2707• NOTE: With ro or validation thTis form constitutes an CITY OF LA QUINTA encroachment permit - APPLICATION FOR, PERMIT PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION (ENCROACHMENT) • � `tlOF TRg9 I `. For the construction of public or private curbs; driveways, pavements, sidewalks, parking to sewers, water mains and other like public works improvements in connection with MINOR IMPROVEMENTS and APP OVED SUBDIVISIONS a Subdivision Improv ent Permit — Class II I ' DATE: January 9, 1998 Minor Im ovement Permit Class IV LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION- Avenue 52 and Washin ` (Street address or Description of Location) PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION Provide . as serv' e , to Sk ch (attach construct' n plans if appropriate) Tradition DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION Install 777 feet of ` 2". as main and 5,440 feet of"4" s main .SEE ATTACHED CON ITIONS.- DIMENSION OF INSTALLATION OR REMO L stallation . into 'oint trench with ower, tele hon and television. SEE PLAN FILE'4� 49—F7,W0�� 54147- SIZE OF EXCAVATION, IF NEEDED Ex vation pro We b 307. s arate permit APPROXIMATE TIME WHEN WORK WILL BE N ' 1/26/9 + APPROXIMATE TIME OF COMPLETION ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $ no (Including removal of all obstruction, mater* ebr backfilling, com-, paction and placing permanent resurfa g and/or repla improvements) In consideration of the granting of is permit, the a plica ereby agrees to: Indemnify, defend and save he ity, its authorized gents,.'offic s, epresentatives and employees, harmless from and against any and all ' penalties, liabilities or loss s ting from claims court action a d ising out of any accident,' loss or damage to persons or property happening or occurring as a r at 6. result of y work undertake u er the permit granted pursuant to this application. Notify the Administrative Au ority at least t my -four (24) hours i adva a of the time when work will be started. Comply with all applicable Ci y'Ordinances, a terms and conditions, the p mit and all applicable rules and regulations of the City of La Quinta and to pay for an additional re acement necessary as the r sult of his work. - Sign ture of Applicant or Agent ,Southern California Gas P.O. Box 3003. Redlands CA 909 335-7756 Name of Applicant (please print Busine s Address Telephone No. , .v Name of Contractor and Job Fore a Bu ' ess Address Telephone No. r Contractor's License No. City Business License No. Applicant's Insurance Com ny Policy Number FEES: Subdivisi IM ovement Permit — Clas I I Public imp o ents: 3% of estimated onstruction costs Private i rovem s: 3% of estimated onstruction costs ' Minor Imp vement Permit lass IV: See ttached schedule 2707 Inspection Fee $ PERMIT,VALIDATION Permit Fee — .0 — PERMIT NO. 2707 Penalty 1/21/98 Cash'Deposit- urety Bond DATE APPROVED . 4 if required EXPIRATION DATE 1/21/99 +' T AL:—.0 — $ DATE ISSUED ' Receipt N By Received by ' Date Administrative Authority Recorded by Telephone: (619) 777-7075 ; NOTE Ldp' Withi 2 p� o.yer validatloii. t s fo;rr3i constitutes'an o s f - CITY OF LA QUINTA` encroachment permit • ; -APPLICATION .FOR PERMIT.' ; PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION (ENCROACHMENT) SOF gR89 For :the yconstr.uction of public or private curbs, driveways, pavements, sidewalks, parking lot sewers, water mains andofher like public works improvements in connection With ;MINOR IMPROVEMENTS and APP OVED SUBDIVJSIONS•. Subdivision Improve ent Permit -Class III i, .January 9, 1998 DATE: Minor Impfovement Permit Cla' IV' LOCATION OF .CONSTRUCTION Avenue 52 arid. Washin Ir (Street.address.or Description of Location) ; PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION' Provide as sery e' ��to Skz (attach construe i n plans if appropriate) Tradition DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION - Install Z777 feet of 2" ; As main,'and 5,440 feet of. 4" cAa main... SEE ATTACHED CO ITIONS D[MENSION OF INSTALLATION OR REMOV/L staliation r Ynto� oint 'tiench with Dower: teleDho and telex S3on.' SEE•PLAN, FILE, 4t 49-F7;W04,`.`54147 SIZE OF EXCAVATION, IF NEEDED Excavation ro de b 307. . s Darate eimi , 'APPROXIMATE TIME WHEN WORK WILL BE&N 1 26/'9 ` \ APPROXIMATE TIME OF COMPLETION ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION. COST $ nat vai bl'e., (In%cluding removal of all obstruction,.mafer.wsrand.d i' backfilling; com paction,and placing permanent resurface 66 and/or. repla//C�improvements) In"consideration`of the g"ranting of/�•his permit, the applicarl ereby :agrees to: Indemnify, defend and save the City, its.authorized�ents, offices, epresentatives and employees, harmless from and against any and all penalties, liabilities or loss.r4s ting from claims�r court action a'd.arising,out of any accident, loss or damage to persons or; property. happening or occurring as.a p oximate result of ny work undertake under the permit granted pursuant to' this application..,; �'- Notify the Administrative Alority at least twenty-four (24) hours: in advaFice•of ,the time when work will be started. it Comply -with all applicable'Ci y Ordinances, -he terms and conditions o; the pe mit and all.applicable rules and regulations of the City of . .La .Quinta and'to pay for an—additional additional re•lacement necessary as the r sult of�his work.. Signature .of Applicant or Agent �. �`' outhein Californi Gas P.O. Box 3003 Redlands CA' (909)335-7756 Name of Applicanilplease print) Business Address Telephone No: Name of'Contractor and Job Fore a Business Address Telephone No. Contractor's License�'No. City Business License No. Applicants Insurance Company .:Policy Number . / FEES- Subdivisio �Imgrovemerit Permit —Class, I Public imp overnents: 3% of estimated onstruction costs' r . 'Private improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs ,� Minor Improvement Permit lass IV: See attached schedule` 2 TT Inspection Fee $ PERMIT VALIDATION~ g'. Permit Feej. 0 — PERMIT NO: 2707 b' Penalty DATE APPROVED 1/21/98 Cash Deposit -Surety Bond if'required EXPIRATION:DATE• 1/21/99 T TA'L: $ 0�,. � DATE ISSUED Receipt No. By Received by Date Administrative Authority Recorded by Telephone: (619) 777-7075 t _ , 7 7: 77 t Witi. proper val6ation thisifoi constitutes -an 1' CITY OF LA QUINTA encroachment permit APPLICATION, FOR 'PERMIT' Awe PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION (ENCROACHMENT) For the construction of public `or private' curbs, driveways, pavements, -sidewalks, parking and other like public works improvements in connection with MINOR IMPROVEMENTS and AF lo� Sewers, water mains PROVED SUBDIVISIONS SubdivisionImprovefnent Permit Class III, DATE: Jar�uarg►•.9, 1998 Minor Im fovement Permit Class IV LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION" AVa�nue 52 and Waahlnttotat. (Street address or Description of Location).+. PURPOSE OF.CONSTRUCTION Provide :-a9s servied to. Sketch (attach construction plans if appropriate) Tradition . . DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION Install X 7 7 7 feet of. 2" gas main mud 5,440 .feet of 4" A i.s main SEE ATTACHED C0ITIONS. DIMENSION OF INSTALLATION. OR REMOVAL imta3llation :into i6int. trench with power, telephoi!ls, and % tele dsion. SEE PLAN FILE_ f; 49—F7,WO# .54147 SIZE OF EXCAVATION, IF NEEDED Excavation pro�lded(bv 307. separate . veraai APPROXIMATE TIME WHEN WORK WILL BEG-IN1/26/.9 APPROXIMATE TIME -OF COMPLETION, ' ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $ not livaiYable t (Including removal of all obstruction, materia,ls7-and:debrisf, back fiI!ing, com paction and placing. permanent resurfacing and/or replaLs ni g improvements) In (consideration of -'the granting of`th s permit, the applicahKereby agrees to: Indemnify; defe'nd.and save the/City, its authorized gents, office`s, representatives and employees, harmless from and against any and all penalties, liabilities or loss ;suiting from claims Ir court action -and arising out of any accident, loss or damage to persons or, property happening or 'occurring as a proximate result of any work undertaken under the permit granted pursuant to this application. Notify. the Administrative Authority at least "J ty-four (24) hours ir .adva ace of„the .time when work will be started. Comply with'all applicable Cty Ordinances,lthe terms and conditions of the p ymit and all applicable rules and regulations of the City of La Quints and to pay for any additional replacement necessary as the result of {his, work. • Southern Californi Gas o. 'P.O. Box 3003 € Redlands, CA (909) 333-7756 - . Name of Applicant (please print) Business Address Telephone No.V. Name of Contractor and Job Foreman Business Address Telephone No. Contractor's License No. City Business License No. Applicant's Insurance Company \ Policy Number' FEES: • Subdivision Permit = Class I I I Public.impfovements: 3% of estimated\construction costs Private iprov ents: 3% of estimated construction co sis Minor, Imp ovement Permit`=.Class IV: See attached schedule . Inspection Fee $ PERMIT VALIDATION Permit Fee 0 — PERMIT NO. 2707 Penalty Cash Deposit-SuretyBondDATE APPROVED 1/21/98, if required EXPIRATION DATE 1/2.1/93• TOTAL: $ Receipt No. ' DATE ISSUED By Received by Date Administrative Authority Recorded by Telephone: (619) 777-7075 NOTE:" With proper valibation th�sIo?'m constitutes an CITY OF LA QUINTA encroachment permit . APPLICATION FOR PERMIT PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION (ENCROACHMENT) For the construction of public or private curbs, driveways, pavements, sidewalks, parking lopf sewers, water mains and other like public works improvements in connection with MINOR IMPROVEMENTS and APP , OVED SUBDIVISIONS Subdivision Improvement Permit — Class III DATE: January 9, 1998/ Minor Improvement Permit Class IV • LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION Avenue 52 and Washing -to ' -t (Street address or Description of Location) /��_ PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION Provide gxg 8ervie, Lu ■r..saa «t.,.. fr (attach construction plans if appropriate) DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION Install x,777 feet of Z" gas main and 5.440 feet of 4" age main SEE ATTACHED COITiONS DIMENSION OF INSTALLATION OR REMOVAL—Installation . Into Joints trench with power, tRlephuhe, and / 1 SIZE OF EXCAVATION, IF NEEDED axc+�v��3v� yrvwzae6a oY ��oaratte �aelr�i�C APPROXIMATE TIME WHEN WORK WILL BEGIN 1/26/98 SEE PLAN TIU #849-F7,W0$ 54147- 307. / APPROXIMATE TIME OF COMPLETION ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $ not kvaiAble (Including removal of all obstruction, materials;,-and=debrisAackfill ing, com- paction and placing permanent resurfacing and/or reiimprovements) In consideration of the granting of fhis permit, the applicant\hereby agrees to: Indemnify, defend and save ihe,City, its authorized agents, off ic Us, representatives and employees, harmless from and against any and all penalties, liabilities or loss resulting from claims or court action and arising out of any accident, loss or damage to persons or property happening or occurring as a proximate result of any work undertaken` under the permit granted pursuant to this application. Notify the Administrative Authority at least "twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the time when work will be started. Comply with all applicable City Ordinances, the terms and conditions of the permit and all applicable rules and regulations of the City of La Quinta and to ,pay for anye,additionalreplacement necessary as the result of this work. q Southern Calif'orni)k Gas Name of Applicant (please prin4l Name of Contractor and Job F Contractor's License No. Sign P.O. box 3003 Busine� re of Applicant or Agent R*41*nds, CA (409) 333-7756 FiUUF CJ5 Telephone No. ness Address Telephone No. City Business License No. Applicant's Insurance Company ": Policy Number FEES: Subdivision. Improvement Permit — Class II I Public imp ovements: 3% of estimated Construction costs Private improvements: 3% of estimated 'Construction costs Minor Improvement Permitff'—__Class IV- SeIttached schedule 4' �`~•« �✓ Inspection Fee $ PERMIT VALIDATION Permit Fee 0 PERMIT NO. 2707 Penalty 1 � DATE APPROVED X21/9$ Cash Deposit!Surety Bond if required / EXPIRATION DATE 1/21/99 TOTAL: $ 0 " ` DATE ISSUED Receipt No. By Received by Date Administrative Authority Recorded by Telephone: (619) 777-7075 NOTE: WitK'proper validation %s�ofm constitutes an CITY OF LA QUINTA encroachment permit APPLICATION FOR PERMIT PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION (ENCROACHMENT) For the construction of public or private curbs, driveways, pavements, sidewalks, parking lots' sewers, water mains and other like public works improvements in connection with MINOR IMPROVEMENTS a;ent /APOVED SUBDIVISIONS 1 .iAF�9� 3r-�� Subdivision Improve Permit — Class I II DATE: o Minor Improvement Permit Class IV LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION Avnnuc 52 and (Street address or Description of Location) r PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION 7"Vl,dO CC10 CO�1:kdo to Sketch (attach constructi@@on plans if appropriate) DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION Inoun, 11 7•,777 foot m£ V ras Cnin and 5,440 goon of 4" nao cniu SOP, QTTIAMED COIWTI4,15 k DIMENSION OF INSTALLATION OR REMOVAL ItaW�alla�oa /f P, zroaob t7it ? PC -,]Or,, tolophoao, and of oion I SUZ VW1 FILE 0649-177,1-:00 49-177,1-:00 34x47 -.SIZE OF EXCAVATION, IF NEEDED 2212 t?c-'ti0n j"iZ4' rldC6' by X47. APPROXIMATE TIME WHEN WORK WILL BEGIN MGM � APPROXIMATE TIME OF COMPLETION ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $� cvagabllc (Including removal of all obstruction, materials; •and-debris/backfilling, com- paction and placing' permanent resurfacing and/or repl� g. improvements) 'I'n'lconsideration of„^'the granting of this permit, the applicant hereby agrees to:. Indemnify, defend and save the City, its authorized4agents, off,icr� xrepresentatives and employees, harmless from and against any and all penalties, liabilities or loss resulting from claims�br court action and'Narriising out of any accident, loss or damage to persons or property happening or occurring as a proximate result of Lany work undertaken under the permit granted pursuant to this application. Notify the Administrative Authority at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the time when work will be started. Comply with all applicable City Ordinances,ithe terms and conditions of the permit and all applicable rules and regulations of the City of La Quinta and to pay for any additional replacement necessary as the result of this work. 3 Signature of Applicant or Agent Southom Cnlifotu 010 2.0. Seo« 3003 ftodlacdos CA (909) 335-7756 Name of Applicant (please print). Business Address Telephone No. Name of Contractor and Job F Contractor's License No. ness Address Telephone No. City Business License No. Applicant's Insurance Company Policy Number FEES: Subdivision Improvement Permit — Class III Public improvements: 3% of estimated', construction costs a Private improvements: 3% of estimated"construction costs Minor Improvement Permit`- Class IV: See attached schedule Inspection Fee $ r, Permit Fee 0 Penalty a '� Cash Deposit.fSureiy Bond a if required i TOTAL: $ Receipt No. Received by Date Recorded by PERMIT VALIDATION PERMIT NO. 2707 DATE APPROVED 1121/9 EXPIRATION DATE 1/21/09 DATE ISSUED By Administrative Authority Telephone: (619) 777-7075 #XM: VAth 1p ow validation d* form constitutes an wwroschment permit WR# 335505 54147-307 CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION FOR PERMIT RECEIVED x%jed JAN 16 1998 PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION (ENCRO'-WORKS For the aonetruetion of -public or Private cobs. drirawa^ peva enb. tidawaika. perking lob. fawek water maim and other We public works improvements in connection with MINOR IMPROVEMENTS and APPROVED SUBDIVISIONS 1-9-98 Subtlitlision Ifttprovrrfwtt PerrNt - Clses 111 �_ O.A Mina Improve we Permit Claes IV LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION Avenue 52 & Washington c�nY=mnruFr� uT� Noris address err CaurOOm of LoosioW Kj= O RUCTION Ska�lattsch oomOuetion pians if no nprists► 'DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION eve open wi prove e renc wiTff powe , DIM OI�OF 1 TI NOR R AL gEalE15E440'a '2" gas main 1AA+Q loft " air t? W (44A M(A nfl-' ZE OF EXCAVATI . IF NEEDED �p APP XI TE TIME WN WORK WILL BEGIN " APPROXIMATE TIME OF COMPLETION ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS 11 d ilii (Intcudino rannoval of all obstruction, meterisis, and debris, beekfillin& con► paction and placing pwnwwnt resurfacing and/or replacing improvementO In consideration of the granting of this permit. the applitent hereby agrees to: Indsr"adv, defend and save dw City, in sutharind sewww o ooa, rowum tatinw and antolotrsaa. humtlass from old parrs amp ane W WWw% liabditiM or for rein" hem da or court mtiow and arirind out of amp asci wa. los w dant 0 to persons or pnwww happamiee or Qwwruq • a Wexwm rea k of amp work w0wtekom wWw the permit craned pwwwtt to this applies km Notify do Adetinmatiw Attttwhv at lees ttusttty-few (241 hews in adroiw of do time wlwn week wN be started. Cawtplp am W appliewe City or mmlosa, de tarrtw and oolditw M of dw Pw"w and am app wnwo now and MrA tioms of dw City of tr a iris awd is OW fen awn 8ddWwA1 e4ellewom t wwr as dw n oW of dw wort L ovum" of a Agent PERMIT COORDINATOR SOUTHERN 'IT% GASQ: A_A_ Rnx if1A7' ta+nr.suna res q9�7� Nems of Appliont IpNess prim* Business Address Tdophom Na Nems of Conere Pro and Job Foremso 04AW1eee Addnee Telephone N& Contractors Licensee No. City W kISIS License N0. AppliwtCe Inalrenon_Conwms Policy Number FEEL: Subdivision Improvement.Pwtnit - Cls s III Public improvems cc 3% of eatimetad construction costa P+itraa improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs Minor improvement Permit - pass IV: Son at Pop' edtedule Inspection Fee L Permit Fear PwWty Cads OspowtSursty Bond if reqs! TOTAL. Rewipt No. Repiwd by Otto Recorded by PERMIT VALIDATION PERMIT NO. DATE APPROVED EXPIRATION DATE DATE ISSUED By Administrative Aud�ority TELEPHONE: (8191 584-2248 UNDERGROUND V OU SERVICE ALERT CALL TOLL FREE I-eoo-22T-2soo � . ,,. I WR" 335505 - TWO WORKING DAYS TOTAL FEET INST'D BEFORE YOU DIG INSTALL MAIN WITH AT LEAST 3r COVER BELOW OUTTERFLOW TOTAL FEET RETIRED PIPINGA LEAK TESTED Ri RSIDE COUNTY vE RETIREMENT , PERMIT ,ISSUED BY . PERMIT NO. DATE MOVEDJOB, OPER. DATE, o DOFF Joe D- DATE, N AT P.S.I. REASON: FOR HRS. AND/OR MIN. DISTRICT DESERT' CREW FOREMAN --- (SEE SYS.tNs.•1e4.01501 " TRACT N0. 28478-1 YEAR C.P. ' PLANNED BY COMPANY BY DATE " ATLAS iND 112113183 INSTALLED F•_DOANE I' STAKED COMPANY FACILITY: SO. CAL.Ekl P.L.S.( NO. — STAKING R ' -._ .INLAND REGION ,. OPER.20/. OR OVER I -... S ING EOO..%—� —_.._-_._._. _.REGION - - CATHODIC Y S.M.Y.S. NO STAKES All PRDTECffiD YES ND® AT LESS THAN 20% R DISTRICL SUPERVISOR NEEDED '` � W0• ' 54147=307 _ ORG. CODE ' T i PLAN FILE N0 BASE SKETCH ETCH CDNSTR.SKETCH C7SKETCHSHEE 849-F7Bri GGT B/4/97 I Z 1 1'=100' 0 , „ I j I . , , , . 6 r v � , , 2'P M (SEE SHEET 2 OF 3 FOR FOOTAGE) ., (JT -PTV) { , I- 2'P CAP i I, I; r a ' ol _ I ' /. ' I I 2P M 1 1 i l I (SEE SHEET..2 OF 3 FOR FOOTAGE) I, - I 1 i 115 55 I � I Q ". 1 -. , I t I I I .Iii f I Iii I 11 4 , I I I TR 28110-1 _ I, ,tTET1 C4 � N I PL. zi 01 -- LJ, < I I PEERLESS ,,.-----� 137' . 05 1 MOtch (-Ine SEE SHEET • 02 WR* 3550 3 5 TOTAL FEET INST'D INSTALL MAIN WITH AT LEAST _3__ COVER BELOW GUTTER FLOW _. TOTAL FEET RETIRED 1 COUNTY R1vERstDE -- RETIREMENT REASON: PERMIT ISSUED BY PERMIT NO. DATE MOVED NOTICE OF oN roe. oPEA.OArE� E MOVED COMPLETION O'E roe. DATE. DISTRICT SERI --- _ - --- - — ------ CHEW FOREMAN TRACT NO. 28471-1 C.P. PLANNEDYEAR BY COMPANY --- I ATLAS IND 112.113,183 INSTALLED P.DOANE STAKED COMPANY FACILITY: SO. CAL.O P.L.S.O „.. .... NO. CATIIOOICALLY PROTECTED YESO ONO DPER. 20R DR OVER O S' , AT LESS THAN 20R S.M.Y.S. W. GOSUCH ! DISTRICT SUPERVISDR STAKING REDID NO NEEDED [1 INLAND RE09N W.O. 54147.307 REGION ' ._ ORG. CODE _ _ I