NOTE -r"
With proper validation
this form constitutes an CITY OF LA QUINTA'
encroachment permit.
For the construct on,�of public or private curbs, driveways, pavements, sidewalks, parking lots, sewers, water mains
and other .like public works improvements in connection with,MINOR IMPROVEMENTS and APPROVED SUBDIVISIONS
Subdivision Improvement Permit — Class I II
DATE: Juxis:'2, 1948• Minor. Improvement Permit'Class•IV
LOCATION'OF CONSTRUCTION Tract 25953, Senrisa. Phase I only
Northwest .-corner. of Miles Avenue and Dune Pcilms Road
(Street address or Description of Location)
PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION. Curb,- butter, Street -,paving Sketch (attach construction plans if appropriate)
(Including. removal of all obstruction, materials, and debris, backfilling; com-
paction and 'placing permanent resurfacing and/or replacing improvements)
In consideration of the granting 'of this permit,:the applicant hereby agrees to:
Indemnify,,defend'and save the City, its authorized agents, officers, representatives and employees, harmless from and against any and all
penalties,' liabilities. or loss resulting from claims or court action and arising out of any accident, loss or damage to persons or property
happening or occurring as a proximate result of any work undertaken under the permit granted pursuant to this application.
Notify the Administrative Authority at least twenty-four (24), hours in advance of the time When work will be started.
Comply with all applicable City Ordinances, the terms and conditions of the permit and.all applicable rules and regulations of the City of
La Quinta'.and to pay for any .additional replacement necessary as the result of this work.
Signature of A plicant or Agent
Oliph4nt/Williasas Assoc.. 43725, 14onterey Suite C Palm Desert, CA (760) 836.0155
Name of Applicant (please print) Business Address -4_ . Telephone No.
V & M .Construction / Da'teland Construction ° 398-5544
Name of Contractor and. Job Foreman Business Address Telephone No.
697117 5203
Contractor's License No.. -City Business License No.
Reliance Insurance Co. SJ3002758
Applicant's.lnsurance Company Policy Number'
FEES: Subdivision improvement' Permit - Class III
'Public improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs
Private improvements: 3%o.of estimated•construction costs
Minor Improvement Permit' -Class IV: See attached schedule
Inspection Fee, $: 5,741'91
Permit Fee 100:00
112enal.y As bunts 1,000.
,C.'a's'h10eposit S'a,r'e y�B.onef
�nfbr`Rq',i.red[ Plan Check (11,250.00)
TOTAL: $ (4,408.09)
Receipt No.
Received by
Recorded by
'PERMIT NO. 2757
DATE ISSUED • ' 1 6/5/98
Administrative Authority
Telephone: (619) 777-7075
With proper validation
this form constitutes an
encroachment permit �
For the construction of public or private curbs, driveways, pavements, sidewalks, parking lots, sewers, water mains •' ,
and other like public works improvements in connection with MINOR IMPROVEMENTS and APPROVED SUBDI-JISIONS
r June ri e 2 1 9 9 8-' Subdivision improvement Permit -Class III- '
DATE:- , Minor Improvement Permit Class IV
'LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION Tract '25953, S o n r i s a• ^-
„' Northwest corner of Miles'Avenue and Du e Palms Road
(Street addressor Description of Location)
PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION curb , utter Sketch (attach construction plans if appropriate)
street paving ,
(Including removal of all obstruction, materials, and d bris, backfilling, com
paction and placing permanent resurfacing and/or replacing improvements) y
` In consideration of the grantingiof this permit, .the applicant hereby agreesto:
{ .r ,Indemnify, -defend and save the City, its authorized'agems, officers, representatives and employees, harmless from and against any and an
., penalties, liabilities or lou resulting•from claims'or court action and arising out of any,accident, lou or damage to persons or property
happening or occurring as a proximate result of any work undertaken •under the permit granted pursuant to this application. r
' Notify the Administrative Authority at least twenty-four 1241 hours in advance of the time when work will be started.
Comply with all applicable City Crdinances,'thc terms and conditions of the permit and all applicable rules and regulations of the City of
La Quinta and to.pay for any additional replacement necessary as the result of this work.
Signature of A I nt t71 (00. t iiw
Oliphant and Williams Associates, •Inc.- '°1�Ioiiterey Avenue Suite C
P Palm.Desert, CA 92266- 836-0155
Name of Applicant (please print) _,Business Address Telephone No. '
V&M Construction and Da:ieland Construction 398-5544 '
- Name of Contractor and Job Foreman Business Address s Telephone No. -
69711'7 i 5203
_ Contractors License No. a • , � • City Business License No.
Reliance•Insurance°Company SJ3002758
A 'Applicant's Insurance Company 'GEN. [-IA(51LITy s. Policy Number ,t _
FEES: ,J.Subdivision Improvement Permit - Class 111.
•a, tl Public improvements: 3%of estimated construction costs r' h
+.^ r A ,
r ,. '
-+ y Private improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs ' ' -
Minor Improvement Permit - Class IV: See attached schedule '
„fit ,,. 9 .,�..,-
Ins'pection Fee $ 57 Y1' / I PERMIT VALIDATION
' .�DO•
} Permit Fee PERMIT NO.
'Penalty- �D A'5 $Nf 1-r5
Cash Deposit -Surety Bond T DATE APPROVED o
if required ' . Z SEiW(�fEG/(. (o' 57- 9 /
Receipt No. r°
Received by Date I Administrative Authority
Recorded by i TELEPHONE: (619) 777-7075' °
THIS A(MEEMENT, made this W._ day of _AprJL.__. , 1998 by and t+elvicen OLIPHANT, WILLiAMS Co.,' INC. a eolpoi tion, herein
called "Buildei," and _ _ D®TELAND CQNS'1'( UJ llONA(U.,Jr1 ,_.•• ,.,,,•_ __heroin called "Subooatragor."
ll'I Ni' SSF;
WHeREAS, tlg Builder is constructingand erecting certain buildi
tg ty►,salxlimproveu>enisconsisting ore SINGLE FAMILY 8U1)1VISinN -•
consist ingg of muhrt'pple Abases totaling .132 antis, phased and a►nb'tructod per plans and specifications as identified in the
attached Tsxhihit "A" (Plan and Phase list), Imitcd Pip Lois, ktxhibit "B" , Tri pt __2�e 9 in tho County of RIVBRSIDB, _
COY 4_1a' Qui0We State of _ C,AI IFO�.__. as per plops ntid spocificalwns and the addenda 15—Mo (herein called the "project"): and
WHERPAS, the parties hereto desire, to enter into a subcontract wish rowocl 10 the work hereinafter described
NOW, WEREFORC, in consideration of Tho mnhlal covenatds herein contained, thepartro$1
agree A6 follows:
1. The Suboonlractor,shall furnish all labor, nunerial, skill, equipment, supplies, and alt other things necessary or incidentalN r4lired (herein ,
called the "talk") to porl'nrn►and complete iu accordance with the plans rind specifications and addenda flint portion of The project roNrmd mons:
r PIMSE 1 .
CONCRETI: and CA'lM BASINS $ 71,808 - h
13ASE and PAVING $ 81,678
71he Subcontractor acknowledges that the purpose of this agmenieni is to prtwido for The entire pe winstice and completion of the work and to `
that end has examined all of the plans and specifications and adderxb from b4iiiiing to end with the undorslanding that the work may be scattered
throughout different palls of said plans alld specifications and addenda.
2. The Builder shall pay to Subcontractor for Oce work the total lump sum of 1113,46&&. (One Hundred Fifty Throe Thousand Four
Hundred F3ighty Six and !10/)00) payable as follows: ,
.A. Progrenbillitig will be aceoptod on d monthly basis for work completed prior to the date of billing. Invoices reccivod
by the 2.5th day ofeach month. accompanied by a billing slawmenl; applicable labodliell releases and builders ptnject
superintendents app )Total, shall be payable the 20th day of the month following.
B. In the event Ultildcr receives pid— a—L Dim Nei kc .from supplier, the progress vouchers, shall be made
C. pointly to subcontractor and the supplier. -
rogress billing amounts shall be determined by applying the percentage of work in place to the total contract price, as
approved by builders project superintendent. a- '
D. A ten percent retention will be withheld from progress payments as per AiA Document A201. y
3. Soope of Work: 7tae Suboonitactor agrees for Ute consideration slums w6 work as follows:
A. AD materials and installations shall meta the requirements of I -a Quints (including city business license), Cal OSHA,
Cal-Trans, local lire marshal builder and any other regulatory agencies having Jurisdiction over the work.
ll. The Scope of tho Work shall include all material, labor, egi;q)ment, transportation, required to grade the. site as
indicated oti, or reasonably implied from, the above nient.ionod plans,andspecifications, but not necessarily limited
to: Relocate barricades, slop signs and stop bars, make subgrnde for ew)s and gutters, hale and paving, tur)p asphalt
.drive at models, all curbs; approac ho ••, catch basins, sidewalks, Mmandrals and cross gutters, Tflmps,
C. (lean all waste and debris restlting from this operation shall be removed from job-site by this subcontractor at
rogular intervals as directed by theprcjoct soenntendeni.
D. SubcontracKor shall cooperate with all trades so its to complete theproject in accordance with the project
suporintondents time schedule. This time schedule is critical as time is of Ate essence.
4. Tho W oontrador Shan pay for all "ruuiala. labor, equ*wwd and inch mnmtalitim, weed on m nr oanodimh with the work i pan or as Dula or owing eperefore beowns due, -
sad shall probed the Drmaisoa, sad Iho IruiWm front all timm� nasi rnhaihanir's fihna ai anoint uhsvel'me. aid i ell famish A litter prim to she of any== due
SuUaptrattwherandar,w9,recapedDataendinwioeakaallmpaiiJameq xedfinnidroJtomtobeease,,ra.�yq�bylrimtoeueAdala,to UhOrwishreleaaoadries
ohmnofifddrmnda),aad wiehtubeonraaofaamanbaniredt+oy+tJltoJa/.. 6huhitaahrirnlpoyrollSha14.ibrOhthapmiodaandammadarmexfiofbUhemtradut'c
e� and Sh dl bx ollphedby aadh arth pTlaya. edmtrW t�p}ggreaoga rd nmr dual hhmrin 7hicprovinian iball not be oondvood as a wvi*r ortho rip or &dxmb'i im
tolik'i�xiunicklnndrahwaasyatWHullJrain@eoaaaflLulddbfnlmetapa tDe6ub.vau7utarwnwrhhahroormdm,pmvkw6uhcatmetisnolinddaariruakathe iadrad.
,S. 7hotutwtubadm dha11 ononrma.tho wink as soca asthe prnpwt is ruuly Ra a,cL work. ar wdhin /l..511 ttril yy,,�� oalandm dayr dl m brio nollaod m gritmngg by dm AdIderw. to
do nhd droll ample, aaddwotr; m a diligent faShim and m rapidly eatfa omtddi.hns Mohr pr qed hvill ad �;Tiuubver, m no ouzel roll �e 6ulhohtdrador.he albwdl ante thmh _
$tlA�wtekdaysnul�toumrlirethewmk. Uiahmdmroadthmthceoanondoalr>.cls'easel�proiaadopmdalyontheonmetued000ptsmianafeadh6ubcwWodm •
L act�egd'etouhaheShs IhcBabbforlmansooahmutgtorkhilda•omadahadDyrmyddsyamhCohotadrsdalpmtt000npktaamwakpr yinaaarodnnr
wiAtbm Gnt9NaaehaA!ofbul thrdil w�uld bo ar6radk4l or oltUanaly dilliauU to fig Ina mvwd Jumayr th:lrrdtda ewml by much ddity. 7hmcdTare i o old bLinamlrndm fail to
aorghldoeho work within aro time gwvified, 6uboahtradar Shall poy to aaadm, as liquidm,d damages and toot d a 1wnnity, eho shun'f i pro' day fa each owl
avevday r uirediono>X+ldtlbeworkheymJthetimeabovo@a (barb. Sheet tworAunnnlK)urtdrecpcatiblermanydelayam mnunav )y mused byru4�
"to ads dtlovarmol. i dtmmt wc•4Uus' m' ads of Gad, end tdtDaoMrader Dro'ehy wuirta w.y imd.sn cda mo aaaind "eW fat dumwges fir sny to. mrownm a dday amt.
by IAu`Ida, co my Shu Subcontractor. and herebyy undonokes the work shb�7'ed to all imi9icAa $a they now,Kim m may arises
fsR*L% _Jlndbeneq.rodtomakesih fimlpay,,�uxhoremdaIMDbthbc..adhadmavairbeafall ro smor&vdimpofibth w%tilbrmpecttonwwimlvindlaborhuaul -
bytarDcamactminOropafimsncodohismaLaavuiaewtimowiYhnvehiahlraw,nay befitkdbyatyy'Woo"n"in anadmiaSha)Ih4vearpirad. )faoylierohmaalmll#hildm
guy wiarholdtho slant ahmeM'frmh final payhnmila due 6ubomtraam umil liana ao raau4'uhA a dtadtuy�p� irl amort is hrou�tt by fossa whdm thio aervanrao a • teaub a1 ,
ahvdoWabmbiaahlharaafbybllw+uhtredmmiflluilderiarogohedtodcfnoliuxlfnhmhyhatw.nth.IroaddnaarylimfivlaMammataria4fumiShmt6"lhuantiadm,iAaB4adhall r
M'edaled to reem��t�++ahk taormmyypo fat hshd wax oars
.Suhar6aSmhiMagpacetdifmyl�omliawSu�aDefibdfawmkdtvx:mmamakhmriSwdbymfmbbbmaYracta,6Lhoonlradarfian,aiAinavo(.S)dayathmealtor, _ -
m boa avrh one and e,Wcaw. cahub mhd. ]ran or lieu to M1e disd1. aeJ. and ColwaNrnAhvM Wit"
do w. Smu be m evrod of dideaU bei><uhdm. ,
IN WITNM:SS WHERV. Y, the parties hereto, having also read the additional Terms and Conditions as shown y"
on the reverse side of this Sub-Contractor's AWcxment, have incorporated them herein and executed this
instrument the date first above written.
Oliphant,_ 'lliems Co, C j State lac if g City Lic
••!-tom, ('-- � �- ��� ' - -
fly: roes�iip}llya Vice President
"lilui or" "Subcontractor" ," ►'
� �
. i
� 1
I'ItIS AGNOWENT. made this 21st day of May, 1999 by and bowed, (» .1PlIANT and. WI1.IaAMS ASSOCIATES, iNC:,.a corporation,
hcicin culled "Builder," and V & M CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. INC., herein ewled "Subeontraelor" on ilia projact owned by Desert r,
Sotiriea Associates; l...P.
Y Wlit wAS, [he 1316lder is cinsuvotiag and erecting certain buildinkt; and hnpmta.'nwnis consisting of a'SINGLL FAMILY SU817IV1S)ON
consiminbb� of multipple hales totaling 132 units,'phased and consirucled per plans and.specificatitins is identified in the • f r
attached )PzAi6i( "A t' 1 loin and Phase List; 'tinct fa22ey of l p'V,i�pte in the Cnumy of (Oyu State itf ,j :UIiI�)A> ns
per plans and specifications rid the addenda thereto (heroin cit ac " 'rveject ): told - c •F ,
•,. _ :. , ^
W1iLkliAS, the ttartius lento dcsiiu io"enter into n subcontract with tcs)vid:to the ware, hereinafter dcscribal, NOW, '113LkliMkls, in
consideration of the mutual covenants heroin contained, the partiv,% agrea as follows: ,
1. The Subooitrtuaor shall furnish all labor+ meterie11; skill, dui nimictt, supplies, and all other thinggss necessary or ineWtmelry r aired (herein
called the "Work") to perfi+rm and complete to accordance with the plans and specifications and addenda that portio+ of floe "Pro�txt" referral • " '4 s :a`
to as:.
WATER sysTirM 000,422.0U,'
SEWER and STORM SYS'1'I'M 37,911.011
7be Subcuntructor ucknowledges that the pit sc of dais $1g1Urynenl is to provide for the citim porforntancr and completion of file work and to that
end has exnininicd all of the plans and spc locations and nddcntla from ix t;uminl; fu end with the tirmdenlanding thsrtlae whale stay he scattered l .
throughout dif usual pans of said plans and specifications and addenda.
2. 'iho Builder shall pay to Subcontrmcurr for the work the total lump sum or 113033.00 jSarJitnulred 7ourilad 1111
rot. '
130A1 red Thlrty Ill ret ballars 11LIiiinocebtal payable as follows: '' '
A. , Pmgtess billing will he accepted on a monthly basis for work completed prior to the date of billing. lnvoim ii wived
by the 25th day of each month, accompanied by abilling statcmcnt, ajlpbcable labor/lien releases and builders pmjec i „• "
superintendents approval, shall be payable the 20th day of the month following.
the event Builder rinvives Prelimifrom supplier, the progress vouchera shall he made,loinlly to • '
subcontrwnor.and the supplier: r
G. 'Progress tilling amounts shall .be determined by tlpplying the Percentage of work-in place to the total contract price, as,*
approved by builders project superintendent. , e' -
n. A tow1woent (I0%)retention will be withheld.l'mm pmgrem paytnents as per AlA Documcni A2U1 t a't
I. Scope of Work: The Snhwntrallor agree/ for the eoaaide-rallon shown it/ Jit work as [ollows
i A. All materials oral lastallalions shall meat the requirements of I a Quints (including Ciry of La Quints Business 1 ♦icensc). Cal OSI M, Cal -Trans,
local fire marshal, builder and airy other regulatory agencies having iorisdiction over We work.,
13. •I'he scopo of work shall include all material labor 5ujpmcnt, unmspitrin ion r'xprirtxl to furnish and install the underground Witter, sower and
storm systema us indicated on, or rtinsonabfy imptii ffrom iln nhovr. mNtionvA plans andspecifications. t
C. Clean all wasie laid debris resulling frtan 11111ioperation Shall In: rcmnved brim job, -situ by Ibis subtetmtr•Nctor at regular intervals es direciedby
the project superintendent. -
D._.Subcomrsctor shall cooperate whit all trades so as'It; compleao the prtejtsa iii it"rdence with 11116 project suporhuicndeits time schedtdu,"'Phis
time schedule is critical es time is of the essence. _.- - .
L. All material is the sole responsibility of the Subeomractor until pemtancndy insiallcl. " = t
4,11he Subcontractor smell pay for all materials, labor, equipment Nimd insintmcnlaljties used on or )munu+edton with the work when or as hills 4 s
or claims thereftore become doe; and shall protect -ft limni.nt, and the lblilder float all claims and mcclrenies lions on account therefore, ,tad shell
furnish Iluilder, prior ua the payment of any sums duo Subcontractor hcieundc:r,.with receyrptl1ed bills and invoiees.for all matcrialsor oquipmcm t.
tarnished to or to be used upon the proaeot by him to such. date, i(Fagethor with rrh-�ases of lion thereof if dcola ided, and together with Siibcolurs or's r
corrom itranixt! payroll to dale. Such itemized payroll shall u9 oortl,lhe pieritrds.a,td amounts for each ol'Suboomrectoeo enVicyecs will steel[ be _ y.
sigghed by each such emppJoyce acknowledging receipt of sums shown Ihcn:in. 'Mis provision shall not be construed es. a waiver of the right of '
Sulxxnnmelor to file mechanic's lien claims as against Wilder in the event of Ihtilderk fafluro to pay the Subcontractor suns due lwretindtsr; provided
4,,' SubamtrNctoris not in default under the contract: "o
$.-The Subcontractor shall commence the work as soon as the proiect is ready for such work, or within' II -111= eplun ar days aRir Ming
notified in writing by.dic Builder so to do and shall complete said work in a cull � , I fashion and as rapidly as the of the prnioot wall
permit; however, in no t vent will the Suticomrtictar bo allowed aline f11um work days m which to complete the work. It ss
understood that Iii: ocariontical pmgre s of the project depends ary,oil the (vninu • cooporation of each SubcontrucW ttwrcon. Subo mirautor a eel
that he shall he liable for losslc, to cuarring to Builder oucas+onod ey any tk lays tai Sutuomriwtoes pan to compldo the work prcm>T tl , in ncundemcc:
with [into limitations hereof but that it would be impractical or v iimtnaly dnficuh to fix the aqua) dminago. to Buildcr cats by mich tkfay. `
7ltewl[bro, should SuMxuilroctor fbil to tete the work within the tittle specified, SuWontracwr shall pay to Builder, es Ikpuldated damages and
not es a ponahy, the sunt of E • a per day far conch and cvviy tlay rc 'aired to complete tilt work beyond the time otxwc set
Subontractor shall not be he d responsible or any delays M InINYnpitilnlK nIINVUI(iahl1yy caused by riots strikes, acts of Government, inclement
weather or acts of Ciod call Sul"airnctor hurchy waives any and all chimes agitinst Buildor for damages}nr any act, omission or delay caused by
ilujldor, or any other S+uba Jilmoor, and hueby undertakes the work, subject lit all conditions as they now exist or may arise.
G. Builder shall tw1 tic txyuirctl to noake any final p>ay+nonts lntay undN until Suhamirador furnishes fill) releases or dischtagc of the liens with
respect to materials and labor used by Suhconlraclor in the performance of this attract or until the time within which Tierra may be filled by any
matcr+al-man or mechanic Alhil have expiicti. If miy lions aro 1'dtxt nuikh:r may withhold the amount Iherwf from total payments duo Stiluimlrector '
until liens arc i4disntd or discharged. 1f au ration is brought by Ihnildta• under this agreement as a result of any default or broach henwf by
Subcoruractm or If Builder is required to defend itself in fi
any action lo nuelo-w uny lien far lalxu• or materials furnished Subcontractor. Imikler shall
be entitled io reasonable auotlwys foes and court costs.
> 7. Subcomrador ittADer eltrees 161 if any lien ar lions shall be fi1M for twirl- dtmc Cr nlalwials fumblicA by or dor Subcontractor, Subcontractor T -
shall, witlihi five ft) dgys thereallcr, at his own cost and expense,causo such luvr or.lions to be dischaiged, mid Suhcoiitractoes failure to do sit shall
M t fi be an event of do cult iwiounder. _
IN VATNIL43 WIIRRWF, the parties hereto; having also road iltr additional Torms"and Condhlooa as shown on the.reverse side of Ibis '
sup-C:ontraetor'x Agrocracul, have Incorporated them herein and cxtmtrd this Instrument Choi dela lint above written. ,
Oliphant and Williams Assocjate State Lie M City laic (1 r f
Wesley .'C>N Vi ci Yresjdcnt Dalt: "Suhuudredor" Data- :
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The following General and Special Provisions are attached to and'made a part of Permit No.
The following shall always apply: r , •ea _
ENROACHMENT ON PRIVATE PROPERTY: This permit authorizes work to be accomplished within City of La Quinta right of
way`ONLY. Whenever construction extends within private property, it is the responsibility of the permittee for his contractors to
secure permission tram abutting property owners. -'Such authorization, must be secured- by: the permittee prior to starting work.
TRACKLAYDVG CONSTRUCTION EQUIPASK:� Cleated'tracklaying conswctiou equipment shall not be permitted to operate on"
f any paved surface unless fitted with smooth -faced street pads. 'All mechanical outriggers shall be fitted with rubber street shoes to
protect the paving during excavations.:Rubber-tired`equipment only shall be used in backfill operations in paved areas. If the existing
pavement is scarred, spaded, or broken during the term of this contract, or if the pavement is marred, City of'La Quinta shall request
that these,portions of road be resurfaced over their entire width. Resurfacing shall consist of one coat of two inches (2") of A.C.
surfacing plus appropriate•seal cost as specified above. •. r
PROTECITON OF TRAFFIC-: All excavations and work areas shall be properly lighted and barricaded as deemed necessary by the
• .'-` '
City Engineer or La Quinta City Public Works inspectors.- Suitable detours`and detour signs shall be placed and maintained for the
duration of the project. The City shall be notified 24 hours in advance of any traffic detours or delineations.
A • T ,
CARE OF DRAINAGE STRUCTURES:: Any drainage structure including corrugated metal pipe,, concrete pipe, steel culvert and A
concrete structures encounteredduring excavation -which necessitate removal shall be replaced in kind. • In theevent it becomes`
• _ •I --
necessary to remove or cut existing drainage structures, City of La Quinta shall be notified prior to commencement of this work. ,
Drainage structures and open drains shall be kept free of debris at all times for proper; drainage. ,
RIGHT OF WAY CLEANUP: 'Any surplus material resulting from excavation and backfill operations shall be removed from the right-
• « of way. All paved surfaces shall be broomed clean of earth and other objectionable materials immediately after backfill and compaction.
Existing gutter line and'drainage ditches shall be replaced to their original standard or better. All excess material shall be rettioved
prior to paving. • Water tanker. shall be used, , as'required, to sprinkle the job site to keep down dust conditions and shall be used
•. '. -
immediately atter backfill. 1
" 14
r D&WATER OPERATIONS:.If de -watering operations are required and pumps ars forcing water on City of La Quints roads, it shall
be the responsibility of the permittee (contractor) to control this water and to`provide off-street barricades, when necessary.
rt a • s
, CLOSING STREETS: No street shall be closed r A minimum of one, lane of traffic shall be maintained at all times to provide limited '
,, y • -•
t access for', the adjoining property owners and emeigency vehicles. ; In the event it is felt by the permittee ihat he must close a shat for
any, length_.of time, permittee'shall contact this office to obtain the necessary permission.
` ,�z'. r
The following when indicated: „ = f +
shall .apply s r„ a•
R1' s NOTIFICATION: Permittee shall notify the City at•(619)777-7075 at least 48 hours in advance,of starting co»atruetion.
yr. ..rte, +,. -'�' y'" ., -
, . ~' R2 ; CTTI ITY CLEARANCE: (Substrucmies) Prior to making any excavation within the City of La Quinta right of way
authorized by permit, the para ittee'sball contact all concernecixtility companies relative to the location of existing
.e substructures. Damage to existing substructures resulting from operations conducted, under this permit shall be the sole
responsibility of the permittee. r- ti` ,
R3 , [Tj'jLITY. CLEARANCE; . (Surface Structures) No work shall be done under this permit until all -utilities are clear of the
; "
propoied work site_ The permittee shall notify all concerned utility companies of the proposed work. a -
R4 .: PAVENIEN T WIDENING: Area between the proposed concrete gutter line and the existing road pavement shall be surfaced
with inches of A.C. paving placed on'f. '` inches of class', aggregate subbase course having an 'R'
• _
value: of not leas than . and in,confohnance with City of Ta Quinta Road Improve tnetu Standards and
Specifications, Ordinance #461. • ,. + _ '
R5 PARKWAY. GRADING Area between the property line and top of the proposed concrete curb shall be graded to a elope of
1/4 inch to one foot (I')'. t - '
R6" "GRADE CHECKING: of La Quints, shall check grades upon receipt of plan andprofileand/or grades as established_ by
a licensed engineer.
+ A
`R7 CURB REMOVAL FOR DRIVEWAYS:' A.portit of the existing concrete curb and/or curb and gutter (=feet) shall be
removed..Curb and/or curb and gutter shall be saw cut procto removal. Depressed curb, matching concrete gutter and
concrete driveway approach shall be constructed in conformance with -City of La Quinta Standard #207.
R8* K+DRIVEWAYS: • A.C: driveways: shall be constructed as not to alter existing drainage pattern. Surfacing between the property
_ a
no and the existing road paving shall be 2.1/2 inches of A.C. paving placed on 6f of class aggregate base.
Driveway.consction shall conform to, atiached drawing.
R9 SIGHT CLEARANCE: Sight clearance of 600 feet in all directions shall be assured and maintained at all times. .
Rio SOIi. S 13U ER The area'to be surfaced.shall•be treated .with soil sterilizer. Rate of application shall commply with the
manufacturer's specifications.,., ; ,
. + 4Q •.. int.
y '� ` . „ ' , . .� `4• -i. . a _ � -4 _ + .^
- � ''
R11 COORDINATE WORK: The proposed work shall be subordinated to any operation which the State of California or City of
La Quints may conduct in this area during the period of this permit. Work shall be coordinated with the State or City of La
Quinta forces to preclude delay or interference with State of City of La Quinta projects.
R12 SURVEY MONUMENTS: Prior to excavation or beginning of construction, all survey monuments which exist on the
centerline of all streets or property lines when involved shall be completely tied out so they may readily and correctly be
replaced by a licensed civil engineer or surveyor at the expense of the permittee. A complete set of notes showing the ties to
these monuments shall be furnished to the City Engineer prior to the removal of any monuments. This orrice shall be notified
upon completion or replacement of all survey monuments for proper project clearance.
R13 PAVEMENT CUTTING: Pavement will be mechanically saw cut to a straight to a strai¢ht edee prior to excavation. Method
of pavement cutting shall be approved through the office of the City Engineer. (Under no circumstances shall excavating
equipment be used to excavate prior to cutting of pavement.) Excavation material shall be placed in such a position as to best
facilitate the general flow traffic. Prior to final paving operations, any damage to pavement straightedges shall be corrected.
R14 LIMIT OF EXCAVATIONS: Excavations shall be limited to 1000 linear feet of open trench before backfill operations must
begin. All excavations shall be properly barricaded with lights overnight, on weekends and holidays for the protection of the
traveling public. The Public Works Inspector shall determine the suitability of excavation barricading in each case. No
excavation shall remain open for a period exceeding five (5) days. No excavation shall be made unless the construction
material is actually on the work site.
R15 BACKFILL MATERIAL: Backfill shall be free of brush, roots or other organic substance detrimental to its use for purposes
of producing an adequately consolidated backfill. Any material which the City of La Quinta deems unsuitable (spongy or
saturated material) which is encountered during excavation shall not be used for backfill, but shall be supplemented or replaced
by an approved sand or gravel.
R16 BACKFILL SAND: Backfill shall be approved transit -mix sand or equivalent and shall be placed in lifts of not greater than
three feet (3') and vibrated using vibrotamper or equivalent equipment. Alternate methods may be substituted, but in any case,
a relative compaction of 95 percent shall be attained with the structural section of the roadway.
R17 BACKFILL PLACEMENT: Backfill shall be applied in layers of not more than 50 percent of the total depth of the trench
before flooding or a maximum of five-foot (51 lifts where trenches are of excessive depths. Care is to be exercised that the
backfill material is not subjected to extreme swell by flooding operations. Backfill material shall• be .placed so that the resulting
compaction shall be not less than 90 percent or equivalent to the surrounding ground, whichever is'the greater compaction.
Where ponding or flooding is used for a maximum settlement, adequate dikes will be constructed to retain the water. Where
jetting is used, the jets shall be of sufficient length to reach the bottom of each layer and the water supply shall be continuous.
R18 COMPACTION TESTS: If so required by the inspector, compaction tests shall be made at intervals of not more than 1000
feet and a minimum of one (1) test on each road. One (1) copy of each test shall be forwarded to the City'Engineer for
approval and filed prior to making permanent repairs. Compaction tests shall be made as outlined in Section 6.3.01 of the
Standard Specifications. Division of Highways, State of California, dated January 1973.
R19 COMPACTION TESTS: If so required by the inspector, compaction tests shall be made for each crossing or service line.
One (1) copy of each test shall be forwarded to the City Engineer for approval and filed prior to making permanent repairs.
Compaction tests shall be made as outlined in Section 6.3.01 of the Standard Specifications. Division of Highways, State of
California, dated January 1973.
R20 TEMPORARY PAVEMENT REPAIRS: After completion of backfill and compaction operations, a temporary patch
consisting of 2 inches of SC -800 shall be placed on a prepared subgrade. The SC -800 temporary paving shall be placed after a
maximum of 3000 linear feet of trench has been excavated and backfill operations completed, but in no case shall the
placement of the temporary pavement exceed a five (5) day limit.
R21 PERMANENT PAVEMENT REPAIR: After backfill and compaction have been completed, a temporary patch consisting of
two inches (2') of SC -800 shall be placed immediately. A permanent patch of inches A.C. surfacing placed on a
inch class base shall be placed no later than days after completion of temporary road repair.
R22 FOG SEAL: A fog seal coat consisting of an application of asphaltid emulsion shall be applied over all patch areas as
determined by the City Engineer.
R23 STREET RESI'RIPING: Where street striping is still visible on streets to be excavated, such striping shall be replaced upon
completion of permanent repairs.
R24 TREE RELOCATION OR REMOVAL: Tree relocation within the City of La Quinta road right of way shall be
accomplished by a licensed, bonded and insured tree service, and handled safely without interference or hazard to the traveling
public. It shall be the responsibility of the permittee to maintain the tree in a vigorous growing condition at its new location.
Trees to be removed shall be in sections which can be handled safely without interference or hazard to highway traffic. The
entire width of the tree stump shall be removed and disposed of so that no debris remains in view of the highway. The stump
hole shall be backfilled and thoroughly compacted as specified in the following paragraph. Where is becomes necessary to
restrict traffic, the work shall be restricted to a maximum of 500 feet at any one time. Adequate signs, flagmen and or
barricades shall be provided to protect the traveling public at all times.
Large holes resulting from tree removal shall be backfilled and compacted to not less than 90 percent or equivalent to the
surrounding ground, whichever is the greater compaction as determined by the impact or field method. Compaction tests shall
comply with Section 6.3.01 of the Standard Specifications, Division of Highways, State of California, dated January 1973.
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---OliphandWilliams Assoc
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• In addition to the standardpermit conditioris,�the. following shall apply.:
l . 'P**rsuant to Section 14.16:320 of the La Quinta•Mumcipal Code' (Ordinance 10,§ l (part);'1982)' all o. '
work shall be performed in'accordance with the latest edition of the Standard Specifications For {
t . Public Works Construction (SSPWC) and as directed,by and to the satisfaction of the City_Engineer.
f 1 "• J
'2. ' `Oliphant/Williams Assoc., hereiriafter'referred to as " Perrmttee", shall be responsible rvforprovWing r ,'
us dustrand erosion control:
continuo _ .
- 3' "'-Streets.shall be kept clean. They shall be, completely cleaned at the'end of eachlworking day Arid ' A
more frequently'if required.
' ' Y 4ti;' ti "'•r' � a
4. ,•Pu'rsuarit to Section -6.08.050 of the L'a'Quinta Municipal Code (Ordinance,118'§ l yf982), throughout " , $
ithe Work., site;the Permittee shall comply with .City regulated work` hours: Operation',And a
maintenance of equipment within one-half mile of human occupancy, shall be performed only'during
'the following trme periods:
-r. s- t ', ,•, e s • ,. `' • z _ � < r - • a w.. K: ` ... > t. - `y 2* :-Ix . 1 +fi
,.r +• "•i �,. t _ .^ ^tip .
- 0 m.
- April --3,0:- , "Mond . Frida 7:00 a.m to 5:3
-'October lst•to
-Y P _
• Saturday; - 8:00 a:m. to -5:00 p.m:.
}May'lstto September 30: Monday=Friday 6:00'a.m.to 7:00 p:m: .
Saturday.... :8:00 a.m., to S:OO.p.m.
Work shall-be'prohibited.on legal holidays.and Sundays.
5.-'Work.performedwithin 500 feet of a signalized intersection is restricted between the hours of -9 a.m..
t 3.p:m:'Traffic-control shall be set up after 9 a.m.:and'removed before 3 p.m: The Permittee shall
'contact the�Riverside Country Traffic Signal Maintenance Deparfinent at (909) 2'75-6894 if signal t,F
operat ion -at, the, intersection'is to'be altered, in any way. h _
6. 'Pursuant to Section 14.16.110,of the La Quints Municipal Code (Ordinance 10'§ 1, (part), 1982),
R.� - -
Permittee.shall assume responsibility for:repair of any pavement damage to any,public or,private "
t ' i �street.and for ariy dam' 6'to other City, streets or facilities as *a result of work performed under this
~, permit,':. �
7. Pursuant to Section 14.16.250 of theta Quinta,Municipal Code (Ordinance 10 § 1 -(part), 1982),
advance warnmg,signs and traffic control shall =be installed and 'maintarned'in, accordarice'With Cal
"" •" Trans Standards or the, Work Area.Traff- c.Controll Handbook•(WATCH.Marival). A traffic control.. r
pIi -if required, shall'be-prepared iniccordance.:wiffthe WATCH Manual and.subrnittedto the e "
City for" review,and.,approval one,(1);weekprior`to starting any construction_ It''shall �be. the
'.. ;
♦?ermittee's•responsibility to appropriately detour "and barricade all, construction,gites.
.. - ,i
Special Conditions ` Permit No'2757 a* Page I'of 4
757T --- Oliphant/Williams Assoc.
' 8." Pursuant to Section 14.16.290 of the La Quinta Municipal C `ode (Ordinance 10 § 1 (part), 1982), x M
street closures shall not be permitted. A minimum—of one travel -lane of paved 'surface shall be
` .maintained with flagmen at alltimes.`''
:9. Prior to excavating, if required, the Permittee shall'contact Underground,Service Alert at, 1-800-422-
-4133. It shall be the Permittee's•responsibility»to notify the Public Works Department of anticipated
excavation which impact City facilities, including but not limited to traffic signal conduits and loops,
�., irrigation lines,'electrical conduits,• nd storm drainfacilities.
10. Should additional work, materials, or`modifications of the work be required in order toineet City
standards;' safety requirements; "signage"requirements, or to fit actual field conditions;�the work shall'. '
'be performed by_the Permittee as directed by and to the'satisfaction'of the City Engineer -at no cost
to the City of -La Quinta: -
11. {Pursuant to Section 14:16.370'of the La Quinta Municipal -Code (Ordinance 10'§ 1 (part), 1982)1-
982);backfill compaction .within 'street rights-of-way "shall conform with: Section 306-1.3 of the' latest "
» edition of the Standard,Specifications For Public Works. Construction (SSPWC), except as otherwise r
specified herein.' . r 4 4
r.; `Native material may be used as backfill material provided that minimum compaction, achieved in
' -' • the manner prescribed herein, is achieved.' Backfill shall be performed`by mechanical means; -no .
r' water densified compaction via jetting`or flooding'oi other means;sliall be, allowed. It shall be' the
.. _
i.•Permittee'sresponsibility to provide appropriate geotechnical supervision, testing, an&inspection,
�gnsite;•at all times during backfill' operations. _ "
,�. Backfill compaction shall -be achieved- by the following conditions:
. A. - When a firm foundation is not'encountered due to soft, spongy or other unsuitable material,
' • such material shall be removed to the limits directed by the Geotechnical Inspector and/or the ,
- City Inspector.and the resulting,excavation backfilled' with pipe bedding material.
B. Backfill materials shall be brought to or maintained at an appropriate moisture content for ,
` compaction. Tlie appropriate moisture content range shall be established at the onset of the •;
project 'and ensured n the stockpiles.
Pro ess testin o
C. -.The first length, of trench backfilled shall be backfilled in the presenceof the City! Inspector.- '
Compaction shall be tested -at random depths,at approximate three-foot vertical.intervals as
backfill is placed to ensure the effectiveness of the compaction methods and to establish the
depth of lift that can be compacted.' "�` t . '•
If lifts greater than one foot are attempted in this trial length of trench, compaction tests shall'`
be taken within the lifts to -ensure that the full depth of the lift is compacted. Upon satisfactory
completion of this portion_ of trench, the' City. Inspector shall establish. the, rimaximum..lift'
thickness to be compacted for the remainder of the project: - • ; ' : , -, t
- _ Vit' �• Ys .. ., ., ,'� ._ i. .. •v,. • ,
• e.
< Special Conditions - Permit No. 2757 t ,4. Page 2 of 4
---. Oliphant/Williams Assoc.
t 'F.- In subsequent lengths of trench, 'the frequency of compaction tests shall equal one per each lift
of backfill, per 300 linear feet of open irencK,` at randomly selected locations within the open
length of trench. - 4
'�. :.� - /., '� . i • y •` '%` h .. a ice.
G. • The depth of the.randomly selected compaction tests shall -also be randomly:�selected'except.
• that where;multiple'tests are required in a given length of trench,,the tests shall be no closer,
• than three feet (vertically) from each other. > Y 5y; • i s .
' H. If any coinpaction test fails; previously placed backfill (in the Same:length of ope
_ n trerich'or.
;previous lengths of trench) which -is represented by the failing tes! (as determined by the City,
.Inspector), shall,be tested' for compliance with compaction requirements. -
All costs incurred'due to -the conditions above shall be'borne by the Permittee. Copies of all
test results shall be furnished to the City Inspector. r
12. 'All excavations within City of La Quinta right-of-way shall be backfilled, and temporarily paved if
withinthe existing travel way,_at the end of every workday as directed by and to the satisfaction of'
the City Engineer for.the protection,of the public. Lengths of open trench shall not greatly exceed
" that which'cannot be backfilled iri the same day. Excavated trenches shall -,not be allowed open-- '
overnight, however,' Permittee may leave d lengtfi of excavated trench, not to exceed twenty (20) feet
'in length,- open overnight at a point where construction will begin the next day, provided that this . .
length of trench is completely covered by keel -plating.
13: All landscaping; irrigation, decorative rock, decorative,conciete, lighting, etc., shall be replaced'to
its.original condition: " y
A4.- 'A6 and'egress to all local properties. shall lie maintained at all times.
15.. Pursuant to Section 14:16.375 of the La Quinta Municipal Code (Ordinance 1'0 § 1 (part), -1982), • '•
' permanent pavement ..replacement shall be: completed no' later- than seven (7) days" after 'the x`
completion. of the work'. � .Permanent pavement replacement shall conform" to .the: following
conditions: _
A-. -Existing asphalt concrete pavement shall be sawcut one (1) foot beyond trench edges: Edges, *•
shall be straight and clean: F
-B.: Permanent pavement.replacerrient"structural'section, within all.trenches, shall be 1" thicker;
s than existing of asphalt. concrete overthesame existing thickness of crushed aggregate base
or crushed miscellarieous base,ing'
-meetthe requirements'' Bectioris 200-2.2 and 200-2 4 of
s , R • the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction. "The;replaced pavernerit and base
- niaterial,shall,be corripacted'to,95% relative compaction and respectively tested, for each 300 ?'
linear feet`of trench. Verify exact structural re placement' section thicknesses with the City
" prior to installation.
Special Conditions - Pertnit No. 2757 f. - Page 3 of 4 r
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• t r ,'4 f
- •- •„ .f• �; ..: .. ' , -- Oliphant/Williams Assoc.:. ---' �` • �. t�f ,f u _
;C. Permanent pavement replacement shall be installed using a City,approved %" max medium
r . asphalt concrete,as the base course lift^and aCity approved;''/z" max mediumfinish course lift-
' for capping.' Asphalt concrete mix designshall be approved by the City prior to, its placement.
D. For transverse trenches across improved streets; the existing pavement surface, three `(3) feet -
F on either side of,the excavated treinch, shall be cold -milled to a depth of 0.10','with ~a "butt"T
joint created along each edge of the cold-inilled`area; and anew 0:10' lift of-W'.maz'medium,
+ •• 'asphalt concrete pavement -overlay applied throughout the cold -milled area.
• ; E. ' For longitudinal trenches•witliiri'irnproved streets, the existing pavement surface, -through the
lanewidth' (within lane line striping), "shall be cold -milled to, a depth of 0:10'; with a "butt'
joint created along each edge of the cold -milled area,' and anew 0.10' lift of%2".max medium
p asphalt concrete pavement overlay applied throughout the cold -milled area.`
F. If 4 grinding - and capping operations ' are; "not performed in the same day . as base paving
operations, the base course lift of max medium asphalt concrete shall be installed. from
a saw-cut�edge to saw=cut edge'flush }with -the existing street'surface. The base course lift of '
paving shall not be left 0:10' low in anticipation of grinding and capping.
' F. Any existing lane'. striping -affected by this'res , facing shall be replaced in kind -by the —_
Permittee; as directed 6y and to the satisfaction of the City :Engineer.' AffeQ ted traffic signal
loops shall be removed and replaced in kind! The finished pavement surface shall be smooth, .
' consistent, and shall-confoim to the'surrounding grades. r. Y
�• +
s 16. Permittee shall notifythe'Gity of ILa Quinta Public Works Department a minimum of 48, hours prior . x
' to•commencement of any,construction at (.7,60).',777-7075.. 4`
17. Permittee shall stabilize any.•soil'that was disturbed (shoulder areas; etc.) as a result of,work
perforined under this permit with an approved dust control treatment.
18. Pursuant to Cha ter.12.56 of the La Qiiinta Munici al Code Ordinance 10' 1 (part), 1982 the,City
` has designated certain city streets as Truck•Routes.`The weight limit.for restricted streets'(i.e., streets
,.. notpartof the Truck Route network) is three (3) tons; trucks exceeding the weight limit may use,a \\
t 4 ;.restricted street if making"a.delivery or pickup '.on the subject street,•or if, this perrnit specifically.
grants permission to use the street to deliver street construction materials and/or,equipri ent.. .
} 19. ' A haul route
an construction'access-plan shall•be submitted to the City for approval..:
s 20. Contractor/permittee shall keep,project areas watered:down on a daily basis.fo_ help prevent airbome� -�
- dust and- to aid water distributing equipment in-keeprirg the soil moist in the event of.high winds:'
21'.- Nuevo Drive through the Quinterra development shall not be usedas a construction access or egress...,
22..: The City of La Quinta r'e'serves the:right`to revoke,suspend or,void this permit at any, time
x Special Conditions - Permit No. 2757,^ _ `' , •t Page 4 of 4'