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NOTE:. Ot t —� With.proper•validation 04' this form constitutes an:CITY OF LA QUINTA encroachment permit APPLICATION�� FOR PERMIT t' ti r ' PUB•LIC .,WORKS CONSTRUCTION:.(ENCROACHMENT) OF PA89� For the construction of public or private curbs, driveways; ,pavements, sidewalks,' parking lots; sewers,. water. mains and other like public works improvements in connection with MINOR IMPR.OVEMENTS'And APPROVED, -SUBDIVISIONS Subdivision Improvement Permit —'Class -DATE: PiEey,'6,`-1998 Minor Improvement Perm it.Class,IV' LOCATION. -OF CONSTRUCTION La Ouiuta Resort & Club (Street address or, Description of Location) •PURPOSE.OF'.CONST RUCTION Rougi1 gradiiag; Sketch (attach construction plans if appropriate) DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION Rousrh grad© in three iohanes for 69 utits SEE ATTACkED 'CONDITIONS' DIMENSION OF, INSTALLATION OR -13 -REMOVAL See n3hns. SES 'APPOND GRADING PLO. r: ICES T~II NOTICE S PERMIT' PR61d 7�TS Ai!IY' SIZE OF EXCAVATION, IF NEE'DED', Cut 3,628 cvd GRADING AAWOR DD1dLITW*;OI': TIIZ: Dill: ' 2.408 cvd . EXISTING EMPLOYEE ,PARKYNG AREAS APPROXIMATE• TIME WHEN WORK WILL BEGIN 5'/11/9'8 WITHIN TH9 LA QTJINTA .HOT'I;Lr:. UNLESS OTHWiSE ADVISED IN WRITING"=:BY THE j APPROXIMATE TIME OF COMPLETION 6/15/98 CiTi, 1 ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $ 62:,547.50 - (Including removal of all obstruction, materials,,and debris, backfilling, com paction and placing permanent resurfacing and/or. replacing improvements) I•. In consideration of the granting 'of this permit, the applicant hereby agrees to: Indemnify, defend ,and save the City, its authorized agents, officers, representatives and employees, harmless from and against any and all 'ff penalties; liabilities or loss resulting. from claims or court action and 'arising out of any 'accident, joss or damage, to persons or. property'' happening or occurring as a proximate result of any work undertaken under the permit granted'pursuant to this application. ' j: Notify'the ;Administrative Authority at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of. the time when work will be started � Comply with all. applicable City Ordinances, the terms and conditions of the permit and all'applicable rule-and'regulatlons of the City of La Quinta'and to, pay for any additional, -replacement necessary as the result of this work.. Signature of Applicant or Agent KSL Land TI Corn. 55-920 PGA. Blvd. Le Qu9.nts, CA � ' ('�60) � 5fi4-=7'I8.9 Name of Applicant_(please print) Business Address Telephone No. ,. i! .James Rue Construction P.O. Box 13810. Palm Desert.. (760) 568-.$000 Name of Contractor and. Job. Foreman Business Address 'Telephone No. 516595 796 A Contractor's License,No. City Business License No. # Zuri6h'Iusurfance co.' 6L0683881504 'r Applicant's Insurance Company Policy Number PAM FEES: Subdivision Improvement Permit — Class II I Public improvements: 3% of estimated construction cos t`s' MAY 21 1998 ,,,� Private improvements:_ 3% of estimated construction costs Minor :lmprovement'Permit —.Class IV: See attached schedule � OF LA C�UINTAt Inspection Fee $ 1.,876.4.3 PERMIT VALIDATION Permit Fee 100.;00 t PERMIT NO. r 2715 Penalty. Cash Deposit Surety Bond DATE APPROVED a 5/13198 if required EXPIRATION DATE 5/13/99 TOTAL: $ 1,976.43 DATE ISSUED a Receipt No: All) Received by Date Administrative Authority Recorded by Telephone: (619) 777-7075 NOTE: With proper validation �f k.. this form constitutes an CITY OF CA QUINTA encroachment permit ' APPLICATION ;FOR PERMIT_ PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION (ENCROACHMENT_) ,.. µ M F f UP J ' � For the'construction 'of public or, orivate curbs, driveways, pavements, sidewalks, parking lots, sewers, water mains" a M and other like public works improvements in connection with MINOR,IMPROVEMENTS and APPROVED SUBDIVISIONS • F' . Subdivision+lmprovement Permit — Class III 6 Mayr 1998 • .., DATE:- •" " ` . � Minor improvement Permit Class IV ` LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION LaQuinta •Resort.•& Club (Street address or Description of Location) • PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION Rough Grading Sketch (attach construction plans if appropriate) DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION rGlt�hiFgr.ar3p inii nitg t Y DIMENSION OF INSTALLATION OR REMOVAL SIZE OF EXCAVATION, IF NEEDED r-ttf 3,628 Cyd 1" cle . 1 tc. PPflv 6610 > `� f -i 1 1 2 408 cud &rnA'Plf-ry tANCI APPROXIMATE TIME WHEN WORK WILL BEGIN 1 1 Mau 1 QQf2 ' : • r ' .. . - �� ��'h3 ;• �w`1P l�eG PG�1�.� was �' �. APPROXIMATE TIME OF COMPLETION .1 5 _.,Tun- 'A ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $ 6 2 ,-5 47':`5'0 4Uk . 's•, w- (Including removal of all obstruction, materials, and debris, backfilling, com-MUIrl x�{ �� ����/e �t "1 t A psetion and plating permanent resurfacing, and/or replacing improvements) In consideration of the granting of this permit, the applicant hereby agrees to: Indemnify, .defendand save the Ciry, its authorized agents, officers, representatives and employees, harmless from and against any and eh ,c penalties, liabilities or loss'resulting fromclaimsor court action and arising out of any accident, loss or damage to persons or property, ,. happening or occurring as a proximate result of any work undertaken under the permit granted pursuant'to this application. Notify the Administrative Authority at least twenty-four (241 hours'in advance of the time when work will txe started. • ' _ 3 •t , .; Comply with ell apolicab4e City Ordinances, the termsandconditions of the permit and all applicable rules and regulations of the City of ` La Quinta and to pay for any additional replacement necessary as the result of, -this work. %� �' v•;f3ox 13810 B&YNV , .CA je of Applicant (plea print) Busi pone No. Gi'Z2 oration 55 .*920 . PGA Blvd 760 564 71891 Name of Contractor and Jobb Fofrreej/m/Jta1,n Business Address, Telephone No. Contractor's License No. City Business License No. c'.cD Applicant's Insurance Company .GEN. LIASILJTy Policy Number } FEES: ' Subdivision Improvement Permit — Class III• + Public improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs w Private improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs r� Minor Improvement Permit — Class IV: See attached schedule ` Inspection Fee 5 PERMIT VALIDATION ` ` Permit Fee'. PERMIT NO. L- r Penalty r ~j t j t Cash' Deposit -Surety Bond `. z DATE ' APPROVE D if required. 5 EXPIRATION DATE y TOTAL:g J'DATE ISSUED '' r� t w Receipt No. " • ^-i. By Received b ' Y ' Date ti.• "s,:,+ , "n, Administrative Authority ' s Recorded by TELEPHONE: (619),777-1075 EXHIBIT."B" KSL LAND. IQ CORPORATION- "SITE IMPROVEMENT GRADING" SUBCONTRACT AGREEMENT FOR THE RESORT HOMES AT DATE: MAY 6, 1998 LA QUINTA .RESORT & CLUB LUMP SUM CONTRACT PRICE for. PHASE I & II: $51,765.00 # 'Description Quantity Unit Price Amount Site Improvement. Grading Phase I 1 Mobilization and Pre -Water 1 LS S4,750.00 S4,750.00 2 3' Overexcavation Ph, I and Rough Grade Street, to P below top of curb 14500 CY , S .95 13,775.00 On -Site Excavation 3300 CY S .95 3,135.00 4 Finish Grade, Lots 1 thru 6 1 LS S8,31100 8:312.00 Sub -Total S29,972.00 -- Site Site Improvement Grading Phase II I ' Mobilization and Pre -Water I LS S3;800.00 S-3,800.00 2 3' Overexcavation Ph III and Roush Grade Street to P below top of curb 12200 CY S .95 11,590.00 3 On -Site Excavation 1240 CY S .95 . , 17178.00. 4 Finish Super Pad to elevation 45, 1 LS' S5,225.00 5.225.00 Sub -Total •. S2.1,793.00 ALTERNATE PRICES: Alternate #1: If. import is required from Owner's site,.Estimate 6,780 CY @ S4.50/CY = 530,510.00 Note: Actual quantity to be determined if needed. Alternate #2: Site Improvement Grading Phase,III 1 . Mobilization and Pre -Water, 1 LS S3,800.00 S 3;800.00 2 ' 3' Overexcavation Phase III 4500 CY S :95 4,275.00 3 On -Site Excavation, 800 CY S .95 ` 760.00 4 Finish Grade Super Pad to elevation 45 1. LS S1,947.50 1.947.50 Total Alternate #2, ADD S10,782.50 NOTE: Chante• Orders will be.issued to Subcontractor, if and when the above Alternates are accepted. UNIT PRICES: Rental of Water Truck including operator &.maintenance if needed: $50/hr. PAYMENT SCHEDULE: 90% Upon Completion $46,588.50 10% Retention $ 5,176.50 ' ;1. There will be no payments made by Contractor -to Subcontractor until a Workers' Compensation and General Liability Insurance Certificate has been submitted: Subcontractor must also submit a copy. of their Contractor's License renewal card prior to payment. Owner/Contractor must be named as' additionally insured on Subcontractor's General Liability Policy. .2. Owner/Contractor must have labor and material releases before payment of an invoice. JAMES O. RUE CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. SUBCONTRACTOR'S INITIALS DATES • .�' - .. yam, 4• y �`'-`. „ r . SPECIAL CONDITIONS --PERMIT NO. 2751' KSL Land Corporation In. addition to the standard permit conditions, .the following shall apply: T r 1. Pursuant to Section 14:16:320 of the La Quihta Municipal Code`(Ordinance 10 § 1 (part), 1982); all 'work shall be.performed in accordance the latesfedition of the,Standard'Specifications For }. ` Public Works Construction (SSPWC) and as directed by and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. �2 ; `KSL Land -Corporation, hereinafter: referred to as "Permittee", shall be,responsible for'providing continuous'dust and erosion control: ` 3:.z Streets shall be kept clean.' They shall;be!completely cleaned at the end of each working dayand' more frequently,if required. { 4`. Pursuant to Section 6.08.050 of the La Quinta Municipal Code (Ordinance 18 § 1, 1982), throughout ' the work site; -the Permittee -shall comply -with City regulated work. hours. Operation and maintenance of equipment within�one-half mile of human occupancy shall be.performed only during the following time periods: �' K October 1sfto April 30: 'Monday -Friday 7:00,a.m. to 5:30 p;m: ' :Saturday ' 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p:mt• , May 1st to'September30:: 7 Monday -,Friday. 6;00 a.m to 7:00 t , , Saturday ,, 8:00 `in. to"5.00 p.m. .Work shall be prohibited on legal holidays and Sundays. Work performed within 500 feet of a'majora4or signalized intersection is restricted between the . xk hours of 9 a.m 3 p:m: Traffic control shall be, -et up.after.9 a.m. and removed before 3 p.m: The y Permittee shall contact the Riverside Countiy Traffic Signal Maintenance 'D_ epartment at (909) 2757 6894 if signal operation at the intersection^is to be altered in any way.Y 6. • ;Pursuant to Section. 14:16.1.10 of the LarQuinta Municipal Code (Ordinance; l0 § 1 (part), 1982), . . ' Permittee shall assume responsibility for, repair of any pavement damage to any public or private., ` a ; : street and for any damage to.other City.streets.or facilities as a result of Work performed under'this l - permit: 7. Pursuant to Section^,14:16.250jof the La.Quinta�Municipal Code,(Ordinance 10 § 1 (part), 1982)�� F advance warning signs' and traffic contro1.l shall be installed and maintained in accordance with Cal' Trans Standards',or the Work Area Traffic Control Handbook'(WATCH Manual). A traffic control plan,.if required, shall;be'prepared:in accordance with the WATCH and submitted'to the, " 'City for review .and approval one �(1) week prior, to starting. any construction. It shall be ahe 'Permitte'e's responsibility to appropriately.detour'and barricade all construction sites. jr It Special Conditions- Permit No."275I k y "' f ^ Page 1 of 3 � `� - ! .. �:..__ .. ' • t ' • ` is . 4 t ,t,:• ..F _ �, SPECIAL CONDITIONS --PERMIT NO. 2751 i V --- KSL Land Corporation - 8., Pursuant to Section 14.16.290 of the La Quinta Municipal Code (Ordinance 10 § 1 (part), 1982), street closures sliall. not be permitted. A mihimum of •one travel lane of paved surface shall be maintained with flagmen at all times. 9. Prior to excavating, if required; the Permittee shall contact Underground Service Alert at 1-400-422- ' 4133: It shall be the Permittee's responsibility to notify the Public, Works Department of anticipated excavation which impact City facilities; including but not•limitedto traffic signal cora its and loops, irrigation lines; electrical conduit's, and storm•drain facilities. 10. -Should additional .work, materials, 'or modifications of the work.be required in, order to meet City *` standards, safety requirements, signage requirements, or to fit actual field conditions, the work shall.- be hall.be performed by the Permittee as directed by and to the .satisfaction of the City Engineer at -no cost to the City of La Quints. . 11. Pursuant to Section 14.16:370 of the La Quinta Municipal Code (Ordinance 10 § 1' -(part), 1982), .. backfill compaction within street rights -6f -way shall conform with Section 306-1.3 of the.fatest .edition of the Standard Specifications For Public Works Construction (SSPWC), and'as required'by s the Public Works Department. Backfill, shall,be completed in. lifts; not to exceed 1', -.compacted to' 90% minimum relative compaction. Native material may be used, provided the material is suitable for use as backfill after construction operations. Controlled Density Fill (C.F.) may, be used as an alternative. 12. All excavations within City of La Quinta right-of-way shall be backfilled, and temporarily paved if ' within the existing travel way, at the end of every workday as directed by and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer for the protection of the public.. Lengths of open trench shall not greatly exceed + that -which can riot be backfilled in the same day. • Excavated trenches shall not be allowed open. r :overnight, however,' Permittee may leave a length of excavated trench, not to exceed twenty (20) feet in length, open overnight at a' oint where construction will begin the next day, provided that this length of.trench is completely covered by steel plating. ' 13. All.landscaping,,irri ation decorative rock decorative concrete, lighting,etc: shall be replaced to .g p its original condition. ; 14.E Access -and egress to all local properties'shall be maintained at all times.. 15. ' ' Pursuant to Section 14.16.375 of the La Quinta Municipal Code (Ordinance 10 § 1 (part), 1982), permanent' .pavement replacement shall be `completed no later, than seven (7) days, after the completion of the work.' Permanent pavement shall be replaced as follows:- a) Sawcut and.remove existing a.c. surfaces a distance of one foot (V) beyond all trench walls, . including any sloughing or cave in of ,adjacent soils.`•Undermined a.c. surfaces shall be removed. All a.c. edges shall be straight, clean and vertical. b) Provide an existing section (four=and-one-half inches`[4t/2"] minimum) of crusted aggregate 'or miscellaneous base material*:compacted to 95%•minimum relative compaction. a Special Conditions - Permit No. 2751 1 Page 2 of 3 ' , , r , ` y ' SPECIAL CONDITIONS --PERMIT NO., 2751 - • --- KSL Land C"orporration --- - -, c)Provide one inch (1") "greater -thickness .of, existing asphalt concrete (four,,inches [4"] F' minimum) in a.mmimum of two (2) lifts; the first lift comprised of abase course a. c. material; ` r i �• • of,a City approved mix design, meetmg`the requirements of Greenbook-class B-AR-4000;.the t :final 0:10' lift comprised of a wearing course a.c. material, of * -a City appioved;mix design, - :meeting the requirements of Greenbook class C2=AR-4000'.'All'pavemenf edges shall be flush, ,With'adjacerit a.c. surfaces Each lift}of a.' . material shall'be-compacted..to 95% minimum _ r relative compaction:, 16.' Permittee shall notify the City La Quinta Public Works Department a minimum of 48 hours prior to commencement of any. construction at (760) 777-7075:. _ .. '. 17` "Permittee shall stabilize`any"soil, that was"disturbed (shoulder -areas, etc) `as a•result of work performed under this permit with`an'approved'dust control treatment.. .18. ' Pursuant -to Cha ter 12.56 of the La Quinta Municipal Code Ordinance 10 1. art 1982 the City` • �; has designated certain city streets as Truck Routes'.The'weight limit for restricted streets (i.e.; streets,. not part of the Truck Route network is three, (3) tons; trucks exceeding the'. weight limit may, use a- t * . " restricted,street if making a'delivery or pickup on the subject street, or if this permit specifically W grants permission to use the street to deliver street construction materials and/or. equipment. '` • 19` ,The,City'of La Quinta reserve right to `revoke, suspend or void this•permitat any time: 20. This permit authorizes rough grading of three phases of the La Quinta Resort & Club, Tract 28545 _ development, as shown`;on`the..approved_•Rough-Grading Plans. for Tract 28545. NOTE: NO GRADING AND/OR DEMOLITION. OF THE EXISTING•EMPLOYEE'PARKING AREAS; - W ITIHTHE LA QUINTA,HOTEL ISAOTHORIZED, UNLESS OTHERWISE ADVISED, , IN WRITING BY THE CITY. Ari alternate parking area shall be provided, meeting City approval, i` s _ . ' t prior to any removals of existing parking areas. " .. is � .• ' ,• } - • L It ` �i • Q' j y ti — 4' • " Special Conditions "Permit No. 2751 '� ' �' t^ Page 3 of 3 , Medium-Lar"ge Scale Construction/Demolition Projects _ (Greater than 5 acres), Fugitive Dust (PM 10) Mitigation Plan Date: '`6.May 19 9 8 .Jurisdiction:- LO Project File #: Part 1 Project Information' r Please'provide the information below as'completely as possible even. if it has already been+ x provided' on other forms, related to this project.. Failure -toprovide complete information or Provision,of inaccurate It, rmation may delay the processingof your Fugitive Dust (PMIO) Mitigation Plan (Plan). is recommended that you submit. your Plan concurrent .with 'your" grading or demolition permit,application r Project proponent:. J .-P P KSL Land II Corporation , Address: 55092'0 PGA Blvd. La Quinta Day; phone number: ,760 564 7.1 89• --Emergency phone number: 760 568 3677 Grading contractor (Contact Person):`. James Rue Construction Address: `. .Day phone number: Emergency phone- number:' ' -Construction site street address: Obergon " Construction site location: see attached map, (Please include an &5•x 11 location map) - Construction site, assessor's parcel number (Tract #): 24585-1 , 24585-2 Parcel (Tract) size: 5.3 Acres or- - Square feet Anticipated date of physical project initiation: 11 May Anticipated date of project completion: = 15 June,z 1998 ; Anticipated costs for dust suppression: (Attachment B - Must also be completed and mailed tot the appropriate address when construction activities have been completed) 1 Alhprojects•greate'rthan one'lialf (1/2) acre are also subject to SCAQMD Rules 403'and,, } 403.1: • f � n • ,i 1 Alhprojects•greate'rthan one'lialf (1/2) acre are also subject to SCAQMD Rules 403'and,, } 403.1: 4� s s Part 2 - Fugitive Dust Control Actions' w From the inventory of fugitive.dust'control measures'provided in Attachment A, please indicate y' which measures are to be,implemented during the project by placing the` corresponding letter beneath'the following sources. •In.addition, please indicate at which phase the,measure willibe implemented,, either at - Rough Grading (RG), Finish Grading (FG), - or Final ; Construction (FC). Demolition projects should only indicate measures in the Rough Grading (RG) column. d After indicating what measures are to be implemented,: complete the 'Details" section{by describing how. and, when the measures are to ,be implemented. Ar ° Source Details (ex., freQuencv of application, number and type of dust control implements, No. RG FG:. FC etc. Please be as specific as possible) ' -A- — .-.Water Truck used during grating and on stand by ; �ATTACHMENT,A -'REASONABLY AVAILABLE CONTROL MEASURES , • ' r. Theleft column contains; -the sources -of fugitive dust which are intended �for.emission, control 4 under ,the City's dust control ordinance- The two right columns contain an inventory and description of reasonably `.available', fugitive dust. control measures for, each of the sources. Please use this informaation as guide when preparing a. Fugitive Dust ,(PMIO) Mitigation Plan.` (Source No) Reasonably Available' Source Control Measures' • Comments .�Land (A) Watering o Application of water by means of truck,°,hoses and/ y ` Clearing/ . - "• or sprinklers prior to any land clearing or earth . ! Earth -' z ..movement will increase the moisture,content thereby.-'"" moving , • =_ increasing stability of material =x Tz' o Once the initial land clearing/earth movement activities are r ' , t • complete, a second round of watering can generate a'thin :'F crust which stabiliies the disturbed surface areas provided . that it is not disturbed- 6 isturbed o Security fencing can be used`to,prevent unwanted future ' disturbances of.sites where a.sur[ace crust has been created (B) Chemical stabilization... „ o Only effective in areas, which. are not subject to daily disturbances - f o Vendors can supply informationon product application and • required concentrations ♦(C) Wind fencing . �', -o ,Three�to,five foot barriers adjacent to roadways orurban areas. • �' • can be effective in reducing the amount of wind blown.' , • - • , material leaving a site �* ` . o Should be'used in conjunction with other measures (D) Cover haut,vehicles 't,o Entire surface'area should be covered once vehicle is full E Wheel washers o Should be laced where vehicles exit unpaved areas onto eyed ( ) P P P n ,areas ` * to System can be adjusted to spray entire vehicle, including stored bulk material in haul vehicles ' ,. - 1,. Unpaved, . (F) Paving o Requires"street sweeping/cleaningif subject to material , Roads t accumulation M « (G) Chemical Stabilisation , ,o +.`Vendors can supply information as to application methods and concentrations ,.'o Not recommended for roads with high volumes or those used for heavy equipment « - �i 5..; w . C '- • - , of •`1.ts • • .4 s • ^- + ` ' •F•' .+' (H) Watering ;'r �o°In sufficient quantities'to keep surface moist ` _ y ` A •' o Required application frequency will vary.according to soil {type, , weather, conditions, and vehicular use . • -►,.ALJ^: � _41,, . ` ;. •.(Source No) Reasonably. Available _ t - + ` Source . Control Measures - t, Comments +' +. - Unpaved' (I) Reduce speed limits 0.,15 mile per hour maximum + Roads ` ' (Cont'd) z, (J) Reduce vehicle trips o Access restriction or: redirecting traffic to paved roads in order to • • ' e a minimum of 60 percent. 'reduce vehicl trips by , • - - ----------- -----------------------------------------' --- ----- -- ----- - --- - --- ---- - .----------- - ---------------------- ----- t ` :Storage(K) Wind sheltering ,. ^'o •Choices include silos or enclosures • Piles o 'Enclosures should:•consist of three sided barriers equal.to height of -.t. • " 1 '' `material with no'more than 50'percent porosity w, , • t. (L) Wet 'suppression o`,Application methods in spray bars, hoses and water trucks - �.- ax o Frequency of application will vary on site specific conditions,''.. , ,(M)Chemical'suppression o Best,for use on storage piles,subject to infrequent disturbances . ' (N) Altering loadin/loadout: o Confine loadin/loadout procedures to leeward (downwind) side " + Y procedures +. ' - of the material -• ' : �. o Most effective when used in conjunction with -wind sheltering AF • (0) Coverings o Tarps; plastic, or, other material can be usedTas temporary _ •- - coverings , r • ' r ' �' o .When used, these should be anchored to prevent wind from removing coverings'' r - --- -------------------------------------------•------------------- -7------7--------------------7 -. --- Paved (P) Wheel; washers o Should be placed where vehicles exit'uripaved areas onto paved .' xx Road - - . r. areas Track -out s-' ;o System can be adjuseed to spray entire vehicle, including stored: - 'bulk material in haul vehicles ,• ' "° (Q) Sweep/clean roadways o Either sweeping or water;flushing may be used (R) Cover haul vehicles 'o Entire surface area should be covered once Vehicle is full -- ---- ---- -------------------------- ------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- --------- ----------------- -- ------Disturbed Disturbed (S) Ctieinical stabilization .o Vendors can supply information on methods for application and Areas/ +: " . required concentrations Inactive s Construction ' . T, Sites y; . • (T)' Watering .- .. e v .� , s r - o Would. require frequent applications unless a crust '" r.• '' i, can be developed'over the site. ;' r • �'' :'(U) Wind fencing o Three to five foot barriers adjacent to roadways or urban areas " can be effective in reducing the amount of wind blown • s material leaving a site H, o Should b6 -used in conjunction,with other measures (V) Vegetation'- o Establish as quick y' as possible when�active operations have ` s , establishment 'ceased' �' k� .: • ^ , ' { o Use of drought tolerant, native vegetation -is encouraged .. X r. 4 , + 4 tIh the space .provided below, please list• thet costs associated with implementation •of all dust control measures. The in ormation - rovided below should include all,im lementation costs, f P P , (including labor) for dust control throughout the°project. Not.all measures listed below will " ::apply to all projects.' ; Watering: Chemical stabilization: 'Wind fencing: .�. Covering haul vehicles.,'� = • ',- `Wheel washers: 1 Street sweeping: h f Paving: - ..A Wind sheltering: i Coverings: r Vegetation reestablishment:+' .*4• S •l ' • P. I ; x .1 After, project ,completion these records] shall, be*, transmitted -to the, City where the grading/demolition permit was attained and 'to' the- Coachella ValleyAssociation ' of. #, ''Governments (CVAG) at the address -provided below. • 4: PMlO .Cost Monitoring t - .. 4 . Coachella. Valley Association of Governments!,�= Y'� 73=710, Fred aring Drive, Suite 200'- .)- y Palrri Deser't;,CA 92260 .. �.: • » �� 1•All project's'greater than one half%(1/2) acre are also sub1ect to SCAQMD Rules 403 and S' - %,403. 1. 7 t , fA 1 � r ATTACHMENT B COST INFORMATION >v. Medium-Large.Scale Construction/Demolition Projects ;y .y (Greater than S acres)' • ' ' Fugitive'Dust (PM10) Mitigation Plan Date: Jurisdiction: .' Project File r. 4 , + 4 tIh the space .provided below, please list• thet costs associated with implementation •of all dust control measures. The in ormation - rovided below should include all,im lementation costs, f P P , (including labor) for dust control throughout the°project. Not.all measures listed below will " ::apply to all projects.' ; Watering: Chemical stabilization: 'Wind fencing: .�. Covering haul vehicles.,'� = • ',- `Wheel washers: 1 Street sweeping: h f Paving: - ..A Wind sheltering: i Coverings: r Vegetation reestablishment:+' .*4• S •l ' • P. I ; x .1 After, project ,completion these records] shall, be*, transmitted -to the, City where the grading/demolition permit was attained and 'to' the- Coachella ValleyAssociation ' of. #, ''Governments (CVAG) at the address -provided below. • 4: PMlO .Cost Monitoring t - .. 4 . Coachella. Valley Association of Governments!,�= Y'� 73=710, Fred aring Drive, Suite 200'- .)- y Palrri Deser't;,CA 92260 .. �.: • » �� 1•All project's'greater than one half%(1/2) acre are also sub1ect to SCAQMD Rules 403 and S' - %,403. 1. 7 t , 1 � r r. 4 , + 4 tIh the space .provided below, please list• thet costs associated with implementation •of all dust control measures. The in ormation - rovided below should include all,im lementation costs, f P P , (including labor) for dust control throughout the°project. Not.all measures listed below will " ::apply to all projects.' ; Watering: Chemical stabilization: 'Wind fencing: .�. Covering haul vehicles.,'� = • ',- `Wheel washers: 1 Street sweeping: h f Paving: - ..A Wind sheltering: i Coverings: r Vegetation reestablishment:+' .*4• S •l ' • P. I ; x .1 After, project ,completion these records] shall, be*, transmitted -to the, City where the grading/demolition permit was attained and 'to' the- Coachella ValleyAssociation ' of. #, ''Governments (CVAG) at the address -provided below. • 4: PMlO .Cost Monitoring t - .. 4 . Coachella. Valley Association of Governments!,�= Y'� 73=710, Fred aring Drive, Suite 200'- .)- y Palrri Deser't;,CA 92260 .. �.: • » �� 1•All project's'greater than one half%(1/2) acre are also sub1ect to SCAQMD Rules 403 and S' - %,403. 1. 7 t , ,�"'• ;;;t � TM`s--� �._.,.� / _ - a .: � :� � •:... ,I . i±; �(:•� f1� n dti.j�., it 1r :�: � • r sum 'i � cHr4h'Z t 94,.;x: � �i ��� .: -: _- �t�': K.K� � � o MrLir � ® i:l �tly� � til• .::.' 1 '"_� r.� � tri �� '�i ^�°a--- _ � t � t� •.. 4Z � '- I i '.For, City Use Only Based on all of the provisions contained in this Fugitive Dust (PM10) Mitigation Plan ' the Plan is: 'Approved ) 6 Conditionally approved (Conditions specified below) Denied (Explanation attached) wtfi >tJ�-.if- .S -0z%9 Signature.of City Representative (Date). The following conditions of approval have been added to the Plan by staff in order to ensure an adequate level of fugitive dust control: • r w s (Attach additional information if necessary) I have read the above conditions•of the. Fugitive Dust (PM 10) Mitigation Plan, and I agree . to implement of all provisions at the concentrations and frequencies identified. } •��:- ' CONDITIONS -FOR FDCP APPLICATION 98-,33. y. {` KSL LAND II CORPORATION -:119 RESORT RESIDENTIAL UNITS TR 28545-1 & 2;.5.3. ACRES M.O.L. 'r GENERAL. 1: Applicant shall-comply`with all control measures as set forth in the approved` ,application for FDCP 98-33, •and the, following conditional measures: This dust_'., ; 4 ` `control lana 'roval shall also 'a • I to 'an haul/encroachment. e�mit(sl ` plan: PP . PP Y Y . P ` issued by Public Works.. f ' ' •t .� '.-2"'The full -amount of security. applied to,FDCP.98-33 (as -determined by -Public •` , r Works) ,shall be available to the City for; any measures) deemed necessary -by. r ' the City to ,achieve adequate -dustacontrol, -whether or notch additional measures are included;. in "this application.',Secueity shall be in the form ofa'` ' non -expiring Certificate of Deposit or a, self -renewing .Letter of Credit. An_y-s requests for bond amount revisions%reductions must be made -in writing to' the , " Public Works Director. - r 3.. * •; Ap`plicant�shall submit -copies .of all records related to cost accounting for:the • dust control `measures assumed during, all pre -grade activity --and 'grading construction- upon any request for irelease/reduction in posted' security.. Said,.:4' • ' _ .records shall be submitted within 30 days after completion'of -all dust -control.,�,,,• measures as outlined in, and conditioned°upon the plan. All such:records shall :.. accompany the completed PM 10 Program. ReportForm,.,which can be'obtained from the Public Works or'Community Development Departments. Completion_ of aII dust control measures shall be verified• by the assigned field inspector. ' A. ,,,Adequacy -of 'all'.propgsed and conditional, stabilization measures' shall be•'•` �• w.,, s .determined°by the assigned gradinginspector.•The City, may adjust `the'l onded •' - .� ; amount for any remedial measures .beyond those •identified or -conditioned' upon '. t the project, which the,, City deems'. necessary in tfie event such approved . M r measures are note ffective. a Enforcement :of these 'conditions shall -.be at the discretion of the assigned 4 grading inspector,,.who shall'monitor and field verify. that thewspirit'and intent ' r - of the FDCP and its attached conditions are being complied with. Adjustments , = to, application •frequencies, quantities and other aspects of this FDCP-may be _ �.- x: required by the inspector;'at,his/her discretion,, in order to assure compliance.- ' 5. 'The contractor/vendor responsible, for, provision of `all';soil stabilizing agents shall' submit`the appropriate Material Safety. Data,Sheet(s), along witfi'approval ;A from the Water Quality Control Board, to the Public Works•Department prior to. 4'e any site application. Application of'stabilizing agents must be in ,compliance: with NPDES-.and the State Water"Quality. Control Board,requirements., ": "s " ado .. .. � •^y ' • '. - .�• '�`+ * ' - .. � ' •— ,5.,� IGS 'r , ... F . .- , y . • . '. a + • • A L- 6:.,, ; The conditions applied to this dust control plan are anticipated to -cover -the full range of construction operations associated with, the subject,5.3 acres within r ,: .,TR 28545-1 & 2. The approval provisions and conditions for this dust control plan -shall remain in effect for the duration of all construction undertaken as -part of,the approvals granted for this project. Transfer.of'any real property or other interests with respect to'this project will have -no effect on the validity, of ` this `.plan, approval .or conditions. -Implementation of all measures as proposed and conditioned shall be carried -` `- out for_ th-e, duration' of' all construction activities, to the extent they are, applicable. However, nothing• herein shall preclude any future -.interest from filin"'a revised FDCP with the City for any portion of the site. �... ' 7.-,- - ` Approval• of this dust control plan - does . not in and -of itself constitute or . T' w . otherwise authorize, any site disturbance, preparation or construction: The, - developer is required to obtain all necessary permits and clearances as set forth 3, in any development approvals issued and- currently in effect pertaining to this. M . site. ,This includes any type of testing, monitoring or samping required as a condition of development approval, such as that conducted. I for archaeologic,, hydrologic and geologic reporting purposes. `f'r SITE DEVELOPMENT: . 8. _ Pre-watering.'of all; areas proposed -for grading shall be in accordance with ., ` recommendations of the grading -contractor, based on the area soil conditions as described in the associated -soils report(s).. At a min imum,.pre-watering time •: = _r ,shall•be for three days prior to any edrth'disturbance(s). - vy 9. ; ' Track -out and other accumulation of soil material(s) onto 'any paved- areas '- ,outside `the limits of grading shall be minimized. 'Any unpaved construction . exit/entr.y point, along existing paved roads/areas °1(Vista •'Flora, 'Avenida Obregon) shall be improved with pavement, aggregate base'or'similar material, .for adistance of 120' from the pavement edge into the. site to,minimize track- .out Wet. sweepino/f lushing of soil accumulations ,from the above •named . R� „ :;'•',-streets and -all other paved areas shall be conducted daily, and kept damp ' during construction, hours until -so, removed. ' 10. All' unpaved, construction access and travel ways within the,site shall be;'' rt f i prepared for. traffic ,prior to. commencing, grading activities and kept watered.' down -and compacted to retain moisture content during all construction,"' b traffic/activity; including building construction. Road lengths shall be watered' . t each day,, prior to and at intervals duringtraffic Activit any y, and at the end ofd'.- the 'day after; all activity has` ceased. All track -out shall be removed as per Condition #9. m 3 �11 r _ FDCP 98733'implies,that-cut'and,f ill`.will'be'balance'd over* the entire project•: { area, ,as it .does not identify.any import or export material.. Any transported ' -:soils "and stationary, storage. piles, shall be sufficiently stabilized, watered down,' - and/or covered as' a ro' i 'te.. Minimum, freeboard for haul vehicles shall as .be established, by'the" P.ublic'Works-Department. t '12, No vehicular, parking,'or•,traffic :of . any kind is permitted on ' or over,, any . previously'stabilized or other inactive soil -areas: r 13-` Disturbed but inactive development.- areas subject. to additional grading -or .building construction .within .30 days of completion of the initial disturbance, - shall be.watered daily'in conjunction with watering of any access roads and developing areas ;until .an adequate;crust is formed. If watering will not achieve.-",' z - a crustal formation, then 'anr appropriate- dust }suppressant, as 'defined: in ,Chapter 6;16 and -.approved by`the California Water Quality- Control Board,:-. Region 7, shall, be applied..: .. All previously disturbed area`s where no further grading, construction or other ' land 'disturbance, Will occur' for at least •30, da s, shall be stabilized' with an appropriate dust suppressant. no later than four days. after completion of the - f F initial grading,'and staked, posted -or otherwise restricted in order, to prevent" , zany access on -or across those areas. . x M1 Ji I ! n r 1' e.• acv ,• - r c si - ? .- ., •✓ _ i � _ - ' `* tea, Cr.`, � - -. ` I �r�� �„i„. .. � ` � \1-