With proper validation
this form constitutes an
encroachment permit
For 'the construction of public or private curbs, driveways, pavements, sidewalks, parking lots, sewers, water mains
and other like public works improvements in connection with MINOR IMPROVEMENTS and APPROVED SUBDIVISIONS
DATE: 2--5-99
Subdivision Improvement Permit— Class III
Minor Improvement Permit Class IV
LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION Retention basin, Tract 28457-2 and Tract 23773
Starrlight Dunes
(Street address or Description of Location)
PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION Revise Grading Sketch (attach construction plans if appropriate)
DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION Regrade basin per the See attached conditions
approved revised plan# Revise aradinR for Tract 23773
as shown on the olau
(Including removal of all obstruction, materials, and debris, backfilling, com-
paction and placing permanent resurfacing and/or replacing improvements)
In consideration of the granting of this permit, the applicant hereby agrees to:
Indemnify, defend and save the City, its authorized agents, officers, representatives and employees, harmless from and against any and all
penalties, liabilities or loss resulting from claims or court action and arising out of any accident, loss or damage to persons or property
happening or occurring as a proximate result of any work undertaken under the permit granted pursuant to this application.
Notify the Administrative Authority at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the time when work will be started.
Comply with all applicable City Ordinances, the terms and conditions of the permit and all applicable rules and regulations of the City of
La Quinta and to pay for any additional replacement necessary as the result of this work. , /
Name of Applicant (please print)
re of Applicant or
Business Address Telephone No.
Jim l,vnn Swat.
Name of Contractor and Job Foreman Business Address Telephone No.
488234 1858
Contractor's License No. City Business License No.
United Capital ins. GLA1252106
Applicant's Insurance Company Policy Number
FEES: Subdivision Improvement Permit — Class I I I
Public improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs
Private improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs
Minor Improvement Permit — Class IV: See attached schedule
Inspection Fee $ 277.50
Permit Fee 100.00
Cash Deposit -Surety Bond
if required
Receipt No
Received by Date
FEB 1 1999a893
t Administrative Authority
Recorded by 11 Telephone: (619) 777-7075
760' 772 0257 p . 2
t With proper validation
encroachment permit ` t c'
s. For the conatruction� of public-vr plivdie curbs, .Jtivcwiyi,'*pavontents, sidewalks, patkirty lots; sewers, water mains
and other like public works improvements in connection with MINOR IMPROVEMENTS and APPROVED SUBDIVISIONS -
F Subdivision improvement Permit — Class III s
.; 'DATE: `1 / 20 / 9'9 W " i + Minor Improvement Permit Class IV
LOCATION'OrCONSTRUCTION Rei_e'ntion?'Basin ; Tract 28457�-2 _ s, .�ta_r1i.ght Dunes
Tract 23773
IStrew address or Description of Location)-.
3 "PURPOSE OF.CONSTRUCTION"• Revise graUi_n_cL�er Sketch lattach construction plans it appropriate) t
DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTI �'�"arl € r n i Qn w G�� AI'r) pAE
+ bxsi_n and -Tract T'3 7 7 3 x f
annrovpd •by City _ l3j)iia;i 15 1999
` (Including removal of all obstruction, materiels, and debris; badtfilling; %tom •, . - ;�;
paetion and placing permanent resurfacing and/or replacing improvements)
r; • In consideration of the granting, of this permit, the applicant hereby -agrees to: +
Indemnify,'.defend'arb aaye the City, its authorized agents, officers, representatives and employees, hannlieu from and spinot env and an ,f
penulti", liabilities or lou resulting from claims or court action and, a4sing out of, any accident, loss or damage to parsons or property .
happening or occurring as a proximawiesult of any work undertaken under tale permitgrantedpursuant to this'apolication. • - `�
'hlatlfy;tnn AAMin:orAHw Ai•thNlry m root twrsnrvfaur 1261•hcuts in advanec'af the time when work,will be rtrttd.,, '' • P
Comply with all applicable City Ordinances, the terms and conditions of. tnipermit and all applicable rules and r"viiilioni'of the City of
- LA Quints and, %O +pay for anyadditionpl replacement necessary as the result of %Psis, work. o•' '
$rg re Of Appii nt or Agent
F J. Donald O]�san., Vice President. 78615 staple ve, La.Qui.nta; CA 92253 76U/772-0222
t Name of Ar;plicant (please print) 'Business Addreu Telephone No.
:R y
' I ` ROGER SI�TFI.J.tai BERGER & ASSOC. , INC.. Jim Lyitu'i, Supt. address same 760/772-0222 '
Name of Contractor and Jo_ b Foreman ' t Y Business Address , Telephone No. »
488234, f 1858 A
" Contractor's License No. City Business License No. �. r
_ r tini t.xi .t -7pi toi TnSUrAyi� ? >, CT,A1,252.1*Oh
App'cant'sInsurance Company `GEN.LIo1SILlTy, ' Policy Number
FEES: Subdivision Imorovement-Permit'—` Class III
Public improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs Y
r Priratc improvements:-3%of estimated construction costs
~n �
_ :Minor improvement Permir— Claw IV! See attached cnluselulr" r i 2774
Inspection. Fee ' , $ Z�1'So"' ' +; PERMIT VALIDATION
Permit Fee' rCRMIT.fVO.
,$. Penalty
Caih Deposit•Sureiy Bond DATE APPROVED '
if required.' EXPIRATION DATE
s, Recelpt No. i
'Received by [late r ; v Administrative Avoority
` Recorded by r TELEPHONE (619} 777_?075 T
-� --- Snellenberger & Assoc. --=
In addition to the. standard permit conditions, the following shall apply:
1. Pursuant to Section 14.16.320 of the La Quinta Municipal Code, (Ordinance 10 § 1 (part), 1982), all
work.shall be performed in accordance with the latest edition of the Standard Specifications, For.
Public Works Construction (SSPWC) and as directed by and.to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.
2. Snellenberger & Assoc., hereinafter referred to as "Permittee"., shall be responsible for providing
continuous dust and erosion control.',
3. Streets shall be kept clean. They shall be completely cleaned at the end of each working day and
more frequently if required.
4. 'Pursuant to Section 6.08.050, of the La Quinta Municipal Code (Ordinance 18 § 15 1982), throughout
the . work site, the :.-Permittee shall comply with City regulated work hours. Operation and
maintenance of equipment within one-half mile of human occupancy shall be performed only during
the following time periods:
October 1st to April 30; Monday -Friday. 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Saturday 8:00.a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
May 1st to September 30: Monday -Friday 6:00 a.m to 7:00 p.m.
Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Work shall be prohibited on legal holidays and Sundays.
5. Work performed within 500 feet of a signalized. intersection is restricted between the hours of 9 a.m.
- 3 p.m. Traffic control shall be set up after 9 a.m. and removed before 3 p.m. The Permittee shall
contact the Riverside Country Traffic Signal Maintenance Department at (909) 275-6894 if signal
operation at the intersection is to be altered in any way.
6. Pursuant to Section of the La Quinta Municipal Code. (Ordinance 10 -§ 1 (part), 1982),
Permittee shall assume responsibility, for repair of any pavement damage to any public or private
street and for any damage to other City streets or facilities as a result of work performed under this
7. Pursuant to Section 14.16.250 of the La Quinta Municipal Code .(Ordinance 10 § 1 (part), 1982),
advance warning signs and traffic control shall be installed and maintained'in accordance with Cal
Trans Standards or the Work Area Traffic Control Handbook (WATCH Manual). A traffic control
plan, if required, shall be prepared, in accordance with the WATCH Manual and submitted to the
City for review.and approval one (1) week prior to starting any construction. It shall be the
Permittee's.responsibility to appropriately detour and barricade all construction sites.
Special Cofiditions - Permit No: 2893
Page 1 of 4 "
-,- Snellenberger & Assoc. ---
8. Pursuant to Section 14.16.290 of the La Quinta Municipal Code (Ordinance 10 § 1 (part), 1982),
street closures shall not be permitted.-' A minimum of one travel lane of paved surface shall be
maintained with flagmen at all times.
9. Prior to excavating, if required, the Permittee shall contact Underground Service Alert at 1-800-422-
.4133. It shall be the Permittee's responsibility to notify the Public Works Department.of anticipated
excavation which impact City facilities, including but not limited to traffic signal conduits and loops,'
irrigation lines,- electrical_ conduits, and storm drain facilities.
10. Should additional work, materials, or -modifications of the work be required in order to meet City
standards, safety requirements, signage requirements, or to fit actual field conditions, the work shall
be performed by the Permittee as directed by and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer at no cost
to the City, of La Quinta. .
11. Pursuant to Section 14.16.370 of the La Quinta Municipal Code (Ordinance 10 § •1 (part), 1982),
backfill compaction within street rights -of -way shall conform with Section 306-1.3 of the latest
edition of the Standard Specifications For Public Works Construction (SSPWC), except as otherwise
specified herein:
Native material may be used as backfill material provided that minimum compaction, achieved in
the manner prescribed herein, is achieved. Backfill shall be performed by mechanical. means; no
water densified compaction via jetting or flooding or other means shall be allowed. It shall be the
Permittee's responsibility to. provide appropriate geotechnical supervision, testing, and inspection,
onsite, at all times during backfill operations. .
Backfill compaction shall be achieved by the following conditions:
A. When a firm foundation is not encountered due to soft, spongy, or other unsuitable material,
such material shall be removed to the,limits directed by the Geotechnical Inspector and/or the
City Inspector and the resulting excavation backfilled with pipe bedding material.
B. Backfill materials shall be brought to or maintained at.an appropriate moisture content for
compaction. The appropriate moisture content range shall be established at the onset of the
project and ensured prior to.use of the materials through progress testing on the stockpiles.
C. The first length of trench backfilled shall be backfilled in the presence of the City Inspector.
Compaction shall be tested at random depths at approximate three-foot vertical intervals as
backfill is placed to ensure the effectiveness of the compaction methods and to establish the
depth of lift that can be compacted.
D. If lifts greater than one foot are attempted in this trial length of trench, compaction tests shall
be taken within the lifts to ensure that the full depth of the lift is compacted. Upon satisfactory
completion of this -portion of trench, the City Jnspector shall establish the maximum lift
thickness to be compacted for the remainder of the project.
Special Conditions - Permit No. 2893 Page 2 of 4
--= Snellenberger & Assoc. --=
F. In subsequent lengths of trench, the frequency of compaction tests shall equal one per each lift
of backfill, per 300 linear feet of open trench, at randomly selected locations within the open
length of trench.
G. The depth of the randomly selected compaction tests, shall also be randomly selected except
that where multiple tests are required in a given length of trench, the tests shall be.no closer
than three feet (vertically) from each other.
H. If any compaction test fails, previously placed backfill.(in the same length of open trench'or
previous lengths of trench) which is represented by the failing test (as determined by the City
Inspector), shall be tested for compliance with compaction requirements.
I. . All costs 'incurred,due to the conditions above shall be borne by the Permittee. Copies of all
test results shall be furnished to the City Inspector.
12. All excavations within City of La Quinta right-of-way .shall be backfilled, and temporarily paved if
within the existing travel way, at the end. of every. workday as directed by and to the satisfaction of
the City Engineer for the protection of the public. Lengths of open trench shall not greatly exceed
that which can not be backfilled in the same day. Excavated trenches shall not be allowed open
overnight, however, Permittee may leave a length of excavated trench, not to exceed twenty (20) feet
in length, open overnight at a point where construction will begin the next day, provided that this
length of trench is .completely covered by steel plating.
13. All landscaping, irrigation, decorative rock, decorative concrete, lighting, etc., shall be replaced.to
its original condition.
14. Access and egress to all local properties shall be maintained at all times.
15. Pursuant to Section 14.16.375 of the La Quinta Municipal Code (Ordinance 10 § 1 (part), 1982),
permanent pavement replacement shall be completed no later than seven (7) days after the
completion of the work. Permanent .pavement replacement shall conform to the following
A. Existing asphalt concrete pavement shall be sawcut one (1) foot beyond trench edges. Edges
shall be straight and clean.
B. Permanent. pavement replacement structural section, within all trenches, shall be 1" thicker
than existing of asphalt concrete over the same existing thickness of crushed aggregate base
or crushed miscellaneous base, meeting the requirements of Sections 200-2.2 and 200-2.4 of
the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction. The replaced pavement and base
material shall be compacted to 95% relative compaction and respectively tested, for each 300
linear feet of trench. Verify exact structural replacement section thicknesses with the City
prior to installation.
Special Conditions - Permit No. 2893 Page 3 of 4
;� ---, Snellenberger & Assoc. ---
C. Permanent pavement replacement shall be installed.using a City approved 3/4 max medium
asphalt concrete as the base course lift and, a City approved ''%z" max medium finish course lift
for capping. Asphalt concrete mix design shall be approved by the City prior to its placement.
D. For transverse trenches. across improved streets, the existing pavement surface, three (3) feet
on either side of the excavated"trench, shall be cold -milled to a depth of.0:10', with a "butt"
joint created along each edge of.the cold -milled area, and anew 0.-10' lift of.'/Z" max medium
asphalt concrete pavement overlay applied throughout the .cold -milled "area.
E. For longitudinal trenches within improved streets, the existing pavement surface, through the
lane width (within lane line striping), shall be cold -milled to a depth of 0.10', with a "butt"
joint created along each edge of the cold -milled area,, and.a new 0.10' lift of/z" max medium
asphalt concrete pavement overlay applied throughout the ,cold -milled area.
F: If grinding -And- napping operations are not performed in the same day as base paving
operations, the base course lift of 3/4" max medium asphalt concrete shall be installed from
saw -cut edge to saw -cut edge flush with the existing street -surface. •The base course lift of
paving shall not be left 0.10' low in anticipation of grinding and capping.
F. Any existing lane striping affected by this .resurfacing shall be replaced in kind by the
Permittee, as directed .by and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Affected traffic signal
loops shall be removed and, replaced in kind. The. finished pavement surface shall be smooth,
consistent, -and shall conform to the surrounding grades.
16. Permittee shall notify the City .of La Quinta Public,. Works Department a minimum of 48 hours prior
to commencement of any construction at.(760) 777-7075.
IT Permittee shall permanently stabilize any and all soil that was disturbed as a result of work
performed under this permit with an approved dust control .treatment. Soil stabilization shall be done
immediately after completing the operation.
18'. Pursuant to Chapter.12.56 of the La Quinta Municipal Code (Ordinance 10 § 1 (part), 1982) the City
has designated certain city streets as Truck Routes. The weight limit for restricted streets (i.e., streets
not part of the Truck Route network) is three (3) tons; trucks exceeding the weight limit may use a
restricted street if making a delivery or'pickup on the subject street, or if this permit specifically
grants permission to use the street to deliver street construction materials and/or equipment.
19- This permit allows .for the regrading. of the retention basin within Tract 28457-2 per the plan
approved by the city on 1-15699 labeled: Retentiori Basin revised Grading Plan phase 2.
20. The City of La Quirita reserves the right to revoke, suspend or void this permit at any time.
Special Conditions - Permit No. 2893 Page 4 of 4
ley Jr.
02/05/1999 e9:51 76e7777155 CITY 3F lutti NTA PAGE e2
' 1
ID vl ���
FEB 0 8.1999 ciTr OE LA �urNT,
Small Scale Construction�fs�D(PMlO)o o ega ton Cf B��P��1�d ss)l an PC1gjLyC Wo
Date: 2 / 5 / 9 9 Jurisdiction: File #:
Part 1 • Proiect Information leo C„o d 9 -s'�}-
Please provide -the ,information below as completely as possible even if it'has already been
provided on other forms related to this project. Failure to provide complete information or
provision of inaccurate information" may- delay the processing of your Fugitive Dust (PM10)
Mit��'ggar' Plan (Plan). It is recommended that you submit your Plan concurrent with your
grirding or demolition permit application
AiddMs: 78615 Naples Drive, La Quinta, CA 92253
Day phone number 760/.772-.022.2.. Emergency phone'number:
Grading contractor (Contact Person): COOLEY CONSTRUCTION, INC. Paul Cooley
Address: 16533 "D" Street, P.O. Box 1341, Victorville CA 92393-1341
Day phone number. 760/245-1377 Emergency phone number: 559-0267 Paul
Construction site street address:BELIA VISTA, Torino Dr., TR 28457-2 & TR 2377
Construction site location:
(Please include an U x ll location map) t attached
Construction site assessor's parcel number ('Fact #): 28457-2. & 23773
Parcel (Tract) size: Acres or 20.0. x 300.- Square feet
Anticipated date of physical project initiation: 2/10/99
Anticipated date of project completion: 2/.15/99
Anticipated costs for dust suppression: 2-1lX�
(Attachment B - Must also be completed and mailed to the appropriate address when
construction activities have been corkpleted) .
" 02/05/1999 09:-51 7607777155 u CITY OF LA QUINTA PAGE 04
` r1o�al0c (e,�_ OoencY Di �DDIICa1IQD 114 ber and tYW Of dill COnlrOl,1MR1e ne1M18 elc-
yPlease hk as 8D 1f C a9 bOssla e- I 7r
' l,aad Ctearin` or Earth! Wvin�{
" X Pre=water+site, then w tinuPUs!Y—
' Dltlnrtled Surrace AreasJ.
i s
31- Ale iintnt
I certify that the, information conlained'in this Fuggiltive Dust (PM10) Mitigation Plan is true
and accurate and that.all measures specified in Part.2 will be implemented during project
construction. I'authorize the,City of .La Qu i nta to`enter the above mentioned property M
for inspection and/or abatement purposes, and I agree to' hold harmless the City and its
-actions' related to this project. 1 also agree to
representatives from liability for. any
complete .the record=keeping requirements included herein as Attachment B' once Sthey
project has been completed:.'
loature o r or ut orize epreSentatxve ate
DQna.1d`01,son,'V.:P. x
` Lbavore the conditions.of'the Fugitive Dlisi (PMlo) Mitigation, Plan.and:the owner has
autho a the implementatio f all improvisions throughout,project buildout.
Wre o . ra in ntractor !"(Date),• '
_ , ( not'the same as above)
F r
.2 .2
4L r----7--, —
A r N,
F—V I-
1 —.J—
Ut awsr-sm as
311IJ. IVNOIJVN All-IMTA C PA T 1 f'q' r A a VXY r
02/05/1999 09:51 ,7607777155 CITY OF LA OUINTA
The left column contains the sources of fuj7 dust which are intended for emission control
under the Ci 's dust control ordinance. The two right columns contact an inventory and
description of reasonably available- fugitive dust control measures for each of the sources.
Please use this information as a guide when preparing a Fugitive Dust (PM10) Mitigation Plan.
(Soon No) "onably Avallaeltt
, ® Control MeasuCgm,ments
LA&d (A) Watering, o Application of water by means of truck, hoses and/
or sprinklers prior to any land clearing or earth
movement will increase, the moisture content thereby
mawng increasing stability of material
o 'Once the initial land clearing/cartb movement activities are
complete, a second round'of watering can generate a thin
crust which stabilizes the disturbed surface areas provided
that it is not disturbed
o Security fencing can be used. to prevent unwanted future
disturbances of sites where a surface crust has been created
(11) Chemical stabilization o Only effective in areas which are not subject to daily disturbances
o•, Vendors can supply information on product application and
requited concentrations
(C) Wind fencing o Three to rive foot barriers adjacent to roadways or urban areas
can be effective in reducing the amount of wind blown
material7eaving a site
o Should be used in conjunction with other measures
(D) Cover haul vehicles o .Entire surface area should.be covered once vehicle is full
(E) Wheel washers o Should be placed where vehicles cliot unpaved areas onto paved
o System can be adjusted to spray entire vehicle, including stored
bulk material in haul vehicles
Unpaved (F) Paving o Requires street sweeping/cleaning if subject to material
Monad accumulation .
(G) Chemical Stabilization' o Vendors can supply information as to application methods and
o Not recommended'for roads with high volumes or those used for
heavy equipment
(it) Watering o In sufficient quantities to keep surface moist
o Required application fr`cquency will vary according to soil type,
weather conditions, and vehicular use
02/05/1999 09:51 7607777155
(Sottrbe No) Ressonably Avellable
Control Measures
(1) Reduce, speed limits
o 15 mile per how maximum r
(]) Reducc vehicle trips
o Access restriction or redirecting°traffic to paved roads in order to
reduce vehicle trips'by a minimum of 60 percent
(3) .:
(1K) Wind sheltering •
o Choices include silos or enclosures
o Enclosures should consist of three sided barriers equal to height of
material with no more than 50 percent porosity
(L) Wet suppression'
o Application methods include: spray bars., hoses,and water trucks
a, Frequency of application will vary on site specific conditions
(M) Chemical suppression
o Best foruse 6n storage piles subject to infrequent disturbances
(N) Altering loadin/loadout
'o. Confine loadin/loadout procedures to leeward (downwind) side.
of the material
o Most effective when used in conjunction with wind sheltering
(0) Coverings,
o Tarps; plastic, or other material can be used as temporary
o When used; these should be anchored to prevent wind from
removing coverings
(r) Wheel washers
o Should be placed where vehicles exit unpaved areas onto paved
' m&-out
a System can be adjusted to spay entire vehicle, including stored
bulk material in haul'vehicles
(Q) Sweep/clean roadways
o Either sweeping or water flashing may be used
(R) Cover haul vehicles
o Entire surface area should be covered once vehicle is full
(S) __.......
.......................... ...................................
(S) Cbemical sta.bilizution
o Vendors can supply information on methods for application and
required concentrations.
o Would require frequent applications unless a crust
can be developed over the site
(U)Vind fencing .
o Three tgfive foot barriers adjacent to roadways or.urban areas
tan be effective in reducing the amount of wind blown
material leaving a site
o Should be used'in conjunction with other measures
:(V) Vegetation
o Establish as quickly as possible when active operations have
o Use"of drought tolerant, native.vcgctatioa is encouraged
02/05/1999 09:51 7607777155 CITY OF LA OUINTA _ PAGE 08
f •
Small Scale, Construct ion Demolition Projects (5 acres or Less).
Fugitive Dust (PM10) Mitigation'P an
Dute: 2 / 5 / 9 9 Jurisdiction: Project File #i
In the space provided below please list, the costs associated with implementation of all dust
control. measures. The information provided below should include all implementation costs
(including "labor) for dust :contiol throughout the project. Not all measures listed below will
applyto all projects. t
VP&Wng: $ 2, 0 0 0.0 0 y -
Chemical stabilization:
$ 600'.00
Wind fencings
Covering haul vehicles: w -
*heel waahers:
Street sweeping:
Wind sheltering.
Vlgetation reeetabilshment:
A"er prr`eet, comp�io
n these records shall be transmitted"'to the Jurisdiction where the
grgdtng/�emolitionitwas attained . and to the Coachella Valley Association of
Governments (CVAat the address provided below.
PM10 Cost Monitoringg
Coachella Valley Association of Governments
73.710 Fred Waring Drive, Suite 200
Palm Desert, CA 92260,
For City Use Only
Based on all of the provisions contained in this Fugitive Dust (PM10) Mitigation Plan.
the Plan is: w T,
v' ditions s e ified below
Conditionally approve (Con p c )
Denied (Explanation attached)
Signature of City Represenfative- (Date)'
flee following conditions of approval have been added to the Plan by staff in order to ensure
an pdequau level of fugi6e-dusr eontroL
(Attach additional ormation it necessary
I have read the above conditions of the Fugitive Dust (PM10) Mitigation Plan and l,agree
to implement all provisions at the' concentrations and frequencies identified.
gn e jorOwner or -Ai#hOrfz6d Representative ate
S .
TR 2377.3; ± 1.3 ACRES
1 .
Applicant shall comply with all control measures as set forth in the approved
FDCP 99-57 application, and the following conditional measures.
- 2.
'The full amount of security furnished forthe approved FDCP (to be determined
by Public Works) 'shall be available to the City for any measure(s) deemed
necessary by the City to achieve adequate dust control, whether or not such
additional measures are included by the applicant for this application. Security
shall.be in a form determined by Public Works.
Applicant shall submit copies of all records/invoices related"to cost accounting
for the dust control measures assumed during earthwork. Said records shall be'
submitted within 30 'days after completion of all dust control measures as -
outlined. in the plan; including any measures made part of the plan as a
condition to its approval. Security may be withheld pending submittal of this
information. All such invoices shall be provided along with. a completed PM 10
Program Report. Form, which can be obtained, from the Public Works or
Community Development Departments. Applicant shall have completed all dust
control measures prior to release of `any posted security.
Track -out and other accumulation' of soil material(s) onto any paved streets
outside`of areas proposed for grading shall be minimized. Any. track -out or
other accumulation of,soil material(s) onto paved areas,' whether public or
private, shall be wet -swept or water flushed by the end of the work day, and
shall be kept damp during construction operation hours until so removed.
All unpaved construction -access and travel ways within the site shall be kept
watered down . and • compacted„ to . retain moisture content during all
construction traffic/activity. Road lengths shall be watered each day. All track -
out shall be removed as per Condition #4.
. 6.
Any transported. ,soils shall be sufficiently stabilized (watered down and/or
covered) so as not to create, dust 'during loading., transport ,and spreading.,
Minimum freeboard shall be established by the Public Works Department. Any
storage piles shall be covered or watered down at all times. -All borrow areas
shall be chemically stabilized to.rnitigate airborne dust, These requirements
shall be applicable to any haul/encroachment permits) issued by' Public Works.
No vehicular• -..parking or traffic- of any kind is permitted on or over any
previously stabilized or other. inactive'soil areas.
. 9.,
Disturbed but inactive development areas within TR 23773 shall be watered
.daily in conjunction with watering of access roads and developing areas until•
an appropriate chemical binder;, as'approved by the California Water Quality
Control Board; • Region •7, has been applied. The site shall be returned to, its
original condition and suitably stabilized to preclude blowing dust being
entrained from the site area, disturbed as part ofthis permit. The City may
release a portion,. of the bonded amount, to the, applicant for such work.'
Adequacy, of all •proposed and conditional stabilization measures shalII be
determined by•the assigned grading inspector. ' r
The contractor/vendor responsible for provision of 'any soil stabilizing agents
v shall submit the appropr'iate{Mlaterial Safety- Data. Sheet(s), along with approval.
from the Water Quality. Control Board, to the Public Works Department prior•to
any site application.. Application of stabilizing agents must be in compliance
with NPDES•and th-e state Water Quality Control Board requirements.
Enforcement of these -conditions. shall *be at the discretion of.the -assigned
grading inspector,- who shall- monitor and field verify. that the spirit and intent
of the FDCP and its attached conditions are being complied with. Adjustments
to application frequencies, quantities and other•aspects,of this FDCP may be
made by the inspector; at his/her "discretion,. in order to assure compliance. '
Approval.of this dust control plan does not -constitute or otherwise authorize
any site *disturbance, preparation -,or construction. The developer is required to
obtain all necessary permits and clearances as set forth in any development
approvals issued and currently. in- effect pertaining to this site. This includes
any, type of ,testing, monitoring or sampling, required as a condition of
development approval, such.as that conducted for archaeologic, hydrologic and
geologic reporting purposes:
Construction activity associated with this project will occur during seasonal
high wind activity (February "through June) in the Coachella Valley. All active
distu_ rbed areas shall be wate're"d daily .at appropriate intervals. A minimum of
one water truck, or -adequate alternative shall be stationed on -site on .weekends
and holidays:,All disturbed area where no construction will occur shall be
compacted and' stabilized within r48 hours of final completion of said
• k