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2018 09 18 CC
CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 1 SEPTEMBER 18, 2018 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2018 3:00 P.M. CLOSED SESSION | 4:00 P.M. OPEN SESSION CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL: Councilmembers: Fitzpatrick, Peña, Radi, Sanchez, Mayor Evans PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA At this time, members of the public may address the City Council and Housing Authority any matter not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "Request to Speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. The City Council and Housing Authority value your comments; however in accordance with State law, no action shall be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda unless it is an emergency item authorized by GC 54954.2(b). CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA CLOSED SESSION 1. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT: SILVERROCK RESORT (APNs 770-200-026; 776- 150-021; 776-150-023; 770-060-056; 770-060-057; 770-060- 058; 770-060-059; 770-060-061; 770-060-062; 777-490-004; 777-490-006; 777-490-007; 777-490-012 AND 777-490-014 CITY NEGOTIATOR: FRANK J. SPEVACEK, CITY MANAGER NEGOTIATING PARTIES: ROBERT S. GREEN, SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY UNDER NEGOTIATION: PRICE AND TERMS OF PAYMENT FOR THE SALE OF REAL PROPERTY City Council agendas and staff reports are available on the City’s web page: www.LaQuintaCA.gov CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 2 SEPTEMBER 18, 2018 2. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT: 770-123-001; 770-020-036; 770-020-003; 770- 020-004; 773-370-003; 773-145-022; AND 773-145-023 CITY NEGOTIATOR: FRANK J. SPEVACEK, CITY MANAGER NEGOTIATING PARTY: OTLQ, LLC; JADE PROPERTIES, LLC; ATTALAH; 50905 BERMUDAS, LLC; LA QUINTA HOUSING AUTHORITY UNDER CONSIDERATION: PRICE AND TERMS OF PAYMENT 3. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – ANTICIPATED LITIGATION SIGNIFICANT EXPOSURE TO LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (2) OR (3) OF SUBDIVISION (d) OF GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9 (NUMBER OF POTENTIAL CASES: 1) RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION RECONVENE AT 4:00 P.M. REPORT ON ACTION(S) TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION – CITY COUNCIL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA At this time, members of the public may address the City Council and Housing Authority on any matter not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "Request to Speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. The City Council and Housing Authority value your comments; however in accordance with State law, no action shall be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda unless it is an emergency item authorized by GC 54954.2(b). ANNOUNCEMENTS, PRESENTATIONS AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS CONSENT CALENDAR NOTE: Consent Calendar items are routine in nature and can be approved by one motion. PAGE 1. APPROVE MINUTES DATED AUGUST 7, 2018 7 2. APPROVE 2018 COUNCIL CANDIDATES BRIEFING AND SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES DATED SEPTEMBER 5, 2018 21 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 3 SEPTEMBER 18, 2018 3. ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 576 ON SECOND READING AMENDING CHAPTER 3.33 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO THE COLLECTION OF TRANSPORTATION UNIFORM MITIGATION FEE 23 4. APPROVE DEMAND REGISTERS DATED JULY 27, AUGUST 3, 10, 17, 24, AND 31, 2018 33 5. AUTHORIZE OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT TO ATTEND THE SECOND YEAR OF CALIFORNIA PARKS AND RECREATION SOCIETY MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT SCHOOL IN LAKE ARROWHEAD, CALIFORNIA, NOVEMBER 12-16, 2018 81 6. AUTHORIZE OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR FINANCIAL SERVICES ANALYST TO ATTEND GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION TREASURY MANAGEMENT BEST PRACTICES IN ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, FEBRUARY 12-13, 2019 83 7. AUTHORIZE OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST TO ATTEND THE PUBLIC AGENCY RISK MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION CONFERENCE IN ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA, FEBRUARY 10-13, 2019 85 8. EXCUSE ABSENCE FOR PLANNING COMMISSIONER CALDWELL FROM THE SEPTEMBER 11, 2018 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING 87 9. ACCEPT LA QUINTA HIGH SCHOOL AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF ADAMS STREET AT BLACKHAWK WAY (PROJECT NO. 2017-05) 89 10. APPROVE PURCHASE OF A BACKHOE AND STUMP GRINDER FROM RDO EQUIPMENT AND A DUMP TRAILER FROM BIG TEX TRAILERS 93 11. APPROVE FIRST AMENDMENT TO EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY’S FINANCE DIRECTOR 97 12. APPROVE AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO CONTRACT SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC. FOR FINANCE AND HUMAN RESOURCES SOFTWARE SERVICES 109 BUSINESS SESSION 1. RECEIVE AND FILE FOURTH QUARTER 2017/18 TREASURY REPORTS FOR APRIL, MAY, AND JUNE 2018 WITH FISCAL YEAR-END SUMMARY 113 2.INTRODUCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 6.14.010 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO REMOVAL OF LIQUID 149 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 4 SEPTEMBER 18, 2018 WASTE; AND APPROVE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE TO PROVIDE ONSITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEMS REGULATION [ORDINANCE NO. 577] STUDY SESSION 1. DISCUSS AUTO DEALERSHIPS’ PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS ALONG HIGHWAY 111 FRONTAGE 167 PUBLIC HEARINGS – after 5:00 p.m. For all Public Hearings on the agenda, a completed “Request to Speak” form must be filed with the City Clerk prior to consideration of that item. A person may submit written comments to City Council before a public hearing or appear in support or opposition to the approval of a project(s). If you challenge a project(s) in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the City at, or prior to the public hearing. 1. APPEAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL – ADOPT RESOLUTION TO SUSTAIN PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVAL OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2018-0003 FOR A 65 FOOT MONOPALM CELL TOWER AND ASSOCIATED GROUND EQUIPMENT LOCATED EAST OF EISENHOWER DRIVE AND AVENIDA MONTEZUMA INTERSECTION IN THE LA QUINTA COMMUNITY PARK; CEQA – EXEMPT FROM ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW PURSUANT TO SECTIONS 15332 (CLASS 32) AND 15303 (CLASS 3) [RESOLUTION NO. 2018 – 048] 173 DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS 1. CITY MANAGER 2. CITY ATTORNEY 3. CITY CLERK 4. COMMUNITY RESOURCES A. CITY EXPERIENCES 2018/19 221 B. USE OF BODY WORN CAMERAS BY CITY CODE COMPLIANCE OFFICERS 227 5. DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT A. JULY 2018 MONTHLY DEPARTMENT REPORT 237 B. AUGUST 2018 MONTHLY DEPARTMENT REPORT 241 6. FACILITIES A. JULY 2018 MONTHLY DEPARTMENT REPORT 245 B. AUGUST 2018 MONTHLY DEPARTMENT REPORT 269 7. FINANCE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 5 SEPTEMBER 18, 2018 MAYOR’S AND COUNCIL MEMBERS’ ITEMS REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 1. CVAG COACHELLA VALLEY CONSERVATION COMMISSION (Evans) 2. CVAG ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE (Evans) 3. CVAG EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (Evans) 4. GREATER PALM SPRINGS CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU (Evans) 5. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES DELEGATE (Evans) 6. COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT JOINT POLICY COMMITTEE (Evans) 7. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS (Evans) 8. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBCOMMITTEE (Evans & Radi) 9. COACHELLA VALLEY MOUNTAINS CONSERVANCY (Fitzpatrick) 10. DESERT RECREATION DISTRICT COMMITTEE (Fitzpatrick and Radi) 11. COACHELLA VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT COMMITTEE (Fitzpatrick and Peña) 12. RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION (Fitzpatrick) 13. SILVERROCK EVENT SITE AD HOC COMMITTEE (Fitzpatrick) 14. CANNABIS AD HOC COMMITTEE (Peña and Sanchez) 15. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE INFO EXCHANGE COMMITTEE (Peña) 16. CVAG PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE (Peña) 17. EAST VALLEY COALITION (Peña) 18. CVAG VALLEY-WIDE HOMELESSNESS COMMITTEE (Peña) 19. JACQUELINE COCHRAN REGIONAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY (Peña) 20. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES – PUBLIC SAFETY POLICY COMMITTEE (Peña) 21. COACHELLA VALLEY ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIP (Radi) 22. CVAG TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE (Radi) 23. SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY (Radi) 24. CITYWIDE SECURITY CAMERAS AD HOC COMMITTEE (Radi) 25. DESERT SANDS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT COMMITTEE (Radi and Sanchez) 26. ANIMAL CAMPUS COMMISSION (Sanchez) 27. IID ENERGY CONSUMERS’ ADVISORY COMMITTEE (Sanchez) 28. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES/TRANSPORTATION & LABOR POLICY (Sanchez) 29. RIVERSIDE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION (Sanchez) 30. FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION MINUTES DATED JULY 18, 2018 293 ADJOURNMENT ********************************* CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 6 SEPTEMBER 18, 2018 The next regular meeting of the City Council will be held on October 2, 2018, at 4:00 p.m. at the City Hall Council Chambers, 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Monika Radeva, City Clerk, of the City of La Quinta, do hereby declare that the foregoing Agenda for the La Quinta City Council meeting was posted on the City’s website, near the entrance to the Council Chambers at 78495 Calle Tampico, and the bulletin boards at the Stater Brothers Supermarket at 78630 Highway 111, and the La Quinta Cove Post Office at 51321 Avenida Bermudas, on September 13, 2018. DATED: September 13, 2018 MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California Public Notices The La Quinta City Council Chamber is handicapped accessible. If special equipment is needed for the hearing impaired, please call the City Clerk’s office at (760) 777-7092, twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the meeting and accommodations will be made. If special electronic equipment is needed to make presentations to the City Council, arrangements should be made in advance by contacting the City Clerk’s office at (760) 777-7092. A one (1) week notice is required. If background material is to be presented to the Councilmembers during a City Council meeting, please be advised that eight (8) copies of all documents, exhibits, etc., must be supplied to the City Clerk for distribution. It is requested that this take place prior to the beginning of the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the City Council regarding any item(s) on this agenda will be made available for public inspection at the Community Development counter at City Hall located at 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California, 92253, during normal business hours. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 1 of 14 AUGUST 7, 2018 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES TUESDAY, AUGUST 7, 2018 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at 3:00 p.m. by Mayor Evans. PRESENT: Councilmembers Fitzpatrick, Peña, Radi, Sanchez, Mayor Evans ABSENT: None PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA – None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Mayor Evans, City Manager Spevacek, and City Attorney Ihrke requested the following changes to the agenda: Introduce new City Clerk Monika Radeva under Announcements, Presentations, and Written Communications portion of the meeting; Consent Calendar Item No. 1 – pulled for modification and separate vote; Consent Calendar Item No. 8 – provide comments related to Financial Advisory Commission (FAC) approval of the item; Consent Calendar Item No. 9 – provide comments related to FAC approval of the item; Consent Calendar Item No. 15 – pull from the Consent Calendar and move to Business Session Item No. 2 to clarify the payment schedule for the three agreements with HR Green Pacific, Interwest Consulting, and EsGil Corporation for on-call building code plan review and inspection services; Consent Calendar Item No. 16 – pull to modify the schedule of compensation regarding rate adjustments based on Consumer Price Index included in the agreement with Willdan Engineering, Inc. for contract traffic engineering services, and for separate vote; Public Hearing Items will be taken in the following order, per the agenda packet: Public Hearing Item No. 1 – Update the City’s User and Regulatory Master Fee Schedule; Public Hearing Item No. 2 – Update the City’s Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee; and City Manager Department Report – City Manager Spevacek will provide an update on local regulations regarding electricity net-energy metering. Council concurred. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 1 7 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 2 of 14 AUGUST 7, 2018 CLOSED SESSION 1. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT: SILVERROCK RESORT (APNs 770-200-026; 776-150-021; 776- 150-023; 770-060-056; 770-060-057; 770-060-058; 770-060-059; 770-060-061; 770-060-062; 777-490-004; 777-490-006; 777-490- 007; 777-490-012 AND 777-490-014 CITY NEGOTIATOR: FRANK SPEVACEK, CITY MANAGER NEGOTIATING PARTIES: ROBERT S. GREEN, SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY UNDER NEGOTIATION: PRICE AND TERMS OF PAYMENT FOR THE SALE OF REAL PROPERTY COUNCIL RECESSED THE OPEN SESSION PORTION OF THE MEETING AND MOVED INTO CLOSED SESSION AT 3:05 P.M. MAYOR EVANS RECONVENED THE OPEN SESSION PORTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING AT 4:00 P.M. WITH ALL MEMBERS PRESENT REPORT ON ACTION(S) TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION: City Attorney Ihrke reported no actions were taken in Closed Session that required reporting pursuant to Government Code section 54957.1 (Brown Act). PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Pro Tem Fitzpatrick led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA PUBLIC SPEAKER: Ms. Doriel Wyler, Community Services Commissioner, La Quinta – said she received inquiries from residents about the recently installed charging stations for electric vehicles. Mayor Evans explained that this was in line with the City’s efforts to reduce air pollution; the charging stations were a contribution from Tesla, and funds specifically allocated for such efforts under the City’s South Coast Air Quality Fund were used for the installation; currently the City is responsible for the electricity and maintenance of the stations, and thus, they were installed on City-owned properties – City Hall parking lot, Wellness Center, and the Village parking lot located west of Avenida Bermudas. City Manager Spevacek said the parking stall locations were selected to ensure accessibility and regulatory compliance in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Ms. Jessica Muñoz, Executive Director – Riverside County for Voices for Children, Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASAs) program for 8 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 3 of 14 AUGUST 7, 2018 Riverside County – said CASAs are special volunteers appointed by juvenile court judges who advocate for the best interest of children who have been removed from their homes due to abuse and neglect; the Riverside County CASA program was discontinued in 2014; Voices for Children was approached by the Judicial Council and the local bench to expand its CASA program from San Diego to include Riverside County as well; currently the CASA program services 356 children, and has 150-200 children on a waiting list; approximately 25% of the children are from the Coachella Valley; CASA trainings are offered in the Coachella Valley twice a year, upcoming trainings are scheduled for September 2018 and March 2019. Ms. Muñoz said it was important for the organization to establish connections with local, public, and private agencies in the communities it serves and to cultivate relationships necessary to make the investments necessary to continue and expand the program. She commended the many La Quinta resident-volunteers who have been eager to work with Voices for Children. Council requested information on CASA trainings offered by Voices for Children in the Coachella Valley. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Ms. Toni DeAztlan, La Quinta – said in March 2018 she purchased a home in La Quinta on Madison Street, directly across from the polo grounds; is happy to see the street widening and pedestrian sidewalk improvements along Madison Street; said there would be increase of traffic and pedestrian activity along the street due to the improvements and expressed concerns about the safety and security of her property; and asked the City’s cooperation in regulating noise levels and securing her property during the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival and Stagecoach Festival. Mayor Evans thanked Ms. DeAztlan for sharing her concerns, said Staff will reach out to her for further discussion and will work together as a team to address her concerns. ANNOUNCEMENTS, PRESENTATIONS, AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 1. PROCLAMATION HONORING LA QUINTA POLICE DEPARTMENT VOLUNTEER GENE SALUTE Mayor Evans, Councilmembers, Riverside County Sherriff Department Police Chief Misty Reynolds, and former La Quinta Assistant Police Chief Lieutenant Dave Walton presented La Quinta Police Department Volunteer Gene Salute with a proclamation in appreciation for his public service. 2. COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT (CAFR) FOR FISCAL YEAR 2016/17 AWARD OF FINANCIAL REPORTING ACHIEVEMENT 9 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 4 of 14 AUGUST 7, 2018 Mayor Evans and Councilmembers commended the City’s Finance Department team for their efforts and dedication in serving the City; said the City was awarded the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting by Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada for its comprehensive annual financial report; the City has received this award consecutively for 21 years; the Certificate of Achievement is the highest form of recognition in the area of governmental accounting and financial reporting, and its attainment represents a significant accomplishment by a government and its management. Finance Director Campos introduced the Finance Department team consisting of Account Technicians Marcus Gant and Derrick Armendariz, Junior Accountants Krystena Blondell and Sandra Laureano, Financial Services Analyst Rosemary Hallick, Management Assistant Jessica Delgado, and Senior Accountant Claudia Martinez; explained the involved and collaborative process required to compile the CAFR annually; and commended the Finance Department team for their hard work, dedication, resourcefulness, and innovation. 3. PROCLAMATION DECLARING SEPTEMBER AS EMPLOYMENT MONTH FOR LA QUINTA IN SUPPORT OF THE 23RD VALLEY-WIDE EMPLOYMENT EXPO Mayor Evans and Councilmembers presented Veterans’ Representative Clarke Staehle with a proclamation, who accepted it on behalf of the Employment Development Department, declaring September as employment month for La Quinta in support of the 23rd Valley-Wide Employment Expo to be held at Fantasy Springs Resort Casino in Indio on Thursday, September 20, 2018, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Mr. Staehle thanked the Council for their continued support. Mayor Evans said La Quinta’s unemployment rate of 3.5% was the lowest in the Valley and thanked residents for being workforce contributors in all sectors in the Valley. 4. INTRODUCE DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR DELFIN (DANNY) CASTRO JR. AND CITY CLERK MONIKA RADEVA City Manager Spevacek introduced City Clerk Monika Radeva who expressed her gratitude for the opportunity to serve the City and the community; and said it is a privilege to be a part of Team La Quinta. City Manager Spevacek introduced Design and Development Director Delfin (Danny) Castro Jr. who said it is a privilege to serve La Quinta and thanked Council and Staff for the opportunity to be a part of the La Quinta team. 10 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 5 of 14 AUGUST 7, 2018 COUNCIL RECESSED THE OPEN SESSION PORTION OF THE MEETING AND RECONVENED THE HOUSING AUTHORITY SPECIAL MEETING AT 4:37 P.M. MAYOR EVANS RECONVENED THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING AT 4:49 P.M. WITH ALL MEMBERS PRESENT CONSENT CALENDAR 1. pulled by City Manager Spevacek for modification and separate vote >>> APPROVE MINUTES OF JULY 17, 2018 2. ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 575 ON SECOND READING AMENDING CHAPTER 2.60 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE 3. AUTHORIZE OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR FINANCE DIRECTOR TO ATTEND THE GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION ADVANCED FINANCIAL REPORTING TRAINING IN SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA, AUGUST 21-23, 2018 4. AUTHORIZE OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR THE HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER AND MARKETING MANAGEMENT COORDINATOR TO ATTEND LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES ANNUAL CONFERENCE IN LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA, SEPTEMBER 12-13, 2018 5. AUTHORIZE OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR TWO TRAFFIC SIGNAL TECHNICIANS TO ATTEND INTERNATIONAL MUNICIPAL SIGNAL ASSOCIATION CERTIFICATION CLASSES IN ONTARIO, CALIFORNIA, OCTOBER 15-18, 2018 6. APPROVE DEMAND REGISTERS DATED JULY 13 AND 20, 2018 7. RECEIVE AND FILE REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORTS DATED MAY 31, 2018 8. comment by Mayor Evans >>> ADOPT RESOLUTION TO APPROVE CAPITAL ASSET POLICY [RESOLUTION NO. 2018-042] 9. comment by Mayor Evans >>> APPROVE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN INVESTMENT ACCOUNT WITH THE CALIFORNIA ASSET MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 10. ADOPT RESOLUTION TO EXTEND TIME TO COMPLETE OFF-SITE AND ON-SITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR A THREE LOT SUBDIVISION 11 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 6 of 14 AUGUST 7, 2018 (PARCEL MAP NO. 33954) LOCATED NORTH OF CALLE AMIGO AND EAST OF AVENIDA BERMUDAS [RESOLUTION NO. 2018-043] 11. APPROVE SIX LEASE AGREEMENTS WITH ENTERPRISE FLEET MANAGEMENT AND AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENTS 12. APPROVE AMENDMENT NO. 4 TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL TO PREPARE THE PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND ENGINEER’S ESTIMATE FOR THE EISENHOWER DRIVE RETENTION BASIN IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT NO. 2015-12B 13. APPROVE FIRST AMENDMENTS TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENTS WITH MSA CONSULTING, INC. AND NV5, INC. FOR ON-CALL CONSTRUCTION SURVEYING SERVICES 14. APPROVE FIRST AMENDMENT TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENTS WITH LANDMARK CONSULTANTS, INC. AND GEOCON WEST, INC. FOR ON-CALL CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS TESTING SERVICES 15. pulled by Mayor Evans and moved to Business Session Item No. 2 >>> APPROVE AGREEMENTS FOR CONTRACT SERVICES WITH HR GREEN PACIFIC, INTERWEST CONSULTING, AND ESGIL CORPORATION FOR ON-CALL BUILDING CODE PLAN REVIEW AND INSPECTION SERVICES 16. pulled by Mayor Evans for modification and a separate vote >>> APPROVE AGREEMENT WITH CONTRACT SERVICES WITH WILLDAN ENGINEERING, INC. FOR CONTRACT TRAFFIC ENGINEERING SERVICES 17. APPROVE AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH HENSON CONSULTING GROUP FOR LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT AND TRAINING PROGRAMS 18. ADOPT RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A POLICY ESTABLISHING THE PROCEDURES AND CRITERIA FOR INDIGENT STATUS DETERMINATION AS IT PERTAINS TO PERSON SEEKING PAYMENT PLAN OPTION FOR PARKING VIOLATIONS, PURSUANT TO ASSEMBLY BILL 503 (LAKEY) [RESOLUTION NO. 2018-044] 12 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 7 of 14 AUGUST 7, 2018 19. AUTHORIZE CONTRACTING WITH DESERT CONCEPTS FOR UP TO $100,000 OF WORK FOR FISCAL YEAR 2018/19 WHEN DESERT CONCEPTS IS THE QUALIFIED AND/OR LOWEST BID 20. AUTHORIZE SUBMISSION OF A GRANT APPLICATION FOR NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE ARTS’ OUR TOWN CREATIVE PLACEMAKING PROGRAM CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 1: City Attorney Ihrke clarified the verbal announcement made at the July 17, 2018, Council meeting on Consent Calendar Item Nos. 9 – 12, pursuant to Government Code Section 54953(c)(3), regarding salaries, salary schedules, and compensation paid in the form of fringe benefits to the City’s executive employees, as defined by Government Code Section 3511.1(d), that the City Manager position was approved for a maximum salary of $220,366, however, the current City Manager’s salary is $213,015.36, and would like this modification to be included in that section of the July 17, 2018, minutes. MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Peña/Sanchez to approve Consent Calendar Item No. 1 as amended above. Motion passed unanimously. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 16: City Attorney Ihrke said Willdan Engineering, Inc. has consented to delete the requirement for rate adjustments based on Consumer Price Index included in the agreement under the first sentence of the first paragraph on page 4 of Exhibit B – Schedule of Compensation (page 247 of the agenda packet). He asked that Council approve the agreement as modified and read the sentence to be deleted in its entirety from the agreement into the record: “Valid July 1, 2018 thru June 30, 2019, thereafter, rates may be raised once per year to value of change in Consumer Price Index for Los Angeles/Orange County/Sacramento/San Francisco/San Jose area, but not more than 5 percent per year.” MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Fitzpatrick/Sanchez to approve Consent Calendar Item No. 16 as amended above. Motion passed unanimously. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NOS. 2-14 AND 17-20: Mayor Evans confirmed with Finance Director Campos and noted for the record that Consent Calendar Item Nos. 8 and 9 approving a Capital Asset Policy and the establishment of an investment account with the California Asset Management Program, respectively, were reviewed and recommended for Council approval by the Financial Advisory Commission as reflected in the minutes from their June 13, 2018, meeting. 13 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 8 of 14 AUGUST 7, 2018 MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Fitzpatrick/Radi to approve Consent Calendar Item Nos. 2-14 and 17-20, as recommended with Item No. 2 adopting Ordinance No. 575; and Item Nos. 8, 10, and 18 adopting Resolution Nos. 2018-042, 2018-043, and 2018-044, respectively. Motion passed unanimously. BUSINESS SESSION THE ITEMS UNDER BUSINESS SESSION WERE TAKEN OUT OF ORDER 2. pulled from Consent Calendar Item No. 15 by Mayor Evans and moved to Business Session >>> APPROVE AGREEMENTS FOR CONTRACT SERVICES WITH HR GREEN PACIFIC, INTERWEST CONSULTING, AND ESGIL CORPORATION FOR ON-CALL BUILDING CODE PLAN REVIEW AND INSPECTION SERVICES Building Official James Wiatrak and Management Analyst Mignogna presented the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk’s Office. Council discussed the need for on-call contract services to assist Staff when there are sudden spikes in workload; the total 2018/19 annual budgeted amount for these services is $324,000; each of the three agreements is being approved for an amount not to exceed $324,000, merely to give Staff the flexibility to contract for these services with anyone of the three vendors, but not to exceed the annual budget; the City’s ability to contract retired employees provided that the 120-day time provision from separation has been met; and language modifications to clarify the schedule of compensation that payments will be provided based on work performed and delete reference to monthly installment payments. City Attorney Ihrke noted for the record the following language revisions to Agreements for Contract Services with HR Green Pacific, Interwest Consulting, and EsGil Corporation for on-call building code plan review and inspection services. Pages 127, 159, and 191 of the agenda packet: Section 2.1 Contract Sum. Add the following sentence after the first sentence in this section to read: “Contractor expressly acknowledges and agrees that the Contract Sum in this Agreement is the annual aggregate total amount covering this Agreement, that certain Agreement for Contract Services by and between the City and _______________ [insert one other “Contractor” from one of other agreements], and that certain Agreement for Contract Services by and between the City and _______________ [insert second other “Contractor” from one of the other agreements], 14 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 9 of 14 AUGUST 7, 2018 of or about even date as this Agreement, such that the Contract Sum as defined herein is the maximum amount available for services provided under all three agreements.” Remainder of Section 2.1 remains the same. Pages 128, 160, and 192 of the agenda packet: Section 2.2 Method of Billing and Payment. Revise the first sentence is this section to read: “Only after City requests Services to be performed by Contracting Party pursuant to the Scope of Services and this Agreement in general, for any month in which Contracting Party seeks to receive payment after being authorized by City to perform such Services, Contracting Party shall submit to City no later than the then (10th) working day of such month, in the form approved by the City’s Finance Director, an invoice for such Services rendered prior to the date of the invoice.” Remainder of Section 2.2 remains the same. Pages 144, 176, and 207 of the agenda packet: Page 1 of Exhibit B – Schedule of Compensation Strike second sentence, and revise that sentence to read: “Contractor expressly acknowledges and agrees the Contract Sum in this Agreement is the annual aggregate total amount covering this Agreement, that certain Agreement for Contract Services by and between the City and _____________ [insert one other “Contractor” from one of other agreements], and that certain Agreement for Contract Services by and between the City and ________________ [insert second other “Contractor” from one of the other agreements], of or about even date as this Agreement, such that the Contract Sum as defined herein is the maximum amount available for services provided under all three agreements. The Contract Sum may be paid to Contracting Party in an amount identified in Contracting Party’s schedule of compensation attached hereto for work tasks performed and properly invoiced by Contracting Party in conformance with Section 2.2 of this Agreement.” Remainder of Exhibit B remains the same. MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Peña/Radi to approve Agreements for Contract Services with HR Green Pacific, Interwest Consulting Group, and EsGil Corporation for on-call building code plan review and inspection services as amended above; and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreements. Motion passed unanimously. 15 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 10 of 14 AUGUST 7, 2018 1. APPROVE SILVERROCK VENUE SITE MASTER PLAN AND ADOPT RESOLUTION TO APPROVE SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2018- 0006, INCLUDING SITE, ARCHITECTURAL, AND LANDSCAPING PLANS FOR APPROXIMATELY 14-ACRE PASSIVE PARK VENUE WITHIN PLANNING AREA 11 OF THE SILVERROCK SPECIFIC PLAN; PROJECT: SILVERROCK EVENT SITE; CEQA: CONSISTENT WITH ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2014-1003, NO FURTHER REVIEW REQUIRED [RESOLUTION NO. 2018-045] Facilities Director Howlett and Planning Manager Perez presented the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk’s Office. City Consultant Chris Hermann, President/CEO of Hermann Design Group gave a detailed presentation of the SilverRock Venue Site design; plan; amenities, including art walk – experience, bathroom facilities, walkways, modular event building, benches, trash receptacles, water feature, event lawn, landscaping and plant materials, lighting, amphitheater event stage, shade structures, back wall to platform, terrace walls seating; masterplan budget; additive alternates; project schedule. Council discussed the project timeline; ability to adjust the budget if savings are being realized along the way; the great progress made in a very short period of time; having to decide on the project budget amount in November when the plans are finalized; and possible events to be hosted on the site. MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Fitzpatrick/Radi to approve the SilverRock Venue Site Master Plan as recommended. Motion passed unanimously. MOTION – A motions was made and seconded by Councilmembers Fitzpatrick/Radi to make a finding that the project is consistent with Environmental Assessment 2014-1003, and no further environmental review is required. Motion passed unanimously. MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Fitzpatrick/Radi to adopt Resolution No. 2018-045 as recommended: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2018-0006, INCLUSIVE OF SITE, ARCHITECTURAL, AND LANDSCAPING PLANS FOR AN APPROXIMATELY 14-ACRE PASSIVE PARK VENUE WITHIN PLANNING AREA 11 OF THE SILVERROCK SPECIFIC PLAN Motion passed unanimously. STUDY SESSION – None 16 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 11 of 14 AUGUST 7, 2018 PUBLIC HEARINGS – after 5:00 p.m. 1. ADOPT RESOLUTION TO UPDATE THE CITY’S USER AND REGULATORY MASTER FEE SCHEDULE [RESOLUTION NO. 2018-046] City Clerk Radeva and ClearSource Financial Consultant Madsen presented the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk’s Office. Council discussed how La Quinta fees compare to neighboring cities’ fee schedules and the additional Short-Term Vacation Rental inspection fees would not affect the permit cost, and would only be applied when necessary to perform additional property inspections. MAYOR EVANS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 5:41 P.M. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Gretchen Gutierrez, CEO of Desert Valleys Builders Association (DVBA) – said the DVBA was very engaged with this fee update and provided Consultant and Staff with comments that resulted in the change of the CPI index; a second comment letter dated August 7, 2018, was distributed to Council and entered into the record, listing concerns about the greater than CPI increase on the Public Works fees, which the DVBA understands will be addressed through the City’s comprehensive fee study scheduled for 2019; requested that the City include a detailed cost-fee analysis when proposing greater than CPI fee increases; and noted that the DVBA just completed the nine-cities fee study comparison for the Coachella Valley and La Quinta rates in the middle. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Deborah McGarrey, Public Affairs Manager with Southern California Gas Company (SCG) – said she was pleased to learn that La Quinta will be conducting a comprehensive fee study next year; and explained that as a utility company, SCG passes on any fees to the end-user, due to limited funding available to invest into infrastructure. Mayor Evans noted that since 2013 the City has consistently updated its fee schedule on an annual basis to avoid sudden fee spikes, and conducts a comprehensive fee analysis every five to seven years. Prior to implementing this practice, the City’s fees had not been updated since 1995. Mayor Evans noted for the record that the City received a letter of support from the Building Industry Association of Southern California – Riverside County Chapter for this item. 17 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 12 of 14 AUGUST 7, 2018 MAYOR EVANS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 5:50 P.M. MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Peña/Radi to adopt Resolution No. 2018-046 as recommended: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING A REVISED MASTER FEE SCHEDULE OF VARIOUS USER AND REGULATORY FEES Motion passed unanimously. 2. INTRODUCE AND ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 3.33 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE COLLECTION OF TRANSPORTATION UNIFORM MITIGATION FEE (TUMF) [ORDINANCE NO. 576 AND RESOLUTION NO. 2018-047] Management Analyst Mignogna presented the staff report which is on file in the Clerk’s Office. MAYOR EVANS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 5:54 P.M. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Gretchen Gutierrez, CEO with the DVBA – said the DVBA worked closely with the Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG) for three years to get to this point; CVAG had not adjusted TUMF for 12 years; CVAG had to adjust its project list to better align it with available TUMF; and TUMF continues to exempt low-income housing projects. MAYOR EVANS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 5:56 P.M. MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Radi/Fitzpatrick to take up Ordinance No. 576 by title and number only, and waive further reading. City Clerk Radeva read the following title of Ordinance No. 576 into the record: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CHAPTER 3.33 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO THE COLLECTION OF TRANSPORTATION UNIFORM MITIGATION FEES Motion passed unanimously. MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Radi/Fitzpatrick to introduce at first reading Ordinance No. 576 amending Chapter 3.33 of the La Quinta Municipal Code pertaining to the collection of Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fees. 18 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 13 of 14 AUGUST 7, 2018 MOTION – A motion was made a seconded by Councilmembers Radi/Fitzpatrick to adopt Resolution No. 2018-047 amending the Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee amount as recommended: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE TRANSPORTATION UNIFORM MITIGATION FEE AMOUNT PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 3.33 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO TRANSPORTATION UNIFORM MITIGATION FEE Motion passed unanimously. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS All reports are on file in the City Clerk’s Office. City Manager Spevacek said at the July 17, 2018, meeting Council directed Staff to prepare an ordinance on electricity net-metering for Council consideration; due to pending discussions underway, the ordinance was not brought forth at today’s meeting; IID Government Affairs Specialist Emanuel Martinez has reached out to the City to meet with Staff and Councilmembers for further discussions, and Councilmembers Sanchez and Peña have expressed an interest to participate in these discussions tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, August 15, 2018. City Manager Spevacek asked for Council’s direction on next steps. Council reached a consensus to proceed with the meeting and have Councilmembers Sanchez and Peña represent the Council. 2. CITY ATTORNEY – PROPOSED STATE REGULATION – CANNABIS DELIVERY IN CITIES City Attorney Ihrke presented the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk’s Office. Council reached a consensus and directed the City Attorney to submit comments to the California Bureau of Cannabis Control in opposition to proposed section 5416(d), to the extent it has a preemptive effect over the City’s local regulations governing delivery of cannabis, and/or proposed sections 5001(c)(11) and 5002(c)(28), which would reduce the period to verify if a licensee has obtained necessary local approvals from 60 to 10 days, following the League of California Cities template comment letter enclosed as Attachment 1. 19 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 14 of 14 AUGUST 7, 2018 MAYOR’S AND COUNCIL MEMBERS’ ITEMS Council expressed their gratitude to the services the Fire and Police Departments staff provide to the communities in their efforts to contain the ongoing California fires and mitigate evacuations and safety issues. REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS La Quinta’s representative for 2018, Councilmember Peña reported on his participation in the following organization meeting: EAST VALLEY COALITION ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, a motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Fitzpatrick/Peña to adjourn at 6:05 p.m. Motion passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California 20 2018 COUNCIL CANDIDATES BRIEFING SEPTEMBER 5, 2018 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 1 of 2 SPECIAL MEETING CITY COUNCIL MINUTES TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2018 CALL TO ORDER The 2018 Council Candidates Briefing and a special meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Mayor Pro Tem Fitzpatrick. PRESENT: Councilmembers Peña, Radi, Mayor Evans, and Pro Tem Fitzpatrick ABSENT: Councilmember Sanchez PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Evans led the audience in the pledge of allegiance. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA – Confirmed PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA Marketing and Communications Coordinator said the City received an update that two homes in the Tradition Golf Club were evacuated due to ruptured gas line, while repair crews worked to stop the leak. STUDY SESSION 1. 2018 COUNCIL CANDIDATE BRIEFING – REPORT ON CURRENT CITY STRUCTURE, SERVICES, ACCOMPLISHMENTS, PROJECTS, CHALLENGES, AND FINANCES City Manager Spevacek, Planning Manager Perez, Code Compliance Supervisor Meredith, City Clerk Radeva, Finance Director Campos, Design and Development Director Castro, Facilities Director Howlett, Community Resources Director Escobedo, and City Attorney Ihrke presented information on campaign sign regulations and compliance; City structure, functions, and finance; current projects; City Departments’ roles, responsibilities, and initiatives; legal services; and local cannabis regulations. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 2 21 2018 COUNCIL CANDIDATES BRIEFING SEPTEMBER 5, 2018 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 2 of 2 SPECIAL MEETING ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, a motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Radi/Peña to adjourn at 7:08 p.m. Motion passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California 22 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: September 18, 2018 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 576 ON SECOND READING AMENDING CHAPTER 3.33 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO THE COLLECTION OF TRANSPORTATION UNIFORM MITIGATION FEE RECOMMENDATION Adopt Ordinance No. 576 on second reading. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY On August 7, 2018, Council introduced Ordinance No. 576 for first reading to amend Chapter 3.33 of the La Quinta Municipal Code relating to the collection of Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF). TUMF revenue funds transportation improvements in the Coachella Valley and requires local agencies to charge TUMF to new developments. In April 2018, Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG) approved an updated “TUMF Fee Schedule Update, Nexus Study Report” (2018 Nexus Study) conducted by Michael Baker International, Inc., establishing revised TUMF fees. FISCAL IMPACT There will be no fiscal impact to the City as the TUMF fees are paid by developers. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS In 2012, the City joined the CVAG TUMF program because the City had built local transportation improvements and was seeking a new funding source to maintain them. In 2018, CVAG elected to update and simplify TUMF and commissioned Michael Baker International to prepare the 2018 Nexus Study that establish updated TUMF fees and program funding priorities. The 2018 Nexus Study revealed the need to revise certain provisions of the model TUMF ordinance to reflect changes in the Mitigation Fee Act, which governs the adoption and implementation of development impact fees, and to reflect the findings of the 2018 Nexus Study. The CVAG Executive Committee approved the changes in April 2018. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 3 23 ALTERNATIVES As Council approved this ordinance at first reading, Staff does not recommend an alternative. Prepared by: Nichole Romane, Administrative Assistant Approved by: Monika Radeva, City Clerk 24 ORDINANCE NO. 576 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CHAPTER 3.33 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO THE COLLECTION OF TRANSPORTATION UNIFORM MITIGATION FEES WHEREAS, the City of La Quinta ("City") is a Member Agency of the Coachella Valley Association of Governments (“CVAG”), a joint powers agency consisting of the County of Riverside ("County"), the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians, the Cabazon Band of Mission Indians, the Torres Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indians, the City of Blythe, and the nine cities (Desert Hot Springs, Palm Springs Cathedral City, Rancho Mirage, Palm Desert, Indian Wells, La Quinta, Indio and Coachella) situated in the Coachella Valley (collectively, "Member Agencies"); and WHEREAS, acting in concert, the Member Agencies developed a plan whereby the shortfall in funds needed to enlarge the capacity of the Regional System of Highways and Arterials within CVAG's jurisdiction (the “Regional System”) could be made up in part by a Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee ("TUMF") imposed on future residential, commercial and industrial development within the jurisdiction; and WHEREAS, based on the 1987 Transportation Study, the City implemented CVAG's model TUMF ordinance, and adopted Ordinance No. 507 on February 19, 2013, adding Chapter 3.33 to the La Quinta Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, CVAG commissioned Michael Baker International, Inc. to prepare an updated TUMF study entitled "Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF) 2018 Fee Schedule Update, Nexus Study Report", and dated March 2018 (“2018 Nexus Study") to establish updated TUMF levels and program revenue collection targets, which was approved by the CVAG Executive Committee on April 30, 2018; and WHEREAS, the 2018 Nexus Study revealed the need to revise certain provisions of the model TUMF ordinance to reflect changes in the Mitigation Fee Act which governs the adoption and implementation of development impact fees and to reflect the findings of the 2018 Nexus Study; and WHEREAS, by notice duly given and posted, on July 27 and August 3, 2018, the City Council conducted a public hearing to consider approval of the 2018 Nexus Study and this Ordinance; and 25 Ordinance No. 576 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Adopted: September 18, 2018 Page 2 of 8 WHEREAS, at the time and place set for the hearing, the City Council duly considered the data and information provided by CVAG, City staff and the public relative to the TUMF and all other comments, whether written or oral, submitted prior to the conclusion of the hearing; and WHEREAS, the City Council wishes to accurately collect TUMF fees along with the other participating jurisdictions within the Coachella Valley as requested by the CVAG General Assembly. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of La Quinta does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. SECTION 3.33.020 DEFINITIONS shall be amended as written in “Exhibit A” attached hereto. SECTION 2. SECTION 3.33.070 EXEMPTIONS AND CREDITS shall be deleted in its entirety. SECTION 3. SEVERABILITY. The City Council declares that, should any provisions, paragraph, sentence or word of this ordinance be rendered or declared invalid by any final court action in a court of competent jurisdiction or by reason of any preemptive legislation, the remaining provisions, sections, paragraphs, sentences, or words of this ordinance as hereby adopted shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 4. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect sixty (60) days after its adoption or November 17, 2018. SECTION 5. POSTING. The City Clerk shall, within 15 days after passage of this Ordinance, cause it to be posted in at least three public places designated by resolution of the City Council, shall certify to the adoption and posting of this Ordinance, and shall cause this Ordinance and its certification, together with proof of posting to be entered into the permanent record of Ordinances of the City of La Quinta. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED, at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held this 18th day of September, 2018, by the following vote: 26 Ordinance No. 576 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Adopted: September 18, 2018 Page 3 of 8 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: _______________________ LINDA EVANS, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: __________________________________________ MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California (CITY SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM: _____________________________________ WILLIAM H. IHRKE, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California 27 Ordinance No. 576 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Adopted: September 18, 2018 Page 4 of 8 “EXHIBIT A” ORDINANCE NO. 576 Chapter 3.33 TRANSPORTATION UNIFORM MITIGATION FEE 3.33.010 Purpose, use and findings. The city council finds and determines as follows: A.The city is a member agency of the Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG), a joint powers agency consisting of public agencies situated in the Coachella Valley (collectively, member agencies). B.Acting in concert, the member agencies developed a plan whereby the shortfall in funds needed to enlarge the capacity of the Regional System of Highways and Arterials within CVAG’s jurisdiction (the Regional System) could be made up in part by a transportation uniform mitigation fee (TUMF) imposed on future residential, commercial and industrial development within the jurisdiction. C.That CVAG commissioned the preparation of various studies (fee studies) which evaluate population and employment growth, future transportation needs and the availability of traditional transportation funding sources to establish updated TUMF levels and program revenue collection targets. D.That the fee studies, as periodically updated, make it possible to determine a reasonable relationship between the cumulative regional impacts of new land development projects in the Coachella Valley on the Regional System and the need to mitigate these transportation impacts using funds levied through the TUMF program. E.That the fee studies, as periodically updated, establish the purposes of the TUMF, which may be summarized as a uniform development impact fee to help fund construction of the Regional System needed to accommodate growth in the Coachella Valley to the year 2040. F.That the fee studies, as periodically updated, establish that the TUMF proceeds will be used to help pay for the engineering, construction and acquisition of right-of-way for the Regional System improvements identified therein. Such improvements are necessary for the safety, health and welfare of the residential and nonresidential users of the development projects on which the TUMF will be levied. G.That the fee studies, as periodically updated, establish a reasonable and rational relationship between the use of the TUMF proceeds and the type of development projects on which the TUMF is imposed. H.That the fee studies, as periodically updated, establish the reasonable relationship between the impact of new development and the need for the TUMF. 28 Ordinance No. 576 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Adopted: September 18, 2018 Page 5 of 8 I. That the TUMF program revenues to be generated by new development will not exceed the total fair share of these costs. J. That the projects and methodology identified in the fee studies, as periodically updated, for the collection of fees is consistent with the goals, policies, objectives and implementation measures of the city’s general plan. K. That the TUMF program complies with the provisions of the Mitigation Fee Act. (Ord. 507 § 1, 2013) 3.33.020 Definitions. For the purposes of this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them as follows: “Change of use” means any change in the use of an existing building that results in the increase of vehicular trips. “Development” means any activity which requires discretionary or ministerial action by the city resulting in the issuance of grading, building, plumbing, mechanical or electrical permits, or certificates of occupancy issued by the city to construct, or change the use of, a building or property. Where “development” applies to an enlargement of an existing building, or a change of use of an existing building that results in increased vehicle trips, the average weekday trips shall be only the additional trips in excess of those associated with the existing use. “Fee studies” means the studies prepared by CVAG and adopted by the city council, which support the fee established by this chapter, and includes all the underlying reports and documents referenced therein. “Impact fee schedule” means the schedule of development impact fees approved by resolution of the city council. “Mitigation Fee Act” means the law set forth in the California Government Code (Government Code Section 66000 et seq.) that establishes the criteria for establishing a fee as a condition of approval of a development project. “Regional System” means the regional system of roads, streets and highways identified by CVAG in its 2016 Transportation Project Prioritization Study (TPPS) to accommodate growth in the Coachella Valley to the year 2040. Only those projects scoring above 7.5 points in the TPPS are included for TUMF consideration. “Transportation mitigation trust fund” means the fund established pursuant to this chapter. “TUMF” means the transportation uniform mitigation fee established by this chapter. (Ord. 507 § 1, 2013) 29 Ordinance No. 576 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Adopted: September 18, 2018 Page 6 of 8 3.33.030 Fee established. A. There is established a transportation uniform mitigation fee (TUMF), which shall apply to new development yet to receive final discretionary approval and/or issuance of a building permit or other development right and to any reconstruction or new use of existing buildings that results in change of use and generates additional vehicular trips. B. The facilities to be funded by the TUMF are detailed in the fee study, which is on file with the city’s public works department. C. The TUMF is in addition to the requirements imposed by other city laws, policies or regulations relating to the construction or the financing of the construction of public improvements within subdivisions or developments. (Ord. 507 § 1, 2013) 3.33.040 Fund established. A. There is established a transportation mitigation trust fund (trust fund) into which TUMF proceeds shall be deposited. B. TUMF proceeds shall be imposed and collected by the city and shall be transmitted to CVAG to be placed in the trust fund. All interest or other earnings of the trust fund shall be credited to the trust fund. C. CVAG shall administer the trust fund in accordance with the Mitigation Fee Act. (Ord. 507 § 1, 2013) 3.33.050 Calculation and collection of the TUMF. A. The method of calculating the TUMF shall be described in CVAG’s Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Handbook, a copy of which is on file with the city’s public works department. B. The amount of the fees due shall be the amount set forth in the applicable impact fee schedule in effect at the time each fee is due. The TUMF shall be collected pursuant to the city’s established procedures for the collection of development impact fees. (Ord. 507 § 1, 2013) 3.33.060 Use restrictions. TUMF proceeds shall be solely used for the engineering, construction and acquisition of right-of-way for the Regional System improvements identified in the fee study and any other purpose consistent with this chapter. TUMF proceeds shall not be used for Regional System maintenance. (Ord. 507 § 1, 2013) 30 Ordinance No. 576 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Adopted: September 18, 2018 Page 7 of 8 3.33.080 Appeal procedures. A. Any developer, who, because of the nature or type of uses proposed for a development project, contends that application of the TUMF is unconstitutional or unrelated to mitigation of the burdens of the development, may file a written appeal with the city within ninety days after imposition of the TUMF as a condition of approval or as otherwise provided by the Mitigation Fee Act. B. The appeal shall be heard by the CVAG executive committee in accordance with CVAG’s established policies and procedures for conducting such matters. The decision of the executive committee shall be final. (Ord. 507 § 1, 2013) 3.33.090 Administrative fee. A. The city may impose an administrative fee in amount computed to cover the average cost to the city of processing the TUMF. The city shall establish such fee in accordance with the city’s procedures for establishing service-related fees. B. The administrative fee authorized by this section shall be in addition to the fee imposed under Section 3.33.030. The administrative fee, when collected, shall be retained by the city to recover its costs. (Ord. 507 § 1, 2013) 31 Ordinance No. 576 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Adopted: September 18, 2018 Page 8 of 8 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss. CITY OF LA QUINTA ) I, MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, California, do hereby certify the foregoing to be a full, true, and correct copy of Ordinance No. (enter number) which was introduced at a regular meeting on the 7th day of August, 2018, and was adopted at a regular meeting held on the 18th day of September, 2018, not being less than 5 days after the date of introduction thereof. I further certify that the foregoing Ordinance was posted in three places within the City of La Quinta as specified in the Rules of Procedure adopted by City Council Resolution No. 2015-023. ________________________ MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California DECLARATION OF POSTING I, MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was posted on , pursuant to Council Resolution. ________________________ MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California 32 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: September 18, 2018 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: APPROVE DEMAND REGISTERS DATED JULY 27, AUGUST 3, 10, 17, 24, AND 31, 2018 RECOMMENDATION Approve demand registers dated July 27, August 3, 10, 17, 24, and 31, 2018. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY – None FISCAL IMPACT Demand of Cash: City 22,712,859.94$ Successor Agency of RDA 38,521.77$ Housing Authority 17,000.35$ 22,768,382.06$ BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Between Council meetings, routine bills and payroll must be paid. Attachment 1 details the weekly demand registers for July 27, August 3, 10, 17, 24, and 31, 2018. Warrants Issued: 119367-119419 472,365.28$ 119420-119495 374,415.09$ 119496-119566 198,719.71$ 119567-119644 1,986,641.62$ 119645-119712 435,608.39$ 119713-119777 143,938.39$ Wire Transfers 18,473,309.99$ Voids (67,065.36)$ Payroll Tax transfers 137,797.31$ Payroll Chks 37354-37357 & Direct Dep 612,651.64$ 22,768,382.06$ Six checks were voided with the largest for $62,781; the county submitted two different invoices for the same service. Two checks payable to CVWD were voided because they did not require a temporary water meter for one City job CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 4 33 and an encroachment permit for work at SilverRock. The last three checks were voided due to a lost check and incorrect vendor names on the check request. The most significant expenditures on the demand registers are: Account Name Amount Riverside County Various 1,534,890.63$ June- Police service Sheriff Department Conserve Landcare Landscape Contract 128,896.77$ Citywide Landscape Services Omni-Means Design 118,566.55$ La Quinta Village INC Road Diet Design Bengal Engineering Design 111,933.45$ Dune palms Bridge INC Low Water Crossing California Joint Property Insurance 84,997.00$ Property Insurance Powers Insurance CVAG TUMF payble to 77,535.74$ July- TUMF Fee CVAG PurposeVendor Wire Transfers: Twenty-four transfers totaled $18,473,310. Of this amount, $12,944,843 was for debt service payment, $4,613,293 for Washington Street apartments and $291,210 for Landmark. (See Attachment 2 for a full listing) ALTERNATIVES Council may approve, partially approve, or reject the demand registers. Prepared by: Derrick Armendariz, Account Technician Approved by: Rosemary Hallick, Financial Services Analyst Attachments:1. Demand Registers 2. Wire Transfers 34 7/26/2018 7:43:14 PM Page 1 of 5 Demand Register City of La Quinta Packet: APPKT01678 - DA 07/27/2018 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item)Account Name Account Number Fund: 101 - GENERAL FUND 60.00Blood/Alcohol Testing06/30/18- BLOOD ANALYSIS119367AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSES …101-2001-60174 22.00Cash Over/Short07/03/18- REFUND OVERPAYMENT BUS LI…119369BACK IN MOTION INC RET TRU…101-0000-42300 196.05LT Care Insurance PayLONG TERM CARE119371CALPERS LONG-TERM CARE P…101-0000-20949 3,213.90Utilities - Water - Civic Center …07/24/18- WATER SERVICE119373COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3005-61202 8,800.48Utilities - Water -Community P…07/24/18- WATER SERVICE119373COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3005-61209 327.59Utilties - Water07/24/18- WATER SERVICE119373COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3002-61200 2,394.27Utilities - Water -Fritz Burns pa…07/24/18- WATER SERVICE119373COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3005-61204 194.04Utilities - Water07/24/18- WATER SERVICE119373COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3008-61200 202.40Advertising05/02/18-05/25/18- FAC VACANCY119379DESERT SUN PUBLISHING CO 101-1006-60450 508.20Advertising05/02/18-05/25/18- PUBLIC HEARING CC …119379DESERT SUN PUBLISHING CO 101-6002-60450 554.40Advertising01/14-01/21- TRAVERTINE SPEC PLAN119379DESERT SUN PUBLISHING CO 101-6002-60450 462.00Advertising06/2018- PUBLIC HEARING PAVILLION PA…119379DESERT SUN PUBLISHING CO 101-6002-60450 462.00Advertising06/2018- PUBLIC HEARING PC PGN SDP 2…119379DESERT SUN PUBLISHING CO 101-6002-60450 363.00Advertising06/2018- PUBLIC HEARING MP 2017-0008119379DESERT SUN PUBLISHING CO 101-6002-60450 462.00Advertising06/2018- PUBLIC HEARING119379DESERT SUN PUBLISHING CO 101-6002-60450 462.00Advertising06/2018- PUBLIC HEARING ZOA 2017-0005119379DESERT SUN PUBLISHING CO 101-6002-60450 385.00Advertising06/2018- PUBLIC HEARING CENTRE AT LQ119379DESERT SUN PUBLISHING CO 101-6002-60450 12.01Advertising06/30/2018- LATE CHARGE119379DESERT SUN PUBLISHING CO 101-6002-60450 900.00Prepaid Expense01/01/18-12/31/2018- GRANT SERVICES119380ECIVIS INC 101-0000-13600 900.00Contract Services - Administrat…01/01/18-12/31/2018- GRANT SERVICES119380ECIVIS INC 101-1002-60101 3,500.00Contract Services - Administrat…FY18/19 STATE LOBBYING & ADVOCACY S…119383GONSALVES, JOE A & SON 101-1002-60101 586.97Training & Education/MOU05/27-07/16/18- TUITION REIMB119384HANSEN, DIANNE 101-1004-60322 98.32Uniforms07/18/18- UNIFORMS119387IMPERIAL HEADWEAR INC 101-3005-60690 147.45Uniforms07/18/18- UNIFORMS119387IMPERIAL HEADWEAR INC 101-3008-60690 26.29Maintenance/Services07/09/18- FS #70 HVAC FUSE119389JOHNSTONE SUPPLY 101-2002-60691 182.44HVAC07/11/18- WC HVAC FILTERS119389JOHNSTONE SUPPLY 101-3008-60667 256.73Tools/Equipment07/11/18- HVAC TOOLS119389JOHNSTONE SUPPLY 101-3008-60432 250.00Travel & Training07/24/18- HR EXPO BADGES119391LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES 101-1004-60320 2,070.00ConsultantsCIP DEV/MEASURE A 5YR CIP119392NAI CONSULTING INC 101-7006-60104 156.00Driveway Permits07/10/18- REFUND DUPLICATE PERMIT119393NAVA, FRANCISCO 101-0000-42410 2.90Credit Card Fee Revenue07/10/18- REFUND DUPLICATE PERMIT119393NAVA, FRANCISCO 101-0000-43505 12.06Operating Supplies07/10/18- OFFICE SUPPLIES119394OFFICE DEPOT 101-1002-60420 1,646.00HVAC06/29/18- CITY HALL ACTUATOR REPLAC…119396PACIFIC WEST AIR CONDITION…101-3008-60667 58.00Cash Over/Short07/09/18- REFUND OVERPAYMENT TOT …119397PALM SPRINGS VACATION H…101-0000-42300 435.00Map/Plan CheckingON-CALL MAP CHECKING SERVICES119399RASA/ERIC NELSON 101-7002-60183 108.00Cash Over/Short07/06/18- REFUND STVRP119400RESORT RENTAL, LLC 101-0000-42300 200.00Garnishments PayableGARNISHMENT119401RIVERSIDE DEPARTMENT OF C…101-0000-20985 2,568.07AttorneyDUNE PALMS ROW119402RUTAN & TUCKER 101-1003-60153 39.00Attorney814015- US SR SILVERROCK119402RUTAN & TUCKER 101-1003-60153 600.00Attorney814014- SILVERROCK RESORT119402RUTAN & TUCKER 101-1003-60153 11,000.00Attorney814013- RETAINER MATTER119402RUTAN & TUCKER 101-1003-60153 3,808.00Attorney814010- CODE ENFORCEMENT119402RUTAN & TUCKER 101-1003-60153 648.00Attorney814008- PERSONNEL GENERAL119402RUTAN & TUCKER 101-1003-60153 8,437.93Attorney814007- GENERAL ACCOUNT119402RUTAN & TUCKER 101-1003-60153 199.13Attorney/Litigation814009- LITIGATION GENERAL119402RUTAN & TUCKER 101-1003-60154 912.00Attorney/Litigation814011- PUBLIC WORKS DISPUTE119402RUTAN & TUCKER 101-1003-60154 160.00Recruiting/Pre-Employment06/14/18- PRE EMPLOYMENT PHYSICAL119403SAINT FRANCIS OCCUPATIONA…101-1004-60129 468.00Fire Plan Review Fee02/02/18- REFUND PLAN CHECK FEES ERR…119404SBA NETWORK SERVICES 101-0000-42420 500.00Building Plan Check Fees02/02/18- REFUND PLAN CHECK FEES ERR…119404SBA NETWORK SERVICES 101-0000-42600 7.81Supplies - Field06/30/2018- OFFICE SUPPLIES119406STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-6004-60425 1,031.25Developer DepositsPLANNING SERVICES119408TERRA NOVA PLANNING & RE…101-0000-22810 8,625.81Professional ServicesON-CALL PLANNING SERVICES119408TERRA NOVA PLANNING & RE…101-6002-60103 7,062.50Marketing & Tourism Promoti…ADVERTISING CONTRACT119409THE CHAMBER 101-3007-60461 ATTACHMENT 1 35 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01678 - DA 07/27/2018 7/26/2018 7:43:14 PM Page 2 of 5 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item)Account Name Account Number 3.16Utilities - Cable07/05-08/04/18- FS #32 CABLE119410TIME WARNER CABLE 101-2002-61400 33.76Utilities - Cable07/16-08/15/18- FS #70 CABLE119410TIME WARNER CABLE 101-2002-61400 190.40Utilities - Cable06/24-07/23/18- FS # 93 CABLE119410TIME WARNER CABLE 101-2002-61400 59.99Utilities - Cable07/03-08/02/18- FS #93 CABLE119410TIME WARNER CABLE 101-2002-61400 59.99Utilities - Cable06/29-07/28/18- FS #32 CABLE119410TIME WARNER CABLE 101-2002-61400 1,066.16Utilities - Telephone06/23-07/22/18- PHONE LINES119412TPx COMMUNICATIONS 101-2002-61300 47.00Pest Control06/27/18- PW YARD PEST CONTROL119414TRULY NOLEN INC 101-3008-60116 20.00United Way DeductionsCONTRIBUTION119415UNITED WAY OF THE DESERT 101-0000-20981 42.00United Way DeductionsCONTRIBUTION119415UNITED WAY OF THE DESERT 101-0000-20981 14,000.00AuditorsFINANCIAL AUDITING SERVICES119417VAVRINEK, TRINE, DAY & CO., …101-1006-60106 82.12Tools/Equipment07/10/18- CUTTING PLIERS119419WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTR…101-7003-60432 Fund 101 - GENERAL FUND Total:92,289.58 Fund: 201 - GAS TAX FUND 491.54Uniforms07/18/18- UNIFORMS119387IMPERIAL HEADWEAR INC 201-7003-60690 2,550.00Professional ServicesFRITZ BURNS PARK-SIDEWALK & PARKING119392NAI CONSULTING INC 201-7003-60103 Fund 201 - GAS TAX FUND Total:3,041.54 Fund: 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 334.51Operating Supplies06/18/18- MAKERSPACE EQUIPMENT119372CDW GOVERNMENT INC 202-3004-60420 1,480.00HVAC06/29/18- LIBRARY CHILLER MAINT119396PACIFIC WEST AIR CONDITION…202-3004-60667 30.70Maintenance/Services07/17/18- MAKER SPACE KEYS119416VALLEY LOCK & SAFE 202-3004-60691 Fund 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND Total:1,845.21 Fund: 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 11,595.14Utilities - Water - Medians07/24/18- WATER SERVICE119373COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…215-7004-61211 215.60Administration06/2018- PUBLIC HEARING L & L ASSESSM…119379DESERT SUN PUBLISHING CO 215-7004-60102 5,278.00SilverRock Way LandscapeSILVERROCK RESORT PERIMETER LANDSC…119390LANDMARK GOLF MANAGEM…215-7004-60143 Fund 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND Total:17,088.74 Fund: 241 - HOUSING AUTHORITY 3,418.00Attorney814012- HOUSING AUTH MISC119402RUTAN & TUCKER 241-9101-60153 1,050.00AuditorsFINANCIAL AUDITING SERVICES119417VAVRINEK, TRINE, DAY & CO., …241-9101-60106 Fund 241 - HOUSING AUTHORITY Total:4,468.00 Fund: 248 - SA 2004 LO/MOD BOND FUND (Refinanced in 2014) 1,326.81Relocation Benefits07/25/18- RELOCATION BENEFITS119385HARRISON, WILLIAM 248-9102-60159 1,326.81Relocation Benefits07/25/18- RELOCATION BENEFITS119405SOTO, OLGA 248-9102-60159 1,072.74Relocation Benefits07/25/18- RELOCATION BENEFITS119413TRAN, NGOC 248-9102-60159 Fund 248 - SA 2004 LO/MOD BOND FUND (Refinanced in 2014) Total:3,726.36 Fund: 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 71,795.00DesignDUNE PALMS WIDENING PRJ 091004-D119370BENGAL ENGINEERING INC 401-0000-60185 40,138.45DesignDUNE PALMS BRIDGE LOW WATER CROSS…119370BENGAL ENGINEERING INC 401-0000-60185 6,450.00DesignCIVIC CENTER POTHOLING PROJECT PT. 2119376CV PIPELINE CORP 401-0000-60185 4,300.00DesignCC LAKE & IRRIGATION CONVERSION119377DAHL CONSULTANTS INC 401-0000-60185 646.80Design01/14-01/21- ENVIROMENTAL ASSESSME…119379DESERT SUN PUBLISHING CO 401-0000-60185 1,344.20Construction06/2018- BID AD 2017-27119379DESERT SUN PUBLISHING CO 401-0000-60188 4,945.00DesignON-CALL PROFESSIONAL SVCS119386HERMANN DESIGN GROUP INC 401-0000-60185 217.50Construction06/18/18- VIDEO REPAIR119388ITERIS 401-0000-60188 1,305.00Professional ServicesWASHINGTON DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS119392NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 1,302.50Professional ServicesHSIP INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS119392NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 1,907.50Professional ServicesHSOP TRAFF SIGNAL INTERCONNECT NET…119392NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 1,145.00Professional ServicesJEFFERSON-AVE 53 ROUNDABOUT119392NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 10,457.50Professional ServicesLQ VILLAGE-A ROAD DIET PROJECT119392NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 2,677.50Professional ServicesFY17/18 CITYWIDE SIDEWALK IMPROVEM…119392NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 1,182.50Professional ServicesSB821 LQ HIGH SCHOOL ADA119392NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 315.00Professional ServicesBPMP BRIDGE PREVENTATIVE MAINT PLAN119392NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 315.00Professional ServicesSSAR SYS SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT119392NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 6,345.00Professional ServicesPAVEMENT MGMT PLAN ST IMPROV119392NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 1,015.00Professional ServicesCALLE TAMPICO DRAINAGE119392NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 2,912.50Professional ServicesDUNE PALMS BRIDGE IMPROVEMENT119392NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 1,257.50Professional ServicesN LQ PARKWAY TURF CONVERSION119392NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 1,015.00Professional ServicesCC CAMPUS LAKE/IRRIG CONVERSION IM…119392NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 36 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01678 - DA 07/27/2018 7/26/2018 7:43:14 PM Page 3 of 5 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item)Account Name Account Number 2,467.50Professional ServicesDUNE PALMS ST IMPROVEMENTS (WWR …119392NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 2,465.00Professional ServicesEISENHOWER DRAINAGE119392NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 1,585.00Professional ServicesWASHINGTON ST AT FRED WARING DR119392NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 4,502.50Professional ServicesMADISON (AVE 50-AVE52)119392NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 1,140.00Professional ServicesSILVERROCK INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVE…119392NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 118,566.55DesignOMNI-MEANS VILLAGE COMPLETE STREETS119395OMNI-MEANS 401-0000-60185 337.14Construction07/18/18- CONST PLANS 201603-CT119398PLANIT REPROGRAPHICS SYST…401-0000-60188 2,232.40Construction07/17/18- RESTROOM REMODEL LIGHTS119418VINTAGE E & S INC 401-0000-60188 Fund 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS Total:296,285.54 Fund: 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 60.20Fuel & Oil07/19/18- NATURAL GAS FUEL REIMB119368ARELLANO, AGUSTIN 501-0000-60674 1,233.87Street Sweeper07/18/18- SWEEPER TK#64119407SWEEPER SHOP 501-0000-60678 Fund 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT Total:1,294.07 Fund: 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 164.94Computers04/23/18- WC CAT5 EXTENDER KIT119372CDW GOVERNMENT INC 502-0000-80103 489.69Machinery & Equipment06/18/18- HUB EQUIPMENT119372CDW GOVERNMENT INC 502-0000-80100 569.86Software Licenses06/20/18- AD CONNECT SERVER LICENSE119372CDW GOVERNMENT INC 502-0000-60301 13,050.00ConsultantsFY 17/18 RIM MGMT INFORMATION TEC…119374CONVERGEONE, INC 502-0000-60104 24,500.00ConsultantsFY 17/18 RIM MGMT INFORMATION TEC…119374CONVERGEONE, INC 502-0000-60104 140.00Consultants07/03/18- COUNCIL MTG VIDEO119378DESERT C.A.M INC 502-0000-60104 800.00Consultants06/2018- COUNCIL MTG VIDEO119381FISHER INTEGRATED INC 502-0000-60104 91.01Utilities - Telephone06/25-07/24/18- INTERNET SERVICE119382FRONTIER-INTERNET 502-0000-61300 91.98Technical06/10-07/09/18- INTERNET SERVICE119382FRONTIER-INTERNET 502-0000-60108 5.00Technology Enhancement Sur…07/10/18- REFUND DUPLICATE PERMIT119393NAVA, FRANCISCO 502-0000-43611 144.80Utilities - Cable07/01-07/31/18- CITY HALL CABLE119410TIME WARNER CABLE 502-0000-61400 1,560.00Utilities - Cable07/10-08/09/18- CITY HALL FIBER119410TIME WARNER CABLE 502-0000-61400 68.79Utilities - Cable07/12-08/11/18- CITY YARD CABLE119410TIME WARNER CABLE 502-0000-61400 8.83Utilities - Cable06/20-07/19/18- WC CABLE119410TIME WARNER CABLE 502-0000-61400 8.83Utilities - Cable07/20-08/19/18- WC CABLE119410TIME WARNER CABLE 502-0000-61400 159.12Cell/Mobile Phones05/21-06/20/18- CELL PHONES119411T-MOBILE 502-0000-61301 318.41Cell/Mobile Phones05/21-06/20/18- CELL PHONES119411T-MOBILE 502-0000-61301 590.79Cell/Mobile Phones05/21-06/20/18- CELL PHONES119411T-MOBILE 502-0000-61301 576.99Cell/Mobile Phones04/21-05/20/18- CELL PHONES119411T-MOBILE 502-0000-61301 2,237.20Utilities - Telephone06/23-07/22/18- PHONE LINES119412TPx COMMUNICATIONS 502-0000-61300 Fund 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Total:45,576.24 Fund: 503 - PARK EQUIP & FACILITY FUND 6,750.00ParksCOURTMASTER SPORTS FB PARK PICKLEB…119375COURTMASTER SPORTS, INC.503-0000-71060 Fund 503 - PARK EQUIP & FACILITY FUND Total:6,750.00 Grand Total:472,365.28 37 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01678 - DA 07/27/2018 7/26/2018 7:43:14 PM Page 4 of 5 Fund Summary Fund Expense Amount 101 - GENERAL FUND 92,289.58 201 - GAS TAX FUND 3,041.54 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 1,845.21 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 17,088.74 241 - HOUSING AUTHORITY 4,468.00 248 - SA 2004 LO/MOD BOND FUND (Refinanced in 2014)3,726.36 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 296,285.54 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 1,294.07 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 45,576.24 503 - PARK EQUIP & FACILITY FUND 6,750.00 Grand Total:472,365.28 Account Summary Account Number Account Name Expense Amount 101-0000-13600 Prepaid Expense 900.00 101-0000-20949 LT Care Insurance Pay 196.05 101-0000-20981 United Way Deductions 62.00 101-0000-20985 Garnishments Payable 200.00 101-0000-22810 Developer Deposits 1,031.25 101-0000-42300 Cash Over/Short 188.00 101-0000-42410 Driveway Permits 156.00 101-0000-42420 Fire Plan Review Fee 468.00 101-0000-42600 Building Plan Check Fees 500.00 101-0000-43505 Credit Card Fee Revenue 2.90 101-1002-60101 Contract Services - Admini…4,400.00 101-1002-60420 Operating Supplies 12.06 101-1003-60153 Attorney 27,101.00 101-1003-60154 Attorney/Litigation 1,111.13 101-1004-60129 Recruiting/Pre-Employme…160.00 101-1004-60320 Travel & Training 250.00 101-1004-60322 Training & Education/MOU 586.97 101-1006-60106 Auditors 14,000.00 101-1006-60450 Advertising 202.40 101-2001-60174 Blood/Alcohol Testing 60.00 101-2002-60691 Maintenance/Services 26.29 101-2002-61300 Utilities - Telephone 1,066.16 101-2002-61400 Utilities - Cable 347.30 101-3002-61200 Utilties - Water 327.59 101-3005-60690 Uniforms 98.32 101-3005-61202 Utilities - Water - Civic Ce…3,213.90 101-3005-61204 Utilities - Water -Fritz Bur…2,394.27 101-3005-61209 Utilities - Water -Commun…8,800.48 101-3007-60461 Marketing & Tourism Pro…7,062.50 101-3008-60116 Pest Control 47.00 101-3008-60432 Tools/Equipment 256.73 101-3008-60667 HVAC 1,828.44 101-3008-60690 Uniforms 147.45 101-3008-61200 Utilities - Water 194.04 101-6002-60103 Professional Services 8,625.81 101-6002-60450 Advertising 3,670.61 101-6004-60425 Supplies - Field 7.81 101-7002-60183 Map/Plan Checking 435.00 101-7003-60432 Tools/Equipment 82.12 101-7006-60104 Consultants 2,070.00 201-7003-60103 Professional Services 2,550.00 201-7003-60690 Uniforms 491.54 202-3004-60420 Operating Supplies 334.51 202-3004-60667 HVAC 1,480.00 202-3004-60691 Maintenance/Services 30.70 38 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01678 - DA 07/27/2018 7/26/2018 7:43:14 PM Page 5 of 5 Account Summary Account Number Account Name Expense Amount 215-7004-60102 Administration 215.60 215-7004-60143 SilverRock Way Landscape 5,278.00 215-7004-61211 Utilities - Water - Medians 11,595.14 241-9101-60106 Auditors 1,050.00 241-9101-60153 Attorney 3,418.00 248-9102-60159 Relocation Benefits 3,726.36 401-0000-60103 Professional Services 45,312.50 401-0000-60185 Design 246,841.80 401-0000-60188 Construction 4,131.24 501-0000-60674 Fuel & Oil 60.20 501-0000-60678 Street Sweeper 1,233.87 502-0000-43611 Technology Enhancement…5.00 502-0000-60104 Consultants 38,490.00 502-0000-60108 Technical 91.98 502-0000-60301 Software Licenses 569.86 502-0000-61300 Utilities - Telephone 2,328.21 502-0000-61301 Cell/Mobile Phones 1,645.31 502-0000-61400 Utilities - Cable 1,791.25 502-0000-80100 Machinery & Equipment 489.69 502-0000-80103 Computers 164.94 503-0000-71060 Parks 6,750.00 Grand Total:472,365.28 Project Account Summary Project Account Key Expense Amount **None**172,498.49 091002P 4,502.50 091004D 72,441.80 091004P 2,467.50 111205D 40,138.45 111205P 2,912.50 141517P 1,140.00 151603D 118,566.55 151603P 10,457.50 151612P 4,785.00 1718PMPCT 1,344.20 1718PMPP 6,345.00 1718STIP 2,677.50 1718TMICT 217.50 18-002E 1,031.25 201601P 1,302.50 201602P 1,907.50 201603CT 337.14 201603P 1,257.50 201606D 10,750.00 201606P 1,015.00 201608D 4,945.00 201701P 1,585.00 201703FFE 2,232.40 201705P 1,182.50 201707P 315.00 201708P 315.00 201709P 1,145.00 201722E 2,550.00 Grand Total:472,365.28 39 8/3/2018 11:27:25 AM Page 1 of 7 Demand Register City of La Quinta Packet: APPKT01689 - DA 08/03/2018 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item)Account Name Account Number Fund: 101 - GENERAL FUND 200.00Election Deposit08/01/18- POLITICAL SIGN REFUND SA201…119420 DR RAUL RUIZ FOR CONGRESS 101-0000-22835 158.08Security & Alarm07/13/18- FS #32 ALARM SERVICE119421ALARM MONITORING SERVICE…101-2002-60123 181.47Operating Supplies07/06-07/19/18- WC JANITORIAL SUPPLIES119422AMERIPRIDE SERVICES INC 101-3002-60420 10,000.00Boys & Girls ClubFACILITY USE AGREEMENT 2018-2020119425BOYS & GIRLS CLUB OF COACH…101-3001-60135 550.00Subscriptions & Publications07/16/18- CAFR STATS 17/18119426CALIFORNIA MUNICIPAL STATI…101-1006-60352 3,000.00Contingency for Stafffing08/02/18- D & D DIRECTOR MOVING EXP …119428CASTRO JR, DELFIN P.101-1007-50115 200.00Election Deposit08/01/18- SIGN DEPOSIT REFUND SA2016…119429CHRISTIN CASTELLANOS FOR S…101-0000-22835 200.00Election Deposit07/31/18- SIGN DEPOSIT REFUND SA2016…119429CHRISTIN CASTELLANOS FOR S…101-0000-22835 7,877.41Dental Insurance Pay08/2018- DENTAL INSURANCE119430CIGNA HEALTH CARE 101-0000-20943 200.00Recruiting/Pre-Employment05/29/18- CITY CLERK RECRUIT ADVERTISI…119431CITY CLERK ASSOCIATION OF C…101-1004-60129 30.80Instructors07/26/18- CARDIO STRENTH119432COHEN, ANN MARIE 101-3002-60107 290.00Tree Maintenance03/20/18- TREE TRUNK REMOVAL119433CONSERVE LANDCARE 101-3005-60557 224.94Maintenance/Services07/18/18- REPLACE MISSING CONTROLLER119433CONSERVE LANDCARE 101-3005-60691 395.45Citywide Conf Room Supplies07/16/18- WC COFFEE SUPPLIES119435DAIOHS FIRST CHOICE SERVICES 101-1007-60403 389.35Citywide Conf Room Supplies07/16/18- CITYWIDE COFFEE SUPPLIES119435DAIOHS FIRST CHOICE SERVICES 101-1007-60403 200.00Election Deposit08/01/18- SIGN DEPOSIT REFUND SA2016…119436DALLAS TUFF & ASSOCIATES 101-0000-22835 275.01Operating Supplies06/29/18- UPHOLSTERY SERVICE119437DESERT BUSINESS INTERIORS 101-3002-60420 600.00Community Experiences07/13/18- MOVIES IN PARK "EARLY MAN"119439DESERT RECREATION DISTRICT 101-3003-60149 64.54Subscriptions & Publications08/2018- NEWSPAPER SERVICE119440DESERT SUN, THE 101-3002-60352 200.00Election Deposit08/01/18- POLITICAL SIGN REFUND SA201…119442ELECT LINDA EVANS LA QUINT…101-0000-22835 5,805.00Plan ChecksON CALL BUILDING PLAN REVIEW & INSPE…119443ESGIL CORPORATION 101-6003-60118 32.00Utilities - Gas06/19-07/19/18- FS #32 GAS SERVICE119445GAS COMPANY, THE 101-2002-61100 17.87Utilities - Gas06/19-07/19/18- CITY HALL GAS SVC119445GAS COMPANY, THE 101-3008-61100 66.38Utilities - Gas06/19-07/19/18- WC GAS SERVICE119445GAS COMPANY, THE 101-3008-61100 190.53Materials/Supplies07/16/18- RESTROOM SOAP DISPENSERS119446GRAINGER 101-3008-60431 213.59Maintenance/Services07/20/18- WC DOGGING ASSEMBLY119447HENRY'S GLASS COMPANY 101-3008-60691 347.00HVAC07/13/18- OLD FS #32 HVAC SVC119448HYDE'S AC 101-3008-60667 495.00HVAC07/13/18- OLD FS #32 HVAC SVC119448HYDE'S AC 101-3008-60667 1,761.93Utilities - Electricity07/27/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE119449IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-2002-61101 1,972.82Utilities - Electric - Civic Center…07/27/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE119449IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3005-61103 1,425.77Utilities - Electric - Fritz Burns …07/27/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE119449IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3005-61105 1,005.05Utilities - Electric - Sports Com…07/27/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE119449IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3005-61106 14,857.79Utilities - Electricity07/27/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE119449IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3008-61101 12.34Utilities - Electric - Monticello …07/30/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE119449IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3005-61102 1,159.55Utilities - Electric - Community…07/30/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE119449IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3005-61109 13.36Utilities - Electric - Velasco Park07/30/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE119449IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3005-61111 21.37Utilities - Electric - Eisenhower…07/30/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE119449IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3005-61113 13.13Utilities - Electric - Desert Pride07/30/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE119449IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3005-61114 513.50TOT - Short Term Vac. Rentals08/01/18- REFUND OVERPAYMENT TOT119450JEPPSON, MARY JOANNE 101-0000-41401 29,013.32Marketing & Tourism Promoti…FY 17/18 PRINT & DIGITAL MARKETING SE…119451JNS MEDIA SPECIALISTS 101-3007-60461 100.00Marketing & Tourism Promoti…FY 17/18 PRINT & DIGITAL MARKETING SE…119451JNS MEDIA SPECIALISTS 101-3007-60461 52.85HVAC07/18/18- WC HVAC REPAIR SVC119452JOHNSTONE SUPPLY 101-3008-60667 428.03HVAC07/18/18- CITY HALL HVAC FILTERS119452JOHNSTONE SUPPLY 101-3008-60667 896.00Instructors07/26/18- PERSONAL TRAINER119453KEPLER, KRISTOFFER 101-3002-60107 10,000.00TOT Resort Rebate Program07/18-07/23/18- LQ RESORT TOT INCENTI…119454LA QUINTA RESORT & CLUB 101-1007-60536 37.71Materials/Supplies07/25/18- WC KEYS119455LOCK SHOP INC, THE 101-3008-60431 199.18Landscape Improvements07/02-07/23/18- FLOWERS FOR MUSEUM119456LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…101-3005-60113 10.40Materials/Supplies07/02-07/23/18- POLY TUBING119456LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…101-3005-60431 27.85Operating Supplies07/02-07/23/18- GLOVES119456LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…101-7003-60420 43.77Operating Supplies07/02-07/23/18- UTILITY GLOVES119456LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…101-7003-60420 64.16Operating Supplies07/02-07/23/18- CABLE & WIRE STRIPPER119456LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…101-7003-60420 24.39Operating Supplies07/02-07/23/18- WATER & GLUE119456LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…101-7003-60420 124.59Materials/Supplies06/25-06/28/18- PLANTS119456LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…101-3005-60431 40 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01689 - DA 08/03/2018 8/3/2018 11:27:25 AM Page 2 of 7 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item)Account Name Account Number 43.17Operating Supplies06/25-06/28/18- TRAILER JACK119456LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…101-7003-60420 864.16Training & Education/MOU08/02/18- TUITION REIMB119457MCKINNEY, BRYAN 101-1004-60322 3,762.84Site Development Permit05/31/18- SITE DEV PERMIT REFUND 2018…119458MENDOZA, RAMIRO 101-0000-42435 10,604.10JanitorialJANITORIAL SERVICES119459MERCHANTS BUILDING MAINT…101-3008-60115 32.40Instructors07/26/18- ZUMBA119460MISELL, STACY 101-3002-60107 4,000.00PostageNEO POST - POSTAGE MACHINE REFILL119462NEOFUNDS BY NEOPOST 101-1007-60470 124.17Fire Station07/06/18- FIRE MARSHALL SUPPLIES119463OFFICE DEPOT 101-2002-60670 41.30Office Supplies07/17/18- LABEL MAKER TAPE119463OFFICE DEPOT 101-1005-60400 22.69Office Supplies07/30/18- OFFICE SUPPLIES119463OFFICE DEPOT 101-6001-60400 18.62Office Supplies07/25/18- OFFICE SUPPLIES119463OFFICE DEPOT 101-6001-60400 949.20Temporary Agency Services07/20/18- CC TEMP SERVICES119464OFFICE TEAM 101-1005-60125 269.67Maintenance/Services07/17/18- FS #93 GATE REPAIR119465PATTON DOOR & GATE 101-2002-60691 311.03Fire Station07/19/18- FIRE MARSHALL FORMS119466PRINTING PLACE, THE 101-2002-60670 12,500.00Jacqueline Cochran Regional Ai…07/2018- ANNUAL CONTRIBUTION119468RIVERSIDE COUNTY EDA 101-3007-60152 40,677.00Sheriff - Other07/01/18-06/30/19- POLICE AGENCY ASSE…119469RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60176 175.00Instructors07/26/18- TAEKWONDO119470ROJAS, MIGUEL ANGEL 101-3002-60107 128.00Instructors07/26/18- PERSONAL TRAINER119471ROSE-FARKAS, LORETTA ANN 101-3002-60107 128.00Instructors07/26/18- PERSONAL TRAINER119471ROSE-FARKAS, LORETTA ANN 101-3002-60107 250.00Maintenance/Services07/20/18- FS#70 SHOWER SERVICE119472ROTO ROOTER PLUMBERS INC 101-2002-60691 400.00Rental Expense05/19/18- FACILITY SECURITY SVC119473SECURITAS SECURITY SERVICES…101-3003-60157 175.00Rental Expense05/31/18- FACILITY SECURITY SVC119473SECURITAS SECURITY SERVICES…101-3003-60157 62.50Rental Expense06/14/18- FACILITY SECURITY SVC119473SECURITAS SECURITY SERVICES…101-3003-60157 350.00Rental Expense06/30/2018- FACILITY SECURITY SVC119473SECURITAS SECURITY SERVICES…101-3003-60157 295.00LQ Park Water Feature08/2018- LQ PARK WF SERVICE119474SHARK POOLS INC 101-3005-60554 112.00LQ Park Water Feature07/14/18- LQ PARK WF CHLOR TABS119474SHARK POOLS INC 101-3005-60554 4,875.00LQ Park Water Feature07/25/18- LQ PARK SURGE TANK REPAIR119474SHARK POOLS INC 101-3005-60554 1,475.00Fritz Burns Pool08/2018- FB POOL SERVICE119474SHARK POOLS INC 101-3005-60184 407.50Fritz Burns Pool06/22/18- FB POOL CHLOR TABS119474SHARK POOLS INC 101-3005-60184 407.50Fritz Burns Pool07/24/18- FB POOL CHLOR TABS119474SHARK POOLS INC 101-3005-60184 407.50Fritz Burns Pool07/04/18- FB POOL CHLOR TABS119474SHARK POOLS INC 101-3005-60184 407.50Fritz Burns Pool07/13/18- FB POOL CHLOR TABS119474SHARK POOLS INC 101-3005-60184 356.98Fritz Burns Pool07/24/18- FB POOL MIST SYSTEM REPAIR119474SHARK POOLS INC 101-3005-60184 301.00Instructors07/26/18- BALLROOM DANCE119475SHIRY, TERESA 101-3002-60107 501.00Sales Taxes Payable04/2018-06/2018- QUARTERLY SALES/USE…119476SILVERROCK RESORT 101-0000-20304 334.39Add'l Life Insurance Pay08/2018- LIFE INSURANCE119477STANDARD INSURANCE COMP…101-0000-20948 202.34Operating Supplies07/17/18- OPERATING SUPPLIES119478STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-3002-60420 31.54Operating Supplies07/17/18- OPERATING SUPPLIES119478STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-3002-60420 119.16Office Supplies07/17/18- OFFICE SUPPLIES119478STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-1004-60400 175.99Office Supplies07/18/18- OFFICE SUPPLIES119478STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-6001-60400 9.69Office Supplies07/25/18- OFFICE SUPPLIES119478STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-6001-60400 34.34Office Supplies07/25/18- OFFICE SUPPLIES119478STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-6001-60400 879.75Due to SunLine07/2018- SUN BUS PASSES119479SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY 101-0000-20305 525.00Contract Services - Administrat…REAL ESTATE SERVICES119481TALL MAN GROUP INC 101-1002-60101 1,093.75Contract Services - Administrat…REAL ESTATE SERVICES119481TALL MAN GROUP INC 101-1002-60101 7,062.50Marketing & Tourism Promoti…PROMOTIONAL SERVICES119482THE CHAMBER 101-3007-60461 96.62Utilities - Cable07/24-08/23/18-FS #93 CABLE SERVICE119483TIME WARNER CABLE 101-2002-61400 59.99Utilities - Cable07/29-08/28/18- FS #32 CABLE SERVICE119483TIME WARNER CABLE 101-2002-61400 100.00Pest Control07/13/18- SPORTS COMPLEX PEST CONTR…119488TRULY NOLEN INC 101-3008-60116 68.00Pest Control07/06/18- WC PEST CONTROL119488TRULY NOLEN INC 101-3008-60116 67.00Pest Control07/13/18- FS#70 PEST CONTROL119488TRULY NOLEN INC 101-2002-60116 62.00Pest Control07/13/18- FS #93 PEST CONTROL119488TRULY NOLEN INC 101-2002-60116 76.00Pest Control07/05/18- CITY HALL PEST CONTROL119488TRULY NOLEN INC 101-3008-60116 70.00Pest Control07/13/18- FS #32 PEST CONTROL119488TRULY NOLEN INC 101-2002-60116 394.20Maintenance/Services07/19/18- FS#93 ELECTRICAL SERVICE119489VINTAGE E & S INC 101-2002-60691 1,586.41Vision Insurance Pay08/2018- VISION INSURANCE119490VISION SERVICE PLAN - (CA)101-0000-20945 25.89Vision Insurance Pay08/2018- COBRA VISION INSURANCE119490VISION SERVICE PLAN - (CA)101-0000-20945 392.00ConsultantsWELLNESS WORKS- EMPLOYEE ASSISTANC…119492WELLNESS WORKS 101-1004-60104 1,120.00Plan ChecksYoung Engineering- On-Call Building Inspe…119495YOUNG ENGINEERING SVC 101-6003-60118 Fund 101 - GENERAL FUND Total:196,204.67 41 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01689 - DA 08/03/2018 8/3/2018 11:27:25 AM Page 3 of 7 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item)Account Name Account Number Fund: 201 - GAS TAX FUND 1,195.57Utilities - Electricity07/27/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE119449IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 201-7003-61101 51.62Materials/Supplies06/25-06/28/18- WELDING WIRE119456LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…201-7003-60431 89.18Traffic Control Signs07/18/18- TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGN119485TOPS'N BARRICADES INC 201-7003-60429 81.56Traffic Control Signs07/26/18- TEMP NO PARKING SIGN119485TOPS'N BARRICADES INC 201-7003-60429 Fund 201 - GAS TAX FUND Total:1,417.93 Fund: 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 118.14Utilities - Telephone07/13-08/12/18- MUSEUM PHONE SVC119444FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS…202-3006-61300 421.67Maintenance/Services07/26/18- MUSEUM GLASS WINDOW119447HENRY'S GLASS COMPANY 202-3006-60691 5,625.67Utilities - Electricity07/27/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE119449IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 202-3004-61101 1,474.34Utilities - Electricity07/27/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE119449IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 202-3006-61101 43.65HVAC07/18/18- LIBRARY HVAC SUPPLIES119452JOHNSTONE SUPPLY 202-3004-60667 11.18Maintenance/Services07/02-07/23/18- REPAIR WRAP119456LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…202-3004-60691 2,470.30JanitorialJANITORIAL SERVICES119459MERCHANTS BUILDING MAINT…202-3004-60115 659.25JanitorialJANITORIAL SERVICES119459MERCHANTS BUILDING MAINT…202-3006-60115 90.93Materials- New Exhibits07/24/18- MAKERSPACE LOGOS119484TOP OF THE LINE SIGNS 202-3004-60424 149.29Materials- New Exhibits07/19/18- MAKERSPACE SUPPLIES119494XPRESS GRAPHICS 202-3004-60424 Fund 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND Total:11,064.42 Fund: 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 752.95Materials/Supplies04/16/18- ELECTRICAL MATERIAL119438DESERT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 215-7004-60431 38.13Utilities - Electric07/10-08/09/18- PHONE SERVICE119444FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS…215-7004-61116 2,512.22Utilities - Electric07/27/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE119449IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 215-7004-61116 1,084.29Utilities - Electric - Medians07/27/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE119449IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 215-7004-61117 1,695.19Utilities - Electric07/30/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE119449IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 215-7004-61116 961.88Utilities - Electric - Medians07/30/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE119449IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 215-7004-61117 4.96Materials/Supplies07/02-07/23/18- IRRIGATION CAP119456LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…215-7004-60431 38.46Tools/Equipment07/09/18- CHAIN LOOP119461MOWERS PLUS INC 215-7004-60432 159.17Tools/Equipment07/13/18- CHAIN SAW SERVICE119461MOWERS PLUS INC 215-7004-60432 Fund 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND Total:7,247.25 Fund: 227 - State Homeland Security Programs (SHSP) 3,077.98Travel & Training05/04-05/06/18- CERT TRAINING119434COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE 227-0000-60320 Fund 227 - State Homeland Security Programs (SHSP) Total:3,077.98 Fund: 237 - SUCCESSOR AGCY PA 1 ADMIN 2,275.00ConsultantsREAL ESTATE SVCS/ SUCCESSOR AGENCY119481TALL MAN GROUP INC 237-9001-60104 1,925.00ConsultantsREAL ESTATE SVCS/ SUCCESSOR AGENCY119481TALL MAN GROUP INC 237-9001-60104 Fund 237 - SUCCESSOR AGCY PA 1 ADMIN Total:4,200.00 Fund: 248 - SA 2004 LO/MOD BOND FUND (Refinanced in 2014) 229.96Relocation Benefits07/31/18- INCIDENTAL MOVING EXPENSES119427CARVER, JANE 248-9102-60159 31.50Relocation Benefits05/24-06/25/18- WSA TEMP RELOCATION…119445GAS COMPANY, THE 248-9102-60159 12,870.00Relocation BenefitsWASHINGTON ST APT REHAB119481TALL MAN GROUP INC 248-9102-60159 13,035.00Relocation BenefitsWASHINGTON ST APT REHAB119481TALL MAN GROUP INC 248-9102-60159 Fund 248 - SA 2004 LO/MOD BOND FUND (Refinanced in 2014) Total:26,166.46 Fund: 270 - ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUND 2,696.00Art Purchases08/02/18- MONUMENT RECOGNITION PL…119423BETTER BUILDING COMPANY 270-0000-74800 Fund 270 - ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUND Total:2,696.00 Fund: 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 15,490.00DesignCALLE TAMPICO DRAINAGE IMPROVEME…119441DUDEK & ASSOCIATES INC 401-0000-60185 637.43Construction06/25-06/28/18- DEWALT 20V 10-TOOL C…119456LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…401-0000-60188 -1,807.75Retention PayablePO# 1819-10 RETENTION119487TRI-STAR CONTRACTING, INC.401-0000-20600 36,154.91Construction2017-05 LA QUINTA HIGH SCHOOL ADA I…119487TRI-STAR CONTRACTING, INC.401-0000-60188 847.73Construction07/20/18- ELECTRICAL CONDUCTOR119491WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTR…401-0000-60188 189.82Construction07/20/18- LIGHTING SUPPLIES119491WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTR…401-0000-60188 2,078.85ConstructionPOLARA BULLDOG PUSH BUTTON ASSEMB…119493WESTERN PACIFIC SIGNAL LLC 401-0000-60188 Fund 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS Total:53,590.99 Fund: 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 3,588.19Machinery & Equipment08/02/18- UTILITY TRAILER119424BIG TEX TRAILER WORLD INC 501-0000-80100 423.00Car Washes07/28/18- CAR WASHES119467RAN AUTO DETAIL 501-0000-60148 42 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01689 - DA 08/03/2018 8/3/2018 11:27:25 AM Page 4 of 7 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item)Account Name Account Number 1,718.34Fuel & Oil07/01-07/15/18- UNLEADED/DIESEL FUEL119486TOWER ENERGY GROUP 501-0000-60674 Fund 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT Total:5,729.53 Fund: 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 190.61Utilities - Telephone07/04-08/03/18- PHONE SERVICE119444FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS…502-0000-61300 51,000.00Software Enhancements, D & DFY18/19 TRAKIT HOSTING MAINT & ENHA…119480SUPERION, LLC 502-0000-71042 5,000.00Software Enhancements, D & DTRAKIT SOFTWARE HOSTING, MAINT & E…119480SUPERION, LLC 502-0000-71042 900.00Software Enhancements, D & DFY18/19 TRAKIT HOSTING MAINT & ENHA…119480SUPERION, LLC 502-0000-71042 460.00Software Enhancements, D & DTRAKIT SOFTWARE HOSTING, MAINT & E…119480SUPERION, LLC 502-0000-71042 Fund 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Total:57,550.61 Fund: 503 - PARK EQUIP & FACILITY FUND 4,502.25Parks07/19/18- FB PARK COURT LED LIGHTS119491WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTR…503-0000-71060 Fund 503 - PARK EQUIP & FACILITY FUND Total:4,502.25 Fund: 601 - SILVERROCK RESORT 967.00Repair & Maintenance07/23/18- SRR ELECTRICAL SERVICE119489VINTAGE E & S INC 601-0000-60660 Fund 601 - SILVERROCK RESORT Total:967.00 Grand Total:374,415.09 43 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01689 - DA 08/03/2018 8/3/2018 11:27:25 AM Page 5 of 7 Fund Summary Fund Expense Amount 101 - GENERAL FUND 196,204.67 201 - GAS TAX FUND 1,417.93 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 11,064.42 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 7,247.25 227 - State Homeland Security Programs (SHSP)3,077.98 237 - SUCCESSOR AGCY PA 1 ADMIN 4,200.00 248 - SA 2004 LO/MOD BOND FUND (Refinanced in 2014)26,166.46 270 - ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUND 2,696.00 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 53,590.99 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 5,729.53 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 57,550.61 503 - PARK EQUIP & FACILITY FUND 4,502.25 601 - SILVERROCK RESORT 967.00 Grand Total:374,415.09 Account Summary Account Number Account Name Expense Amount 101-0000-20304 Sales Taxes Payable 501.00 101-0000-20305 Due to SunLine 879.75 101-0000-20943 Dental Insurance Pay 7,877.41 101-0000-20945 Vision Insurance Pay 1,612.30 101-0000-20948 Add'l Life Insurance Pay 334.39 101-0000-22835 Election Deposit 1,000.00 101-0000-41401 TOT - Short Term Vac. Ren…513.50 101-0000-42435 Site Development Permit 3,762.84 101-1002-60101 Contract Services - Admini…1,618.75 101-1004-60104 Consultants 392.00 101-1004-60129 Recruiting/Pre-Employme…200.00 101-1004-60322 Training & Education/MOU 864.16 101-1004-60400 Office Supplies 119.16 101-1005-60125 Temporary Agency Servic…949.20 101-1005-60400 Office Supplies 41.30 101-1006-60352 Subscriptions & Publicati…550.00 101-1007-50115 Contingency for Stafffing 3,000.00 101-1007-60403 Citywide Conf Room Suppl…784.80 101-1007-60470 Postage 4,000.00 101-1007-60536 TOT Resort Rebate Progr…10,000.00 101-2001-60176 Sheriff - Other 40,677.00 101-2002-60116 Pest Control 199.00 101-2002-60123 Security & Alarm 158.08 101-2002-60670 Fire Station 435.20 101-2002-60691 Maintenance/Services 913.87 101-2002-61100 Utilities - Gas 32.00 101-2002-61101 Utilities - Electricity 1,761.93 101-2002-61400 Utilities - Cable 156.61 101-3001-60135 Boys & Girls Club 10,000.00 101-3002-60107 Instructors 1,691.20 101-3002-60352 Subscriptions & Publicati…64.54 101-3002-60420 Operating Supplies 690.36 101-3003-60149 Community Experiences 600.00 101-3003-60157 Rental Expense 987.50 101-3005-60113 Landscape Improvements 199.18 101-3005-60184 Fritz Burns Pool 3,461.98 101-3005-60431 Materials/Supplies 134.99 101-3005-60554 LQ Park Water Feature 5,282.00 101-3005-60557 Tree Maintenance 290.00 101-3005-60691 Maintenance/Services 224.94 101-3005-61102 Utilities - Electric - Montic…12.34 101-3005-61103 Utilities - Electric - Civic C…1,972.82 44 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01689 - DA 08/03/2018 8/3/2018 11:27:25 AM Page 6 of 7 Account Summary Account Number Account Name Expense Amount 101-3005-61105 Utilities - Electric - Fritz Bu…1,425.77 101-3005-61106 Utilities - Electric - Sports …1,005.05 101-3005-61109 Utilities - Electric - Comm…1,159.55 101-3005-61111 Utilities - Electric - Velasco…13.36 101-3005-61113 Utilities - Electric - Eisenh…21.37 101-3005-61114 Utilities - Electric - Desert …13.13 101-3007-60152 Jacqueline Cochran Regio…12,500.00 101-3007-60461 Marketing & Tourism Pro…36,175.82 101-3008-60115 Janitorial 10,604.10 101-3008-60116 Pest Control 244.00 101-3008-60431 Materials/Supplies 228.24 101-3008-60667 HVAC 1,322.88 101-3008-60691 Maintenance/Services 213.59 101-3008-61100 Utilities - Gas 84.25 101-3008-61101 Utilities - Electricity 14,857.79 101-6001-60400 Office Supplies 261.33 101-6003-60118 Plan Checks 6,925.00 101-7003-60420 Operating Supplies 203.34 201-7003-60429 Traffic Control Signs 170.74 201-7003-60431 Materials/Supplies 51.62 201-7003-61101 Utilities - Electricity 1,195.57 202-3004-60115 Janitorial 2,470.30 202-3004-60424 Materials- New Exhibits 240.22 202-3004-60667 HVAC 43.65 202-3004-60691 Maintenance/Services 11.18 202-3004-61101 Utilities - Electricity 5,625.67 202-3006-60115 Janitorial 659.25 202-3006-60691 Maintenance/Services 421.67 202-3006-61101 Utilities - Electricity 1,474.34 202-3006-61300 Utilities - Telephone 118.14 215-7004-60431 Materials/Supplies 757.91 215-7004-60432 Tools/Equipment 197.63 215-7004-61116 Utilities - Electric 4,245.54 215-7004-61117 Utilities - Electric - Media…2,046.17 227-0000-60320 Travel & Training 3,077.98 237-9001-60104 Consultants 4,200.00 248-9102-60159 Relocation Benefits 26,166.46 270-0000-74800 Art Purchases 2,696.00 401-0000-20600 Retention Payable -1,807.75 401-0000-60185 Design 15,490.00 401-0000-60188 Construction 39,908.74 501-0000-60148 Car Washes 423.00 501-0000-60674 Fuel & Oil 1,718.34 501-0000-80100 Machinery & Equipment 3,588.19 502-0000-61300 Utilities - Telephone 190.61 502-0000-71042 Software Enhancements, …57,360.00 503-0000-71060 Parks 4,502.25 601-0000-60660 Repair & Maintenance 967.00 Grand Total:374,415.09 Project Account Summary Project Account Key Expense Amount **None**320,824.10 151612D 15,490.00 1718TMICT 637.43 1819TMICT 3,116.40 201705CT 36,154.91 45 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01689 - DA 08/03/2018 8/3/2018 11:27:25 AM Page 7 of 7 Project Account Summary Project Account Key Expense Amount 201705RP -1,807.75 Grand Total:374,415.09 46 8/9/2018 4:34:13 PM Page 1 of 5 Demand Register City of La Quinta Packet: APPKT01700 - DA 08/10/2018 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item)Account Name Account Number Fund: 101 - GENERAL FUND 95.00Security & Alarm07/13/16- FS #93 ALARM SERVICE119497ALARM MONITORING SERVICE…101-2002-60123 105.88Security & Alarm07/18/18- WC LOBBY MOTION SVC119497ALARM MONITORING SERVICE…101-3008-60123 20.00Digitization/Records Manage…07/26/18- REFUND WRONG PERMIT119498B & L HEATING/COOLING 101-0000-42416 125.00Building Plan Check Fees07/26/18- REFUND WRONG PERMIT119498B & L HEATING/COOLING 101-0000-42600 2.70Credit Card Fee Revenue07/26/18- REFUND WRONG PERMIT119498B & L HEATING/COOLING 101-0000-43505 196.05LT Care Insurance PayLONG TERM CARE119499CALPERS LONG-TERM CARE P…101-0000-20949 40.00Fitness Membership Reimburs…08/02/18- FITPASS REIMB119501CASTRO JR, DELFIN P.101-1004-50252 61.50Cash Over/Short07/16/18- REFUND OVERPAYMENT BUS LI…119502CELEBRATIONS OF JOY 101-0000-42300 126.32PM 10 - Dust Control08/01/18- WATER SERVICE119504COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-7006-60146 109.44Utilities - Water08/06/18- WATER SERVICE119504COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-2002-61200 3,361.93Utilities - Water -Pioneer Park08/06/18- WATER SERVICE119504COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3005-61207 609.82Utilities - Water08/08/18- WATER SERVICE119504COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-2002-61200 101.68Utilities - Water -Fritz Burns pa…08/08/18- WATER SERVICE119504COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3005-61204 18.28Utilities - Water -Seasons Park08/08/18- WATER SERVICE119504COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3005-61208 116.66Utilities - Water08/08/18- WATER SERVICE119504COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3008-61200 36.06PM 10 - Dust Control08/08/18- WATER SERVICE119504COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-7006-60146 46.06Cash Over/Short07/17/18- REFUND TOT MAY & APRIL119505DENNIS, STEVEN AND TRACEY 101-0000-42300 57.81Utilities - Cable07/22-08/21/18- EOC CABLE119509DISH NETWORK 101-2002-61400 205.00Travel & Training06/25/18- J3 INSPECTOR REIMB119510Duane Clayton Jr.101-6003-60320 45.00TOT - Short Term Vac. Rentals01/2018-04/2018- REFUND TOT CLEANING…119511DUNN, NANCY 101-0000-41401 1,600.00Sexual Assault Exam Fees07/16/18- LA181600023-181760025 EXA…119512EISENHOWER MEDICAL CENTER 101-2001-60193 900.00Training & Education/MOU08/19/18- TUITION REIMB119513ESCOBEDO, CHRIS 101-1004-60322 43.55Postage07/27/18- OVERNIGHT MAIL119515FEDEX 101-1007-60470 202.84Materials/Supplies07/06/18- FB PARK FAUCET119516FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, INC 101-3008-60431 2,150.00Materials/Supplies07/26/18- CITY HALL FLAGS119517FLAGS A FLYING 101-3008-60431 110.26Professional Services08/2018- ARMORED SERVICES119518GARDAWORLD 101-1006-60103 522.00Travel & Training08/22/18-08/23/18- ADVANCED FINANCIA…119520GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFIC…101-1006-60320 60,322.00GPSCVB07/02/18- FY 18/19 CITY FUDING119521GREATER PALM SPRINGS CVB 101-3007-60151 9.95Cash Over/Short07/27/18- REFUND OVERPAYMENT JUNE …119523HURWITZ, TAMAR 101-0000-42300 359.00Maintenance/Services07/26/18- FS#93 HVAC SERVICE119524HYDE'S AC 101-2002-60691 1,510.44Utilities - Electricity07/31/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE119525IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-2002-61101 23.62Utilities - Electric - Colonel Pai…07/31/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE119525IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3005-61108 49.57Utilities - Electric - Adams Park07/31/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE119525IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3005-61110 839.85Community Experiences08/25/18- SUMMER GOLF TOUR BANQUET119529LA QUINTA RESORT & CLUB 101-3003-60149 103.00STVR Registration Fee04/17/18- REFUND BUS LIC.119531LANGHANS, JOHN 101-0000-41415 18.00Business Licenses04/17/18- REFUND BUS LIC.119531LANGHANS, JOHN 101-0000-41600 4.00SB 1186 Revenue04/17/18- REFUND BUS LIC.119531LANGHANS, JOHN 101-0000-42130 398.73Training & Education/MOU08/02/18- TUITION REIMB119532LERMA, MIRTA 101-1004-60322 27.50Cash Over/Short07/16/18- REFUND OVERPAYMENT BUS LI…119533MASI, VALERIE 101-0000-42300 6.64Cash Over/Short07/27/18- REFUND JUNE TOT119534MILLANES, BARBARA OROZCO 101-0000-42300 15.59Office Supplies07/25/18- OFFICE SUPPLIES119535OFFICE DEPOT 101-1006-60400 949.20Temporary Agency Services07/27/18- CC TEMP SERVICES119536OFFICE TEAM 101-1005-60125 48.96Postage07/28/18- OVERNIGHT MAIL119537ONTRAC 101-1007-60470 308.88Maintenance/Services07/09/18- FS#70 HVAC SERVICE119538PACIFIC WEST AIR CONDITION…101-2002-60691 447.00HVAC07/10/18- CITY HALL HVAC SERVICE119538PACIFIC WEST AIR CONDITION…101-3008-60667 12.00Cash Over/Short06/12/18- REFUND SB-1186 FEES119539PALM SPRINGS PEST CONTROL 101-0000-42300 2,973.22Marketing & Tourism Promoti…07/31/18- CLQ CERTIFICATES/COVERS119540PALMS TO PINES PRINTING 101-3007-60461 20.25Credit Card Fees07/2018- WC CC FEES119543PLUG & PAY TECHNOLOGIES I…101-3003-60122 20.00Administration07/2018- HUB CC FEES119543PLUG & PAY TECHNOLOGIES I…101-6001-60102 4.00Cash Over/Short06/11/18- REFUND OVERPAYMENT SB-11…119544PORTERMATT ELECTRIC, INC 101-0000-42300 56.59Maintenance/Services05/04/18- RELAY LATCH119546QUINN COMPANY 101-3008-60691 -56.59Maintenance/Services05/03/18- RELAY LATCH CREDIT119546QUINN COMPANY 101-3008-60691 200.00Garnishments PayableGARNISHMENT119547RIVERSIDE DEPARTMENT OF C…101-0000-20985 47 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01700 - DA 08/10/2018 8/9/2018 4:34:13 PM Page 2 of 5 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item)Account Name Account Number 122.41Operating Supplies07/02/18- OPERATING SUPPLIES119549SMART & FINAL 101-3002-60420 65.02Travel & Training07/09/18- SAFETY TRAINING SNACKS119549SMART & FINAL 101-1004-60320 50.00Cash Over/Short08/07/18- REFUND OVERPAYMENT FEES119551SOUTHWEST ROOFING 101-0000-42300 3.00Cash Over/Short07/16/18- REFUND OVEPAYMENT STVRP119552SPANISH BAY 101-0000-42300 29.67Office Supplies07/18/18- OFFICE SUPPLIES119553STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-1004-60400 153.37Office Supplies07/24/18- OFFICE SUPPLIES119553STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-6001-60400 96.02Office Supplies07/24/18- DYMO - FINANCE119553STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-1006-60400 27.08Office Supplies07/28/18- OFFICE SUPPLIES119553STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-1004-60400 122.87Citywide Conf Room Supplies07/30/18-CITYWIDE SUPPLIES - CUPS119553STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-1007-60403 13.47Office Supplies07/25/18- OFFICE SUPPLIES119553STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-6001-60400 6.32Utilities - Cable08/05/18-09/04/18- FS #32 CABLE119555TIME WARNER CABLE 101-2002-61400 119.98Utilities - Cable08/03/18-09/02/18- FS #93 CABLE119555TIME WARNER CABLE 101-2002-61400 134.69Travel & Training08/02/18- LQ TOASTMASTERS CLUB119556TOASTMASTERS INTERNATIO…101-1004-60320 1,065.26Utilities - Telephone07/23-08/22/18- PHONES LINES119559TPx COMMUNICATIONS 101-2002-61300 918.00Cash Over/Short02/02/18- REFUND OVERPAYMENT STVRP119560TURNKEY VACATION RENTALS 101-0000-42300 42.00United Way DeductionsCONTRIBUTION119562UNITED WAY OF THE DESERT 101-0000-20981 25.00Cash Over/Short07/11/18- REFUND DUPLICATE BUS LIC.119563VACATION PALM SPRINGS 101-0000-42300 Fund 101 - GENERAL FUND Total:82,674.40 Fund: 201 - GAS TAX FUND 9.10Materials/Supplies03/29/18- EQUIPMENT REPAIR119496AIR & HOSE SOURCE, INC.201-7003-60431 667.07Traffic Control Signs06/28/18- TRAFFIC CONTROL MATERIALS119508DESERT STEEL SUPPLY 201-7003-60429 53.29Traffic Control Signs06/29/18- TRAFFIC CONTROL MATERIALS119508DESERT STEEL SUPPLY 201-7003-60429 401.81Materials/Supplies07/13/18- EPOXY/ANCHORING ADHESIVE119522HD SUPPLY CONSTRUCTION S…201-7003-60431 400.07Equipment Rental07/12/18- DUMP TRUCK RENTAL119546QUINN COMPANY 201-7003-61701 147.20Safety Gear08/01/18- SAFETY GEAR119554SUMMIT SAFETY LLC 201-7003-60427 70.00Safety Gear08/01/18- SAFETY GEAR119554SUMMIT SAFETY LLC 201-7003-60427 938.12Traffic Control Signs07/24/18- SCHOOL CROSS WALK SIGNS119557TOPS'N BARRICADES INC 201-7003-60429 171.28Traffic Control Signs07/31/18- NO LEFT TURN SIGN119557TOPS'N BARRICADES INC 201-7003-60429 40.78Traffic Control Signs08/06/18- 25 MPH SPEED LIMIT SIGN119557TOPS'N BARRICADES INC 201-7003-60429 57.85Materials/Supplies08/01/18- DIG ALERT SVC 29119561UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT 201-7003-60431 Fund 201 - GAS TAX FUND Total:2,956.57 Fund: 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 95.00Security & Alarm07/16/18- MUSEUM ALARM SERVICE119497ALARM MONITORING SERVICE…202-3006-60123 148.94Utilities - Water08/06/18- WATER SERVICE119504COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…202-3006-61200 14.91Utilities - Gas06/19-07/19/18- LIBRARY GAS SERVICE119519GAS COMPANY, THE 202-3004-61100 153.00HVAC07/26/18- MUSEUM HVAC SERVICE119524HYDE'S AC 202-3006-60667 96.29HVAC07/25/18- MUSEUM HVAC FILTERS119526JOHNSTONE SUPPLY 202-3006-60667 298.00HVAC06/28/18- LIBRARY HVAC SVC119538PACIFIC WEST AIR CONDITION…202-3004-60667 628.63HVAC06/18/18- LIBRARY HVAC SVC119538PACIFIC WEST AIR CONDITION…202-3004-60667 91.65Operating Supplies07/18/18- OFFICE SUPPLIES119553STAPLES ADVANTAGE 202-3004-60420 Fund 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND Total:1,526.42 Fund: 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 5,328.00Maintenance/Services08/01/18- LANDSCAPE MAINT JEFF MEDI…119503CITY OF INDIO 215-7004-60691 274.53Utilities - Water - Medians08/01/18- WATER SERVICE119504COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…215-7004-61211 63.56Utilities - Water - Medians08/07/18- WATER SERVICE119504COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…215-7004-61211 1,352.55Utilities - Water - Medians08/08/18- WATER SERVICE119504COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…215-7004-61211 1,954.07Materials/Supplies07/31/18- MH LAMP119507DESERT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 215-7004-60431 11.49Materials/Supplies07/31/18- FINANCE CHARGES119507DESERT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 215-7004-60431 10.38Materials/Supplies07/24/18- FASTENERS119514FASTENAL COMPANY 215-7004-60431 961.12Utilities - Electric07/31/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE119525IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 215-7004-61116 385.93Utilities - Electric - Medians07/31/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE119525IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 215-7004-61117 13.46Utilities - Electric - Medians08/07/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE119525IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 215-7004-61117 3,040.00Maintenance/Services07/31/18- LA FONDA UNDERGROUND ELE…119528KRIBBS, BRUCE 215-7004-60691 124.30Materials/Supplies07/31/18- OXYGEN/ACETYLENE119545PRAXAIR INC 215-7004-60431 24.10Materials/Supplies07/23/18- IRRIGATION MATERIAL119550SMITH PIPE & SUPPLY CO 215-7004-60431 102.74Materials/Supplies07/31/18- IRRIGATION MATERIAL119550SMITH PIPE & SUPPLY CO 215-7004-60431 595.68Operating Supplies07/23/18- 5 GAL. PLANTS119564VINTAGE ASSOCIATES 215-7004-60420 1,312.40Materials/Supplies08/01/18- PLANTS119564VINTAGE ASSOCIATES 215-7004-60431 192.29Materials/Supplies07/26/18- ELECTRICAL BOX119565WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTR…215-7004-60431 48 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01700 - DA 08/10/2018 8/9/2018 4:34:13 PM Page 3 of 5 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item)Account Name Account Number 287.20Materials/Supplies07/30/18- ELECTRICAL LANDSCAPE119565WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTR…215-7004-60431 4,153.10AdministrationSTREET LIGHTING & LANDSCAPE DIST 89-1…119566WILLDAN FINANCIAL SERVICES 215-7004-60102 Fund 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND Total:20,186.90 Fund: 248 - SA 2004 LO/MOD BOND FUND (Refinanced in 2014) 210.02Relocation Benefits06/21-07/20/18- WSA TEMP RELOCATION…119525IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 248-9102-60159 Fund 248 - SA 2004 LO/MOD BOND FUND (Refinanced in 2014) Total:210.02 Fund: 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 4,306.50Construction48 AGM BATTERIES-BATTER BACKUP SYS119506DESERT BATTERY CO INC 401-0000-60188 20,854.45DesignKIMLEY HORN - SYSTEMIC SAFETY ANALYS…119527KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIAT…401-0000-60185 678.96Construction07/31/18- BID SET PROJ 2016-01119542PLANIT REPROGRAPHICS SYST…401-0000-60188 300.00Land Acquisition08/07/18- RELOCATION REIMB HOME INS…119548SANDOVAL, RAQUEL 401-0000-74010 Fund 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS Total:26,139.91 Fund: 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 141.92Parts & Maintenance Supplies07/27/18- TIRE DISPOSAL119541PARKHOUSE TIRE INC 501-0000-60675 2,471.29Fuel & Oil07/16-07/31/18- UNLEAD/DIESEL FUEL119558TOWER ENERGY GROUP 501-0000-60674 Fund 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT Total:2,613.21 Fund: 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 5.00Technology Enhancement Sur…07/26/18- REFUND WRONG PERMIT119498B & L HEATING/COOLING 502-0000-43611 736.30Copiers07/20-08/19/18- COPIER CONTRACT119500CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES, …502-0000-60662 5.00Technology Enhancement Sur…04/17/18- REFUND BUS LIC.119531LANGHANS, JOHN 502-0000-43611 242.56Utilities - Cable07/24-08/23/18- WC CABLE SERVICE119555TIME WARNER CABLE 502-0000-61400 2,231.02Utilities - Telephone07/23-08/22/18- PHONES LINES119559TPx COMMUNICATIONS 502-0000-61300 Fund 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Total:3,219.88 Fund: 504 - INSURANCE FUND 26.68Office Supplies07/25/18- OFFICE SUPPLIES119535OFFICE DEPOT 504-1010-60400 Fund 504 - INSURANCE FUND Total:26.68 Fund: 601 - SILVERROCK RESORT 648.65Bank Fees08/2018- SRR ARMORED SERVICES119518GARDAWORLD 601-0000-60455 58,517.07Transfers Out06/01/17-05/30/2018- SRR RESERVE FY 17…119530LANDMARK GOLF MANAGEM…601-0000-99900 Fund 601 - SILVERROCK RESORT Total:59,165.72 Grand Total:198,719.71 49 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01700 - DA 08/10/2018 8/9/2018 4:34:13 PM Page 4 of 5 Fund Summary Fund Expense Amount 101 - GENERAL FUND 82,674.40 201 - GAS TAX FUND 2,956.57 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 1,526.42 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 20,186.90 248 - SA 2004 LO/MOD BOND FUND (Refinanced in 2014)210.02 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 26,139.91 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 2,613.21 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 3,219.88 504 - INSURANCE FUND 26.68 601 - SILVERROCK RESORT 59,165.72 Grand Total:198,719.71 Account Summary Account Number Account Name Expense Amount 101-0000-20949 LT Care Insurance Pay 196.05 101-0000-20981 United Way Deductions 42.00 101-0000-20985 Garnishments Payable 200.00 101-0000-41401 TOT - Short Term Vac. Ren…45.00 101-0000-41415 STVR Registration Fee 103.00 101-0000-41600 Business Licenses 18.00 101-0000-42130 SB 1186 Revenue 4.00 101-0000-42300 Cash Over/Short 1,163.65 101-0000-42416 Digitization/Records Man…20.00 101-0000-42600 Building Plan Check Fees 125.00 101-0000-43505 Credit Card Fee Revenue 2.70 101-1004-50252 Fitness Membership Reim…40.00 101-1004-60320 Travel & Training 199.71 101-1004-60322 Training & Education/MOU 1,298.73 101-1004-60400 Office Supplies 56.75 101-1005-60125 Temporary Agency Servic…949.20 101-1006-60103 Professional Services 110.26 101-1006-60320 Travel & Training 522.00 101-1006-60400 Office Supplies 111.61 101-1007-60403 Citywide Conf Room Suppl…122.87 101-1007-60470 Postage 92.51 101-2001-60193 Sexual Assault Exam Fees 1,600.00 101-2002-60123 Security & Alarm 95.00 101-2002-60691 Maintenance/Services 667.88 101-2002-61101 Utilities - Electricity 1,510.44 101-2002-61200 Utilities - Water 719.26 101-2002-61300 Utilities - Telephone 1,065.26 101-2002-61400 Utilities - Cable 184.11 101-3002-60420 Operating Supplies 122.41 101-3003-60122 Credit Card Fees 20.25 101-3003-60149 Community Experiences 839.85 101-3005-61108 Utilities - Electric - Colonel…23.62 101-3005-61110 Utilities - Electric - Adams…49.57 101-3005-61204 Utilities - Water -Fritz Bur…101.68 101-3005-61207 Utilities - Water -Pioneer …3,361.93 101-3005-61208 Utilities - Water -Seasons …18.28 101-3007-60151 GPSCVB 60,322.00 101-3007-60461 Marketing & Tourism Pro…2,973.22 101-3008-60123 Security & Alarm 105.88 101-3008-60431 Materials/Supplies 2,352.84 101-3008-60667 HVAC 447.00 101-3008-60691 Maintenance/Services 0.00 101-3008-61200 Utilities - Water 116.66 101-6001-60102 Administration 20.00 101-6001-60400 Office Supplies 166.84 50 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01700 - DA 08/10/2018 8/9/2018 4:34:13 PM Page 5 of 5 Account Summary Account Number Account Name Expense Amount 101-6003-60320 Travel & Training 205.00 101-7006-60146 PM 10 - Dust Control 162.38 201-7003-60427 Safety Gear 217.20 201-7003-60429 Traffic Control Signs 1,870.54 201-7003-60431 Materials/Supplies 468.76 201-7003-61701 Equipment Rental 400.07 202-3004-60420 Operating Supplies 91.65 202-3004-60667 HVAC 926.63 202-3004-61100 Utilities - Gas 14.91 202-3006-60123 Security & Alarm 95.00 202-3006-60667 HVAC 249.29 202-3006-61200 Utilities - Water 148.94 215-7004-60102 Administration 4,153.10 215-7004-60420 Operating Supplies 595.68 215-7004-60431 Materials/Supplies 4,018.97 215-7004-60691 Maintenance/Services 8,368.00 215-7004-61116 Utilities - Electric 961.12 215-7004-61117 Utilities - Electric - Media…399.39 215-7004-61211 Utilities - Water - Medians 1,690.64 248-9102-60159 Relocation Benefits 210.02 401-0000-60185 Design 20,854.45 401-0000-60188 Construction 4,985.46 401-0000-74010 Land Acquisition 300.00 501-0000-60674 Fuel & Oil 2,471.29 501-0000-60675 Parts & Maintenance Supp…141.92 502-0000-43611 Technology Enhancement…10.00 502-0000-60662 Copiers 736.30 502-0000-61300 Utilities - Telephone 2,231.02 502-0000-61400 Utilities - Cable 242.56 504-1010-60400 Office Supplies 26.68 601-0000-60455 Bank Fees 648.65 601-0000-99900 Transfers Out 58,517.07 Grand Total:198,719.71 Project Account Summary Project Account Key Expense Amount **None**171,739.95 091004L 300.00 1819TMICT 4,306.50 201601CT 678.96 201708D 20,854.45 GOLFE 839.85 Grand Total:198,719.71 51 8/17/2018 10:50:57 AM Page 1 of 8 Demand Register City of La Quinta Packet: APPKT01711 - DA 08/17/2018 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item)Account Name Account Number Fund: 101 - GENERAL FUND -26.53Sales Taxes Payable08/03/18- WC GYM WIPES TAX1195672XL CORPORATION 101-0000-20304 438.45Operating Supplies08/03/18- WC GYM WIPES1195672XL CORPORATION 101-3002-60420 715.84Civic Center Lake Maintenance07/2018- CC LAKE MAINT119568ALL VALLEY BBQ, SPA & PATIO…101-3005-60117 40.00Blood/Alcohol Testing06/30/2018- BLOOD ANALYSIS119569AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSES …101-2001-60174 525.00Membership Dues10/01/18-09/30/2019- APA MEMBERSHIP119570AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCI…101-6002-60351 181.47Operating Supplies08/02/18- WC JANITORIAL SUPPLIES119571AMERIPRIDE SERVICES INC 101-3002-60420 419.85Professional Services04/30/2018- CAREERBUILDER EVENT SVC119572BURRTEC WASTE & RECYCLING…101-1002-60103 1,803.31Repair & Maintenance - EOC07/18/18- EOC LAPTOP SETUP119575CDW GOVERNMENT INC 101-2002-60671 3,345.82Utilities - Water -Monticello Pa…08/10/18- WATER SERVICE119577COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3005-61201 207.96Utilities - Water -Community P…08/10/18- WATER SERVICE119577COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3005-61209 269.81Utilities - Water08/15/18- WATER SERVICE119577COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-2002-61200 124.18Utilities - Water -Eisenhower P…08/15/18- WATER SERVICE119577COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3005-61203 131.92Utilities - Water -Velasco Park08/15/18- WATER SERVICE119577COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3005-61205 499.31Utilities - Water -Desert Pride08/15/18- WATER SERVICE119577COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3005-61206 198.80Instructors08/09/18- SUN STYLE TAI CHI119578COHEN, ANN MARIE 101-3002-60107 35,851.00Landscape ContractPARKS MAINTENANCE FY18/19119579CONSERVE LANDCARE 101-3005-60112 35,851.00Landscape ContractPARKS MAINTENANCE FY18/19119579CONSERVE LANDCARE 101-3005-60112 30,556.04Fire Service Costs04/2018-06/30/2018- EMD SERVICE 4TH …119581COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE 101-2002-60139 17,983.72School Officer07/01/17-05/23/18- SCHOOL RESOURCE …119587DESERT SANDS UNIFIED SCHO…101-2001-60168 9,629.81School Officer05/24-06/30/18- SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFI…119587DESERT SANDS UNIFIED SCHO…101-2001-60168 272.00Recruiting/Pre-Employment07/06/18- PRE EMPLOYMENT PHYSICALS119588EISENHOWER OCCUPATIONAL…101-1004-60129 95.00Community Experiences09/11/18- CHAIRS FOR 911 VIGIL119590ESPINOZA, DAVID C.101-3003-60149 43.62Utilities - Telephone08/2018- LQ PARK PHONE119591FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS…101-3005-61300 34.99Utilities - Telephone07/28-08/27/18- SPORTS COMPLEX PHONE119591FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS…101-3005-61300 73.90Utilities - Gas06/26-07/26/18- FS #93 GAS SERVICE119594GAS COMPANY, THE 101-2002-61100 4,562.50ConsultantsFY18/19 PROPERTY TAX MGMT, AUDITING…119595HDL COREN & CONE 101-1006-60104 41.27Maintenance/Services07/02-07/26/18- FS#70 FS#70 MATERIALS119596HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-2002-60691 105.55Maintenance/Services07/02-07/26/18- FS#32 ICE MACHINE MA…119596HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-2002-60691 41.90Maintenance/Services07/02-07/26/18- FS#32 TUBE CUTTER119596HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-2002-60691 11.07Materials/Supplies07/02-07/26/18- MATERIALS119596HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3005-60431 34.77Tools/Equipment07/02-07/26/18- TRAILER EQUIPMENT119596HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3005-60432 87.84Tools/Equipment07/02-07/26/18- HAND TOOLS119596HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3005-60432 67.57Materials/Supplies07/02-07/26/18- MATERIALS119596HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3008-60431 48.84Materials/Supplies07/02-07/26/18- TAPE MEASURE119596HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3008-60431 148.67Tools/Equipment07/02-07/26/18- TOOLS119596HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3008-60432 32.56Tools/Equipment07/02-07/26/18- DRILL BITS119596HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3008-60432 642.19Tools/Equipment07/02-07/26/18- DRILL/DRIVER KIT119596HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3008-60432 68.50Operating Supplies07/02-07/26/18- PAINT MATERIALS MON…119596HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-7003-60420 57.57Operating Supplies07/02-07/26/18- MATERIALS119596HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-7003-60420 38.26Operating Supplies07/02-07/26/18- MATERIALS119596HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-7003-60420 87.92Tools/Equipment06/28-06/29/18- PRESSURE WASHER TOO…119596HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3005-60432 96.65Tools/Equipment06/28-06/29/18- HOME DEPOT119596HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3008-60432 32.56Tools/Equipment06/28-06/29/18- AUGER119596HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3008-60432 440.00Maintenance/Services07/27/18- FS #93 HVAC MAINT119599HYDE'S AC 101-2002-60691 54.50Recruiting/Pre-Employment07/2018- PRE EMP BACKROUND CHECK119601IRC INC 101-1004-60129 8,312.50Marketing & Tourism Promoti…FY 17/18 PRINT & DIGITAL MARKETING SE…119602JNS MEDIA SPECIALISTS 101-3007-60461 279.72HVAC08/06/18- HVAC FILTER119603JOHNSTONE SUPPLY 101-3008-60667 224.00Instructors08/09/18- PERSONAL TRAINER119604KEPLER, KRISTOFFER 101-3002-60107 8,250.00Professional ServicesPROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTING SERVICES119605LANCE, SOLL, & LUNGHARD LLP 101-1006-60103 4,500.00Membership Dues07/01/18-06/30/19- ATTORNEY SVC & TRA…119606LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE 101-1004-60351 832.00LQ Police Volunteers08/14/18- CADET FIELD TRIP FINAL PAYM…119607LIN LINES INC 101-2001-60109 490.94Fritz Burns Pool06/07/18- FB POOL EQUIPMENT119608LINCOLN AQUATICS 101-3005-60184 112.00Instructors08/09/18- TAI CHI CHUAN119609MEDEIROS, JOYCELEEN 101-3002-60107 52 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01711 - DA 08/17/2018 8/17/2018 10:50:57 AM Page 2 of 8 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item)Account Name Account Number 20.49Travel & Training07/27/18- SKILL PATH TRAINING REIMB119610MENDOZA, MISSY 101-6006-60320 115.20Instructors08/08/18- ZUMBA119611MISELL, STACY 101-3002-60107 108.21LQ Police Volunteers08/09/18- CADET LUNCH REIMB119612MUNOZ, CANDELARIA 101-2001-60109 290.00ConsultantsCIP DEV/MEASURE A 5YR CIP119613NAI CONSULTING INC 101-7006-60104 77.37Mobile/Cell Phones07/2018- EOC SATELLITE PHONES119615NI GOVERNMENT SERVICES INC 101-2002-61304 83.61Fire Station08/06/18- FIRE MARSHALL FILING SUPPLIES119616OFFICE DEPOT 101-2002-60670 949.20Temporary Agency Services08/03/18- CC TEMP SERVICES119617OFFICE TEAM 101-1005-60125 2,158.73HVAC07/11/18- WC HVAC SERVICE119618PACIFIC WEST AIR CONDITION…101-3008-60667 1,500.00Travel & Training10/04/18- PUBLIC SAFETY AWARD SPONS…119619PALM DESERT AREA CHAMBER…101-1001-60320 901.13Marketing & Tourism Promoti…08/06/18- CLQ PROMOTIONAL ITEMS119620PALMS TO PINES PRINTING 101-3007-60461 38.08Marketing & Tourism Promoti…08/08/18- EE NAME BADGES119620PALMS TO PINES PRINTING 101-3007-60461 664.00Map/Plan CheckingFY18/19 ON-CALL MAP CHECKING SERVIC…119622RASA/ERIC NELSON 101-7002-60183 780.00Map/Plan CheckingFY18/19 ON-CALL MAP CHECKING SERVIC…119622RASA/ERIC NELSON 101-7002-60183 920,625.41Sheriff Patrol05/24-06/30/18- SHERIFF - PATROL119623RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60161 18,434.99Police Overtime05/24-06/30/18- PATROL DUTY OVERTIME119623RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60162 190,330.12Target Team05/24-06/30/18- TARGET TEAM119623RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60163 77,322.96Community Services Officer05/24-06/30/18- COMM SERVICES OFFICER119623RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60164 18,209.40Gang Task Force05/24-06/30/18- GANG TASK FORCE119623RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60166 18,209.40Narcotics Task Force05/24-06/30/18- NARCOTICS TASK FORCE119623RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60167 125,144.36Motor Officer05/24-06/30/18- MOTOR OFFICER119623RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60169 49,394.10Dedicated Sargeant05/24-06/30/18- DEDICATED SARGEANT119623RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60170 27,943.55Dedicated Lieutenant05/24-06/30/18- DEDICATED LIEUTENANT119623RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60171 43,580.51Sheriff - Mileage05/24-06/30/18- SHERIFF MILEAGE119623RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60172 17,991.32Special Enforcement Funds05/24-06/30/18- SPECIAL ENFORCEMENT …119623RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60175 213.29Mobile/Cell Phones07/23-08/22/18- EOC SATELLITE PHONES119624ROADPOST USA INC.101-2002-61304 1,073.98Instructors08/09/18- TAEKWONDO119625ROJAS, MIGUEL ANGEL 101-3002-60107 128.00Instructors08/09/18- PERSONAL TRAINER119626ROSE-FARKAS, LORETTA ANN 101-3002-60107 219.21Operating Supplies12/11/17- EQUIPMENT MAINT119627ROYAL GYM SERVICES, LLC 101-3002-60420 120.00Operating Supplies03/19/18- EQUIPMENT MAINT119627ROYAL GYM SERVICES, LLC 101-3002-60420 126.02Uniforms07/26/18- UNIFORMS119628SERVICE WEAR APPAREL 101-3005-60690 126.02Uniforms07/26/18- UNIFORMS119628SERVICE WEAR APPAREL 101-3008-60690 420.00Instructors08/09/18- BALLROOM DANCING119629SHIRY, TERESA 101-3002-60107 18.36LQ Police Volunteers06/15/18- SHREDDING POLICE119630SHRED-IT USA - SAN BERNADI…101-2001-60109 46.00Sales Taxes Payable07/2018- SALES & USE TAX119631SILVERROCK RESORT 101-0000-20304 43.71Office Supplies08/10/18- OFFICE SUPPLIES119633STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-6001-60400 571.76Office Supplies08/10/18- DRY ERASE BOARD119633STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-6001-60400 24.12Office Supplies08/10/18- DRY ERASE MARKERS119633STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-6001-60400 61.00Pest Control08/01/18- LQ PARK PEST CONTROL119636TRULY NOLEN INC 101-3008-60116 49.01Mobile/Cell Phones06/14-07/13/18- EOC CELLPHONES119637VERIZON WIRELESS 101-2002-61304 396.00ConsultantsWELLNESS WORKS- EMPLOYEE ASSISTANC…119640WELLNESS WORKS 101-1004-60104 -17.50Sales Taxes Payable07/12-07/20/18- LEAGUE OF CITIES SUPPL…119641WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-0000-20304 57.94Travel & Training07/12-07/20/18- COUNCIL MTG SUPPLIES119641WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-1001-60320 93.10Travel & Training07/12-07/20/18- CC MTG SUPPLIES119641WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-1001-60320 178.16Office Supplies07/12-07/20/18- SANCHEZ OFFICE SUPPLI…119641WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-1001-60400 62.65Operating Supplies07/12-07/20/18- LEAGUE OF CITIES SUPPL…119641WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-3007-60420 225.75Operating Supplies07/12-07/20/18- LEAGUE OF CITIES BOO…119641WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-3007-60420 217.49Travel & Training07/12-07/20/18- LEAGUE OF CITIES SUPPL…119641WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-6001-60320 575.00Travel & Training07/12-07/20/18- LEAGUE OF CITIES CONF -…119641WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-6001-60320 -32.06Sales Taxes Payable07/02-08/01/18- GOLF TOUR SUPPLIES119642WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-0000-20304 -9.80Sales Taxes Payable07/02-08/01/18- LINKS GRAD BOOKS119642WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-0000-20304 -9.62Sales Taxes Payable07/02-08/01/18- FS#32 DUMBELL RACK T…119642WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-0000-20304 -2.97Sales Taxes Payable07/02-08/01/18- CSMFO WEBINAR SUPPL…119642WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-0000-20304 20.00Travel & Training07/02-08/01/18- CSMFO MTG - VILLALPA…119642WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-1002-60320 420.00Professional Services07/02-08/01/18- LQ 2.0 TEAM BUILDING119642WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-1004-60103 72.54Recruiting/Pre-Employment07/02-08/01/18- CONST INSP PANEL119642WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-1004-60129 95.96Recruiting/Pre-Employment07/02-08/01/18- ASSOC ENG LUNCH PAN…119642WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-1004-60129 71.23Recruiting/Pre-Employment07/02-08/01/18- INTERVIEW PANEL LUNCH119642WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-1004-60129 54.10Travel & Training07/02-08/01/18- CPR TRAINING SUPPLIES119642WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-1004-60320 119.96Travel & Training07/02-08/01/18- LINKS LUNCHEON119642WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-1004-60320 250.00Travel & Training07/02-08/01/18- LCW SEMINAR-TRIPLETT119642WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-1004-60320 53 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01711 - DA 08/17/2018 8/17/2018 10:50:57 AM Page 3 of 8 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item)Account Name Account Number 125.00Membership Dues07/02-08/01/18- PIHRA MEMBERSHIP119642WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-1004-60351 350.00Membership Dues07/02-08/01/18- CALPERLA- SCOTT119642WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-1004-60351 39.96Operating Supplies07/02-08/01/18- CPR TRAINING SUPPLIES119642WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-1004-60420 121.80Operating Supplies07/02-08/01/18- LINKS GRAD BOOKS119642WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-1004-60420 23.01Travel & Training07/02-08/01/18- CC TRAINING BOOKS119642WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-1005-60320 20.00Travel & Training07/02-08/01/18- CSMFO MTG - RADEVA119642WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-1005-60320 36.87Travel & Training07/02-08/01/18- CSMFO WEBINAR SUPPL…119642WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-1006-60320 1,047.00Travel & Training07/02-08/01/18- CALPERS FORUM- CAMP…119642WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-1006-60320 199.00Membership Dues07/02-08/01/18- FRED PRYOR - HALLICK119642WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-1006-60351 199.00Membership Dues07/02-08/01/18- FRED PRYOR - GANT119642WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-1006-60351 199.00Membership Dues07/02-08/01/18- FRED PRYOR - DELGADO119642WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-1006-60351 188.85Postage07/02-08/01/18- LQ DAILY MAIL119642WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-1007-60470 119.61Non-Reimbursable Misc07/02-08/01/18- FS#32 DUMBELL RACK119642WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-2002-60445 260.51Non-Reimbursable Misc07/02-08/01/18- FS#32 TRAINING EQUIP119642WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-2002-60445 200.00Membership Dues07/02-08/01/18- ICMA MEMBERSHIP-ESC…119642WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-3001-60351 398.51Community Experiences07/02-08/01/18- GOLF TOUR SUPPLIES119642WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-3003-60149 120.00Community Experiences07/02-08/01/18- SKETCHUP PRO LICENSE119642WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-3003-60149 528.00Operating Supplies07/02-08/01/18- SHIFTPLANNING119642WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-3003-60420 75.00Membership Dues07/02-08/01/18- MAILCHIMP119642WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-3007-60351 278.48Operating Supplies07/02-08/01/18- WAYFAIR119642WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-3008-60420 40.00Travel & Training07/02-08/01/18- CUST SVC TRAINING119642WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-6001-60320 122.42Travel & Training07/02-08/01/18- D & D INTRO EVENT SUP…119642WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-6001-60320 89.00Travel & Training07/02-08/01/18- WALMART119642WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-7006-60320 1,140.00Travel & Training07/02-08/01/18- TRAFFIC SIGNAL TRAINI…119642WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-7006-60320 40.00Travel & Training07/02-08/01/18- CUST SVC TRAINING119642WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-7006-60320 250.00Travel & Training08/23/18- CASP 101 CLASS REIMB119644WIATRAK, JAMES 101-6003-60320 Fund 101 - GENERAL FUND Total:1,696,129.69 Fund: 201 - GAS TAX FUND 41.23Materials/Supplies07/02-07/26/18- QUIKRETE CONCRETE119596HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 201-7003-60431 18.22Materials/Supplies06/28-06/29/18- MATERIALS119596HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 201-7003-60431 27.02Uniforms07/19/17- UNIFORMS119628SERVICE WEAR APPAREL 201-7003-60690 756.24Uniforms07/26/18- UNIFORMS119628SERVICE WEAR APPAREL 201-7003-60690 126.02Uniforms07/26/18- UNIFORMS119628SERVICE WEAR APPAREL 201-7003-60690 -27.02Uniforms07/19/17- RETURNED UNIFORMS119628SERVICE WEAR APPAREL 201-7003-60690 Fund 201 - GAS TAX FUND Total:941.71 Fund: 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 2,086.00Landscape ContractPARKS MAINTENANCE FY18/19119579CONSERVE LANDCARE 202-3004-60112 1,169.00Landscape ContractPARKS MAINTENANCE FY18/19119579CONSERVE LANDCARE 202-3006-60112 2,086.00Landscape ContractPARKS MAINTENANCE FY18/19119579CONSERVE LANDCARE 202-3004-60112 1,169.00Landscape ContractPARKS MAINTENANCE FY18/19119579CONSERVE LANDCARE 202-3006-60112 1,650.00Building Improvements07/09/18- CREATION STATION ETHERNET119580CONVERGEONE, INC 202-3004-72110 57.91Maintenance/Services07/02-07/26/18- HAMMER & WRENCH119596HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 202-3004-60691 104.11Maintenance/Services07/02-07/26/18- LIBRARY WATERHOSE &…119596HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 202-3004-60691 86.86Building Improvements07/02-07/26/18- MAKERSPACE SUPPLIES119596HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 202-3004-72110 49.00Pest Control07/23/18- MUSEUM PEST CONTROL119636TRULY NOLEN INC 202-3006-60116 27,120.00Building ImprovementsLQ LIBRARY MAKERSPACE IMPLEMENTATI…119638VOCADEMY LLC 202-3004-72110 443.02Furniture07/02-08/01/18- MAKERSPACE SUPPLIES119642WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 202-3004-71020 94.00Furniture07/02-08/01/18- JET PURCHASES119642WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 202-3004-71020 94.00Furniture07/02-08/01/18- JET PURCHASES119642WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 202-3004-71020 94.00Furniture07/02-08/01/18- JET PURCHASES119642WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 202-3004-71020 793.01Furniture07/02-08/01/18- MAKERSPACE SUPPLIES119642WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 202-3004-71020 5.82Furniture07/02-08/01/18- MAKERSPACE SUPPLIES119642WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 202-3004-71020 -296.44Furniture07/02-08/01/18- AMAZON CREDIT119642WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 202-3004-71020 639.78Furniture07/02-08/01/18- MAKERSPACE LIBRARY B…119642WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 202-3004-71020 888.56Furniture07/02-08/01/18- MAKERSPACE SUPPLIES119642WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 202-3004-71020 563.88Operating Supplies07/02-08/01/18- LIBRARY BOOKS119642WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 202-3006-60420 568.69Operating Supplies07/02-08/01/18- MAKERSPACE GIVEAWA…119642WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 202-3006-60420 Fund 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND Total:39,466.20 54 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01711 - DA 08/17/2018 8/17/2018 10:50:57 AM Page 4 of 8 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item)Account Name Account Number Fund: 212 - SLESA (COPS) FUND 27,704.51COPS Burglary/Theft Preventi…05/24-06/30/18- COPS BURGLARY/THEFT …119623RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…212-0000-60179 Fund 212 - SLESA (COPS) FUND Total:27,704.51 Fund: 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 931.81Materials/Supplies07/31/18- PLANTS119574CALIFORNIA DESERT NURSERY,…215-7004-60431 327.49Materials/Supplies07/31/18- PLANTS119574CALIFORNIA DESERT NURSERY,…215-7004-60431 1,323.43Materials/Supplies08/02/18- PLANTS119574CALIFORNIA DESERT NURSERY,…215-7004-60431 601.41Utilities - Water - Medians08/10/18- WATER SERVICE119577COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…215-7004-61211 4,074.85Utilities - Water - Medians08/15/18- WATER SERVICE119577COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…215-7004-61211 3,815.00Landscape ContractPARKS MAINTENANCE FY18/19119579CONSERVE LANDCARE 215-7004-60112 43,054.77Landscape ContractFY18/19 CITYWIDE LANSCAPE L&L MAINT.…119579CONSERVE LANDCARE 215-7004-60112 3,815.00Landscape ContractPARKS MAINTENANCE FY18/19119579CONSERVE LANDCARE 215-7004-60112 396.36Materials/Supplies05/18/18- ELECTRICAL MATERIAL119586DESERT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 215-7004-60431 23.83Supplies-Graffiti and Vandalism07/02-07/26/18- GRAFFITI SUPPLIES119596HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 215-7004-60423 151.49Supplies-Graffiti and Vandalism07/02-07/26/18- GRAFFITI PAINT119596HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 215-7004-60423 31.32Supplies-Graffiti and Vandalism07/02-07/26/18- GRAFFITI SUPPLIES119596HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 215-7004-60423 487.43Materials/Supplies07/02-07/26/18- LANDSCAPE MATERIALS119596HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 215-7004-60431 4.81Materials/Supplies07/02-07/26/18- ADAMS PARK FILTER CAP119596HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 215-7004-60431 6,434.69ConsultantsFY18/19 CITYWIDE LANDSCAPE LIGHTING…119598HORIZON LIGHTING 215-7004-60104 162.57Utilities - Electric08/10/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE119600IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 215-7004-61116 25.13Utilities - Electric - Medians08/10/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE119600IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 215-7004-61117 398.32Utilities - Electric08/15/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE119600IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 215-7004-61116 24.68Utilities - Electric - Medians08/15/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE119600IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 215-7004-61117 18,250.00Materials/SuppliesPWLC II - PROJECT NO 2017-29 LA FONDA …119621PWLC II, INC 215-7004-60431 3,281.16Materials/Supplies08/06/18- CRUSHED ROCK119632SOUTHWEST BOULDER & STO…215-7004-60431 Fund 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND Total:87,615.55 Fund: 241 - HOUSING AUTHORITY 5,681.25Professional ServicesHOUSING COMPLIANCE & MONITORING S…119573CAHA, BECKY 241-9101-60103 444.85Temporary Agency Services05/25/18- HOUSING TEMP119617OFFICE TEAM 241-9101-60125 Fund 241 - HOUSING AUTHORITY Total:6,126.10 Fund: 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 11,217.50Professional ServicesLQ VILLAGE-A ROAD DIET PROJECT119613NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 6,560.00Professional ServicesPAVEMENT MGMT PLAN ST IMPROVEME…119613NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 1,445.00Professional ServicesSSAR SYS SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT119613NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 1,257.50Professional ServicesCALLE TAMPICO DRAINAGE119613NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 145.00Professional ServicesSILVERROCK INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVE…119613NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 1,160.00Professional ServicesMADISON (AVE 50-AVE52)119613NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 870.00Professional ServicesWASHINGTON DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS119613NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 2,192.50Professional ServicesCC CAMPUS LAKE/IRRIG CONVERSION IM…119613NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 435.00Professional ServicesJEFFERSON-AVE 53 ROUNDABOUT119613NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 4,930.00Professional ServicesSB821 LQ HIGH SCHOOL ADA119613NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 1,585.00Professional ServicesHSOP TRAFF SIGNAL INTERCONNECT NET…119613NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 352.50Professional ServicesBPMP BRIDGE PREVENTATIVE MAINT PLAN119613NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 858.19Professional ServicesHSIP INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS119613NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 1,885.00Professional ServicesEISENHOWER DRAINAGE119613NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 2,840.00Professional ServicesDUNE PALMS ST IMPROVEMENTS (WWR …119613NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 2,465.00Professional ServicesN LQ PARKWAY TURF CONVERSION119613NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 4,087.50Professional ServicesDUNE PALMS BRIDGE IMPROVEMENT119613NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 200.08Construction04/11/18- STACK CONDUCTOR119639WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTR…401-0000-60188 Fund 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS Total:44,485.77 Fund: 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 206.48Vehicle Repair & Maintenance07/19/18- COP VEHICLE MAINT119576CHEVROLET CADILLAC 501-0000-60676 4,121.44Furniture08/09/18- OFFICE CHAIRS119584DESERT BUSINESS INTERIORS 501-0000-71020 15,279.34Vehicles, Rentals & Leases08/2018- FLEET LEASE119589ENTERPRISE FM TRUST 501-0000-71030 1,193.20Fuel & Oil05/2018- FUEL SERVICES119593FUELMAN 501-0000-60674 1,472.75Fuel & Oil07/2018- FUEL CHARGES119593FUELMAN 501-0000-60674 1,006.96Motorcycle Repair & Mainten…07/03/18- MOTOR COP MAINT119597HONDA YAMAHA OF REDLAN…501-0000-60679 515.58Motorcycle Repair & Mainten…07/26/18- MOTOR COPS MAINT119597HONDA YAMAHA OF REDLAN…501-0000-60679 55 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01711 - DA 08/17/2018 8/17/2018 10:50:57 AM Page 5 of 8 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item)Account Name Account Number 331.52Motorcycle Repair & Mainten…07/26/18- MOTOR COPS MAINT119597HONDA YAMAHA OF REDLAN…501-0000-60679 Fund 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT Total:24,127.27 Fund: 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 1,236.97Computers07/27/18- SCANNER & HEADSET119575CDW GOVERNMENT INC 502-0000-80103 366.83Software Licenses07/30/18- ADOBE PRO LICENSE119575CDW GOVERNMENT INC 502-0000-60301 428.59Computers09/2018- EOC COMPUTERS119583DELL FINANCIAL SERVICES 502-0000-80103 120.00Consultants07/17/18- COUNCIL MTG VIDEO119585DESERT C.A.M INC 502-0000-60104 120.00Consultants08/07/18- COUNCIL MTG VIDEO119585DESERT C.A.M INC 502-0000-60104 101.01Utilities - Cable07/10-08/09/18- INTERNET SERVICE119592FRONTIER-INTERNET 502-0000-61400 71.54Utilities - Cable07/16-08/15/18- CABLE SERVICE119634TIME WARNER CABLE 502-0000-61400 2,849.09Utilities - Cable08/10-09/09/18- CITY HALL FIBER119634TIME WARNER CABLE 502-0000-61400 68.79Utilities - Cable08/12-09/11/18- CITY YARD CABLE119634TIME WARNER CABLE 502-0000-61400 159.05Cell/Mobile Phones06/21-07/20/18- CELL PHONES119635T-MOBILE 502-0000-61301 318.24Cell/Mobile Phones06/21-07/20/18- CELL PHONES119635T-MOBILE 502-0000-61301 582.99Cell/Mobile Phones06/21-07/20/18- CELL PHONES119635T-MOBILE 502-0000-61301 50.00Software Licenses07/12-07/20/18- BASECAMP119641WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 502-0000-60301 99.00Software Licenses07/02-08/01/18- DROPBOX ANNUAL119642WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 502-0000-60301 1,624.58Software Licenses07/02-08/01/18- 05/21-06/20 AZURE119642WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 502-0000-60301 276.00Software Licenses07/02-08/01/18- 05/01-05/31 AZURE119642WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 502-0000-60301 1,023.65Software Licenses07/02-08/01/18- 6/21-7/10 AZURE119642WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 502-0000-60301 190.00Software Licenses07/02-08/01/18- G SUITE TRIAL119642WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 502-0000-60301 -54.38Computers07/02-08/01/18- CREDIT119642WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 502-0000-80103 Fund 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Total:9,631.95 Fund: 503 - PARK EQUIP & FACILITY FUND 1,600.00Parks08/09/18- REPAINT EXISITNG KITCHENS119582COURTMASTER SPORTS, INC.503-0000-71060 48,477.50ParksFITNESS EQUIPMENT PURCHASE - NFC (LA…119614NATIONAL FITNESS CAMPAIGN…503-0000-71060 Fund 503 - PARK EQUIP & FACILITY FUND Total:50,077.50 Fund: 504 - INSURANCE FUND 150.00Membership Dues07/02-08/01/18- PARMA MEMBERSHIP119642WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 504-1010-60351 Fund 504 - INSURANCE FUND Total:150.00 Fund: 601 - SILVERROCK RESORT 64.86Repair & Maintenance07/02-07/26/18- SRR AIR PUMP119596HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 601-0000-60660 105.20Repair & Maintenance07/02-07/26/18- SRR FRIDGE FILTER119596HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 601-0000-60660 15.31Repair & Maintenance07/02-07/26/18- SRR MATERIALS119596HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 601-0000-60660 Fund 601 - SILVERROCK RESORT Total:185.37 Grand Total:1,986,641.62 56 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01711 - DA 08/17/2018 8/17/2018 10:50:57 AM Page 6 of 8 Fund Summary Fund Expense Amount 101 - GENERAL FUND 1,696,129.69 201 - GAS TAX FUND 941.71 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 39,466.20 212 - SLESA (COPS) FUND 27,704.51 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 87,615.55 241 - HOUSING AUTHORITY 6,126.10 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 44,485.77 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 24,127.27 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 9,631.95 503 - PARK EQUIP & FACILITY FUND 50,077.50 504 - INSURANCE FUND 150.00 601 - SILVERROCK RESORT 185.37 Grand Total:1,986,641.62 Account Summary Account Number Account Name Expense Amount 101-0000-20304 Sales Taxes Payable -52.48 101-1001-60320 Travel & Training 1,651.04 101-1001-60400 Office Supplies 178.16 101-1002-60103 Professional Services 419.85 101-1002-60320 Travel & Training 20.00 101-1004-60103 Professional Services 420.00 101-1004-60104 Consultants 396.00 101-1004-60129 Recruiting/Pre-Employme…566.23 101-1004-60320 Travel & Training 424.06 101-1004-60351 Membership Dues 4,975.00 101-1004-60420 Operating Supplies 161.76 101-1005-60125 Temporary Agency Servic…949.20 101-1005-60320 Travel & Training 43.01 101-1006-60103 Professional Services 8,250.00 101-1006-60104 Consultants 4,562.50 101-1006-60320 Travel & Training 1,083.87 101-1006-60351 Membership Dues 597.00 101-1007-60470 Postage 188.85 101-2001-60109 LQ Police Volunteers 958.57 101-2001-60161 Sheriff Patrol 920,625.41 101-2001-60162 Police Overtime 18,434.99 101-2001-60163 Target Team 190,330.12 101-2001-60164 Community Services Offic…77,322.96 101-2001-60166 Gang Task Force 18,209.40 101-2001-60167 Narcotics Task Force 18,209.40 101-2001-60168 School Officer 27,613.53 101-2001-60169 Motor Officer 125,144.36 101-2001-60170 Dedicated Sargeant 49,394.10 101-2001-60171 Dedicated Lieutenant 27,943.55 101-2001-60172 Sheriff - Mileage 43,580.51 101-2001-60174 Blood/Alcohol Testing 40.00 101-2001-60175 Special Enforcement Funds 17,991.32 101-2002-60139 Fire Service Costs 30,556.04 101-2002-60445 Non-Reimbursable Misc 380.12 101-2002-60670 Fire Station 83.61 101-2002-60671 Repair & Maintenance - E…1,803.31 101-2002-60691 Maintenance/Services 628.72 101-2002-61100 Utilities - Gas 73.90 101-2002-61200 Utilities - Water 269.81 101-2002-61304 Mobile/Cell Phones 339.67 101-3001-60351 Membership Dues 200.00 101-3002-60107 Instructors 2,271.98 101-3002-60420 Operating Supplies 959.13 57 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01711 - DA 08/17/2018 8/17/2018 10:50:57 AM Page 7 of 8 Account Summary Account Number Account Name Expense Amount 101-3003-60149 Community Experiences 613.51 101-3003-60420 Operating Supplies 528.00 101-3005-60112 Landscape Contract 71,702.00 101-3005-60117 Civic Center Lake Mainten…715.84 101-3005-60184 Fritz Burns Pool 490.94 101-3005-60431 Materials/Supplies 11.07 101-3005-60432 Tools/Equipment 210.53 101-3005-60690 Uniforms 126.02 101-3005-61201 Utilities - Water -Monticel…3,345.82 101-3005-61203 Utilities - Water -Eisenho…124.18 101-3005-61205 Utilities - Water -Velasco …131.92 101-3005-61206 Utilities - Water -Desert Pr…499.31 101-3005-61209 Utilities - Water -Commun…207.96 101-3005-61300 Utilities - Telephone 78.61 101-3007-60351 Membership Dues 75.00 101-3007-60420 Operating Supplies 288.40 101-3007-60461 Marketing & Tourism Pro…9,251.71 101-3008-60116 Pest Control 61.00 101-3008-60420 Operating Supplies 278.48 101-3008-60431 Materials/Supplies 116.41 101-3008-60432 Tools/Equipment 952.63 101-3008-60667 HVAC 2,438.45 101-3008-60690 Uniforms 126.02 101-6001-60320 Travel & Training 954.91 101-6001-60400 Office Supplies 639.59 101-6002-60351 Membership Dues 525.00 101-6003-60320 Travel & Training 250.00 101-6006-60320 Travel & Training 20.49 101-7002-60183 Map/Plan Checking 1,444.00 101-7003-60420 Operating Supplies 164.33 101-7006-60104 Consultants 290.00 101-7006-60320 Travel & Training 1,269.00 201-7003-60431 Materials/Supplies 59.45 201-7003-60690 Uniforms 882.26 202-3004-60112 Landscape Contract 4,172.00 202-3004-60691 Maintenance/Services 162.02 202-3004-71020 Furniture 2,755.75 202-3004-72110 Building Improvements 28,856.86 202-3006-60112 Landscape Contract 2,338.00 202-3006-60116 Pest Control 49.00 202-3006-60420 Operating Supplies 1,132.57 212-0000-60179 COPS Burglary/Theft Prev…27,704.51 215-7004-60104 Consultants 6,434.69 215-7004-60112 Landscape Contract 50,684.77 215-7004-60423 Supplies-Graffiti and Van…206.64 215-7004-60431 Materials/Supplies 25,002.49 215-7004-61116 Utilities - Electric 560.89 215-7004-61117 Utilities - Electric - Media…49.81 215-7004-61211 Utilities - Water - Medians 4,676.26 241-9101-60103 Professional Services 5,681.25 241-9101-60125 Temporary Agency Servic…444.85 401-0000-60103 Professional Services 44,285.69 401-0000-60188 Construction 200.08 501-0000-60674 Fuel & Oil 2,665.95 501-0000-60676 Vehicle Repair & Mainte…206.48 501-0000-60679 Motorcycle Repair & Main…1,854.06 501-0000-71020 Furniture 4,121.44 501-0000-71030 Vehicles, Rentals & Leases 15,279.34 58 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01711 - DA 08/17/2018 8/17/2018 10:50:57 AM Page 8 of 8 Account Summary Account Number Account Name Expense Amount 502-0000-60104 Consultants 240.00 502-0000-60301 Software Licenses 3,630.06 502-0000-61301 Cell/Mobile Phones 1,060.28 502-0000-61400 Utilities - Cable 3,090.43 502-0000-80103 Computers 1,611.18 503-0000-71060 Parks 50,077.50 504-1010-60351 Membership Dues 150.00 601-0000-60660 Repair & Maintenance 185.37 Grand Total:1,986,641.62 Project Account Summary Project Account Key Expense Amount **None**1,941,694.40 091002P 1,160.00 091004P 2,840.00 111205P 4,087.50 141517P 145.00 151603P 11,217.50 151612P 4,012.50 1718TMICT 200.08 1819PMPP 6,560.00 201601P 858.19 201602P 1,585.00 201603P 2,465.00 201606P 2,192.50 201705P 4,930.00 201707P 352.50 201708P 1,445.00 201709P 435.00 9/11E 95.00 GOLFE 366.45 Grand Total:1,986,641.62 59 8/23/2018 5:31:59 PM Page 1 of 5 Demand Register City of La Quinta Packet: APPKT01721 - DA 08/24/2018 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item)Account Name Account Number Fund: 101 - GENERAL FUND 236.38Security & Alarm08/01/18- FS#93 ALARM SERVICE119645ALARM MONITORING SERVICE…101-2002-60123 190.35Operating Supplies08/02-08/16- WC JANITORIAL SUPPLIES119646AMERIPRIDE SERVICES INC 101-3002-60420 120.70Blood/Alcohol Testing07/16/18- BLOOD TESTING119652BIO-TOX LABORATORIES 101-2001-60174 333.00Blood/Alcohol Testing07/16/18- BLOOD TESTING119652BIO-TOX LABORATORIES 101-2001-60174 189.00Blood/Alcohol Testing07/16/18- BLOOD TESTING119652BIO-TOX LABORATORIES 101-2001-60174 3,708.00BSAS SB 1473 Fees01/2017-12/2017- BUILDING STANDARDS…119654CALIFORNIA BUILDING STAND…101-0000-20306 -370.80CBSC Administrative Fees01/2017-12/2017- BUILDING STANDARDS…119654CALIFORNIA BUILDING STAND…101-0000-42615 2,285.52BSAS SB 1473 Fees01/2018-06/2018- BUILDING STANDARDS…119654CALIFORNIA BUILDING STAND…101-0000-20306 -228.55CBSC Administrative Fees01/2018-06/2018- BUILDING STANDARDS…119654CALIFORNIA BUILDING STAND…101-0000-42615 175.00Subscriptions & Publications08/21/18- APPLICATION INVESTMENT POL…119657CALIFORNIA MUNICIPAL TREA…101-1006-60352 1,220.00Travel & Training10/02-10/04/18- PLAYGROUND SAFETY C…119658CALIFORNIA PARK & RECREAT…101-3005-60320 196.05LT Care Insurance PayLONG TERM CARE119659CALPERS LONG-TERM CARE P…101-0000-20949 73.99Operating Supplies08/14/18- PHONE CASES119660CDW GOVERNMENT INC 101-7003-60420 255.00Sheriff - Other07/16/18- LA181970025 POLICE TOW119661CLASSIC AUTO TRANSPORT 101-2001-60176 6,000.00Professional ServicesCITYWIDE ANNUAL FEE UPDATE FY 2017/…119662CLEARSOURCE FINANCIAL CO…101-1005-60103 28,251.00MSHCP Mitigation Fee07/2018- MITIGATION FEE119664COACHELLA VALLEY CONSERV…101-0000-20310 -282.51CVMSHCP Admin Fee07/2018- MITIGATION FEE119664COACHELLA VALLEY CONSERV…101-0000-43631 3,135.00Utilities - Water - Civic Center …08/21/18- WATER SERVICE119665COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3005-61202 9,464.68Utilities - Water -Community P…08/21/18- WATER SERVICE119665COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3005-61209 127.64PM 10 - Dust Control08/21/18- WATER SERVICE119665COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-7006-60146 2,040.39Utilities - Water -Fritz Burns pa…08/21/18- WATER SERVICE119665COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3005-61204 502.01Utilities - Water08/21/18- WATER SERVICE119665COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3008-61200 125.30Citywide Conf Room Supplies08/14/18- CITYWIDE COFFEE SUPPLIES119668DAIOHS FIRST CHOICE SERVICES 101-1007-60403 509.23Citywide Conf Room Supplies08/06/18- CITYWIDE COFFEE SUPPLIES119668DAIOHS FIRST CHOICE SERVICES 101-1007-60403 67.66Subscriptions & Publications09/2018- NEWSPAPER SERVICE119670DESERT SUN, THE 101-3002-60352 126.13Materials/Supplies08/07/18- FB PARK FOUNTAIN MATERIALS119672FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, INC 101-3008-60431 144.37Materials/Supplies08/07/18- WATER FOUNTAIN PARTS119672FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, INC 101-3005-60431 2,608.23ConsultantsFY18/19 PROPERTY TAX MGMT, AUDITING…119675HDL COREN & CONE 101-1006-60104 909.05Utilities - Electricity08/22/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE119676IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-2002-61101 684.87Utilities - Electric - Sports Com…08/22/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE119676IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3005-61106 431.59Utilities - Electricity08/22/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE119676IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3008-61101 10,435.59Marketing & Tourism Promoti…07/2018 FY 18/19 PRINT & DIGITAL MARK…119678JNS MEDIA SPECIALISTS 101-3007-60461 24,003.05Marketing & Tourism Promoti…08/2018 FY 18/19 PRINT & DIGITAL MARK…119678JNS MEDIA SPECIALISTS 101-3007-60461 159.01Maintenance/Services07/12/18- FS #70 HVAC MATERIALS119679JOHNSTONE SUPPLY 101-2002-60691 10,604.10JanitorialJANITORIAL SERVICES119682MERCHANTS BUILDING MAINT…101-3008-60115 408.73Forms08/02/18- 8.5 X 11 COPY PAPER119683OFFICE DEPOT 101-1007-60402 157.60Office Supplies08/07/18- OFFICE SUPPLIES119683OFFICE DEPOT 101-1005-60400 71.85Office Supplies08/09/18- OFFICE SUPPLIES119683OFFICE DEPOT 101-1006-60400 6.54Office Supplies08/09/18- AR MONEY BAGS119683OFFICE DEPOT 101-1006-60400 39.90Office Supplies08/13/18- EQUIPMENT WIPES119683OFFICE DEPOT 101-1005-60400 949.20Temporary Agency Services08/10/18- CC TEMP SERVICES119684OFFICE TEAM 101-1005-60125 51.00Administrative Citation Services08/20/18- LQP27156 CITATION REFUND119686ORTIZ, JEFFREY 101-6004-60111 482.72Community Experiences08/01/18- GOLF TOUR AWARDS119688POWERS AWARDS INC 101-3003-60149 532.88Operating Supplies08/09/18- STVRP RETURN ENVELOPES119689PRINTING PLACE, THE 101-6006-60420 592.69Operating Supplies08/09/18- BUS LIC RETURN ENVELOPES119689PRINTING PLACE, THE 101-6006-60420 59.80Office Supplies08/11/18- CC OFFICE SUPPLIES119690RADEVA, MONIKA 101-1005-60400 290.00Map/Plan CheckingFY18/19 ON-CALL MAP CHECKING SERVIC…119692RASA/ERIC NELSON 101-7002-60183 1,360.00Map/Plan CheckingFY18/19 ON-CALL MAP CHECKING SERVIC…119692RASA/ERIC NELSON 101-7002-60183 200.00Garnishments PayableGARNISHMENT119693RIVERSIDE DEPARTMENT OF C…101-0000-20985 225.30Operating Supplies07/19/18- BLDG DEPT STAMPS119694RIVERSIDE RUBBER STAMP & …101-6003-60420 315.00Operating Supplies07/20/18- GYM PREVENATIVE MAINT119695ROYAL GYM SERVICES, LLC 101-3002-60420 909.35Training & Education/MOU08/21/18- TUITION REIMB119696SCOTT, ANGELA 101-1004-60322 152.05Operating Supplies08/10/18- DRINKING WATER119699SPARKLETTS 101-7003-60420 60 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01721 - DA 08/24/2018 8/23/2018 5:31:59 PM Page 2 of 5 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item)Account Name Account Number 68.86Citywide Conf Room Supplies08/10/18- DRINKING WATER119699SPARKLETTS 101-1007-60403 54.79Operating Supplies08/06/18- SCANNED STAMPS/RECEIPT PA…119701STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-6006-60420 27.17Operating Supplies08/07/18- SCANNED STAMP119701STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-6006-60420 53.98Office Supplies08/07/18- OFFICE SUPPLIES119701STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-1004-60400 42.00United Way DeductionsCONTRIBUTION119707UNITED WAY OF THE DESERT 101-0000-20981 3,875.00Marketing & Tourism Promoti…TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE PANEL - HIGHWAY…119708URBAN LAND INSTITUTE 101-3007-60461 3,875.00Professional ServicesTECHNICAL ASSISTANCE PANEL - HIGHWAY…119708URBAN LAND INSTITUTE 101-6002-60103 103.00STVR Registration Fee07/17/18- REFUND STVR PERMIT119710VACASA 101-0000-41415 Fund 101 - GENERAL FUND Total:123,334.44 Fund: 201 - GAS TAX FUND 866.80Traffic Control Signs07/20/18- DIRECTION SIGNS119651BEST SIGNS INC 201-7003-60429 206.61Safety Gear07/12/18- SAFETY BOOTS - SCOTT HAMIL…119677JERNIGAN'S, INC 201-7003-60427 86.99Safety Gear07/12/18- SAFETY BOOTS - TOMA STOIAN…119677JERNIGAN'S, INC 201-7003-60427 206.61Safety Gear07/16/18- SAFETY BOOTS - DEMETRIO PEC…119677JERNIGAN'S, INC 201-7003-60427 206.61Safety Gear07/16/18- SAFETY BOOTS - BETO GONZAL…119677JERNIGAN'S, INC 201-7003-60427 1,540.00Materials/Supplies08/11/18- CONCRETE PALM ROYAL DR119680KRIBBS, BRUCE 201-7003-60431 909.42Uniforms08/06/18- UNIFORMS119702SUMMIT SAFETY LLC 201-7003-60690 138.39Safety Gear08/08/18- SAFETY GEAR119702SUMMIT SAFETY LLC 201-7003-60427 102.28Paint/Legends08/08/18- RED LEGEND PAINT119704TOPS'N BARRICADES INC 201-7003-60433 274.53Traffic Control Signs08/08/18- TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS119704TOPS'N BARRICADES INC 201-7003-60429 102.28Paint/Legends08/10/18- RED LEGEND PAINT119704TOPS'N BARRICADES INC 201-7003-60433 Fund 201 - GAS TAX FUND Total:4,640.52 Fund: 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 95.00Security & Alarm08/01/18- LIBRARY ALARM SERVICE119645ALARM MONITORING SERVICE…202-3004-60123 2,470.30JanitorialJANITORIAL SERVICES119682MERCHANTS BUILDING MAINT…202-3004-60115 659.25JanitorialJANITORIAL SERVICES119682MERCHANTS BUILDING MAINT…202-3006-60115 7,500.00Operating SuppliesFY 18/19 LQ MUSEUM EDUCATIONAL PR…119697SCRAP GALLERY 202-3006-60420 Fund 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND Total:10,724.55 Fund: 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 768.16Materials/Supplies08/07/18- LA FONDA LANDSCAPE119655CALIFORNIA DESERT NURSERY,…215-7004-60431 750.58Materials/Supplies08/09/18- LA FONDA LANDSCAPE119655CALIFORNIA DESERT NURSERY,…215-7004-60431 14,115.04Utilities - Water - Medians08/21/18- WATER SERVICE119665COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…215-7004-61211 4,464.86Utilities - Electric08/19/18- UTILITY REIMBURSEMENT119671EAST OF MADISON LLC 215-7004-61116 97.87Utilities - Electric08/07-09/06/18- PHONE SERVICE119673FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS…215-7004-61116 1,617.11Utilities - Electric08/22/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE119676IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 215-7004-61116 540.58Utilities - Electric - Medians08/22/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE119676IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 215-7004-61117 184.87Safety Gear07/09/18- SAFETY BOOTS - BENJAMIN TEL…119677JERNIGAN'S, INC 215-7004-60427 141.36Safety Gear07/24/18- SAFETY BOOTS - ARMANDO CA…119677JERNIGAN'S, INC 215-7004-60427 206.61Safety Gear07/24/18- SAFETY BOOTS - JOSEPH PALAF…119677JERNIGAN'S, INC 215-7004-60427 40.70Uniforms08/14/18- UNIFORMS119698SERVICE WEAR APPAREL 215-7004-60690 257.01Uniforms08/06/18- UNIFORMS119702SUMMIT SAFETY LLC 215-7004-60690 40.86Materials/Supplies08/08/18- 5 GAL. PLANTS119712VINTAGE ASSOCIATES 215-7004-60431 Fund 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND Total:23,225.61 Fund: 224 - TUMF FUND 77,535.74TUMF Payable to CVAG07/2018- TUMF FEE119663COACHELLA VALLEY ASSOC OF…224-0000-20320 Fund 224 - TUMF FUND Total:77,535.74 Fund: 237 - SUCCESSOR AGCY PA 1 ADMIN 1,650.00Consultants07/25/18- 2014 BOND ADMIN FEES119709US BANK 237-9001-60104 Fund 237 - SUCCESSOR AGCY PA 1 ADMIN Total:1,650.00 Fund: 241 - HOUSING AUTHORITY 4,256.25Professional ServicesFY18/19 HOUSING COMPLIANCE & MONI…119653CAHA, BECKY 241-9101-60103 Fund 241 - HOUSING AUTHORITY Total:4,256.25 Fund: 248 - SA 2004 LO/MOD BOND FUND (Refinanced in 2014) 1,355.04Relocation Benefits08/21/18- RELOCATION EXPENSES H6-2119667COX, JOHN 248-9102-60159 1,213.89Relocation Benefits08/21/18- RELOCATION EXPENSES J4-2119685OLIVARES DE SALINAS, MARIA 248-9102-60159 Fund 248 - SA 2004 LO/MOD BOND FUND (Refinanced in 2014) Total:2,568.93 Fund: 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 10,000.00Land Acquisition08/22/18- RELOCATION BUSINESS PAYME…119647BENAVIDES FAMILY DAY CARE 401-0000-74010 61 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01721 - DA 08/24/2018 8/23/2018 5:31:59 PM Page 3 of 5 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item)Account Name Account Number 10,000.00Land Acquisition08/22/18- RELOCATION BUSINESS PAYME…119648BENAVIDES FAMILY DAY CARE 401-0000-74010 1,252.50Land Acquisition08/23/18- RELOCATION MOVING EXPENS…119649BENAVIDES, JOSE AND IMELDA…401-0000-74010 1,252.50Land Acquisition08/22/18- RELOCATION MOVING EXPENS…119650BENAVIDES, JOSE AND IMELDA…401-0000-74010 444.47Construction08/08/18- CONST SET PLANS/SPECS 2017-…119687PLANIT REPROGRAPHICS SYST…401-0000-60188 8,451.00Design08/22/18- DUNE PALM BRIDGE PERMIT FEE119703SWRCB 401-0000-60185 Fund 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS Total:31,400.47 Fund: 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 399.00Car Washes08/11/18- CAR WASHES119691RAN AUTO DETAIL 501-0000-60148 2,306.35Fuel & Oil08/01-08/15/18- UNLEAD & DIESEL FUEL119705TOWER ENERGY GROUP 501-0000-60674 Fund 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT Total:2,705.35 Fund: 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 5,000.00ConsultantsFY 17/18 RIM MGMT INFORMATION TEC…119666CONVERGEONE, INC 502-0000-60104 647.00Software Licenses08/17/18- D & D QUEING SYSTEM119681LOBBYCENTRAL 502-0000-60301 4,125.00Software Licenses09/01/18-08/31/19- AR MODULE MAINT119706TYLER TECHNOLOGIES 502-0000-60301 5.00Technology Enhancement Sur…07/17/18- REFUND STVR PERMIT119710VACASA 502-0000-43611 976.59Utilities - Telephone06/26-7/25/18- LQPD WIRELESS119711VERIZON WIRELESS 502-0000-61300 Fund 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Total:10,753.59 Fund: 503 - PARK EQUIP & FACILITY FUND 44,700.00Parks LA QUINTA FITNESS COURT PRJ 2017-25E119669DESERT CONCEPTS CONSTRUC…503-0000-71060 13,077.00ParksSPECTRA TURF - FITNESS COURT CUSHION…119700SPECTRATURF 503-0000-71060 Fund 503 - PARK EQUIP & FACILITY FUND Total:57,777.00 Fund: 504 - INSURANCE FUND 84,997.00Property Insurance07/01/18-07/01/2019- PROPERTY INSUR…119656CALIFORNIA JOINT POWERS IN…504-1010-60443 12.14Office Supplies08/07/18- OFFICE SUPPLIES119701STAPLES ADVANTAGE 504-1010-60400 Fund 504 - INSURANCE FUND Total:85,009.14 Fund: 601 - SILVERROCK RESORT 1.34Bank Fees07/2018- SRR ARMORED SERVICE119674GARDAWORLD 601-0000-60455 25.46Bank Fees07/2018- SRR ARMORED SERVICE119674GARDAWORLD 601-0000-60455 Fund 601 - SILVERROCK RESORT Total:26.80 Grand Total:435,608.39 62 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01721 - DA 08/24/2018 8/23/2018 5:31:59 PM Page 4 of 5 Fund Summary Fund Expense Amount 101 - GENERAL FUND 123,334.44 201 - GAS TAX FUND 4,640.52 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 10,724.55 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 23,225.61 224 - TUMF FUND 77,535.74 237 - SUCCESSOR AGCY PA 1 ADMIN 1,650.00 241 - HOUSING AUTHORITY 4,256.25 248 - SA 2004 LO/MOD BOND FUND (Refinanced in 2014)2,568.93 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 31,400.47 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 2,705.35 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 10,753.59 503 - PARK EQUIP & FACILITY FUND 57,777.00 504 - INSURANCE FUND 85,009.14 601 - SILVERROCK RESORT 26.80 Grand Total:435,608.39 Account Summary Account Number Account Name Expense Amount 101-0000-20306 BSAS SB 1473 Fees 5,993.52 101-0000-20310 MSHCP Mitigation Fee 28,251.00 101-0000-20949 LT Care Insurance Pay 196.05 101-0000-20981 United Way Deductions 42.00 101-0000-20985 Garnishments Payable 200.00 101-0000-41415 STVR Registration Fee 103.00 101-0000-42615 CBSC Administrative Fees -599.35 101-0000-43631 CVMSHCP Admin Fee -282.51 101-1004-60322 Training & Education/MOU 909.35 101-1004-60400 Office Supplies 53.98 101-1005-60103 Professional Services 6,000.00 101-1005-60125 Temporary Agency Servic…949.20 101-1005-60400 Office Supplies 257.30 101-1006-60104 Consultants 2,608.23 101-1006-60352 Subscriptions & Publicati…175.00 101-1006-60400 Office Supplies 78.39 101-1007-60402 Forms 408.73 101-1007-60403 Citywide Conf Room Suppl…703.39 101-2001-60174 Blood/Alcohol Testing 642.70 101-2001-60176 Sheriff - Other 255.00 101-2002-60123 Security & Alarm 236.38 101-2002-60691 Maintenance/Services 159.01 101-2002-61101 Utilities - Electricity 909.05 101-3002-60352 Subscriptions & Publicati…67.66 101-3002-60420 Operating Supplies 505.35 101-3003-60149 Community Experiences 482.72 101-3005-60320 Travel & Training 1,220.00 101-3005-60431 Materials/Supplies 144.37 101-3005-61106 Utilities - Electric - Sports …684.87 101-3005-61202 Utilities - Water - Civic Ce…3,135.00 101-3005-61204 Utilities - Water -Fritz Bur…2,040.39 101-3005-61209 Utilities - Water -Commun…9,464.68 101-3007-60461 Marketing & Tourism Pro…38,313.64 101-3008-60115 Janitorial 10,604.10 101-3008-60431 Materials/Supplies 126.13 101-3008-61101 Utilities - Electricity 431.59 101-3008-61200 Utilities - Water 502.01 101-6002-60103 Professional Services 3,875.00 101-6003-60420 Operating Supplies 225.30 101-6004-60111 Administrative Citation Se…51.00 101-6006-60420 Operating Supplies 1,207.53 63 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01721 - DA 08/24/2018 8/23/2018 5:31:59 PM Page 5 of 5 Account Summary Account Number Account Name Expense Amount 101-7002-60183 Map/Plan Checking 1,650.00 101-7003-60420 Operating Supplies 226.04 101-7006-60146 PM 10 - Dust Control 127.64 201-7003-60427 Safety Gear 845.21 201-7003-60429 Traffic Control Signs 1,141.33 201-7003-60431 Materials/Supplies 1,540.00 201-7003-60433 Paint/Legends 204.56 201-7003-60690 Uniforms 909.42 202-3004-60115 Janitorial 2,470.30 202-3004-60123 Security & Alarm 95.00 202-3006-60115 Janitorial 659.25 202-3006-60420 Operating Supplies 7,500.00 215-7004-60427 Safety Gear 532.84 215-7004-60431 Materials/Supplies 1,559.60 215-7004-60690 Uniforms 297.71 215-7004-61116 Utilities - Electric 6,179.84 215-7004-61117 Utilities - Electric - Media…540.58 215-7004-61211 Utilities - Water - Medians 14,115.04 224-0000-20320 TUMF Payable to CVAG 77,535.74 237-9001-60104 Consultants 1,650.00 241-9101-60103 Professional Services 4,256.25 248-9102-60159 Relocation Benefits 2,568.93 401-0000-60185 Design 8,451.00 401-0000-60188 Construction 444.47 401-0000-74010 Land Acquisition 22,505.00 501-0000-60148 Car Washes 399.00 501-0000-60674 Fuel & Oil 2,306.35 502-0000-43611 Technology Enhancement…5.00 502-0000-60104 Consultants 5,000.00 502-0000-60301 Software Licenses 4,772.00 502-0000-61300 Utilities - Telephone 976.59 503-0000-71060 Parks 57,777.00 504-1010-60400 Office Supplies 12.14 504-1010-60443 Property Insurance 84,997.00 601-0000-60455 Bank Fees 26.80 Grand Total:435,608.39 Project Account Summary Project Account Key Expense Amount **None**345,948.20 091004L 22,505.00 111205D 8,451.00 1819PMPCT 444.47 201725E 57,777.00 GOLFE 482.72 Grand Total:435,608.39 64 8/31/2018 4:31:01 PM Page 1 of 6 Demand Register City of La Quinta Packet: APPKT01734 - DA 08/31/2018 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item)Account Name Account Number Fund: 101 - GENERAL FUND 412.50Membership Dues09/01-08/31/19- APWA ANNUAL DUES119713AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS AS…101-7002-60351 825.00Membership Dues09/01/18-08/31/19- APWA ANNUAL DUES119713AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS AS…101-7006-60351 150.00Membership Dues09/01/18-08/31/19- MEMBERSHIP - R . AL…119714CALIFORNIA PARK & RECREAT…101-3005-60351 150.00Membership Dues09/01/18-08/31/19- MEMBERSHIP - A. R…119714CALIFORNIA PARK & RECREAT…101-3005-60351 145.00Membership Dues09/01/18-08/31/19- MEMBERSHIP - D. H…119714CALIFORNIA PARK & RECREAT…101-7003-60351 572.11Travel & Training08/21-08/23/18- GFOA TRAVEL/MILEAGE …119716CAMPOS, KARLA 101-1006-60320 7,969.63Dental Insurance Pay09/2018- DENTAL INSURANCE119718CIGNA HEALTH CARE 101-0000-20943 145.00Membership Dues07/01/18-06/30/19- CISEC REGISTRATION …119719CISEC, INC.101-7006-60351 200.00Recruiting/Pre-Employment08/22/18- CC JOB POSTING119720CITY CLERK ASSOCIATION OF C…101-1004-60129 25.20Instructors08/24/18- CARDIO STRENTH119721COHEN, ANN MARIE 101-3002-60107 180.00Maintenance/Services07/30/18- IRRIGATION CONTROLLER REPL…119722CONSERVE LANDCARE 101-3005-60691 525.84Maintenance/Services08/06/18- LQ PARK MAINLINE REPAIR119722CONSERVE LANDCARE 101-3005-60691 462.00Advertising07/2018- FEES UPDATE119724DESERT SUN PUBLISHING CO 101-1005-60450 112.20Advertising07/2018- HOUSING COMM VACANCY119724DESERT SUN PUBLISHING CO 101-1005-60450 204.60Advertising07/2018- 2018 ELECTIONS119724DESERT SUN PUBLISHING CO 101-1005-60450 462.00Advertising07/2018- TUMF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICES119724DESERT SUN PUBLISHING CO 101-6001-60450 462.00Advertising07/2018- PC PHN CUP 2018-0003119724DESERT SUN PUBLISHING CO 101-6002-60450 24.99Subscriptions & Publications09/2018- SUBSCRIPTION119725DESERT SUN, THE 101-6001-60352 534.31Materials/Supplies08/08/18- CITY HALL PAINT119727DUNN-EDWARDS CORPORATI…101-3008-60431 32.32Utilities - Gas07/19-08/20/18- FS#32 GAS SERVICE119731GAS COMPANY, THE 101-2002-61100 20.20Utilities - Gas07/19-08/20/18- GAS SERVICE119731GAS COMPANY, THE 101-3008-61100 79.78Utilities - Gas07/19-08/20/18- GAS SERVICE119731GAS COMPANY, THE 101-3008-61100 20.70Cash Over/Short08/22/18- REFUND TOT AUGUST119732GLEISNER, BOB AND LAURA 101-0000-42300 135.00Travel & Training08/28/18- THREE PART BUDGETING WEBI…119734GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFIC…101-1006-60320 645.00Subscriptions & Publications08/02/18- 17/18 CAFR STATS PACKAGE119736HDL COREN & CONE 101-1006-60352 2,369.57Utilities - Electricity08/27/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE119738IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-2002-61101 13.46Utilities - Electric - Monticello …08/27/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE119738IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3005-61102 1,612.73Utilities - Electric - Civic Center…08/27/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE119738IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3005-61103 47.09Utilities - Electric - Pioneer Park08/27/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE119738IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3005-61104 1,134.37Utilities - Electric - Fritz Burns …08/27/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE119738IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3005-61105 12.34Utilities - Electric - Colonel Pai…08/27/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE119738IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3005-61108 1,193.76Utilities - Electric - Community…08/27/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE119738IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3005-61109 47.09Utilities - Electric - Adams Park08/27/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE119738IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3005-61110 13.35Utilities - Electric - Velasco Park08/27/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE119738IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3005-61111 20.19Utilities - Electric - Eisenhower…08/27/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE119738IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3005-61113 13.01Utilities - Electric - Desert Pride08/27/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE119738IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3005-61114 13,780.10Utilities - Electricity08/27/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE119738IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3008-61101 200.00Election Deposit06/27/18- POLITICAL SIGN DEPOSIT REFU…119739JAN HARNIK FOR SUPERVISOR 101-0000-22835 190.30Safety Gear07/16/18- SAFETY BOOTS - O. VARGAS119740JERNIGAN'S, INC 101-3008-60427 217.49Safety Gear07-16-18- SAFETY BOOTS - A. BERUMEN119740JERNIGAN'S, INC 101-3008-60427 163.11Safety Gear07/23/18- SAFETY BOOTS - J. VIZCARRA119740JERNIGAN'S, INC 101-3008-60427 168.55Uniforms07/26/18- WORK BOOTS - A. RODRIGUEZ119740JERNIGAN'S, INC 101-3005-60690 163.11Uniforms07/30/18- WORK BOOTS - R. CENDEJAS119740JERNIGAN'S, INC 101-3005-60690 4,000.00Marketing & Tourism Promoti…02/01/18- MODERN LUXURY MAG INSERT119741JNS MEDIA SPECIALISTS 101-3007-60461 448.00Instructors08/24/18- PERSONAL TRAINER119742KEPLER, KRISTOFFER 101-3002-60107 839.84Community Experiences08/30/18- GOLF TOUR BANQUET FINAL P…119744LA QUINTA RESORT & CLUB 101-3003-60149 1,000.00Travel & Training08/14/18- SPONSORSHIP119746LEADERSHIP COACHELLA VALL…101-1001-60320 20.00Travel & Training07/23/18- RIV CO MEETING - S. SANCHEZ119747LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES 101-1001-60320 14.22Materials/Supplies08/16/18- CITY HALL KEYS119748LOCK SHOP INC, THE 101-3008-60431 10.34Materials/Supplies08/22/18- LQ PARK KEYS119748LOCK SHOP INC, THE 101-3005-60431 5.47Cash Over/Short07/06/18- REFUND NOV TOT119749MARTIN, DANIEL 101-0000-42300 1,200.00Building Plan Check Fees01/05/2018- REFUND DUPLICATE PLAN C…119750MCCLURE HOMES LLC 101-0000-42600 39.86Tools/Equipment08/16/18- PRESSURE WASHER PARTS/PR…119751MOWERS PLUS INC 101-3005-60432 65 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01734 - DA 08/31/2018 8/31/2018 4:31:01 PM Page 2 of 6 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item)Account Name Account Number 759.36Temporary Agency Services05/25/18- CC TEMP SERVICE119752OFFICE TEAM 101-1005-60125 949.20Temporary Agency Services08/17/18- CC TEMP SERVICES119752OFFICE TEAM 101-1005-60125 25,071.91Sales Tax Reimbursements08/30/18- SALES TAX PAYMENT119753ONE ELEVEN LA QUINTA LLC 101-1007-60535 1,857.64Marketing & Tourism Promoti…08/27/18- FINANCE WINDOW ENVELOPES119755PALMS TO PINES PRINTING 101-3007-60461 105.62Travel & Training08/22-08/24/18- CLERK ACADEMY MILEA…119756RADEVA, MONIKA 101-1005-60320 17.00Travel & Training08/17/18- CC ATHENIAN LEADERSHIP MIL…119756RADEVA, MONIKA 101-1005-60320 27.00Due to County Recorder04/2016- RECORDING FEES119758RIVERSIDE ASSESSOR 101-0000-20325 31.00Technical04/2016- RECORDING FEES119758RIVERSIDE ASSESSOR 101-6004-60108 21.00Due to County Recorder04/2017- RECORDING FEES119758RIVERSIDE ASSESSOR 101-0000-20325 23.00Technical08/2016- RECORDING FEES119758RIVERSIDE ASSESSOR 101-6004-60108 81.00Due to County Recorder12/2017- RECORDING FEES119758RIVERSIDE ASSESSOR 101-0000-20325 45.00Professional Services02/2016- RECORDING FEES119758RIVERSIDE ASSESSOR 101-6002-60103 46.00Technical02/2016- RECORDING FEES119758RIVERSIDE ASSESSOR 101-6004-60108 46.00Technical02/2017- RECORDING FEES119758RIVERSIDE ASSESSOR 101-6004-60108 21.00Professional Services01/2017- RECORDING FEES119758RIVERSIDE ASSESSOR 101-6002-60103 34.00Professional Services07/2016- RECORDING FEES119758RIVERSIDE ASSESSOR 101-6002-60103 23.00Technical07/2016- RECORDING FEES119758RIVERSIDE ASSESSOR 101-6004-60108 23.00Technical06/2016- RECORDING FEES119758RIVERSIDE ASSESSOR 101-6004-60108 238.00Technical06/2017- RECORDING FEES119758RIVERSIDE ASSESSOR 101-6004-60108 21.00Due to County Recorder03/2017- RECORDING FEES119758RIVERSIDE ASSESSOR 101-0000-20325 22.00Technical03/2018- RECORDING FEES119758RIVERSIDE ASSESSOR 101-6004-60108 23.00Technical11/2017- RECORDING FEES119758RIVERSIDE ASSESSOR 101-6004-60108 69.00Technical10/2016- RECORDING FEES119758RIVERSIDE ASSESSOR 101-6004-60108 110.00Due to County Recorder10/2017- RECORDING FEES119758RIVERSIDE ASSESSOR 101-0000-20325 69.00Technical10/2017- RECORDING FEES119758RIVERSIDE ASSESSOR 101-6004-60108 46.00Due to County Recorder09/2017- RECORDING FEES119758RIVERSIDE ASSESSOR 101-0000-20325 10.00Digitization/Records Manage…08/01/2018- REFUND FIRE PERMIT119759RMCA ARCHITECTS 101-0000-42416 468.00Fire Plan Review Fee08/01/2018- REFUND FIRE PERMIT119759RMCA ARCHITECTS 101-0000-42420 312.00Fire Inspection Fee08/01/2018- REFUND FIRE PERMIT119759RMCA ARCHITECTS 101-0000-42421 14.31Credit Card Fee Revenue08/01/2018- REFUND FIRE PERMIT119759RMCA ARCHITECTS 101-0000-43505 173.78Instructors08/24/18- TAEKWONDO119760ROJAS, MIGUEL ANGEL 101-3002-60107 128.00Instructors08/24/18- PERSONAL TRAINER119761ROSE-FARKAS, LORETTA ANN 101-3002-60107 11,000.00Attorney816199- RETAINER MATTER119762RUTAN & TUCKER 101-1003-60153 573.50Attorney816203- GENERAL IP119762RUTAN & TUCKER 101-1003-60153 788.69Attorney816208- DUNE PALMS PROJECT ROW119762RUTAN & TUCKER 101-1003-60153 24.00Attorney816194- PERSONNEL GENERAL119762RUTAN & TUCKER 101-1003-60153 15,540.00Attorney816193- GENERAL ACCOUNT119762RUTAN & TUCKER 101-1003-60153 4,176.00Attorney816201- SILVERROCK RESORT119762RUTAN & TUCKER 101-1003-60153 3,193.75Attorney816196- CODE ENFORCEMENT119762RUTAN & TUCKER 101-1003-60153 840.00Attorney/Litigation816195- LITIGATION GENERAL119762RUTAN & TUCKER 101-1003-60154 1,275.00Maintenance/Services08/09/18- DOG PARK FENCE REPAIR119763SAM'S FENCE COMPANY 101-3005-60691 154.00Instructors08/24/18- BALLROOM DANCE119764SHIRY, TERESA 101-3002-60107 478.99Materials/Supplies08/09/18- BACK FLOW PIONEER PARK119765SMITH PIPE & SUPPLY CO 101-3005-60431 279.47Add'l Life Insurance Pay09/2018- ADD'L LIFE INSURANCE119766STANDARD INSURANCE COMP…101-0000-20948 120.67Office Supplies08/01/18- OFFICE SUPPLIES119767STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-6001-60400 90.14Office Supplies08/07/18- PLOTTER INK119767STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-6001-60400 90.14Office Supplies08/07/18- PLOTTER INK119767STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-6001-60400 211.00Flex Comp Employee Fees Pay…10/01-12/31/18- TASC ADMIN FEES119768TASC - FEES 101-0000-20986 31.14Materials/Supplies08/20/18- CITY HALL PAINT119769THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO.101-3008-60431 96.87Utilities - Cable08/24-09/23/18- CABLE SERVICE119770TIME WARNER CABLE 101-2002-61400 47.00Pest Control07/16/18- PW YARD PEST CONTROL119772TRULY NOLEN INC 101-3008-60116 70.00Pest Control08/03/18- FS#32 PEST CONTROL119772TRULY NOLEN INC 101-2002-60116 1,639.74Vision Insurance Pay09/2018- VISION INSURANCE119775VISION SERVICE PLAN - (CA)101-0000-20945 25.89Vision Insurance Pay09/2018- COBRA VISION INSURANCE119775VISION SERVICE PLAN - (CA)101-0000-20945 265.33Operating Supplies07/16/18- SUPPLIES119776WALMART COMMUNITY 101-3002-60420 46.14Printing08/14/18- LQ DECALS119777XPRESS GRAPHICS 101-6001-60410 21.74Printing08/16/18- CLQ DECALS119777XPRESS GRAPHICS 101-3007-60410 Fund 101 - GENERAL FUND Total:115,397.75 Fund: 201 - GAS TAX FUND 315.41Materials/Supplies08/09/18- CONCRETE MIX119715CALPORTLAND 201-7003-60431 66 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01734 - DA 08/31/2018 8/31/2018 4:31:01 PM Page 3 of 6 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item)Account Name Account Number 1,088.20Utilities - Electricity08/27/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE119738IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 201-7003-61101 1,480.00Storm Drains08/20/1- CONCRETE INSTALL119743KRIBBS, BRUCE 201-7003-60672 549.91Traffic Control Signs08/16/18- SIGNS119771TOP OF THE LINE SIGNS 201-7003-60429 Fund 201 - GAS TAX FUND Total:3,433.52 Fund: 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 204.45Maintenance/Services07/26/18- LIBRARY LED RETROFIT119723CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DI…202-3004-60691 118.14Utilities - Telephone08/13-09/12/18- MUSEUM PHONE119729FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS…202-3006-61300 223.00HVAC08/23/18- MUSEUM HVAC SERVICE119737HYDE'S AC 202-3006-60667 5,249.09Utilities - Electricity08/27/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE119738IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 202-3004-61101 1,375.33Utilities - Electricity08/27/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE119738IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 202-3006-61101 1,096.29HVAC08/14/18- LIBRARY HVAC MAINT119754PACIFIC WEST AIR CONDITION…202-3004-60667 74.00Pest Control07/06/18- LIBRARY PEST CONTROL119772TRULY NOLEN INC 202-3004-60116 74.00Pest Control08/03/18- LIBRARY PEST CONTROL119772TRULY NOLEN INC 202-3004-60116 Fund 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND Total:8,414.30 Fund: 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 145.00Travel & Training12/01/18-11/30/19- MEMBERSHIP- J. LIN…119714CALIFORNIA PARK & RECREAT…215-7004-60320 47.16Utilities - Electric08/10-09/09/18- PHONE SERVICE119729FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS…215-7004-61116 2,442.85Utilities - Electric08/27/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE119738IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 215-7004-61116 1,386.11Utilities - Electric - Medians08/27/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE119738IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 215-7004-61117 763.63Utilities - Electric08/28/18- ELECTRIC SERVICE119738IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 215-7004-61116 307.01Utilities - Electric - Medians08/28/18- ELECTRIC SERVICE119738IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 215-7004-61117 Fund 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND Total:5,091.76 Fund: 235 - SO COAST AIR QUALITY FUND 167.02Utilities - Electricity08/28/18- ELECTRIC SERVICE119738IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 235-0000-61101 Fund 235 - SO COAST AIR QUALITY FUND Total:167.02 Fund: 241 - HOUSING AUTHORITY 145.00Professional Services08/13/18- LQ HOUSING AUTHORITY DEED…119757RASA/ERIC NELSON 241-9101-60103 23.00Professional Services04/2017- RECORDING FEES119758RIVERSIDE ASSESSOR 241-9101-60103 196.00Professional Services04/2018- RECORDING FEES119758RIVERSIDE ASSESSOR 241-9101-60103 44.00Professional Services12/2016- RECORDING FEES119758RIVERSIDE ASSESSOR 241-9101-60103 23.00Professional Services01/2016- RECORDING FEES119758RIVERSIDE ASSESSOR 241-9101-60103 13.00Professional Services01/2017- RECORDING FEES119758RIVERSIDE ASSESSOR 241-9101-60103 44.00Professional Services07/2016- RECORDING FEES119758RIVERSIDE ASSESSOR 241-9101-60103 157.00Professional Services06/2017- RECORDING FEES119758RIVERSIDE ASSESSOR 241-9101-60103 23.00Professional Services03/2017- RECORDING FEES119758RIVERSIDE ASSESSOR 241-9101-60103 64.00Professional Services11/2016- RECORDING FEES119758RIVERSIDE ASSESSOR 241-9101-60103 85.00Professional Services09/2016- RECORDING FEES119758RIVERSIDE ASSESSOR 241-9101-60103 1,333.00Attorney816198- HOUSING AUTHORITY MISC119762RUTAN & TUCKER 241-9101-60153 Fund 241 - HOUSING AUTHORITY Total:2,150.00 Fund: 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 4,000.00DesignWASHINGTON ST DRAINAGE IMPROVEM…119726DUDEK & ASSOCIATES INC 401-0000-60185 1,800.00Design08/14/18- POTHOLING FOR SIGNAL PROJE…119733GOLDAK, INC 401-0000-60185 2,392.50Construction08/13/18- RESTROOM CHANGING STATIO…119735GRAINGER 401-0000-60188 -12,500.00Accounts Receivable08/30/18- SALES TAX PAYMENT119753ONE ELEVEN LA QUINTA LLC 401-0000-11500 12,500.00Developer Agreement Funding08/30/18- SALES TAX PAYMENT119753ONE ELEVEN LA QUINTA LLC 401-0000-43133 -12,500.00Developer Agreement Funding08/30/18- SALES TAX PAYMENT119753ONE ELEVEN LA QUINTA LLC 401-0000-43133 1,859.76Construction08/15/18- LED RECESSED LIGHTS119774VINTAGE E & S INC 401-0000-60188 Fund 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS Total:-2,447.74 Fund: 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 2,953.00Computers08/08/18- COMPUTERS REPLACEMENT119717CDW GOVERNMENT INC 502-0000-80103 800.00ConsultantsCOUNCIL MTG MEDIA RECORDINGS, HOST…119728FISHER INTEGRATED INC 502-0000-60104 199.64Utilities - Telephone08/04-09/03/18- PHONE SERVICE119729FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS…502-0000-61300 93.01Utilities - Telephone07/25-08/21/18- INTERNET SVC119730FRONTIER-INTERNET 502-0000-61300 5.00Technology Enhancement Sur…08/01/2018- REFUND FIRE PERMIT119759RMCA ARCHITECTS 502-0000-43611 131.61Utilities - Cable07/15-08/14/18- CABLE SERVICE119770TIME WARNER CABLE 502-0000-61400 144.80Utilities - Cable08/01-08/31/18- CITY HALL CABLE119770TIME WARNER CABLE 502-0000-61400 7,275.61Software LicensesFY 18/19 RECREATION SOFTWARE MAINT …119773VERMONT SYSTEMS INC 502-0000-60301 Fund 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Total:11,602.67 67 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01734 - DA 08/31/2018 8/31/2018 4:31:01 PM Page 4 of 6 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item)Account Name Account Number Fund: 503 - PARK EQUIP & FACILITY FUND 141.25Parks07/25-08/08/18- CONCRETE TESTING FITN…119745LANDMARK GEO-ENGINEERS &…503-0000-71060 Fund 503 - PARK EQUIP & FACILITY FUND Total:141.25 Fund: 504 - INSURANCE FUND -12.14Office Supplies08/15/18- OFFICE SUPPLIES CREDIT119767STAPLES ADVANTAGE 504-1010-60400 Fund 504 - INSURANCE FUND Total:-12.14 Grand Total:143,938.39 68 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01734 - DA 08/31/2018 8/31/2018 4:31:01 PM Page 5 of 6 Fund Summary Fund Expense Amount 101 - GENERAL FUND 115,397.75 201 - GAS TAX FUND 3,433.52 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 8,414.30 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 5,091.76 235 - SO COAST AIR QUALITY FUND 167.02 241 - HOUSING AUTHORITY 2,150.00 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS -2,447.74 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 11,602.67 503 - PARK EQUIP & FACILITY FUND 141.25 504 - INSURANCE FUND -12.14 Grand Total:143,938.39 Account Summary Account Number Account Name Expense Amount 101-0000-20325 Due to County Recorder 306.00 101-0000-20943 Dental Insurance Pay 7,969.63 101-0000-20945 Vision Insurance Pay 1,665.63 101-0000-20948 Add'l Life Insurance Pay 279.47 101-0000-20986 Flex Comp Employee Fees…211.00 101-0000-22835 Election Deposit 200.00 101-0000-42300 Cash Over/Short 26.17 101-0000-42416 Digitization/Records Man…10.00 101-0000-42420 Fire Plan Review Fee 468.00 101-0000-42421 Fire Inspection Fee 312.00 101-0000-42600 Building Plan Check Fees 1,200.00 101-0000-43505 Credit Card Fee Revenue 14.31 101-1001-60320 Travel & Training 1,020.00 101-1003-60153 Attorney 35,295.94 101-1003-60154 Attorney/Litigation 840.00 101-1004-60129 Recruiting/Pre-Employme…200.00 101-1005-60125 Temporary Agency Servic…1,708.56 101-1005-60320 Travel & Training 122.62 101-1005-60450 Advertising 778.80 101-1006-60320 Travel & Training 707.11 101-1006-60352 Subscriptions & Publicati…645.00 101-1007-60535 Sales Tax Reimbursements 25,071.91 101-2002-60116 Pest Control 70.00 101-2002-61100 Utilities - Gas 32.32 101-2002-61101 Utilities - Electricity 2,369.57 101-2002-61400 Utilities - Cable 96.87 101-3002-60107 Instructors 928.98 101-3002-60420 Operating Supplies 265.33 101-3003-60149 Community Experiences 839.84 101-3005-60351 Membership Dues 300.00 101-3005-60431 Materials/Supplies 489.33 101-3005-60432 Tools/Equipment 39.86 101-3005-60690 Uniforms 331.66 101-3005-60691 Maintenance/Services 1,980.84 101-3005-61102 Utilities - Electric - Montic…13.46 101-3005-61103 Utilities - Electric - Civic C…1,612.73 101-3005-61104 Utilities - Electric - Pioneer…47.09 101-3005-61105 Utilities - Electric - Fritz Bu…1,134.37 101-3005-61108 Utilities - Electric - Colonel…12.34 101-3005-61109 Utilities - Electric - Comm…1,193.76 101-3005-61110 Utilities - Electric - Adams…47.09 101-3005-61111 Utilities - Electric - Velasco…13.35 101-3005-61113 Utilities - Electric - Eisenh…20.19 101-3005-61114 Utilities - Electric - Desert …13.01 101-3007-60410 Printing 21.74 69 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01734 - DA 08/31/2018 8/31/2018 4:31:01 PM Page 6 of 6 Account Summary Account Number Account Name Expense Amount 101-3007-60461 Marketing & Tourism Pro…5,857.64 101-3008-60116 Pest Control 47.00 101-3008-60427 Safety Gear 570.90 101-3008-60431 Materials/Supplies 579.67 101-3008-61100 Utilities - Gas 99.98 101-3008-61101 Utilities - Electricity 13,780.10 101-6001-60352 Subscriptions & Publicati…24.99 101-6001-60400 Office Supplies 300.95 101-6001-60410 Printing 46.14 101-6001-60450 Advertising 462.00 101-6002-60103 Professional Services 100.00 101-6002-60450 Advertising 462.00 101-6004-60108 Technical 613.00 101-7002-60351 Membership Dues 412.50 101-7003-60351 Membership Dues 145.00 101-7006-60351 Membership Dues 970.00 201-7003-60429 Traffic Control Signs 549.91 201-7003-60431 Materials/Supplies 315.41 201-7003-60672 Storm Drains 1,480.00 201-7003-61101 Utilities - Electricity 1,088.20 202-3004-60116 Pest Control 148.00 202-3004-60667 HVAC 1,096.29 202-3004-60691 Maintenance/Services 204.45 202-3004-61101 Utilities - Electricity 5,249.09 202-3006-60667 HVAC 223.00 202-3006-61101 Utilities - Electricity 1,375.33 202-3006-61300 Utilities - Telephone 118.14 215-7004-60320 Travel & Training 145.00 215-7004-61116 Utilities - Electric 3,253.64 215-7004-61117 Utilities - Electric - Media…1,693.12 235-0000-61101 Utilities - Electricity 167.02 241-9101-60103 Professional Services 817.00 241-9101-60153 Attorney 1,333.00 401-0000-11500 Accounts Receivable -12,500.00 401-0000-43133 Developer Agreement Fu…0.00 401-0000-60185 Design 5,800.00 401-0000-60188 Construction 4,252.26 502-0000-43611 Technology Enhancement…5.00 502-0000-60104 Consultants 800.00 502-0000-60301 Software Licenses 7,275.61 502-0000-61300 Utilities - Telephone 292.65 502-0000-61400 Utilities - Cable 276.41 502-0000-80103 Computers 2,953.00 503-0000-71060 Parks 141.25 504-1010-60400 Office Supplies -12.14 Grand Total:143,938.39 Project Account Summary Project Account Key Expense Amount **None**145,405.04 121301DF -12,500.00 151612D 4,000.00 201703FFE 4,252.26 201725E 141.25 201803D 1,800.00 GOLFE 839.84 Grand Total:143,938.39 70 8/2/2018 5:51:10 PM Page 1 of 2 Payment Reversal Register City of La Quinta APPKT01663 - DA 07/16/2018 Canceled Payables Vendor Set:01 - Vendor Set 01 Bank:APBNK - APBNK 01881 Vendor Number COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE Total Vendor Amount -62,781.00 Vendor Name Check 118985 07/16/2018 -62,781.0006/22/2018 07/16/2018 Payment Type Payment Number Original Payment Date Reversal Date Cancel Date Payment Amount Payable Number:Description Payable AmountDue DatePayable Date SH0000032952-R 05/25/201807/01/17-06/30/2018- CLETS 62,781.0005/25/2018 08989 Vendor Number SBA NETWORK SERVICES Total Vendor Amount -968.00 Vendor Name Check 118222 07/16/2018 -968.0004/06/2018 07/16/2018 Payment Type Payment Number Original Payment Date Reversal Date Cancel Date Payment Amount Payable Number:Description Payable AmountDue DatePayable Date WEB2277-R 04/06/201802/02/18- REFUND PLAN CHECK FEES ERROR 968.0002/02/2018 71 Payment Reversal Register Packet: APPKT01663 - DA 07/16/2018 8/2/2018 5:51:10 PM Page 2 of 2 Bank Code Summary Canceled Payables Payables Left To Pay AgainBank Code Total APBNK -63,749.00 0.00 -63,749.00 -63,749.00 0.00Report Total:-63,749.00 72 8/6/2018 10:48:40 AM Page 1 of 2 Payment Reversal Register City of La Quinta APPKT01686 - DA 08/02/2018 Canceled Payables Vendor Set:01 - Vendor Set 01 Bank:APBNK - APBNK 00267 Vendor Number COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT Total Vendor Amount -2,720.00 Vendor Name Check 119184 08/02/2018 -2,620.0007/13/2018 08/02/2018 Payment Type Payment Number Original Payment Date Reversal Date Cancel Date Payment Amount Payable Number:Description Payable AmountDue DatePayable Date 071218-R 07/13/201807/12/18- TEMP WATER METER 2,620.0007/12/2018 Check 119185 08/02/2018 -100.0007/13/2018 08/02/2018 Payment Type Payment Number Original Payment Date Reversal Date Cancel Date Payment Amount Payable Number:Description Payable AmountDue DatePayable Date 070918-R 06/29/201807/09/18- SRR ENCROACHMENT FEE 100.0006/29/2018 73 Payment Reversal Register Packet: APPKT01686 - DA 08/02/2018 8/6/2018 10:48:40 AM Page 2 of 2 Bank Code Summary Canceled Payables Payables Left To Pay AgainBank Code Total APBNK -2,720.00 0.00 -2,720.00 -2,720.00 0.00Report Total:-2,720.00 74 8/13/2018 3:29:01 PM Page 1 of 2 Payment Reversal Register City of La Quinta APPKT01703 - DA 08/13/2018 Canceled Payables Vendor Set:01 - Vendor Set 01 Bank:APBNK - APBNK 00026 Vendor Number DESERT ELECTRIC SUPPLY Total Vendor Amount -396.36 Vendor Name Check 118785 08/13/2018 -396.3606/01/2018 08/13/2018 Payment Type Payment Number Original Payment Date Reversal Date Cancel Date Payment Amount Payable Number:Description Payable AmountDue DatePayable Date S2528967.001 06/01/201805/18/18- ELECTRICAL MATERIAL 396.3605/18/2018 75 Payment Reversal Register Packet: APPKT01703 - DA 08/13/2018 8/13/2018 3:29:01 PM Page 2 of 2 Bank Code Summary Canceled Payables Payables Left To Pay AgainBank Code Total APBNK -396.36 0.00 -396.36 -396.36 0.00Report Total:-396.36 76 8/28/2018 6:30:32 PM Page 1 of 2 Payment Reversal Register City of La Quinta APPKT01724 - DA 08/28/2018 Canceled Payables Vendor Set:01 - Vendor Set 01 Bank:APBNK - APBNK 09084 Vendor Number STOCKTON, MATT Total Vendor Amount -200.00 Vendor Name Check 119146 08/28/2018 -200.0006/29/2018 08/28/2018 Payment Type Payment Number Original Payment Date Reversal Date Cancel Date Payment Amount Payable Number:Description Payable AmountDue DatePayable Date 062718-R 06/29/201806/27/18- POLITICAL SIGN DEPOSIT REFUND 200.0006/27/2018 77 Payment Reversal Register Packet: APPKT01724 - DA 08/28/2018 8/28/2018 6:30:32 PM Page 2 of 2 Bank Code Summary Canceled Payables Payables Left To Pay AgainBank Code Total APBNK -200.00 0.00 -200.00 -200.00 0.00Report Total:-200.00 78 City of La Quinta Bank Transactions 7/21/18 – 8/31/18 Wire Transaction Listed below are the wire transfer from 7/21/18 – 8/31/18 Wire Transfers: 07/23/2018 - WIRE TRANSFER - PERSHING LLC 249,000.00$ 07/25/2018 - WIRE TRANSFER - LANDMARK 155,363.11$ 07/27/2018 - WIRE TRANSFER - ICMA 4,617.88$ 07/27/2018 - WIRE TRANSFER - LQCEA 441.00$ 07/31/2018 - WIRE TRANSFER - TASC 1,224.96$ 08/01/2018 - WIRE TRANSFER - WASH ST APARTMENTS 1,713,026.27$ 08/01/2018 - WIRE TRANSFER - PERS 200.00$ 08/01/2018 - WIRE TRANSFER - PERS 536.17$ 08/01/2018 - WIRE TRANSFER - PERS 739.19$ 08/01/2018 - WIRE TRANSFER - PERS 36,513.58$ 08/03/2018 - WIRE TRANSFER - LANDMARK 131,574.17$ 08/07/2018 - WIRE TRANSFER - PERS HEALTH 103,869.46$ 08/10/2018 - WIRE TRANSFER - ICMA 4,617.88$ 08/10/2018 - WIRE TRANSFER - PERS 37,729.74$ 08/10/2018 - WIRE TRANSFER - LQCEA 432.00$ 08/14/2018 - WIRE TRANSFER - TASC 1,224.96$ 08/20/2018 - WIRE TRANSFER - DEBT SERVICE 12,944,842.96$ 08/20/2018 - WIRE TRANSFER - LANDMARK 135,847.05$ 08/23/2018 - WIRE TRANSFER - ICMA 4,298.27$ 08/24/2018 - WIRE TRANSFER - LQCEA 441.00$ 08/24/2018 - WIRE TRANSFER - PERS 45,278.62$ 08/28/2018 - WIRE TRANSFER - TASC 1,224.96$ 08/29/2018 - WIRE TRANSFER - WASH ST APARTMENTS 2,900,266.76$ TOTAL WIRE TRANSFERS OUT 18,473,309.99$ ATTACHMENT 2 79 80 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: September 18, 2018 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: AUTHORIZE OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT TO ATTEND THE SECOND YEAR OF CALIFORNIA PARKS AND RECREATION SOCIETY MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT SCHOOL IN LAKE ARROWHEAD, CALIFORNIA, NOVEMBER 12-16, 2018. RECOMMENDATION Authorize overnight travel for the Facilities Management Assistant to attend the second year of California Parks and Recreation Society Maintenance Management School in Lake Arrowhead, California, November 12 through 16, 2018. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY •The California Parks and Recreation Society (CPRS) Maintenance Management School instructs participants in a systematic approach to resources management. •This training will provide back-up assistance with park inspections, contract and budget management, and contractor communication. FISCAL IMPACT Estimated cost is $1,525, which includes registration, travel, lodging, parking and meals for five days. Funds are available in the 2018/19 Parks Maintenance budget (101-3005-60320). BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The CPRS Maintenance Management School is a five-year program that teaches a systematic approach to effective facilities maintenance management. Each year, classes build and expand from the prior year. Year two focuses on leadership, performance, motivation and evaluation, budget development, cost reduction strategies, contract management, and public speaking. This training will provide back-up assistance for the parks division within the department. The program consists of five days of educational and group sessions, with shared lodging and meals as part of the registration price. ALTERNATIVES Council could elect not to authorize this travel request. However, this training would allow staff to gain further knowledge in facilities maintenance management. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 5 81 Prepared by: Dianne Hansen, Management Assistant Approved by: Steve Howlett, Facilities Director 82 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: September 18, 2018 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: AUTHORIZE OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR FINANCIAL SERVICES ANALYST TO ATTEND GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION TREASURY MANAGEMENT BEST PRACTICES IN ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, FEBRUARY 12-13, 2019 RECOMMENDATION Authorize overnight travel for Financial Services Analyst to attend Government Finance Officers Association Treasury Management Best Practices training in Orange County, California, February 12-13, 2019. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY •The Financial Services Analyst seeks additional knowledge in governmental treasury management practices. •The Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) is dedicated to the sound management of government financial resources. It provides annual professional development training taught by public finance experts throughout the country. •It is important that Staff be knowledgeable of government best practices in cash and investment management. FISCAL IMPACT Estimated expenses are $1,100, which includes registration, mileage, lodging, and meals for two days. Funds are available in the Finance Department’s 2018/19 Travel and Training budget (101-1006-60320). BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS GFOA's mission is to promote excellence in state and local government financial management. To meet the many needs of its members, the organization provides best practice guidance, consulting, networking opportunities, publications, recognition programs, research, and training opportunities for those in the profession. The organization provides CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 6 83 professional development training opportunities to more than 12,000 state and local finance professionals each year. The Treasury Management Best Practices course focuses on best practices developed by the GFOA with regards to cash management, banking services management, and investing functions. Participants will learn about current practices, optimal management techniques, and federal regulatory developments. ALTERNATIVES The Council may elect not to authorize this request; however, the Financial Services Analyst does manage the City’s investments and this training opportunity would facilitate additional knowledge regarding municipal investment responsibilities. Prepared by: Rosemary Hallick, Financial Services Analyst Approved by: Karla Campos, Finance Director 84 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: September 18, 2018 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: AUTHORIZE OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST TO ATTEND THE PUBLIC AGENCY RISK MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION CONFERENCE IN ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA, FEBRUARY 10-13, 2019 RECOMMENDATION Authorize overnight travel for the Management Specialist to attend the Public Agency Risk Management Association Conference in Anaheim, California, February 10-13, 2019. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Public Agency Risk Management Association (PARMA) is dedicated to the professional development of all California public agency risk management personnel and promotes risk management as a critical component of public agency fiscal health. Staff will gain knowledge in liability, workplace safety, worker’s compensation, risk management, and professional development. FISCAL IMPACT Estimated expenses are $1,400, which includes registration, travel, lodging, and meals. Funds are available in the 2018/19 Travel and Training budget (504-1010- 60320). BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS PARMA is a professional community of California public agency personnel with risk management responsibility, and a network of risk management service providers. It is dedicated to the professional development of California public agency personnel with responsibility for risk management, and to promote risk management as a component of public agency fiscal health. ALTERNATIVES The Council may elect not to authorize this request. Prepared by: Pam Nieto, Management Specialist Approved by: Chris Escobedo, Community Resources Director CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 7 85 86 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: September 18, 2018 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: EXCUSE ABSENCE FOR PLANNING COMMISSIONER CALDWELL FROM THE SEPTEMBER 11, 2018 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING RECOMMENDATION Excuse absence for Planning Commissioner Caldwell from the September 11, 2018 Planning Commission meeting. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Commissioner Caldwell requested to be excused from the September 11, 2018 Planning Commission meeting. She will be out of the country until September 18, 2018. Commissioner Caldwell has no absences for fiscal year 2018/19. FISCAL IMPACT No meeting attendance compensation is paid to absent members. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The Municipal Code states: “If any member of a board, commission or committee absents him/herself from two consecutive regular meetings or absents him/herself from a total of three regular meetings within any fiscal year, his/her office shall become vacant and shall be filled as any other vacancy. A board, commission or committee member may request advance permission from the city council to be absent at one or more regular meetings due to extenuating circumstances, and/or may request the city council to excuse an absence after-the-fact where such extenuating circumstances prevented the member from seeking advance permission to be absent. If such permission or excuse is granted by the city council, the absence shall not be counted toward the above-stated limitations on absences.” ALTERNATIVES Council may deny this request, which would result in the absences being counted toward the commissioner’s limitation on absences as noted above. Prepared by: Nichole Romane, Administrative Assistant Approved by: Monika Radeva, City Clerk CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 8 87 88 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: September 18, 2018 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: ACCEPT LA QUINTA HIGH SCHOOL AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF ADAMS STREET AT BLACKHAWK WAY (PROJECT NO. 2017-05) RECOMMENDATION Accept the La Quinta High School Americans with Disabilities Act Improvements Project as complete; authorize the City Clerk to file a Notice of Completion with the Office of the County Recorder; and authorize Staff to release retention in the amount of $9,595, thirty-five days after the Notice of Completion is recorded. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • The project removed and reconstructed a non-American with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant sidewalk and driveway and installed handrails to bring the sidewalk into ADA compliance. • The work is complete and Council acceptance will close the contract and allow final payment. FISCAL IMPACT The following is the financial accounting for Project No. 2017-05: Original Contract Amount $ 180,799 Contract Change Order No. 1 $ 12,227 Final Contract Amount $ 193,026 Project Budget $ 259,000 Final Contract Amount ($ 193,026) Design, Professional, & Personnel Costs ($ 34,233) Inspection, Survey, Plans, & Other Construction Costs ($ 18,155) Anticipated Funds Remaining* $ 13,586 * All costs to date have been accounted for and no further costs are anticipated . CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 9 89 There are adequate funds to close this project. The final retention amount of $9,595 will be paid from account 401-0000-20600. The anticipated savings ($13,586) will remain as available appropriations for handicapped/sidewalk improvement projects until all phases are complete. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS On June 19, 2018, Council awarded a $180,799 contract to Tri-Star Contracting II, Inc. On July 12, 2018, a Notice to Proceed was issued with a 25-working day completion time starting on July 16, 2018 and ending on August 17, 2018. Contract Change Order No. 1 extended the contract to August 23, 2018. The project was deemed substantially complete on August 23, 2018. No liquidated damages or early completion incentives are recommended. Contract Change Order No. 1 was issued for the additional removal and replacement of non-compliant sidewalk, tree removal, striping, and a contract quantity adjustment. The project construction effort is complete and in compliance with the plans and specifications. Staff recommends acceptance and release of the retention thirty-five days after the Notice of Completion is recorded. ALTERNATIVES Staff does not recommend an alternative. Prepared by: Leonard R. St. Sauver, Public Works Construction Manager Approved by: Bryan McKinney, P.E., City Engineer Attachment: 1. Vicinity Map 90 FY 2018 SB-821 GRANT APPLICATION City of Indian ells City of Palrn Des ___ / LA QUINTA HIGH SCHOOL ADA IMPROVEMENTS ATTACHMENT 1 VICINITY MAP CITY OF LA QUINTA N ' ATTACHMENT 1 ATTACHMENT 191 92 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: September 18, 2018 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: APPROVE PURCHASE OF A BACKHOE AND STUMP GRINDER FROM RDO EQUIPMENT AND A DUMP TRAILER FROM BIG TEX TRAILERS RECOMMENDATION Approve purchase of a backhoe and stump grinder from RDO Equipment and a dump trailer from Big Tex Trailers, and authorize the City Manager to execute the purchase agreements. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY •Staff requests the purchase of additional heavy equipment to increase maintenance productivity. •A backhoe, a stump grinder, and a dump trailer enable staff to perform additional in-house maintenance tasks and landscape renovations. FISCAL IMPACT Funds are budgeted to purchase this equipment in the Machinery & Equipment account (501-0000-80100). •Backhoe 131,640 •Stump Grinder 22,446 •Dump Trailer 7,583 Total: $161,669 BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The stump grinder will enable staff to perform additional landscape maintenance and renovations, and remove dead trees in a timely manner. The backhoe and dump trailer are requested to perform routine maintenance and increase response times for sand and debris removal after wind events. Three proposals were received for comparison purposes. Staff requests the John Deere 310HL Backhoe even though it is higher priced. The bucket has the longest “reach” of 19 feet (Attachment 1) which allows access to drainage areas. The “multi-coupler” attachment is compatible with other brands and staff is familiar with the controls. RDO Equipment also has a local shop to address maintenance and services when needed. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 10 93 ALTERNATIVES Council could choose to deny the request; however, the new equipment will enable staff to better serve the community. Prepared by: Dianne Hansen, Management Assistant Approved by: Steve Howlett, Facilities Director Attachment 1: Photo 94 ATTACHMENT 1 95 96 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: September 18, 2018 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: APPROVE FIRST AMENDMENT TO EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY’S FINANCE DIRECTOR RECOMMENDATION Approve First Amendment to Employment Agreement with City’s Finance Director. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY •Council approved the current At Will Employment Agreement with the Finance Director on July 11, 2017. •The First Amendment (Attachment 1) would increase the annual base salary from $156,560 to $161,963, effective September 29, 2018. FISCAL IMPACT This adjustment would annually cost $5,403 in salary and $1,183 in benefits, for a total annual cost of $6,586. The Finance Director salary and benefits are paid 90% from the General Fund and 10% from the Housing Authority Fund. Funding is available in the respective fund salary and benefits budgets. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS In 2016, the City Council approved the current At Will Employment Agreement (Attachment 2) for the Finance Director. Since 2016, Ms. Campos’ performance has consistently exceeded expectations. Under her leadership, the Finance Department has excelled in preparing easy to understand budgets, annual reports and associated documents, and the Finance Department’s employee morale has never been higher. Ms. Campos’ salary is one step below the Community Resources and Facilities Directors. Given her consistently exemplary performance, her salary should be equal to her peers and at the job rate for this position. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 11 97 ALTERNATIVES Council may elect to deny or revise this Amendment. Prepared by: Angela Scott, Human Resources Manager Approved by: Frank J. Spevacek, City Manager Attachments: 1. First Amendment to Employment Agreement 2. Employment Agreement 98 FIRST AMENDMENT TO EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT This FIRST AMENDMENT TO EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT (the “First Amendment”) is made and entered as of September 29, 2018 (the “Effective Date”), by and between the City of La Quinta, a public body (the “City” or “Employer”), and Karla Campos, an individual (the “Employee”), both of whom understand as follows: WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the parties entered into an At Will Employment Agreement as of July 11, 2016; and WHEREAS, the parties now desire to amend the Employment Agreement, as provided herein. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained, the parties agree as follows: Section 1. The annual salary in Section 6 of the Employment Agreement is increased from E82, Step 6, $156,560.26 to E82, Step 7, $161,963.36 effective September 29, 2018. Section 2. Except as specifically amended by this First Amendment, the Employment Agreement remains in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of La Quinta has caused this First Amendment to be signed and executed on its behalf by its Mayor, and duly attested by its City Clerk, and the Employee has signed and executed this First Amendment, both in duplicate, to become effective as of the Effective Date. EMPLOYER: CITY OF LA QUINTA By:__________________________ LINDA EVANS, Mayor City of La Quinta 99 2 ATTEST: MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California (City Seal) APPROVED AS TO FORM: WILLIAM H. IHRKE, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California EMPLOYEE: By: Karla Campos 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: September 18, 2018 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: APPROVE AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO CONTRACT SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC. FOR FINANCE AND HUMAN RESOURCES SOFTWARE SERVICES RECOMMENDATION Approve Amendment No. 1 to contract services agreement with Tyler Technologies Inc. for Finance and Human Resources software services. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY •In July 2013, the City entered into an agreement with Tyler Technologies Inc. for finance and human resources software services. •The software is an integral part of the City’s daily operations and is used by all departments. •Amendment No. 1 provides a five-year flat rate extension and additional services. FISCAL IMPACT Funds for year one are budgeted in the 2018/19 Information Technology Fund, Software Licenses (502-0000-60301). Amendment No. 1 provides a flat five-year extension for $91,637 annually. The total cost for the five-year term is $458,185. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS In July 2013, following a thorough Request for Proposals and selection process, Tyler Technologies cloud based hosted software was selected as the City’s finance and human resources software platform. The 2013 contract term was for five years with an option to extend for five additional years. The City uses Tyler Incode as its financial software to process accounts payables, accounts receivables, purchase orders, general ledger accounting, payroll, capital project accounting, fixed assets, budgeting, and bank/investment reconciliations. The human resources department utilizes the system to onboard and track employment, including benefits. The initial five-year agreement expired in August 2018. Staff has reviewed the contract and conducted an internal assessment of desired upgrades to the system. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 12 109 As a result, Staff identified the need to implement the following applications: •Position Budgeting – provides a platform to project personnel costs using the software, thereby eliminating the need to prepare a wide- range of Excel workbooks to calculate budgetary changes as ongoing personnel changes are evaluated. •Tyler Content Management (TCM) – creates a paperless environment through electronic documents, photos, and files for archiving, search and retrieval. •Incode Express – provides customized user online access with an adaptive platform on multiple mobile devices which increase efficiencies and deliver alerts based on user needs. Amendment No. 1 adds three identified applications and provides a flat five-year extension for an additional annual cost of $6,603 (from $85,034 to $91,637 annually). The total cost for the five-year term is $458,185. In addition, the contract may be terminated at any time without a termination penalty contingent upon a 45-day written notice. The term of the amendment commences on September 1, 2018 and expires on August 31, 2013. Additional one-time costs of $7,500 for the implementation of Position Budgeting and TCM are reflected in Exhibit A of Amendment No. 1 and are billed based on services provided. ALTERNATIVES Council may elect not to approve Amendment No. 1. This is not recommended as this software is an integral part of the City’s daily operations and is used by all departments. Prepared by: Karla Campos, Finance Director Approved by: Frank J. Spevacek, City Manager Attachment 1: Tyler Technologies Amendment to Subscription Agreement 110 Amendment to Subscription Agreement No. 2013-0142 AMENDMENT TO SUBSCRIPTION AGREEMENT This Amendment is made between Tyler Technologies, Inc., with offices at 5519 53rd Street, Lubbock, Texas 79414 (“Tyler”) and the City of La Quinta, with offices at P.O. Box 1504, La Quinta, CA 92247-1504 (“Client”). WHEREAS, Client and Tyler are parties to the contract numbered 2013-0142 dated July 24, 2013 governing Client’s access to the software and services (“Software”) described therein; and WHEREAS, the term of the Agreement expires August 31, 2018; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and of the mutual covenants and promises set forth in this Agreement, Tyler and Client agree as follows: 1.The term of the Agreement is hereby renewed for a five (5) year term commencing on September 1, 2018 and expiring on August 31, 2023 (“Term”). 2.Tyler shall invoice Client $91,637.00 for the first year’s annual subscription fee in advance of the Term renewal date, and in each year through the end of the Term. 3.The subscription fees are based on the number of users described in the Agreement, and the Software may be accessed by no more than this number. Additional user subscriptions may be added during the Term at the same pricing as that for the current subscriptions, prorated for the remainder of the Term in effect at the time the additional user subscriptions are added. 4.All terms and conditions of the Agreement not herein amended shall remain in full force and effect. 5.The annual fee above reflects the removal of LaserFiche and the addition of Tyler Content Manager Standard Edition, Position Budgeting and Incode Express. In addition, Client is approving services listed below in Amendment Exhibit A, to be billed separately. Services are billed as incurred at $125/hour plus travel expenses based on Federal IRS per diem standards. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, a duly authorized representative of each party has executed this Amendment as of the date(s) set forth below. Tyler Technologies, Inc. City of La Quinta Local Government Division By: By: Name: Name: Title: Title: Date: Date: ATTACHMENT 1 111 Amendment – Exhibit A 2 112 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: September 18, 2018 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: RECEIVE AND FILE FOURTH QUARTER 2017/18 TREASURY REPORTS FOR APRIL, MAY, AND JUNE 2018 WITH FISCAL YEAR-END SUMMARY RECOMMENDATION Receive and file the fourth quarter fiscal year 2017/18 Treasury Reports for April, May, and June 2018 with fiscal year-end summary. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Commentary and Summary of Significant Activity The portfolio increased $17.87 million, from $132.04 million at the end of March to $149.91 million at the end of June. The increase of $12.95 million was due to a Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund (RPTTF) pass-through apportionment payment which funds debt service obligations that are paid in August. The remainder of the increase reflects revenue, expenditure, and investment activities during the quarter. Investment Type April May June Max Allowed Bank Accounts 3.43% 5.08% 10.32% 85% Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) Housing 17.84% 16.82% 15.84% (1)(2) Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) City 37.11% 35.00% 32.94% (1) Federal Agency Coupons 14.43% 15.36% 14.46% 30% Treasury Coupons 11.95% 12.67% 11.93% 100% Certificates of Deposit (CD's)11.49% 11.52% 11.17% 30% Corporate Notes 2.62% 2.47% 2.32% 10% Money Markets with Fiscal Agent 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% (2) Managed Pool Accounts-OPEB Trust (new)1.13% 1.07% 1.01% (3) Total 100% 100% 100% Portfolio Allocations (3) OPEB trust is a fiduciary account and not subject to City Investment Policy Percent of Portfolio (1) LAIF is subject to maximum dollar amount not a percentage of the portfolio (2) Funds held by fiscal agent and the LAIF Housing funds are governed by bond indentures and not subject to City Investment Policy BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 113 The market continued to react to the political climate and economic news, and Staff worked with the City’s broker to capitalize on market conditions. The fiscal year annual effective rate of return is 1.31% as of June, a 13 basis point (bps) increase since March (Q3). Throughout the quarter, nine CDs matured for a total PAR value of $2,192,000. This money, along with $2 million from a U.S. Treasury note that matured March 31 and an additional $5.88 million from the operating account, was used to purchase 26 new investments, which are summarized in the table below and in the attached reports. A total of $10,135,000 in PAR value was purchased at a discount for $10,079,925, making the weighted average yield to maturity higher than the coupon rate. Total Earnings Average Days to Maturity Effective Rate of Return YTD April 184,517.09$ 381 1.23% May 194,453.38$ 367 1.28% June 195,164.15$ 345 1.31% Quarter 574,134.62$ 364 1.27% Issuer Type Par Value Purchase Date Coupon Rate Maturity YTM Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB)Agency $ 1,000,000 4/2/2018 2.375 2/28/2023 3.111 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp (FHLMC)Agency $ 750,000 4/2/2018 2.750 2/23/2023 2.849 CitiBank NA CD 245,000$ 4/11/2018 2.900 4/11/2023 2.902 First Technology FCU CD 245,000$ 4/18/2018 2.700 10/19/2020 2.623 NorthPointe Bank CD 240,000$ 4/26/2018 2.700 10/26/2021 2.703 EnerBank USA CD 240,000$ 4/30/2018 2.950 4/28/2023 2.952 Farmers Insurance Group FCU CD 240,000$ 4/30/2018 2.800 4/29/2022 2.802 TowneBank CD 240,000$ 4/30/2018 2.800 4/30/2021 2.800 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp (FHLMC)Agency 500,000$ 5/10/2018 1.125 4/15/2019 2.161 US Treasury Treasury 1,000,000$ 5/10/2018 1.500 5/31/2019 2.211 US Treasury Treasury 500,000$ 5/10/2018 1.250 11/30/2018 1.974 Univ. Of Iowa Community FCU CD 240,000$ 5/14/2018 3.050 5/15/2023 3.052 MetaBank CD 245,000$ 5/15/2018 2.050 3/1/2019 2.057 Union Bank NA CD 240,000$ 5/16/2018 2.200 5/16/2019 2.200 City National Bank of Florida CD 240,000$ 5/24/2018 2.200 5/24/2019 2.200 New York Community Bank CD 245,000$ 5/25/2018 2.050 2/25/2019 2.050 Federal Farm Credit Bank (FFCB)Agency 500,000$ 5/31/2018 1.210 6/20/2019 2.224 Federal Farm Credit Bank (FFCB)Agency 500,000$ 5/31/2018 1.550 5/8/2020 2.427 Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA)Agency 500,000$ 5/31/2018 1.750 9/12/2019 2.275 Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA)Agency 500,000$ 5/31/2018 0.875 8/2/2019 2.269 US Treasury Treasury 500,000$ 5/31/2018 1.125 4/30/2020 2.387 PCSB Bank CD 245,000$ 6/8/2018 3.000 6/8/2022 3.005 Traditions Bank CD 245,000$ 6/8/2018 3.000 8/8/2011 3.003 Allegiance Bank CD 245,000$ 6/13/2018 3.100 6/13/2022 3.102 Wex Bank CD 245,000$ 6/13/2018 2.750 6/15/2020 2.754 RCB Bank CD 245,000$ 6/20/2018 3.150 6/20/2023 3.152 Total/Weighted Average 10,135,000$ 2.06%2.55% Investments by Purchase Date 114 Year-End Summary Rising interest rates throughout the year have been a benefit to the City; as investments with lower rates mature they are being replaced at rates as much as 100-175 bps higher in most cases. Rates have been favorable on the short end of the curve, with two-year treasuries rising 114 points year over year. The City has increased holdings, particularly in negotiable CDs and federal agency bonds, to take advantage of these rates while retaining the liquidity needed for operations. Overall, the average effective rate of return for the entire portfolio has increased 54 bps since last year and should continue to see gains throughout fiscal 2018-19. In 2017/18, the City opened a trust account for Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB), as well as a LAIF account for the bond proceeds belonging to the Housing Authority that were formerly held by the fiscal agent. Other Notes Money market funds with the fiscal agent are bond proceeds subject to bond indentures, not the City’s investment policy. Successor Agency (SA) funds cannot be invested long-term; therefore SA funds are only invested in LAIF. Looking Ahead The Treasurer follows a “buy and hold” Investment Policy, unless it is fiscally advantageous to actively trade outside of maturity dates. In the short term, the Treasurer will invest in CAMP and LAIF as needed. Longer term investments may include Government Sponsored Enterprise (agencies) securities, U.S. Treasuries, Corporate Notes, and Negotiable Certificates of Deposits. All investments recognize both immediate and long-term cash Fiscal Year 2016-17 Fiscal Year 2017-18 Average Daily Balance 125,445,981$ 131,713,765$ Total Earnings 963,022$ 1,730,509$ Effective Rate of Return 0.77%1.31% Investment Type PAR Value Percent of Total PAR Value Percent of Total Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF)62,319,416$ 45% 49,383,067$ 33% Federal Agency Coupons 11,500,000$ 8% 21,750,000$ 14% Treasury Coupons 16,500,000$ 12% 18,000,000$ 12% Certificates of Deposit (CD's)10,930,000$ 8% 16,741,000$ 11% Corporate Notes 2,500,000$ 2% 3,500,000$ 2% Bank Accounts 10,284,883$ 7% 15,478,033$ 10% Money Markets with Fiscal Agent 25,578,764$ 18%3,030$ 0% LAIF -Housing Authority -$ 23,740,670$ 16% OPEB Trust -$ 1,521,278$ 1% Total 139,613,063$ 100%150,117,079$ 100% As of June 30, 2017 As of June 30,2018 115 flow needs, and there is sufficient liquidity in the portfolio to meet expenditure requirements for the next six months. ALTERNATIVES - None Prepared by: Rosemary Hallick, Financial Services Analyst Approved by: Karla Campos, Finance Director/City Treasurer Attachment: 1. Treasurer’s Report for April 1, 2018 to June 30, 2018 116 ATTACHMENT 1117ATTACHMENT 1 Days to Maturity Page 1 Par Value Book Value Maturity Date Stated RateMarket Value April 30, 2018 Portfolio Details - Investments Average BalanceIssuer Portfolio Management City of La Quinta YTM 365TermCUSIPInvestment # Purchase Date Bank Accounts 1City Petty Cash1059 3,000.00 3,000.0007/01/2016 3,000.00 1SYS1059 0.000 1First Empire Bank1060 0.00 0.0007/01/2016 0.00 1SYS1060 0.000 1La Quinta Palms Realty1062 203,214.38 203,214.3807/01/2016 203,214.38 1SYS1062 0.000 1Wells Fargo1057 4,347,669.89 4,347,669.8907/01/2016 4,347,669.89 14159282482 0.000 1Washington St Apt La Quinta1061 5,062.15 5,062.1507/01/2016 5,062.15 1SYS1061 0.000 4,558,946.42 14,558,946.424,558,946.423,873,191.75Subtotal and Average 1 0.000 Local Agency Invstmnt Fund-Housing 1Local Agency Inv Fund1113 23,740,669.95 23,740,669.95 1.66110/31/2017 23,740,669.95 125-33-005 1.661 23,740,669.95 123,740,669.9523,740,669.9523,703,356.04Subtotal and Average 1 1.661 Local Agency Investment Fund-City 1Local Agency Inv Fund1055 49,383,066.92 49,383,066.92 1.66149,317,050.16 198-33-434 1.661 49,383,066.92 149,317,050.1649,383,066.9249,311,193.10Subtotal and Average 1 1.661 Federal Agency Coupon Securities 437Federal Farm Credit Bank1092 1,000,000.00 992,600.00 07/12/20191.08007/10/2017 983,510.00 7323133EGLC7 1.456 1,219Federal Farm Credit Bank1105 1,000,000.00 992,200.00 09/01/20211.70011/09/2017 965,940.00 1,3923133EHWM1 1.913 1,093Federal Home Loan Bank1053 2,500,000.00 2,491,250.00 04/28/20211.35004/28/2016 2,396,525.00 1,8263130A7QZ1 1.423 909Federal Home Loan Bank1064 2,500,000.00 2,500,000.00 10/26/20201.37510/26/2016 2,420,650.00 1,4613130A9UQ2 1.375 864Federal Home Loan Bank1104 1,000,000.00 996,800.00 09/11/20201.62511/09/2017 978,750.00 1,0373130A66T9 1.741 1,764Federal Home Loan Bank1121 1,000,000.00 999,000.00 02/28/20232.37504/02/2018 993,410.00 1,7933130ADMF6 3.111 1,093Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp1054 2,500,000.00 2,500,000.00 04/28/20211.50004/28/2016 2,451,975.00 1,8263134G8Y37 1.400 1,428Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp1073 2,000,000.00 1,990,000.00 03/29/20222.00003/29/2017 1,932,020.00 1,8263134GBAE2 2.106 1,338Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp1084 1,000,000.00 999,500.00 12/29/20212.00007/06/2017 968,770.00 1,6373134GBXF4 2.012 1,548Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp1090 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 07/27/20222.15007/27/2017 966,640.00 1,8263134GBWG3 2.150 1,735Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp1116 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 01/30/20232.55001/30/2018 981,570.00 1,8263134GSCD5 2.550 1,759Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp1122 750,000.00 746,625.00 02/23/20232.75004/02/2018 738,262.50 1,7883134GSCQ6 2.849 636Federal National Mtg Assn1072 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 01/27/20201.70003/27/2017 1,971,200.00 1,0363135G0S53 1.700 19,207,975.00 1,56318,749,222.5019,250,000.0019,149,787.50Subtotal and Average 1,148 1.827 Treasury Coupon Securities 1,156U.S. Treasury1045 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 06/30/20211.12507/18/2016 4,767,200.00 1,808912828S27 1.125 167U.S. Treasury1063 2,500,000.00 2,502,250.00 10/15/20180.87510/24/2016 2,486,825.00 721912828L81 0.829 700U.S. Treasury1068 2,500,000.00 2,483,250.00 03/31/20201.37503/20/2017 2,448,150.00 1,107912828J84 1.602 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 09/04/2018 - 16:04 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 Report Ver. 118 Days to Maturity Page 2 Par Value Book Value Maturity Date Stated RateMarket Value April 30, 2018 Portfolio Details - Investments Average BalanceIssuer Portfolio Management City of La Quinta YTM 365TermCUSIPInvestment # Purchase Date Treasury Coupon Securities 593U.S. Treasury1069 2,500,000.00 2,490,750.00 12/15/20191.37503/20/2017 2,457,625.00 1,000912828U73 1.513 1,279U.S. Treasury1070 2,000,000.00 1,942,800.00 10/31/20211.25003/27/2017 1,904,140.00 1,679912828T67 1.903 198U.S. Treasury1103 500,000.00 498,840.00 11/15/20181.25011/09/2017 497,795.00 371912828M64 1.481 837U.S. Treasury1117 1,000,000.00 985,800.00 08/15/20201.50001/22/2018 977,030.00 9369128282Q2 2.071 15,903,690.00 1,28615,538,765.0016,000,000.0015,903,690.00Subtotal and Average 806 1.379 Certificate of Deposits 384First Business Bank1019 240,000.00 240,000.00 05/20/20191.75005/20/2014 238,932.00 1,82631938QH72 1.751 569First Farmers Bank &Trust Co.1091 240,000.00 240,000.00 11/21/20191.65007/21/2017 237,232.80 853320165HX4 1.653 182First Merchants Bank1020 240,000.00 240,000.00 10/30/20181.50004/30/2014 239,865.60 1,64432082BDF3 1.501 902First Tech Federal Credit Unio1124 245,000.00 245,000.00 10/19/20202.70004/18/2018 244,946.10 91533715LBJ8 2.623 1,371Third Federal Savings and Loan1112 245,000.00 245,000.00 01/31/20222.50001/30/2018 242,123.70 1,46288413QBY3 2.233 1,626Alliance Credit Union1095 245,000.00 245,000.00 10/13/20222.25010/13/2017 238,171.85 1,82601859BAA3 2.251 237Ally Bank Midvale1001 240,000.00 240,000.00 12/24/20181.70012/24/2015 239,484.00 1,09602006LWX7 1.702 1,084Amex Centurion1077 240,000.00 240,000.00 04/19/20212.25004/19/2017 235,075.20 1,46102587DP85 2.252 1,581American Express Fed Savings B1096 240,000.00 240,000.00 08/29/20222.40008/29/2017 233,560.80 1,82602587CFU9 2.402 1,786Aneca Federal Credit Union1119 245,000.00 245,000.00 03/22/20232.80003/22/2018 242,699.45 1,826034577AH9 2.802 1,638Barclays Bank1097 240,000.00 240,000.00 10/25/20222.30010/25/2017 233,704.80 1,82606740KLJ4 2.291 1,301Belmont Savings Bank1102 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/22/20212.10011/21/2017 238,936.25 1,462080515CD9 2.101 1,395BMW Bank1067 240,000.00 240,000.00 02/24/20222.20002/24/2017 234,544.80 1,82605580AGK4 2.201 989Bankers Bank1086 240,000.00 240,000.00 01/14/20211.80007/14/2017 233,973.60 1,28006610RAP4 1.804 1,133Capital One Natl Assn FDIC42971082 240,000.00 240,000.00 06/07/20212.25006/07/2017 235,872.00 1,46114042RGD7 2.252 771Capital One USA FDIC339541006 245,000.00 245,000.00 06/10/20201.90006/10/2015 241,611.65 1,827140420RX0 1.902 1,028Comenity Capital Bank1009 240,000.00 240,000.00 02/22/20211.70002/22/2016 232,941.60 1,82720033APG5 1.702 105CIT Bank UT1008 240,000.00 240,000.00 08/14/20181.90008/14/2013 240,096.00 1,82617284CKN3 1.901 1,806Citibank NA1123 245,000.00 245,000.00 04/11/20232.90004/11/2018 243,679.45 1,82617312QJ26 2.902 1,170Central State Bank1085 240,000.00 240,000.00 07/14/20211.85007/14/2017 232,788.00 1,46115523RBJ4 1.851 35Compass Bank1010 248,000.00 248,000.00 06/05/20181.35006/05/2015 247,942.96 1,09620451PLG9 1.351 400Connect One1011 248,000.00 248,000.00 06/05/20191.50006/05/2015 246,499.60 1,46120786ABD6 1.501 1,662CrossFirst Bank1106 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/18/20222.20011/20/2017 237,282.50 1,82422766ACB9 2.201 1,372Discover Bank Greenwood DE CF1066 240,000.00 240,000.00 02/01/20222.25002/01/2017 235,056.00 1,8262546722U1 2.251 630Douglas National Bank1093 240,000.00 240,000.00 01/21/20201.65007/19/2017 236,644.80 916259744DS6 1.655 1,823EnerBank USA1125 240,000.00 240,000.00 04/28/20232.95004/30/2018 239,145.60 1,82429278TAY6 2.952 1,672Enterprise Bank, NA1107 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/28/20222.15011/28/2017 236,662.65 1,82629367QCP1 2.151 364Ephrata Bank1016 240,000.00 240,000.00 04/30/20191.65004/30/2014 239,632.80 1,826294209AQ4 1.651 766EverBank1017248,000.00 248,000.00 06/05/20201.70006/05/2015 243,352.48 1,82729976DXX3 1.702 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 09/04/2018 - 16:04 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 119 Days to Maturity Page 3 Par Value Book Value Maturity Date Stated RateMarket Value April 30, 2018 Portfolio Details - Investments Average BalanceIssuer Portfolio Management City of La Quinta YTM 365TermCUSIPInvestment # Purchase Date Certificate of Deposits 280Farmers & Merch1018 248,000.00 248,000.00 02/05/20191.25006/05/2015 246,546.72 1,341307814DC4 1.252 1,459Farmers Insurance Group FCU1126 240,000.00 240,000.00 04/29/20222.80004/30/2018 239,719.20 1,46030960QAG2 2.802 966Freedom Credit Union1111 245,000.00 245,000.00 12/22/20202.05012/22/2017 240,648.80 1,09635638BAA9 2.052 384Gulf Coast Bank1024 240,000.00 240,000.00 05/20/20191.75005/19/2014 238,927.20 1,827402194EB6 1.724 1,456Goldman Sachs1078 240,000.00 240,000.00 04/26/20222.40004/26/2017 236,116.80 1,82638148PJK4 2.401 804First Bank of Highland1094 240,000.00 240,000.00 07/13/20201.75007/13/2017 235,413.60 1,096319141GT8 1.752 1,535HSBC Bank USA, National Associ1088 240,000.00 240,000.00 07/14/20222.30007/14/2017 234,612.00 1,82640434YLE5 2.301 742Jefferson Bank & Trust1100 245,000.00 245,000.00 05/12/20201.75011/09/2017 240,852.15 915472376AC6 1.751 1,477Kansas State Bank1101 245,000.00 245,000.00 05/17/20222.10011/17/2017 238,073.85 1,64250116CBE8 2.099 1,703Knoxville TVA Credit Union1110 245,000.00 245,000.00 12/29/20222.40012/29/2017 239,007.30 1,826499724AB8 2.401 35MB Financial Bank1027 248,000.00 248,000.00 06/05/20181.10006/05/2015 247,920.64 1,09655266CME3 1.101 798Mercantile Bank of Michigan1087 240,000.00 240,000.00 07/07/20201.75007/07/2017 235,466.40 1,09658740XZL7 1.752 41MFR Trade & Trust1026 248,000.00 248,000.00 06/11/20181.20006/10/2015 247,888.40 1,097564759QT8 1.033 773Bank Midwest1002 248,000.00 248,000.00 06/12/20201.65006/12/2015 243,015.20 1,827063615AVO 1.652 566Morgan Stanley Bank1109 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/18/20191.80011/16/2017 242,772.95 73261747MA92 1.800 225Morton Community1030 248,000.00 248,000.00 12/12/20181.25006/12/2015 247,211.36 1,279619165GE7 1.251 8Merrick Bank1029 240,000.00 240,000.00 05/09/20181.35005/09/2014 240,000.00 1,46159012Y6Q5 1.351 566Morgan Stanley Private Bk, NA1108 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/18/20191.75011/16/2017 242,586.75 73261760AEP0 1.750 1,652Mountain America Federal CU1099 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/08/20222.30011/08/2017 238,421.75 1,82662384RAC0 2.301 1,274Northpointe Bank1127 240,000.00 240,000.00 10/26/20212.70004/26/2018 238,953.60 1,279666613GV0 2.703 1,359The Ohio Valley Bank1089 240,000.00 240,000.00 01/19/20221.90007/19/2017 232,118.40 1,645677721CN0 1.903 392Peapack-Gladstone Bank1031 240,000.00 240,000.00 05/28/20191.80005/28/2014 239,520.00 1,826704692AL6 1.801 1,121PrivateBank & Trust1032 240,000.00 240,000.00 05/26/20211.50005/26/2016 231,343.20 1,82674267GVG9 1.501 76Regal Bank1033 240,000.00 240,000.00 07/16/20181.40005/16/2014 239,976.00 1,52275874TAH4 1.401 937First Bank Richmond1081 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/23/20201.80006/21/2017 239,362.55 1,251319267GC8 1.802 492Riverwood1034248,000.00 248,000.00 09/05/20191.40006/05/2015 246,055.68 1,55376951DAL4 1.402 1,512Sallie Mae Bank Salt Lake CIty1083 240,000.00 240,000.00 06/21/20222.35006/21/2017 235,252.80 1,826795450A70 2.351 399Solomon State1035 248,000.00 248,000.00 06/04/20191.40006/04/2015 246,507.04 1,46183427LAX2 1.401 721Stearnes Bank, N.A.1076 240,000.00 240,000.00 04/21/20201.60004/21/2017 235,435.20 1,096857894TC3 1.588 1,493Synchrony Bank Retail1080 240,000.00 240,000.00 06/02/20222.40006/02/2017 235,864.80 1,82687164XQV1 2.401 1,095Towne Bank1128 240,000.00 240,000.00 04/30/20212.80004/30/2018 239,779.20 1,09689214PBL2 2.800 1,050Unity Bank1120 245,000.00 245,000.00 03/16/20212.55003/16/2018 243,285.00 1,09691330ABN6 2.552 357Webster Bank1042 240,000.00 240,000.00 04/23/20191.80004/23/2014 239,642.40 1,82694768NJQ8 1.801 301Wells Fargo1043 240,000.00 240,000.00 02/26/20191.20002/26/2016 239,184.00 1,0969497483N5 1.201 15,290,000.00 1,49115,079,939.9815,290,000.0015,095,466.67Subtotal and Average 917 1.945 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 09/04/2018 - 16:04 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 120 Days to Maturity Page 4 Par Value Book Value Maturity Date Stated RateMarket Value April 30, 2018 Portfolio Details - Investments Average BalanceIssuer Portfolio Management City of La Quinta YTM 365TermCUSIPInvestment # Purchase Date Corporate Notes 1,191Apple Inc1079 500,000.00 493,050.00 08/04/20211.55006/12/2017 477,815.00 1,514037833CC2 1.900 304Johnson and Johnson Corp1075 2,000,000.00 1,993,200.00 03/01/20191.12503/29/2017 1,978,820.00 702478160BR4 1.305 646Microsoft Corporation1118 500,000.00 497,700.00 02/06/20201.85001/22/2018 493,400.00 745594918BV5 2.081 535Toyota Motor Credit Corp1098 500,000.00 498,750.00 10/18/20191.55011/07/2017 491,565.00 71089236TDH5 1.681 3,482,700.00 8243,441,600.003,500,000.003,482,700.00Subtotal and Average 512 1.554 Money Market with Fiscal Agent 1US Bank1058 3,024.64 3,024.6407/01/2016 3,024.64 1SYS1058 0.000 3,024.64 13,024.643,024.6420,449.75Subtotal and Average 1 0.000 Managed Pool Accounts-OPEB Trust 1CalPERS CERBT Plan1114 1,507,063.60 1,507,063.6012/18/2017 1,507,063.60 1SYS1114 0.000 1,507,063.60 11,507,063.601,507,063.601,507,063.60Subtotal and Average 1 0.000 573132,046,898.41 133,232,771.53 381 1.605131,936,282.25 133,077,136.53Total and Average Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 09/04/2018 - 16:04 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 121 City of La Quinta Total Earnings City of La Quinta - Sorted by Fund - Fund April 1, 2018 - April 30, 2018 Current Rate Ending Par Value Ending Fund Book Value Beginning Book Value Adjusted Interest Earnings Accretion Amortization/ Earnings Adjusted InterestAnnualized YieldCUSIP Investment # Interest EarnedIssuer Realized Gainl/Loss Fund: General Fund 240,000.001001240,000.00 1.700ALLY 335.34 0.00 335.341.700101240,000.0002006LWX7 0.00 248,000.001002248,000.00 1.650MIDWES 336.33 0.00 336.331.650101248,000.00063615AVO 0.00 0.0010040.00 1.350BERKS 257.43 0.00 257.431.350101240,000.00084601AL7 0.00 245,000.001006245,000.00 1.900CAPONE 382.61 0.00 382.611.900101245,000.00140420RX0 0.00 240,000.001008240,000.00 1.900CITI 374.79 0.00 374.791.900101240,000.0017284CKN3 0.00 240,000.001009240,000.00 1.700CCBA 335.34 0.00 335.341.700101240,000.0020033APG5 0.00 248,000.001010248,000.00 1.350COMP 275.18 0.00 275.181.350101248,000.0020451PLG9 0.00 248,000.001011248,000.00 1.500CONNEC 305.75 0.00 305.751.500101248,000.0020786ABD6 0.00 0.0010120.00 1.350CORNER 257.43 0.00 257.431.350101240,000.00219240AZ1 0.00 0.0010130.00 1.300CRESC 247.89 0.00 247.891.300101240,000.00225645DC1 0.00 240,000.001016240,000.00 1.650EPHRAT 325.48 0.00 325.481.650101240,000.00294209AQ4 0.00 248,000.001017248,000.00 1.700EVRBA 346.52 0.00 346.521.700101248,000.0029976DXX3 0.00 248,000.001018248,000.00 1.250FARMER 254.79 0.00 254.791.250101248,000.00307814DC4 0.00 240,000.001019240,000.00 1.7501STBUS 345.21 0.00 345.211.750101240,000.0031938QH72 0.00 240,000.001020240,000.00 1.5001STMER 295.89 0.00 295.891.500101240,000.0032082BDF3 0.00 240,000.001024240,000.00 1.750GCB 345.20 0.00 345.201.750101240,000.00402194EB6 0.00 248,000.001026248,000.00 1.200MFR 244.61 0.00 244.611.200101248,000.00564759QT8 0.00 248,000.001027248,000.00 1.100MBFIN 224.21 0.00 224.211.100101248,000.0055266CME3 0.00 0.0010280.00 1.350MEDBA 213.04 0.00 213.041.350101240,000.0058403BL95 0.00 240,000.001029240,000.00 1.350MRRCK 266.30 0.00 266.301.350101240,000.0059012Y6Q5 0.00 248,000.001030248,000.00 1.250MORTN 254.79 0.00 254.791.250101248,000.00619165GE7 0.00 240,000.001031240,000.00 1.800PEAPAC 355.06 0.00 355.061.800101240,000.00704692AL6 0.00 240,000.001032240,000.00 1.500PRVTBA 295.89 0.00 295.891.500101240,000.0074267GVG9 0.00 240,000.001033240,000.00 1.400REGAL 276.16 0.00 276.161.400101240,000.0075874TAH4 0.00 248,000.001034248,000.00 1.400RVRW 285.37 0.00 285.371.400101248,000.0076951DAL4 0.00 248,000.001035248,000.00 1.400SOLOM 285.37 0.00 285.371.400101248,000.0083427LAX2 0.00 0.0010360.00 1.000SOATL 54.36 0.00 54.361.000101248,000.0083637AAP9 0.00 240,000.001042240,000.00 1.800WEB 355.07 0.00 355.071.800101240,000.0094768NJQ8 0.00 240,000.001043240,000.00 1.200WELLS 236.72 0.00 236.721.200101240,000.009497483N5 0.00 5,000,000.0010455,000,000.00 1.125USTR 4,661.61 0.00 4,661.611.1341015,000,000.00912828S27 0.00 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 09/04/2018 - 16:12 TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. Current Rate Ending Par Value Ending Fund Page 2 Book Value Beginning Book Value Adjusted Interest Earnings Accretion Amortization/ Earnings Adjusted Interest April 1, 2018 - April 30, 2018 Total Earnings City of La Quinta Annualized YieldCUSIP Investment # Interest EarnedIssuer Realized Gainl/Loss Fund: General Fund 2,491,250.0010532,500,000.00 1.350FHLB 2,812.50 0.00 2,812.501.3741012,491,250.003130A7QZ1 0.00 2,500,000.0010542,500,000.00 1.500FHLMC 2,656.25 0.00 2,656.251.2931012,500,000.003134G8Y37 0.00 49,383,066.92105549,383,066.92 1.661LAIF 77,175.75 0.00 77,175.751.90410149,203,382.3798-33-434 0.00 4,347,669.8910574,347,669.89WELLS 0.01 0.00 0.011012,429,776.474159282482 0.00 3,000.0010593,000.00CITYPC 0.00 0.00 0.001011,700.00SYS1059 0.00 2,502,250.0010632,500,000.00 0.875USTR 1,797.63 0.00 1,797.630.8741012,502,250.00912828L81 0.00 2,500,000.0010642,500,000.00 1.375FHLB 2,864.58 0.00 2,864.581.3941012,500,000.003130A9UQ2 0.00 240,000.001066240,000.00 2.250DISCOV 443.83 0.00 443.832.250101240,000.002546722U1 0.00 240,000.001067240,000.00 2.200BMW 433.97 0.00 433.972.200101240,000.0005580AGK4 0.00 2,483,250.0010682,500,000.00 1.375USTR 2,817.62 0.00 2,817.621.3801012,483,250.00912828J84 0.00 2,490,750.0010692,500,000.00 1.375USTR 2,833.10 0.00 2,833.101.3841012,490,750.00912828U73 0.00 1,942,800.0010702,000,000.00 1.250USTR 2,070.69 0.00 2,070.691.2971011,942,800.00912828T67 0.00 0.0010710.00 0.875USTR 0.00 0.00 0.001010.00912828Q45 0.00 2,000,000.0010722,000,000.00 1.700FNMA 2,833.34 0.00 2,833.341.7241012,000,000.003135G0S53 0.00 1,990,000.0010732,000,000.00 2.000FHLMC 3,333.34 0.00 3,333.342.0381011,990,000.003134GBAE2 0.00 1,993,200.0010752,000,000.00 1.125J&J 1,875.00 0.00 1,875.001.1451011,993,200.00478160BR4 0.00 240,000.001076240,000.00 1.600STRNS 315.61 0.00 315.611.600101240,000.00857894TC3 0.00 240,000.001077240,000.00 2.250AMEX 443.83 0.00 443.832.250101240,000.0002587DP85 0.00 240,000.001078240,000.00 2.400GLDMAN 473.42 0.00 473.422.400101240,000.0038148PJK4 0.00 493,050.001079500,000.00 1.550APPL 645.84 0.00 645.841.594101493,050.00037833CC2 0.00 240,000.001080240,000.00 2.400SYNCHR 473.42 0.00 473.422.400101240,000.0087164XQV1 0.00 245,000.001081245,000.00 1.800RICHMN 362.47 0.00 362.471.800101245,000.00319267GC8 0.00 240,000.001082240,000.00 2.250CAP1NA 443.83 0.00 443.832.250101240,000.0014042RGD7 0.00 240,000.001083240,000.00 2.350SALMAE 463.57 0.00 463.572.350101240,000.00795450A70 0.00 999,500.0010841,000,000.00 2.000FHLMC 1,666.66 0.00 1,666.662.029101999,500.003134GBXF4 0.00 240,000.001085240,000.00 1.850CNTRL 364.94 0.00 364.941.850101240,000.0015523RBJ4 0.00 240,000.001086240,000.00 1.800BNKRS 355.06 0.00 355.061.800101240,000.0006610RAP4 0.00 240,000.001087240,000.00 1.750MERCTL 345.20 0.00 345.201.750101240,000.0058740XZL7 0.00 240,000.001088240,000.00 2.300HSBC 453.70 0.00 453.702.300101240,000.0040434YLE5 0.00 240,000.001089240,000.00 1.900OHVAL 374.79 0.00 374.791.900101240,000.00677721CN0 0.00 1,000,000.0010901,000,000.00 2.150FHLMC 1,791.67 0.00 1,791.672.1801011,000,000.003134GBWG3 0.00 240,000.001091240,000.00 1.6501STFRM 325.48 0.00 325.481.650101240,000.00320165HX4 0.00 992,600.0010921,000,000.00 1.080FFCB 900.00 0.00 900.001.103101992,600.003133EGLC7 0.00 240,000.001093240,000.00 1.650DOUGLS 325.48 0.00 325.481.650101240,000.00259744DS6 0.00 240,000.001094240,000.00 1.750HIGHLD 345.21 0.00 345.211.750101240,000.00319141GT8 0.00 245,000.001095245,000.00 2.250ALLIAN 453.08 0.00 453.082.250101245,000.0001859BAA3 0.00 240,000.001096240,000.00 2.400AMFSB 473.42 0.00 473.422.400101240,000.0002587CFU9 0.00 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 09/04/2018 - 16:12 TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. Current Rate Ending Par Value Ending Fund Page 3 Book Value Beginning Book Value Adjusted Interest Earnings Accretion Amortization/ Earnings Adjusted Interest April 1, 2018 - April 30, 2018 Total Earnings City of La Quinta Annualized YieldCUSIP Investment # Interest EarnedIssuer Realized Gainl/Loss Fund: General Fund 240,000.001097240,000.00 2.300BARCLY 453.70 0.00 453.702.300101240,000.0006740KLJ4 0.00 498,750.001098500,000.00 1.550TOYOTA 645.83 0.00 645.831.575101498,750.0089236TDH5 0.00 245,000.001099245,000.00 2.300MTNAMR 463.16 0.00 463.162.300101245,000.0062384RAC0 0.00 245,000.001100245,000.00 1.750JFFRSN 352.40 0.00 352.401.750101245,000.00472376AC6 0.00 245,000.001101245,000.00 2.100KANSAS 422.88 0.00 422.882.100101245,000.0050116CBE8 0.00 245,000.001102245,000.00 2.100BELMNT 422.87 0.00 422.872.100101245,000.00080515CD9 0.00 498,840.001103500,000.00 1.250USTR 517.96 0.00 517.961.263101498,840.00912828M64 0.00 996,800.0011041,000,000.00 1.625FHLB 1,354.16 0.00 1,354.161.653101996,800.003130A66T9 0.00 992,200.0011051,000,000.00 1.700FFCB 1,416.66 0.00 1,416.661.737101992,200.003133EHWM1 0.00 245,000.001106245,000.00 2.200CRS1ST 443.02 0.00 443.022.200101245,000.0022766ACB9 0.00 245,000.001107245,000.00 2.150ENTRPR 432.94 0.00 432.942.150101245,000.0029367QCP1 0.00 245,000.001108245,000.00 1.750MSPRIV 352.40 0.00 352.401.750101245,000.0061760AEP0 0.00 245,000.001109245,000.00 1.800MORGST 362.46 0.00 362.461.800101245,000.0061747MA92 0.00 245,000.001110245,000.00 2.400KNOX 483.29 0.00 483.292.400101245,000.00499724AB8 0.00 245,000.001111245,000.00 2.050FREECU 412.81 0.00 412.812.050101245,000.0035638BAA9 0.00 245,000.001112245,000.00 2.5003RD 503.42 0.00 503.422.500101245,000.0088413QBY3 0.00 1,507,063.6011141,507,063.60CALPRS 0.00 0.00 0.001011,507,063.60SYS1114 0.00 1,000,000.0011161,000,000.00 2.550FHLMC 2,125.00 0.00 2,125.002.5851011,000,000.003134GSCD5 0.00 985,800.0011171,000,000.00 1.500USTR 1,243.09 0.00 1,243.091.534101985,800.009128282Q2 0.00 497,700.001118500,000.00 1.850MCRSFT 770.84 0.00 770.841.884101497,700.00594918BV5 0.00 245,000.001119245,000.00 2.800ANECA 563.83 0.00 563.832.800101245,000.00034577AH9 0.00 245,000.001120245,000.00 2.550UNITY 513.49 0.00 513.492.550101245,000.0091330ABN6 0.00 999,000.0011211,000,000.00 2.375FHLB 1,913.19 0.00 1,913.192.4101010.003130ADMF6 0.00 746,625.001122750,000.00 2.750FHLMC 1,661.46 0.00 1,661.462.8011010.003134GSCQ6 0.00 245,000.001123245,000.00 2.900CITINA 389.32 0.00 389.322.9001010.0017312QJ26 0.00 245,000.001124245,000.00 2.7001STTCH 217.48 0.00 217.482.7001010.0033715LBJ8 0.00 240,000.001125240,000.00 2.950ENER 0.00 0.00 0.001010.0029278TAY6 0.00 240,000.001126240,000.00 2.800FARMIG 0.00 0.00 0.001010.0030960QAG2 0.00 240,000.001127240,000.00 2.700NORPNT 71.01 0.00 71.012.7001010.00666613GV0 0.00 240,000.001128240,000.00 2.800TOWNE 18.36 0.00 18.362.7921010.0089214PBL2 0.00 109,280,800.41Subtotal 109,125,165.41 1.676 147,301.060.00147,301.06105,038,662.44 0.00 Fund: 1st Empire Securities Cash Bal 0.0010600.00EMPIRE 106.96 0.00 106.960.90210265,528.24SYS1060 0.00 0.00Subtotal 0.00 0.902 106.960.00106.9665,528.24 0.00 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 09/04/2018 - 16:12 TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. Current Rate Ending Par Value Ending Fund Page 4 Book Value Beginning Book Value Adjusted Interest Earnings Accretion Amortization/ Earnings Adjusted Interest April 1, 2018 - April 30, 2018 Total Earnings City of La Quinta Annualized YieldCUSIP Investment # Interest EarnedIssuer Realized Gainl/Loss Fund: Fiscal Agent 3,024.6410583,024.64USBANK 11.52 0.00 11.520.68523121,050.62SYS1058 0.00 3,024.64Subtotal 3,024.64 0.685 11.520.0011.5221,050.62 0.00 Fund: Housing Authority : WSA and LQ 5,062.1510615,062.15WSALQ 0.00 0.00 0.002411,073,290.98SYS1061 0.00 203,214.381062203,214.38LQPR 0.00 0.00 0.00241195,448.93SYS1062 0.00 208,276.53Subtotal 208,276.53,268,739.91 0.00 Fund: SA Low/Mod Bond Fund 23,740,669.95111323,740,669.95 1.661LAIF 37,097.55 0.00 37,097.551.90424923,647,385.1725-33-005 0.00 23,740,669.95Subtotal 23,740,669.95 1.904 37,097.550.0037,097.5523,647,385.17 0.00 133,232,771.53Total 133,077,136.53 1.700 184,517.090.00184,517.09130,041,366.38 0.00 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 09/04/2018 - 16:12 TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. 126 Days to Maturity Page 1 Par Value Book Value Maturity Date Stated RateMarket Value May 31, 2018 Portfolio Details - Investments Average BalanceIssuer Portfolio Management City of La Quinta YTM 365TermCUSIPInvestment # Purchase Date Bank Accounts 1City Petty Cash1059 3,000.00 3,000.0007/01/2016 3,000.00 1SYS1059 0.000 1First Empire Bank1060 487,000.00 487,000.0007/01/2016 487,000.00 1SYS1060 0.000 1La Quinta Palms Realty1062 217,471.38 217,471.3807/01/2016 217,471.38 1SYS1062 0.000 1Wells Fargo1057 6,459,643.45 6,459,643.4507/01/2016 6,459,643.45 14159282482 0.000 1Washington St Apt La Quinta1061 0.00 0.0007/01/2016 0.00 1SYS1061 0.000 7,167,114.83 17,167,114.837,167,114.834,842,863.32Subtotal and Average 1 0.000 Local Agency Invstmnt Fund-Housing 1Local Agency Inv Fund1113 23,740,669.95 23,740,669.95 1.75510/31/2017 23,740,669.95 125-33-005 1.755 23,740,669.95 123,740,669.9523,740,669.9523,740,669.95Subtotal and Average 1 1.755 Local Agency Investment Fund-City 1Local Agency Inv Fund1055 49,383,066.92 49,383,066.92 1.75549,317,050.16 198-33-434 1.755 49,383,066.92 149,317,050.1649,383,066.9249,383,066.92Subtotal and Average 1 1.755 Federal Agency Coupon Securities 406Federal Farm Credit Bank1092 1,000,000.00 992,600.00 07/12/20191.08007/10/2017 985,700.00 7323133EGLC7 1.456 1,188Federal Farm Credit Bank1105 1,000,000.00 992,200.00 09/01/20211.70011/09/2017 970,720.00 1,3923133EHWM1 1.913 384Federal Farm Credit Bank1141 500,000.00 494,750.00 06/20/20191.21005/31/2018 494,125.00 3853133EGFU4 2.224 707Federal Farm Credit Bank1142 500,000.00 491,750.00 05/08/20201.55005/31/2018 491,495.00 7083133EHJA2 2.427 1,062Federal Home Loan Bank1053 2,500,000.00 2,491,250.00 04/28/20211.35004/28/2016 2,407,625.00 1,8263130A7QZ1 1.423 878Federal Home Loan Bank1064 2,500,000.00 2,500,000.00 10/26/20201.37510/26/2016 2,428,250.00 1,4613130A9UQ2 1.375 833Federal Home Loan Bank1104 1,000,000.00 996,800.00 09/11/20201.62511/09/2017 981,230.00 1,0373130A66T9 1.741 1,733Federal Home Loan Bank1121 1,000,000.00 999,000.00 02/28/20232.37504/02/2018 995,950.00 1,7933130ADMF6 3.111 1,062Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp1054 2,500,000.00 2,500,000.00 04/28/20211.50004/28/2016 2,458,925.00 1,8263134G8Y37 1.400 1,397Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp1073 2,000,000.00 1,990,000.00 03/29/20222.00003/29/2017 1,942,360.00 1,8263134GBAE2 2.106 1,307Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp1084 1,000,000.00 999,500.00 12/29/20212.00007/06/2017 973,700.00 1,6373134GBXF4 2.012 1,517Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp1090 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 07/27/20222.15007/27/2017 972,110.00 1,8263134GBWG3 2.150 1,704Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp1116 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 01/30/20232.55001/30/2018 987,370.00 1,8263134GSCD5 2.550 1,728Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp1122 750,000.00 746,625.00 02/23/20232.75004/02/2018 742,582.50 1,7883134GSCQ6 2.849 318Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp1129 500,000.00 495,250.00 04/15/20191.12505/10/2018 495,150.00 3403137EADZ9 2.161 605Federal National Mtg Assn1072 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 01/27/20201.70003/27/2017 1,975,480.00 1,0363135G0S53 1.700 468Federal National Mtg Assn1139 500,000.00 496,700.00 09/12/20191.75005/31/2018 496,270.00 4693135G0ZG1 2.275 427Federal National Mtg Assn1140 500,000.00 492,000.00 08/02/20190.87505/31/2018 491,680.00 4283135G0N33 2.269 21,678,425.00 1,43821,290,722.5021,750,000.0019,623,158.87Subtotal and Average 1,042 1.878 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 09/04/2018 - 16:08 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 Report Ver. 127 Days to Maturity Page 2 Par Value Book Value Maturity Date Stated RateMarket Value May 31, 2018 Portfolio Details - Investments Average BalanceIssuer Portfolio Management City of La Quinta YTM 365TermCUSIPInvestment # Purchase Date Treasury Coupon Securities 1,125U.S. Treasury1045 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 06/30/20211.12507/18/2016 4,789,650.00 1,808912828S27 1.125 136U.S. Treasury1063 2,500,000.00 2,502,250.00 10/15/20180.87510/24/2016 2,489,350.00 721912828L81 0.829 669U.S. Treasury1068 2,500,000.00 2,483,250.00 03/31/20201.37503/20/2017 2,454,300.00 1,107912828J84 1.602 562U.S. Treasury1069 2,500,000.00 2,490,750.00 12/15/20191.37503/20/2017 2,462,700.00 1,000912828U73 1.513 1,248U.S. Treasury1070 2,000,000.00 1,942,800.00 10/31/20211.25003/27/2017 1,913,200.00 1,679912828T67 1.903 167U.S. Treasury1103 500,000.00 498,840.00 11/15/20181.25011/09/2017 498,125.00 371912828M64 1.481 806U.S. Treasury1117 1,000,000.00 985,800.00 08/15/20201.50001/22/2018 979,650.00 9369128282Q2 2.071 364U.S. Treasury1130 1,000,000.00 992,600.00 05/31/20191.50005/10/2018 992,460.00 386912828WL0 2.211 182U.S. Treasury1131 500,000.00 498,000.00 11/30/20181.25005/10/2018 497,910.00 204912828A34 1.974 699U.S. Treasury1138 500,000.00 488,250.00 04/30/20201.12505/31/2018 488,045.00 700912828VA5 2.387 17,882,540.00 1,19017,565,390.0018,000,000.0016,977,285.16Subtotal and Average 734 1.469 Certificate of Deposits 353First Business Bank1019 240,000.00 240,000.00 05/20/20191.75005/20/2014 238,804.80 1,82631938QH72 1.751 538First Farmers Bank &Trust Co.1091 240,000.00 240,000.00 11/21/20191.65007/21/2017 237,019.20 853320165HX4 1.653 151First Merchants Bank1020 240,000.00 240,000.00 10/30/20181.50004/30/2014 239,858.40 1,64432082BDF3 1.501 871First Tech Federal Credit Unio1124 245,000.00 245,000.00 10/19/20202.70004/18/2018 244,218.45 91533715LBJ8 2.623 1,340Third Federal Savings and Loan1112 245,000.00 245,000.00 01/31/20222.50001/30/2018 240,616.95 1,46288413QBY3 2.233 1,595Alliance Credit Union1095 245,000.00 245,000.00 10/13/20222.25010/13/2017 236,405.40 1,82601859BAA3 2.251 206Ally Bank Midvale1001 240,000.00 240,000.00 12/24/20181.70012/24/2015 239,457.60 1,09602006LWX7 1.702 1,053Amex Centurion1077 240,000.00 240,000.00 04/19/20212.25004/19/2017 234,420.00 1,46102587DP85 2.252 1,550American Express Fed Savings B1096 240,000.00 240,000.00 08/29/20222.40008/29/2017 231,679.20 1,82602587CFU9 2.402 1,755Aneca Federal Credit Union1119 245,000.00 245,000.00 03/22/20232.80003/22/2018 240,656.15 1,826034577AH9 2.802 1,607Barclays Bank1097 240,000.00 240,000.00 10/25/20222.30010/25/2017 231,950.40 1,82606740KLJ4 2.291 1,270Belmont Savings Bank1102 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/22/20212.10011/21/2017 237,689.20 1,462080515CD9 2.101 1,364BMW Bank1067 240,000.00 240,000.00 02/24/20222.20002/24/2017 233,068.80 1,82605580AGK4 2.201 958Bankers Bank1086 240,000.00 240,000.00 01/14/20211.80007/14/2017 233,404.80 1,28006610RAP4 1.804 1,102Capital One Natl Assn FDIC42971082 240,000.00 240,000.00 06/07/20212.25006/07/2017 235,027.20 1,46114042RGD7 2.252 740Capital One USA FDIC339541006 245,000.00 245,000.00 06/10/20201.90006/10/2015 241,104.50 1,827140420RX0 1.902 997Comenity Capital Bank1009 240,000.00 240,000.00 02/22/20211.70002/22/2016 232,377.60 1,82720033APG5 1.702 74CIT Bank UT1008 240,000.00 240,000.00 08/14/20181.90008/14/2013 240,072.00 1,82617284CKN3 1.901 1,775Citibank NA1123 245,000.00 245,000.00 04/11/20232.90004/11/2018 241,594.50 1,82617312QJ26 2.902 357City National Bank of Florida1132 240,000.00 240,000.00 05/24/20192.20005/24/2018 239,829.60 36517801DDT0 2.200 1,139Central State Bank1085 240,000.00 240,000.00 07/14/20211.85007/14/2017 231,928.80 1,46115523RBJ4 1.851 4Compass Bank1010 248,000.00 248,000.00 06/05/20181.35006/05/2015 247,990.08 1,09620451PLG9 1.351 369Connect One1011 248,000.00 248,000.00 06/05/20191.50006/05/2015 246,383.04 1,46120786ABD6 1.501 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 09/04/2018 - 16:08 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 128 Days to Maturity Page 3 Par Value Book Value Maturity Date Stated RateMarket Value May 31, 2018 Portfolio Details - Investments Average BalanceIssuer Portfolio Management City of La Quinta YTM 365TermCUSIPInvestment # Purchase Date Certificate of Deposits 1,631CrossFirst Bank1106 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/18/20222.20011/20/2017 235,479.30 1,82422766ACB9 2.201 1,341Discover Bank Greenwood DE CF1066 240,000.00 240,000.00 02/01/20222.25002/01/2017 233,632.80 1,8262546722U1 2.251 599Douglas National Bank1093 240,000.00 240,000.00 01/21/20201.65007/19/2017 236,388.00 916259744DS6 1.655 1,792EnerBank USA1125 240,000.00 240,000.00 04/28/20232.95004/30/2018 237,067.20 1,82429278TAY6 2.952 1,641Enterprise Bank, NA1107 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/28/20222.15011/28/2017 234,864.35 1,82629367QCP1 2.151 333Ephrata Bank1016 240,000.00 240,000.00 04/30/20191.65004/30/2014 239,491.20 1,826294209AQ4 1.651 735EverBank1017248,000.00 248,000.00 06/05/20201.70006/05/2015 242,893.68 1,82729976DXX3 1.702 249Farmers & Merch1018 248,000.00 248,000.00 02/05/20191.25006/05/2015 246,578.96 1,341307814DC4 1.252 1,428Farmers Insurance Group FCU1126 240,000.00 240,000.00 04/29/20222.80004/30/2018 237,921.60 1,46030960QAG2 2.802 935Freedom Credit Union1111 245,000.00 245,000.00 12/22/20202.05012/22/2017 240,036.30 1,09635638BAA9 2.052 353Gulf Coast Bank1024 240,000.00 240,000.00 05/20/20191.75005/19/2014 238,812.00 1,827402194EB6 1.724 1,425Goldman Sachs1078 240,000.00 240,000.00 04/26/20222.40004/26/2017 234,422.40 1,82638148PJK4 2.401 773First Bank of Highland1094 240,000.00 240,000.00 07/13/20201.75007/13/2017 234,940.80 1,096319141GT8 1.752 1,504HSBC Bank USA, National Associ1088 240,000.00 240,000.00 07/14/20222.30007/14/2017 232,960.80 1,82640434YLE5 2.301 711Jefferson Bank & Trust1100 245,000.00 245,000.00 05/12/20201.75011/09/2017 240,445.45 915472376AC6 1.751 1,446Kansas State Bank1101 245,000.00 245,000.00 05/17/20222.10011/17/2017 236,425.00 1,64250116CBE8 2.099 1,672Knoxville TVA Credit Union1110 245,000.00 245,000.00 12/29/20222.40012/29/2017 237,123.25 1,826499724AB8 2.401 4MB Financial Bank1027 248,000.00 248,000.00 06/05/20181.10006/05/2015 247,987.60 1,09655266CME3 1.101 767Mercantile Bank of Michigan1087 240,000.00 240,000.00 07/07/20201.75007/07/2017 234,998.40 1,09658740XZL7 1.752 273Metabank Sioux Falls1133 245,000.00 245,000.00 03/01/20192.05005/15/2018 244,853.00 29059101LDR5 2.057 10MFR Trade & Trust1026 248,000.00 248,000.00 06/11/20181.20006/10/2015 247,967.76 1,097564759QT8 1.033 742Bank Midwest1002 248,000.00 248,000.00 06/12/20201.65006/12/2015 242,553.92 1,827063615AVO 1.652 535Morgan Stanley Bank1109 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/18/20191.80011/16/2017 242,513.25 73261747MA92 1.800 194Morton Community1030 248,000.00 248,000.00 12/12/20181.25006/12/2015 247,226.24 1,279619165GE7 1.251 535Morgan Stanley Private Bk, NA1108 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/18/20191.75011/16/2017 242,336.85 73261760AEP0 1.750 1,621Mountain America Federal CU1099 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/08/20222.30011/08/2017 236,608.75 1,82662384RAC0 2.301 1,243Northpointe Bank1127 240,000.00 240,000.00 10/26/20212.70004/26/2018 237,676.80 1,279666613GV0 2.703 269New York Community Bank1137 245,000.00 245,000.00 02/25/20192.05005/25/2018 244,862.80 276649447RL5 2.050 1,328The Ohio Valley Bank1089 240,000.00 240,000.00 01/19/20221.90007/19/2017 230,788.80 1,645677721CN0 1.903 361Peapack-Gladstone Bank1031 240,000.00 240,000.00 05/28/20191.80005/28/2014 239,342.40 1,826704692AL6 1.801 1,090PrivateBank & Trust1032 240,000.00 240,000.00 05/26/20211.50005/26/2016 230,632.80 1,82674267GVG9 1.501 45Regal Bank1033 240,000.00 240,000.00 07/16/20181.40005/16/2014 239,988.00 1,52275874TAH4 1.401 906First Bank Richmond1081 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/23/20201.80006/21/2017 238,811.30 1,251319267GC8 1.802 461Riverwood1034248,000.00 248,000.00 09/05/20191.40006/05/2015 245,869.68 1,55376951DAL4 1.402 1,481Sallie Mae Bank Salt Lake CIty1083 240,000.00 240,000.00 06/21/20222.35006/21/2017 233,611.20 1,826795450A70 2.351 368Solomon State1035 248,000.00 248,000.00 06/04/20191.40006/04/2015 246,390.48 1,46183427LAX2 1.401 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 09/04/2018 - 16:08 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 129 Days to Maturity Page 4 Par Value Book Value Maturity Date Stated RateMarket Value May 31, 2018 Portfolio Details - Investments Average BalanceIssuer Portfolio Management City of La Quinta YTM 365TermCUSIPInvestment # Purchase Date Certificate of Deposits 690Stearnes Bank, N.A.1076 240,000.00 240,000.00 04/21/20201.60004/21/2017 235,120.80 1,096857894TC3 1.588 1,462Synchrony Bank Retail1080 240,000.00 240,000.00 06/02/20222.40006/02/2017 234,230.40 1,82687164XQV1 2.401 1,064Towne Bank1128 240,000.00 240,000.00 04/30/20212.80004/30/2018 238,977.60 1,09689214PBL2 2.800 349Union BankNA1136 240,000.00 240,000.00 05/16/20192.20005/16/2018 239,860.80 36590521AQW1 2.200 1,019Unity Bank1120 245,000.00 245,000.00 03/16/20212.55003/16/2018 242,530.40 1,09691330ABN6 2.552 1,809University of Iowa Comm. CU1134 240,000.00 240,000.00 05/15/20233.05005/14/2018 238,041.60 1,82791435LAG2 3.052 326Webster Bank1042 240,000.00 240,000.00 04/23/20191.80004/23/2014 239,505.60 1,82694768NJQ8 1.801 270Wells Fargo1043 240,000.00 240,000.00 02/26/20191.20002/26/2016 239,143.20 1,0969497483N5 1.201 16,260,000.00 1,42715,997,470.1916,260,000.0015,611,129.03Subtotal and Average 879 1.981 Corporate Notes 1,160Apple Inc1079 500,000.00 493,050.00 08/04/20211.55006/12/2017 480,670.00 1,514037833CC2 1.900 273Johnson and Johnson Corp1075 2,000,000.00 1,993,200.00 03/01/20191.12503/29/2017 1,981,700.00 702478160BR4 1.305 615Microsoft Corporation1118 500,000.00 497,700.00 02/06/20201.85001/22/2018 494,385.00 745594918BV5 2.081 504Toyota Motor Credit Corp1098 500,000.00 498,750.00 10/18/20191.55011/07/2017 492,240.00 71089236TDH5 1.681 3,482,700.00 8243,448,995.003,500,000.003,482,700.00Subtotal and Average 481 1.554 Money Market with Fiscal Agent 1US Bank1058 3,027.64 3,027.6407/01/2016 3,027.64 1SYS1058 0.000 3,027.64 13,027.643,027.643,024.74Subtotal and Average 1 0.000 Managed Pool Accounts-OPEB Trust 1CalPERS CERBT Plan1114 1,507,063.60 1,507,063.6012/18/2017 1,507,063.60 1SYS1114 0.000 1,507,063.60 11,507,063.601,507,063.601,507,063.60Subtotal and Average 1 0.000 557135,170,961.59 141,310,942.94 367 1.651140,037,503.87 141,104,607.94Total and Average Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 09/04/2018 - 16:08 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 130 Days to Maturity Page 5 Par Value Book Value Stated RateMarket Value May 31, 2018 Portfolio Details - Cash Average BalanceIssuer Portfolio Management City of La Quinta YTM 365TermCUSIPInvestment # Purchase Date 0.00 557135,170,961.59 141,310,942.94 367 1.651 0 0 2,705.69 2,705.69 2,705.69 2,705.69 Subtotal Accrued Interest at PurchaseAverage Balance 140,040,209.56 141,107,313.63Total Cash and Investments Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 09/04/2018 - 16:08 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 131 City of La Quinta Total Earnings City of La Quinta - Sorted by Fund - Fund May 1, 2018 - May 31, 2018 Current Rate Ending Par Value Ending Fund Book Value Beginning Book Value Adjusted Interest Earnings Accretion Amortization/ Earnings Adjusted InterestAnnualized YieldCUSIP Investment # Interest EarnedIssuer Realized Gainl/Loss Fund: General Fund 240,000.001001240,000.00 1.700ALLY 346.52 0.00 346.521.700101240,000.0002006LWX7 0.00 248,000.001002248,000.00 1.650MIDWES 347.54 0.00 347.541.650101248,000.00063615AVO 0.00 245,000.001006245,000.00 1.900CAPONE 395.35 0.00 395.351.900101245,000.00140420RX0 0.00 240,000.001008240,000.00 1.900CITI 387.29 0.00 387.291.900101240,000.0017284CKN3 0.00 240,000.001009240,000.00 1.700CCBA 346.52 0.00 346.521.700101240,000.0020033APG5 0.00 248,000.001010248,000.00 1.350COMP 284.35 0.00 284.351.350101248,000.0020451PLG9 0.00 248,000.001011248,000.00 1.500CONNEC 315.94 0.00 315.941.500101248,000.0020786ABD6 0.00 240,000.001016240,000.00 1.650EPHRAT 336.33 0.00 336.331.650101240,000.00294209AQ4 0.00 248,000.001017248,000.00 1.700EVRBA 358.07 0.00 358.071.700101248,000.0029976DXX3 0.00 248,000.001018248,000.00 1.250FARMER 263.29 0.00 263.291.250101248,000.00307814DC4 0.00 240,000.001019240,000.00 1.7501STBUS 356.71 0.00 356.711.750101240,000.0031938QH72 0.00 240,000.001020240,000.00 1.5001STMER 305.75 0.00 305.751.500101240,000.0032082BDF3 0.00 240,000.001024240,000.00 1.750GCB 356.72 0.00 356.721.750101240,000.00402194EB6 0.00 248,000.001026248,000.00 1.200MFR 252.75 0.00 252.751.200101248,000.00564759QT8 0.00 248,000.001027248,000.00 1.100MBFIN 231.70 0.00 231.701.100101248,000.0055266CME3 0.00 0.0010290.00 1.350MRRCK 71.02 0.00 71.021.350101240,000.0059012Y6Q5 0.00 248,000.001030248,000.00 1.250MORTN 263.29 0.00 263.291.250101248,000.00619165GE7 0.00 240,000.001031240,000.00 1.800PEAPAC 366.91 0.00 366.911.800101240,000.00704692AL6 0.00 240,000.001032240,000.00 1.500PRVTBA 305.76 0.00 305.761.500101240,000.0074267GVG9 0.00 240,000.001033240,000.00 1.400REGAL 285.37 0.00 285.371.400101240,000.0075874TAH4 0.00 248,000.001034248,000.00 1.400RVRW 294.88 0.00 294.881.400101248,000.0076951DAL4 0.00 248,000.001035248,000.00 1.400SOLOM 294.89 0.00 294.891.400101248,000.0083427LAX2 0.00 240,000.001042240,000.00 1.800WEB 366.90 0.00 366.901.800101240,000.0094768NJQ8 0.00 240,000.001043240,000.00 1.200WELLS 244.60 0.00 244.601.200101240,000.009497483N5 0.00 5,000,000.0010455,000,000.00 1.125USTR 4,816.98 0.00 4,816.981.1341015,000,000.00912828S27 0.00 2,491,250.0010532,500,000.00 1.350FHLB 2,812.50 0.00 2,812.501.3291012,491,250.003130A7QZ1 0.00 2,500,000.0010542,500,000.00 1.500FHLMC 3,125.00 0.00 3,125.001.4721012,500,000.003134G8Y37 0.00 49,383,066.92105549,383,066.92 1.755LAIF 79,864.51 0.00 79,864.511.90410149,383,066.9298-33-434 0.00 6,459,643.4510576,459,643.45WELLS 0.01 0.00 0.011014,347,669.894159282482 0.00 3,000.0010593,000.00CITYPC 0.00 0.00 0.001013,000.00SYS1059 0.00 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 09/04/2018 - 16:17 TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. Current Rate Ending Par Value Ending Fund Page 2 Book Value Beginning Book Value Adjusted Interest Earnings Accretion Amortization/ Earnings Adjusted Interest May 1, 2018 - May 31, 2018 Total Earnings City of La Quinta Annualized YieldCUSIP Investment # Interest EarnedIssuer Realized Gainl/Loss Fund: General Fund 2,502,250.0010632,500,000.00 0.875USTR 1,852.80 0.00 1,852.800.8721012,502,250.00912828L81 0.00 2,500,000.0010642,500,000.00 1.375FHLB 2,864.58 0.00 2,864.581.3491012,500,000.003130A9UQ2 0.00 240,000.001066240,000.00 2.250DISCOV 458.63 0.00 458.632.250101240,000.002546722U1 0.00 240,000.001067240,000.00 2.200BMW 448.44 0.00 448.442.200101240,000.0005580AGK4 0.00 2,483,250.0010682,500,000.00 1.375USTR 2,911.55 0.00 2,911.551.3801012,483,250.00912828J84 0.00 2,490,750.0010692,500,000.00 1.375USTR 2,927.54 0.00 2,927.541.3841012,490,750.00912828U73 0.00 1,942,800.0010702,000,000.00 1.250USTR 2,105.98 0.00 2,105.981.2761011,942,800.00912828T67 0.00 2,000,000.0010722,000,000.00 1.700FNMA 2,833.33 0.00 2,833.331.6681012,000,000.003135G0S53 0.00 1,990,000.0010732,000,000.00 2.000FHLMC 3,333.33 0.00 3,333.331.9721011,990,000.003134GBAE2 0.00 1,993,200.0010752,000,000.00 1.125J&J 1,875.00 0.00 1,875.001.1081011,993,200.00478160BR4 0.00 240,000.001076240,000.00 1.600STRNS 326.14 0.00 326.141.600101240,000.00857894TC3 0.00 240,000.001077240,000.00 2.250AMEX 458.63 0.00 458.632.250101240,000.0002587DP85 0.00 240,000.001078240,000.00 2.400GLDMAN 489.21 0.00 489.212.400101240,000.0038148PJK4 0.00 493,050.001079500,000.00 1.550APPL 645.83 0.00 645.831.542101493,050.00037833CC2 0.00 240,000.001080240,000.00 2.400SYNCHR 489.21 0.00 489.212.400101240,000.0087164XQV1 0.00 245,000.001081245,000.00 1.800RICHMN 374.55 0.00 374.551.800101245,000.00319267GC8 0.00 240,000.001082240,000.00 2.250CAP1NA 458.63 0.00 458.632.250101240,000.0014042RGD7 0.00 240,000.001083240,000.00 2.350SALMAE 479.01 0.00 479.012.350101240,000.00795450A70 0.00 999,500.0010841,000,000.00 2.000FHLMC 1,666.67 0.00 1,666.671.963101999,500.003134GBXF4 0.00 240,000.001085240,000.00 1.850CNTRL 377.09 0.00 377.091.850101240,000.0015523RBJ4 0.00 240,000.001086240,000.00 1.800BNKRS 366.91 0.00 366.911.800101240,000.0006610RAP4 0.00 240,000.001087240,000.00 1.750MERCTL 356.71 0.00 356.711.750101240,000.0058740XZL7 0.00 240,000.001088240,000.00 2.300HSBC 468.82 0.00 468.822.300101240,000.0040434YLE5 0.00 240,000.001089240,000.00 1.900OHVAL 387.29 0.00 387.291.900101240,000.00677721CN0 0.00 1,000,000.0010901,000,000.00 2.150FHLMC 1,791.67 0.00 1,791.672.1101011,000,000.003134GBWG3 0.00 240,000.001091240,000.00 1.6501STFRM 336.32 0.00 336.321.650101240,000.00320165HX4 0.00 992,600.0010921,000,000.00 1.080FFCB 900.00 0.00 900.001.068101992,600.003133EGLC7 0.00 240,000.001093240,000.00 1.650DOUGLS 336.33 0.00 336.331.650101240,000.00259744DS6 0.00 240,000.001094240,000.00 1.750HIGHLD 356.71 0.00 356.711.750101240,000.00319141GT8 0.00 245,000.001095245,000.00 2.250ALLIAN 468.18 0.00 468.182.250101245,000.0001859BAA3 0.00 240,000.001096240,000.00 2.400AMFSB 489.21 0.00 489.212.400101240,000.0002587CFU9 0.00 240,000.001097240,000.00 2.300BARCLY 468.82 0.00 468.822.300101240,000.0006740KLJ4 0.00 498,750.001098500,000.00 1.550TOYOTA 645.83 0.00 645.831.525101498,750.0089236TDH5 0.00 245,000.001099245,000.00 2.300MTNAMR 478.58 0.00 478.582.300101245,000.0062384RAC0 0.00 245,000.001100245,000.00 1.750JFFRSN 364.14 0.00 364.141.750101245,000.00472376AC6 0.00 245,000.001101245,000.00 2.100KANSAS 436.97 0.00 436.972.100101245,000.0050116CBE8 0.00 245,000.001102245,000.00 2.100BELMNT 436.98 0.00 436.982.100101245,000.00080515CD9 0.00 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 09/04/2018 - 16:17 TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. Current Rate Ending Par Value Ending Fund Page 3 Book Value Beginning Book Value Adjusted Interest Earnings Accretion Amortization/ Earnings Adjusted Interest May 1, 2018 - May 31, 2018 Total Earnings City of La Quinta Annualized YieldCUSIP Investment # Interest EarnedIssuer Realized Gainl/Loss Fund: General Fund 498,840.001103500,000.00 1.250USTR 530.43 0.00 530.431.252101498,840.00912828M64 0.00 996,800.0011041,000,000.00 1.625FHLB 1,354.17 0.00 1,354.171.600101996,800.003130A66T9 0.00 992,200.0011051,000,000.00 1.700FFCB 1,416.67 0.00 1,416.671.681101992,200.003133EHWM1 0.00 245,000.001106245,000.00 2.200CRS1ST 457.78 0.00 457.782.200101245,000.0022766ACB9 0.00 245,000.001107245,000.00 2.150ENTRPR 447.38 0.00 447.382.150101245,000.0029367QCP1 0.00 245,000.001108245,000.00 1.750MSPRIV 364.15 0.00 364.151.750101245,000.0061760AEP0 0.00 245,000.001109245,000.00 1.800MORGST 374.55 0.00 374.551.800101245,000.0061747MA92 0.00 245,000.001110245,000.00 2.400KNOX 499.40 0.00 499.402.400101245,000.00499724AB8 0.00 245,000.001111245,000.00 2.050FREECU 426.56 0.00 426.562.050101245,000.0035638BAA9 0.00 245,000.001112245,000.00 2.5003RD 520.21 0.00 520.212.500101245,000.0088413QBY3 0.00 1,507,063.6011141,507,063.60CALPRS 0.00 0.00 0.001011,507,063.60SYS1114 0.00 1,000,000.0011161,000,000.00 2.550FHLMC 2,125.00 0.00 2,125.002.5021011,000,000.003134GSCD5 0.00 985,800.0011171,000,000.00 1.500USTR 1,284.54 0.00 1,284.541.534101985,800.009128282Q2 0.00 497,700.001118500,000.00 1.850MCRSFT 770.83 0.00 770.831.824101497,700.00594918BV5 0.00 245,000.001119245,000.00 2.800ANECA 582.63 0.00 582.632.800101245,000.00034577AH9 0.00 245,000.001120245,000.00 2.550UNITY 530.61 0.00 530.612.550101245,000.0091330ABN6 0.00 999,000.0011211,000,000.00 2.375FHLB 1,979.17 0.00 1,979.172.333101999,000.003130ADMF6 0.00 746,625.001122750,000.00 2.750FHLMC 1,718.75 0.00 1,718.752.710101746,625.003134GSCQ6 0.00 245,000.001123245,000.00 2.900CITINA 603.43 0.00 603.432.900101245,000.0017312QJ26 0.00 245,000.001124245,000.00 2.7001STTCH 561.82 0.00 561.822.700101245,000.0033715LBJ8 0.00 240,000.001125240,000.00 2.950ENER 601.32 0.00 601.322.950101240,000.0029278TAY6 0.00 240,000.001126240,000.00 2.800FARMIG 570.74 0.00 570.742.800101240,000.0030960QAG2 0.00 240,000.001127240,000.00 2.700NORPNT 550.36 0.00 550.362.700101240,000.00666613GV0 0.00 240,000.001128240,000.00 2.800TOWNE 569.18 0.00 569.182.792101240,000.0089214PBL2 0.00 495,250.001129500,000.00 1.125FHLMC 328.12 0.00 328.121.0991010.003137EADZ9 0.00 992,600.0011301,000,000.00 1.500USTR 906.36 0.00 906.361.5151010.00912828WL0 0.00 498,000.001131500,000.00 1.250USTR 377.66 0.00 377.661.2581010.00912828A34 0.00 240,000.001132240,000.00 2.200CNBF 115.73 0.00 115.732.2001010.0017801DDT0 0.00 245,000.001133245,000.00 2.050METASF 220.16 0.00 220.162.0501010.0059101LDR5 0.00 240,000.001134240,000.00 3.050UOFICU 340.93 0.00 340.933.0501010.0091435LAG2 0.00 240,000.001136240,000.00 2.200UNION 231.45 0.00 231.452.2001010.0090521AQW1 0.00 245,000.001137245,000.00 2.050NYCMBK 96.32 0.00 96.322.0501010.00649447RL5 0.00 488,250.001138500,000.00 1.125USTR 15.28 0.00 15.281.1421010.00912828VA5 0.00 496,700.001139500,000.00 1.750FNMA 0.00 0.00 0.001010.003135G0ZG1 0.00 492,000.001140500,000.00 0.875FNMA 0.00 0.00 0.001010.003135G0N33 0.00 494,750.001141500,000.00 1.210FFCB 0.00 0.00 0.001010.003133EGFU4 0.00 491,750.001142500,000.00 1.550FFCB 0.00 0.00 0.001010.003133EHJA2 0.00 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 09/04/2018 - 16:17 TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. Current Rate Ending Par Value Ending Fund Page 4 Book Value Beginning Book Value Adjusted Interest Earnings Accretion Amortization/ Earnings Adjusted Interest May 1, 2018 - May 31, 2018 Total Earnings City of La Quinta Annualized YieldCUSIP Investment # Interest EarnedIssuer Realized Gainl/Loss 116,862,773.97Subtotal 116,656,438.97 1.654 155,934.760.00155,934.76109,125,165.41 0.00 Fund: 1st Empire Securities Cash Bal 487,000.001060487,000.00EMPIRE 121.15 0.00 121.150.6621020.00SYS1060 0.00 487,000.00Subtotal 487,000.00 0.662 121.150.00121.150.00 0.00 Fund: Fiscal Agent 3,027.6410583,027.64USBANK 3.00 0.00 3.001.1682313,024.64SYS1058 0.00 3,027.64Subtotal 3,027.64 1.168,024.64 0.00 Fund: Housing Authority : WSA and LQ 0.0010610.00WSALQ 0.00 0.00 0.002415,062.15SYS1061 0.00 217,471.381062217,471.38LQPR 0.00 0.00 0.00241203,214.38SYS1062 0.00 217,471.38Subtotal 217,471.38,276.53 0.00 Fund: SA Low/Mod Bond Fund 23,740,669.95111323,740,669.95 1.755LAIF 38,394.47 0.00 38,394.471.90424923,740,669.9525-33-005 0.00 23,740,669.95Subtotal 23,740,669.95 1.904 38,394.470.0038,394.4723,740,669.95 0.00 141,310,942.94Total 141,104,607.94 1.694 194,453.380.00194,453.38133,077,136.53 0.00 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 09/04/2018 - 16:17 TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. 136 Days to Maturity Page 1 Par Value Book Value Maturity Date Stated RateMarket Value June 30, 2018 Portfolio Details - Investments Average BalanceIssuer Portfolio Management City of La Quinta YTM 365TermCUSIPInvestment # Purchase Date Bank Accounts 1City Petty Cash1059 3,000.00 3,000.0007/01/2016 3,000.00 1SYS1059 0.000 1First Empire Bank1060 70,067.00 70,067.0007/01/2016 70,067.00 1SYS1060 0.000 1La Quinta Palms Realty1062 232,576.82 232,576.8207/01/2016 232,576.82 1SYS1062 0.000 1Wells Fargo1057 15,172,389.62 15,172,389.6207/01/2016 15,172,389.62 14159282482 0.000 1Washington St Apt La Quinta1061 0.00 0.0007/01/2016 0.00 1SYS1061 0.000 15,478,033.44 115,478,033.4415,478,033.447,295,954.05Subtotal and Average 1 0.000 Local Agency Invstmnt Fund-Housing 1Local Agency Inv Fund1113 23,740,669.95 23,740,669.95 1.85410/31/2017 23,740,669.95 125-33-005 1.854 23,740,669.95 123,740,669.9523,740,669.9523,740,669.95Subtotal and Average 1 1.854 Local Agency Investment Fund-City 1Local Agency Inv Fund1055 49,383,066.92 49,383,066.92 1.85449,317,050.16 198-33-434 1.854 49,383,066.92 149,317,050.1649,383,066.9249,383,066.92Subtotal and Average 1 1.854 Federal Agency Coupon Securities 376Federal Farm Credit Bank1092 1,000,000.00 992,600.00 07/12/20191.08007/10/2017 985,490.00 7323133EGLC7 1.456 1,158Federal Farm Credit Bank1105 1,000,000.00 992,200.00 09/01/20211.70011/09/2017 968,840.00 1,3923133EHWM1 1.913 354Federal Farm Credit Bank1141 500,000.00 494,750.00 06/20/20191.21005/31/2018 494,175.00 3853133EGFU4 2.224 677Federal Farm Credit Bank1142 500,000.00 491,750.00 05/08/20201.55005/31/2018 490,790.00 7083133EHJA2 2.427 1,032Federal Home Loan Bank1053 2,500,000.00 2,491,250.00 04/28/20211.35004/28/2016 2,404,950.00 1,8263130A7QZ1 1.423 848Federal Home Loan Bank1064 2,500,000.00 2,500,000.00 10/26/20201.37510/26/2016 2,424,625.00 1,4613130A9UQ2 1.375 803Federal Home Loan Bank1104 1,000,000.00 996,800.00 09/11/20201.62511/09/2017 978,250.00 1,0373130A66T9 1.741 1,703Federal Home Loan Bank1121 1,000,000.00 999,000.00 02/28/20232.37504/02/2018 995,310.00 1,7933130ADMF6 3.111 1,032Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp1054 2,500,000.00 2,500,000.00 04/28/20211.50004/28/2016 2,456,950.00 1,8263134G8Y37 1.400 1,367Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp1073 2,000,000.00 1,990,000.00 03/29/20222.00003/29/2017 1,939,480.00 1,8263134GBAE2 2.106 1,277Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp1084 1,000,000.00 999,500.00 12/29/20212.00007/06/2017 971,570.00 1,6373134GBXF4 2.012 1,487Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp1090 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 07/27/20222.15007/27/2017 970,380.00 1,8263134GBWG3 2.150 1,674Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp1116 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 01/30/20232.55001/30/2018 985,030.00 1,8263134GSCD5 2.550 1,698Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp1122 750,000.00 746,625.00 02/23/20232.75004/02/2018 740,797.50 1,7883134GSCQ6 2.849 288Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp1129 500,000.00 495,250.00 04/15/20191.12505/10/2018 495,390.00 3403137EADZ9 2.161 575Federal National Mtg Assn1072 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 01/27/20201.70003/27/2017 1,974,040.00 1,0363135G0S53 1.700 438Federal National Mtg Assn1139 500,000.00 496,700.00 09/12/20191.75005/31/2018 495,955.00 4693135G0ZG1 2.275 397Federal National Mtg Assn1140 500,000.00 492,000.00 08/02/20190.87505/31/2018 491,690.00 4283135G0N33 2.269 21,678,425.00 1,43821,263,712.5021,750,000.0021,678,425.00Subtotal and Average 1,012 1.878 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 09/04/2018 - 16:10 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 Report Ver. 137 Days to Maturity Page 2 Par Value Book Value Maturity Date Stated RateMarket Value June 30, 2018 Portfolio Details - Investments Average BalanceIssuer Portfolio Management City of La Quinta YTM 365TermCUSIPInvestment # Purchase Date Treasury Coupon Securities 1,095U.S. Treasury1045 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 06/30/20211.12507/18/2016 4,784,000.00 1,808912828S27 1.125 106U.S. Treasury1063 2,500,000.00 2,502,250.00 10/15/20180.87510/24/2016 2,491,950.00 721912828L81 0.829 639U.S. Treasury1068 2,500,000.00 2,483,250.00 03/31/20201.37503/20/2017 2,451,375.00 1,107912828J84 1.602 532U.S. Treasury1069 2,500,000.00 2,490,750.00 12/15/20191.37503/20/2017 2,460,850.00 1,000912828U73 1.513 1,218U.S. Treasury1070 2,000,000.00 1,942,800.00 10/31/20211.25003/27/2017 1,910,780.00 1,679912828T67 1.903 137U.S. Treasury1103 500,000.00 498,840.00 11/15/20181.25011/09/2017 498,495.00 371912828M64 1.481 776U.S. Treasury1117 1,000,000.00 985,800.00 08/15/20201.50001/22/2018 978,280.00 9369128282Q2 2.071 334U.S. Treasury1130 1,000,000.00 992,600.00 05/31/20191.50005/10/2018 992,460.00 386912828WL0 2.211 152U.S. Treasury1131 500,000.00 498,000.00 11/30/20181.25005/10/2018 498,280.00 204912828A34 1.974 669U.S. Treasury1138 500,000.00 488,250.00 04/30/20201.12505/31/2018 487,560.00 700912828VA5 2.387 17,882,540.00 1,19017,554,030.0018,000,000.0017,882,540.00Subtotal and Average 704 1.469 Certificate of Deposits 323First Business Bank1019 240,000.00 240,000.00 05/20/20191.75005/20/2014 238,754.40 1,82631938QH72 1.751 508First Farmers Bank &Trust Co.1091 240,000.00 240,000.00 11/21/20191.65007/21/2017 237,036.00 853320165HX4 1.653 121First Merchants Bank1020 240,000.00 240,000.00 10/30/20181.50004/30/2014 239,810.40 1,64432082BDF3 1.501 841First Tech Federal Credit Unio1124 245,000.00 245,000.00 10/19/20202.70004/18/2018 244,073.90 91533715LBJ8 2.623 1,310Third Federal Savings and Loan1112 245,000.00 245,000.00 01/31/20222.50001/30/2018 240,256.80 1,46288413QBY3 2.233 1,443Allegiance Bank1143 245,000.00 245,000.00 06/13/20223.10006/13/2018 244,828.50 1,46101748DBE5 3.102 1,565Alliance Credit Union1095 245,000.00 245,000.00 10/13/20222.25010/13/2017 235,947.25 1,82601859BAA3 2.251 176Ally Bank Midvale1001 240,000.00 240,000.00 12/24/20181.70012/24/2015 239,448.00 1,09602006LWX7 1.702 1,023Amex Centurion1077 240,000.00 240,000.00 04/19/20212.25004/19/2017 234,458.40 1,46102587DP85 2.252 1,520American Express Fed Savings B1096 240,000.00 240,000.00 08/29/20222.40008/29/2017 231,055.20 1,82602587CFU9 2.402 1,725Aneca Federal Credit Union1119 245,000.00 245,000.00 03/22/20232.80003/22/2018 240,126.95 1,826034577AH9 2.802 1,577Barclays Bank1097 240,000.00 240,000.00 10/25/20222.30010/25/2017 231,494.40 1,82606740KLJ4 2.291 1,240Belmont Savings Bank1102 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/22/20212.10011/21/2017 237,500.55 1,462080515CD9 2.101 1,334BMW Bank1067 240,000.00 240,000.00 02/24/20222.20002/24/2017 232,735.20 1,82605580AGK4 2.201 928Bankers Bank1086 240,000.00 240,000.00 01/14/20211.80007/14/2017 233,457.60 1,28006610RAP4 1.804 1,072Capital One Natl Assn FDIC42971082 240,000.00 240,000.00 06/07/20212.25006/07/2017 235,032.00 1,46114042RGD7 2.252 710Capital One USA FDIC339541006 245,000.00 245,000.00 06/10/20201.90006/10/2015 241,106.95 1,827140420RX0 1.902 967Comenity Capital Bank1009 240,000.00 240,000.00 02/22/20211.70002/22/2016 232,464.00 1,82720033APG5 1.702 44CIT Bank UT1008 240,000.00 240,000.00 08/14/20181.90008/14/2013 239,992.80 1,82617284CKN3 1.901 1,745Citibank NA1123 245,000.00 245,000.00 04/11/20232.90004/11/2018 241,048.15 1,82617312QJ26 2.902 327City National Bank of Florida1132 240,000.00 240,000.00 05/24/20192.20005/24/2018 239,688.00 36517801DDT0 2.200 1,109Central State Bank1085 240,000.00 240,000.00 07/14/20211.85007/14/2017 231,950.40 1,46115523RBJ4 1.851 339Connect One1011 248,000.00 248,000.00 06/05/20191.50006/05/2015 246,365.68 1,46120786ABD6 1.501 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 09/04/2018 - 16:10 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 138 Days to Maturity Page 3 Par Value Book Value Maturity Date Stated RateMarket Value June 30, 2018 Portfolio Details - Investments Average BalanceIssuer Portfolio Management City of La Quinta YTM 365TermCUSIPInvestment # Purchase Date Certificate of Deposits 1,601CrossFirst Bank1106 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/18/20222.20011/20/2017 235,035.85 1,82422766ACB9 2.201 1,311Discover Bank Greenwood DE CF1066 240,000.00 240,000.00 02/01/20222.25002/01/2017 233,323.20 1,8262546722U1 2.251 569Douglas National Bank1093 240,000.00 240,000.00 01/21/20201.65007/19/2017 236,426.40 916259744DS6 1.655 1,762EnerBank USA1125 240,000.00 240,000.00 04/28/20232.95004/30/2018 236,527.20 1,82429278TAY6 2.952 1,611Enterprise Bank, NA1107 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/28/20222.15011/28/2017 234,430.70 1,82629367QCP1 2.151 303Ephrata Bank1016 240,000.00 240,000.00 04/30/20191.65004/30/2014 239,376.00 1,826294209AQ4 1.651 705EverBank1017248,000.00 248,000.00 06/05/20201.70006/05/2015 242,953.20 1,82729976DXX3 1.702 219Farmers & Merch1018 248,000.00 248,000.00 02/05/20191.25006/05/2015 246,618.64 1,341307814DC4 1.252 1,398Farmers Insurance Group FCU1126 240,000.00 240,000.00 04/29/20222.80004/30/2018 237,372.00 1,46030960QAG2 2.802 905Freedom Credit Union1111 245,000.00 245,000.00 12/22/20202.05012/22/2017 240,019.15 1,09635638BAA9 2.052 323Gulf Coast Bank1024 240,000.00 240,000.00 05/20/20191.75005/19/2014 238,761.60 1,827402194EB6 1.724 1,395Goldman Sachs1078 240,000.00 240,000.00 04/26/20222.40004/26/2017 233,952.00 1,82638148PJK4 2.401 743First Bank of Highland1094 240,000.00 240,000.00 07/13/20201.75007/13/2017 234,948.00 1,096319141GT8 1.752 1,474HSBC Bank USA, National Associ1088 240,000.00 240,000.00 07/14/20222.30007/14/2017 232,497.60 1,82640434YLE5 2.301 681Jefferson Bank & Trust1100 245,000.00 245,000.00 05/12/20201.75011/09/2017 240,518.95 915472376AC6 1.751 1,416Kansas State Bank1101 245,000.00 245,000.00 05/17/20222.10011/17/2017 235,964.40 1,64250116CBE8 2.099 1,642Knoxville TVA Credit Union1110 245,000.00 245,000.00 12/29/20222.40012/29/2017 236,647.95 1,826499724AB8 2.401 737Mercantile Bank of Michigan1087 240,000.00 240,000.00 07/07/20201.75007/07/2017 235,003.20 1,09658740XZL7 1.752 243Metabank Sioux Falls1133 245,000.00 245,000.00 03/01/20192.05005/15/2018 244,713.35 29059101LDR5 2.057 712Bank Midwest1002 248,000.00 248,000.00 06/12/20201.65006/12/2015 242,623.36 1,827063615AVO 1.652 505Morgan Stanley Bank1109 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/18/20191.80011/16/2017 242,498.55 73261747MA92 1.800 164Morton Community1030 248,000.00 248,000.00 12/12/20181.25006/12/2015 247,270.88 1,279619165GE7 1.251 505Morgan Stanley Private Bk, NA1108 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/18/20191.75011/16/2017 242,331.95 73261760AEP0 1.750 1,591Mountain America Federal CU1099 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/08/20222.30011/08/2017 236,143.25 1,82662384RAC0 2.301 1,213Northpointe Bank1127 240,000.00 240,000.00 10/26/20212.70004/26/2018 237,420.00 1,279666613GV0 2.703 239New York Community Bank1137 245,000.00 245,000.00 02/25/20192.05005/25/2018 244,718.25 276649447RL5 2.050 1,298The Ohio Valley Bank1089 240,000.00 240,000.00 01/19/20221.90007/19/2017 230,558.40 1,645677721CN0 1.903 1,438PCSB Bank1149 245,000.00 245,000.00 06/08/20223.00006/08/2018 243,939.15 1,46169324MAD7 3.002 331Peapack-Gladstone Bank1031 240,000.00 240,000.00 05/28/20191.80005/28/2014 239,251.20 1,826704692AL6 1.801 1,060PrivateBank & Trust1032 240,000.00 240,000.00 05/26/20211.50005/26/2016 230,779.20 1,82674267GVG9 1.501 1,815RCB Bank1144 245,000.00 245,000.00 06/20/20233.15006/20/2018 243,309.50 1,82674934YAH4 3.152 15Regal Bank1033 240,000.00 240,000.00 07/16/20181.40005/16/2014 239,971.20 1,52275874TAH4 1.401 876First Bank Richmond1081 245,000.00 245,000.00 11/23/20201.80006/21/2017 238,823.55 1,251319267GC8 1.802 431Riverwood1034248,000.00 248,000.00 09/05/20191.40006/05/2015 245,852.32 1,55376951DAL4 1.402 1,451Sallie Mae Bank Salt Lake CIty1083 240,000.00 240,000.00 06/21/20222.35006/21/2017 233,112.00 1,826795450A70 2.351 338Solomon State1035 248,000.00 248,000.00 06/04/20191.40006/04/2015 246,373.12 1,46183427LAX2 1.401 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 09/04/2018 - 16:10 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 139 Days to Maturity Page 4 Par Value Book Value Maturity Date Stated RateMarket Value June 30, 2018 Portfolio Details - Investments Average BalanceIssuer Portfolio Management City of La Quinta YTM 365TermCUSIPInvestment # Purchase Date Certificate of Deposits 660Stearnes Bank, N.A.1076 240,000.00 240,000.00 04/21/20201.60004/21/2017 235,209.60 1,096857894TC3 1.588 1,432Synchrony Bank Retail1080 240,000.00 240,000.00 06/02/20222.40006/02/2017 233,692.80 1,82687164XQV1 2.401 1,034Towne Bank1128 240,000.00 240,000.00 04/30/20212.80004/30/2018 238,896.00 1,09689214PBL2 2.800 1,499Traditions Bank1148 245,000.00 245,000.00 08/08/20223.00006/08/2018 243,642.70 1,52289269CBX9 3.003 319Union BankNA1136 240,000.00 240,000.00 05/16/20192.20005/16/2018 239,714.40 36590521AQW1 2.200 989Unity Bank1120 245,000.00 245,000.00 03/16/20212.55003/16/2018 242,474.05 1,09691330ABN6 2.552 1,779University of Iowa Comm. CU1134 240,000.00 240,000.00 05/15/20233.05005/14/2018 237,487.20 1,82791435LAG2 3.052 296Webster Bank1042 240,000.00 240,000.00 04/23/20191.80004/23/2014 239,385.60 1,82694768NJQ8 1.801 240Wells Fargo1043 240,000.00 240,000.00 02/26/20191.20002/26/2016 239,088.00 1,0969497483N5 1.201 715Wex Bank1145 245,000.00 245,000.00 06/15/20202.75006/13/2018 244,786.85 73392937CHG6 2.754 16,741,000.00 1,44016,463,074.0016,741,000.0016,424,300.00Subtotal and Average 927 2.092 Corporate Notes 1,130Apple Inc1079 500,000.00 493,050.00 08/04/20211.55006/12/2017 479,180.00 1,514037833CC2 1.900 243Johnson and Johnson Corp1075 2,000,000.00 1,993,200.00 03/01/20191.12503/29/2017 1,981,220.00 702478160BR4 1.305 585Microsoft Corporation1118 500,000.00 497,700.00 02/06/20201.85001/22/2018 493,610.00 745594918BV5 2.081 474Toyota Motor Credit Corp1098 500,000.00 498,750.00 10/18/20191.55011/07/2017 492,970.00 71089236TDH5 1.681 3,482,700.00 8243,446,980.003,500,000.003,482,700.00Subtotal and Average 451 1.554 Money Market with Fiscal Agent 1US Bank1058 3,030.29 3,030.2907/01/2016 3,030.29 1SYS1058 0.000 3,030.29 13,030.293,030.293,027.73Subtotal and Average 1 0.000 Managed Pool Accounts-OPEB Trust 1CalPERS CERBT Plan1114 1,521,278.48 1,521,278.4812/18/2017 1,521,278.48 1SYS1114 0.000 1,521,278.48 11,521,278.481,521,278.481,507,537.43Subtotal and Average 1 0.000 530141,398,221.08 150,117,079.08 345 1.621148,787,858.82 149,910,744.08Total and Average Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 09/04/2018 - 16:10 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 140 City of La Quinta Total Earnings City of La Quinta - Sorted by Fund - Fund June 1, 2018 - June 30, 2018 Current Rate Ending Par Value Ending Fund Book Value Beginning Book Value Adjusted Interest Earnings Accretion Amortization/ Earnings Adjusted InterestAnnualized YieldCUSIP Investment # Interest EarnedIssuer Realized Gainl/Loss Fund: General Fund 240,000.001001240,000.00 1.700ALLY 335.35 0.00 335.351.700101240,000.0002006LWX7 0.00 248,000.001002248,000.00 1.650MIDWES 336.33 0.00 336.331.650101248,000.00063615AVO 0.00 245,000.001006245,000.00 1.900CAPONE 382.61 0.00 382.611.900101245,000.00140420RX0 0.00 240,000.001008240,000.00 1.900CITI 374.79 0.00 374.791.900101240,000.0017284CKN3 0.00 240,000.001009240,000.00 1.700CCBA 335.34 0.00 335.341.700101240,000.0020033APG5 0.00 0.0010100.00 1.350COMP 36.69 0.00 36.691.350101248,000.0020451PLG9 0.00 248,000.001011248,000.00 1.500CONNEC 305.76 0.00 305.761.500101248,000.0020786ABD6 0.00 240,000.001016240,000.00 1.650EPHRAT 325.48 0.00 325.481.650101240,000.00294209AQ4 0.00 248,000.001017248,000.00 1.700EVRBA 346.52 0.00 346.521.700101248,000.0029976DXX3 0.00 248,000.001018248,000.00 1.250FARMER 254.80 0.00 254.801.250101248,000.00307814DC4 0.00 240,000.001019240,000.00 1.7501STBUS 345.20 0.00 345.201.750101240,000.0031938QH72 0.00 240,000.001020240,000.00 1.5001STMER 295.89 0.00 295.891.500101240,000.0032082BDF3 0.00 240,000.001024240,000.00 1.750GCB 345.20 0.00 345.201.750101240,000.00402194EB6 0.00 0.0010260.00 1.200MFR 81.54 0.00 81.541.200101248,000.00564759QT8 0.00 0.0010270.00 1.100MBFIN 29.89 0.00 29.891.100101248,000.0055266CME3 0.00 248,000.001030248,000.00 1.250MORTN 254.79 0.00 254.791.250101248,000.00619165GE7 0.00 240,000.001031240,000.00 1.800PEAPAC 355.07 0.00 355.071.800101240,000.00704692AL6 0.00 240,000.001032240,000.00 1.500PRVTBA 295.89 0.00 295.891.500101240,000.0074267GVG9 0.00 240,000.001033240,000.00 1.400REGAL 276.17 0.00 276.171.400101240,000.0075874TAH4 0.00 248,000.001034248,000.00 1.400RVRW 285.37 0.00 285.371.400101248,000.0076951DAL4 0.00 248,000.001035248,000.00 1.400SOLOM 285.37 0.00 285.371.400101248,000.0083427LAX2 0.00 240,000.001042240,000.00 1.800WEB 355.07 0.00 355.071.800101240,000.0094768NJQ8 0.00 240,000.001043240,000.00 1.200WELLS 236.71 0.00 236.711.200101240,000.009497483N5 0.00 5,000,000.0010455,000,000.00 1.125USTR 4,659.07 0.00 4,659.071.1341015,000,000.00912828S27 0.00 2,491,250.0010532,500,000.00 1.350FHLB 2,812.50 0.00 2,812.501.3741012,491,250.003130A7QZ1 0.00 2,500,000.0010542,500,000.00 1.500FHLMC 3,125.00 0.00 3,125.001.5211012,500,000.003134G8Y37 0.00 49,383,066.92105549,383,066.92 1.854LAIF 77,288.24 0.00 77,288.241.90410149,383,066.9298-33-434 0.00 15,172,389.62105715,172,389.62WELLS 0.01 0.00 0.011016,459,643.454159282482 0.00 3,000.0010593,000.00CITYPC 0.00 0.00 0.001013,000.00SYS1059 0.00 2,502,250.0010632,500,000.00 0.875USTR 1,793.04 0.00 1,793.040.8721012,502,250.00912828L81 0.00 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 09/04/2018 - 16:19 TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. Current Rate Ending Par Value Ending Fund Page 2 Book Value Beginning Book Value Adjusted Interest Earnings Accretion Amortization/ Earnings Adjusted Interest June 1, 2018 - June 30, 2018 Total Earnings City of La Quinta Annualized YieldCUSIP Investment # Interest EarnedIssuer Realized Gainl/Loss Fund: General Fund 2,500,000.0010642,500,000.00 1.375FHLB 2,864.59 0.00 2,864.591.3941012,500,000.003130A9UQ2 0.00 240,000.001066240,000.00 2.250DISCOV 443.84 0.00 443.842.250101240,000.002546722U1 0.00 240,000.001067240,000.00 2.200BMW 433.97 0.00 433.972.200101240,000.0005580AGK4 0.00 2,483,250.0010682,500,000.00 1.375USTR 2,817.62 0.00 2,817.621.3801012,483,250.00912828J84 0.00 2,490,750.0010692,500,000.00 1.375USTR 2,824.85 0.00 2,824.851.3801012,490,750.00912828U73 0.00 1,942,800.0010702,000,000.00 1.250USTR 2,038.05 0.00 2,038.051.2761011,942,800.00912828T67 0.00 2,000,000.0010722,000,000.00 1.700FNMA 2,833.33 0.00 2,833.331.7241012,000,000.003135G0S53 0.00 1,990,000.0010732,000,000.00 2.000FHLMC 3,333.33 0.00 3,333.332.0381011,990,000.003134GBAE2 0.00 1,993,200.0010752,000,000.00 1.125J&J 1,875.00 0.00 1,875.001.1451011,993,200.00478160BR4 0.00 240,000.001076240,000.00 1.600STRNS 315.62 0.00 315.621.600101240,000.00857894TC3 0.00 240,000.001077240,000.00 2.250AMEX 443.84 0.00 443.842.250101240,000.0002587DP85 0.00 240,000.001078240,000.00 2.400GLDMAN 473.42 0.00 473.422.400101240,000.0038148PJK4 0.00 493,050.001079500,000.00 1.550APPL 645.83 0.00 645.831.594101493,050.00037833CC2 0.00 240,000.001080240,000.00 2.400SYNCHR 473.42 0.00 473.422.400101240,000.0087164XQV1 0.00 245,000.001081245,000.00 1.800RICHMN 362.46 0.00 362.461.800101245,000.00319267GC8 0.00 240,000.001082240,000.00 2.250CAP1NA 443.84 0.00 443.842.250101240,000.0014042RGD7 0.00 240,000.001083240,000.00 2.350SALMAE 463.56 0.00 463.562.350101240,000.00795450A70 0.00 999,500.0010841,000,000.00 2.000FHLMC 1,666.67 0.00 1,666.672.029101999,500.003134GBXF4 0.00 240,000.001085240,000.00 1.850CNTRL 364.93 0.00 364.931.850101240,000.0015523RBJ4 0.00 240,000.001086240,000.00 1.800BNKRS 355.07 0.00 355.071.800101240,000.0006610RAP4 0.00 240,000.001087240,000.00 1.750MERCTL 345.21 0.00 345.211.750101240,000.0058740XZL7 0.00 240,000.001088240,000.00 2.300HSBC 453.70 0.00 453.702.300101240,000.0040434YLE5 0.00 240,000.001089240,000.00 1.900OHVAL 374.79 0.00 374.791.900101240,000.00677721CN0 0.00 1,000,000.0010901,000,000.00 2.150FHLMC 1,791.66 0.00 1,791.662.1801011,000,000.003134GBWG3 0.00 240,000.001091240,000.00 1.6501STFRM 325.48 0.00 325.481.650101240,000.00320165HX4 0.00 992,600.0010921,000,000.00 1.080FFCB 900.00 0.00 900.001.103101992,600.003133EGLC7 0.00 240,000.001093240,000.00 1.650DOUGLS 325.48 0.00 325.481.650101240,000.00259744DS6 0.00 240,000.001094240,000.00 1.750HIGHLD 345.21 0.00 345.211.750101240,000.00319141GT8 0.00 245,000.001095245,000.00 2.250ALLIAN 453.09 0.00 453.092.250101245,000.0001859BAA3 0.00 240,000.001096240,000.00 2.400AMFSB 473.42 0.00 473.422.400101240,000.0002587CFU9 0.00 240,000.001097240,000.00 2.300BARCLY 453.70 0.00 453.702.300101240,000.0006740KLJ4 0.00 498,750.001098500,000.00 1.550TOYOTA 645.84 0.00 645.841.575101498,750.0089236TDH5 0.00 245,000.001099245,000.00 2.300MTNAMR 463.16 0.00 463.162.300101245,000.0062384RAC0 0.00 245,000.001100245,000.00 1.750JFFRSN 352.40 0.00 352.401.750101245,000.00472376AC6 0.00 245,000.001101245,000.00 2.100KANSAS 422.88 0.00 422.882.100101245,000.0050116CBE8 0.00 245,000.001102245,000.00 2.100BELMNT 422.87 0.00 422.872.100101245,000.00080515CD9 0.00 498,840.001103500,000.00 1.250USTR 509.51 0.00 509.511.243101498,840.00912828M64 0.00 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 09/04/2018 - 16:19 TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. Current Rate Ending Par Value Ending Fund Page 3 Book Value Beginning Book Value Adjusted Interest Earnings Accretion Amortization/ Earnings Adjusted Interest June 1, 2018 - June 30, 2018 Total Earnings City of La Quinta Annualized YieldCUSIP Investment # Interest EarnedIssuer Realized Gainl/Loss Fund: General Fund 996,800.0011041,000,000.00 1.625FHLB 1,354.17 0.00 1,354.171.653101996,800.003130A66T9 0.00 992,200.0011051,000,000.00 1.700FFCB 1,416.67 0.00 1,416.671.737101992,200.003133EHWM1 0.00 245,000.001106245,000.00 2.200CRS1ST 443.01 0.00 443.012.200101245,000.0022766ACB9 0.00 245,000.001107245,000.00 2.150ENTRPR 432.94 0.00 432.942.150101245,000.0029367QCP1 0.00 245,000.001108245,000.00 1.750MSPRIV 352.39 0.00 352.391.750101245,000.0061760AEP0 0.00 245,000.001109245,000.00 1.800MORGST 362.47 0.00 362.471.800101245,000.0061747MA92 0.00 245,000.001110245,000.00 2.400KNOX 483.28 0.00 483.282.400101245,000.00499724AB8 0.00 245,000.001111245,000.00 2.050FREECU 412.81 0.00 412.812.050101245,000.0035638BAA9 0.00 245,000.001112245,000.00 2.5003RD 503.42 0.00 503.422.500101245,000.0088413QBY3 0.00 1,521,278.4811141,521,278.48CALPRS 0.00 0.00 0.001011,507,063.60SYS1114 0.00 1,000,000.0011161,000,000.00 2.550FHLMC 2,125.00 0.00 2,125.002.5851011,000,000.003134GSCD5 0.00 985,800.0011171,000,000.00 1.500USTR 1,243.09 0.00 1,243.091.534101985,800.009128282Q2 0.00 497,700.001118500,000.00 1.850MCRSFT 770.83 0.00 770.831.884101497,700.00594918BV5 0.00 245,000.001119245,000.00 2.800ANECA 563.84 0.00 563.842.800101245,000.00034577AH9 0.00 245,000.001120245,000.00 2.550UNITY 513.49 0.00 513.492.550101245,000.0091330ABN6 0.00 999,000.0011211,000,000.00 2.375FHLB 1,979.16 0.00 1,979.162.410101999,000.003130ADMF6 0.00 746,625.001122750,000.00 2.750FHLMC 1,718.75 0.00 1,718.752.801101746,625.003134GSCQ6 0.00 245,000.001123245,000.00 2.900CITINA 583.98 0.00 583.982.900101245,000.0017312QJ26 0.00 245,000.001124245,000.00 2.7001STTCH 543.70 0.00 543.702.700101245,000.0033715LBJ8 0.00 240,000.001125240,000.00 2.950ENER 581.91 0.00 581.912.950101240,000.0029278TAY6 0.00 240,000.001126240,000.00 2.800FARMIG 552.33 0.00 552.332.800101240,000.0030960QAG2 0.00 240,000.001127240,000.00 2.700NORPNT 532.60 0.00 532.602.700101240,000.00666613GV0 0.00 240,000.001128240,000.00 2.800TOWNE 550.82 0.00 550.822.792101240,000.0089214PBL2 0.00 495,250.001129500,000.00 1.125FHLMC 468.75 0.00 468.751.152101495,250.003137EADZ9 0.00 992,600.0011301,000,000.00 1.500USTR 1,229.51 0.00 1,229.511.507101992,600.00912828WL0 0.00 498,000.001131500,000.00 1.250USTR 512.29 0.00 512.291.252101498,000.00912828A34 0.00 240,000.001132240,000.00 2.200CNBF 433.97 0.00 433.972.200101240,000.0017801DDT0 0.00 245,000.001133245,000.00 2.050METASF 412.81 0.00 412.812.050101245,000.0059101LDR5 0.00 240,000.001134240,000.00 3.050UOFICU 601.65 0.00 601.653.050101240,000.0091435LAG2 0.00 240,000.001136240,000.00 2.200UNION 433.97 0.00 433.972.200101240,000.0090521AQW1 0.00 245,000.001137245,000.00 2.050NYCMBK 412.81 0.00 412.812.050101245,000.00649447RL5 0.00 488,250.001138500,000.00 1.125USTR 458.56 0.00 458.561.143101488,250.00912828VA5 0.00 496,700.001139500,000.00 1.750FNMA 729.17 0.00 729.171.786101496,700.003135G0ZG1 0.00 492,000.001140500,000.00 0.875FNMA 364.58 0.00 364.580.902101492,000.003135G0N33 0.00 494,750.001141500,000.00 1.210FFCB 504.17 0.00 504.171.240101494,750.003133EGFU4 0.00 491,750.001142500,000.00 1.550FFCB 645.83 0.00 645.831.598101491,750.003133EHJA2 0.00 245,000.001143245,000.00 3.100ALLGNC 374.55 0.00 374.553.1001010.0001748DBE5 0.00 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 09/04/2018 - 16:19 TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. Current Rate Ending Par Value Ending Fund Page 4 Book Value Beginning Book Value Adjusted Interest Earnings Accretion Amortization/ Earnings Adjusted Interest June 1, 2018 - June 30, 2018 Total Earnings City of La Quinta Annualized YieldCUSIP Investment # Interest EarnedIssuer Realized Gainl/Loss Fund: General Fund 245,000.001144245,000.00 3.150RCB 232.58 0.00 232.583.1501010.0074934YAH4 0.00 245,000.001145245,000.00 2.750WEX 332.26 0.00 332.262.7501010.0092937CHG6 0.00 245,000.001148245,000.00 3.000TRAD 463.15 0.00 463.153.0001010.0089269CBX9 0.00 245,000.001149245,000.00 3.000PCSB 463.15 0.00 463.153.0001010.0069324MAD7 0.00 126,070,735.02Subtotal 125,864,400.02 1.639 157,779.750.00157,779.75116,656,438.97 0.00 Fund: 1st Empire Securities Cash Bal 70,067.00106070,067.00EMPIRE 225.80 0.00 225.800.846102487,000.00SYS1060 0.00 70,067.00Subtotal 70,067.00 0.846 225.800.00225.80487,000.00 0.00 Fund: Fiscal Agent 3,030.2910583,030.29USBANK 2.65 0.00 2.651.0652313,027.64SYS1058 0.00 3,030.29Subtotal 3,030.29 1.065 2.650.002.653,027.64 0.00 Fund: Housing Authority : WSA and LQ 0.0010610.00WSALQ 0.00 0.00 0.002410.00SYS1061 0.00 232,576.821062232,576.82LQPR 0.00 0.00 0.00241217,471.38SYS1062 0.00 232,576.82Subtotal 232,576.82,471.38 0.00 Fund: SA Low/Mod Bond Fund 23,740,669.95111323,740,669.95 1.854LAIF 37,155.95 0.00 37,155.951.90424923,740,669.9525-33-005 0.00 23,740,669.95Subtotal 23,740,669.95 1.904 37,155.950.0037,155.9523,740,669.95 0.00 150,117,079.08Total 149,910,744.08 1.679 195,164.150.00195,164.15141,104,607.94 0.00 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 09/04/2018 - 16:19 TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. City of La Quinta -City of La Quinta Maturity Report Sorted by Maturity Date Amounts due during April 1, 2018 - June 30, 2018 Rate at MaturityPar Value Sec. TypeFund Maturity Date Maturity ProceedsInterest Income Net CUSIP Investment #Issuer Purchase Date Book Value at Maturity 248,000.00 1.000 248,210.63210.6306/09/2015SOATL103683637AAP9MC110104/09/2018 210.63248,000.00 240,000.00 1.350 240,275.18275.1804/25/2014MEDBA102858403BL95MC110104/25/2018 275.18240,000.00 240,000.00 1.350 240,275.18275.1804/30/2014BERKS1004084601AL7MC110104/30/2018 275.18240,000.00 240,000.00 1.350 240,275.18275.1804/30/2014CORNER1012219240AZ1MC110104/30/2018 275.18240,000.00 240,000.00 1.300 240,264.99264.9904/30/2014CRESC1013225645DC1MC110104/30/2018 264.99240,000.00 240,000.00 1.350 240,266.30266.3005/09/2014MRRCK102959012Y6Q5MC110105/09/2018 266.30240,000.00 248,000.00 1.350 249,669.411,669.4106/05/2015COMP101020451PLG9MC110106/05/2018 1,669.41248,000.00 248,000.00 1.100 248,231.69231.6906/05/2015MBFIN102755266CME3MC110106/05/2018 231.69248,000.00 248,000.00 1.200 248,008.168.1606/10/2015MFR1026564759QT8MC110106/11/2018 8.16248,000.00 2,195,476.72Total Maturities 2,192,000.00 3,476.722,192,000.00 3,476.72 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 09/04/2018 - 16:50 MA (PRF_MA) 7.1.1 Report Ver. City of La Quinta -City of La Quinta Purchases Report Sorted by Fund - Fund April 1, 2018 - June 30, 2018 Original Par Value Ending Book Value Sec. TypeFund Maturity YTM Accrued Interest at PurchasePayment Periods DateCUSIPInvestment #Issuer Purchase Date Principal Purchased Rate at Purchase General Fund 1,000,000.00 2.375 02/28/2023 999,000.00999,000.00 Received04/02/2018 3.11108/28 - 02/28FHLB11213130ADMF6FAC101 750,000.00 2.750 02/23/2023 746,625.00746,625.00 Received04/02/2018 2.84908/23 - 02/23FHLMC11223134GSCQ6FAC101 245,000.00 2.900 04/11/2023 245,000.00245,000.0004/11/2018 2.90210/11 - 04/11CITINA112317312QJ26MC1101 245,000.00 2.700 10/19/2020 245,000.00245,000.0004/18/2018 2.62305/18 - Monthly1STTCH112433715LBJ8MC1101 240,000.00 2.700 10/26/2021 240,000.00240,000.0004/26/2018 2.70305/26 - MonthlyNORPNT1127666613GV0MC1101 240,000.00 2.950 04/28/2023 240,000.00240,000.0004/30/2018 2.95205/30 - MonthlyENER112529278TAY6MC1101 240,000.00 2.800 04/29/2022 240,000.00240,000.0004/30/2018 2.80205/30 - MonthlyFARMIG112630960QAG2MC1101 240,000.00 2.800 04/30/2021 240,000.00240,000.0004/30/2018 2.80010/30 - 04/30TOWNE112889214PBL2MC1101 500,000.00 1.125 04/15/2019 495,250.00495,250.00 Received05/10/2018 2.16110/15 - 04/15FHLMC11293137EADZ9FAC101 1,000,000.00 1.500 05/31/2019 992,600.00992,600.00 Received05/10/2018 2.21105/31 - 11/30USTR1130912828WL0TRC101 500,000.00 1.250 11/30/2018 498,000.00498,000.00 Received05/10/2018 1.97405/31 - 11/30USTR1131912828A34TRC101 240,000.00 3.050 05/15/2023 240,000.00240,000.0005/14/2018 3.05206/01 - MonthlyUOFICU113491435LAG2MC1101 245,000.00 2.050 03/01/2019 245,000.00245,000.0005/15/2018 2.05706/15 - MonthlyMETASF113359101LDR5MC1101 240,000.00 2.200 05/16/2019 240,000.00240,000.0005/16/2018 2.20005/16 - At MaturityUNION113690521AQW1MC1101 240,000.00 2.200 05/24/2019 240,000.00240,000.0005/24/2018 2.20005/24 - At MaturityCNBF113217801DDT0MC1101 245,000.00 2.050 02/25/2019 245,000.00245,000.0005/25/2018 2.05002/25 - At MaturityNYCMBK1137649447RL5MC1101 500,000.00 1.210 06/20/2019 494,750.00494,750.00 Received05/31/2018 2.22406/20 - 12/20FFCB11413133EGFU4FAC101 500,000.00 1.550 05/08/2020 491,750.00491,750.00 Received05/31/2018 2.42711/08 - 05/08FFCB11423133EHJA2FAC101 500,000.00 1.750 09/12/2019 496,700.00496,700.00 Received05/31/2018 2.27509/12 - 03/12FNMA11393135G0ZG1FAC101 500,000.00 0.875 08/02/2019 492,000.00492,000.00 Received05/31/2018 2.26908/02 - 02/02FNMA11403135G0N33FAC101 500,000.00 1.125 04/30/2020 488,250.00488,250.00 Received05/31/2018 2.38710/31 - 04/30USTR1138912828VA5TRC101 245,000.00 3.000 06/08/2022 245,000.00245,000.0006/08/2018 3.00207/08 - MonthlyPCSB114969324MAD7MC1101 245,000.00 3.000 08/08/2022 245,000.00245,000.0006/08/2018 3.00307/08 - MonthlyTRAD114889269CBX9MC1101 245,000.00 3.100 06/13/2022 245,000.00245,000.0006/13/2018 3.10212/13 - 06/13ALLGNC114301748DBE5MC1101 245,000.00 2.750 06/15/2020 245,000.00245,000.0006/13/2018 2.75412/13 - 06/13WEX114592937CHG6MC1101 245,000.00 3.150 06/20/2023 245,000.00245,000.0006/20/2018 3.15207/20 - MonthlyRCB114474934YAH4MC1101 Subtotal 10,079,925.0010,079,925.00 0.0010,135,000.00 10,079,925.00Total Purchases 10,135,000.00 0.00 10,079,925.00 Received = Accrued Interest at Purchase was received by report ending date. Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 09/04/2018 - 16:35 PU (PRF_PU) 7.1.1 Report Ver. US Treasury Rates https://www.treasury.gov/resource-center/data-chart-center/interest-rates/Pages/TextView.aspx?data=yieldYear&year=2018 Commercial Paper Rates https://www.federalreserve.gov/releases/cp/rates.htm 147 148 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: September 18, 2018 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: INTRODUCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 6.14.010 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO REMOVAL OF LIQUID WASTE; AND APPROVE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE TO PROVIDE ONSITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEMS REGULATION RECOMMENDATION A) Move to take up Ordinance No. ___ by title and number only and waive further reading. B) Move to introduce at first reading Ordinance No. ___ amending Section 6.14.010 of the La Quinta Municipal Code pertaining to removal of liquid waste. C) Approve a Memorandum of Understanding with the County of Riverside Department of Environmental Health to provide onsite wastewater treatment systems regulation; and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Under California law, Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (OWTS) must be regulated by an approved Local Agency Management Program (LAMP). The County of Riverside Department of Environmental Health (County) has an approved LAMP, while the City of La Quinta (City) does not. The proposed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) will allow the County to continue to provide plan review of OWTS for commercial and residential applications within the City. FISCAL IMPACT There will be no fiscal impact to the City as the County will collect any applicable fees. BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 2 149 BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS There are many residential properties in La Quinta connected to private OWTS, more commonly known as septic systems, that cannot feasibly be connected to the sanitary sewer system. In 1992, the City Council adopted an ordinance adding Chapter 6.14 of its Health and Sanitation Code by “adopting by reference” the County Ordinance 712. When the City receives a request for a proposed new septic system or the repair of an existing system, the process has been to direct the applicant to the County for approval of their location and design. In 2012, the State Water Resources Control Board established new minimum requirements for the installation, performance and maintenance of OWTS, or septic systems which went into effect in May 2018, and made the installation of septic systems more restrictive. Local agencies could either adopt the statewide minimum standards or propose their own LAMP to the Regional Water Quality Control Board. Staff determined that a cost-effective strategy was to contract with the County and utilize the County of Riverside’s LAMP, which the Board adopted in November 2016. Under the proposed five-year MOU, the County will continue to provide plan review of OWTS for commercial and residential applications within the City and ensure compliance with the County LAMP. Requests for an OWTS must be accompanied by a City application for a building permit, and the project proponent will be responsible for applicable fees. ALTERNATIVES Staff does not recommend an alternative. Prepared by: Julie Mignogna, Management Analyst Approved by: Danny Castro, Design and Development Director Attachment: 1. MOU with Riverside County Department of Environmental Health for OWTS regulation 150 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING SECTION 6.14.010 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO REMOVAL OF LIQUID WASTE WHEREAS, CITY desires Environmental Planning review, Technical Assistance, and Plan Review for Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (OWTS) in accordance with the Riverside County Local Agency Management Program (LAMP) and; WHEREAS, CITY does not have an approved LAMP and; WHEREAS, COUNTY’s LAMP was approved by the Regional Water Quality Control Board on November 17, 2016 and; WHEREAS, CITY desires to abide by the Riverside County LAMP and; WHEREAS, CITY agrees to rescind any and all existing OWTS ordinances, rules and regulations, if applicable, prior to COUNTY’S review to avoid conflicting and duplicative rules and regulations and; WHEREAS, CITY agrees to allow for billing of permit fees by COUNTY for services to be rendered, according to County of Riverside Ordinance No. 640 and; WHEREAS, COUNTY has personnel with sufficient training and expertise to provide such services in accordance with the LAMP and; WHEREAS, COUNTY is prepared to provide such services under the terms and conditions in a Memorandum of Understanding; WHEREAS, Ordinance 214 adopted Chapter 6.10 Removal of Liquid Waste, and is currently numbered Chapter 6.14; NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of La Quinta does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. SECTION 6.14.010 ADOPTION BY REFERENCE shall be amended as written in “Exhibit A” attached hereto. SECTION 2. SEVERABILITY. The City Council declares that, should any provisions, paragraph, sentence or word of this ordinance be rendered or declared invalid by any final court action in a court of competent 151 Ordinance No. Section 6.14.010 Removal of Liquid Waste Adopted: Page 2 of 5 jurisdiction or by reason of any preemptive legislation, the remaining provisions, sections, paragraphs, sentences, or words of this ordinance as hereby adopted shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its adoption. SECTION 4. POSTING. The City Clerk shall, within 15 days after passage of this Ordinance, cause it to be posted in at least three public places designated by resolution of the City Council, shall certify to the adoption and posting of this Ordinance, and shall cause this Ordinance and its certification, together with proof of posting to be entered into the permanent record of Ordinances of the City of La Quinta. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED, at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held this ___ day of October, 2018, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: _______________________ LINDA EVANS, Mayor City of La Quinta, California 152 Ordinance No. Section 6.14.010 Removal of Liquid Waste Adopted: Page 3 of 5 ATTEST: __________________________________________ MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California (CITY SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM: _____________________________________ WILLIAM H. IHRKE, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California 153 154 Ordinance No. Section 6.14.010 Removal of Liquid Waste Adopted: Page 4 of 5 “EXHIBIT A” ORDINANCE NO. XXX REMOVAL OF LIQUID WASTE 6.14.010 Adoption by reference. A.) The city council of the city hereby adopts by reference Riverside County Ordinance 712, and as may be amended, and any future adopted county resolutions implementing Ordinance 712 (the “Ordinance”), which ordinance and resolution(s) regulate the collection, transportation and removal of liquid wastes and animal by-products. (Ord. 214 § 1, 1992) B.) In addition to the requirements of subsection A, the city council of the city adopts by reference County Ordinance 650, and as may be amended, and any future adopted county resolutions implementing Ordinance 650, which ordinance and resolution(s) regulate the discharge of sewage of Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (the “OWTS”) through the county’s Local Agency Management Program (the “LAMP”) as required by the State Water Resources Control Board (the “SWRCB”). The adoption of County Ordinance 650 allows for the enforcement and correction of any failure of any OWTS in a manner consistent with the County’s LAMP. To the extent that any city ordinance, regulation or other law regarding sewage discharge of OWTS is directly in conflict with the County’s LAMP, the County’s LAMP shall control. The County’s services, as rendered by its LAMP, specifically exclude County response to, and enforcement of, any complaints regarding malfunction or failure of an OWTS. The city shall have the authority to respond to, and enforce, any complaints regarding malfunction or failure of an OWTS. A.)C.) To regulate the discharge of sewage of OWTS, the city council of the city adopts by reference the County Ordinance 640, and as may be amended, and any future adopted county resolutions implementing ordinance 640, which ordinance and resolutions(s) establish the fees sufficient to offset the expenses relating to the County’s LAMP. The adoption of County Ordinance 640 allows the County to directly bill city residents applying for OWTS. 155 Ordinance No. Section 6.14.010 Removal of Liquid Waste Adopted: Page 5 of 5 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss. CITY OF LA QUINTA ) I, MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, California, do hereby certify the foregoing to be a full, true, and correct copy of Ordinance No. (enter number) which was introduced at a regular meeting on the 18th day of September, 2018, and was adopted at a regular meeting held on the ___ day of October, 2018, not being less than 5 days after the date of introduction thereof. I further certify that the foregoing Ordinance was posted in three places within the City of La Quinta as specified in the Rules of Procedure adopted by City Council Resolution No. 2015-023. _________________________ MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California DECLARATION OF POSTING I, MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was posted on , pursuant to Council Resolution. _________________________ MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California 156 1 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN RIVERSIDE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND THE CITY OF LA QUINTA This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is made and entered into by and between the CITY OF LA QUINTA, hereinafter referred to as “CITY” and the COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH, hereinafter referred to as “COUNTY”, to be effective on the date approved by both parties. I.RECITALS: WHEREAS, CITY desires Environmental Planning review, Technical Assistance, and Plan Review for Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (OWTS) in accordance with the Riverside County Local Agency Management Program (LAMP) and; WHEREAS, CITY does not have an approved LAMP and; WHEREAS, COUNTY’s LAMP was approved by the Regional Water Quality Control Board on November 17, 2016 and; WHEREAS, CITY desires to abide by the Riverside County LAMP and; WHEREAS, CITY agrees to rescind any and all existing OWTS ordinances, rules and regulations, if applicable, prior to COUNTY’S review to avoid conflicting and duplicative rules and regulations and; WHEREAS , CITY agrees to allow for billing of permit fees by COUNTY for services to be rendered, according to County of Riverside Ordinance No. 640 and; ATTACHMENT 1 157 2 WHEREAS, COUNTY has personnel with sufficient training and expertise to provide such services in accordance with the LAMP and; WHEREAS, COUNTY is prepared to provide such services under the terms and conditions set forth in this Memorandum of Understanding; and WHEREAS, CITY and COUNTY agree to now enter into this Memorandum of Understanding for a period of five (5) years; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises, covenants and conditions contained herein, the parties mutually agree as follows: II.TERMS AND CONDITIONS A.SUMMARY The CITY requires professional services as described herein from the COUNTY for review of Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (OWTS). B.TERM The term of this MOU shall be effective on the date of execution. The MOU shall continue in effect for up to 5 five years, or until terminated as outlined in section IV below. C.SERVICES TO BE RENDERED Plan Review Services: COUNTY will provide plan review of OWTS for commercial and residential applications within the CITY. This review will include inspections of the property and technical review of the soil percolation study to ensure compliance with the Riverside County LAMP. Requests for an OWTS shall be accompanied by a City application or building permit and shall be presented in person by the project proponent to a County Environmental Health office for their review. The project proponent shall be responsible for the payment of any applicable fees, as established in County Ordinance 158 3 640 and codified in Riverside County Code, Ch. 4.52 for the type of review requested at the time of submission of the request, to cover the cost of services provided. All such review shall be provided within fifteen (15) working days of submittal of a completed application. Planning Review: COUNTY will provide environmental planning review to the City for all residential and commercial projects proposing OWTS, to ensure compliance with Riverside County LAMP. The project proponent shall be responsible for the payment of any applicable fees, at the current hourly rate established in County Ordinance 640 as codified in Riverside County Code, Ch. 4.52, to cover the cost of services provided. All such reviews shall be provided within (20) twenty working days of request for such services. Inspection/Review of Annual Evaluation for Advanced Treatment Units (ATU): COUNTY will provide inspection and/or review of the annual evaluation report for ATUs as required in the LAMP. The project proponent and/or homeowner shall be responsible for the payment of any applicable fees, as established in County Ordinance 640 and codified in Riverside County Code, Ch. 4.52, to cover the cost of services provided. Services to be rendered specifically exclude COUNTY response to and enforcement of any complaints regarding malfunction or failure of an OWTS. CITY agrees to enact any ordinances or regulations necessary to enforce the correction of any failure of any OWTS, and to enforce in a manner consistent with the LAMP. CITY shall enact any necessary ordinances to allow for COUNTY to directly bill any applicant. CITY shall rescind, or suspend for the duration of this MOU and any subsequent renewals, any and all ordinances, regulations or other mandatory laws regarding OWTS systems within the CITY to avoid duplication of laws or conflicting laws. CITY shall also 159 4 enact necessary implementation ordinances, regulations or other laws that would allow the provisions of the LAMP to control within the CITY’s border and also that would allow COUNTY to provide services under the LAMP. D. PERSONNEL The services provided by the COUNTY shall be performed by COUNTY personnel under the control and direction of COUNTY. To the extent that CITY personnel may also participate in any of the activities herein provided for, CITY agrees to conduct those activities in accordance with the COUNTY LAMP, and any expenses by the CITY in this process shall be borne by CITY. E.MUTUAL HOLD HARMLESS/INDEMNIFICATION 1)CITY agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless COUNTY, its directors, officers, agents, Board of Supervisors, elected and appointed officials, employees, and representatives from and against any liability, damages, costs, losses, claims and expenses, based or asserted upon any services of COUNTY, its officers, employees, subcontractors, agents or representatives arising out of or in any way relating to this MOU, including but not limited to property damage, bodily injury, or death or any other element of any kind or nature whatsoever and resulting from any reason whatsoever arising from the performance of COUNTY under this MOU, its officers, agents, employees, subcontractors, agents or representatives. 2)In the event there is conflict between this clause and California Civil Code Section 2782, this clause shall be interpreted to comply with Civil Code 2782. Such interpretation shall not relieve CITY from indemnifying the COUNTY to the fullest extent allowed by law. 160 5 3)With respect to any action or claim subject to indemnification herein by CITY, CITY shall, at their sole cost, have the right to use counsel of their own choice, subject to approval of COUNTY, which shall not be unreasonably withheld, and shall have the right to adjust, settle, or compromise any such action or claim without the prior consent of COUNTY provided, however, that any such adjustment, settlement or compromise in no manner whatsoever limits or circumscribes CITY’S indemnification to COUNTY as set forth herein. CITY’S obligation to defend, indemnify and hold harmless COUNTY shall be subject to COUNTY having given CITY written notice within a reasonable period of time of the claim or of the commencement of the related action as the case may be, and information and reasonable assistance, at COUNTY’S expense, for the defense or settlement thereof. CITY’S obligation hereunder shall be satisfied when CITY has provided to COUNTY the appropriate form of dismissal relieving COUNTY from any liability for the action or claim involved. 4)COUNTY agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless CITY, its directors, officers, agents, City Council, elected and appointed officials, employees, and representatives from and against any liability, damages, costs, losses, claims and expenses, based or asserted upon any services of CITY, its officers, employees, subcontractors, agents or representatives arising out of or in any way relating to this MOU, including but not limited to property damage, bodily injury, or death or any other element of any kind or nature whatsoever and resulting from any reason whatsoever arising from the performance of CITY under this MOU, its officers, agents, employees, subcontractors, agents or representatives. 5)In the event there is conflict between this clause and California Civil Code Section 2782, this clause shall be interpreted to comply with Civil Code 2782. Such interpretation shall not relieve COUNTY from indemnifying the CITY to 161 6 the fullest extent allowed by law. 6)With respect to any action or claim subject to indemnification herein by COUNTY, COUNTY shall, at their sole cost, have the right to use counsel of their own choice, subject to approval of CITY, which shall not be unreasonably withheld, and shall have the right to adjust, settle, or compromise any such action or claim without the prior consent of CITY provided, however, that any such adjustment, settlement or compromise in no manner whatsoever limits or circumscribes COUNTY’S indemnification to CITY as set forth herein. COUNTY’S obligation to defend, indemnify and hold harmless CITY shall be subject to CITY having given COUNTY written notice within a reasonable period of time of the claim or of the commencement of the related action as the case may be, and information and reasonable assistance, at CITY’S expense, for the defense or settlement thereof. COUNTY’S obligation hereunder shall be satisfied when COUNTY has provided to CITY the appropriate form of dismissal relieving CITY from any liability for the action or claim involved. III.AMENDMENTS Any amendment, modification, or variation from the terms of this MOU shall be in writing and shall be effective only upon mutual approval by the authorized parties. IV.TERMINATION Either CITY or COUNTY may terminate this MOU at any time by giving (30) day written notice with or without cause to the designated contacts. Upon receipt of any notice of termination on the agreed upon effective date of termination services shall cease 162 7 thereafter. Upon termination of this MOU, any OWTS under permit and subject to annual inspection shall revert to the CITY for inspection and permitting. Any fees paid to the COUNTY for an annual permit prior to notification of termination, shall not be refunded by the COUNTY. V.COMPLETE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING This written MOU, including all writings specifically incorporated hereby in reference, shall constitute the complete MOU between the parties hereto. No oral MOU, agreement or representation not reduced to writing and specifically incorporated herein shall be of any force or effect, nor shall any such oral MOU, agreement or representation be binding upon the parties hereto. Any previous agreements between the CITY and COUNTY, whether oral or written, with regards to the activities outlined in Section II C of this MOU, shall be supplanted by this MOU. Other agreements or contracts between the CITY and COUNTY, not involving OWTS, shall be unaffected by this MOU. VI.JURISDITION/VENUE This MOU shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of California. CITY agrees and consents to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the State of California for all purposes regarding this MOU and further agrees and consents that venue of any action brought hereunder shall be exclusively in the County of Riverside. VII.NOTICE All written notices to the parties hereto shall be sent by United States mail, postage prepaid by registered or certified mail addressed as follows: CITY: COUNTY: 163 8 City of La Quinta County of Riverside Design and Development Department of Environmental Health 74895 Calle Tampico 4065 County Circle Drive La Quinta, CA 92253 Riverside, CA 92503 VIII. AUTHORITY TO EXECUTE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Both CITY and COUNTY do covenant to each individual executing this MOU on behalf of each party is a person duly authorized. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this instrument to be executed on ______________________________ (Date) CITY OF LA QUINTA COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ________________________________ _________________________ Frank J. Spevacek, City Manager Steve Van Stockum, Director APPROVED AS TO FORM: Gregory P. Priamos County Counsel By: ___________________________ Dated_____________________ Eric Stopher, Deputy County Counsel ATTEST: MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk La Quinta, California 164 9 APPROVED AS TO FORM: WILLIAM H. IHRKE, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California 165 166 167 168 ATTACHMENT 1 169 170 171 172 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: September 18, 2018 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: APPEAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL – ADOPT RESOLUTION TO SUSTAIN PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVAL OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2018-0003 FOR A 65 FOOT MONOPALM CELL TOWER AND ASSOCIATED GROUND EQUIPMENT LOCATED EAST OF EISENHOWER DRIVE AND AVENIDA MONTEZUMA INTERSECTION IN THE LA QUINTA COMMUNITY PARK; CEQA – EXEMPT FROM ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW PURSUANT TO SECTIONS 15332 (CLASS 32) AND 15303 (CLASS 3) RECOMMENDATION Find the project exempt from environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to Sections 15332 (Class 32) as in- fill development and 15303 (Class 3) for new construction or conversion of small structures. Adopt a Resolution to deny Appeal 2018-0001 and sustain Planning Commission approval of Conditional Use Permit 2018-0003; modify Condition of Approval Nos. 38, 40, and 41; and approve the site plan, architectural design, and landscaping for a 65-foot monopalm cell tower and associated ground equipment located east of the intersection of Eisenhower Drive and Avenida Montezuma in the La Quinta Community Park. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY On July 24, 2018, the Planning Commission (Commission) approved Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 2018-0003 for a 65-foot monopalm cell tower and ground equipment (Applicant: Smartlink for AT&T). On August 8, 2018, Smartlink (Applicant/Appellant) filed an appeal of the Commission decision, specifically regarding four conditions of approval. FISCAL IMPACT - None. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS AT&T is requesting a CUP for a 65-foot tall monopalm cell tower at the La Quinta Community Park (Park), located east of the intersection of Eisenhower Drive and Avenida Montezuma (Attachment 1). The tower would include 12 antenna PUBLIC HEARING ITEM NO. 1 173 panels mounted at a height of 55 feet, camouflaged with faux palm fronds. Telecommunications facilities, such as monopalm cell towers, are regulated by Chapter 9.170 of the La Quinta Municipal Code (Code) and allow for towers up to 100 feet in height with a CUP. The project site is behind the Francis Hack Rose Garden Dedication Wall (Attachment 2). An existing T-Mobile monopalm cell tower is located in the Park near the La Quinta Community Fitness Center. The Park is owned and operated by Desert Recreation District (DRD). AT&T has entered into a lease agreement with DRD for this site. Support equipment, consisting of multiple cabinets and a backup generator, would be ground-mounted within a 28-foot by 15-foot enclosure located behind the Francis Hack Rose Garden Dedication Wall (to conceal the equipment) (Attachment 3). The enclosure would consist of stucco walls at a height of 8 feet. A horizontal wrought iron grid would be installed on top of the enclosure to deter theft and Bougainvillea would be planted along the wall to camouflage the enclosure. The total lease area is approximately 410 square feet. The facility would operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and is unmanned; AT&T personnel would visit the site every 4-6 weeks for general maintenance. AT&T claims that there is a significant coverage gap in the Cove. Per AT&T, locating the monopalm in the Park would improve coverage (see Attachment 4, the AT&T radio frequency (RF) map). ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Design and Development Department has determined that this project is exempt from environmental review pursuant to Section 15332 (Class 32) of the California Environmental Quality Act as in-fill development and Section 15303 (Class 3) for new construction or conversion of small structures. STAFF ANALYSIS OF APPEAL On July 24, 2018, the Commission adopted Resolution No. 2018-010 approving the CUP. The Appellant filed an appeal to the City Council regarding Conditions of Approval (COA) Nos. 6, 38, 40, and 41. COA No. 40 was added by the Commission at the hearing; the other three conditions were provided by Staff as part of the CUP (Attachment 5). The COAs (except COA No. 40) were provided to the Appellant on July 12, 2018 via email and were not disputed prior to or during the hearing (Attachment 6). The Code has several provisions concerning administrative appeals that apply to this case. The Council may either refuse or allow consideration of issues not raised by the Appellant or other persons when the Commission approved the 174 CUP. Staff recommends that the Council consider the appeal justifications raised in Appellant’s notice of appeal to the Council. The appeal justifications and Staff’s responses are addressed below. Condition of Approval No. 40 COA No. 40 requires the City to be added as a third-party beneficiary to the maintenance provisions of the lease. The Commission added this condition to strengthen the City’s ability to ensure facility maintenance prior to an executed lease agreement. The Commission has identified property maintenance as a priority and has requested mechanisms to ensure continued maintenance. AT&T has entered into a lease agreement with DRD and maintains that the City cannot require them to revise their executed agreement to identify the City as a third-party beneficiary. While becoming a third-party beneficiary is a valid provision when an underlying agreement has not been consummated, this arrangement becomes more complicated when an agreement has been executed. Staff, through its conversations with the Appellant, believes that a compromise could be reached, whereby AT&T would enter into a separate maintenance agreement with the City to ensure that the facility is properly maintained. Staff recommends that COA No. 40 be revised to require the AT&T to enter into a maintenance agreement with the City and require a bond as part of the agreement. Revised conditions of approval are included as Attachment 7. An alternative to drafting a separate maintenance agreement would be to require a bond tied to the conditions of approval. The Appellant has indicated a preference for a bond and is exploring this option with their surety company. Condition of Approval No. 6 COA No. 6 requires the Appellant to reimburse the City for costs and attorney’s fees to review, negotiate and/or modify any documents/instruments required by the conditions of approval, if the Appellant requests modifications or revisions to documents/instruments prepared by the City. The Appellant feels that this condition compels them to pay for City Attorney expenses to review the lease agreement modifications to include the City as a third-party beneficiary. However, Staff does not believe this condition applies to the lease agreement since it was not prepared by the City. The Applicant has stated that if COA No. 40 is eliminated, they will withdraw their objection to COA No. 6. Staff recommends COA No. 6 remain in place as approved by the Commission. Condition of Approval No. 38 COA No. 38 requires that cables, conduit, or other equipment on the monopalm tower pole cannot be visible. The applicant states that the use of the term “visible” may hinder their ability to comply with the condition based on interpretations of the term now and in the future. The condition does not apply to the antennas, equipment and other ancillary components, which are required to be “stealth” in accordance with COA No. 31. Staff recommends that the 175 condition be revised to reflect requirements for concealment as stated in the Code; recommended language is presented on Attachment 7. Condition of Approval No. 41 This COA limits the ultimate height of the monopalm tower to be 65 feet. The Appellant states COA No. 41 attempts to elude applicable federal law governing modifications to eligible facilities, 47 U.S.C. Section 1455(a), by approving a shorter facility and then granting an extension to the full proposed height of 65 feet. The proposed tower would accommodate the needs of the antennas in accordance with the Code and is not structurally designed to accommodate other users. As such, installing additional equipment on the tower, which could increase height, could result in increased safety risks as the structure would be expanded beyond its design capacity. Additionally, such colocation would be difficult to conceal which would render the tower out of compliance with the conditions of approval, the Code and federal law. In light of the foregoing facts, and the unique factual scenario before the City, Staff believes that this condition is unnecessary at this time and recommends this condition be removed. Revised conditions of approval are included as Attachment 7. AGENCY AND PUBLIC REVIEW Public Agency Review This request was sent to all applicable City departments and affected public agencies on May 1, 2018. All written comments received are on file and available for review with the Design and Development Department. All comments have been incorporated in the recommended Conditions of Approval. Public Notice This appeal was advertised in The Desert Sun newspaper on September 7, 2018 and mailed to all property owners within 500 feet of the site. To date no comments have been received. Planning Commission Review At its regular meeting of July 24, 2018, the Commission heard testimony and approved the proposed project with modified conditions of approval. ALTERNATIVES Council may continue this appeal for further consideration. The Council may approve the appeal and reverse the Commission decision. Prepared by: Cheri Flores, Senior Planner Approved by: Danny Castro, Design and Development Director Attachments: 1. Project Information Form 2. Project Area Site Map 176 3. CUP Plan Set 4. RF Map 5. Appeal letter from Smartlink received August 8, 2018 6. Email to Smartlink, July 12, 2018 177 178 RESOLUTION 2018 – A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, SUSTAINING THE PLANNING COMMISSION’S APPROVAL OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A 65-FOOT MONOPALM CELL TOWER AND ASSOCIATED GROUND EQUIPMENT AT THE LA QUINTA COMMUNITY PARK CASE NUMBERS: APPEAL 2018-0001 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2018-0003 APPELANT: SMARTLINK WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California did, on the 24th day of July, 2018, hold a duly noticed Public Hearing to consider a request by Smartlink for approval of 65-foot monopalm cell tower and associated ground equipment generally located east of the intersection of Eisenhower Drive and Avenida Montezuma, more particularly described as: APN: 773-074-002 WHEREAS, the Design and Development Department published a public hearing notice in The Desert Sun newspaper on September 7, 2018 as prescribed by the Municipal Code. Public hearing notices were also mailed to all property owners within 500 feet of the site; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California did, on the 18th day of September, 2018, hold a duly noticed Public Hearing to consider an appeal by Smartlink of certain conditions of approval of CUP 2018-0003. WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said City Council did make the following mandatory findings pursuant to Section 9.170.090 of the Municipal Code to justify approval of said Conditional Use Permit, subject to revised conditions of approval: 1.Consistency with General Plan The design of the proposed wireless facility is consistent with La Quinta General Plan, which requires utilities and communication facilities to be available, adequate and convenient for all residents. 179 City Council Resolution 2018 - Appeal 2018-0001 of Conditional Use Permit 2018-0003 Adopted: Page 2 of 4 The applicant has determined that a need for this type of service, in this general area, exists and providing such a facility will ensure that the public has access to such services. The placement of the monopalm tower at this site will have a negligible impact on the surrounding public thoroughfares and land uses. 2.Public Welfare The proposed wireless facility will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare. The facility will provide enhanced communication services to the surrounding area, including emergency and public safety communications. The wireless facility is required to comply with the American National Standard Institute (ANSI) standards for professionally acceptable radio frequency emissions to ensure the antennas will not interfere with the surrounding land uses. 3.Visual Impacts The proposed wireless telecommunication facility minimizes adverse visual impacts through careful design and site placement. The facility utilizes a small footprint, and is proposed as a stealth monopalm, which fronds should minimize the visual impacts of the facility. The monopalm is in close proximity to other palm trees at the park’s west entrance to help camouflage the tower. Additionally, the equipment enclosure will be located behind the existing monument wall at the park’s west entrance, which will assist in shielding the equipment from view. 4.Tower Design The proposed wireless telecommunication facility is designed at the minimal height to achieve the service provider’s objectives for coverage within this portion of the community. The proposed camouflaged wireless communications facility, as conditioned, is to be 65 feet in height and is consistent with City of La Quinta development standards for wireless telecommunication facilities. 5.Justification The proposed wireless telecommunication facility is necessary, as shown in the applicant’s justification letter, to continue and improve community access to wireless service from the project site. Therefore, this facility is necessary to improve community access to wireless services. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: 180 City Council Resolution 2018 - Appeal 2018-0001 of Conditional Use Permit 2018-0003 Adopted: Page 3 of 4 SECTION 1. That the above recitations are true and constitute the findings of the Planning Commission in this case. SECTION 2. That it does hereby sustain the Planning Commission’s determination that Conditional Use Permit 2018-0003 is exempt from CEQA pursuant to Section 15332 and 15303 of the CEQA Guidelines. SECTION 3. That it does hereby sustain Planning Commission Resolution No. 2018-010, adopted on July 24, 2018, approving Conditional Use Permit 2018-0003, for the reasons set forth in this Resolution and subject to the attached revised conditions of approval. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City of La Quinta City Council, held on this the 18th day of September, 2018, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: __________________________ LINDA EVANS, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: _______________________________ MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California 181 City Council Resolution 2018 - Appeal 2018-0001 of Conditional Use Permit 2018-0003 Adopted: Page 4 of 4 (CITY SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM: _______________________________ WILLIAM H. IHRKE, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California 182 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2018-010 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL – SUGGESTED REVISIONS TO FINAL APPEAL 2018-0001; CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2018-0003 APPLICANT: SMARTLINK ADOPTED: JULY 24, 2018; REVISED PER APPEAL DECISION SEPTEMBER 18, 2018 Page 1 of 9 GENERAL 1.The applicant agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta (“City”), its agents, officers and employees from any claim, action or proceeding to attack, set aside, void, or annul the approval of this Conditional Use Permit. The City shall have sole discretion in selecting its defense counsel. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action or proceeding and shall cooperate fully in the defense. 2.This Conditional Use Permit shall comply with the requirements and standards of Government Code §§ 66410 through 66499.58 (the “Subdivision Map Act”), and Chapter 13 of the La Quinta Municipal Code (“LQMC”). The City of La Quinta’s Municipal Code can be accessed on the City’s Web Site at www.laquintaca.gov. 3.The Conditional Use Permit shall expire on July 24, 2020 and shall become null and void in accordance with Municipal Code Section 9.200.080, unless the use has been established. A time extension may be requested per LQMC Section 9.200.080. 4.Any expansion or substantial modifications to the approved plan shall require an amendment of this Conditional Use Permit. Minor modifications to this Conditional Use Permit shall be considered by the Design and Development Director, and may require notification of surrounding property owners prior to such approval. All other amendments shall be processed in accordance with LQMC 9.200.100. 5.Prior to the issuance of any grading, construction, or building permit by the City, the applicant shall obtain any necessary clearances and/or permits from the following agencies, if required: Riverside County Fire Marshal La Quinta Design and Development Department (Grading Permit, Green Sheet (Public Works Development Clearance) for Building Permits, Water Quality Management Plan(WQMP) Exemption Form – Whitewater River Region, Improvement Permit) La Quinta Building and Safety Division for Building Permits La Quinta Planning Division Riverside Co. Environmental Health Department Desert Sands Unified School District (DSUSD) Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) Imperial Irrigation District (IID) California Regional Water Quality Control Board (CRWQCB) State Water Resources Control Board SunLine Transit Agency 183 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2018-010 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - SUGGESTED REVISIONS TO FINAL APPEAL 2018-0001; CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2018-0003 APPLICANT: SMARTLINK ADOPTED: JULY 24, 2018; REVISED PER APPEAL DECISION SEPTEMBER 18, 2018 Page 2 of 9 South Coast Air Quality Management District Coachella Valley Federal Communication Commission Federal Aviation Administration The applicant is responsible for all requirements of the permits and/or clearances from the above listed agencies. When the requirements include approval of improvement plans, the applicant shall furnish proof of such approvals when submitting those improvements plans for City approval. 6.Developer shall reimburse the City, within thirty (30) days of presentment of the invoice, all costs and actual attorney’s fees incurred by the City Attorney to review, negotiate and/or modify any documents or instruments required by these conditions, if Developer requests that the City modify or revise any documents or instruments prepared initially by the City to effect these conditions. This obligation shall be paid in the time noted above without deduction or offset and Developer’s failure to make such payment shall be a material breach of the Conditions of Approval. 7.Developer shall reimburse the City, within thirty (30) days of presentment of the invoice, all costs and actual consultant’s fees incurred by the City for engineering and/or surveying consultants to review and/or modify any documents or instruments required by this project. This obligation shall be paid in the time noted above without deduction or offset and Developer’s failure to make such payment shall be a material breach of the Conditions of Approval. PROPERTY RIGHTS 8.Prior to issuance of any permit(s), the applicant shall acquire or confer easements and other property rights necessary for the construction or proper functioning of the proposed development. Conferred rights shall include irrevocable offers to dedicate or grant access easements to the City for emergency services and for maintenance, construction and reconstruction of essential improvements. Said conferred rights shall also include grant of access easement to the City of La Quinta for the purpose of graffiti removal by City staff or assigned agent in perpetuity and agreement to the method to remove graffiti and to paint over to best match existing. The applicant shall establish the aforementioned requirements in the CC&R’s for the development or other agreements as approved by the City Engineer. 9.The applicant shall cause no easement to be granted, or recorded in the public right of way unless such easement is approved by the City Engineer. 184 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2018-010 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - SUGGESTED REVISIONS TO FINAL APPEAL 2018-0001; CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2018-0003 APPLICANT: SMARTLINK ADOPTED: JULY 24, 2018; REVISED PER APPEAL DECISION SEPTEMBER 18, 2018 Page 3 of 9 IMPROVEMENT PLANS As used throughout these Conditions of Approval, professional titles such as “engineer,” “surveyor,” and “architect,” refer to persons currently certified or licensed to practice their respective professions in the State of California. 10.Improvement plans shall be prepared by or under the direct supervision of qualified engineers and/or architects, as appropriate, and shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.040 (Improvement Plans). 11.The submitted preliminary plans appear to propose no or minimal grading and may not require a grading permit (see exceptions in Municipal Code Section 8.80.040). If a grading permit is required, a precise grading plan prepared by a Civil Engineer registered in California and a Soils Report prepared by a professional registered in California must be approved by the City Engineer prior to the commencement of grading. “On-Site Precise Grading” plans shall normally include all on-site surface improvements including but not necessarily limited to finish grades for curbs & gutters, building floor elevations, parking lot improvements, and ADA requirements including ADA accessibility from public right of way to the proposed equipment. Other engineered improvement plans prepared for City approval that are not listed above shall be prepared in formats approved by the City Engineer prior to commencing plan preparation. Building plans and structural calculations shall be submitted for review and approval by the Building and Safety Division. 12.Upon completion of construction, and prior to final acceptance of the improvements by the City, the applicant shall furnish the City with reproducible record drawings of all improvement plans which were approved by the City. Each sheet shall be clearly marked "Record Drawing" and shall be stamped and signed by the engineer or surveyor certifying to the accuracy and completeness of the drawings. The applicant shall have all approved mylars previously submitted to the City, revised to reflect the as-built conditions. The applicant shall employ or retain the Engineer of Record during the construction phase of the project so that the EOR can make site visits in support of preparing "Record Drawing". However, if subsequent approved revisions have been approved by the City Engineer and reflect said "Record Drawing" conditions, the Engineer of Record may submit a letter attesting to said fact to the City Engineer in lieu of mylar submittal. PRECISE GRADING 13.If a grading permit is required, the applicant shall comply with the provisions of 185 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2018-010 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - SUGGESTED REVISIONS TO FINAL APPEAL 2018-0001; CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2018-0003 APPLICANT: SMARTLINK ADOPTED: JULY 24, 2018; REVISED PER APPEAL DECISION SEPTEMBER 18, 2018 Page 4 of 9 LQMC Section 13.24.050 (Grading Improvements). 14.To obtain an approved grading permit, the applicant shall submit and obtain approval of all of the following: A.A grading plan prepared by a qualified engineer, B.A preliminary geotechnical (“soils”) report prepared by a qualified engineer, All grading shall conform to the recommendations contained in the Preliminary Soils Report, and shall be certified as being adequate by a soils engineer, or by an engineering geologist. 15.The applicant shall maintain all open graded, undeveloped land in order to prevent wind and/or water erosion of such land. All open graded, undeveloped land shall either be planted with interim landscaping, or stabilized with such other erosion control measures, as were approved in the Fugitive Dust Control Plan. DRAINAGE 16.Stormwater handling shall conform with the approved hydrology and drainage report for the La Quinta Square project. Nuisance water shall be disposed of in an approved manner. UTILITIES 17.The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.110 (Utilities). 18.The applicant shall obtain the approval of the City Engineer for the location of all utility lines within any right-of-way, and all above-ground utility structures including, but not limited to, traffic signal cabinets, electric vaults, water valves, and telephone stands, to ensure optimum placement for safety, practical and aesthetic purposes. 19.Underground utilities shall be installed prior to overlaying hardscape. For installation of utilities in existing improved streets, the applicant shall comply with trench restoration requirements as required by the City Engineer. The applicant shall provide certified reports of all utility trench compaction for approval by the City Engineer. Additionally, grease traps and the maintenance thereof shall be located so as to not conflict with access aisles/entrances. MAINTENANCE 20.The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.160 186 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2018-010 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - SUGGESTED REVISIONS TO FINAL APPEAL 2018-0001; CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2018-0003 APPLICANT: SMARTLINK ADOPTED: JULY 24, 2018; REVISED PER APPEAL DECISION SEPTEMBER 18, 2018 Page 5 of 9 (Maintenance). 21.Any disturbed areas including landscaping shall be replaced in-kind. FEES AND DEPOSITS 22.The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.180 (Fees and Deposits). These fees include all deposits and fees required by the City for plan checking and construction inspection. Deposits and fee amounts shall be those in effect when the applicant makes application for plan check and permits. 23.Permits issued under this approval shall be subject to the provisions of the Development Impact Fee and Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee programs in effect at the time of issuance of building permit(s). PLANNING 24.The proposed telecommunication facility shall comply with all federal and state statutes, including, but not limited to, FCC licensing, NIER levels, and FAA requirements. No wireless telecommunication facility or combination of facilities shall produce, at any time; power densities that exceed current FCC adopted standards for human exposure for RF (Radio Frequency Radiation Exposure Standards) fields. Failure to comply with FCC Standards will result in the immediate cessation of operation of the wireless telecommunication facility. 25.All wireless telecommunication facilities shall be installed and maintained in compliance with the requirements of the Uniform Building Code, National Electrical Code, the City’s noise ordinance, and other applicable codes, as well as other restrictions specified in the permit and the La Quinta Municipal Code. The facility operator and the property owner shall be responsible for maintaining the facility in good condition, which shall include, but not be limited to, regular cleaning, painting, and general upkeep and maintenance of the site consistent with the facility’s original approval. 26.The panel antennas shall be mounted securely to the monopalm tower. All antennas and antenna arrays shall be painted to match the faux palm fronds and shall be shielded from view by the tower’s faux palm fronds. The final design of the screening material shall be approved by the Design and Department Director. 27.The proposed mono-palm shall be approved at a height of 65 feet. 28.Branches shall extend a minimum of 18 inches beyond the antenna arrays. 187 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2018-010 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - SUGGESTED REVISIONS TO FINAL APPEAL 2018-0001; CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2018-0003 APPLICANT: SMARTLINK ADOPTED: JULY 24, 2018; REVISED PER APPEAL DECISION SEPTEMBER 18, 2018 Page 6 of 9 29.The monopalm structure shall include fifty (50) fronds for maximum antenna screening. 30.One (1) live California Fan Palm shall be planted near the equipment enclosure in order to preserve the symmetry of the existing palm tree pattern at the park. 31.Antennas, equipment, and all ancillary components shall be stealth to the maximum extent feasible. 32.The applicant shall negotiate in good faith for shared use by third parties; an owner generally will negotiate in the order in which requests for information are received, except an owner generally will negotiate with a party who has received an FCC license or permit before doing so with other parties. 33.AT&T, or successor, shall have a continuing obligation to respond to and resolve any and all complaints associated with any potential interference with frequencies related to residential and/or life safety communications and operations. Response shall be within 48 hours of receipt of notice of any such complaints. 34.The placement of the pole shall not interfere with the existing infrastructure and improvements at this location. The pole shall not be placed on a public paths-of- travel. 35.The wireless telecommunication facility operators are required to notify the City of La Quinta’s Planning Division within sixty (60) days of any change of ownership of the facility. 36.This telecommunication facility is subject to a ten-year review by the Planning Commission. The review will determine whether or not the originally approved telecommunication facility and accessory equipment are still in compliance with the conditions of approval, and that all radio frequencies are in compliance with FCC OET Bulletin 65. This report shall be prepared by a qualified licensed engineer. 37.The entire facility shall be maintained in a condition consistent with the conditions of this approval and, if the facility is not so maintained this approval is subject to revocation or other correcting actions as determined appropriate by the City. 38.No Cables, conduit or other equipment on the monopalm tower pole shall be stealthed to the maximum extent feasible, which shall mean that those cables, conduit, and other equipment (other than the antennas and remote radio units which shall be regulated per Condition No. 31) shall not be visible. Further, all electrical work for the proposed antennas shall be contained within the monopalm tower cavity. 188 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2018-010 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - SUGGESTED REVISIONS TO FINAL APPEAL 2018-0001; CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2018-0003 APPLICANT: SMARTLINK ADOPTED: JULY 24, 2018; REVISED PER APPEAL DECISION SEPTEMBER 18, 2018 Page 7 of 9 39.The entire facility shall be maintained in a condition consistent with the conditions of this approval with no visible deterioration of the faux palm treatment and all landscaping, including the required additional live palm tree and plantings around the equipment enclosure, in a live healthy status. If the facility is not so maintained, this approval is subject to revocation or other correcting actions as determined appropriate by the City. 40.The City shall be named as an express third-party beneficiary to the section of the lease/license agreement between Desert Recreation District and AT&T regarding the maintenance of the site on which the facility is located, and the improvements related to the facility and addressed herein (the “Maintenance Section”). The “Maintenance Section” of the lease/license agreement shall require, at minimum: a (1) require satisfactory, perpetual maintenance of the Property, (2) provide the name and contact information of the local maintenance representative from AT&T; (3) review and approval of the Maintenance Section by the City Attorney’s Office prior to finalization; and (4) the agreement shall state that the “Maintenance Section” of the lease/license agreement, and the entire agreement to the extent it impacts the obligations addressed by the “Maintenance Section,” cannot be amended without prior written consent of the City. The City, as an express third- party beneficiary, shall have the right but not the obligation to enforce the maintenance provisions required by this condition and pursuant to the lease/license agreement. 40.Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall enter into a Maintenance Agreement with the City which shall require, at a minimum: (1) satisfactory, perpetual maintenance of the Property, Property being defined as the 410 square foot lease area; (2) the name and contact information of the local maintenance representative from AT&T; (3) review and approval of the Maintenance Agreement by the City Attorney’s Office prior to finalization; and (4) the agreement shall state that the entire agreement cannot be amended without prior written consent of the City. The City shall have the right, but not the obligation, to enforce the Maintenance Agreement. 41.The proposed mono-palm shall be approved at a height of 45 feet with a concurrent one-time height modification taken under Section 6409(a) of the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012, for an ultimate height of 65 feet. FIRE 41.Provide a minimum 2A10BC rated fire extinguisher. Fire extinguisher is to be mounted from 3.5'' to 5'' from floor. 189 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2018-010 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - SUGGESTED REVISIONS TO FINAL APPEAL 2018-0001; CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2018-0003 APPLICANT: SMARTLINK ADOPTED: JULY 24, 2018; REVISED PER APPEAL DECISION SEPTEMBER 18, 2018 Page 8 of 9 42.If hazardous material are to be utilized in equipment room, an approved NFPA 704 diamond sing with appropriate hazard level numbers is to be posted in a visible location at front of room. 43.A KNOX box with access key(s) is to be installed at front of equipment room for fire department access. 44.A fire department final inspection is required. BUILDING 45.Use the following address for all future submittals: 77-753 Avenida Montezuma 46.All construction shall comply with the applicable California Building Code requirements at time of submittal. LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION 47.The applicant shall comply with LQMC Sections 13.24.130 (Landscaping Setbacks) & 13.24.140 (Landscaping Plans) 48.The applicant shall submit the landscape plans for approval to plan checking by the Planning Division. When plan checking has been completed by the Planning Division, the applicant shall obtain the signatures of CVWD and the Riverside County Agricultural Commissioner, prior to submittal for signature by the Planning Manager and/or the City Engineer. NOTE: Plans are not approved for construction until signed by both the Planning Manager and/or the City Engineer. 49.Landscape areas shall have permanent irrigation improvements meeting the requirements of the Planning Manager. 50.The applicant or his agent has the responsibility for proper sight distance requirements per guidelines in the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) “A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets” latest edition, in the design and/or installation of all landscaping and appurtenances abutting and within the private and public street right-of-way. 51.Landscape and irrigation plans shall be signed and stamped by a licensed landscape architect. 52.All new landscape areas shall have landscaping and permanent irrigation improvements in compliance with the City’s Water Efficient Landscape regulations 190 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2018-010 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - SUGGESTED REVISIONS TO FINAL APPEAL 2018-0001; CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2018-0003 APPLICANT: SMARTLINK ADOPTED: JULY 24, 2018; REVISED PER APPEAL DECISION SEPTEMBER 18, 2018 Page 9 of 9 contained in LQMC Section 8.13 (Water Efficient Landscape). 53.All landscaping shall consist of, at minimum, 36” box trees (i.e., a minimum 2.5 inch caliper measured three feet up from grade level after planting), 5-gallon shrubs, and groundcover. 54.The applicant shall submit the final landscape plans for review, processing and approval to the Design and Development Department, in accordance with the Final Landscape Plan application process as a minor final landscape plan. Planning Manager approval of the final landscape plans is required prior to issuance of the first building permit unless the Design and Development Director determines extenuating circumstances exist which justify an alternative processing schedule. NOTE: Plans are not approved for construction until signed by the appropriate City official, including the Planning Manager. Prior to final approval of the installation of landscaping, the Landscape Architect of record shall provide the Planning Manager a letter stating he/she has personally inspected the installation and that it conforms with the final landscaping plans as approved by the City. If staff determines during final landscaping inspection that adjustments are required in order to meet the intent of the Planning Commission’s approval, the Planning Manager shall review and approve any such revisions to the landscape plan. 191 Project Information CASE NUMBER: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2018-0003 APPLICANT: SMARTLINK FOR AT&T PROPERTY OWNER: DESERT RECREATION DISTRICT REQUEST: THE PLACEMENT OF A 65-FOOT TALL MONOPALM WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATION TOWER AND MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT AT THE LA QUINTA COMMUNITY PARK LOCATION: NEAR THE INTERSECTION OF EISENHOWER DRIVE AND AVENIDA MONTEZUMA, APN: 773-074-002 GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: OPEN SPACE-RECREATION ZONING DESIGNATION: PARKS AND RECREATION SURROUNDING ZONING/LAND USES: NORTH: VILLAGE COMMERCIAL EXISTING PET HOSPITAL SOUTH: VILLAGE COMMERCIAL VACANT CITY OWNED PROPERTY EAST: VILLAGE COMMERCIAL LA QUINTA COMMUNITY PARK WEST: COVE RESIDENTIAL EXISTING RESIDENCES WEST OF EISENHOWER DR ATTACHMENT 1 192 La QuintaCommunity Park ProjectSite CALLE TAMPICO AVENIDA MONTEZUMAEISENHOWER DRIVEAVENIDA NAVARROAVENIDA BERMUDASCALLE HIDALGO Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/AirbusDS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community ¯0 160 320 480 64080Feet ATTACHMENT 2 193 194 318401 VON KARMAN AVE., SUITE 400IRVINE, CA 92612TEL: (949) 387-1265FAX: (949) 387-12751452 EDINGER AVE.TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 9278010650 REAGAN ST. #482LOS ALAMITOS, CALIFORNIA 90720T-1VICINITY MAPGENERAL CONTRACTOR NOTESAPPROVALSLEGAL DESCRIPTIONTHE FOLLOWING PARTIES HEREBY APPROVE AND ACCEPT THESE DOCUMENTS &AUTHORIZE THE SUBCONTRACTOR TO PROCEED WITH THE CONSTRUCTION DESCRIBEDHEREIN. ALL DOCUMENTS ARE SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY THE LOCAL BUILDINGDEPARTMENT & MAY IMPOSE CHANGES OR MODIFICATIONS.DISCIPLINE:SIGNATURE:DATE:AT&T RF ENGINEER:AT&T OPERATIONS:SITE ACQUISITION:CONSTRUCTION MANAGER:PROPERTY OWNER:ZONING VENDOR:PROJECT MANAGER:SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL PLANS & EXISTING DIMENSIONS & CONDITIONS ONTHE JOB SITE & SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE ENGINEER IN WRITING OF ANYDISCREPANCIES BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK OR BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SAME.GENERAL NOTESTHE FACILITY IS UNMANNED AND NOT FOR HUMAN HABITATION. A TECHNICIAN WILL VISITTHE SITE AS REQUIRED FOR ROUTINE MAINTENANCE. THE PROJECT WILL NOT RESULT INANY SIGNIFICANT DISTURBANCE OR EFFECT ON DRAINAGE; NO SANITARY SEWERSERVICE, POTABLE WATER, OR TRASH DISPOSAL IS REQUIRED AND NO COMMERCIALSIGNAGE IS PROPOSED.Your world. DeliveredLOCAL MAPPROJECT TEAMCODE COMPLIANCESITE INFORMATIONDRAWING INDEX1452 EDINGER AVE. 3RD FLOORTUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 92780Your world. DeliveredDRIVING DIRECTIONSPROJECT DESCRIPTION1. 2016 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE2. 2016 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODEADOPTED 2008 NEC3. 2016 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE4. 2016 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE5. 2016 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE6. 2016 CALIFORNIA ENERGY CODE7. COUNTY COASTAL ZONE LAND USEORDINANCE-TITLE 238. COUNTY FIRE CODE ORDINANCE - TITLE 169. COUNTY LAND USE ORDINANCE - TITLE 2210.COUNTY BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTIONORDINANCE - TITLE 19ALL WORKS AND MATERIALS SHALL BE PERFORMED AND INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITHTHE CURRENT EDITIONS OF THE FOLLOWING CODES AS ADOPTED BY THE LOCALGOVERNING AUTHORITIES. NOTHING IN THESE PLANS IS TO BE CONSTRUED TO PERMITWORK NOT CONFORMING TO THE LATEST EDITIONS OF THE FOLLOWING CODES.NAME:DESERT RECREATION DISTRICTADDRESS:45-305 OASIS STCITY,STATE,ZIP:INDIO, CA 92201CONTACT:TROY STRANGE / NIGEL PAXTONPHONE:760-347-3484 / 760-213-8511EMAIL:tstrange@drd.us.com / nigel@ariesadvisors.netLATITUDE:33° 40' 33.98" (33.676106°) N.LONGITUDE:116° 18' 26.60" (-116.307389°) W.LAT./LONG. TYPE:NAD 83GROUND ELEVATION:49.4'-0" A.M.S.L.APN #:773-074-002AREA OF CONSTRUCTION:±410 SQ FT.ZONING / JURISDICTION:CITY OF LA QUINTACURRENT ZONING:OSPROPOSED USE:UNMANNED TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITYHANDICAP REQUIREMENTS:FACILITY IS UNMANNED AND NOT FOR HUMANHABITATION. HANDICAPPED ACCESS NOT REQUIREDABOVE GROUND LEVEL:65' A.G.L.SITE NUMBER: CLV2581 (NSB)SITE NAME: CLV2581PTN NUMBER: 355169938877-753 AVENIDA MONTEZUMALA QUINTA, CA 92253RIVERSIDE COUNTYSITE············SITECOMPANY:SMARTLINK, LLCADDRESS:18401 VON KARMAN AVE., SUITE 400CITY,STATE,ZIP:IRVINE, CA 92612CONTACT:ALEXIS HADLEYPHONE:(949) 838-7313EMAIL:AHadley@smartlinkllc.comCOMPANY:SMARTLINK, LLCADDRESS:18401 VON KARMAN AVE., SUITE 400CITY,STATE,ZIP:IRVINE, CA 92612CONTACT:ALEXIS HADLEYPHONE:(949) 838-7313EMAIL:AHadley@smartlinkllc.comCOMPANY: CASA INDUSTRIES, INC.ADDRESS: 10650 REAGAN ST. #482CITY,STATE,ZIP: LOS ALAMITOS, CA 90720CONTACT: JULIUS SANTIAGOPHONE: (714) 553-8899EMAIL:jsantiago@casaind.comCOMPANY:AT&TADDRESS:3070 ADAMS ST,CITY,STATE,ZIP:RIVERSIDE, CA 92504CONTACT:GUNJAN MALIKPHONE:(562) 650-5681EMAIL:GM827W@att.comCOMPANY:AT&TADDRESS:1452 EDINGER AVE.CITY,STATE,ZIP:TUSTIN, CA. 92780CONTACT:MAHESH KALOURPHONE:(562) 650-5681EMAIL:MK5852@at&t.comCOMPANY:BECHTEL COMMUNICATIONS, INC.ADDRESS:16808 ARMSTRONG AVENUE SUITE 225CITY,STATE,ZIP:IRVINE, CA 92606CONTACT:RON VANDERWALPHONE: (714) 343-0931EMAIL: rvanderw@bechtel.comCOMPANY:SMARTLINK, LLCADDRESS:18401 VON KARMAN AVE., SUITE 400CITY,STATE,ZIP:IRVINE, CA 92612CONTACT:ALEXIS HADLEYPHONE:(949) 838-7313EMAIL:AHadley@smartlinkllc.comCOMPANY:AT&TADDRESS:3070 ADAMS ST,CITY,STATE,ZIP:RIVERSIDE, CA 92504CONTACT:GUNJAN MALIKPHONE:(562) 650-5681EMAIL:GM827W@att.comVCVCVCCURRENT GENERAL PLAN:OS-REXISTING LAND USE:PARKTYPE OF OCCUPANCY:UTYPE OF CONSTRUCTION:V-BATTACHMENT 3195 196 197 318401 VON KARMAN AVE., SUITE 400IRVINE, CA 92612TEL: (949) 387-1265FAX: (949) 387-12751452 EDINGER AVE.TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 9278010650 REAGAN ST. #482LOS ALAMITOS, CALIFORNIA 90720A-1SITE PLAN20'40' 80'1"=40'-0"SCALE:EISENHOWER DR AVENIDA MONTEZUMAAVENIDA MONTEZUMAZONING PR198 318401 VON KARMAN AVE., SUITE 400IRVINE, CA 92612TEL: (949) 387-1265FAX: (949) 387-12751452 EDINGER AVE.TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 9278010650 REAGAN ST. #482LOS ALAMITOS, CALIFORNIA 90720A-21ENLARGED SITE PLAN1/8"=1'-0"SCALE:2EQUIPMENT PLAN1/4"=1'-0"SCALE:AVENIDA MONTEZUMASECTOR 'A'100°SECTOR 'B'195°SECTOR 'C'350°3NOT USED199 318401 VON KARMAN AVE., SUITE 400IRVINE, CA 92612TEL: (949) 387-1265FAX: (949) 387-12751452 EDINGER AVE.TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 9278010650 REAGAN ST. #482LOS ALAMITOS, CALIFORNIA 90720A31ANTENNA PLAN1/2"=1'-0"SCALE:2ANTENNA AND RRU SCHEDULE3NOT USED200 318401 VON KARMAN AVE., SUITE 400IRVINE, CA 92612TEL: (949) 387-1265FAX: (949) 387-12751452 EDINGER AVE.TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 9278010650 REAGAN ST. #482LOS ALAMITOS, CALIFORNIA 90720A-41EAST ELEVATION 1/4"=1'-0"SCALE:2NORTH ELEVATION 1/4"=1'-0"SCALE:201 318401 VON KARMAN AVE., SUITE 400IRVINE, CA 92612TEL: (949) 387-1265FAX: (949) 387-12751452 EDINGER AVE.TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 9278010650 REAGAN ST. #482LOS ALAMITOS, CALIFORNIA 90720A-51WEST ELEVATION 1/4"=1'-0"SCALE:2SOUTH ELEVATION 1/4"=1'-0"SCALE:202 203 204 205 206 LTE Justification Plots Market Name: Los Angeles Site ID: CLL02581 Site Address: 7786 AVENIDA MONTEZUMA, LA QUINTA , CA 92201 ATOLL Plots Completion Date: Mar 13, 2018 ATTACHMENT 4 207 ATTACHMENT 4 Page 2 © 2008 AT&T Knowledge Ventures. All rights reserved. AT&T is a registered trademark of AT&T Knowledge Ventures. Propagation of the site plots are based on our current Atoll (Design tool) project tool that shows the preferred design of the AT&T 4G-LTE network coverage. The propagation referenced in this package is based on proposed LTE coverage of AT&T users in the surrounding buildings, in vehicles and at street level . For your reference, the scale shown ranges from good to poor coverage with gradual changes in coverage showing best coverage to marginal and finally poor signal levels. The plots shown are based on the following criteria: Existing: Since LTE network modifications are not yet On-Air. The first slide is a snap shot of the area showing the existing site without LTE coverage in the AT&T network. The Planned LTE Coverage with the Referenced Site: Assuming all the planned neighboring sites of the target site are approved by the jurisdiction and the referenced site is also approved and On-Air, the propagation is displayed with the planned legends provided. Without Target site: Assuming all the planned neighboring sites are approved by the jurisdiction and On-Air and the referenced site is Off-Air, the propagation is displayed with the legends provided. Assumptions 208 Page 3 © 2008 AT&T Knowledge Ventures. All rights reserved. AT&T is a registered trademark of AT&T Knowledge Ventures. LTE Coverage Before site CLL02581 209 Page 4 © 2008 AT&T Knowledge Ventures. All rights reserved. AT&T is a registered trademark of AT&T Knowledge Ventures. LTE Coverage After site CLL02581 210 Page 5 © 2008 AT&T Knowledge Ventures. All rights reserved. AT&T is a registered trademark of AT&T Knowledge Ventures. LTE Coverage standalone site CLL02581 211 Coverage Legend In-Building Service:In general, the areas shown in dark green should have the strongest signal strength and be sufficient for most in-building coverage. However, in-building coverage can and will be adversely affected by the thickness/construction type of walls, or your location in the building (i.e., in the basement, in the middle of the building with multiple walls, etc.) In-Transit Service: The areas shown in the yellow should be sufficient for on- street or in-the-open coverage, most in-vehicle coverage and possibly some in-building coverage. Outdoor Service:The areas shown in the purple should have sufficient signal strength for on-street or in-the-open coverage, but may not have it for in- vehicle coverage or in-building coverage. 212 On Behalf of Alexis Hadley Wireless Development Specialist 18301 Von Karman Ave, Ste 910 Irvine, CA 92612 949.838.7313 cellular 949-419-3471 fax ahadley@smartlinkllc.com July 24, 2018 City of La Quinta City Council 78-495 Calle Tampico La Qunita, CA 92253 Re: Appeal to CUP 2018-003 Dear City Council Members: Smartlink, LLC, applicant on behalf of New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC, respectfully appeals the July 24, 2018 decision of the Planning Commission to approve its application CUP 2018-003. This application seeks a conditional use permit approval to construct a wireless telecommunications facility disguised as a 65-foot-tall monopalm to be located in the La Quinta Community Park, 77-753 Avenida Montezuma, La Quinta, CA 92253. The basis for this appeal is that four of the conditions of approval imposed by the Planning Commission are improper and should be eliminated or modified. The objections to these conditions of approval are detailed below. Condition of Approval #40 requires the city to be named an express third-party beneficiary to a specific section of a lease agreement between AT&T and the Desert Recreation District, which owns and operates the subject property, regarding maintenance. This condition also specifies language that must be contained in this maintenance section of the lease agreement between AT&T and the Desert Recreation District. This is not proper. The city cannot regulate AT&T’s contractual relationships with third parties. Maintenance obligations as between AT&T and the Desert Recreation District do not depend on the city’s desires. Moreover, the lease agreement is already in place and the city cannot require the parties to renegotiate it. AT&T will not agree to a change in these terms. Condition of Approval #6 requires AT&T to negotiate or modify documents required to satisfy the conditions of approval. This condition poses a problem in the context of existing Condition of Approval #40. AT&T cannot be required to negotiate or modify its lease agreement with the Desert Recreation District as required under Condition of Approval #40. If Condition of Approval #40 is eliminated, AT&T will withdraw this objection to Condition of Approval #6. Condition of Approval #38 requires no equipment to be visible. The use of the term “visible,” which is not consistent with the La Quinta Municipal Code, may render compliance impossible, depending on potential subjective interpretations of the term now and in the future. Rather than requiring invisibility, AT&T requests the city to modify this condition of approval to require the proposed monopalm to be “stealth,” within the meaning of Section 9.170.120 of the La Quinta Municipal Code. ATTACHMENT 5 213 Condition of Approval #41 seeks to evade applicable federal law with respect to modifications to eligible facilities. Specifically, under federal law, 47 U.S.C. § 1455(a), the city must approve certain modifications that do not substantially change the physical dimensions of an existing tower or base station. Condition of Approval #41 aims to skirt this law by fictitiously approving a shorter facility (a 45-foot-tall monopalm) and then granting an extension to the full proposed height (65 feet). But the city cannot simply dodge federal law. In any event this ploy is unnecessary. The proposed facility is a 65-foot-tall monopalm. It would be very difficult to modify the monopalm by collocating additional equipment onto it. Doing so likely would defeat the monoplam concealment of the facility. And if a proposal would defeat concealment, it would not qualify under this federal law. See 47 CFR 1.40001(b)(7)(v). Respectfully submitted, Alexis Hadley, Smartlink LLC Authorized Agent for AT&T 214 From:Cheri Flores To:"Tyler Kent" Cc:Alexis Hadley Subject:RE: AT&T TOWER LQ CLV2581 Date:Thursday, July 12, 2018 3:57:06 PM Attachments:COAs AT&T Monopalm CUP2018-0003.pdf image001.png image002.png image003.png image004.png image005.png image006.png Tyler— Here are the conditions of approval for the project. Please review and let me know if you have any questions or comments. Cheri L. Flores | Senior Planner City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Ph. 760-777-7067 Website | Map clflores@laquintaca.gov From: Tyler Kent [mailto:tyler.kent@smartlinkllc.com] Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2018 1:00 PM To: Cheri Flores <clflores@laquintaca.gov> Cc: Alexis Hadley <AHadley@smartlinkllc.com> Subject: RE: AT&T TOWER LQ CLV2581 Cheri please see attached Colored Elevations that includes south and west views Tyler Kent | Real Estate SpecialistSmartlink(m) 949.701.2444(f) 949.468.093118401 Von Karman Ave, Ste 400Irvine, CA 92612smartlinkllc.com Like Us on FacebookFollow Us on TwitterConnect with Us on LinkedIn Proud Sponsor of the Chesapeake Bayhawks, 5-Time Major League Lacrosse Champions! www.thebayhawks.com This electronic mail (including any attachments) may contain information that is privileged, confidential, and/or otherwise protectedfrom disclosure to anyone other than its intended recipient(s). Any dissemination or use of this electronic email or its contents(including any attachments) by persons other than the intended recipient(s) is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message inerror, please notify us immediately by reply email that we may correct our internal records. Please then delete the original message(including any attachments) in its entirety. Thank you. ATTACHMENT 6 215 From: Cheri Flores [mailto:clflores@laquintaca.gov] Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2018 3:21 PM To: Tyler Kent <tyler.kent@smartlinkllc.com> Cc: Alexis Hadley <AHadley@smartlinkllc.com> Subject: RE: AT&T TOWER LQ CLV2581 Hi Tyler— For the colored elevations, I only got one sheet with the north and east elevations. Can you send over the sheet with the west and south elevations? Thanks! Cheri L. Flores | Senior Planner City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Ph. 760-777-7067 Website | Map clflores@laquintaca.gov From: Tyler Kent [mailto:tyler.kent@smartlinkllc.com] Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2018 10:11 AM To: Cheri Flores <clflores@laquintaca.gov> Cc: Alexis Hadley <AHadley@smartlinkllc.com> Subject: RE: AT&T TOWER LQ CLV2581 Cheri, please see attached drawings with the landscape design and other requested revisions incorporated. Attached are the colored elevations. The materials board should arrive at my office today – FedEx tracking number for materials board 772671602213 I will deliver the remaining items and board to you by the end of the week. Ten (10) copies of the complete final Plan Set with colored Site Plan Sheets, 11”x17” size and bound A check made out to County of Riverside for $50 for CEQA exemption filing Thank you, Tyler Kent | Real Estate SpecialistSmartlink(m) 949.701.2444(f) 949.468.093118401 Von Karman Ave, Ste 400 216 Irvine, CA 92612smartlinkllc.com Like Us on FacebookFollow Us on TwitterConnect with Us on LinkedIn Proud Sponsor of the Chesapeake Bayhawks, 5-Time Major League Lacrosse Champions! www.thebayhawks.com This electronic mail (including any attachments) may contain information that is privileged, confidential, and/or otherwise protectedfrom disclosure to anyone other than its intended recipient(s). Any dissemination or use of this electronic email or its contents(including any attachments) by persons other than the intended recipient(s) is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message inerror, please notify us immediately by reply email that we may correct our internal records. Please then delete the original message(including any attachments) in its entirety. Thank you. From: Cheri Flores [mailto:clflores@laquintaca.gov] Sent: Monday, July 9, 2018 4:58 PM To: Tyler Kent <tyler.kent@smartlinkllc.com> Cc: Alexis Hadley <AHadley@smartlinkllc.com> Subject: RE: AT&T TOWER LQ Thanks Tyler! We will put you on the schedule for July 24. Additionally, have you ordered the physical material sample for us to look at? Do you have an ETA of when it will be available? Cheri L. Flores | Senior Planner City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Ph. 760-777-7067 Website | Map clflores@laquintaca.gov From: Tyler Kent [mailto:tyler.kent@smartlinkllc.com] Sent: Monday, July 09, 2018 4:45 PM To: Cheri Flores <clflores@laquintaca.gov> Cc: Alexis Hadley <AHadley@smartlinkllc.com> Subject: RE: AT&T TOWER LQ Cheri, please see the attached landscape design with additional tree to preserve the symmetry on the existing tree pattern at this end of the park (photo sim also attached). Additionally, we have indicated the plants that will be planted along the walls of the equipment enclosure. The Landscape sheet is being incorporated into the final set of revised drawings and will be uploaded to the city portal and emailed to you once complete. The revised drawings also include a Mexican Fan Palm Monopalm design, changed address 77-752 Avenida Montezuma, proposed height of the enclosure, existing monument wall and chain link fence. 217 The colored elevations and materials board will be delivered to the City prior to July 17, 2018, as well as: Ten (10) copies of the complete final Plan Set with colored Site Plan Sheets, 11”x17” size and bound A check made out to County of Riverside for $50 for CEQA exemption filing Tyler Kent | Real Estate SpecialistSmartlink(m) 949.701.2444(f) 949.468.093118401 Von Karman Ave, Ste 400Irvine, CA 92612smartlinkllc.com Like Us on FacebookFollow Us on TwitterConnect with Us on LinkedIn Proud Sponsor of the Chesapeake Bayhawks, 5-Time Major League Lacrosse Champions! www.thebayhawks.com This electronic mail (including any attachments) may contain information that is privileged, confidential, and/or otherwise protectedfrom disclosure to anyone other than its intended recipient(s). Any dissemination or use of this electronic email or its contents(including any attachments) by persons other than the intended recipient(s) is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message inerror, please notify us immediately by reply email that we may correct our internal records. Please then delete the original message(including any attachments) in its entirety. Thank you. From: Cheri Flores [mailto:clflores@laquintaca.gov] Sent: Tuesday, July 3, 2018 8:56 AM To: Tyler Kent <tyler.kent@smartlinkllc.com> Cc: Alexis Hadley <AHadley@smartlinkllc.com> Subject: AT&T TOWER LQ Hi Tyler— I just wanted to check in and see where you are at with plan revisions. I have you scheduled for the July 24th Planning Commission hearing and in order to meet that, I will need to have your plans by Monday July 9th in order to review and make sure they are ready so I can send the public hearing notice out on July 11th. If you are unable to turn the plans in next Monday, I can schedule you for the next hearing which would be August 14th. Please let me know what you would like to do. Thanks! Please note that I will be out starting tomorrow and will be back on the 9th. Cheri L. Flores | Senior Planner City of La Quinta 218 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Ph. 760-777-7067 Website | Map clflores@laquintaca.gov 219 220 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING DEPARTMENT REPORT TO: Madam Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Jaime Torres, Management Analyst Chris Escobedo, Community Resources Director DATE: September 18, 2018 SUBJECT: Community Resources Update– City Experiences 2018/19 In January, 2017, Staff presented its mission to elevate City events into 21st century experiences. As a result, Staff tailored events to be modern, innovative, exciting, tasteful, and edgy but appropriate, which served as guiding principles. In addition, Council directed Staff to work with partners, provide experiences north of Highway 111, and grow event categories. The 2017/18 lineup of experiences has been successfully executed and the following outlines a few highlights: Partners o City leveraged partnerships with National Association of Rocketry, S.C.R.A.P. Gallery, Street Food Cinema, La Quinta Historical Society, La Quinta High School, Old Town La Quinta Restaurants, and many more Events North of Highway 111 o City introduced Fly Over LQ, Street Food Cinema, and Mission LQ Rocket Launch Grow Event Categories (Art, Community, Health & Wellness, Lifestyle, and Nature) o Grew all five categories through 5 new events Toast To LQ Mission LQ: Rocket Launch Fly Over LQ Tequila & Taco Experience Street Food Cinema In an effort to continue delivering high quality experiences, Staff secured a schedule for this upcoming event season. The 2018/19 lineup of experiences will include 70 events, featuring Ironman 70.3, and Sunset Hours which is under development. The attached list displays each unique offering and briefly highlights Ironman and Sunset Hours (Attachment 1). After working closely with partners and leveraging resources, Staff is looking forward to another successful event year. DEPARTMENTAL REPORT ITEM NO. 4-A 221 222 CITY OF LA QUINTA EXPERIENCES NAME DATE Culture Fix Commences (Museum) September 11 Vigil Cultural Day Celebration (Library) Last Thursday Commences (Museum) Gen Z: This is Me Exhibit (Museum) Booktoberfest Commences (Library) Hikes Commence Street Food Cinema Teen SAT Practice (Library) Nine Cities Walk National Fitness Corp Opening Pumpkin Day (Library) Harry Potter Month (Library) Paws & Pages (Library) Sunset Hours Veteran's Day Ceremony Brew In LQ Gingerbread Day (Library) September 6, 2018 September 11, 2018 7:00 p.m. September 15, 2018 1:30-4:00 p..m. September 27, 2018 September 27, 2018 October, 2018 October, 2018 October 6, 2018 5:30 p.m. October 13, 2018 1:00 p.m. October, 13, 2018 7:00 a.m. October 20, 2018 October 27, 2018 1:00 p.m. November, 2018-Various dates November 3, 2018 (tentative) November 10, 2018 4:00 p.m. November 11, 2018 9:00 a.m. November 17, 2018 5:00 p.m. December 1, 2018 10:30 a.m. ATTACHMENT 1 223 CITY OF LA QUINTA EXPERIENCES NAME DATE Artists Studio Tour (Museum) Casita Lighting (Museum) Tree Lighting Ceremony Ironman Blue Light Ceremony Postcards Exhibit Commences La Quinta BookFest (Library) Toast To LQ Desert Youth Olympics Mission LQ: Rocket Launch Pillar's of the Community Dia del Nino Festival (Library) Fly Over LQ: A Kite Experience La Quinta Egg Hunt City Picnic & Birthday Tequila & Tacos Festival Star Wars Day (Library) Street Food Cinema Golf Tour Saturdays Commence December 2, 2018 10:00 a.m. December 5, 2018 5:00 p.m. December 7, 2018 6:00 p.m. December 09, 2018 December 10, 2018 January 15, 2019 February 2, 2019 10:00 a.m. February 8, 2019 6:00 p.m. March 9, 2019 9:00 a.m. March 23, 2019 8:00 a.m. March 27, 2019 10:00 a.m. April, 2019 TBA April 6, 2019 8:00 a.m. April 20, 2019 9:00 a.m. April 27, 2019 9:00 a.m. May 4, 2019 6:00 p.m. May, 2019 TBA 2019 TBA June - August 2019 224 IRONMAN 70.3 Ironman 70.3 is a health & wellness experience that will attract athletes from all around the world to compete in the most prominent triathlon and serve as the season finale on the 2018 North American race calendar. This event will also feature an Ironman village for spectators to enjoy. Operation: -December 09, 2018 Partners - Ironman - City of Indian Wells Race - Swimming - Biking - Running Benefits - Promotes Tourism - Aligns with City's Health & Wellness initiative - Economic Driver - Enhances City's lineup of experiences 225 SUNSET HOURS Sunset Hours is a community experience that highlights the beauty of SilverRock Resort. Attendees will enjoy Italian style eats and beverages, learn how to paint the sunset, and can partake in a wide variety of games and activities. Operation: - November 10, 2018 4:00p.m. Partners - Doozey Media Food & Beverage - Italian style (Prosciutto, salami, focaccia, aperol, prosecco, and more. Entertainment - Giant Games - Fire Performances - Paint the Sunset - Live Music 226 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING DEPARTMENT REPORT TO: Madam Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Anthony Moreno, Public Safety Analyst Chris Escobedo, Community Resources Director DATE: September 18, 2018 SUBJECT: USE OF BODY WORN CAMERAS BY CITY CODE COMPLIANCE OFFICERS In 2009, the La Quinta Police Department (LQPD) became one of the first contract cities to utilize Body Worn Cameras (BWCs). Through partnership with LQPD, City Code Compliance Officers have been evaluating the use of BWCs to enhance officer safety, transparency on public interaction, and ensuring an accurate accounting of events. In order to determine if this is a viable public safety option for Code Compliance, Staff will be conducting a ninety (90) day pilot program of active use of the BWCs. This pilot program is set to start on October 8, 2018. Code Officers would be trained in BWC use and would follow the established policies and procedures (Attachment 1). The policies and procedures were originally drafted by the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department, and later revised to meet more generalized circumstances for the Code Compliance Division. The policies and procedures have been vetted thoroughly by City Staff, the City Attorney’s office, and by California Joint Powers Insurance Authority who have commented that it meets the legal requirements and does not pose a risk but rather reduces risk. Training is being scheduled for October as a ninety (90) day pilot program. A review will be conducted by City Staff at the conclusion of the ninety (90) days. With no considerable issues, Staff would consider continuing the practice on a daily regular basis. Attachment: 1. Code Compliance Body Worn Camera Policy DEPARTMENTAL REPORT ITEM NO. 4-B 227 228 Body Worn Camera Policy Page 1 CODE COMPLIANCE BODY WORN CAMERA POLICY I.Use of Body Worn Camera The public regularly records Code Compliance Officers (Officers) in the course of their duties. Consequently, City staff has identified a benefit for Officers to wear a Body Worn Camera (“BWC”). II.Purpose The purpose of Officers wearing a BWC is to be able to rebut any accusations of inappropriate behavior by the Officer. Because public perception can be unforgiving, having the means of documenting an incident, conversation, and/or public contact and being able to illustrate what actually occurred has significant value. The generated video and/or photograph can put the public at ease if an egregious accusation is quickly disclaimed. The City has taken the recommendation of the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department on utilizing the BWC device in our possession. III.Policy The City shall issue BWC devices for all Officers to wear when in the field. The BWC device is designed to assist and complement the performance of Officers by providing an unbiased record of events. It is anticipated the BWC recordings will: 1.Advance Code Compliance objectives; 2.Supplement and corroborate written reports; 3.Protect Officers from unfounded allegations of misconduct; 4.Reduce litigation; 5.Provide physical evidence to supplement what is seen or heard by Officers; and 6.Foster positive relations with the community we serve through improved transparency. ATTACHMENT 1 229 Body Worn Camera Policy Page 2 IV.Department Record All recordings, including images and audio-only files, made by Officers using BWC shall be considered investigative records. Copies, if made, shall be within the parameters of this written policy. Officers shall have no expectation of privacy or ownership interest in the content of these recordings or any copies thereof. V.Responsibilities Officers must check that their BWC device is in good working order before going in the field. If the BWC is not working properly, the Officer must notify the Code Compliance Supervisor (Supervisor). The Supervisor will make arrangements for repair or replacement as soon as practicably possible. When in uniform, Officers shall wear their assigned BWC device clipped to their shirt in the middle chest area or secured in a similar manner that allows the device to capture the wearer’s viewpoint to the maximum extent possible. Officers shall document the use of a BWC device and the existence of a recording in the narrative when authoring any report or memorandum concerning a recorded incident or event. VI.Recording Protocols Officer safety takes precedence over recording events. Officers must never jeopardize their safety or the safety of others in order to activate or retrieve a recording device. If a staff member is not able to safely activate their recording device due to exigent circumstances, the Officer shall activate their recording device at the first available opportunity. Officers will generally initiate a recording prior to contacting people in the course of their duties. Once a recording is initiated, a continuous recording of the event must take place until completion of the incident or contact. BWC recordings shall be made of any action where there is reason to believe it would be appropriate and valuable to record the event. Examples: 1.Citizen contacts. 2.During service of a warrant. 3.Inspecting a property. 230 Body Worn Camera Policy Page 3 4.Engaging with someone with limited mental capacity. 5.Belief of being under the influence. 6.Dispute, disturbance, or exhibition of violence. 7.When viewing items or witnessing events of evidentiary value. 8.When directed to record by a Supervisor. When an Officer assigned a BWC device fails to initiate or substantially delays the initiation of a recording during an event specified above, either intentionally or accidentally, the reasons shall be documented in a subsequent report or memorandum. Officers shall not use BWC devices to record communications or discussions with coworkers or Supervisors, on non-work related activity, or non-City contacts. VII. Transfer Protocols: All recordings shall be downloaded daily via designated City computers. Officers should allow themselves sufficient time to download files at the end of their shift to avoid incurring unnecessary overtime expenditures. All City policies regarding the use of overtime will apply. Recordings may be copied for use in investigative reports and shall follow the retention period for that record when used for those purposes. Recordings not initially identified as evidence will be maintained as records of investigation for a period of twelve (12) months in compliance with CA Government Code Section 34090.6 and as provided in the current records retention schedule approved by the City or for a longer period of time if determined necessary by the Supervisor who shall have the responsibility of administering the program. Copies made as evidence in a known investigation will be processed, logged, and secured in a safe manner as determined by the Supervisor. Officers shall not disclose information gathered from the recordings except as necessary to carry out an Officer’s official duties. VIII. Viewing of Recordings-Officers Except for those situations otherwise constrained in this directive, Officers will generally be allowed to review recordings for the following reasons: 1.To test the device to ensure it is working properly; 231 Body Worn Camera Policy Page 4 2.To assist in the writing of a report or in furtherance of an investigation; 3.By City Attorney or other staff for the purposes of an investigation; 4.By an authorized Supervisor, or other staff participating in an official investigation or inquiry of a personnel complaint, administrative investigation or criminal allegation; or 5.By an authorized Supervisor for the purpose of performing a service audit. The Officer may have a representative present during the review of the BWC recording and will be afforded the opportunity to privately consult with a representative if desired. An Officer who reviews a recording shall document in a report the fact that a recording was viewed. Whenever a BWC device is present during an incident, such as, but not limited to, an assault by a citizen or when an Officer has to utilize his/her Baton, Electronic Control Device/Taser, or Pepper Spray, the wearer shall notify a Supervisor. The BWC recording will be downloaded to the system as soon as practicable and access to any recording shall be restricted. As noted above in Subsection 2., Officers are allowed to review their recordings to assist in the furtherance of an investigation. After reviewing their BWC recording of the incident, the involved Officer shall author an Incident Report that includes the following relevant facts related to the Officer’s knowledge, observations, and actions as they relate to the incident: 1.The threat perceived, limited to any known facts or situations leading to the use of force; 2.The need for the use of force; 3.The suspect’s actions that contributed to the decision to use force; and 4.The amount of force used. Once the Incident Report, containing all the items listed above, is submitted, the Officer’s GoEnforce report will provide subsequent, detailed information relative to the incident, and will be considered the Supplemental Report. In incidents involving more than one Officer, each Officer will be allowed to view their individual recording separately; no review may be conducted jointly among involved Officers. Officer review of recordings from all sources other 232 Body Worn Camera Policy Page 5 than the BWC they wore and used during a given incident may be permitted at the discretion of the Supervisor. Where the City is investigating employee conduct, not involving an incident, a Supervisor shall determine if BWC recordings of the event in question exist, and if so, restrict access to the stored file. If a BWC device worn during any event in question has not been downloaded, the Supervisor shall direct any Officer wearing a BWC device during the event to download the recording and not to view any related recordings. Where the City is conducting an investigation into Officer conduct, not involving an incident, the Supervisor shall permit the Officer to review the BWC recording made by the device they personally wore during the incident prior to providing a written statement. The Officer may have a representative present during the review of the BWC recording and will be afforded the opportunity to privately consult with a representative if desired. In the event the matter under review involves more than one Officer, each Officer will be allowed to view BWC recordings made by a device they wore during the incident separately. No review may be conducted jointly among involved employees. Any recordings reviewed in response to allegations of misconduct may subsequently be used as part of any resulting investigation or civil proceeding. IX. Viewing of Recordings by Members of the Public or Media Recordings will not be shown to members of the public without the approval of the Supervisor. Media requests to make or receive copies of recordings must be approved by the Director or higher position in his/her absence. Prior to the public release of a recording containing the image of a readily identifiable Officer, the Officer will be notified of the pending release when practicable. X. Records Requests BWC device recordings are investigative records. All requests for the release of recordings will be handled in accordance with the applicable state and federal laws. All recording releases by the City by virtue of the CA Public Records Act, court order, or subpoena shall be handled by the City’s Supervisor, Manager, Director, or City Clerk. 233 Body Worn Camera Policy Page 6 XI. City Responsibility The Supervisor, shall be responsible for issuing a recording device to each Officer working on a uniformed patrol at the City as they become available. The BWC devices shall remain the property of the City and, upon an Officer’s transfer or departure from the City’s employ, the BWC device shall be returned to the City’s Supervisor. The Supervisor shall be responsible for ensuring that Officers who have been issued a BWC device are trained on the proper use of the device and the policy. The Supervisor will emphasize the fundamentals supported by recognized authorities in the field and will incorporate the assistance of an IT professional with downloading video from the cameras and its storage. All Officers shall be provided a copy of the BWC policy as part of their BWC training. This training and receipt of a copy of the policy shall be documented in the Officer’s training record. Supervisors responsible for any shift or team with Officers who have been assigned BWC devices shall conduct roll call training at least quarterly on the policy expectations, use, and maintenance of the BWC equipment. XII.Stopping Recordings Once activated, a BWC recording shall not be terminated until the end of the encounter unless tactical or practical reasons dictate otherwise. If necessary, to end a recording during an incident or contact, the Officer shall document why in a subsequent report or memorandum. Any BWC recording temporarily stopped for any reason shall be reinitiated when the reason for stopping the recording has ended. The reasons for stopping and reinitiating records shall be documented in a subsequent report or memorandum. XIII.Informing Persons In most cases, Officers are not obligated to inform members of the public that a recording has been initiated per Penal Code 632 (c) due to no expectation of privacy in a public gathering. If asked, Officers shall advise members of the public they are being recorded unless it compromises a criminal investigation. Officers are not obligated to cease recording an event solely at the demand of a member of the public. If the public requests not to be recorded, the Officer shall consider the necessity of recording the event. 234 Body Worn Camera Policy Page 7 Any decision to stop a recording upon request from the public should be made after careful consideration of the City’s exposure to potential liability if there is no recording, the requesting person’s privacy, and the location the Officer is videoing from such as a public location or city right of way. XIV.Surreptitious Use of Portable Recorders Penal Code Section 632 prohibits an individual from surreptitiously recording a “confidential” conversation in which any party to the conversation has a reasonable belief that the conversation is private or confidential. Penal Code 632 (b) is inclusive of Officers in its definition as a “person.” Penal Code 632 (c) excludes a communication made in a public gathering or in any legislative, judicial, executive, or administrative proceeding open to the public, or in any other circumstance in which the parties to the communication may reasonably expect that the communication may be overheard or recorded. Officers are prohibited from knowingly recording other City staff members without their knowledge. If an Officer accidentally records another City staff member in a place or situation where the recorded City staff member has a reasonable expectation of privacy, the Officer who made the recording shall notify a Supervisor of the recording as soon as they become aware the recording exists. That Supervisor shall review the video, ensure there is no good cause to retain the video, advise the recorded employee of such recording, and offer them the opportunity to view the recording. If deleting the video from storage would not interfere with the integrity of a recorded incident or is not related to an investigation or citizen contact, the reviewing Supervisor shall make a written request for deletion of the video to the Manager or Director. They may approve the removal of the recorded incident. The Supervisor’s written request for deletion of the video to the Public Safety Manager or Director will be considered the written record of deletion. It shall be dated with an explanation of when, why, and the date of approval. Nothing in this section is intended to interfere with an Officer’s right to openly record any public contact or inspection conducted. XV.Locations of Privacy Residences: Private citizens have a reasonable expectation of privacy within their own homes. When an Officer is conducting an inspection at a residence 235 Body Worn Camera Policy Page 8 or commercial location, the Officer must request the resident, or owner voluntarily sign a “Consent to Inspect Form,” and inform the resident or property owner in writing the inspection is being recorded by audio/video. If a resident objects to the Officer recording the inspection, the Officer has the right to leave the premises and cease the inspection. When an Officer is conducting an inspection from the City street or right-of- way, there is no expectation of privacy as long as the Officer is not taking pictures or video inside a private room such as a bedroom, and all other rooms that are not easily viewable from the street or right of way. The Officer generally should not take pictures inside any dwelling unless it is to corroborate a violation including but not limited to an unpermitted garage conversion, HVAC unit installed without a permit, framing, electrical, plumbing, or mechanical progressed without a permit, etc. Restrooms, dressing rooms, locker rooms: Officers shall not initiate recordings inside restrooms, dressing rooms, or locker rooms unless they are conducting an investigation, inspection, or responding to exigent circumstances. 236 D E S I G N A N D D E V E L O P M E N T D E P A R T M E N T R E P O R T - J U L Y 2 0 1 8 J U L Y 2 0 1 8 R E P O R T T H E D E S I G N A N D D E V E L O P M E N T D E P A R T M E N T R E P R E S E N T S O N E O F S I X C I T Y D E P A R T M E N T S , A N D C O N S I S T S O F S I X D I V I S I O N S : T H E H U B , P L A N N I N G , B U I L D I N G , P U B L I C W O R K S D E V E L O P M E N T , E N G I N E E R I N G S E R V I C E S , A N D A D M I N I S T R A T I O N . Design and Development Department the HUB The Hub serves as a one-stop shop for La Quinta patrons. It is the central location for obtaining permits for planning, building, engineering, garage sales, and special events. The Hub assists customers through the permitting process from initial questions and pre-application meetings through inspections and final certificate of occupancy. Below are some July 2018 metrics: CUSTOMER SATISFACTION Permit and Project Fees Collected $511,292 $509,538 STVRP Permits 121 290 7311,747 62 239 Business Licenses Phone Calls Received Total Customers Served Total Issued Permits Total E-TRAKiT Permits TOT Collected In June 2016, The Hub launched a survey to measure the satisfaction of its customers. The survey uses a one to five star rating system, with “Five Stars” being excellent. The Hub Customer Satisfaction survey results for the month of July 2018 were stellar! 0 25 50 75 100 Wait TimeHelpfulnessQualityDEPARTMENTAL REPORT ITEM NO. 5-A DEPARTMENTAL REPORT ITEM NO. 5237 -A D E S I G N A N D D E V E L O P M E N T D E P A R T M E N T R E P O R T - J U L Y 2 0 1 8 J U L Y 2 0 1 8 R E P O R T Design and Development Department PLANNING ACTIVITY BUILDING The Building Division administers all building permit applications and plans for compliance with requirements established in the entitlement process, La Quinta Municipal Code, and all currently applicable California Building Standards Codes. Includes sign applications, temporary use permits, minor use permits, final landscaping plans, etc. Planning Permits 2018 2017 July Year Year to Date 1,019 6,463 691 4,402 2018 2017 July Year Year to Date 7 46 9 52 Building Permits Issued 20172018 26 836 127131 34 1,256 Year July July E-TRAKiT Year to Date 20172018 151 35 1,040 149 34 1,344 Year July July E-TRAKiT Year to Date Building Permits Submitted Building Inspections Building Permits Submitted Submitted Applications Building Permits Issued The Planning Division works with residential and commercial property/business owners and developers to ensure development in the City is constructed consistent with the City’s goals and policies. 238 D E S I G N A N D D E V E L O P M E N T D E P A R T M E N T R E P O R T - J U L Y 2 0 1 8 J U L Y 2 0 1 8 R E P O R T Design and Development Department TRAFFIC & CIP SHORT-TERM VACATION RENTAL THE PROGRAM The Short Term Vacation Rental Program, Vacation LQ, continues to grow, as new properties register each month. During the month of July 2018, the following permits were issued and TOT collected: The Development Division provides engineering assistance with a variety of permits. During the month of July 2018, the following number of permits and applications were processed: The Engineering Services Division provides engineering design and construction oversight and traffic support on a variety of infrastructure projects that help keep La Quinta safe and beautiful. Highlighted below are some activities for July 2018: ENGINEERING SERVICES PUBLIC WORKS DEVELOPMENT CIP PROJECTS IN PROGRESS TRAFFIC HSIP Intersection Improvements project is out for bid with bids due by 10:00 am on Thursday, August 30, 2018. The contractor for the La Quinta High School ADA Improvements project is grading the sidewalk up to Wakefield Circle. A contract for the Fiscal Year 2017/2018 Pavement Management Plan - Zone 2 - Slurry Seal and Striping Improvements project has been awarded to American Asphalt South, Inc. On-site construction continues at private development projects including Andalusia, Griffin Ranch, Monterra, Codorniz, and The Citrus. 35 requests for service were recorded in City’s GORequest system in July 2018, including: · Operational checks of crosswalks, warning beacons, and flashing stop signs · Repair of safety and street sign lighting · Light fixtures throughout the City STVRP TOT Collected Permits Issued in July 2017 2016Year January $109,867.25 $75,323.58 Currently Active Permits 86 748April$405,334.02 $221,904.07 2017Year 2016 20172018Year July Year to Date 4 64 4 55 20172018Year July Year to Date 16 21 179188 STVRP Permits Project Reviews Completed Permits Issued STVRP TOT Collected Year July 2018 2017 $189,801 $61,865 $2,407,448 $1,745,194 Year to Date 239 240 D E S I G N A N D D E V E L O P M E N T D E P A R T M E N T R E P O R T - A U G U S T 2 0 1 8 A U G U S T 2 0 1 8 R E P O R T T H E D E S I G N A N D D E V E L O P M E N T D E P A R T M E N T R E P R E S E N T S O N E O F S I X C I T Y D E P A R T M E N T S , A N D C O N S I S T S O F S I X D I V I S I O N S : T H E H U B , P L A N N I N G , B U I L D I N G , P U B L I C W O R K S D E V E L O P M E N T , E N G I N E E R I N G S E R V I C E S , A N D A D M I N I S T R A T I O N . Design and Development Department the HUB The Hub serves as a one-stop shop for La Quinta patrons. It is the central location for obtaining permits for planning, building, engineering, garage sales, and special events. The Hub assists customers through the permitting process from initial questions and pre-application meetings through inspections and final certificate of occupancy. Below are some August 2018 metrics: CUSTOMER SATISFACTION Permit and Project Fees Collected $175,071 $152,168 STVRP Permits 93 271 8181,107 67 285 Business Licenses Phone Calls Received Total Customers Served Total Issued Permits Total E-TRAKiT Permits TOT Collected In June 2016, The Hub launched a survey to measure the satisfaction of its customers. The survey uses a one to five star rating system, with “Five Stars” being excellent. The Hub Customer Satisfaction survey results for the month of August 2018 were stellar! 0 25 50 75 100 Wait TimeHelpfulnessQualityDEPARTMENTAL REPORT ITEM NO. 5-B 241 DEPARTMENTAL REPORT ITEM NO. 5-B D E S I G N A N D D E V E L O P M E N T D E P A R T M E N T R E P O R T - A U G U S T 2 0 1 8 A U G U S T 2 0 1 8 R E P O R T Design and Development Department PLANNING ACTIVITY BUILDING The Building Division administers all building permit applications and plans for compliance with requirements established in the entitlement process, La Quinta Municipal Code, and all currently applicable California Building Standards Codes. Includes sign applications, temporary use permits, minor use permits, final landscaping plans, etc. Planning Permits 2018 2017 August Year Year to Date 1,134 7,597 934 5,321 2018 2017 August Year Year to Date 11 57 5 57 Building Permits Issued 20172018 31 1,169 176160 29 1,445 Year August August E-TRAKiT Year to Date 20172018 181 33 1,219 130 35 1,509 Year August August E-TRAKiT Year to Date Building Permits Submitted Building Inspections Building Permits Submitted Submitted Applications Building Permits Issued The Planning Division works with residential and commercial property/business owners and developers to ensure development in the City is constructed consistent with the City’s goals and policies. 242 D E S I G N A N D D E V E L O P M E N T D E P A R T M E N T R E P O R T - A U G U S T 2 0 1 8 A U G U S T 2 0 1 8 R E P O R T Design and Development Department TRAFFIC & CIP SHORT-TERM VACATION RENTAL THE PROGRAM The Short Term Vacation Rental Program, Vacation LQ, continues to grow, as new properties register each month. During the month of August 2018, the following permits were issued and TOT collected: The Development Division provides engineering assistance with a variety of permits. During the month of August 2018, the following number of permits and applications were processed: The Engineering Services Division provides engineering design and construction oversight and traffic support on a variety of infrastructure projects that help keep La Quinta safe and beautiful. Highlighted below are some activities for August 2018: ENGINEERING SERVICES PUBLIC WORKS DEVELOPMENT CIP PROJECTS IN PROGRESS TRAFFIC In the process of awarding and executing a contract for the HSIP Intersection Improvements project. The La Quinta High School ADA Improvements project is complete. The contractor for the Fiscal Year 2017/2018 Pavement Management Plan - Zone 2 - Slurry Seal and Striping Improvements project is applying slurry seal throughout the City. On-site construction continues at private development projects including Andalusia, Griffin Ranch, Monterra, Codorniz, Washington Street Apartments and The Citrus. 43 requests for service were recorded in City’s GORequest system in August 2018, including: · Operational checks of crosswalks, warning beacons, and flashing stop signs · Repair of safety and street sign lighting · Light fixtures throughout the City STVRP TOT Collected Permits Issued in August 2017 2016Year January $109,867.25 $75,323.58 Currently Active Permits 87 750April$405,334.02 $221,904.07 2017Year 2016 20172018Year August Year to Date 11 88 13 68 20172018Year August Year to Date 36 20 199224 STVRP Permits Project Reviews Completed Permits Issued STVRP TOT Collected Year August 2018 2017 $86,728 $53,614 $2,494,176 $1,798,807Year to Date 243 244 The Facilities Department is comprised of three Divisions; Public Works Maintenance, Parks and Buildings. FACILITIES DEPARTMENT July 2018 MAINTENANCE EXPENDITURES Public Works $20,259 Parks $15,855 Buildings $10,609 Total Expenditures: $46,723 Total Task Hours: 1,146 For the month of July, 336 requests were received from residents and staff. Request topics are listed on Attachments 1, 2,and 3. Maintenance expenditures and task hours are recorded in GoRequest. Top Requests in July: Parks– Inspection Maintenance Parks - Trail Maintenance Public Works - Street Signs Public Works - Storm Drain Maintenance Buildings - Fire Station Maintenance Buildings - Library Maintenance POSITIVE SURVEY FEEDBACK FROM RESIDENTS: “The sign was replaced the same day! Great work!” “You are always spot on fast! & efficient, fabulous job”. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Public Works Maintenance Expenditures by Task for July. 2. Parks Maintenance Expenditures by Task for July. 3. Building Maintenance Expenditures by Task for July. 4. Customer Satisfaction Survey Details for July. DEPARTMENTAL REPORT ITEM NO. 6-A 245 246 Graffiti $882.02 Tree Issues $657.16 Vandalism Repair $715.65 Landscape Irrigation Contract Mgt $1,536.04 Inspection $719.91 Debris/Litter Removal $1,893.73 Office Work $42.77 Curb Painting $1,688.72 Gutter Sand Removal $613.48 Lighting -Medians $230.85 Concrete/Sidewalk Repairs $1,736.95 Training $140.96 Vehicle Equipment $641.93 Pothole or Street Repair $1,824.62 Meeting $46.17 Pavement Marking $937.34 Storm Drain Maint $2,247.34 Street Sweeping $550.56 Maint Yard/Building Maint $81.43 Street Signs $3,071.02 Graffiti Tree Issues Vandalism Repair Landscape Irrigation Contract Mgt Inspection Debris/Litter Removal Office Work Curb Painting Gutter Sand Removal Lighting - Medians Concrete/Sidewalk Repairs Training Vehicle Equipment Pothole or Street Repair Meeting Pavement Marking Storm Drain Maint Street Sweeping Maint Yard/Building Maint Street Signs Total Maintenance Expenditures: $20,259 Public Works Maintenance Expenditures for the Month of July 2018 ATTACHMENT 1 247 248 Inspection Maintenance $4,996.94 Athletic Field Inspection $323.91 Debris/Litter Removal $401.82 Fencing/Wall Repairs $416.97 Fritz Burns Pool Inspection $511.01 Parking Lot Repairs $154.38 Irrigation/Weeds Tree Trimming $1,529.01 Lighting/Electrical $340.27 Office Administration $77.19 Playground Equipment Insp. $617.52 Seminars/Training $394.62 Shelter Equipment Repair $77.19 Tree/Plant Flower Installation $1,126.83 waterfeatures $556.20 Meeting $1,199.07 Sign Maintenance $77.19 Trail Maintenance $1,745.07 Park Maintenance $108.70 Graffiti $1,139.57 Gopher & Dog Holes Pest Control $62.04 Inspection Maintenance Athletic Field Inspection Debris/Litter Removal Fencing/Wall Repairs Fritz Burns Pool Inspection Parking Lot Repairs Irrigation/Weeds Tree Trimming Lighting/Electrical Office Administration Playground Equipment Insp. Seminars/Training Shelter Equipment Repair Tree/Plant Flower Installation waterfeatures Meeting Sign Maintenance Trail Maintenance Park Maintenance Graffiti Gopher & Dog Holes Pest Control Total Maintenance Expenditures: $15,856 Parks Monthly Maintenance Expenditures for the Month of July 2016 ATTACHMENT 2 249 250 Before After 251 252 Before After 253 254 255 256 Before After Before After 257 258 Carpentry & Hardware $223.75 Personnel Requests $1,539.53 Training Classes $124.08 Facilities Maint $289.28 HVAC $1,113.13 Electrical $66.08 Plumbing $726.78 Pest Control $89.50 Painting $244.66 Security/Fobs/Alarms $89.50 General Repairs $499.30 Fire Stations $3,107.90 Janitorial $275.62 Preventative Maint $66.08 Library $1,745.94 Museum $407.78 Carpentry & Hardware Personnel Requests Training Classes Facilities Maint HVAC Electrical Plumbing Pest Control Painting Security/Fobs/Alarms General Repairs Fire Stations Janitorial Preventative Maint Library Museum Total Maintenance Expenditures: $10,609 Buildings Monthly Maintenance Expenditures for July 2018 ATTACHMENT 3 259 260 BEFORE AFTER BEFORE AFTER BEFORE BEFORE BEFORE AFTER AFTER AFTER AFTER BEFORE BEFORE BEFORE BEFORE AFTER AFTER AFTER 261 262 Customer Satisfaction Survey Details 07/01/2018 to 07/31/2018 Request: 32921 Survey Entered: 07-27-2018 Request Entered: 04/12/2018 Closed: 07/20/2018 Days Open: 99 Topic: Lighting - Medians & Public Right-of-Way - 1083 Employee: James Lindsey Customer: David Marzane Description: This issue was reported in November under ticket number 30989. The result of the initial investigation was that Legacy Villas is responsible for the maintenance of the sidewalk lights. To date there has been no change. I would hope that the city of LQ would follow up with Legacy Villas to insure compliance. I request a status update Reason Closed: Legacy Villas landscape contractor has trimmed the shrubs along Eisenhower north west side, from Ave Fernando to Coachella Dr. The landscape lighting system in this area still have to be repaired. Another Go - request will be generated to address this issue. Service Effectiveness: Superior Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: Poor Were we courteous and professional? Superior Expectations Met: Met Request: 33359 Survey Entered: 07-03-2018 Request Entered: 05/14/2018 Closed: 06/26/2018 Days Open: 43 Topic: Tree Issues Employee: James Lindsey Customer: Erica Gette Description: On Fred Waring, up against the wall that is shared with our back yard at 44030 Cristol Place, there are 2 trees that constantly cause an issue. The flowers that fall from those trees are clogging our pool filters and causing breaking our pool equipment, in turn causing our pool to constantly turn green. Please contact me so we can possibly discuss how we can fix this problem and what can be done. Thank you so much. My email is ejgette@gmail.com, or you can contact John at 951-229-8205. Thank you Reason Closed: removed two trees. Service Effectiveness: Good Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: Average Were we courteous and professional? Good Expectations Met: Exceeded Request: 33878 Survey Entered: 07-25-2018 Request Entered: 06/14/2018 Closed: 07/16/2018 Days Open: 32 Topic: Curb Painting - 1005 Employee: James Lindsey Customer: Lori Torres Description: Fire hydrants curbs need to be painted red in the Monticello community north La Quinta homes They should be properly marked thank you Re-paint existing red curbs at existing fire hydrants. Reason Closed: Repainted red in front of the fire hydrants Work done Service Effectiveness: Superior Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: Superior Were we courteous and professional? Superior Expectations Met: Exceeded ATTACHMENT 4 263 Request: 34037 Survey Entered: 07-05-2018 Request Entered: 06/27/2018 Closed: 06/28/2018 Days Open: 1 Topic: Debris/Litter Removal/Right of Way Maint - 1011 Employee: James Lindsey Customer: Jose Maciel Description: Bushes starting to encroach on bike lane. Reason Closed: Cut/Trimmed bushes along Ave 52. Service Effectiveness: Superior Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: Superior Were we courteous and professional? No answer Expectations Met: Exceeded Request: 34064 Survey Entered: 07-09-2018 Request Entered: 06/29/2018 Closed: 07/02/2018 Days Open: 3 Topic: Graffiti Removal (Right-of-Way) - 1071 Employee: James Lindsey Customer: Tokiyo Ochi Description: Photo submitted Reason Closed: Covered graffiti with like color paint, graffiti removed. Work done. Service Effectiveness: Good Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: Superior Were we courteous and professional? Good Expectations Met: Exceeded Request: 34068 Survey Entered: 07-16-2018 Request Entered: 06/29/2018 Closed: 07/09/2018 Days Open: 10 Topic: FS/Electrical Employee: Alfred Berumen Customer: Reyna Camarena Description: Bay door at station #32 is not closing. See (fill in) fire fighter Jeffery with any further details. Reason Closed: Work is done. Service Effectiveness: Superior Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: Superior Were we courteous and professional? Superior Expectations Met: Exceeded Request: 34099 Survey Entered: 07-16-2018 Request Entered: 07/03/2018 Closed: 07/16/2018 Days Open: 13 Topic: FS/Misc/General Repairs Employee: Alfred Berumen Customer: Reyna Camarena Description: Bay door over at station #32 is closing too fast. Also, bay door sensors (in front of bay door) have not been working. Reason Closed: Work is done. Service Effectiveness: Superior Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: Superior Were we courteous and professional? Superior Expectations Met: Exceeded 264 Request: 34111 Survey Entered: 07-06-2018 Request Entered: 07/04/2018 Closed: 07/06/2018 Days Open: 2 Topic: Landscape/Irrigation Contract Management - 1050 Employee: James Lindsey Customer: Kris Gunterson Description: Tree is blocking site distance when pulling out on Bermudas. Reason Closed: Work done Service Effectiveness: Superior Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: Superior Were we courteous and professional? Superior Expectations Met: Exceeded Request: 34155 Survey Entered: 07-10-2018 Request Entered: 07/07/2018 Closed: 07/10/2018 Days Open: 3 Topic: Library/Plumbing Employee: Alfred Berumen Customer: Minerva Ochoa Description: Handicapped toilet in women's restroom does not flush. Reason Closed: work done. Service Effectiveness: Superior Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: Good Were we courteous and professional? Superior Expectations Met: Met Request: 34161 Survey Entered: 07-17-2018 Request Entered: 07/09/2018 Closed: 07/10/2018 Days Open: 1 Topic: Street Sign Repair/Maint - 1010 Employee: James Lindsey Customer: Tim Kemp Description: Sign came off of the pole. Reason Closed: Sign was down from wind had to put in new screws and washers work done Service Effectiveness: Superior Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: Superior Were we courteous and professional? Superior Expectations Met: Exceeded How can the City improve? The sign was replaced the same day! Great work! Request: 34162 Survey Entered: 07-16-2018 Request Entered: 07/09/2018 Closed: 07/09/2018 Days Open: 0 Topic: FS/Electrical Employee: Alfred Berumen Customer: Reyna Camarena Description: West side of station AC not working. For any further details see Mattew Kotz. Reason Closed: Work is done. Service Effectiveness: Superior Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: Superior Were we courteous and professional? Superior Expectations Met: Exceeded 265 Request: 34163 Survey Entered: 07-17-2018 Request Entered: 07/09/2018 Closed: 07/10/2018 Days Open: 1 Topic: Graffiti Removal (Right-of-Way) - 1071 Employee: James Lindsey Customer: Rick Morelli Description: Possible gang tag on La Quinta side of traffic island on Monroe st down from the Monroe gate entrance to Rancho Santana. Appears to be the same that the city removed several weeks ago on Madison traffic island just south of Ave 52 Reason Closed: Completed the paint on curb to cover graffiti Service Effectiveness: Superior Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: Superior Were we courteous and professional? Superior Expectations Met: Met Request: 34216 Survey Entered: 07-19-2018 Request Entered: 07/12/2018 Closed: 07/12/2018 Days Open: 0 Topic: Parks/Trail Maintenance Employee: Robert Ambriz Jr. Customer: Jim Description: Not a big deal but I would think the water to this dead trunk should be disabled 51200 Avenida Carranza Reason Closed: Repaired irrigation leak and canceled existing irrigation. Service Effectiveness: Superior Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: Superior Were we courteous and professional? Superior Expectations Met: Met How can the City improve? You are always spot on fast & efficient fabulous job Request: 34260 Survey Entered: 07-25-2018 Request Entered: 07/17/2018 Closed: 07/18/2018 Days Open: 1 Topic: Graffiti in Parks - 1030 Employee: Robert Ambriz Jr. Customer: Bruce Latta Description: Halfway between restrooms and play equipment on fence at gate into park. Reason Closed: Went to Tops and Barricades to purchase new signs. Replaced old sign. Service Effectiveness: Superior Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: Superior Were we courteous and professional? Superior Expectations Met: Exceeded 266 Request: 34261 Survey Entered: 07-24-2018 Request Entered: 07/17/2018 Closed: 07/17/2018 Days Open: 0 Topic: Park Maintenance Employee: Robert Ambriz Jr. Customer: Bruce Latta Description: What are they building at the park? Reason Closed: The City is installing a Fitness Court, created and offered through the National Fitness Campaign. For more information and to see what the future fitness court will look like take a look at the National Fitness Campaign website www.nationalfitnesscampaign.com. Service Effectiveness: Superior Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: Superior Were we courteous and professional? Superior Expectations Met: Exceeded Request: 34281 Survey Entered: 07-26-2018 Request Entered: 07/18/2018 Closed: 07/19/2018 Days Open: 1 Topic: FM/Misc General Repairs Employee: Alfred Berumen Customer: Caroline Doran Description: Slider Door facing Old Town La Quinta is opening and closing without any person approaching the slider doors. Can our maintenance staff please check out the door as soon as possible so our air conditioner doesn't work extra. Thank you very much. Reason Closed: Work is done. Service Effectiveness: Superior Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: Superior Were we courteous and professional? Superior Expectations Met: Exceeded Request: 34287 Survey Entered: 07-27-2018 Request Entered: 07/18/2018 Closed: 07/20/2018 Days Open: 2 Topic: Street Sign Repair/Maint - 1010 Employee: James Lindsey Customer: Bill Aitken Description: Stop sign Reason Closed: Work done Service Effectiveness: No answer Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: Superior Were we courteous and professional? No answer Expectations Met: Met 267 Request: 34304 Survey Entered: 07-26-2018 Request Entered: 07/19/2018 Closed: 07/19/2018 Days Open: 0 Topic: Library/Plumbing Employee: Osvaldo Vargas Customer: Lisa Baiz Description: Staff bathroom toilet seat is wabbly. Reason Closed: Work is done. Service Effectiveness: Superior Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: No answer Were we courteous and professional? No answer Expectations Met: Met Request: 34333 Survey Entered: 07-30-2018 Request Entered: 07/20/2018 Closed: 07/23/2018 Days Open: 3 Topic: FS/Plumbing Employee: Alfred Berumen Customer: Reyna Camarena Description: Plumming issue w/ shower won't turn off/Had Service disconnected outside now no water throughout station. Please see Captain Kotz for further details. Reason Closed: Work is done. Service Effectiveness: Superior Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: Superior Were we courteous and professional? Superior Expectations Met: Exceeded Request: 34343 Survey Entered: 07-30-2018 Request Entered: 07/21/2018 Closed: 07/23/2018 Days Open: 2 Topic: Landscape/Irrigation Contract Management - 1050 Employee: James Lindsey Customer: Tokiyo Ochi Description: Photo submitted Reason Closed: replaced broken sprinkler. Service Effectiveness: Good Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: Good Were we courteous and professional? No answer Expectations Met: Met 268 The Facilities Department is comprised of three Divisions; Public Works Maintenance, Parks and Buildings. FACILITIES DEPARTMENT August 2018 MAINTENANCE EXPENDITURES •Public Works $35,561 •Parks $12,479 •Buildings $11,773 •Total Expenditures: $59,813 •Total Task Hours: 1,089 For the month of August, 292 requests were received from residents and staff. Request topics are listed on Attachments 1, 2,and 3. Maintenance expenditures and task hours are recorded in GoRequest. Top Requests in August: Parks– Inspection Maintenance Parks - Shelter Equipment Repair Public Works - Street Signs Public Works - Concrete /Sidewalk Repairs Buildings - Painting Buildings - Personnel Requests POSITIVE SURVEY FEEDBACK FROM RESIDENTS: “Love the app” “Love Go Request” “It allows the citizens to partake in helping maintain the quality of our community. Staff can't be in all places all the time and it may be days or weeks be- fore staff sees something that needs fixing so Go Request allows us to notify staff” “I like that the problem was completed before my expectations, thank you” “Ease of using on line site to send photo, acknowledgement of report and follow up” ATTACHMENTS: 1.Public Works Maintenance Expenditures by Task for August. 2.Parks Maintenance Expenditures by Task for August. 3. Building Maintenance Expenditures by Task for August. 4. Customer Satisfaction Survey Details for August. DEPARTMENTAL REPORT ITEM NO. 6-B 269 270 Graffiti $1,327.05 Vandalism Repair $44.36 Landscape Irrigation Contract Mgt $1,611.84 Tree Issues $455.33 Office Work $85.54 Debris/Litter Removal $1,814.00 Curb Painting $310.03 Lighting -Medians $119.96 Concrete Sidewalk Repairs $6,679.77 Vehicle Equipment $592.71 Pothole or Street Repair $1,135.66 Storm Drain Maint $335.37 Street Sweeping $419.72 Street Sign Repair $2,570.63 Inspection $101.54 Street Signs New $17,957.39 Graffiti Vandalism Repair Landscape Irrigation Contract Mgt Tree Issues Office Work Debris/Litter Removal Curb Painting Lighting - Medians Concrete Sidewalk Repairs Vehicle Equipment Pothole or Street Repair Storm Drain Maint Street Sweeping Street Sign Repair Inspection Street Signs New Public Works Maintenance Expenditures for the Month of August 2018 ATTACHMENT 1 Total Monthly Expenditures: $35,561 271 272 273 274 Trail Maintenance $247.44 Inspection Maintenance $4,316.16 Athletic Field Inspection $216.42 Gopher & Dog Holes Pest Control $494.16 Irrigation/Weeds Tree Trimming $1,389.42 Debris/Litter Removal $154.38 Lighting/Electrical $864.24 Walkways $308.76 Shelter Equipment Repair $1,404.57 Fritz Burns Pool Inspection $77.19 Tree/Plant Flower Installation $849.09 waterfeatures $771.90 Meeting $308.76 Graffiti $1,076.33 Trail Maintenance Inspection Maintenance Athletic Field Inspection Gopher & Dog Holes Pest Control Irrigation/Weeds Tree Trimming Debris/Litter Removal Lighting/Electrical Walkways Shelter Equipment Repair Fritz Burns Pool Inspection Tree/Plant Flower Installation waterfeatures Meeting Graffiti ATTACHMENT 2 Parks Monthly Maintenance Expenditures for the Month of August 2018 Total Monthly Expenditures: $12,479 275 276 277 278 DESERT PRIDE PARK INSTALL IRRIGATION AND THREE TREES 279 280 GRAFFITI REMOVAL AT LA QUINTA PARK 281 282 283 284 Facilities Maint $1,312.77 Library $604.00 Janitorial $599.74 Electrical $158.13 Personnel Requests $1,984.23 Meetings $77.79 Plumbing $753.21 Pest Control $44.75 Painting $2,818.64 Security/Fobs/Alarms $89.50 Fire Stations $2,071.80 Preventative Maint $346.92 Carpentry & Hardware $714.83 Museum $196.29 Facilities Maint Library Janitorial Electrical Personnel Requests Meetings Plumbing Pest Control Painting Security/Fobs/Alarms Fire Stations Preventative Maint Carpentry & Hardware MuseumTotal Maintenance Expenditures: $11,773 Buildings Monthly Maintenance Expenditures for the Month of August 2018 ATTACHMENT 3 285 286 Customer Satisfaction Survey Details 08/01/2018 to 08/31/2018 Request: 34198 Survey Entered: 08-15-2018 Request Entered: 07/11/2018 Closed: 08/08/2018 Days Open: 28 Topic: Graffiti Removal (Right-of-Way) - 1071 Employee: James Lindsey Customer: Bruce Latta Description: Chevron station on Hwy 111 at Dune Palms storage container east side facing Soup Plantation Reason Closed: Spoke with personnel at Chevron regarding graffiti, they will be contacting container company regarding graffiti to either replace container or remove graffiti. The storage container at the Chevron station on Hwy 111 at Dune Palms, east side facing Soup Plantation has been removed. Service Effectiveness: Superior Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: Superior Were we courteous and professional?: Superior Expectations Met: Met How can the City improve?: Love the app Request: 34204 Survey Entered: 08-07-2018 Request Entered: 07/11/2018 Closed: 08/07/2018 Days Open: 27 Topic: Sidewalk Repair/Concrete C&G- 1007 Employee: James Lindsey Customer: Guy Chabot Description: Broken Sidewalk south side on Fred Waring between Palm Royal and Las Vista Dr. Reason Closed: Demetrio, please see e-mail sent to the Property Management Group (DRM). The Property Management Group (DRM), had the sidewalk repaired Service Effectiveness: Good Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: Good Were we courteous and professional?: Good Expectations Met: Met Request: 34223 Survey Entered: 08-29-2018 Request Entered: 07/12/2018 Closed: 08/22/2018 Days Open: 41 Topic: Sidewalk Repair/Concrete C&G- 1007 Employee: James Lindsey Customer: Mark Johnson Description: Sidewalk-North side of Miles between Via Rosa and Seeley has popped and cracked in two locations. Reason Closed: Jackhammered 3 slabs of walkway, framed, poured, formed and finished areas 8/16/2018. Work Done Service Effectiveness: Superior Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: Superior Were we courteous and professional?: Superior Expectations Met: Exceeded ATTACHMENT 4 287 Request: 34344 Survey Entered: 08-06-2018 Request Entered: 07/21/2018 Closed: 07/30/2018 Days Open: 9 Topic: Graffiti Removal (Right-of-Way) - 1071 Employee: James Lindsey Customer: Tokiyo Ochi Description: Photo submitted Reason Closed: Removed graffiti from electrical box. Work done Service Effectiveness: Good Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: Good Were we courteous and professional?: Good Expectations Met: Met Request: 34425 Survey Entered: 08-09-2018 Request Entered: 07/29/2018 Closed: 08/02/2018 Days Open: 4 Topic: Street Sign Repair & Maint Employee: James Lindsey Customer: Bruce Latta Description: Washington and Via Bolero Reason Closed: Removed damaged sign, replaced post, type N and R4-7 and reinstalled at median. Work Done. Service Effectiveness: Superior Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: Superior Were we courteous and professional?: Superior Expectations Met: Met How can the City improve?: Love Go Request Request: 34426 Survey Entered: 08-06-2018 Request Entered: 07/29/2018 Closed: 07/30/2018 Days Open: 1 Topic: Street Sign Repair & Maint Employee: James Lindsey Customer: Bruce Latta Description: Photo submitted Reason Closed: Removed damaged sign, replaced sign, anchor and post and reinstalled. Work Done Service Effectiveness: Superior Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: Superior Were we courteous and professional?: Superior Expectations Met: Met How can the City improve?: It allows the citizens to partake in helping maintain the quality of our community. Staff can't be in all places all the time and it may be days or weeks before staff sees something that needs fixing so Go Request allows us to notify staff. 288 Request: 34433 Survey Entered: 08-08-2018 Request Entered: 07/30/2018 Closed: 08/01/2018 Days Open: 2 Topic: FS/Misc/General Repairs Employee: Alfred Berumen Customer: Reyna Camarena Description: Station 70 is requesting the following items to be replaced: - Smoke detector located on office side hallway. - Fluorescent light over company officer bathroom sink. The light bulb was switched out but the light still flickers. This is an original fixture when the station was built so a new light fixture will be needed as a replacement. Please see Captain Kotz for further details. Reason Closed: work done. Service Effectiveness: Superior Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: Superior Were we courteous and professional?: Superior Expectations Met: Exceeded Request: 34435 Survey Entered: 08-08-2018 Request Entered: 07/30/2018 Closed: 08/01/2018 Days Open: 2 Topic: FS/Misc/General Repairs Employee: Alfred Berumen Customer: Reyna Camarena Description: Roof needs tiles repaired on roof. Nick Groff called this issue in. Reason Closed: work done Service Effectiveness: Superior Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: Superior Were we courteous and professional?: Superior Expectations Met: Exceeded Request: 34487 Survey Entered: 08-13-2018 Request Entered: 08/01/2018 Closed: 08/06/2018 Days Open: 5 Topic: Street Sign Repair & Maint Employee: James Lindsey Customer: Bruce Latta Description: Photo submitted Reason Closed: Replaced 25 mph sign. Service Effectiveness: Superior Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: Superior Were we courteous and professional?: Superior Expectations Met: Exceeded 289 Request: 34493 Survey Entered: 08-15-2018 Request Entered: 08/02/2018 Closed: 08/08/2018 Days Open: 6 Topic: Parks/Trail Maintenance Employee: Robert Ambriz Jr. Customer: Description: Broken sprinkler Reason Closed: Followed up and Conserve contractor has repaired water leak. Service Effectiveness: Superior Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: Superior Were we courteous and professional?: Superior Expectations Met: Exceeded Request: 34523 Survey Entered: 08-16-2018 Request Entered: 08/06/2018 Closed: 08/07/2018 Days Open: 1 Topic: Landscape/Irrigation Contract Management - 1050 Employee: James Lindsey Customer: Brent La Venia Description: Damage sprinkler head spraying over to his backyard from Adams East Side. Reason Closed: replaced broken emitter Service Effectiveness: Good Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: Superior Were we courteous and professional?: Good Expectations Met: Exceeded How can the City improve?: I like that the problem was completed before my expectations, thank you. Request: 34585 Survey Entered: 08-22-2018 Request Entered: 08/11/2018 Closed: 08/15/2018 Days Open: 4 Topic: Graffiti Removal (Right-of-Way) - 1071 Employee: James Lindsey Customer: Katie Barrows Description: Red graffiti on 25 mph sign Reason Closed: unable to removed graffiti, installed a new speed limit sign need retro test Service Effectiveness: Superior Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: Good Were we courteous and professional?: Superior Expectations Met: Met How can the City improve?: Great job 290 Request: 34613 Survey Entered: 08-28-2018 Request Entered: 08/14/2018 Closed: 08/21/2018 Days Open: 7 Topic: Street Sweeping - 1025 Employee: James Lindsey Customer: John Urrutia Description: I'm requesting the sidewalk directly behind the wall of my house (42928 Rachel Ct., Bermuda Dunes, CA 92203) be cleaned on a regular basis/quarterly. I understand that my property itself is NOT in your jurisdiction. However, the sidewalk in question, which runs from the SW corner of Ave 42 & Jefferson to the NW corner of Ave. 42 & Dunbar (see attached photo) is within the LQ boundaries. There is a tall concrete brick wall that backs up to our house. You guys were kind enough to clean it about 6 months ago when I last called. Due to high traffic and littering, as well as blown sand, the sid ewalk becomes unsafe for biking about every 3 months. Please contact me at (760) 250-3143 if you have any questions. Thank you. John Urrutia Reason Closed: Joseph spent 2 hours on Friday 8/17/2018, swept the sidewalk and removed debris from the gutter. W ork done. Service Effectiveness: Poor Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: Average Were we courteous and professional?: Average Expectations Met: Below How can the City improve?: The job was not done. I’m not sure what sidewalk you think was worked on or cleaned, but it’s not the one I submitted. Feel free to call me so I can point it out to you. 760-250-3143. Thank you. Request: 34627 Survey Entered: 08-30-2018 Request Entered: 08/16/2018 Closed: 08/22/2018 Days Open: 6 Topic: Library/Misc; General Repairs Employee: Alfred Berumen Customer: Minerva Ochoa Description: Emergency exit needs battery replacement. Reason Closed: work done Service Effectiveness: Superior Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: Superior Were we courteous and professional?: Superior Expectations Met: Exceeded How can the City improve?: Fast response Request: 34654 Survey Entered: 08-28-2018 Request Entered: 08/19/2018 Closed: 08/21/2018 Days Open: 2 Topic: Landscape/Irrigation Contract Management - 1050 Employee: James Lindsey Customer: Nena Rutherford-Milward Description: Monticello entrance off of Miles - broken irrigation head or line. Lots of debris run off Reason Closed: Sidewalk cleared, broken line fixed Service Effectiveness: Superior Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: Superior Were we courteous and professional?: Superior Expectations Met: Exceeded How can the City improve?: Ease of using on line site to send photo, acknowledgment of report and follow up. 291 Request: 34658 Survey Entered: 08-27-2018 Request Entered: 08/20/2018 Closed: 08/20/2018 Days Open: 0 Topic: Debris/Litter Removal/Right of Way Maint - 1011 Employee: James Lindsey Customer: Phil Cordova Description: Glass Reason Closed: Swept street work done Service Effectiveness: Superior Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: Superior Were we courteous and professional?: No answer Expectations Met: Exceeded Request: 34659 Survey Entered: 08-27-2018 Request Entered: 08/20/2018 Closed: 08/20/2018 Days Open: 0 Topic: Storm Drain Repair and Maint - 1023 Employee: James Lindsey Customer: Phil Cordova Description: Glass Reason Closed: swept with sweeper truck work done Service Effectiveness: Superior Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: Superior Were we courteous and professional?: No answer Expectations Met: Exceeded 292 FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION MINUTES WEDNESDAY, JULY 18, 2018 CALL TO ORDER A special meeting of the La Quinta Financial Advisory Commission was called to order at 4:00 p.m. by Chairperson Batavick. PRESENT:Commissioners Johnson, Lopez, Mills, Rosen, Turbow, Twohey, and Chairperson Batavick ABSENT:None PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Turbow led the audience in the pledge of allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA – None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Finance Director Campos said she would provide an update of Council’s discussion regarding the Commission’s membership at the July 17, 2018, meeting. Chairperson Batavick said he would pull Consent Calendar Item No. 1 for a separate vote. The Commission concurred. ANNOUNCEMENTS, PRESENTATIONS, AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS - None CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS 1. APPROVE FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION MINUTES DATED JUNE 13, 2018 Finance Director Campos said that the word “Staff’s” should be replaced with “City’s” on line 2 of the motion on Business Session Item No. 4, page No. 3; the motion shall be amended to read: “Motion – A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Johnson/Lopez recommending Council approval of City’s participation in the California Asset Management Program. Motion passed: ayes 6, absent 1 (Commissioner Rosen).” Motion – A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Lopez/Johnson to approve Consent Calendar Item No. 1, as amended. Motion passed unanimously. REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEM NO. 293 2. RECEIVE AND FILE REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORTS DATED APRIL 30, 2018 Motion – A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Johnson/Lopez to receive and file Consent Calendar Item No. 2, as recommended. Motion passed unanimously. STUDY SESSION – None BUSINESS SESSION 1.APPROVE SILVERROCK EVENT SITE – PHASE 1 ENHANCED PLAN Finance Director Campos, Community Resources Director Escobedo, and Planning Manager Perez, presented the staff report, which is on file in the Finance Department. Commissioner Turbow provided the Commission with an update on the proceedings of the June 26, 2018, Planning Commission meeting, which he attended. The Commission discussed the upcoming SilverRock Event Site Ad-hoc Committee meeting; selection of Ad-hoc Committee members; use of Measure G funds and potential funding sources; ten-year financial projections; marketing ideas for the event site; and fee structure for the venue. The Commission recommended that Commissioner Mills attend the July 30, 2018, SilverRock Event Site Ad-hoc Committee and August 7, 2018, City Council meetings, in representation of the Commission. Motion – A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Johnson/Rosen recommending Council approval of the SilverRock Event Site – Phase 1 Enhanced Plan. Motion passed unanimously. 2. APPOINT FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION CHAIRPERSON AND VICE-CHAIR FOR FISCAL YEAR 2018/19 Commissioner Batavick presented the staff report, which is on file in the Finance Department. Commissioner Batavick recommended Commissioner Mills for Chairperson and Commissioner Twohey for Vice-Chairperson. Motion – A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Rosen/Lopez to appoint Commissioners Mills and Twohey, to serve as Commission Chairperson and Vice- Chairperson, respectively, for fiscal year 2018/19. Motion passed unanimously. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS Finance Director Campos gave a verbal update on Council’s discussion regarding possibly expanding the Commission membership from seven to nine; an overview of the selection process; and possible duty expansion. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL – None 294 COMMISSIONERS’ ITEMS The Commission requested an update on the annual membership dues for the Jacqueline Cochran Regional Airport Authority and anything that can be disclosed regarding the SilverRock Resort project at the next Commission meeting. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Lopez/Rosen to adjourn this meeting at 4:55 p.m. Motion passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Jessica Delgado, Management Assistant City of La Quinta, California Digitally signed by Jessica Delgado DN: cn=Jessica Delgado, o=City of La Quinta, ou=Finance Dept, email=jdelgado@la-quinta.org, c=US Date: 2018.09.10 10:52:55 -07'00' 295 296 HAND OUTS CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 18, 2018 9/17/2018 1 Trilogy at La Quinta Health and Safety Concerns Regarding Andalusia and Avenue 60: Request to Provide Specific 2018 dates for Issue Resolution Prior to any Approvals by the City Trilogy at La Quinta Chairpersons Citizens for a Safe and Beautiful La Quinta Chris Budd Alena Callimanis Ken Norcross Dale TyermanSeptember 18, 2018 Agenda •Recent Actions by our Trilogy Community •Changes Requested at Director’s Hearing to Staff Report dated September 6, 2018 •Conditions of Approval in Original City Council Resolution 2004‐072, Final, Adopted July 6, 2004 •Summary and Call to Action 2 COUNCIL MEETING - SEPTEMBER 18, 2018 - HANDOUT BY TRILOGY PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA RE: ANDALUSIA AND AVENUE 60 DUST RESOLUTION 9/17/2018 2 Update on Trilogy Team Activities •September 6 meeting with Danny Castro, Design and Development Director and team •Reviewed concerns with Staff Report Sept. 6, 2018 Conditions of Approval •Meeting attended by Nolan Sparks, Drummond Corporation (Andalusia) Now aware of our Avenue 60 Health & Safety Concerns •Meeting on September 20 with Frank Spevacek, City Manager •Trilogy Resident Petition up to 500 signatures 3 Director’s Hearing Staff Report September 6, 2018 Conditions of Approval – Page 3 of 4, Section 8: Improvement Security Agreement 8.Prior to City Council approval of this Amended Final Map, the applicant shall construct all on and off‐site improvements and satisfy its obligations for same, or shall furnish a fully secured and executed Amended Subdivision Improvement Agreement (“SIA”) guaranteeing the construction of such improvement and the satisfaction of its obligations for same. 4 1) The sections in italics are identical with no timeline for work 2) We request the Staff Report and all future approvals by the City include language to specifically reference our dust, landscaping, roadway and bike lane requirements along Avenue 60 and include a 2018 timeframe to start improvements Comparison of 2004 and 2018 Conditions of Approval Approved City Council Resolution No. 2004‐072 Improvement Security Agreements – Page 9 25.Prior to approval of any Final Map, the applicant shall construct all on and off‐site improvements and satisfy its obligations for same, or shall furnish a fully secured and executed Subdivision Improvement Agreement (“SIA”) guaranteeing the construction of such improvements and the satisfaction of its obligations for same, or shall agree to any combination thereof, as may be required by the city. COUNCIL MEETING - SEPTEMBER 18, 2018 - HANDOUT BY TRILOGY PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA RE: ANDALUSIA AND AVENUE 60 DUST RESOLUTION 9/17/2018 3 Pages 4, 15 – 19 Original City Council Resolution: 2004‐ 072 Tentative Track Map 31681‐ Coral Option 1, LLS Conditions of Approval ‐ Final Adopted: July 6, 2004 Street and Traffic Improvements 53. The applicant shall construct the following off site street improvements to conform to the General Plan Street type noted in parentheses •Monroe (Primary Arterial Option A 110’ ROW) •Madison (Primary Arterial Option A 110’ ROW) (note: no additional street widening required) •Avenue 58 (Secondary Arterial 96’ ROW) •Avenue 60 (Secondary Arterial 96’ ROW) 5 Actions on Street & Traffic Improvements •Avenue 58 – Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA) September 28, 2004, 2.5 months after Resolution No. 2004‐72 was approved on July 6, 2004 •$2.47M for street, landscaping, etc. •Monroe – Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA) March 27, 2007, 30 months after Resolution No. 2004‐72 was approved on July 6, 2004 •$2.77M for street, landscaping, etc., that included about 100 feet of 60th to “complete” around the corner of Monroe & 60th including a sidewalk that stops after 100 feet 6 COUNCIL MEETING - SEPTEMBER 18, 2018 - HANDOUT BY TRILOGY PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA RE: ANDALUSIA AND AVENUE 60 DUST RESOLUTION 9/17/2018 4 •Avenue 60 –170 months (14 years) after Resolution No. 2004‐72 was approved on July 6, 2004 •NOTHING 7 Actions on Street & Traffic Improvements Page 10 Resolution No. 2004‐072 Improvement Security Agreements Item 27: In the event the applicant fails to construct the improvements for the development, or fails to satisfy its obligations for the development in a timely manner, … the City shall have the right to halt issuance of all permits, and/or final inspections, withhold other approvals related to the development of the project, or call upon the surety to complete the improvements. The City must stop all approvals for modifications, Certificates of Occupancy, etc. until off‐site improvements are completed 8 COUNCIL MEETING - SEPTEMBER 18, 2018 - HANDOUT BY TRILOGY PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA RE: ANDALUSIA AND AVENUE 60 DUST RESOLUTION 9/17/2018 5 Avenue 60 Designations in the General Plan •Secondary arterial with 88’ ROW •Truck Route •Image Corridor 9 1) Avenue 60 is the only Image Corridor in the City of La Quinta where an existing completed development (Trilogy) has to face incomplete/non‐existing landscaping (Andalusia) 2) Reminder: Madison to Avenue 60 South of Andalusia entrance has not been landscaped either Summary •Health and Safety Concerns regarding Andalusia and Avenue 60 must be specifically addressed in the September 6, 2018 Director’s Hearing Staff Report, Case Number: Amended Final Tract Map 2018‐0002 (Tract 31681‐3, Amendment No. 4) •Current Developer must be held accountable to Conditions of Approval from Resolution No. 2004‐072 and subsequent resolutions and conditions for off‐site Avenue 60 improvements •All future requests by the developer must include specific language to immediately include resolution to all requested Avenue 60 improvements with mandatory 2018 start dates •The health and safety problems associated with the dust, environmental contaminates and road safety are clear. Further delay may result in serious health issues, injury and potential death •It is more than the residents of Trilogy that are affected by these issues. It affects everyone who uses Avenue 60, residents of La Quinta and visitors to our city •If the City of La Quinta cannot compel the developer to immediately enact these changes, then it is the City’s obligation to complete the necessary improvements to ensure the health and safety of its Residents. 10 COUNCIL MEETING - SEPTEMBER 18, 2018 - HANDOUT BY TRILOGY PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA RE: ANDALUSIA AND AVENUE 60 DUST RESOLUTION COUNCIL MEETING - SEPTEMBER 18, 2018 - HANDOUT BY TRILOGY PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA RE: ANDALUSIA AND AVENUE 60 DUST RESOLUTION COUNCIL MEETING - SEPTEMBER 18, 2018 - HANDOUT BY TRILOGY PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA RE: ANDALUSIA AND AVENUE 60 DUST RESOLUTION COUNCIL MEETING - SEPTEMBER 18, 2018 - HANDOUT BY ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE (BOB HORN) PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA RE: MUSIC AND MOTION THERAPY COUNCIL MEETING - SEPTEMBER 18, 2018 - HANDOUT BY ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE (BOB HORN) PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA RE: MUSIC AND MOTION THERAPY COUNCIL MEETING - SEPTEMBER 18, 2018 - HANDOUT BY DESERT SANDS EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION (KRISTIE BEASLEY) PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA RE: CAMFEST 2018 COUNCIL MEETING - SEPTEMBER 18, 2018 - HANDOUT BY DESERT SANDS EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION (KRISTIE BEASLEY) PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA RE: CAMFEST 2018 COUNCIL MEETING - SEPTEMBER 18, 2018 - HANDOUT BY DESERT SANDS EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION (KRISTIE BEASLEY) PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA RE: CAMFEST 2018 COUNCIL MEETING - SEPTEMBER 18, 2018 - HANDOUT BY DESERT SANDS EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION (KRISTIE BEASLEY) PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA RE: CAMFEST 2018 CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 18, 2018 - HAND OUT BY STAFF PUBLIC HEARING ITEM NO. 1 APPL 2018‐0001 AT&T MONOPALM APPEAL (CUP 2018‐0003) PROPOSED ALTERNATIVE LANGUAGE FOR CONDITION OF APPROVAL NO. 40 Page 1 of 1 40.Applicant shall erect, install, repair and maintain the Proposed Facility in safe condition and good repair in accordance with applicable regulatory codes for safe practices and any rules or orders of the FCC, the CPUC, or any other federal, state or local authority having jurisdiction. The site and Proposed Facility must be maintained at all times in a neat and clean manner and in accordance with all approved plans. Applicant shall comply with LQMC Section 13.24.160, regarding maintenance. Applicant shall maintain its facilities in good and safe condition and in a manner that complies with all generally-applicable federal, state, and local requirements. Applicant shall maintain all open graded, undeveloped land in order to prevent wind or water erosion, including control measures as approved in the City Fugitive Dust Control Plan. Any disturbed areas including landscaping shall be replaced in- kind. Applicant shall comply with all recommended repair and maintenance service intervals provided by the equipment manufacturers. Applicant shall ensure that its employees, agents or contractors which perform work in furtherance of maintaining the Proposed Facility are adequately trained and skilled to access the site in accordance with applicable industry and governmental standards and regulations. All graffiti on small cell facilities must be removed at the sole expense of the Applicant after notification by the City. 1 Monika Radeva From:Ihrke, Bill <bihrke@rutan.com> Sent:Tuesday, September 18, 2018 12:41 PM To:Monika Radeva Cc:Frank Spevacek Subject:FW: AT&T Proposed Monopalm at La Quinta Community Park -- CUP No. 2018-0003; AT&T Site ID CVL2581 -- Maintenance Condition of Approval Monika – FYI, below is the FULL email I received from AT&T’s counsel about the public hearing item at the council meeting tonight. I will bring extra copies in case the public would like to see, but here is an e‐copy for the record. Bill William H. Ihrke Rutan & Tucker, LLP 611 Anton Boulevard, 14th Floor Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (714) 338-1863 (direct) bihrke@rutan.com www.rutan.com RUTAN _____________________________________________________ Privileged And Confidential Communication. This electronic transmission, and any documents attached hereto, (a) are protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (18 USC §§ 2510‐2521), (b) may contain confidential and/or legally privileged information, and (c) are for the sole use of the intended recipient named above. If you have received this electronic message in error, please notify the sender and delete the electronic message. Any disclosure, copying, distribution, or use of the contents of the information received in error is strictly prohibited. From: Shank, Aaron M. [mailto:AShank@porterwright.com] Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2018 9:38 AM To: Ihrke, Bill <bihrke@rutan.com> Cc: Van Ligten, Travis <TVanLigten@rutan.com> Subject: AT&T Proposed Monopalm at La Quinta Community Park ‐‐ CUP No. 2018‐0003; AT&T Site ID CVL2581 ‐‐ Maintenance Condition of Approval Good morning, Mr. Ihrke. Mr. Van Ligten suggested that I email you separately. Following up on my voice message to you and my conversation with Mr. Van Ligten yesterday, AT&T would like to propose language for a condition of approval in lieu of a separate maintenance agreement with respect to its proposed wireless telecommunications facility to be located in the La Quinta Community Park. As brief background, the proposed facility, which will be stealthed as a monopalm, was approved by the Planning Commission on July 24, 2018. AT&T appealed because there were issues with some of the conditions imposed. In the time since the appeal, AT&T has worked with Staff on the conditions and we believe the only outstanding matter concerns maintenance of the facility and site. I understand that Staff is proposing a separate maintenance agreement for the facility, which I understand is based on a desire to provide a robust maintenance requirement. AT&T, however, believes that this can and should be accomplished via one or more conditions of approval as opposed to a separate agreement. In addition to introducing possibility for inconsistencies as between the agreement and the permit, a separate agreement would need to be separately enforced. We believe that it would be much better for both the city and AT&T to utilize the COAs here. For example, from the city’s perspective, CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 18, 2018 - HAND OUT BY STAFF PUBLIC HEARING ITEM NO. 1 APPL 2018‐0001 AT&T MONOPALM APPEAL (CUP 2018‐0003) PROPOSED ALTERNATIVE LANGUAGE FOR CONDITION OF APPROVAL NO. 40 2 enforcement of conditions would be through traditional code enforcement whereas enforcement of an agreement would require additional legal process. In an effort to develop an appropriate maintenance condition – one that AT&T can accept and will meet the city’s needs – we propose the following language. We have attempted to incorporate many of the city’s existing COAs that touch on maintenance. There are two exceptions: because the city might want these to be called out separately, we did not incorporate original COA 37 which triggers enforcement if not maintained according to the COAs and original COA 39 which has some monopalm‐specific provisions. Here is our proposed language for the maintenance condition: Applicant shall erect, install, repair and maintain the Proposed Facility in safe condition and good repair in accordance with applicable regulatory codes for safe practices and any rules or orders of the FCC, the CPUC, or any other federal, state or local authority having jurisdiction. The site and Proposed Facility must be maintained at all times in a neat and clean manner and in accordance with all approved plans. Applicant shall comply with LQMC Section 13.24.160, regarding maintenance. Applicant shall maintain its facilities in good and safe condition and in a manner that complies with all generally‐applicable federal, state, and local requirements. Applicant shall maintain all open graded, undeveloped land in order to prevent wind or water erosion, including control measures as approved in the City Fugitive Dust Control Plan. Any disturbed areas including landscaping shall be replaced in‐kind. Applicant shall comply with all recommended repair and maintenance service intervals provided by the equipment manufacturers. Applicant shall ensure that its employees, agents or contractors which perform work in furtherance of maintaining the Proposed Facility are adequately trained and skilled to access the site in accordance with applicable industry and governmental standards and regulations. All graffiti on small cell facilities must be removed at the sole expense of the Applicant after notification by the City. Please let us know if you would like to discuss this proposed language in advance of today’s appeal hearing. Thank you. Aaron M. Shank Outside Counsel for AT&T Aaron M. Shank | Bio | Porter Wright Morris & Arthur LLP | 41 South High Street, Suite 2900 | Columbus, OH 43215 Direct: 614.227.2110 | Fax: 614.227.2100 | ashank@porterwright.com porterwright **********Notice from Porter Wright Morris & Arthur LLP********** This message may be protected by the attorney-client privilege. If you believe that it has been sent to you in error, do not read, print or forward it. Please reply to the sender that you have received the message in error. Then delete it. Thank you. ********************End of Notice******************** CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 18, 2018 - HAND OUT BY STAFF PUBLIC HEARING ITEM NO. 1 APPL 2018‐0001 AT&T MONOPALM APPEAL (CUP 2018‐0003) PROPOSED ALTERNATIVE LANGUAGE FOR CONDITION OF APPROVAL NO. 40 POWER POINTS CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 18, 2018 9/19/2018 1 City Council Meeting September 18, 2018 City Council Meeting September 18, 2018 Public Comments 9/19/2018 2 Trilogy at La Quinta Health and Safety Concerns Regarding Andalusia and Avenue 60: Request to Provide Specific 2018 dates for Issue Resolution Prior to any Approvals by the City Trilogy at La Quinta Chairpersons Citizens for a Safe and Beautiful La Quinta Chris Budd Alena Callimanis Ken Norcross Dale TyermanSeptember 18, 2018 Agenda •Recent Actions by our Trilogy Community •Changes Requested at Director’s Hearing to Staff Report dated September 6, 2018 •Conditions of Approval in Original City Council Resolution 2004 ‐072, Final, Adopted July 6, 2004 •Summary and Call to Action 4 9/19/2018 3 Update on Trilogy Team Activities •September 6 meeting with Danny Castro, Design and Development Director and team •Reviewed concerns with Staff Report Sept. 6, 2018 Conditions of Approval •Meeting attended by Nolan Sparks, Drummond Corporation (Andalusia) Now aware of our Avenue 60 Health & Safety Concerns •Meeting on September 20 with Frank Spevacek, City Manager •Trilogy Resident Petition up to 500 signatures 5 Director’s Hearing Staff Report September 6, 2018 Conditions of Approval – Page 3 of 4, Section 8: Improvement Security Agreement 8. Prior to City Council approval of this Amended Final Map, the applicant shall construct all on and off‐site improvements and satisfy its obligations for same, or shall furnish a fully secured and executed Amended Subdivision Improvement Agreement (“SIA”) guaranteeing the construction of such improvement and the satisfaction of its obligations for same. 6 1) The sections in italics are identical with no timeline for work 2) We request the Staff Report and all future approvals by the City include language to specifically reference our dust, landscaping, roadway and bike lane requirements along Avenue 60 and include a 2018 timeframe to start improvements Comparison of 2004 and 2018 Conditions of Approval Approved City Council Resolution No. 2004‐072 Improvement Security Agreements – Page 9 25. Prior to approval of any Final Map, the applicant shall construct all on and off‐site improvements and satisfy its obligations for same, or shall furnish a fully secured and executed Subdivision Improvement Agreement (“SIA”) guaranteeing the construction of such improvements and the satisfaction of its obligations for same, or shall agree to any combination thereof, as may be required by the city. 9/19/2018 4 Pages 4, 15 – 19 Original City Council Resolution: 2004‐ 072 Tentative Track Map 31681‐ Coral Option 1, LLS Conditions of Approval ‐ Final Adopted: July 6, 2004 Street and Traffic Improvements 53. The applicant shall construct the following off site street improvements to conform to the General Plan Street type noted in parentheses •Monroe (Primary Arterial Option A 110’ ROW) •Madison (Primary Arterial Option A 110’ ROW) (note: no additional street widening required) •Avenue 58 (Secondary Arterial 96’ ROW) •Avenue 60 (Secondary Arterial 96’ ROW) 7 Actions on Street & Traffic Improvements •Avenue 58 – Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA) September 28, 2004, 2.5 months after Resolution No. 2004‐72 was approved on July 6, 2004 •$2.47M for street, landscaping, etc. •Monroe – Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA) March 27, 2007, 30 months after Resolution No. 2004‐72 was approved on July 6, 2004 •$2.77M for street, landscaping, etc., that included about 100 feet of 60th to “complete” around the corner of Monroe & 60th including a sidewalk that stops after 100 feet 8 9/19/2018 5 •Avenue 60 –170 months (14 years) after Resolution No. 2004‐72 was approved on July 6, 2004 •NOTHING 9 Actions on Street & Traffic Improvements Page 10 Resolution No. 2004‐072 Improvement Security Agreements Item 27: In the event the applicant fails to construct the improvements for the development, or fails to satisfy its obligations for the development in a timely manner, … the City shall have the right to halt issuance of all permits, and/or final inspections, withhold other approvals related to the development of the project, or call upon the surety to complete the improvements. The City must stop all approvals for modifications, Certificates of Occupancy, etc. until off‐site improvements are completed 10 9/19/2018 6 Avenue 60 Designations in the General Plan •Secondary arterial with 88’ ROW •Truck Route •Image Corridor 11 1) Avenue 60 is the only Image Corridor in the City of La Quinta where an existing completed development (Trilogy) has to face incomplete/non‐existing landscaping (Andalusia) 2) Reminder: Madison to Avenue 60 South of Andalusia entrance has not been landscaped either Summary •Health and Safety Concerns regarding Andalusia and Avenue 60 must be specifically addressed in the September 6, 2018 Director’s Hearing Staff Report, Case Number: Amended Final Tract Map 2018‐0002 (Tract 31681‐3, Amendment No. 4) •Current Developer must be held accountable to Conditions of Approval from Resolution No. 2004‐072 and subsequent resolutions and conditions for off‐site Avenue 60 improvements •All future requests by the developer must include specific language to immediately include resolution to all requested Avenue 60 improvements with mandatory 2018 start dates •The health and safety problems associated with the dust, environmental contaminates and road safety are clear. Further delay may result in serious health issues, injury and potential death •It is more than the residents of Trilogy that are affected by these issues. It affects everyone who uses Avenue 60, residents of La Quinta and visitors to our city •If the City of La Quinta cannot compel the developer to immediately enact these changes, then it is the City’s obligation to complete the necessary improvements to ensure the health and safety of its Residents. 12 9/19/2018 7 City Council Meeting September 18, 2018 Presentation FIND Food Bank 9/19/2018 8 La Quinta City Council Meeting September 18, 2018 4:00pm The REGIONAL Food Bank, serving the Greater Coachella Valley and Beyond Background: Debbie Espinosa, President & CEO Over 25 years in NonProfit Management, Certified NonProfit Professional Masters Degree in Community & Economic Development, Penn State National Board Member, NonProfit Leadership Alliance Immediate Past President, National Association of Certified NonProfit Professionals Food Banking: 7 years – Local, National, International sectors Feeding America – SW US Sector:35 food banks including FIND Northern CA – 16 County Food Bank Global Food Banking Network / WalMart Central America and Mexico Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador FIND – Started Feb 2018 California Association of Food Banks Board Member - Sept. 2018 9/19/2018 9 Service Area –The Regional Food Bank FIND Food Bank in the Community Today CBS Local 2 News Story 35 Years of Service - Regional Food Bank, Largest Hunger Relief Organization Member: Feeding America, California Association of Food Banks 38,000 Sq.Ft. Warehouse, Fleet of 7 trucks, 25 FTE’s Distribute food to: Approx. 85,000 people on average every month 100+ NonProfit Partners 16 Direct Mobile Pantry Distributions FY 17-18 Processed over 10M lbs. of food 4,960 volunteers = 14,675 volunteer hours Annual Budget: $3M CalFresh Outreach Services – Nationally Recognized by Feeding America Disaster Response Services – Ribbon and Cranston Fires, SoCal Food Bank Reciprocity 9/19/2018 10 City Council Meeting September 18,2018 B1 – Q4 Treasurer’s Report and Annual Update 9/19/2018 11 Objective •Review Portfolio Summary Report •Year over year comparison of portfolio performance •Market outlook •Upcoming changes Portfolio Summary Report 9/19/2018 12 Custodial Arrangements $$$ Investment decisions communicated to broker/dealer Clearing Agreement for record keeping, execution and settlement of trades, custody of balances Year‐End Comparison: Holdings As of June 30, 2017 As of June 30,2018 Investment Type PAR Value Percent of Total PAR Value Percent of Total Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) $ 62,319,416 45% $ 49,383,067 33% Federal Agency Coupons $ 11,500,000 8% $ 21,750,000 14% Treasury Coupons $ 16,500,000 12% $ 18,000,000 12% Certificates of Deposit (CD's) $ 10,930,000 8% $ 16,741,000 11% Corporate Notes $ 2,500,000 2% $ 3,500,000 2% Bank Accounts $ 10,284,883 7% $ 15,478,033 10% Money Markets with Fiscal Agent $ 25,578,764 18% $ 3,030 0% LAIF -Housing Authority $ - $ 23,740,670 16% OPEB Trust $ - $ 1,521,278 1% Total $ 139,613,063 100%$ 150,117,079 100% 9/19/2018 13 Fiscal Year Comparison: Earnings Fiscal Year 2016-17 Fiscal Year 2017-18 Variance Total Earnings 963,022$ 1,730,509$ 767,488$ Effective Rate of Return 0.77% 1.31%+54 bps Treasury Rates 9/19/2018 14 Leading Economic Index New for 2018/19 •Banking Services –RFP currently out –Selection process October/November •CAMP Account Opened •Pension Trust –Approved as part of Reserves Policy on 5/15/2018 –Establish account at mid‐year 9/19/2018 15 City Council Meeting September 18, 2018 SS1 - Auto Dealerships’ Hwy 111 Proposed Improvements 9/19/2018 16 Objective •Begin Phase 1 – Hwy 111 corridor visioning •Review proposed auto dealer frontage redesign •Receive Council direction Current Frontage 9/19/2018 17 Signage Proposed Frontage •New sidewalk •New signage •New landscaping •New paver retaining wall •Display pads with upligting 9/19/2018 18 Signage Option 1 •Specific Plan Amendment –Sidewalk relocation –New display pads –Irrigation, landscaping, and signage –Requires Planning Commission and City Council approval 9/19/2018 19 Option 1 - Cont’d •Specific Plan amendments require a 90- day trial consultation period •Site Development Permit for landscaping and signage –Requires Planning Commission and City Council review and approval Option 2 •Frontage remains as-is •Enforce Code Violations: –Landscape maintenance –Illegal display of vehicles on parkway and City right of way 9/19/2018 20 City Council Meeting September 18, 2018 PH1 – AT&T Monopalm Appeal 9/19/2018 21 Objective •AT&T filed appeal subsequent to Planning Commission approval –Conditions of Approval 6, 38, 40, 41 –Condition 40 added by Planning Commission •Recommend Council consider the appeal request Vicinity Map 9/19/2018 22 Background •New 65-foot tall monopalm wireless facility •12 antennas •AT&T coverage gap in Cove •Planning Commission approved July 24, 2018 Site Plan 9/19/2018 23 Photo Simulations Elevations 9/19/2018 24 Elevations Condition 40 •Requires City be third-party beneficiary in lease agreement •Additional property maintenance mechanism •Staff revision requires a maintenance bond 9/19/2018 25 Condition 6 •Requires AT&T reimburse City for legal fees for document review •Recommend condition remain Condition 38 •Requires no cables, conduit or other equipment on monopalm be visible •Suggest revisions to clarify language 9/19/2018 26 Condition 41 •Limits height to 65 feet •Difficult to modify tower height without exceeding Code and federal standards •Recommend removal of this condition 9/19/2018 27 RF Maps Coverage area before proposed tower RF Maps Coverage area after proposed tower 9/19/2018 28 Photo Simulations Photo Simulations 9/19/2018 29 Site Plan Equipment Plan 9/19/2018 30 Antenna Plan