Fehr & PeersProposal to Provide
On -Call
to the City of La Quinta
Prepared by
8141 E Kaiser Blvd, Suite 110,
Anaheim, CA 92808-2240
Jason Pack, PE
(714) 941-8800
August 31, 2017
City of La Quinta
Attn: Edward J. Wimmer, Principal Engineer
Design and Development Services Department
78-495 Calle Tampico
La Quinta, CA 92253
Subject: Proposal to Provide On -Call Traffic Engineering Service for City of La Quinta
Dear Mr. Wimmer:
Fehr & Peers has worked with the City of La Quinta and the Design and Development Services Department
on several projects in recent years. Our recent project experience, including the Jefferson Street Roundabout
Analysis, has given our staff the opportunity to work with you and your dedicated staff that strive to find
creative and innovative solutions to improve the City of La Quinta. Our shared idea of improving
communities is what has made our previous project experience together successful and has helped foster
the development of innovative solutions to the challenging transportation -related issues in La Quinta.
The City's request requires a firm with a dep bench and a wide breadth of abilities. We offer over 50
professional staff in Southern California and over 250 staff throughout the company, which gives us the
ability to quickly and easily identify and employ the proper expertise for any transportation -related issue.
Combined with our deep local knowledge and our dedicated staff, our team is exceptionally prepared to
support the Design and Development Services Department in all of its traffic engineering needs.
I am a principal at Fehr & Peers with binding authority and can be reached by phone at (714) 941-8800 or
by email at 1.PackCu0fehrancipeers.corn. I will be the City's main contact. Thank you very much for your
consideration of our submittal, which remains valid for 180 days.
Jason D. Pack, PE, Principal
8141 E. Kaiser Boulevard, Suite 110 Anaheim, CA 92808 (714) 941-8800 Fax (949) 859-3209
Qualifications, Related Experience, and References 1
Proposed Staffing and Project Organization 5
Work Plan/Technical Approach 6
Cost and Price 7
Appendix A: Requested Contract Changes
Appendix B: Resumes
Fehr & Peers has specialized in providing transportation planning
and engineering services to public and private sector clients since
1985. We develop creative, cost-effective, and results -oriented
solutions to planning and design problems associated with all modes
of transportation. We offer our clients the right combination of leading -
edge technical skills and extensive knowledge of the communities in
which we work to deliver comprehensive solutions and superior client
service. We are nationally -recognized experts who routinely publish
original research, serve on national committees, and teach courses to
others in the industry. We do this while maintaining our commitment to
translating those techniques into practical solutions. At Fehr & Peers,
we take a creative, data -driven approach to each of our practice areas:
• Travel behavior and forecasting
• Multimodal operations and simulation
• Transit planning
• Bicycle and pedestrian planning
• Sustainable transportation
• Freight systems and airports
• Integrated land use and transportation plans
• Conceptual street and trail design
• Transportation engineering and ITS design
Clients hire Fehr & Peers because of our commitment to being
the best at what we do. We live out this commitment in three
distinct ways. First, we invest heavily in our culture to ensure that
we are attracting and retaining the best and brightest staff in the
industry. Second, we have a robust, internally -funded research and
development program that enables us to develop new analytical
methods and advance the state of the practice. And third, we
survey every client at the completion of every project to assess their
satisfaction and to identify areas for improvement. We are very proud
of the impact this commitment has had on the communities we have
been fortunate to serve.
Fehr & Peers was founded in 1985. The company has offices
across California, Washington, Oregon, Colorado, and Utah, and in
Washington, DC. Fehr & Peers currently employs approximately 250
people. The Southern California offices are located in Los Angeles,
Anaheim, San Diego and Riverside, and these offices operate on a
Monday through Friday schedule from 8:30 AM to 6:00 PM. Fehr &
Peers is a California Sub S Corporation.
In 2016, we received
1111 `'9 • f SURVEYS
from our Clients
i * 10(i a S A I D
Fehr & Peers MET or EXCEEDED
overall expectations
IN 2016
We met or EXCEEDED
Our work is BETTER than our
Fehr & Peers is an established, 32-year old, nationally recognized engineering consulting firm. Fehr
& Peers is heavily capitalized. The balance sheet is exceptionally strong with a current liquidity
factor over 500%. In addition, Fehr & Peers has a line of credit of $2,000,000. Fehr & Peers has
sufficient financial strength and resources and the capability to finance the work to be performed
and complete any agreement in a satisfactory manner. Fehr & Peers is involved in no pending
litigation that would affect our ability to continue in business through the term of this contract.
There are no conditions or organizational conflicts of interest that would affect our ability to perform
the required duties. Fehr & Peers is not debarred or suspended or ineligible to contract with any
federal, state or local agency.
Fehr & Peers has no objections to the insurance requirements contained in the RFP. Our
requested contract changes are included in Appendix A.
City of Beverly Hills On -Call Traffic Engineering Services
Fehr & Peers serves the City of Beverly Hills with an on -call contract for traffic engineering
services. We have assisted the City in a wide range of tasks, including an in-depth assessment of
safety and operations at a complex intersection, which included presentations to the City Council
and Traffic and Parking Commission; development of a Transportation Division Procedures
Manual for internal use; review of site plans for the new bikeshare stations; assessment and
implementation of a pilot project to convert traditional school crosswalks to continental; evaluation
of existing and proposed crosswalks to identify appropriate treatments/enhancements; and traffic -
related concerns submitted by residents and business owners. We have also prepared plan
check comments for temporary traffic control plans associated with minor encroachment permit
work and very complex utility work associated with the Metro Westside Subway Project. We have
commenced work on a signal modification and corridor synchronized timing plan update along
Olympic Boulevard. We have been providing these services since July 2015 and their value has
totalled approximately $581,842.
Aaron Kunz, Deputy Director of Transportation
(310) 285-2563
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Riverside County Traffic Analysis Model On -Call
As part of our RIVTAM on -call, Fehr & Peers provided multiple services to the County. This included
miscellaneous activities related to travel demand forecasting using the RIVTAM model, peer review of traffic
studies prepared by others, forecasting for a roundabout, and work related to the Wine Country Community
Plan and traffic study. This contract was from May 2011 to July 2016 and was worth approximately $127,917.
Kevin Tsang, Associate Civil Engineer
(951) 955-6828
East Bay BRT, Alameda County, CA
Fehr & Peers was retained by the City of Oakland to assist with engineering review of the East Bay Bus
Rapid Transit Project. The project includes construction of dedicated transit lanes, transit signals and TSP,
median and shoulder station platforms, and extensive wayfinding signage. Specifically, Fehr & Peers staff
reviewed the geometric plans, traffic signal plans, signing and striping plans, traffic control plans, maintenance
of traffic plans, and the ITS plans. Fehr & Peers also reviewed the basis of design reports for the referenced
disciplines including the TSP Concept of Operations. In addition, Fehr & Peers represented the City of Oakland
at technical coordination meetings with the design team to resolve design conflicts and other issues raised
during the City approval process. The plan set included over 300 pages covering over seven miles of BRT.
Signal work included modifications to accommodate dedicated transit signals and protected left -turn phasing.
Traffic control plans included lane reconfigurations, lane closures, and road closures. The contract ran from
September 2015 to May 2016 and was worth approximately $259,000.
Wladimir Wlassowsky, Assistant Director
(510) 238-6383
City of La Quinta
Avenue 52 & Jefferson Street Roundabout Analysis
Fehr & Peers provided a traffic simulation evaluation for the Jefferson Street / Avenue 52
roundabout in the City of La Quinta, California. The evaluation focused on how a proposed
roundabout configuration would accommodate the existing demand during a major local event.
Fehr & Peers completed an existing conditions analysis of the study roundabout using the VISSIM
micro -simulation software. This will included calibration and validation of the simulation model
to existing traffic operational conditions at the roundabout using the methodologies consistent
with the FHWA microsimulation guidelines. We summarized the traffic operational measures of
effectiveness (MOE) results under the existing conditions, which included intersection overall level
of service and queuing results at each approach. We used the calibrated VISSIM model to evaluate
the proposed roundabout configuration and compared the MOE results between the proposed and
existing configurations. We provided summary tables and technical analysis to the City for use in
the decision making process. This contract for $5,000 ran from March 2015 to March 2016.
Ed Wimmer, Principal Engineer
(760) 777-7088
City of Pomona On -Call
Fehr & Peers has held an on -call contract to support transportation related efforts at the City. As
part of this on -call, we have supported the City in conducting transportation operations assessment,
forecasting work, and design work (including, most recently, design work to implement pedestrian
improvements along several corridors in the City).
Fehr & Peers design included Active Transportation Program (ATP) and Americans with Disabilities
Act (ADA) improvements at several locations throughout the City of Pomona. The primary purpose
of these improvements is to improve pedestrian movements in the vicinity of these locations. This
project is ongoing since November 2015, while the overall on -call contract has been in effect since
2014. This project's contract is for $175,766.00.
Matt Pilarz, Assistant Public Works Director
(909) 620-2354
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Through our many on -call assignments, we have found that our clients most value a dedicated, responsive
project manager, and capable available staff to perform specific assignments. Our proposed staffing plan is
illustrated below.
Jason Pack, PE will serve as the on -call Project Manager. He will be the City's main contact, and will lead
traffic analysis tasks. Jason has completed transportation assessments for over 100 projects dictated by either
CEQA or NEPA. These included impact assessment to support negative declarations, transportation sections
for EIRs, and transportation sections for EISs or joint EIR/EISs. In addition, Jason assisted in developing
transportation impact analysis guidelines and a travel demand management manual for the California State
University Statewide System, which is defining the state of the practice and recommended procedures for
assessment of CSU projects.
Josh Peterman, PE will serve as ITS Task Leader. Mr. Peterman directs Fehr & Peers' companywide
Engineering/ITS practice. He has over 15 years of experience in the planning and design of transportation
infrastructure including traffic signal systems, street and intersection lighting, ITS, transit enhancements,
striping and signing, as well as pedestrian and bicycle improvements. He is proficient in analyzing signal
operations and timing for various controllers.
Claude Strayer, PE, STP will be Design Task Leader. He has a range of transportation experience with the
design of signing and striping plans, safe routes to school improvements, pedestrian and bicycle facilities, traffic
signal upgrades, wayfinding and the public involvement process. He has led teams of designers on a variety of
other transportation engineering projects such as temporary traffic control, roadway and sidewalk design, and
lighting. Mike Johnstone will assist him. Mr. Johnstone's experience includes preparing plans, specifications
and estimates for the design of traffic signals, highway lighting and sign illumination, street lighting, ramp
metering, and signal interconnect systems, signing and striping plans, as well as roundabout concept designs.
Full resumes may be found in the appendix to this submittal. The proposed project team will function as an
integrated group of staff professionals. The success of projects of this nature depends on the individuals
assigned and the availability of these individuals to fulfill their respective roles. This approach is a tradition with
Fehr & Peers.
City of La Quinta
Josh Peterman, PE Jason Pack, PE Claude Strayer, PE, STP
Mike Johnstone
Our engineering design group is committed to designs that are biddable and buildable. Our unique approach to
design integrates our design and construction management expertise with our extensive knowledge of planning
and operations to provide the ideal combination of creative yet practical solutions that address the needs of all
travel modes. This comprehensive approach to transportation engineering is a benefit to clients looking to make
cost-effective decisions and develop biddable projects with minimal questions during construction.
Fehr & Peers can assist the City by providing the following traffic engineering services:
• Traffic signal design (PS&E)
• Traffic signal timing and phasing including capacity and LOS analysis
• Traffic signal and pedestrian\bike signal plan review
• Traffic signal interconnect (PS&E)
• Pedestrian and bike signals (PS&E)
• Street lighting (PS&E) and lighting analysis
• Signing and striping (PS&E), concepts, and plan review
• Traffic control and detour plans (preparation and review)
• Roundabout concepts and peer review
ar w ;c c
• Feasibility studies, design concepts, and preliminary design reports for transit or roadway projects
• TMC review and monitoring
• Data collection and warrant analysis
• Supporting documentation for grant applications
Fehr & Peers routinely supports cities in a City Engineer capacity, supporting day-to-day requests and concerns
that come up. We understand that a monthly coordination meeting, as well as project -specific meetings will be
required, and we are prepared to contribute and attend these meetings as needed.
We want to make sure that our plans, reports and concepts are exceeding the City's expectations, and
minimize risk of issues during construction. To accomplish that, we developed and continually refine a QA/QC
program that ensures that all of our deliverables are reviewed by an independent internal, licensed reviewer -
each deliverable is reviewed against a series of QA/QC checklists that need to be filled out, signed and saved.
If needed they can also be made available to the City. Finally, the size and depth of our staff allows us to be
responsive to the City's schedule requirements. We look forward to helping the City of La Quinta's Design and
Development Services Department with our services to meet its priorities and commitments.
Planning and Analysis
We are very familiar with the local travel demand forecasting models (including RIVTAM and the CVAG model
we developed for the TPPS, RACE, and TUMF projects) and have completed both operations assessment and
private development impact assessment within the City.
Below are Fehr & Peers' billing rates for projects arising from this on -call contract. We request fixed -fee with
net 30 days payment terms, but we are flexible if the City's needs call for other terms.
Classification Hourly Rate
$220.00 -
Senior Associate
- $250.00
Senior Engineer/Planner
- $185.00
- $150.00
Senior Technical Support
- $190.00
Senior Administrative Support
- $150.00
Administrative Support
- $135.00
- $145.00
- $100.00
• Other Direct Costs / Reimbursable expenses are invoiced at cost plus 10% for handling.
• Personal auto mileage is reimbursed at the then current IRS approved rate (53.5 cents per mile as of
Jan 2017).
• Voice & Data Communications (Telephone, fax, computer, e-mail, etc.) are invoiced at cost as a
percentage of project labor.
ta W
Must be executed by proposer and submitted with the proposal
Jason D. Pack, PE
I am Principal of
(name) hereby declare as follows:
Fehr & Peers
the party making the foregoing proposal, that the proposal is not made in the interest
of, or on behalf of, any undisclosed person, partnership, company, association,
organization, or corporation; that the proposal is genuine and not collusive or sham; that
the proposer has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other proposer to put
in a false or sham proposal, and has not directly or indirectly colluded, conspired,
connived, or agreed with any proposer or anyone else to put in a sham proposal, or that
anyone shall refrain from proposing; that the proposer has not in any manner, directly or
indirectly, sought by agreement, communication, or conference with anyone to fix the
proposal price of the proposer or any other proposer, or to fix any overhead, profit, or
cost element of the proposal price, or of that of any other proposer, or to secure any
advantage against the public body awarding the agreement of anyone interested in the
proposed agreement; that tall statements contained in the proposal are true; and,
further, that the proposer has not, directly or indirectly, submitted his or her proposal
price or any breakdown thereof, or the contents thereof, or divulged information or data
relative hereto, or paid, and will not pay, any fee to any corporation, partnership,
company, association, organization, proposal depository, or to any member or agent
thereof to effectuate a collusive or sham proposal.
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the
foregoing is true and correct.
Proposer Signature
Proposer Name:
Proposer Title:
Company Name:
ell —
Jason D. Pack, PE
Fehr & Peers
8141 E. Kaiser Bl . # 110, Anaheim CA 92808
78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 760.777,7000
Fehr & Peers respectfully requests the following changes:
1. Section 1.1 Scope of Services.
Change Requested: 1.1 Scope of Services. In compliance with all terms and conditions
of this Agreement, Contracting Party shall provide those services related to
Project No. , as specified
in the "Scope of Services" attached hereto as "Exhibit A" and incorporated herein by this
reference (the "Services"). Contracting Party represents and warrants that Contracting
Party is a provider of first-class work and/or services and Contracting Party is
experienced in performing the Services contemplated herein and, in light of such status
and experience, Contracting Party covenants that it shall follow industry standards in
performing the Services required hereunder, and that all materials, if any, will be of good
quality, fit for the purpose intended. For purposes of this Agreement, the phrase
"industry standards" shall mean those standards of practice recognized by one or more
€rrsl0ass firms of good standincl performing similar services under similar
Reason: The term "first-class" is undefined at law. Under California law, the applicable
prevailing professional standard of care is defined as exercising the same degree of
care, skill, and diligence as is ordinarily possessed and exercised by professionals
providing similar services, currently practicing, under similar circumstances. (Gagne V.
Berfran (1954) 43 Cal.2d 481.)
2. Section 1.5 Familiarily with Work.
Change Requested: "By executing this Agreement, Contracting Party warrants that (a) it
has +r„eFe491* reasonably investigated and considered the Services to be performed,
(b) it has investigated the site where the Services are to be performed, if any, and
reasonably acquainted itself with the conditions there existing, (c) it has carefully
considered how the Services should be performed, and (d) it4w4y
understands the facilities, difficulties, and restrictions attending performance of the
Services under this Agreement. Should Contracting Party discover any latent or
unknown conditions materially differing from those inherent in the Services or as
represented by City, Contracting Party shall immediately inform City of such fact and
shall not proceed except at Contracting Party's risk until written instructions are received
from the Contract Officer (as defined in Section 4.2 hereof)."
Reason: It is impossible for anyone to "thoroughly" or "fully" investigate, be acquainted
with, or understand, the existing conditions. A reasonable standard complies with the
standard of care provided in Section 1.6.
3. Section 7.3 Ownership of Documents.
Change Requested: Add: "7.8 Existing Proprietary Materials. Notwithstandinq any
provision to the contraa in this Agreement, Contracting Party shall retain ownership and
all rights in all intellectual properties developed. gathered or produced by Contracting
Party prior to or independently of its performance of this Agreement("Pre-existing
Materials" including such Pre-existing Materials that Consultant employs in the
performance of this Agreement, or incorporates into any part of its Documents and
Materials. Consultant grants the City an irrevocable, non-exclusive, royalty -free, license
in perpetuity to use, disclose, derive from, and transfer such Pre-existing Materials, but
only as an inseparable part of the Documents and Materials."
Reason: We may use some of our proprietary tools in our work to improve our efficiency
and effectiveness, which would be to the City's advantage. However, we cannot take the
risk that such tools could be transferred to the City with our Documents and Materials
and we would no longer be able to use them in other work. The alternative would be to
not use such tools at all.
About Licensed Traffic Engineer, State of California (TR 2402)
Mr. Pack began working for Fehr & Peers after receiving
his degree in Civil Engineering from the University of
California, Davis in 1999. He worked in the Bay Area
market for over four years and worked in the Sacramento
market for another five years before moving to Southern
California in 2008. He has worked on a wide variety of
transportation projects, from general plans and specific
plans to detailed corridor, interchange, and signal
coordination studies. Additionally, he has applied or
developed travel demand forecast models on over 50
projects in the State of California. Jason services our
clients throughout Southern California and Arizona, with
projects from Bakersfield to San Diego, and Phoenix to
Long Beach. Jason has had papers/presentations accepted
to the TRB National Roundabout Conference, the ITE
National Conference, and the California APA Conferences.
Jason also teaches two classes for the ASCE national
webinar series on Roundabout Feasibility Assessment and
Process of Signal Coordination.
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, University of
California, Davis, 1999
Institute of Transportation Engineers— Northern California
Section Treasurer and Secretary
Urban Land Institute — Member of the OC/IE Sustainable
Communities Initiatives Council (SCIC)
American Planning Association
American Public Works Association
Professional Reaistration
Roundabout Analysis Framework — Transportation
Research Board Annual Roundabout Conference, 2008
Roundabout Analysis Framework —Institute of
Transportation Engineers (ITE) National Conference, 2008
Circulation Elements — Who Shifted my Transportation
Planning Paradigm — California APA Annual Conference,
Sustainability for the OC/IE — California APA Annual
Conference, 2011
Multi -Modal Levels of Service — ULI SCIC
Innovative Interchange Designs — District 8 Professional
Liaison Committee Meeting, 2011
Parking Strategies and GIS Based Parking Analysis — SCAG
Toolbox Tuesday, 2011
Roundabout Operations and Feasibility — ASCE national
webinar series, 2011 and 2012
Process to Signal Coordination — ASCE national webinar
series, 2011 and 2012
Pramect Ex erience
CEQA/NEPA Assessment
Jason has completed transportation assessments for over
100 projects dictated by either CEQA or NEPA. These
included impact assessment to support negative
declarations, transportation sections for EIRs, and
transportation sections for EISs orjoint EIR/EISs.
In addition, Jason assisted in developing transportation
impact analysis guidelines and a travel demand
management manual for the California State University
Statewide System, which is defining the state of the practice
and recommended procedures for assessment of CSU
F E H R � PEERS 8141 E, Kaiser Blvd
Suite 110
Orange County I Walnut Creek I Denver I Honolulu I Inland Empire I Oakland I Roseville I Sacramento Anaheim, CA 92808
Salt Lake City I San Diego I San Francisco I San Jose I Seattle I Washington, DC I Portland I Los Angeles (714) 941-8800
Parking Assessment
Jason has completed numerous parking assessments. Key
studies are identified below:
• Downtown Roseville Parking Management Plan
• Cal Poly Pomona Parking Assessment
• San Bernardino Community College Parking
• Crafton Hills Parking Assessment
• Cupertino City Center Shared Parking Assessment
• San Bernardino TOD Overlay Parking Code
• Downtown Upland Parking Study
• CSUSB Parking Study
• Los Alamitos Parking Study
Interchange and Corridor Studies
Jason has completed the Traffic Report for numerous
transportation infrastructure studies throughout California,
• OCTA Ball Road Grade Separation Study —
• Monterey Avenue Signal Coordination Study —
Palm Desert
• I-215/McCall Boulevard Interchange PSR/PDS,
Menifee, CA
• OCTA Main Street Grade Separation Study —
• Rock Springs Bridge Study— San Bernardino
• Avenue 66 Grade Separation Study— Riverside
General Plans
Jason has worked on a wide variety of General Plans
throughout the state of California. Most of these projects
included Complete Street elements, extensive travel
demand forecasting, and some level of multi -modal
transportation assessment.
Specific Plans/Master Plans/Corridor Plans
Jason has completed assessment for more than 20 specific
plans, master plans, and corridor plans, including:
• Long Beach Boulevard Corridor Specific Plan
• Cal Poly Pomona Master Plan
• Southeast Area Specific Plan (SEASP)
• Wine Country Community Plan
Jason Pack, PE
• CollegeTown Specific Plan, Fullerton
• San Bernardino Bus Rapid Transit TOD Overlay
• Downtown Roseville Specific Plan
Travel Demand Model Development
Jason has completed applied or completed travel demand
models on over 50 projects in the State. His use of models
has given him an extensive understanding of forecasting
and its integration with operations assessment. Some of
his notable projects:
• Temecula Wine Country TransCAD TDF Model
• City of Upland TransCAD TDF Model
• Kern COG Voyager 4-D TDF Model Enhancement
• Tulare CAG Voyager 4-D TDF Model
• Butte County TransCAD TDF Model Development
• Grass Valley TransCAD TDF Model Development
F E H R� P E E R S 8141 E. Kaiser Blvd. Suite 110
Orange County I Walnut Creek I Denver I Honolulu I Inland Empire I Oakland I Roseville I Sacramento Anaheim, CA 92808
Salt Lake City I San Diego I San Francisco I San Jose I Seattle I Washington, DC I Portland I Los Angeles (714) 941-8800
Mr. Strayer recentlyjoined the San Diego office. He has a
range of transportation experience with the design of
signing and striping plans, safe routes to school
improvements, pedestrian and bicycle facilities, traffic
signal upgrades, wayfinding and the public involvement
process. He has led teams of designers on a variety of
other transportation engineering projects such as
temporary traffic control, roadway and sidewalk design,
and lighting. He also has experience performing traffic
analysis as well as studies with respect to parking,
circulation and school zone safety.
BS, Civil Engineering, Northeastern University, MA (2011)
Minor, Mathematics, Northeastern University, MA (2011)
Professional Engineer, DE #19157
Civil Engineer, CA #86774
VISSIM Software Training — PTV Group, May 2014
Roadway and Interchange Lighting Design Training — MD
State Highway, April 2014
Sustainable Transportation Professional (STP) Certification
— Greenroads Foundation, February 2013
Signing & Pavement Marking Design Training — MD State
Highway, January 2013
Erosion & Sediment Control Certification — MD State
Highway, July 2012
Claude Strayer,
Professional Affiliations
Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), Member
ITE Pedestrian & Bicycle Standing Committee, Secretary
Introduction to Engineering and Design at Cuyamaca
College in El Cajon, CA - Fall 2017
Project Experience
City of Beverly Hills On -Call Traffic Engineering
Services, Beverly Hills, CA
Fehr & Peers serves the City of Beverly Hills with an on -call
contract for traffic engineering services. Mr. Strayer has
justjoined the team as a designer.
Honolulu Complete Streets Planning
Fehr & Peers conducted multimodal transportation
analysis, complete streets planning, and design plan
development for 15.6 miles of bikeway facilities
throughout Honolulu's Primary Urban Center (PUC). This
project was envisioned as a critical first phase of the
expansion of a low traffic stress bicycle and pedestrian
network, and a trophy project for Honolulu's leadership in
innovative bikeway planning and design. A key component
of our work focused on the design of Complete Streets,
which Claude is contributing to, that provided improved
and balanced bike, pedestrian, transit, and vehicular
mobility and access while supporting the civic life of
streets and an economically and environmentally
sustainable context.
Fullerton Caltrans Priority Bike Connection
Fehr & Peers is assisting a team and the City of Fullerton in
providing better bicycle connections across freeway
barriers. Mr. Strayer hasjustjoined the team as a designer.
555 West Beech Street
Suite 302
San Diego I Walnut Creek I Denver I Honolulu I Inland Empire I Oakland I Orange County I Sacramento San Diego, CA 92101
Roseville I Salt Lake City I Los Angeles I San Francisco I San Jose I Seattle I Washington, DC I Portland (619) 234-3190
Claude Strayer,
North Park Mid City Final Design
Fehr & Peers completed the planning, specifications and
estimates (PS&E) for 11 traffic signal modifications along
the Meade, Georgia, and Landis bikeways in the North
Park -Mid City area of San Diego, as well as the wayfinding
design for the Meade and Landis bikeways. The signal
modifications included the preparation of 100% plans, with
Mr. Strayer's contributions, that addressed the planned
removal of separate left -turn lanes at numerous
intersections, the installation of curb exte nsio ns/bend outs,
and modifications to signal phasing. The wayfinding plans
included PS&E for confirmation and destination signage
based on guidelines previously prepared for SANDAG by
Fehr & Peers.
Mr. Strayer worked on the following projects at his former
Uptown Bikeways Project (Phase 1 & 2), San Diego, CA
Associate Engineer. Phase 1 and Phase 2 alignments of this
project both involve the design of bikeways, bicycle
signals, pedestrian ramp layouts, pavement markings, curb
bulb -outs, as well as parking improvements. An array of
bicycle facilities have been designed including bike lanes,
cycle tracks, and mixed -use paths. Mr. Strayer was
responsible for cost estimation at the concept level.
Greene Street Complete Streets Plan, Cumberland, MD
The Greene Street corridor is within downtown
Cumberland and is a national historic district. Mr. Strayer
served as the Lead Engineer on a consulting team. The
complete streets plan included conceptual sidewalks
layouts, bicycle facilities, recommended traffic signal
upgrades, intersection reconfigurations (including
roundabouts), and a variety of traffic calming treatments
throughout the corridor.
555 West Beech Street
Suite 302
San Diego, CA 92101
San Diego I Walnut Creek I Denver I Honolulu I Inland Empire I Oakland I Orange County I Sacramento (619) 234-3190
Roseville I Salt Lake City I Los Angeles I San Francisco I San Jose I Seattle I Washington, DC I Portland
_N ,y
Mr. Peterman directs Fehr & Peers' companywide
Engineering / ITS practice. He has over 15 years of
experience in the planning and design of transportation
infrastructure including traffic signal systems, street and
intersection lighting, ITS, transit enhancements, striping
and signing, as well as pedestrian and bicycle
improvements. He is proficient in analyzing signal
operations and timing for various controllers.
Josh has designed communication systems for traffic
signal and video monitoring systems for dozens of
agencies, including software system selection, and network
hardware. He has designed transportation elements of
"smart cities" including connected vehicle infrastructure,
and leads the firm's efforts to research the impact of
automated vehicles.
Master of Science, Civil Engineering, University of Texas at
Austin, 1999
Bachelor of Science, Civil and Environmental Engineering,
University of California at Davis, 1996
Certificate in Telecommunications and Network
Engineering, UC Berkeley Extension, 2003
Intelligent Transportation Society of California: Director
Intelligent Transportation Society of America: Co -Chair of
Transportation Sustainability Working Group, 2012-2014
Institute of Transportation Engineers: Member
American Society of Civil Engineers: Member
Josh Peterman
MTC Arterial Operations Committee: Member, 2007 Co -
Chair, 2008 Chair
Licensed Civil Engineer, State of California (#62301)
Licensed Traffic Engineer, State of California (#2177)
Licensed Civil Engineer, State of Washington (#49246)
Licensed Civil Engineer, State of Oregon (#90390PE)
Licensed Civil Engineer, State of Colorado (#0052023)
Automated and Connected Vehicles: Their Impact on
Transportation Planning and Infrastructure, Fehr & Peers,
Using ITS to Plan for Emergency Response in Santa Clara
County, presented at ITS America Annual Meeting in
Orlando FL, 2012
Traffic Signal Design, an ASCE Webinar, delivered annually
since 2010
Video Over Copper Networks; The Tale of Three Cities,
presented at ITE Technical Conference, Las Vegas NV, 2005
Project Experience
East Bay BRT (Alameda County, CA)
Fehr & Peers was retained to assist the City of Oakland
with engineering review of the East Bay Bus Rapid Transit
Project. The project includes construction of dedicated
transit lanes, transit signals, median and shoulder station
platforms, and extensive wayfinding signage. Specifically,
Fehr & Peers staff reviewed the geometric plans, traffic
signal plans, signing and striping plans, traffic control
plans, maintenance of traffic plans, and the ITS plans. Fehr
& Peers also reviewed the basis of design reports for the
Walnut Creek I Denver I Honolulu I Inland Empire I Oakland I Portland I Orange County I Roseville
Sacramento I Salt Lake City I San Diego I San Francisco I San Jose I Seattle I Washington DC I Los Angeles
100 Pringle Avenue
Suite 600
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
referenced disciplines. In addition, Fehr & Peers
represented the City of Oakland at technical coordination
meetings with the design team to resolve design conflicts
and other issues raised during the City approval process.
The plan set included over 300 pages covering over seven
miles of BRT. Signal work included modifications to
accommodate dedicated transit signals and protected left -
turn phasing. Traffic control plans included lane
reconfigurations, lane closures, and road closures.
Tideflats Area ITS Plan (Tacoma, WA)
Fehr & Peers assisted the Port and City of Tacoma
preparing a plan for ITS deployment in the Port area and
surrounding region. Our role included outreach, user
needs development, strategy and goal preparation, and
will ultimately involve supporting the Plan's
Pomona Citywide Major Street Rehabilitation
Fehr & Peers prepared design plans for the ATP and ADA
improvements, which are part of the major street
rehabilitation project. The project will be constructing curb
extensions, high visibility crosswalks as well as upgrading
signal equipment to including APS signals and countdown
pedestrian signal heads for improved pedestrian access.
Josh is PIC.
Brentwood Advanced Traffic Management System
Fehr & Peers developed the City of Brentwood's first traffic
signal interconnect master plan, which documented how
the traffic signals within the City would be connected, and
what equipment would be needed to do so. The plan
included infrastructure requirements, including specific
hardware and controller connectivity requirements. That
work led to the development of an Advanced Traffic
Management System, complete with central system
hardware and software and a new Traffic Management
Center. Josh managed that project, which migrated the
City's serial interconnect system to an IP-based Ethernet
system complete with streaming video for traffic
monitoring, and remote management of vehicle detection
South Novato Bus Stop Design & Improvements
(Novato, CA)
Fehr & Peers provided traffic engineering support for the
design of transit improvements in the City of Novato. The
Josh Peterman
improvements included bus queuejumps, improved
pedestrian and bicycle access, and more efficient roadway
utilization. Fehr & Peers provided traffic signal and safety
lighting designs. Fehr & Peers also prepared a traffic study
for the project.
Kaiser Oakland Campus Roadway Improvements
Mr. Peterman led the design team for the multiphased
replacement of the Kaiser Permanente Oakland Medical
Center. In the first Phase, Fehr & Peers was responsible for
the design of three traffic signals, signal interconnect,
street lighting, temporary signals and temporary lighting,
signing and striping, Citywide wayfinding signage, as well
as multi -stage Traffic Control Plans. Fehr & Peers
coordinated all power requirements, conducted
photometric calculations to meet Oakland's requirements,
and worked with the City's Electrical Division on design
and signal timing parameters to achieve a temporary
signal and lighting design that would be durable and
maintainable with the City's equipment. The second phase
of included all items above as well as CCTV cameras, fiber
optic communication, wireless communication, traffic
signal timing, construction support and record drawings.
SR 4 Bypass Widening and Sand Creek Interchange
Fehr & Peers prepared Plans, Specifications, and Estimates
(PS&E) for electrical work related to the widening of the
State Route 4 Bypass and the Sand Creek Interchange in
Brentwood. Our work included traffic signal and safety
lighting; signal interconnection; ramp metering, CCTV and
traffic monitoring stations; highway lighting and sign
illumination; soffit lighting; street lighting, and temporary
Presidio Parkway (San Francisco, CA)
Fehr & Peers is a sub -consultant to Golden Link Partners.
This project includes the replacement of Doyle Drive (US
101) from the Golden Gate Bridge to Richardson Drive and
Lombard Street in San Francisco, California. We are
responsible for the Transportation Management Plan
(TMP) for the construction documents as well as the traffic
signal and roadway lighting plans, specifications, and
estimates (PS&E). We are also assisting the design team
with traffic handling, maintenance of traffic, and stage
construction plan development.
Walnut Creek I Denver I Honolulu I Inland Empire I Oakland I Portland I Orange County I Roseville I Washington, DC
Sacramento I Salt Lake City I San Diego I San Francisco I San Jose I Seattle I Washington DC I Los Angeles
100 Pringle Avenue
Suite 600
Walnut Creek, CA
Mike Johnstone is a Senior Technical Specialist with over
17 years of experience, and currently manages a number
of traffic signal and lighting design projects.
Mr. Johnstone's experience includes preparing plans,
specifications and estimates for the design of traffic
signals; highway lighting and sign illumination, street
lighting, ramp metering, and signal interconnect systems,
signing and striping plans, as well as roundabout concept
designs. Mr. Johnstone has completed projects in the cities
of Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, and
Anaheim. He is proficient with AutoCAD and Microstation,
the latest drafting software programs; AGI32, lighting
analysis software; AutoTurn, vehicle turning analysis
software; and SignCAD, and sign panel design software.
Bachelor of Arts, Geology, California State University,
Sacramento, 2000
American Public Works Association (APWA)
Relevant Project Experience
City of Pomona Citywide Major Street Rehabilitation
Fehr & Peers prepared design plans for the Active
Transportation Program (ATP) and ADA improvements as
part of the major street rehabilitation project. The project
will be constructing curb extensions, crosswalks as well as
upgrading signal equipment to including APS signals and
countdown pedestrian signal heads for improved
pedestrian access. Mike was PM.
Colorado Esplanade and Downtown Plaza Design
The Colorado Esplanade is a designed to connect the
Downtown Expo Light Rail station, the Santa Monica Pier,
the Civic Center, Downtown District, and Tongva Park. The
project converts Ocean Avenue from a 2-way to a 1-way
street, providing multiple travel modes access from the
light rail station to the Santa Monica Pier via a 2-way cycle
track and pedestrian promenade. Fehr & Peers assisted the
Mike Johnstone
team and city staff with refinement of the Schematic
Design, Design Development, and prepared final project
plans and specifications. Fehr & Peers prepared plans and
specifications for the signal modifications, which included
a pedestrian scramble phase and bicycle signals. Fehr &
Peers also prepared plans and specifications for the
signing and striping. We were a subconsultant. Mike was
the Lead Transportation Designer on the team.
La Brea Gateway
Fehr & Peers prepared final plans, specifications, and
estimates for La Brea Avenue & Willoughby Avenue traffic
signal modification and signing and striping improvements
for the intersection and along Willoughby. The
development on the corner of N. La Brea Avenue &
Willoughby Avenue required the relocation of the existing
traffic signal poles and associated signal equipment, and
restriping of Willoughby Avenue and the intersection of La
Brea & Willoughby due to widening of Willoughby
Avenue. Mike was the Lead Transportation Designer.
Traffic Signal and Safety Lighting Design
• Blvd 6200 South, Los Angeles, CA, (street lighting)
• Disney Nigel Cast parking lot, Anaheim, CA (Fiber
Optic signal interconnect)
• Los Angeles Trade Technical College, City of Los
Angeles, CA (1 City signal, City pedestrian signal, 1
signal modification, City street lighting)
Signing and Striping Design
Signing and striping design experience includes plans
prepared for private sectors, local municipalities, counties
and state agencies.
• Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, CA
• Disney Nigel Cast parking lot, Anaheim, CA
• Los Patrones Parkway, Orange County, CA
Traffic Control Design
SR-58 Hinkley Bypass, Hinkley, CA
Sacramento International Airport, Central Terminal B,
Sacramento County, CA
Los Angeles I Walnut Creek I Denver I Honolulu I Inland Empire I Oakland I Orange County I Sacramento
Roseville I Salt Lake City I San Diego I San Francisco I San Jose I Seattle I Washington, DC I Portland
600 Wilshire Blvd.
Suite 1050
Los Angeles, CA 90017