KOA CorporationPROPOSAL FOR ON -CALL TRAFFIC ENGINEERING CONSULTANT SERVICES CITY OF LA QUINTA MKOACORPORATION AUGUST 31, 2017 PLANNING & ENGINEERING KOA CORPORATION PLANNING & ENGINEERING 3190 C Shelby Street Ontario, CA 91764 August 31, 2017 City of La Quinta Attn: Edward J. Wimmer, Principal Engineer Design and Development Services Department 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Subject: Proposal for On -Call Traffic Engineering Consultant Services t:909.890.9693 f:909.890.9694 www.koacorporation.com We appreciate the opportunity to submit a proposal to provide Professional Design Services for the subject project. You will find that KOA is uniquely qualified for this project based on the following facts: KOA has provided On -Call Engineering Design Services to numerous agencies in the past 30 years since the company was established in Southern California. KOA specializes in all aspects of transportation engineering including roadway, drainage, traffic engineering, traffic control plans, and traffic signal design, etc. We have a record of successfully completing signal design projects for your city and other neighboring cities like Fontana, Colton, Rialto, and San Bernardino. KOA's strong depth of staff and professional contacts provides excellent resources for the City to utilize. The KOA team, our project systems, and our entire management structure are geared to providing flexible services to agencies such as yours. Descriptions of similar projects and respective references for these projects are included in our proposal. We assure you that our key personnel will be assigned to the project for its duration and will not be removed or replaced by us without concurrence from the City. Every member of our proposed team is available to be committed to the projects assigned to us beginning the start date. I will be the project manager and point of contact for the City. With I I years of experience, I am a "hands on" project manager. I bring solid experience in design of roadways, intersections, traffic signals, ADA ramps, and completion of PS&E for Capital Improvement projects. I am in the process of completing some signal design and interconnection design projects for the Cities of Rancho Cucamonga and Fontana, and will be in an ideal position to devote my time to the City of La Quinta as new task orders are assigned for the On -Call Traffic Engineering Consultant Services contract. I can be reached at our Ontario office at 3190 C Shelby Street, Ontario, CA 91764, (909) 890-9693 or by e-mail at mguanAkoacorp.com. Mr. Walter Okitsu, PE, a founder and a principal of KOA Corporation with over 32 years of experience exclusively in traffic engineering and signal design and coordination, will serve as our proposed independent QA/QC Manager/Technical Advisor for the project. We have reviewed the City's standard agreement included with the RFP and agree to the terms of the agreement. I am authorized to bind the firm to any contracts and agreements. Our proposal is valid for a period of 180 days from the date of this submittal. KOA Corporation looks forward to working with the City of La Quinta on this project. Sincerely, KOA Corporation r Ming Guan, PE, TE Vice President/Project Manager KOA CORPORATION PLANNING & ENGINEERING KOA CORPORATION PLANNING $ ENGINEERING PROPOSAL FOR ON -CALL TRAFFIC ENGINEERING CONSULTANT SERVICES TABLE OF CONTENTS TRANSMITTAL LETTER QUALIFICATIONS, RELATED EXPERIENCE & REFERENCES .................................. ............ .......... ».............................................. f Firm Profile Firm's Financial Condition Firm's Experience in Performing Similar Work References PROPOSED STAFFING & PROJECT ORGANIZATION...................................................................................................................8 Project Management and Staffing Organization Chart Staff Responsibility and Availability Matrix WORKPLAN/TECHNICAL APPROACH......................................................................................................................................I I Project Understanding and Approach A) Work Plan/Approach for Traffic -Design -Related Tasks B) Work Plan/Approach for Planning -Related Tasks Scheduling Management Approach COST AND PRICE .............................................. KOA's Preferred Method/Timing of Payment Schedule of Hourly Labor Rates APPENDIX Resumes Non -Collusion Affidavit ........................................................................................................................18 CITY OF LA QUINTA KOA CORPORATION PLANNING & ENGINEERING QUALIFICATIONS, RELATED EXPERIENCE AND REFERENCES FIRM PROFILE Founded in 1987, KOA Corporation (KOA), is a California Corporation, and leading provider in civil and traffic engineering, transportation planning and construction management services for public agencies and private sector clients. Driven by our mission - "Changing the Future of Travel", we offer our clients technical knowledge, creative solutions and responsive services. The hallmark of our success is our dedication to each and every project designed to leave a legacy of extraordinary contributions to our communities. As a 100% employee -owned firm, our staff includes certified transportation planners and registered civil and traffic engineers, project/construction managers, and construction inspectors. With five offices and over 90 employees located in Southern California, KOA has provided engineering services for the largest public works and transportation planning projects throughout California. KOA has strong quality control procedures in place that all staff are required to follow. For each project, we develop a quality control implementation plan for which we obtain approval from the client. Once the QA/QC plan process is approved by the client we implement it and follow through the entire phase of the project. FIRM's FINANCIAL CONDITION KOA has no past or pending litigation, or claims filed against our firm, principals of the firm, or each of our key consultants, related to services performed for public agencies, or in actions that may affect our performance under a contract with the City. KOA is not debarred, suspended or otherwise declared ineligible to contract with any other federal, state or local public agency. TYPES OF SERVICES Traffic Engineering Transportation Planning Highway & Transportation Design Program Management Construction Management YEARS IN BUSINESS 30 FORM OF ORGANIZATION S Corporation SIZE/LOCATION OF OFFICES Monterey Park (46 employees) Ontario (6) Orange (13) San Diego (14) Culver City - Crain (12) PROJECT OFFICE LOCATION 3190 C Shelby Street Ontario, CA 91764 Tel: (909) 890-9693 Fax: (909) 890-9694 Open M-F, 8:00-5:00 PROJECT MANAGER Ms. Ming Guan, PE, TE Project Manager (909) 890-9693 mguan _ koacorp.corrl The City of La Quinta is seeking a consultant to provide professional engineering services, and KOA is interested in providing On -Call Traffic Engineering Consultant Services per the RFP. CITY OF LA QUINTA W KOA CORPORATION PLANNING & ENGINEERING FIRM'S EXPERIENCE IN PERFORMING SIMILAR WORK KOA staff offers exceptional experience and innovation in the fields of Transportation Planning and Traffic Engineering, and we provide a comprehensive range of services from initial Project Planning and Environmental Impact Analyses, through the Design, Specifications and Bidding processes, as well as through the Construction Management and Observation stages, ending with the completion and approval of project implementation. KOA's engineering staff has a very extensive background in conducting and processing traffic impact analyses for major private and public development projects throughout the Southern California region. Our staff will design creative and very cost-effective traffic mitigation measures, and will reevaluate mitigation designs offered by others to significantly reduce the costs and impacts of implementing such measures. KOA's traffic engineering design services include studies to authorize and fund the installation of new traffic signals, the installation of intelligent transportation systems (ITS), and/or the RSM Signal Interconnect upgrading of existing signal systems, along with the preparation of traffic signal and street lighting plans, specifications, and cost estimates. These services include construction oversight and inspections, for completion and approval of the project, and for compliance with all local, regional, state, and federal requirements and regulations. SERVICES AVAILABLE ➢ Traffic Data Collection and Analysis ➢ Traffic Striping and Signing Design ➢ Traffic Modeling ➢ Traffic Signal Design ➢ Traffic Planning and Operations Studies ➢ Traffic Signal Timing and Coordination ➢ Funding Application Preparation ➢ Intelligent Traffic System (ITS) ➢ Environmental/Traffic Impact Analyses ➢ Design/Operations ➢ Site Development Planning and Design ➢ Construction Traffic Control Design ➢ Neighborhood Traffic Management (Calming) ➢ Construction Management and Oversight CURRENT ON -CALL CONTRACTS ➢ On -call Traffic Engineering Services for the City of Rialto ➢ On -call Traffic Engineering Services for the City of Chino Hills ➢ On -call Traffic Engineering Services for the City of Anaheim ➢ On -call Traffic / Transportation Services for the City of Orange ➢ On -call Traffic / Transportation Services for the City of Pasadena ➢ On -call Traffic Engineering Services for the City of Imperial Beach ➢ On -call Civil Engineering Services for the City of La Habra ➢ On -call Planning and Design Services for the City of Long Beach ➢ On -call Civil Engineering Services for the City of National City CITY OF LA QUINTA 2 KOA CORPORATION PLANNING 8 ENGINEERING I- I 0/RANCHO AVENUE EB ON -RAMP WIDENING COLTON, CA KOA was selected by the City of Colton to complete the PA/ED and PS&E for the On Ramp Improvement project. Funded by SHOPP Minor A fund, the City desires to widen the I-10 eastbound on -ramp to accommodate safe truck turning movements. The proximity of the UPRR and the Santa Ana River basin on the south side of the project could influence the project design development. It is important to lay out the UPRR Railroad right of way during the preliminary design phase. Our goal is to avoid impacts to UPRR ROW and the overcrossing bridge. The project requires coordination with Caltrans; preparation of Fact Sheets as well as obtaining an encroachment permit from Caltrans District 8. The proposed improvement includes installation of retaining wall, embankment, ramp widening, striping, and traffic signal modification. KOA will also assist the City during the construction phase of the project. HIGHLAND-REDLANDS CONNECTOR PROJECT, ATP CYCLE I, FEDERAL PROJECT NO. ATPL-5449 HIGHLAND/REDLANDS, CA KOA is leading a team to improve the non -motorized transportation network by constructing regional bikeways and walkways. Work will include pavement widening, curb and gutter, curb ramps, median curbs, sidewalks, pavement repairs, slurry seal, Class I and II bikeway/pedestrian paths, bicycle/pedestrian bridge, bike racks, bollards, bike signals, in - roadway bicycle detection, pedestrian heads, sharrows, enhanced crosswalks, warning beacons, roadway and bikeway signage, lighting, and speed feedback signs. Street widening and trail improvements include the incorporation of Class I, Class II, Class III, and Class IV facilities for bicyclists and other non -motorized forms of transportation. The team's services include environmental clearance traffic engineering, utility research, surveying, hydrology, geotechnical engineering, and right-of-way analysis. KOA is providing conceptual plans and alignments; bicycle safety and awareness education; traffic calming design; street crossing designs for bicycle and pedestrian uses; and designs for incorporating ADA access. REDLANDS HSIP CYCLE 6 TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYSTEM REDLANDS, CA Funded by Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Cycle 6, a new traffic signal system is to be installed at the intersection of Orange Street and Pioneer Avenue. Orange Street is a secondary arterial highway and Pioneer Avenue is a local street currently controlled with all -way stop signs. The intersection has experienced a significant increase in peak hour traffic due to the recent construction of the high school on Pioneer Avenue and Taxes Street. The signal is needed in order to accommodate the traffic and pedestrian movement. Signing and striping will be modified to accommodate signal operation. REFERENCE: City of Colton Victor Ortiz, City Engineer (909) 370-5065 2016-Current REFERENCE: City of Highland Dennis Barton, Project Manager (909) 864-8732 x251 2017-Current REFERENCE: City of Redlands Jason Montgomery, Associate Civil Engineer (909) 798-7584 x5 2016-Current CITY OF LA QUINTA KOA CORPORATION PLANNING 8 ENGINEERING FOOTHILL BOULEVARD TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYNCHRONIZATION PROJECT ARCADIA, MONROVIA, PASADENA, CA KOA prepared traffic signal modification plans to upgrade and synchronize the traffic signals for the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works, as part of their Countywide Traffic Signal Synchronization Program. The project length is approximately 4.8 miles and involved multiple jurisdictions, including the Cities of Arcadia, Monrovia, and Pasadena, the County of Los Angeles, and Caltrans. KOA's scope of work involved the preparation of traffic signal modification plans for 14 intersections and signing and striping plans for 2 intersections. Preparation of the traffic signal modification plans involved extensive and thorough field reviews, preparation of accurate base drawings, and design of traffic signal improvements to satisfy the synchronization program guidelines and the County's, Cities', and Caltrans' design standards. The range of improvements included controller and cabinet upgrades, traffic signal equipment upgrades, vehicle detection, GPS time -based units, median nose modifications, pedestrian access ramps, crosswalks, striping, and roadway signage. NEW TRAFFIC SIGNAL DESIGN AT 1-215 (1-10 WB) ON -RAMP AND WATERMAN AVENUE SAN BERNARDINO, CA The City of San Bernardino received funds to improve traffic operations for the 1-215 On -Ramp and Waterman Avenue intersection which forms a "T" shape intersection with no signal in either direction. This project will require a new traffic signal, modification of the signing, and striping. The KOA team prepared the PS&E package for the signal design per Caltrans and City of San Bernardino. KOA coordinated with Caltrans District 8 to obtain a Caltrans Encroachment Permit which included Utility Coordination, Synchro Analysis, Truck Turning Templates, Isofootcandle light diagram, Water Pollution Control Report, Cost Estimate, Traffic Signal Plans, Traffic Memorandum, and Specifications. ON -CALL FOR ITS -RELATED SERVICES FOR THE CITY'S TMC DIAMOND BAR, CA KOA provides technical support to manage the City's Traffic Management Center Central System (which runs on TransSuite software) and other ITS - related services. The scope of work includes troubleshooting potential problems between the local controller and its internal circuitry within the cabinet and determining problems that cause a loss of communications between local controllers and the TMC. KOA performs diagnostic testing on components inside the cabinet and the communication system in the TMC. KOA checks for the proper connection and "punch- down" of the interconnect system and for the conditions of cables and their shields. KOA informs City staff if there are issues that warrant further action, including replacement of faulty parts and components. Of REFERENCE: LA County Dept of Public Works Marin Amundson (626) 300-4705 2012 f:14140:1MOIL4 City of San Bernardino Mahmoud Khodr, Traffic Engineer (909) 384-7251 2017-Current 1V'r., f�� • 4 I : REFERENCE: City of Diamond Bar Christian Malpica, Associate Engineer (909) 839-7042 201 1-2016 CITY OF LA QUINTA 4 c, KOA CORPORATION PLANNING & ENGINEERING FY 2016/2017 INSTALLATION OF FOUR (4) TRAFFIC SIGNALS AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA KOA was selected by the City of Rancho Cucamonga to provide design services and complete a PS&E package for four intersections. Design new traffic signals and traffic signal interconnect at: 1) East Avenue at Miller Avenue Interconnect 2) Sixth Street at Rochester Avenue Interconnect 3) Milliken Avenue at Fifth Street Interconnect 4) Rochester Avenue at Jersey Boulevard Interconnect The project design services included intersection modifications at a couple of locations, construction of ADA Ramps, and signing and striping. At one of the intersections, coordination with the business owner was required for their access needs. SEVEN TRAFFIC SIGNALS & STREET IMPROVEMENT DESIGN SERVICES FONTANA, CA KOA was selected by the City of Fontana to provide design services and complete PS&E package for the following intersections: I . Valley Boulevard at Oleander Avenue 2. Juniper Avenue at Randall Avenue 3. Valley Boulevard at Almond Avenue 4. San Bernardino Avenue at Cypress Avenue 5. Merrill Avenue at Oleander Fontana Avenue 6. Juniper Avenue at Ceres Avenue 7. Sierra Avenue and Riverside Avenue The project design services included intersection modifications at a couple of locations, construction of ADA Ramps, and signing and striping. TRAFFIC SIGNAL & STREET IMPROVEMENTS TO LINDEN AVE & RIVERSIDE AVE RIALTO, CA The original scope of the project was to install a new traffic signal system at the intersection of Riverside and Linden Avenues. The existing intersection is not currently constructed to its ultimate width, but coordination with the property owners will take place to obtain additional right of way to allow installation of the traffic signal improvements at their ultimate locations. After the KOA team completed 85% PS&E package per the original scope, the City desired to extend the project scope which includes widening Riverside Avenue with two through lanes for the NB traffic. Thirteen parcels and existing power poles will be impacted due to the proposed widening. The final scope of work includes coordination with impacted utility companies for relocation of existing facilities; preparation of right of way legal descriptions and plats; providing ROW appraisal and acquisition services; and coordinating with San Bernardino County to obtain signing and striping approval. 100% PS&E has been completed. REFERENCE: City of Rancho Cucamonga Natalie Avila, Associate Engineer (909) 774-4076 2017-Current REFERENCE: City of Fontana Noel Castillo, Engineering Manager (909) 350-7632 2015-2017 REFERENCE: City of Rialto Hector Gonzalez, Associate Civil Engineer (909) 421-4986 2013-2017 CITY OF LA QUINTA KOA CORPORATION PLANNING & ENGINEERING COACHELLA ST-68 TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYNCHRONIZATION PROJECT COACHELLA, CA KOA recently completed ITS and signal design services for the Traffic Signal Synchronization and ITS Infrastructure Phase I Deployment of the City's ITS Master Plan. The scope included complete construction documents (PS&E) and construction management for controller upgrades, ITS hardware & software upgrades, new 72 single mode fiber optic interconnect of all City intersections, redundant wireless interconnect, and the PS&E to construct a new Traffic Management Center (TMC). The project migrated the City to the new McCain 2070ATC controllers running the Omni Ex program and Transparity TMC central system software. The TMC PS&E included the design for a 3x2-47" flat panel live video wall for the operation center and server room in support of a central signal control, remote access of video detection and CCTV pan tilt zoom cameras. Signal Synchronization and Timing Implementation for 16 City traffic signals was included, as well as timing implementation and training for City staff for TMC operation. The net performance improvement for the project resulted in an average reduction in vehicle travel time by 25% and an increase in travel speed by 30%. TOWN OF APPLE VALLEY SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL MASTER PLAN APPLE VALLEY, CA The Town of Apple Valley obtained the Caltrans Sustainable Transportation Planning Program grant as a winning city out of 141 applicants. The grant is used to develop a town -wide Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Master Plan, which would serve 10 Kindergarten through 8th grade schools for the Apple Valley Unified School District (AVUSD) and the Town of Apple Valley, which has a population of more than 70,000 people. This grant would allow a comprehensive evaluation of these grade schools and focus on the risks and options necessary to improve their routes. The proposed SRTS master plan will provide the first step towards improving the infrastructure and the everyday lives of Apple Valley students by allowing safer and better routes to and from school. The SRTS plan is intended to improve the health of students through increased exercise and reduced greenhouse gas and emissions by reducing the number of vehicle miles traveled. This would be accomplished by accommodating an increase in the number of students walking and cycling to school. The SRTS master plan will enhance walkability and bicycling for students in kindergarten through 8th grade, but it will also benefit secondary students. The plan promotes safe walking and cycling through the 6 Es campaign. REFERENCE: City of Coachella Oscar Espinoza, Senior Civil Engineer (760) 398-5744 x 168 2015-2017 TOWN OF APPLE VALLEY S 1 ROWS TO SCHOOL MASTER PLAN 01TJ,;_ REFERENCE: Town of Apple Valley Rich Berger, Project Manager (760) 240-7000 2015-Current ON -CALL TRAFFIC ENGINEERING CONSULTANT SERVICES KOA CORPORATION PLANNING & ENGINEERING REFERENCES We are proud of our record of timely delivery on our projects. References for our projects can confirm that our work quality and deployment of staff resources will insure expedient project design completion. I-10/RANCHO AVENUE EASTBOUND ON -RAMP WIDENING PROJECT, COLTON, CA Victor Ortiz, City Engineer City of Colton 160 S. I Oth Street Colton, CA 92324 (909) 370-5065 VOrtizCaki.colton.ca.us HIGHLAND-REDLANDS CONNECTOR PROJECT, ATP CYCLE I, FEDERAL PROJECT NO. ATPL-5449 (PA/ED, PS&E) Dennis Barton, Project Manager City of Highland 27215 Base Line Highland, CA 92346 (909) 864-8732 dbarton@ci&yofhi2hland.org SEVEN TRAFFIC SIGNALS AND STREET IMPROVEMENT DESIGN SERVICES Noel Castillo Engineering Manager City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 (909) 350-7632 nastillo fontana.or- TRAFFIC SIGNAL & STREET IMPROVEMENTS TO LINDEN AVENUE & RIVERSIDE AVENUE Hector Gonzalez, PE Associate Civil Engineer Department of Public Works 335 W. Rialto Ave. Rialto, CA 92376 (909) 421-4986 hgonzal ez(0-) rialtoca.gov NEW TRAFFIC SIGNAL DESIGN AT 1-215 (1-10 WB) ON -RAMP AND WATERMAN AVENUE Mahmoud Khodr Traffic Engineer City of San Bernardino 201 North E Street, 2nd Floor San Bernardino, CA 92401 (909) 384-7251 Khodr MaOsbcity.org CITY OF LA QUINTA KOA CORPORATION PLANNING & ENGINEERING PROPOSED STAFFING & PROJECT ORGANIZATION PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND STAFFING KOA Corporation is one of the largest, most well recognized firms in Southern California in the areas of general civil engineering, traffic design, transportation planning, and construction management services. KOA is a California Sub -Chapter S Corporation. The management structure of the firm is a vertical hierarchy, with the President and CEO having full responsibility of the firm management. Under the President and CEO, there are five offices, each managed by an individual office manager. The CEO and five office managers form the KOA management team. The management team confers weekly on mutual administrative and technical issues, and meet face-to-face on a monthly basis to review performance results. It is a seamless management structure where every office is accountable for their technical performance, client service and fiscal responsibilities. All of our offices work closely together by sharing KOA's pool of professionals, staff and resources to ensure our clients receive the best professional services from KOA. Of our nearly 100 staff members, KOA has 24 California registered Professional Civil Engineers, five registered Professional Traffic Engineers, and four who are both Professional Civil and Traffic engineers. In addition, we have three Certified Planners and two LEED certified professionals. KOA CORPORATION PLANNING & ENGINEERING CORPORATE STRUCTURE ORGANIZATION CHART Emim- Chief Financial Officer VP of LA Operations VP of Orange Operations Senior Engineers & Senior Engineers & Transportation Planners Transportation Planners Associate Engineers, Associate Engineers, Planners & Designers Planners & Designers Assistant Engineers, Assistant Engineers, Planners & Designers Planners & Designers CAD Manager Interns Interns Administration Administration FIVE M"Fik SOOD IT Manager Director of Marketing VP of Ontario Operations Manager of San Diego Operations VP of CM Division Senior Engineers Associate Engineer Assistant Engineers Construction Managers CAD Technician Interns Administration Senior Engineers & Transportation Planners Associate Engineer Assistant Engineers Planning Technician Administration Construction Managers Senior Inspectors Inspectors Administration CITY OF LA QUINTA 8 I,! KOA CORPORATION PLANNING & ENGINEERING Our organizational approach will be based upon our knowledge of the City's objective, project requirements, and our subsequent translation of those into a project plan. It will provide structure for directing, controlling, and reporting project activities. The KOA team's management plans for the engineering services will provide the mechanism to ensure high -quality end products in a timely and cost effective manner. The management plan elements include technical, schedule and cost control, progress reporting, coordination, and organization. Internal cost control procedures include budget control, which is facilitated by computerized management information reports that provide tabulations of actual cost and manpower expenditures incurred against those budgeted. The Project Manager will be responsible for exercising cost control manpower scheduling and resource allocation and estimates of cost - to -complete, performed on a period -by -period basis. After a project to be performed by KOA under this agreement is identified by the City, we will quickly assess our resource commitments and identify the most qualified Project Manager. In most instances, Ms. Guan will be able to take on the role of Project Manager. We will then assess the availability of technical staff based on our extensive array of staff resources available to us. Ms. Ming Guan, PE, TE, will lead the project team as the Project Manager and will be the day-to-day contact for the City. Ms. Guan is a registered Civil Engineer and Traffic Engineer in California, and has worked on various planning and traffic design projects; as a result, she has gained an insight into both planning and design issues that come up on transportation projects. She has hands-on experience in traffic signal design, interconnection design and street improvement design. She can be reached in our Ontario office at (909) 890-9693 or by e-mail at mguan@lcoacorp.com. Acting as QA/QC Manager and Technical Advisor for the project will be Mr. Walter Okitsu, PE, PTOE. Walter brings over 32 years of experience in traffic engineering and signal system design. Walter is a founder and principal of KOA Corporation. We have identified our key staff below. Their resumes are located in the Appendix. None of the project team members will be removed and/or replaced without the prior written consent of the City of La Quinta project manager. ORGANIZATION CHART PAL-IN-CHARGE/QA/QC PROJECT MANAGER Walter Okitsu, PE Ming Guan, ' KOA Corporation Eric Yang, PE, TE Mario Ramos, EIT Ming Guan, PE, TE Andrew Osaki, EIT Min Zhou, PE Rogelio Pelayo CITY OF LA QUINTA 9 KOA CORPORATION PLANNING & ENGINEERING STAFF RESPONSIBILITY AND AVAILABILITY MATRIX KOA has a long history with On -Call Traffic Engineering services, and has consistently demonstrated our ability to perform the assigned scope of work and to meet schedules. We have also provided services for street lighting design, obtained electrical service information, and reviewed street widening projects involving signal modification work. KOA technical staff is familiar with the City's plan format, along with design features routinely used for traffic signal and striping plans. Whether plans involve resort area features or complex fiber optic communications facilities, we are familiar with the City's preferred methods to complete the various designs. gelid Andrew Osaki 19wo Ramos suppor[ Staff Traffic Signal Design Plans 0 Signal Interconnect Design Plans Construction Traffic Control and Detour Plans ITS Related Plans Signal Timing and Coordination Plans Grant Application Preparation Traffic Signal Warrant Analyses Stop Warrant Analyses Corridor and Coordination Timing and Enhancements Technical Studies Truck Turning Templates (AutoTurn) Creation of Exhibits Review Traffic Analyses and Studies Drafting Services Field Investigation�__��� Availability ION -CALL TRAFFIC ENGINEERING CONSULTANT SERVICES CITY OF l PKOA CORPORATION PLANNING & ENGINEERING WORK PLAN/TECHNICAL APPROACH PROJECT UNDERSTANDING AND APPROACH The City of La Quinta is looking to retain a qualified and experienced professional consultant on an on -call basis for Traffic Engineering Consultant Services. KOA has decades of experience in Transportation Planning and Traffic Engineering similar to the scope of services listed within the RFP General Scope of Services Section. Each project is assigned a Senior Engineer, or Project Manager, to oversee the day-to-day operations of the project. The Project Manager will be responsible for all technical work, productivity, adherence to budget and schedule, invoicing, quality control, single point of contact, and complete accountability to the client. The firm also assigns a Principal to the contract to ensure all resources are available to the Project Manager to complete the agreed upon tasks. A key aspect of a successful project is the ability of the consultant team's project manager and the City project manager to work together both closely and effectively. To facilitate this, KOA's project manager will be responsive to questions and issues that may arise; be responsible for ensuring that the budget and schedule are maintained; and provide support and advice to the City's project manager, as needed. Ms. Guan will be the single point of contact for questions and concerns and will ensure consultant team members are meeting standards for quality of work. Effective project management will include scheduled progress meetings and status updates via phone and e-mail as information becomes available. Status reports will accompany invoices, and summaries of meeting minutes will be provided to the City within one business day. KOA's project manager will maintain a reasonable workload so that she can be responsive and available to the City while maintaining flexibility to deal with changes and adjustments to the project schedule. KOA implements an 8-step project approach for on -call tasks: • Step I: City identifies Traffic Engineering needs • Step 2: KOA reviews information with City • Step 3: KOA prepares Task Proposal, if necessary • Step 4: City and KOA agree to task scope and fees • Step 5: KOA assigns relevant staff • Step 6: KOA performs required services • Step 7: KOA presents/delivers product to City • Step 8: Obtain feedback on performance Perhaps the most frequent occurring need for traffic engineering services relates to requests and inquiries to research changes in traffic control for streets or intersections based upon inquiries by residents, City officials, or other persons. KOA is highly qualified to complete this type of analysis and provide recommendations that will address relevant conditions, resolve the inquiry, and recommend possible changes in traffic control that will facilitate the goals of the City. We are familiar with the requirements identified in FHWA MUTCD and Caltrans MUTCD. The City's inquiries can range from the need for additional traffic controls at intersections (traffic signals, multi -way stops) to the need to address traffic or speeding problems on local streets. Our firm is widely regarded for our ability to provide solutions to these problems that meet the approval of the City and its residents, while remaining within accepted guidelines and established budgets. Many of these studies require the knowledge to assess existing conditions in relation to accepted warrants for new traffic controls. Technical knowledge is important; however, additional skills in facilitation and the ability to generate unique solutions are equally important to this type of task. A. WORK PLAN/APPROACH FOR TRAFFIC DESIGN RELATED TASKS The Project Manager begins each project by refining the exact tasks to be undertaken, contacting other members of the project team, and attending project kickoff meetings with the client to fully understand the project tasks. The Project Manager assigns staff as needed to collect information on existing conditions, and collecting existing printed data such as plans, as-builts or information on future projects that may impact the project site. Our Project Managers CITY OF LA QUINTA I I r KOA CORPORATION PLANNING & ENGINEERING also appoint a Quality Assurance/Quality Control Manager who provides an independent check on the quality, accuracy, and constructability of our design documents. Project Managers are responsible for determining percentage of completion, adherence to contracts, billing, and formal project close-out and client satisfaction. Design Plans are taken through 35%, 65%, 90% (if the agency requires) to Final Approved plans that are ready to construct with quality control checks along the way. Below is a typical project flowchart. Utility Coordination R/VVV Impacts �4 - L �1 F Notice Data Review Preliminary z, 5: PreWniiary Plans Final Phuis Construction to and Design Specifications& Specifications • Proceed Base Map Concept s of„N Estimate & Estimate Identify Design Public Outreach Constraints Stakeholders PROJECT INITIATION At the initiation of the project, KOA refines the project scope based on discussions with clients or governmental agencies with jurisdiction over the project and collects any additional specific requirements prior to traffic data collection. Once the scope of the study has been clearly defined, the firm collects any available plans on existing conditions, location of utilities, and other data on the project from responsible jurisdictions. At the same time, the firm also begins field work to carefully document existing roadway, traffic hardware, and other existing conditions. UTILITY COORDINATION The plans show the location of all utilities including those marked or evident in the field, indicated on reference plans, or indicated by utility companies. KOA will distribute the plans and coordinate the design directly with all utility companies or other entities that may have facilities in the vicinity of the site. KOA will make design adjustments to avoid existing utilities as appropriate. Special coordination with the serving electrical utility will be required to provide traffic signal service and utility connections. We will make direct contact with the electrical utilities as required to secure electrical service. SIGNING AND STRIPING PLANS KOA will prepare signing and striping plans to City standards. Plans will show the affected construction area and all affected traffic lane striping. The plans will show the location of all proposed traffic stripes and markings and the proper disposition of all affected existing signs and markings. We will provide any work required to transition the proposed stripes to join with existing stripes on intersection approaches. The final signing and striping plans will be prepared for final plotting on D-sized sheets at 1 "=40'. Plans will be prepared using the standard CAD symbols, line - types, and layers specified by the City. The completed plans will be signed by a KOA, California -registered Civil Engineer. KOA will submit striping plans to the City for their review. KOA will provide final coordination with the City to ensure that they receive the required electronic drawing files for this project. TRAFFIC SIGNAL DESIGN KOA prepares an intersection base plan at I "=20' for each location. The base plan shows centerlines, right-of-way lines, relevant existing or proposed street improvements, utilities of record, and existing traffic controls and improvements. The firm inventories all existing traffic signal poles, equipment, notes and schedules in the field and CITY OF LA QUINTA 12 KOA CORPORATION PLANNING & ENGINEERING shows them on the base plan. KOA designs the proposed new or modified equipment and shows it on the drawing to create a complete traffic signal plan. Each plan will conform to the requirements of the City and will reference the latest edition of the Caltrans' Standard Plans and Specifications. The drawings will be designed in the format required by the City and will include all notes, schedules, and other features required to complete the traffic signal plan. SIGNAL INTERCONNECT Traffic signal interconnect comprises of wired and/or wireless solutions. For the wired solution, it can be fiber optic cable, copper cable, or a combination of both systems. The signal interconnect plan will show all the necessary devices and supporting accessories required to support each mode of communication. For example, the wireless solution, typically transmitted using the Internet Protocol, requires the installation of a managed Ethernet switch housed in the local cabinet and the selection of the optimal location to mount the antennas for maximum signal strength. The infrastructure and device/accessories required to support the copper cable interconnect is a terminal block for cable splicing in the cabinet and size and spacing of pull -boxes ., �. ���••��,�-yam between signals. For the fiber optic cable, the infrastructure may include fiber optic splice enclosure (if required), fiber optic patch panel, fiber optic pigtails, and a fiber termination cabinet. We also recognize that the conduits and related communication facilities may be affected by some traffic signal modifications or installations. This work will be shown in the intersection plan with notes explaining any work that does not appear on the plans. No additional plan sheets are normally anticipated for signal interconnects; however, such sheets can be provided at a suitable scale, if necessary. STREET LIGHTING ANALYSIS Based on our past experience, about twenty percent of potential collisions occur during dusk or nighttime hours. KOA will prepare street light illumination and uniformity calculations using AG132 lighting design software. The calculations will be prepared to meet the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA) lighting criteria and Caltrans requirements. This data will be used to determine the initial spacing of the street lights. We will review the placement/location of each light to confirm there is no visible conflict with existing improvements and/or utilities. We will then prepare a detailed construction cost estimate and will meet with the City to discuss the findings prior to design. STREET LIGHTING DESIGN KOA will prepare street lighting design plans to satisfy the illumination requirements of the City. Street lighting plans will be prepared to meet the City's street lighting standards and will reference the latest edition of the Caltrans' Standard Plans and Specifications. The plans will be prepared at I "=40'-scale in Imperial units. All plans will be reviewed and stamped by a KOA, California -registered Civil Engineer. WORKSITE TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN PREPARATION KOA uses work area signs, barricades, and temporary striping as necessary to safely route traffic through the construction zone. General notes applying to construction traffic control are placed on each project sheet. The plans will be prepared to conform to the general requirements of the City with consideration for the needs of the Contractor's construction operations. MULTIPLE AGENCY PROCESSING (IF NECESSARY) If other agencies must approve the plans, KOA will process the plans through the designated agency. By doing this each plan will require additional processing, addressing additional comments, and resolving conflicting comments. If CITY OF LA QUINTA 13 KOA CORPORATION PLANNING & ENGINEERING Caltrans processing is involved, we will submit each plan with the intention of receiving an encroachment permit. KOA will act as authorized agent for the City for submittal and processing of all plans required for obtaining the Caltrans permit. This will be limited to our own plans. This task also includes reasonable efforts to maintain the overall project on schedule, plus informal telephone appeals to eliminate inappropriate plan comments. The tasks below are negotiated exclusively if required for a specific project. TRAFFIC COUNTS KOA will review available traffic studies, plans, or documents that were conducted in the past year to extract any available traffic count data that can be used for analysis. When existing traffic count data is not available through these documents, KOA and/or a traffic count firm will conduct the data collection of any traffic count data that is needed. KOA will conduct data collection as needed to include, but not be limited to ADT counts, stop sign warrant counts, intersection turning movement counts, occupancy rates, and parking turnover data. Bicycle and pedestrian volume counts will also be conducted as part of street and intersection counts. KOA will perform quality control/quality assurance (QA/QC) on all data collected to verify the data is reasonable. PROJECT LEVEL TRANSPORTATION ANALYSIS KOA's traffic engineering staff is knowledgeable in the traffic/transportation review process. The traffic elements of a project can drive the mitigation for an entire site and surrounding roadway network. On -site traffic, pedestrian, and bicycle activity will be reviewed, as well as existing and future off -site conditions. Our engineers conduct an in-depth field reconnaissance, evaluate the safety characteristics of the area, prepare an independent assessment, and develop our own recommendations. Specific areas we review include, but are not limited to, traffic volumes, accident history, stopping sight distance, roadway network and layout, site trip generation characteristics, operational characteristics, levels of service and traffic impacts, traffic signal design, site plan access/egress and on -site circulation, presence of pedestrian and bicycle amenities, safety, and overall mitigation. Our conclusions are summarized in a memo/report for the client; findings are presented in a public forum. KOA has developed several methodologies and streamlined the process to conduct these types of analysis and other aspects of project level transportation analysis. We will use our knowledge and experience to conduct the project level transportation analysis within a short time frame. LONG RANGE CORRIDOR STUDIES KOA has experience in conducting long range corridor studies that include traffic counts, travel demand forecasting, analysis of intersection and _ ;;:'+; ► iti; - roadway geometry, capacity and safety, and '� €,�•_ — "�" recommended improvements. KOA has conducted and is currently conducting several Active Transportation Plans (ATP) and Safe Routes to _ School (SRTS) projects which include many of these y components. KOA is very familiar in conducting traffic and parking studies which include the analysis of intersection and roadway segments, project trip generation and distribution analysis, and developing appropriate recommendations. We will use our ATP and •w SRTS knowledge and experience in conducting all aspects of - the long range corridor studies. ON -CALL TRAFFIC ENGINEERING CONSULTANT SERVICES KOA CORPORATION PLANNING B ENGINEERING ACCESS STUDIES KOA has conducted evaluations of existing access in major corridors as part of traffic impact studies and corridor studies. KOA has reviewed and prepared a variety of transportation planning technical studies that have included simulations and design modification recommendations. KOA will use this experience and knowledge to provide City Staff with assistance in conducting evaluations of existing access in major corridors and the review and/or preparation of technical studies, simulations, and design modifications to meet the City's needs. KOA will review existing conditions and evaluate them to determine access management and operational conditions along the corridor that may include: ■ Corridor Crash History Review ■ Identification of Crash Hotspots/High Volume Access Points • Identification of Existing Access Points Not in Compliance • Intersection Level of Service Analysis ■ Arterial Level of Service Analysis • Traffic signal timing Analysis TRAFFIC SIMULATION KOA has experience in conducting traffic simulations of corridors and roadway networks using microsimulation software such as Synchro's SimTraffic and VISSUM. KOA will conduct traffic simulations using these or other computer programs, as needed. KOA staff will be available and ready to work with the City staff in obtaining training for specific microsimulation software, to meet the City's needs. TRANSPORTATION PLANS KOA Staff will use its experience and knowledge in reviewing and preparing transportation plans to develop or assist City Staff with the development of short and long-term transportation plans. KOA will use the methodology, procedures, and standards used by City Staff in developing all necessary components of short and long-term transportation plans to meet the City's needs. RESEARCH AND OUTREACH KOA conducts research and outreach tasks for the majority of our projects. KOA staff is experienced in conducting efficient research and preparing all materials needed, such as reports, maps, agendas, fliers, presentation boards, and other items for outreach purposes and presentations. KOA staff will assist City staff in producing reports and other materials as needed and in making presentations on transportation -related topics. PLAN CHECKS/REPORT REVIEW Plan checking traffic signal and interconnect plans, signing and striping plans, traffic control plans, and street lighting plans. Although approaches to plan checking of other consultants' work can vary greatly, KOA believes that the proper role of a plan check consultant is to assist a knowledgeable traffic engineering designer in properly and expediently completing their plans to the satisfaction of the agency. Our routine for plan checking begins with the intended operation and verifying the proposed controllers, phasing, poles with heads, and detection that will provide the operation. KOA visits the project intersections as part of the plan checking services. It is not the plan checker's role to instruct the designer in fundamentals of traffic signal design or to prepare the design for the consultant. KOA normally provides the following approach to plan checking services: Upon receipt of the plans, KOA's project manager will check the plans for completeness using criteria furnished by the City. Any clearly incomplete plans will be returned to the City immediately with a note that the plans are incomplete and not ready for checking. ON -CALL TRAFFIC ENGINEERING CONSULTANT SERVICES CITY OF LA QUINTA 15 KOA CORPORATION PLANNING & ENGINEERING If the plans are found to be complete, a thorough plan check is initiated. KOA will conduct a field review to verify that existing conditions are shown accurately. This procedure is essentially similar to the process followed for preparation of our own plans. It may become apparent that a field review was not conducted if major features are omitted or incorrectly shown on the plans. Plans will be noted "Incomplete, Inadequate Field Review" if major discrepancies are found. If discrepancies are minor and the validity of the design does not appear to be affected, plan checking will continue. After the field verification, KOA will check all portions of the plan in the office. Where corrections are noted, they will be as specific as possible. Proper language will be furnished for construction notes and general notes, and improper entries in the Pole Schedule will be corrected. If additional research is required, the areas of concern will be noted; however, the design engineer will be responsible for follow-up. KOA will conduct all plan check activities, except for deliveries and other non -technical tasks. In the course of plan checking the plans, we will briefly review other project plan sheets and make relevant comments relating to specifics of the design plan. KOA will include traffic engineering design issues for traffic signals, signing, striping, and channelization away from the signalized intersections or work site traffic control plans. REVIEW OF TECHNICAL STUDIES KOA has conducted many peer reviews of transportation planning -related technical studies for public agencies and private companies. KOA staff is knowledgeable in reviewing and identifying any concerns with methodologies, analysis, data, and other aspects of transportation planning -related technical studies. KOA begins each full technical review project by receiving a copy of the study. Immediately upon receipt, we will evaluate the report to determine whether the basic required documentation has been submitted. KOA will notify the City if documents are missing and will continue with the review only after all the required documentation has been received. This reduces unnecessary review costs and allows the first review to be more comprehensive. Once we complete the review, we will submit it to the City for review and submittal to the developer. At the City's request, we will attend coordination meetings with the developer's engineer and will review our comments on the study and the responses by the engineer. KOA will perform a site visit during the initial phases of the review process. Our comments will be in the form of a letter report detailing our findings, which we will submit to the City. KOA will conduct the traffic analysis review using the nationally accepted standards, methods, and criteria of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) and the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). TRAINING KOA Staff is knowledgeable in a variety of analysis methodologies, assessments, software, and other transportation planning tasks. KOA staff will provide and facilitate the training of City staff in specific transportation planning areas as requested by the City. ON -CALL STAFF AUGMENTATION (IF NEEDED) KOA will provide staffing for the City if needed. There won't be any travel cost for the City for the staff augmentation. We have three senior transportation planners and four assistant transportation planners/engineers to offer for the staff augmentation. SCHEDULING Project schedules will be determined on a case -by -case basis; however, KOA is a highly reliable firm for projects requiring tight deadlines. We are proud of our record of timely delivery on our projects. References for our projects can confirm that our work quality and deployment of staff resources will ensure expedient project design completion. Upon receiving an executed agreement and as -built plans from the City, KOA usually completes the first submittal within four weeks. Subsequent plan revisions are generally resubmitted to the City within 10 business days after receiving the check prints. Please note that KOA cannot be held responsible for the review time required by the City to check the plans. ON-ICALL TRAFFIC ENGINEERING CONSULTANT SERVI(ES CITY OF LA QUINTA 16 PKOA CORPORATION PLANNING 8 ENGINEERING Plan checking will follow a set schedule of turnaround timeframes as established by the City. It is strongly expected that plan checks should not exceed three (3) total plan check cycles. Turnaround times are not to exceed the following: • First submittal: 10 working days • Second submittal: 5 working days • Third submittal: 3 working days • Mylar review: 2 working days Major change during design stage: 7 working days • Major change in the field: 3 working days This turnaround time schedule does not exclude the option for expedited plan reviews as needed by the City. Expedited reviews are not typical, but are anticipated for certain projects deemed as priorities by the City staff. Periodic meetings will be scheduled to discuss plan check issues with the City's project engineers. Unless otherwise directed by City staff, no plan check shall be returned to the developer, or the developer's representative, until the City's project engineers have been updated on the status of the plan checks being returned. For any reason, if a plan check is expected to exceed three (3) cycles, KOA will inform the City's engineering staff, and a meeting will be coordinated by the City and developer to resolve outstanding issues. MANAGEMENT APPROACH KOA'S COST CONTROLS KOA Corporation has a reputation for producing high quality work products. We have numerous repeat clients in both the public and private sectors who appreciate the quality of work and services that we provide. We have letters of recommendation from clients, and we have gotten client referrals from public agencies that have reviewed and approved our work and recognize the quality of our work products. KOA's cost control measures include the use of a financial database that is continuously updated. Our financial database contains detailed information on project and task budgets and expenditures, which the KOA project manager as well as any of our KOA team members can review at any time. Project financial reports are also routinely distributed to each of our KOA project managers on a weekly basis. Whenever necessary, the KOA project manager can seek ways to implement cost saving measures and eliminate any inefficiencies in the work effort without sacrificing quality and responsiveness. By keeping project costs under control, we will be in a better position to preserve budget for additional tasks or assignments that may later be needed for the project. QUALITY ASSURANCE / QUALITY CONTROL As noted above, we are committed to generating quality work products and strive to producing error -free plans. We have staff experienced in transportation planning and traffic engineering, as well as civil engineering design, and we are particularly strong in producing high quality improvement plans and traffic studies/modeling. For example, our Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC) process involves having plans go through a minimum of two stages of internal review before allowing plans to be submitted to an agency for plan review and approval. The first stage of internal review involves a peer review by an experienced design engineer. The second stage of internal review involves another round of reviews by one or more senior -level registered engineers, each individually with over seventeen years of engineering experience. Each reviewer confirms that plans reflect the appropriate improvement scope and conform to the approving agency's design standards and plan format. The reviewers also verify that all plan check comments have been properly addressed on any plan revisions we prepare. This approach has led to a high level of quality in our engineering plans, and we believe our firm is establishing a strong reputation with a number of agencies for producing high quality work products. 1CONSULTANT CITY OF LA QUINTA 17 KOA CORPORATION PLANNING 8 ENGINEERING KCWCbr_7p15-raTR0_�h"_ Professional Services 2017 Rates President $ 299.95 Principal Engineer 1 $ 273.16 Principal Engineer II $ 235.33 Senior Engineer 1 $ 218.52 Senior Engineer II $ 177.55 Senior Designer 1 $ 207A9 Senior Designer II $ 172.30 Senior Planner 1 $ 207A9 Senior Planner II $ 172.30 Associate Engineer 1 $ 139.20 Associate Engineer II $ 1 1 1.36 Associate Planner 1 $ 138.68 Associate Planner II $ 1 1 1.36 Associate Designer 1 $ 1 1 1.36 Associate Designer II $ 89.83 Assistant Engineer 1 $ 1 1 1.36 Assistant Engineer II $ 89.83 Assistant Planner 1 $ 100.33 Assistant Planner 11 $ 79.32 Construction Manager $ 142.80 Assistant Construction Manager $ 122AO Senior Construction Observer $ 112.20 Construction Observer $ 107.10 Assistant Designer 1 $ 89.30 Assistant Designer II $ 68.29 Technician 1 $ 83.52 Technician II $ 60.93 Administrative Assistant 1 $ 83.52 Administrative Assistant II $ 60.93 Intern $ 54.63 Reimbursable Expenses Project reimbursable expenses are billed at cost. Project expenses include: Non -commuter automobile mileage ($0.54 per mile), parking, postage and special courier expenses, reproductions, and any other direct project expenses as requested by the client. CITY OF LA QUINTA 18 PKOA CORPORATION PLANNING & ENGINEERING APPENDIX RESUMES MING GUAN, PE, TE, VP, Senior Engineer PROJECT MANAGER/ENGINEER PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Ms. Guan has I I years of experience with work in civil, traffic and highway design. Ms. Guan is an integral part of many KOA projects which have involved traffic engineering design for roadway improvements, traffic signal designs, ramp metering, signing and striping, and traffic control plans. She has completed a number of roadway and traffic signal design projects for a number of agencies. She has hands-on experience in completing PS&E packages. She is also an adjunct professor at Cal Poly Pomona teaching Computer Programing, Traffic Engineer, Highway Engineering and Advanced Highway Engineering for Civil Engineering Department since 2008. EDUCATION MS, Civil Engineering, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, 2011 BS, Civil Engineering, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, 2006 REGISTRATIONS Professional Engineer, Civil, CA #75793 Professional Engineer, Traffic, CA #2795 -10/Rancho Avenue Eastbound On -Ramp Improvements, Colton, CA. Project Manager. KOA was recently selected by the City of Colton to complete the PANED and PS&E for the On Ramp Improvement project. Funded by SHOPP Minor A fund, the City desires to widen the 1-10 eastbound on -ramp to accommodate safe truck turning movements. The proximity of the Union Pacific Railroad and the Santa Ana River basin on the south side of the project could influence the project design development. It is important to lay out the UPRR Railroad right of way during the preliminary design phase. Our goal is to avoid impacts to UPRR ROW and the overcrossing bridge. The project requires coordination with Caltrans; preparation of Fact Sheets as well as obtain an encroachment permit from Caltrans District 8. The proposed improvement includes traffic signal modification, installation of retaining wall, embankment, ramp widening, and striping. KOA will also assist the City during the construction phase of the project. New Traffic Signal Design at 1-215 (1-10 WB) On -Ramp and Waterman Avenue, San Bernardino, CA. Project Manager. The City of San Bernardino received funds to improve traffic operations for the 1-215 on -ramp and Waterman Avenue intersection which forms a "T" shape intersection with no signal at neither direction. This project will require a new traffic signal, modification of the signing and striping. The KOA team prepared the PS&E package for the signal design per Caltrans and City of San Bernardino. KOA coordinated with Caltrans District 8 to obtain a Caltrans Encroachment Permit which included Utility Coordination, Synchro Analysis, Truck Turning Templates, Isofootcandle light diagram, Water Pollution Control Report, Cost Estimate, Traffic signal plans, Traffic memorandum, and Specifications. Highland/Redlands Regional Connector Project, ATP Cycle I, Federal Project No. ATPL-5449. (PANED, PS&E), Highland/Redlands, CA. Project Manager. KOA is leading a team to improve the non -motorized transportation network by constructing regional bikeways and walkways. Bicycle and pedestrian improvements will be constructed along 4.7 contiguous miles of streets and easements in the cities of Highland and Redlands. Work will include pavement widening, curb and gutter, curb ramps, median curbs, sidewalks, pavement repairs, slurry seal, Class I and II bikeway/pedestrian paths, bicycle/pedestrian bridge, bike racks, bollards, bike signals, in -roadway bicycle detection, pedestrian heads, sharrows, enhanced crosswalks, warning beacons, roadway and bikeway signage, lighting, and speed feedback signs. Street widening and trail improvements include the incorporation of Class I, Class 11, Class III, and Class IV facilities for bicyclists and other non -motorized forms of transportation. The improvements will accommodate students attending high school in the city of Redlands and the local bicycling community. The team's services include environmental clearance traffic engineering, utility research, surveying, hydrology, geotechnical engineering, and right-of-way analysis. KOA is providing conceptual plans and alignments; bicycle safety and awareness education; traffic calming design; street crossing designs for bicycle and pedestrian uses; and designs for incorporating ADA access. ON -CALL TRAFFIC ENGINEERING CONSULTANT SERVICES CITY OF LA s r-r ! KOA CORPORATION S PLANNING & ENGINEERING HSIP Cycle 6 Traffic Signal System, Redlands, CA. Project Manager. Funded by Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Cycle 6, a new traffic signal system will be installed at the intersection of Orange Street and Pioneer Avenue. Orange Street is a secondary arterial highway and Pioneer Avenue is a local street currently controlled with all -way stop signs. The intersection has experienced a significant increase in peak hour traffic due to the recent construction of t high school on Pioneer Avenue and Taxes Street approximately five years ago. The proposed signal is needed in order to accommodate the traffic and pedestrian movement. Signing and striping will be modified to accommodate signal operation. KOA is recently retained by the City to prepare PS&E packet for the project. Traffic Signal and Interconnect Design for City of Rancho Cucamonga, Rancho Cucamonga, CA. Project Manager. KOA was selected by the City of Rancho Cucamonga to provide design services and complete PS&E package for the following intersections: Design new traffic signals at: 1) East Avenue at Miller Avenue 2) Sixth Street at Rochester Avenue 3) Milliken Avenue at Fifth Street 4) Rochester Avenue at Jersey Boulevard Traffic Signal Interconnect at: 1) East Avenue at Miller Avenue Interconnect 2) Sixth Street at Rochester Avenue Interconnect 3) Milliken Avenue at Fifth Street Interconnect 4) Rochester Avenue at Jersey Boulevard Interconnect The project design services included intersection modifications at a couple of locations, construction of ADA Ramps, and signing and striping. At one of the intersections, coordination with the business owner was required for their access needs. Seven Traffic Signals and Street Improvement Design Services, Fontana, CA. Project Manager. KOA was selected by the City of Fontana to provide design services and complete PS&E packages for the following intersections: I . Valley Boulevard at Oleander Avenue 2. Juniper Avenue at Randall Avenue 3. Valley Boulevard at Almond Avenue 4. San Bernardino Avenue at Cypress Avenue 5. Merrill Avenue at Oleander Fontana Avenue 6. Juniper Avenue at Ceres Avenue 7. Sierra Avenue and Riverside Avenue The project design services include intersection modifications, construction of ADA Ramps, and signing and striping. CITY OF LA QUINTA Excluded fron) page caunc KOA CORPORATION PLANNING & ENGINEERING WALTER OKITSU, PE, PTOE, PTP, VP PRINCIPAL-IN-CHARGE/QA/QC PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Mr. Okitsu is a co-founder and principal of KOA with 30+ years of transportation engineering and planning experience working in private consulting and public agencies. He is the current Western District President of the Institute of Transportation Engineers. He has extensive experience in transportation planning and traffic design on a wide variety of projects. He has overseen designs for traffic signals, street lighting, signing and striping, worksite traffic control, and roadway improvements. He has field and managerial experience on parking studies, traffic impact studies, feasibility analysis, and circulation projects. Much of his current work includes leading -edge projects that promote non -motorized transportation while mitigating vehicular traffic. Prior to co-founding KOA, he worked for the City of Los Angeles and prepared the signal timing for the first transit priority project in California for fully actuated traffic signals. EDUCATION BS, Civil Engineering, California State University, Los Angeles, 1994 MS, Transportation Engineering, UC Berkeley, 1981 BS, Math -Computer Science, UCLA, 1979 REGISTRATIONS Professional Engineer, Traffic, CA #1406 Professional Engineer, Civil, CA #52655 Professional Traffic Operations Engineer Professional Transportation Planner West Hollywood Pedestrian Traffic Signal Design, West Hollywood, CA. Project Engineer. Mr. Okitsu developed the signal phasing for the conversion of four mid -block crosswalks in the City of West Hollywood along Santa Monica Boulevard between Palm Avenue and West Knoll Drive to signalized crosswalks. Motor vehicle versus pedestrian collisions were occurring in the existing unsignalized crosswalks despite the presence of zebra -striped crosswalks, advance yield markings, median refuge islands, bulb -out curb extensions, flexible pavement -mounted flexible RI-6 "State Law" Yield to Pedestrian in Crosswalk" signs, and at one location, rectangular rapid flashing beacons. For the midblock signals, KOA Corporation recommended flashing red midblock signal controls with standard green and yellow indications as an alternative to HAWK signals. Furthermore, KOA recommended and designed West Hollywood's first flashing yellow arrow controls at two intersections. Construction of the new traffic signals is expected to be completed in 2017. Culver City Corporate Pointe Traffic Signal Upgrade, Culver City, CA. Project Engineer. Mr. Okitsu developed the signal phasing and signal timing for traffic signal upgrades to satisfy the project conditions of an office development in the Fox Hills community within Culver City. Among the upgrades were the City of Culver City's first flashing yellow arrow controls for left turn movements. The flashing yellow arrows replaced protected left turn phasing and protected -permissive phasing at the intersection of Hannum Avenue and Uplander Way. The design required replacement of the City's Type 170 controller software with a newer Type 2070 program. Construction is expected to be completed in 2017. Culver City Traffic Signal Upgrade and Left Turn Phasing, Culver City, CA. Project Manager. Mr. Okitsu led the KOA team in design traffic signal upgrades to modify the left turn phasing at seven signalized intersections for the City of Culver City. The upgrades also involved installation of wheelchair ramps, bicycle detection, and the City's first radar detectors. Alternatives such as split phasing, protected -permitted left turns, flashing yellow arrow phases, and crosswalk removals were compared using microsimulation. KOA also designed one of the first Class II left turn bike lanes in Southern California to provide bicycle -only access to the Ballona Creek bike path. KOA's work scope also included assistance during construction. CITY OF LA QUINTA �r KOA CORPORATION PLANNING & ENGINEERING ERIC YANG, PE, TE, SENIOR ENGINER SIGNAL TIMING & COORDINATION EDUCATION Advanced Traffic Signal Operations, UC PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Berkeley Extension, 2005 Mr. Yang has more than 14 years of experience in traffic engineering Basic Traffic Signal Design Certificate, design. He has designed and managed a variety of projects including UC Berkeley Extension, 2002 traffic signal, signal interconnect, intelligent transportation systems BS, Civil Engineering, California State (ITS), and the connectivity between field operations and local traffic Polytechnic University, Pomona, 2001 management center (TMC). Mr. Yang has extensive experience with REGISTRATIONS Caltrans, the City of Los Angeles, the County of Los Angeles, and Professional Engineer, Traffic, CA #2672 many other Southern California cities and agencies. Mr. Yang has Professional Engineer, Civil, CA #831 16 prepared traffic signal timing in the City of Los Angeles', Bi-Tran, and LACO program formats. In 2014, Mr. Yang was invited to be an Expert Consultant for the Traffic Engineer Examination Recruitment by the California Board of Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, and Geologists. He is currently still serving in this capacity. Central Ave Traffic Signal Modification and Fiber Optic Interconnect Plan, Glendale, CA. Project Manager. KOA prepared traffic signal modification plans for six (6) signals along Central Avenue between Wilson Avenue and Pioneer Drive, and fiber optic communication system plans on Central Avenue between Colorado Street and Broadway for the City of Glendale. The scope of work included preparation of a preliminary design report, construction plans, specifications and engineer's estimates (PS&E). Mr. Yang was directly responsible for the traffic signal, CCTV and signal interconnect design. SANDAG Mid -City BRT, San Diego, CA. Project Engineer. KOA prepared the traffic signal modification plans and fiber optic communication system for the Mid -City Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project in the city of San Diego. The project was funded in whole by the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) to facilitate bus operations along El Cajon Boulevard. The design scope was to install over 5 miles of fiber optic cable; replace traffic signal controllers; optical detectors and other devices enabling communication between transit vehicles and traffic signal controllers at 33 intersections; and prepare specifications and estimates for the project. Mr. Yang modified the previously approved traffic signal and signal interconnect plans, and provided construction support for this rapid transit project. Pacific Coast Highway/Torrance Boulevard Northbound Right Turn Lane Design, Redondo Beach, CA. Project Manager. KOA assisted the City of Redondo Beach in preparing improvement plans for the widening of Pacific Coast Highway (State Route 1) / Torrance Boulevard intersection to provide an exclusive right -turn lane on the northbound approach. KOA also prepared a Caltrans Fact Sheet for non-standard lane widths and Caltrans fiber optic interconnect plans to reinstall over 2.6 miles of new fiber optic cable that were affected by the intersection widening. KOA processed the encroachment permit application, improvement plans, Fact Sheet, and right-of-way documents with Caltrans District 7. SR-60/Lemon Avenue Interchange, Diamond Bar, CA. Task Manager. KOA prepared a traffic study in support of the environmental document, and a Project Report for a new interchange on the 60 Freeway at Lemon Avenue in Diamond Bar. KOA's work scope included preparation of traffic -related plans for the project, which proposes to modify the Pomona Freeway interchange at Brea Canyon Road, and construct a new interchange at Lemon Avenue. Mr. Yang was task manager in charge of traffic signal system PS&E. Coachella ST-68 Traffic Synchronization Project, Coachella, CA. Task Manager. Mr. Yang was in charge of the traffic signal and interconnect design for this traffic synchronization project in the City of Coachella. CITY OF LA QUINTA Fy,l„ri,d ;Ilap r ': KOA CORPORATION PLANNING & ENGINEERING ANDREW OSAKI, EIT, ASSISTANT ENGINER ENGINEERING DESIGN PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Mr. Osaki has been with KOA for 4 years since graduating from Cal Poly Pomona. He has worked on a number of roadway design and traffic engineering projects as a part of the KOA team. Quickly rising to become an accomplished design engineer, Mr. Osaki is now an integral part of many KOA projects. He is very well skilled in the application instrumental in preparing PS&E package for projects in various sizes. Traffic Signal and Interconnect Design for City of Assistant Engineer. KOA was selected by the City of Rancho PS&E package for the following intersections: Design new traffic signals at: I ) East Avenue at Miller Avenue 2) Sixth Street at Rochester Avenue 3) Milliken Avenue at Fifth Street 4) Rochester Avenue at Jersey Boulevard Traffic Signal Interconnect at: 1) East Avenue at Miller Avenue Interconnect 2) Sixth Street at Rochester Avenue Interconnect 3) Milliken Avenue at Fifth Street Interconnect 4) Rochester Avenue at Jersey Boulevard Interconnect EDUCATION BS, Civil Engineering, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, 2013 REGISTRATIONS Engineer -in -Training, Civil, CA, #80532 of Civil Design Software and has been Rancho Cucamonga, Rancho Cucamonga, CA. Cucamonga to provide design services and complete The project design services included intersection modifications at a couple of locations, construction of ADA Ramps, and signing and striping. At one of the intersections, coordination with the business owner was required for their access needs. HSIP Cycle 6 Traffic Signal System, Redlands, CA. Assistant Engineer. Funded by Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Cycle 6, a new traffic signal system will be installed at the intersection of Orange Street and Pioneer Avenue. Orange Street is a secondary arterial highway and Pioneer Avenue is a local street currently controlled with all -way stop signs. The intersection has experienced a significant increase in peak hour traffic due to the recent construction of the high school and Taxes Street approximately five years ago. The proposed signal is needed in order to accommodate the traffic and pedestrian movement. Signing and striping will be modified to accommodate signal operation. KOA is recently retained by the City to prepare PS&E packet for the project. New Traffic Signal Design at 1-215 (1-10 WB) On -Ramp and Waterman Avenue, San Bernardino, CA. Assistant Engineer. The City of San Bernardino received funds to improve traffic operations for the 1-215 on -ramp and Waterman Avenue intersection which forms a "T" shape intersection with no signal at neither direction. This project will require a new traffic signal, modification of the signing and striping. The KOA team prepared the PS&E package for the signal design per Caltrans and City of San Bernardino. Reche Vista Canyon Realignment, Moreno Valley, CA. Assistant Engineer. For this federally -funded project, the City selected KOA to complete the NEPA/CEQA documentation; right of way appraisal and acquisition along with study of alignments; and preparation of PS&E. The stretch of Reche Vista Drive to be realigned is included in the Federal Route System and the Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP) network; Reche Vista Drive is classified by the City's General Plan as an arterial highway. CITY OF LA QUINTA E'� ri,, �,d .,-,, ., KOA CORPORATION t PLANNING B ENGINEERING MARIO RAMOS, EIT, ASSISTANT ENGINEER I EDUCATION SIGNAL TIMING & COORDINATION BS, Applied Physics, California State University, San Marcos, 2015 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Minor, Mathematics, California State Mr. Mario Ramos is a versatile Assistant Engineer for KOA University, San Marcos, 2015 Corporation's Ontario office location. He has extensive experience with signal timing synchronization and ATP projects. He has been REGISTRATIONS involved with the entire synchronization project process, from Engineer -in -Training, CA establishing the existing conditions of a network through data collection and field inventory, to then creating optimized timing plans via Synchro 9 software. He has experience converting timing information and creating converted timing sheets to fit the desired system. He is capable of implementing timing plans in the field at the controller and/or on site at an entity's Traffic Management Center. Utilizing Tru-Traffic software, he has completed several before and after studies in their entirety, including completing travel time runs, post processing data, and compiling reports. New Traffic Signal Design at 1-215 (1-10 WB) On -Ramp and Waterman Avenue, San Bernardino, CA. Design Engineer. The City of San Bernardino received funds to improve traffic operations for the 1-215 on -ramp and Waterman Avenue intersection which forms a "T" shape intersection with no signal at neither direction. This project will require a new traffic signal, modification of the signing and striping. The KOA team prepared the PS&E package for the signal design per Caltrans and City of San Bernardino. HSIP Cycle 6 Traffic Signal System, Redlands, CA. Design Engineer. Funded by Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Cycle 6, a new traffic signal system will be installed at the intersection of Orange Street and Pioneer Avenue. Orange Street is a secondary arterial highway and Pioneer Avenue is a local street currently controlled with all -way stop signs. The intersection has experienced a significant increase in peak hour traffic due to the recent construction of the high school on Pioneer Avenue and Taxes Street approximately five years ago. The proposed signal is needed in order to accommodate the traffic and pedestrian movement. Signing and striping will be modified to accommodate signal operation. KOA's tasks included street improvement plans, utility coordination, synchro analysis, traffic memorandum, signing and striping, and a flashing yellow traffic signal installation. KOA also assisted the City in acquiring approval for the Caltrans RFA package and environmental documents. Traffic Signal and Interconnect Design for City of Rancho Cucamonga, Rancho Cucamonga, CA. Design Engineer. KOA was selected by the City of Rancho Cucamonga to provide design services and complete PS&E package for the following intersections: Design new traffic signals at: 1) East Avenue at Miller Avenue 2) Sixth Street at Rochester Avenue 3) Milliken Avenue at Fifth Street 4) Rochester Avenue at Jersey Boulevard Traffic Signal Interconnect at: 1) East Avenue at Miller Avenue Interconnect 2) Sixth Street at Rochester Avenue Interconnect 3) Milliken Avenue at Fifth Street Interconnect 4) Rochester Avenue at Jersey Boulevard Interconnect The project design services included intersection modifications at a couple of locations, construction of ADA Ramps, and signing and striping. At one of the intersections, coordination with the business owner was required for their access needs. ON -CALL TRAFFIC ENGINEERING CONSULTANT SERVICES CITY OF LA t KOA CORPORATION PLANNING E ENGINEERING MIN ZHOU, PE, VP, SENIOR ENGINEER TRANSPORTATION PLANNING PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Ms. Zhou has 25 years of transportation engineering and planning experience with both private consultant companies and public agencies. She is knowledgeable in roadway design, traffic design, transportation modeling and studies, non -motorized transportation, database management, and statistical analysis. Ms. Zhou has managed several large-scale projects involving multiple stake holder groups and has a reputation of delivering projects on -time and under budget. EDUCATION MS, Civil Engineering, Michigan State University, E. Lansing, MI, 1993 MS, Urban Planning, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 1989 BS, Urban Planning, School of Architecture, Tongji University, Shanghai, China, 1986 REGISTRATIONS Town of Apple Valley Safe Routes to School Master Plan, ' Professional Engineer, Civil, CA #66448 Apple Valley, CA. Principal -in -Charge. The Town of Apple Valley obtained the Caltrans Sustainable Transportation Planning Program grant as a winning city out of 141 applicants. The grant is used to develop a town -wide Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Master Plan, which would serve 10 Kindergarten through 8th grade schools for the Apple Valley Unified School District (AVUSD) and the Town of Apple Valley, which has a population of more than 70,000 people. This grant would allow a comprehensive evaluation of these grade schools and focus on the risks and options necessary to improve their routes. The proposed SRTS master plan will provide the first step towards improving the infrastructure and the everyday lives of Apple Valley students by allowing safer and better routes to and from school. The SRTS plan is intended to improve the health of students through increased exercise and reduced greenhouse gas and emissions by reducing the number of vehicle miles traveled. This would be accomplished by accommodating an increase in the number of students walking and cycling to school. The SRTS master plan will enhance walkability and bicycling for students in kindergarten through 8th grade, but it will also benefit secondary students. The plan promotes safe walking and cycling through the 6 Es campaign. Ms. Zhou conducts quality control reviews and advises the project manager, as needed. SBCTA Metrolink Station Accessibility Improvement Project PS&E, ROW Engineering & Design Support Services During Construction, San Bernardino County, CA. Principal -In -Charge. SBCTA prepared a report that recommended first and last -mile access improvements to transit stations based on a planning -level analysis. Subsequently, SBCTA conducted environmental clearance studies and submitted an ATP Cycle I grant application, which was approved for $4.6 million to fund the design and construction of the proposed improvements. Six Metrolink stations, located in the cities of Montclair, Upland, Rancho Cucamonga, Rialto, and San Bernardino, have been determined to be the first set to receive the improvements. KOA was selected to put together a construction bid package for accessibility improvement projects for six stations and to provide assistance during construction. The improvements includes road diets, traffic signal modifications, enhanced crossings, trail extensions, sidewalk design, wayfinding signage, striping, automated rail crossing gates for pedestrians, bicycle lockers, bicycle parking, bicycle facilities, pavement repairs, and lighting. The implemented designs will provide enhanced station access to pedestrians and bicyclists. Ms. Zhou conducts quality control reviews and advises the project manager, as needed. City of Barstow Professional Traffic Engineering, Design, and Environmental Services for Various Signalized Intersection Improvements Along Main Street and Barstow Road, Barstow, CA. Principal -In - Charge. KOA is providing to the City of Barstow a complete PS&E package with traffic engineering, signal coordination, and as -needed environmental services for their HSIP-funded 13 signalized intersections improvement project to improve the safety and reduce traffic incidents along the corridors of Main Street and Barstow Road. The identified improvements to reduce traffic incidents are upgrades to the traffic signal system and coordination of the traffic signal system with updated vehicle heads, pedestrian countdown heads and APS system, EVP, detection, controllers and wireless interconnect. Ms. Zhou conducts quality control reviews and advises the project manager, as needed. CM OF LA QUINTA Exduded fro -a, g; rc not KOA CORPORATION C PLANNING & ENGINEERING ROGELIO PELAYO, SENIOR TRANSPORTATION PLANNER TRANSPORTATION PLANNING PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Rogelio Pelayo has more than 9 years of experience specializing in a wide range of studies. He has prepared circulation elements for general plans, community plans, mobility studies on neighborhood and community scales, parking studies, and impact studies throughout EDUCATION BS, Urban & Regional Planning, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, 2007 Minor, Geographic Information Systems, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, 2007 Southern California. Mr. Pelayo has helped in the data collection and graphic design for many of the studies undertaken by the company. He is also proficient in intersection capacity software and has experience in General Plan assessment and Project Study reports. His academic and work experience provides him with a background in ArcGIS for mapping, research and analysis. SBCTA Safe Route to School Phase II Project, San Bernardino County, CA. Outreach Task Manager. SBCTA maintains a regional non -motorized transportation plan (NMTP) that is traditionally bicycle -focused. KOA is helping SBCTA expand the NMTP's focus to include pedestrian and safe routes to school components. This study is intended to establish a data collection methodology for local jurisdiction and school district uses. Our work efforts include walk/bike audits and providing feasible and grant application -ready improvement recommendations and cost estimates. Mr. Pelayo developed an outreach and logistics plan to conduct 55 school event meetings within a one- year period. City of Indio Safe Routes to School Master Plan, Indio, CA. Assistant Project Manager. KOA developed a Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Master Plan for all 19 grade schools in Indio. The plan was based on five community workshops, walking safety assessments at each school, student travel tallies and parent surveys, and input from a variety of stakeholders. It included a vision and policy statement, a community engagement action plan that included a summary of the public input process, descriptions and characteristics of each school, a description of the existing travel environment and barriers, proposed improvements to increase active transportation, and a phased implementation plan. The plan centered on non -motorized transportation options within a one-half mile radius around the schools. City of Colton Active Transportation (AT) Plan, Colton, CA. Outreach Task Manager. Through public participation, the AT plan will seek out the needs of local residents, schools, and businesses. The goal is to help the City apply for funding from the Active Transportation Program. The plans meet the requirements set forth by the California Transportation Commission in the ATP Guidelines. Mr. Pelayo developed an outreach and logistic plan to conduct 12 school event meetings and a tactical urbanism event. CITY OF LA QUINTA -d ,turn rani -co, KOA CORPORATION PLANNING & ENGINEERING NON -COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT W Qul�&(v GE14 ofdu DESERT — NON -COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT FORM Must be executed by proposer and submitted with the proposal I, MingGuan (name) hereby declare as follows: I am Vice PresidenVProject Manager of KOA Corporation (Title) (Company) the party making the foregoing proposal, that the proposal is not made in the interest of, or on behalf of, any undisclosed person, partnership, company, association, organization, or corporation; that the proposal is genuine and not collusive or sham; that the proposer has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other proposer to put in a false or sham proposal, and has not directly or indirectly colluded, conspired, connived, or agreed with any proposer or anyone else to put in a sham proposal, or that anyone shall refrain from proposing; that the proposer has not in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement, communication, or conference with anyone to fix the proposal price of the proposer or any other proposer, or to fix any overhead, profit, or cost element of the proposal price, or of that of any other proposer, or to secure any advantage against the public body awarding the agreement of anyone interested in the proposed agreement; that tall statements contained in the proposal are true; and, further, that the proposer has not, directly or indirectly, submitted his or her proposal price or any breakdown thereof, orthe contents thereof, or divulged information or data relative hereto, or paid, and will not pay, any fee to any corporation, partnership, company, association, organization, proposal depository, or to any member or agent thereof to effectuate a collusive or sham proposal. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing istrue and correct. Proposer Signature: ., Proposer Name: Ming Guan, PE, TE Proposer Title: Vice President/Project Manager Company Name: _ KOA Corporation Address: 3190 C Shelby Street, Ontario, CA 91764 ON -CALL TRAFFIC ENGINEERING CONSULTANT SERVICES