3093NOTE: `'"With proper validation this form constitutes an encroachment permit CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION FOR PERMIT PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION (ENCROACHMENT) For the construction of public or private curbs, driveways, pavements, sidewalks, parking, lots, sewers, water mains and other like public works improvements in connection with MINOR IMPROVEMENTS and APPROVED SUBDIVISIONS Subdivision Improvement Permit — Class I I I DATE: . 11/24/99 Minor Improvement Permit Class IV LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION CALLS NORTE— TR.20158 (Street address or Description of Location) PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION INSTALL CURB & GUTTER Sketch (attach construction plans if appropriate) DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION SEE ATTACHED CONDITIONS DIMENSION OF. INSTALLATION OR REMOVAL SIZE -OF EXCAVATION, IF NEEDED APPROXIMATE TIME WHEN WORK WILL BEGIN 11/27/99 APPROXIMATE TIME OF COMPLETION 12/5I99 ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $ 25,036.40 (Including removal of all obstruction, materials, and debris, backfilling, com- paction and placing permanent resurfacing and/or replacing improvements) In consideration of the granting of this permit, the applicant hereby agrees to: Indemnify, defend and save the City, its authorized agents, officers, representatives and employees, harmless from and against any and all penalties, liabilities or loss resulting from claims or court action and arising out of any accident, loss or damage to persons or property happening or occurring as a proximate result of any work undertaken under the permit granted pursuant to this application. Notify the Administrative Authority at "least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the time when work- will be started. Comply with all applicable City Ordinances, the terms and conditions of the permit and all applicable rules and regulations of the City of La Quinta and to pay for any additional replacement necessary as the result of this work. Signature of Applicant or Agent CENTURY CROWELL COMM. (909)381-4007 Name of Applicant (please print) Business Address Telephone No. SAME Name of Contractor and Job Foreman Business Address Telephone No. 714188B 02120 i I Contractor's License No. City Business License No. n GOLDEN EAGLE INS. NWC 544068+-00 r�n Applicant's Insurance Company Policy Number ' =_ , FEES: Subdivision Improvement Permit — Class III Public improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs Private improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs Minor Improvement Permit —Class IV: Inspection Fee Permit Fee Penalty Cash Deposit -Surety Bond if required TOTAL: Receipt No. Received by See attached schedule _t $ 751.09 !� 100.00 $ 851.09 Date vti rjl��� {� 3 o9 PERMIT VALIDATION 3093 PERMIT NO. DATE APPROVED 11124/99 EXPIRATION DATE 11/24/00 G�q I V� DATE ISSUED A ` l RV 'AIJA Administrative Authority Recorded by Telephone: (619) 777-7075 omi-tu (e►o> aluo41drp1 A4 POAMM AIIw41nY BAg1AIll ...„10 44 p�Me1Y AAI rs-� ,810 Wpwv CfOS8131ro f :1vI101 �D .• 31tl0 NOIILWUldM3 �j O ,ZS Owl^m N 6 tl3A0tlddd 311rO �� Aatdnewmadma W J Z M�11y ON 11111Y3d ud Nw+�d N011,111011MA 11NVIId 0 . �+ 1j ri uopm!di �) L L �, 600114"111"Pl 1t MS W +A11D - JlWMd 1MA~wl MIN quo uolvruutre prltwlUt ls!{t lYutulfu,l 101111AFy owo uol►aMADAM Poo —Iva Ie U = 1 minrV 111413 —11"Ad M+M�Mwb ul WOPPO" Mid 0 j1ddlnN Ao11Qd . �'ON t1n lee -ON wovoptl "mimw ntulsAg 'ow taaltq/I11 I14w1o11 oN w�wi I^ asr Pus mums erg /o PA*W w MM41 "*w to Iww 1uw,e 1 l A&JR11P S T IN11 It Iltttl tNI M AMPOW I+rArr+IrlIIN P"WO A N +Pt UN M VA 1uln0 11 in 40 MA 1t balIMluu Put »Iti s"Maiu• 10 00 yumd rP IS "WAM Is" tWq so 00IIOW11110 4m9 M amimb 10 MW Aomm - •wuv SO Ilw mint UWJA tWU tW W ruN01 161 WON Intl ,1rhA mm uty u 4WI AFIV W#WWAWT NI 40ft unum " OW A Im—nd Plw111 IIrMM 60 Ap,, 04014PUR Wt* bum Is M1ISM 19961,1111100111 1 IS MRu1a A 11t11trrt1l AyMltid M MIMItt III dOMP A OW'11011MMS Au In Ift "JA PusV6IbP WON 4 MM00 WO+I IUIIIN4 tr1 M 4111111111111111111 'I"Itswtd IliINN A..lrtttt Coo wml o1 to 'IYIMId� put MyHWMdJU 114"lle 'IWw fWAJQWF4.a4 'MID IN?' MAS MO M1�HP''N+w l IMift WM1N Iu01ptlO 11A '11WItd IIW in bullutid np IA ue09mm" tlO ul plwlutAo,tlw! Ouj1ll wlp'Jt OUP311 nlu wNOtWJl l IQFN d M u00%@d -woo luilli a7'11 PuI'g4�11W 'wolu")WO Ip to INN bulpApull 1180.E NO110f1Y11110013311111119d NO11110400 d0 Uill- 1�N1><OYdd1l N10961111A AYOMNO" p411 lA.wlx01111M / 03033N :11I •1101AVAV S J0 3219 1VAOw31t NO NOUVVIVIVI 90 N01IM11110 SNo���No►�LL-� ��g ��. No11,anY1EN00 do No1UlYaitiO %_ — 1q+l,aoutltlt I! Iu1lo uaivn,lwoo IpPul) 4p1t1� Il a 30 31WYrld lush+'" 0 uep am" No toutrr M,141 / l./ v IID Ilul,td lu.u.,oal , , uIN III ollp — IP U$d 111--O owl uamhip4m9 NbIL 111Y18N00 40 NOI1VO0I : 31M0 SNOISIAICAII$ O3AOMddw Put S1NJWIA0bdryl YONINI WI"' 60111tuuol ul &%utwoAadWI 14,oM y!Itlmd $*!1 A1410 put wltw I6/100 'mm" 11101 &ilvgd 111124upit 11lutwtetd IAIMM!Ip 'tyna ulnlid m ypgnd IO UOJUAMulo 644 a! (IN9WKOVOWON11) N0llonU1SN09 SXWOM 3119I1d 11WN3d »Od N011W3l1ddV 1IW wwulp.oew wiN1rlo d1 i0 A110 ulpIM)IWso1UIGIIlia uIN61MMA is" fait . L Ur. ----��------------------------------------ •--------- -------------------- AM Z.P 39r•� tjiHIIi0 M7 AD Ali] qi9ICC,.�O�JZ P-:TT F;;FTrt'''TT ZOO 'd MO 1H 606:131 S311INHWOO 113AONO AN LN30 Oh: "c1 (03A) 66 ,PZ- 'A ON NOV, -24' 99(WED) 12:41 CENTURY CROWELL COMMUNITIES TEL;909 381 004! P. 003 pia 7� CENTURY CRO'WELL COMMUNITIES STANDARD FORM SUBCONTRACT Contract: 2439 OF 000 MIS AGIO.el41I`NT, made and entered into at Stu! Bernardinu, California on _I0t7-6/99, by and between (See Second Paragraph for Legal Name) hereinafter calle4 CONTIMICTOR, with principal office at 1535 S. " )" Street, Sun Bernardino, Calilbrnia. and AUSTIN LNGi]``1L1+'.Mb hereinafter called SUBCON'VRACTOK with principal nflice at AUSTIN ENGINEERING P.O. BOX 615 MENTONE. CA 92359 (909)8849410 ItEC17ALS On ur abuut 10/26/99 , CONTRACTOR entered into u prime contract with DUNA FAIRWAYS.LLC A CALIFORNIA LIMITED 11P„AJjJTY COMPANY. BY: C'FNJURY CROWELL COMMUNITIES. LP A CALIFORNIA LIMITED PARTNERSI.IIP. ITS: MANAGING MRMAER. BY: CENTURY I•IONIES COMMUNITIES A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION. ITS: GENERA 1,.PARTNER, hereinafter cAled OWNER, whose address is 1535 S, "D" Street, San Bernardino, California to perform dic,ilollowing construction wurk: Inh rt! 112191 IM Ilrininnl Pricing 'fable Cost Code ]Description Qty Unit Price Amount 26030 Curb & Gutter 1.110 - 25.U3(3.40 25,036,40 TOTAL 3i,036.40 TRACT N M QUANITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL 6" CURD/GUTTER***" *a*+.««M++*rwwuw+ww* 1956 4-F*- 6.95 13594.20 CURB ONLY AT SPAN0Rl5Lv**4*41,y**4;+zI,:P+* 40 �—F- 5.50 220.00 CUSRD 493 4.1r+ 7.95 3,919.35 CROSS GUTTER AND S?ANDRET,*******'""+ 6405F 3.75 2,400-00 3' RIDDON GUTTER**#-**+0*+'******+«**a 582 Mif- 3.50 2,037.00 GRADE CURi3IGUTTE-R*'"*'� **********«** 2489 6-r' 65 1,617.85 GRADE CROSS GUTTER WIV BASE***:0`I-**r 64COF, 1.95 1,248.00 TOTAL *u,**►t.*«.rq««wn $15.036,40 9014v Upun CompletioNAccepluice By All $22,532.76 10% Retention $2.503.64 These prices are guaranteed to remain Pion through the completion of the project. Said wort: is to he performed in,aecordance with the prime contract and the plans and specificatinns. Said plans and speodications have been prepared by ur on behalf of KNITTER & ASSOCIATES, ARCHITECT. IWO/99 SVCTION 1 - ENTIRE CONTRACT SUBCONTRACTOR certified and ;agrees fhut he is fully familiar with all of the terms. conditions'and obligations of the C.untract Ducumcnts. us hcreina ter delincd, the location of the job Site, and the condtrions under which the wort: is to be performed, and that lie entered into this Agrcenivni based upon his investigwinn of all ufsuch matters and is nn 0 �l . NOV. -24' 99(WED.) 12:42 CENTURY CROWELL COMMUNMES TEL:909 381 004! P. 004 way relying upon any opinions or representations of CONTRACTOR. it is agreed that this Agreemcnf rcpresencs the entire agreement. It is further agreed that die Contract Documents are incorporated in this Agreement by this reference, with the same force and effect as if the: sarne were set forth at length hereiri, and that SUBCONTRACTOR and his subcontructors will be and are bound by any and all of said Contract Documents insofar as they relaie'in any part or in any way, directly or indirectly to die work covered by this Agreement. SUBCONTRACTOR agrees to be bound to CONTRACTOR in the same munner acid to the same extent as CONTRACTOR is bound to OWNLR under the Contract Documents, to the extent of the work provided for in this Agreement, and that where, in the Contract Docttntems reference is made to CONTRACTOR and the work or specification therein pertains to SUBCONTItACTOWS trade, craft, or type of work then such work or specification shall be intorprcccd to apply to SUBCONTRACTOR instead of CONTRACTOR, The phrase "Contract Documents- is defined to mean and include: AU hibor, rrzurerial and equipinew in accurdwtce with officially approved plans, ,tprcijicalions (attached to this coniracr document), scope ojwork in compliance with the City of LA QU1NTA Cottngr of R1VpRSIDE , The flrtifnrm Building Code, Appiicable Edition, and all Gorerniny Agencies. SECTION 2 - GENERAL CONDITIONS - Rerer to Exhibit "A•' SEECTION 3. - SCOPE - Refer to Exhibit "13" SUBCONTRACTOR ugrecs to furnish all labor. services, materials. installation. carlago, hoisting, supplied, insurance, equipment, scaffolding, tools and other facilities of every kind and description requited for the prompt and efficient execution of the work described herein and to perform the work necessary or incidental to complete CURB & GUTTF,R for the project in strict nceardancc with the Contract Documents :rnd as more particularly, thcugh not exclusively , specified in: SECTION'4 - CONTRACT PRICE CONTRACTOR agrees to pay SURCONT%kCTOR for the stricrperforntance of his work, the sum of TWENTY FIVE THOUSAND AND THIRTY SIX DOLLARS AND 40/100 ($ 25.036.40 ), subject to additions and deductions for changes in the work as may be agreed upon, and to make payment in accordance with the haynieni Schedule, Section 4. SECTION 5 - PAYMENT POLICY 1. Invoice Documentation: invoices I'or work completed and received in Our off ice by the 10"' of the month will be paid and mailed on the I" of the following month, invoices for work completed and received in our office by the 251I' of the month will be paid tuid mailed du 16°i day of the following month. invoices turned in with work not complete or turned in after the cut-off day will be held until the following pay periotl. *Note: May be superseded by bank draw disbursements. *4 2. lr the cut-off dry falls on n weekend or holiday, invoices must he in our office file last business day prior to cut-off day to be accepted for that pay period. ll'the payday falls on a weekend or holiday, cheeks will bt processed and mailed the day following the holiday or weekend, All invoices must be in our office by 5;00 P.M. All checks will be mailed -w no pick-ups. All invoices shall reflect the 'following, invoice number, Contract number, Tract number, Job number, Cost Code number, Addendum number, if any. or Purchase Order number. "invoice each tract separately "Invoice by Lot and plan "'Invoice each phase separately Invoice ns per payment schcdult *puymcnt will be denied if nett accompanied by a signed copy of the draw sheet### Releases - Labor/material releases most accompany all invoices and must be snmc date is invoice. Mncerial releases must be signed by an authoriv4d agent Cr principle officer of Elie supplier and signature must he rtatarii.ed. _Releases hive been nuached.for your use. Please make your own copies, Authorized extra work: All crot-2 worl: requested by superintendents or field employees mast have written authorization from the purchnsing,depanmeru in the form of a purchase order, contract or addendum. +'Extra wort: must be billed within 5 days said work is completed and purchase order number or addendum must accompany T NOV,' -24' 99 (WED) I2 : 43 CENTURY CROWELL C051MUNITIES TEL;909 381 0041 P. 005 each invoice. Failure to cumply will result in st nort•payinent fur cxmru work. Extra work must be billed separately from eonn'aet work and on a separate invoice. 3. Labor performed — These items must ba returned t0 our purchasing deportment with this contract before work is started: "Copy of City Business License where work is being done "original of Certificates of insurance covering: General Liability, Aura Liability and Worker's Compensation, with a 30-day cancellation clause. The General Liability policy shall be cndorsed.naming the cuntructing Parties, along with their Dificers, dircclors, putners and employees as additiontd insured (Sec Paragraph 4 — following). Copy or Fcdcral I.D. number or corrllwy owner's Social Security number. '"Copy of Culifornia Contractor's I-icense number All subcontractor's/3" party stnccon,tractor's/suppliers — regarding the ccrtitieatcs Of insurance referenced in Paragraph 3: The insurance cumpuny must hove a'B++" or better Best rating. The minimum limits of liability shall be: $1,000,000 per occurrence, $2,000,000 General Aggregate, S 1,000,000 Products/Completed Operations. A per project endorsement CC 2503 may be used to reduce the general uggregatt to $1,000,000. Auto liability shall have limits of $1,000,000., and include owned, non•owncd and hired vehicles, A sepurutc endorsement Iiom CG 2010 1185 or acccptahle equivalent shall name Investor/partnership and Century Crowell Communities, their 01'ticers, Directors, Partners and Employees as additional insured on the commercial general liability policy and state that "The insurance is primary and nun -contributing with outer coverage maintained by the addition.! insured". If the contracling party is involved in sub -surface work, evidence must be received that the subject policy provides coverage for subsidence. The contracting parties will continue to provide Curren: certificates and required endorsements as proof of coverage 4tid all certificates will contain a 30-day written notice of cancellation to certificate holder. Certificate holder reserves the right to request and review theactunl policies represented by the certificates of instt ance. 5. Subcontractors sha11 make every effort to meet the minimum production schedule of three (3) houses or pads per day and coordinate with each trade's scope of work. Century Crowell Curnntuni0es will make every effort to provide a spread of minimum or three (3) houses or pads per day to meet any and all production requirements. However, no guarantees arc given On continuity of work. 6. All pick-ups to he completed with 43 hours of notification by superintendent. 7, Requirements — no work should bogin until this Contract is signed and all items rewroed with it. Invoices will not he Considered for payment until all rcquiretnents are met. 8. Tract superintendent ha. authorization to direct work and to accept or deny quality ul" work performed, 9. Century Crowell Communities will not be responsible: for any materials delivered or left on job site. 10, Subcontractor hereby acknowledges that he has hid this project for a Complete job and agrees that no extras will be allowed or paid to bring project into approved plans and consultants spccifreation. The abuvc referenced bid includes all material and labor required for total plans and consultant's compliance. No back charges against Century Crowell Communities will be allowed, 11. 1 have read the above and undCrsiund that this exhibit is part of the contract as amended. SliCTiON 6 GEM, RAI. SUBCONTRACT PROVISIONS -- Refor to Exhihu "C Cenerat Subcontract Provisions dre an inlegr-il Part ol'this Agrticmem, SECTION 7 — SPE;CiAi. PROVISIONS SUBCONTRACTOR agrtes to supply all labor, mmcrial and equipment necessnry rn complete CURD & GU77ER and all related worts per plans and specifications and in compliancc with city building Codes, NOV. —'24' 99(t'dED.) 12:44 CENTURY. CROWELL COn9iU (TIES TEL:909 J81 0041 P. 006 DATE: ����.✓�� DATE: 'SUBCONTRACTOR CON.TitACTOR ignauirc DUNA I'AIRWAYS,LLC A CALIFORNIA \ e _ l.fyl►' LRTY COMPANY ..�y�•� BY: CENTURY CROWUWELL COMMUNITIES. L.P. PrinLO Narnc & TiLlc A CALIFORNIA LIMITED PAM'NERSHIP ITS; MANAGING MEMBER, BY: CENTURY HOMES COMMUNITIES, J Corpoi-atiolt j Partnership ( 1 Proprietorship A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION iScalj GENERAL PARTNER Contractor's Stale Licensc No, COMOCtOl"S SLalc License No. 714168. Expire Date, BY: Feaeral I.P. No. PURCHASING 4 The following General and Special Provisions are attached to and made a part of Permit No. l GENERAL PROVISIONS The following shall always apply: ENROACHMMNr ON PRIVATE PROPERTY: This permit authorises work to be accomplished within City of La Quints right of way ONLY. Whenever construction extends within private property, it is the responsibility of the permittee for'his contractors to secure permission from abutting property owners. Such authorization must be secured by the permittee prior to starting work. TRACKLAYING CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT: Cleated troeldaying construction equipment shall not be permitted to operate on any paved surface unless fitted with smooth -faced street pads. All mechanical outriggers shall be fitted with rubber street shoes to protect the paving during excavations. Rubber -fired equipment only shell be used in backfill operations in paved areas. If the existing pavement is scarred, spelled, or broken during the term of this contract, or if the pavement is marred, City of La Quinta shall request that these portions of road be resurfaced over their entire width. Resurfacing shall consist of one coat of two inches (27 of A.C. surfacing plus appropriate ad east as specified above. PROTECTION OF TRAMC: All excavations and work areas shall be properly lighted and barricaded as deemed necessary by the City Engineer or La Quinta City Public Works inspectors. Suitable damn and detour signs shall be placed and maintained for the duration of the project. The City shall be notified.24 hours in advance of any traffic detours or delineations. CARE OF DRAINAGE STRUCTURES: Any drainage structure including corrugated metal pipe, concrete pipe, steel culvert and concrete structures encountered during excavation which necessitate removal shall be replaced in kind. In the event it becomes necessary to remove or cut existing drainage structures, City of La Quinta shall be notified prior to commencement of this work. Drainage structures and open drains shall be kept free of debris at all times for proper drainage. RIGTTT OF WAY CLEANUP: Any surplus material retulting from excavation and backfill operations shall be removed from the right of way. All paved surfaces shall be broomed clean of earth and other objectionable materials immediately after backfill and'compactioa. Existing gutter line and drainage ditches iihall be replaced to their original standard or better. All excess material shall be removed prior to paving. Water tanker shall be used, as required, to sprinkle the job site to. keep down dust conditions and shall be used immediately after backfill. DE-WAMM OPERA77ONS: If de -watering operations are required and pumps are forcing water on City of La Quinta roads, it shall be the responsibility of the permittee (contractor) to control this water and to provide off-street barricades when necessary.. CLOSING STREETS: No street shall be closed. A minimum of one lane of traffic shall be maintained at all times to provide limited access for the adjoining.property owners and emergency vehicles. In the event it is felt by the permittee that he )must close a street for any length of time, permittee shall contact this office to obtain the necessary permission. SPECIAL PROVISIONS The following shall apply when indicated: R N07MCATTON: Parmittee shall notify the City at (619)777 707S at least 49 hours in advance of starting construction. TTMM CTEARANC$ (Substructures) Prior to malting any excavation within the City of Is Quints right of way authorized by permit, the permittee shall contact all concerned utility companies relative to the location of existing substructures. Damage to existing substructures resulting from operations conducted under this permit shall be the sole responsibility of the permitter. UMM CLEARANCE (Surface Structures) No work shall be done under this permit until all utilities are clear of the proposed work site. The permittee shall notify all concerned utility companies of the proposed work. R4 PAVEMEW WIDENING: Area between the proposed concrete gutter line and the existing road pavement shall be surfaced with inches of A.C. paving placed on inches of eleie aggregate subbase course having an •R' value of not less than and in conformance with City of La Quinn Road Improvement Standards and Specifications, Ordinance mi. R5 PARKWAY GPADI NG: Area between the property line and top of the proposed concrete pub shell be graded to a slope of inch to one foot (11. CJ GRADE- CHECKING: City of La Quinn shad! check grades upon receipt of plan and profile and/or grades as established by a licensed engineer. R7 CURB REMOVAL FOR DRIVEWAYS: A portion of the existing concrete curb and/or curb and gutter (__feet) shall be removed. Curb and/or pub and gutter .ahall be saw cut prior to removal. Depressed curb, matching gutter tter and concrete driveway approach shall be constructed in conformance with City of La Quints Standard I207. Rg DRIVEWAYS: A.C. driveways shall be constructed as not to alter existing drainage pattern. Surfacing between the property fine and the existing road paving shall be 2 1/2 inches of A.C. paving placed on of class aggregate base. Driveway construction shall conform to attached drawing. CRj , SIGBT CLEARANCE Sight clearance of 600 feet in all directions shall be assured and maintained at all times. R10 SOIL STFRELM32: The area to be surfaced shall be treated with soil sterilizer. Rate of application shall commply witb.the mane wurePs specifications. 'fL6i �1eQaof PgBP'81ojoJ!leOJo ggS `s.(eA�p8!I;;o aowuyl'saogeoglmsdS p1up=S ogiJo TO'E'9 aogmaS gi!^►.(►dmom UM MM uogmedwuO •pogiom plag so j-dmn og3.(q pammio3oP se aogmedmoo jams A aqi el jaAegm!gA�'pnoj8 8mpanoum oqi ao laQFAPlbo m iaemjed 06 UM MI WU of poimsdmom Poe p*WAmeq eq JFM (enoma ftO oiojl 8a!ilmoj eaioq oBjirl eomq !(a is oggnd 8aq-aq agi iagad o3 PaplAad aq pegs soPemujeq jo pm aem8eg 'sole e3eubopY romq suo gas is iooJ OOS Jo mnm!zem a o3 pem*Ww eq HM " sqi 'mg;eq 3muvw o3.(je aam oamoaoq st sjsgtA •gdwfwW SU!mopo; sip a! Pog!msde - pm-dmom 41glnaogl Pm Pol[Wlmq eq IMIS a►oq dmnp oqL •.(_g8!q Dip jo AWIA a! emsma eugop on iegi oe;o paeodnp pue poeoma aq Ilego dmmms eai• Dip Jo g3P!m ajgao oqL •ag(aq .(angl!q of p vq jo OWNV mm 3notpim 4go po0?uaq oq asm q3" saogmas m oq ! 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Century Homes, hereinafter referred to as "Permittee", shall be responsible for providing continuous dust.and erosion control. All areas shall be kept watered down daily including weekends. Streets shall be kept clean. They shall be completely cleaned at the end of each working day and more frequently if required. 4. Pursuant to Section 6.08.050 of the La Quinta Municipal Code (Ordinance 18 § 1, 1982), throughout the work site, the Permittee shall comply with City regulated work hours. Operation and maintenance of equipment within one-half mile of human occupancy shall be performed only during the following time periods: October 1st to April 30: Monday -Friday 7;00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00.p.m. May 1st to September 30: Monday -Friday 6:00 a.m to 7:00 p.m. Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Work shall be prohibited on legal holidays and Sundays. Work performed within 500 feet of a signalized intersection is restricted between the hours of 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Traffic control shall be set up after 9 a.m. and removed before 3 p.m. The Permittee shall contact the Riverside Country Traffic Signal Maintenance Department at (909) 275-6894 if signal operation at the intersection is to be altered in any way. 6. Pursuant to Section 14.16.110 of the La Quinta Municipal Code (Ordinance 10 § 1 (part), 1982), Permittee shall assume responsibility for repair of any pavement damage to any public or private street and for any damage to other City streets or facilities as a result of work performed under this permit. 7. Pursuant to Section 14.16.250 of the La Quinta Municipal Code (Ordinance 10 § 1 (part), 1982), Advance warning signs and.traffic control shall be installed and maintained in accordance with Cal Trans Standards or the Work Area Traffic Control Handbook (WATCH Manual). A traffic control plan, if required, shall be prepared in accordance with the WATCH Manual and submitted to the City for review and approval one (1) week prior to starting any construction. It shall be the Permittee's responsibility to appropriately detour and barricade all construction sites. Special Conditions - Permit No. 3093 r Page 1 of 4 SPECIAL CONDITIONS --PERMIT NO. 3093 --- CENTURY HOMES --- Pursuant to Section 14.16.290 of the La Quinta Municipal Code (Ordinance 10 § 1 (part), 1982), street closures shall not be permitted. A minimum of one travel lane of paved surface shall be maintained with flagmen at all times. 9. Prior to excavating, if required, the Permittee shall contact Underground Service Alert at 1-800-422- 4133. It shall belthe Permittee's responsibility to notify the Public Works Department of anticipated excavation which impact City facilities, including.but not limited to traffic signal conduits and loops, irrigation lines, electrical conduits, and storm drain facilities. 10. Should additional work, materials, or modifications of the work be required in order to meet City standards,. safety requirements, signage requirements, or to fit actual field conditions, the work shall be performed by the Permittee as directed by and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer at no cost to the City of La Quinta. 11. Pursuant to Section 14.16.370 of the La Quinta Municipal Code (Ordinance 10 § 1 (part), 1982), backfill-compaction within street rights -of -way shall conform with Section 306-1.3. of the latest edition of the Standard Specifications For Public Works Construction (SSPWC), except as otherwise specified herein. Native material may be used as backfill material provided that minimum compaction, achieved in the manner prescribed herein, is achieved. Backfill shall be performed by mechanical means; no water densified compaction via jetting or flooding or other means shall be allowed. It shall be the Permittee's responsibility to provide appropriate geotechnical supervision, testing, and inspection, onsite, at all times during backfill operations. Backfill compaction shall be achieved by the following conditions: . A. When a firm foundation is not encountered due to soft, spongy or other unsuitable material, such material shall be removed to the limits directed by the Geotechnical Inspector and/or the. City Inspector and the resulting excavation backfilled with pipe bedding material. B.' Backfill materials shall be brought to or maintained at an appropriate moisture content for compaction. The appropriate moisture content range shall be established at the onset of the project and ensured prior to use of the materials through progress testing on the stockpiles. C. The first length of trench, backfilled shall be backfilled in the presence of the City Inspector. Compaction shall be tested at random depths at approximate three-foot vertical intervals as backfill is placed to ensure the effectiveness of the compaction methods and to establish the depth of lift that can be compacted. D. If lifts greater than one foot are attempted in this trial length of trench, compaction tests shall be taken within the lifts to. ensure that the fulldepth of the lift is compacted. Upon satisfactory completion of, this portion of trench, the City Inspector shall establish the maximum lift thickness to be compacted for the remainder of the project. Special Conditions - Permit No. 3093 Page 2 of 4 SPECIAL CONDITIONS --PERMIT NO. 3093 --= CENTURY HOMES --- F., In subsequent lengths of trench; the frequency of compaction tests shall equal one per each lift of backfill, per 300 linear feet of open trench, at randomly selected locations within the open length of trench. G. The depth of the randomly selected compaction tests shall also be randomly selected except that where multiple tests are required in a given length of trench, the tests shall be no closer than three feet (vertically) from each other. H. If any compaction test fails, previously placed backfill (in the same length of open trench or previous lengths of trench) which is represented by the failing test (as determined by the City Inspector), shall be tested for compliance with compaction requirements. All costs incurred due to the conditions above shall be borne by the Permittee. Copies of all test.results shall be furnished to the City Inspector. 12. All excavations within City of La Quinta right-of-way shall be backfilled, and teinporarily paved if within the existing travel way, at the end of every workday as directed by and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer for the protection of the public. - Lengths of open trench shall not greatly exceed that which can not be backfilled in'the same day. Excavated trenches shall not be allowed open overnight, however, Permittee may leave a length of excavated trench, not to exceed twenty (20) feet in length, open overnight at a point where construction will begin the next day, provided that this length of trench is completely covered by steel plating. 13. All landscaping, irrigation, decorative rock, decorative concrete_, lighting, etc., shall be replaced to its original condition. 14. Access and egress to all local properties shall be maintained at all times. 15.. Pursuant to Section 14.16.375 of the La Quinta Municipal Code (Ordinance 10 § 1 (part), 1982), permanent pavement replacement shall be completed no later than seven (7) days � after the completion of the work. Permanent pavement replacement shall conform to the following conditions: A. Existing asphalt concrete pavement shall be sawcut one (1) foot beyond trench edges. Edges shall be straight and clean. B. Permanent pavement replacement structural section, within all trenches, shall be 1" thicker than existing of asphalt concrete over the'same existing thickness of crushed -aggregate base or crushed miscellaneous base, meeting the requirements of Section's 200-2.2 and 200-2.4 of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction. The replaced pavement and base material shall be compacted to 95% relative compaction and respectively tested, for each 300 linear feet of trench. Verify exact structural replacement section thicknesses with the City prior to installation. special Conditions - Permit No. 3093 Page 3 of 4 SPECIAL CONDITIONS --PERMIT NO. 3093 --- CENTURY HOMES --- C. Permanent pavement replacement shall be installed using a City approved 3/4" max medium asphalt concrete as the base course lift and a City approved 1/2" max medium finish course lift for capping. Asphalt concrete mix design shall be approved by the City prior to its placement. D. Cold -Mill and Overlay - The existing pavement which was properly protected in place during the trenching operation located adjacent to the trench sawcut shall be cold -milled to a depth of 0.10 feet with butt joint created next to the existing unmilled pavement surface. The cold - milled area and base asphalt concrete in the trench area shall be overlaid with a City approved C2-AR-4000 asphalt concrete mix. The width of the cold milling area shall be as follows: • For longitudinal trenches located in a parking lane: two (2) feet outside the sawcut removal lines. • For longitudinal trenches located in a traffic lane: two (2) feet outside the sawcut removal lines, or to the lane line striping, whichever is greater. • For transverse trenches across existing street: two (2)' feet outside the sawcut removal lines. j E. ' If grinding and capping operations are not performed in the same day as base paving operations, the base course lift of 3/4" max medium asphalt concrete shall be installed from saw -cut edge to saw -cut edge flush with the existing street surface. The base course lift of paving shall not be left 0.10' low in anticipation of grinding and capping. F. Any existing lane striping affected by this resurfacing shall be replaced in kind by the Permittee, as directed by and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Affected traffic signal loops shall be removed and replaced in kind. The finished pavement surface shall be smooth, consistent, and shall conform to the surrounding grades. 16. Permittee shall permanently stabilize any and all soil that was disturbed as a result of work performed under this permit with an approved dust control treatment. Soil stabilization shall be done immediately after completing the operation. 17. Pursuant to Chapter 12.56 of the La Quinta Municipal Code (Ordinance 10 § 1 (part), 1982) the City -has designated certain city streets as Truck Routes. The weight limit for restricted streets (i.e., streets not part of the Truck Route network) is three (3) tons; trucks exceeding the weight limit may use, a restricted street if making a delivery or pickup on the subject street, or if this permit specifically grants permission to use the street to deliver street construction materials and/or equipment. 18. This permit allows for construction of the curb and gutter improvements only at Tract 20158 per the approved street plans.' 19. The City of La Quinta reserves the right to revoke; suspend or void this permit at any time. Special Conditions - Permit No. 3093 Page 4 of 4