2627N CST E.: r. _ t With proper validation this form constitutes an encroachment permit CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION FOR PERMIT PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION (ENCROACHMENT) For the construction of public or private curbs, driveways, pavements, sidewalks, parking lots, sewers, water mains and other like public works improvements in connection with MINOR IMPROVEMENTS and APPROVED SUBDIVISIONS Subdivision Improvement Permit — Class III DATE: June 27, 1997 Minor Improvement Permit Class IV LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION Desert Club Dr. from Ave. La FAndn to Ava. 52 and Ave, 52 from Desert Club Dr. to Madison Sat. (Street address or Description of Location) PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION Install matt holes and Sketch (attach construction plans if appropriate) conduit DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION Trench and install conduit SEE ATTACHED CONDITIONS DIMENSION OF INSTALLATION OR REMOVAL 1' X 46" R 16.500' SEE GTE DRAWINGS A-1 W.O. 0543- 7F001BE) AND RELATED AVEINTUE 52 SIZE OF EXCAVATION, IF NEEDED IMPROVEMENT PLANS ON FILE WITH 1" X 46" X 16,500' APPROXIMATE TIME WHEN WORK WILL BEGIN 7/7/97 APPROXIMATE TIME OF COMPLETION 9/5/97 ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $ 310.907,00 (Including removal of all obstruction, materials, and debris, backfilling, com- paction and placing permanent resurfacing and/or replacing improvements) In consideration of the granting of this permit, the applicant hereby agrees to: Indemnify, defend and save the City, its authorized agents, officers, representatives and employees, harmless from and against any and all penalties, liabilities or loss resulting from claims or court action and arising out of any accident, loss or damage to persons or property happening or occurring as a proximate result of any work undertaken under the permit granted pursuant to this application. Notify the Administrative Authority at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the time when work will be started. Comply with all applicable City Ordinances, the terms and conditions of the permit and all applicable rules and regulations of the City of La Quinta and to pay for any additional replacement necessary as the result of this work. hood 40mmunications L Name of Applicant (please print) Signature of Applicant or Agent Business Address Telephone No. same Name of Contractor and Job Foreman Business Address Telephone No. 378587 1182 Contractor's License No. City Business License No. Cxaredon America Insurance TNC0698970104 Applicant's Insurance Company Policy Number - FEES: Subdivision Improvement Permit — Class 111 Public improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs Private improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs Minor Improvement Permit — Class IV: See attached schedule Inspection Fee $ 4,327.21 II Permit Fee Penalty Cash Deposit -Surety Bond if required TOTAL Receipt No. 100.00 $ 9,427.21 Received by Date: Recorded by JUL 0 1 1997 0Z T OFtA Qt PERMIT VALIDATION 6 ��� PERMIT NO. 2627 DATE APPROVED 6/27/97 EXPIRATION DATE 9/30/97 DATE ISSUED 6//-27/97 ,y / Administrative Authority Telephone: (619) 777-7075 hitt -AIL (8101 1NOMMU A.4JD r "IaWu.OwPrr Ae 41 3RSS131vo "/ �irA I�t1v>rax� 0 a�noll®av H1VO 'OA, 11 alll9i NbIlva3iWA 1dYtl3d • �0 pq MA1�o1! . �2 a :ivy PUPIM& a pubs "fell dwo Mi wjwd sisP� PsWs11s MS �AI.-e1J — Y.u1Md 1Wul.AO+mw) �IiY gsoo ualunnruos pnsw�l 1p.4iR ;wuauwA�wy sa1A�y coos u9133/MMM.MWA13f0 #0 %C ;OWNSumeMw; oy" U1 gn15 — Kv+�B so+ Mul uglwp410 mud �uAtd�!(o0 1�t�OlOW'Y'FM09 AWdw0,7euYnsui.11l101YldV �-rlrn� tb b-70"?�1„1. "m •oN sw t•1 �ow+�t�+e usewood a'K aus w(gow�q W �P, L L S v -b �' fob � r r a �► $`,s� r .-v -�7 i+.,s+,r,o Isr�ollaev � ani 'W" 6141 le 1 R W1 r A� Wft d o" Oda"" aN m. Ar w /w ft"M gf M Ali Ma lo. au% -$POP P- -in, OMMOM IK ISM W�b 00 N f " . & 049 'tMMMqP#o A414 4R1MIM IM MIM AWVAa •PMMS 4K a- 4— -W -M 00 !o U11Ma0 w .aror I*& ,AOpA-- -ft is Aa—ft a1MP-1 j" OW 40ft . u"wIOft $I* W wenwhe Pa." 1 --ma Wl'*MR tiralprpuA tilts. 40 to umm ft*Awa • M W&AM11300 A bwWdit 4.�sshe .6 ftNAM - ONNAD - "N 'W*jJvP m 'w — aANA 0- WOW WA2 .e "~ %Aq aNaw+ ON - MMM I '-aMUM 0 a* Aw fvoft aw W 4 =1wft'vmA* Aw► 0- -.oftu--d- 'YOIaY 'o -D M YI 'AN3 -0 -01 ¢IN Pow, I :oi MuOs A4aw >wAl1�• Wl 'liwMd A!W io Oultus�5 slP �O uopaespptiloA .us . (nwrwsAgAiml 411aslda •ofpw supwism WVANMM m+pw Pa "PAW 11�� �� � as ,�rN ouvr� �lP .r2VWdAaAG W) Z C� —M k Y,2 � — N01lii� !O IOU ati1MN --'�"'� �"r"�" MI�sM '1� IM bM01N NdMM 31KLL 3111NtlXONddld' . pc r X1,tiX ( IVAOM V HO N01111JjVj9N130 U09MR142 NaVin 21i.000 40 Mai 19A9t� �n (gsledoidds tualp uas�nilsuoo 4 -UN) $� 4 u r WOIJ.:Kt d0 700d11f1d (-a-" W W(1d10L1 a A M4100 now u — q+ } . —j-VrDr wShwAsmw i0 NQII nl >� blw/Od IusurAaawl �41t1w � � � J � r •�� III Who —1'uL44 luruwaewy ueK!Alpqm 9NOIs1/ Icon$ 03AO,I4ddY Pu+ S.LN3W3A0adW1 NONIW W!Ak u6!►U"66 u! rwAwe.6j"j SWGM atll,nd MI anlq WA W!" J%m VAN NS&$ GUtVM 'rjjI@MM fl 'JW6W6A.6 •aAA.iA.I.P 44AA� aleu.d jo alwoo ao U*4bruleu4o sip and (1N3WW0V0H3MM) N0110noutmw SNIAOM 3119(w 1twa3a W0.4 14011vollAdw WMIA9 d1. 30 A113 I�wao waHtapaeau. us mie puw WA V1N ie8(IsPll�► nesr4l MANY! . !uau Z0 39Cd alriznn vi j0 Ali,,) SSTLLLL6T9 61:�0 L66/LZ/90 Z 'd 9585 ZSL 619 ONI 'WYN'OO 000H hOdA WdB7.' 8 L661 -LZ -9 t 6-27-1997 8 : 45AM FROM HOOD COMM, I NC. 619 752 9856 P.4 "CONTR%iCTED UNDERGROUND C( JCTION UNIT PRICE SCHEDULE ' Remove 5 -part ser from pad before use. DISTRIBUTION (1) Originator • Complete references and forward 5 -part form with bid package. Q7)Contractor - Complete items =l • 9 .'cJ apprapririe) sign and forward '4 copies with s.bm:tted bid. Retain goldenrod copy, (.3) Bid Officer _ Retain green copy, Forward white copy to originating RC, Forward pink copy' to area E &C Mgr. • 0. P. (FC . Forward yellow copy' to PC 3705, Santa Monica. (x For lo,c hid uniy.) (4) Originating RC • File white copy with W.O. file. REFERENZES W-0.0543-7FOOIBE (BIL #2) Job Locotion 0,;q. Rc Ci,y LA QUINTA CONTRACTOR-Providc unj► price for units and work operations appl;eeble to the above referenced work. Unit priccs will be used, to the extent applicob!e, in the event it is necessary to dc�icte from Werk ind;coted on plans accompanying rcfcrcnced work order. All costs (prices) shall reflect installations which comply with rules set forth by Got, PUC, F federal, state end local governmentol.agencies involved. r.. I NP— LACE i IN-PLACE UNIT PRICE , UNIT PRICE i 1. MANHOLES- (5i:e 3" Ref.) %C at .4) 6 X 12 X 7 [6_243 - 00__. i S X 10 112 X' 6 117 _.�17, 4-'9 5 3.00 2. PULL BOXES (Size; Type Cover; IQ1..1!) f och) 3. KAIDOOM (Siar,- Type) (Q.:y) �E 9CFl BRIDGES 7,607.00 6.i 66 l is 17. 4: BORING (Include cosi of steel ::caing BORE cchenusrd.) LEN, 1F7 -!I IN. FT.) Alar..) I lSi:c) 5, ?.OWING EST'O LEN. (FT.) (Lk';. FT.) "DEPTH I DEPTH ! DEPTH j 9.. CONTR 0 .ROOD CO CATI , IN-- SIGNED NCSIGNED DATz 6/23/97 BRUCE E. CASH, EXECUTIV VICE PRESIDENT • I TRENCH ."For Buried Fac',. 1 FST'D I l` EST'D S17 (in'rAes) LEN. -FT.1 i W. X D. j W. X D. W. X D. I W. X. D. I I TRENCH !frith Conduit) EST'D TR. ! i DUCT SIZE NO. OF DUCTS LIE N.;FT. ITR. FT;J I 41t "� Ll ,_i6b I 1 3- Rc- _ 4" D. I 5,128 _ ' T 9.50 I D (Trench. Liv! Price includes -il excavctirg or,d i ` i lrncK 1:11i,^ -g (nncrior.s • excladas ire.. -s = " ?.) EST'D SURFACE CUTS !Nae in item ti! LEN. (FT., i 21N. FT.) !' CONCRETE SIDEWALK( ! I ASPHALT PAVING 1 CONCRETE PAVING f EST'D AR"e4� PAVING (\'ot it,, item z 6) (5Q. FT.) I (SQ. FT.; '. TEMPORARY i PERMANENT CONC. SIDEWALK ASPHALT I �flA CONCRETE LANDSCAPING. COMME NTS: . LABOR & EQUIPMENT 5134,652.00 MATERIAL 167,533.00 TAX { 'TOTAL, 53.152.907 - 00 6-27-1997 6 : 44ANI FROM HOOD COMM. I NC. 6'19 752 9656 uuizii�r I'•xt g8:3v FAd:502 U45 1411. LOMBARDY HOLLINC R" P. 3 ��B'���• CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE t93UE OATS (MM/DD/YY; 6/271.97 PRoaucERTMIS CERTIFICATE 18 ISS ED AS A MATTER Or INFORMATION ONLY AND �D Wl 11 i 8Dt$ Jay icy CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND. EXTEND 328 N,. Newport Blvd., #563 ' OR ALTAR THF COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES SILOW. Newport Beach, Ca. 92663 COMPANIES AFFORDING. COVERAGE Phone: 714-645-6680 6 Fax . 7I4 -642-59E8 COMPANY A ETTE LET"rER Clarendon Amrica Insurance tesvAEO COMnANr LET7EA 8 U. S . F, a G. Insurance Copany f�,.. ..,..., Hood �ujuniCations, Inc. coMPA"Y C Nat 1vnal Union Fire Insurance Ompany LETTER 21496 Main Street . Grand.Terrace; Ca. 92324 COMPANY - Lernn D COMPANY • LET7EA COVBRAOEB THIS 1$ TQ GERTIFV THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSVED TO THE INSVREO NAMED ABOVE FOR THS POLICY PEA= INDICATED, NOTWITMSTANOING ANY REOUIREMENT, 7601M OWCONDITION Of ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT W:TM AESPeCT TO VPHICF! THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE I$SVE0 OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY TME POLICIES DESCRIBED HfAtIN 1$ SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS. EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIBS• LIMITS $MOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED 8V PAID CLAIMS. 00 TV PG OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER LTR POLICY !iFlCTWE POLICY EXPIRATION LIMITB DATE (MMIODIM OATAt (MMIODlYY) ; GENlRAL LIABILITY ." CENTRAL ADORlOATE 1 2,000,000 A X coMMERCIA� GENERAL LjAftilV MC0698970104 4/15/97 4115i98 PRQoucTa.coMProP AcG. A 1,000,000 CLAIMS MAOF' X OCCUR PERSONAL A ADV. INJUAv 'A 1,000,000 X, OOWNNEA'6iCONTRACTOA'S PROT. EACH OCCUORENCE S 1,000,000 X NOU Coverage RIRC CAMAOE (Any oro lh* f 50,000 ' MED. ptKt4K (MT VM w�cwo f 5 0 AUWOMOe1LE LIABILITY- B X ANY AUTO 1AB300821422-00 015197 4115198 f°,Teo ylrool! s 1,000,000 All OWNED AVTOS BODILY INJURY GCOEOULEO AUTOS IPL'Ponorl HIRED .�UT39 I ILV RY NON•OWNEAUT D OS - i bcc.do . ' GARAGE CIAeILtTr ' PROPERTY DAMAGE "I " EXCESS LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE s UMBRELLA FORM - AGGREGATE . OTHER THAN VMVAELLA fORM - WORkER'6 EOMMINOATION STATUTORY LIMITS - C ANO 4157856 6/1519T 6/15/98 ' EACM ACCIOENr, S 1,000,000 1 DISEA$b—PQL4CY LIMIT A 1,600,000 ESIPLOYERS' b1AlIUTY • O(SEASE-CACMEMPLOY(e i 1.0 QnLOQ ��. DTNeR " DESCrtPTIONQ>:OVERATIONS/LOCATION@roEWCLearaPecuLrTwra 10. Days Notice of Cancellation for Non -Payment of Premt = . The City of La Quinta is cured an additional insured as respects WOM performed in tho city limits by the nod.insured. I I CEFMFICATB MOLDER CANCELLATION l City of L8 Quince ` SHOULD ANY OF TME ABOVE OESCRISEO POLICIES BE CANCELLEO SEPORE THE ! 78-495 Calle Vico EXPIAATioN DATE THEREOF. THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO `(•a. 92253 Tia Qlinta,I MAIL 3Q PAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT-BuT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIOATION OR ' LIABILITY OF, ANY KIND UPON THC COMPANY, ITS ACIINTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. " - AVTNPRIEEO RlPR9!lNT4T�Y! . ACORo �6AWAO CORPORATION 1990 6-27-1997 8:42AM FROM HOOD COMM, INC. 619 752 9856 P.1 • "a. 51.4- ,� ;.'��`t"''� C'UNZ'RaC1'OtZS i ir:i t�k N �'75S6 ^��.. _ I o I1� �ns t TU: y 1 '+TT —...ssz�. �v/lir ... _....__.._...__...._. J FA.X NUhl.FIFR: L h Ul T: I.CI Of 1'4 e, ko folly,. }'k OM Y.O. BOX 23.26 CULTON �� CA�32.tR� z�1y96 MAIN�909\27/4,0577 _' . ! SThZk.F f GRAND 7'1'.Itit,> (:'F., .CA 9231 1 j2A per Lics ' 4), e '. CONFIDE IA.LITY NOTE - t i THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN 'THIS FACSIMILE. ANO CONPIDENTlAL IAIFORMATION INTENDED ONLY FC)fiMFS57 SEE IS �LEGALLI' r"'FsIVILEGEG. OR ENTITY NAMED ABOVE. IF THE READER OF THIS MESSAGES J NOO'Ii Ttil=rv;V1`E`N RECIPIENT, YOU ARE. HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT..ANY DISSEMINATION, DISI, RIBUTI VED T ''N OR COPY OF .THIS TELECOPY IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIi TELECOPY IN ERROR, PLEASE IMMEDIATELY .NOTI'rY US 8Y T1 TELEPHONE AND RET�rI Ih THE.OR,IGINAL MESSAGE TO US AT THE ABOVE ADDfiESS VIA THE UNi7EO STATES POS -7 -AL SERvicc. SPECIAL CONDITIONS --PERMIT NO. 2627 --- Hood Communications, Inc. --- In addition to the standard permit conditions, the following shall apply: 1. This permit authorizes the installation of a new fiber optic line in locations and alignment indicated in GTE drawings A -I (W.O. 0543-7601 and as agreed verbally with GTE on May 23, 1997, and June 16, 1.997. The alignment of thefiber optic line and the installation of the GTE manholes shall allow for future Citywide improvements planned for Desert Club Drive and Avenue 52. Where ultimate improvements are planned, GTE facilities shall be placed in such a way as to allow for such improvements. The City does not authorize the construction of any GTE facilities which will conflict with proposed or future curb and gutter alignments, or storm drain facilities. GTE, and/or its contractor, shall bear the cost of relocating or adjusting any improvements associated with this facility which are found to conflict with planned or future improvements. 2. All work shall be performed in accordance with the latest edition of the Standard Specifications For Public Works Construction (SSPWC). 3. Hood Communications, Inc., "Permittee", shall be responsible for providing continuous dust and erosion control. The Permittee shall. stabilize any soil that is left disturbed as a result of work performed under this permit with an approved dust control treatment. The City shall have the right to stop work in progress in the -event dust control standards are not met. The Permittee shall not proceed with work until dust levels are reduced and clearance is given by the City Inspector. . 4. Streets shall be kept clean. They shall be completely cleaned at the end of each working day and more frequently if required. 5. The Permittee shall comply with the local noise ordinance. Operation and maintenance of equipment within one half mile of human occupancy shall be performed only during the following time periods: October 1st to April 30: Monday -Friday 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. May 1 st to September 30: Monday -Friday 6:00 a.m to 7:00 p.m. Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 6. Work performed within 500 feet.of any signalized intersection is restricted between the hours of. 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Traffic control shall be set up after 9 a.m. and removed before 3 p.m. The Permittee shall contact the Riverside Country Traffic Signal Maintenance Department at (909) 275-6894 if signal operation at any'intersection is to be altered in any way. 7. Work shall be prohibited on legal holidays including Sundays. Work is allowed on Saturdays only if special arrangements, including payment of overtime inspection fees, have been made two (2) working days prior to the desired Saturday. Special Conditions - Permit No. 2627 Page 1 of 3 SPECIAL CONDITIONS --PERMIT NO. 2627 --- Hood Communications, Inc. --- 8. The Permittee shall assume responsibility for repair of any pavement damage to any public or private street and for any damage to other City streets or facilities as a result of work performed under this permit. Upon notification, the Permittee shall respond immediately to correct said damage at its own expense. 9. Advance warning signs and traffic control shall be installed and maintained in accordance with Cal Trans Standards or the Work Area Traffic Control Handbook (WATCH Manual). The Permittee shall submit a traffic control plan that shall provide for a minimum of one travel lane on paved surface with a flagman as necessary. Access and egress to all local properties shall be maintained at all times. It shall be the Permittee's responsibility to detour and barricade the work site. 10.. Prior to excavating, the Permittee shall contact Underground Service Alert at 1-800-422-4133. 11. Should. additional work, materials, or modifications of the work be required in order to meet city standards, safety requirements, signage requirements, or to fit actual field conditions, the work shall .be performed by the Permittee as directed by and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer at no cost to the City of La Quinta. 12. All excavations within City of La Quinta right-of-way shall be backfilled, and temporarily paved if within the existing travel way, -at the end of every workday as directed by and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer for the protection of the public. Lengths of open trench shall not greatly exceed that which can not be backfilled in the same day. Excavated trenches shall not be allowed open . overnight, however, the Permittee may leave a length of excavated trench not to exceed twenty (20) feet open overnight at a point where construction will begin the next day, provided that this length of trench is completely covered by steel plating. 13. Backfill compaction within improved street rights-of-way shall conform with Section 306-1.3 of the SSPWC. Native material maybe used as backfill material provided that all trench backfill up to subgrade level is compacted to a minimum relative density of 90% with a minimum frequency of one test per every 300 linear feet per lift. All backfill shall be mechanically compacted in lifts of eight (8) inches or less. Backfill shall be performed by mechanical means; no water densified compaction via jetting or flooding or other means shall be allowed. It shall be the Permittee's responsibility to provide appropriate geotechnical supervision, testing, and inspection, onsite, at all times during backfill operations. The Permittee shall pay all costs for geotechnical testing of backfill required by the City. All test data shall be submitted to the City. 14. Due to the nature and configuration of the trenching to be performed within the Desert Club Drive/Avenue 52 intersection, the trench shall be saw cut an additional l' on each side of the excavation area and a buttjoint created. The edges shall be saw cut to straight, stable, and unyielding edges. Feather joints are not acceptable. The finished pavement surface shall be. smooth and consistent, and shall conform to the surrounding grades. Trenches in the street section shall be permanently paved within seven (7) days after completion of the work unless otherwise approved by the City. Special Conditions - Permit No. 2627 Page 2 of 3 SPECIAL CONDITIONS --PERMIT NO. 2627 =-- Hood Communications; Inc: --- 15. Permanent pavement replacement structural sections within Avenue 52 shall be one inch greater than existing of asphalt concrete or 5V? minimum, whichever is greater, over 6" of aggregate base material. The asphalt concrete and base material layers shall be compacted to a minimum relative density of 95%. The asphalt concrete mix design shall be approved by the city prior to placement. 16. All,landscaping, irrigation lines, decorative rock, decorative concrete, lighting, etc., shall be replaced to its original condition. Existing curb and gutter, sidewalk, medians or other existing improvements shall be protected in place to the extent possible.. If removal is required, approval shall be granted by the City Inspector prior to removal. Improvements removed shall be replaced in kind by the Permittee as directed by and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer no later than seven (7) days after the completion of the work authorized by this permit. 17. The Permittee shall notify the City Engineering Department a.minimum of 48 hours prior to start of ` any work at (760) 777-7075. 18. The city has designated by ordinance certain city streets as Truck Routes. The weight limit for restricted streets (i.e. streets not part of the Truck Route network) is three (3) tons; trucks exceeding the weight limit may use the restricted street if making a delivery or pickup on the subject street, or " if this permit specifically. grants permission to use the street to' deliver street construction .materials and/or equipment. 19. The City of La Quinta reserves the right to revoke, suspend or void this permit at any time. Project GTE Fiber Optic Line- Desert Club/Ave 52 Job No. EP 2627 Client GTE Contractor Hood Communications Project Mgr John Durbin (GTE)/Mark Guitterez (Hood) DAILY CONSTRUCTION REPORT DATE 7/2/97 WEATHER TEMPERATURE WIND HUMIDITY. DAY S I M I T I W TH F S Cloudy Rain Snow x AVERAGE FIELD FORCE en y Non -Manual Manual 5 Remarks crew Clear cloudy Cloudy Rain Snow x To 32 32-50 50-70 70-85 85 up x Still Moder High Report No. x Dry IModeTurnid x AVERAGE FIELD FORCE Name of Contractor Hood Communications Non -Manual Manual 5 Remarks crew VISITORS Time 9:45 Representing City of La Quinta 'Representing Remarks M. Fuller EQUIPMENT AT THE SITE miscellaneous light equipment "' CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES GTE Fiber Optic Line 9:45 Contractor has been in process of laying out locations of new GTE fiber optic line along Desert Club Drive and Avenue 52; contractor has coordinated with GTE to make sure location of new utility does not conlfict with the Tradition development utilities; Tradition Project Superintendent Mike Allen has been advised of work and is scheduled to meet with GTE and Hood Communications Monday a.m. to review fiber optic .line layout and adjust location/alignment as necessary to accorri- modate utilities to be brought onto development; contractor intends to begin excavating for two vaults on Desert Club and one on Ave 52 on Monday and install vaults on Tuesday; Tradition Super. Mike Allen has agreed to remove the,chain link fence from right of way to allow construction of GTE utility; 2. Field Office 3. File 4. Client F:\pwdept\staff\fuller\inspections\970702a - By: Marcus Fuller Pagel of 1 Pages Title Assistant Engineer I DAILY CONSTRUCTION REPORT DATE .7/7/97 WEATHER Project GTE Fiber Optic Line - Desert Club/Ave 52 Job No. EP 2627 TEMPERATURE Client GTE Contractor Hood Communications WIND Project Mgr John Durbin (GTE)/Mark Guitterez (Hood) HUMIDITY DAY S FM 7T. art y Non -Manual W TH F S I x Snow x VERAGE FIELD FORCE art y Non -Manual Manual 5 Remarks crew Clear cioudy Cloudy Rain Snow x To 32 32-50 50-70 70-85 85 up x Still Moder High Report No. x Dry Moder Humid X VERAGE FIELD FORCE Name of Contractor Hood Communications Non -Manual Manual 5 Remarks crew VISITORS Time 10:45 Representing City of La Quinta Representing Remarks M. Fuller EQUIPMENT AT THE SITE John Deere 31OD backhoe, miscellaneous light equipment CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES GTE Fiber Optic Line 10:45 Arrived on site; contractor on site at Avenue 52, currently m progress of excavating the vault for manhole #141 at station 50+63 (east of Washington Street), approximately 10'6" off of existing edge of pavement; centerline of new trench is approximately 50' from the centerline of Avenue 52; con- tractor will layout centerline of trench along frontage of Tradition development (Tract 28470) to. coordinate with the developer in.identifying the location of the future utilities to the development and the GTE fiber optic line; • t . Distrihutinn, 1 Pmi—t Ma. ,oma 2. Field Office v 1 3. File 4. Client F:\pwdept\staff\fuller\inspections\970707c Page 1 of 1 Pages Title Assistant En ineer I Project GTE Fiber Optic Line - Desert Club/Ave 52 Job No. EP 2627 Client GTE Fiber Optic Line - Desert Club/Ave 52 Contractor Hood Communications Project Mgr John Durbin (GTE)/Mark Guitterez (Hood) DAILY CONSTRUCTION REPORT DATE 7/9/97 WEATHER TEMPERATURE WIND HUMIDITY DAY S M T W TH F S Cloudy Rain Snow x AVERAGE FIELD FORCE partly Non -Manual Manual 5 Remarks crew Clear Cloudy Cloudy Rain Snow x To 32 32-50 50-70 70-85 85 up x Still Moder High Report No. X Dry Moder Humid X AVERAGE FIELD FORCE Name of Contractor Hood Communications Non -Manual Manual 5 Remarks crew VISITORS Time 10:00/2:15 Representing City of La Quinta Representing Remarks M. Fuller EQUIPMENT AT THE SITE John Deere 510C backhoe, John Deere 31 OD backhoe, miscellaneous light equipment CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES GTE Fiber Optic Line 10:00 Arrived on site, contractor on site at Avenue 52, currently in progress of installing GTE vault, man- hole #178 at station 64+38, 49' from centerline of Avenue 52 to front of vault; vault excavations are 10'4" deep from existing finish surface edge of pavement; all construction is off of Avenue 52; no lane closures required; contractor has installed 5 GTE vaults; 2:15 returned to job site; contractor has proceeded east along Ave 52, has set 4 vaults today, ending at station 85+05, manhole #181 (moved 10' east to clear existing 12" irrigation line at station 84+95); contractor intends to continue east on Avenue 52 tomorrow, has 4 remaining vaults to install, besides 6 vaults adjacent to Tradition property; Uistnbution: 1. Project Manager 2. Field Office 3. File 4. Client F:\pwdept\staff\fuller\inspections\970709a Page 1 of 1 Pages By: Marcus Fuller Title Assistant Engineer 1 Project GTE Fiber Optic Line - Desert Club/Ave 52 Job No. EP 2627 Client GTE Contractor Hood Communications Project Mgr John Durbin (GTE)/Mark Guitterez (Hood) DAILY CONSTRUCTION REPORT WEATHER TEMPERATURE HUMIDITY DATE 7/11/97 DAY S M T W TH F S Cloudy Rain Snow x x AVERAGE FIELD FORCE B y Non -Manual Manual 5 Remarks crew Clear cloudy Cloudy Rain Snow x To 32 32-50 50-70 70-85 85 up x Still Moder High Report No. . LX Moder Humid AVERAGE FIELD FORCE Name of Contractor Hood Communications Non -Manual Manual 5 Remarks crew VISITORS Time 9:45/2:30 Representing City of La Quinta Representing Remarks M. Fuller EQUIPMENT AT THE SITE John Deere 510C backhoe, John Deere 31 OD backhoe, miscellaneous light equipment CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES GTE Fiber Optic Line 9:45 Arrived on site, contractor on site at Avenue 52 on south side, adjacent to Tradition property; currently excavating at manhole #135 at station 10+40, contractor used Keith International surveyors to stake TC elevations for all 6 vaults adjacent to Tradition property to verify that the vaults do not impact future curb and gutter, no conflicts have been found to date; work is off of street, no lane closures have been required; contractor is also in process of -excavating at manhole #136 at station 17+06 for another vault; 2:30 returned to job site, contractor is completing construction from today; has installed 4 GTE vaults adjacent to Tradition property along Avenue 52, work areas have been backfilled and secured; Uistribuuon: 1. Project Manager 2. Field Office 3. File 4. Client F:\pwdept\staff\fuller\inspections\97071 1 a By: Marcus Fuller Pagel of I Pages Title Assistant Engineer I Project GTE Fiber Optic Line - Desert Club/Ave 52 Job No. ' EP 2627 Client GTE Contractor Hood Communications Project Mgr John Durbin (GTE)/Mark Guitterez (Hood) DAILY CONSTRUCTION REPORT DATE 7/14/97 WEATHER TEMPERATURE WIND HUMIDITY DAY S M T W TH F S Cloudy x Snow x AVERAGE FIELD FORCE ert y . Non -Manual Manual 5 Remarks crew Clear cloudy Cloudy Rain Snow x To 32 32-50 50-70 70-85 85 up x Still Moder High Report No. x Dry Moder Humid X AVERAGE FIELD FORCE Name of Contractor Hood Communications . Non -Manual Manual 5 Remarks crew VISITORS Time 10:00/2:30 Representing City of La Quinta Representing Remarks M. Fuller EQUIPMENT AT THE SITE John Deere 510C backhoe, Johri Deere 31 OD backhoe, miscellaneous light equipment CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES GTE Fiber Optic Line 10:00' Arrived on site, contractor on site at Avenue 52 continuing with construction; Marco Guitterez and John Durbin on site at the All American Canal to. discuss methods of attaching the fiber optic line to the side of the bridge; contractor also in process of potholing near bridge to find location of existing cable; contractor is also currently excavating. for GTE vault just east of Tradition development entrance; all work is off of pavement in future improvement area; 2:30 returned to job site; contractor has completed installation of 2 GTE vaults adjacent to Tradition development entrance, each will be within the widened street section of Avenue 52, contractor has provided CDF slurry backfill around these 2 vaults to provide the required compaction, advised foreman of citizen complaint of trash from construction at 51350 Desert Club Drive, advised foreman to stop by site and clean up any construction debris left on site; contractor intends to begin trenching tomorrow for fiber optic line, starting at east end of project; Distribution: 1. Project Manager 2. Field Office 3. File 4. Client F:\pwdept\staff\fuller\inspections\970714b By: Marcus Fuller Page I of I Pages Title Assistant Engineer I Project GTE Fiber Optic Line - Desert Club/Ave 52 Job No. EP 2627 Client GTE Contractor Hood Communications Project Mgr John Durbin (GTE)/Mark Guitterez (Hood) DAILY CONSTRUCTION REPORT DATE 7/15/97 S I M IT I W TH F S DAY x WEATHER TEMPERATURE WIND HUMIDITY AVERAGE FIELD FORCE Fary Non -Manual Manual 5 Remarks crew Clear Goody Cloudy Rain Snow Remarks M. Fuller x To 32 32-50 50-70 70-85 85 up x Still Moder High Report No. x ffoder Humid X AVERAGE FIELD FORCE Name of Contractor Hood Communications Non -Manual Manual 5 Remarks crew VISITORS Time 1:30' Representing City of La Quinta Representing Remarks M. Fuller EQUIPMENT AT THE SITE John Deere 510C backhoe, John -Deere 31 OD backhoe, miscellaneous light equipment CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES GTE Fiber Optic Line 1:30 Arrived on site, contractor on site at Avenue 52 east of Jefferson Street, have begun to trench for new fiber optic line between Madison Street and All American Canal bridge; contractor has piled native fill adjacent to edge of pavement and trench and is using 2 John Deere 510C backhoes to backfill trench; -water truck on site to provide moisture for backfill material; contractor is using flagmen at either end of work area and have -closed east bound lane; contractor excavated 600-700 feet today, 36" deep, advised foreman of compaction requirements and need for compaction tests; foreman intends to schedule for compaction testing, also advised foreman of continuing complaint from resident at 51350 Desert Club Drive (Lucia, Gomez), regarding debris/trash in front of residence, advised foreman to clean up area today; Distribution:. 1. Project Manager 2. Field Office 3. File 4." Client F:\pwdept\staff\fuller\inspections\970715a Page I of 1 Pages By: Marcus Fuller Title Assistant Engineer I Project GTE Fiber Optic Line - Desert Club/Ave 52 Job No. EP 2627 Client GTE Contractor Hood Communications Project Mgr John Durbin (GTE)/Mark Guitterez (Hood) DAILY CONSTRUCTION REPORT WEATHER TEMPERATURE HUMIDITY DATE 7/16/97 DA'Y S M T W TH F S Cloudy Rain Snow x x AVERAGE FIELD FORCE pa'y Non -Manual Manual 5 Remarks crew Clear cloudy Cloudy Rain Snow Remarks M. Fuller x To 32 32-50 50-70 70-85 85 up x Still Moder High Report No. x Dry Moder Humid X AVERAGE FIELD FORCE Name of Contractor Hood Communications Non -Manual Manual 5 Remarks crew VISITORS Time ' 9:45/1:30 Representing City of La Quinta Representing Remarks M. Fuller EQUIPMENT AT THE SITE (2) John Deere 510C backhoe, John Deere 31 OD backhoe, miscellaneous light equipment CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES GTE Fiber Optic Line 9:45 Arrived on site, contractor on site along Avenue 52 near All-American canal, continuing with trenching and installation of new fiber optic conduit along south side of Avenue 52, approx. 10' off of edge of pavement; contractor is using backhoes in excavation operations, all work is currently off of pavement, but traffic control and warning signs are up, as well as 2 flagmen to direct traffic around work area; contractor has backfilled from manhole, 185 (station 144+56) west to present location near canal; backfill appears to be accomplished to minimum requirements, but compaction tests are yet to be provided, dirt shoulder area has been backfilled and regraded and appears to resemble its previous shape and grade; compaction tests scheduled for 12PM; 1:30 Returned to job site; contractor has installed section of conduit along Avenue 52, east of All-American canal and is in process of backfilling trench; also on site at Avenue 52/Jefferson Street intersection in existing GTE vault installing locator into existing conduit to find stub out on other side of Jefferson Street; compaction tests on previous backill 2 out of 3 failed to meet minimum requirements; contractor has been advised to apply additional compaction efforts in area, contractor intends to obtain heavier equipment to provide additional compaction effort required. Uistnbution: 1. Project Manager 2. Field Office . 3. File 4. Client F:\pwdept\staff\fuller\inspections\970716a By: Marcus Fuller Pagel of 1 Pages Title Assistant Engineer I Project -GTE Fiber Optic Line - Desert Club/Ave 52 Job No. EP 2627 Client GTE Contractor Hood Communications Project Mgr John Durbin (GTE)/Mark Guitterez (Hood) DAILY CONSTRUCTION REPORT DATE 7/17/97 WEATHER TEMPERATURE WIND HUMIDITY S M T W TH F S DAY X AVERAGE FIELD FORCE ey Non -Manual Manual 5 Clear cloudy Cloudy Rain Snow Representing City of La Quinta Representing x To 32 32-50 50-70 70-85 85 up x Still Moder High Report No. x Dry IModerlHumid X AVERAGE FIELD FORCE Name of Contractor Hood Communications Non -Manual Manual 5 Remarks crew VISITORS Time 1:15 Representing City of La Quinta Representing Remarks M. Fuller EQUIPMENT AT THE SITE 1 (2) John Deere 510C backhoe, John Deere 31 OD backhoe, CAT 12G blade, misc. light eauinment CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES GTE Fiber Optic Line 1:15 Arrived on site, contractor on site at Avenue 52; contractor is currently in process of backfilling trench immediately east of Jefferson Street; contractor is now using a CAT 12G blade to regrade and compact trench; work is off of edge of pavement, traffic control and warning signs have been installed. Distribution: P. Project Manager 2. Field Office 3. File 4. Client, By: Marcus Fuller F:\pwdept\staff\fuller\inspections\970717a Page 1 of 1 Pages Title Assistant Engineer I Project GTE Fiber Optic Line - Desert Club/Ave 52 Job No. EP 2627 Client GTE Contractor Hood Communications Project Mgr John Durbin (GTE)/Mark Guitterez (Hood) DAILY CONSTRUCTION REPORT WEATHER TEMPERATURE HUMIDITY DATE 7/21/97 DAN S M T W TH F S Snow X. Representing x To 32 32-50 AVERAGE FIELD FORCE ay Non -Manual Manual 5 Clear Cloudy Cloudy Rain Snow Representing City of La Quinta Representing x To 32 32-50 50-70 70-85 85 up x Still Moder High Report No. x Humid Dry Moder x AVERAGE FIELD FORCE Name of Contractor Hood Communications Non -Manual Manual 5 Remarks crew VISITORS Time 8:30 Representing City of La Quinta Representing Remarks M. Fuller EQUIPMENT AT THE SITE (2) John Deere 510C backhoe, John Deere 31OD backhoe, CAT 12G blade, misc. light equipment CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES . GTE Fiber Optic Line 8:30 Arrived on site, contractor on site at Jefferson Street/Avenue 52 intersection, contractor is currently excavating pit adjacent to GTE vault west of Jefferson Street and is installing 4" pvc conduit stamped: "CARLON 4" PVC GTS -8342 DB -100 68915GT"; compaction tests on previous backfill scheduled for today or tomorrow; contractor intends to add more water to previously worked areas and recompact to achieve minimum relative compaction requirements; all work is to south side of Avenue 52, no lane closures have been required. Distribution: 1. Project Manager 2. Field Office 3. File 4. Client = r. By: Marcus Fuller ;r F:\pwdept\staff\fuller\inspections\970721 a Page 1 of I Pages Title Assistant Engineer I Project GTE Fiber Optic Line - Desert Club/Ave'52 Job No. EP 2627 . Client GTE Contractor Hood Communications Project Mgr John Durbin (GTE)/Mark Guitterez (Hood) DAILY CONSTRUCTION . REPORT DATE 7/22/97 WEATHER TEMPERATURE WIND HUMIDITY DA -Y S M T W TH F S Cloudy Rain x ` x AVERAGE FIELD FORCE Pailly Non -Manual Manual 5 Remarks crew Clear Cloudy Cloudy Rain Snow ` x To 32 32-50 50-70 70-85 85 up x Still Moder High Report No. x "Oder Humid X AVERAGE FIELD FORCE Name of Contractor Hood Communications Non -Manual Manual 5 Remarks crew VISITORS Time 1:30 Representing City of La Quinta Representing Remarks M. Fuller EQUIPMENT AT THE SITE (2) John Deere 510C backhoe, John Deere 31 OD backhoe, CAT 12G blade, misc. light equipment CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES GTE Fiber Optic Line 1:30 Arrived on site, contractor continuing with excations along Avenue 52, west of Jefferson Street, approx. 20 feet off of edge of pavement; installing GTE fiber optic conduit, advised foreman to obtain compaction tests, 1 per 300 feet of trench, contractor intends to schedule compaction testing, but contractor continues to proceed with project, advised foreman to comply with backfill and Distribution: 1. Project Manager 2. Field Office 3. File 4. Client F:\pwdept\staff\fuller\inspections\970722b By: Marcus Fuller Pagel of 1 Pages Title Assistant Engineer I Project GTE Fiber Optic Line - Desert Club/Ave 52 Job No. EP 2627 Client GTE Contractor Hood Communications Project Mgr John Durbin (GTE)/Mark Guitterez (Hood) DAILY CONSTRUCTION REPORT i DATE 7/23/97 WEATHER TEMPERATURE HUMIDITY DAY S M T W TH F S Cloudy Rain Snow x X AVERAGE FIELD FORCE Partly Non -Manual Manual 5 Remarks crew Clear Cloudy Cloudy Rain Snow Remarks M. Fuller X To 32 32-50 50-70 , 70-85 85 up x Still Moder High Report No. X Dry Moder Humid X AVERAGE FIELD FORCE Name of Contractor Hood Communications Non -Manual Manual 5 Remarks crew VISITORS Time 9:45/12:30 Representing City of La Quinta Representing Remarks M. Fuller EQUIPMENT AT THE SITE (2) John Deere 510C backhoe, John Deere 31OD backhoe, CAT 12G blade, misc. light equipment CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES GTE Fiber Optic Line 9:45 Arrived on site, contractor continuing with excations along south side of Avenue 52 across from the Citrus Course; contractor has been using a trenching machine (Parsons trencher), started using trencher yesterday, trench has been narrowed to 18" wide; contractor is backfilling with use of heavy equip- ment, has' been. pushing material back into trench in lifts of 12-24" or more at a time, wetting the surface with water truck and compacting trench with weight of heavy equipment; advised foreman that backfill, requirements must be met and was concerned with how far contractor was progressing along Avenue 52 without compaction tests for previous backfill, also advised foreman that nature of. native material in this area might not allow for 90% compaction by methods of backfill placement being used; foreman acknowledged directives and has scheduled backfill compaction testing for 12PM; 12:30 Returned to job site; Steve Clanton (Earthsystems) on site to provide compaction testing; however, no tests were taken due to inability of soils tech. to find location which was compacted adequately; advised foreman and John Durbin (GTE) that trench required reworking of backfill and to achieve 90% compaction at the direction of the soils technician. Distribution: 1. Project Manager 2. Field Office 3. File 4. Client F:\pwdept\staff\fuller\inspections\970723c Page 1 of 1 Pages By: Marcus Fuller Title Assistant Engineer I Project GTE Fiber Optic Line - Desert Club/Ave 52 Job No. EP 2627 Client GTE Contractor Hood Communications Project Mgr John Durbin (GTE)/Mark Guitterez (Hood) DAILY CONSTRUCTION REPORT DATE 7/24/97 WEATHER TEMPERATURE WIND HUMIDITY DAY S M Non -Manual W TH F S Cloudy I I'T I I X AVERAGE FIELD FORCE ert y Non -Manual Manual 5 Remarks crew Clear cloudy Cloudy Rain Snow x To 32 32-50 50-70 70-85 85 up x Still Moder High Report No. X Dry Moder Humid X AVERAGE FIELD FORCE Name of Contractor Hood Communications Non -Manual Manual 5 Remarks crew VISITORS Time 10:00 Representing City of La Quinta Representing Remarks M. Fuller EQUIPMENT AT THE SITE (2) John Deere 510C backhoe, John Deere 31 OD backhoe, CAT 12G blade, misc. light equipment CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES GTE Fiber Optic Line 10:00 Arrived on site, contractor has continued to advance with excavations west along south side of Ave. 52, has almost reached east boundary of Tract 28470-1 (Tradition project), no efforts have been observed to recompact and rework previously backfilled trenches which have not met minimum compaction requirements; advised foreman that unless contractor began efforts to rework previously backfilled trenches, the City would suspend the contractor from continuing with excavation progress; foreman advises me that additional compaction equipment, vibratory sheepsfoot roller, will be deliv- ered on site today and additional compactive efforts will be directed on all open trenches, previous trenches will be reworked next week with compaction testing scheduled for sometime early next week. Distribution: 1. Project Manager 2. Field Office 3. File 4.' Client By: Marcus Fuller Pagel of 1 Pages Title Assistant Engineer I F:\pwdept\staff\fuller\inspections\970724a F DAILY CONSTRUCTION REPORT DATE 7/28/97 ` S M T W TH F S DAY x Project GTE Fiber Optic Line - Desert Club/Ave 52 Job No. EP 2627 Client GTE Contractor Hood Communications Project Mgr John Durbin (GTE)/Mark Guitterez (Hood) WEATHER TEMPERATURE HUMIDITY AVERAGE FIELD FORCE ey Non -Manual Manual 5 Clear cloudy Cloudy Rain Snow x Representing Remarks M. Fuller To 32 32-50 50-70 70-85 85 up x Still Moder High Report No. x ModerHumid LX AVERAGE FIELD FORCE Name of Contractor Hood Communications Non -Manual Manual 5 Remarks crew VISITORS Time 9:45 Representing City of La Quinta Representing Remarks M. Fuller EQUIPMENT AT THE SITE (2) John Deere 510C backhoe, John Deere 31 OD backhoe, CAT 12G blade, misc. light equipment Parsons D75 trencher, Ford 555C backhoe CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES GTE Fiber Optic Line 9:45 Arrived on site, contractor on site at Avenue 52, east of Washington Street, contractor has continued to advance west along Avenue 52 with excavations and installation of fiber optic line conduit along south side of Avenue 52, has reached frontage of "Tradition" (T28470) development; contractor is also in process of making excavations into existing GTE vaults (2) within existing pavement of Ave. 52, excavations are to side of lane and traffic has been moved away from site which is just west of Jefferson Street/Ave. 52 intersection. Inquired with foreman as to status of backfill compaction, foremand advised me that backfill compac- tion tests were scheduled for Wednesday (7/30) a.m., contractor appears to be making efforts to recompact previous trenches, has obtained a hand -driven mini -vibrator roller and has reworked portions of the job site from Jefferson St. west along Ave. 52, however, equipment may not be suitable for trench compaction. Distribution: 1. Project Manager . 2. Field Office 3. File 4. Client F:\pwdept\staff\fuller\inspections\970728a By: Marcus Fuller Pagel of 1 Pages Title Assistant Engineer I Project GTE Fiber Optic Line; Desert Club/Ave 52 Job No. EP 2627 Client GTE Contractor Hood Communications Project Mgr John Durbin (GTE)/Mark.Guitterez (Hood) DAILY CONSTRUCTION REPORT DATE 7/30/97 WEATHER. TEMPERATURE WIND HUMIDITY S I M IT I W TH F S DAY x AVERAGE FIELD FORCE oy Non -Manual Manual 5 Clear cloudy Cloudy Rain Snow x Representing Remarks M. Fuller Lee Jackson To 32 32-50 50-70 70-85 _ 85 up x Still Moder High Report No. x Humid Dry IM;der X ------ AVERAGE FIELD FORCE Name of Contractor Hood Communications Non -Manual Manual 5 Remarks crew VISITORS Time 10:00/1:45 Representing City of La Quinta Earth Systems Representing Remarks M. Fuller Lee Jackson EQUIPMENT AT THE SITE (2) John Deere 510C backhoe, John Deere 31 OD backhoe, CAT 12G blade, misc. light equipment Parsons D75 trencher, Ford 555C backhoe CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES GTE Fiber Optic Line 10:00 Arrived on site, contractor on site at Avenue 52, continuing with excavation for GTE fiber optic line; in process of installing pvc conduit; contractor has continued to advance with excavation west along Ave. 52, has proceeded west of Washington St., adjacent to "Tradition" (T28470), contractor expects to complete trench excavations along Ave. 52 today by reaching Desert Club Dr., contractor is setting trench alignment against survey stakes and control provided along Ave. 52 (r/w stakes and future CF control); contractor has made attempts to meet backfill compaction requirements in trenches, from Jefferson St. west to current location; compaction tests scheduled 1 p.m.; trenches east of Jeffer- son require reworking; 1:45 Returned to job site; contractor continuing with rework of trench backfill; Lee Jackson (soils tech.) on site to perform compaction tests on trench backfill; 1 st test taken in trench just west of Jefferson St. compaction 84%, other tests resulted in failing compaction; contractor has been advised to improve compaction efforts and retest trench compaction. Distribution: 1. Project Manager 2. Field Office 3. File 4. Client F:\pwdept\staff\fuller\inspections\970730a Pagel of 1 Pages By: Marcus Fuller Title Assistant Engineer I Project GTE Fiber Optic Line Desert Club/Ave 52 Job No. EP 2627 Client GTE Contractor Hood Communications Project Mgr John Durbin (GTE)/Mark Guitterez (Hood) DAILY CONSTRUCTION REPORT DATE 7/31/97 DAY WEATHER , TEMPERATURE WINDMI HUDITY S M T W TH F S Cloudy Rain Snow x X AVERAGE FIELD FORCE ay Non -Manual Manual 5 Remarks crew Clear, cloudy Cloudy Rain Snow x To 32 32-50 50-70 70-85 85 up x Still Moder High Report No. x Dry IModerlHumid X AVERAGE FIELD FORCE Name of Contractor Hood Communications Non -Manual Manual 5 Remarks crew VISITORS Time 2:00 Representing City•of La Quinta Earth Systems Representing Remarks M. Fuller Lee Jackson EQUIPMENT AT THE SITE T � , A, , 11 T , , 1 ,fade, misc. light equipment ation operations to Desert Club .ub Drive at southern end of and.other locations where mcut across Ave. 52 in arc k; contractor has directed scheduling for retesting of Page 1 of 1 Pages Title Assistant Engineer I ' Project. GTE Fiber Optic Line - Desert Club/Ave 52 Job No. EP 2627 Client GTE Contractor Hood Communications Project Mgr John Durbin (GTE)/Mark Guitterez (Hood) DAILY CONSTRUCTION REPORT WEATHER TEMPERATURE failTll�7(r�'/ DATE 8/4/97 DA'i S M T W TH F S Cloudy x Snow .x AVERAGE FIELD FORCE ey Non -Manual Manual 5 Remarks crew Clear cloudy Cloudy Rain Snow .x To 32 32-50 50-70 70-85 85 up x Still Moder High Report No. x Dry Moder Humid X AVERAGE FIELD FORCE Name of Contractor Hood Communications Non -Manual Manual 5 Remarks crew VISITORS Time 8:30/1:30 Representing. City of La Quinta Representing Remarks M. Fuller EQUIPMENT AT THE SITE (2) John Deere 510C backhoe, John Deere 31 OD backhoe, CAT 12G blade, misc. light equipment Parsons D75 trencher, Ford 555C backhoe CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES GTE Fiber Optic Line 8:30 Arrived on site; contractor is continuing with installation of pvc conduit for GTE fiber optic cable; currently in process of excavating along east side of Desert Club between Calle Fortuna and Calle Cadiz, previous trench south to Ave. 52 has been backfilled; trench cut across Cadiz at Desert Club has not been backfilled, but has steel plating across; contractor also in process of excavating along south side of Ave. 52 at "Tradition" (T28470) project entrance; trnech west of there to Desert Club has been backfilled; compaction level unknown, no test results obtained; contractor also in process of grading area east of "Tradition" property with blade, appears contractor is attempting to apply additional compaction efforts on trenches previously tested, but failed to meet min. compaction levels; 1:30 returned to job site; contractor continuing with work at same locations, have open excavation in front of 51350 Desert Club Dr., contractor advised to complete backfill today, contractor intends to back- fill most of trench with CDF slurry, Superior Ready Mix truck on site upon arrival, contractor in process of installing conduit on Ave. 52 at Washington St. in front of "Tradition" entrance, Superior Ready mix truck on site to backfill trench with slurry; advised foreman to clear spoil piles from side of road and to clean street by end of day. Distribution: 1. Project Manager 2. Field Office 3. File 4. Client F:\pwdept\staff\fuller\inspections\970804a By: Marcus Fuller Pagel of 1 Pages Title Assistant Engineer I Project GTE Fiber Optic Line - Desert Club/Ave 52 Job No. EP 2627 Client GTE Contractor Hood Communications Project Mgr John Durbin (GTE)/Mark Guitterez (Hood) DAILY CONSTRUCTION REPORT WEATHER TEMPERATURE HUMIDITY DATE 8/6/97 DAY S M T W TH F S Cloudy Rain Snow x AVERAGE FIELD FORCE Famy Non -Manual Manual 5 Remarks crew Clear cloudy Cloudy Rain Snow x To 32 32-50 50-70 70-85 85 up x Still Moder High Report No. x Dry JModer Humid x AVERAGE FIELD FORCE Name of Contractor Hood Communications Non -Manual Manual 5 Remarks crew VISITORS Time 10:00/1:45 Representing City of La Quinta Representing Remarks M. Fuller EQUIPMENT AT THE SITE (2) John Deere 510C backhoe, John Deere 31OD backhoe, CAT 12G blade, misc. light equipment ;tion, in process of excavating ictor also in process of exca- of installing slurry mix in first rench to Desert Club Dr., . trench side, contractor failed are underneath the street section installed and contractor has north side of Ave. 52 crossing failure to shore side of trench trench, damage extends to as far Park improvements; damage )oil material, intends to secure itinue to work on inside lanes n damaged area, backfill, and removed and trench will be D repairing damage a.c. to Page 1 of 2 Pages "itle Assistant Engineer I DAILY CONSTRUCTION REPORT (Continued) Project GTE Fiber Optic Line - Desert Club/Ave 52 No. EP 2627 Sheet 2 of 2 Sheets EQUIPMENT AT THE SITE (2) John Deere 510C backhoe, John Deere 310D backhoe, CAT 12G blade, mise. light equipment Parsons D75 trencher, Ford 555C backhoe CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES GTE Fiber Optic Line determine extend of damaged area; 1:45 returned to job site; contractor has completed work through Desert Club/Ave. 52 intersection, except for last section through outside right lane (westbound) on north side of street; contractor has backfilled all trenches, including area adjacent to damaged street with slurry CDF mix; unknown as to method of removal of backfill placed into trench adjacent to damaged street, but foreman advises me that all a.c. section and native material was -removed to pipe zone and full trench depth was'filled with slurry mix; contractor in process of installing base material over CDF and will install,.temporary a.c. patches; second crew in process of completing work along Desert club Drive at Ave. La Fonda, have excavated across La Fonda and are nearing completion of installation of conduit and backfill of trench. • 3 F:\pwdept\staff\fuller\inspections\970806a Project GTE Fiber Optic Line - Desert Club/Ave 52 Job No. EP 2627 Client GTE Contractor Hood Communications Project Mgr John Durbin (GTE)/Mark Guitterez (Hood) DAILY CONSTRUCTION. REPORT DATE 8/8/97 WEATHER TEMPERATURE HUMIDITY S I M I T I W TH F S DAY x VERAGE FIELD FORCE Par" Non-Manual Manual 5 Remarks crew Clear Cloudy Cloudy Rain Snow Remarks M. Fuller x To 32 32-50 50-70 70-85 85 up x Still Moder High Report No. x Dry Moder Humid x VERAGE FIELD FORCE Name of Contractor Hood Communications Non-Manual Manual 5 Remarks crew VISITORS Time 1:45 Representing City of La Quinta Representing Remarks M. Fuller EQUIPMENT AT THE SITE (2) John Deere 510C backhoe, John Deere 31 OD backhoe, CAT 12G blade, misc. light equipment Parsons D75 trencher, Ford 555C backhoe CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES GTE Fiber Optic Line 1:45 Arrived on site; contractor is at :Ave. 52 and Desert Club Dr., contractor has completed installation of underground pvc conduit for GTE fiber optic cable; contractor in process of installing temp. a.c. patch at Ave. La Fonda and Desert Club Dr., contractor has had trench backfill compaction tested along Ave. 52 and Desert Club with successful results, contractor intends to continue with job next week, will address permanent a.c. patches, -advised foreman to notify me when final a.c. repairs are installed and advised foreman of a.c. requirements (3/4" a.c. base lift, ''/2" a.c. cap, and compaction testing); also advised foreman to notify me when saw cut of ax. on Ave. 52 at damaged area (see report of 8/6) is performed, required observation.of ax. cracks to determine extent of damaged area and required removal, also advised foreman to replace any raised pavement markers in Ave. 52 damaged by work and to clean all work areas of dirt and construction debris. Distribution: ' 1. Project Manager 2. Field Office 3. File 4. Client F:\pwdept\staff\fuller\inspections\970808a By: Marcus Fuller Page 1 of 1 Pages Title Assistant Engineer I Project GTE Fiber Optic Line - Desert Club/Ave 52 Job No. EP 2627 Client GTE Contractor Hood Communications Project Mgr John Durbin (GTE)/Mark Guitterez (Hood) DAILY CONSTRUCTION REPORT DATE 8/22/97 TEMPERATURE HUMIDITY DAY S M T W TH F S Cloudy Rain Snow X x AVERAGE FIELD FORCE ey Non -Manual Manual 5 Remarks crew Clear cloudy Cloudy Rain Snow X To 32 32-50 50-70 70-85 85 up x Still Moder High Report No. X Dry IModerlHumid X AVERAGE FIELD FORCE Name of Contractor Hood Communications Non -Manual Manual 5 Remarks crew VISITORS Time 3:00 Representing City of La Quinta Representing Remarks M. Fuller EQUIPMENT AT THE SITE (2) John Deere 510C backhoe, John Deere 310D backhoe, CAT 12G blade, misc. light equipment Parsons D75 trencher, Ford 555C backhoe CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES GTE Fiber Optic Line 3:00 Arrived on site; met with foreman to discuss final a.c. pavement patching of trenches; reviewed area of trench adjacent to south side of. Ave. 52 at Desert Club Dr. near driveway into Francis Hack Park where the concrete truck sank into the street duo to failure of the trench sides (see report of 8/6); could not easily determine the extent of stress cracks in the pavement surface, but advised the foreman to clean the area and sawcut 1. foot.beyond the last observable crack, also advised foreman to repave and reconstruct pavement to previous edge of pavement limits; also advised foreman that %" base a.c. material must be used in first lift and Y2" a.c. material in the top 0.10' lift; contractor advises me that he is unable to locate City approved supplier of a.c. material, a.c. paving may be delayed until begin- ning of September; sawcutting of damaged area of Ave. 52 near Desert Club Dr. scheduled for Monday. Distribution: 1. Project Manager 2. Field Office 3. File 4. Client F:\pwdept\staff\fuller\inspections\970822b By: Marcus Fuller Page I of I Pages Title Assistant Engineer I Project GTE Fiber Optic Line - Desert Club/Ave 52 Job No. EP 2627 Client GTE Contractor Hood Communications Project Mgr John Durbin (GTE)/Mark Guitterez (Hood) DAILY CONSTRUCTION REPORT WEATHER TEMPERATURE HUMIDITY DATE 9/2/97 DAY S M T W TH F S Cloudy Rain x Remarks M. Fuller x AVERAGE FIELD FORCE ert y Non -Manual Manual 4 Remarks Jose Salinas and crew Clear Cloudy Cloudy Rain Snow Remarks M. Fuller x To 32 32-50 50-70 70-85 85 up x Still Moder High Report No. x Moder Humid L X AVERAGE FIELD FORCE Name of Contractor Hood Communications LC Paving & Sealing Non -Manual Manual 4 Remarks Jose Salinas and crew VISITORS Time 1:45 Representing City of La Quinta Representing Remarks M. Fuller EQUIPMENT AT THE SITE Miscellaneous light equipment CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES GTE Fiber Optic Line 1:45 Arrived on site at Ave. 52 / Desert Club Dr.; contractor on site to replace temporary a.c. patches with final a.c. repairs; crew is using Granite 3/4" a.c. material; observed contractor placing approx. 10' by 10' a.c. pads around manholes on Desert Club Dr. and Ave. 52, inquired with David McIntyre and John Durbin (GTE) about the a.c. pads within the right of way; advised by Mr. Durbin that GTE re- quires the pads in unlandscaped areas due to health problems with workers when ventilators are run- ning in the dirt areas; reviewed situation with Steve Speer and received ok to allow a.c. pads for Gte manholes; reviewed situation at Desert Club/Ave. 52 intersection with contractor, at east side of Francis Hack park (south side of street), where Hood Communications concrete truck crushed the street after the trench sides caved in - area has been sawcut, but location is flooded and will require grading and work prior to paving; contractor will regrade and dryout prior to final paving; advised _ contractor to remove dirt down to CDF slurry installed by Hood prior to paving; contractor has final paved the 3 trench crossings along Desert Club Dr.; all paving appears adequate.' Distribution: 1. Project Manager 2. Field Office 3. File 4. Client Sn F:\pwdept\staff\fuller\inspections\970902b By: Marcus Fuller Pagel of 1 Pages Title Assistant Engineer I SUPERIOR READY MIX CONCRETE, L.P. rj .41508 W. MISSION ROAD • ESCONDIDO, CA 92029 PHONE: (619) 775-8272.-(619)745705 56 <' Weighed av-," J '.38-155 Wnroe Street Indio, CA 92201 ?. ,DELIVERY TICKET : 1i�91..6 . • WEIGHMASTER CERTIFICATE THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the following described commodity was weighed, measured, or counted by a weighmaster, whose signature . is on this certificate, who is a recognized authority of accuracy, as prescribed by Chapter 7 (commencing with section 12700) of Division 5 of the California Business and Professions Codf;. administered, by the Division of Measurement Standards of the California Department of Food and Agriculture. _DATE , - - CUSTOMERLNO z ORDER N0 CUSTOMER P_O. OR JOB NO, PLANT NO„_. -DELIVERY TICKET NO. ,, - t7z3 + ` w�4E� s a, . ti P1. 8f' 4/9714 V!�'l7.d' t '7108760 CU$TOMEfi NAME t .SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS '1_.�.E_�7 H .0 C SNC.' f - ;, i�ASt-{NGTt?i4'” I C1 'TAMi��CD Re TO DESERT - DRQ L. TO r t ; JOB ADDRESS �c b, . ;CRL,LE BAF���;irLf)Ni1 ,.SEII f IvUB I1R,, k.A tUzl Cf�. ,CLU CAL -L!_ 8A1tw,Ia i t7Iu� mss, DESIGN'• _ /_i'e"._ROCK (LB V-" ROCK (LBS.U.— LBS. SAND_ LBS. CEMENT .SACK WATER ADD MIX (LBS:) h WEIGHMASTERi• _ '� ^ `TRUCK •,- ... •�r� . t ` .. DEPUTY ,-� 490(' _DRIVErR7 Iz�.:�•• 8 CI4I+IAN CUBIC YARDS' �. ' TOTAL C/Y 'DESCRIPTION PRODUCT CODE UNIT PRICE TAX AMOUNT y 50 "x '9 � 50 2,1 a _U Y SCS: -�: 'ACR, BAND CI RR YARDS ,�phTO-G�oo, In the event of delivery beyond curb line, this company ldill-not assume liability for damage •6-iidewalk, driveway, utility',lines, ;, TOTAL THIS nADER� y' meters, septic systems, or any other property. Materials hereby sold become property of purchaser at point of origin: The C` •' 'IME STAND-BY'T`THIS TICKET: ; purchaser shall in no event accept deliveries of materials not in accord with the agreemenYof.,the parties, but such -materials shall be refused by the'purchaser and returned to the seller with a written statement of the -.reason for the refusal thereof. No IPREVIOUSS7AND-BY cancellation accepted after concrete has beeridoaded in carrier's trucks at our"plant. Customer, is to provide for and assume responsibility for -area or'container for cleanTout'of concrete truck chute. Any discharge: towatercourses, street gutters or stormdrains is a violation. of law. Concrete 10� structural building material warrariieed only to -meet ASTM standards. Some TOTAL. AMOUNT imperfections and popouts. may occur for which supplier is not responsible. PLANT �; OUT �(;• t UN UAL INCID NT -OF NOTE ON THIS DELIVERY MAXIMUM '�_" E MEe•IN GOOD'CObDITIOA BY: SLUMP 3. 50 % 1 �1 0 • r"~' �,.. S�! I N ' - '.iM. '� - - - • WATER ADDED AT CUSTOMER'S •° ,- ,. - CUSTOMER,SIGNA • AE CAUTIONI Cement powder or freshly mixed cd cr e', -grout or mortar may cause skin injury. Avoid REQUEST r� GALLONS` ON JOB '�. � -' UNLOADING - contact with skin and wash exposed skin,ereas promptly with,watei. If any cement powder or mixture 'START i { gets intoahe eyes; rinse immediately and repeatedly with water and''get prompt medical attention. • ESTIMATED SLUMP AT UNLOADING DEPART , - 'Keep children away from cement powder and all freshly mixed cement products. ANY WATER ADDED TO•MIX ON THE JOB,.WILL BEAT THE PURCHASER'S RISK - INCHES ARRIVAL - s, r' •• FINISH j NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ULTIMATE OUALITYOF CONCRETE IFANYING EDIENTS ARE ADDED, ,,WAITING AND/OR UNLOADING AFTER LEAVING PLANT. ''• ,. '. '� READY, , Stand-by and/or dumping time -in excess•of 4 minutes per yard will be charged. ,TIME HOUR TO UNLOAD DELIVERY SUPERIOR READY. MIX"."CONCRETE, L.P.. 1508 W.- MISSION ROAD- ESCoNbIDO, CA 92029 PHONE: (619)775-8272.!;(,619)745-0556 Weighed at 38-155 Monroe .Street , Indio, CA 92201 DELIVERY TICKET 109 16 6 t. WEIGHMASTER CERTIFICATE THIS IS TO.CERTIFY that the following described commodity was weighed, measured, or counted by a weighmaster, whose signature is on this certificate, who is a recognized authority of accuracy, as prescribed by Chapter 7 (commencing with section 12700) of Division 5 :of the California Business and Professions Code; administered. -by the Division of Measurement Standards of the California Department of Food and Agriculture., -DATE—TQM­ER.P.Q, QR JOBNO,PLANT NO— ![CKETNQ: J_DELIVERY A- 9,7 0 7 7 1 '40 17F, 1-7*, 4 f p kbLAME• C-QSTCLNkE. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS — Ulf +H r T T N i AT BA RCEI-e INA & DESERT CI UR D, J _DRESS rpi I r, Rnr-qrr=i. nwa rl 11A nP- I Q Q I IT. KITQ JINq N ROCK (LBS. ROCK (LBS.)_`LBS. SAND LBS. CEMENT - SACK_ _WATER ADO MIX .(LBS.) Y)r.q— J ,WEIGHMASTER & -DRIVER 1 1t DEPUTY`: xla�—J Pn n0f, T X -P05, CUBIC YARDS TOTAL C/Y DESCRIPTION PRODUCT CODE UNITPR16E." TAX AMOUNT 19.50. 9. 50 1 SACK SAND iSf-URRY YARDS 0-1 'i C1 171171 ,ln'the event of delivery beyond,curb line, this company will not assume' iability. for damage to sidewalk, driveway, utility lines, TOTAL THIS ORDER' meters, septic systems, or any other property. Materials hereby sold become property of 'purchaser at,point of origin. The STAND-BY TIME'THIS TICKET purchaser shall in no -event accept deliveries of materials not in accord with the agreementofthe parties, but such,materials shall be refused by the purchaser and returned to the seller.with,a written statement of the.,reason for the refusal thereof. No cancellation accepted after concrete has been loaded in carrier's.trucks at our plant. Customer is to provide for and assume PREVIOUS STAND-BY responsibility for area or container for clean out of concrete truck chute. Any discharge to watercourses, street gutters :or stormdrains is a violation of law. Concrete is a structural building material warranteed onlyto.' meet ASTM Some 4FT-TOT&O11111-1 Z k A -standards. imperfections and popouts may occur for which supplier is not responsible. PLANT-, OUT UN AL INCIDE T OF'NqjTE ON THIS DELIVERY UP 0 VED MAXIMUM a ff R IN GO6D'CONJ1p46N BY: ), I� , ­ :SLUMP 3. 50 - - IN —I- & rwo, X A.21 _P 15MER'S WATER ADDE -A$, SIGNATURE CAUTIOhl Cement powder or freshly Mixed Concrete, grout or mortar may cause skin injury. Avoid -s REOUESJf� GALLONS ON JOBN UNLOADING contact with skin and wash exposed skin areas promptly with water: If any cement powder or mixture gets into the eyes, rinse immediately and repeatedly with water and medical attention. ESTIyY TEDS L4MPATUNLOADING D EPART STAR get prompt Keep children away from cement powder and all rTshly mixed cement products. ANY WATER ADDED TO MIX ON THE JOB'WILL*BE AT THE PURCHASER'S RISK INCHES ARRIVAL' FINISH NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ULTIMATE QUALITY OF CONCRETE IF ANY INGREDIENTS ARE ADDED • WAITING AND/OR UNLOADING AFTER LEAVING PLANT. READY Stand-by and/or dumping .time in excess of 4 minutes per yard will be charged. TIME HOUR. TO UNLOAD DELIVERY n —� ''"S.UPERFOR READY MIX'CONCRETE, L.P. 1508 W. MISSION ROAD ESCONDIDO, CA 92029 ` .PHONE: (61.9) 775-8272 •'(619) 745-0556 Weighed at ► . 38-155 Monroe Street i Indio, CA 92201 DELIVE(�RY TICKET 1`)9113 WEIGHMASTER CERTIFICATE THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the following described commodity was weighed, measured, or counted by a weigh master, whose signature is on this certificate, who is a recognized authority of accuracy, as prescribed.by•Chapter 7 (commencing with section 12700) of Division 5 of the California Business and Professions Code, administered by the Division of MeasurementStandards of the California Department of Food and Agriculture. , -DATE - CUSTO_ME.R ND. - - - ORDER NO. CUSTOMER P.O. OR JOB NO.. PLANT NO,��. „DELIVERY TICKET N0. 175 u'334r • . � 71 '. 8/ 6/9 7 077190 7108a17 CUSTOME_R_NAME - l ,SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS_T_o_t)„�,(,G.�� f 1"4 C 1 INC. ft T 1 MR .-w `Vf� i7FSC.Ri (.L.UB. D J JOB ADDRESS * CAL.LE BAR.QELJ:)h!A `& DESERT CLUB DR. LA 00.IN1TA. � ,. DESIGN' ,i6'_ROCK (LBS.) _44” ROCK LB __�L _LBS. SAND _LBS. CEMENT SACK_ _WATER ADD MIX (LBS.) DCa--1 77 WEIGHMASTER d:' TRUCK' -DRIVER' *. DEPUTV f 458�SC(.) TT .63LENN CUBIC YARDS TOTAL C/Y DESCRIPTION •^ - '" PRODUCT CODE UNIT PRICE TAX AMOUNT 9. . yu�t ,iD 1.: Sit"K. 8af atJD SLURRY -J_ I�c:S 1 --. YARDS TO GO 6.00] 1` i In the event of delivery beyond curb line, this company will not assume liability for damage -to sidewalk, driveway, utility lines, TOTAL THIS ORDER-- ' meters, septic systems, or any other ,property.•Materials hereby sold become property of purchaser at point of origin. The STAND-BY TIME THIS_ -TICKET purchaser shall in no event accept deli4eries of:materials not in accord with the agreement of the, parties, but such materials shall be refused by the purchaser and'returned to the seller with a written statement of the.reason for the refusal thereof. No PREVIOUS STAND-BY cancellation accepted after concrete has been loaded in carrier's trucks at our plant. Customer is to provide for and assume responsibility for area or container for clean out of concrete truck chute. Any discharge,to watercourses, street gutters or • stormdrains is a violation of law. Concrete'is a structural building material warranteed only to meet ASTM standards. Some k imperfections and popouts may occur for which supplier is not responsible, UNU JAL INCIDENT OF NOT N THIS DELIVERY, "�;, PLANT 'OUT •:(MAXIMUM ' RE IV DIN GOOD CON TIO - !3., 50 l SLUMP 71 '' 12-. 1 7 / X I .�(1'' • WATER ADDED AT CUSTOMER'S - CUSTOMER SIGNATURE CAUTIONI Cement powder or freshly mixed' concrete, grout cr mortar may cause skin injury. Avoid' _REQUEST GALLONS ON JOB :;. ,. UNLOADI d• (/j contact with skin and wash exposed skin ar as promptly with water. If any cement powder or mixture �('ESTIMATED SLUMP AT UNLOADING DEPART START gets into the eyes, rinse immediately and repeatedly with water and get prompt medical attention. .;;( Keep'chiIdran. away from cement powder and all freshly mixed cement products. r• ,,, . ANY WATER ADDED TO MIX ON THE JOB WILL BE AT THE PURCHASER'S RISK v� INCHES ARRIVAL FINISH NOTR ESPONS16LE FOR ULTIMATE QUALITY OF CONCRETE IF ANY INGREDIENTS ARE ADDED '• WAITING AND/OR UNLOADING " + — AFTER LEAVING PLANT. 1 • .. READY --- .l Stand-by and/or dumping time in excess of 4 minutes per yard will be charged. TIME • .HOUR °'r - TO UNLOAD. • DELIVERY .� Imo., �.. -- • t— - �����' -_,._ .,SUPERIOR READY MIX CONCRETELP. 1.508 W. MISSION ROAD IFESCbN DI DO, CA 92029 ..PHONE: (619) 77578272 (619)',745-0556 Weighed dtqj.' 38-155 Monroe Street Indio, CA 92201 7 -7— DELIVERY TICKET WEIGHMASTER CERTIFICATE THIS IS TO CERTIFY,,t'aA 1t., the following described commodity was weighed, measured, or-6ounted by a weighmesier, whose signature is on this certificate, who is a recognized authority of accuracy ,'N as prescribed by qha,ptier,4�(commencing with section 12700) 'of. Division 5 of thkLCalifornia Business and Professions Codei, administered by'fhe Division of Measurement Standards 'of, the California Department of Foot] and Agriculture. .DATE. 8/ 6/.)7 j, ,.j..2PDE_R 'A'7`71:10' . NO + jCUSTOMER _P 0 OR LQ NQ B_ A 3 9 3 4 6 -ANT N '-!— - VE -Y TIQ DELI -_ R j_ KET-NQ.- 71 0AES 14 ig — -, 1, CUSTOMER _NAME SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS.—!.:f,?a3 a H C .;t I NC.- nT BARCELONA SERT CE -US, I.—. jO__ DRESS 0K. CAL.L.E.BARCELONA &: ',DESERT :CLUBDR. L., Q p�j' UIN Tr 4 _PESIGN ROCK (LBS.) ROCK (LBS;) ___LBS. SAND Les. CEMENT SACK ADD MIX (LBS DICS 1___%' WEIGHMASTER 1 TRUCK DRIVER.- DEPUTY 419 I „L :`.MENIJO'ZA CUBIC YARDS TOTAL C/Y ''DESCRIPTION PRODUCTCODE UNIT, PRICE 4 TAX AMOUNT y.50 19..00 k, SACK SAND SI-URR-Y DGS -1 _Y.ARDS,T.O_G3__ 9. 50 In the event of delivery beyond cu assume line, this company will not assue liability for.dama6e to sidewalk, driveway, utility lines, meters, septic systems, or any other'oiropeq. Materials hereby sold become property of purchaser it point of origin. The purchaser shall in no event accept , deliveries of materials not in.accord with the, agreement of the parties, but such-materialsSTAND-BY TAIL THIS ORDER TIME THIS TICKETA PREVIOUS STAND-.Byr shall be refused by the purchaser and returned to the seller� with a written statement of the season for the refusal thereof. No cancellation accepted after concrete has beih loaded in carrier's trucks at our plant. Customer is to, provide for and assume responsibility for area or containerfbr,fclean out of concrete truck chute. Any discharge to watercourses, street gutters or stormdrains is a violation of law. Concrete is A structural building material warranteed only to meet ASTM standards. Some imperfections and popouts may occur fbrwhich' supplier is not responsible. 1 • PLANT OUT '71 .1. 'U N USUAL, I-(4CI DENT NOTE OTE ON THIS DELIVERYMAXIMUM ECEIVED' 0 CONDITION BY: X -SLUMP 3.,5t_1i IN WATER ADDED AT CUSTOMER'S CUSTTMER SIG I` ATURE ON JOB DEPART ARRIVAL IL16 =UNLOADINGcon!act ST ARZ�__ FINISH SH iCAUTIOAI Clemeow er or freshly, mixed concrete grout or mortar may cause skin injury. Avoid with skint Uwash exposed skin teas prompt y with water. If any cement Powder or mixture gets into the eyes, rinse immediately and eatedly wi h water and get prompt medical attention. Keep children away from cement powderk all freshly mixed ad cement:products.pr ANY WATER ADDED TO MIX ON THE JOB WILL BE AT THE PURCHASER'S RISK NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ULTIMATE OUALITY,01F CONCRETE IFANY INGREDIENTSARE ADDED REQUEST GALLONS • E STIMATED SLUMP AT UNLOADING INCHES • WAITING AND/OR UNLOADING AFTER LEAVING PLANT. READY Stand-by and/or dumping time in excess of 4 minutes per yard will be charged. % . TIME HOUR, TO UNLOAD DELIVERY . i� '..SUPERIOR READY MIX CONCRETE, L.P. 1508 W. MISSION ROAD • ESCONDIDO,-:CA 92029 . - PHONE: (619)775-8272 • (619) 745-0556, welgnea at 38-155 Monroe Street Indio, CA 92201 DELIVERY TICKET WEIGHMASTER CERTIFICATE,-'. THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the followingdescribedcommodity was weighed, measured, or counted oy-a;weighmaster, whose signature is on this certificate, who is a recognized authority of accuracy, as prescribed by Chapter 7 (commencing with section12700)of Division 5 of the, California Business and Professions Code, administered by the Division of Measurement Standards of the California Department of Food and Agriculture. ' i _DATECUSTOMER NO'. ORDER NO. CUSTOMER P.O. OR JOB NO. PLANT NO.— DELIVERY TICKET NO„ 246 13/ 5/97 0477190 �. - 71 7l�Zit3i1. CUSTOMER NAME __ - _ - _ _ - — - SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS- I INC. ,il.0 F JOB ADDRESS : WASH I Nf i"f QN & AVE `,:•icy L.W [ U I NTft DESIGN %"ROCK (LB .)�� °/." ROCK (LBS.) Les. SAND LBS. CEMENT_ SACK WATER ADD MIX (LBS) Dc. 19 WEIGHMASTER _\\ • TRUCKS -' DRIVER- - - - 1 r DEPUTY �!°)tf ED 'ICoAI.,.QURA.,"'`a . CUBIC YARDS TOTALC/Y DESCRIPT{ION ',`... PRODUCTCODE UNIT PRICE TAX —AMOUNT "9•.;i0 43.. 0 1. '';3A.Qj-/i' AND 9L.URRY DCS— .I _t. YARDS TO_GO� , will, In the event of delivery beyond curb line, this' company will not assume liability for damage to sidewalk, driveway, utility lines, TOTAL THIS ORDER meters, septic systems, or any other property. Materials sold become property of purchaser at point of origin. The STAND-BY TIME THIS TICKET purchaser shall in no event accept deliveries`of materials not in accord with the. agreement of the parties, but such materials PREVIOUS STAND-BY shall be refused by the purchaser'and returned to the seller with a written statement of the.reason for the refusal thereof. No cancellation accepted after concrete has been loaded in carrier's trucks at our plant. Customer is to provide for and assume responsibility for area or.container' for clean out of concrete truck chute. Any discharge,to watercourses, street gutters or stormdrains is a violation of law. Concrete_ is a structural building material warranteed only to meet ASTM -standards. Some TOTAL • imperfections and popouts may occur for whiN supplier is not responsible. PLANT, _ OUT r 1. UNUS AL INClD�tENT OF N0 O THIS DELIVERY ,' ' 'MAXIMUM` ,, ,fi G'-EIVED IN GOOD • ONDITI • N BY: 1 ..� a J SLUMP 10-.55 - IN 1 Ql•wL••{� - ' CUSTOMER SIGNATURE • WATER ADDED AT CUSTOMERS ' r , CAUTIONI Cement powder or freshly mixed concrete, grout or mortar may cause skin injury. Avoid ,,,�////'^^'' -REQUEST GALLONS ON JOB \ UNLOADIN�'/ ,,.s.�•'' contact with skin and wash exposed skin areas promptly with water. It any cement powder or mixture ,- ESTIMATED SLUMPAT UNLOADING DEPART.. START gets into the eyes, rinse immediately and repeatedly with water and get prompt medical attention. Keep children away from cement powder and all freshly mixed cement products' ANY WATER ADDED TO MIX ON THE JOB WILL BE AT THE PURCHASER'S RISK INCHES / ARRIVAL / FINISH NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ULTIMATE QUALITY OF CONCRETE IF ANY INGREDIENTS ARE ADDED : WAITING AND/OR UNLOADING AFTER LEAVING PLANT. READY" Stand-by and/or dumping time in excess of 4 minutes per yard will be charged. •TIME HOUR TO UNLOAD k DELIVERY / 4 SUPERIOR READY MIX CONCRETE, L.P. 1508 W. MISSiON.ROAD • ESCONDIDO, CA 92029. PHONE: (619) 775-8272 • (61.9)-745-0556, Weighed at r , 38-155 Monroe Street t Indio, CA 92201' ' DELIVERY TICKET 109150 WEIGHMASTER CERTIFICATE THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the following described commodity was weighed,,measured, or counted by a weighmaster, whose signature is on this certificate.'who is a recognized authority of accuracy, as prescribed by Chapter 7 (commencing with section 12700) of Division 5 of the California Business and Professions Code, administered by the Division of Measurement Standards of the California Department of Food and Agriculture. _DATE CUSTOMER Np: ; i ' 0RDER NO-��" CUSTOMER P,_O OR'JOB�NO. - P,LANT NO.._IQB07KE1RY0T8IC7KE9TN4Q-� - - - ----- . � , UCTIO .SPECIAL INSTRNS 7 r ------�-••cert-e-� �4�3- 1-i c I I NC. JOB ADDRESS WASHINGTON AVE .L , 0,L)INTia DESIGN, i �� 8 ,iS'_ROC (LBS.) d =3s;,ROCK (IBS.) `LBS. SAND LBS. CEMENT` SACK_ WATER ADD MIX (LB8 ) DCS: --A WEIGHMASTER DRIVER - DEPUTY .. 1 o5 I p Stt�^^1,4l11 FULLER ' CUBIC YARDS TOTAL C/Y `. DESCRIPTION - t ct�ry PRODUCT CODE . UNIT PRICE TAX AMOUNT 9. �,0 19• VI I"/-) 1 SACK SAND SLURRY DCS --1 YARDS TO_GO­ s' In the event of delivery beyond curb line, this company will not assume liability.for damage to sidewalk, driveway, utility lines, TOTAL THIS ORDER meters, septic systems, or any other property. Materials hereby sold become property„of purchaser at point of origin. The STAND-BY TIME THIS TICKET purchaser shall in no event accept deliveries of materials not in accord with the agrnt of the parties, but such materials eeme shall be refused by the purchaser and returned to the seller with a written•statement of the.reason for the refusal thereof. No 7 cancellation accepted after concrete has been loaded;jn carrier's trucks at our plant. Customer is to provide for and assume PREVIOUS STAND-BY responsibility for area or container•, for, clean out of concrete truck.chute. Any discharge to watercourses, street gutters or stormdrains is a violation of law�.toncrete is a structural building material warranteed only to meet ASTM standards. Some • • ' imperfections and popouts may occur for,which supplier is not responsible. PLANT' X",' OUT UNUSUAL INCIDENT OF NOTE ON THIS DELIVERY'MAXIMUM RECEIVED 1'A OD CONDITI N BY: SLUMP,• `a• 50 '71 11:57 IN pG/J `��% �j. • WATER ADDED AT CUSTOMER'S WATER I JCUSTOMER SIGNATURE ON JOB I'11„vi UNLOADING'.. CALITIONI Ce'ment powder'or freshly mixed concrete, grout or.mortar'may cause skin injury. 'Avoid REQUEST GALLONS contact with skin and wash exposed skin areas promptly with water. If any cement powder or mixture • ESTIMATED SLUMP ATUNLOADING DEPART •START gels into the eyes, rinse immediately and repeatedly with water and get prompt'medical attention. Keep children away from cement powder and all freshly mixed cement products. .” _ .' .. - , '•� - '"1 ANY WATER ADDED TO MIX ON THE JOB WILL BE AT THE PURCHASER'S RISK . INCHES ARRIVAL' -rd -•fit•-�' FINISH NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ULTIMATE'OUALITY OF CONCRETE IF ANY INGREDIENTS ARE ADDED AND/OR UNLOADING , AFTER LEAVING PLANT.- .-WAITING READY Stand-by and/or dumping time in excess of 4 minutes per yard -will be charged. - - '?TIME - HOUR TO UNLOAD DELIVERY '"`. �y • ^' ` �SUPERIORRErADY MIX.CI IL' ,� •..- .F3st` ;MAIN'OFFICE' ,..� W;111 5 8, MISSION ROAD • ESCO PHONE: (760) 745=( t Weighed at 72270 Varner Road %;o Pl." ` Thousand Palms, CA'92276 .. r (760) 343,-3418 )NCRETE L P � ' , ;; f'' r 4>. • , �. �#�ApELIVERY.TICKET`` r y �OIDO; CA 92029 ' Y x Q.1.14 6, 5. j �, ; �e'?,WEIGHMASTER CERTIFICATE - t / )56 '' y"<••'' THIS IS TO'CERTIFYthatthefollowingdescribedcommodityvias r' 1 weighed,measured, or counted by a aveighmaster,whosesignatures t - is on this certificate, who is a recognized authority of accuracy, as r , prescribed by Chapter'7 (commencing with section 127 00) of ' Division 9 t. the California BOsiness and Professions Code, h,- ' •f admlmstered,by the Division of Measurement Standards of the I California Department of Food and Agriculture.;# DATE 1/ CUSTOMER_NO t v ORDER NO a CUSTOMER-P.O. ORJO_ t►13211)7 ..� CUSTOMFRNAM— -41 1'4` i lVf• `.. '' ,f, • ?'_ e... -�RYCKET_NOD SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS r -j ATSGaI I:F L.-3 A & DERERT CLUE • r ,. JOB ADDRESS 0VE. -, y`.. 'DESERT C:LUb DR. Ln t?Ui�K9` A _RESIGN ,�•_��, .�' t i6'ROCK (LBS.)_. ,�%'_ROCK (LBS )i LBS. SAr_•,_e_ND�_ LBS. CEMENT SACK WATER ADD MIX (LBS.) �R eWEIGHMAS ER ITRUCK, DRIVER �� ` `..DEPUTYIj p ! :`.ls t!.(`•, ffE+7 Rpy YSRING �1: •, [ CUBIC YARDS TOTAL C/Y DESCRIPTION' '''"� " u- PRODUCT CODE UNIT PR_ll7E TAX AMOUNT "T L t6f-AUK `qNL) 16L..UKRYj d1t1`.J--Y I }^ f YARD S TO GO . w 14, In the event of delivery beyond curVlipe,.this company wilPnot assume liability for damage to'sidewalk, driveway, utility. linesTTi TOTAL THIS ORDER -ice meters, septic systems,. or any other'propefty." Materials `6reby sold become -property of f urchaser, at point of origih.'jh , 'STAND-BY,,7IME THIS TICKET purchaser shall in no event accept'deliveries. of materials not in accord with the agreement'ofkthe parties; but' such rhatedals shall be refused by the purchaser and returned to the seller with a written'statement of the reason for the refusal thereof. No cancellation accepted after concrete has been loaded in carrier'sArucks at our plant. Customer is to provide for and assume. PREVIOUS SEAND-BY responsibility for. area or, container fo lean;,out oCconcrete truck chute. Any discharge to watercourses, street gutters or stormdrains is a violation of law. Concrete is a structural buiiding. material warranteed only -to meet ASTM standards: Some • imperfections and popouts may occur forinrhich supplier is not responsible..; PLANT- : S OUT L of 4 QI UNUSUAL NCIDE T `F .NOTE ON THIS DELIVERY `' M �I�'' f RECEDED I GOOD CON6�ITON,eY: J SLUMP `�' " , ti,ii>f I N .. X( I en (: \/ I C,0 TO`ME,�R S GNATURE CAUTIONI Ceme t or freshly and concrte, SI ADDED AT CUSTOMES .•}WCUSTOMER' `-GALLONS ON JOB*:,::� p ,der grout or mortar may cause skin injury. Avoid. contact with skin end wash exposed skin reqs promptly with water. If any cement powder or mixture"'{ �• ` �' ' • -" g UNLOADI,�/ - / 5 y gets into the eyes, rinse immediately and repeatedly with water and get prompt medical attention. ESTIMATED SLUMP AT UNLOADING r DEPART+ START Keep children away from cement powder and all freshly mixed cement products. ANY WATER ADDED TO MIX ON THE JOB WILL BE AT THE PURCHASER'S '. .'INCHES RISK - .•' ARRIVA L. !'�. FINISH NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ULTIMATE QUALITY OF CONCRETE IF ANY INGREDIENTS AREADDED • WAITING AND/OR UNLOADING AFTER LEAVING PLANT. �;y READY Stand-by and/or dumping time in excess of 4 minutes per yard will be charged. HOUR ' TO UNLOAD ,'TIME t DELIVERY f f i k AAl �,�,,, ' z� ' , • SUPtft Ff-READY MIX'CONCRETE, L.P. r. Weighed at 38-155 Monroe StrA1t_ Indio, CA 92201 1508 W. MISSION ROAD • ESCONDIDO, CA 92029 PHONE: (619) 77578272 • (619) 745-0556 . DELIVERY TICKET 1091?2 WEIGHMASTER CERTIFICATE THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the following described commodity was weighed, measured, orcounted by a weighmaster, whose signature is on this certificate, who is a recognized authority of accuracy, as prescribed by Chapter 7 (commencing with section 12700) 'of Division 5 o the California Business and Professions Code, administered by the Division of Measurement Standards of the California Department of Food and Agriculture. -DATE CUSTQ .5R NO. �'� -' ORDER NO.- CUSTOMER P.O. OR JOB NO. _PLANTTNO,_ DELIVERY TICKET NO.. • t3/ 6/97.. 07*T'E9_0 r1- 175 39346 ` 71 71V7�Sa1;:+ CUSTOMER NAME __ - ,j SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS �7„D�.$,,(+<,�•„�„G,• AT DARCELQNA & .DESERT CLUB D H C I INC, - JOB ADDRESS - - CALLE PARC iLCII'1M V. DE:SE:RT CLUB • DR. L4 OU TNl"Ft . DESIGN. a'e” ROCK (LB .)� (LBS.), ?Y.'' ROCKDCS-` LBS. SAN[) _ CEMENT SACK ADD MIX (LBS.)_ �'•r .LBS. _WATER_ 1 � WEIGHMASTER TRUCK - DRIVER _.: DEPUTY aj 4 1 iFzrMY GAFt) R CUBIC YARDS TOTAL C/Y DESCRIPTION ,v `, PRODUCT CODE UNIT PRICE TAX AMOUNT 9:50 28.50 1. ;ACK SAND -SLURRY a," DCS_I T�;} r.-- 1CARD�-S.TC,IT_G�-}0_ �� ,Fz'� ��• t �r , In the event of delivery beyond curb line, 1 i"s company will not assume liability for damage to side,'walk, driveway, utility lines; TOTAL THIS ORDER meters, septic systems, or any other property. Materials hereby sold become property of purchaser at point of origin. The STAND-BY TIME THIS TICKET purchaser shall in no event accept deliveries of materials not in accord with the agreement of the parties, but such materials shall be refused by the purchaser and reWrned to the seller with a written statement of the.reasori for the refusal thereof. No cancellation accepted after concrete has been loaded in carrier's trucks at our plant. Customer is!to provide for and assume PREVIOUS STAND-BY responsibility for areaer for clean out of concrete truck chute. Any discharge to watercourses,` street gutters or stormdrains is a violation of law. Concrete, is a structural building material warranteed only to meet ASTM standards.' Some TOTAL AMOUNT imperfections and popouts may ocqur for which supplier is not responsible. • i•:._ :. PLANT ; OUT. • UNUAL INC `��EN OFNOTE�ON THIS DELIVERY', ' MAXIMUM d REQ IVED IN GOOD CON ITION BY: SLUMP �r ` J�1 +IS 1 + 11 :24 ! /r ] +> �y ' }` WATER ADDED AT CUSTOMER'S - - ,")) , , .IN • { 'PUS .1 SIGNATURE powder 'c or, mortar %- •f ' CAUTIONI Cement or freshly mixedrate, grout may cause skin injury. Avoid contact Iwash REQ ' 3xl EST,, GALLONS s ON JOB - t - �`= UNLOADING ,,nn with skin an exposed skin areas promptly with weter`If.any cement powder or mixture ' ESTIMATED SLUMP AT UNLOADING DEPART- •+-7 START, gets into the eyes, rinse immediately and repeatedly withwaterand get prompt medical attention. cement. � Keep children away from cemeAt.powder and elltfreshly mixed products. ., , i ANY WATER ADDED TO MIX ON THE JOB WILL BEAT THE PURCHASER'S RISK •' �° - INCHES Y. ARRIVAL 20l 3 NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ULTIMATE OUALITFCONCRETE IFANY INGREDIENTS ARE ADDED 4`1 ".*all' •WAIT NG AND/OR UNLOADING- READY FINISH' AFTER LEAVING PLANT. 4 will Stand-by and/or dumping time in excess of minutes per yard be charged:,. ' TIME -- HOUR I TO UNLOAD. DELIVERY .I j , . A` f ,, �. J �� p� �. i J �.� :� 1� i t� J � 1 � ,. . - ` �. J �� p� �. J �.� S *� i 1 f J � 1 � ,. �. J jr Wr N. µ� SUPERIOR READY: MIX CONCRETE L.P. I 1508 W: MISSION -ROAD-'• ESCONDIDO.; CA 92029 r- •y:� DELIVERY TICKET 17�.91 2 7 WEIGHMF9TER CERTIFICATE ,THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the following described'commoditywas weighed, measured, or counted by aweighmaster, whose signature is on'this certificate, who is a recognized authority of accuracy, as ' . prescribed byjChapter 7_(commencing with section 12700) of I Division `5of 'the California`, BUsiness and Professions Code, administered by the Division -W Measurement Standards of the California Department of Food akd Agriculture. BLANT.NO,.,- , J_DEILLVEBY_j�ICKET_NC._ 71 •71 877'.1- INSTRUCTIONS.,,�•„�„n,��," iNCTON I'D -AVE. 5 s, -NT - ADD MIX (LBS.) 1__SACK�ATER DRIVER - "• - BAL.DOMER0 ()(.:nMPO UNIT PRICE- TAX `AMOUNT ' ..•..v ." wr • aW ' 'TOTAL'7 ,IS ORDER ;;; •,i. '' t . STAND=BY TIME THTS'TICKET PREVIOUS STAND=BY 4 •A F" PLANT OUT 71 1.?:20 IN i ON JOB r UNLOADING?' DEPART START 00 ARRIVAL FINISH• / READY ' TO UNLOAD g SUPERIOR READY MIX CONCRETE, L.P. DELIVERY TICKET 1508:W. MISSION ROAD - ESCONDIDO, CA 92029109175 . " PHONE: (619) 775-8272 •"(619)745-0556 - , WEIGHMASTER CERTIFICATE • - , THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the following described commodity was weighed, measured, or counted by a weighmaster, whose signature " ` is on this certificate, who is a recognized authority of accuracy, as Weighed at `^ - prescribed by Chaoier 7 -(commencing with section 12700) of 38-155 Monroe'Streef, ; Division 5 of the California Business and Professions Code, Indio, CA 92201 administered by the Division of Measurement Standards of the of • California Department of Food and Agriculture. ,.DATE ORDER 10:— - ' CUSTOMER P.O. OR JOB NO. PLANT NO.= _DE,LIVERY TICKE.T_No.� 077190 ',175 - .31:346; '77. S/ 6/9'7 CUSTOMER_NAME . ° _ _ 1 - t '� - SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS ]011-ei G4 T . 1•'1 C i INC ' '� FST IBARCiT1� ' NA R 1} SEt�"f CLUB ,1) - ADDRESS _JOB CAI_.L-C , BARCELZIINA &.1�E�>Es F� � ,C L Lffr DR; LA GIU T NTA , __ DESIGN�� `DCS--` 34"�ROC'?(LBS.), `�:'�ROCK (LBS.) ALBS. SAND LBS. CEMENT_ _SACK_. WATER ADD MIX (LBS.) j WEIGHMASTER -rk AN._TRUCK DRIVER N�, DEPUTY �t a1a 5T'E:VE%GL_LWN CUBIC YARDS TOTAL C/Y DESCRIPTION - PRODUCT CODE UNIT PRICE '` TAX AMOUNT 9 `114 47. ":' itl1 1 SACK SAND SLURRY —' DCS__1 YARDS TO_+GO— J. In the event of delivery beyond curb line, this company will not assume liability for damage to sidewalk, driveway, utility lines, TOTAL THIS ORDER meters, septic systems, or any other.property. Materials iereby.sold become property of purchaser.at point of origin. The purchaser shall in no event accept deliveries of materials not in accord -with the agreement of the parties, but such materials STAND-BY TIME THIS TICKET,-,`.• shall be refused by the purchaser and returned to the seller with -a written statement of the.reason for the refusal thereof. No. PREVIOUS STAND-BY cancellation accepted after concrete .has been loaded in carrier's trucks at our plant. Customer is to provide for and assume responsibility for area or container for clean out of, concrete truck chute. Any discharge to watercourses, street gutters or stormdrains is a violation of law. Concrete is a structural building material warranteed only to meet ASTM standards. Some imperfections and popouts may occur for which'supplier is not responsible. PLANT OUT UNUSUAL INCIDENT OF NOTE ON THIS DELIVERY. MAXIMUM._ •` r- IIN•G_00D,GONDITION BY' - SLUMP 3. 50 71 �5 . IN [/RE®CEIV\(ESD �Y�( X /t // JIJ\ �_ .t • WATER ADDED AT CUSTOMER'S T^ CUSTOMER -SIGNATURE t , ON JOB UNLOAD Ifd CAUTIONI Cement powder or freshly mixed concrete, grout or mortar may cause skin injury. Avoid REQUEST GALLONS contact with skin and wash exposed skin areas promptly with water. If any cement powder or mixture• ESTIMATED SLUMPA7 UNLOADING DEPART START / j gets into the eyes, rinse immediately and repeatedly with water and get prompt medical attention. Keep children away from cement powder and all freshly mixed cement products. ANY WATER ADDED TO MIX ON THE JOB WILL BE AT THE PURCHASER'S RISK INCHES ARRIVAL FINISH NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ULTIMATE QUALITY OF CONCRETE IFANY•INGREDIENTSARE ADDED . WAITING AND/OR UNLOADING AFTER LEAVING PLANT. - E READY Stand-by end/or dumping time in excess of 4 minutes -per yard will be charged. 'TIME ' HOUR TO UNLOAD /•�' ` • DELIVERY . __ SUPERIOR READY MIX CONCRETE, L.P. DELIVERY TICKET 150 W. MISSION ROAD ESCONDIDO, CA 92029 ' 10'9152 PHONE: (619) 775-8272 • (619)745-0556 r; WEIGHMASTER CERTIFICATE • ' ,.+ t 'THIS.IS TO CERTIFY that the following described commodity was weighed,measured, or counted bya weighmaster, whose signature Weighed Bt r f is'on this certificate, who is a recognized authority of accuracy, as prescribed by Chapter 7 (commencing with section. 12700) 'o'. y 38-155 Monroe Street '' " 4 r t Division' 5 of the California Business and Professions Code Indio, CA 92201 administered by the Division of Measurement Standards of the ,R' 4 • - California Department of Food a'rC,Agriculture. DATE CUSTOMER NO: 'ORDER NO. ; s" CUSTOMER P.O. CR JOB N0. _ _ — _ PLANT NQ DELIVERY TICKETyyp.�� 077190 71 G/ 5/97 -.246 7108796 QUSTOMER NAME SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS H C S SNC. JOB ADDRESS fi WASHINGTON R. •AVE:+S;Z_' L.A GUIN..TA ROCK (IBS.) _VV ROCK (LBS.), ALBS. SAND LBS: CEMENT SACK -1 _WATER, ADD MIX (LBS.) IDCS--1 t ,, WEIGHMASTER_TRUCK �'' _ DRIVER - - ijl DEPUTY ��l 454 ED."BALDERAS .CUBICYARDS TOT[ALC/Y DESCR�I-PtTIION PTIR�ODUCTdCODE UNIT PRICE TAX AMOUNT ''nr • 50 261». S0 t+ 1»�[], GA 1 ::91'-014 '.- AI. D � .S L;URR'Y DCS .vC`l"!, tt YARDS TO_GO�; . i D. 4ZD 1wi In the event of delivery beyond curb line, this company I not `assume liability for damage to sidewalk, driveway, utility lines, TOTAL THIS ORDER meters, septic systems, or any other property. Materials ereby sold become property of purchaser at point of origin. The STAND-BY TIME THIS TICKET purchaser shall in no event accept deliveries of materials of in accord with the agreement'of the parties, but such -materials shall be refused by the purchaser and returned to the sell r with a written statement of the season for the refusal thereof. No cancellation accepted after concrete has been loaded in c rrier's trucks at our plant. Customer is to provide for and assume PREVIOUS STAND-BY i responsibility for area or container for clean out -of concr to truck chute. Any discharge`to watercourses, street gutters •or stormdrains is a violation of law. Concrete is a structural l uildirig material warranteed only to meet ASTM standards. Some AMOUNT` imperfections and popouts may occur for which supplier is not responsible. PLANT OUT UNUSUAL INCIDENT OF NOTE ON ITHIS DELIVERYMAXIMUM RECEIVED IN GOOD CONDITION Y: j1 M •' S0 -SLUMP ` - 7 1 " 12:31 _ �� X •�r�..._.�/'` IN . A ` '/ 'CUSTOMER SIGNATURE •WATER ADDED AT CUSTOMER'S ON JOB UNLOADING - CAUTIONI Cement powder or freshly mixed concrete, grout or mo ar may cause skin injury.. Avoid . REQUEST GALLONS contact with skin and wash exposed.skin areas promptly with water. If anycement powder or mixture' gets into the eyes, rinse immediately and repeatedly with water and et prompt medical attention. • ESTIMATED SLUMPATUNLOADING DEPART START . Keep children away from cement,powder and all freshly mixed came I products.. ANY WATER ADDED TO MIX ON THE JOB WILL BE AT TH 'PURCHASER'S RISK INCHES ARRIVAL FINISH NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ULTIMATE DUALITY OF CONCRETE IFA Y INGREDIENTS ARE ADDED • WAITING AND/OR UNLOADING AFTER LEAVING PLANT. READY Stand-by and/or dumping time in excess of 4 minutes per yard willbe charged. TIME. HOUR TO UNLOAD DELIVERY. ' f _ .;, �.�•.. SUPERIOR READY MIX CONCRETE,.L.P.,' DELIVERY TICKET x; - 1508 W: MISSION ROAD • ESCONDIDO, CA 92029. 109126 PHONE: (619) 775-8272!.,(619) 745-0556 WEIGHMASTER CERTIFICATE • THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the following described commodity was �f t weighed, measured, or counted by aweighmaster,whose signatur3 t r ,, is on this certificate, who is a recognized authority of accuracy, as Weighed at ,•• t', prescribed by Chapter 7 (commencing with section 12700) 'of 38 155 Monroe Street (�, Division 5 -,of• the California Business end' Professions Code, Indio, CA 92201administered by the Division of Measurement Standards of the California Department of Food and Agriculture. ,DATE CUSTOMER ORDER.NO. CU$TOM,Efi P_O_OR JOB NO._ RtAIVT NO.— DEANERY TICKET NQ.. CUSTOMER_NAME ` •. - • a., .' -� _ _ __ r SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS _..- { ,,/,„,•''),..��� _ r. T TNrl_ 1 WASHINGTON TO AVE. 52 JOB ADDRESS 1701 r' .AAPrr"1 II IQ `k•'`T IZ rr-'PT fj I lr4 TIR). I a rayl`r!\rT0 DESIGN -°". %" ROCK (Lf3 ).ROCK (LBS.) ALBS: SAND _LBS. CEMENT SACK_ _WATER_ ADD MIX (LBS.) WEIGHMASTER , TRUCK_ DRIVERY - - - c .... DEPUTY 11.1' r; TI, h 1 ' T IVA'R . . CUBIC YARDS TOTAL C/Y DESCRIPTION - PRODUCT CODE UNIT PRICE TAX . AMOUNT 9. 5QI-- 19 • Q171 21 3AK +SAND SLURRY. YARDS TO_GO. In the event of delivery beyond curb line, this :company will not assume liability for damage to sidewalk, driveway,, utility lines, meters, septic systems, or any other property. Materials hereby sold become property of purchaser at. point of origin. Ther purchaser shall in no event accept deliveries of materials not in - accord with the agreement of the parties, but such materials TOTAL THIS ORDER STAND-BY TIME THIS TICKET Shall be refused by the purchaser and returned to the seller.with a written statement of the.reason for the refusal thereof. No cancellation accepted after concrete has been loaded in carrier's trucks at otir plant. Customer is to provide for.and assume PREVIOUS STAND-BY responsibility for area or container for clean out -of concrete truck chute. Any discharge to watercourses, street'gufters or stormdrains is a violation of law.Concrete is a structural building material•warranteed only to. meet ASTM standards. Some imperfections and popouts may occur for which supplier is not responsible. PLANT- OUT ' UNUSUAL INCIDENT OF NOAE ON THIS DELIVERY RECEIVED 1 tGOOD 9ONDITION BY: MAXIMUM SLUMP - IN �_ _sa��x�ruro� < /^• CUSTOMER SIGNATURE • WATER ADDED AT CUSTOMER'S• ON JOB 4°i DEPART - ARRIVAIk � UNLOADI G� START / FINISH�� !#i hQAU�ONICement powder or -freshly mixed concrete, grout or mortar may cause skin injury. Avoid 'contact with skin and wash exposed skin areas promptly with water. If any cement powder or mixture gets into the eyes, rinse immediately and repeatedly with water and get prompt medical attention.. Keep children away fromJcement'powder end all freshly mixed cement products. ANY WATER ADDEDTO MIX ON THE JOB WILL BEAT THE PURCHASER'S RISK NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ULTIMATE QUALITY OF CONCRETE IF ANY INGREDIENTS -ARE ADDED * REOUEST GALLONS •ESTIMATED SLUMP ATUNLOADING " INCHES • WAITING AND/OR UNLOADING AFTER LEAVING PLANT.`. , READY Stand-by and/or dumping time in excess of 4 minutes per yard willbe charged. - .TIME HOUR TO UNLOAD . - - DELIVERY SUPERIOR READY MIX CONCRETE; L.P. DELIVERY TICKET �'... . r .. 109200 - 1508 W. MISS90N ROAD • ESCONDIDO, CA 92029 PHONE: (619)'775-8272 • (619) 745-0556. WEIGHMASTER CERTIFICATE • - _ - THIS IS TO. CERTIFY that the following described commodity was weighed,measured, or counted by aweighmaster,whose signah.'re is on this certificate, who is a recognized authority of accuracy, es Weighed dt • r - ,, prescribed, by Chapter 7 (commencing with. section 12700) of 38-155 Monroe Street Division 5 of the California Business and Professions Code, Indio, CA 92201 ( 1 administered by the Division of Measurement Standards of the ( ' California Department of Food and Agriculture. DATE CUSTOMER NO. ORDER NO. CUSTOMER PA. OR JOB NO,, _PLANTT NQ,DELIVERY TICKET NO.., Q/ 7/97 0 7 7 1'() 0 .:3'3,:346 71, 7108844 I CUSTOMER NAME - > SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS H C'.I. INC. ; AT BARCELONA & DESERT CLUB D JOB ADDRESS AVE. 52'..& DESERT CLUB -DR-. L.A QUINTA DESIGN_ _-2,_ib'_ROCK (BS.)_ %%ROCK (LBS.) LBS_. SAND _LBS. CEMENT SACK_ _WATER ADD MIX (LBS.) .:. DC 5'-1 WEIGHMASTER_TRUCK DRIVER - ' I . t :. .. DEPUTY RAY .131 SB I NG CUBIC YARDS TOTAL C/Y DESCRIPTION A - PRODUCT CODE UNIT PRICE TAX - AMOUNT 9.50 28.50 1 SACK ' SAND • _SLURRY .. - DC -3- I XARDS TO GO 't In the event of delivery beyond curb line, this company will not assume liability for damage to sidewalk; dnvew6 , utility lines, TOTAL THIS ORDER meters, septic,Mtems, or any other, property. Materials hereby sold become property of purchaser,;at pointaof origin.iThe`, purchaser, sll�in no event accept deliveries of materials not in accord with the agreement of the parties, but suchfmatenal STAND BY,rIME THIS TICKET` ' shall bei fused by the purchaser and returned to the seller with a written statement•of the.reason for the refusal theieof.,No `" y PREVIOUSSTAND-BV cancellation accepted after concrete has been loaded in carrier's trucks at our plant. Customer -:is to 'provide for ariif assume ' responsibility for area or container •for. clean but -of concrete truck. chute. Any discharge to watercourses, street gutters or AMOUNT stormdrains is a- violationrof law. Concrete is, a structural building material warranteed only to meet ASTM -standards. Some ITOT' imps fectionsand opou;s may occur for which supplielris not responsible. UNUSUALpf1 .CIDENT Q� NOTE(ON THIS DELIVERY' MAXIMUM PLANT OUT . ! + RECE,IIVED I, GOOD GOND+ TON BY: � SLUMP 3. E,.0 71 13:55 X itf �l '(�.1'y/y i •/ ) ter'\ i f�.Ji/� •WATER ADDED AT CUSTOMER'S IN + J a/ CUSTOMER SIGNATURE ` r UTIONI Cement powder or freshly mixed concrete, grout or mortar.may cause skin injury. Avoid •,'REOUEST _ GALLONS ON JOB IJNLOADIN act with skin and wash exposed skin areas promptly with water. If any cement powder or mixture en • ESTIMATED SLUMPATUNLOADING DEPART START / � to the eyes, rinse immediately and repeatedly with watei and get prompt medical atttion. ,- �ildren away from cement powder and all freshly mixed cement products •. r . ' 1NY WATER ADDED TO MIX ON THEAOB,WILL BEAT THE PURCHASER'S RISK INCHES ARRIVAL. FINISH NSIBLEFORULTIMATEOUALITYOtCONGRETEIFANYINGREDIENTSAREADDED-..WAITINGAND/OR'UNLOADING 'INGPLANT.,, �: r *- }, tie .,REAdY or Jumping time in excess of 4 minutes per yard will be charged. t TIME HOUR 'TO UNLOAD Y DELIVER El , j , To ly SUPERIOR READY MIX -CONCRETE, L.P. 'DELIVERY TICKET ,1508 W. MISSION ROAD • ESCONDIDO, CA 92029-109197 .PHONE: (619) 775-8272 • (619) 745=0556' WEIGHMASTER CERTIFICATE • • i - .THIS IS TO CE RTIFY that the following described commodity was weighed,measured, or counted by a weighmaster, whose signature • �"" 4 - is on this certificate, who is a recognized authority of accuracy, as r-, W@IgRed.dt' ,• .prescribed by Chapter 7 (commencing with section -12700) of 88-155 Monroe Street , " • 1 " Division 5 of the California Business and Professions Code. Indio, CA 92201 administered by the Division of Measurement Standards of the + California Department of Food and Agriculture. ,DATE CIJ$TOMER NQ. ORDER NO_. CUSTOMER P.O. OR JOB NO, DELIVERY TICKET NO;.- 139 313346 ' 3/ 7/137 077190' I-11LANTO_ 71 71061341 CUSTOMER NAME - ... '.SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS r� i. r.. H ! fa Q,es'r Y° -Z H C 1. 1NC• _ ; AT BARCELONA DESERT CLUB D �? JOB ADDRESS --AVE. 52 R DESERT. CL..UER DRi LA 0UINTA q DEIGN (LB )� I/." ROCK (LBS.) ,LBS. SAND LBS. CEMENT SACK_ _ WATER ADD MIX (LBS.) 1___%:.ROCK DCIS —1 WEIGHMASTER - _TRUCK 'DRIVER - -- - - DEPUTY ,... '475 JOE CANT. CUBIC YARDS TOTAL C/Y DESCRIPTION PRODUCT CODE UNIT PRICE TAX AMOUNT 9. 50. 19o 00 1 ,SACK. SAND SLURRY YARDS T.O_GO„ 0. D>t) In the event of delivery beyond curb line, this company will not assume liability for damage to sidewalk, driveway, utility lines, TOTAL THIS ORDER meters, septic:syotems; or any other property. Materials hereby sold become property of purchaser at point of origin. The STAND-BY TIME THIS TICKET purchaser, shall' In no event accept -deliveries of materials not in accord with the agreement of the parties, but such materials shall be�efbsed by the purchaser and returned -to the seller with a written statement of the'.reason for the refusal thereof. No PREVIOUS STAND-BY cancellation accepted after concrete has been loaded in carrier's trucks at our plant. Customer is to provide for and assume responsibility for area or container for clean:.out of,concrete tuck chute. Any discharge, to watercourses, street gutters or •" stormdrains is/a�violation<of'law. Concrete is a structural building material warranteed only to meet ASTM standards. Some ' imperfections and Popouts may occur for which supplier is not responsible. PLANT OUT UNUSUAQ1 C) :NT OF�NOTE ON THIS DELIVERY 't 'MAXIMUM �{ ECEIV,EE�iD IN GO • D CONDITION, BY ; x, SLUMP �'' • Jr r 71 12 6 5 01 IN X-� F • WATER ADDED AT CUSTOMER'S 1` CUSTOMER SIGNATURE' + ON JOB UNLOADING CAUTIONI Cement powder or freshly mixed concrete, grout or mortar may cause skin injury. Avoid REOUEST '- GALLONS contact with skin and wash expoil sed skin areas promptly with water. If any cement powder or mixture • ESTIMATED SLUMP AT UNLOADING DEPART START ���� gets into the eyes, rinse immediately and. repeatedly with water and get prompt medical attention: Keep children away from cement powder and all freshly mixed cement products. .12 ANY WATER ADDED TO MIX ON THE JOB WILL BE AT THE PURCHASER'S RISK INCHES ARRIVAL' Q FINISH NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ULTIMATE QUALITY OF CONCRETE IF ANY INGREDIENTS ARE -ADDED • WAITING AND%OR UNLOADING AFTER LEAVING PLANT.READY Stand-by and/or dumping time in excess of 4 minutes per yard will be charged. TIME HOUR TO UNLOAD 13.M' DELIVERY ~ . ,. ,: ., ,.,•. •. � .. tit `• ;'�' .�.� map." ��l•"7i.Nfw'"�ViaWN4?Yi�{ ' - _ • ' �� EARTH SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS S.C. •, . '. 79-8.11 B Country Club Drive Bermuda Dunes', CA 92201 • (619) 345-1588 CLIENT NAME CLIENT ADDRESS r 4 CLIENT PHONE TEST NLNBER .< RJB` .LOT INN. ELEVATION FIELD TESTING REFEkNCECURVE MOISTURE CONTENT % DRY DENSITY Ibs/cu" ft. MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY % MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY Ibs/cu. ft. OP NUM MOISTURE CONTENT % Ox 5 Z I � . L1,�. 111.0 3 17O•v Z... 11rz r-7 REMARKS: to t ecu . 4 EARTH SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS S.C. 79-811 B Country Club Drive Ro 1- ff Bermuda Dunes, CA 92201 • (619) 345-1588 CLIENT NAME CLIENT ADDRESS r;. •, ^•. CLIENT PHONE `• #�4 DATE -7_.4-� JOB NO. PROJECT ELEVATION LOCATION 1. I, Com -A(- REFERENCECURVE CONTRACTOR OWNER WEATHER TEMP TIME PRESEN7;AT SITE r7S I °,3Xa _ L TEST, NLAW:R 416T NO. ELEVATION FIELD-TESTING'. REFERENCECURVE MOISTURE CONTENT % DRY DENSITY -lbs/cu. It. MAXIMUM= DRY DENSITY % MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY lbs/cu. it. OPTIMUM MOIST TURE CONTENT % Li r7S I °,3Xa 1(0.1 •� b 1tZ.4� 9 �kc. 3 l k 7-7y /o 3 2 udi�o r ,s•S" �o REMARKS: . : f )Ft>} DATE EARTH SYSTEMS: CONSULTANTS S.C.-S'�� 79-8.11 B.Country Club'.DHW SECT.' Bermuda Dunes, CA 92201 • (619) 345-1588 LOCATION CONTRACTOR 1.. CLIENT NAME WEATHER CUENTADDRESS •" +,;�:,: a �t.c •• : +'.f: FRESENTATSITE �. .l t JOB NO. TEST NLNBER /vi,,,ch I:OT NO. ELEVATION FIELD TESTING REFEREN_ CECURVE MOISTURE CONTENT % DRY DENSITY lbs/cu. ft. MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY % MAXIMUM DRY ' DENSITY Ibs/cu. ft. OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT % 13 1' vc, r ly,-7 /as,oJ' 3 jrz ��� f`'. ia..� A1C>�CY•' rl lo..i 1�i.tS' �� ' Ali: V. l� 6;5 JU�bt•v REMARKS: (. L. •cw Ar oL c i FIELD REPORT CLIENT REPRESENTATIVE SIGNATURE OWNIMANS/ SI NATURE DATE..JOB NO. PROJECT Vft S2= LOCATION. . I_Q CONTRACTOR" CWNER WEATHER TEMP TIME PRESENT AT SITE ,% .TEST NLNBER c� LAT ND. ELEVATION FIELD TESTING REFERBdCECURVE MOISTURE .00NTENT DRY DENSITY lbs%CU. It. MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY % MAXIMUM DF{Y DENSITY lbs/cu. ft. OPTIMUM MOISTURE OONTENT % . • � 4 e `ZV' i- orb . '`: ' x .3 ral. 16 � Cr� a � � (� (Jya•C% � � . • %w• AVS REMARKS: .2 Z FIELD REPORT w. CLIENT REPRESENTATIVE SIGNATURE T HNICI" IGNATURE IN im OL ' EARTH SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS S.C. 79-811 B Country Club Drive r'S W77 Bermuda Dunes, CA 92201 • (619) 345-1588 CLIENT NAME CUENT ADDRESS CLIENT PHONE DATE JOB NO. PROJECT �S7 LOCATION out /LI'1 NER OWNER ! ! CJG� v� WEATHER TEMP i TIME PRESENT,AT,SITE . DRY DENSITY lbs/cu. ft. MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY % TEST N- BER J % / / f v' �" 1/ / _ LOT Pq. ELEVATION FIELD TESTING REFERENCECURVE MOISTURE CONTENT % DRY DENSITY lbs/cu. ft. MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY % MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY lbs/cu. ft. OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT % z z t CA 4 /'4 7D /P S 0 /oz f,, 2CSO r eo r a"i-z /'� <f -pv- - REMARKS: i CLIENT REPRESENTATIVE SIGNATURE IELD REPORT TEO IE ANSI SIGNATLIRE %-k EARTH SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS S.C. 79-811B Country Club Drive Bermuda Dunes, CA 92201 • (619) 345-1588 R S CLIENT NAME CUENTADDRESS CLIENT PHONE DATE JOB NO. X ?- f �'Tj / LOCATION C; WEATHER TEMP Y TIME PRESENT AT..SITE ,. DRY DENSITY lbs/cu. ft. MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY % TEST NUMBER �'Tj / -S+Q- re +OT N0. ELEVATION FIELD TESTING REFERENCECURVE MOISTURE CONTENT % DRY DENSITY lbs/cu. ft. MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY % MAXIMUM DRY' DENSITY lbs/cu. ft. OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT % s2 - ,e v4 C�a .s /I/ / 32 %fC5 0 91 16 5' 7.. l / 120 +(5b s� 76 dSd l 740 U yz i ygj 7-3 } REMARKS: / L►.ICr+.-+-. (6/ li^ C`P 'S LI NT REPRESENTATIVE SIGNATURE F LD - •PORT TECHNICI ` IGNATURE 21748 f �� - f� �� . N __. �� ` � ; ;... u. 4 1 I i. A.--. ��, ,