2018 04 18 HC Special1 AFFORDABLE HOUSING LA QUINTA HOUSING AUTHORITY WHAT IS AFFORDABLE HOUSING? Any housing that has rent or sales price restrictions Common income categories: • Extremely Low Income: 0-30% of Area Medina Income (AMI) • Very Low Income: 30% to 50% of AMI • Lower Income: 50% to 80% of AMI; the term may also be used to mean 0% to 80% of AMI • Moderate Income: 80% to 120% of AMI 2 WHAT ARE AFFORDABLE HOUSING COST? Affordable housing cost: - Not exceed more than 30% of gross household income - Includes rent or mortgage payments, common utilities and property taxes and insurance on owner-occupied housing. 2017 Riverside County Income Limits 3 WHAT FUNDS DO WE HAVE? •Housing Fund •Low-Moderate Income •2011 Bonds HOUSING FUND (241) Revenue from: -Previously owned Washington Street Apartments - La Quinta Rental Properties *Washington Street Apartments will go away next fiscal year Cash: $10,114,006 Revenues: $1,012,800 Expenses: ($1,192,920) Ending Balance: $9,933,886 4 Development Guidelines Summarized: • 20% of the development must be for those that are considered low income • 1/2 of the development must be for those that are considered to be very low income • Once a year the Housing Authority must file with the clerk and the Department of Housing a report of its activities the proceeding year • Must pay prevailing wage for construction costs HOUSING FUND (241) HOUSING FUND (241) Health and Safety Codes: 34312.3 (c) (1) (A) 34312.3 (2) (A) 34314 34328 5 LOW - MODERATE HOUSING FUND (243) Cash: $1,211,638 Revenue: $610,405 Expenses: ($259,000) Ending Balance: $1,563,043 Revenue is from RDA loan repayment LOW - MODERATE HOUSING FUND (243) Development Guidelines Summarized: Must create units for : • those earning 80% or less • 30% of the units for extremely low income • 20% of units for very low income •Annual report from 2014-2019, then once every 5 years to show compliance with extremely low requirement •If extremely low requirement not met in any 5 year report at least 50% of remaining funds will be used to develop rental housing for those are extremely low income 6 LOW - MODERATE HOUSING FUND (243) Development Guidelines Summarized Continued: • If the agency exceeds the expenditure limit for low income in any 5 year report then the agency shall not expend any more funds on that income level • Senior housing shall be restricted if the total number of senior units exceeds more than 50% of the total units in the proceeding 10 year timeframe • May expend up to $250k per fiscal year for homeless prevention or rapid rehousing services, if housing obligations are met LOW - MODERATE HOUSING FUND (243) Required Housing Covenants: • 55 year for rental units • 45 year for owner-occupied units • 15 year for mutual self-help housing • Anything developed after Jan. 1, 2008 must have a Notice of Affordability Restrictions on Transfer of Property 7 LOW - MODERATE HOUSING FUND (243) Health and Safety Codes: 34716.1 34176.1 (3a) 34176.1 (B) 34176.1 (C) 34176.1 (b) 33334.3 2011 BONDS (249) Cash: $25,556,705 Revenues: $0 Expenses: ($9,400,000) Ending Balance: $16,166,705 $9,400,000 is allocated to the Washington Street Apartments rehabilitation 8 2011 BONDS (249) Bond money must be used to develop: Moderate or low income housing Question, Comments, Ideas