09-0261 (AC)P.O: BOX 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 Application Number: "09-00000261 Property Address: 78121 AVENIDA LA FONDA APN: 770-122-001-3 -000000- Application description: ADDITION - COMMERCIAL Property Zoninq: VILLAGE COMMERCJ-Ah Application valuation: 26645 T4bt " BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMIT Applicant: Architect or Engineer: ------------------ LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals Code, and my License is in full force and effect. License Class: License No.: Date: Contractor: OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's State License Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county that requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for the permit to file a signed statement that he or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's State License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he or she is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500).: (_ 1 I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does the work himself or herself through his or her own employees, provided that the improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he or she did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.). I, as owner of the property, am exclusive) contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Profession e: Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or impr as thereon, d who contra for the rojects with a contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor State Licens Law.), (_) I am exempt under Sec. , B.S P. . for tfreas9 'CONSTRUCTIQA LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.). Lender's Name: A Lender's Address: LQPERMIT Owner: GRIFFITH INV 1301 ALASKAN WAY SEATTLE, WA 98101 VOICE (760) 777-7012 FAX (760) 777-7011 INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153 Date: 3/18/11 a Contractor: Owner =7t, " q Gr- -4 A .iLtihl're 1 ------------------ WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: _ I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. _ I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Carrier Policy Number I certify that, in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any man so a become subject to a work s' compensation laws of -California, and agree that, i shout bec me s ject to th orkers' ompensation provisions of Section 337700 of th Labor Cod all fo v4t4.ee ly ith se provisions. w pP 4nt: WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORK RS' COMPENSA ON COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000). IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. - APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on this application. 1 . Each person upon whose behalf this application is made, each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this application, the owner, and the applicant, each agrees to, and shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees for any act or omission related to the work being performed under or following issuance of this permit. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or ce sation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellat' . I certify that I have read this plication an state t the ove nfor ion is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances a state ws etatin o bu' g c str n, and hereby authorize representatives of th' aunty ttoo, enter ul the abo en io pr pe for n purposes. (Ap lica or Agent): Application.Number . . . . . 09-00000261 ------ Structure Information 367SF ADDITION TO KITCHEN PREP AREA ----- Construction Type . . . . . TYPE V, UNPROTECTED Occupancy Type . . . . . ASSEMBLY BLDG <1000 Other struct info•. . . . . CODE EDITION 2007/2008 FIRE SPRINKLERS NO MIXED-USE OCCUPANCY NO OCCUPANT LOAD 2.00 TOT ELIGIBLE NO ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I ST FT,nnp gQTTAUF FOOTAGE 367,00 Permit ELECT - ADD/ALT/REM Additional desc . . Permit Fee 22.34 Plan Check Fee 5.59 Issue Date . . . . Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date 9/14/11 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 15.00 367.00 .0200 -------=-------------------------------------------------------------------- ELEC GARAGE OR NON-RESIDENTIAL 7.34 Permit . . . BUILDING PERMIT Additional desc . . Permit Fee . . . . 265.00 Plan Check Fee 172.25 Issue Date . . . . Valuation 26645 Expiration Date . . 9/14/11 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 252.00 2.00 6.5000 ---=------------------------------------------------------------------------ THOU BLDG 25,001-50,000 13.00 Permit . . . MECHANICAL Additional desc . Permit Fee . . . . 61.50 Plan Check Fee 15.38 Issue Date . . . . Valuation 0 Expiration Date 9/14/11 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 15.00 3.00 9.0000 EA MECH B/C <=3HP/100K BTU 27.00 3.00 6.5000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- EA MECH AH <=10K CFM 19.50 Permit . . . PLUMBING Additional desc . LQPERMIT Application Number . . . . . 09-00000261 Permit . . . . . . PLUMBING Permit Fee . . . . 42.00 Plan Check Fee 10.50 Issue Date . . . . Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date 9/14/11 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 15.00 4.00 -6.0000 EA PLB FIXTURE 24.00 1.00 3.0000 EA PLB WATER INST/ALT/REP 3.00 -------------------------------------------- Special Notes and Comments 367SF ADDITION TO EXISTING KITCHEN (PREP/COLD STORAGE)/VB/A-2/2-OL/CLASS A-FR/UNSPRINKLERED (ENGINEERED] THIS \ PERMIT DOES NOT INCLUDE TRASH •ENCLOSURE OR BUILDING SIGNAGE. 2007/2008 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODES. March 16, 2011 8:52:18 AM AORTEGA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Fees . . . . . . . . . ACCESSIBILITY PLAN REVIEW 17.23 BLDG STDS ADMIN (SB1473) 2.00 . ENERGY REVIEW FEE 17.23 STRONG MOTION (SMI) - COM 5.60 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited --------------------------------------------------------- Due Permit Fee Total 390.84 .00 .00 390.84 Plan Check Total 203.72 .00 .00 203.72 Other Fee Total 42.06 .00 .00 42.06 Grand Total 636.62 .00 .00 636.62 LQPERMIT CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Desert Sands Unified School District 47950 Dune Palms Road Q BERMUDA DUNES r rn RANCHO MIRAGE d Date 3/16/11 La Quinta, CA 92253 �' INDIAN WELLS PLA DESERT �' No. 30944 (760) 771-8515 �QIN©o y�� Owner Hall Griffith APN # 770-122-001 Address 78121 Avenida La Fonda Jurisdiction La Quiota City La Quinta Zip Permit # Tract # No. of Units 1 Type Commercial Lot # No. Street S.F. Lot # No. Street S.F. Unit 1 78121 Avenida La Fonda 367 Unit 6 Unit 2 Unit 7 Unit 3 Unit 8 Unit 4 Unit 9 Unit 5 Unit 10 Comments At the present time, the Desert Sands Unified School District does not collect fees on garages/carports, covered patiostwalkways, residential additions under 500 square feet, detached accessory structures (spaces that do not contain facilities for living, sleeping, cooking, eating or sanitation) or replacement mobile homes. It has been determined that the above-named owner is exempt from paying school fees at this time due to the following reason: Residential Addition 500 Sq Feet or Less EXEMPT This certifies that school facility fees imposed pursuant to Education Code Section 17620 and Government Code 65995 Et Seq. in the amount of $0.47 X 367 S.F. or $172.49 have been paid for the property listed above and that building permits and/or Certificates of Occupancy for this square footage in this proposed project may now be issued. Fees Paid By CC/Bank of America - Scott McLellan Check No. 432052776 Name on the check Telephone Funding Commercial By Dr. Sharon P. McGehee Superintendent Fee collected /exempt /d by Shai Signature NOTICE: Pursuant to Government Code Section 66020(d)(1), this will se� to not'Ify,you that the 90 -day approval period in which you may protest the fees or other payment identified above will begin to run from the date on which'the building or installation permit for this project is issued, or from the date on which those amounts are paid to the District(s) or to another public entity authorized to collect them on the District('s) behalf, whichever is earlier. NOTICE: This Document NOT VALID without embossed seal Embossed Original - Building Department Applicant Copy - Applicant/Receipt Copy - Ao counting Payment Recd $172.49 -6uer/Under `` NOTICE: Pursuant to Government Code Section 66020(d)(1), this will se� to not'Ify,you that the 90 -day approval period in which you may protest the fees or other payment identified above will begin to run from the date on which'the building or installation permit for this project is issued, or from the date on which those amounts are paid to the District(s) or to another public entity authorized to collect them on the District('s) behalf, whichever is earlier. NOTICE: This Document NOT VALID without embossed seal Embossed Original - Building Department Applicant Copy - Applicant/Receipt Copy - Ao counting &n #�� Oty Of La QuInta Bt Ung eT Safety Dlv Im P.O. Box 1504, 78-495 C20e Tampko la ufita 9 (/^J60 i:7; . y • �-..; .r.-r-�i►:4�25�•� l,� �� '..�. .�.M..�C':p•,„ a }-':6•. •�.t�, , Buildin Permit Application aid Tracking Skeet ' • " peffnit # ���` ProjectAddtess: -+812-1 ANNIDA LA F04DA Owner'sxa&e...": Aj4- 4,Q.I.FFITIA A. P. Number: }�Q i22t�O J --� (p Address: 1031 ALAS kA N WAV Legal Description: L.0 rN $ 6F pFSEp_T CWB City. sl; Zip: 5EArrLG, WA qg i o 1 canwasiR 4?A47,awa*4' IN 'Me CM OF L-A! Telephone: haat: QU , of Wd ,ST .� 0.1 CA, SooProject Description: ei :RWG(o60 of M web u.1 J t� L»u POSH AflDITIDIJ vF A MCM TWq",a.Or- !SfAlb COuNTr. &rQ9M-19P-c bM To AN. EXtST106a Stat�ie:- : e�ty tic, Ir(Z�sTPcl tRtvJ Arch., ling., Designer. S 0 M KAML .• Address: 1'lo LAMSWE AVG City, sr, zip: S6AS'T'L a ,. W A qJ 11) J _ Telephone: ep 24(0— 32-1-48 Ob Construction Type: V-5 oewpaacy S-2. State Lic. #: -(001-01-+_35D Project type (circle one): New Add'n Alter Repair Demo Name of Contact Person: TINA k Sq. FL: L{ b Stories: I9 Units A [Estimated Telephone # of Contact Pelson: - �jZ,e{ - 0p Value of Project APPLICANT: DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE H Submittal Req'd b3ec'd CKINC� r n nn —1 n PERMIT FEES Plan Seta Pian Ckeck subnitt� 01 L � U U its ,mount Struetaral Cates. Reviewed, ready for 11 Ill o Q mad Check Depostt Trus Cales. Called Contact PiMII I v Plan CkuIt Balance Tide 24 Calcs. Plans picked up IB V_. YY Co'Lstruction Flood plain plan Plans resubmitted M edaoiwl Grading plan 2"' Review, ready for eorreetioas/iasne 1?, Electrical Subeostacter List Called Contact Person 1 Plumbing Grant Deed Plans picked np 3.M.L H.O.A. Approval Plans resubmitted Grading IN HOUSE:- a}a Review, ready for corrections/issue Developer Impact Fee Planning Approval Called Contact Person A.I.P.P. Pub. Wks. Appr Date of permit lsaue Sehodl Fees Total Permit Fees SIA3 CtAa&xtie� a.Acd gct' T- Geo A�O Ilttiq - 45 k.(scs Nexw 0.60) 71 V M3 etww -ro -f (A-IJUtM(m S v6xuo WfdD gwtwo aimys role AWC" k 4, • '- CITY OF LA QUINTA SUB -CONTRACTOR. LIST JOB ADDRESS '7�-1� PERMIT NUMBER Q- OWNER ( _ _ _ BUILDER 6 This form shall be posted on the job with the Building Inspection Card at all times in a conspicuous place. Only persons appearing on this list or their employees are authorized to, work on this job. Any changes to this list must be approved by the Building Division prior to commencement of work. Failure to comply will result in a stoppage of work and/or the voidance of building permit. For each applicable trade, all information requested below must be completed by applicant. "On File" is not an acceptable response. _ Trade f.C1as�ficaUon .. . 'rV11or o#ttt...tQ.: State CcrftlactV!.1.! tf.:.. ..... s Co r(s rf Insurance k .......................... ... Cit gusitles 4+ccaa e . ;... - Company Name Classification (e.g. A, B, C-8) License Number (xxxxxx) Exp. Date (xx/xx/xx) Carrier Name (e.g. State Fund, CalComp) Policy Number (Format Varies) Exp. Date (xx/xx/xx) License Number (xxxx) Exp. Date (xx/xx/xx) F.A.ftTHWORK (01.21 io�`y o CONCRETE. (C 8) _ o _ 0-31- o c �a�l�ir /-3l-la FRAMING (C 5) nn ryl� S r S Q / �' �- / .- ' O - oZ- / / '.3 5TFtUCT STEEL (C. MASONRY 4C 291; \ Cam ' 3� ry k 3 S 0' _ J C 0000 O(/O/ - PLUMBING tc ssz:. `. S co c 35" - o-+ /0$ LATH PLASTER (C-35) o C- e 3 y S 7-3 0 -12, 1040,501 `30- 1)RYWALL:(C,91 I`1 Lei a HVAC fG20) ovS �� - �- O d - -1 e c7037D L/,Z r �`'� 3'31'l ELECTRICAL (C=t0) 3cw�� �� ��� L- O 1 - '/ --00 oo L - / R©OFING:(C-39) : AQ �- 3 - - F -d00 = - O :SHEET METAL (0-421 . FLOa:RINGaC 1�! ;;, INsuu►no.� tf zt SEWAGE'b1SP iC-�7} PAINTING CERAMIC .T[E E..jC10,4 CABINETS 10. s) :. :F ENgNd ic-. ,3) .; . L`,4NpSGAP1N�. iC=27,1, POOL (C-53).:::: rOm"Iffe-wvo el / P.O. Box .1504 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92247-1504 7 8 -495CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - i 11 BUILDING !k SAFETY DEPARTMENT (760) 7 77 -70 12 FAX (760) 777-7011 PROPERTY OWNER'S PACKAGE Disclosures & Forms for Owner -Builders Applying for Construction Permits 4WE"TANTt NOTICE TO PEOWNER Dear Property Owner. An application for a building permit has been submitted in your name listing yourself as the builder of the property impPovemeots specified at We are providing you with an Owner -Builder Acknowledgment and Information Verification Form to make you aware of your responsibilities and possible risk you may incur by having this permit issued in your name as the Owner -Builder. We will not issue a building permit until you have read, initialed your undterstanding of each provision, signed, and returned this form to us at our official address indicated. An agent of the owner cannot execute this notice unless you, the property owner, obtain the prior approval of the permitting authority. OVK 'S ACKNOWLEDGAMW ARID VERIFICATION OF RMOR11+LA'�flN ERECTIONS: Read and initial each statement below to signify you understand or verythis information. I understand a frequent practice of unlicensed persons is to have the property owner obtain an "Owner -Builder" building permit that erroneously implies that the property owner is providing his or her own lzbor and material personally. 1, as an Owner -Builder, may be held liable and subject to serious financial risk for any injuries srstained by an unlicensed person and his or her employees while working on my property. My homeowner's insurance may _� not provide coverage for those injuries. 1 am willfully acting as an Owner -Builder and am aware of the limits of my insurance coverage for injuries to workers on my property. 2. 1 understand building permits are not required to be signed by property owners unless they are responsible for the construction and are not hiring a licensed Contractor to assume this responsibility. V 3. I understand as an `°Owner -Builder" I am the responsible party of record on the permit. I understand that.1 may protect myself from potential financial risk by hiring a licensed Contractor and having the permit filed in his or her name instead of my own. 4. 1 understand Contractors are required by law to be licensed and bonded in California and to list their license numbers on 1rmits and contracts. Fe 5. I understand if I employ or otherwise engage any persons, other than California licensed Contractors, and the total value V of my construction is at least five hundred dollars ($500), including labor and materials, I may be considered an "employee' under state and federal law. QP-/--6. - 6. I understand if I am considered an "employee' mp yer" under state and federal law, I must register with the state and federri government, withhold payroll taxes, provide workers' compensation disability insurance, and contribute to unemploymen compensation for each "employee." I also understand my failure to abide by these laws may subject me to serious financia f____1_ rik.7. 1 understand under California Contractors' State License Law, an Owner -Builder who builds single-family residentii tructures cannot legally bund them with the intent to offer them for sale, unless all work is performed by license subcontractors and the number of structures does not exceed four within any calendar year, or all of the work is perforin under contract with a licensed general building Contractor. I ti 8. I understand as an Owner -Builder if I sell the property for which this permit is issued, I maybe be Nabi for'ariy financial or personal iriaries sustained by any subsequent owner(s) that result from any latent construction defects in the %workmanship or materials. I' 9. I understand I may obtain more information regarding my obligations as an "employee' from the Internal Revenue Service, the United States Small Business Administration, the California Department of Benefit Payments, and the California Division of Industrial Accidents. I also understand I may contact the California Contractors' State License Board (CSLB) at 1- 800-3321-CSLB (2752) or www.cslb.ca.pov for more information about licensed contractors. n l0 P I am aware of and consent to an Owner -Builder building permit applied for in my name, and understand that I am the egally and financially responsible for p%posed construction activity at the following address: r 11V 1)- C 1. I agree that, as the party legally and financially responsible for this proposed construction activity, I will abide by all applicable laws and requirements that govern Owner -Builders as well as employers. 1 agree to notify the issuer of this form immediately of any additions, deletions, or changes to any of the information I have provided on this form Licensed contractors are regulated by laws designed to protect the public. If you contract with someone who does not have a license, Bre Contractors' State License Board may be unable to assist you with any financial loss you may sustain as a result of a complaint. Your only remedy against unlicensed Contractors may be in civil COMM It is also important for you to understand that if an unlicensed Contractor or employee of that individual or firm is injured while WOTIMg on your property; You may be held liable for damages. If you obtain a permit as Owner -Builder and wisb to hire Contractors, You will be responsible for verifying whedier or not those Contractors are properly licensed and the status of their workers' compensation insurance coverage. Before a budding permit can be issued, this form must be completed and signed by the property owner and returned to the agency responsible for issuing Ike permit. Note: A copy of the property owner's diver's. Mceeeale, f"m note or other veriTkation acceptable to ski agency is required to be presented when the permit is issued to verify the property owner's signature. Signature of property owner Date: Note: The following Authorization Form is required to be completed by the property owner only when designating an agent of the property owner to apply for a construction permit for the Owner -Builder. AUTHORIZATION OF AGENT TO ACT ON PROPERTY OWNER'S BEHALF Excluding the Notice to Property Owner, the execution of which I understand. is my personal responsibility, l hereby authorize the following person(s) to act as my agent(s) to apply for, sign, and file the documents necessary to obtain an Owner -Builder Permit for my project. Scope of Construe0 roj�t (fir Desch' tion of Work): Project Location or Ad Name of Authorized Agent: ! Tel No /"4-- Q Address of Authorized AgenYC�, t' O /��(G�C, Gr ©C�S��y! �S� I declare under penalty of perjury that I am the property owner for the address listed above and I personally filled out the aboN information and certify its accuracy. Note: A copy of the owner's driver's license, form notarization, or other verification acceptable to the agency is required to be presented when the permit is issued to verify the property owner's signature. Property Owner's Signature: Date: John R. Hawkins Fire Chief Proudly serving the unincorporated areas of Riverside County and the Cities of: Banning .; Beaumont Calimesa 4. Canyon Lake Coachella Desert Hot Springs Indian Wells Indio 4. ._Lake Elsinore :• La Quinta Moreno Valley Palm Desert Perris Rancho Mirage 4. Rubidoux CSD San Jacinto Temecula Board of Supervisors Bob Buster, District 1 John Tavaglione, District 2 Jeff Stone, District 3 Roy Wilson, District 4 Marion Ashley, District 5 RIVERSIDE COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT In cooperation with the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection 210 West San Jacinto Avenue . Perris, California 92570 • (951) 940-6900 Fax (951) 940-6910 April 9, 2009 RE: TENANT IMPROVEMENT PLAN CHECK LAQ-09-BP-012 The Crab Pot 78-121 Avenida La Fonda La Quinta, CA You have been issued a release for a tenant improvement on an existing building. THIS IS NOT AN OCCUPANCY PERMIT. It is prohibited to use/process or store any materials in this occupancy that would classify it as a "H" occupancy. THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS MUST BE MET PRIOR TO INSPECTION: Install door hardware and exit signs as per Chapter 10 of the 2007 UBC. All breakers must be labeled and a clearance of 36 inches must be maintained around the panel at all times. OTHER REQUIREMENTS: A durable sign stating "This door to remain. unlocked during business hours" shall be placed on'or adjacent to the front exit door. The sign shall be in letters not less than one inch high on a contrasting background. Applicant/installer shall be responsible to contact the Fire Department to schedule inspections. A re -inspection fee will be required if more than one (1) inspection is necessary. Requests for inspections are to be made at least 72 hours in advance and may be arranged by calling (760) 863-8886. All questions regarding,the meaning of these conditions should be referred to the Fire Department Planning & Engineering Staff at (760) 863-8886. By: Sincerely, Jaso Stubble Fire Safety Specialist COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE • COMMUNITY HEALTH AGENCY PARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Application for Review of Food Establishment Construction/Remodel Plans For Office Use Date `� I ;� Fee $ 3 �' �`� Ck. # � 0 4 Trans. # h ► � 4 Dist. # 1 Area # a SR # Note: Plans will not be accepted unless this application is complete, and the plan check fee is paid. Establishment Name: C-16 /v Job Address: _ -`"l l ��i®i'� aa1 _A26- City: 11i Contact Person: � fi l< ® Phone: E-mail Address: OC% /lz;j l! ®B06/�. �%�`+ Fax: r Contact's Address: City: Zip: Owner/Operator Name: 1 /Y /e e Phone: Address: City: Zip: A. General Construction (Additional operations may be subject to extra fees) �.i; New='Food Facility Remodel or Existing Food Establishment Explain Remodel:, : Wit;'.-,e'jr- Total Sq. Ft. (including all.seating areas) Hours of Operation Seating Capacity for dining Number of workers per Shift B. Service (Indicate ALL methods offood service to the public): Menu: A menu of food and beverages sold at this facility is required to be submitted at time-af;pllt°subigit_' On-site preparation (cooking, cutting, assembly, etc.): Yes No Soup or salad Customer Self -Service Dispensers: Yes No Full Service Bar: Yes Ner ; . < - - - - Type of customer utensils (cups, plates, forks, etc.) Multi -service (re -usable) or Single +ic�es:(drsposaile)''! C. Utilities (Will -Serve Letters): Water Service: Public Water System Name of Water Company: —" Private Well (must be:EnvironngenW HeapkLand Use approved). r Sewer Disposal: Public Sewer System Name of Sewer Co any: Septic System (must be Environmental Health Land Use approved). Grease Interceptor: Provide from Sewer District a Grease Interceptor size requirement letters or waiver letter. Owner/Representative Declaration: I certify that I have read the entire application and state that all information is correct. I understand that the amount of fee paid is based on my declaration of information on this form, and that incorrect information is grounds far denial of the submitted plans. I also understan laps will be discarded if not picked up within sixty (60) days of approval or denial, and that no inspection of my establishment will be conducted, or meal granted too te, un all proper information requested has been received and plans Lave been approved and returned: l have � the,�'lan ConstruCtio Gu' and my plans follow the guide. l Signature DEH -SAN -002 (Rev. 2/08) Date Distribution: white — Office - Yellow - Customer Electric Service Panel REFRIG CONDENSERS ROOF MOUNT ON PAD FUSED DISCONNECTS 230/3/60 FREEZER I REFRIGERATOR FO ^BC ( AC � I / REFRIG LINE SETS & ELECTRICAL— ROOF! *.- 4 BEIEVAPORATORS I I REFRIGERATION. EQUIPMENT WALK-IN COOLER AE -Evaporator Coll — Bohn Model PSCADT070AHK 2 ECM motors -115/1/60,1.8 FLA each AC - Condensing Unit—Copeland Model FJAM-A125TFC-020 230/3/60— MOCP 15.0 AMPS ® WALK-IN 'FREEZER BE - Evaporator Coil — Bohn Model PSCLET09OBHK 2". ECWI'Motors — 230/1/60,1.0 FLA each Defrost Electric Heater— 230/160,7.8 AMP Total BC - Condensing Unit - Bohn Model BZT0351.60 230/3/60-MOCP 25.0 AMPS Crab Pot Addition —La Qulnte 1 LAFONTAINE JAN. 21, 2010. Cl REFRIGERATION EQUIPMENT LAYOUTDrawn by: CRAB POT ADDITION LA OUINTA JAN 21, 2010 18'M� pRw1011 1.K �aMW' �.� r: THE COLD STANDARD Replaces BN-LOPTB, August 2004 LOW PROFILE UNIT COOLERS hr _de - Models ADT I air Defrost • LET/LLE I Electric Defrost • HGT I Hot Gas Defrost www. thecoldstandard . corn x www. thecoldstandard . corn PRO Table of Contents Nomenclature................................................................................................... Features & Benefits......................................................................................... Performance Data & Specifications ......................................................................................... ......................................................................................... 3 AirDefrost....................................................................................................................................................................................................4-5 ElectricDefrost...........................................................................................................................................................................................6-7 HotGas Defrost..........................................................................................................................................................................................8-9 PhysicalData..................................................................................................................................................................................................10-11 DimensionalData................................................................................................................................................................................................12 HotGas Reverse Cycle Kits........................................................................................................................................................................13-14 3 -Pipe Hot Gas Defrost......................................................................................................................................................................................15 ReplacementParts by Interl-ink....................................................................................................................................................................16 StandardNozzle Selection...............................................................................................................................................................................17 NSF cguS ® Energy We have made a commitment to customer needs, innovation and environmental stewardship and have dedicated . ourselves to delivering energy-efficient choices. PSC and EC motors will reduce costs, imp •ove the bottom line and Sou }`IDnJ enhance equipment performance and service life. ' Choose the most energy-efficient motor available for evaporators. 9Y p Nomenclature The EC motor is an Energy Solutions® option on new Bohn Low Profile evaporators. Available on all new equipment or as an easy -to -install, drop-in replacement aftermarket part from InterLink'' Commercial Refrigeration Parts. Because they're a drop-in replacement for existing shaded pole and PSC motors, installation is quick and easy. It's a high impact, quick payback solution for reducing costs and achieving green initiatives without replacing the entire system. EC motors by InterLink are up to 75% efficient - that's a 51-59% increase over shaded pole motors and a 30-35% increase over permanent -split capacitor (PSC) motors. With all of this added efficiency, you can count on more energy savings and lower operational costs while taking a step in the right direction toward conserving our planet's resources. To learn more about EC motors, visit www.interlinkparts.com/ec. ,. , Model Series Capacity Electrical Code Design Revision ADT= Air defrost # x 100 = BTUH A = 115/1/60 LET = Electric defrost, 6 FPI B = 208-230/1/60 LLE = Electric defrost, 4 FPI C = 208-230/3/60 HGT = Hot gas defrost M = 460/1/60 AH = 115/1/60 (PSC) BH = 208-230/1/60 (PSC) AE = 115/1/60 (EC) BE = 208-230/1/60 (EC) CE = 208-230/3/60 (EC) 1 2 ©2008 Heatcraft Refrigeration Products LLC • Features & Benefits E i 1 .F t • Minimal height of the low profile series makes it ideal for low ceiling coolers Cabinet design features front access panels on each side for easy access to electrical and refrigeration components, All electrical components factory wired to terminal board and identified; making it easy to field wire the unit _ • Sweat connections to reduce potential for leaks z . • `Internal panels are isolated for quiet operation Liquid line solenoid wire harness is factory -installed for quick installation ' • Pre -drilled holes on the back of the unit for room thermostat • Internally enhanced tubing and fin design for higher efficiency • Coil heater slots have been enlarged for easier installation and replacement • Reduced heater wattages ' • Hot gas loop on bottom of coil for easier access is standard for hot gas defrost models • Fixed defrost termination for electric, adjustable defrost termination for hot gas ' Fr • Large diameter drain hole (3/4" ID) is located on the back of the unit • Extended drain pan heaters for more uniform defrost throughout the drain pan and additional heat in end compartments -.0n,4-6 fan models, drain pan has a lanyard for easy and safe access maw • Motors plug into wiring harness for easier servicing r • EC motors available factory -installed or as a drop-in replacement through InterLinkTM' Commercial Refrigeration Parts'in 115/1/60,208-230/1/60 and 208-230/3/60 unit voltages r • PSC and PSC (Totally Enclosed) motors for 115/1/60, 208-230/1/60 and 460/1/60 unit voltages • PSC motors or EC motors required for 50 Hz operation • Unit Configurations: mounted components, pre -assembled, pre -charged and Beacon II'' - Units available with mounted TXV and mounted TXV / solenoid valve Pre -assembled upits come with mounted TXV, liquid line solenoid valve and room thermostat. Available in a master liquid line configuration Pre -charged units come with mounted TXV, liquid line solenoid valve, room thermostat and quick connect fittings - Various room the variations including rear mount and front access versions - Beacon II units come with electronic expansion valves, pressure transducer, temperature sensors and Beacon control board Most models available with glycol circuiting (see glycol product brochure) < Units available with stainless steel housing and drain pan i. w • ,Units available with copper fins. Air defrost units also available with polyester coated fins or various coil coatings options • Units available with insulated drain pan t 1 31 ��IIII� t� �a 6TUAMp r ' F Performance Data Model ADT Air Defrost 60 Hz 1 -ft2ft .. 11 Mm= S. SKM Sm mom amm M Chu! MO ADT040 3,800 `ADT040 4,000 1,170 1 730 1,240 ADT052 5,200 1,520 1 700 1,189 ADT065 6,500 1,900 1 650 1,104 ADT070 7,000 2,050 2 1,460 2,481 ADT090 9,000 2,640 2 1,400 2,379 ADT104 10,400 3,050 2 1,400 2,379 ADT120 12,000 .3,500 2 1,300 2,209 ADT130 13,000 3,810 2 1,300 2,209 ADT140 14,000 4,100 3 2,100 3,568 ADT156 15,600 4,570 3 2,100 3,568 ADT180 18,000 5,270 3 1,950 3,313 ADT208 20,800 6,100 4 2,800 4,758 ADT260 26,000 7,620 5 .3,250 5,522 ADT312 31,200 9,140 6 3,900 6,627 ADT370 37,000 10,840 6 3,900 6,627 Model ADT Air Defrost 150 Hz t 1 t For ECmotors, use 60 Hz capacity and airflow values (Units with EC motors operating at 50 Hz will not see a reduction in performance due to the electronic control of the motor) 4_ 4 j. amft IF OLa S. SKM Om Gem M MM ADT040 3,800 1,112 1 670 1,117 ADT052 4,940 1,445 1 630 1,070 ADT065, 6,175 1,807 1 586 995 ADT070 6,650 1,946 2 1,315 2,234 ADT090 8,550 2,502 2 1,260 2,142 ADT104 9,880 2,891 2 1,260 2,142 ADT120 11,400 3,335 12 1 1,170 1,989 ADT130 12,350 3,613 2 1,170 1,989 ADT140 13,300 3,891 3 1,891 3,213 ADT156 14,820 4,336 3 1,891 3,213 ADT180 17,100 5,003 3 1,756 2,984 ADT208 19,760 5,781 4 1 2,521 4,284 ADT260 24,700 7,226 5 2,927 4,973 ADT312 29,640 8,672 6 3,512 5,967 ADT370 35,150 10,284 6 3,512 5,967 1 t For ECmotors, use 60 Hz capacity and airflow values (Units with EC motors operating at 50 Hz will not see a reduction in performance due to the electronic control of the motor) 4_ 4 j. j. l l i ' Specifications Model ADT Air Defrost 160 Hz .. Cp � . 5 t ADT040 1/15 1.0 68 0.5 65 0.4 82 0.9 57MO. ma ADT040 1/15 1.8 116 1.0 122 1.0 82 0.5 91 0.4 117 0.9 57 0.5 59 ADT052 1/15 1.8 116 1.0 122 1.0 82 0.5 91 0.4 117 0.9 57 0.5 59 ADT065 1/15 1.8 116 1.0 122 1.0 82 0.5 91 0.4 117 0.9 57 0.5 59 ADT070 1/15 3.6 232 2.0 244 2.0 164 1.0 182 0.8 234 1.8 114 1.0 118 ADT090 1/15 3.6 232 2.0 244 2.0 164 1.0 182 0.8 234 1.8 114 1.0 118 ADT104 1/15 3.6 232 2.0 244 2.0 164 1.0 182 0.8 234 1.8 114 1.0 118 ADT120 1/15 3.6 232 2.0 244 2.0 164 1.0 182 0.8 234 1.8 114 1.0 118 ADT130 1/15 3.6 232 2.0 244 2.0 164 . 1.0 182 0.8 234 1.8 114 1.0 118 ADT140 1/15 5.4 348 3.0 366 3.0 246 1.5 273 1.2 351 2.7 171 1.5 177 ADT156 1/15 5.4 348 3.0 366 3.0 246 1.5 273 1.2 351 2.7 171 1.5 177 ADT180 1/15 '5.4 348 3.0 366 3.0 246 1.5 273 1.2 351 2.7 171 1.5 177 ADT208 1/15 7.2 j 464 4.0 488 4.0 328 2.0 364 1.6 468 3.6 228 2.0 236 ADT260 1/15 9.0 1 580 5.0 610 5.0 410 2.5 455 2.0 585 4.5 285 2.5 295 ADT312 1/15 10.8 696 6.0 732 6.0 492 3.0 546 2.4 702 5.4 342 3.0 354 ADT370 1/15 10.8 , 696 .6.0 732 6.0 492 3.0 546 2.4 702 5.4 342 3.0 354 ' Model ADT Air Defrost 150 Hz 1 1 " 1 1 1 .. CP � . 5 t ADT040 1/15 1.0 68 0.5 65 0.4 82 0.9 57MO. 59 ADT052 1/15 1.0 68 0.5 65 0.4 82 0.9 5759 ADT065 1/15 1.0- 68 0.5 65 0.4 82 0.9 5759 ADT070 1/15 2.0 136 1.0 130 0.8 164 1.8 114 1.0 118 ADT090 1/15 2.0 136 1.0 130 0.8 164 1.8 114 1.0 118 ADT104 1/15 2.0 136 1.0 130 0.8 164 1.8 114 1.0 118 ADT120 1/15 2.0 136 1.0 130 0.8 164 1.8 114 1.0 118 ADT130 --1/15 2.0 136 1.0 130 0.8 164 1.8 114 1.0 118 ADT140 1/15 3.0 204 1.5 195 1.2 246 2.7 171 1.5 177 ADT156 1/15 3.0 204 1.5 195 1.2 246 2.7 171 1.5 177 ADT180 1/15 3.0 204 1.5 195 1.2 246 2.7 171 1.5 177 ADT208 1/15 4.0 272 2.0 260 1.6 '328 3.6 228 2.0 236 ADT260 1/15 5.0 340 2.5 325 2.0 410 4.5 285 2.5 295 ADT312 1/15 6.0 408 3.0 390 2.4 492 5.4 342 3.0 354 ADT370 1/15 6.0 408 .3.0 390 2.4 492 5.4 342 3.0 354 � . 5 t tPerformance Data Model LET/LLE Electric Defrost 160 Hz I Model LET/LLE Electric Defrost 150 Hz t M= l' .. . Temperature OF +20 7,070 -20 LET035 3,325 LET035 3,500 1,025' 1 700 1,189 3,800 LET040 4,000 1,170 1 700 1,189 4,465 LET047 4,700 1,380 1 650 1,104 6,175 LET065 6,500 1,900 2 1,400 2,379 7,125 LET075 7,500 2,200 2 1,300 2,209 8,550 1 LET090 9,000 2,640 2 1,300 2,209 a LET120 12,000 3,520 3 2,100 3,568 13,300 LET140 14,000 4,100 3 1,950 3,313 U. LET160 16,000 4,690 4 2,600 4,418 17,100 LET180 18,000 5,280 4 2,600 4,418 19,000 LET200 20,000 5,860 5 3,250 5,522 22,800 LET240 24,000 7,030 6 3,900 6,627 26,600 LET280 28,000 8,200 6 3,900 6,627 3,895 LLE041 4,100 1,200 1 690 1,172 s LLE068 6,800 2,000 2 1,380 2,345 C LLE080 8,000 2,340 2 1,380 2,345 a LLE 102 10,200 1 2,990 3 2,170 3,687 12,920 LLE136 13,600 3,990 4 2,760 4,690 ii LLE170 17,000 4,980 5 3,450 5,862 19,380 LLE204 20,400 5,980 6 4,140 7,035 22,325 LLE235 23,500 6,880 6 4,140 7,035 I Model LET/LLE Electric Defrost 150 Hz t Capacity Correction Factors For Electric and Hot Gas Defrost Units, Saturated Suction M= l' .. . Temperature OF +20 7,070 -20 LET035 3,325 974 1 630 Temperature °C LET040 3,800 1,113 1 630 1,070 LET047 4,465 1,308 1 1 586 995 0.90 LET065 1 6,175 1,809 2 1,260 2,142 LET075 7,125 2,087 2 .1,170 1,989 LET090 8,550 1 2,504 2 1,170 1,989 a LET120 11,400 1 3,339 3 1,891 3,213 N u. LET140 13,300 3,896 3 1,756 2,984 �o LET160 15,200 4,452 4 2,341 3,978 LET180 17,100 5,0.09 4 2,341 3,978 LET200 19,000 5,565 5 2,927 4,973 LET240 22,800 6,678 6 3,512 5,967 LET280 26,600 7,791 6 3,512 5,967 LLE041 3,895 1,141 1 621 1,056 s LLE068 6,460 1,892 2 1,243 2,111 C LLE080 7,600 2,226 2 1,243 2,111 CL LLE102 9,690 2,838 3 1,954 3,320 LLE136 12,920 3,784 4 2,485 4,223 ii LLE 170 16,150 4,731 5 3,107 5,279 a LLE204 19,380 5,677 1 6 3,728 6,334 LLE235 22,325 6,539 1 6 3,728 6,334 Capacity Correction Factors For Electric and Hot Gas Defrost Units, Saturated Suction l' Temperature OF +20 -10 -20 -30 Saturated. Suction Temperature °C -7 -23 -29 -34 Multiply Capacity By 1.15 1.04 1.00 0.90 ' t For EC motors, use 60 Hz capacity and airflow values (Units with EC motors operating at 50 Hz will not see a reduction in performance due to the electronic control of the motor) 6 l' 11 1 Specifications Model LET/LLE Electric Defrost 160 Hz Model LET/LLE Electric Defrost 150 Hz .. 7 11 mm LET035 1/15 LET035 1/15 1.0 122 0.5 91 0.4 117 0.5 59 900 3.9 2.3 2.0 65 LET040 1/15 1.0 122 0.5 91 0.4 117 0.5 59 900 3.9 2.3 2.0 82 LET047 1/15 1.0 122 0.5 91 0.4 117 0.5 59 900 3.9 2.3 2.0 1 LET065 1/15 2.0 244 1.0 182 0.8 234 1.0 118 1,800 7.8 4.5 3.9 c LET075 1/15 2.0 244 1.0 182 0.8 234 1.0 118 1,800 7.8 4.5 3.9 3.2 LET090 1/15 2.0 244 1.0 182 0.8 234 1.0 118 1,800 7.8 1 4.5 3.9 a LET120 1/15 3.0 366 1.5 273 1.2 351 1.5 177 2,700 11.7 6.8 5.9 N E LL LET140 1/15 3.0 366 1.5 273 1.2 351 1.5 177 2,700 11.7 6.8 5.9 �o LET160 1/15 4.0 488 2.0 364 1.6 468 2.0 236 3,600 15.7 9.0 7.8 - 2.5 LET180 1/15 4.0 488 2.0 364 1.6 468 2.0 236 3,600 15.7 9.0 7.8 4,941 LET200 1/15 5.0 610 2.5 455 2.0 585 2.5 .295 4,500 19.6 11.3 9.8 13.0 LET240 1/15 6.0 732 3.0 546 2.4 702 3.0 354 5,400 23.5 13.6 11.7 s LET280 1/15 6.0 732 3.0 546 2.4 702 3.0 354 5,400 23.5 13.6 11.7 1/15 LLE041 1/15 1.0 122 0.5 91 0.4 117 0.5 59 900 3.9 2.3 2.0 r LLE068 1/15 2.0 244 1.0 182 0.8 234 1.0 118 1,800 7.8 4.5 3.9 c LLE080 1/15 2.0 244 1.0 182 0.8 234 1.0 118 1,800 7.8 4.5 3.9 CL LLE102 1/15 3.0 366 1.5 273 1.2 351 1.5 177 2,700 11.7 6.8 5.9 C LLE136 1/15 4.0 488 2.0 364 1.6 468 2.0 236 3,600 15.7 9.0 7.8 ii: LLE170" 1/15 5.0 610 2.5 455 2.0 585 2.5 295 4,500 19.6 11.3 9.8 LLE204 1/15 6.0 1 732 1 3.0 546 2.4 702 3.0 1 354 1 5,400 23.5 13.6 11.7 LLE235 1/15 1 6.0 1 732 1 3.0 546 2.4 702 3.0 1 354 1 5,400 23.5 13.6 11.7 . Model LET/LLE Electric Defrost 150 Hz mm LET035 1/15 0.5 65 0.4 82 0.5759 823 3.7 2.2 1.6 LET040 1/15 0.5 65 0.4 82 0.5 823 3.7 2.2 1.6 LET047 1/15 0.5 651 0.4 82 0.5 823 3.7 2.2 1.6 LET065 1/15 1.0 130 0.8 164 1.0 1 1,647 7.5 4.3 3.2 c LET075 1/15 1.0 130 0.8 164 1.0 118 1,647 7.5 4.3 3.2 LET090 1/15 1.0 130 0.8 164 1.0 118 1,647 7.5 4.3 3.2 a N LET120 1/15 1.5 195 1.2 246 1.5 177 2,470 11.2 6.5 4.9 - E LL LET140 1/15 1.5 195 1.2 246 1.5 177 2,470 11.2 6.5 4.9 ,o LET160 1/15 2.0 260 1.6 328 2.0 236 3,294 15.0 8.6 6.5 LET180 1/15 2.0 260 1.6 328 2.0 236 _ 3,294 15.0 8.6 6.5 LET200 1/15 2.5 325 2.0 410 - 2.5 295 4,117 18.7 10.8 8.1 LET240 1/15 3.0 390 2.4 492 3.0 354 4,941 22.5 13.0 9.7 LET280 1/15 3.0 390 2.4 .492 3.0 354 4,941 22.5 13.0 9.7 LLE041 1/15 0.5 65 1 0.4 82 0.5 59 823 3.7 2.2 1.6 s LLE068 1/15 1.0 130 0.8 164 1.0 118 1,647 7.5 4.3 3.2 C LLE080 1/15 1.0 130 0.8 164 1.0 118 1,647 7.5 4.3 3.2 a LLE102 1/15 1.5 195 1.2 246 1.5 177 2,470 11.2 6.5 4.9 LLE136 1/15 2.0 260 1.6 328 2.0 236 3,294 15.0 8.6 6.5 ii LLE170 1/15 1 2.5 1 325 2.0 410 2.5 295 4,117 18.7 10.8 8.1 LLE204 1/15 1 3.0 1 390 1 2.4 492 3.0 354 4,941 22.5 13.0 9.7 LLE235 1/15 3.0 390 1 2.4 492 3.0 354 4,941 22.5 13.0 1 9.7 ROAD Performance Data Model HGT Hot Gas Defrost 160 Hz ' Model HGT Hot Gas Defrost 150 Hz t 1 1 1 1 �.. Temperature °F M GoHGT035 -20 ®Gm1 Saturated Suction 3,5001 T 3,325 700 1,189 630 HGT040 4,0001 HGT040 3,800 700 1,189 630 HGT047 4,7001 HGT047 4,465 650 1,104 586 1 HGT065 6,500 1,900 2 1,400 2,379 1,260 HGT075 7,500 2,200 2 1,300 2,209 L HGT090 9,000 2,640 2 1,300 2,209 CL HGT120 1 12,000 3,520 3 2,100 3,568 C HGT140 14,000 4,100 3 1,950 3,313 1,756 HGT160 16,000 4,690 4 2,600 4,418 2,341 1 HGT180 18,000 5,280 4 2,600 4,418 2,341 HGT200 20,000 5,860. 5 3,250 5,522 2,927 HGT240 24,000 7,030 6 3,900 6,627 3,512 HGT280 28,000 8,200 6 3,900 6,627 3,512 HGT041 4,100 1,200 1 690 1,172 s HGT068 6,800 2,000 2 1,380 2,345 c HGT080 8,000 2,340 2 1,380 2,345 a HGT102 10,200 2,990 3 2,170 3,687 1,954 HGT136 1 13,606 3,990 4 2,760 4,690 ii HGT170 17,000 4,980 5 3,450 5,862 v HGT204 20,400 5,980. 6 4,140 7,035 3,728 'HGT235 23,500 6,880 6 4,140 1 7,035 ' Model HGT Hot Gas Defrost 150 Hz t 1 1 1 1 t For EC motors, use 60 Hz capacity and airflow values (Units with EC motors operating at 50 Hz will not see a reduction in performance due to the electronic control of the motor) 8 C u Capacity Correction Factors For Electric and Hot Gas Defrost Units Saturated Suction �.. Temperature °F ! `' -20 ®Gm1 Saturated Suction HGT035 3,325 974 1 630 1,070 -29 HGT040 3,800 1,113 1 630 1,070 By HGT047 4,465 1,308 1 586 1 995 HGT065 6,175 1,809 2 1,260 2,142 c HGT075 7,125 2,087 2 1,170 1,989 HGT090 8,550 2,504 2 1,170 1,989 a� HGT120 11,400 3,339 3 1,891 3,213 c HGT140 1,950 3,313 3 1,756 2,984 HGT160 2,600 4,418 4 2,341 1 3,978 HGT180 1 2,600 4,418 4 2,341 3,978 HGT200 3,250 5,522 5 2,927 4,973 HGT240 3,900 6,627 6 3,512 5,967 HGT280 3,900 6,627 6 3,512 5,967 HGT041 690 1,172 1 621 1,056 r HGT068 1,380 2,345 2 1,243 2,111 c HGT080 1,380 2,345 2 1,243 2,111 a HGT102 2,170 3,687 3 1,954 3,320 HGT136 2,760 4,690 4 2,485 4,223 ii HGT170 3,450 5,862 5 3,107 5,279 v HGT204 4,140 7,035 6 3,728 6,334 HGT235 4,140 1 7,035 1 6 1 3,728 6,334 t For EC motors, use 60 Hz capacity and airflow values (Units with EC motors operating at 50 Hz will not see a reduction in performance due to the electronic control of the motor) 8 C u Capacity Correction Factors For Electric and Hot Gas Defrost Units Saturated Suction Temperature °F +20 -10 -20 -30 Saturated Suction Temperature °C -7 -23 -29 -34 Multiply Capacity By 1.15 1.04 1.00 0.90 NOTE: When using the hot gas units with a hot gas loop drain pan on 0°F applications and below, an insulated drain pan is required. s �4 Belo Specifications Model HGT Hot Gas Defrost 160 Hz 1 HGT035 1/15 lam= p ISM z . . mmu 1.8 116 1.0 122 1.0 82 0.5 91 0.4 117 1.1 57 0.6 59 300 , 2.6 1.3 0.7 0.5 HGT040 1/15 1.8 116 1.0 122 1.0 82 0.5 91 0.4 117 1.1 57 0.6 59 300 2.6 1.3 0.7 0.6 HGT047 1/15 1.8 116 1.0 122 1.0 82 0.5 91 0.4 117 1.1 57 0.6 59 300 2.6 1.3 0.7 2.5 HGT065 1/15 3.6 232 2.0 244 2.0 164 1.0 182 0.8 234 2.0 114 1.1 118 600 5.2 2.6 1.3 HGT075 1/15 3.6 232 2.0 244 2.0 164 1.0 182 0.8 234 2.0 114 1.1 118 600 5.2 2.6 1.3 L HGT090 1/15 3.6 232 2.0 244 2.0 164 1.0 182 0.8 234 2.0 114 1.1 118 600 5.2 2.6 1.3 a� HGT120 1/15 5.4 348 3.0 366 3.0 246 1.5 273 1.2 351 2.9 171 1.6 177 900 7.8 3.9 2.0 c HGT140 1/15 5.4 348 3.0 366 3.0 246 1.5 273 1.2 351 2.9 171 1.6 177 900 7.8 3.9 2.0 LL HGT160 1/15 7.2 464 4.0 488 4.0 328 2.0 364 1.6 468 3.8 228 2.1 236 1,200 10.4 5.2 2.6 5.0 HGT180 1/15 7.2 464 4.0 488 4.0 328 2.0 364 1.6 468 3.8 228 2.1 236 1,200 10.4 5.2 2.6 HGT240 HGT200 1/15 9.0 580 5.0 610 5.0 1410 2.5 455 1 2.0 585 4.7 1285 2.6 295 1,500 13.0 6.5 3.3 3.0 HGT240 1/15 10.8 696 11/15 6.0 732 6.0 492 3.0 5461 2.4 702 5.6 342 3.1 1354 1,800 15.7 7.8 3.9 0.4 HGT280 10.8 696 6.0 732 6.0 492 3.0 546 2.4 702 5.6 342 3.1 1354 1,800 15.7 7.8 3.9 2.0 HGT041 1/15 1.8 116 1.0 122 1.0 82 0.5 91 0.4 117 1.1 57 0.6 59 300 2.6 1.3 0.7 s HGT068 1/15 3.6 232 2.0 244 2.0 164 1.0 182 0.8 234 2.0 114 1.1 118 600 5.2 2.6 1.3 c HGT080 1/15 3.6 2321 2.0 244 2.0 164 1.0 182 0.8 234 2.0 114 1.1. 118 600 5.2 1 2.6 1.3 HGT170 HGT102 1/15 5.4 348 3.0 3661 3.0 1246 1.5 273 1.2 351 2.9 1 171 1.6 177 900 7.8 1 3.9 2.0 c HGT136 1/15 7.2 464 4.0 488 4.0 328 2.0 364 1.6 468 3.8L22 2.1 236 1,200 10.4 5.2 2.6 ii HGT170 1/15 9.0 580 5.0 610 5.0 410 2.5 455 2.0 585 4.7 2.6 295 1,500 13.0 6.5 3.3 HGT204 1/15 10.8 696 6.0 732 6.0 492 3.0 546 2.4 702 5.6 3.1 354 1,800 15.7 7.8 3.9 HGT235 1/15 10.8 696 6.0 732 6.0 492 3.0 546 2.4 702 5.6 3.1 354 1,800 15.7 7.8 3.9 Model HGT Hot Gas Defrost 150 Hz 1 , "Optional with electric drain pan 9 HGT035 1/15;1.0 ;68 0.5 65 0.4 82 1.1 11 57 OEM 0.6 59 275 2.5 1.3 0.6 HGT040 1/150.5 65 0.4 82 1.1 57 0.6 59 275 2.5 1:3 .. 0.6 HGT047 1/15 1.0 68 0.5 65 0.4 82 1.1 57 0.6 59 275 2.5 1.3 0.6 HGT065 1/15 .2.0 136 1.0 130 0.8 164 2.0 114 1.1 118 549 5.0 2.5 1 1.1 HGT075 1/15 2.0 1 136 1.0 130 0.8 164 2.0 114 1 1.1 118 549 5.0 2.5 1.1 C HGT090 1/15 2.0 1 136 1.0 130, 0.8 164 2.0 114 1.1 118 549 5.0 2.5 1.1. a HGT120 1/15 3.0 204 1.5 195 1.2 246 2.9 171 1.6 177 823 7.5 3.7 1.6 N c U. HGT140 1/15 3.0 204 1.5 195 1.2 246 2.9 171 1.6 177 823 7.5 3.7 1.6 HGT160 1/15 4.0 272 2.0 260 1.6 328 3.8 228 2.1 236 1,098 10.0 5.0 2.2 HGT180 1/15 4.0 272 2.0 1 260 1.6 1 328 3.8 228 2.1 236 1,098 10.0 5.0 2.2 HGT200 1/15 5.0 340 2.5 325 2.0 410 1 4.7 285 2.6 295 1,372 12.5 6.2 2.7 HGT240 1/15 6.0 1 408 3.0 390 .2.4 492 5.6 342 3.1 354 1,649 15.0 7.5 3.2 HGT280 1/15 6.0 1 408 3.0 390 2.4 492 5.6 342 3.1 354 1,649 15.0 7.5 3.2 HGT041 1/15 1.0 68 0.5 65 0.4 82 1.1 57 0.6 59 275 2.5 1.3 0.6 s HGT068 1/15 2.0 136 1.0 130 1 0.8 164 2.0 114 1 1.1 118 549 5.0 2.5 1.1 c HGT080 1/15 2.0 136 1.0 130 0.8 164 2.0 114 1.1 118 549 5.0 2.5 1.1 a HGT102 1/15 3.0 204 1.5 195 1.2 246 2.9 171 1.6 1.77 823 7.5 3.7 1.6 HGT136 1/15 4.0 272 2.0 260 1.6 328 3.8 228 2.1 236 1,098 10.0 5.0 2.2 X HGT170 1/15 5.0 340 2.5 325 2.0 410 4.7 285 2.6 295 1,372 12.5 6.2 .2.7 `r HGT204 1/15 6.0 408 3.0 390 2.4 492 5.6 342 3.1 354 1,649 15.0 7.5 3.2 HGT235 1/15 6.0 408 3.0 390 2.4 492 5.6 342 3.1 354 1,649 15.0 7.5 3.2 "Optional with electric drain pan 9 1100 1 Physical Data Model ADT Air Defrost Model LET/LLE Electric Defrost mica .. , RIM ADT040 1 1/2 5/8 1/4 3/4 28 13 ADT052 1 1/2 5/8 1/4 3/4 31 15 A DT065 1 1/2 7/8 1/4 3/4 34 16 ADT070 2 1/2 7/8 1/4 3/4 45 21 ADT090 2 1/2 7/8 1/4 3/4 48 22 ADT104 2 1/2 7/8 1/4 3/4 49 23 ADT120 2 1/2 7/8 1/4 3/4 51 24 ADT130 2 1/2 7/8 1/4 3/4 53 25 ADT140 3 -1/2 7/8 1/4 3/4 63 29 ADT156 3 1/2 7/8 1/4 3/4 67 31 ADT180 3 1/2 7/8 1/4 3/4 69 32 ADT208 4 1/2 1-1/8 1/4 3/4 82 38 ADT260 5 1/2 1-1/8 1/4 3/4 103 47 ADT312 6 1/2 1-1/8 1/4 3/4 124 57 ADT370 6 1/2 1-3/8 1/4 3/4 127 58 Model LET/LLE Electric Defrost .. , LET035 1 1/2 5/8 1/4 3/4 24 11 LET040 1 1/2 5/8 1/4 3/4 26 12 LET047 1 1/2 5/8 1/4 3/4 29 14 LET065 2 1/2 5/8 1/4 3/4 43 20 LET075 2 1/2 5/8 1/4 3/4 45 21 LET090 2 1/2 7/8 1/4 3/4 48 22 CL LET120 3 1/2 7/8 1/4 3/4 60 28 c LET140 3 1/2 7/8 1/4 3/4 62 29 LL LET160 4 1/2 1-1/8 1/4 3/4 81 37 LET180 4 1/2 1-1/8 -1/4 3/4 84 39 LET200 5 1/2 1-1/8 1/4 3/4 101 46 LET240 6 1/2 1-1/8 1/4 3/4 121 55 LET280 6 1/2 1-1/8 1/4 3/4 124 57 LLE041 1 1/2 5/8 1/4 3/4 28 13 LLE068 2 1/2 7/8 1/4 3/4 44 21 LLE080 2 1/2 7/8 1/4 3/4 47 22 a LLE102 _ 3 1/2 7/8 1/4 3/4 59 27 LLE136 4" 1/2 1-1/8 1/4 3/4 80 37 ii LLE170 5 1/2. 1-1/8 1/4 3/4 100 46 `* LLE204 6 1/2 1-1/8 1/4 3/4 120 55 LLE235 6 1/2 1-1/8 1/4 3/4 123 56 10 , NINO ' Physical Data Model HGT Hot Gas Defrost 3 The standard design for the Bohn Low Profile Evaporator incorporates a hot gas loop in the drain pan. Utilizing a hot gas ' loop is ideal for hot gas defrost applications where high temperature gas can be maintained to defrost both the evaporator drain pan and coil. For applications where cooler (lower) temperature hot gas is used for defrosting, Bohn offers optional electric heater ' elements in the drain pan to ensure quick and efficient defrost of the drain pan allowing condensate to drain quickly, saving the hot gas for efficient evaporator coil defrost. If the optional electric heating element drain pan is preferred, please specify when ordering, there is no additional charge. 1 M %ama , am.. (EEO .. .. HGT035 1 5/8 5/8 1/4 3/4 3/8 5/8 26 12 HGT040 1 5/8 5/8 1/4 3/4 3/8 5/8 28 13 HGT047 1 5/8 5/8 1/4 3/4 3/8 5/8 31 15 HGT065 2 5/8 • 5/8 1/4 3/4 3/8 5/8 45 21 HGT075 2 5/8 7/8 1/4 3/4 3/8 5/8 47 22 HGT090 2 7/8 7/8 1/4 3/4 3/8 5/8 50 23 a HGT120 3 7/8 7/8 1/4 3/4 3/8 5/8 62 29 ; N ii HGT140 3 7/8 7/8 1/4 3/4 3/8 5/8 64 30 'o HGT160 4 7/8 1-1/8 1/4 3/4 3/8 5/8 83 38 HGT180 4 1-1/8 1-1/8 1/4 3/4 3/8 5/8 86 40 HGT200 5 1-1/8 1-1/8 1/4 .3/4 3/8 5/8 103 47 HGT240 ,. 6 1-1/8 1-1/8 1/4 3/4 3/8 5/8 123 56 HGT280 6 1-1/8 1-1/8 1/4 3/4 3/8 5/8 126 57 HGT041 1 5/8 5/8 1/4 3/4 3/8 5/8 30 14 HGT068 2 5/8 7/8 1/4 3/4 3/8 5/8 46' 21 L C HGT080 2 5/8 7/8 1/4 3/4 3/8 5/8 49 23 Cu HGT102 3 7/8 7/8 1/4 3/4 3/8 5/8 61- 28 CL HGT136 4 7/8 1-1/8 1/4 3/4 3/8 5/8 82 38 S a HGT170 5 7/8 1-1/8 1/4 3/4 3/8 5/8 102 47 HGT204 6 7/8 1-1/8 1/4 3/4 3/8 5/8 122 56 HGT235 6 1-1/8 1 1-1/8 1/4 1 3/4 3/8 5/8 125 57 3 The standard design for the Bohn Low Profile Evaporator incorporates a hot gas loop in the drain pan. Utilizing a hot gas ' loop is ideal for hot gas defrost applications where high temperature gas can be maintained to defrost both the evaporator drain pan and coil. For applications where cooler (lower) temperature hot gas is used for defrosting, Bohn offers optional electric heater ' elements in the drain pan to ensure quick and efficient defrost of the drain pan allowing condensate to drain quickly, saving the hot gas for efficient evaporator coil defrost. If the optional electric heating element drain pan is preferred, please specify when ordering, there is no additional charge. 1 BONN ' Dimensional Data - - 718" Electrical o0 Knockouts - 21/8' . o '. l' 00 1 Ill" - 38 mm - ' - 4 6" 041 End 13 7/16" 1314" 10 106 mm 115116" 34/ mm - -61/8" 44 mm I56 mm 49 mm - - 2 TRefrigerant 1,155.7 33.25 845 - - Connection oEnd - 090 065 - 6 118" 45.50 1,155.7 n�n 845 - ' 156 mm - - 104 "B" - 2 45.50 1,155.7 33.25 „A., - t - - 120 075 14 1 W16" 2 45.50 1,155.7 33.25 845 379 mm - - - 130 090 ' - 45.50 1,155.7 33.25 845 - - - - 19 mm 120 102 3 61.50 314" MPT 114 NPS) ' 1,251 - - Drain Connection ' Dimensional Data For All Models 156 - Electricand Hot Gas No. 1,562.1 49.25 1,251 Defrost Model of Fani - 180 9:1 - 3 61.50 1,562.1 49.25 1,251 - - - - 208 160 - 4 77.50 1,968.5 65.25 1,657 - - - - - 180 136 4 77.50 1,968.5 65.25 1,657 - - - - 260 200 170 5 93.50 2;374.9 .81.25 2,064 48.63 1,235.1 32.63 828.7 312 240 204 6 109.50 2,7813 97.25 2,470 48.63 1,235.1 48.63 1,235.1 370 280 235 6 109.50 2,7813 97.25 1 2,470 1 48.63 1,235.1 48.63 1,235.1 NOTE: Hanger brackets will accept 318"19.5 mm hanger rods. 9 12 r ALSO CuesfflED 115 A COMMNE .ACCORDANCE NRH NSF )- 9999 Aim 12 3 k� 314 mm 16" 407 mm - 12" 1 3/4" 305 mm 44 mm 14 7/8" 377 mm 040 22 mm - - 718" Electrical 052 Knockouts - 21/8' . o 54 mm "Mm 1 Ill" - 38 mm - - Electrical Connection 041 End 13 7/16" 0 ' 17.25 34/ mm - -61/8" - I56 mm 070 r ALSO CuesfflED 115 A COMMNE .ACCORDANCE NRH NSF )- 9999 Aim 12 3 k� 314 mm 16" 407 mm - 12" 1 3/4" 305 mm 44 mm 14 7/8" 377 mm 040 035 - 1 2 9.50 749.3 17.25 438.1 - - - - 052 040 - 1 29.50 7493 17.25 38.1 438.1777 - - - - 065 047 041 1 29.50 7493 17.25 438.1 - - - - 070 - - 2 45.50 1,155.7 33.25 845 - - - - 090 065 - 2 45.50 1,155.7 33.25 845 - - - - 104 - - 2 45.50 1,155.7 33.25 845 - - - - 120 075 068 2 45.50 1,155.7 33.25 845 - - - - 130 090 080 2 45.50 1,155.7 33.25 845 - - - - 140 120 102 3 61.50 1,562.1 49.25 1,251 - - - - 156 - - 3 61.50 1,562.1 49.25 1,251 - - - - 180 140 - 3 61.50 1,562.1 49.25 1,251 - - - - 208 160 - 4 77.50 1,968.5 65.25 1,657 - - - - - 180 136 4 77.50 1,968.5 65.25 1,657 - - - - 260 200 170 5 93.50 2;374.9 .81.25 2,064 48.63 1,235.1 32.63 828.7 312 240 204 6 109.50 2,7813 97.25 2,470 48.63 1,235.1 48.63 1,235.1 370 280 235 6 109.50 2,7813 97.25 1 2,470 1 48.63 1,235.1 48.63 1,235.1 r Hot. Gas Reverse Cycle Kits _110MM LJIfLrIJ F 22 = CM • • • MEW 10 .. MEWm 503 ( 33-1 035-075 50169210 50169213 50169216 52733701 52733704 52733707 090-160 50169211 50169214 50169217 52733702 52733705 52733708 180--2�2800� 50169212 50169215 50169218 52733703 52733706 52733709 LJL1.`a.! ti]1JtrIJ 041-080• 50169210 50169213 50169216 52733701 52733704 52733707 102-204 50169211 50169214 50169217 52733702 52733705 52733708 235 50169212 50169215 50169218 52733703 52733706 52733709 _110MM LJIfLrIJ F 22 = CM 035-065 075-140 160-280 50169304 50169305 50169306 50169604 50169605, 50169606 52733601 52733801' 52733602 52733802 52733603 52733803 041 068-102 ,136-235 50169304 50169305 50169306 50169604 50169605 50169606 52733601 52733801 52733602 52733802 52733603 52733803 Recommendation is that both check valve kits are ordered: (For hot gas models with the hot gas loop drain pan ONLY) NOTE: The drain pan check valve kit can be ordered as an independent item. But the suction line check valve kit must be ordered with the drain pan check valve kit in order to complete the piping. NOTE: When using the hot gas units with a hot gas loop drain pan on 0°Fopplications and below, an insulated ' drain pan is required. The hot gas unit coolers can be used in reverse cycle hot gas defrost systems using multiple evaporators connected to one condensing unit. Generally, not more than one-third of the system defrosts at one time. During the reverse cycle defrost, the reversing valve; located in the compressor discharge line, diverts hot gas through the suction line to the evaporator. See piping view in Figure 1.The suction line check valve directs the hot gas through the drain pan loop which prevents condensate in the pan from freezing. The hot gas exits the loop at the pan loop outlet header and enters the evaporator through the check valve assembly. As the hot gas defrosts the coil, heat is removed from the hot gas and eventually it condenses into a liquid and exits the coil at the distributor sideport. The liquid then flows through the check valve of the thermostatic expansion valve bypass assembly, around the thermostatic expansion valve, and into the system liquid line. The liquid refrigerant then feeds other evaporators on the cooling cycle, evaporates, and returns to the compressor through their suction lines. ` 13 11 11 BONN i Hot Gas Reverse Cycle Kits (cont.) In the refrigeration cycle, the thermostatic expansion ti valve bypass assembly check valve only allows refrigerant ' flow through the thermostatic expansion valve and into the t evaporator coil. As the refrigerant vapor exits the coil at the DISTRIBUTOR ' suction line, the check valve of the drain pan loop check valve' 'assembly prevents the refrigerant vapor flow through the drain + I' �. pan loop, w CHECK VALVE Factory engineered assemblies (kits) are available for both , ' shipped -loose and factory -installed at an additional cost to complete the reverse cycle piping and components. The suction r line check valve assembly includes the suction line check valve ` and the piping for both the suction line and the connection OACo�ISION + ' to the drain pan loop inlet header. In order for the suction line check valve assembly to be mounted, the drain pan loop check valve assembly must be used.The drain pan loop check valve } , ' assembly includes the check valve, suction line tee and a bent L�NE TEE N P� pipe. The thermostatic expansion valve bypass assembly option G�j►p` SUCTION,. includes the check valve, tee and necessary piping. In order for ,� �'i, LINE FROM ..the thermostatic expansion valve bypass assembly -option to ��P� COIL` ' be complete; a thermostatic expansion valve must be selected it by the sales engineer.The thermostatic expansion valve �;�----SUCTION LINE bypass assembly option is dependent on the body style of the ± ' thermostatic expansion valves which includes the Sporlan SQE, + SBF, EG and the Alco HFESC body styles. The factory -installed Figure 2. Typical Liquid Line Bypass Kit thermostatic expansion valve bypass assembly option must (Shown assembled and modified for heat exchanger) ` • have the thermostatic expansion -valve selection included on S ' the order for the hot gas unit cooler. r, s To increase the efficiency, higher performance and greater system protection, a heat exchanger may be beneficial to'the lsystem. In order to use a heat exchanger, the thermostatic expansion valve bypass assembly option must be modified. Seek" ' the piping view in Figure 2. The modification includes rerouting the pipe from the thermostatic expansion valve bypass j check valve to 'the inlet connection of the liquid line to the heat exchanger. A pipe needs to be routed from the liquid line outlet connection of the heat exchanger to the inlet connection of the thermostatic expansion valve... The electrical control option includes an adjustable defrost termination and fan delay control (DTFD) which is standard.:, ' For an additional cost, an optional (2) control electrical system is available with one adjustable control for defrost termination (DT) and one fixed control for the fan delay (FD). For both the DTFD and DT adjustable controls, the remote bulb position.is with the bulb strapped to the piping of the thermostatic expansion valve bypass assembly option between , the distributor sideport and the'check valve. When the thermostatic expansion valve bypass assembly is shipped -loose, the + installer will need to position the remote bulb. When the thermostatic expansion valve bypass assembly is factory -installed, ` the remote bulb should already be properly installed. 14� 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 -Pipe Hot Gas Defrost The not gas defrost unit coolers conforms to the standard 3 -pipe hot gas system using a check valve assembly, an electrical control to terminate the defrost, and a hot gas solenoid valve. The check valve assembly transports the hot gas between the drain pan loop and the sideport distributor of the coil. The check valve assembly kit is available for shipped -loose or factory -installed for an additional cost. The electrical control option includes an adjustable defrost termination and fan delay control (DTFD) which is standard. An optional (2) control electrical system is available with one adjustable control for defrost termination (DT) and one fixed control for the fan delay (FD) for an additional cost. For both the DTFD and DT adjustable controls, the remote bulb position is with the bulb strapped to the suction line to insure a complete defrost. The remote bulb is positioned by the installer. The hot gas solenoid valve must be ordered separately and will be shipped -loose. The thermostatic expansion valve could be ordered separately and shipped - loose or the thermostatic expansion valve could be factory -installed with a liquid line for an additional cost. The liquid line is designed for the body styles of the Sporlan SIDE, SBF, EG and the Alco HFESC thermostatic expansion valves. The thermostatic expansion valve needs to be selected by the sales engineer. In atypical 3 -pipe, multiple evaporator' system, the compressor discharge defrosts the evaporator. The liquid/vapor mixture of refrigerant after defrost, however, returns to the common suction line of the system. In order to provide sufficient re -evaporation of the liquid vapor mixture and sufficient heat for defrost, no more than one-third of the system should be defrosted at one time. Some means of control in the 3 -pipe hot gas system should be supplied to regulate the large amount of liquid returning to the compressor, refrigerant slugging can otherwise damage the compressor. For hot gas model hot gas loop drain When using the hot gas units with a hot gas loop drain pan on 0'F applications and below, an insulated drain pan is required. r s with the . . pan only WW 509M.-Offififl-in IF f�17 ]'� Gv ° 090-160 50169505 52739602 035-075 50169410 50169413 50169416 52733901 52733904 52733907 090-160 50169411 50169414 50169417 52733902 52733905 52733908 180-280 50169412 50169415 50169418 52733903 52733906 52733909 �i GM - 041-080 50169410 50169413 50169416 52733901 1 52733904 52733907 102-204 50169411 50169414 50169417 52733902 52733905 '52733908 235 50169412 50169415 50169418 52733903 52733906 52733909 For hot gas model hot gas loop drain When using the hot gas units with a hot gas loop drain pan on 0'F applications and below, an insulated drain pan is required. r s with the . . pan only 035-075 50169504 52739601 090-160 50169505 52739602 180-280 50169506 52739603 041-080 50169504 52739601 102-204 50169505 52739602 235 ' 50169506 52739603 15 Replacement Parts InterLINK Commerdal ReNFradan Ports Right source. Right parts. Right now. InterLink- is your link to a complete line of dependable and certified commercial refrigeration parts, accessories and innovative electronic controls for all Bohn equipment. At Interl-ink, we provide our wholesalers with a comprehensive selection of product solutions and innovative technologies for the installed customer base. And every product is built to ensure the same high performance standards with which all Heatcraft Refrigeration Products (HRP) brands are built — backed by a dedicated team to serve every customer need, delivering at the best lead times in the industry. - Dependable. Versatile. Courteous. Finally, one simple source for all your replacement needs from a name you can trust. , For parts, please contact (800) 686-7278 or visit www.interlinkparts.com. Motor/Fan Blade/Fan Guards r ..• 115/1/60 r 1 040-065 035-047 041 2 070-130 065-090. 068-080 3 140-180 120-140 102 4 208 160 180 136 5 260 200 170 6 312-370 1 240-280 204-235 Motor/Fan Blade/Fan Guards Cabinet Comnonents 300 W ..• 115/1/60 25300101 Motor 115/1/60 Shaded Pole 1 -6 25300201 Motor 208-230/1/60 Shaded Pole 1 - 6 25309501 Motor 115/1 /6' /50 Totall Enclosed PSC/PSC 1 - 6 25309601 Motor208-230/1/60/50Totall Enclosed PSC 1-6 25309701 Motor 460/l/60/50 Totally Enclosed PSC 1-6 25309801 Motor 208-230/l/60/50 PSC 1 - 6 25308701 Motor 460/1/60/50 PSC 1 - 6 25317701 Motor 208-230/1/60 EC 1 - 6 25317801 Motor 115/1/60 EC 1 - 6 5140C Fan Blade 1 -6 37000701 Fan Guard -Molded 1 -6 37000601 Fan Guard -Wire 1 -6 23104901 Motor Mount used with 115 & 230V motors 1 -6 23103301 Motor Mount used with 460V motors 1 -6 Cabinet Comnonents 16 Hot Gas Defrost - Electric Drain Pan Option Drain Pan Heater (1 Der unit) 24752101 300 W ..• 115/1/60 40480101 Drain Pan Air & Hot Gas Defrost1 600 W 40480201 Drain Pan Air & Hot Gas Defrost 2 40480301 Drain Pan Air & Hot Gas Defrost 3 40480401 Drain Pan Air & Hot Gas Defrost 4 40480501 Drain Pan Air & Hot Gas Defrost 5 40480601 Drain Pan Air & Hot Gas Defrost 6 40480103 Drain Pan Electric Defrost 1 40480205 Drain Pan Electric Defrost 2 40480305 Drain Pan Electric Defrost 3 40480403 Drain Pan Electric Defrost 4 40480503 Drain Pan Electric Defrost 5 40480603 Drain Pan Electric Defrost 6 40880801 Access Panel - Elect. 1 -6 40880701 Access Panel - Refri . 1 -6 40880901 Back Panel - Refri . 1 -6 40881001 1 Back Panel - Elect. 1 - 6 40881201 1 End Panel - Hot Gas Refri . 1 -6 16 Hot Gas Defrost - Electric Drain Pan Option Drain Pan Heater (1 Der unit) 24752101 300 W ..• 115/1/60 OgEn 1 24752102 600 W 115/1/60 2 24752103 900 W 115/1/60 3 24752104 1200 W 115/1/60 •4 24752105 1500 W 115/1/60 5 24752106 1800 W 115/1/60 6 24752201 300 W 208-230/1/60 1 24752202 600 W 208-230/1/60 2 24752203 900 W 208-230/1/60 3 24752204 1200 W 208-230/1/60 4 24752205 1500 W 208-230/1/60 5 24752206 1800 W 208-230/1/60 6 24752301 300 W 460/1/60 1 24752302 600 W 460/1/60 2 24752303 900 W 460/1/60 3 24752304 1200 W 460/1/60 4 24752305 1500 W 460/1/60 5 24752306 1800 W '460/1/60 6 Electric Defrost Coil Heater 22512601 24752001 300 W 208-230/1/60 1 24752002 600 W 208-230/1/60 2 24752003 900 W 208-230/1/60 3 24752004 1200 W 208-230/1/60 4 24752005 1500 W 208-230/1/60 5 24752006 1 1800 W 208-230/1/60 6 Bottom Coil Heater 24752401 150 W 208-230/1/60 1 24752402 300 W 208-230/1/60 2 24752403 450 W 208-230/1/60 3 24752404 600 W 208-230/1/60 4 24752405 750 W 208-230/1/60 5 24752406 900 W 208-230/1/60 6 Drain Pan Heater 24752501 150 W 208-230/1/60 1 24752502 300 W 208-230/1/60 2 24752503 450 W 208-230/1/60 3 24752504 600 W 208-230/1/60 4 24752505 750W 208-230/1/60 5 24752506 900 W 208-230/1/60 6 Electrical Components Drain Fittings Part # Description I FNo,Fans 22512601 Terminal Strip 1-6 5709L Defrost Termination/Fan Delay — Klixon type 1-6 4267W Defrost Termination/Fan Delay — Adjustable type , 1 -6 2891040 Room Thermostat 1 - 6 5708L Heater Safety — Klixon type 1 - 6 Drain Fittings Part # Description I FNo,Fans Standard Nozzle Selection Model ADT Air Defrost Model LET/LLE Electric Defrost r T t flLET035 liFm C� ADT040 113/16 6 15 1 ADT052 16 3/16 15 1 L-1/2 L-1/4 ADT065 16 15 2 L-1/2 L-1/3 ADT070 26 L-1/4 15 2 L-1/2 L-1/3 ADT090 26 15 15 3 L-3/4 L-1/2 ADT104 2 LET065 15 3 L-3/4 L-1/2 ADT120 2 3/16 15 3 L-1 L-3/4 ADT130 2 3/16 15 4 L-1 L-3/4 ADT140 3 3/16 15 4 L-1 L-3/4 ADT156 3 3/16 15 5 L-1-1/2 L-1 ADT180 3 3/16 15 5 L-1-1/2 L-1 ADT208 4 3/16 15 5 L-1-1/2 L-1 ADT260 53/16 ii 15 9 L-2 L-1-1/2 ADT312 6 3/16 15 9 L-2-1/2 L-2 ADT370 6 1 3/16 1 1 15 10 L-3 L-2 Model LET/LLE Electric Defrost r T t Model HGT Hot Gas Defrost flLET035 liFm C� .. Cum ,, HGT035 1 3/16 15 2 L-1/2 L-1/4 L-1/3 L-1/4 HGT040 1 3/16 15 2 L-1/2 L-1/4 L-1/3 L-1/4 LET047 1 3/16 15 2 L-1/2 L-1/3 L -1/3R L-1/3 LET065 2 3/16 15 4 L-3/4 L-1/2 L-1/2 L-1/2 C LET075 2 3/16 15 4 L-1 L-3/4 L-3/4 L-1/2 LET090 2 3/16 15 5 L-1 L-3/4 L-3/4 L-1/2 a LET120 3 3/16 15 5 L-1-1/2 L-1 L-1 L-3/4 c LET140 3 3/16 15 6 L-1-1/2 L-1 L-1-1/2 L-1 ii LET160 4 3/16 15 8 L-2 L-1 L-1-1/2 L-1 LET180 4 3/16 15 10 1 L-2 L-1-1/2 L-1-1/2 L-1 LET200 5 3/16 15 9 L-2-1/2 L-1-1/2 L-2 L-1-1/2 LET240 6 3/16 15 9 L-2-1/2 L-2 L-2 L-1-1/2 LET280 6 3/16 15 10 L-3 L-2 L-2-1/2 L-2 LLE041 1 3/16 15 2 L-1/2 L-1/3 L-1/3 L-1/4 cLLE068 HGT068 2 3/16 15 4 L-3/4 L-1/2 L-1/2 L-1/3 LLE080 2 3/1615 15 4 L-1 L-3/4 L-3/4 L-1/2 a LLE 102 3 3/16 15 5 L-1 L-3/4 L-3/4 L-3/4 . C LLE 136 4 3/16 15 8 L-1-1/2 L-1 L-1 L-3/4 LL LLE 170 5 3/16 15 8L -1 L-1-1/2 LC L-1-1/2 L 1 LLE204 6 3/16 15 8 LT1/2 1-1/2 L-2 L-1-1/2 LLE235 6 3/16 15 10 1 L-2-1/2 L-2 L-2 L-1-1/2 Model HGT Hot Gas Defrost 17 0 HGT035 1 1/4 15 2 J-1/2 J-1/4 J 1/3 J-1/4 HGT040 1 1/4 15 2 J-1/2 J-1/3 J-1/3 J-1/4 HGT047 1 1/4 15 2 J-3/4 J-1/3 J-1/2 J-1/4 HGT065 2 1/4 15 4 J-1 J-1/2 J 3/4 J-1/3 C HGT075 2 1/4 15 4 J-1 J-3/4 J-3/4 J-1/2 HGT090 2 1/4 15 5 G-1-1/2 G-3/4 G-3/4 G-1/2 a HGT120 3 1/4 15 5 G-1-1/2 G-1 G-1 G-3/4. C HGT140 3 1/4 15 6 G-2 G-1 G-1-1/2 G-1 ii HGT160 .4 1/4 15 8 G-2 G-1-1/2 G-1-1/2 G-1 HGT180 4 1/4 15 10 E-2-1/2 E-1-1/2 E-1-1/2 E-1 HGT200 5 1/4 15 9 E-2-1/2 E-2 E-2 E-1-1/2 HGT240 6 1/4 15 9 E-3 E-2 E-2 E-1-1/2 HGT280 6 1/4 1 15 10 E-4 E-2-1/2 E-2-1/2 E-2 HGT041 1 1/4 15 2 J-1/2 J-1/3 J-1/3 J-1/4 HGT068 2 1/4 15 4 J-1 J-1/2 J-3/4 J-1/2 HGT080 2 1/4 15 4 J-1 J-3/4 J-3/4 J-1/2 a HGT102 3 1/4 15 5 G-1-1/2 G-3/4 G-1 G-3/4 N HGT136 4 1/4 15 8 G-2 G-1 G-1-1/2 G-1 LL HGT170 5 1/4 15 8 G-2 G-1-1/2 G-1-1/2 G-1 HG1204 6 1/4 15 8 G-2-1/2 G-2 G-2 G-1-1/2 HGT235 6 1/4 15 10 1 E-3 E-2 E-2 E-1-1/2 17 0 .� ., L'. :� k., , ,, .. .� s ;�' t S• - .1 , .. _ t � . • e ' � � ` '� � � i , � { i r .. f � � � r v _ 7 _.. � � � � . t� y, r � I � � � � x• Y s I � ' � � - Y {� _.f � i ((1 R 7 k -,. i .. —. '� t � : � �. ' -� `f+ _ ., �. /� i � - � R \ J, , � 3 • 1. .. tom.. .. � .. � r i .> I S � e � .. i 'I ; � c � F- L ' �. � � ,• ' � \ � � � i � f f • � � � � �� � t _ .. ,� ' - - A t , �' _ � � '4 �• �i 1 � F .. ,, I Notes 9 BONN 19 A Brand of Heatcraft Refrigeration Products LLC RIM 2175 West Park Place Blvd. • Stone Mountain, GA. • 30087 e 800.537.7775 FAX 770.465.5990 THE CC.LLI STANCARC www.thecoldstandard.com Since product improvement is a continuing effort, we reserve the right to make changes in specifications without notice. BN-LOPTB-0408 I Version 000 IF= THE COLD STANDARD BN-HTSTB December 2008.001 Replaces BN-HTSTB, April 2008 AIR-COOLED CONDENSING UNITS 1/2-6 HIP Indoor and Outdoor Models liecnnical Guiae BIRO �. a e o ontents . Nomenclature...........................:.........................................................................................:..................................:........................2 s •Features & Benefits .............. ..........`...... ............... ...........::........................................... s.... ............ .3 Options ................................................................................................. A s HermeticCompressors.; ............................:............................................:....................................................:........................ 5-10 Performance Data , I ..... .... ..... High Temp., R -404A/507 ..................................... ..._..:5 '- Extended Temp., R -404A/507 ...........................................: ..........6 Low Temp., R-404A/507........:...........................................................::. Medium& High Temp., R-22............................................::.................................................................................8 UnitSpecification Data......................................................................:...................::............................................:.............9 Electrical Data.: ................................ ........................................................ ; ................................................-1................... 9-10 Scroll Compressors.. ....:..........................:..........................................................................................................................11-15 PerformanceData............................................................................:................................:.......:...:..........:................11=14 MediumTemp., R-404A/507..............................................:.............:.........................................:......................•11 LowTemp., R-404A/507...................................................... ...........................................................::..................:12 Medium -Temp., R-22 .................................4........ LowTemp., R-22 ......................................................... .............::......14 .... _ ..... ..:.. ..... Unit Specification Data ..........:... .,,,15 Electrical Data .............................. ...... :.....................15 ..................:.................................................... Semi -hermetic Compressors.......................:............................................:.:................:::..................................:..............:16-21 .,Performance Data....................................................................... .............. 14 MediumTemp., R-404A/507...............................................:.............................................................::.......:......16 . LowTemp., R-404A/507.......:..................................................................::..........................................................17 ,Mediium'& High Temp., R-22 18 UnitSpecification Data..............:..............................................................................:...................::..:.............................19 ElectricalData............:...................................................................:............................................:..........:...............:.....20-21 Medium&•High Temp...................................................................................................:.....:........................:......20 LowTemp...................................................................................:......:..............................................................I....... 21 Replacement Parts by InterLink.............................. •••.•••,• 21 DimensionalDrawings of Cabinet.................................................................................................................................22-23 cU�us r - + MEA Accepted Nomenclature `. - O 7008 Heatcraft Refrigeration Products, LLC 5 l Model Com ressor Application Equiv. HP Tem Refrigerant Voltage Identifier B= H =Hermetic T =Outdoor 005 = 1 /2 HP H = High 2 = R-22 B = 208/230/1/60 F = Stock Bohn S =Semi -herrn. N =Indoor 008/009 = 3/4 HP L =Low 6 = R -404A/507 C = 208/230/3/60 z = Scroll S = Beacon II'" 010, 011 = 1 HP M = Medium D = 460/3/60 - f Microprocessor 01*=1-1/2HP E=Extra Low G=230/1/60 B = Bohnmizer 02* = 2 HP X = Extended K = 230/3/60 - - 03* = 3 HP Medium 04*=4 HP 05* = 5 HP 060=6 HP - O 7008 Heatcraft Refrigeration Products, LLC 5 l Features & Benefits • HyperCoreT"' microchannel coil technology standard on all units • Painted steel cabinets for superior strength and corrosion protection • Heavy duty steel raised base with 1-1/2" legs • Fan guards and wiring conduit on indoor models Serviceability • Suction service valves for hermetic and scroll compressors located outside the cabinet for quick installations. Semi -hermetic compressor models have a suction valve on the compressor and an access fitting on the suction line entering the cabinet. • Receiver with fusible plug, liquid shutoff valve and charging port is standard • Large electrical panel for ease of access • Prefabricated wiring harnesses for tight crimp connections and consistent labeling • Unit stays on if the hood is removed for servicing • Sight glass is easily viewable • All units are completely leak tested in a helium environment, bump tested and allowed to cycle off on the high and low pressure control. Each unit has a copy of the run data shipped inside the electrical panel • Electrical circuits are completely checked for continuity • Piping is laid out to minimize stress and vibration and is pre-bent to eliminate leaks • Encapsulated, auto -reset, high and low pressure controls to eliminate leaks (standard on all high and medium temperature models, adjustable low pressure control standard on low temperature models) Components Fan • Specifically matched with motor and coil to attain maximum air movement and cooling Motor • Rated for 50 and 60 cycle application • Standard PSC or optional Variable Speed EC (VSEC) with Orbus' Controller Compressor • Wide variety of compressors including: hermetic, semi -hermetic and scroll. R-22 and R -404A/507 available for both medium and low temperature applications • Spring -mounted compressors with vibration eliminators on all 1-1/2 to 6 HP semi -hermetic compressors; 1/2 to 1 HP compressors are rigid mounted and have a discharge loop • Discharge service valves come standard on all units including hermetics Typical Outdoor-iermetic Unit TypicalOutdon, Unit with throwaway liquid -line filter and s ght_glass Typical Outdoor hermetic Unit with liquid filter drier and sight glass 1 BONO Options ` E Solutions branded products and options are designed to exceed current energy and environmental standards. It is our commitment in environmental innovation to dedicate ourselves bydelivering energy' �i efficient eco -conscious choices. Products included in the E Solutions portfolio reduce costs, improv bottom lines, and enhance equipment performance and service life. E I Lei Solutions The Beacon ll' Refrigeration System with Smart Defrost, factory -installed Smart Defrost Kit' , Efficiency • Environment Variable Speed EC (VSEL) motor with Orbus' controller and the Bohnmizer® System are E Solutions options that will optimize your savings and increase energy efficiency. Adjustable low pressure control for medium temp. comp. Option Option N/A Air or electric defrost timer only Option Option 1/2-3 HP low temp. Beacon II"^ Option N/A N/A Crankcase heater Standard N/A Standard Dual pressure control (not available on Beacon Ir) Option Option N/A Electric defrost with timer & contactors (040-060 models only) O tion Option 4-6 HP low temp. Fixed fan cycling — pressure or temperature (2 fan units) (Pressure standard on Beacon II'") Option Option N/A Fused disconnect/ Non-fused disconnect Option Shipped loose N/A Phase loss / low voltage monitor Option Option 'N/A Smart Defrost Kith" (Factory -Installed) Option Option N/A Variable s eed EC (VSEL) motors with Orbus— controller Option N/A N/A 12" Extended le s for snowbelt operation Shipped loose Shipped loose Shipped loose Head pressure control flooding valve Standard Option Standard Liquid line drier, sight glass Option Option Standard Liquid line solenoid valve and pumpdown switch Option Option N/A Low ambient kit with heated and insulated receiver, TD relay Option N/A N/A Oil separator with discharge line check valve (D cabinet) Option Option N/A Oversize receiver (D cabinet) Option Option N/A Prechar ed refrigerant with quick connect fittings Option Option N/A Replaceable core liquid line filter (D cabinet) Option Option N/A Replaceable core suction line filter (D cabinet) Option Option N/A Suction accumulator Option Option N/A Suction line filter Option Option N/A The Beacon Ilm Refrigeration System is a preassembled, factory installed refrigeration system featuring an integrated microcomputer based electronic control board. Beacon II The Beacon IITM' Refrigeration System replaces the expansion valve, solenoid valve, room REFRIGERATION SYSTEM thermostat, defrost control and timer. It comes factory preset thereby eliminating all of the expensive and time consuming fine tuning and adjustments necessary for a good system installation. For additional information, contact your Sales Representative. ,.The Bohnmizer° System -The Bohnmizer® system is a complete factory furnished commercial refrigeration split system designed to operate properly regardless of climatic conditions. As the ambient temperature falls below 75T, the head pressure is allowed to decrease in direct relationship to the ambient. The heart of the system is the Bohnmizer valve, whose design allows the proper amount of refrigerant to flow to the evaporator irrespective of the valve inlet pressure. The Bohnmizer valve also responds very rapidly to changes in suction temperature, which assures the maintenance of low superheat, regardless of the ambient temperature. The Bohnmizer system concept results in operational energy savings, increased compressor life, reduced refrigerant costs and less maintenance expense. `4 0 V. 1 A HERMETIC COMPRESSORS Performance Data - High Temperature (R -404A/507) 01w. . Capacity BTUH @ 95°F Ambient Suction Temperature 40°F 35°F BH*005H6 BH*005H6 RST45C1 E 8,910 8,150 BH*009H6 RST640E 12,520 11,570 BH*010H6' RS70C1 E 13,720 12,610 BH*015H6 CS10K6E 21,400 19,460 BH*025H6 I C514K6E 26,320 24,270 BH*032H6 CS20K6E 42,890 39,110 BH*040H6, CS27K6E 52,240 48,170 BH*050H6 CS33K6E 57,030 52,650 R -404A/507 . Model Compressor Capacity BTUH @ 95°F Ambient Suction Temperature 40°F 35°F BH*005H6 RST45C1 E 8,510 7,790 BH*009H6 RST64CIE 11,980 11,080 BH*010H6' RS70C1 E 13,010 11,960 BH*015H6 CS10K6E 20,260 18,400 BH*025H6 CS14K6E 25,000 23,030 BH*032H6 CS20K6E 40,730 37,110 BH*040H6 CS27K6E 49,580 45,670 BH*050H6 CS33K6E 54,240 50 060 09wilammim? o, MBH*OIOH6' RST450E 8,120 7,430 BH*009H6 RST640E 11,440 10,580 BH*010H6' RS70C1E 12,310 11,320 BH*015H6 CS10K6E 19,120 17,350 BH*025H6 CS14K6E 23,690 21,810 BH*032H6 CS20K6E 38,560 35,100 BH*040H6 CS27K6E 46,920 43,180 BH*050H6 CS33K6E 51,440 47,460 09wilammim? BH*005H6 RST45C1 E77,340 6,710 BH*009H6 RST64C1E0 9,580 BH*010H6' RS70C1 E0 10,040 BH*015H6 CS10K6E 16,880 15,280 BH*025H6 CS14K6E 21,100 19,410 BH*032H6 CS20K6E 34,210 31,070 BH*040H6 CS27K6E . 41,630 38,220 BH*OSOH6 CS33K6E 45,860 42,260 * = T forOutdoor, N for Indoor, 8 for Bohnmizer, 5 for Beacon I/ - t = RS compressor not suitable for R-507 r ' r , - r ' HERMETIC COMPRESSORS Performance Data - Extended Temperature CR -404//507) L 1 1 1 1 R -404A/507 Model Compressor 30°F Capacity 25°F BTUH @ 95*F 20°F Ambient 0°F Suction Temperature -10°F -20°F -25°F BH*005X6 RST45C1 E 6 850 6 270 5,710 3 690 2 810 1,850 BH*008X6 RST55C1 E 8 130 7 450 6,790 4 430 3 490 T71 72400 BH*009X6 RST64C1E 9 590 8820 8 080 5350 4 240 3,100 2,690 BH*010X6' RS70C1 E .10 060 9 300 8 660 5 540 4 080 2,610 1,820 BH*015X6 CS10K6E 16 430 15 090 13 550 7 910 5 280 3 330 0 BH*020X6 CS12K6E 18,590 17,000 15,420 9,110 6,330 4,030 3,270 BH*025X6 CS14K6E 20,150 18,630 17,270 10,900 8,050 5,740 4,760 BH*030X6 CS18K6E 29,490 27,030 24,550 14,390 10,600 7,380 6,180 BH*032X6 CS20K6E 32,420 29,620 26,840 15,930 12,200 8,780 7,000 BH*040X6 CS27K6E 43,970 1 39,510 35,150 20,560 14,980 11,830 8,690 BH*050X6 CS33K6E 44,600 1 43,160 39,300 24,160 17,610 13,500 11 700 R -404A/507 Model Compressor 30°F Capacity 25°F BTUH @ 95*F 20°F Ambient 0°F Suction Temperature -10°F -20°F -25°F BH*005X6 RST45C1 E 6,530 5 970 .5 ,440 3510 2,660 1,850 1,430 BH*008X6 RST55C1 E 7,730 7,070 6,440 4,180 3,280 2,550 2,250 BH*009X6 RST640E 9,150 8,420 7 710 5,090 4 020 3,100 2,690 BH*010X6' RS70C1 E 9,400 8,850 8,170 5,120 3 770 2,610 1,820 BH*015X6 CS10K6E 15,400 13,960 12,800 7,220 5,060 3 330 2,630 BH*020X6 CS12K6E 17,490 16,000 14,470 8 370 5,830 3,860 2 830 BH*025X6 CS14K6E 18,920 17,490 16,250 10,090 7,530 5,230 4,330 BH*030X6 CS18K6E 27,840 25 490 23,130 13 480 9,710 6 750 5,620 BH*032X6 CS20K6E 30,530 27 890 25 240 14'800 11 200 7,930 6,220 BH*040X6 CS27K6E 41,480 37,270 1 33,160 19,400 14,130 11,160 1 8200 BH*050X6 CS33K6E 42,300 41,000 1 37,180 1 22,370 17,300 12,700 10,900 * = T for Outdoor, N for Indoor, B for Bohnmizer, S for Beacon 11 t = RS compressor not suitable for R-507 i 1 G ,.. 7 -� I --- L MV M. (a F.115.5-iWiFrn - BH*005X6 RST45C1 E 6 200 5 670 5 170 3,330 2 510 1 720 1,310 BH*008X6 RST550E 7,320 6 700 6 090 3 930 3,070 2 390 2 100 BH*009X6 RST64C1 E 8,720 8 010 7 340 4,830 3 810 2 920 2,540 BH*010X6' RS70C1 E 8 790 8,290 7,680 4 760 3,430 2 230 1,570 BH*015X6 CS10K6E 14,210 13,150 11,780 6,660 4,580 2,930 2,270 BH*020X6 CS12K6E 16,410 14,990 13,380 7,700 5 280 3,420 2 420 BH*025X6 CS14K6E 17,730 16,390 15,220 9,390 6,950 4 770 3,930 BH*030X6 CS18K6E 26,190 23,970 21,800 12,570 8,880 6 120 5 110 BH*032X6 C520K6E 28 600 26,160 23 750 13,740 10 300 7,050 5 370 BH*040X6 CS27K6E 38,980 35,030 31,180 18,240 13,290 10,500 7700 BH*050X6 CS33K6E 39,800 38,760 34,810 20,760 16,200 11,800- 10 000 * = T for Outdoor, N for Indoor, B for Bohnmizer, S for Beacon 11 t = RS compressor not suitable for R-507 i 1 G ,.. 7 -� L MV rBH*009X6 WRST64ClE W7830 5 060 4,610 2 950 2 210 1 470 1,080 5 970 5 410 3,450 2 670 2 070 1 820 7,200 6 580 4,310 3 390 2 580 2,250 BH*010X6' RS70C1 E 7,700 7 140 6 590 4 080 3,010 1 680 - BH*015X6 CS10K6E 12,150 11,110 10,030 5,410 3.650 2,140 1 540 BH*020X6 CS12K6E 14,270 12,980 11,550 6,460 4,410 2,580 1,660 BH*025X6 CS14K6E 15,430 14,450 13,230 8,100 5,760 3,860 2,990 BH*030X6 CS18K6E 23,000 21,020 18,970 10,810 7,100 4,940 4,140 BH*032X6 CS20K6E 24,840 22,790 20,580 11,490 8,260 5,270 3 630 BH*040X6 CS27K6E 35,150 31,240 27,520 15,210 11,290 8,920 6 550 BH*050X6 CS33K6E 35,200 34,060 30,530 19,000 14,100 10,400 9,010 * = T for Outdoor, N for Indoor, B for Bohnmizer, S for Beacon 11 t = RS compressor not suitable for R-507 i 1 G ,.. 7 -� Remo MEC91D 6TMIDAim ' HERMETIC COMPRESSORS Rerformance Data - Low Temperature [R -404A/507] y , R -404A/507 Model Compressor r#j; ... 1' Tem eraure -25°F -30°F BH*011 L6 BH*011 L6 CF04K6E 7 030 6 240 5 370 3 850 3 330 2,630 BH*014L6 CF06K6E 10 500 9 380 7,830 6 090 4 890 4,080 BH*019L6 CF06K6E 12 100 10 180 8 910 6,580 5,530 4 570 BH*025L6 - CF09K6E 15,550 14,500 12,700 9,000 7 560 6 230 BH*031 L6 CF12K6E 18,840 17,800 1 15,140 11,540 9,790 8 070 R -404A/507 Model Compressor r#j; Ca acit BTUH F 95°F Ambient Suction -10°F -20°F Tem eraure -25°F -30°F BH*011 L6 CF04K6E50 CF04K6E 6 310 4,920 3,650 3,020 2 360 BH*014L6 CF06K6E0 ' CF06K6E 9 310 7,750. 5,670 4,710 3,680 BH*019L6 CF06K6E00 CF06K6E =186 8,750 6 040 5,030 4 150 BH*025L6 CF09K6E00 CF09K6E 14 500 12,000 8,'300 6 950 5 750 BH*031 L6 CF12K6E00 CF12K6E 17,600 14 360 I10 910 9 170 7 470 r#j; Mg e• �- BH*011 L6 CF04K6E 6 310 5 170 4,460 3 300 ?660 2,070 BH*014L6 ' CF06K6E 9 310 8 280 7 280 5 280 4 350 3,510 BH*019L6 CF06K6E 10 700 9 430 8 170 5,810 4,570 > 3,700 BH*025L6 CF09K6E 14 500 12 800 11,200 8,130 6,410 1 5 220 BH*031 L6 CF12K6E 17,600 15,090 13,410 10,700 9.040 1 7 320 e• �- BH*011 L6 CF04K6E 5 240 4 450 3,620 2 630 2,100 BH*014L6 CF06K6E 8 310 7 340 6 420 4 580 3,730 2 990 BH*019L6 CF06K6E 9 330 8 170 7 040 4 920 3 980 3 090 BH*025L6 CF09K6E 12,700 11,400 9,900 7 030 5,760 4 590 BH*031 L6 CF12K6E 15,700 14,000 12,400 9,250 7,690 I 6"100 BIRO t HERMETIC COMPRESSORS Rerformance Data - Medium c5. High Temperature [R- 22] DOM=12. - 40°F Capacit 30*F BTUH @ 95°F Ambient Suction Temperature 25°F 20°F 1S*F 10°F 0°F BH*005H2 ART820 7,170 5,410 4,870 BH*005H2 ART820 7,470 5,640 5,090 4,610 4,170 3,740 2,940 BH*008H2 RS64C2 10,690 8,990 8,080 7,310 6,610 5,850 4,540 BH*010H2 RS70C1 11,360 10,100 8,620 7,730 6,840 6,070 4,280 BH*015H2 CR18KQ - 14,580 12,910 11,350 9,910 8,100 5,650 BH*020H2 CR24KQ 24,360 19,930 17,760 15,650 13,650 11,640 8,560 BH*029M2 CR37KQ - 26,210 23,630 21,300 18,870 16,620 11,700 BH -030H2 CR37KQ 41,190 33,300 29,500 25,830 22,330 19,040 13,210 BH*040H2 CR53KQ 1 57,430 46,140 40,790 35,620 30,740 26,150 18,100 BH*050H2 CRN -0500 1 64,770 52,240 1 46,250 1 40,490 1 35,010 1 29,860 1 20,740 R-22 Model Compressor 40°F Capacit 30*F BTUH @ 95°F Ambient Suction Temperature 25°F 20°F 1S*F 10°F 0°F BH*005H2 ART820 7,170 5,410 4,870 4,410 3,990 3,580 2,790 BH*008H2 RS64C2 10,280 8,540 7,740 6,980 6,310 5,580 4,320 BH*01OH2 RS70C1 10,870 9,120 8,150 7,350 6,490 5,740 3,870 BH*015H2 CR18KQ - 13,830 12,210 10,670 9,260 7,510 5,130 BH*020H2 CR24KQ 23,190 18,980 16,910 14,900 12,990 11,090 8,150 BH*029M2 CR37KQ - 25,100 22,780 20,270 17,880. 15,450 10,900 BH*030H2 CR37KQ 38,230 31,710 28,090 24,610 21,260 18,140 12,580 BH -040H2 CR53KQ 54,690 43,950 38,840 33,930 29,270 24,920 17,240. BH*050H2 CRN -0500 61,680 49,760 44,050 38,560 33,340 28,440 19,750 mmm= amp=,? - Qw EW _Jay BH*005H2 ART820 6,850 5,200 4,680 4,430 3,990 3,410M4,41 - BH*OO8H2 'RS64C2 9,850 8,160 7,400 6,660 5,970 5,310BH*01OH2 - BH*010H2 RS70C1 10,380 8,690 7,820 6,910 6,140 5,410BH*015H2 - BH*015H2 CR18KQ - 13,070 11,500 10,000 8,600 6,890 - BH*020H2 CR24KQ 22,030 18,030 16,070 14,160 12,340 10,540 7,740 BH*029M2 CR37KQ - 23,980 21,720 19,260 16,910 14,470 - BH*030H2 CR37KQ 37,270 30,130 26,690 23,380 20,200 17,220 `11,950 BH*040H2 CR53KQ 51,960 41,760 36,890 32,240 27,820 23,670 16,390 BH*050H2 CRN -0500 58,600 47,270 41,850 36,630 31,680 27,020 18,760 • = T for Outdoor, N for Indoor, B for Bohnmizer, 5 for Beacon I/- � - r 8 r I s t BH -005H2 ART82C1 6,240 4,960 4,430 4,010 3,550 3,190 - BH*008H2 RS64C2 8,930 7,820 6,710 6,020 5,390 4,770 - BH*010H2 RS70C1 9,490 8,250 6,950 6,170 5,440 4,380 - BH*015H2 CR18KQ - 11,590 10,100 8,230 6,880 5,650 - BH*020H2 CR24KQ 19,770 16,180 14,410 12,680 11,000 9,400 6,490 BH*029M2 . CR37KQ - 21,750 19,600 17,030 14,730 12,520 - BH*030H2 CR37KQ 33,900 27,120 23,870 20,760 17,820 15,080 10,350 BH*040H2 CR53KQ 48,390 38,470 33,780 29,320 25,120 21,230 14,550 BH*050H2I CRN -0500 54,770 43,730 1 38,490 33,470 28,740 24,340 16,760 • = T for Outdoor, N for Indoor, B for Bohnmizer, 5 for Beacon I/- � - r 8 r I s t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 HERMETIC COMPRESSORS .Unit Specifications I G'iTZa7-.� G GUMMOMEb 0 CP • • • � CCSM5.O � C BH*005H2 A ART82C1 3/8 1/2 6.0 1 28-1/4 23-3/4 17-1/4 135 67 BH*008H2 A RS64C2 3/8 1/2 6.0 1 28-1/4 23-3/4 17-1/4 141 68 BH*010H2 A RS70C1 3/8 5/8 6.0 1 28-1/4 23-3/4 17-1/4 136 68 BH*015H2 B CR18K 3/8 5/8 10.0 2 28-1/4 37-3/4 17-1/4 189 71 BH*020H2 B CR24K 3/8 7/8 10.0 2 28-1/4 37-3/4 17-1/4 193 72 BH*029M2 C CR37KQ 1/2 7/8 16.0 2 28-1/4 37-3/4 19-1/4 214 72 BH*030H2 D CR37KQ 1/2 7/8 22.0 1 30-1/4 42-1/2 29-3/4 281 73 BH*040H2 D CR53KQ 1/2 1-1/8 22.0 1 30-1/4 42-1/2 29-3/4 299 73 BH*050H2 D CRN -0500 1/2 1-1/8 22.0 1 30-1/4 42-1/2 29-3/4 310 75 BH*005X6 A RST45CIE 3/8 1/2 5.5 1 28-1/4 23-3/4 17-1/2 135 68 BH*008X6 A RST55C1E 3/8 1/2 5.5 1 28-1/4 23-3/4 17-1/2 135 68 BH*009X6 A RST640 E 3/8 5/8 5.5 1 28-1/4 23-3/4 17-1/2 144 68 BH*010X6 A RS70C1E 3/8 5/8 5.5 1 28-1/4 23-3/4 17-1/4 138 '68 BH*015X6 B CS10K6E 3/8 5/8 9.0 2 28-1/4 37-3/4 17-1/4 193 71 BH*020X6 B CS12K6E 3/8 7/8 9.0 2 28-1/4 37-3/4 17-1/4 203 73 BH*025X6 B CS14K6E 3/8. 7/8 -9.0 2 28-1/4 37-3/4 17-1/4 208 74 BH*030X6 D CSIME 1/2 7/8 20.0 1 30-1/4 42-1/2 29-3/4 290 73 BH*032X6 D CS20K6E 1/2 7/8 20.0 1 30-1/4 42-1/2 29-3/4 275 76 BH*040X6 D CS27K6E 1/2 1-1/8 20.0 1 30-1/4 42-1/2 29-3/4 281 73 BH*050X6 D CS33K6E 1/2 1-1/8 20.0 1 30-1/4 42-1/2 29-3/4 313 73 BH*011L6 A CF04K6E 3/8 5/8 5.5 1 28-1/4 23-3/4 17-1/4 139 73 BH*014L6 A CF06K6E 3/8 5/8 5.5 1 28-1/4 23-3/4 17-1/4 170 73 BH*019L6 B CF06K6E 3/8 5/8 9.0 2 28-1/4 37-3/4 17-1/4 200 69 BH*025L6 B CF09K6E 3/8 7/8 9.0 2 28-1/4 37-3/4 17-1/4 222 76 BH*031 L6. C CF12K6E 1/2 7/8 14.0 2 28-1/4 37-3/4 19-3/4 223 77 BH*005H6 A RST450E 3/8 1/2 5.5 1 28-1/4 23-3/4 17-1/4 135 68 BH*009H6 A RST64C1E 3/8 5/8 5.5 1 28-1/4 23-3/4 17-1/4 144 68 BH*010H6 A RS70C1E 3/8 5/8 5.5 1 28-1/4 23-3/4 17-1/4 138 68 BH*015H6 B CS10K6E 3/8 5/8 9.0 2 28-1/4 37-3/4 17-1/4 193 71 BH*025H6 B CS14K6E 3/8 7/8 9.0 2 28-1/4 37-3/4 17-1/4 208 74 BH*032H6 D C520K6E 1/2 7/8 20.0 1 30-1/4 42-1/2- 29-3/4 275 76 BH*040H6 D CS27K6E 1/2 1-1/8 20.0 1 30-1/4 42-1/2 29-3/4 281 73 BH *050H6 D CS33K6E 1/2 1-1/8 20.0 1 301/4 42-1 /2 29-3/4 313 73 * = T forOutdoor, N for Indoor, B for Bohnmizer, S for Beacon ll'" ++ = See Dimensional Drawings for details ' = Estimated sound pressure values are 10 feet from the unit. For estimating sound pressure from the unit at different distances, deduct the following from the unit values: 20 feet deduct 6 dBA for 40 feet, deduct 12 dBA for 80 feet deduct 18 d8A. This data is typical of "free field" conditions for horizontal air cooled condensing units at the outlet of the discharge air. The actual sound measurements may vary depending on the condensing unit installation. Factors such as reflecting walls, background noise and mounting conditions may have a significant influence on this data. Electrical Data - = i ror wraoor, iv ror rnaoor, It ror tsonnmzer, 5 for Beacon 11 "A Power supplied by customer. 'Consult factory for 50 HZapplications. Per UL and NEC, RLA values have been calculated by dividing the Maximum Continuous Current (MCC) by 1.56. I GUMMOMEb 0 CP • CCSM5.O � C � - a? i� BH*005H2B ART82C1-CAV 208-230 1 60 5.9 30.0 1 1/15 15 20 8, 15 BH*008H2B RS64C2-CAV 208-230 1 60 6.9 37.0 1 1/15 15 20 8 15 BH*010H2B RS70Cl-PFV 208-230 1 60 6.3 34.2 1 1/15 15 20 7 15 BH*010H2C R570C1TFC 208-230 3 60 4.2 31.0 1 1/15 15 20 8.6 1 15 BH*015H26 I CR18KQ-PFV 208-230 1 60 1 8.1 1 41.0 2 1 1/15 1.0 1 15.0 1 24 15 25 6 19 BH*015H2C I CR18KQ TF5 208-230 3 60 4.9 40.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 24 15 20 7 19 BH*015H2D CR18KQ-TFD 460 3 60 2.8 23.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 20 15 20 A A BH*020H2B CR24KQ-PFV 208-230 1 60 12.2 70.5 2 1/15 1.0 20.0 29 25 30 6 23 BH*020H2C CR24KQ-TF5 208-230 3 60 6.7 40.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 24 15 25 9 19 BH*020H2D CR24KQ TFD 460 3 60 3.6 28.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 20 15 20 A A BH*029M2B CR37KQ-PFV 208-230 1 60 16.7 100.3 2 1/15 1.0 1 21.8 1 38 35 50 12 30 BH*029M2C CR37KQ TF5 208-230 3 60 9.9 85.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 1 38 20 40 1 12 30 BH*029M2D CR37KQ TFD 460 3 60 5.0 39.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 15 15 25 A A BH*030H2B CR37KQ-PFV 208-230 1 60 16.7 100.3 1 1/3 3.5 24.3 38 40 50 12 30 BH*030H2C CR37KQ TF5 208-230 3 60 9.9 85.0 1 1/3 3.5 20.0 38 25 40 12 30 BH*030H2O CR37KQ-TFD . 460 3 60 5.0 39.0 1 1/3 1.9 15.0 24 15 25 - = i ror wraoor, iv ror rnaoor, It ror tsonnmzer, 5 for Beacon 11 "A Power supplied by customer. 'Consult factory for 50 HZapplications. Per UL and NEC, RLA values have been calculated by dividing the Maximum Continuous Current (MCC) by 1.56. I BIRO HERMETIC COMPRESSORS Electrical Data mm BH*040H2B Gb2mm= CR53KQ-PFV 208-230 Gb 1 CFS 60 = . 26.0 L�II':1 140.0 1 up 1/3 3.5 a? 36.0 11 48.0 C2 50 • Gin 60 � 12.0 . I 35 BH*040H2C CR53KQ TF5 208-230 3 60 16.3 107.0 1 1/3 3.5 23.9 38.0 40 50 12.0 30 BH*040H2D CR53KQ TFD 460 3 60 8.1 55.0 1 1/3 1.9 15.0 29.0 15 30 11.0 23 BH*050H2B CRN5-0500-PFV 208-230 1 60 30.8 142.0 1 1/3 3.5 42.0 59.0 50 60 12.0 47 BH*050H2C CRN5-0500-TF5 208-230 3 60 19.2 130.0 1 1/3 3.5 28.0 40.0 45 50 12.0 30 BH*050H2D CRN5-0500TFD 460 3 60 8.7 65.0 1 1/3 1.9 15.0 29.0 20 30 10.0 23 BH*005X6B RST45C1E-CAV 208-230 1 60 4.6 26.5 1 1/15 0.5 15.0 20.0 15 20 8.0 15 BH*008X6B RST55C1E-CAV 208-230 1 60 6.1 33.7 1 1/15 0.5 15.0 20.0 15 20 8.0 15 BH*009X6B RST64C1E-CAV 208-230 1 60 8.0 43.0 1 1/15 0.5 15.0 20.0 15 20 6.0 15 BH*010X6B RS70C1E-PFV 208-230 1 60 6.3 34.2 1 1/15 0.5 15.0 20.0 15 20 7.0 15 BH*010X6C R5700E-TFC 208-230 3 60 4.2 31.0 1 1/15 0.5 15.0 20.0 15 20 8.6 15 BH*015X6B CS10K6E-PFV 208-230 1 60 9.8 56.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 24.0 20 25 6.0 19 BH*015X6C CS10K6E TF5 208-230 3 60 6.7 51.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 20.0 15 20 7.0 15 BH*020X6B CS12K6E-PFV 208-230 1 60 9.8 56.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 24.0 20 25 6.0- 19 BH*020X6C CS12K6E-TF5 208-230 3 60 6.7 51.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 24.0 15 25 9.0 19 BH*025X6B CS14K6E-PFV 208-230 1 60 11.2 61.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 29.0 25 30 6.0 23 BH*025X6C CS14K6E-TF5 208-230 3 60 8.2 55.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 24.0 15 25 9.0 19 BH*025X6D CS14K6E-TFD 460 3 60 4.2 28.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 20.0 15 20 A A BH*030X6B CS18K6E-PFV 208-230 1 60 14.4 82.0 1 1/3 3.5 21.0 38.0 35 45 12.0 30 BH*030X6C CS18K6E-TF5 208-230 3 60 9.4 65.5 1 1/3 3.5 15.0 29.0 20 30 7.0 23 BH*030X6D C518K6E-TFD 460 3 60 3.9 33.0 1 1/3 1.9 15.0 24.0 15 25 A A BH*032X6B CS20K6E-PFV 208-230 1 60 16.7 96.0 1 1/3 3.5 24.0 38.0 40 50 12.0 30 BH*032X6C CS20K6E-TF5 208-230 3 60 10.3 75.0 1 1/3 3.5 20.0 29.0 25 30 7.0 23 BH*032X6D CS20K6E-TFD 460 3 60 4.6 40.0 1 1/3 1.9 15.0 1 24.0 15 25 A A BH*040X6B CS27K6E-PFV 208-230 1 60 21.5 121.0 1 1/3 3.5 30.3 44.0 50 60 12.0 35 BH*040X6C CS27K6E TF5 208-230 3 1 60 13.7 105.0 1 1/3 3.5 20.7 38.0 30 45 12.0 30 BH*040X6D CS27K6ETFD 460 3 60 7.6 52.0 1 1/3 1.9 15.0 29.0 15 30 11.0 23 BH*050X66 CS33K6E PFV 208 230 1 60 27.6 125.0 1 1/3 3.5 38.0 59.0 50 60 12.0 47 BH*050X6C CS33K6E TF5 208-230 3 60 16.8 102.0 1 1/3 3.5 24.5 38.0 40 50 12.0 30 BH*050X6D CS33K6E TFD 460 3 60 8.8 48.0 1 1/3 1.9 15.0 29.0 20 30 10.0 23 BH*011L6B CF04K6E-PFV 208-230 1 60 8.6 59.2 1 1 1/15 0.5 15.0 20.0 15 25 7.0 15 BH*011L6C CF04K6E-TF5 200-230 3 60 3.9 52.0 1 1/15 0.5 15.0 20.0 15 20 8.0 15 BH*014L6B CF06K6E-PFV 208-230 1 60 10.3 59.2 1 1/15 0.5 15.0 20.0 20 25 4.0 15 BH*014L6C CF06K6E-TF5 200-230 3 60 6.3 52.0 1 1/15 0.5 15.0 24.0 15 25 9.0 19 BH*019L6B CF06K6E-PFV 208-230 1 60 10.3 59.2 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 24.0 20 30 6.0 19 BH*019L6C CF06K6E-TF5 208-230 3 60 6.3 1 52.0 2 1/15 1 1.0 15.0 24.0 15 1 25 9.0 1 19 BH*025L6B CF09K6E-PFV 208-230 1 60 15.0 87.0 2 1/15 1 1.0 20.0 29.0 30 40 6.0 23 BH*025L6C CF09K6E-TF5 200-230 3 60 9.2 72.2 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 21.0 20 25 7.0 15 BH*031 L6B CF12K6E-PFV . 208-230 1 60 17.0 105.0 2 1/15 1.0 22.3 37.5 35 50 12.0 30 BH*031L6C CF12K6E-TF5 200-230 3 60 10.7 85.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 28.8 25 30 7.0 23 BH*031L6D CF12K6E-TFD 460 3 60 5.3 42.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 23.8 15 25 BH*005H6B RST45C1E-CAV 208-230 1 60 4.5 26.5 1 1/15 0.5 15.0 - 15 - - - BH*009H6B RST640E-CAV 208-230 1 60 7.6 43.0 1 1/15 0.5 15.0 - 15 - - BH*010H6B RS70ClE-PFV 208-230 1 60 6.9 34.2 1 1/15 0.5 15.0 - 15 - - - BH*010H6C RS70C1E-TFC 208-230 3 60 4.7 31.0 1 1/15 0.5 15.0 - 15 - - BH*015H6B CS10K6E-PFV 208-230 1 60 11.1 56.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 - 25 - - - BH*015H6C I CS10K6E TF5 208-230 3 60 7.2 51.0 2 1/15 1 1.0 15.0 - 15 - - - BH*025H6B CS14K6E-PFV 208-230 1 60 12.4 61.0 2 1/15 1.0 20.0 - 25 - - - BH*025H6C CS14K6ETF5 208-230 3 60 8.5 55.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 - 20 - - - BH*032H6B CS20K6E-PFV 208-230 1 60 17.9 96.0 1 1/3 3.5 25.9 - 40 - - - BH*032H6C CS20K6E TF5 208-230 3 60 13.3 75.0 1 1/3 3.5 20.2 - 30 - - - BH*040H6G C527K6E-PFV 230 1 60 23.7 121.0 1 1/3 3.5 33.1 - 50 - - - BH*040H6K CS27K6E-TF5 230 3 60 1 14.1 105.0 1 1/3 3.5 21.1 - 35 - - - BH*050H6G CS33K6E-PFV 230 1 60 30.1 125.0 1 1/3 1 3.5 41.2 - 60 - - - BH*050H6K C533K6E TF5 230 3 60 16.5 102.0 1 1/3 1 3.5 24.2 - 40 - - - - , ,�, .1 -, L ISI II I�VVI, U IVI UVIIlIIIIILCI, lui aeuwn n ,• rower suppnea oy cusromer. c-onsuit toctoryfor 5U H[applications. Per UL and NEC, RLA values have been calculated by dividing the Maximum Continuous Current (MCC) by 1.56. 10 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 INDIO SCROLL COMPRESSORS Performance Data - Medium Temperature CR -404A/507) �-.. .. - Compressor p 40°F Cap city BTUH @ 95°F Ambient Suction Temperature 35*F 30°F 25°F 20°F 1 10°F 0°F �. BZ*020M6 ,. , 11 .• 1.BZ*020M6 21,760 20,350 18,930 ZS15K4E22,630 W35,76O 12,150 21,160 19,690 18,210 15,340 12,640 11,390 BZ*025M6 ZS19K4E26,730 17,670 14,640 25,070 23,390 21,700 18,380 15,230 13,750 BZ*030M6 Z521K4E32,760 21,060 17,260 30,580 28,360 26,170 21,900 17,950 16,140 BZ*035M6 ZS26K4E 43,200 39,310 36,730. 34,130 31,560 26,540 21,850 19,690 BZ*045M6 ZS30K4E 48,460 46,490 43,050 1 39,760 1 36,560 30,480 24,890 22,310 BZ*055M6 ZS38K4E 57,230 53,990 50,410 46,970 43,530 36,770 30,380 27,400 BZ*060M6 ZS45K4E 65,560 61,960 58,120 54,430 50,680 43,160 35,890 32,490 R -404A/507 Model Compressor p 40°F Cap city BTUH @ 95°F Ambient Suction Temperature 35*F 30°F 25°F 20°F 1 10°F 0°F -5°F BZ*020M6 ZS15K4E 23,850 21,760 20,350 18,930 17,510 14,750 12,150 10,950 BZ*025M6 ZS19K4E 28,110 25,700 24,110 22,490 20,870 17,670 14,640 11,790 BZ*030M6 Z521 K4E 34,460 31,500 29,400 27,270 25,160 21,060 17,260 15,520 BZ*035M6 ZS26K4E 41,600 37,800 35,320 32,820 30,350 25,520 21,010 18,930 BZ*045M6 ZS30K4E 46,740 44,700 41,390 38,230 35,150 29,310 23,930 1 21,450 BZ*055M6 ZS38K4E 54,940 51,910 48,470 45,160 41,860 35,360 29,210 26,350 BZ*060M6 ZS45K4E 62 910 59,580 55,880 52 340 48,730 1 41,500 34,510 31,240 BZ*020M6 ZS15K4E 22,870 20,890 19,540 18,170 16,810 .. 14,160 11,660 10,510 BZ*025M6 ZS19K4E 26,950 24,670 23,150 21,590 20,040 16,960 14,050 12,690 BZ*030M6 ZS21 K4E 33,150 30,240 28,220 26,180 24,150 20,220 16,570 14,900 BZ*035M6 ZS26K4E 39,990 36,290 33,910 31,510 29,140 24,500 20,170 18,170 BZ*045M6 Z530K4E 44,990 42,910 39,730 1 36,700 1 33,740 28,140 22,970 20,590 BZ*055M6 ZS38K4E 52,630 49,830 46,530 1 43,350 40,190 33,950 1 28,040 25,300 BZ*060M6 ZS45K4E 60,260 57,200 53,640 1 50,250 1 46,780 39,840 33,130 29,990 * = T forOutdoor N for Indoor, B for Bohnmizer, 5 for Beacon I/- f - 11 BZ*020M6 ZS15K4ER24,600 920 19,150 17,910 16,660M26,71 12,980 10,690 9,640 BZ*025M6 ZS19K4E 22,620 21,220 19,76015,550 14,190 11,630BZ*030M6 ZS21 K4E500 27,720 25,870 24,00018,530 15,190 13,660 BZ*035M6 ZS26K4E 36,690 33,260 31,080 28,88022,460 18,490 16,660 BZ*045M6 ZS30K4E 41,430 39,340 36,420 33,640 30,930 1 25,790 21,060 18,880 BZ*055M6 ZS38K4E 47,970 45,680 42,650 39,740 36,840 31,120 1 25,700 23,190 BZ*060M6 ZS45K4E - - 49,170 46,060 42,880 1 36,520 1 30,370 27,490 * = T forOutdoor N for Indoor, B for Bohnmizer, 5 for Beacon I/- f - 11 ' SCROLL COMPRESSORS Performance Data - Low Temperature [R -404A/507] 1 „ 1 G Compressor 0°F . • • 1 • -40°F .• - - 11,510 BZ*020L6 ZF06K4E 11,970M13730 6,860 8,940 8,010 7,130 6,310M8530 14,310 BZ*025L6 ZF08K4E 14,88011,120 8,550 7,600 9,960 8,890 7,900 15,900 BZ*030L6 ZF09K4E 16,54012,400 9,550 8,500 11,130 9,930 8,840 19,040 BZ*035L6 ZF11 K4E' 19,800 16,490 14,910 13,420 12,000 10,710 23,740 BZ*045L6 ZF13K4E 24,720 20,360 18,300 16,410 14,570 12,840 9,800 BZ*055L6 ZF15K4E 29,950 24,730 22,260 20,010 17,820 15,800 12,440 BZ*060L6 ZF18K4E 36,360 30,140 27,160 24,330 21,680 19,240 15,100 R -404A/507 Model Compressor 0°F CapacityBTUH -10°F @ 95°F Ambient Suction Temperature -15°F -20°F -25*F -30°F -40°F BZ*020L6 ZF06K4E 11,510 9,540 8,600 7,700 6,860 6,070 4,710 BZ*025L6 ZF08K4E 14,310 11,850 10,690 9,580 8,550 7,600 5,990 BZ*030L6 ZF09K4E 15,900 13,200 11,920 10,700 9,550 8,500 6,710 BZ*035L6 ZF11 K4E 19,040 15,860 14,340 12,900 11,540 10,300 8,200 BZ*045L6 ZF13K4E 23,740 19,490 17,590 15,690 13,880 12,210 9,360 BZ*055L6 ZF15K4E, 28,870 23,820 21,550 19,260 17,390 15,160 11,910 BZ*060L6 ZF18K4E 34,960 28,970 26,120 23,390 20,850 1 18,500 14,520 - MWIl @MU= W - AW dw 11 CWQ I BZ*020L6 ZF06K4Erl 1,050 9,160 8,260 7,390 6,59078,160 6,780 4,520 BZ*025L6 ZF08K4E3,740 BZ*025L6 11,380 10,260 9,200 8,210 8,430 5,750 BZ*030L6 ZF09K4E5,260 BZ*030L6 12,670 11,440 10,270 9,170 9,420 6,440 BZ*035L6 ZF11 K4E 18,280 1 15,230 13,770 12,380 11,080 9,890 7,870 BZ*045L6 ZF13K4E 22,780 18,740 16,770 14,910 13,180 11,780 8,890 BZ*055L6 ZF15K4E 27,800 23,060 20,700 1 18,490 16,980 14,770 11,390 . BZ*060L6 ZF18K4E 33,560 27,810 25,080 1 22,450 20,010 17,760 13,950 • 1' 1' 1' BZ*020L6 ZF06K4E 10,130 8,400 7,570 6,780 6,040 5,340 4,140 BZ*025L6 ZF08K4E 12,590 10,430 9,410 8,430 7,520 6,690 5,270_ ' BZ*030L6 ZF09K4E 13,990 11,620 10,490 9,420 8,400 7,480 5,900 BZ*035L6 ZF11K4E 16,760 13,960 12,620 11,350 10,160 9,060 7,220 BZ*045L6 ZF13K4E 20,980 1 16,960 15,120 13,390 11,790 10,910 8,460 BZ*055L6 ZF15K4E 25,790 21,200 19,030 16,980 15,100 14,000 10,340 BZ*060L6 ZF18K4E 30,770 1 25,490 22,990 20,580 18,340 16,270 12,780 * = T for Outdoor, N for Indoor,, B for Bohnmizer, S for Beacon NOTE: The ZF compressor comes with liquid injection. 1 12 t 2 LI k SCROLL- COMPRESSORS Performance Data - Medium Temperature (R-22) R-22 Model Compressor 35°F Capacity BTUH @ 95°F Ambient Suction Temperature 30°F 25°F 20°F 10°F BZ*020M6 ZS15K4E EON mv ,• BZ*020M6 Z515K4E 22,080 20,420 18,800 17,220 14,260 BZ*025M6 Z519K4E 26,080 24,190 22,340 20,530 17,090 BZ*030M6 ZS21 ME 31,970 29,490 27,080 24,750 20,360 BZ*035M6 ZS26K4E 38,930 35,820 1 32,830 29,970 24,520 BZ*045M6 ZS30K4E 45,920 42,010 38,300 1 34,810 28,450 BZ*055M6 ZS38K4E 54,050 49,950 45,960 42,100 34,600 BZ*060M6 ZS45K4E 1 63,670 58,960 54,320 49,800 41,190 R-22 Model Compressor 35°F Capacity BTUH @ 95°F Ambient Suction Temperature 30°F 25°F 20°F 10°F BZ*020M6 ZS15K4E 21,230 19,630 18,080 16,560 13,710 BZ*025M6 Z519K4E 25,080 23,260 21,480 19,740 16,430 BZ*030M6 ZS21 K4E 30,740 28,360 26,040 23,800 19,580 BZ*035M6 Z526K4E 37,430 34,440 31,570 28,820 23,580' BZ*045M6 ZS30K4E 44,150 40,390 36,830 33,470 27,360 BZ*055M6 ZS38K4E 51,970 48,030 44,190 40,480 33,270 BZ*060M6 ZS45K4E 61,220 56,690 52,230 47,880 39,610 BZ*020M6 ZS15K4E 20,380 ..„' 18,850 17,360 15,900F:it 12,610, BZ*025M6 ZS19K4E 24,080 22,330 20,620 18,950 15,120 BZ*030M6 ZS21 K4E 29,510 27,230 25,000 22,850- 18,010 BZ*035M6 ZS26K4E 35,930 33,060 30,310 27,670 21,690 BZ*045M6 ZS30K4E 42,380 38,770 35,360 32,1300 25,170 BZ*055M6 ZS38K4E 49,890 46,110 42,420 38,860 30,610 BZ*060M6 ZS45K4E 58,770 54,420 50,140 45,970 36,440 BZ*020M6 ZS15K4E 19,530 18,060723,960 15,240 12,610, BZ*025M6 ZS19K4E 23,070 21,400 18,160 15,120 BZ*030M6 ZS21 K4E 28,280 26,090 21,900 18,010 BZ*035M6 ZS26K4E 34,440 31,690 29,040 26,510 21,690 BZ*045M6 ZS30K4E 40,620 37,160 33,880 30,790 25,170 BZ*055M6 ZS38K4E 47,810 44,190 40,660 37,240 30,610 BZ*060M6 ZS45K4E 56,320 52,160 48,050 44,050 36,440 "= T for Outdoor, N for Indoor, 8 for Bohnmizer, 5 for Beacon /I - .1 I - s 13 1 dial SCROLL COMPRESSORS Performance Data - Low Temperature [R-22] v R-22 Model tZFF06JK4E11,610M15,870 0°F Capacity -10°F BTUH @ 95°F Ambient Suction Temperature -15°F -20°F -25°F -30°F -40°F RUN ,- 11,060 8,950 7,980 BZ*020L6 6,280 5,560 4,370 8,380M12,760 ZF08K4E 6,590 5,840 4,590BZ*025L6 8,930 7,910 14,56010,5408,310 5,500 BZ*030L6 ZF09K4E 15,180 7,340 . 5,780BZ*030L6 10,000 ZF0915,94011,7509,340 7,870 6,150 BZ*035L6 ZF11K4E 18,390 8,260 6,460 BZ*035L6 ZF11K4E 19,31014,27011,360 7,520 BZ*045L6 ZF13K4E 22,370 10,080 7,900 BZ*045L6 ZF13K4E 23,490 1 19,140 17,140 15,280 13,560 12,000 9,400 BZ*055L6 ZF15K4E 28,800 J 23,490 1 21,050 1 18,770 16,360 1 1 14,750 I 11,550 BZ*060L6 ZF18K4E 33,800 1 27,550 24,670 21,970 19,480 17,220 13,440 v R-22 Model Compressor 0°F Capacity -10°F BTUH @ 95°F Ambient Suction Temperature -15°F -20°F -25°F -30°F -40°F BZ*020L6 HOWE 11,060 8,950 7,980 7,090 6,280 5,560 4,370 BZ*025L6 ZF08K4E 13,870 11,240 10,040 8,930 7,910 6,990 5,500 BZ*030L6 ZF09K4E 15,180 12,450 11,190 10,000 8,890 7,870 6,150 BZ*035L6 ZF11K4E 18,390 15,110 13,590 12,150 10,820 9,600 7,520 BZ*045L6 ZF13K4E 22,370 18,230 16,320 14,550 12,910 1 11,430 8,950 BZ*055L6 ZF15K4E 27,430 22,370 20,050 17,880 15,580 14,050 11,000 BZ*060L6 ZF18K4E 32,190 26,240 23,490 20,920 18,550 1 16,400 12,800 BZ*020L6 ZF06K4E 10,840 .. M 8,770 7,820 Mr., �• 6,950 6,150 .- �. 5,450 �. 4,280 BZ*025L6 ZF08K4E 13,590 11,020 9,840 8,750 7,750 6,850 5,390 BZ*030L6 ZF09K4E 14,880 12,200 10,970 9,800 8,710 7,710 6,030 BZ*035L6 ZF11K4E 18,020 14,810 13,320 11,910 10,600 9,410 7,370 BZ*045L6 , ZF13K4E 21,920 17,870 15,990 14,260 12,650 1 11,200 8,770 BZ*055L6 ZF15K4E 26,880 1 21,920 1 19,650 17,520' 15,270 1 13,770 10,780 BZ*060L6 ZF18K4E 31,550 1 25,720 1 23,020 20,500 18,180 1 16,070 12,540 * = T for Outdoor, N for Indoor, B for Bohnmizer, 5 for Beacon /I- NOTE I-NOTE: The ZF compressor comes with liquid injection. 4 _ 14 tZF06K4E BZ*020L6 10,290 8,320 7,420 6,590 5,840 5,170 4,060 BZ*025L6 K4E 12,900 10,450 9,340 8,310 7,360 6,500 5,120 BZ*030L6 ZF09K4E 14,120 11,580 10,410 9,300 8,270 7,320 5,720 BZ*035L6 ZF11K4E 17,100 14,050 12,640 11,300 • 10,060 8,930 6,990 BZ*045L6 ZF13K4E 20,800 1 16,950 15,180 13,530 12,010 10,630 8,320 BZ*055L6 ZF15K4E 25,510 1 20,800 18,650 16,630 14,490 13,070 10,230 BZ*060L6 ZF18K4E 29,940 1 24,400 21,850 19,460 17,250 15,250 11,900 * = T for Outdoor, N for Indoor, B for Bohnmizer, 5 for Beacon /I- NOTE I-NOTE: The ZF compressor comes with liquid injection. 4 _ 14 BONN ' SCROLL COMPRESSORS Unit Specifications =in BZ*020M6 C -11 Z515K4E al 1/2 7 /8 14 2 6 28 1/4 37-3/4 1IM11 19-3/4 .. 209 71 BZ*025M6 C ZS19K4E 1/2 7/8 14 2 28-1/4 37-3/4 19-3/4 218 73 BZ*030M6 D ZS21K4E 1/2 7/8 20 1 30-1/4 42-1/2 29-3/4 287 72 BZ*035M6 D ZS26K4E 1/2 7/8 2 0 1 30-1/4 42-1/2 29-3/4 290 74 BZ*045M6 D ZS30K4E 1/2 1-1/8 20 1 30-1/4 42-1/2 29-3/4 317 73 BZ*055M6 D ZS38K4E 1/2 1-1/8 20 1 30-1/4 42-1/2 29-3/4 317 74 BZ*060M6 D ZS45K43 1/2 1-1/8 20 1 30-1/4 42-1/2 29-3/4 317 76 BZ*020L6 C ZF06K4E 1/2 7/8 14 2 28-1/4 37-3/4 19-3/4 209 71 BZ*025L6 C ZF08K4E 1/2 7/8 14 2 28-1/4 37-3/4 19-3/4 218 73 BZ*030L6 C ZF09K4E 1/2 7/8 14 2 28-1/4 37-3/4 19-3/4 218 71 BZ*035L6 C ZF11K4E 1/2 7/8 14 2 28-1/4 37-3/4 19-3/4 217 73 BZ*045L6 D ZF13K4E 1/2 1-1/8 20 1 30-1/4 42-1/2 29-3/4 307 73 BZ*055L6 D ZF15K4E 1/2 1-1/8 20 1 30-1/4 1 42-1/2 29-3/4 313 74 BZ*060L6 D ZF18K4E 1/2 1-1/8 20 1 30-1/4 1 42-1/2 29-3/4 317 76 ' * = T for Outdoor, N for Indoor, B for Bohnmizer, S for Beacon I/- ++ =See Dimensional Drawings for details. I= Estimated sound pressure values are 10 feet from the unit For estimating sound pressure from the unit or different distances, deduct the following from the unit values: 20 feet, deduct 6 dBA for 40 feet, deduct 12 dBA for 80 feet, deduct 18 dBA. This data is typical offree field' conditions for horizontal air cooled condensing units at the outlet of the discharge air. The actual sound measurements may vary depending on the condensing Z unit installation. Factors such as reflecting walls, background noise and mounting conditions may have a significant influence on this data. SCROLL COMPRESSORS - Electrical Data BZ*020M6B ZS15K4E-PFV 208 230 1 60 12.2 61.0 2 1/15 1.0 20 38 25 40 12.0 30 BZ*020M6C ZS15K4E TF5 208-230 3 60 8.3 55.0 2 1/15 1.0 15 24 15 25 9.0 19 BZ*020M6D ZS15K4ETFD 460 3 60 3.8 27.0 2 1/15 1.0 15 24 15 25 A A BZ*025M6B ZS19K4E-PFV 208-230 1 60 14.7 73.0 2 1/15 1.0 20 38 30 45 12.0 30 BZ*025M6C ZS19K4E-TF5 208 230 3 60 8.7 63.0 2 1/15 1.0 15 29 20 30 11.0 23 BZ*025M6D ZS19K4E TFD 460 3 60 4.5 31.0 2 1/15 1.0 15 24 15 25 A A BZ*030M6B ZS21K4E-PFV 208-230 1 60 14.7 88.0 1 1/3 3.5 22 1 38 35 1 45 12.0 30 BZ*030M6C ZS21 K4E-TF5 208-230 3 60 9.9 77.0 1 1/3 3.5 20 38 25 40 12.0 30 BZ*030M6D ZS21 K4E TFD 460 3 60 5.1 39.0 1 1/3 1.9 15 24 15 25 A A BZ*035M6B ZS26K4E-PFV 208-230 1 60 18.6 109.0 1 1/3 3.5 27 39 45 50 12.0 30 BZ*035M6C ZS26K4E-TF5 208-230 3 60 12.2 88.0 1 1/3 3.5 20 38 30 40 12.0 30 BZ*035M6D ZS26K4ETFD 460 3 60 6.4 44.0 1 1/3 1.9 15 24 15 25 A A BZ*045M6B ZS30K4E-PFV 208-230 1 60 24.0 129.0 1 1/3 3.5 34 59 50 60 11.0 47 BZ*045M6C ZS30K4E-TF5 208-230 3 60 13.5 99.0 1 1/3 3.5 20 44 30 45 12.0 35 BZ*045M6D ZS30K4E TFD 460 3 60 7.4 1 49.5 1 1/3 1.9 15 1 29 15 30 1 11.0 23 BZ*055M6B ZS38K4E-PFV 208-230 1 60 28.8 169.0 1 1/3 3.5 40 59 50 60 12.0 47 BZ*055M6C ZS38K4ETF5 208-230 3 60 19.2 123.0 1 1/3 3.5 28 44 45 50 12.0 35 BZ*055M6D ZS38K4E TF 460 3 60 8.7 62.0 1 1/3 1.9 15 29 20 30 10.0 23 BZ*060M6C ZS45K4E TF5 208-230 3 60 21.5 156.0 1 1/3 3.5 30 44 50 60 12.0 35 BZ*060M6D I ZS45K4E-TFD 460 3 60 8.3 70.0 1 1/3 1.9 15 29 20 30 10.6 23 BZ*020L6B ZF06K4E-PFV 208-230 1 60 1 12.2 1 61.0 2 1/15 1.0 20 38 25 1 40 12.0 30 BZ*020L6C ZF06K4E-TF5 208-230 3 60 8.3 55.0 2 1/15 1.0 15 24 15 25 9.0 19 BZ*020L6D ZF06K4E-TFD 460 3 60 3.8 27.0 2 1/15 1.0 15 24 15 25 A BZ*025L6B ZF08K4E-PFV 208-230 1 60 14.7 73.0 2 1/15 1.0 20 38 30 45 12.0 30 BZ*025L6C ZF08K4E-TF5 208-230 3 60 8.7 63.0 2 1/15 1.0 15 29 20 30 11.0 23 BZ*025L6D ZF08K4E-TFD 460 3 60 4.5 31.0 2 1/15 1.0 15 24 15 25 A A BZ*030L6B ZF09K4E-PFV 208-230 1 60 14.7 88.0 2 1/15 1.0 20 38 30 45 12.0 30 BZ*030L6C ZF09K4E-TF5 208-230 3 60 9.9 77.0 2 1/15 1.0 15 24 20 25 6.0 19 BZ*030L6D ZF09K4E-TFD 460 3 60 5.1 39.0 2 1/15 1.0 15 15 15 15 A A BZ*035L6B ZF11K4E-PFV 208-230 1 60 18.6 109.0 2 1/15 1.0 24 38 40 50 12.0 30 BZ*035L6C ZF11K4E-TF5 208-230 3 60 12.2 88.0 2 1/15 1.0 20 29 25 30 6.0 23 BZ*035L6D ZF11K4E-TFD 460 3 60 6.4 44.0 2 1/15 1.0 15 15 15 15 A A BZ*045L6B ZF13K4E-PFV 208-230 1 60 24.0 129.0 1 1/3 3.5 34 45 50 60 11.0 30 BZ*045L6C ZF13K4E-TF5 208-230 3 60 13.5 99.0 1 1/3 3.5 20 38 30 40 11.0 30 BZ*045L6D ZF13K4E-TFD 460 3 60 7.4 49.5 1 1/3 1.9 15 24 15 25 9.0 19 BZ*055L6B ZF15K4E-PFV 208-230 1 60 28.8 169.0 1 1/3 3.5 40 50 50 60 10.0 30 BZ*055L6C ZF15K4E-TF5 208-230 3 60 19.2 123.0 1 1/3 3.5 28 40 45 50 10.0923 BZ*055L6D ZF15K4E-TFD 460 3 60 8.7 62.0 1 1/3 1.9 15 24 20 25 8.0 BZ*060L6C ZF78K4E-TF5 208-230 3 60 21.5 156.0 1 1/3 3.5 30 44 50 60 12.0 BZ*060L6D ZF18K4E-TFD 460 3 60 8.3 70.0 1 1/3 1.9 15 29 20 30 11.0 ' * = T for Outdoor, N for Indoor, B for 8ohnmlzer, S for Beacon //- Per UL and NEC, RLA values have been calculated by dividing the Maximum Continuous Current (MCC) by 1.56. A Power supplied by customer. Consult factory for 50HZapplications. t r 15' i SEMI -HERMETIC COMPRESSORS Performance Data - Medium Temperature (R -404A/507) BMW .. . . 25°F CapacityBTUH 20°F @ 95*F Ambient Suction Temperature 15°F 10°F 5°F 0°F -5°F BS*005M6 HAJ-005E 5,210 4,770 4,270 BS*005M6 HAJ-005E 5,420 4,960 4,440 3,930 3,460 8,300 2,690BS*010M6 6,870 KAR-010E 9,680 8,730 7,930 7,260 6,500 M1840 5,000BS*020M6 11,790 KAK-020E 16,890 15,110 13,590 12,260 11,0708,690BS*021 16,500 14,900 M6 ERC -021 E 19,930 17,400 15,800 14,300 12,800 27,220 10,220 B5*030M6 ERF -031 E 30,880 28,310 25,730 1 23,180 20,690 1 18,260 1 15,950 BS*040M6 NRB -040E 40,810 37,350 33,810 1 30,250 26,730 1 23,250 1 19,900 R -404A/507 Model Compressor 25°F CapacityBTUH 20°F @ 95*F Ambient Suction Temperature 15°F 10°F 5°F 0°F -5°F BS*005M6 HAJ-005E 5,210 4,770 4,270 3,780 3,330 2,940 2,590 13S*010M6 KAR-010E 9,140 8,300 7,600 6,870 6,150 5,550 4,730 BS*020M6 KAK-020E 16,240 14,530 13,070 11,790 10,640 9,560 8,360 13S*021 M6 ERC -021E 18,850 16,500 14,900 13,500 12,700 11,140 9,580 135*030M6 ERF -031 E 29,690 27,220 24,740 1 22,290 1 19,890 1 17,560 15,340 BS*040M6 NRB -040E 39,240 35,910 32,510 1 29,090 1 25,700 1 22,360 19,130 UaDaww .. @MIPMW amm2r.fm. BS*005M6 HAJ-005E 5,000FE 4,100 3,00 2,930 2,820 2,490 BS*010M6 KAR-010E 8,6807,110 6,80 744 5,220 4,450 BS*020M6 KAK-020E 15,59012,550 1110 9,360 9,180 8,030 BS*021 M6 ERC -021 E 17,84014,870 1370 10,470 10,450 8,940 BS*030M6 ERF -031.E 28,500 26,130 23,750 2190 17,500 16,860 14,730 BS*040M6 NRB -040E 37,670 34,470 31,210 27,930 24,670 21,470 1 18,360 M. ' ' = 135*005M6 HAJ-005E 4,580R31,600 3,760 3,330 2,930 2,590.M3,9 BS*010M6 KAR-010E 7,7406,350 5,720 5,120 4,600BS*020M6 KAK-020E 14,29011,500 10,380 9,360 8,410BS*021 M6 ERC -021E 15,84012,600 11,850 10,470 9,180 BS*030M6 ERF -031E 26,13021,770 19,620 17,500 15,450 13,500 BS -040M6 NRB -040E 34,53028,610 25,600 22,620 19,680 16,830 No, Outdoor, N for Indoor, B for Bohnmizer, S for Beacon 11- � 1 I 1 r 1 16 W SEMI -HERMETIC COMPRESSORS Performance Data - Low Temperature [R -404A/507) Beb R -404A/507 Model Compressor 0°F CapacityBTUH -5°F @ 95*F Ambient Suction Temperature -10°F -20°F -25°F -30°F -40*F BS*005L6 KAN-005E 3,310 2,940 2,580 BS*005L6 KAN-005E 3,530 3,150 2,760 2,050 1,720 1,420 930 BS*008L6 KAM-007E 6,010 5,360 4,730 3,570 3,050 2,580 1,820 BS -010L6 KAJ-010E 7,770 6,990 6,240 4,830 4,190 3,610 2,640 BS*015L6 KAL-015E 11,780 10,600 9,470 7,340 6,370 5,500 4,020 BS*020L6 EAD-020E 13,780 12,290 10,860 8,260 7,120 6,100 4,470 BS*021 L6 EAV-021 E 15,120 13,660 12,200 9,420 8,140 6,980 5,160 BS*030L6 LAH-032E 22,600 20,320 18,090 13,810 11,830 9,970 6,780 BS*030E6 LAC -032E - - - 16,780 14,570 12,540 9,010 BS*040L6 NRD-040EA NRD-032EAA 29,660 26,750 23,910 18,490 15,980 13,640 9,480 R -404A/507 Model Compressor 0°F CapacityBTUH -5°F @ 95*F Ambient Suction Temperature -10°F -20°F -25°F -30°F -40*F BS*005L6 KAN-005E 3,310 2,940 2,580 1,900 1,580 1,300 830 BS*008L6 KAM-007E 5,520 4,900 4,320 3,280 2,810 2,390 1,620 BS*010L6 KAJ-010E . 7,220 6,480 5,790 4,520 3,940 3,390 2,440 BS*015L6 KAL-015E 10,960 9,930 8,920 6,990 6,110 5,300 3,930 BS*020L6 EAD-020E 12,530 11,160 9,870 7,520 6,490 5,560 3,980 BS*021 L6 EAV-021E 13,920 12,600 11,280 8,780 7,610 6,520 '4,590 BS*030L6 LAH-032E 21,310 19,100 16,930 12,800 10,880 9,100 6,040 BS*030E6 LAC -032E - - - 15,700 13,550 11,580 8,270 BS*040L6 NRD-040EA NRD-032EAA 28,090 25,280 22,530 17,300 14,860 12,590 8,630 .. ,. ,• ,• 1. BS*005L6 KAN-005E 3,100 2,760 2,400 1,750 1,450 1,170 750 BS*008L6 KAM-007E 5,290 4,680 4,100 F6,440 3,020 2,540 2,100 1,400 BS*010L6 KAJ-010E 6,900 6,180 5,470 4,160 3,570 3,030 2,150 BS*015L6 KAL-015E 10,520 9,460 8,410 5,540 4,700 3,300 BS*020L6 EAD-020E 12,140 1 10,730 9,400 6,970 5,920 4,980 3,530 BS*021 L6 EAV-021 E 13,390 12,110 10,810 8,260 7,060 5,940 4,050 BS*030L6 LAH-032E 20,020 17,890 15,790 11,790 9,940 8,230 5,300 BS*030E6 LAC -032E - - - 14,630 12,530 10,640 7,540 BS*040L6 NRD-040EA NRD-032EAA 26,520 23,810 21,160 16,100 13,750 11,560 7,720 .. ,M5,560 �•M2,580 BS*005L6 KAN-005E 2,680 2,360 2,0301,160 900BS*008L6 KAM-007E 4,560 4,010 3,4702,030 1,620BS*010L6 KAJ-010E 6,040 5,370 4,7202960 2,470BS*015L6 KAL-015E 9,290 8,320 7,3704,710 3,930 BS*020L6 EAD-020E 10,510 9,210 7,950 6,000 4,720 3,880 2,610 BS*021 L6 EAV-021E 11,670 10,570 9,450 7,130 5,990 4,900 2,950 BS*030L6 LAH-032E 17,480 15,490 13,530 9,800 8,080 6,490 3,750 BS*030E6 LAC -032E - - - 12,510 10,510 8,760 6,090 BS*040L6 NRD-040EA NRD-032EAA 23,410 20,900 18,440 13,740 11,550 9,500 5,880 * = T for Outdoor, N for Indoor, B for Bohnmizer, S for Beacon II"" A NRD 1-040E Compressor is Single Phose & uses R -404A only. A A Uses R -404A & 507 in 3 phase model. I Remo ' 1 SEMI -HERMETIC COMPRESSORS Performance Data Medium and High Temperature (R- 22) R-22 Model Compressor 40°F �•Nw- RIM �. Temperature .BS*005H2 BS*005H2 HAG -0050 5 930 4 920 4 470 3 810 2 690 BS*008H2 KAN-0075 9110 7 630 6 900 6 230 4 230 BS*008M2 KAE-0075 - - 7 850 7 110 S 250 4 420BS*01OH2 BS*01 OH2 KAR-0100 12 910 10 670 9630 8 630 6 310 BS*01OM2 KAM-0100 - - 9 920 8 950 151170P442 5 370BS*015H2 BS*015H2 KAG-0150 16 990 13 880 12 720 11440BS*020H2 8.420 BS*020H2 ERA -0200 22 270 16 800 14 500 12 300BS*020M2 6 540 BS*020M2 KAK-0200 - - 17 190 15 510 11 490 9 880BS*021 M2 ERC -0200 - - 18 350 16 650 12.480 10 850BS*029M2 BS*029M2 ERF -0310 - - 25 570 23 190 17 530 15 330BS*030H2 BS*030H2 ERF -0310 37 070 30 820 27 870 25 100 2016 BS*040H2 NRB -0400 51,530 1 43,040 39,170 1 35,390 26,300 BS*050H2 NRA -0500 58,700 1 49,500 1 44,950 1 40,860 1 31,000 BS*05OM2 NRM-0500 - I - 1 53,650 1 48,780 1 39,810 1 32 400 R-22 Model Compressor 40°F Capacity 30°F BTUH @ 95°F 2S*F Ambient Suction 20°F019.3980- Temperature 0°F BS*005H2 HAG -0050 5,630 4 710 4 280 3 6400 2 690 BS*008H2 KAN-0075 - 8 840 7 310 6 630 5 9900BS*008M2 4 230 BS*008M2 KAE-0075 -- - 7 510 6 7800 S 250 4 250BS*O1OH2 BS*01 OH2 KAR-0100 12 410 10 260 9 260 8 3000BS*01OM2 6 310 BS*01 OM2 KAM-0100 - - 9 580 8 6300 6 570 5 140BS*015H2 BS*015H2 KAG-0150 16 340 13 350 12 230 11 0000BS*020H2 8.420 BS*020H2 ERA -0200 21 310 15 900 13 700 11 5000BS*020M2 6 540 BS*020M2 KAK-0200 - - 16 530 14 9100 11 490 9 500BS*021 M2 ERC 0200 - - 17 640 16 0100 12.480 10 430BS*029M2 BS*029M2 ERF -0310 - - 24 720 22 4000 17 530 14 760S*030H2 BS*030H2 ERF -0310 35 640 29630 =A 26 800 241300 18 600 BS*040H2 NRB -0400 49 860 1 41,700 37,830 34160 5 000 2229,700 BS*050H2 NRA -0500 56 500 47 720 43 310 39 360 29 700 BS*050 NR -0 00 - - 5 01 46 0 38280 1 31 150 = T for Outdoor, N for Indoor, B for Bohnmizer, 5 for Beacon I/- 1 18 1 VTU M.. v%r.jMM= BS*005H2 HAG -0050 S 380 4,500 4,080 3,470 2 690 BS*008H2 KAN-0075 8 520 7 030 6 370 5,750 4 230 BS*008M2 KAE-0075 - - 7 190 6 470 S 250 4 270 BS*01 OH2 KAR-0100 11,910 9,850 8,890 7,970 6 310 BS*01 OM2 KAM-0100 - - 9 240 8 310 6 570 4,910 BS*015H2 KAG-0150 15 690 12,820 11.740 10.560 8.420 BS*020H2 ERA -0200 19,300 15,000 12 900 10,800 6 540 BS*020M2 KAK-0200 - - 15 870 14,310 11 490 9,120 BS*021 M2 ERC -0200 - - 16 930 15,370 12.480 10,010 BS*029M2 ERF -0310 - - 23!850 21,610 17 530 14,200 BS*030H2 ERF -0310 34,210 28.450 25.720 23,160 18 600 BS*040H2 NRB -0400 48,150 1 40,240 36.480 32,810 23,900 B5*050H2 I NRA -0500 54,570 1 45,950 1 41.820 37,850 28,400 BS*05OM2 I NRM-0500 - I - 1 49,530 1 45,020 36 750 29 910 = T for Outdoor, N for Indoor, B for Bohnmizer, 5 for Beacon I/- 1 18 1 BS*005H2 HAG -0050 4 920 4 080 3,700 3 160 2 440 BS*008H2 KAN-0075 7,860 6,470 5,860 5,280 3 840 BS*008M2 KAE-0075 - - 6 480 5 860 4 760 3 840 BS*01 OH2 KAR-0100 10,920 9 030 8 150 7,300 5 780 BS*01 OM2 KAM-0100 - - 8,530 7,670 6 030 4 430 BS*015H2 KAG-0150 14,380 11,750 10,760 9,680 7,720 BS*020H2 ERA -0200 17,200 13,400 11,500 9,540 5 510 BS*020M2 KAK-0200 - - 14,550 13,120 16,530 8,360 BS*021 M2 ERC -0200 • - - --22,150 15,520 14,090 11,440 9,180 BS*029M2 ERF -0310 - - 20,040 16,210 13,080 BS*030H2 ERF -0310 31 370 26,070 23,580 21,240 17,050 BS*040H2 NRB -040044 540 37,140 33 660 30 21 900 BS*050H2 NRA -0500 50.440 42 210 38 540 34 690330 26 100 BS*050M2 I NRM-0500 I - -1 45,400 1 41,270 1 33.690 1 27,420 = T for Outdoor, N for Indoor, B for Bohnmizer, 5 for Beacon I/- 1 18 1 } 1. t SEMI -HERMETIC COMPRESSORS Unit Specification*$ �u M ROERi - - - Dom Cpm ��99 B5*005 H2 A HAG -0050 3/8 1/2 6.0 1 28-1/4 23-3/4 17-1/4 161 66 BS*008H2 A KAN-0075 3/8 5/8 6.0 1 28-1/4 23-3/4 17-1/4 180 66 BS*OO8M2 A KAE-0075 3/8 5/8 6.0 1 28-1/4 23-3/4 17-1/4 180 66 BS*O1OH2 A KA R-0100 3/8 5/8 6.0 1 28-1/4 23-3/4 17-1/4 175 66 BS*010M2 A' KAM-0100 3/8 5/8 6.0 1 28-1/4 23-3/4 17-1/4 1 178 66 BS*015H2 B KAG-0150 3/8 7/8 10.0 2 28-1/4 37-3/4 17-1/4 221 69 BS*020H2 B ERA -0200 3/8 7/8 10.0 2 28-1/4 37-3/4 17-1/4 293 69 BS*020M2 B KAK-0200 3/8 7/8 10.0 2 28-1/4 37-3/4 17-1/4 189 69 BS*021 M2 B ERC -0200 3/8 7/8 10.0 2 28-1/4 37-3/4 17-1/4 301 69 BS*029M2 C ERF -0310 1/2 7/8 16.0 2 28-1/4 37-3/4 19-3/4 391 69 BS*030H2 D ERF -0310 1/2 7/8 22.0 1 30-1/4 42-1/2 29-3/4 385 1 .70 B5*040H2 D NRB -0400 1/2 1-1/8 22.0 1 30-1/4 42-1/2 29-3/4 460 71 BS*050H2 D NRA -0500 1/2 1-1/8 22.0 1 30-1/4 42-1/2 29-3/4 462 71 BS*050M2 D NRM-0500 1/2 1-1/8 22.0 1 30-1/4 1 42-1/2 29-3/4 462 71 BS*OO5M6 A HAJ-005E 3/8 1/2 5.5 1 28-1/4 1 23-3/4 17-1/4 161 66 BS*010M6 A KAR-010E 3/8 5/8 1 5.5 1 28-1/4 23-3/4 17-1/4 178 67 BS*020M6 B KAK-020E 3/8 7/8 1 9.0 2 28-1/4 37-3/4 17-1/4 189 69 BS*021 M6 B ERC -021E 3/8 7/8 9.0 2 28-1/4 37-3/4 17-1/4 301 70 BS*030M6 D ERF -031 E 1/2 7/8 20.0 1 30-1/4 42-1/2 29-3/4 397 71 BS*040M6 D NRB -040E 1/2 1-1/8 20.0 1 30-1/4 42-1/2 29-3/4 460 73 BS*005L6 A KAN-005E 3/8 1/2 5.5 1 28-1/4 1 23-3/4 17-1/4 , 172 67 BS*008L6 A KAM-007E 3/8 5/8 5.5 1 28-1/4 23-3/4 17-1/4 172 67 BS*010L6 A KAJ-010E 3/8 5/8 5.5 1 28-1/4 23-3/4 17-1/4 178 67 BS*015L6 B KAL-015E 3/8 7/8 9.0 2 28-1/4 37-3/4 17-1/4 225 69 BS*020L6 B EAD-020E 3/8 7/8 9.0 2 28-1/4 37-3/4 17-1/4 291 70 B5*021 L6 B EAV-021E 3/8 7/8 9.0 2 1 28-1/4 37-3/4 17-1/4 301 70 BS*030L6 C LAH-032E 1/2 7/8 14.0 2 28-1/4 1 37-3/4 19-3/4 357 71 BS*030E6 Cj LAC -032E 1/2 7/8 14.0 2 1 28-1/4 1 37-3/4 19-3/4 391 71 BS*040L6 D I N R D -032/040E 1/2 1-1/8 20.0 1 30-1/4 1 42-1/2 29-3/4 457 73 • = T for Outdoor, N for Indoor, 8 for Bohnmizer, S for Beacon I- ++ - ++ = See Dimensional Drawings for details. = Estimated sound pressure values are 10 feet from the unit. For estimating sound pressure from the unit at different distances, deduct the following from the unit values: 20 feet, deduct 6 dBA for 40 feet, deduct 12 dBA for80feet deduct 18 dBA. This data is typical of 'free field'conditions for horizontal air cooled condensing units ' at the outlet of the discharge air. The actual sound measurements may vary depending on the condensing unit installation. Factors such as reflecting walls, background noise and mounting conditions may have a significant influence on this data. • 19 1 MINI 1 SEMI -HERMETIC COMRRESSORS Electrical Data - Medium and High Temperature 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 BS*005H2BEHAG1-0050-TAC V1208-230 � 08-230 Gb• 1 C}� 60 GiGI • 3.6 d�1 22.0 1 � 1/15 0.5 15 20 15 20 9.0 15 B5*005H2C 15 B5*01OM6B 3 60 2.1 13.0 1 1/15 0.5 15 20 15 20 9.5 15 BS*008H2B KAN2-0075-CAV 208-230 1 60 5.4 36.0 1 1/15 0.5 15 20 15 20 8.0 15 BS*008H2C KAN1-0075 TAC 208-230 3 60 3.1 19.9 1 1/15 0.5 15 20 15 20 9.0 15 BS*008M26 KAE2 0075 CAV 208-230 1 60 4.9 36.0 1 1/15 0.5 15 20 15 20 8.0 15 BS*008M2C KAEl-0075 TAC 208-230 3 60 3.0 19.9 1 1/15 0.5 15 20 15 20 9.0 15 , BS*01OH2B KAR2-0100-CAV 208-230 1 60 6.6 40.0 1 1/15 0.5 15 1 20 15 20 7.0 15 BS*01OH2C KARL -0100 -TAC 208-230 3 60 3.8 27.0 1 1/15 0.5 15 1 20 15 20 9.0 15 BS*01OM2B KAM2-0100-CAV 208-230 1 60 6.7 1 40.0 1 1/15 0.5 15 1 20 15 20 7.0 15 B5*O1OM2C KAM1-0100-TAC 208-230 3 60 4.0 1 27.0 1 1/15 0.5 15 1 20 15 20 9.0 15' BS*015H2B KAGB-0150-CAV 208-230 1 60 8.6 55.0 2 1/15 1.0 15 1 24 20 25 9.0 19 BS*015H2C KAGA-0150 TAC 208-230 3 60 4.9 35.5 2 1/15 1.0 15 20 15 20 8.0 15 BS*015H2D KAGA-0150 TAD 460 3 60 2.2 18.2 2 1/151 1.0 15 20 15 20 A A BS*020H2G ERA2-0200-CAB 230 1 60 9.3 58.0 • 2 1/15 1.0 15 24 20 25 6.0 19 BS*020H2C ERAl-0200-TAC 208-230 3 60 5.9 46.0 2 1/15 1.0 15 24 15 25 9.0 19 BS*020H2D ERAl-0200-TAD 460 . 3 60 3.1 46.0 2 1/15 1.0 15 20 15 20 A A BS*020M2B KAKB-0200-CAV 208-230 1 60 9.5 55.0 2 1/15 1.0 15 24 20 25 6.0 19 B5*020M2C KAKA-0200-TAC 208-230 3 60 6.1 50.0 2 1/15 1.0 15 24 15 25 9.0 19 BS*021M2G ERC2-0200-CAB 230 1 60 9.7 58.0 2 1/15 1.0 15 24 20 25 6.0 19 BS*021M2C ERC1-0200TAC 208-230 3 60 6.1 46.0 2 1/15 1.0 15 24 15 25 9.0 19 BS*021M2D ERC1-0200TAD 460 3 60 3.3 23.0 2 1/15 1.0 15 20 15 20 A A BS*029M2G ERF2-0310-CAB 230 1 60 15.6 86.0 2 1/15 1.0 21 38 35 45 12.0 30 BS*029M2C ERF 1 -0311 -TAC 208-230 3 60 11.2 82.0 2 1/15 1.0 15 29 25 35 12.0 23 BS*029M2D ERFI-031 1 -TAD 460 3 60 5.2 41.0 2 1/15 1.0 15 15 15 25 A A BS*030H2G ERF2-0310-CAB 230 1 60 15.6 86.0 1 1 /3 3.5 23 38 35 50 12.0 30 BS*030H2C ERF 1 -0311 -TAC 208-230 3 60 11.2 82.0 1 1/3 3.5 20 38 25 40 12.0 30 BS*030H2D ERF 1 -0311 -TAD 460 3 60 5.2 41.0 1 1/3 1.9 15 24 15 25 A A' BS*040H2C NRB2-0400TFC 208-230 3 60 19.6 141.0 1 1/3 3.5 28 40 45 50 12.0 30 ' BS*040H2D NRB2-0400-TFD 460 3 .60 10.1 62.5 1 1/3 1.9 15 29 20 35 12.0 23 BS*050H2C NRA3-0500 TFC 208-230 3 60 17.2 141.0 1 1/3 3.5 25 38 40 50 12.0 30 BS*050H2D NRA3-0500TFD 460 3 60 8.7 62.5 1 1 1/3 1.9 15 29 20 35 12.0 23 BS*050M2C NRMl-0500 TFC 208-230 3 60 21.8141.0 1 1 1/3 3.5 31 1 43 50 60 12.0 32 BS*050M2D NRMl-0500-TFD 460 3 60 10.8 1 62.5 1 1 1 1/3 1.9 15 1 29 25 35• 1 12.0 23 B5*005M6B HAJB-005E-CAV 208-230 1-1 60 3.3 22.0 1 1/151 0.5 15 20 15 20 1 9.0 15 B5*01OM6B KARB-010E-CAV ` 208-230 1 60 6.4 40.0 1 1/151 0.5 15 20 15 20 1 7.0 15 BS*01OM6C KARA-010E-TAC 208-230 3 60 3.8 27.0 1 1/151 0.5 15 20 15 20 1 9.0 15 B5*020M6B KAKB-021 E -CAV 208-230 1 60 9.1 55.0 2 1/151 1.0 15 24 A 25 6.0 19 B5*020M6C KAKA-020E-TAC 208-230 3 60 5.8 50.0 2 1/151 1.0 15 24 15 25 9.0 19 BS*021 M6C ERCA-021 E TAC 208-230 3 60 7.9 46.0 2 1/15 1.0 15 1 24 15 25 9.0 19 ` BS*021 M6D ERCA-020E TAD 460 3 60 3.1 23.0 2 1/15 1.0 15 20 15 20 A A BS*030M6G ERFB-031 E -CAB 230 1 60 15.3 86.0 1 1/3 3.5 23 38 35 45 12.0 30 BS*030M6C ERFA-031 E TAC 208-230 3 60 11.2 82.0 1 1 /3 3.5 20 38 25 40 12.0 30 BS*030M6D ERFA-031 E -TAD 1 460 3 60 5.2 41.0 1 1/3 1.9 15 24 15 25 A A BS*040M6C NRB2-040E-TFC 1 208-230 3 60 19.6 141.0 1 1/3 1 3.5 28 40 45 50 12.0 30 BS*040M6D NRB2-040E-TFD 1 460 3 60 8.1 62.5 1 1/3 1.9 1 15 29 20 35 12.0 23 `= T forOutdoor, N for Indoor, B for Bohnmizer, 5 for Beacon 11"" APower supplied bycustomer.', - '' Consult factory for 50HZapplications. . r.. 20 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I SEMI -HERMETIC COMPRESSORS Electrical Data - Low Temperature ' ' = T forOutdoor, N for Indoor, B for 8ohnmizer, S for Beacon 11 A Power supplied by customer. 'Consult factory for 50 HZ applications. NOTE: Per UI and NEC, RIA values have been calculated by dividing the Maximum Continuous Current (MCC) by 1.56 r ff0 l603131M BMW• A, B, C Cabinet . W • 25309001,230/1 25319101,230/1 7173156,22" 28962001 25309002,460/1 rllnterLINK selection of product solutions and innovative technologies for the installed customer base. And every product is built to ensure the same high performance Commercial Refrigeration Parts f www.interlinkparts.com � r11/15 CP 0[13 a? C - BS*005L6B KANB-005E-CAV[2'08-230 1 60 3.1 24.01/15 0.5 15 20 15 20 9.0 15BS*005L6C KANA-006E-TAC 08-230 3 60 2.0 13.2 0.5 15 20 15 20 9.6 15BS*008L6B KAMB-007E-CAV 208-230 1 60 5.1 36.01/15 0.5 15 20 15 20 8.0 15 BS*008L6C KAMA-007ETAC 208-230 3 60 2.9 19.9 1 1/15 0.5 15 20 15 20 9.0 15 BS*O1OL6B KAJB-010E-CAV 208-230 1 60 6.2 40.0 1 1/15 0.5 15 20 15 20 8.0 15 BS*010L6C KAJA-011 E TAC 208-230 3 60 4.1 27.0 1 1/15 0.5 15 20 15 20 9.0 15 BS*015L6B KALB-015E-CAV 208-230 1 60 8.9 55.0 '2 1/15 1.0 15 24 20 25 8.0 -19 BS*015L6C KALA -016E -TAC 208-230 3 60 6.0 50.0 2 1/15 1.0 15 20 15 20 7.6 1 15 BS*015L6D KALA-016ETAD 460 1 3 60 3.1 25.0 2 1/15 1.0 15 20 15 1 20 9.0 15 BS*020L6G EADB-021E-CAB 230 1 1 60 9.0 58.0 2 .1/15 1.0 15 24 20 1 25 4.0 19 BS*020L6C EADA-020ETAC 208-230 3 60 1 6.1 46.0 2 1/15 1.0 15 1 20 15 1 20 7.0 15 BS*021L6B EAVB-021E-CAV 208-230 1 60 1 13.2 102.0 2 1/15 1.0 20 1 29 30 1 30 4.0 23 BS*021 L6C EAVA-021 E TAC 208-230 3 60 6.6 50.0 2 1/15 1.0 15 20 15 20 7.0 15 BS*021 L6D EAVA-021 E -TAD 460 3 60 2.9 26.6 2 1/15 1.0 15 20 15 20 9.0 15 BS*030L6G LAHB-032E-CAB 230 1 .60 15.0 105.0 2 1/15 1.0 20 38 30 45 12.0 30 BS*030L6C LAHA-032E-TAC 208-230 1 3 60 11.5 1 112.0 2 1/15 1.0 20 29 25 35 12.0 23 BS*030L6D LAHA-032E-TAD 460 1 3 60 5.4 1 56.0 2 1/15 1.0 15 15 15 15 A A BS*030E6G LACB-032E-CAB 230 1 1 60 1 13.9 105.0 2 1/15 1.0 20 1 38 30 1 40 12.0 1 30 BS*030E6C LACA-032E-TAC 208-230 1 3 60 11.5 112.0 2 1/15 1.0 15 1 29 25 35 12.0 1 23 BS*030E6D LACA-032E-TAD 460 3 60 5.4 56.0 2 1/15 1.0 15 15 A ABS*040L6G NRD1-040E-CFB 230 1 60 24.9 115.0 1 1/3 3.5 44 50 60 .10.0 30 BS*040L6C NRD1-032ETFC 208-230 3 60 14.682.0 1 1/3 3.5 g1515 38 35 45 12.0 30 BS*040L6D' NRD1-032E-TFD 460 3 60 7.6 41.0 1 1/3 1.9 24 15 25. 9.0 19. ' ' = T forOutdoor, N for Indoor, B for 8ohnmizer, S for Beacon 11 A Power supplied by customer. 'Consult factory for 50 HZ applications. NOTE: Per UI and NEC, RIA values have been calculated by dividing the Maximum Continuous Current (MCC) by 1.56 r ff0 l603131M BMW• A, B, C Cabinet 25309101, 230/1 25319201,230/1 22901601,14" 28962001 D Cabinet 25309001,230/1 25319101,230/1 7173156,22" 28962001 25309002,460/1 Right source. Right parts. Right now. Interl-ink'TM is your link to a complete line of dependable and certified commercial refrigeration parts, accessories and innovative electronic controls for all Bohn equipment. At Interl-ink, we provide our wholesalers with a comprehensive , rllnterLINK selection of product solutions and innovative technologies for the installed customer base. And every product is built to ensure the same high performance Commercial Refrigeration Parts standards with which all Heatcraft Refrigeration Products brands are built - backed www.interlinkparts.com by a dedicated team to serve every customer need, delivering at the best lead times 800.686.7278 in the industry. Dependable. Versatile. Courteous. Finally, one simple source for all your replacement needs from a name you can trust. 21 BONN ' Dimensional Drawings ' LEFTVIEW 12,3/4 AND IHP j �— 28-1/4, • 1 4-9/16 1-3/4 LIQUID J SUCTION 2-9/16 - •F21-1/BCL 'i �' ' - 1-1/2 AND 2HP �-28-1/4 1 M I ' B AIR _ FLOW r • . S y - 4-9/16 1-3/4 ^-� LIQUID SUCTION - - I 2-9/16 I•� .21-1/8CL • rw _ 3HP-ALTERNATE CABINET I"----28-1/4 � °i. 4-9/16 FLO-1-11/16 1 LIQUID SUCTION F•. �' 2-9/16 2-5/1 F^-21-1/8CIL --�1' ' 3,4,5AND6HP r _ 'Dr FAIRLOLOW Fes --30-1/4 �—•�{ ,f - x - 4-9/16 2-1/1 LIQUID cti S 2-9/16 2-5/ 29 6 UCIION 8 M 7/16 DIA HOLE ' - TYP4 PLCS 23-1/8 CIL , r 22 ' 1 FRONTVIEW 23-3/4 I ' • 4-1/16 17-1/4 ... ' � r s 1 BONN f ' FRONTVIEW - POWER CONNECTIONS. ' - - (1)7/8&(1)1-1/8 - ., F—zavau i 7 25-1/8 25-1/8 •. � POWER CONNECTIONS. , •• _ (1)7/8&(1)1-1/8 " r 1 M 00 " r - 38-1/4 CL •r-, _ 39-1/8 _ y •`• 1 POWER CONNECTIONS: - - (2)7/8,(1)1-3/8&(1)1-3/4 00 i aol - 7. �. •' .. �~ ��� . �. • r � 38-7/4 CL � R ' 1 39-1/8 „ ° POWER CONNECTIONS:- (2)7/8,(1)1-3/8&(1)1-3/4 1 A 00 f 7/16 DIA HOLE 1 TYP 4 PLCS _ I 43 Cl s 43-7/8 r ' �' .. . .. , ... , .r . tie, ie • ' ` f � r F r For more information on Bohn refrigeration products, contact your Sales Representative or visit us at www.thecoldstandard.com. A Brand of Heatcraft Refrigeration Products, LLC 2175 West Park Piace Blvd. • Stone Mountain, GA • 30087 (800) 537-7775 • www.thecoldstandard.com HE COLO STANDARD Since product improvement is a continuing effort, we reserve the right to make changes in specifications without notice. BN-HTSTB-1208 1 Version 001 ' 2008 Building Energy Efficiency Standards page 81 4. All condenser fans for evaporative condensers shall be continuously variable speed; and the condensing temperature. ' • control system shall control the speed of all condenser fans serving a common condenser loop in unison. The minimum condensing temperature setpoint shall be less than or equal to 70'F. ' 5. All condenser fans for air-cooled condensers shall be continuously variable speed and the condensing temperature or pressure control system shall control the speed of all condenser7ans serving a common condenser loop in unison. The minimum condensing temperature setpoint shall be less than or equal to 70'F, or reset in response to ambient drybulb temperature or refrigeration system load. ' 6. All single phase condenser fan motors less than I hp and less than 460 V shall be either permanent split capacitor or electronically commutated motors. (e) Compressors. Compressor systems utilized in refrigerated warehouses shall conform to the following. ' 1. Compressors shall be designed to operate at a minimum condensing temperature of 70'F or less. 2. The compressor speed of a screw compressor greater than 50 hp shall be controllable in response to the refrigeration ' load or the input power to the compressor shall be controlled to be less than or equal to 60 percent of full load input power when operated at 50 percent of full refrigeration capacity. EXCEPTION to Section VA (e) 2: Refrigeration plants with more than one dedicated compressor per suction group. ' SECTION 127 — RESERVED. ` ' SECTION 128 — RESERVED. SECTION 129 — RESERVED. SECTION .127 — RESERVED. Refrigerated Warehouses — Introduction Page 8 -1 8 Refrigerated Warehouses 8.1' Introduction This section of the nonresidential compliance manual addresses refrigerated warehouses. Since regulation of refrigerated warehouses is new for the 2008 Standards (§126), a separate section covering the majority of the refrigerated warehouse requirements has been provided. The Standards described in this section of the manual address refrigerated space insulation levels, under slab heating in freezers, evaporator fan controls, compressor part load efficiency in specific applications, condenser sizing, condenser fan power and condenser.fan controls. Other sections of the manual address interior lighting power (Chapter 5), cool roofs (Section 3A), and outdoor lighting power (Chapter 6), which may be installed in conjunction with refrigerated warehouses. 8.1.1 Organization and Content This section of the manual focuses on Standards provisions unique to refrigerated warehouses. All buildings regulated under Title 24 must also comply with the General Provisions of the Standards (§100 — §102, §110 — §111) and additions and alterations requirements (§149). These topics are generally " addressed in Sections 1 and 2 of the manual and in the Reference Appendices. This chapter is organized as follows: • Section 8.1 Introduction Section 8.2 Building Envelope requirements • Section 8.3 Mechanical Systems requirements Section 8.4 Additions and Alterations `8.1.2 Mandatory Measures and Compliance Approaches The energy efficiency requirements for; refrigerated warehouses are all mandatory. There are no prescriptive requirements or performance compliance paths for refrigerated warehouses. Since the provisions are all mandatory; there are no tradeoffs allowed between the various requirements. The application must demonstrate compliance with each of the mandatory measures. 2008 Nonresidential Compliance Manual November 2008 ' Refrigerated Warehouses — Introduction Page 8 -2 ' ' Exceptions to each mandatory requirement where provided are described in each of the mandatory measure sections below. 8.1.3 .Scope and Application §126 ■ §126 of the 2008 Standards addresses the energy efficiency of refrigerated spaces within buildings, including both coolers and 1 freezers. Coolers are defined as refrigerated spaces cooled between 32°F (0 °C) and 55°F (13 °C). Freezers are defined as refrigerated spaces cooled below 32°F (0 °C). The 2008 Title 24 Building Energy Efficiency Standards do not address walk-in ' refrigerators and freezers, as these are covered by the Title 20 Appliance Efficiency Regulations. A walk-in refrigerator or freezer is defined as a refrigerated space less than 3000 fe in ' floor area. Additionally, areas within refrigerated warehouses designed solely for the purpose of quick chilling or quick freezing of products are exempt from the Standards. Quick chilling and freezing spaces are defined as spaces with a design refrigeration evaporator capacity of greater than 240 Btu/hr-fe of floor space, _ which is equivalent to 2 tons per 100ft2 of floor space, at ) conditions prevailing during system operation (applied conditions). ' The intent of the Standards is to regulate storage space, not quick chilling space or process equipment. Recognizing that there is often a variety of space types and equipment connected to a particular suction group in a refrigerated warehouse, it is not ' always possible to identify compressor plant equipment that serve the storage space only. It would be outside the intent of the Standards to apply the compressor plant requirements to an industrial process that is not coveredby the Standards, while a small storage space is also attached to the suction group. Similarly, it would be outside of the intent of the Standards to ' exclude a compressor plant connected to a suction group serving a large storage space covered by the Standards on the basis of a small process cooler or quick chill space also connected to the same suction group. For the purposes of compliance with the ' Standards, the compressor plant requirements apply when 80 percent or more of the design load connected to the suction group is to serve storage space(s). A suction group refers to one ' or more compressors that are connected to one or more refrigeration loads, that all operate at a common suction pressure. ' A variety of space types and processes may be served by a compressor plant at different suction temperatures. When all of 2008 Nonresidential Compliance Manual November 2008 ' Refrigerated Warehouses - Introduction Page 8 -3 ' 8.2 Building Envelope This part of the refrigerated warehouse section (§126(a) and §126(b)) addresses mandatory requirements for refrigerated ' space insulation R -value and under slab heating. 8.2.1. Opaque Envelope Insulation ' §126(a) . ' 2008 Nonresidential Compliance Manual November 2008 Refrigerated Warehouses — Introduction Page 8 -4 The minimum R -values of insulation applied to the enclosing surfaces of cold storage and frozen storage spaces are shown in Table 8-1. Manufacturers must certify that insulating materials comply with California Quality Standards for Insulating Materials (CCR, Title. 24, Part 12, Chapters 12-13), which ensure that insulation sold or installed in the state performs according to stated R -values and meets minimum quality, health, and safety standards. Builders may not install insulating materials, unless the product has been certified by the Department of Consumer Affairs, Bureau of Home Furnishing and Thermal Insulation. Builders and enforcement agencies shall use the Department of Consumer Affairs Directory of Certified Insulation Material to verify the certification of the insulating material. Table 8-1 Refrigerated Warehouse Insulation Values SPACE SURFACE MNIMUM RNALUE (°F•hr•feStu) Frozen Storage Roof/Ceiling R-36 Wall R-36 Floor R-36 Cold Storage Roof/Ceiling R-28 Wall R-28 The R -values shown in Table 8-1 apply to all surfaces enclosing a refrigerated space, including refrigerated spaces adjoining conditioned spaces, other refrigerated spaces, unconditioned buffer spaces and the outdoors. The R -values are the nominal insulation R -values and do not include the R -value of other building materials or internal or external "film" resistances. The R - values shown in Table 8-1 are independent of the thermal mass of the enclosing surface. 2008 Nonresidential Compliance Manual November 2008 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Refrigerated Warehouses — Introduction Page 8 -5 8.2.2 Underfloor Heating 8.3 Mechanical Systems 8.3.1 Overview g126(b) Underfloor heating systems should be used under frozen storage warehouses to prevent soil freezing and expansion. Underfloor heating can be electric resistance, forced air, or heated fluid; however, underfloor heating systems utilizing electric resistance heating elements are not permitted unless they are thermostatically controlled and disabled during the summer on - peak period. The summer on peak period is defined by the supplying electric utility, but generally occurs from 12 PM to 6 PM weekdays during the months of May through October. The control system used to control any electric resistance underfloor heating elements must turn the elements off during this period. The control system used to control electric resistance underfloor heating elements must be shown on the building drawings and the control sequence demonstrating compliance with this requirement must be documented on the drawings and in the control system specifications. This section addresses mandatory requirements for mechanical systems serving refrigerated spaces. Mechanical system components addressed by the standards include evaporators (air units), compressors, condensers, and refrigeration system 2008 Nonresidential Compliance Manual November 2008 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Refrigerated Warehouses - Introduction Page 8 -6 controls. The requirements for each of these components are described in the following sections. The requirements apply to all system and component types with the exception of the speck exclusions noted in the 2008 Standards (§126). The following figures identify some of the common system and component configurations that fall under the 2008 Standards (§126). Figure 8-1 is a schematic of a single stage system with direct expansion (DX) evaporator coils. Figure 8-2 identifies a single stage system with flooded evaporator coils, while Figure 8-3 shows a single stage system with pump recirculated evaporators. Figure 8-4 is a schematic of a typical two-stage system with an intercooler between the compressor stages. EVAPO CONDE Figure 8-1 - Single Stage System with DX Evaporator Coil 2008 Nonresidential Compliance Manual November 2008 ' Refrigerated Warehouses — Introduction Page 8 -7 t ' EVAPORATIVE CONDENSER COMPRESSORS LIQUID RECEIVER ! 6314 4 !_ i 1 SURGETANK ' FEED VALVE W t mi Y EVAPORATOR Figure 8-2 - Single. Stage System With: Flooded Evaporator Coil ' November 2008, 2008 Nonresidential Compliance Manual ' Refrigerated Warehouses — Introduction i ' Page 8 -8 EVAPORATIVE I CONDENSER LIQUID`,'. RECEIVER COMPRESSORS i �ffft(Ila � SURGE TANK FEED VALVE PUMP EVAPORATOR EVAPORATOR ' Figure 8-3 - Single Stage System with Pump Recirculated Evaporator Coils 1 ' 2008 Nonresidential Compliance Manual November 2008 Refrigerated Warehouses — Introduction Page 8 -9 EVAPORATI CONDENSE 0 U RI 8:3.2 Evaporators EVAPORATOR Figure 8-4 - Two -Stage System with FloodedEvaporator Coil §126(c) Fan powered evaporators used in coolers and freezers have limits on the fan motor type for small fan motors and requirements for fan speed control. Single phase fan motors less than 1 hp operated at less than 460 volts must be electronically commutated. This requirement is designed to reduce fan power in small evaporator fans, and is consistent with the requirements of the Title 20 Appliance Efficiency Regulations. Documentation must be submitted to the code enforcement authority that documents the use of electronically commutated motors in the fan powered evaporators containing single phase fan motors smaller than 1 hp. In addition to the requirement for electronically commutated motors in small evaporator fans, the speed of all evaporator fans must be controlled in response to space conditions using a continuously variable control method. Two -speed control is not an acceptable method. Units are generally controlled based on 2008 Nonresidential Compliance Manual November 2008 t r ' Refrigerated Warehouses — Introduction Page 8 -10 r. ' local space temperature, but other conditions, such as relative humidity, uniformity of air flow,.and product temperature may also apply. Maintaining product quality should always be the first consideration. In most cases, variable: frequency drives are used to control the speed of evaporator, fan motors, although controllers designed to vary the speedof electronically commutated motors may be used to control these types of tmotors. The fan speed must be controlled according to space conditions. ' A common strategy for controlling fan speed is to use a controller that measures the difference between the space temperature and the space temperature setpoint, and sends a control signal proportional to the temperature difference. A variable frequency ' drive is used to reduce fan speed as the space temperature. setpoint is met. There is no requirement for minimum speed (how much the speed of the fan is reduced when the room is at setpoint temperature), although variable speed control of air unit fans has been successfully used with minimum speeds of 80 percent or lower on direct expansion coils and 70 percent or lower on flooded or recirculated coils.: The minimum fan speed ' setting is up to the discretion of the system designer and operator, but the capability to reduce the fan speed in response to space conditions must be provided.. The fan speed may be ' adjusted to maintain adequate air circulation in order to insure product integrity and safety. For refrigerated spaces that are not solely for quick -chilling or ' quick-freezing of product (i.e. used for cold storage part of the year), variable speed control must beiimplemented when the spaces are not performing quick -cooling. ' The intent of this requirement is to take advantage of the "third - power' fan law. Due to the physics of the "Fan Laws," the required fan motor power reduces approximately by the cube of the fan speed, while the airflow is proportional to the fan speed. As a result, running a fan at 80 percent speed requires roughly 55 percent power while providing nearly 80 percent air flow, ' allowing for a significant percentage of the maximum fan air flow for a fraction of the required power. The figure below shows the correlation between fan speed and both required fan power and ' approximate airflow. ' 2008 Nonresidential Compliance Manual November 2008 ' Refrigerated Warehouses— Introduction i t� Page 8'-11- -00°/0 00%_ 4 . , til• 0%- % ` • } , '.. .I - , 80%.. 70% , ' fiIT d 60%ca; 50% cis 40% LLt Air — 30% - ' Fan Power - • - ' 20%` ... ., ` f 10% ; 0% 0%., 10% 20% 30% 40% .50% 60% 70% . 80% 90% 100% �. f % Fan Speed and % Air Flow Figure.8-5 -.Relationship between Fan Speed andRequired Power ^• Correct operation of fan speed control requires the associated +' system suction pressure to be controlled such that the design 1.. capacity of the evaporator is maintained. If the suction, pressure'µ j ^ setpoint is too high relative to the desired room temperature, the', , -- ' evaporator fans will run at 100 percent speed and energy savings, - will not be realized. System controls should be provided to maintain suction pressure at design conditions and if floating _ suction pressure control is utilized, suction pressure should float up only after fan speed is at minimum and should float back down prior to increasing fan speed. varying the'speed of the' evaporator fans, rather than continuous i t, 5 - full -speed operation coupled with on/off liquid control, allows the? cooling capacity to vary to match the load. This can cause ° - j 'operational problems in systems where the compressor cannot , =; _ reduce capacity in response to the reduced evaporator load. , y This situation is common in small air-cooled unitary systems utilizing a single compressor. Evaporators served by a single a t ' compressor less than 50 hp, which typically have limited unloading capability, are exempt from this requirement,' rt ` (EXCEPTION to §126(c)2 and §126(e)2). t a r+'''.c '�•.x� - f�,�Fj'j� Y` A o '? 3 `�;s•y''' '�{`w- •a �e ,�a�c; v'�� Y 3'�k<''t��A` t }�ai'a`-�}�.� �}y� �'r�.�4,�sS4k� ; t� �i�}'�''`er�gll• � d �v��i�z'$�.i2 ����„:7;1?f�fi t� 4.., ", ,'.','s'Y�`-arz'• KENt`'"ri fiz.--t;..n�y. •ciG'1r..5'ti.i.�?ta� - � .Example 8 5 . 4 E.Y�xrxf,.: ' - °a�,''-'t d-.i".'G v.*w `a. �°. / ! ��Pn���. {��-�.����, : � r t•�,sx� � �� ,�� �r� ��: � �>=tt ,Ls ���� � { �L� a e '�,;•.�,�;+`•a` �a �-a' � � ?n� 4 '�Y' e eE '��a! of `+�' 4. 9 iZ''"''.��a:��,. �'�.,,,' "X'' � ' . ' ?II�bi?.,,�,•'�i^�rr'i�✓l� i�%}:"'.�`SS3 .,k-. LS`i..'�Y .. ...... .,?aiC1 `..x-..moi-.{G'd'.: �` y f Gs-.r.� v,?• ,x... �e3I�. ..�:r,i.:nat Sf�.S,`r_�.rr-�41+5"'r ..-',la n�Y...,.n{. . •_= Y. 3S,iau.. 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Y.v:,.a ^',4 ,�.<.c-c.;S�an'%?a �31}.f§t�� a..4,,.., •-", ..4t3 .'�r ,Sr �:..:,.,�'S serves=two directjexpansion3coiisym a3,200fsquare foot cooler t Arethe;e�aporator fans regwred toy .. c-;"� .;. k>3 ^'.cz ? :F r�€..t :.-}t.a,..x'- ti °Y;,--- ��:... ,t; _ �,-:.°Tx1 c fa,:'^'. �� �,r:x� 7, rc}r.`t> ,_I +� '' 6r ' have vanalle, s eed'control�' } yr�� y ,;3Ka 3 �x ' s>�'`, rev: y -•a:'.,��+srti *k ,'3'r�^� tsFz, y-a,�}rTI kf :k„s:s r..[.�'{Z �{*'y,��n"._�'9XYYi���4 t+'..4+ a- ,t".r.��' . ,3 ' -� ^-N .�b.; 5 . ,h ,s, �s7cs• iii' `'�"k�ra L t ' as:h fy `�` -,�' ,<y'? ._. ^�.g, . ''�y�kt'a,�, F9c. . k'.,'.�'$sib,•ly�.J�`-.v�E-"��'•:bn. .,'"�' i - .. ,,,y �c7,M 5.,. ' ,:j %:�i•', rrt5.•trr"�`wu . ye.t1 o affil, z N1 WIN x GH �.��"vws�f��z ti�uy�•�h!''i Kt' � 14 100-107 M'tP Ml 4k�7a 1 � N>h'��Av`s� A ✓'eta mat g ERR --W P. sr 1 S R#� `r 2S'^.�L`h.St1' a `3s•'i`h.i. �,y�„t' M No R O �'" tw ,rX`S,; 2 A'R Y14•r�x, rf g `c _ N. Mw, Mfg u,s� 'r,` r •C1.: i s.7''sy A �`'S,'a's•gi' ` c�`3,,. 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' .5 ..u4,'�' `$�i✓y ' " .< ;.gam,' . - _ l ts, 3s -r .'ya rc ys ,; tit ._�4 f F.a �-e,1,3 . .f' +F'�� r s �+ ,� U, ..:z°'k : c x -` h "+{ y"•' var 1'+'r-.�P'sr .� m crs-afj...�a-�,,:'l�r�'1`. �:Sx`'S w•' r'"x'S.?µfa ,5.i. ,.a• rhe .#at�4sru.f"4:a.r ?'s%"VSs%- ''r rY�`.°E<`xtr Xts';4sMtihy�.`+A"`r"P"yv't.�+`.,.rt fir. - ti 3� t�. 002 zx:>r, , f_4. �t , ,. h F,the eva orator fans are&exem :t from4. NOMS,mce the systemkhas a single compressor less than 50 p jp 4 r, ��u P ._ t_ t:$ P>.; .; '#:?: •,..r¢,.:y" a�} £ G� r s gt _ nP: r } ta� ,,3�f �t . f s k' rubles eed�re uirement t �a a t.trxr AV. ,.r `t Y� �:. �� `'t�;. r r'gg, . i_. th@. Ua .::d°� -r 5 -:fit 5.,;!.., ...t_7 ria: i .:..cy ty � 3 nw � . �' a 's . ,,�•kt`. ; r�3 .`s `t 'd? ' +�JvW �: • . �t ak Ye? aj"yu,. x, <uTyr a .x.:.k�, rp 51%' ra `" a •H- .fir }}.�g .v. ,.. 9 4-xn ,X *h! R9 xS txI.-hfi KEF ;43 `f. frax 7 }.t'`t Esq r: C �._ s.�r � ONE N ,'s4r': t 7 _.r `.,, `PX'�i+ "V`'�,. ;d } g"r �,.g`rt';rt�C .Rfxrp�i T.` €E '` ;,'§ax'K= -§ :r,• a i>'r V,n}';sn, n ?.l� , t rr 3-?, r-•• �-r yYt-!•• ^`'` ate`": [c' Y �.t s�.'7 ,4� L i. ` e?:�. ��s ay z:'" dna a a ? r� xt>' t _ •r •y be h 4 ' '},•rss :�n a,-a.0 :� a''',4 =k`, 5` s ✓- „. rte.+„. '4j.... Nr:ft+ X--� r'ye,,:�,3,�•,.. a•�,--g - u IBM', r,�.: e �' v r R a `fi' ;., MR� ? `` ;'` ter%.-sd4.�, �,.y f fir,," %.y e�:. } �'��." V!'4i:H%'�'x �? � n S'^ � .,x1.3. rf�.,.s ��- . }a���Ct-'rG,;,`x�+;-'s" r�l k� f + .Z-;'� � ; ' lofilt.:a.:. ',..,c-F .r '` '� ..; f,c. t �,y ,{, tit. -ts+,t ..d,�� g am. ,a !" ,,.<`<.� ,ast�fi%^�.. • 2`'"'M : z i Exam le 8-61 w�xF L tY t 1j..k. l }P y�C t;, ^L Df ssK}a� 4 # :.X�R Y g.{� /Y� � '•� . •- - tf rpm.. x-a' C,.i"£st's. r-''d»,C?f, a`';,iw�.,r`r 'aT r?.'nf:sv ,N.,,..` rx ,4�u:ri. �.•vA`i':;ssc .rS,,. :.3 �i�.r:'s 't._�3�', 'S ti v4-kr'f whl.. ,,, x -.. 37, 'Exara>�r7.,y - .x a ta. TO d4.,.,•: r. -x. s '. ? rflrt, w.'s3 w- '¢�3-, �+..+''iy �i,•-.'r s";, .''.a3v' a. ,<!' rv. fi:Y 4�.��.ei�'"��v� .,lii�au � ���� . �� �i,3�� .ir'�.::'�a 'c`z�' �?tyZ,� `rte` P-s� }X"';';. f�x�" .rdx>3Y..,. `�{ ,s,}a +.� Y.c.. ,..e 2 cr "^�4`.3�„'s- c: $, Sys; y'"�^ . xZ`'#� rs r . r,.s.,r�.�, +✓s'-,s, ' ir,r s�... r� i"�ts r . .I57,r' 3t; :,,,".v" t K` i.^�' :K.... pQueston,....,.7��c.�.;,. :k q, cr.,-A.7i,<,.•. .!s �a+xsx.f< x9 `e' MAR x fh,�t17a .�. az p ,n � `' #. _•fr. �., •• .,�. Vis:, fi' } c -` , x :su j3 `. z - C :.. `s?`,'S,40R_.<";'�5 � a+y;" " r.f4` �Y p , . �6 �� r K_ ¢'' ¢. ��� } wry s�;' ti t3,''�ffil"W's MIM"1�' , 4i r�-a.� w;�rk�- ,w�i?w?�». �:'�, 5,' s�Cr r -SG yi u-t.';��,sl',frf^?�v`�, r _.�t. ;: 7="4�.,� .'� .,,.c'f,,t,,. .,S.r a,,,,';i�.,.p. ,7 r ;4. �A lits�/stem,wlth, a packaged air-cooled4 condensing unit, util�zmg tworec�procat�ng 40� p; ' i! o'sSPI, `✓:.a.,�:6 �`e..= 5a, -: � Yr�L;;a� W,00 ;compressors connected m` arallel; servesamultlple direrct,expansion cods m a10,000 square foot, ..�..s* W-,S�1'7•.. a _f r., p °...,.� "mss, .,t.'w 4 ,e •.tel' X.1 ,. , +n w : i x �.7rd` .s`�.F"y _ Mat. am^•. ' •cooler=Are theseva orator�fans<required�,to havevanablenspeetl contcoi��� ��r ;����x,��`� `M _�.�._ ,.4:s .et . �''ks ,x'xTa y 'C>�"'Z� ea•�- 2 �'�': y�' �r�a ip � 3 t �,� ,'�' -. �.+m �. .n- �: %v ; sr. • >c.'i Y . ..��'S-,, 2-.aYxz�` ,. ri�'tyarYtas�M�M4¢ mac".� rrwtst'-! c+�n+. ikN P�f s.± � 1 r 2008 Nonresidential: Compliance •Manual November 2008 ,, Is ' Refrrated Warehouses —"Introduction Page 8 -13 ige 1s 'N '� • ��� �h�'a� OR gffiMa w 4 '0" he ,r c an, r� ' rwME a '�'S'"�t� s t�� y zF'+x'�'i k �,1'�}'�.%ah 4r, y, dR<'s u 5 fd - 3''R+�riw'd7 ax ,t x• 4 ro �as4a �r3F' WOM y�z sSPOW. z?p4g r v� r A y o u ti rc �in , err r * F iS ETD t sr "y £qty r r - (.Y`F's i' 5NA + °Yzf r i Xs twAfi dt *,xaf �a,a MINIMUM FAN SPEED: 80% {2d Ov MIR ' t .X •� SYSv �1d y ae :.f`li r ',;_e UN . \ y .,tv. `v k'x g. gg,'i ,�zgsi �s .r`�nca€i �� .` eyny'',y,�>Lf¢'e✓N`fp f''s^y`:"' Ns I. �< OR MINIMUM FAN SPEED: 80%E`' 'cifn� fn x•r' l �' �;�y _ .. 00 40 Is In �u ggwv 91 . ,>v'?'. tt•...es'..' • C t`i:-K.�"�'� z-'"' c3 :zY4-M ,"'., ,kY:,^•F-i;4^r...•a�a a '-� �w,•' "` -S�' i1 RSL Y ia^ Ts ». �k^kk$ Pi.' :-,»6 "•ate- mat[. t 1,s. i,",�F•wx ry4 g...� S�.':''.1�"` rtfi,vir�+�d n �a.,r fi:a�, r i�" 'x3`�' 'rirq' 'g.,' .✓.<v - �}'`Y,': -°'.,� �'r li4r r �. •{ �xY•`. ..,i f 1{;3 Yte s. {t.K .s to ,a*xitk`i..,m: .n.. vs*„t? .. n were<.,. A sr s 4 . -p'F✓7,a ,,.r,1, ��.�' PLO}'.0;. +r__,,d414.5{r.�^'W1is r ,q'v«,a +d',J.., S{r�iv 'kaf- ,Ei`ft ef"._;f-�,`.-.L.•el -?Fs e.,a*,,''if?ti{`s,?:'..A' ,•.c.,, a-wF i r s R„s £s <g <:b y..�f J ,fc yX,u t # 3. da,. r^tF_�L y :,5 f Sry,. ROM _E 1'. .._T ^"^..� .�.,.. ` s j°e°a� ._,.:.,.,"' r•N. °l 6 �� s,.. ,....tz . � *.^�` a.v.-.Y�4.�.t ea , �.F4:'.'�•r .'.'y�.h�z s r,.. � f ' F the4e a o a�to�s a a served by more than one,compressor; they must haveivanable ,. YY@S Slrlce..t,ryr3�-1P-k-�,ra 7 'Jtyr yrs-:',�:u'.�?-..:c-x'•T-.s'3s.n >,_.i• '�Y,4.r.>M-'k �.?;, .. c S`.,t;. aN'�%t;.^t« ' " ontroY �.In order to facilitate=the Implementafion of variable speed control of the�re�aporator S _eed c 4 1'c,f,; trHJr :,f c�a s;Yn*a 4,r,..'�' .r' ,,,: d�""'c _ . pr "'om "e'sso's�shouldthavethe abilltywta vary��capacltyr,to maintain aNstable'suctlori pressure fans, -5th' p. e ,. a, A , F h;. w .Y: ,F 2f '. Since t heeva oratorsare direct expansion coils the confrois�should�mcludesarmmimumfanspeed ;:-',_ --'31;;n c..'<„?.-,..'+e.h`5;:. ,�-cr,tt's`a .;'hkk a''S,}Yaab 4'r f<71" ifT,{+`'``' `�,. '��4 ' . .z°'-. s -fi s"k� xi:t�S, c �'"y i i +�..;:.ri�i 'fin ;% 4i �,"i n �: 'Kly'k .of a roxirnatel 80 percent -,06., s, , r 'm 4 ti' Lx, y �ti , £ � pP.. s..,<,�;1,�.t. ..ycG Fr--+w.r'�,..-. .-3'Ya er^"Tr s.,�r-s v r. iz.z'" ..:.. -''.,.� t�'c's"fr�y,.•.: rix B.t q.„ .torr ., 't �,>iN`s i .. �.;. .r. ttsk9. iii',;?.. x,:t",r / il° :r} 1+`aKkT;ai."fkY9r,etXi<{ ,�.'S+�d'r+r; •fit,°sk. (Y,iz rc .r j� "q�..,'f, kU�S�'S'�.x;�:` tp_„'.`u2'w `S`av "..✓ `'.- y2.:, i5r?'.. v"ss. x.-"'.'f`.se�1":.7 r'�.'."tL` Fp' 3 1-Il 7a -y ^t, �c .x �r ""L" 71% 'Crs sht >" .?a•�rt `•GP`s'" •sv:i'�k'te� ,,. '�-iC 6kG31 ;y 'i. �""f4., a"rrk .t .:;• T.+(,.o - fxp � 1- <7. t. ...�. �",q>y �F�r:Sr ' YL++,-- s.!i"'�'..,�'r}` �f�3 i., r n ra. -.e Ti#�',,''s<}`°E't�l:,"`hti•, s,f3^ Exam lev8z7 �, P�. M Kz �7t:: �g r -u x € u� fia T 9 a E 3(h #rYS J �, fi :s I i v 4 2 a$ rvt 't g } vx x X� S� °�'F 1Q.1p; • x �' �. �,7yc' � �. rw •�' W .: - f ��' '%, �`�3��Sr�i��r5. Yom. Y* ' ,�,- - 1. Y�r i',s.,7�c ' uestlon3 t. t''��pf '4 r Y fT 4 rYlj%4•k�fy. �. i.. �r a_ tj..r 4 bra ,� . %Ni'} }.+�2. s.ffy-`� .Q ti -�. n., •k:t"t�. •r i=. 1i`: 'fir• ,"?ii.?'zP:;>�1�u'??f :vr;.s % �" y.`''R,.r) ,3.rai7 ...aM^?: �F,u N.. ;Afreezerziuses:a number oflflooded eaporatoreolls,iwIth'two 1 hp°fan motors eachahatare serve�d� y,rh :•a,y .2'- :.. � �'fi� : -. mykr •n r.,.' i�rt' t� ..'�S%A.�¢.., `X fSG' x t:r=; x.�,,.v- 4=.va 's'- ,., ^'lis '� t' � ._ k^ 5 s ctS kr t � � g '�75h-screW�com` ressor ��Doathe evaporator fansPneed to,�have vuanable`"�speed controtl? � ;, . - <fIX� ^ka,c3F_«x "-:'a ..:r ."'}. ;�,.�'.Y� n'=n-'���+rJ � .e ��s.c�`...�'4w . x•'''`�±i� - -.r �'`d .. a. ya?'3:�3};''�'tiSa_:. �c �.r�v��kg:x7shi s� JS'� r 111 f-..XPi-s��'?`��_ �. � � �..�.� "`saQ� �i T•--4'f�'''vj�ys.'';`3 7Av�''k.� �..+ 'fi���fp.c''*eri � 4 �".,!-af* t�F'u� ti�ei�t 1 i wr ��vJ K� '�` z z f '2008 Nonresidential Compliance Manual November 2008, 3 1 I'' .-". . �. I. ` "I � � . , p' _ _ , � I 1. � , ' " i1 �� --.--7�'-I�I �' .�I —�1-­1 elI .'. 'I -% Refriger11I ated Warehouses 'Introduction _ Page 8 14 .' . '. I _ A"' G ,i M2�t 7rr` _ _ _ � ii + �,,Y),.'2sfi� fgpa. }I, �i . ty��r^d°' ' -Tit r Y i,�'{. _`_% "r..,,.1.,r4,"i�j.ii,4 :,Si.�t'. `s,,,�r;y.�Y"`� "}.}#2 ..�Sj M '"yc , ..r""�, WF•�n..sm•"Lz+ri4� - j r¢ a '�+„�a'S-g ��r'.?„ �'�4• Sd �� yule i'Z2,t°j�7b�`r t1.4 +4' C^'_,y'�t� ° M.""''.1` 'r4CF In I ice` ```(y.�1 3 r:. r � tz4p -A 1. '4.. � � '. ; ,y� a k.� m. 1 n heN. °I'llr^� "R s � �,kI y 1. MINIMUM FAN. SPEED 70% - � -1 � N Sai"?''y, "� „`� S:"' b •a, `"k.. tiSrtYF y ,h��: _ s int. ,, .s { _ Keg, i� 1R.yr,1 +'r� ��`%�.�,1, t _. - �j`�,� I .ZpF F -C` dU. ' . s -F&f r� u" - � a� ' xnvy-M-00" ."`'S.�ES�w' .},gli'ifS'. ' _.1. �S'tt �;a h,ryt5ef �7 r s�«x�.. s" $' C.• 3-`�.i a,. _ v a tai• -..'.r fie{ 1 ' .""' 1, I �x �ti ,tja i MINIMUM FAN SPEED 70%' Lk 2 uj a7 �� �- ' �� � a *�r v � s b �r�f . , ��' � ;!�4'v. —, " i h s . � , 3 n •x .�- ''- - `,� s""-. ;� � -ri ,�r;. s- r'w ,fir>r r;. a 9 zx.a.a.•�`�'ih.,c�"`'..F'�," , 1 ,'"tt •' ' . - '­ .k�ggi � A fm -:: * n a 'S° ff 'h,.2, v1,�E�h , gE3' ,i '•�i a `' .. { p a 5' x r l 's' 0 r 3f, ' v.: `r- •�. k; •r . d -�J «.L'c :g - k- 3 ?4�.t, ""�s+fF2.. � . :, �' .� r,. �r' '5yrk "+'`�.r%/Y, "A kms . xNg"�? ' �1 _ q "t a. "'r~T. '> f ,?�� ' u ' t "Y fir. �x'J'4m '.."`3r s' U�'ed b,.ri •S +ari" .. 5 s,sc ' ...Y' v W. "r�:t'r i� � x _ � '..+_,.ec,{,. M �.p.IIbVVwV.. .';YSF•vi-�•" `Y €. r'!r 5}a'. r > Senn [k.r-"`x'�9T%i yr' -.t• r +''+ :/�• . -: . �, � , hr r n s c aa' ter. Vis' , � a � ': T.I:Y rr»t � €�O r` ".?c t7,eFst 3".iµ: .sx �e , s.& cf s; i.... ;r r ..� --,��,--�-a, . •r- ,gam'h.. .v,1 ,�, c.:vY-�'';y`rj'`�.x,'a;. •• a..s„ ++` -ll '4 Ei * -'.. '' kr#- tI {4 } s3 •rnr f y,�i ' S` .,f �, r9 t "x ` :: a-' ti;s-^'t a 4 k a.+,�, k i•f ti ,� tu�.. a' eta �.+:�-: 7 ar.� M .,� ,+�^. �, ,j� xu. ' �" r' + `� ...a.:'+' 'x. "? .• . - v� 2 - Kll ,r ??i-: ,ts.. 8bt r n. r' :: _ '. �"u;:k. , 'S'`., itSFi 7- :, .� &' "y 7+r'" 3 - �r� 'ski = ;:Since the coin ressor,is eyualto :or greater than 50hp;the evaporator fansmust havevanable , .. ,-"-k i, ,,,.... ;�,," :�cF ,-e 4.:. ' ,,z 1.�...._' z.3t .e'p:''. :,2}+ . d. "i .as ,;.,; , i : .y: Z ..; 3 '"Tc�-„p .. , .: & .:-..r y.^'•r .' .. et`a �. .,nrl �,.; •:. - c, : r . ,,.,_. .Spee eed"control even though there Nis only'one�compressor,.servmg the system Since theme{evaporators 'llit ..' kr ✓rb :.;:e -•C�., ?;.'`�h,,- "-.4 ,.:- F�v:7y, ?_, � .'#'I; i.i. X:.'•s.. ; k' .''�k;''?1;:iri f,rr ,Y rtr F. . t=-. 3?i,'fstn vi' .Rc4, "s ' .: pare flooded'coils, the�control�system should mcludesa_mmimum fanrspeedof approxmately70 .. .. v ti”' . r" a %,•r{ w r c. x a» a r ,y, f ' . fiy .r i`,�- 1 .F FFY i kn­.+ '""x �k• tCrr ..e S� y.. r` 3 N'.^y- - lp t;., <= dot; r:>_J.„�. -`., <::• ' z• �. •t'v?'c r3''�'f z t 'i�"ey .ys.., ,crr `c�. a'.'F ,r `, .,- `_ ". .a. "r,`',- ,^ `"��s`'r', -, lk " . . ,. ercent4or lower �S v a f�. 3 L �* -' l f it ro� ,i� - " 3 -,aSn� E f ""-- -..o- d {�'iv,: m. 8 f 9" S Jr, iz`r '"' �{ii{. 35 r,. j '7r . fd zz n. r c is � ' s - 74 •r...: r sFF y �S ,. 3 F C��sAµ, axG 5 5a rY Y _ + .a t" }.s.. .XJ' ,,fr.-� yr .:,a.�, Y3i ✓'x'$yi;, >'.: Oji_ ra._` "„f�'n.:Ys•{z'y�.fi," r ?g'. 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''•` .,.-a' a"' is z 'dy?� �" t,,,y s$`rz itk" `,�-x�, b f' h r cr;•3 al'4 �A�I., 'f"�?`s♦iny ..v 1. :yos *L 'f1.�" .'$'taar., e+s_ c -s,%b zt.:e."S�`�..,"'r3rt^�ti ° i-, ,. r th'"... vhb' C 'v''. ,;F.'it c ..tom',..;, .''",'\.'' vi;}F` r.-.:,. °Z'Y Ti _` e.ln� �': Ar 20r�Fz 29 C freezer has a number ofjrecirculat-d evaporator cods that were sselected tom' �0 �6 � `� k.( ¢'f'+� ):: s, i ru.R;. t : ,r t,�,3., r,;.��` r ,ii.rk, 'r_'�.r>zl >, r'f, -t.; +�, �xr a:2c_ s .rk r .: .-I -1 . a- ;;th°'" "r ta10°.F ,5 5 °C _terriPerature difference (TD)-Thefevaporatorfan$motors utilize: / e�design,loatl�a Si F € �. !r s_ is ._ 1-111--l'...... ='3?�3 ig _ y: -.v. IT z 4d% fir. u. kIr 17 n .: '` " �'�°"' { ".'.a h ntrols, .stemuvanesthesfan71s eetl �n SresRonse to space t variable speedadrives andt eacoTy�.y�k�" ..:;w:3 3.v{z ::�� �P ..r r �s;r::.�. , ;.fi �.11 I tem eratidf* hatshouic therfreezer�saturated suctionQtemperature begin ordertto achievesproper -, .- .-:...�1 '. y..:.+. +s,.r '"' r� z .'"< •n '3 m1,'�;,- X=yr, y d 'k• -'-w r ' � n �, (" S f. 2'�' ,FfF u.7"- ' •s'w (. -' , . -s ., ,...�, F a s., a 3.ik..,, .. 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"�' ; f%F'.. r� ... �'iSV, ", `.' `` ''+u, �'4 ,�",�'r;,.c7u�4�1v' `��'y'c- '- "4' .` je - i ",,,,�*"' i ' r "`�. -re ,�Jr `` �.1 - .�i' Lrs ., •7 .: 'r�r-ti `T1'..,r r) • �: , "1i• " .�ArNrlH.01.'_' �' F .' t-g'F•Rrti.: s,f>:=.. #"'`:e'•.•�r!^ ?-, •' z ^z 2 , �" k tie.coilswere�'desi ned at:a 10 Fx5 5°G)�TDyand�tn,e�itarget,fre"ezer;temperature, 20°F�(7 j 11 ISince t 3 �, , '� F�'Ai w�> .O'R ' .:, �" y � .: � -,, ; a. _� n ' ' �:, s:4 �..- o n °C � 20°'F miriu's 10' %C); the saturated suction temperature,at the evapoeato should be 30 F ( �¢) (� rK ,'.; .. �'i+t='� s 4 rt:: �""... vr,.: '�f a �,._.<,l, r,,. :%x�F ., ..'S Fs 3 y,r _.a.P.F_ ' G Ys�S#rL'•' -,)'."-'With#hecomncessor:.controlled at2aaowerternperature, based�on thedesignpipmg.pressurei ,. � +y �„a.yra. ,yam....:-tt. �r .,. <;. ";. :a;� 1"''aD ;r ; k .'=+,: 'i h 4e;; ,?,. n ) R.Gy�."n., .r .-✓,L,a..,:m:'K a.. '�na" '2 �aii { s.;.:.,.v az. .S,: j ,j .. 's o y`3 ^'± 4� '.. I ro =For exam Ie4With°2 F- 1 C !pm lossesjtlietcompressory�e��''ontroi setpomt would'�,be 32 F= ( y 4 J p• m" f rp', �' 3.'1,5: s rl.)4$'4. 9 r 'ice - € M in F€ irp r rrF pf a g *' ,n y' %' �' .zwi11 :.r ;O'. •`�'iY ss=..1 _7 "s=4'+" 3 .. ex.?i. .mak- .0 iJ'� :F?.. ,s "+te• •3� ft " ""-_ y.•�'": qy 'y�.!"•^;,..£ 1� 4xiY rt„ ;a g ., ,�•�. i% _'y i �'y.1�rS# .��y': S? ')'i .it' .�,..rd haaSJ.'Sr-,�i(f+i:�:.�-J 3Y+ viL i"i'�(iN,A�' 'ALY ...'ys(' Sr �.'�F.L�y,t '�c.it•1..,`_,. i3GKY444 11 ,C) t €a, ,,., a ti. ��, �°.' fi M �3 k � wt s# a .zf E, 5, w : r ' Y� 3 ?i r � •;�y�y'N� 2''-,is`,,�`->:',-4:: �'Rr _.t�-r�?s ria r -c, ate,,, Jru .a�-'''.x�'t S�`ri'r:s��,: d,) )tt�T.ir''y t°�47srx7 �c c,.c..o't1r"rvt 'v���z,s{`- 2r.�. a., ' �, r£+�O •�'^' ���F+a[%1 NO �afr'�'.'(?«��.�,3..:�; �S�x..: hs., �.�����£'m' x_t i�j��.Kt�i�m'�r"S.��b�tiyfi%: .;.2/f.:i'3.�u. {rs'h �l-a�:_:rr s"<.4, „'. e+ P- "I . - k , '' , '.. " I " ' r1. �+ - - i�. ' 12008 Nonresidentia Compliance Manual - November 2008 'z: . . � 1 ". Refrigerated Warehouses — Introduction Page 8 A 5 8.3.3 Condensers All refrigeration systems using ammonia as the refrigerant must be evaporatively-cooled. This requirement may be met by an evaporative condenser or by use of a water-cooled condenser connected to a closed loop fluid cooler or cooling tower. Air cooled condensers and groundwater condensers are not permitted in ammonia systems. The condensers (whether evaporative condensers or water-cooled'condenser plus cooling tower/fluid cooler) must be sized to provide sufficient heat rejection capacity under design conditions while maintaining a specified maximum "approach" temperature that varies by climate. When determining design heat rejection rates, reserve or backup compressors are not included in the total heat rejection calculations. The approach temperatureis defined as the - difference between the saturated condensing temperature and the outdoor wet -bulb temperature. Designers should use the 0.5 percent design wet -bulb temperature from Table 2-3 — Design Day Data for California Cities in the Reference Joint Appendices JA2 to demonstrate compliance with this requirement. The approach temperature requirements are listed in Table 8-2. Condenser fans for evaporative condensers must be continuously variable speed. Variable frequency drives are commonly used to provide continuously. variable speed control of condenser fans. The condensing temperature control system must be designed to control all fans serving a common condenser loop in unison. Thus, the fan speed of all fans within a single condenser or set of condensers serving a common high side or cooling water loop should modulate together, rather than running some fans at full flow while controlling the condensing temperature by varying the speed of a single fan. Once the fan speed has been reduced to a minimum. level, fans may be shut down while modulating the speed of the remaining fans to maintain the condensing temperature set point. The minimum saturated condensing temperature setpoint for systems utilizing evaporative condensers must be 700F (21°C) or less. To provide stable system operation at the minimum condensing temperature, all components in the system must be capable of operating at a saturated condensing temperature less than or equal to the minimum saturated condensing temperature setpoint. To minimize overall system energy consumption, the condensing temperature setpoint in evaporatively cooled systems must be y reset using outdoor wet bulb temperature (i.e. variable setpoint control) rather than controlling to a single setpoint: 2008 Nonresidential Compliance Manual r ivovemoer cuvo Refrigerated Warehouses — Introduction Page 8 -16 Alternative setpoint control strategies may be utilized which achieve similar results to the prescribed wet bulb following control method; controlling fan speed by utilizing calculations or mapped performance to minimizing total compressor and condenser fan power. These controls are uncommon but may be used if the control method is sufficiently described and proven to the satisfaction of the building official. Table 8-2. Approach Temperature Requirements for Evaporative Condensers 0.5% Design wet -bulb temperature from Table 2-3 Maximum Approach Temperature s 76°F (24°C) 20°F (11°C) Between 76°F (24'C) and 78°F (260C) 191F (10.50C) i 78°F (26"C) 18-F (10°C) mpie stion refrigerated warehoi calculations.,: EVAPO COHOE COMPRESSOR #4 2008 Nonresidential Compliance Manual November 2008 2008 Nonresidential Compliance Manual rvovemoer zuva ' Cooler Z 32"F (O,C) ` 15"F (8.3 C) A ' Refrigerated Warehouses - Introduction Page.8 18 '. '1 a,, �-Si "i< -f 4•.a-• L.+`C tt.}i y` i N .°'1". Tet. G•` ^f Y 3{ F.}K-.•;.'die-S F'?_', [+, '�. '.a�.,zy FX+�f,� Oy(' i,��„+>. GCh .� ..,j'ti .,u ;,,`C7 a},y:5✓-ha �a, "_ sy }. T r! y} }��� i'�''S-ii5•. -aa.. Y '•'i ,iv'% .. N `J -�( '�J I 3r1' `.^k�.Ay 3, Z' r�amid . "� _ , �•,� ,.,z...., sy " i 1 i Actual SCT SO"F MaalmtmP s ' x at --1- 70°F Minimum ---- - — -- --- SCT Setpotnt a # i �7r. p' ," M'P'VQ.Air'. SCT Setpolnt - -- -� --- - -_-, -- -- 1 -- ;, �rt-;'61Jk3- µ.fc1t f, .t • r v� yas�5: 70 7, I 7t - T - ! — 16°F Control TD — - - -- -- z S ' - b 1. Pa i'a� tNr -_001011- ;� �s z z r. W 0- Wet Bulb Temperature ,1 w3i+r r a�w r Z IE tN ••.k- mom' i'7sAT '�Q20 WON ON i xz 4 1 x I �s�� x10 .hst`I'` ,!04,+'l?.�y h I :.i u a� ) 1 J 1 I 1 i t �fis',;`s.r T 3 ••.' � �4'z` F�spr 0� , beibr. r .c+.� � �.�7,�g..Fa'v�' . t g •� --' � y .-..§..� :5 •%:^ �Z 3Yrg_--. y�12'OO AM 3 00 AM# -% 00"AM + ; Y . �°. ,J:.w.�L e,�x; ru- 'Y: ac ,� , i' ^ � �."` . "fiir ><.f Y�!"'�{h.;p x`�•..T.'�"v�,Yi3rrr..-Y., n 9 00 AM 12 OOsPM 3;0,OgPM eye*6 00 i-�s , rt' ,F�,E t�'� » ^�, tS iC s i.5-�'•3�;•,r��'i�t �,.r�'fes lis, --,,'ti. `41. PM � 9 OQ PM3 12 OO �� x'�f'�s�;a,}.� �� AM .� R �. .. .. , - ., ` .. ". �'��'s"'i�•�5��£ -y�' yec �i+.+'�'`�. �'.�'i'@..�a'': �ilti+s: "R�.y ai.K"vst L�dLw�s� *+6�,:Y�.K".Ik �,jP.. ij ��. Y,�. ...f�iy .ai"'�3`+i��'3.y�K -Y..• 4 �'rr?_:.- ������,Rv� 3""'.. '�',.�.n�. 'x -c�sst .,,�A,��_ � £r r • s��Fr .ra��'zr�J+.�i 'Pig s��vi � x �r�' �1i.:.f xh r: �: v� .11`T«aa., `^..tr�```77 �r�i'»`.'{a-x-3w•wi.",7'. '�sfFl•;�� at'rC +r .-,$'k'c.1..2;tsilri':!'�4atS�i,:';$:ei£A3fi...+%L..::ea .s�+:a=`+ "F ii7'AaY:.. .a «�+.ia-•:'����'+,.Y:: .''�,a. "'a , Air cooled condensers are permitted `iri systems using ' refrigerants other than ammonia. The condensers must be sized t - to provide sufficient heat rejection capacity under design ' conditions while maintaining a specified maximum' "approach" .. temperature that varies according tothe temperature of the �.` refrigerated spaces served by the system. The approach; ` is defined as the difference between the saturated'• (temperature condensing temperature and the outdoor dry-bulb temperature, When determining design heat rejection rates for the purpose of ' determining minimum condenser capacity in this Standard, c or backup compressors are ;:not included in the total heat , a reserve r' .,_ °. rejection calculations.' ' a AA •.;; Designers should use;the 0'5 percent design dry-bulb temperature from Table 2-3 - Design Day Data for California _ •, ` Cities in the Reference Joint Appendices JA2 to demonstrate ' i compliance with this requirement. The approach temperature fi ' ( - requirements are shown in Table 8-3: _ ' .` -Table 8-3. Approach Temperature Requirements for Air -Cooled, i Condensers r Refrigerated Space Type. Space temperature Maximum Approach' ;' • . * - � Temperature - r ' 2008 Nonresidential Compliance Manual November.2008 r ' Cooler Z 32"F (O,C) ` 15"F (8.3 C) ^ Refrigerated Warehouses — Introduction Page 8 -19 Freezer < 32'F 0 °C 10"F 5.6 °C One and two compressor unitary condensing units, that is, compressor(s) and a condenser designed and rated as a single piece of equipment, with compressor(s) totaling less than 100 hp and with individual compressor systems of less than 50 hp are exempt from the approach temperature requirements. To improve efficiency of small fractional horsepower motors commonly used in air-cooled condensers and to maintain consistency with the Title 20 Appliance Efficiency Regulations, all single phase condenser fan motors less than 1 hp and less than 460 V must be either permanent split capacitor or electronically commutated motors. Documentation must be submitted to the code enforcement authority that documents the use of electronically commutated motors in the condenser fans. Condenser fans for air-cooled condensers must be continuously variable speed. Variable frequency drives are commonly used to provide continuously variable speed control of condenser fans although controllers designed to vary the speed of. electronically commutated motors may be used to control these types of motors. The condensing temperature control system must be designed to control all fans serving a common condenser loop in unison. Thus, the fan speed of all fans within a single condenser or set of condensers serving a common high -side should modulate together, rather than running some fans at full flow while controlling the condensing temperature by varying the speed of a single fan. Once the fan speed has been reduced to a minimum level, fans may be shut down while modulating the speed of the remaining fans to maintainthe condensing temperature set point. The minimum saturated condensing temperature setpoint for systems utilizing air-cooled condensersmust be 70°F (21°C) or less. To provide stable system operation at the minimum condensing temperature, all components in the system must be capable of operating at a saturated condensing temperature less than or equal to the minimum condensing temperature setpoint. To minimize overall system energy consumption, the condensing temperature setpoint in air cooled systems must be reset using outdoor dry bulb temperature '(i.e. variable setpoint control) rather than controlling to a single setpoint or staging fans with fixed pressure or ambient setpoints. Alternative setpoint control strategies may be utilized which achieve similar results to the prescribed dry bulb following control method; controlling fan speed by utilizing calculations or mapped performance to minimizing total compressor and condenser fan power. These controls are uncommon:but may be used if the November 2008 2008 Nonresidential Compliance Manual t� Refrigerated Warehouses — Introduction Page 8 -20 ' control method is sufficiently described and proven to the satisfaction of the building official. 2008 Nonresidential Compliance Manual November 2008 Refrigerated Warehouses — Introduction Page 8 -21 . 4 d d � 15`-0i 100 80"F Mce�xlmum � " i Actual SCT SC.T �W`�Illi i�3 g A 9O Sed' I s 80 ------ -- — — -- ---- --- -- - — -- >k . 4: 4 70°FMinlmum SCT3etpolrrt 1VFContra!TO- _ t N SCT SetpolrR <`. 50 . Dry Bulb Temperature E + t e M 40. � ka�T r I 'r i 30 t S E"Jr �T 1 I .. 4.� r 20tHH11, I. yf Kt!' )��k °r�'.`'� Jai . 12 00 AM 300 AM a- 6 00 AM 9 00 AM 12 00 PM. 3 00 PM 6 00 PM 9 00 PM 12.00 AM{., T;� {%S •?� 5 ' t r�7 �'h rsll Y �,_4� 1 t Tlme of Day 6r v r' � j ':•,fir � ...,g ��; h 4,�- i � � 8.3.4 Compressors §126(e) To provide stable operation in compliance with the condensing temperature controls described above compressors and all associated components (oil cooling systems, oil separators.) must be designed to operate at a minimum condensing temperature of 70°F (21 OC) or less. Note, oil separator sizing is often governed by the combination of the minimum condensing temperature and the maximum -suction temperature. Suction temperatures above the design value may occur under floating suction temperature control schemes. Since cooling load generally varies through the day and through the year, compressor system design should address part load efficiency through the use of efficient unloading devices, variable frequency drives on compressor motors, or multiple compressors assigned to a particular suction group. Screw compressors applied to refrigerated warehouses shall incorporate the capability to automatically vary the volume ratio 2008 Nonresidential Compliance Manual November 2008 ' Refrigerated Warehouses — Introduction Page 8 -22 ' (i.e. variable Vi) in order to optimize efficiency at off -design operating conditions. Part Load Effwl iency Part load efficiency is especially important when a suction group ' is served by a single compressor, Single screw compressors greater than 50 hp serving a single suction group must utilize a variable speed drive as the primary means of capacity control, or provide documentation that demonstrates the part load efficiency of the compressor is such that the compressor consumes 60 percent of rated power at 50 percent load.. Single compressor systems include systems served by backup or swing ' compressors. When there is a single dedicated screw compressor greater than 50 hp serving a suction group, and a variable speed drive is installed on the compressor — the presence of the variable speed drive is the only documentation needed. If a variable speed drive is not used for this application then a manufacturer's certification ' of tested part load'and full load results for this model of compressor must be provided. The manufacturer's certification requires the following publicly available data: ' . Physical test results of the proposed compressor model at full rated refrigeration load and at 50 percent of full load. ' • This physical test must be conducted with no liquid subcooling and 10 OF (5.5 °C)superheat for both the full load and 50 percent load conditions. ' . The condensing temperature must be identical for both full load and 50 percent load tests. Raw data from physical tests and calculations that show that the input power to the compressor at 50 percent of load does not exceed 60 percent of full load power. • This data must be submitted to the California Energy Commission. and must be kept on file by the manufacturer. 2008 Nonresidential Compliance'Manual November 2008 Refrigerated Warehouses — Introduction Page 8 -23 of Capacity '. Power. ,TerfoftA6nee:: ("/o) (BHP); Factor.(TR/BHP) • .(TR) "..378:2. 894:1. tr,340:`4 841 ; 0:405 3025 788.4:':. 0.384 264.7: 736:8 226:9 687 '' 0:330 :189.1639.7 ; 0:296 151:c 3, 595:4.: 0254. . I 1U FOAVI I IPL Ll IC i 2008 Nonresidential Compliance Manual November 2008 .1 :• 1. I ; , r Refrigerated ♦Warehouses Introduction i ,'t Page 8-24 , IF',qJ �7 gM10 EVAPORATIVE .< u b ' . � K. ` 'jdo DItAkR' SHUT-OFF VALVES s. - �A f OQUIO COMPRESSOR #1 k i ' n'nRECEIVER 3 bks (SWING( , �u . tt COOLERS �� J r, COMPRESSOR#2 x? �} FREEZERS } -•g 1. d"4•. } �,- ' COMPRESSORA3 Al ICE CREAMl3}Si { sj y s�s r� FREEZER a rr� NMI i COMPRESSORSi �+L. • + ' . •' - 1 di-. M r"a a,}p44>L^. ✓�/•.i:`_.1 v5- "�., �S' „�`s. ^t•S` talaTM 'y% .:F: ,N l.,r�v £ rt! � S . .,T yR �"li S .Y^> ?2. ' N 1 'h .. } "�. •af,,{G.5•�...e..w:CSrp .�.- 'f. . •y.i f •cy+` a-bd'.,,}�W4Ycf`rJi, a> 'i 24,x 3. ..'rpt 'i,X'a'a4 S d'rrd "0m, : R''."„L 3'J y 4`M[#�,i]*$ (gm,( "l's'�i'` $,.$ s'gi3 " �.p`R.ys�_L 7'`+Y ,i T,'',� ..:57,: t •% LISi� A �-: jj����T'=fC' �f- fa z; .}'�+,Y+'ik1''gtF}f i''' r! s"rs',d! '4�' a'�1Qt,# .. 5-a'.2^' - -:xsd «, rs "5a,�,s `Y:'M.'�'r xi 4;fe..•p•.ffrr��"d''�r+rrh v., ��- - �n$:%r°vy - • rAnsWer k Vs,� y,,tr`. i' �j'.7-% e. Jar' ,$• .x'-�'X'.� '�} . � .i i' t,' H.:a•>- ^tn�"F,SY.. .,a5 V.— v+'�{. -4tif �w!r.:''%}eS.:..,2v .{-i.. t p . �y j.. c� } "5 ' �•. - �`'fi ,.. . •. µ�'��,.., ,�.��ryry -iNo exempt(onsto ... .• - ,. tsSlt:'`$r N.:_: �4;aa�'" -, w„b2'ti.�'c ,S }u Fes. ika li"..3'}ix'.,., u i. §126(e)2�gnly applies When a suet on;group has, o�or more ded(cated : ' ."The r3`„^cz,- $(Frtr.,; com ressors� A P ;..:c-ia�',.tp.M:v: *.rT .i'.+':Y:.5ra� J!.. .sf(Fn.' ,.'s'*,G�'L compressor that is�used,solely as backup does not countsas a tledicated�, �, -y 4 SY f 4'L com A' 4 -.i.,.. r'J:.i. X -ji .St t4� .{}.'r S%t i44{Y' l�}J;iF{^'f"�'�4 4 wdh §1'26(e)�} result iito npressors�2� 3`� and 4 (n the example above must - _`, r:.essor �.3 p � �. , � 72 a-Rduse variable ­4,N.sM1�-•a = - .i "r.yT IdWthan 0 6U .s..e° r'�n,. &a..�Y.S, � A•' 'F+, dcornply � r ; i>r �. � speed control unless the ratio of the --BHP at 50 percent of full load to full€loadilst, , , .S"..:. rr•:ri a¢ -,Sr s'y..�9 t _:Fs,.s +r^�E,BS,j:6 e�+{ /.,y. Sk SG'�U�,"z:.,J .� cif, `' v 3 ?IS :-4`� ys b�? .•� G w^'x,n`' '� x s, �s -f' i• g' b:;'+< t �lra r,-,iz r f ,F= h F ,r v f, }, �� � s ,w,,.'"+ a". tl�ft+f ,r`n• f �j,R �+� y�� `k�wa �^''�.` "� ��h ��° }:f�� � ars R°c � 7 hs �� `Sk.. - .. '. i.,_ }c. -�M.t�� �X,'°Z"�'?l.{`j44V'=7i'��cRki��isLi?S ,a "�- r *3. Y .` 4+�.�,a u 7 rj 4 61 �YS".�,d,,"'iYi`�'•L �F•..u!�..,.�FFr.� �_1.[s. �.�k �3 C" i ^ y{;Sx ��z' 1 . 8.4' Additions and Alterations L: Requirements related to additions and alterations are covered by ' _ x the Standards in §149. Definitions relevant to,,refrigerated. ' L warehouses include: t ' ' An addition is a change to an existing refrigerated,. i warehouse that increasessefrigerated floor area and. volume. See §149(a)1. ' 2008 Nonresidential Compliance Manual November 2008 s `, f • 1 ^ Refrigerated Warehouses — Introduction Page 8 -25 ' When an unconditioned or conditioned building; or unconditioned or conditioned part of a building adds refrigeration equipment so that it becomes refrigerated, ' this area is treated as an addition. • An alteration is a change to an existing building that is not an addition or repair. An alteration could include installing ' new evaporators, a new lighting system, or a change to the building envelope, such as adding insulation. See §149(b)1. ' • A repair is the reconstruction or renewal of any part of an existing building or equipment for the purpose of its maintenance. For example, a repair could include the ' replacement of an existing evaporator or condenser. See §149(c). tRefrigerated Warehouses — Introduction Page 8 -26 2,008 Nonresidential Compliance Manual November 2008 ' 8.6 Refrigerated Warehouse Plan Check Documents ' RWH -1C: Certificate of Compliance RWH - 1 C is the primary form for Refrigerated Warehouses, which provides compliance ' information for the use of the enforcement agency's field inspectors. This form must be included on the plans, usually near the front of the assembly drawings. A copy of these forms should also, be submitted to the enforcement agency along with the rest of the compliance submittal at the time of building permit application. With enforcement agency.approval, the applicant may use alternative formats of these forms (rather than the Energy Commission's forms), provided the information is the same and in similar format. ' Project Description PROJECT NAME is the.title,of the project, as shown on the plans and known to ' the building department. CLIMATE ZONE is the California Climate zone in which the project is located. See Reference Joint Appendix JA2 for a listing of climate zones. ' CONDITIONED FLOOR AREA has a specific meaning under the Standards. The number entered here should match the floor area entered on the other forms. ' " ~ PROJECT ADDRESS is .the address of the project as shown on the plans and known to the building department. ' DATE is the last revision date of the plans' if the plans are revised after this date, it may be necessary to re -submit the compliance documentation to reflect the altered design. Note that it is the building department's discretion whether or not ' to require new compliance documentation. General Information BUILDING TYPE is specified because there are different requirements for. ' Refrigerated Warehouses less than 3,000 square feet and Refrigerated Warehouses 3,000 square feet and larger. AREAS WITHIN REGRIGERATED WAREHOUSES, the checkboxes are used to ' determine if the project,contains areas within the warehouse designated for quick chilling or freezing. If the project in deed contains areas designated for quick chilling or freezing with a design cooling capacity greater than 240 btu/hr-ftz, then ' that particular space need not comply. _ PHASE OF CONSTRUCTION indicates the status of the building project ' described in the compliance documents. Refer to Section 1.6 for detailed discussion of the various choices. NEW CONSTRUCTION should be checked for all new buildings, newly ' conditioned space or for new construction in existing buildings (tenant improvements, see Section 1.7.10.) that are submitted for envelope compliance. ' ADDITION should be checked for an addition which is not treated as'a stand- alone building, but which uses option 2 described in Section 1.7.12-. Tenant improvements that increase conditioned floor area and volume are additions. ' ALTERATION should be checked for alterations to an existing, building mechanical systems (see Section 1.7.12). Tenant improvements are usually alterations. Documentation Author's Declaration Statement The. CERTIFICATE of COMPLIANCE is signed by both the Documentation Author.and the Principal Refrigerated Warehouse Designer who is responsible for preparation of the plans off building. This latter person is also. responsible for the energy compliance documentation, even if the actual work is delegated to a different person acting as Documentation Author. It is necessary that the compliance documentation be consistent with the plans. DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR is the person who prepared the energy compliance documentation and who signs the Declaration Statement. The person's telephone number is given to facilitate response to any questions that arise. °A Documentation Author may have additional certifications such as an Energy Analyst or a Certified Energy Plans Examiner certification number. Enter number in the EA# or CEPE# box. Declaration Statement of Principle Refrigerated Warehouse Designer The Declaration Statement is signed by the person responsible for preparation of the plans for the building and the documentation author. This principal designer is also responsible for the energy compliance documentation, even if the ;actual work is delegated to someone else (the Documentation Author as described above). It is necessary that the compliance documentation be consistent with the plans. The Business and Professions Code governs who is qualified to prepare plans and therefore to sign this statement. See Section 2.2.2 Permit Application for applicable text from the Business and Professions Code. Mandatory Measures (Vote Block The person with overall responsibility must ensure that the Mandatory Measures that ' apply to the project are listed on the plans. The format of the list'is left to the discretion of the Principal Designer. RWH -1C (Page 2 of 3) Envelope. Requirements Insulation Details PAGE NUMBER ON PLANS is for referencing purposes and is the actual page of the plans where the assembly is detailed. SPACE indicates the area type, either cold storage (z32°F) or frozen storage (<320F). ASSEMBLY TYPE indicates whether the assembly is a wall, roof,ceiling or floor. INSTALLED INSULATION R -VALUE is the actual installed amount of insulation as shown on the referenced assembly drawings of the plans. MINIMUM REQUIRED INSULATION R -VALUE is the minimum amount of insulation specified in Table 126-A of the Standards. ASSEMBLY COMPLIANCE is determined by comparing the installed R -value versus the minimum required R -value and should be indicated in the pass/fail checkboxes provided. RWH -1 C (Page 3 of 3) Refrigeration System Requirements Mandatory Measures The rows following the section, Evaporator, Compressor, Condenser; Evaporative ' Condenser and Air -Cooled `Condenser, should be completed as applicable to the project: The space provided`to the right of each device description should be used to indicate the page reference where the device is specified on the plans or schedule. 1 . CEC Approved 2005 Building Energy Efficiency Standards : Job, Name Crab Pot Addition La Quinta Prepared For Strickler Cato Murphy Architects 12:0 Lakeside Avenue,, Suite. 310 CITY O A QUINTA Seattle, WA 981 -22 - BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. 206-32474800 FOR CONSTRUCTION' DATE 7J I5� AY 'Jack LaFontaine - CEPEICEA CABEC Certified Energy Analyst R 08.03.2341NR 08-05.521 i Ynow M a, • • Energy NWnagement.Services ENCABEC CEPE/CEA Energy Consultants CHEERS / RESNET Raters - Building Energy Auditing - NBI Certified Air Balance Tests - T24 Reports - HVAC Mechanical Design 41485 Adams, Street; Unit C - Berm_ uda Dunes; Ca. 92'203: - (760) 360-4631 I Fax (760) 360-3074 C20 License No. 315890. - E-mail: ilafontaine[a�dc.rr.com. E w ,14 iv Note to Plan Checker,Anspectors &• Builder Project Name: Crab Pot Addition — La Quinta Job Number: 06096 Project Designer: Stricker Cato Murphy Architects This Building COMPLIES, by 21.4%% better than standard. EXCEPTIONAL. CONDITIONS COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST- • The HVAC System "Fujitsu 12RQ Split Heap Pump: Premium Eff'O.08- BHP Supply Fan Motor has been*specified. ERS REQUIRED VERIFICATIONS, NONE Air system requirements, mechanical ventilation and mechanicil equipment details'are shown on the MECH-2-C, 3-C -& 5-C pages. Sensible coc on page 18 for the HVAC contractor's information. -.. ling and heating IoadS' are.shoVY 20 f%X710 Y1 n ner g. Y.Management S 0 CABEC CEPE(CEA Energy Consultants CHEERS / RESNET Raters - Building Energy Audits - NBI Certified Air Balance Tests - T24 Reports - HVAC Mechanical Design,.. 41-485 Adams Street, Unit.0 — Bermuda Dunes, Ca. 92203 -(760) 360-4631 Fax (760) 360-3074 C20 License No. 315890 E-mail: i1afontaineAdc.rr.com EMS Energy l flanagement Services CABEC.CEPE/CEA,Energy Consuftants October 1, 2005 Effective Date of Compliance This EnergyPro computer program has been: used.' to perform the j calculations summarized in this compliance. report. This program has. - approval, and is. authorized . by the California Energy- Commission for: use with both.. Resid:ential and Nonresidential 2005 Building Energy Efficiency Standards. The buildinq described_ in this compliance, report is in conformance,-with- the. onformance-withthe. standards as outlined in the attached' compliance, forms and documentation. Method of Compliance EnergyPro V4.415, CHEERS / RESNET Raters - Building Energy Audits - NBI Certified Air Balance Tests - T24 Reports - HVAC Mechanical Design 41-485 Adams Street, Unit C - Bermuda. Dunes, Ca. 92203 (760) 360-4631 / Fax (760) 360=3074, C20 License No. 315890 — E-mail: ilafontaine,(a dc.rr.com TITLE 24 REPORT Title 24 Report for: Crab Pot Addition—La Quinta 78-121 Avenida LaFonda La Quinta, CA 92253 Project Designer: Stricker Cato Murphy Architects 120 Lakeside Avenue, Suite 310 Seattle, ' WA 98122 206-324-4800 Report Prepared By: Jack LaFontaine CEPE/CEA Energy Management Services 41- 485 Adams Street, Unit C Bermuda Dunes, CA 92203 760-360-4631 Job Number: 06096 Date: 11/6/2009 The EnergyPro computer program has been used to perform the calculations summarized in this compliance report. This program has approval and is authorized by the California Energy Commission for use with both the Residential and Nonresidential 2005 Building En:rgy Efficiency Standards. This program developed by EnergySoft, LLC - www.energysoft.com. EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft Job Number. 06096 User Number: 5021 TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Page Table of Contents 2 Nonresidential Performance Title 24 Forms 3 Form ENV-MM Envelope Mandatory Measures 14 Form LTG-MM Lighting Mandatory Measures 15 Form MECH-MM Mechanical Mandatory Measures 16 HVAC System Heating and Cooling Loads Summary 18 Zone Load Summary 19 Room Load Summary 20 Room Heating Peak Loads 21 , Room Cooling Peak Loads 22 Room Cooling Coil Loads 23 EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft Job Number: 06096 User Number: 5021 PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Part 1 of 3 PERF -1 PROJECT NAME DATE Crab Pot Addition La Quinta 11/6/2009 PROJECT ADDRESS 78-121 Avenida LaFonda La Quinta Building Permit # PRINCIPAL DESIGNER - ENVELOPE TELEPHONE NONRESIDENTIAL HIGH RISE RESIDENTIAL Stricker Cato'Murphy Architects 206-324-4800 PHASE OF CONSTRUCTION (DOCUMENTATION AUTHORTELEPHONE Il 'Energy Management Services 760-360-4631 Checked by/Date Enforcement Agency Use GENERAL INFORMATION comply with Titb 24, Parts 1 and 6 of the This Certificate of Compliance lists the building features and performance specifications need7cimpliance California Code of Regulations. This certificate applies only to a Building u • g perform ce approach. The documentation preparer hereby certifies that the documentation is a cu&e a com ate. DATE OF PLANS BUILDING CONDITIONED FLOOR AREA 2/26/2009 400 Sq.Ft CLIMATE ZONE 15 BUILDING TYPE NONRESIDENTIAL HIGH RISE RESIDENTIAL HOTELIMOTEL GUEST ROOM PHASE OF CONSTRUCTION NEW CONSTRUCTION ADDITION through 118, and 140, 142, 143 or 149 of Title 24, Part 6. EXISTING + ADDITIONIALTERATION STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE comply with Titb 24, Parts 1 and 6 of the This Certificate of Compliance lists the building features and performance specifications need7cimpliance California Code of Regulations. This certificate applies only to a Building u • g perform ce approach. The documentation preparer hereby certifies that the documentation is a cu&e a com ate. DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR SIGNATU E DAT - +Q� Jack LaFontaine CEPE/CEA The Principal Designer hereby certifys that the proposed buildingesi r ented in this set of construction documents is `consistent with the other compliance forms and worksheets, with t s ecifications, and. with any other calculations submitted with this in 110, 116, (permit application. The proposed building as designed meets the a rgy efficiency requirements contained sections through 118, and 140, 142, 143 or 149 of Title 24, Part 6. ENV. LTG. MECH. n 1. 1 hereby affirm that I am eligible under the provisions of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and that I am licensed in the State of California as a civil engineer, mechanical engineer, electrical engineer, or I am a licensed architect. F] 0 El 2. 1 affirm that I am eligible under the provisions of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code Section 5537.2 or 6737.3 to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and that I am a licensed contractor performing this work. n 3. 1 affirm that I am eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document because it pertains to a structure or type of work described as exempt pursuant to Bus•ness and Professions Code Sections 5537, 5538, and 6737.1. (These sections of the Business and Professions Code are printed in full in the Nonresidential Manual.) I ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE Indicate location on plans of Note Block for Mandatory Measures ENV -1 Required Forms PRINCIPAL ENVELOPE DESIGNER - NAME SIGNATURE LIC. NO. DATE Stricker Cato Murphy Architects I LIGHTING COMPLIANCE Indicate location on plans of Note Block for Mandatory Measures LTG -1, LTG -2 Required Forms PRINCIPAL LIGHTING DESIGNER - NAME SIGNATURE LIC. NO. I DATE j Stricker Cato Murphy Architects MECHANICAL COMPLIANCE . Indicate location on plans of Note Block for Mandatory Measures Regui d r s WCA1, MECH-2, ME H-3, MECH-5 PRINCIPAL MECHANICAL DESIGNER - NAME SIG ATU ILIC. NOS IDE4,Energy Management Services �(�_ b EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5021 Job Number: 06096 Page:3 of 23 1 I.PEkFORMANCE- CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Part2 &3. PERF -A PROJECT NAME DATE Crab Pot Addition La Quinta I .: 11/6/2009 ANNUAL TDV ENERGY USE SUMMARY kBtuls ft- r 1' ENERGY COMPONENT Standard Design Proposed Compliance Design Margin 2.52 1.98 83.05 29.18 34.62 8.05"" 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 35.82 10.61 26.24 0.00 .0.001. 0.00 182.55 �;49:82 21.4% ( 21.4% excluding Standartl Pro ossa Space Heating ' Space Cooling Indoor Fans Heat Rejection Pumps & Misc. Domestic Hot Water : Lighting Receptacle Process •0 TOTALS: Percent better than Standard: 4.50 ""'°" ` 112.23 42.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 46.44 26.24 0.00 232.38 10 20 30 40 50 60 .70 80 90 100 110 k8twsye-n process) BUILDING COMPLIES " GENERAL INFORMATION Building Orientation Number of Stories Number of Systems Number of Zones 0 d1 (N) eg Conditioned Floor Area 400 sqft. r Unconditioned Floor Area o sqft. Conditioned Footprint Area 400 sqft. Fuel Type ', Natural Gas •. . ` y 1 1 Orientation Gross Area Front Elevation (Ni 116 Left Elevation (E) 215 Rear Elevation (s)I 249 Right Elevation (w) 215 Total 795 Roof aoo Glazing sgft. sqft. sqft. sqft. sqft. 1 sgft.sgft. Area Glazing sqft. sqft. sqft., sqft. sqft. Ratio • ,. 0 0.0% E 0 0.0% o 0.0% 0 0.0% o 1 0.0%' 0.0% Standard Pro op sed Lighting Power Density 0.700 wrsgft. 0.540 wrsgft. Prescriptive Env. Heat Loss 99 Bturh - 65 Bturh Prescriptive Env. Heat Gain 6,503 Bturn-F 4,717 Bturh-F . : Remarks: Run Initiation Time: 11/06109 16:39:14. Run Code: 1257554354 EnergyPro 4.4 by Energysoft User Number: 5021 Job Number: 06096 Page:4 of 23 'f PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Partof 3 PERF -1 PROJECT NAME Crab Pot Addition La Quinta DATE 11/6/2009 ZONE INFORMATION _ Floor Inst Area LPD System Name Zone Name Occupancy Type (sgfL) (W/sf)l Ctrl. Credits (W/St Allowed LPD Proc. Loads (W/sfl Area Tailored W/s 3 (W/S4 Ductless Split Heat Pump Complete Storage Area Comp Bldg Ind Storage 400 0.54 Notes: 1. See LTG -2-C 2. See LTG -4-C 3. See LTG -5-C 4. See LTG -6-C (items marked with asterisk, see LTG -2 -C by others) (by others) Items above require special documentation EXCEPTIONAL CONDITIONS COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST The local enforcement agency should pay special attention to the items specified in this checklist. These items regluire special written justification and documentation, and special verification to be used with the performance approach. The local enforcement agency determines the adequacy of the justification, and may reject a building or design that otherwise complies based on the adequacy of the special bustification and documentation submitted. The HVAC System "Fujitsu 12RQ Split Heat Pump: Premium Eff' 0.08 BHP Supply Fan Motor has been specified. The exceptional features listed in this performance approach application have specifically been reviewed. Adequate written justification and documentation for their use have been provided by the applicant Authorized Sianature or EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5021 Job Number: 06096 Page:5 of 23 1 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE ENV -1-C PROJECT NAME DATE Crab Pot Addition La Quinta 11/6/2009 OPAQUE SURFACES # Surface Type Area - U -Fac. Insulation Cay. Cont. Act. Azm. Tilt Cond: Status Joint Appendix IV Reference Location / Comments 1 Roof 40 0.029 R-38 R-0.0 180 0 New 02-A11 Complete Storage Area 2 Wall 19 0.069 R-21 R-0.0 90 90 New 09-A6 Complete Storage Area 3 Door 2 0.500 None R-0.0 90 90 New • 28-A4 Complete Storage Area 4 Wall 24 0.069 R-21 R-0.0 180 90 New 09-A6 Complete Storage Area 5 Wall 215 0.069 R-21 R-0.0 270 90 New 09-A6 Complete Storage Area 6 Wall 116 0.069 R-21 R-0.0 0 90 New 09-A6 Complete Storage Area N. E, A, R (New, Existing, Altered, Removed) FENESTRATION SURFACES muro uian m uyudi w i u,uuu >y.1:. ui sin-uu,¢ mudauauuu mea n 1— a miuua d Id— w, 11— om ioi oauou ur I-- ui Nwv,uo a a.c�, —1—ILduo, —U-11umny III uo,am, �-�amu� a ,,.,,,I Standards Table 116-A and B. Cartificate shall be filed in the contractors project office during construction and in the building manager's office after construction Act. Cond. Location/ # Tvoe Area U -Fac' SHGC2 Azm. Stat. Glazina Tvoe Comments ((1 U -factor Type: 116-A Default Table from Standards, Table NI -1 Default Table from the ACM Manual Appendix, NFRC Labeled value. (23 SHGC Type: 116-B Default Table from Standards, COG Center of Glass, NFRC Labeled Value EXTERIOR SHADING Window Overhang Left Fin Right Fin ## Exterior Shade Type SHGC Hgt. Wd. Len. H t. LExt.RExt. Dist. Len. Hot. Dist. Len. H t. MINIMUM SKYLIGHT AREA FOR LARGE ENCLOSED SPACES LJThe proposed building Is In climate zones 2 through 16 and contains an enclosed space with floor area greater than 26,000 H$ a telling height greater than 15 feet, and an LPD for general lighting of at least 0.5 WIft2. See Section 143(c). if this box Is checked, ENV4-C must be filled out. when submitting under the Prescriptive Compliance Approach. I EneravPro 4.4 by EneravSoft User Number: 5021 Job Number: 06096 Page:6 of 23 1 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Pari 1 of 3) LTG -1 -C PROJECT NAME DATE Crab Pot Addition La Quinta 11/6/2009 INSTALLED INDOOR LIGHTING POWER FOR CONDITIONED AND UNCONDITIONED SPACES INSTALLED LIGHTING, CONDITIONED SPACES (From LTG -2-C) PORTABLE LIGHTING (From LTG -3-C) LIGHTING CONTROL CREDIT, CONDITIONED SPACES (From LTG4-C) CONDITIONED SPACE ADJUSTED INSTALLED LIGHTING POWER INSTALLED LIGHTING, UNCONDITIONED SPACES (From LTG -2-C) LIGHTING CONTROL CREDIT, UNCONDITIONED SPACES (From LT -3-4-C) UNCONDITIONED SPACE ADJUSTED INSTALLED LIGHTING POWER ALLOWED INDOOR LIGHTING POWER FOR CONDITIONED SPACES ❑ COMPLETE BUILDING METHOD (From LTG -5-C) ❑ AREA CATEGORY METHOD (From LTG -5-C) ❑• TAILORED METHOD (From LTG -5-C) ALLOWED LIGHTING POWER INSTALLED WATTS 216 0 0. 216 0 0 0 ALLOWED WATTS 216 ALTERNATE COMPLIANCE ❑X PERFORMANCE METHOD ❑ COMMMON LIGHTING SYSTEM (From LTG -8-C) ALLOWED INDOOR LIGHTING POWER FOR UNCONDITIONED SPACES From LTG -5-C) 0 MANDATORY INDOOR AND DAYLIGHTING AUTOMATIC CONTROLS NOTE TO FIELD CONTROL LOCATION (Room #) CONTROL IDENTIFICATION CONTROL TYPE (Auto Time Switch, Dimming, etc.) SPACE CONTROLLED Check if Dayiighting NOTES TO FIELD - For Building Department Use Only Run Initiation Time: 11/06/09 16:39:14 Run Code: 1257554354 EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5021 Job Number: 06096 Pagel of 23 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Part 3 of 3) LTG -1 -C PROJECT NAME Crab Pot Addition La Quinta DATE 11/6/2009 Designer: This form is to be used by the designer and attached to the plans. Listed below are all the acceptance tests for lighting systems. The designer is required to check the boxes by all acceptance tests that apply and list all equipment that require an acceptance test. If all equipment of a certain type requires a test, list the equipment description and the number of systems to be tested in parentheses. The NJ number designates the Section in the Appendix of the Nonresidential ACM Manual that describes the test. Also indicate the person responsible for performing the tests (i.e. the installing contractor, design professional or an agent selected by the owner). Since this form will be part of the plans, completion of this section will allow the responsible party to budget for the scope of work appropriately. Building Departments: Before an occupancy permit is granted for a newly constructed building or space, or a new lighting system system serving a building or space is operated for normal use, all control devices serving the building or space shall be certified as meeting the Acceptance Requirements for Code Compliance. In addition a Certificate of. Acceptance, LTG -1-A, Forms shall be submitted to the building department that: A. Certifies plans, specifications, installation certificates, and operating and maintenance information meet the requirements of§ 10-103(b) and Title 24 Part 6. Test Descri tion Test Performed By: ❑ LTG -2-A: Lighting Control Acceptance Document - Occupancy Sensor Acceptance - Manual Daylight Controls Acceptance - Automatic Time Switch Control Acceptance Equipment requiring acceptance testing ❑ LTG -3-A: Automatic Daylighting Controls Acceptance Document Equipment requiring acceptance testing I EnergyPro 4.4 by Energysoft User Number: 5021 Job Number: 06096 Page:8 of 23 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE MECH-1-C PROJECT NAMEDATE Crab Pot Addition La Quinta 11/6/2009 Designer: This form is to be used by the designer and attached to the plans. Listed below are all the acceptance tests for mechanical systems. The designer is required to check the boxes by all acceptance tests that apply and list all equipment that requires an acceptance test. If all equipment of a certain type requires a test, list the equipment description and the number of systems to be tested in parentheses. The NJ number designates the Section in the Appendix of the Nonresidential ACM Manual that describes the test. Also indicate the person responsible for performing the tests (i.e. the installing contractor, design professional or an agent selected by the owner). Since this form will be part of the plans, completion of this section will allow the responsible party to budget for the scope of work appropriately. Building Departments: SYSTEM ACCEPTANCE. Before an occupancy permit is granted for a newly constructed building or space, or a new space -conditioning system serving a building or space is operated for normal use, all control devices serving the building or space shall be certified as meeting the Acceptance Requirements for Code Compliance. In addition a Certificate of Acceptance, MECH-I-A Form shall be submitted to the building department that certifies plans, specifications, installation certificates. and ooeratina and maintenance information meet the requirements of Section 10-103(b) and Title 24 Part 6. STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE ❑ MECH-2-A: Ventilation System Acceptance Document -Variable Air Volume Systems Outdoor Air Acceptance -Constant Air Volume Systems Outdoor Air Acceptance Equipment requiring acceptance testing Test required on all New systems both New Construction and Retrofit. ❑ MECH-3-A: Packaged HVAC Systems Acceptance Document Equipment requiring acceptance testing Test required on all New systems both New Construction and Retrofit. ❑ MECH-4-A: Air -Side Economizer Acceptance Document Equipment requiring acceptance testing Test required on all New systems both New Construction and Retrofit. Units with economizers that are installed at the factory and certified with the commission do not require equipment testing but do. require construction inspection. . ❑ MECH-5-A: Air Distribution Acceptance Document Equipment requiring acceptance testing This test required If the unit serves 5,000 R2 of space or less and 25% or more of the ducts are in nonconditioned or semiconditioned space like an attic. New systems that meet the above requirements. Retrofit systems that meet the above requirements and either extend ducts, replace ducts or replace the packaged unit. ❑ MECH-6-A: Demand Control Ventilation Acceptance Document Equipment requiring acceptance testing All new DCV controls installed on new or existing packaged systems must be tested. ❑ MECH-7-A: Supply Fan Variable Flow Control Acceptance Document Equipment requiring acceptance testing All new VA V ran volume controls installed on new or existing systems must be tested ❑ MECH-8-A: -Hydronic System Control Acceptance Document -Variable Flow Controls Applies to chilled and hot water systems. -Automatic Isolation Controls Applies to new boilers and chillers and the primary pumps are connected to a common header. -Supply Water Temperature Reset Controls Applies to new constant Now chilled and hot water systems that have a design capacity greater than or equal to 500,000 Btulhr. -Water-loop Heat Pump Controls Applies to all new watertoop heat pump systems where the combined loop pumps are greater than 5 hp. -Variable Frequency Controls Applies to all new distribution pumps on new variable Now chilled, hydronic heat pump or condenser water systems where the pumps motors are greater than 5 hp. Equipment requiring acceptance testing EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5021 Job Number. 06096 Page:9 of 23 INDOOR LIGHTING SCHEDULE (Part 1 of 2) LTG -2-C PROJECT NAME DATE Crab Pot Addition La Quinta 1 11/6/2009 INSTALLED LIGHTING POWER FOR CONDITIONED SPACES Luminaire Lamps/Ballasts Installed Watts C D E F G H I J Name Type Description cmc : 'm o � cmc Qq.,�x3303 � co o dy m v m 9.0TD� z r' �� X3M �ynl Yes I No A V) 4 ft Fluorescent T8 Energy.Savingsec F32T8 2 30 1.0 54.0 X 4 216 PAGE TOTAL 216 BUILDING TOTAL (sum of all pages) 216 PORTABLE LIGHTING (From LTG -3-C) Q CONTROL CREDIT (From LTG -4-C) O . ADJUSTED ACTUAL WATTS 216 Run Initiation Time: 11/06/09 16:39:14 Run Code: 1257554354 EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5021 Job Number: 06096 Page: 10 of 23 AIR SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Part 1 cf 2 MECH-2-C (PROJECT NAME DATE I` Crab Pot Addition La Quinta 11/6/2009 SYSTEM FEATURES ITEM OR SYSTEM TAG(S) Number of Systems T-24 MANDATORY MEASURES Section Heating Equipment Efficiency Cooling Equipment Efficiency Heat Pump Thermostat Furnace Controls Natural Ventilation Minimum Ventilation VAV Minimum Position Control Demand Control Ventilation Time Control Setback and Setup Control Outdoor Damper Control Isolation Zones Pipe Insulation Duct Insulation PRESCRIPTIVE MEASURES Calculated Heating Capacity x 1.43 2 Proposed Heating. Capacity 2 Calculated Sensible Cooling Capacity x 1.212 Proposed Sensible Cooling Capacity 2 Fan Control DP Sensor Location Supply Pressure Reset (DDC only) Simultaneous Heaticool Economizer Heating Air Supply Reset Cooling Air Supply Reset Duct Sealing for Prescriptive Compliance 1: For each central and single zone air systems (or group of similar units) fill in the reference to sheet number and/or specification section anc paragraph number where the required features are documented. If a requirement is not applicable, put "NIX in the column. 2: Not required for hydronic heating and cooling. Either enter.a value here or put in reference of plans and specificatons per footnote 1. 3: Enter Yes if System is: Constant Volume, Single Zone; Serves a 5,000 sgft; Has > 25% duct in unconditioned space. Duct sealing is required for Prescriptive Compliance, see PERF -1 for performance method duct sealing requirements. AIR SYSTEMS, Central or Sin ie Zone Ductless Split Heat Pump. 1 Reference on Plans or Specift;:ation 1 112(a)' 8.20 HSPF 112(a) 13.7 SEER /.11.5 EER 112(b) Yes 112(c), 115(a) n/a 121(b) Yes 121(b) 0 cfm 121 c No 121(c) No 121 c 122(e) Programmable Switch 122(e) Heating & Cooling Required 122 Auto 122(8) n/a - 123 124 n/a 144 a & b n/a 144 a & b 7,995 btuh 144 a & b n/a 144 a & b 9,472 btuh 144 c Constant Volume 144 (c) 144 c Yes 144 d) No 144 a No Economizer 144 (f0 Constant Tem 144(f) Constant Temp 144 k) No - 0 ]MECHANICAL VENTILATION MECH-3-C NAME Crab Pot Addition La Quinta DATE 11/6/2009 PRESCRIPTIVE REHEAT . LIMITATION Section 144(d)) MECHANICAL VENTILATION Section 121 (b)21 AREA BASIS OCCUPANCY BASIS VAV MINIMUM A B C D E F G H I J K L M N, ZONEISYSTEM D0 Tya O DCi�n 03 T 0 W''� xD(� Adm 3 �3 'am IDS 0 CD 0`x°3 7 m0OZ xcn TAT 3 _ vd0 �xv Li O,G '- D oz (D 3�to D7 oc nm0 acv �!D im n 3°J ao A ix cc w3D3i o0K ox= T- N� ='= o - »7 in A D Complete Storage Area 40q 0.15 60 60 0 60 Ductless Split Heat Pump Total 60 0 C Minimum ventilation rate per Section 121, Table 121-A E Based on fixed seat or the greater of the expected number of occupants and 50% of the CBC occupant load for egress purposes for spaces without fixed seating. H Required Ventilation Air (REO'D V.A.) is the larger of the ventilation rates calculated on and AREA or OCCUPANCY BASIS (column D or G). I Must be greater than or equal to H or use Transfer Air (column N) to make up the difference. J Design fan supply cfm (Fan CFM) x 30%; or K Condition area (ft. sq.) x 04 cfm/fL sq.; or L Maximum of Columns H, J, K, or 300 cfm M This must be less than or equal to Column L and greater that orequal to the sum of Columns H + N. N Transfer air must be provided where the Required Ventilation Air (column 1) is greater than the Design Minimum Air (column M). Where required, transfer air must be greater than or equal to the difference between the Required Ventilation Air (column 1) and the Design Minimum Air (column M), column H - M. EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5021 Job Number: 06096 Page: 12 of 23 jMECHANICAL EQUIPMENT DETAILS Part 1 of 2 MECH-5-C PROJECT NAME DATE Crab Pot Addition La Quinta 11/6/2009 CHILLER AND TOWER SUMMARY Efficiency Tons PUMFS Equipment Name _ Equipment Type Qty. Tot. Qty JGPM BHP Motor I Eff. Drive Zff. Pump Control D BOILER SUMMARY Energy Standby iTANK INSUL. Rated I Vol. JConditionl Facor Loss or Ext Svstem Name Svstem Tvpe Distribution Type Qty Input (Gals.) I Status I or RE Pilot I R -Val. MULTI -FAMILY CENTRAL WATER HEATING DETAILS Hot Water P mp Hot Water Piping Len th tt Add 1/2" Control # HP Type In Plenum Outside Buried Insulation CENTRAL SYSTEM RATINGS HEATING COOLING Aux. C :)ndition System Name System Type Out ut kW Eff. butout Efficiency Status Economizer Type Fujitsu 12RQ Split Heat Pum SP lit DX 1 12,800 0.0 8.20 HSPF 12,300 13.7 SEER / 11.5 EER New No Economizer ENVELOPE MANDATORY MEASURES ENV -MM PROJECT NAME Crab Pot Addition La Quinta DATE 11/6/2009 DESCRIPTION_ Desi ner Enforcement ti FXI "§ 118(a) Installed Insulating Material shall have been certified by the manufacturer to comply with the California Quality Standards for insulating material, Title 20, Chapter 4, Article 3. X❑ §118(c) All Insulating Materials shall be installed in compliance with the flame spread rating and smoke density requirements of Sections 2602 and 707 of Title 24, Part 2. X❑ § 117(a) All Exterior Joints and openings in the building that are observable sources of air leakage shall be caulked, gasketed, weatherstripped or otherwise sealed. A § 116(b) Site Constructed Doors, Windows and Skylights shall be caulked between the unit and the building, and shall be weatherstripped (except for unframed glass doors and fire doors). 0 § 116(a)1 Manufactured Doors and Windows installed shall have air infiltration rates not exceeding those shown in Table Number 1-E. of the Standards. Manufactured fenestration products must be labeled for U -value according to NFRC procedures. ❑ §118(e) Demising Walls in Nonresidential Buildings: The opaque portions of framed demising walls in nonresidential buildings shall have insulation with an installed R -value of no less than R-13 between framing members. EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5021 Job Number: 06096 Page:14 of 23 (LIGHTING MANDATORY MEASURES LTG -MM NAME Crab Pot Addition La DATE 11/6/2009 DESCRIPTION _ Desicner Enforcement § 131(d)1 For every floor, all interior lighting systems shall be equipped with a separate automatic control to shut off the lighting. This automatic control shall meet the requirements of Section 119 and may be an occupancy sensor, automatic time switch, or other device + capable of automatically shutting off the lighting. - § 131(d)2 Override for Building Lighting'Shut-off: The automatic building shut-off system is provided with a manual, accessible override switch in sight of the lights. The area of override is not to exceed.5,000 square feet § 119(h) Automatic.Control Devices Certified: All automatic control devices specified are certified, all alternate equipment shall be certified and installed as directed by the manufacturer. § 111 Fluorescent Ballast and Luminaires Certified: All fluorescent fixtures specified for the project are certified and listed in the Directory. All installed fixtures shall be certified. i FX]§ 131(a) Individual Room/Area Controls: Each room and area in this building is equipped with a separate switch or occupancy sensor device for each area with floor -to -ceiling walls. § 131(b) Uniform Reduction for Individual Rooms: All rooms and areas greater than 100 square feet and more than 0.8 watts per square foot of lighting load shall be controlled with bi-level switching for uniform reduction of lighting within the room. § 131(c) Daylight Area Control: All rooms with windows and skylights that are greater than 250 square feet and that allow for the effective use of daylight in the area shall have 50% of the lamps.in each daylit area controlled by a separate switch; or the effective use of daylight cannot be accomplished because the windows are continuously shaded by a building on the adjacent lot Diagram of shading during different times of the year is included on plans. ❑ §131(e) Display Lighting.' Display lighting shall be separately switched on circuits that are 20 amps or less. f 4 EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5021 Job Number: 06096 Page: 15 of 23 MECHANICAL MANDATORY MEASURES Part 1 of 2 MECH-MM PROJECT NAME Crab Pot Addition La Quinta DATE 11/6/2009 DESCRIPTION_ Designer Enforcement Equipment and Systems Efficiencies - g 11 Any appliance for which there is a California standard established in the Appliance Efficiency Regulations will comply with the applicable standard. t F §115(a) Fan type central furnaces shall not have a pilot light. §123 Piping, except that conveying fluids at temperatures between 60 and 105 degrees Fahrenheit, or within HVAC equipment, shall be insulated in accordance with Standards Section 123. F-] §124 Air handling duct systems shall be installed and insulated in compliance with Sections 601, 602, 603, 604, and 605 of the 2001 CMC Standards. Controls §A 22(e) Each space conditioning system shall be installed with one of the following: X❑ §122(e)1A Each space conditioning system serving building types such as offices and manufacturing facilities (and all others not explicitly exempt from the requirements of Section 112 (d)) shall be installed with an automatic time switch With an accessible manual override that allows operation of the system during off -hours for up to 4 hours. The time switch shall be capable of programming different schedules for weekdays and weekends and have program backup capabilities that prevent the loss of the device's program and time setting for at ' least 10 hours if power is interrupted; or §122(e)1 B An occupancy sensor to control the operating period of the system; or §I22(e)1 C A 4 -hour timer that can be manually operated to'control the operating period of the system. §122(e)2 Each space conditioning system shall be installed with controls that temporarily , restart and temporarily operate the system as required to maintain a setback heating and/or a setup cooling thermostat setpoint. §122(g) Each space conditioning system serving multiple zones with a combined conditioned floor area more than 25,000 square feet shall be provided with isolation zones. Each zone: shall not exceed 25,000 square feet; shall be provided with isolation devices, such as valves or dampers, that allow the supply s of heating or cooling to be setback or shut off independently of other isolation. areas; and shall be controlled by a time control device as described above. ® §122(a&b) Each space conditioning system shall be controlled by an individual thermostat that responds to temperature within the zone. Where used to control heating, the control shall be adjustable down to 55.degrees F or lower. For cooling, the control shall be adjustable up to 85 degrees F or higher. Where used for both heating and cooling, the control shall be capable of providing a deadband of at least 5 degrees F within which the supply of heating and cooling is shut off or reduced to a minimum. X] §122(c) Thermostats shall have numeric setpoints in degrees Fahrenheit (F) and adjustable setpoint stops accessible only to authorized personnel. a§112(b) Heat pumps shall be installed with controls to prevent electric resistance supplementary heater operation when the heating load can be met by the heat pump alone. EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5021 Job Number: 06096 Page: 16 of 23 MECHANICAL MANDATORY MEASURES Part 2 of 2'MECH-MM PROJECT NAME DATE Crab Pot Addition La Quinta 1 11/6/2009 Description - Designer Enforcement Ventilation §121(e) Controls shall be provided to allow outside air dampers or devices to be operated at the ventilation rates as specified on these plans. F] §122(f) Gravity or automatic dampers interlocked and closed on fan shutdown shall be provided on the outside air intakes and discharges of all space conditioning and exhaust systems. .§I 22(f) All gravity ventilating systems shall be provided with automatic or readily accessible manually operated dampers in all openings to the outside, except for combustion air openings: §121(f)1 Air Balancing: The system shall be balanced in accordance with the National Environmental Balancing Bureau (NEBB) Procedural Standards (1983), or .Associated Air Balance Council (AABC) National Standards (1989); or §I21(f)2 Outside Air Certification: The system shall provide the minimum outside air as shown on the mechanical drawings, and shall be measured and certified by the installing licensed C-20 mechanical contractor and certified by (1) the design mechanical engineer, (2) the installing licenced C-20 mechanical contractor, or (3) the person with overall responsibility for the design of the ventilation system; or §121(f)3 Outside Air Measurement: The system shall be equipped with a calibrated local or remote device capable of measuring the quantity of outside air on a continuous basis and displaying that quantity on a readily accessible display divice; or §121(f)4 Another method approved by the Commission. Service Water Heating Systems §113(6)2 If a circulating hot water system is •installed, it shall have a control capable of automatically turning off the circulating pump(s) when hot water is not required. §113(c)• Lavatories in restrooms of public facilities shall be equipped with controls to limit the outlet temperature to 110 degrees F. EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5021 Job Number: 06096 Page: 17 of 23 1HVAC SYSTEM HEATING AND COOLING LOADS SUMMARY PROJECT NAME DATE Crab Pot Addition La Quinta 11/6/2009 (SYSTEM NAME FLOOR AREA Ductless Split Heat Pump 400 ENGINEERING CHECKS ISYSTEM LOAD Number of Systems 1 Heating System Output per System 12,800 Total Output (Btuh) 12,800 Output (Btuh/sqft) 32.0 Cooling System Output per System 12,300 Total Output (Btuh) 12,300 Total Output (Tons) 1.0 Total Output (Btuhisgft) 30.8 Total Output (sgft/Ton) 390.2 Air System CFM per System 365 Airflow (cfm) 365 Airflow (cfm/sgft) 0.91 Airflow (cfm/Ton) 356.1 Outside Air (%) 0.0 Outside Air (cfm/sgft) 0.00 Note: values above given at ARI conditions Total Room Loads Return Vented Lighting Return Air Ducts Return Fan Ventilation Supply Fan Supply Air Ducts TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK CFM I Sensiblel Latent CFM I Sensible 5,007 186 4,639 i 1 2R Split Heat Pump 9,472 0 7,995 Total Adjusted System Output g 472 7,995 (Adjusted for Peak Design Conditions) TIME OF SYSTEM PEAK Jul 3 pm Jan 12 am 1EATING SYSTEM PSYCHROMETRICS (Airstream Temperatures at Time of Heating Peak 26.0 OF 70.0 OF .90.6 OF 90.6 OF Supply Air Ducts O Outside Air 0 cfm 90.6 of Heating Coil Supply Fan 365 cfm ROOMS 70.0 of 70.0 OF Return Air Ducts I COOLING SYSTEM PSYCHROMETRICS (Airstream Temperatures at Time of Cooling Peak) 111.0 / 66.7 of 78.0 155.5 of 53.6 144.7 of 53.6 / 44.7 of lolm O Supply Air Ducts Outside Air 0 cfm Cooling Coil . Supply Fan 53.6 /44.7 of 365 cfm21.2% ROOMS R.H. of 78.0 / 55.5 of 78.0/55.5 Return Air Ducts I EneravPro 4.4 by EneravSoft User Number: 5021 Job Number: 06096 Page: 18 of 23 ZONE LOAD SUMMARY PROJECT NAME• Crab Pot Addition La Quinta DATE 11/6/2009 SYSTEM NAME Ductless Split Heat Pump FLOOR AREA 400 ZONE LOAD SUMMARY ZONAL SYSTEM COOLING PEAK HEATING PEAK ZONE NAME SYSTEM NAME Mult. CFM Cooling Latent Heating CFM SENSIBLE LATENT CFM SENSIBLE Complete Storage Area 1.0 193 5,007 186 212 4,639 Values include ventilation load COINCIDENT TOTAL 5,007 186 4,639 EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5021 Job Number. 06096 Page: 19 of 23 ROOM LOAD SUMMARY PROJECT NAME Crab Pot Addition La Quinta DATE 11/6/2009 SYSTEM NAME Ductless Split Heat Pump FLOOR AREA 400 ROOM LOAD SUMMARY ROOM COOLING PEAK COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK' ZONE NAME ROOM NAME Mult. CFM SENSIBLE LATENT CFM SENSIBLE LATENT CFM SENSIBLE Complete Stora a Area Complete Storage Area 1 193 5,007 186 193 5,007 186 212 4,639 PAGE TOTAL 1 1931 5,007 186 212 4,639 TOTAL 1 193 5,007 186 212 4,639 EnergyPro 4.4 by Energysoft User Number: 5021 Job Number: 06096 Page: 20 of 23 ROOM HEATING PEAK LOADS Project Titie Date Crab Pot Addition La Quinta 11/6/2009 Room Information Desicin Conditions Room Name _ Complete Storage Time of Peak Jan 12 am Floor Area AM Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 26°F Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 70°F Conduction U -Value aT OF Items shown with an asterisk ('r) denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Page Total: 4 639 Infiltration: I 1.. 01 x 1.064 x 400 x 8.00 x 0.000 / 6] x W = Qo schedule Air Sensible Area Ceiling Height ACH DT Fraction TOTAL HOURLY HEAT LOSS FOR ROOM 4,639 EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5021 Job Number: 06096 Page: 21 of 23 400.0 X x x x X x x x x x x x x x x x X x x x x X x x x x x x x x x x x X X x x x X 0.0290 X x x X X X X x x X x x x X X x x x X x x x x x x x X x x x x X ' x x x x x x x 44 = = = = = = = = = = = = 510 perimeter = 41.0 0.7300 44 1,317 194.0 0.0690 44 589 21.0 0.5000 44 462 249.0 0.0690 44 756 215.0 0.0690 44 653 116.0 0.0690 44 352 Items shown with an asterisk ('r) denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Page Total: 4 639 Infiltration: I 1.. 01 x 1.064 x 400 x 8.00 x 0.000 / 6] x W = Qo schedule Air Sensible Area Ceiling Height ACH DT Fraction TOTAL HOURLY HEAT LOSS FOR ROOM 4,639 EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5021 Job Number: 06096 Page: 21 of 23 ROOM COOLING PEAK LOADS Project Title Date Crab Pot Addition La Quinta 11/6/2009 ROOM INFORMATION DESIGN CONDITIONS Room Name _ Complete Storage Area Time of Peak Jul 3 pm Floor Area 400 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 111 OF Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 78`F Outdoor Wet Bulb Temperature 67 `k Conduction -38 Roof Cathedral -21 Wall Wood Door -21 Wall -21 Wall Area 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Solar Gain U -Value 1 0.02901 X X X X X X X X X DETD 1 = = = = = = = = = 67.5 35.2 36.0 35.3 53.3 32.9 Page Total Weighting Orientation Area SGF SC Factor x x x = x x x = x x x = X X x = X X X x X X X x X x x X = x X X X X X Page Total Btu/hr 783 472 378 607 791 263 3 294 Btu/hr Sched. Weighting gtu/hr Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Factor fights 1.0 X 400 X 0.540 Watts/sgft x 3.41 BtuhlWatt x 0.999 = 736 Occupants 1.0c x 400 x 245 Btuh/OCC. / 33 sgft/OCc. x 1.00 = 294 Receptacle 1.0 x 400 x 0.500 Watts/sgft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt X 1.00 = 683 process 1.0 x 400 x o.000 Watts/sgft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt x 1.00 = 0 Infiltration: [ 1.00 x 1.064 x 400 x 8.00 x 0.00 /601 x 33 = Schedule Air Sensible Area Ceiling Height ACH AT Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 5,007 Sched. Btu/hr Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Occu ants 1.00 x 400 x 1551 Btuh/OCC./E3-1 sqft/occ.eceptacle 1-0.0 x x QQ0 Watts/sgft xBtuh/Watt = Process 1.00 x 400 X 0.000 Watts/sgft x 3.4131 Btuhfwatt = o Infiltration: [ 1.0o x ,ZZ x aDD x 8� x o Q /60 x Schedule Alr Latent Area Ceiling Height ACH AW ROOM COOLING COIL LOADS Project Title Date Crab Pot Addition La Quinta 11/6/2009 ROOM INFORMATION DESIGN CONDITIONS Room Name _ Complete Storage Area Time of Peak Jul 3 pm Floor Area 400 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 111 OF Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 78OFOutdoor Wet Bulb Temperature 67 OF Conduction Area X X X X X X X X X U -Value X X X X X X X X X 4-38 Roof Cathedral 400.0 0.0290 -21 Wall 194.0 0.0690 'Wood Door 21.0 0.5000 -21 Wall 249.0 0.0690 -21 Wall 215.0 0.0690 R-21 Will 116.0 0.0690 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Solar Gain DETD t 67.5 = 35.2 = 36.0 = 35.3 = 53.3 = 32.9 = Page Total Weighting Orientation Area SGF SC Factor x x x = X X x = X X X x x x x x x x x x = x x x = x x x = x x x = x x x = Page Total Btu/hr 7831 472 378 607 791 263 3 294 Btu/hr 0 Sched. Weighting Factor Btu/hr Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain fights 1.0 x 400 x 0.540 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt x 0.999 = 736 ,Occupants 1.00 X 400 X 245 . Btuh/occ. / 33 sgft/occ. x 1.00 = 294 eceptacle 1.0 x 400 x 0.500 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt x 1.00 = 683 Process 1.00 x 400 X 0.000 Wafts/sqft X 3.41 BtuhlWatt x 1.00 = 0 Infiltration: [ 1.00 x 1.064 x 400 x 8.00 x 0.00 /6 ] x 33 = Schedule Air Sensible Area Ceiling Height ACH AT Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 5,007 Sched. Btu/hr Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Occu ants 1.00 x 1 4001 X 155 Btuh/occ. / 333 sgft/occ. = 186 e~ce tacle t o0 x 4 x 0000 Watts/sgft x 3 4 Btajh/Watt = Process 1.00 x aoo x 0.000 Watts/sqft x 3.413 Btuh/Watt = o Infiltration: [ 1 DD x a,771 x [::=o x a.oD x o.DD / 6] x �000o_0 = �J Schedule Air Latent Area Ceiling Height ACH zslw Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 186 EnergyPro 4.4 by EnergySoft User Number: 5021 Job Number: 06096 Page: 23 of 23 Fujitsu Ductless Mini -Splits: Wall Mounted Indoor Air Quality Systems Co j FUJIM FUJITSU GENERAL x Home Products Page 1 of 2 Worldwide United States & Canada Find a Contractor Learn About It Service & Support t Products _—----- _----- proms > Wall Mounted I.A.Q. 9 - 12,000 BTU - Wall Mounted ------------------------------------ Wall Mounted Wall Mounted I.A.Q. 9 -12,000 BTU 15 - 18,000 BTU 24 - 30,000 BTU _ Multi -Zone mono ---- ----------------------- -_-__-_ Y Cassette Large Ceiling — ----- ------------- --------- Outdoor Unit - Universal Floor / Ceiling Indoor Unit Systems. 9CQ, 9RQ, 9RLQ*. 12C0. -------- --------------- ------------ Systems. 9CQ, 9RQ, 9RLQ', 12CQ, 12RQ, 12RLQ* 12RQ, 12RLQ• 0 l�AfA� This category of equipment is ideal forsmaller spaces where 87: Wax 'W spot cooling or heating is required. Several models in this CED Ask Fujitsu Credit are ENERGY STAR qualified, meaning they save you Homeowners Can claim money on your utility bill. Residential applications including Need Pricing? 30% of the costs (up to a 1 sunrooms and additions are made easier with these air Contact a local contractor. S1,500 limit) for installing conditioners and heat pumps. Do you have a warm spot in your systems 9RLQ and 12RLQ home? Our mini -splits can provide extra cooling capacity for those hard to cool areas. Commercially, their small size makes in 2069 and 2010. them ideal for small offices, providing individual temperature Click hen for dd@NL control. 'While supplies last Please see new Systems SAL,12RL, 9RLS and 12RLS Accessory Item - Wired Remote Controller Sp ifxabans Lirnensions Downloads Locate A Contractor 0 Inverter Technology (9RLQ, 12RLQ only) Through new, advanced technology, Inverter air conditioners are more economical to operate and quieter to run than conventional units. They can handle greater extremes in temperature, are smoother and more stable in operation, and reach the desired temperature more quickly than conventional air conditioners. Clean Air. Breathe Easy. Inverter Control (9RLQ, 12RLO only) Learn about the Ftasma The Inverter component allows the outdoor unit to vary its speed and output to match the required Filter Lound ii) Wall capacity of the indoor unit. Thus, the Inverter model can achieve 30% more operating efficiency than ieM medi.A.O. urate conventional models and therefore, is much less expensive to run. Energy Efficient All I.A.Q. systems are highly energy efficient, saving you money on your utility bili. Systems 9CQ, 9RQ, 9RLQ and 12RLQ meet the criteria for ENERGY STAR® qualification in 2008. Indoor Air Quality (I.A.Q.) Fujitsu's I.A.Q. systems provide residential and commercial property owners an innovative solution for clean, temperature -controlled indoor air. Halcyon I.A.Q. systems help to create a comfortable indoor environment by removing airborne irritants, odors and allergens such as cigarette smoke, dust, pollen, mold spores and pet dander. The plasma filter's electric pole generates ions and while negatively -charged particles are a,tracted to the ground section and are collected by a disinfecting and deodorizing filter. The filters are especially useful at reducing pet and cigarette odors. Halcyon I.A.Q. systems feature super -charged plasma ionization and electrostatic filtration systems that ionize the airborne contaminants, neutralize them and provide clean air. http://www.fujitsugencral.com/wallmountediaq9-12.htm 11/6/2009 Fujitsu Ductless Mini -Splits: Wall Mounted Indoor Air Quality Systems K M, Quiet Operation Wall mounted systems include an extra quiet fan speed ("Quiet Mode") to make sure that you are not disturbed. Wireless Remote Controller Comfort control is at your fingertips with the standard wireless remote r ; controller. ,r a Washable Panel Filter The removable and washable panel filter is an effective air cleanser, removing mold & dust from the environment. Cleaning of the indoor unit itself is simple due to the design and shape of the casing. �ii���1r/►" Smart System: Auto Mode When the system is initially turned on, the fan speed is HIGH to reach the set temperature as quickly as possible. The fan speed will automatically adjust downward as the room begins to reach the set temperature. Humidity Control This system features Dry Mode, which helps to control humidity levels, even when cooling may not be needed. Other Standard Features Include: Sleep Timer 24 -Hour Timer Auto Restart/Reset Auto Louver: Up/Down Terms of Use I Privacy Auto Changeover Cold Prevention Low Ambient Coil Dry Mode (9RLQ, 12RLQ only) COPYRIGHT ® FUJITSU GENERAL AMERICA, INC.. 2003-2008 HALCYON IS A TRADEMARK OF FUJITSU GENERAL LIMITED Page 2 of 2 http://www.fujitsugeneral.com/wallmountediag9-12.htm 11/6/2009 Fujitsu Ductless Mini -Splits: Wall Mounted Indoor Air Quality Systems 07 F JJrW FUJITSU GENERAL x Home Products Find a Contractor Page 1 of 2 Worldwide United States & Canada Learn About It Ser�4ice & Support Products -------------•-------------------- Products > Wall Mounted I.A.Q. 9 -12,000 BTU • Wall Mounted ----------------------------------- Wall Mounted Wall Mounted I.A.Q. 9. 12,000 BTU 15 - 18,000 BTU 24 - 30,000 BTU •--------------------------------- - M--i_2one------•-- -Cassette - Large Ceiling-- •-------------------------- Outdoor Unit - Universal Floor/ Ceiling Indoor Untt Systems. 9CQ, 9RO. 9RLQ*. 12CQ, ---------------------------^--------- Systems: 9CO. 9RQ, 9RLQ*, 12CQ, 12RQ, 12RLQ* 12RQ, 12RLQ* ]cdlaim l This category of equipment is ideal for smaller spaces where iF9 A k Fujitsu spot cooling or heating is required. Several models in this *-.+ f A7it category are ENERGY STAR qualified, meaning they save ycu Need Priv 9 Homeownersmoney on your utility bill. Residential applications including Contact a local c:ontraactor. 30% of the coa sunrooms and additions are made easier with these air $1 500 limit) g conditioners and heat pumps. Do you have a warm spot in yo,,r systems 9RLLQ home? Our mini -splits can provide extra cooling capacity for those hard to cool areas. Commercially, their small size makes in 2009 and 2them ideal for small offices, providing individual temperature Click here control. *Wt ile suppties last. Please see new Systems NX, f?!tl*, 9RLS and 1�rs. Accessory ItemCnamioads. .I Wired Remote Controller SYSTEM _ 9CQ 9RQ 9RLQ* 12CQ 12RQ 12RLQ* Locate A Contractor CAPACITIES: 0 Cooling BTU/h _ 9,700 9,700 9,000 12.300 12,300 12.000 Outdoor Design Temp 95/75 95175 95/75 95175 95175 95175 F* DB/WB Heating BTU/h 9,600 12,000 -� 12,300 16,000— Outdoor Design Temp 47143 47/43 - 47143 47143 F° DB/WB SEER 14.3 14.3 21.0 13.5 13.7 21.0 Clean Air. Brealtle Easy. EER Clg/Htg 11,8 11.8113.9 13.5/14.5 11.6 11.5112.9 12.5!12.8 Learn aboutihePas a HSPF 8.2 11 8.2 10.55 Filter fauna '.a Power Supply (V) _ 115 115 208-230 115 115 208-230 Mounted I A.O. units INDOOR UNIT: Noise Level db (A) Cooling Hi 40 42 45 43 Med 36 37 40 37 to 31 31 35 31 Noise Level db (A) Heating Hi _ 40 42 45 42 Med 36 37 - 40 3T N _ Lo 31 30.--- 35 _ 30 Weight (lbs.) 21 21 21 21 21 21 OUTDOOR UNIT: Max Fuse Size (A) 15 15 20 20 20 20 Min. Ampacity (A) 12 12 10 1s 15 12 'Running Current Cig (A) 7.6 7.6 3.216.0 9.8 9.9 4.58.0 RatedlMax Running Current Htg (A)� Rated/Max 6.5 3,918.5 - 9.2 5,7t10A Weight (lbs.) 68 71 77 77 79 82 REFRIGERANT PIPING: Max Ht. Difference (ft,) 26 26 49 26 26 49 — Max Total or Combined 49 49 66 49 49 66 Length (f_) Discharge Vapor Line 114 114 114 1/4 t/4 114 (O.D.)inches http://www.fiijitsugeneral.com/watimountediag9-12_specs.htm 11/6/2009 Fujitsu Ductless Mini -Splits: Wall Mounted Indoor Air Quality Systems Page 2 of 2 Suction (O.D.) inches 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 Terms of Use I Privacy COPYRIGHT © FUJITSU GENERAL AMERICA, INC., 2003-2008 HALCYON IS A TRADEMARK OF FUJITSU GENERAL LIMITED http://www.fujitsugeneral.com/wallmountediaq9-12_specs.htm 11/6/2009 Fujitsu Ductless Mini -Splits: Wall Mounted Indoor Air Quality Systems r FUJITSU FUJITSU GENERAL Worldwide United States & Canada Products --------------------------------- Products > Wall Mounted I.A.Q. 9 - 12,000 BTU1� - Wall Mounted r ANCYOF7 ------------------------------------- Wall Mounted - Wall Mounted I.A.Q. 9 - 12,000 BTU 15 - 18,000 BTU — 24 - 30,000 BTU -------------------- - - Multi -Zone It t Cassette -- ----- ------- — — Large Ceiling ' "'- ----------- --------------- Outdoor Unit Universal Floor / Ceiling Indoor Unit Systems: 9CQ, 9RQ, 9R1_Q*, 12CQ, •--------------------^---- Systems: 9CQ, 9RQ, 9RLQ•, 12CQ, 12RQ, 12RLQ* 12RQ. 12RLQ• nfor �'This category of equipment is ideal for smaller spaces where �t spot cooling or heating is required. Several models in this El Ask Fujitsu category are ENERGY STAR qualified, meaning they save you laim money on your utility bill. Residential applications including Need Pricing? to a sunrooms and additions are made easier with these air Contact a local contractor. alling conditioners and heat pumps- Do you have a warm spot in your systems 9RLp and 12RLQ home? Our mini -splits can provide extra cooling capacity for those hard to cool areas. Commercially, their small size makes m 2W9 and 2010 them ideal for small offices, providing individual temperature Click here for details. control. *While supplies last. Please see new Systems WL, 12114iL, RKS and 12RLS. Accessory Item Featues Specifications � Downloads., I - Wired Remote Controller Indoor Units ASU9CQ, 9RQ 9RLQ*, 12CQ, 12RO, 12RLQ* i ­;, s Locate A Contractor 31-1118" 9-1M6 Clean Air. Breath4Easy. La3�: aboutthe PasmFiller found ri'AWl MountedIRA- Unes .t -While supplies last. Please see new Systems ARL, 12RL, BRLS and 12RLS. Outdoor Units AOU9CQ, 9RQ, 9RLQ', 12CQ, 12RQ, 12RLQ* Inches (Millimeters) 11-7116 (290) 11/16 31-118 (790) 2-3116 j t 71 (58) 11-3116 (288) yOy ROM V N 1�_� 4 1356) "While supplies last Please see new Systems 9RL, 12RL, 9RLS and 12RLS Terms of Use I Privacy COPYRIGHT. FUJITSU GENERAL AMERICA. INC., 20032008 HALCYON IS A TRADEMARK OF FUJITSU GENERAL LIMITED http://www.fujitsugeneral.com/wallmountediag9-12_dims.htm Page 1 of 1 Support 11/6/2009 -itchen Grease Interceptor . ..... . . . . . ........ water J� .. . .... . .... j to maven Floor Drain g I Floor Sink T—.a QuintkC-rab Pot 1,129/10 Kitchen Addition Plan ffl4F J6T ILROULIES1 Eff �J�ffl L.._ 78-080 Calle Amigo, Suite 102, La Quinta, CA 92253 760-219-9886 760-262-3000 (fax) dale@kellehermapping.com March 9, 2011 Tim Jonasson City of La Quinta Public Works Department (760) 777-7112 (fax) Re: Pad / Grading Certification 78121 Avenida La Fonda La Quinta, CA 92253 APN: 770-122-017 LOTS 1-4, DCT 94 MB 21/60 To Whom It May Concern: We have performed a field survey to determine the vertical and horizontal location of the building pad for the above referenced project. The elevation's observed are as follows: PAD (DESIGN) 6" BELOW EXISTING F.F. PAD (AS -BUILT) 6" BELOW EXISTTNG F.F. These field observations are in substantial conformance with the Precise Grading Plan Prepared by ESSI SHAHANDF_.H, CIVIL ENGINEER, dated 5/18/2010, approved by the City of La Quinta on 5/18/2010. Sincerely, KELLEHER M PP Dale K lleher, PLS 6687 cc: Robert J. Novello Essi Shahendeh LAND vk�OP�k. KEL(FyF`��� No. 6687