BRES2015-008678-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 T;t4t 4 4Qum& COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMIT Application Number: BRES2015-0086 Owner: Property Address: 53713 ROSS AVE MARK MCCLURE APN: 767680042 80955 AVENUE 52 Application Description: MCCLURE RESIDENCE MADISON CLUB LA QUINTA, CA 91253 Property Zoning: Application Valuation: $977,408.80 Applicant: DISCOVERY BUILDERS 80955 AVENUE 52 LA QUINTA, CA.92253 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 70001 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my License is in full force and effect. i1Lr/ License Class: _ License No.: AEC252 A OWNER -BUILDER CLIIRATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury �ha m exempt from the Contractor's State License Law for the following reason (Se1.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county that requires a permit to cruct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for the permit to file a signed statement that he or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's State License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section'7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he or she is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500).: (_) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale. (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does the work himself or herself through his or her own employees, provided that the improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving.that he or she did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.). (� I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project. (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for the projects with a contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractors' State License Law.). (_) I am exempt under Sec. . B.&P.C. for this reason Date: Owner: CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.). Lender's Na Lender's Contractor: DISCOVERY BUILDERS 80955 AVENUE 52 LA.QUINTA, CA 92253 (760)393-5286 Llc. No.: AEC252 �V O I C E'(7 60)<777- 712 5 FAX,(7 60) 7�7-70 1 CTT,(ONS (760) 777-7153 �67, C�TVCDate: 7711' 6 YOh� �NTq WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insuranm carrier and policy number are: Carrier:_ Policy Number: I certify that in the performance of :he work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that, if.1 should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section 37100 of a Labor Code, I shall forthwith comply with phoosee,provisions. Date7!. Z 0 (6 A)plicant: WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKERS' 0 MENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND, SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO rMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS00,000). IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROV DED FOF IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IMPORTANT: Application is hereby made to the Building Official for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on this application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made, each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this application , the.owne-, and the applicant, each agrees to, and shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Zity of la Quinta, its officers, agents, and employees for any act or omission related to the work being performed under or following issuance of this permit. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancelation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordirances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize represents, ives of this city to ente pon the above-�meennti ed operty for in�spection'purposes. Date. Signat{ — urft%licant xAgent FINANCIAL INFORMATION DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTQTYr AMOUNT'; • PAID PAID 1. ART IN PUBLIC PLACES - RESIDENTIAL 270-0000-43201 0 $1,943.52 $1,943.52 7/26/16 PAID BY . `_ _ METHOD RECEIPT # CHECK # CLTD BY MCCLURE HOMES LLC CHECK R17371 1622 MFA Total Paid for ART IN PUBLIC PLACES - AIPP: $1,943.52 $1,943.52 DESCRIPTION _ ACCOUNT r QTY. AMOUNT.,:: : PAID ti PAID DATE' BSAS SB1473 FEE 101-0000-20306 0 $40.00 $40.00 7/26/16 PAID BY METHOD ` RECEIPT # CHECK #' CLTD BY MCCLURE HOMES LLC CHECK R17371 1622 MFA Total Paid for BUILDING STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION BSA: $40.00 $40.00 A,. DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY,' 'AMOUNT PAID .i PAID GATE, DIF - CIVIC CENTER 252-0000-43200 0 $942.00 $942.00• 7/26/16 PAID BY a .: -METHOD RECEIPT # = CHECK # CLTD BY MCCLURE HOMES LLC CHECK R17371 1622 MFA ,.DESCRIPTION „• ACCOUNT.: ; ' QTY AMOUNT '- -' PAID PAID: DATE DIF - COMMUNITY CENTERS 254-0000-43200 .0 $129.00 $129.00 7/26/16 PAID BY METHOD RECEIPT # CHECK # CLTD BY MCCLURE HOMES LLC CHECK R17371 1622 MFA DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT,QTY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE` DIF - FIRE PROTECTION 257-0000-43200 0 $433.00 $433.00 7/26/16 PAID, BTI METHOD RECEIPT # CHECK # CLTD BY. MCCLURE HOMES LLC CHECK R17371 1622 MFA DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY , , AMOUNT' PAID PAID. DATE DIF - LIBRARIES 253-0000-43200 0 $344.00 $344.00 7/26/16 PAIDABY METHOD RECEIPT # ti CHECK # "` CLTD BY: MCCLURE HOMES LLC CHECK R17371 1622 MFA DESCRIPTION' ' `' 'ACCOUNT'" ' ° QTY' AMOUNT PAID'. PAID DATE DIF - PARK MAINTENANCE 256-0000-43200 0 $40.00 $40.00 7/26/16 `r PAID BY a 'F' METHOD 'RECEIPT # .CHECK # CLT.D BY . MCCLURE HOMES LLC CHECK- R17371 1622 MFA DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CITY AMOUNT., .PAID PAID DATE. DIF - PARKS/REC 251-0000 43200 0 $2,048.00 $2,048.00 7/26/16 PAID BY _ . < METHOD ;: T , RECEIPT #. CHECK # CLTD BY. MCCLURE HOMES LLC CHECK R17371 1622 MFA DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY` AMOUNT PAID ': PAID DATE'. DIF -STREET MAINTENANCE 255-0000-43200 0 $116.00 $116.00 7/26/16 PAID BY `- a METHOD RECEIPT # CHECK # f CLTD BY MCCLURE HOMES LLC CHECK R17371 1622 MFA x DESCRIPTION' ACCOUNT F QTY AMOUNT:: PAID PAID DATE= DIF - TRANSPORTATION 250-0000-43200 0 $2,842.00 $2,842.00 7/26/16 'PAID, BY" METHOD RECEIPT # = CHECK V. CLTD B MCCLURE HOMES LLC CHECK R17371 1622 MFA. Total Paid for DIF - SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING: $6,894.00 $6,894.00 + -`. DESCRIPTION:. _ .; ACCOUNT. rt QTY 4 AMOUNT..= ,_ PAID PAID DATE' TEMP POWER SERVICE 101-0000-42403 0 $24.17 $24.17 7/26/16 PAID BY ,. _ ` METHOD ' .' ,;RECEIPT # CHECK # 3 CLTD BY MCCLURE HOMES LLC CHECK R17371 1622 MFA <DESCRIPTION, ACCOUNT-. QTY a AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE TEMP POWER SERVICE PC 101-0000-42403 0 • $16.92 $16.92 7/26/16 PAID BY METHODS ` RECEIPT #mow, '' " .: CHECK #CLTD BY MCCLURE HOMES LLC CHECK R17371 1622 MFA Total Paid for ELECTRICAL: " . $42.09 $41.09 DESCRIPTION, x. • "ACCOUNT " QTY AMOUNT g PAID PAID DATE RESIDENTIAL, EA ADDITION 1,000SF 101-0000-42403 0 $147.96 $147.96 7/26/16 PAID BY METHOD '..:RECEIPT # . CHECK # i CLTD BY ;! MCCLURE HOMES LLC CHECK R17371 • 1622 MFA DESCRIPTION. :,ACCOUNT,' QTY :` AMOUNT PAID °F PAID DATE'" RESIDENTIAL, EA ADDITION 1,000SF, PC 101-0060-42600 0 $60.96 $60.96 7/26/16 PAID BY METHOD RECEIPT # s: CHECK ,#:, < .: _ CLTD BY .' MCCLURE HOMES LLC CHECK R17371 1622 MFA u:^DESCRIPTION`:_ �. �' ACCOUNT QTY= AMOUNT "� PAID -.. PAID DATE= RESIDENTIAL, FIRST 1,000SF 101-0000-42403. 0 $145.03 $145.03 7/26/16 PAID, BY " :. METHOD .; _ _ _.. _..... yRECEIPT #. CHECK # CLTD BY MCCLURE HOMES LLC CHECK R17371 1622 MFA DESCRIPTIONS a ; ACCOUNT, : QTY 'AMOUNT PAID PAID'DATE' RESIDENTIAL, FIRST 1,000SF, PC 101-0000-42600 0 $47.86 $47.86 7/26/16 PAID BY = '. METHOD ` s. =•RECEIPT # y CHECK # CLTD BY MCCLURE HOMES LLC CHECK R17371 1622 MFA Total Paid for ELECTRICAL - NEW CONSTRUCTION: $401.81 $401.81 DESCRIPTION e , , T, ACCOUNT. QTY R AMOUNT A' PAID` DATE' RESIDENTIAL PRECISE GRADING -CUSTOM 101-0000-42408 0 $36.26 $36.26 7/26/16 HOME LOT >7KSF PAID BY METHOD RECEIPT # .' , CHECK # CLTD BY. MCCLURE HOMES LLC CHECK R17371 1622 MFA - DESCRIPTION'' �..' 'ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT.„ PAID PAIDDATE RESIDENTIAL PRECISE GRADING - CUSTOM HOME LOT>7KSF PC 101-0000-42600 0 $181.29 $181.29 7/26/16 'PAID BY- `:". METHOD ', RECEIPT_# CHECK # ` CLTD BY' MCCLURE HOMES LLC CHECK R17371 1622 MFA Total Paid for GRADING: $217.55 $217.55 DESCRIPTION;, ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE CONDENSER/COMPRESSOR 101-0000-42402 0 $290.08 $290.08 7/26/16 PAID BY ' 'METHOD '• RECEIPT # . ,. .. CHECK ft.'. CLTD BY MCCLURE HOMES LLC CHECK R17371 1622 MFA DESCRIPTION : ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE' CONDENSER/COMPRESSOR PC 101-0000-42600 0 $193.36 $193.36 7/26/16 PAID BY ` ¢ : '- METHOD c RECEIPT # CHECK # CLTD BY, MCCLURE HOMES LLC CHECK R17371 •1622 MFA DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT C QTY AMOUNT' ; PAID PAID DATE EXHAUST HOOD 101-0000-42402 0 $12.09 $12.09 7/26/16 PAID BY . ;: METHOD : RECEIPT # CHECK # '• : CLTD BY< MCCLURE HOMES LLC CHECK R17371 1622 MFA DESCRIPTION ' ACCOUNT ', QTY AMOUNT': PAID ;. PAID DATE EXHAUST HOOD PC 101-0000-42600 .0 $4.83 $4.83 7/26/16 .,PAID BY ,` • :METHOD . RECEIPT # CHECK # CLTD BY MCCLURE HOMES LLC CHECK R17371 1622 MFA .DESCRIPTION c-` ' ACCOUNT= QTY AMOUNT = PAID PAID DATE FURNACE ' 101-0600-42402 0 $290.08 $290.08 7/26/16 :PAID BY METHOD RECEIPT # ` CHECK #. CLTD BY : , MCCLURE HOMES LLC CHECK R17371 1622 MFA - -DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY- AMOUNT.,PAID . , ` PAID DATE FURNACE PC 101-0000-42600 0 $193.36 $193.36. 7/26/16 PAID BY METHOD RECEIPT # CHECK # CLTD BY - MCCLURE HOMES LLC CHECK R17371 1622 MFA DESCRIPTION- - ACCOUNT r QTY r AMOUNT PAID '' PAID DATE VENT FAN 101-0000-42402 0 $169.26 $169.26 7/26/16 Y PAID BY METHOD rs RECEIPT # - CHECK # CLTD BY MCCLURE HOMES LLC CHECK R17371 1622 MFA DESCRIPTION " ACCOUNT ' QTY AMOUNT `PAID PAID.DATE VENTTAN PC '101-0000-42600 0 $67.62 $67:62 7/26/16 _ PAID•BY s - 4. METHOD a. RECEIPT #CHECK # ;CLTD BY MCCLURE HOMES LLC CHECK R17371 1622 MFA Total Paid for MECHANICAL: $1,220.68 $1,220.68 DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT PAID _' PAID DATE NEW CONSTRUCTION PERMIT 101-0000-42400 0 $1,017.25 $1,017.25 7/26/16 PAID BY , •" METHOD RECEIPT #CHECK #°` _CLTD BY MCCLURE HOMES LLC CHECK R17371 1622 MFA Total Paid for NEW CONSTRUCTION PERMIT: $1,017.25 $1,017.25 DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT' QTY AMOUNT PAID = PAID DATE NEW CONSTRUCTION PLAN CHECK 101-0000-42600 0 $228.60 $228.60 7/26/16 = PAID BY METHOD RECEIPT # CHECK# CLTD BY MCCLURE HOMES LLC CHECK R17371 1622 MFA DESCRIPTION. ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT _ PAID PAID.pATE NEW CONSTRUCTION PLAN CHECK 101-0000-42600 0 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 3/13/15 u , : PAIDi'BY p METHOD , M -RECEIPT # s", CHECK # CLTD BY MCCLURE HOMES CHECK. R4021 1442 MFA Total Paid for NEW CONSTRUCTION PLAN CHECK: $2,228.60 $2,228.60 DESCRIPTION,' LL ACCOUNT - - ; QTY _' AMOUNT:.:> 'PAID PAID DATE BACKFLOW DEVICE 101-0000-42401 0 $12.09 $12.09 7/26/16 PAID, BY `METHOD ' I 'RECEIPT# CHECK # CLTD BY MCCLURE HOMES LLC CHECK R17371 1622 MFA DESCRIPTION" - ` ACCOUNT `QTY ` AMOUNT . , '. PAID PAID DATE BACKFLOW DEVICE PC 101-0000-42600 0 $4.83 $4.83 7/26/16 PAID' - ";METHOD u, .: RECEIPT # CHECK # 'CLTD BY <' MCCLURE HOMES LLC CHECK R17371 1622 MFA y -DESCRIPTION ' -.. , `'- ACCOUNT . ' QTY AMOUNT AMOUNT " " " "'PAID ` DATE BUILDING SEWER 101-0000-42401 0 $12.09 $12.09 7/26/16 "• PAID BY ` =" ' METHOD RECEIPT,# CHECK # ; ,CLTD BY MCCLURE HOMES LLC CHECK R17371 1622 MFA DESCRIPTION = . ' ' ,ACCOUNT QTY . AMOUNT" PAID .` "" PAID DATE BUILDING SEWER PC 101-0000-42600 0 $12.09 $12.09 7/26/16 �. PAID BY �`- METHOD; • ` RECEIPT #, CHECK # CLTD BY MCCLURE HOMES LLC CHECK R17371 1622 MFA ' DESCRIPTION ; ' •, ACCOUNT ; " QTY"", AMOUNT,> PAID PAID DATE' FIXTURE/TRAP 101-0000-42401 0 $459.42 $459.42 7/26/16 PAID -BY METHOD RECEIPT"# £ ' CHECK # y CLTD BY MCCLURE HOMES LLC CHECK R17371 1622 MFA DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT .'-° QTY AMOUNT PAID !PAID'DATE" FIXTURE/TRAP PC 101-0000-42600 0 $459.42 $459.42 7/26/16 ,PAID BY METHOD M, ". :; - RECEIPT #, ,. , CHECK # CLTD BY, MCCLURE HOMES LLC CHECK R17371 1622 MFA £DESCRIPTION "ACCOUNT QTY. AMOUNT PAID`. IPAIO.DATE_. GAS SYSTEM, 5+ OUTLETS 101-0000-42401 0 $36.26 $36.26 7/26/16 . PAID: BY METHOD RECEIPT # CHECK # CLTD BY• MCCLURE HOMES LLC CHECK R17371 1622 MFA DESCRIPTION, , "' • .` QTY AMOUNT-;. `PAID PAID DATE, GAS GAS SYSTEM, 5+ OUTLETS PC 101-0000-42600 0 $24.17 $24.17 7/26/16 PAIDBY :. .METHOD. i..RECEIPT# _ CHECK# x...; ,. CLTD BY MCCLURE HOMES LLC CHECK R17371 1622 MFA DESCRIPTION . ": ACCOUNT; QTY AMOUNT _ PAID PAID DATE ROOF DRAIN 101-0000-42401 0 $96.72. $96.72 7/26/16 PAID BY - METHOD . $ RECEIPT # CHECK #„ " >'" CLTD BY :. MCCLURE HOMES LLC CHECK R17371 1622 MFA DESCRIPTIONACCOUNT QTY ..• AMOUNT : PAID ,PAID DATE ROOF DRAIN PC 101-0000-42600 0 $96.72 $96.72 7/26/16 `PAID BY . ` . METHODRECEIPT # • CHECK # 6 I MCCLURE HOMES LC CHECK R17371 1622 e; -, MFA rw'Cz., :� € S, ?g ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT DATE ;DESCRIPTION` c� <r c rc x V gSPAIO PAID :- • 'WATER HEATER/VENT. 101-0000-42401 0 $24.18 ;, $24.18 7/26/16. • `' �"'.. �:� ,g '¢" "' :`' -' -., - -x< F=�gPAIOBY ` !. M � ta.,.�;;r•.:r' t-"rx'"ar "` n. a ETHODRECEIPTS# :; <u 'b a;'x^' ..<. n < w �u� ;..v�. `' a. z': ,th»R �, .: i t .; , CMECK #E -�' `sK�+•' tr „ztx;�.. CLTDrBY 'i���rM MCCLURE HOMES LCC= CHECK 817371 1622 MFA si`g".§"+C, s, t r -DES <RIPTION k �:, �r�>, • A NTe''' T<Y a.�`"�-a-'`s E`,�io?�'� ,,<;,{: 'AM UNT[',,K,,. I Dz, " PAID DATES: C . ". :. ,.�x� art _&� :v y000U <. .mak 4... ; "...:: ....za..._�P:A _ , .::k, WATER HEATER/VENT `PC :- 101-000042600 0 $14.50: $14-.50, 7/26/16 a PAID BY,rn 3 Ym� METHOD€� ,,RECEIPT€# CHECK # ,,tea': CL•TD BY -:�i<§s...=;i4„R�.`'�•.4ua..«:<��....c��„s�:$:u.-§:w,..ivy.�_�a:.�.,:�x�.iS='�s'¢..�a,<Sia,..'k,.:-aa�.s<ka<�z'-{�.`�77a.�.P oa6a...:..r�4'En..+.�,.o>r�.<...����r_�.mx.:xn.,4n,'�.�x�.��`::ka•'ua•.�:w:. MCCLURE HOMES LLC .: ' CHECK R17371 1622 :; MFA m `� �L P t✓<-zk. -*": ¢a 2`.v;d Ci`� :g ,,ryRi. ; s.4{ f "-x` '<S'AKA;'�,. `5't .<t f QTYz MOUNTS a MAID PAID:DATE <DESCRIPTION rk:�s YACCOUNT <xr ff. s % �r. : , WATER SYSTEM INST/ALT/REP 101-0000-42401 0 $12.09 $12.09 X3/26/16 R,. IMI&W P`•k h $1�T:! '"+S � „ } '�d:!X 4T Sw P,r v "8 k�Yywy F {... a d' - k ^S' PAIDBY ',4"a..< '4S 7 �, x `M"7<'Yt ,E '` "1'n i M i-A, xv ,{ i< a'3- b6 y�§ 4ts C§4"` METHOD z '.:x'k":.$.S R th d RECEIPT #� ��s%. .'.Y';'s' CHECK # CLTD BY � '' � sc F MCCLURE HOMES LLC CHECK 1s 1. 6i gy'ai T,4.afr: £- $1.S34i-} dsAtµ«°?:14; 4ig... i4x:,Q:iS6L¢Y.,.Se�...�i.'{'(Y ACCOUNTS,E -,nxi{.�.3 `:Q.a.<T.§R. rtR.117iC3I.V7, s Z h D5� 5x9':,aFzSv,:YM..:Y..<.:F,- TEIOUNTf' AIDDiA ?sa..S.`�f�'�S4s.h•E ve'SS3'<'DE?�ds?Sl.>."C£.:..FR.q..I...a:P:. .<'<>r? ,?Bp`A6-{".. 'S.y��`,^{e MON Xh3'Vi:ifTE Y,XY. ihK %":y..A.,,.r.nti'',,,.'u`''•Fx3ci'�ni. :..x. '4": ,Yhl,vsE-<.}f" a22E` .KA ",,,WATER SYSTEM INST/ALT/REP PC 101-0000-42600. : 0- . $12.09 $12.09 ,7/26/16 o -v- ..mEX'xg.' ?sPAID BYF :gip �t=i .::, r ;';�. .€ „s{.,, t° s ,. '`-•¢f�� v. METHOD $ �s zc x _'E;"w K:;tC4'as # �s ..<:. •''' CHECK # k € A'v; wf-.sZgk�s CLTD Blf ,�. R �.,.�.`h€.<,.._ta..:3.•-�`n .... ..a:... ": �...S es xmx'+`k ... e....,'E`.'� rmY�h" v .�y`•:..._ar2rvP:X ...a ,..:. ..,..., ;sRECEIPT r: a,>xi: x.u♦ _.:_ :3 a<.�e P.. .. .. a .; ,§E:.� saa.���•9. MCCLURE HOMES,LLC CHECK R17371, 1622 MFA T $1,276.67: $1,276.67 `, _ o4al Paid for PLUMBINGFEES: s9xkf ,z'1� ,Yp.,,�xs 2 :.i�3�F,f',P€.i:[, ,:,•^ mon ° € S? 'fx:...�"„•as.€. ° ,,kir ei f£, §F ACCOUNT 4': : a."'3,+ .fr QTYr y�;7r .r7" t;F=t&;:: r . ---AMOUNT �. 4 . ir'S .x`".."'="' IT gyil'S€ab PAIDxDATE ,DESCRIPTION t 43 4 %,,f>. s :..::.`' x, <f ;a4': d�.i:'r` ..<.... ?; Y c<.: ::{{ x:7 . L..�.:,. �", 7 ..c n€ , { R- as`, r� _{.it ? :-7."'." t�, a s ¢ :�8 :P,AIE ! ti .r{ a ::xdx..'[f;': A'�?PG'i,' :zE;{RE- zva-„<3. ?Kz ASMI - RESIDENTIAL --, .: ' - 101-0000=20308 0 $127.06 $127.06 - `7/26/16. -. r r-•�`` -' �`'` PAID;BY- �" `>€,` 's=.xi .e�,{�T!..,m¢•'.v�`��?+•>�.5'S { HOD' .,, .;'.. pyc, � '€':,.'-.�REGEIP.T # `5$�` .” "' "CHECK.#'.W.N 'a-"^• �r LTO 13V ,r a:�-E �.r...�;. rk :T.'R59°': f?;rrsr,' �^ tA'x.. .4..., ,,'<,:I-. v.r4.n .Y,.S'F'2•.x. .°- ,.'.;g� ,, ,.<k•,.,3.<.:r:f<Y+.. <...:r,< . w.f i ;, f v:•.!=,;',L< �"r.x-..:'r:'..�.x.. iY`:s..Y,•t"...i...s3F'�-4::ak: ?.3 -Nati MCCLURE HOMES LLC-, CHECK ; 817371 1622 `: MFA Total Paid for STRONG MOTION INSTRUMENTATION.SMI: $127.06 $127.06 s„?;gyy �,¢�t ?:'t�a`,"0'�asai..,y,.p a ':• 4 {-""c. �;.'z':! �%' n ;mss '.. {}.k,`.'@,,Y''"� „>t".>.i"?-�;•xa{!�,s;.as.7n§€P'+ ; ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT¢ �;,"° s_ftf�PAIDfPAID , s-• �',;,;d: DATE a�DESCRIPTION4 xhxy 5. .se'. {> ... <,�k*SeS r :.v:4. .:. d 35-F xt. -W..'. e:i' ... `- e -+Y1 ti gt cv'•-. ?. :r;-�d-y.ia.,a4& L .Sh. ��if�L$i.t A d... .. k'ari•:iSP SINGLE'FAMILY DETACHED 224=0000-20320 „0-$1,837.44. $1;837.44 7/26/16 * "�� x�re•w..';rf", St. F,��.PAIDBY �w METHOD ^ � �" : tF RECEIPT # § n1, ryr;�_; CHECK#L ,, = q , <.t !'....<rsP4Y S .T _' ,�- 4cEL-.ax aii<,. <,�Y4 5<., a . r� :i .=.�m. -. 5x'is'S<. �::,?%;., a bac ya'"i:r3` T a `:� <xi <':F€s.`Y7 `�d<.. i.Li': Y �T, MCCLURE HOMES LLC CHECK R17371'' 1622 '' ° MFA , Total Paid for`TUMF.- RESIDENTIAL: $1,837.44 $1,837.44 • Description: MCCLURE RESIDENCE MADISON CLUB Type: BUILDING, RESIDENTIAL Subtype: DWELLING - SINGLE Status: ISSUED Applied: 3/13/2015 MFA FAMILY DETACHED Approved: 8/21/2015 JJO Parcel No: 767680042 Site Address: 53713 ROSS AVE LA QUINTA,CA 92253 Subdivision: TR 33076-1 Block: Lot: 37 Issued: 7/26/2016 MFA Lot Scl Ft: 0 Building Scl Ft: 0 Zoning: Finaled: Valuation: $977,408.80 Occupancy Type: Construction Type: Expired: 1/22/2017 MFA No. Buildings: 0 No. Stories: 0 No. Unites: 0 BURT HANADA Details: NEW SFD @ 11224 SQ.. FT. THIS PERMIT DOES NOT INCLUDE POOL, SPA, BLOCK WALLS, DRIVEWAY APPROACH, FIRE PITS, WATER FEATURES, OR BBQS. HOME IS FIRE SPRINKLED PER 2013 CRC CODES APPLICATION EXTENSION GRANTED TO AUGUST 22, 2016 TO PURCHASE PERMIT. 340 114 161 j } Applied to Approved - )l Approved to Issued "_ Printed: Tuesday, July 26, 2016 10:24:27 AM 1 of 7 SYSTEMS ADDI.T.10NAL SITES -CHRONOLOGY CHRONOLOGY TYPE . STAFF NAME ACTION DATE , COMPLETION DATE NOTES. ` E-MAIL BURT HANADA 3/1/2016 3/1/2016 EMAIL TO ZACH HANSON OF DBCA GRANTIING EXTENSION TaAUG.22 2016 TO PURCHASE PERMIT. NOTE KAY HENSEL 3/13/2015 3/13/2015 PLANS PROCESSED AND READY TO SHIP TO ESGIL - YOUNG DID THE CALCS. NOTE MARY FASANO 7/26/2016 7/26/2016 PM 10 CERTCV-1405-000-635-678 KELLY AMMAN NOTE STEPHANIE KHATAMI 3/30/2015 3/30/2015 PLAN CHECK BACK FROM ESGIL. PLAN CHECK COMMENTS - FROM CONSULTANT PHILIP JUAREZ 8/21/2015 8/21/2015 PLANS RECIEVED GIVEN TO JIM JOHNSON. RECEIVED PLAN CHECK PICKED UP PHILIP JUAREZ 4/8/2015 4/8/2015 PLANS PICKED UP BY BILL HAYER 858-792-2800 PLAN CHECK SUBMITTAL MARY FASANO 3/13/2015 3/13/2015 RECEIVED Printed: Tuesday, July 26, 2016 10:24:27 AM 1 of 7 SYSTEMS ' PC'r1111t Details PERMIT NUMBER City of La•Quinta x' BRES20150086' PUBLIC COUNTER VISIT MARY FASANO 8/13/2015 LTD 8/13/2015 PAID PM 10 SUBMITTED _._ r Y ART IN PUBLIC PLACES - 270-0000-43201 0 $1,943.52 $1,943.52 7/26/16 R17371 1622 CHECK MCCLURE HOMES LLC MFA RESIDENTIAL PLANS RESUBMITTED PER ZACH HANAN 858-414-0492 PM10 RESUBMITTAL 101-0000-20306 PHILIP JUAREZ .-$40.00 8/11/2015 7/26/16 R17371 8/11/2015 CHECK NOT YET SUBMITTED GAVE ZACH GREEN SHEET. STRUCTURAL MFA Total Paid for BUILDING STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION $40.00 $40.00 BSA: CALCS & TITLE 24'S. OK'D PER JJ:.SENT TO ESGIL. CALLED BILL HAYER TO INFORM HIM PLANS ARE READY FOR TELEPHONE CALL JIM JOHNSON 3/31/2015 3/31/2015 CORRECTIONS CALLED BILL HAYER TO INFORM HIM PLANS ARE READY TO TELEPHONE CALL JIM JOHNSON 8/21/2015 8/21/2015 ISSUE PENDING SCHOOL FEES AND P.M. 10 PLANS CONDITIONS ......... DATE DATE MATE .CONDITION CONTACT ,. STATUS REMARKS NOTES TYPE ADDED REQUIRED SATISFIED READY TO ISSUE 8/21/2015 PENDING CHECKLIST CONTACTS NAME TYPE - NAME ADDRESS1 CITY _ STATE ZIP PHONE FAX EMAIL' APPLICANT DISCOVERY BUILDERS 80955 AVENUE 52 LA QUINTA CA 92253 (858)7?5-1032 zhanan@discoverybuil % dersllc.com CONTRACTOR DISCOVERY BUILDERS 80955 AVENUE 52 LA QUINTA CA 92253 (858)715-1032 zhanan@discoverybuil dersllc.com OWNER MARK MCCLURE 80955 AVENUE 52 LA QUINTA CA 92253 (858)775-1032 FINANCIAL INFORMATION ` LTD DESCRIPTION 'ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT - PAID PAID DATE RECEIPT # CHECK # METHOD , PA _._ r Y ART IN PUBLIC PLACES - 270-0000-43201 0 $1,943.52 $1,943.52 7/26/16 R17371 1622 CHECK MCCLURE HOMES LLC MFA RESIDENTIAL Total Paid for ART IN PUBLIC PLACES - AIPP: $1,943.52 $1,943.52 BSAS SB1473 FEE 101-0000-20306 0 .-$40.00 $40.00 7/26/16 R17371 1622 CHECK MCCLURE HOMES LLC MFA Total Paid for BUILDING STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION $40.00 $40.00 BSA: Printed: Tuesday, July 26, 2016 10:24:27 AM 2 of 7 syszenis r. r "DESCRIPTION .• .. 7. ,... ACCOUNT ...._...... QTY _ _. 77, AMOUNT PAID --� PAID DATE __ ��RECEIPTA .�.. �,��.- CHECK # : ..� METHOD'• • • ;PAID BY CLTD y 4 BY DIF - CIVIC CENTER 252-0000-43200 0 $942.00 $942.00 7/26/16 R17371 1622• CHECK MCCLURE HOMES LLC MFA DIF -COMMUNITY 254-0000-43200 0 $129.00: $129.00 7/26/16 R17371 1622 CHECK MCCLURE HOMES LLC MFA CENTERS DIF - FIRE PROTECTION 257-0000-43200 0 $433.00 $433.00 7/26/16 R17371 1622 CHECK MCCLURE HOMES LLC MFA DIF'- LIBRARIES 253-0000-43200 0 $344.00 $344.00 7/26/16 R17371 1622 CHECK MCCLURE HOMES LLC MFA DIF -PARK 256-0000-43200 0 $40.00 $40.00 7/26/16 R17371 "1622 CHECK MCCLURE HOMES LLC MFA MAINTENANCE DIF - PARKS/REC 251-0000-43200 0 $2,048.00 $2,048.00 7/26/16 R17371 1622 CHECK MCCLURE HOMES LLC MFA DIF - STREET 255-0000-43200 0 $116.00 $116.00 f 7/26/16 1117371 1622 CHECK MCCLURE HOMES LLC MFA MAINTENANCE DIF -TRANSPORTATION 250-0000-43200 0 $2,842.00 $2,842.00 7/26/16 R17371 1622 CHECK MCCLURE HOMES LLC MFA Total Paid for DIF - SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING:' $6,894.00 $6,894.00 TEMP POWER SERVICE 101-0000-42403 0 $24.17 $24.17 7/26/16 917371 1622 CHECK MCCLURE HOMES LLC MFA TEMP POWER SERVICE 101-0000-42403 0 $16.92 $16.92 7/26/16 R17371 1622 CHECK MCCLURE HOMES LLC MFA PC Total Paid for ELECTRICAL: $41.09 $41.09 _ «i RESIDENTIAL; EA 101-0000-42403 0 $147.96 $147.96 7/26/16 R17371 1622 CHECK MCCLURE HOMES LLC MFA ADDITION 1,0005E RESIDENTIAL, EA 101-0000-42600 0 $60.96 $60.96 7/26/16 R17371 1622 CHECK MCCLURE HOMES LLC MFA ADDITION 1,000SF, PC RESIDENTIAL, FIRST 101-0000-42403 0 $145.03 $145.03 7/26/16 R17371 162 CHECK MCCLURE HOMES LLC MFA 2,000Sf � - RESIDENTIAL, FIRST 101-0000-42600 0 $47.86 $47.86 7/26/16 R17371 1622 CHECK MCCLURE HOMES LLC MFA 1,000SF, PC Total Paid for ELECTRICAL - NEW CONSTRUCTION: .$401.81 $401.81 RESIDENTIAL PRECISE GRADING - CUSTOM 101-0000-42408 0 $36.26 $36.26 7/26/16 -1117371 1622 CHECK MCCLURE HOMES LLC MFA HOME LOT >7KSF Printed: Tuesday, July 26, 2016 10:24:27 AM 3 of 7 sysrrnes s, DESCRIPTION: '�•`� ,ACCOUNT ' ` QTY --AMOUNTS PAID PAID.DATE` -7777 RECEIPT `CHECn# METHOD PAID BY"'• LTD R' RESIDENTIAL PRECISE GRADING - CUSTOM 101-0000-42600 0 $181.29 $181.29 7/26/16 R17371 1622 CHECK MCCLURE HOMES LLC MFA HOME LOT >7KSF PC Total Paid for GRADING: $217.55 $217.55 CONDENSER/COMPRES 101-0000-42402 0 $290.08 $290.08 7/26/16 R17371 1622 CHECK MCCLURE HOMES LLC MFA SOR CONDENSER/COMPRES 101-0000-42600 0 $193.36 $193.36 7/26/16 R17371 1622 CHECK MCCLURE HOMES LLC MFA SOR PC EXHAUST HOOD 101-0000-42402 0 $12.09 $12.09 7/26/16 R17371 1622 CHECK MCCLURE HOMES LLC MFA EXHAUST HOOD PC 101-0000-42600 0 $4.83 $4.83 7/26/16 R17371 1622 CHECK MCCLURE HOMES LLC MFA FURNACE 101-0000-42402 0 $290.08 $290.08 7/26/16 R17371 1622 CHECK MCCLURE HOMES LLC MFA FURNACE PC 101-0000-42600 0 $193.36 $193.36 7/26/16 R17371 1622 CHECK MCCLURE HOMES LLC MFA' VENT FAN 101-0000-42402 0 $169.26. $169.26 7/26/16 R17371 1622 CHECK MCCLURE HOMES LLC MFA VENT FAN PC 101-0000-42600 0 $67.62 $67.62 7/26/16 R17371 1622 CHECK MCCLURE HOMES LLC MFA Total Paid for MECHANICAL: $1,220.68 $1,220.68 NEW CONSTRUCTION 101-0000-42400 0 $1,017.25 $1,017.25 7/26/16 R17371 162 CHECK MCCLURE HOMES LLC MFA PERMIT Total Paid for NEW CONSTRUCTION PERMIT: $1,017.25 $1,017.25 NEW CONSTRUCTION 101-0000-42600 0 $228.60 $228.60 7/26/16 R17371 1622 CHECK MCCLURE HOMES LLC MFA. PLAN CHECK NEW CONSTRUCTION 101-0000-42600 0 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 3/13/15 R4021 1442 CHECK MCCLURE HOMES MFA PLAN CHECK • Total Paid for NEW CONSTRUCTION PLAN CHECK: $2,228.60 $2,228.60 BACKFLOW DEVICE 101-0000-42401 0 $12.09 $12.09 .7/26/16 R17371 1622 CHECK MCCLURE HOMES LLC MFA BACKFLOW DEVICE PC 101-0000-42600 0 $4.83 $4.83 7/26/16 .1117371 1622 CHECK MCCLURE HOMES LLCMFA BUILDING SEWER 101-0000-42401 0 $12.09. $12.09 7/26/16 R17371 1622 CHECK MCCLURE HOMES LLC MFA Printed: Tuesday, July 26, 2016 10:24:27 AM 4 of 7 R .l-YSTENIS DESCRIPTION A ., PAID PAID DATE -RECEIPT # �CHEC: # METHOD � PAID BY CLTD - BY BUILDING SEWER PC 101-0000-42600 0 $12.09 $12.09 7/26/16 R17371 1622 CHECK MCCLURE HOMES LLC MFA FIXTURE/TRAP 101-0000-42401 0 $459.42 $459.42 7/26/16 R17371 1622 CHECK MCCLURE HOMES LLC MFA. FIXTURE/TRAP PC 101-0000-42600 0 $459.42 $459.42 7/26/16 R17371 1622 CHECK MCCLURE HOMES LLC MFA GAS SYSTEM, S+ 101-0000-42401 0 $36.26 $36.26 7/26/16 R17371 1622 CHECK MCCLURE HOMES LLC MFA OUTLETS GAS SYSTEM, 5+ 101-0000-42600 0. $24.17 $24.17 7/26/16 R17371 1622 CHECK MCCLURE HOMES LLC MFA OUTLETS PC ROOF DRAIN 101-0000-42401 0 $96.72 $96.72 7/26/16 'R17371 1622 CHECK MCCLURE HOMES LLC MFA ROOF DRAIN PC 101-0000-42600 0 $96.72 $96.72 7/26/16. R17371 1622 CHECK MCCLURE HOMES LLC MFA WATER HEATER/VENT 101-0000-42401 0 $24.18 $24.18 7/26/16 1 R17371 1622 CHECK MCCLURE HOMES LLC MFA WATER-HEATER/VENT PC 101-0000-42600 0 $14.50. $14.50 7/26/16 R17371 1622 CHECK MCCLURE HOMES LLC MFA WATER SYSTEM INST/ALT/REP 101-0000-42401 0 $12.09 $12.09 7/26/16 R17371 1622 CHECK MCCLURE HOMES LLC MFA WATER SYSTEM INST/ALT/REP PC 101-0000-42600 0 $12.09 $12.09 7/26/16 R17371 1622 CHECK MCCLURE HOMES LLC MFA Total Paid for PLUMBING FEES: $1,276.67 $1,276.67 SMI - RESIDENTIAL 101-0000-20308 0 $127.06 $127.06 7/26/16 R17371 1622 CHECK MCCLURE HOMES LLC MFA Total Paid for STRONG MOTION INSTRUMENTATION SMI: $127.06 $127.06 SINGLE FAMILY 224-0000-20320 0 $1,837.44 $1,837.44 7/26/16 R17371 162.2 CHECK MCCLURE HOMES LLC MFA DETACHED Total Paid for TUMF - RESIDENTIAL: $1,837.44 ._ $1,837.44 „ INSPECTIONS PARENT PROJECTS Printed: Tuesday, July 26, 2016 10:24:27 AM 5 of 7 SYS 7f:MS REVIEW TYPE REVIEWER SENT DATE DUE DATE RETURNED :, "STATUS `" REMARKS NOTES CREATED ' w -:OWNER ,' " PATHNAME DATE,;• _ � � "q LAQ-I5-RS-056 LAQ-15-RS-056 DOC 4/2/2015 BURT HANADA NON-STRUCTURAL JIM JOHNSON 3/13/2015 4/3/2015 3/31/2015 REVISIONS REQUIRED CORRECTIONS 37A.docx 37A.docx DOC 3/1/2016 BURT HANADA EXTENSION REQUEST - SENT TO ESSGIL STRUCTURAL KURT CULVER 3/13/2015 4/3/2015 3/26/2015 REVISIONS REQUIRED 53713 ROSS AVE..pdf See the attached list for structural corrections DOC 3/31/2015 JIM JOHNSON 53-713 ROSS AVE.docx 53-713 ROSS AVE.docx from EsGil Corporation. FIRE JACQUELINE 4/2/2015 4/16/2015. 4/2/2015 APPROVED- FIRE SPRINKLER GARCIA 0086.pdf 0086,pdf CONDITIONS REVIEW 2/25/2016 NON-STRUCTURAL - JIM JOHNSON 8/11/2015 8/25/2015 8/21/2015 APPROVED 2 WK BRES201570086.pdf DOC 3/26/2015 KURT CULVER IgBRES2015-0086.DOC STRUCTURAL - 2 WK KURT CULVER 8/11/2015 8/25/2015 •8/19/2015 READY FOR APPROVAL 53713 ROSS AVE 3066 001.pdf 1ST PW GREEN AMY YU 8/13/2015 8/27/2015 9/2/2015 READY FOR APPROVAL 1ST PLAN CHECK SHEET DOC 3/30/2015 STEPHANIE KHATAM I STRUCTURAL STRUCTURAL 0 Printed: Tuesday, July 26, 2016 10:24:27 AMC 6 of 7 _ SYSTEMS ATTACHMENTS Attachment Type CREATED ' w -:OWNER ,' DESCRIPTION PATHNAME SUBDIR `ETRAKIT ENABLED, ' LAQ-I5-RS-056 LAQ-15-RS-056 DOC 4/2/2015 BURT HANADA MADISON CLUB MADISON CLUB 1 37A.docx 37A.docx DOC 3/1/2016 BURT HANADA EXTENSION REQUEST - EXTENSION REQUEST - 0 53713 ROSS AVE..pdf 53713 ROSS AVE..pdf DOC 3/31/2015 JIM JOHNSON 53-713 ROSS AVE.docx 53-713 ROSS AVE.docx 0 DOC 8/21/2015 JIM JOHNSON SCHOOL FEES BRES2015- SCHOOL FEES BRES2015- . 0 0086.pdf 0086,pdf DOG 2/25/2016 JIM JOHNSON EXTENTION LETTER EXTENTION LETTER 0 BRES2015-0086.pdf BRES201570086.pdf DOC 3/26/2015 KURT CULVER IgBRES2015-0086.DOC IgBRES2015-0086.DOC 1 DOC 8/11/2015 , PHILIP JUAREZ 53713 ROSS AVE 3066 001.pdf 0 1ST PLAN CHECK 1ST PLAN CHECK DOC 3/30/2015 STEPHANIE KHATAM I STRUCTURAL STRUCTURAL 0 COMMENTS 3-27-15 COMMENTS 3-27-15.pdf Printed: Tuesday, July 26, 2016 10:24:27 AMC 6 of 7 _ SYSTEMS RTTr Attachment Type CREATED ;..OWNER DESCRIPTION' PATHNAME <'_ SUBDIR ETRAKIT<ENABLED DOC 9/3/2015 STEPHANIE KHATAMI PM10 APPROVAL 09-02- PM10 APPROVAL 09-02- 0 15.pdf 15.pdf Printed: Tuesday, July 26, 2016 10:24:27 AM 7 of 7 SYSTEMS �•:.y r I OUT acv P.O. BOX 1504 3 2 n ,.,� s 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO Addresgs 1 J 6zo LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 Owner Mailing p I4V GV V Address 8 0 —q ` ��j E-: r21— city 22City �� cIffTA Z'pq ZZ 53 858 -17S- 103 Contractor o 1,7t -M—> G�IFafLNI� Its � Address „(A qV I l l"'., "rCl ZZ �j'� 160:593-511 State Lic.}� q �+ City & Classif. $3 " 1 ( 7 33 Lic. # 4 8 O 9' Arch., Engr., I- Designer H"%-, rL5TZ_ AtZC_HIZZG I U[!:45 Address 9 1✓1 (a [ V b 5Writ- Z F5 o -797-- 2$cc City�� �`�%`� Opt 0 I+ Lic. 471'5 (�D Z LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my license is in full force and effect. SIGNATURE DATE OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: (Sec. 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contrac- tor's License Law, Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars (5500). 111, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale. (Sec. 7044, Business and Profes- sions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale). 0 1, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project. (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for such projects with a contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law) ❑ 1 am exempt under Sec. A 1T B. & P.C. for this reason Date Owner WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm that I have a certificate of consent to self -insure, or a certificate of Worker's Compensation Insurance, or a certified co erect. Sec. 3$Q Labor Code. P Policy No. Company V � �- Yopy is filed with the c(ty. 0 C ifi�co . ere y furnished. V CERT ICAT F EXEM TI FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This section need not be completed if the permit is for one hundred dollars ($100) valuation or less). Icertity that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to Workers' Compensation Laws of California. Date Owner NOTICE TO APPLICANT.' If, after making this Certificate of Exemption you should become subject to the Workers' Compensation provisions of the Labor Code, you must forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. (Sec. 3097, Civil Code.) Lender's Name . Lender's Address This is a building permit when properly filled out, signed and validated, and is subject to expiration if work thereunder is suspended for 180 days. I certifythat I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter the above-mentioned property for inspection purposes. Signature of applicant l Date Mailing Address City, State, Zip L� WHITE = BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPUCATION Okyl 3 2015 C QUINTA BUILDING: TYPE CO-N-fST.y�Q�, JCC. t6�1 lELOPME dT A.P. Number -7 � / + `�� �+2' Legal Description I, 07 '37 T ( 'cT 3 �j c 7 � — Project DescriptionKA r -3813 CZI V eTL-91 G1--- Cou{T Y I 1 11L21+ t (^15 5F (v C3 b-171"L�1� �;, 1 Iii (-4; ChM I un- r -b7,5 % P"Ucid \✓ k -Tin I► 4 VT �� ��.� Sq. Ft. t - G N0. 2 No. Dw. ` Size 1 .Stories Units Newx Add ❑ Alter Y Repair❑ Demolition ❑ Estimated Valuation /L 97 OO Oo0 PERMIT AMOUNT Plan Chk. Dep. Plan Chk. Bal. Const. Mech. Electrical Plumbing S.M.I. Grading Driveway Enc. Infrastructure TOTAL CONTACT INFORMATION NAME: PHONE: ZONE: BY: Minimum Setback Distances: Front Setback from Center Line Rear Setback from Rear Prop. Line Side Street Setback from Center Line Side Setback from Property Line FINAL DATE NSPECTOR Issued by: Date Permit Validated by: Validation: YELLOW = APPLICANT PINK = FINANCE Coachella Valley Unified School District 83-733 Avenue 55, Thermal, CA 92274 (760) 398-5909 — Fax (760) 398-1224 This Box For District Use Only DEVELOPER FEES PAID AREA: AMOUNT LEVEL ONE AMOUNT: LEVEL TWO AMOUNT: MITIGATION AMOUNT: COMMAND. AMOUNT: DATE: RECEIPT: CHECK #: INITIALS: CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (California Education Code 17620) Project Name: lVIcqu Date: July 26, 2016 Owner's Name: McClure Phone No. ( Project Address: 53-713 Ross Avenue, La Quinta, CA 92253 Project Description: (1) New Single Family Dwelling APN: 767-680-042 Tract #: Lot #'s: Type of Development: Residential 5X—X1 Commercial Industrial Total Square Feet of Building Area: 11,224 Sq. Ft. Certification of Applicant/Owners: The person signing certifies that the above information is correct and makes this statement under penalty of perjury and further represents that he/she is authorized tofiign on behalf of the owner/developer. Dated: July 26, 2016 Signature: SCHOOL DISTRICT'S REQUIREMENTS FOR THE ABOVE PROJECT HAVE BEEN OR WILL BE SATISFIED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: (CIRCLE ONE) Education Code Gov. Code rojectAgreement Existing Not Subject to Fee 17620 65995 (A�pprova Prior to 1/1/87 Requirement Note: Number of Sq.Ft. 11,224 Amount per Sq.Ft. $3.36 Amount Collected $37,712.64 Building Permit Application Completed: Yes/No By: Elsa F. Esqueda, Director of Facilities Certificate issued by: Elsa F. Esqueda, Director of Facilities Signature: NOTICE OF 90 DAY PERIOD FOR PROTEST OF FEES AND STATEMENT OF FEES Section 66020 of the Government Code asserted by Assembly Bill 3081, effective January 1, 1997, requires that this District provide (1) a written notice to th project appellant, at the time of payment of school fees, mitigation payment or other exactions ("Fees"), of the 90 -day period to protest the imposition of then Fees and (2) the amount of the fees. Therefore, in accordance with section 66020 of the Government code and other applicable law, this Notice shall serve t advise you that the 90 -day protest period in regard to such Fees or the validity thereof, commences with the payment of the fees or performance of any othe requirements as described in section 66020 of the Government code. Additionally, the amount of the fees imposed is as herein set forth, whether payable at thi time or in whole or in part prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. As in the latter, the 90 days starts on the date hereof. This Certificate of Complianc is valid for thirty (30) days from the date of issuance. Extension will be granted only for good cause, as determined by the School District, and up to three (2 such extensions may be granted. MV:c/mydoe�-devfees/certificate of compliance form updated 3-2007 1 11/2010 WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: McClure Homes LLC 6415 Muirlands Drive La Jolla CA 92037 MAIL TAX STATEMENT TO: SAME AS ABOVE DOC # 2014-0043466 01/31/2014 10:50 AM Fees: $30.00 Page 1 .of 6 Doc T Tax Paid Recorded in Official Records County of Riverside Larry W. Ward Assessor, County Clerk & Recorder —This document was electronically submitted to the County of Riverside for recording— Receipted by: CMORRIS (This space for Recorder's use only) DOCUMENT TRANSFER TAX $ $1,320.00 XX Computed on the consideration or value of property conveyed; OR Computed on the consideration or value less liens or encumbrances remaining at the time of sale. � Q Signature of Declarant or a determining tax —Firm Name . GRANT DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, EAST OF MADISON, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("Grantor"), hereby GRANT(S) to McClure Homes, LLC, a California limited liability company ("Grantee"), the real property located in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California, described as: See Legal Description attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A". SUBJECT TO all matters of record including, without limitation, the covenants and agreements described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. Dated: 11 / 0 a / 13 EAST OF MADISON, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company By: 120 Acre Partners, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company Its: Managing Member By: Discovery La Quinta Investors, LLC, A Delaware limited liability comp Its authorized Repres five / By: /`/ Joseph L. Arenson Its: Authorized Representative RIVERSIDE,CA . Page 1 of 6 Printed on 1/26/2015 2:01:21 PM Document: DD 2014.43456 DOC #2014-0043456 Page 2 of 6 01/31/2014 10:50 AM CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT State of Arizona County of MaricORa On 11/08/2013 before me, Maria E. Vargas DATE NAW. TDLC OF OFFICER . B.G..'JAWS DOE. NOTARY PUBLIC personally appeared Joseph L Arenson NAW( OF SI(iNER(S) WITNESS my hand and official seal. MARIA E VARGAS Notuy PuMIC • AFW= IRviaM My COW. EkpltM Au010, 2014 RIVERSIDE,CA Document: DD 2014.43456 who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the sane in his authorized capacity and that by his signature on the irstrument the person, or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of Califomia that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. & 10A�P Signature /. Page 2 of 6 ACKNOW Printed on 1/26/2015 2:01:21 PM DOC #2014-0043456 Page 3 of 6 01/31/2014 10:50 AM E7f�I 7 "A" Laval Description Parcel No. 1: Lot 37 (the "Lots") of Tract No. 33076-1, in the City of La Quinta, as shown by map on fle in Hook 388, Pages 57 to 79, inclusive, of Maps, in the Office of the Riverside County Recorder, and as amended by that certain "Certificate of Correction" recorded April 1, 2008 as Instrmment No. 2008-0160378 and May 4, 2010 as Instrument No. 2010-0204535, both of official records. EXCEPTING AND RESERVING TiiEREFROM TO GRANTOR, and its successors, assigns, invitees, licensees and employees, together with the right to grant and transfer all or a portion of the same, all easements and rights of access, ingress, egress, encroachment, maintenance, drainage, support, and for other purposes over the Association Maintenance Areas and other portions of the Lot, but only to the extent of such rights are expressly reserved to the Grantor in the following instrument: 1. The Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions and Reservation of Easements for The Madison Club Owners Association (the "Declaration"), recorded on September 1=, 2005, as instrument No. 2005-754387, of Official Records of Riverside County, California Parcel No. 2: Nonexclusive easements for access, ingress, egress, drainage, maintenance, repairs and for other purposes, all as described in the Declaration. SUBJECT TO: 1. Non delinquent general, special and supplemental real property taxes and assessments. 2. The Declaration of Map for Tract No. 33076-1. 3. The Declaration. Grantee, by acceptance and recordation of this Grant Deed, hereby (a) accepts and approves all of the foregoing in this Grant Deed, (b) grants to Grantor and The Madison C-ub Owners Association such powers and rights as are set forth in the Declaration, and (c) accepts, covenants and agrees to be bound by and assume performance of all the application provisions and requirements set forth in the Declaration, including Section 13.15 establishing the procedure for resolving disputes with Grantor, and the notice, which provisions and requirements are acknowledged to be reasonable and incorporated herein by this reference thereto. RIVERSIDE,CA Page 3 of 6 Printed on :1/26/2015 2:01:21 PM Document: DD 2014.43456 DOC #2014-0043456 Page 4 of 6 01/3'/2014 10:50 AM GRANTEE HEREBY ACCEPTS AND APPROVES THE FOREGOING, granting unto Grantor and The Madison Club Owners Association such p Dw and rights whi are set forth a � in the Declaration defined above, on /——:gl q. , 20� A" D A A ' M• lureL t6 Mark McClure, Managing Member State of County of 0' l_I)M► ore me, o wMcrmaar urweuc Personally appeared • w� a daePo who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence tc be the personwWhose namcq'is�i, bscribed to the within instrna aad adatowledge fih tte/sJtl axe The iohishlyer autborized ca c hand tha{ b hi /t�u sign rufto the iastrum t the perSonw, or the entity upon behalf of witch the person;acted, executed the instrument I certify under PENALTY OF PERNRY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signatures A. it DI" CwIIAtiMOa 0 It J no" qMe • Ctt A nr" Co" RIVERSIDE,CA Page 4 of 6 Printed on /26/2015 2:01:21 PM Document: DD 2014.43456 DOC #2014-0043456 Page 5 of 6 01/31/2014 10:50 AM ILLEGIBLE NOTARY SEAL DECLARATION GOVERNMENT CODE 27361.7 1 certify under penalty of perjury that the notary seal on the document to which this statement Is attached reads as follows: Name of Notary _ + ou Ic Av,*,% Notary Identification Number �53�-311 County Where Bond Is Filed Date Commission Exp PSC c" o Lon Inc. as agent DATE:�_f a Cgature GOVERNMENT CODE 27361.7 I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT THIS MATERIAL IS. A TRUE COPY OF THE ORIGINAL MATERIAL CONTAINED IN THE DOCUMENT: DATE: I I SPL, Inc. as agent Signature RIVERSIDE,CA Page 5 of 6 Printed on 1/26/2015 2:01:22 PM Document: DD 2014.43456 DOC #2014-0043456 Page 6 of 6 01/31/2014 10:50 AM Under the provisions of Government Code 27361.7, 1 certify under the penalty of perjury that the following is a true copy of illegible wording found in the attached document: �V�LAT`j NaT1 vNA 7-1 1"LC Cbol-1PAN1 SubbiVISION DUPWM�WT Place of Execution :Sl�Al 6 SPL, Inc. as agent Date: 13 Revised 9/6106 R.I DR 012 Penalty of Perjury RI RIVERSIDE,CA Page 6 of 6 Printed on 1/26/2015 2:01:22 PM Document: DD 2014.43456 - FIRST AMERICAN TITLE,1 RV, 01/26/2015 01:59PM M56H RIVERSIDE 2014-15 TAX ROLL ORVER: 0000000 ORDER SEARCH RESULTS TOF: 0 PAYMENTS AS OF 01/16/2015 SEARCH PARAMETERS RIVERSIDE, PAGE 1 OF COMMENT:1 ENTERED APN: 767-680-042-4 P APN: 767-680-042-4 BILL: 000481668 TRA: 020-205 - CITY OF LA QUINTA ACQ DATE: 01/2014 DOC#: 43456 LEGAL: .82 ACRES IN LOT 37 MB 388/057 TR 33076-1 MAIL: 6415 MUIRLANDS DR LA JOLLA CA 92037 ASSESSED OWNER(S) 2014-15 ASSESSED VALUES EAST OF MADISON LAND 248,118 BALANCE DUE 0.00 1,60481 1,604.81 WARNINGS AND/OR COMMENTS " NO BONDS OR PRIOR YEAR DELQ TAXES " ASSESSMENT DETAIL FUND TYPE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION OF ASSESSMENTS) 68-5859 TAXABLE 30.00 248,118 2014-15 TAXES 1 ST INST 2ND INST TOTAL TAX STATUS "PAID** OPEN CVWD STANDBY CHARGES PAYMENT DATE 10/31/2014 0.74 COACHELLA VALLEY MOSQUITO & RIFA DELINQUENT DATE 12/10/2014 04/10/2C15 INSTALLMENT 1,604.81 1,604_81 3,209.62 PENALTY 160.48 197'98 358.46 BALANCE DUE 0.00 1,60481 1,604.81 WARNINGS AND/OR COMMENTS " NO BONDS OR PRIOR YEAR DELQ TAXES " ASSESSMENT DETAIL FUND TYPE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION OF ASSESSMENTS) 68-5859 MISC ASMNT 30.00 CVWD AVLBLTY CHG IMP 55 68-2373 LNDSCP/LTG 11.74 LA QUINTA LDSCP & LTG 68-4882 MISC ASMNT 10.00 CVWD STANDBY CHARGES 68-4556 MISC ASMNT 0.74 COACHELLA VALLEY MOSQUITO & RIFA 52.48 TOTAL OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ADDITIONAL PROPERTY INFORMATION TAX CODE: 0 USE CODE: YR VESTING: NO PUI CODE: R07 ACREAGE: STAMP AMOUNT: 1320.00 P TAX RATE: 1.27244% - FIRST AMERICAN TITLE, IRV, RIVERSIDE, CA AD07 01/26/2015 01:59PM M56H PAGE 2 OF 2 RIVERSIDE 2014-15 TAX ROLL ORDER SEARCH RESULTS ORDER: 0000000 TOF: 0 COMMENT: APN: 053-329-9324 BILL: 007244030 NSA DATE: 10/01/2014 DATE: 11/04/2014 TRA: 020-205 - CITY OF LA QUINTA ACQ DATE: 01/31/2014 DOC#: 43456 MAIL: 6415 MUIRLANDS DR LA JOLLA CA " SUPPLEMENTAL BILL "* ASSESSED OWNER(S) 2014=15 ASSESSED VALUES MCCLURE HOMES LAND 953,002 TAXABLE 953,002 2014-15 TAXES 1ST INST 2ND INET TOTAL TAX STATUS ..PAID** OPEN PAYMENT DATE 12/23/2014 DELINQUENT DATE 12/31/2014 04/30/2015 INSTALLMENT 8,580.28 8,58028 17,160.56 PENALTY 858.03 89553 1,753.56 BALANCE DUE 0.00 8,58028 8,580.28 WARNINGS AND/OR COMMENTS REASON: FOR 2013-2014 TAX YEAR CONDITIONS, DISCLAIMERS AND EXCLUSIONS This Tax Certificatelrax Order Report does not constitute a report on or certification of: (1) mineral (productive and/or non-productive) taxes or leases; (2) personal property taxes; or (3) other non ad valorem taxes (such as paving liens, stand-by charges or maintenance assessments). Data Trace Information Services LLC ("Data Trace") may have warranted the accuracy of this Tax Certificate/Tax Order Report to its customer (the "Data Trace Customer') pursuant to the terms and conditions of a written tax service agreement between Data Trace and said Data Trace Customer (the "Tax Service Agreement'). Any such warranty (hereinafter, "Data Trace Customer Warranty") does not: (a) extend to a third party bearer of this Tax Certificatelrax Order Report; (b) cover any changes made to the records of the taxing authority after the "payments as of "paid," or "payment' dates delineated above; and (c) cove any invalid tax information shown on the records of the taxing authority or resulting from an error by the Data Trace Customer (including, without limitation, submission of incorrect property information by said Data Trace Customer). DATATRACE MADS NO WARRANTIES (EXPRESS OR IMPUED) WITH RESPECT TO THIS TAX CERTIFICATE/TAX ORDER REPORT OTHER THAN (INHERE APPUCABLE) THE DATA TRACE CUSTOMER WARRANTY. Any and all claims under a Data Trace Customer Warranty must be submitted to Data Trace by the corresponding Data Trace Customer and are subject to the: terns and conditions set forth in the pertinent Tax Service Agreement (including, without limitation, the filing deadlines applicable to such claims). In some jurisdictions Data Trace's validation of a Tax Certificate/Tax Order Report is required to activate a Data Trace Customer Warranty. END OF SEARCH Building Permit Number: Project Description: SFR Ewrlpt: O 04olsrMls may oommhemnious waabs and M not au0W b re0) C1 p provisions) CotlalrBROM DdWb Maw Ilan Plan Siftrasl 0e1e .lob She Ad&= Number, 8lrset, or PO Baa CA►, aeb, Pam coda Owners Phone Nix dw owners to-lilap AAdrees Project 1larrapers Name Project ill gena Phona Number Pr*d l lenepera E-mM Address Brogden / contractor N umbel, Street or PO Boor Cit►, Stab, Poebl Cods Project Square Footaps City Approval By 2/32015 58719 Ras Ave Mark McCkn &W5 Humboldt Bird La Oulnle, Co. 07253 c/o Tammy Jenkins 760-903-52Mi Discovery Builders Califomis Inc 60055 Ave 52 Le Qukrte WY .—.W. , - Dais of CUy Approvals/S� To Be Diticarde Product Trash Asphalt Brick4gock Cardboard Commingled concrete Drywall Donated / Reuse* 'Describe Items Tons otab: M Trash 01.5 1 48.5 ble Product Masonry (broken) Plaster Scrap Mstal Tile (floor) Tue (roof) Wood Landscape Debris Tons Projected Diversion: i6.36X I rndersbnd It Is the propo ly owner's responsROW to submit copies of welpht Uckets or nmk is to the District Fi Amunental CoonNmtDr as -- hauls occur. I hereby certify that cornpletbn, Implementation sad adherence of the Debris Management Plan (DHAP) for the above named Pmjectshag gumanbe that at last 50'16 of the jubsft wasb Is direrled from lendMrg. The remaMhg n OKM will be recycled or roused. I will divert, for rsyrdhrp or ow", rernabdng of a als gmmftd frau the list day of the projsd through the completion of the project M accordance with this plan. This DMP is Issued In the name of the property owner(s) and shag remain their property throughout the condructlan and/or demolition project. A contractor servhq as agent of the owner may obtain a DMP for the owner. However, the DMP Is still issued In the name of the property ownega) and the owner retains legal responsibW for ensuring that the provisions of the DMP are adhered to. The property owners) and general contractor shall be kept Irnformed of the diveraon progress through bi-monthly reports. If seMouling, all refuse material from this project site must be taken to an approvec racycler or transfer Owner / Developer / Project Manager / Superintendent Date All -Fuel Chimney System V 9TF 00 �gcFQ�s DuraVent. Member of 4% M&G Group ,Sato 9,50... #at% OO RECEIVED AUG 112015 CITY OF LA QUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1 A MAJOR CAUSE OF VENT RELATED FIRES IS FAILURE TO MAINTAIN REQUIRED CLEARANCES (AIR SPACES) TO COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS. IT IS OF THE UTMOST IMPORTANCE THAT DURAPLUS CHIMNEY BE INSTALLED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THESE INSTRUCTIONS. NOTE: Dear Customer, Installer, or End User: Read through all of these instructions before We welcome any comments regarding matters beginning your installation. Failure to install pertaining to our DuraVent products. as described in this instruction will void the We welcome any ideas, input or complaints manufacturer's warranty, and may have an and I'll make sure that someone responds effect on your homeowner's insurance and directly back to you. UL listing status. Keep these instructions for Send your emails to: future reference. This booklet also contains president@duravent.com instructions for installing a venting system within an existing masonry chimney, and If you are searching for tech support or product for installations passing through a cathedral information, please phone us at 800-835-4429. ceiling. Or email us at: techsupport@duravent.com U` LISTED MH7399 ALL -FUEL CHIMNEY SYSTEM For the most up-to-date installation instructions, see www.duravent.com CONTENTS Clearance 1 Permits I Applications 1 Notes ........................... 4 Chimney Diameter I Chimney Height 1 Chimney Placement ............. 5 Chimney Enclosure Requirements I Stove Recommendations ........... 6 Step -by -Step Directions I Ceiling Supported ........................ 7 Offset Elbow Installation.........................................12 Offset Chart ....................................................13 Extended Roof Bracket Installation ................................ 14 Roof Supported Installations.....................................15 Tee Supported Installations.....................................16 Masonry Fireplace Installations .................................. 18 Zero Clearance Fireplace Installations ........................21 Connection from Appliance to Chimney System ................... 21 Chimney Maintenance ........................................... 22 DuraVent. Member of 4% M&G Group 3 CLEARANCE Allow at least a 2 -inch clearance between DuraPlus Pipe and any combustible materials. Where the chimney passes through floors, joists, or ceilings, Firestop Radiation Shields, Support Boxes, and Close Clearance Shields may permit reduced clearances as established by these parts, or spacers built on to these parts. The clearance (air space) between the outer chimney wall, and the inside of the Support Box, Firestop Radiation Shields, and Close Clearance Shields, in the cases of 7 and 8 -inch diameter chimney will be less than 2 inches. Both of these systems have been extensively tested and evaluated at these clearances. This reduced clearance is permissible at these internal locations only. .All other areas require a 2 -inch minimum clearance. Never fill any required clearance space with insulation or any other materials. Combustible materials include lumber plywood, sheetrock, plaster and lath, furniture, curtains, electrical wiring and building insulation. Keep single wall stovepipe at least 18 inches away from combustible materials, unless a clearance reduction system that is acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction is used, or the appliance to be installed is listed and the instructions specify a different clearance. PERMITS Contact your local Building Official or Fire Official regarding permits, restrictions, and installation inspections in your area. DURAPLUS APPLICATIONS Use DuraPlus with wood stoves, fireplaces, furnaces, boilers, water heaters, stoves, ranges, or other residential -type appliances fueled by oil, gas, coal, or wood. Do not use 4 with forced draft positive -pressure appliances. DuraPlus systems are designed to extend vertically with a maximum of (2) offsets of 30° (offset and return). DuraPlus is tested to UL Test Proceedure 103HT, and listed under UL Re-examination Service Number MH7399. Tools You May Need Hammer Level Caulking Gun Plumb Bob Screwdriver Tin Snips Saber or Keyhole Saw Drill Materials You May Need Non -hardening Waterproof Sealant 8 Penny Nails 5116 inch x 3 inch long Lag Screws Roofing Nails 314 inch Galvanized Electrical Conduit (where the chimney extends 4 feet or more above the roof) Safety Equipment Dependable Ladder Eye Protection Proper Gloves and Shoes INSTALLATION NOTES Proper planning for your DuraPlus installation will result in greater safety, efficiency, and convenience, as well as saving time and money. Use only authorized DuraPlus (SDP) listed chimney parts. You must use 100% DuraPlus listed parts to obtain a DuraPlus listed system. Do not mix parts or try to match with other products, or use improvised solutions. Do not install damaged parts. Table 1 lists the authorized components, and their respective Underwriter's Laboratory Catalog UL Cat # NUMBERSTABLE 1 DURAPLUS (SDP) PARTS WITH UL CATALOG Part UL Cat # Part SDP -P Chimney Sections SDP -TS Tee Support Bracket SDP -T Tee SDP -IS Insulation Shield SDP -F Flashing SDP -FRS Firestop Radiation Shield SDP -TF Flat Roof Flashing SDP -SC Storm Collar SDP -S Flat Ceiling Support Box SDP -WS Wall Strap SDP -RS Round Ceiling Support Box SDP -ES Elbow Strap SDP -SB Square Ceiling Support Box SDP -RSA Extended Roof Bracket SDP -WT Wall Thimble SDP -AP Anchor Plate SDP -C Chimney Cap Numbers. The UL Catalog Numbers will be referred to within the instructions, as an aid to assembly, however for ordering, use the stock numbers shown in the Chimney Products Catalog. Practice good workmanship. Sloppy work could jeopardize your chimney's safety. Keep electrical wiring and insulation away from all chimneys and stovepipes. CHIMNEY DIAMETER Follow the appliance manufacturer's instructions to determine chimney diameter and clearances between combustible materials and your heating appliance. Never choose a chimney with an inside diameter smaller than the appliance flue gas outlet. To calculate the chimney's outside diameter, add 4 inches to ,the inside diameter. CHIMNEY HEIGHT The National Fire Protection Association Standard #211 states: "Chimneys shall extend at least three feet above the highest point where it passes through the roof of a building, and at least two feet higher than any portion of a building within ten feet." (Figure 1). DuraPlus may be installed up to 35 feet high. If a chimney is installed higher than 35 feet, a supporting Elbow Strap must be placed every 8 feet. If the chimney extends more than 4 feet above the roof, an Extended Roof Bracket must be used. Subtract 1-112 inches from each Chimney Section's length to calculate installed length. CHIMNEY PLACEMENT When deciding the location of your chimney, try to minimize the alteration and reframing of structural components of the building. 2 FEET MIN. ABOVE HIGHEST POINT OF ROOF WITHIN 10 FEET 3FEET MIN. } 10 FEET FROM ROOF PENETRATION MINIMUM CHIMNEY HEIGHT Figure 1 5 CEILIN FL001 Figure 2 dTIC INSULATION SHIELD :STOP RADIATION SHIELD CLOSURE MUST HAVE VCHESCLEARANCE TWEEN CHIMNEY AND ALL. CHIMNEY ENCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS Through Rooms: Interior chimneys shall be enclosed where they extend through closets, storage areas, or habitable spaces where the surface of the chimney could be contacted by persons or combustible materials. The space between the chimney and the enclosure shall be at least 2 inches. (Figure 2). Multi -Story: The National Fire Protection Association Standard #211 states: " Factory - built chimneys that pass through floors of buildings requiring the protection of vertical openings shall be enclosed with approved walls having a fire reistance rating of not less than one hour when such chimneys are located in a building less than 4 stories in height, and not less than 2 hours when such chimneys are located in a building more than 4 stories in height." Cold Climates: In cold climates, chimneys mounted on an outside wall should be enclosed. Exterior chases reduce condensation and creosote formation, and enhance draft. Include an access door by the Tee Cleanout Cap for chimney cleaning. See figure 23. STOVE RECOMMENDATIONS Follow the stove manufacturer's instructions. The requirements stated below pertain to all stoves or other appliances installed with DuraPlus chimney systems. Choice: Choose a stove that is listed by a recognized testing laboratory, is appropriate for your needs, and is not larger than required. Installation: Once the chimney system is in place, install the stove and stovepipe as described in the stove manufacturer's instructions, maintaining all required clearances. Flues: Connect only one solid fuel appliance per chimney. Oil -burning appliances are restricted to one appliance per chimney, as well. Operation: Follow the stove manufacturer's instructions and safety manual for maximum efficiency and safety. Overfiring can damage the stove and stovepipe. Fuels: Do not burn driftwood, plastic, or chemically treated wood such as railroad ties. They are corrosive to your fireplace, stovepipe and chimney. Follow the stove manufacturer's instructions and safety manual in regards to fuels. Not all stoves are equipped to burn coal. Coal with a low sulfur content will reduce the possibility of corrosion. Mobile Homes: Please read the stove manufacturer's instructions and safety manual carefully. Not all stoves are listed for use in mobile homes. STEP-BY-STEP DIRECTIONS There are five general types of DuraPlus installations: 1. Ceiling -supported 2. Roof -supported 3. Tee -supported (through the wall) 4. Masonry Fireplace 5. Zero -Clearance Fireplace Review the step-by-step directions before beginning your installation. CEILING SUPPORTED 1. Place Appliance: Position the appliance according to the manufacturer's instructions. The flue outlet collar should be placed between the rafters or joists above, if possible. 2. Frame Support Opening: Drop a plumb bob to the center of the appliance's flue outlet and mark this center point on the ceiling. Refer to Table 2 for specific framing and clearance dimensions. Mark appropriate cutting lines around the center point. Cut a square hole in the ceiling for a Square Support Box, or a round hole for a Round Support Box. Frame a level, square opening centered over the hole which you have cut. (Figures 3 and 4). SUPPORT BOX JOISTS IN I L� 2 INCHES MINIMUM'{ BELOW FINISHED CEILING . Figure 3 JOISTS STORM SDP -SC ATTIC MINIMUM OF 2 INCHES BELOW FINISHED CEILING 18 INCHES MINIMUM FOR SINGLE-WALL STOVEPIPE FLASHING VENTILATED SDP -SC CHIMNEY SECTIONS SDP -P ATTIC INSULATION SHIELD SDP -IS FRAMED SQUARE CEILING OPENING SUPPORTBOX SDP -SB OR ROUND CEILING SUPPORT SDP -RS Figure 4 7 ROUND CEILING SJPPORT SDP -RS FLAT SUPPORT BOX SDP -S Figure 5. SUPPORT BOX IN I CATHEDRAL CEILING WITH TRIM FRAME IN PLACE WOOD SCREW (6 REO) ROUND CEILING SUPPORT WITH TRIM PLATES IN PLACE 1_�OOD SCREW (B REQ) Figure 6 3. Install Support: Slip the Support Box ,(Figure 5), into the framed opening. It must extend at least 2 inches below the finished ceiling. Level the Square Support Box and nail it to the framing using at least two 8 -penny nails per side. The two Trim Frames are positioned as shown, and screwed through the ceiling and into the framing members with (6) 1-114 inch long round -head wood screws. (Figure 6). The bottom of the Round Support must also be at least 2 inches below the finished ceiling. Trim for the Support Boxes is "U-shaped" . The trim pieces are adjusted to accommodate the Square Support Box, and screwed into the framing, using wood screws. A completed Square Support Box installed in 8 CAP SDP -C FLASHING VENTILATED STORM COLLAR SDP -SC SDP -SC SECTIONS SDP -P ATTIC INSULATION SHIELD SDP -IS FIRESTOP RADIATION SHIELD SDP -IS ATTIC MIN OF 2 INCHES BELOW FINISHED CEILING CHIMNEY SECTIONS SDP -P SQUARE CEILING SUPPORT FRAMED BOX SDP -SB OR ROUND CEILING SUPPORT SDP -RS OPENING Figure 7 a cathedral ceiling with the "U-shaped" trim is also shown in Figure 6. Trim kits are available in brass, to enhance the appearance of the various Support Boxes and Trim Frames . Where the chimney passes through additional floors and ceilings, install Firestop Radiation Shields. Where the chimney passes through an attic, Firestop Radiation Shields and Insulation Shields must be installed. 4. Frame Openings: Frame openings in each ceiling or floor above the Support Box. (Figure 7). These openings are to hold the Firestop Radiation Shields and Attic Insulation Shields. Locate each opening by dropping a plumb bob to the four corners of the opening below. Maintain the minimum clearances and 2INCH MIN -CLEARANCE INSIDE OF ENCLOSURE 0 z FRAMED vWi ENCLOSURE MIN OF 2 INCHES BELOW FINISHED CEILING CHIMNEY SECTIONS SDP -P SQUARE CEILING SUPPORT FRAMED BOX SDP -SB OR ROUND CEILING SUPPORT SDP -RS OPENING Figure 7 a cathedral ceiling with the "U-shaped" trim is also shown in Figure 6. Trim kits are available in brass, to enhance the appearance of the various Support Boxes and Trim Frames . Where the chimney passes through additional floors and ceilings, install Firestop Radiation Shields. Where the chimney passes through an attic, Firestop Radiation Shields and Insulation Shields must be installed. 4. Frame Openings: Frame openings in each ceiling or floor above the Support Box. (Figure 7). These openings are to hold the Firestop Radiation Shields and Attic Insulation Shields. Locate each opening by dropping a plumb bob to the four corners of the opening below. Maintain the minimum clearances and TABLE 2 FRAMING FOR SQUARE SUPPORT BOXES, ROUND SUPPORT BOXES AND WALL THIMBLES SQUARE SUPPORT BOXES Chimney inside diameter 6 INCHES 7 INCHES 8 INCHES Framed opening inside dimensions 14'% x 14 % 14'/ x 14'/: 14 % x 14 ROUND SUPPORT BOXES Chimney inside diameter 6 INCHES 7 INCHES 8 INCHES Framed opening inside dimensions 14'/: x 14'% 14'/: x 14 %: 14'/: x 14'% WALL THIMBLES Chimney inside diameter 6 INCHES 7 INCHES 8 INCHES Framed opening inside dimensions 14'/: x 14'% 14'% x 14 % 14'/: x 14'% FIRESTOP RADIATION SHIELD Chimney inside diameter 6 INCHES 7 INCHES 8 INCHES Framed opening inside dimensions 14 %: x 14'/2 14 %: x 14'/2 14Mix 14 %: dimensions as specified in Table 2. If Elbows must be used to avoid an obstruction, refer to the offset elbow installation section. 5. Cut Roof Opening: Cut an opening in the roof directly above the opening below, and at least 4 inches larger than the chimney's outside diameter to provide at least a 2 -inch clearance all around the chimney. If the installation is located between rafters that are 16 inches on center, Close Clearance Shields (a sheet metal product fabricated by DuraVent), may be used to avoid structural reframing. (Figure 8). The 2 -inch minimum clearance to combustibles is not required when the chimney passes through Close Clearance Shields. When using Close Clearance Shields, Ventilated Flashing must be installed. Refer to Figure 10, which pictures both Ventilated and Non -ventilated Flashing. 6. Install Firestop Radiation Shield: One of two possible situations exist for installing the Firestop Radiation Shield. One is a two- story dwelling where the chimney passes 14 INCHES �jTcy(�NF � Figure 8 PANEL'S TO IF PITCH LINE through a Firestop Radiation Shield, a ceiling, and into an attic. The other is a multi -story building where the chimney passes through a Firestop Radiation Shield, through a ceiling, into another story, and then into an attic. Each of these require a different configuration of the Firestop Radiation Shield. Figure 7 9 f -FRAMING FIRESTOP R SHIELD MULTI -STORY GOING T NAILS (AT INTO NEXT FLOOR LEAST 2 PER 1 SIDE) Figure 9 VENTILATED FLASHING Figure 10 Q� CHIMNEY SECTION SDP -P ® SUPPORT BOX SDP -S, SDP -RS, SDP -SB Figure 11 10 illustrates the two-story building. In the case of the two-story installation, the base of the Firestop Radiation Shield is nailed to the top of the framing, with the pan (the depressed portion of the base), facing downwards. For the multi -story installation, the base is nailed to the bottom of the framing with the pan facing upwards. The cylindrical component of the Firestop Radiation Shield is then slipped down through the base from the top until it rest on the bead. (Figure 9). Refer to Table 2 for the framing requirements. 7. Assemble Chimney Sections: Lower and seat the female end of the first Chimney Section in the Support Box. (Figure 11). It will twist -lock onto the male end of a Low Profile Starter Section, which is a component of the Support Box. Turn Pipe Sections clockwise, firmly to lock them together. Sheet metal screws may be used to reinforce the connection, however they are not normally required. Screws are only acceptable in the outer liner. 8. Install Attic Insulation Shield: Install the Attic Insulation Shield where the chimney passes into an attic. It's purpose is to prevent debris and insulation from getting too close to the chimney. (Figure 12). An installed Attic Insulation Shield is 14 inches high. In attic areas where this shield won't fit, a Square Support Box, (which is available in heights up to 36 inches), can be used instead of an Attic Insulation Shield, provided it reaches through the roof; refer to the Roof Supported Installation section on page 14. If the chimney is fully enclosed through the attic, an Insulation Shield is not required, however, again, Ventilated Flashing must be used. Where the chimney passes into the attic, install the Attic Insulation Shield as follows: a. If the Firestop Radiation Shield extends above the attic floor, no modifications are FIRESTOP RADIATION SHIELD SDP -FRS l NAILS (AT LEAST 2 PER SIDE) TWO-STORY GOING INTO ATTIC a_ I FRAMING f -FRAMING FIRESTOP R SHIELD MULTI -STORY GOING T NAILS (AT INTO NEXT FLOOR LEAST 2 PER 1 SIDE) Figure 9 VENTILATED FLASHING Figure 10 Q� CHIMNEY SECTION SDP -P ® SUPPORT BOX SDP -S, SDP -RS, SDP -SB Figure 11 10 illustrates the two-story building. In the case of the two-story installation, the base of the Firestop Radiation Shield is nailed to the top of the framing, with the pan (the depressed portion of the base), facing downwards. For the multi -story installation, the base is nailed to the bottom of the framing with the pan facing upwards. The cylindrical component of the Firestop Radiation Shield is then slipped down through the base from the top until it rest on the bead. (Figure 9). Refer to Table 2 for the framing requirements. 7. Assemble Chimney Sections: Lower and seat the female end of the first Chimney Section in the Support Box. (Figure 11). It will twist -lock onto the male end of a Low Profile Starter Section, which is a component of the Support Box. Turn Pipe Sections clockwise, firmly to lock them together. Sheet metal screws may be used to reinforce the connection, however they are not normally required. Screws are only acceptable in the outer liner. 8. Install Attic Insulation Shield: Install the Attic Insulation Shield where the chimney passes into an attic. It's purpose is to prevent debris and insulation from getting too close to the chimney. (Figure 12). An installed Attic Insulation Shield is 14 inches high. In attic areas where this shield won't fit, a Square Support Box, (which is available in heights up to 36 inches), can be used instead of an Attic Insulation Shield, provided it reaches through the roof; refer to the Roof Supported Installation section on page 14. If the chimney is fully enclosed through the attic, an Insulation Shield is not required, however, again, Ventilated Flashing must be used. Where the chimney passes into the attic, install the Attic Insulation Shield as follows: a. If the Firestop Radiation Shield extends above the attic floor, no modifications are necessary. The Firestop. Radiation Shield will fit inside the Attic Insulation Shield. b. Assemble Chimney Sections until at least 18 inches of chimney extends above the Firestop Radiation Shield. c. Slip the Insulation Shield over the Chimney and Firestop Radiation Shield until the base sits squarely on the framed opening. (Figure 7). d. Nail the Insulation Shield to the top of the framed opening with at least two 8 -penny nails per side. (Figure 12). e. Wrap the Collar around the chimney and fasten it loosely. Slide the Collar down to meet the Insulation Shield. Slip the tab through the adjacent slot and fold it back to tighten the Collar. (Figure 13). 9. Attach Flashing: In new construction, assemble the Chimney Sections to a point above the roof, then slip the Flashing over the chimney. On an existing roof, center and install the Flashing before extending the chimney above the roof. Allow space to permit sliding the next Chimney Section up through the Flashing. Always insure the chimney remains vertical, and that at least a 2 -inch clearance to combustible materials is maintained all around. Install the upper edge of the Flashing under the roofing. Nail to the roof along the upper edge and.the upper half on each side with 1 -inch roofing nails. Do not nail the lower edge of the Flashing, or the lower half of the sides. (Figure 14). Seal all nail heads with a non -hardening waterproof sealant. On flat or tarred and graveled roofs, nail and seal the Flat Roof Flashing to the roof on all sides with roofing compound. Do not put screws through the Flashing into the Chimney Pipe. 10. Finish Top: Apply a non -hardening waterproof sealant around the chimney at the point where the Storm Collar will meet the WARNING: IF CHIMNEY IS ENCLOSED IN ATTICSDP-IS AREA, YOU MUST USE VENTILATED FLASHING. _ Figure 12 1 INCH ROOFING NAILS ALONG TOP OF FLASHING - Figure 13 Figure 14 PUSH COLLAR DOWNTO FLASHING AND SEAL WITH NON -HARDENING SEALANT. (SEALANT SHOWN IN HEAVY LINE) STORM COLLAR FLASHING SDP -F SDP -TF CAP SDP -C APPLY SMALL BEAD OF NON -HARDENING SEALANT ALONG SEAM SEAM OF CHIMNEY PIPE SECTION Figure 15 SPLITTER SPLITTE rr bo rrrrrrrTP VIEW Figure 16 SDP -ES T r SDP -E 15° 130° SDP -P NOT MORE THAN 48 INCHES / RISE SOF -P OFFSET Figure 17 12 chimney above the Flashing, and also along the vertical seam of the chimney pipe, which is exposed to the weather. (Figures 14 and 15). Slide the Storm Collar down over the chimney to the top of the Flashing. Tighten and seal the Storm Collar against the sealant. After installing sufficient Chimney Sections to meet the height requirement, (Figure 1), snap the Chimney Cap onto the top of the chimney. The Chimney Cap can be removed for chimney cleaning as described in the Chimney Maintenance section of the instructions. Use an Extended Roof Bracket if the chimney extends more than 4 feet above the roof. (Figures 18, and 19) in the Extended Roof Bracket section. If you are located in heavy snow country, a "splitter" should be fabricated from heavy gauge sheet metal, and installed. (Figure 16). This will route the snow around the chimney, and protect it. This item is not furnished by DuraVent. 11. Enclosures: Enclose chimneys where they pass through occupied spaces, including closets. Always maintain at least a 2 inch clearance between the chimney and any combustible surface. Interior enclosures may be constructed with standard framing and sheathed with sheetrock or plywood. Use Wall Straps, if necessary, to maintain a minimum of 2 inches of air space between the chimney and combustible materials. OFFSET ELBOW INSTALLATION Elbows are manufactured in 15° and 30° angles measured from the vertical. A 30° Elbow is the largest that can be used in an offset. A 30° Elbow may not be combined with a 15° Elbow to make a 45° offset for example. Avoid Elbows if possible, since a totally vertical chimney is more efficient. When Elbows are necessary to avoid obstructions such as rafters, ridgepoles, or joists, use no more than 2 pairs of Elbows (4 elbows total) in any one 2. Secure Offset: Place the Elbow Strap's chimney system. band around the angled portion of the top 1. Attach Elbows: Attach Elbows to Chimney Elbow, then tighten the nut and bolt until the Sections or other Elbows by twisting clockwise clamp is firm. Wrap the Elbow Strap end r r until they lock firmly. Attach one Elbow to the over an adjacent joist or rafter and secure it Chimney Section below, and align it for the with at least two 8 -penny nails. Do not add ; offset. If the needed direction of the Elbow more Chimney Sections until the Elbows are is different than the fully locked position, the supported. Be sure that the chimney remains Elbow can be rotated to desired direction vertical. If the total length of the Chimney and can be secured to pipe section with a Sections between the two Elbows exceeds 3 minimum of (4) sheet metal screws. Do not _ feet, install a second Elbow Strap around the • penetrate the inner wall. Refer to Table 3 to center of the Chimney Section(s). determine the required offset length and attach , ' - an appropriate length (or lengths) of Chimney Section(s) above the Elbow. Do not exceed the maximum lengths between the Elbows .. a specified in Table 3: Attach the second Elbow ` above the Chimney Section to complete the + " -, offset. (Figure 17). ` TABLE 3 DURAPLUS( S DP) R jSIZE • D OFFSET CHART , - + 1'h" 12 13/4' ,' 131/2" i 1'/a y s 4'/4" 23'k" 4'/4" 201/2" 7IW:: 34° \ • 1� 3/Y a":. 351/2 101/2" 451/2" 10 3/4" 46 4'/4' 231/2" .. t 6'34"..,a ;, i5,�" : 3/4" 9'h" 41" RIS Y , `' F 13'/f S1" 12" S7'/a` ' � • - II F• --OFFSET +' + 3 3/a" 14 3/4" 3 3/4" 14'/4" 3 3/4". 14 3/4" :i 15"i 331/4" 15" 33'/4" 14 3/4" 34'/4" 21" 44`= 21„� 43,h„w 20,h 443/4„ 26'/4” 53” 26" 521/2" 25'/1" 53 3/4" s,., •' , .. ,y Tyr . r [ • �+ 13 ,' . . CHIMN2314 SDP-P o Q OEXTENDED ROOF BRACKET SDP -RSA 60^ INCH THIN-WALL LVANIZED ELECTRICAL CONDUIT (NOT FURNISHED) Figure 18 f CHIMNEY CAP SDP -C aAEXTENDEDROOFBRACKETSDP-RSA NOTE IF DIMENSION'A IS GREATER THAN4FEET, EXTENDED FOOF BRACKET MUST BE USED. TORMCOLLAR SDP -SC FLASHING SDP -F, - SDP -TF CONSISTS OF: (1) PIPE BAND, (2) ROOF BRACKET CONNECTED WITH 3/4 INCH THIN-WALL GALVANIZED ELECTRICAL CONDUIT. (NOT FURNISHED BY SIMPSON DURA -VENT). FLATTEN ENDS AND BOLT TO PIPE BAND AND BRACKET. Figure 19 EXTENDED ROOF BRACKET INSTALLATION If the chimney extends more than 4 feet above the roofline, an Extended Roof Bracket must be installed at every 4 -foot increment of height above the roofline, leaving no more than 4 feet extending above the last pipe band. 1. Mount Pipe Band: Slip the Pipe Band around the chimney and secure by tightening the nut and bolt. 2. Install Roof Brackets: Measure from the Pipe Band to the points where the conduit will meet the roof, and form approximately a 60° angle with the chimney, and with each other. 14 (Figures 18 and 19). Cut 2 pieces of 3/4 inch thin wall galvanized steel electrical conduit, (or rigid galvanized tubing) to these lengths. The conduit is not furnished by DuraVent, and must be locally procured. Mount the two Roof Brackets where the conduit meets the roof, using 6 roofing nails per bracket. Seal the nail heads carefully with a non -hardening, waterproof sealant. 3. Attach Conduit: Flatten 1 inch and drill a 1/4 -inch hole at each end of both pieces of conduit. Bolt each conduit to the Pipe Band and Roof Brackets with the nuts and bolts provided. AMINIMUM OF 2INCHES BELOW FINISHED CEILING 18 INCHES MINIMUM FOR SINGLE-WALL STOVEPIPE CAP ENTILATED FLASHING SDP SDP -F -C STORM COLLAR SDP -SC CHIMNEYSECTIONS SDP -P ROOF —FRAMED OPENING PUSH SUPPORT BOX UP THROUGH ROOF, TRIM AND FOLD BACK EXCESS SOUARE CEILING SUPPORT AS SHOWN IN FIG. 22 BOX SDP -SB Figure 20 ROOF SUPPORTED INSTALLATIONS Use only where a leveled Square Support Box will extend at least 2 inches below the ceiling (on the low side), while the top edge at least covers the edge of the roof's decking material. Square Support Boxes are available in 11 inch, 24 inch, and 36 inch heights. Mobile home chimney installations are roof supported, and use Ventilated Flashings. Do not seal openings. INCHES MINIMUM JIMUM FOR STOVEPIPE CAP SOP -___Q VENTILATED FLASHING STORM COLLAR SDP -F SDP -SC `CHIMNEY SECTIONS 1� SDP -P 4 PUSH SUPPORT BOX UP THROUGH ROOF, TRIM SQUARE CEILING SUPPORT AND FOLD BACK EXCESS BOX SDP -SB AS SHOWN IN FIG. 22 Figure 21 1. Place Appliance: Place the appliance in it's proper location, referring to the manufacturer's instructions as to allowable distances from combustibles, etc. 2. Cut Openings: Cut a roof opening directly above the appliances' flue outlet collar, just as in a Ceiling -Supported Installation (Steps 1 thru 5). If a separate ceiling and roof exists, as shown in Figure 20, (Low Attic), first cut and frame a ceiling opening as described in Ceiling -Supported Installations (Step 2). Refer to Table 2 for clearance and framing specifications. If it is desired to install through a cathedral ceiling (Figure 21), then the hole is cut in the roof. 3. Install Support Box: Slip the Square Support Box into the framed opening so it projects at least 2 inches below the finished ceiling and rafters, and extends above the ceiling to framing or decking materials to which it will be nailed. Level the Support Box, and slit the corners to the roofline where they extend beyond it. Bend the flaps (created by the slitting) flush with the roof, and mail the Support Box to the roof or framing with at least two 8 -penny nails per side. (Figure 22). Screw the trim sections into the ceiling. (Figure 6). SUPF SDP Figure 22 15 4. Complete Installation: Refer to Steps 8, and 9, in the Ceiling Supported Installation section, to complete the Roof -Supported installation. TEE -SUPPORTED INSTALLATIONS Tee -Supported installations are used when passing through a wall to an outside chimney. The required parts and general configuration are as shown in Figures 23, and 24. 1. Place Appliance: Position the appliance according to the manufacturer's instructions. 2. Cut and Frame Opening: Cut 14-114 inch diameter holes in the inner and outer walls. The center of these holes should be aligned with the center of the stove's flue outlet collar. For new construction, prior to sheetrock or other covering of the wall studs is applied, frame a square opening between the studs, as specified in Table 2. ( Figure 25). Should it be necessary to go through concrete, masonry, or cinder -block, a 14-114 inch WARNING: ALLOW 12 INCH AIR VENTILATED SPACE BETWEEN BASE FLASHING MUST OF FLASHING OR COVER BE USED WITH AND ENCLOSURE ENCLOSURES. / FRAMING. Figure 23 16 EXTERIOR ENCLOSURE TYPICAL THRU-THE-WALL TEE -SUPPORTED INSTALLATION ACCESS DOOR FOR CLEANING PIPE SECTION 6 -INCH OR 9 -INCH - SOP -P WALL THIMBLE Figure 24 TRAY (COMPONENT OF SDP -TS) TEE CAP COMPONENT OF SDP -T TEE CAP (COMPONENT OF SDP -T) Figure 25 11 diameter hole must be cut through the wall. 3. Install Wall Thimble: Insert the black section of the Wall Thimble into the opening in the wall from inside the room, and align the nail holes with the studs. (Figure 26). Do not nail the black thimble section at this time. Attach the Tee to a 9 -inch or 12 -inch Chimney Section by twisting until it is firmly locked. If the wall is less than 6 inches thick, use a 9 -inch Chimney Section; if the wall is between 6 and 9 inches thick, use a 12 -inch Chimney Section. From outside the building, insert the Chimney Section into the hole until the vertical part of the Tee is 2 inches away from the outside of the wall, and the black portion of the Wall Thimble and the Chimney Section protrude into the room at least 2 inches. IMPORTANT In order to make a safe connection, the female end of the Chimney Section must fully contact the inside face of the Wall Thimble. Remove the B -PENNY NAILS (4) SHIMS TO MAINTAIN CIRCULARITY OF THIMBLE - (2) REO (NOT FURNISHED, MAY BE MADE OF WOOD) 5116X3"LAG SCREWS (6 REO) NOT FURNISHED Tee and Chimney Section from the wall, and nail the Wall Thimble's black section to the studs with four 1 -inch roofing nails. If the Wall Thimble is going through a concrete wall, and no framing members are available to which to nail the black portion of the Wall Thimble to, use masonry anchors to attach it. If a Tee - Supported installation is being installed in a garage, it must be enclosed. (Figure 27). 4. Seal Outside: From the outside, insert the galvanized section of the Wall Thimble through the wall and into the black section. If it does not reach the black section, an extension tube can be locally made from .018" thick galvanized steel. Seal the flange of the galvanized portion of the Wall Thimble to the outside wall, using non -hardening waterproof sealant, and fasten it to the wall with screws. From the outside, slip the Chimney Section, which is attached to the Tee, into the Thimble. NEVER INSTALL SINGLE WALL STOVEPIPE THROUGH THE WALL THIMBLE! 5. Install Tee Support: Remove the two screws from the Tee Cleanout Cap, and detach it from the Tee. Attach the Tee Support Straps to the base with the nuts and bolts provided. J�NOTE: IF SYSTEM EXITS THRU WALL INTO GARAGE, AN ENCLOSURE ISREOUIRED. INCHESVENTILATED FLASHING �MUSTBEUSED -2 INCHES MINIMUM NCLOSURE 40 ACCESS DOOR FOR CLEANING GARAGE Figure 27 17 VIEW FROM OUTSIDE OURAPLUS 2 INCHES MINIMUM CHIMNEY PIPE OUTSIDE INTERIOR r�2,INCH\Er. MINIMUM PORTION OF CLEARANCE TEE WALL THIMBLE SDP -T SDP -WT (BLACK) Figure 26 Tee and Chimney Section from the wall, and nail the Wall Thimble's black section to the studs with four 1 -inch roofing nails. If the Wall Thimble is going through a concrete wall, and no framing members are available to which to nail the black portion of the Wall Thimble to, use masonry anchors to attach it. If a Tee - Supported installation is being installed in a garage, it must be enclosed. (Figure 27). 4. Seal Outside: From the outside, insert the galvanized section of the Wall Thimble through the wall and into the black section. If it does not reach the black section, an extension tube can be locally made from .018" thick galvanized steel. Seal the flange of the galvanized portion of the Wall Thimble to the outside wall, using non -hardening waterproof sealant, and fasten it to the wall with screws. From the outside, slip the Chimney Section, which is attached to the Tee, into the Thimble. NEVER INSTALL SINGLE WALL STOVEPIPE THROUGH THE WALL THIMBLE! 5. Install Tee Support: Remove the two screws from the Tee Cleanout Cap, and detach it from the Tee. Attach the Tee Support Straps to the base with the nuts and bolts provided. J�NOTE: IF SYSTEM EXITS THRU WALL INTO GARAGE, AN ENCLOSURE ISREOUIRED. INCHESVENTILATED FLASHING �MUSTBEUSED -2 INCHES MINIMUM NCLOSURE 40 ACCESS DOOR FOR CLEANING GARAGE Figure 27 17 2 INCH \ ALLOW A MINIMUM OF 2 INCHES AIR SPACE ON ALL SIDES Figure 28 Use (2) 5/16 inch, 3 -inch long lag screws to attach the straps to the wall. Replace the Tee Cleanout Cap and screws, once the Tee is installed. 6. Complete Chimney: Attach the Chimney Sections as in Step 7 of the Ceiling Supported Installation section. Secure the chimney to the wall with Wall Straps at 4 -foot intervals to maintain at least 2 inches of clearance to combustible materials. Slip the Wall Straps around the chimney, tighten the bolts, and fasten the Wall Straps to the wall with (2) 5/16 -inch, 3 -inch long lag screws. Snap the Chimney Cap into the top of the chimney, once it is at the height specified in Figure 1. If the chimney penetrates an overhang, frame for at least 2 inches of clearance, and install 18 a Flashing and Storm Collar as described in Steps 8, 9 and 10 for Ceiling Supported Installations. Another option is to cut away the overhang for a 2 -inch clearance. (Figure 28). If the chimney extends more than 4 feet above the top Wall Band, or Flashing, use an Extended Roof. 7. Install Chase Cover. If a chase enclosure has been constructed, installing the chase cover requires some special considerations. The chase must be ventilated at the top and a 1/2 -inch air gap must be established between the cover, and the framed chase top. In addition, a 1/2 -inch air gap should exist between the hole in the cover, and the Chimney Pipe Sections. Figure 29 displays in some detail, how these air gaps are established with locally fabricated spacers and covers. These are not furnished by DuraVent, but may be made from 28 gage or heavier sheet metal. Should the installer elect to use Flat Roof Flashing, (which is a stock item), the air spaces are still required. When installing the Storm Collar, do not push it down all the way to the cover, but allow an air space for flow between the Chimney Pipe and the hole in the cover. MASONRY FIREPLACE INSTALLATIONS 1. Determine Chimney Size: Use Table 4 to determine the correct diameter chimney for your fireplace. 2. Mount Anchor Plate: Chimneys for masonry fireplaces begin with an Anchor Plate. Center the Anchor Plate on a brick or concrete base over the masonry flue opening. Seal the Anchor Plate with a high-temperature sealant, and secure with (4) 1/4 -inch masonry anchors. (Figure 30). Be sure it is level. The Anchor Plate is available in two styles. One contains the perforated Starter Section, which is used KI 1/2 INCH AIR SPACE ESTABLISHED BY SPACERS I► I \ �112INCH AIR SPACE FLAT ROOF FLASHING 12 INCH MINIMI FRAMED CHASE ENCLOSURE NAIL (AS REQ) CAP SDP -C STORM COLLAR (SDP -SC) FLAT ROOF FLASHING (SDP -TF) MUST BE VENTILATED SPACERS LOCALLY FRABRICATED (NOT CHIMNEY FURNISHED BY SIMPSON SECTIONS DURA -VENT) SDP -P / 112 \ Figure 29 in the event the chimney is to be enclosed. The other is a flat plate, to be used in cases when the chimney is not enclosed. 3. Attach Chimney: Place the first Chimney Section over the flange on the Anchor Plate with the arrows pointing up. Drill 118 -inch diameter holes through the outer sleeve of the Chimney Section which match the location of the corresponding holes in the Anchor Plate. Secure the Chimney Section to the Anchor Plate with #8 self -tapping sheet metal screws. 4. Finish Chimney: Install the rest as directed in the Ceiling Supported Installation section, Steps 4 through 10. Refer to Figure 1 and Table 4 for chimney height requirements. Always maintain at least 2 inches of clearance to combustible materials, and enclose the chimney where it passes through occupied areas. Use a Wall Strap for every four feet of chimney height. CHIMNEY PIPE SECTION SDP -P STARTER SECTION ANCHOR PLATE (REQUIRED IF SDP -AP CHIMNEY IS ENCLOSED) ANCHORS SHEET (4) REQ (NOT METAL FURNISHED) SCREWS (4) RED EXISTING HI -TEMP MASONRY SEALANT CHIMNEY Figure 30 19 20 F 10� 8 16� 14 T 12 PIPE \ SIZE to (INCHES) so 40 n W`/ FIREPLACE 72 OPENING (INCHES) 60 12 �S, 36 30 , DOTTED LINE REPRESENTS SAMPLE PROBLEM. FIREPLACE OPENING IS 36 IN. WIDE, 3D IN. HIGH, AND CHIMNEY HEIGHT IS 20 FT. CORRECT FLUE SIZE IS 12 IN. DIAMETER. IB 48 42 31, 24 R SECTION 4� SHEET METAL SCREWS BASE PLATE (SDP -BP) ZERO -CLEARANCE FIREPLACE Figure 31 ZERO -CLEARANCE FIREPLACE INSTALLATIONS 1. Manufacturer's Instructions: Carefully read and comply with the manufacturer's installation instructions for your fireplace. Verify that DuraVent's DuraPlus chimney is approved for use on your fireplace. 2. Base Plate: Attach a Base Plate to the fireplace top with sheet metal screws. (Figure 31). A high temperature sealant may be used if desired. 3. Chimney Sections: Attach a Chimney Section to the Base Plate by twist -locking. 4. Completion: Install the remainder as instructed for a standard Ceiling -Supported installation, (less the Support Box). Always maintain at least 2 inches of clearance to combustibles, and enclose the chimney where it passes through occupied areas. CONNECTION FROM APPLIANCE TO CHIMNEY SYSTEM 1. Single Wall Stovepipe: DuraVent's "DuraBlack" stovepipe is recommended, if single wall stovepipe is desired. The connection to the ceiling support box, or wall thimble is made with a DuraBlack Slip Connector (Part# 1670, 1770, or 1870, for 6 -inch, 7 -inch, or 8 -inch pipe, respectively). The beaded end of the slip connector slips into the hole in the ceiling support or wall thimble. Align the tabs on the slip connector with the notches in the face of the support or wall thimble, push the connector in, and twist to lock it in. Further instructions for assembling the DuraBlack pipe are contained in their shipping cartons. Remember, the minimum clearance to combustibles for single wall stovepipe is 18 inches. 2. DVL: DuraVent manufactures DVL, which is a double-wall connector pipe, which may be positioned within 6 inches to a combustible wall, and within 8 inches to a combustible ceiling, provided the appliance installation instructions permit this distance. In order to join this type of connector to the ceiling support, or wall thimble, a Close Clearance Adaptor (Part #8674, 8774, or 8874, for 6 -inch, 7 -inch, or 8 -inch pipe, respectively), is required. The adaptor slips into the hole in the ceiling support, or wall thimble. Align the tabs on the adaptor with the slots cut into the face of the ceiling support, or wall thimble, push in, and twist to lock it in place. Detailed instructions for assembling the remainder of the close clearance system are included in the shipping cartons. 21 CHIMNEY MAINTENANCE 1. Creosote and Soot: When wood is burned slowly, it produces tar and other organic vapors, which combine with expelled moisture to produce creosote. The creosote vapors condense in the relatively cool chimney flue of a slow -burning fire. As a result, creosote residue accumulates on the flue lining. When ignited, this creosote makes an extremely hot fire. 2. Access. Chimneys must be installed so that access is provided for inspection and cleaning. 3. When to Clean: The chimney should be inspected at least once every month during the heating season to determine if creosote or soot has built up. Check spark arrestor screens every 2 to 4 weeks. If creosote or soot has accumulated, it should be removed to reduce the risk of chimney fire. 4. How to Clean: Have your chimney cleaned by a certified professional chimney sweep if you have doubts about your ability to clean it. Use a plastic, wood, or steel brush. Do not use a brush that will scratch the stainless steel liner of your chimney. Scrub the spark arrestor with a wire brush. To remove the Chimney Cap for cleaning, unscrew the four screws that attach the cap's support legs to the cap base. The Tee Cleanout Cap can be removed once the screws are unscrewed. Remember to replace the cap when you are finished cleaning the chimney. 5. Coal: To reduce corrosion in chimneys where coal is burned, clean the chimney thoroughly within 48 hours of shutting down the stove for the season. 6. Chemical Cleaners: Use chemical cleaners only as a last resort, and use only those which the manufacturer specifically warrants as being non -corrosive to the chimney liner. DuraVent will assume no 22 liability for damage resulting from the use of chemical cleaners. 7. In Case of Fire: If a flue fire occurs, close all appliance draft openings, and call your Fire Department. Do not use the chimney again, until it has been inspected for possible damage. 8. Painting: To increase chimney life, coat all exterior metal parts, with the exception of the Chimney Cap with high temperature, rust proof paint. Wash the metal with a vinegar and water solution before painting. 9. Creosote Formation: DuraVent assumes no liability for structural damage or roof contamination as the result of creosote formation. It is the owner's responsibility to comply with inspection and cleaning requirements as described in these instructions. fi M&G DURAVENT WARRANTY M&G DuraVent, Inc. ("DuraVent") provides this limited lifetime warranty for all of its products to the original purchaser, with the exception of Ventinox (lifetime), DuraBlack (five years) and all Termination Caps (five years). Subject to the limitations set forth below, DuraVent warrants that its products will be free from substantial defects in material or manufacturing, if properly installed, maintained and used. This Warranty is non -transferable with the exception ofVentinox which is transferable from the original homeowner to the buyer of the home for a period of ten (10) years. This warranty does not cover normal wear and tear, smoke damage or damage caused by chimney fires, acts of God, or any product that was: (1) purchased other than from an authorized DuraVent dealer, retailer or distributor, (2) modified or altered; (3) improperly serviced, inspected or cleaned; or (4) subject to negligence or any use not in accordance with the printed materials provided with the product as determined by DuraVent. This limited lifetime warranty applies only to parts manufactured by DuraVent. DuraVent provides the following warranties for its products: One Hundred Percent (100%) of the purchase price or MSRP at time of purchase, whichever is lower, for 15 years from the date of purchase, and Fifty Percent (50%) thereafter, except for the following limitations: Ventinox liner and components in wood, oil, wood pellet, and gas installations are warranted at One Hundred Percent (100%) for the lifetime of the original homeowner; Ventinox 316 liner and components for coal burning installations which are warranted One Hundred Percent (100%) for ten years; all Termination Caps and DuraBlack° are warranted at One Hundred Percent (100%) for five years, and at Ten Percent (10%) thereafter. All warranty obligations of DuraVent shall be limited to repair or replacement of the defective product pursuant to the terms and conditions applicable to each product line. These remedies shall constitute DuraVent's sole obligation and sole remedy under this limited warranty. This warranty provides no cash surrender value. The terms and conditions of this limited lifetime warranty may not be modified, altered or waived by any action, inaction or representation, whether oral or in writing, except upon the express, written authority of an executive officer of DuraVent. VENTINOX WARRANTY CONDITIONS Liner and Component warranties contained herein are subject to the following conditions: (1)The Liner and Components must be installed according to DV's installation instructions; (2) The Liner and Components are used only to line or reline chimneys venting residential appliances for which the liner was intended; and (3) documented annual inspection of the Liner and Components and maintenance as deemed necessary, beginning one year after the date of installation and continuing throughout the warranty period, by a Nationally Certified Chimney Sweep orVENTINOX® installer. The Liner and Components warranty is further subject to compliance with the following requirements throughout the warranty period: The chimney must have a chimney cap and chemical chimney cleaners must not be used when cleaning the Liner or Components. Plastic -bristle Flue cleaning brushes are recommended. Corn, biofuels, driftwood or other wood containing salt, preservative -treated lumber, plastic and household trash or garbage, or wood pellets containing such materials must not be burned in the appliance or fireplace. In case of chimney fire, the chimney must be inspected and approved by a certified Chimney Sweep before reuse. After each annual inspection, maintenance, and cleaning, the certified Chimney Sweep must fill out and date the appropriate section of the warranty card provided with the chimney liner. LIMITATIONS ON INTERNET SALES: Notwithstanding any other terms or conditions of this limited lifetime warranty, DuraVent provides no warranty for the following specific products if such products are both: (a) purchased from an Internet seller; and (b) not installed by a qualified professional installer: DuraTech DuraPlus HTC®, PelletVent Pro®, FasnSeal®, and DuraVent's relining products including Dural-iner°, DuraFlex' 304, DuraFlex® 316, DuraFlex° Pro, DuraFlex° SW, and Ventinox. For purposes of this warranty, a trained professional installer is defined as one of the following: licensed contractors with prior chimney installation experience, CSIA Certified Chimney Sweeps, NFI Certified Specialists, orWETT Certified Professionals. DuraVent reserves the right to inspect defective product to determine if it qualifies for replacement under the terms of this limited lifetime warranty. All warranty claims must be submitted with proof of purchase. Labor and installation costs are not covered under this warranty. To obtain warranty service contact DuraVent promptly at DuraVent Warranty Service, 902 Aldridge Rd., Vacaville CA 95688, or call 800-835-4429. WHERE LAWFUL, DuraVent DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITEDTO IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT WILL DuraVent BE LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE OR SPECIAL DAMAGES OR DIRECT OR INDIRECT LOSS OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO PROPERTY DAMAGE AND PERSONAL INJURY. DuraVent'S ENTIRE LIABILITY IS LIMITED TO THE PURCHASE PRICE OFTHIS PRODUCT. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS ON IMPLIED WARRANTIES, ORTHE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SOTHE ABOVE LIMITATIONS AND EXCLUSIONS MAY NOT APPLYTO YOU. THIS LIMITED WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS; AND YOU MAY ALSO HAVE OTHER RIGHTS THATVARY FROM STATETO STATE. For the most up -to, -date installation instructions, see www. duravent.com REV 1.20.2010 M&G DuraVent, Inc. PO Box 1510 Vacaville CA 95696-1510 Manufactured in Vacaville CA and Albany NY DuraVent Member of & M&G Group Customer Service Support 800-835-4429 707-446-4740 FAX www.duravent.com DuraPlus is a registered trademark of the M&G DuraVent, Inc. All rights reserved. Made in the USA. M&G DuraVent is a member of M&G Group. 02011 L119 0412011 DuraChimney II 10" -16" Chimney Shroud e ��O /gyp/NGIc/ Fo oqr � °°N�o Ise-oFp F �°T�® ey DuraVent. RECEIVED Member of & M&G Group AUG 1 1 2015 CITY OF LA QUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT I `� A MAJOR CAUSE OF CHIMNEY RELATED FIRES IS FAILURE TO MAINTAIN REQUIRED CLEARANCES (AIR SPACES) TO COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS. IT IS OF THE UTMOST IMPORTANCE THAT THIS CHIMNEY BE INSTALLED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THESE INSTRUCTIONS. NOTE: Read through all these instructions before beginning your installation. Failure toinstall the chimney as described in these instructions will void the manufacturer's warranty and may have an effect on your homeowner insurance and UL listing status. Refer to the DuraChimney II Installation Instructions for complete details on installing the DuraChimney II system. Keep these instructions for future use. Dear Customer, Installer, or End User: We welcome any comments regarding matters pertaining to our DuraVent products. We welcome any ideas, input or complaints and I'll make sure that someone responds directly back to you. Send your emails to: president@duravent.com If you are searching for tech support or product information, please phone us at 800-835-4429. Or email us at: techsupport@duravent.com APPLICATION AND LISTING As specified in these instructions, Shrouds are approved for use with DuraChimney II (10% 16" diameter). A Shroud built and installed in compliance with these instructions is UL listed for use with DuraChimney II (listing number MI -17399). INSTALLATION NOTES Practice good workmanship. Exercise extreme caution when working on roofs. Be sure to wear appropriate safety gear and clothing as needed. Refer to the DuraChimney II Installation Instructions for further safety details. U` MH7399 SHROUD REQUIREMENTS Shrouds can either be field -fabricated or factory -fabricated, but they must meet the requirements as specified in these instructions. Shrouds must be constructed of a minimum 24 gauge (.024") stainless steel, aluminized steel, galvanized steel, or copper. Other materials may also be used, such as brick, mortar, stucco, stone, etc., provided they are completely non-combustible. Check with your local building code authorities for any additional shroud requirements. Shrouds must be able to be removed to allow chimney access to properly clean the chimney. DuraChimney II installations which include the use of a shroud must comply with the following requirements (Figure 1): • DuraChimney II must maintain at least 2" clearance from combustible materials. • The chase enclosure must be ventilated. • The Chase Top Flashing or field -fabricated chase pan must be used. Fieldfabricated chase pans are acceptable if they meet these requirements: •Material must be 24 gauge (.024") Galvanized steel or equivalent. • Chase pan must have opening 3" larger than outside diameter of chimney pipe with at least a 112" upturned flange/collar. • Chase pan must overhang chase by 1/2" per side for proper air flow. • Chase pan must have a 1" down turned outside edge (weather protection). ALLOW A 1 -INCH AIR GAP BETWEEN STORM COLLAR AND CHASE TOP FLASHING 10"-16" DIAMETER \ CHIMNEY MUST EXTEND AT LEAST 6 - INCHES ABOVE CHASE TOP FLASHING 1/2" AIR SPACE ESTABLISHED BYSPACERS CHIMNEY CAP STORM COLLAR CHASETOP FLASHING OR CHASE PAN d W DURA CHIMNEY II PIPE 1/,:? INCH' 1 `'I MAINTAIN 2 -INCH CLEARANCE BETWEEN DURACHIMNEY II AND FIELD -FABRICATED ` CHASEENCLOSURE \ SPACERSFORCHASE TOP FLASHING Figure 1 • Field -fabricated spacers (112" tall, 24 gauge or .024" Galvanized steel) must be used to support the Chase Top Flashing or chase pan, in order to provide air flow. • 10"-16" DuraChimney II pipe must extend at least 6" above the chase pan/flashing. • A DuraChimney II cap must be used inside the shroud. • The Shroud must not be in direct contact with any of the DuraChimney II components (other than Chase Top Flashing). • All Open Areas of the shroud must be covered with 1/2" stainless or galvanized steel mesh screen to prevent debris from entering the Shroud. • Shrouds must follow the dimensional requirements specified in Tables 1, 2 or 3, depending on the style of shroud used. The three basic shroud styles are a) House, b) Arch or Mailbox, and c) Pyramid. Most factory -fabricated shrouds will fall under one of these basic style categories. WARRANTY DuraVent makes no warranty or representation of any kind, either express or implied, concerning the materials, quality, workmanship or installation of the third -party manufactured shrouds that may be used in connection with the DuraChimney II System. DuraVent expressly disclaims any and all liability of any kind related to the materials, quality, workmanship or installation of such third party manufactured shrouds. DuraVent warrants the accuracy of its specifications for the selection of third -party manufactured shrouds. Should a third -party manufactured shroud require replacement due to the inaccuracy of a DuraVent selection specification, DuraVent's sole obligation and liability will be to replace such shroud with one of similar size and quality appropriate to the installation. DuraVent's warranties are otherwise limited to the warranties set forth in the DuraChimney II Lifetime Limited Warranty. HOUSE STYLE SHROUD Shaded area represents screened Open Area. Actual shape The House style shroud is roughly square or of Shroud may vary as long as minimum dimensions and minimum Open Area requirements are met. ` rectangular with a closed top and exhaust a openings on four (4) sides. (Figure 2) Table ' 1 lists the minimum Shroud dimensions, I the minimum Open Area per side, and the minimum Total Open Area for the Shroud, , depending on the diameter of DuraChimney II installed. j H: Minimum height of Shroud " L: Minimum length of Shroud W: Minimum width of Shroud ,F 1 Figure 2 Chimney Chimney Min Min Min Min Diameter Area Height Length Width Open Area per side (inches) (inches) H (inches) L (inches) W (inches) (sq. in) +' 10 y ,', 79 . t 24, ' , 3l) 0 1`30 u 135 ` 540 12 113• 24 30 30 193 772 ey 14 ; W .154' 24 '< ` , 32 32 260 a " X1040 �- 16 201 24 32 32 340 1360 Table 1: House Style Shroud Minimum Dimensions f 5 ♦ . . . ARCH 1 MAILBOX STYLE SHROUD Shaded area represents screened Open Area. Actual shape ,- of Shroud may vary as long as minimum dimensions and r r The Arch or Mailbox style shroud generally has minimum Open Area requirements are met. two solid sides and a solid top. The exhaust ; �. openings are on the two (2) open ends of the ' arch. (Figure 3) Table 2 lists the minimum = '1 Shroud dimensions, the minimum Open Area per side, and the minimum Total Open Area ;( ` for the Shroud, depending on the diameter of i a DuraChimney II installed.. , �\ H: Minimum height of Shroud Y L: Minimum length of Shroud W: Minimum width of Shroud - a Figure 3 Mailboxxch Chimney Diameter (inches) Chimney Min Min Min Min Min Area Height Length Width Open Area Total Open (inches) H (inches) L (inches) W (inches) per sin) (sq. Area (sq. in) c � ' • r �\ H: Minimum height of Shroud Y L: Minimum length of Shroud W: Minimum width of Shroud - a Figure 3 Mailboxxch Chimney Diameter (inches) Chimney Min Min Min Min Min Area Height Length Width Open Area Total Open (inches) H (inches) L (inches) W (inches) per sin) (sq. Area (sq. in) I 1 1 1 M . z r 1 1.1 2: Arch/Mailbox Style Shroud Minimum Dimensions ` x f n + , eft 1 ♦. `.. . z r 2: Arch/Mailbox Style Shroud Minimum Dimensions ` x f n + , eft 1 ♦. `.. PYRAMID STYLE SHROUD Shaded area represents screened Open Area. Actual shape The Pyramid style shroud is roughly square of Shroud may vary as long as minimum dimensions and minimum Open Area requirements are met. * " or rectangular with an open top for exhaust as • well as openings along the base of the four (4) sides. (Figure 4) Table 3 lists the minimum Shroud dimensions, including the'minimum height and length of the base openings on ` t the sides, depending on the diameter of DuraChimney 11 installed. - +• ter. � • _ '� � �:, ' . - .. - HI , L. Minimum length of Shroud top opening W: Minimum width of Shroud top opening %j H1: Minimum total height of Shroud • s I _ B: Minimum length of opening along base H2: Minimum height of opening along base \Figure 4 Chimney Min Min D. , 301,30 a4 ,18 1.5'' 12 24 30 30 18 2.0 r r14' if 24 �, 32'. '$" 32;`. f; 22 16 24 32 32 22 2.5 ' F Table 3: Pyramid Style Shroud Minimum Dimensions 7 ' M&G DURAVENT WARRANTY M&G DuraVent, Inc. ("DuraVent") provides this limited lifetime warranty for all of its products to the original purchaser, with the exception ofVentinox (lifetime), DuraBlack (five years) and all Termination Caps (five years). Subject to the limitations set forth below, DuraVent warrants that its products will be free from substantial defects in material or manufacturing, if properly installed, maintained and used. This Warranty is non -transferable with the exception ofVentinox which is transferable from the original homeowner to the buyer of the home for a period of ten (10) years. This warranty does not cover normal wear and tear, smoke damage or damage caused by chimney fires, acts of God, or any product that was: (1) purchased other than from an authorized DuraVent dealer, retailer or distributor; (2) modified or altered; (3) improperly serviced, inspected or cleaned; or (4) subject to negligence or any use not in accordance with the printed materials provided with the product as determined by DuraVent. Tnis limited lifetime warranty applies only to parts manufactured by DuraVent. DuraVent provides the following warranties for its products: One Hundred Percent (100%) of the purchase price or MSRP at time of purchase, whichever is lower, for 15 years from the date of purchase, and Fifty Percent (50%) thereafter, except for the following limitations: Ventinox liner and components in wood, oil, wood pellet, and gas installations are warranted at One Hundred Percent (100%) for the lifetime of the original homeowner, Ventinox 316 liner and components for coal burning installations which are warranted One Hundred Perceit (100%) for ten years, all Termination Caps and DuraBlack® are warranted at One Hundred Percent (100%) for five years, and atTen Percent (10%) thereafter. All warranty obligations of DuraVent shall be limited to repair or replacement of the defective product pursuant to the terms and conditions applicable to each product line. These remedies shall constitute DuraVenes sole obligation and sole remedy under this limited warranty. This warranty provides no cash surrender value. The terms and conditions of this limited lifetime warranty may not be modified, altered or waived by any action, inaction or representation, whether oral of in writing, except upon the express, written authority of an executive officer of DuraVent VENTINOX WARRANTY CONDITIONS Liner and Component warranties contained herein are subject to the following conditions: (1) The Liner and Components must be installed according to DV's installation instructions; (2) The Liner and Components are used only to line or reline chimneys venting residential appliances for which the liner was intended; and (3) documented annual inspection of the Liner and Components and maintenance as deemed necessary, beginning one year after the date of installation and continuing throughout the warranty period, by a Nationally Certified Chimney Sweep orVENTINOX® installer. The Liner and Components warranty is further subject to compliance with the following requirements throughout the warranty period: The chimney must have a chimney cap and chemical chimney cleaners must not be used when cleaning the Liner or Components. Plastic -bristle flue cleaning brushes are recommended. Corn, biofuels, driftwood or other wood containing salt, preservative -treated lumber, plastic and household trash or garbage, or wood pellets containing such materials must not be burned in the appliance or fireplace. In case of a chimney fire, the chimney must be inspected and approved by a certified Chimney Sweep before reuse. After each annual inspection, maintenance, and cleaning, the certified Chimney Sweep must fill out and date the appropriate section of the warranty card provided with the chimney liner. LIMITATIONS ON INTERNET SALES: Notwithstanding any other terms or conditions of this limited lifet me warranty, DuraVent provides no warranty for the following specific products if such products are both: (a) purchased from an Internet seller, and (b) nit installed by a qualified professional installer: DuraTech°, DuraPlus HTC*, PelletVent Pro®, FasnSeal®, and DuraVent's relining products including DuraLiner°, DuraFlex' 304, DuraFlee 316, DuraFlee Pro, DuraFlex° SW, andVentinox®. For purposes of this warranty, a trained professional installer is defined as one of the following: licensed contractors with prior chimney installation experience, CSIA Certified Chimney Sweeps, NFI Certified Specialists, orWETT Certified Professionals. DuraVent reserves the right to inspect defective product to determine if it qualifies for replacement under the terms of this limited lifetime warranty. All warranty claims must be submitted with proof of purchase. Labor and installation costs are not covered under this warranty. To obtain warranty service contact DuraVent promptly at DuraVent Warranty Service, 902 Aldridge Rd., Vacaville CA 95688, or call 800-835-4429. WHERE LAWFUL, DuraVent DISCLAIMS ALL OTHERWARRANTIES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITEDTO IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT WILL DuraVent BE LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE OR SPECIAL DAMAGES OR DIRECTOR INDIRECT LOSS OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO PROPERTY DAMAGE AND PERSONAL INJURY. DuraVent'S ENTIRE LIABILITY IS LIMITED TOTHE PURCHASE PRICE OF THIS PRODUCT. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS ON IMPLIED WARRANTIES, OR THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS AND EXCLUSIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. THIS LIMITED WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS, AND YOU MAY ALSO HAVE OTHER RIGHTS THAT VARY FROM STATE TO STATE. For the most up-to-date installation instructions, see www. duravent.com REV 7.20.2010 M&G DuraVent, Inc. PO Box 1510 Vacaville CA 95696-1510 Manufactured in Vacaville CA and Albany NY DuraVent Member of & M&G Group Customer Service Support 800-835-4429 707-446-4740 FAX www.duravent.com DuraChimney is a registered trademark of the M&G DuraVent, Inc. All rights reserved. Made in the USA. M&G DuraVent is a member of M&G Group. 02011 L181 0412011 Coachella Valley Unified School District 83-733 Avenue 55, Thermal, CA 92274 (760) 398-5909 — Fax (760) 398-1224 This Box For'District Use Only DEVELOPER FEES PAID AREA: AMOUNT LEVEL ONE AMOUNT: LEVEL TWO AMOUNT: MITIGATION AMOUNT: COMM/IND. AMOUNT: DATE: RECEIPT: CHECK #: INtTIAIS CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (California Education Code 17620) Project Name: Madison C Owner's Name: McClure Homes Project Address: 53-713 Ross Project Description: A/C garage + 616 living Date: October 31, 2016 Phone No. 858-775-1032 APN: 767-680-042 Tract #: Lot #'s: Type of Development: Residential XX Commercial Industrial Total Square Feet of Building Area: 1800 Certification of Applicant/Owners: The person signing certifies that the above information is correct and makes this statement under penalty of perjury and further represents that he/she is authorized to sigyon behalf of the owner/developer. Dated: October 31, 2016 Signature: SCHOOL DISTRICT'S REQUIREMENTS FOR TH ABOVE PROJECT HAVE BEEN OR WILL BE SATISFIED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: (CIRCLE ONE) Education Code 17620 Number of Sq.Ft. Amount per Sq.Ft. Amount Collected Gov. Code 65995 1800 $3.48 $6264.00 Project Agreement Existing Not Subject to Fee Approval Prior to 1/1/87 Requirement Building Permit Application Completed: Yes/No By: Elsa F. Esqueda, Director of Facilities and Maintenance Note: Pursuant to AB 181 any room additions or enclosures of 500 sq. ft. or less are exempt from developer fees. Any mobile homes being relocated within the same school district's jurisdiction are exempt from developer fees. Certificate issued by: Laurie Howard, Secretary Signature: � � J ' d Lloc NOTICE OF 90 DAY PERIOD FOR PROTEST OF FEES AND STATEMENT OF FEES Section 66020 of the Government Code asserted by Assembly Bill 3081, effective January 1, 1997, requires that this District provide (1) a written notice to the project appellant, at the time of payment of school fees, mitigation payment or other exactions ("Fees"), of the 90 -day period to protest the imposition of these Fees and (2) the amount of the fees. Therefore, in accordance with section 66020 of the Government code and other applicable law, this Notice shall serve to advise you that the 90 -day protest period in regard to such Fees or the validity thereof, commences with the payment of the fees or performance of any other requirements as described in section 66020 of the Government code. Additionally, the amount of the fees imposed is as herein set forth, whether payable at this time or in whole or in part prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. As in the latter, the 90 days starts on the date hereof. This Certificate of Compliance is valid for thirty (30) days from the date of issuance. Extension will be granted only for good cause, as determined by the School District, and up to three (3) such extensions may be granted. MV:chnydoc !devtees/certificate of compliance form updated 3=2007 11/2010 THE MADISON CLUB OWNERS' ASSOCIATION September 24, 2016 Mr. McClure McClure Homes, LLC 52647 Via Savona La Quinta, CA 92253 RE: Lot 37A at 53713 Ross Avenue Modifications Dear Mr. McClure: This letter shall serve as notification that the Madison Club Design Review Committee (DRC) received your request to modify the building height, along with your request for Variance. The DRC is recommending approval of the request to increase the highest portion of the building and the chimney heights. The committee is supporting the Variance request but asks that the chimneys only extend'as high as necessary per the applicable codes. The modifications to the pool and hardscape were approved subject to the new yard wall heights being clarified (they currently indicate a bottom of wall which is higher than the contour line at the base. In addition, all window and door recessing must be consistent with the guideline requirements. . As a reminder, a full set of revised final plans are due prior to the start of framing. We urge you to submit these plans and address the comments below to avoid any disruption in the construction process. The comments from the September 2015 letter were as follows: 1. Full landscape plans are required with the final construction document submittal. 2. A Variance Request must be submitted for all encroachments (ex: the Guest Bedroom #2 in the Guest House as the comer penetrates the front yard setback). The committee will provide a recommendation of approval to the Board once received. 3. The gas meter location must be indicated on the plans.with proper screening. 4. Illuminated address numbers are required. The DRC prefers the use of individual numerals with external lighting. 5. The roof plan indicates the use of slate on the pitched roof areas; however, the ridge vent detail indicates standing seam metal. Please review all plan sheets and details for consistency. In addition, a sample board with actual samples must be provided for review and should be consistent with the elevations. 6. Courtesy comment: The electrical panel is shown in two different locations in the plan set. Please coordinate the plans to show the proper location with appropriate screening. 7. There were no proposed contours provided on the grading plan which made it difficult for the committee to provide a proper review. 8. Courtesy comment: The rounded walls in the side yards will create areas between the two adjacent lots that are difficult to plant and maintain. We look forward to receiving your revised final working drawings. Please contact Brook Marshall at (760) 219- 8057 or by email at DRCFacilitator@gmail.com with any questions regarding this review. Sincerely, MADISON CL UB DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE By: TVUL 1 Title: I %�� ! I U►� Date: cc: Bill Hayer, Zach Hanan; DRC File Pursuant to Cal. Civil Code, any rejection by the DRC may be appealed to the Board of Directors for the Association. Ifyou wish to pursue an appeal, please contact the Association's property manager so that you may be put on the next meeting agenda. 53035 MPRIWETHER WAY, LA QuurrA, CA 92253 TEL 76o 391-4564 FAx 760 391-4591 4L 1z CITY OF LA QUINTA / Community Development Dept. 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 Construction Change Submittal 1(09/22/16) PROJECT: Madison Club Lot 37-A ADDRESS: 53-713 ROSS AVE APPLICANT: MARK MCCLURE PLAN CHECK #: BRES2015-0086 REVIEWER: JIM JOHNSON DATE: 9/22/2016 Summary of Design Changes • The project's square footage increased by 668 square feet. o The master bedroom extended North and West, eliminating the outdoor and indoor showers o The master bath was reconfigured and a new master shower extended North o The cantilevered hip roof over the master bedroom and bath adjusted to follow the floor plan changes previously described o The kitchen extended South to create a designated dirty kitchen area and new pool bath o The bar adjacent to the media room extended South o The office bathroom was reconfigured and was brought in from the East and extended South o The second level floor plan changed slightly to accommodate changes to the main level floor plan o The media room extended South, corresponding with the bar beneath it • The entire master suite has been lowered from 24" to 18" above finish floor • Miscellaneous interior floor plan changes occur at the guest casita entry, guest 2 bath, guest 3 bath, guest 1 bath, master suite, and kitchen/dirty kitchen • The second story highest ridge height increased by 14.5 -inches to allow for door as windows to increase from 8 to 9 feet • The second story deck which was previously supported by two columns has been reduced so that it can be cantilevered • The patio area adjacent to the great room (to the west) has been covered with a solid roof element to help with sun -shading • Site hardscape and design has been revised to accommodate floor plan changes. Most of the changes are focused on the pool design, spa, and fire pit elements • Site walls at the entry of the house have been revised slightly in plan • Air conditioning was added to the garage 1,184 SF C 100 IL Qin## City of La Q uln ta. Building &TSafety Division Permit #008'L 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253.- (760) 777-701,2 Building Permit Application and Tracking Sheet _Prcj6Ct Address-53 ONyner's Name: '?17� t4,e_ M X Lo ooL. V_k1c, L L A. P. Number: Address: Legal Description: CityST, Zip: -Fonta r ct6r: C_ A- TC4 phone: -Address: &7 Prcject Description: 'S or -3 _CY ST, Zip:l.`•C A r etephonc:3�1 3 5- 1 -7( _StatLic. # : ,Qity Lic. fi.-.0joq �-o U OLD Arch.,,Engr.; Designer: Address: IV City, ST, Zip: Tel . . ... ....... ...... ...... . . ..... . ... . .... Con truction Type: Occupancy: State Lic- Proi ec t type (circle one): New Add'n After Repair. Demo Name of Contact Person: Sq. Ft.: # Stories: # Units: ,Telephone 4 of Contact Person: -3 Estimated Value of Project: W\ APPLICANT: DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE N Submittal Req'd Rcc1d TRACKING P ZRMIT FEES Plan Sets Plan Check submitted Item Amount Structural Cafes. Reviewed, ready for corrections Plan Check Deposit Truss-Cales. Called Contact Person Plan Check Ral2nCC. Title 24 Cates. Plans picked up Construction Flood plain plan Plans resubmitted Mechanical Grading plan 2" Review, ready for corrections/issue Electrical Subcontactor List Called Contact Person Plumbing Grant Deed Plans picked up S.M.I. II.O.A. Approval Plans resubmitted Grading IN IIOUSE:- 3,0 Review, ready for correctionstissuc Developer Impact Fee Planning Approval Called Contact Person A.I.P.P. Pub. Wks. Appr Date of permit issue School Fees, Total Permit Fees' CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name: Private Residence I Calculation Date/Time: 11:05, Tue, Mar 10, 2015 Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis Input File Name: Lot 37.xml RECEIV PRF -01 AUG 11 2015 Page 1 of 17 GENERAL INFORMATION 01 Buildin Complies, puteftt {t, ' :.•;. ': ' ' �I: I I' !!:. :, i C�• i1Pd re:•. oas n:+:n t t •�ne�.'- :til {{I i.IliIsthioi ' :i 4. ::;[F: itt i1 . I r.d- �..t:l:,.sisprd.�.::E; . ' :. CITY OF LA QUINTA 01 Project Name Private Residence ......... 1 s, t , This building incorporatesottebrrnore�S�pe Ir r. 9t10 6ePow :::.;:,•' lii,lii'I'`"' :: ..... .... P! . .h. :.: .. ... .. .... .. COMMUNITY EIT17 02 Calculation Description Title 24 Analysis 05 06 07 08 Energy Use I (kTDV/ft2-yr) Standard Proposed CompliancePercent Design Design a 1 1 TAI Improvement 03 Project Location Lot 37A 53713 Ross Avenue Space Cooling I 76.50 75.72 1.0% IAQ Ventilation I 04 City La Quinta 05 Standards Version Compliance 2015 06 Zip Code 92253 07 Compliance Manager Version BEMCmpMgr 2013-3b1 (694) 08 Climate Zone CZ15 09 Software Version EnergyPro 6.4 10 Building Ttype Single Family 11 Front Orientation (deg/Cardinal) 0 12 Project Scope Newly Constructed 13 Number of Dwelling Units 1 14 Total Cond. Floor Area (FT2) 11224 15 Number of Zones 8 16 Slab Area (FT2) 11224::.. 17 Number of Stories 1 18 Addition Cond. FloorA!ea N/A! i'!';i :-: 19 Natural Gas Available Yes 20 Additfon Slab Area (FT?) Glazing Percentage (%) 25.4% COMPLIANCE RESULTS ""i4{ '1::. i.:,:i .` .r";!fii j"nn� i iflnlni4 arylr. I t,I .. 'S�cnnnq,t °� lt, ,rl i<!',1., -81 i+,-:Ilfi{I,r;,,;;!:111- i:'':aI!I?Ii i!illlllsea�.: _: Itl;(.'M::�;,;it,Qt,.,;l_:,;�Iliii; 01 Buildin Complies, puteftt {t, ' :.•;. ': ' ' �I: I I' !!:. :, i C�• i1Pd re:•. oas n:+:n t t •�ne�.'- :til {{I i.IliIsthioi ' :i 4. ::;[F: itt i1 . I r.d- �..t:l:,.sisprd.�.::E; . ' :. 02 .L' l:;Ir� Mt,t13 0-1- ilf•;",.' � „:. ... ' � ,11�'r'ti i" , ;: 'S.. .... ..:., :i t : i!@i ;;ii6,� � ftt ..., ' I' Iii �. � .:::. . �.�-,,':i�. _:.:=:a:� t t:'.+iP �; - ,;iJ:'....ur :; .. This building Incor�dtes�feu.fh�{1}{Ee fletaxiil ltNig3ar3dltl+�iYi tfcatlai}a cl1l#fe"tl�k�E1S {1)�at�i�t#ndew�the supervision of a CEC,approved HERS provider. 03 ......... 1 s, t , This building incorporatesottebrrnore�S�pe Ir r. 9t10 6ePow :::.;:,•' lii,lii'I'`"' :: ..... .... P! . .h. :.: .. ... .. .... .. `:lay •,I., i8i!:5::: ........... I ENERGY r: ENERGY USE SUMMARY 04 I 05 06 07 08 Energy Use I (kTDV/ft2-yr) Standard Proposed CompliancePercent Design Design a 1 1 TAI Improvement Space Heating I 2.97 3.30AFFTY -11.1% Space Cooling I 76.50 75.72 1.0% IAQ Ventilation I 1.19 1.19 0.0% Water Heating I 2.29 2.19 Ab 4.4% Photovoltaic Offset I — 0.00.11 il --- Compliance Energy Total I 82.95 82.40 n7i 1 1 1,41 1 0.7% U Registration Number: 215.N0065094A-000000000-0000 Registration Date/Time: 2015-03-10 11:28:50 HERS Provider: CatCERTS inc. CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compliance Report Version - CFIR-02122015-694 Report Generated at: 2015-03-10 11:10:56 i CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name: Private Residence Calculation Date/Time: 11:05, Tue, Mar 10, 2015 Calculation Description: Tide 24 Analysis Input Fite Name: Lot 37.xm1 REQUIRED SPECIAL FEATURES The following are features that must be installed ash condition for meeting the modeled energy performance for this computer analysis. - Window overhangs and/or fins CF1 R -PRF -01 Page 2 of 17 HERS FEATURE SUMMARY The following is a summary of the features that must be field -verified by a certified HERS Rater as a condition for meeting the modeled energy performance for this computer analysis. Additional detail is provided in the building components tables below. Building -level Verifications: • High Quality Insulation Installation (QII) • IAQ mechanical ventilation Cooling System Verifications: • — None — HVAC Distribution System Verifications: • Duct Sealing Domestic Hot Water System Verifications: — None — ENERGY DESIGN RATING This is the sum of the annual TDV energy:y, a l l , umpiiolIri;for ene u; ornpo�nIirlt�'ed I 1 Me rr.r�?e9tnp�fan approach for the Standard Design Building (Energy Budget) and the annual TDV energy consumption for lighting and • I I vents not regull, + 6litle 24,.P1 a �5i(such,e doreahc:as 1; noes;,ari,,,cons mer:6lectronics) and accounting for the annual TDV energy offset by an on-site renewable energy system. �{ j Iii if „ •.a,=a..,.... 1;jj1. ,f t,1 .. '�' •i1•; 1. ' •ry !• .. .{til8;;:; :.. .elt .. 'i¢ 7•..:> ..: •:\� :!IIIY''Hfifi '' iiiiiiii'i!ii i i';' • ; :.'.�:.j_i �Ijt°ti ;M .I:.i.l, {i,fll �i,l;'i!1gqJti if t(:. #ii�•�>Ea:::::;:' .fie,.,E.: nn , �,Sje:.,iil�h;.(u•, 4il:l;,,,�I:,uI,q,,• ;a-:.! I ?,'- ia•it ,?e.!r ?t;•!` ,t iI,l.�.. 9er9�'ii;:f:,]:,e;. s,P.,�' .r,i,Ii:Ra,.�'n;., 9' a..i.'�.lijli;i.::ai Margin Percent Improvement Total Energy (kTDVlf2-Yr):.. . ..�.:,::..... �..:.,,t.m,:-::: :.::.:. '�!s;d: ,n,:{ ::'{ ��s'Sr;iil% ,,+,... . •?s:•i!rh�iiij:�lij;!: ';ii�ii;i;i�, : •:;.....:- •:• .::...:.... :1.1'`5.89 ?. N :,#: :.,�;i;15i13�` 1•,it:.,•-I:�a?;:r;:ill�;l,.,.; 0.55 0.5/a I i . ;;.. :.. ��::�. y.,.,.,, ... .i.:.ti:<.. �::;.. ... :.1;11.;!itll!if±:t}`:: :,lil;i `=f:' ':W-.: ,.p• -!r.' �l:Id. �i=1n,:�.:-,a.,,fl;yii includes calculated Appliances and: Mlscelianeous Eiergji [15 !(AMEU) !,fail: BUILDING - FEATURES INFORMATION 01 b2 03 04 05 06 07 Project Name Conditioned Floor Area (f;2) i Number of Dwelling Units Number of Bedrooms Number of Zones Number of Ventilation Cooling Systems Number of Water Heating Systems Private Residence 11224 1 24 8 0 1 CITY OF LA QUIiNTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. FOR/APPROVED CONSTRUCTION DATE Registration Number: 215 N0065094A-000000000-0000 Registration Date/Time: 2015-03-10 1128:50 HER�rpvi4eF*_BY �C.ICERT inc. CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compliance Report Version - CF1R-02122015-694 Report Generated at: 201 - - CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name. Private Residence Calculation Date/Time: 11:05, Tue, Mar 10, 2015 f. Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis Input File Name: Lot 37.xml CF1 R -PRF -01 Page 3 of 17 ZONE INFORMATION I 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 Zone Name Zone Type HVAC System Name Zone Floor Area (ft2) Avg. Ceiling Height Water Heating System 1 Water Heating System 2 Zone 1 Conciltioned HVAC 11 973 8 DHW Sys 1 Zone 2 Conditioned HVAC 22 1669 10 DHW Sys 1 Zone 3 Conditioned HVAC 33 1598 16 DHW Sys 1 Zone 4 Conditioned HVAC 44 1605 10 DHW Sys 1 Zone 5 Conditioned HVAC 55 1479 10 DHW Sys 1 Zone 6 Conditioned HVAC 66 1287 10 DHW Sys 1 Zone 7 Conditioned HVAC 77 1310 8 DHW Sys 1 Zone 8Conditioned i HVAC 881 1303 8 - DHW Sys 1 + i Registration Number: 215-N0065094A-000000000-0800 Registration Date/Time: 2015-03-10 11:28:50 CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compliance Report Version - CFiR-02122015-694 CITY ®F !� C�UInITA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. o, OVED R CONST RUCTION DATE CaICE ITS inc. Report Generated at: 2015-03-1011:10:56 I CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name: Private Residence I Calculation Date/Time: 11:05, Tue, Mar 10, 2015 Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis I Input File Name: Lot 37.xml CF1 R -PRF -01 Page 4 of 17 OPAQUE SURFACES 01 I 02 63 04 05 06 07 08 Name I Zone Construction Azimuth Orientation Gross Area (ft) Window Area (ft2) Tilt (deg) North Exterior Wall I Zone 1 R-21 Wall 0 Front 310 7.5 90 East Exterior Wall I Zone 1 R-21 Wall 0 Front 270 145 90 Roof I Zone 1 R-38 Roof Attic 973 North Exterior Wall 2 ! Zone 2 R-21 Wall 0 Front 470 0 90 South Exterior Wall I Zone 2 R-21 Wall 180 Bade 240 0 90 East Exterior Wall 2 i Zone 2 R-21 Wall 90 Left 360 102 90 West Exterior Wail Zone 2 R-21 Wall 270 Right 470 195 90 Roof 2 I Zone 2 R-38 Roof Attic 1669 North Exterior Wall 3 I Zone.0 ::'.. R-21 Wall 0 Front 200 141 90 South Exterior Wall 2 ! Zone 3 :::.. R-21 Wall 180 Back 260 158 90 Eas Exterior Wall'Zone 3':.::ii:a:.:. R-21 Wall 90 Left 640 400 90 West Exterior Wall 2 ;':.;. :. p�p p �� `^dati one 3 j a!s. c �;f. ,, i"<i,nl 2�"+s1(a[fti ai 1tPp^ "1 l i; a-.: I� A t "�t' �H{111"� ir.. � �, i� , i� IIFl!' ;1 .::.:... f ' "�i, i-,.... t �� i t. : , .. �.: Ii Lu:,a,:.u:.i l ' = d .:G;'t 1 ' .. Right 496 76.5 90 Roof 3 �.:.� ( I rii3i : � 1 ,., • , I !, in,.... Zori j,'. I 1 ,:.. Ij� j.,!il::: t,.,r ! � 1riH::. , ill ' il. ! • 1 t t. - - : 1111 ;i ;; _ ; i...:: ' 38' R �? 3 , i _4, hili- ; : t(� . l' .. 1598 Exterior Wall 4 i !'ilRl`:. t!-. 'lig�J L�;,:j1 I!'nil:: i:(r5�{:�:� r'I ":.d:�:l'l-�:'fj::s ,.;:!swf:: -: ::-. f."•',• :�..:,�'.:n, ;�1,Et •:':`,i i. t (i!i%11`111'' -'•, :I;: �' ' {.'.• : .,I:F-i oNorth f ri i:i {lI:l'{�r,in:,,.,!;,..,:::1 ::;'. .1::. .::! :,fR" ',ilif`iI'i 560 141.022 90 Exterior Wall 3 ., ,' Ra ...Ii•::c ,.It :„aw�i . .,.:.: ..-..:.. t ,I�t >:.'; ;IF„il -�!{ uit�i'�q;.jlt. h`" l°ii Back 200 47.0016 90?South West Exterior Wall 3 - Zorie 4 ' R- 21 Wall 270 Right 300 151.506 90 Roof 4 or e 4: R-38 Roof Attic 1605 North Exterior Wall 5 Zon a �:.:! ? % R-21 Wall 0 Front 280 170 90 South Exterior Wall 4 Zone 5::°`.' R-21 Wall 180 Bade 530 244 90 East Exterior Wall 3 I Zone 5 R-21 Wall 90 Left 100 0 90 West Exterior Wall 4 I Zone 5 R-21 Wall 270 Right 400 185.958 90 Roof 5 Zone 5 R-38 Roof Attic 1479 North Exterior Wall 6 I Zone 6 R-21 Wall 0 Front 580 0 90 South Exterior Wall 5 East Exterior Wall 4 I Zone 6 I Zone 6 R-21 Wall R-21 Wall 180 90 Back Left 160 20 90 Roof 6 I Zone 6 R-38 Roof Attic 1 I NT40 North Exterior Wall 7 I Zone 7 R-21 Wall 0 Front 2 0 r 7.98b6 South Exterior Wall 6 ! Zone 7 R-21 Wall 180 Bad` 0 U_ r 3197U 0 East Exterior Wall 5 i Zone 7 R-21 Wall 90 Left 1 N I to -ION 0 West Exterior Wall 5 Zone 7 R-21 Wall 270 Right nATr400 1 181.011 0 r i Registration Number: 215-1\10065094A-000000000-0000 Registration Date/Time: 2015-03-10 11:28:50 1 CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compliance Report Version - MR -02122015-694 I ERTS Inc. Report Generated at: 2015-03-1011:10:56 i CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name: Private Residence I Calculation Date/Time: 11:05, Tue, Mar 10, 2015 Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis Input File Name: Lot 37.xml CFI R -PRF -01 Page 5 of 17 Roof 7 I Zone 7 R-38 Roof Attic 1310 North Exterior Wall 8 Zone 8 R-21 Wall 0 Front 340 152.013 90 South Exterior Wall 7 i Zone 8 R-21 WaIJ 180 Back 340 49.986 90 East Exterior Wall 6 I Zone 8 R-21 Wall 90 Left 290 38 90 Roof 8 I Zone 8 R-38 Roof Attic 1303 ATTIC 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 Name Construction Roof Rise Roof Reflectance Roof Emittance Radiant Barrier Cool Roof Attic Zone 1 Attic Roof Cons Zone 1 2 0.1 0.85 Yes No Attic Zone 2 Attic Roof Cons Zone 2 , 2 0.1 0.85 Yes No Attic Zone 3 Attic Roof Cons Zbriei€3= , 2 0.1 0.85 Yes No Attic Zone 4 Attic"RoofiCorts,Zone_4, " 2 0.1 0.85 Yes No Attic Zone 5 ;Attic Roof Cons Zone 51;.' 2 0.1 0.85 Yes No Attic Z Zone 6�'fRo q4j Ftq E„ yi;• i f """I' iat. `, tui lti +u,.+ r ta;r r.,. . r! raj ;:.. I 1 �Ij { { • ons Ztine� • ;I: a; r j , : tet , �.,. 1{ I::. (, (;,, t<q:;' l � •i!11tI11P.• ; r::.r;;�.f.i:r.•ai,hlifia:.. - '.IINIIl�•:;{i II'4'a l�i�t S f•i•-. } ww I 0.85 Yes No Attic Zone 7 .. t .�.,_.... , ,•.: 11"'" t t` pt :Roof Copltpn ;ij;t` tl,:::,I;iP�i.11.:r., 126. , - u:�;;. J ! !S" I(' !'i iiF,, , ..I 1 { .t..t tt .: t i •�tl sa' ;i It'l' h : ,•;;t:: ! j,:r :0:1' Ali) til:: a,{,{.iI{.,,.., ;I �.,�,i,.�..::.: ' , �i.r:l;:r :;a 0.85 Yes No Attic Zone 8 tfc:Ro • f o r ii t'i 4 • : {:'t!i i �tti=, u . uta�':,}t i sl .. I ,,. !.. i t ..c: � :;i tits i , ,' :i!;;:!(ji ., i:h I`• tsit Gi'jtt !;;' '`.,':,' ir.:' �;I h.,.i .2`i: , :,j(L,,ki� ,:;,:. ,.,1� ,a.. j ::.:.....:..:.�L, a :.,11� ir..... 085 Yes No , , , m--xrn• •u -• us•u' 1';i'1 y'.iii tIi?i 1 1 tt�:i !tiii7l.i� is ill "if"i'P4''' "'tit: : a::.!r.::+•ur:ar. ;r t �glig,y.•q .,r: .,.:�.........::.:�I;,:.::: lii:f••:,t:_:..itrjiii't°it:;1;,:i:::j,:i:.,y�ii..":'Al -.�:�.:: v.;t.ln•:;llli'ii fill �; � ' i I Registration Number: 215-N0065094A-000000000-0000 CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compliance. I Registration Date/rime: 2015-03-1011:28:50 Report Version - CF1R-02122015-694 CITY OF LA QUANTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APP®VED FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE --FifRsf�suid�:Y c. Report fnc. I CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - RESIDE TIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project. Name: Private Residence Calculation Date/Time: 11:05, Tue, Mar 10, 2015 Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis i Input File Name: Lot 37.xm1 � I ! CFI R -PRF -01 Page 6 of 17 WINDOWS ! I 01 02 i 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 Name Type ! Surface (Orientation -Azimuth) Width (ft) Height (ft) Multipli er Area (ft2) U -factor SHGC Exterior Shading Window W16 Window I North Exterior Wall (Front -0) 2.5 3.0 1 7.5 0.32 0.17 Insect Screen (default) Window D22 Window East Exterior Wall (Front -0) 14.5 10.0 1 1 145.0 0.34 0.16 Insect Screen (default) Window W17 Window I East Exterior Wall 2 (Left -90) 2.0 8.5 1 17.0 0.32 0.17 Insect Screen (default) Window W18 Window I East Exterior Wall 2 (Left -90) 2.0 8.5 1 17.0 0.32 0.17 Insect Screen (default) Window W19 Window East Exterior Wall 2 (Left 90) 2.0 8.5 1 17.0 0.32 0.17 Insect Screen (default) Window W20 Window I East Exterior Wall 2 (Left -90) 2.0 8.5 1 17.0 0.32 0.17 Insect Screen (default) Window W21 Window i East Exterior Wall 2 (Left -90) 2.0 8.5 1 17.0 0.32 0.17 Insect Screen (default) Window W22 Window I E.ast:Exterior Wall 2 (Left -90) 2.0 8.5 1 17.0 0.32 0.17 Insect Screen (default) Window D24 Window. I.. ; West':.'Ezterior Wall (Right -270) 5.0 10.0 1 50.0 0.34 0.16 Insect Screen (default) Window D26 Window:. `::; : ` " ' € : :: Westgcterior Wall (Right -270) 14.5 1 10.0 1 145.0 0.34 0.16 Insect Screen (default) Window W24 Window Nortfr iiterior 1N 113 (Fronnt-0).!i;..:.+!r!!.fl;,!r!i :.. am;� r4;1 „ 10.0 1 141.0 0.32 0.17 Insect Screen (default) Window D02 Window D01 Window Window +, ! I"!r South Ap�d Wall g r "i Sd ' jlri =I, (il;± i:g t_i'sl}I;l , i" 1d 0 1 � ' !. !!::.:f(':!. I•.. P. r.!{.�. ?lit€!i�`•.!:�.!}!:luy; •":i:; j' �!?,;..: :: 'f)3 ..... l !1?: f!wall ��',I`:r?ir:l'.:r'i ',1l?;'id y(Fl)x�ih '':'I4triI1 158.0 140.0 0.34 0.34 0"16 0.169 Insect Screen (default) Insect Screen (default) D03Window IjllG..l'�lIl!!Il`i?E'h:ti:;Ei;! ,±!i•;ii !d:•jii;ult;, �.,I 1'�Itil90 Y,I.:•y: .IS� !;i'l ?,9r:;: 5:8::l. €1. 4,#:i,;ii:.:,,;. ! A':1..�€:I,I.: I_.; 4'r,aa?'4 l' h, ,.€, }`II ', ,. 1!yt!11!.:: :; II• 158.0 0.34 0.16 Insect Screen (default)Window Window D23 Window:-!..':... .... =•: Eas'Exteno`rWall' (Left=90)" " 6.0 10.0 1 60.0 0"34 0.16 Insect Screen (default) Window W44 Window: •: ; !,=! !,! !::;::! :;; °! ` -v.::..-.Ed : Exterlor Wall (Left -90) 4.0 3"5 1 14.0 0.32 0.17 Insect Screen (default) Window W46 Window 1 Eas:Exterior Wall (Left -90) 4.0 3.5 1 14,0 0.32 0.17 Insect Screen (default) Window W47 Window I 'Eas Exterior Wall (Left -90) 4.0 3.5 1 14.0 0.32 0.17 Insect Screen (default) Window D16 Window I West Exterior Wall 2 (Right -270) 3.0 11.5 1 34.5 0.34 0.16 Insect Screen (default) Window W41 Window I West Exterior Wall 2 (Right -270) 4.0 3.5 1 14.0 0.32 0.17 Insect Screen (default) Window W42 Window i West Exterior Wall 2 (Right -270) 4.0 3.5 1 14.0 0.32 0.17 Insect Screen (default) Window W43 Window I West Exterior Wall 2 (Right -270) 4.0 3.5 1 14.0 0.32 0.17 Insect Screen (default) Window D19 Window W14 Window Window I North Exterior Wall 4 (Front -0) South Exterior Wa 113 (Back -180) 14.8 5.1 9.5 9.0 1.003 1.024 141 4710 !X1 Insect Screen (000U.1t) def ult) Window D17 Window I West Exterior Wall 3 (Right -270) 13.0 9.5 0.996 124-0 BUT2136 I L C3 0 1 ect a ult) Window D18 Window West Exterior Wall 3 (Right -270) 3.0 9-5 1 245 qn4D 00f4 I s (de utt) Window D14 Window North Exterior Wall 5 (Front -0) 17.0 10.0 1 171.0 oft n en (de ult) Window W9 Window I South Exterior Wall 4 (Back -180) 2.0 9.5 10 19 .0 0.32 0. een (de ult) Window W10 Window I South Exterior Wall 4 (Back -180) 2.0 9.5 1 1 .i�A 0.32 0.17 Insect Screen (d ult) I ! Registration Number: 215-N0065094A-000000000-0000 CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compliance Registration Date/Time: 2015-03.10 11:28:50 Report Version - CF111-02122015-694 HERS Provider: CaICERTS Inc. Report Generated at: 2015-03-10 11:10:56 i CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - RESIDE TIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name: Private Residence Calculation Date/Time: 11:05, Tue, Mar 10, 2015 ,Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis Input File Name: Lot 37.xm1 CFI R -PRF -01 Page 7 of 17 Window W12 Window I South Exterior Wall 4 (Back -180) 5.0 7.0 1 35.0 0.32 0.17 Insect Screen (default) Window D13 Window I West Exterior Wall 4 (Right -270) 8.1 10.0 1 81.0 0.34 0.16 Insect Screen (default) Window W11 Window West Exterior Wall 4 (Right -270) 3.0 5.0 1 15.0 0.32 0.17 Insect Screen (default) Window W13 Window I West Exterior Wall 4 (Right -270) 12.8 7.0 1.004 90.0 0.36 0.29 Insect Screen (default) Window W05 Window I South Exterior Wall 5 (Back -180) 2.0 5.0 1 10.0 0.32 0.17 Insect Screen (default) Window W06 Window South Exterior Wall 5 (Back -180) 2.0 5.0 1 10.0 0.32 0.17 Insect Screen (default) Window W01 Window I East Exterior Wall 4 (Left -90) 2.0 8.5 1 17.0 0.32 0.17 Insect Screen (default) Wndow W02 Window i East Exterior Wall 4 (Left -90) 2.0 8.5 1 17.0 0.32 0.17 Insect Screen (default) Window W03 Window I East Exterior Wall 4 (Left -90) 2.0 8.5 1 17.0 0.32 0.17 Insect Screen (default) Window W04 Window I East Exterior Wall 4 (Left -90) 2.0 8.5 1 17.0 0.32 0.17 Insect Screen (default) Window W38 Window { North Exterior Wall 7 (Front -0) 3.0 6.5 0.974 19.0 0.32 0.17 Insect Screen (default) Window W39 Window I North. Exterior Wall 7 (Front -0) 3.0 6.5 0.974 19.0 0.32 0.17 Insect Screen (default) Window W32 Window .. I ., ::.:;South Exterior Wall 6 (Back -180) 2.5 6.5 0.8 13.0 0.32 0.17 insect Screen (default) Window W33 Window South' Eki6rior Wall 6 (Back -180) 2.5 6.5 0.8 13.0 0.32 0.17 Insect Screen (default) Window W34 Window : .. p South Exter(:or;l�Valkj' (acki-1 �, q ..nmr. ...h!I ,_;_:::: •. ,,. :. ,:i ,!7,:.-......yllili'•!..!!ll' A'7 5 1.01 44.0 0.32 0.17 In Screen default Window W36 Window W32 2 Window `.:.i' Wndowli (Ili?I`: g!;, ,l :., . :,,'iC.. Ilii iy_, :-.::�i ;.:w!,,,, ., .... .. u: �. {:_:: ; .a':}':' So th ....p,4,:Vllai(S ;Ba�.�';1801` !!Ft'i j;at !' ji!x : ;:i`,'t'i;.'5...: 1.01 1 ��mt:,r.: �. �!h l i.!.r•:...:...:..1!,I 1{{ !., . .ii'lj{....:..... : ItloWall5A"111..'0•) ij Iiri!!i,i"si5 " 1 ` l I do A. 44.0 0.32 0.32 0.17 0.17 Insect Screen (default) Insect Screen (default) Window D76 Wind ...yr;:� .'-'ial !{i r!ii6: O- an: _. !i!: r.I�`.(i �?rsc.'` : f$ •�;1i! _. 48.0 0.34 0.16 Insect Screen (default) Window D77 Window :; ; '. '?.'.' .:: ..: West. kfHr or CNail 5'(R1ght=270)' 10.0 8.0 1 80.0 0.34 0.16 Insect Screen (default) Window W33 2 Windows ;.; ;` ! ''."I:"`;': ; ; '..1Nesf.ii3rior Wall 5 (Right -270) 4.5 6.5 1.026 30.0 0.32 0.17 Insect Screen (default) Window W37 Window I Wesi:Exterior Wall 5 (Right -270) 3.5 6.5 1.011 23.0 0.32 0.17 Insect Screen (default) Window W48 Window I '_N6 'Exterior Wall 8 (Front -0) 5.0 6.5 0.985 32.0 0.32 0.17 Insect Screen (default) Window W49 Window I North Exterior Wall 8 (Front -0) 5.0 2.5 9.6 120.0 0.32 0.17 Insect Screen (default) Window W31 Window I South Exterior Wall 7 (Back -180) 3.0 6.5 0.974 19.0 0.32 0.17 Insect Screen (default) Window W53 Window I South Exterior Wall 7 (Back -180) 5.0 2.5 0.96 12.0 0-32 0.17 Insect Screen (default) Window W54 Window I South Exterior Wall 7 (Back -180) 3.0 6.5 0.974 19.0 0.32 0.17 Insect Screen (default) Window W51 Window I East Exterior Wall 6 (Left -90) 2.0 6.5 1 13.0 0.32 0.17 Insect Screen (default) Window W62 Window I East Exterior Wall 6 (Left -90) 2.0 6.5 1fault) Window W53 2 Window East Exterior Wall 6 (Left -90) 5.0 2.5 0.96 2.0 0 2 0 e (d fault) Registration Number: 215-N0065094A000000000-0000 CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Rei idential Compliance Registration Date/Time: 2015-03-10 11:28:50 Report Version - CF1R-02122015-694 JILUING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE ---.BY Report Generated at: 2015-03-10 11:10:56 Inc_ i CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name: Private Residence I Calculation Date/Time: 11:05, Tue, Mar 10, 2015 Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis Input File Name: Lot 37.xml CFI R -PRF -01 Page 8 of 17 DOORS 01 I 02 03 04 Name I Side of Building Area (ft2) U -factor Door D31 I East Exterior Wall 4 24.0 0.50 Registration Number: 215-N0065094A-000000000-0000 CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compliance I Registration Date/Time: 2015-03-10 11:28:50 Report Version - CF111-02122015-694 CITY OF LA Q1 INTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE Report Generated at: 2015-03-10 11:10:56 Inc. I CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - RESIDE I TIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name:, Private Residence Calculation Date/Time: 11:05, Tue, Mar 10, 2015 Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis i Input File Name: Lot.37.xml CFI R -PRF -01 Page 9 of 17 OVERHANGS AND FINS 01 02 03 04 1 05 06 07 08 1 09 1 10 11 1 12 1 13 14 Overhang Left Fin Right Fin Window Dep i Left Dist Up Extent Right Extent Flap Ht. Depth Top Up DistL Bot Up Depth Top Up Dist R Bot Up Window W16 6 0.1 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window D22 6 i 0.1 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window W17 4 I 0.1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window W18 4 I 0.1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window W19 4 I 0.1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window W20 4 I 0.1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window W21 4 I 0. i;:.!:.. 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window W22 4 I ;::: 0..1';i z �: 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window D24 OJ. ::: 6 6 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 D26 N." 6. .I.),f 6Window Window W24 I�!il .0!: :"' :i :: ,��.� �:,.:.: •:.: ; t- iEi :i an 11 l 1 {I uh. d;; i1I1 N;:�,;•::::: : o. 0 0 0 0 0 00 Window D02 'III (IIRIt:lai':1. I II�l. .. II1�1!..7L11L::..: i(FIt,:!,!iI�`[f„::!.i 1{�::.,.�.!:' iiti,:tI�i�.i-),y{j fI1f i�! ..: ,i;V(;Q t•l, tii'ca�,r :.f 0 0 0 0 0 D01 .M0ftllI :4t.t.:,1l.!:-::�:Nci .�.1I-.:.{ua=��i�a:l1f#.if1:i!:(?i,ni,..t1flU��i.({�,t VI e:.. id:e.i.:::' i,:!li`'A=11' tili}RII( �{lI ,n iIr�fit.l ir �'!;�(,: I_.I-•�- �.},;::.;;..i:.:...n.1'1,�It,1 ,i,.n::. '.-. �:lil::.:`.!iV �:1(fF.,:�t•.,t!: 11ItIi1!I lin!�1fi. 0 0 4 0 0.1Window 0 Window D03 ... ...:.:.i- !! �.. .. .., .-.:': ::i 1, I4 .'t .� ... _ 1. i.. 10: :;:i : 0:1:i. ,'.1.,_,F}i_ _ , .I.;r i;' f,;",..c.; ::I:::::' +'i':,:::! ::... - 4' 0 0.1 0 4 0 0.1 0 Window D23 �.. ...: • I=! i 1 ii1q i('i<'•ii! 0:1 IE' (' 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0.1 0 Window W44 6 €°.0:1. ` :;: 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window W46 6 I :0';.1;;,:! 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window W47 6 I 0.1 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window D16 4 I 0.1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window W41 6 I 0.1 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window W42 6 I 0.1 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window W43 6 I 0.1 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window D19 4 I 0.1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 Window W14 4 I 0.1 4 4 0 0 0 0 1 Y0LA001.11 0 Window D17 10 I 0.1 10 10 0 0 0 0 1 (BUIi rJING.. & S _FrnPPPT 10 Window 018 10 0.1 10 10 0 4 0 0.10 122 I ON .1 0 Window D14 2 I 0.1 2 2 0 0 0 00 F 0 Window W9 2 I 0.1 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 60 I DATE_.,gy I Registration Number: 215-N0065094A-000000000-0000 Registration Date/Time: 2015-03-1011:28:50 l TS Inc. I CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Rei idential Compliance Report Version - CF1R-02122015-694 Report Generated at: 2015-03-10 11:10:56 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE -RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Pirpject Name: Private Residence Calculation Date/Time: 11:05, Tue, Mar 10, 2015 Cii1culation Description: Title 24 Analysis Input File Name: Lot 37.xml CF1 R -PRF -01 Page 10 of 17 Window W10 2 I 0.1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window W12 2 l 0.1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window D13 2 0.1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window W11 2 0.1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window W13 2 i 0.1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window W05 4 I 0.1 4 4 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window W06 4 I 0.1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window W01 4 i 0.1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window W02 4 I 0.1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window W03 4 I 0.1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window W04 4 i 0.1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window W38 6 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, 0 0 Window W39 6 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window W32 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window W33 0., 1 PA' ; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window W34 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window W36 Ill I Hit 11 i,.: Ela 0 0 0 0 0 Window W32 2 1, .011" ;1:1;w! `�111T 6 -� "Al -T I %;ti�A H!Rfl, - ­ 1:1 6 ;�! .. , 7,� �0 INN 01 0 0 0 0 0 Window D76 0: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window 077.01 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window W33 2 4 4 4 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window W37 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window W48 4 I 0.1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window W49 4 l 0.1 4 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window W31 4 I 0.1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window W53 4 I 0.1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Window W54 4 I 0.1 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Witidow W51 4 0.1 4 4 0 0 00 0 7 —A, , Window W52 4 I 0.1 4 4 0 0 0 0 1 k -11b, I luro UA UU11P di I Am I Window W53 2 4 I 0.1 4 4 0 0 ---F 0 0—"(36 SAF ETT�QFP /-k�-HHOVED RUCTION FOR CONSTRUCTION LDATE _ Y ----BY Registration Number: 215-NC)065094A-000000000-00,00 Registration Datefl-ime: 2015-031011:28:50 C ICERTS Inc. i CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards -'2013 Residential Compliance Report Version - CF111-02122015-694 Report Generated at; 2015-03-10 11:10:56 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name: Private Residence I Calculation Date/Time: 11:05, Tue, Mar 10, 2015 Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis Input File Name: Lot 37.xml CF1 R -PRF -01 Page 11 of 17 OPAQUE SURFACE CONSTRUCTIONS 01 02 I 03 04 05 06 67 Total Cavity Winter Design Construction Name Surface Type Construction Type Framing R -value U -value Assembly Layers • Cavity/ Frame: no insul. / 2x4 Top Chrd • Roof Deck. • Wood Siding/sheathing/decking 2x4 Top Chord of Roof Truss @ 24 Tile Gap: present Attic Roof Cons Zone 1 Attic Roofs Wood Framed Celling in. O.C. none 0.400 • Roofing: 10 PSF (RooMle) • Inside Flnlsh: Gypsum Board • Cavity/Frame: R-21 /2x6 • ExteriorFihish: Wood R-21 Wall Exterior Walls Wood Framed Wall 2x6 @ 16 in. O.C. R 21 0.066 Siding/sheathing/decking • Inside Finish: Gypsum Board Ceilings (below • Cavity/Frame: R-9.1 /2x4 R-38 Roof Attic attic) I Woq Framed Ceiling 2x4 @ 24 in. O.C. R38 0.025 • Over Floor Joists: R-28.9 insul. • Cavity/Frame: no insul. /2x4 Top Chrd ': "::i:::: Roof Deck Wood Siding/sheathing/decking s!i: 2x4 To Chord of Roof Truss P @ 24 Tile Gap: present Attic Roof Cons Zone 2 Attic Rooff ..I nA!:;! , Wood Framed:,r^�'l!n �C. M!f•.IiSFet4!,tl;C:c.:pW cm:Q� .. :.iiiu„41a;,n,:?,,:4;P', tt!, ,,; none 0.400 Roofing. 10 PSF RoofTrJe 9 ( ) 1, ,.;.;il> (`. 1i1 i !. :�,;•!1:LL ::!;';,!{ .,:s't :; : �� y, ii,,t, I .• 1 : I. �. ,t_i:: (,;,:;�: afi:,;;�:'!�IiIi('.-::•;:1(�, !, : , l�!;s:(h,� �I ,l4(:;,i.;dT,!.ao: `�-";(Fi;L 1i,, '� :. Cavity/Frame:noinsul./2x4 Top Chrd Wood Sidin /sheath/n /deckngRoo{Deck I li �:.: ,}:.! I,ii,`�,II,,;c:1a,. �6�:Ii:,l!i!,,,; :• d.,.., • oof!,::�, i • q�Ii;s�_:°�.:' r '�° !;'� g I �I "' i" 'I� I!;ti•.iil,i. . at i :�((.1 I1i •.,.. Tile Gap: Present Roof Cons Zone 3 Attim, f .. , t..,�::. +!Ii I:,!t:tI.! , ;'`.,C ,il! ,!,!d�,,.,.,.. 1111; 5, 0.400Attic Roofing: 10 PSF •'A Cav' /Frameno insul. /2x4 To Chrd :°:-':-'.,.,::,:::+f•,,,•„�!,;, :"�°;'°, Roof Deck: Wood Siding/sheathing/deck rig 2x4 Top Chord of Roof Truss @ 24 • Tile Gap: present Attic Roof Cons Zone 4 Attic R, f .Qbd.: rained Ceiling in. O.C. none 0.400 Roofing: 10 PSF (RoofTlle) • Cavity/Frame: no insul _ /2x4 Top Chrd • Roof Deck Wood Siding/sheathing/decking 2x4 Top Chord of Roof Truss @ 24 • Tile Gap: present Attic Roof Cons Zone.5 Attic Roofs Wood Framed Ceiling in. O.C. none 0.400 • Roofing. 10 PSF (RoofTile) • Cavity/ Frame: no insul. /2x4 Top Chrd • Roof Deck Wood Siding/sheathing/decking 2x4 Top Chord of Roof Truss @ 24 • Tile Gap: present Attic Roof Cons Zone 6 Attic Roots w00a t=eamed Celiing iii. O.C. none n.& p a e hcshe B XnV de ng 2x4 Top Chord of Roof Truss @ 24 e DEPT. Attic Roof Cons Zone 7 Attic Roofs Wood Framed Ceiling in. O.C. none 0.4 • r i Top Ch • Roof D��thing/d eking Si(Robfi7le) 2x4 Top Chord of Roof Truss @ 24 77le Gap: present Attic Roof Cons Zone 8 Attic Roofs I Wood Framed Ceiling in. O.C. none 0.4 0DAT Roofing: 10 Registration Number: 215-N0065094A-000000000-0 0 Registration Date/Time: 2015-03-10 11:28:50 HERS Provider: CaICERTS inc. CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compliance Report Version - CFiR-02122015-694 Report Generated at: 2015-03-10 11:10:56 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name: Private Residence Calculation Date/Time: 11:05, Tue, Mar 10, 2015 Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis i Input File Name: Lot 37.xm1 I CF1 R -PRF -01 Page 12 of 17 SLAB FLOORS I 01 l ;! 02 03 04 Quality insulation Installation (QI ..n•. _,.. �Vlt� QaaTity.In�tAll9tio! $Q c .V oamt lnsuletlo�„ ,,,, , „ lB���Iding Envelope Air Leakage ACH @ 50 Pa .00a .. mpt.^.::4:utl t,=:. hprtr;,: _?ITS bat;l7. :.. _ i'Q3 . 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 Name I Zone Area (ft2) Perimeter (ft) Edge Insul. 11 -value 8. Depth Carpeted Fraction Heated Slab -on -Grade I Zone 1 973 58 None 1 No Slab -on -Grade 2 I Zone 2 1660 166 None 1 No Slab -on -Grade 3 Zone 3 1598 123 None 1 No Slab -on -Grade 4 Zone 4 1605 112 None 1 No Slab -on -Grade 5 I Zone 5 1479 133 None 1 No Slab -on -Grade 6 I Zone 6 1287 122 None 1 No Slab -on -Grade 7 I Zone 7 1310 108 None 1 No Slab -on -Grade 8 I Zone 8 1303 126 None 1 No BUILDING ENVELOPE - HERS VERIFICATION ;r; ; :...: `.c:`: •at I +:::. : `_::. •I "ll:ii;:f:lt f Ii' 'i1,3, -s: 1i l II'gln :tll�i t IIIb! I • .'t + 1:s 'fill l i al !fi l';:;,il�ll , ;, . tiiuri!d'1, w..i,i 'ill! „ t.,fll:::.:.:!.I'it;o;... !_• ..!:iEhri•..tt•tt.dic....l �a-....,!�Im.. uhiitl:. 01 l ;! 02 03 04 Quality insulation Installation (QI ..n•. _,.. �Vlt� QaaTity.In�tAll9tio! $Q c .V oamt lnsuletlo�„ ,,,, , „ lB���Iding Envelope Air Leakage ACH @ 50 Pa .00a .. mpt.^.::4:utl t,=:. hprtr;,: _?ITS bat;l7. :.. _ i'Q3 . I:'i' :t, I�i'•7 E.i'iit: .iP' �� it"ed' 4 :li •;L:,; Not Required :Q;it,Required di�t l;ir— -411111:1 uuuum®�sti�mlm>nuunaalmm�ure�llulluul3aeslu»uluuunext�lrrttnua�suuuu WATER HFr4TiNG SYSTEMS ;r; ; :...: `.c:`: •at I +:::. : `_::. •I "ll:ii;:f:lt f Ii' 'i1,3, -s: 1i l II'gln :tll�i t IIIb! I • .'t + 1:s 'fill l i al !fi l';:;,il�ll , ;, . tiiuri!d'1, w..i,i 'ill! „ t.,fll:::.:.:!.I'it;o;... !_• ..!:iEhri•..tt•tt.dic....l �a-....,!�Im.. uhiitl:. :'i' si" it + i�l .:.,.. rl ({i; •�1I{ jil ti!;;,::a.;.:.„.' ,.sl;,•d!i ht•. . 03 01 ,:'.: ', ' ';::. ; 02''. _ i'Q3 . 04 05 06 Name • !.=!=I?Ii!!!":`�'Sysfem' T}ipeil i `. Distribution Type Water Heater Number of Heaters Solar Fraction (%) DHW Sys 1 - 1/1 1' DH111/.:.;;.;!! ":',...: Standard DHW Heater 1 1 .0% WATER HEATERS 01 021 03 04 05 06 07 08 Name Heater Element Type Tank Type Tank Volume (gal) Energy Factor or Efficiency Input Rating Tank Exterior Insulation R -value Standby Loss (Fraction) DHW Heater 1 Natural IGas Small Storage 50 0.62 40000-Btu/hr 0 0 Ir%1 -r\/ /1 r— . WATER HEATING - HERS VERIFICATION I I 01 I 02 03 04 05 DEPT Name Pipe Insulation Parallel Piping Compact Distribution Point -of U e Necifc—UMU a al DH FORjd5 'butlo DHW Sys 1 - 1/1 I -- — — — — Registration Number: 215-No065094A-000000000-0000 Registration Date/Time: 2015-03.10 11:28:50 7s Inc. I CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compliance Report Version - CFIR-02122015-694 Report Generated at: 2015-03-10 11:10:56 I I CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - RESIDE-14TIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name: Private Residence Calculation Date/Time: 11:05, Tue, Mar 10, 2015 6 Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis Input File Name: Lot 37.xml CF1 R -PRF -01 Page 13 of 17 SPACE CONDITIONING SYSTEMS 01 11 02 03 04 05 06 SC Sys Name I System Type Heating Unit Name Cooling Unit Name Fan Name Distribution Name Cooling Component 1 -Heating Component 1:Air ' Other Heating and Cooling Heating Component 1 Cooling Component 1 HVAC Fan 1 Air Distribution System 1 Distribution System 1:HVAC Fan 1:1 System Heating Component 5 I CntrlFumace - Fuel -fired central furnace Heating Component 6 I Cooling Component 2:Heating Component 2Air I Distribution System 2:HVAC Fan, Other Heating and Cooling System Heating Component 2 Cooling Component 2 HVAC Fan 2 Alr Distribution System 2 Cooling Component 3:1-leating Component 3:A(r Distribution System 3:HVAC Fan 3:1 Other Heating and Cooling System Heating Component 3 Cooling Component 3 HVAC Fan 3 Air Distribution System 3 Cooling Component 4:Heating Component 4Air Distribution System 4:HVAC Fan 4:1 Other Heating and Cooling System Heating Component 4 Cooling Component 4 HVAC Fan 4 Air Distribution System 4 Cooling Component 5:Heating Component SAir Distribution System 5:HVAC Fan 5:1 Other Heating and Cooling S;y.'.stem Heating Component 5 Cooling Component 5 HVAC Fan 5 Air Distribution System 5 Cooling Component 6:Heating Component'6Air::.; Distribution System 6:HVAC Fan 6'.9 e:and Cooling .::Other Habrig System Heating Component 6 Cooling Component 6 HVAC Fan 6 Air Distribution System 6 Component 7:Heatrng Component; � Distribution System 7:HVAC Farr:Z f CaCooling ?Cto''g ;, + a,U„ :I:IaI.„..:;e ' �ii'a•i.,:.A.1 ": ! �ea ' oInen: t 7 `li"lit, a.wsisn.:.:g p. HVAC Fan 7 Air Distribution Sys tem 7I f S ;.'. :' r,r;,.:�,:l: .: :p Component 8:Heatin Com on Distribution S 8•HVA F .I . a Col ,.:'.;. u ;;Ri#���: + .,!rIiMilql�L�iII pone :.C;p.o.m,. ht HVAC Fan 8 AIr Distribution System 8CooGn stem na ,..1:'1 r_.,_ +It�';t; •l•i,..,.: • I,:1.h..j. lt ,,; ,i. iN!i:!.i...f.."..:..:,!.!:u.'.i:i el . -.:.d.,l,!;�,I . .: �:e ,�•, ,,�a��, iG;'{,�':7atl• .,..,::. .. ,,,.•,�y:, E•;,i���i:':!ilii§ilii:: �: �:�...,.; .. HVAC -HEATING UNIT TYPES 01 ; ..::.... .` .. :::... . i, 02 03 Nam® Type Efftclency Heating Component 1 I CntrlFurnace - Fuel -fired central furnace 80 AFUE Heating Component 2 I CntrlFumace - Fuel -fired central furnace 80 AFUE Heating Component 3 I CntrlFurnace - Fuel -fired central furnace 80 AFUE Heating Component 4 I CntrlFumace - Fuel -fired central furnace 80 AFUE Heating Component 5 I CntrlFumace - Fuel -fired central furnace Heating Component 6 I CntrlFumace - Fuel -fired central fumace Heating Component 7 I CntrlFumace - Fuel -fired central furnace BUILDING Heating Component 8 CntrlFumace - Fuel -fired central furnace P PIMFn LFOR CONSTRUCTION DATEEBY Registration Number: 215-No065o94A-000000000-0000 Registration Date/Time. 2015-03-1011:28:50 HERS Provider: CaICERTS inc - I Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compliance Report Version - CF1R-02122015-694 Report Generated at: 2015-03-10 11:10:56 I CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD 5 Pr$ject Name: Private Residence Calculation Datefrime: 11:05, Tue, Mar 10, 2015 Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis Input File Name: Lot 37.xml CF1 R -PRF -01 Page 14 of 17 HVAC -COOLING UNIT TYPES 01 102 03 04 05 06 07 Name System Type Efficiency EER SEER Zonally Controlled Multi -speed Compressor HERS Verification Cooling Component 1 Spl'ItiAlrCond 14 19.2 Zonally Controlled Multi -speed Mil. :,, > :: •Duct Cooling Component 2 Spli't�iirCond 12 16 Not Zonal Multi -speed ,: i•j{�t !+!III! ;;.:.:� Ir a.li .ii, Seal�, test , {li; { 1 (I., Cooling Component 3 SplitAlrCond 12 16 Zonally Controlled Multi -speed . .,:• A tISR� , ,1,:I.� , !�; {% tIt il:li Cooling Component 4 SplikrCond 12 16 Not Zonal Multi -speed Cooling Component, 5 Spl&rCond 12 16 Not Zonal Multi -speed Cooling Component 6 SplitlAirCond 13 17.7 Not Zonal Multi -speed None Cooling Component 7 Spl*JrCond 12 16 Zonally Controlled Mutti-speed Cooling Component 8 SplitAirCond..,,,::`:;;;;i ..: 12 16 Zonally Controlled Multi -speed 8 HVAC - DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS ;::`: ::::I:::;::•;: ,I t::":::: : ' j;;:: Oi 02.. j::: 03...... 04. OS 06 07 .iep,isl,iiiun. noon„uummar. eni n,. � Ilnunume,aaar.,m�. Nam® ! itfi=i 111=1,:: ;: YP..::.:. (� =!1'•11.14(r' 4 ' li:: a g� {�!I};I{ tl! Mil. :,, > :: •Duct Location B ass Duct HERS Verification Air Distribution System 1 l jliti; I t •n; tII; id , , {il ti:•Ducts {t o { I�:II' �11l:E;: +'�: I,1�, ,: i•j{�t !+!III! ;;.:.:� Ir a.li .ii, Seal�, test , {li; { 1 (I., ,_,_• :>,., ;I I, 'i,•1` ` i :11,� F ? <.{:I::. i�; t ::8 ; i, _; :il'!> :{I;;; ''li"......° .....: : :..::... : s li : i , ::. e Astir None Air Distribution System y . .,:• A tISR� , ,1,:I.� , !�; {% tIt il:li I,:.. a�1j, :.II :: = ` __.; ;il:;.i, -.1, ;..,,.,; ;�!:,.:.! +IE.�I� �.::...:.� i..I Ii,.11 , ,a;.. 1 -hers -dist jl. , ! ' Il fn:,., i,: ,:,,,it!':.:'{;iii:','r 36s+{dlllllil;I ,l u.if{!iit:FI�,, i ;. o I . I _ 1 ill , Air Distribution System 2 r.:; .P { d4:• ;E4.IV :: 6f irul: t°•�EI�:�:;:t:-,!,:,f:�t;. r.: ;::I.;, ::: ° `°• DuetsAiirc :: ° ` `'s ; 1; :: '!,�'c aq•!: _' � id'f;;;c.at. ;i r.�..f� ; k=I.h{,,:.,.viii;,a.,d::";.ai:;n;;,.1.!tIE;i7J'.a;;f;`• •,..1.. _: ; . 'i' T!.Seati3d`"and'tesCed' ' � ' f .m.:: ,: is+Eyt�' ::a?;_.,_ :1..:,• 1., : 8 ,.:� : L'y. •pa.' :u: - Attic None Air Distribution System ;. ..... ,-•-; , ...-....._„•.• ...:.:....... 2 -hers -dist Air Distribution System 3 DuclsAttic: - `' ; t! s Sealed and tested 8 Attic None Air Distribution System 3 -hers -dist Air Distribution System 4 DucltjsAttic Sealed and tested 8 Attic None Air Distribution System 4 -hers -dist Air Distribution System 5 DuclsAttic Sealed and tested 8 Attic None Air Distribution System 5 -hers -dist Air Distribution System 6 DucfljsAttic Sealed and tested 8 Attic None Air Distribution System 6 -hers -dist Air Distribution System 7 DuclsAttic Sealed and tested 8 Attic N tem ist Air Distribution System 8 DuclsAttic Sealed and tested 8 Attic 3UILDP,00 & SA E tTYI Tdist tem Registration Number: 215-N0065094A-000000000-0000 Registration Date/Time: 2015-03-1011:28:50 CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compliance Report Version - CF1R-02122015-694 LFOR CONSTRUCTION DATE__BY HERS Provider: Ca10ERTS Inc. Report Generated at: 2015-03-10 11:10:56 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - RESIDE I TIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD s PrgJect Name. Private Residence Calculation Date/rime: 11:05, Tue, Mar 10, 2015 Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis Input File Name: Lot 37.xm1 CF1 R -PRF -01 Page 15 of 17 HVAC DISTRIBUTION - HERS VERIFICATION 01 j 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 Name Duct Leakage Vdrification Duct Leakage Target (%) Verified Duct Location Verified Duct Design Buried Ducts Deeply Buried Ducts Low -leakage Air Handler Air Distribution System 1 -hers -dist Required 6.0 Not Required Not Required Not Required Not Required — Air Distribution System 2 -hers -dist Required 6.0 Not Required Not Required Not Required Not Required — Air Distribution System 3 -hers -dist Required .6.0 Not Required Not Required Not Required Not Required — Air Distribution System 4 -hers -dist Required 6.0 Not Required Not Required Not Required Not Required — Air Distribution System 5 -hers -dist Required 6.0 Not Required Not Required Not Required Not Required — Air Distribution System 6 -hers -dist FRequlred 6.0 Not Required Not Required Not Required Not Required — Air Distribution System 7 -hers -dist Requlred 6.0 Not Required Not Required Not Required Not Required — Alr Distribution System 8 -hers -dist Required:,.,.:-'.,;!;' -:;6.0 Not Required Not Required Not Required Not Required — HVAC -FAN SYSTEMS 01 02 01 03 04 ' :.;' : ...tRUt{t+try,; +_ ' :.. '!: ::':>!..„+1Htntih! :.l!. nNi1Nrltl+i+tit+�+ �' +nAtT.L'u+IN:.... �;I,iifl,tiifl(t+,.iit+ill. v, ,rt,t,,,_•. Name il��iht, ! ; , `Iriii•, il,i':aul;lf, �;,(�.,ta,,l,.a. 'i"'�:;tl • . ,:e:.;'.. :,r._,'::`afif�+E,�ii+'�i!,.!.a., i' �ih,t?:_:'a. :,;!;: iII„,!:i,:i_,. 'I if,HERS Verifcation FPower (.atts/CFM) HVAC Fan 1 illl7f ` G'I le S pe Q,�ff�iY:$t:'l •: .:urn2t M1:'++ {�, + y•l_�i.i.+lii"!>`:Zu!:i ?: l! i ;Il�:lfi'iI:I;:Nj`€k . .:fill4+•.i .•i:.:::<=..,A[+.: .'l�sY++i iftitfilfi?ii1++;ri;r;ii;:siiiii' .a,.. r.•:!I,. HVAC Fan 2};. F: ? I Yi• � i;{J' fl'! :,?::it r � Iti :• jdi� pf •-i4:i'ii:i:p'- _ - iiiicr: ' 1'':. . ; ?li:illi i:; l.il;;:i' x:..19 !e p �t e.t, • !c?a:u I}p:,. : i iiir'i 4 r �, �tl! ,snit. II ��41dlllil�l!u� �I?� r .Q, flf+tutl qq ! > I +++ G.i.i�pp'to: HVAC Fan 3 i1LSeed.PSC!Furna6eFan°0.58 Required HVAC Fan 4 :i;l:l!!i! i'!'!f!� l' !;;.;:: .;: Single Speed PSC Furnace Fan 0.58 HVAC Fan 5 Single Speed PSC Furnace Fan 0.58 HVAC Fan 6 I "i:`..::Single Speed PSC Furnace Fan 0.58 HVAC Fan 7 I Single Speed PSC Furnace Fan 0.58 HVAC Fan 8 I Single Speed PSC Furnace Fan 0.58 HVAC FAN SYSTEMS - HERS VERIFICATION 61 I 02 03 Name I Verified Fan Watt Draw e Mr' MW%M) I. IAQ (Indoor Air Quality) FANS I 01 02 03 04 06 Dwelling Unit IiAQ CFM IAQ Watts/CFM i IAQ Fan Type Effectiveness(%) ION H!ERS on SFam IAQVentRpt 1299.74 0.25 Default DATE 0 BY Required Registration Number: 215-NO065094A-000000000-0000 Registration Date/rime: 2015-03-1011:28:50 HERS Provider: CaiCERTS Inc. I CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compliance Report Version - CFIR-02122015-694 Report Generated at 2015-03-10 11:10:56 i CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD CF1R-PRF-01 PrW®ct Name: Private Residence Calculation Date/Time: 11:05, Tue, Mar 10, 2015 Page 16 of 17 Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis Input File Name: Lot 37.xmi Registration Number: CA Building Energy Effie inc. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name: Private Residence Calculation DateiTime: 11:05, Tue, Mar 10, 2015 Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis Input File Name: Lot 37.xm1 CF1 R -PRF -01 Page 17 of 17 DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR'S DECLARATION STATEMENT 1. 1 certify that this Certificate of Compliance documentation Is accurate and complete. Documentation Author Name: Documentation Author Signature: Butch White I Company: I Signature Date: BREEZE AiR CONDITIONING INC I 2015-03-10 11:28:50 Address: i CEA/HERS Certification Identification (If applicable): 75-145 ST CHARLES PLACE City/State/Zip: I Phone: PALM DESERT, CA 92211 I (760) 346-0855 RESPONSIBLE PERSON'S DECLARATION STATEMENT , i I certify the following under penalty of perjury, under the laws:&ttie State of Califomia 1. 1 am eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Ptofe,,k'Whs Code to accept responsibWty for the building design identified on this Certificate of Compliance. 2. 1 certify that the energy features and. performance: speeit cations Identified on this Certificate of Compliance conform to the requirements of Title 24, Part 1 and Part 6 of the California Code of Regulations. :e: 3. The building design features bi !s r �de&j features id nth �u. L i „ r , P PP A �� of edHp rK i to of plia ale 1pnt; h the Information provided on other applicable corn liance documents, !( , 1 I ,. r.. r, worksheets, calculations, plans i3Eldcificatioris subrru` �ii7lC,e l' orent ever 1or1 PproIItB?,�buti Ing permit application. Responsible Designer Name: isji .. :: :..: i.: 1, er, �,nr' {iati%I t.tu;t; :q:.'-q�� . ii; l�neli 'l Butch White rii' ;._Z(iii n�i }ttp 4r`e �li' � �mi�_ �" :.nr{•, �l! !!;,_� a�{tµ ':afd�ll • ;5;€.I,fa.y�.i.,',r.. Company. a BREEZE AIR CONDITIONINGAt'. 2015-03-10 11:28:50 Address: License: 75-145 ST CHARLES PLACE " 416394 City/State/Zip: Phone: PALM DESERT, CA 92211 (760) 346-0855 Digitally signed by CaICERTS. This digital signature rs provided in order to secure the content of this registered document; and in no way implies Registration information. Registration Number: 215-N0065094A-000000000-0000 Registration Date/Time: 2015-03-1011:28:50 CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compliance Report Version - CFiR-02122015-694 CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. respoAvInay P , e c �n FOR CONSTRUCTION DA TE HERS Provider.all EtYI'Shtiz- Report Generated at: 2015-03-1011:10:56