2849 (2)Sent. B.y: PGA WEST RESIDENTIAL ASSN INC; 760 771 5125; Nov-3-98 12:14PM; Page 3/3 1 11/82/1998 17:06 7687777155 CITY OF.LA QUINTA PAGE 01 `�4 �•--------------------____---------------•--------------------------------- NOTE: l Vft props 'altation y t*a form whillia°p to CI1Y OF LA OUINTA Il Maoaohmem permit APPLICATION FOR PERMIT PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION (ENCROACHMENT) For the eomwmartlen of public of orlvem curbs. driveways, paerrmenta, sidewalks, puking lots, fewer, water miins end of" like pu41le works IrnprowatmerNs in connection with MINOR IMPROVEMENTS and APPROVED SUBDIVISIONS - Subdivision Improvmtheftt Petml% - Cleats tit 7/ O,aTI; Minor lmorovwwm mlt elm Iy / LOCATION OF CONST UCTION t L� 1 ` . Odom or q.®t.tlse PUttuw >i pR QQN9TRf,ICTIQN stab tettacAWDG^�• -r �n piers if apprpprittel / nub -ILL w(_ OiiCRIPTI p QQN$f pyCT1Q /� r"�eV«..{t 1'��[ �� r v11i'�fjF - � " DIMENSION, F INSTALLATION 0 OV !1! r SIZE OF EXCAVATION, 1 NEEDED APPROXIMATE TIME WHEN WORK WILL, BEGIN I I — 5 ' 1x I APPROXIMAT! TIME OF COMPLETION ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST E -- (Irt4wing repo lot so / Ilwe 10 m. man fOIR- 004*00 and ohacing perm"Rent relurfeeinp and/or roolaoinp imoro-•ments) In eonsumeration of tta gbrrtinfl of this parrnit, me appiloant hareby wees to: , IndamnlhdOoM and stairs dts DIN. n► eU-m4ed @VM., o(fimrr, repntwnh•f'nrr and wn•to-e-t, nary+ ye,rryn aaa .wA'1 /aV and all OMfnIN, lleealnw or Ipa raatldq re ttalun of rtntAlr ecbn one alllna *us of •nr RNdanl, loan or darnapt ro carters er orminr """ingot ollalrrtno » a "Ximsew relVtt of •n- erore wtdartow -hdar dye wrail lrartaa ovea-eM is this swicatioa, 111e60t• dw Adnsirtle la AVtbotlw at Neat twenWdaw 1741 harp in edgtfee el du time nelM waft will be am ad. "VAN hAdl Mi epoweaeU GtY OAmetaea, IM tarmr and esaeitierd of eM and Mt epgieaele rvltl/�d "o" er Me 1. Olrlm lay ORpair for aw eddltlwes rears ~1 Mte s" a that row" A'wan. 'I. - Telephone Me. 77 1-1 a 3 4 8WiMp rAdddress �✓ Telephone No, So III �t/% w..I---�i:,l,.i.�f •�� Appli0wro Insurana. Flaft. sayivhlart Impeovermont Permit - Class III public Imoevarwena: 3wiff wirrletad wnaf/uetidn dean Mvw it site "mm: ?% of setimeted eenatrvetien doru Mina Into"vemom,pormit - Clay IVI See amahed 1~mle ffupacdon Fee 3 Prwelq�. Ca�rr�� t t ttt BoneAMR Ir'we,etl m-6 _. TOTAL: i Realtrt No. Rowk, s ey Dote Reowded by PMky Ntwnper ' ri , /ryly{ 2774 1lRMIT VALIDATION p411M"T NO, DATE APPROJED 1XPIIIATION DATE ISSUED low AdminilVetnt AVlha'ltY Tellapnort.: (6i9) 777-7075 G •Al .. -. _ J