Zoning Code. The purpose of the review is to ensure that land uses requiring the permit do not have an adverse impact on surrounding properties, residents, or.businesses. I APPLICANT �, ► o o (Print)Z.ZZD MAILING ADDRESS n LA —9-12-25 1,r-,g_C mak- Phone No. to') LA - q(eq 0� CITY, STATE, ZIP: Fax No. G-1 LA qpm, I different : R�� r PROPERTY OWNER (If ) _"Ti ' \ \ I (?Print) ` MAILING ADDRESS: Phone No. CITY, STATE, ZIP: Fax No. PROJECT LOCATION: PROPOSED USE AND/OR UCTION (Including operational information): Trnp_ S� o LEGAL DESCRIPTION (LOT & TRACT OR A.P.N.): i Al Minor Use Permii � SUBMISSION REQU REMEINITS: I ❑ Plot Plan, floor plans and elevation plans (as determined by Community Development Department staff). Five (5) sets of plans on 8'/z" x 11" sheet or folded down to 8%2" x 11". ❑ Filing fee for Minor Use Permit. If filing multiple applications, the most expensive application will be charged full fee, with remaining, related applications discounted 50% for each.. This discount does not apply to Environmental Information iiorm. ; NAME OF APPLICANT! (Plea Print) SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT�r -!Q-s. .-� DATE p NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER =x01.1 (Please Print) i SjGNA'I UK1✓ -vr ricv-r`0n 1 7111-013 4F .NOT SAME AS AFPLIC:_ J (Signature provides consent for applicant to se site for proposed activity). DATE t (Separate written authority by owner to submit application may be provided) NOTE: FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR DENYING APPLICATION. i . t j i A I Minor Use Permit f OFt � BW City of La Quinta 1 Building 91 Safety Division w .�- �'ZZ (.0 P.O. Box 1504 Permit * 78-495 Calle Tampico 7-1 La Quints, CA 92253 Building Permit Applicationand Tracking Sheet ,,Telephone: -1 Project Address: A. P. Number G /Address: `1 �{ • �1Z.3 d #2 - State Lic. = : '1 fog CI Leaa1 Description: iry.ST. Zip:��4zZ (o Contractor: -T,-01 Telepho Address: •-1 qZ.3 . ! 2.-Z . ,..J�.......,...,... Ciry.ST. Zip: w .�- �'ZZ (.0 Sir 7-1 ,,Telephone: -1 State Lic. = : '1 fog CI Citv Lic. #: i Arch.. Ettm. Desi -mer. Address: City. ST. Zip: Telephone: _ Construction Type: O=q)ancy: State Lic. _.: Project type (circle one): New Add'n Aha Repair Dem Name of Contact Person: S . # Stories: # Units: Telephone = of Contact Pawn: Estimated Value of Projec r Subminal :::>ieeq'd....„I3ec*d .::.::;:.;:.;:...'TRA004Cat Plan Sets Strncmral Caks:::::; :.;. , .., ., •..:...:... ...::. :Reoieweti; ssaelflor :eoriisdioaa:::z::..- .:.its:: :;;:•;;:�;. ... .:•;.? :.......... 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I �.1y1 A g � I l �i 6' - � 5110 -� 2'9 5'1 0/'' 11'10 4a WHITE FRENCH WINDOWS: A= 35 1/2" W z 47 1/4" H 8= 47 1/2" W x 47 1/4" H 24'X43' 40' - 31'6 f0 -+-- 8'3 - 4'6 0 63.10' co N N � l 3 . O'M M � M: Ui ^ M 40 r CN AV27 tD A z F N 8529'21' E 15.00' N 89'5 '21• E 10 1' .12' 14.1— � 9.1 1 �'� -- — — -- --- 8 2.1 1 I � ' 2 R. Z W 20.00 2400 . 20.00 I _ 2. ---- — -- -- L. $ o on= co IN r Z 'b' 0 2°l0 27 c c �'�' o I M O b Z CD C6 6 co cn Z4. J U Zn W ® Q now 2 1 N � Q -j 4 5.4-- J .9164' 10 Q k 8529'21 E h `l4 N 8529'21' E 15.00' e4�' 15.00' N 8529'21 E I 24.00' W 4Tw4 3 2 I SALES TRAL.ER 482.1 TF )N . I 4 .. 32.8—..17 P=484.1 e��'', 485.1 —�-- I L I r i ' E TABLE I pI L T I 90 '00' 1 7.85 5.00 i Sates Agents 8uilt-In9 access to by client' model Art.Remme w.h. from 510'only r5tOrOV ;1 w.h _ 1, Lifestyle Photos - Raman:'4'cuclosing 1 from efo onOffice I a. _________________ImpactArt display Graphic. Remove 4'curb from e%ony ---------- — A - - / --- Closing Office 2 Lifestyle Hostess Photos Ulu Aerial Photo T^-'-- fabric — -- - - - bolster Area map in drawer Floorplans & Plot renderings w/ inset product .l sfssi iesfssssss+sfti ";sssss;stssi" & ts; ";s5risfs. ;: 4, F«e:avtku:r;e:s:KlsxtFeaures 1 &ProductProduct displaydisplay„"_ 4444, Model Tour A& _I Floorplans & renderings w/ ■ product 2 Entry/Exit Scale: 1/4"=1'-0" &Iut VSMDnal Systems Inc San Diego Sacramento (619)4749246 (916)921-5444 Corona Fresno (909)734.3970 (209)431.2502 Las Vegas Phoenix (702)253-6470 (602)588-0149 Livermore (510)449.1900 • • • r- LU i i u- Job# 2-9209 -60 Description CONST DRWG Client Toll Brothers AE D.H. Designer C. Robineon-Gantt Date --- -4.14-99 --- - Revisions Page of This is an original M51 deslgn. All rights to u9a or reproduce it In whole or In part. In any form or to fabricate or Produce ary likellnes9 thereof shall remain the exduSWe right of M51. OkiLifestyle I Photos ' Dev. logo on glass Toll Brothers builder Story & Team display Consoleabove bench seating A& _I Floorplans & renderings w/ ■ product 2 Entry/Exit Scale: 1/4"=1'-0" &Iut VSMDnal Systems Inc San Diego Sacramento (619)4749246 (916)921-5444 Corona Fresno (909)734.3970 (209)431.2502 Las Vegas Phoenix (702)253-6470 (602)588-0149 Livermore (510)449.1900 • • • r- LU i i u- Job# 2-9209 -60 Description CONST DRWG Client Toll Brothers AE D.H. Designer C. Robineon-Gantt Date --- -4.14-99 --- - Revisions Page of This is an original M51 deslgn. All rights to u9a or reproduce it In whole or In part. In any form or to fabricate or Produce ary likellnes9 thereof shall remain the exduSWe right of M51. Note. Wall are furred out to cover concrete curbs built-ins where applicable.Temporary Sales office•wallsby client Remove w.h. from 5 only are 4" thick. Fe 5torage ; w.h. All storage room built-ins are by client. Room :ti= Remove a°cu CIO. ht. from e% on 8' 6" a) t9 © a CIO. ht. Remove 4° curb 8'-61, fhom lM --------------- ------ - ® CIO. ht. 8'-6.r N 10 t CIO. ht. ® Arched soffit 8'- 0 i(t @ T-O" r9 - _ R O Ctr,'wjndow Q ' (n nirhe = 4 1 6 1r_G. iA I -�4 Arched soffit @ T-O"- +r Clg. ht. 10' 4'-G" I GI ht. isssuiaisii Arched soffit 8 =6" — I E I I nA 10'-4" 101-4" 20'_8" 6'-4" 6-10' Scale: 1/4"=1'-D" 216 Systems Inc. San Diego Sacramento (619)4746246 (916)921-5444 Corona Fresno (909)734.3970 (209)431-2502 Las Vegas Phoenix (102)253-6470 (602)5566-0149. Livermore (510)449-1900 • • • Job# 2-9209 -60 Description, CONST DRWG Client Toll Brothers AE D.N. Designer C. Robinson -Gant Date 4-14-99 Revisions Page of .This Is an original M51 design. /J1 rights to use or reproduce It in whole or In part, In arry form or to fabricate or produce any "ellnese thereof shall remain the exclusive right of MSI. • p A e a• ctr. 2'-3" . 2'-3" . 2'-3" .. IWIll ............ n' :: ............... �21-0111 to 2 2n 12 12 2-2".ziiiai "ii ! o cF .. FF CJl f:` .. I� .. _ _ ,�•� �' O A N [2'3d '* .................... _ - - .. 3 0' 10" s 'G .......... 0 ctY.M ctr.ik i_ n '2 mac mUie 13 4'-3" 12'-0" .310" R a a D n a o �� m °3 SS �a m t%9 N �9 C%00 s O O •Cb 3.Cb m < 3 vQ PGA WEOT m o g � Ta' m o m O O ? n N • -n a N Nm,N 3 a Z N electrical prawings0� �3a�a cn m X JC% r Door & WindoW Schedule Crown Moulding: Superior Mdlg. #MACK16-60 Caving: Superior Mdlg. #MAC28-42 Does Mdlg.: 5u erior Mdlg. #MA628-42 (800)473-1415 q� Pair of 3'- O" x 6-8" Single lite, stain grade, exterior �J paint color to match other doors of unit. �} Pair of 3'- 0" x 6'-8" Single lite, stain grade french doors. (510)449.1900 2'-8" x 6'-8'P.aiseel panel hollow core door w/ self closing mechanism. �✓ Match building production etd. for door style. �F)� 2'-8" x 6-8" Match building production std. for door style. 0/ 5'- 9" x 4'- O" fixed glass with wood stained casing, 5'- O" x 4'- 0" Aluminum slider, exterior paint color and style to match other windows of unit. 3' d' x 6- d' fixed tempered glass with wood stained casing. C� 2'- 0" x 6'- 0" fixed tempered glass with wood stained casing. Note: All Interior DoorS,Casing-o, and Mouldings are Stain grade. M51 will provide Client with stain Sample Construction Notes: 1. All entry doors to have safety glazing. 2. All doors serving sales office to have push pull plates and dead bolts. 3. No door threshold shall be over 1/2 -inch high in its profile. If the threshold is over 1/2 inch high, a beveled profile must be provided for wheelchair accessibility. 4. The pressure setting on door closers should not be- beyound that which has been established as the maximum resistance per ADA requirements 5. Interior construction of walls, soffits, and built-in storage units is by client unless otherwiee specified. 6. 1 he purchase and instaiiaVon of doors and windowa are v ""^n' unless otherwise specified. 7. 5et header height at standard 6-8" unless otherwise specified. 8. Many dimensions are critical. Please notify sales office designer prior to making field changes. 9. Furr out walls and eheetrock to cover curbs. 10. Furr out walls inside garage header to achieve flush interior walls. 11. Stub off plumbing and recess Into wall for future use. 12. HVAC registers should be located in an unobtrusive spot at ceiling or floor level on the wall or in the calling. Lighting & Electrical Plan D Recessed Downlight, Halo #H7T /310 W, 75W K30/51' I5 Recessed Downlight - Halo #H7T /31OW, 75W K30/FL C9 Recessed Ambient Downlight - Halo 274/405KG 18W35K Compact Fluorescent Regressed Eyeball - Halo #H7T/420W, 60W 6830 -( Exterior fixture, building Standard 3 - 8'-0" Trac Ilighting - Halo #L1804F/PAK30 Cone, 75W PAR30 p Surface mounted fluorescent fixture, building Standard i6 Duplex Outlet 4 Quad Outlet • Telephone Outlet .4 Fax designated outlet 4 Computer designated outlet. If networking is necessary install Conduit Sleeve between offices. Note: . - Measurements for lighting fixtures are taken from interior finished face of wall. Please adjust placement accordingly. 1�I1 Motivational 1�ii Systems Inc 5an Diego Sacramento (619)4748246 (916)921-5444 Corona Fresno (909)734-3970 (209)+31.2502 Las Vegas Phoenix (702)253.6470 (602)58"149 Livermore (510)449.1900 Job# 2.9209 -60 Description ONST ORWG Client Toll Brothers AE O.H. Designer C. Robinson -Gantt Date 4-14-99 Revisions Page of This is an original M51 design. NI rights to use or reproduce it in whole or In part. in ars form or to fabricate or produce any likeliness thereof shall remain the exclusive right of M51.