CC Resolution 2018-044 Indigent Status for Parking Citations RESOLUTION NO. 2018 - 044 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING A POLICY ESTABLISHING THE PROCEDURES AND CRITERIA FOR INDIGENT STATUS DETERMINATION AS IT PERTAINS TO PERSONS SEEKING PAYMENT PLAN OPTION FOR PARKING VIOLATIONS, PURSUANT TO ASSEMBLY BILL 503 (LAKEY) WHEREAS, pursuant to Assembly Bill No. 503 (Lakey), approved by Governor Brown on October 13, 2017, public agencies shall adopt a written procedure to allow a person who is indigent to request a payment plan for parking citation amount due upon satisfactory proof of an inability to pay the amount due; and WHEREAS, this policy sets forth the procedures and criteria for the City of La Quinta (“City”) or its designee to make a determination on the indigent status of persons seeking payment plan option for parking violations; and WHEREAS, a person may allege to be indigent and request payment plan option for parking citation amount due, due to inability to pay; and WHEREAS, a person may request an administrative hearing without advance payment of parking citation amount due if he/she has been determined to be indigent; and WHEREAS, each person shall submit to the City or its designee an application requesting that a determination be made as to his/her indigent status, an affidavit of financial worth, and a release form authorizing the City or its designee to obtain his/her most recent income tax return. WHEREAS, the City will post this policy on the City’s website. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: SECTION 1. That the City Council adopts this policy establishing procedures and criteria for indigent status determination as it pertains to persons seeking payment plan option for parking violations, pursuant to Assembly Bill No. 503 (Lakey). CITY OF LA QUINTA Code Compliance 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253 Phone: 760-777-7050 APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT PLAN OPTION OF PARKING CITATION Name: ___________________________ Phone #: ___________________________ Email: ________________________________ Address: __________________________ City: ___________________________ State: _______________ Zip: _______________ Citation(s) #: _______________________________ License Plate: _______________________ DL #: _______________________ AB 503 - UNPAID PARKING CITATION PAYMENT PLAN As set forth in CVC 40220, effective July 1, 2018, the City of La Quinta will allow Payment Plan options for Registered Owner(s)/Lessee(s) with unpaid parking ticket(s) who can provide proof of indigency. Please indicate the documentation you have attached to this application: (A)Proof of income. Please provide your three (3) most recent pay stubs. A.1. My monthly income amount is: A.2. Number of people residing in the household: (B)Must provide Verification of Benefits Form for Public Assistance or Award Letter for Social Security. Please check applicable boxes: [ ] Employment [ ] Supplemental Security Income (SSI) [ ] In-home Supportive Services (IHSS) [ ] Medi-Cal [ ] Food Stamps [ ] California Work Opportunity (Cal Works) [ ] General Relief (GR), County Relief or [ ] Other General Assistance (GA) (C)If the Registered Owner(s)/Lessee(s) does not have income or receives public assistance, a copy of annual earnings from the Social Security Department is required. I certify that all statements are true and correct. Any false or incomple te information may forfeit my rights to a Payment Plan. Signature: ____________________________________________________ Date: ________________________________________ Please return this form along with your supporting documents to: City of La Quinta Code Compliance 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Department Use Only Payment Plan: [ ] Indigent Approval: [ ] Granted [ ] Denied Signature: Date: EXHIBIT A RESOLUTION NO. 2018-044 APPLICATION FOR INDIGENT PAYMENT PLAN NOTICE TO APPLICANT City staff or designee will review and make a final determination of your eligibility as an indigent as soon as possible after submittal of this form. If it is determined that you are not indigent, you will be notified of this finding. Within three days of notification, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and state holidays, you must either withdraw your statement or pay the parking citation amount due. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY I,state that I am unable to pay the parking citation due in the amount of $ , citation number: I further swear or affirm that the responses which I have made to the questions and instructions below relating to my ability to pay said cost are true. PERSONAL INFORMATION NAME: HOME PHONE SOCIAL SECURITY # STREET ADDRESS WORK PHONE VETERANS ADMIN. # CITY STATE ZIP MESSAGE WELFARE # TOTAL DEPENDENTS: ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEET IF NEEDED OCCUPATION: NAME AGE EMPLOYER ADDRESS STREET ADDRESS NAME AGE CITY STATE ZIP ADDRESS LENGTH OF EMPLOYMENT (If under 10 years, attach additional employment history) NAME AGE MONTHLY GROSS INCOME: (Please attach copy of most recent pay stub) ADDRESS TOTAL MONTHLY INCOME OF DEPENDENTS (Excluding spouse): SPOUSAL INFORMATION NAME SOCIAL SECURITY # HOME PHONE STREET ADDRESS (If different) WORK PHONE MESSAGE CITY STATE ZIP MONTHLY GROSS INCOME: OCCUPATION: EMPLOYER STREET ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP RESOLUTION NO. 2018-044 EXHIBIT B AFFIDAVIT OF FINANCIAL WORTH IN SUPPORT OF 181 OTHER MONTHLY INCOME a. Unemployment & Disability $ g. Income Property $ b. Social Security $ h. Personal Loans $ c.Welfare, AFDC $ I. Employment Bonus $ d. Veteran’s Benefits $ J. Other (Specify) e. Spousal Support Payments $ f. Child Support Payments $ ** ** If you are receiving any child support from any other person, complete the following: NAME OF PERSON PAYING SUPPORT AMOUNT OF SUPPORT RECEIVED: INDICATE WHETHER SUCH SUPPORT IS RECEIVED: DIRECT THROUGH A PROBATION DEPARTMENT FROM A COURT MONTHLY EXPENSES a. Rent or House Payment (Circle One) $g. Food $ b. Car Payments $ h. Utilities $ c. Medical & Dental Payments $ I. Clothing $ d. Loan Payments $ J. Transportation $ e. Support Payments $ K. Other expenses (Please Specify) $ f. Insurance $ INSTALLMENT PAYMENTS, OTHER THAN LISTED ABOVE NAME OF CREDITOR (Attach sheet for additional creditors.) MONTHLY PAYMENT BALANCED OWED a. $ $ b. $ $ c. $ $ ASSETS WHAT DO YOU OWN? (Attach additional sheet if necessary) VALUE a. Cash $ b. House Equity $ c. Cars, Other Vehicles & Boat Equity (List make, year & license number of each)$ d. Checking, Savings & Credit Union Accounts (Lists names of each)$ e. Other Real Estate Equity $ f. Income Tax Refunds Due $ g. Other Personal Property (jewelry, furniture, furs, stocks & bonds, etc.)$ h. Other assets (IRA’s stock/bonds, trust, etc.)$ TOTAL $ I declare under penalty of perjury that this statement (including any accompanying schedules and statements) has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is true, correct and complete. DATE: (SIGNATURE) REMARKS: 182