CC Resolution 2018-047 TUMFRESOLUTION NO. 2018 - 047 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE TRANSPORTATION UNIFORM MITIGATION FEE AMOUNT PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 3.33 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO TRANSPORTATION UNIFORM MITIGATION FEE WHEREAS, this action is exempt under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), Article 18, Statutory Exemptions, Section 15273(a) Rates Tolls Fares and Charges; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California by Ordinance No. 576 amended the Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF) based on certain findings including but not limited to the following: (1) Future development within the City of La Quinta and within the Coachella Valley to the year 2040 will result in traffic volumes in excess of capacity thereby adversely impacting the regional system of streets, arterials and highways now existing; (2) Failure to expand the capacity of the existing circulation system will cause unacceptable levels of congestion on the streets, arterials, and highways of the regional system; (3) Absent a TUMF imposing a fair-share traffic impact fee on new development, existing and future sources of revenue will be inadequate to fund substantial portions of the Regional Transportation System improvements needed to avoid unacceptable levels of congestion and related adverse impacts; (4) The TUMF will raise the additional revenues needed to construct the improvements to accommodate traffic that will be generated by development of land within the City and within the Coachella Valley; (5) The TUMF is a fair and equitable method for distributing the unfunded costs of transportation improvements necessary to accommodate the traffic volumes generated by new development; and WHEREAS, this hearing to amend the City’s TUMF was duly noticed pursuant to Government Code Sections 6062(a) – Manner of Publication, and 66016, Local agency fees; new fees and increases; procedures; and Resolution No. 2018-047 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Adopted: August 7, 2018 Page 2 of 4 WHEREAS, on February 5, 2013, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2013-07, setting the method of calculating and collecting TUMF; and WHEREAS, Section 3.33.050 of the La Quinta Municipal Code requires that the amount of the mitigation fee (1) shall be based on the trip generation rate defined in CVAG's Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Handbook, a copy of which will be on file in the City's Design and Development Department, (2) shall be established by the City and (3) requires the City to adopt by resolution the fee as recommended by CVAG or a higher fee amount; and WHEREAS, the City Council, in determining the amount of the mitigation fee, desires to ensure that the fee is calculated by a fair and equitable method to distribute the costs of the improvements necessary to accommodate traffic volumes generated by future growth. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: SECTION 1. Findings: Each WHEREAS paragraph, set forth above, is adopted as a specific finding of this City Council. The City Council further finds that: a. The report entitled "Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee 2018 Fee Schedule Update, Nexus Study Report" dated March 2018 ("2018 Nexus Study") to establish updated TUMF Levels and program revenue collection targets, which was approved by the CVAG Executive Committee on April 30, 2018, accurately states the City's need to collect the TUMF fees along with the other participating jurisdictions within the Coachella Valley as requested by the CVAG General Assembly. The 2018 Nexus Study is hereby approved and incorporated herein by this reference. b. Based on the above findings, the La Quinta City Council adopts this resolution setting the TUMF amount and sets forth that amount as follows: $245 per average daily trip for all residential development c. The amount of the mitigation fee shall be based on the trip generation rate defined in CVAG's Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Handbook, a copy of which will be on file in the City's Design and Development Department. The Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Handbook, effective November 1, 2018 is hereby approved and incorporated herein by this reference.