bmla Landscape ArchitectureCESC mailed 10/29/18 COVER LETTER City of La Quinta Attn: Bryan McKinney, PE, City Engineer Design and Development Department 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 BMLA Landscape Architecture Contact: Baxter Miller 310 North Joy Street Corona, CA 92879 P: 951.737.1 124 xl 11 Email: Baxter@bmla.net September 7, 2018 RE: RFP for On -Call Landscape Architectural Design Services bm1a L A N D S C A P E ARCHITECTURE We want to thank you for the opportunity to submit for this RFP. We have reviewed the RFQ and addedum and have a thorough understanding of the scope and needs of the City. This proposal will be valid for 180 days from the date listed above. At BMLA, we have a long, successful history of working with cities in an On -Call capacity, as well as on individual projects such as parks, streetscapes, and demonstration gardens. We currently have On -Call contracts with 6 cities: Riverside (Water Division), Corona, Santa Maria, Fontana, Hemet, and Lancaster. For these cities, we provide a wide variety of services including landscape and irrigation plans for medi- ans, streetscapes, and LMDs, turf replacement guidelines, plan checking, inspections, and construction administration assistance. We can assure the City of La Quinta that we have the knowledge, skills, staff availability, and resources to support an On -Call contract and successfully complete any work required. Our long history in Southern California means we have established solid relationships with public agencies throughout the region. Our staff of 13 professionals is exceptionally talented and would be honored to work with the City of La Quinta. Regards, �07 Baxter Miller, President BMLA Landscape Architecture TABLE OF CONTENTS Qualifications, Related Experience, & Reference Firm Profile References Disclosures Related Work Proposed Staffing Work Plan/Technical Approach Project Understanding Scope Cost & Price Hourly Rates I 10 r2 V CONCEPTUAL DETAIL ONE q�— PHOfORMA AVE CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN Milli ------- ;W1. CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN CONCEPTUAL PLANTING PALETTE AISSION BOULEVARD MEDIANS: From He nbm1a 3 3 4 10 12 12 12 13 13 �—W� wise kGlnT I—E—E—THSELF CONCEPTIJAIL -7. —E . . . . . . . . . . . 77" CONCEPTUAL DETAIL;: Archibald Avenue LANW&A,P&R.ESIGULTERNATIVE THPEI nHA6TFI C11' OF Or T . �A C;WA QUALIFICATIONS, RELATED EXPERIENCE, & REFERENCES FIRM PROFILE — BMLA, Inc., a California Corporation, is located at 310 N. Joy Street, Corona, California. Established in 1987, BMLA continually strives for design innovation in communities, public spaces, parks and municipalities. By designing socially relevant spaces, we encourage a community to more actively engage with both their natural and built environment. BMLA maintains a staff size of 13 professionals, seven of which are licensed California Landscape Ar- chitects. Our staff consists of specialists with a wide range of skill sets in landscape design, irrigation, horticulture, fine arts, graphic design, and geographic information systems (GIS). Our portfolio includes water conservation solutions, median renovation, streetscapes, turf removal, plan checking, landscape inspections, and GIS asset management. Additionally, BMLA has been the lead consultant on more than 50 public projects, coordinating the efforts of sub -consultants and various agencies. Some of our public clients include: • The City of Corona • The City of Lake Forest • The County of Riverside The City of Fontana The City of Brea ■ The City of Santa Maria • The City of Hemet WATER CONSERVATION Southern California in its natural state cannot support the water demands its citizens place on it. As a result, we have become increasingly aware of our water usage and its impact on our environment. BMLA integrates water conservation principles into every project we design. Our expert use of site appropriate plant material, irrigation technologies and complementary hardscape elements combine to create landscapes with identity and purpose, all while conserving our valued water resource. Our staff has years of experience with water -conserving irrigation including smart controllers and point -source drip application. Our horticultural expertise spans from coastal climates to the inland empire to the high and low deserts. Our staff collaborates with clients to create sustainable landscapes that are easily maintainable, functional and enjoyable. DESIGN SERVICES At BMLA, we provide clients with the necessary imagery to envision their project becoming a reality by using a combination of hand graphics, multimedia rendering, AutoCAD, and 3D computer modeling. As a full service landscape architecture firm, BMLA provides a depth of experience not only in traditional Landscape Architecture, but Planning/Site Planning and Design Guideline services. We approach each project with fresh creativity and a pragmatic understanding that protects our clients' investments, allows flexibility for the future, and meets agency and client expectations. BMLA Landscape Architecture Design services include: • Specific Plans/Design Guidelines • Master Planning/Site Planning • Parks Master Planning • Landscape Water Conservation Planning SUPPORT SERVICES Listening to our clients is our first priority. Our goal as design professionals is to respond to individual client needs, provide outstanding services, and set high industry standards. We offer a full range of support services to help facilitate agency approvals, construction, and marketing needs. The creative process at BMLA hinges upon collaboration and takes advantage of the synergy created from it. Support Services include: • Irrigation Auditing • Plan Checking • Landscape Inspections ■ GIS Asset Management for publicly maintained spaces Specification Writing Construction Administration Assistance • Presentation Graphics • Community Outreach SPECIALTY SERVICES In addition to the traditional services provided by Landscape Architecture studios, BMLA also has the in-house expertise to provide the City with a selection of specialty services. Specialty Services include: • Arboricultural services • Way Finding • Post -Construction Evaluation • Feasibility Studies ON-CALL EXPERTISE BMLA has extensive experience working with cities in an On -Call capacity. Through these relation- ships, we have completed a variety of public projects including: • Turf Replacements • Streetscapes • LMD and CFD Assessments and Renovations ■ Master Plans • Demonstration Gardens • Guidelines and Handbooks • Slope Renovations • Community Parks • Splash Pads • GIS Assessments • Community Workshops 2 BMLA Landscape Architecture We currently have on-call contracts with 6 cities: • Corona (20+ year relationship) • Santa Maria (20+ year relationship) • Fontana (15+ year relationship) • Riverside - Water Division • Hemet • Lancaster REFERENCES CITY OF FONTANA Dan West, Public Works Manager 8353 Sierra Ave., Fontana, California 92335 Phone: 909.721 .8419 1 Email: dwest@fontana.org CITY OF CORONA Tracy Martin, Customer Service Manager of DWP 755 Public Safety Way, Corona, CA 92880 Phone: 951.817.5880 1 Email: tracy.martin@ci.corona.ca.us CITY OF SANTA MARIA Alex Posada, Director of Recreation and Parks 110 E Cook Street, Santa Maria, CA 93454 Phone: (805) 925-0951 ext. 2260 1 Email: aposada@ci.santa-maria.ca.us DISCLOSURES BMLA has no client, vendor, or consultant relationships that could present possible conflicts of interest or affect any projects with the City. BMLA has any financial conditions, such as bankruptcy, litigation, or pending mergers, that will impact the project. BMLA has not been debarred, suspended, or otherwise deemed ineligible to contract with any federal, state, or local public agency. 3 BMLA Landscape Architecture RELATED WORK MEDIANS & PARKWAYS Client Contact: Tracy Martin, Water Resources Manager Phone: 951 .736.2455 Email: tracy.marlin9ci.corona.ca.us Address: 755 Public Safety Way, Corona, CA 92880 CITY OF CORONA PARKWAY TURF REPLACEMENT PROGRAM BMLA assisted the City of Corona in its continuing parkway turf removal program. Over 150,000 SF of high water use turf and overhead spray irrigation was replaced with low water use shrubs and point source irrigation throughout City maintained parkways. BMLA provided site inventory and analysis by mapping hydrozones and existing site conditions with GIS. BMLA's scope of work also included construction drawings, specifications, cost estimates and a maintenance manual. 4 BMLA Landscape Architecture RELATED WORK COMMUNITY OUTREACH CITY OF LAKE FOREST NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS IMPROVEMENT PLAN Client Contact: Scott Wasserman, Director of Parks & Recreation Phone: 949.461 .3450 Email: swasser-man c@i lakeforestca.gov Address: 5550 Commercentre Drive, Lake Forest, CA 92630 The City of Lake Forest enlisted BMLA to conduct an assessment of 10 neighborhood parks and pro- duce a report outlining recommended improvements. In order to accomplish this, BMLA conducted 5 community workshops, created and analyzed an online community survey, performed site assessments at each park, created a GIS database, and delivered a comprehensive assessment report to the City which incorporated both community feedback and recommendations based on visual inspections. Sundowner Park S�nclownnr P,,k is n H nne neighMrhni pork on the soulheosiern edge of Lot Forest snuggled uetween 5undowner L., and the PJiso Creek Blkewoy II Is located in a gated wmmunily. The pprk features o aloyground, picnic sables, a horbeque, and small sewn ovens lucked under large shpde ,reel Vintage Park BMLA Landscape Architecture RELATED WORK DEMONSTRATION GARDENS Client Contact: Tracy Martin, Water Resources Manager Phone: 951 .736.2455 Email: tracy.martin a ci.corona.ca.us Address: 755 Public Safety Way, Corona, CA 92880 CITY OF CORONA PUBLIC LIBRARY DEMONSTRATION GARDEN BMLA was approached to assist in the design of a demonstration garden at the existing City of Co- rona Library. The project's design focus was two -fold: water conservation and providing an outdoor classroom for children to learn about water conservation techniques and the importance of drought tolerant landscapes. The scope of work included a design for the for the entire library site landscape. The library and DWP are interested in creating more usable spaces adjacent to the library. SUCCULENT PLANTING Suluulrru lnuvue.uinasllrW fuuuarrJ re As part.Ithe Dlseoyery Walk Innes Ik S.rruUn plank mnhrmp slid urlmagln.Ibn In snewarlJ alibry MI% Project Program Elements Tho o Isl Ing landscape areas Illustmted In green Zall b. rP—IM wish caldnmia kirndly planting and high erficlency itrlgatlon Theplogram elelNentsdescrlbedhe,e retheareas Wh.v heightened design elements will be developed to address other proJen goals. f I[(PTWµ la MEiG4Pf PLW r. I'llfl'NIn I(11t 1111 CIIY ta,f11H1'JA 2 h •.m. CeaonzPuhlkUbrbry Landscape Renovation com-rPTUAI PH06PAM Ebmla w„ 4 6 BMLA Landscape Architecture RELATED WORK CITY OF CORONA GIS ASSET MANAGEMENT ZONE 20 GIS MAPPING Client Contact: Tracy Martin, Water Resources Manager Phone: 951 .736.2455 Email: tract'.martiii@ci.corona.ca.us Address: 755 Public Safety Way, Corona, CA 92880 The City of Corona engaged BMLA to assess the Irrigation, Soil Stability, and Vegetation of the existing publicly maintained streetscapes in the City. BMLA utilized GPS technology to map and record the data, such as the location, type, size, and control stations for each irrigation valve in the City's street- scapes. The data was delivered to the City in a digital format based on the latest ESRI GIS software. P.1h, M. ., IJ I on to ml C W m tla:r: Ik•gi-iap ;c'ar dsopr dreas.tl'r:• tu— A ll aBe aYl Q—:nlorm;ian i��Lti,J c. i,i�, I�:�r 1+.:V'�4•i, 'I: , Iy�' �. I��i �.:I:,.J,.. J.r t'il::,ifi o m4�'1: ,.1,•,, .rtv., nl:n '�•Innlc!�upin.":r hwnn;tl„-eie7i rN- rI •.h o ��l0. nllonc :nr,9rn-r,J.,".”—lP—fi%V(Pwah,-:h-,71-1t- dI spc :fa,., II„ I1(I rA4, +-pu n,�:n�,,..n.,,il,•,:';,I,:,,I:, Legend AMENITIES • WATER�METER IRRIGATION CONTROLLER • IRRIGATION VALVE "l Y IlF t 0RCINA I NMF] K.1 / 711NF 1(1 VU 7'f ®bmla N Enul 0 425 B50 1,100 3,550 3 J00 A 42 ,H■■111111fl1�lil\I:� 7 BMLA Landscape Architecture V� lip a�Y M • � �u�� ��7� O Legend AMENITIES • WATER�METER IRRIGATION CONTROLLER • IRRIGATION VALVE "l Y IlF t 0RCINA I NMF] K.1 / 711NF 1(1 VU 7'f ®bmla N Enul 0 425 B50 1,100 3,550 3 J00 A 42 ,H■■111111fl1�lil\I:� 7 BMLA Landscape Architecture RELATED WORK LANDSCAPE DESIGN Client Contact: Dan West, Public Works Manager Phone: 909.350.6760 Email: dwest @fontana.org Address: 8353 Sierra Ave, Fontana, CA 92335 CITY OF FONTANA CITY HALL CAMPUS PARKING BMLA recently completed the renovation and reconfiguration of the City of Fontana's Civic Center Campus Parking Lot. BMLA was hired to prepare water conservation -based landscape renovation plans. The design includes drought -tolerant plants, drip irrigation, and weather -based irrigation controls and schedules. Our landscape architects worked with the City and the project engineers to include the necessary WQMP BMPS in the design and construction. F_ LUR uricEl i oe"awaxw� �y rain: R i 8 BMLA Landscape Architecture RELATED WORK DOCUMENT PRODUCTION Client Contact: Dan West, Public Works Manager Phone: 909.350.6760 Email: dwest(c7+ fontona.org Address: 8353 Sierra Ave, Fontana, CA 92335 CITY OF FONTANA WATER CONSERVATION STRATEGY MANUAL The City of Fontana contracted with BMLA to prepare a Water Conservation Strategy Manual to be incorporated into all of their LMD landscape areas. The preparation of this document was in direct response to State legislation and the need to promote water -efficient landscaping, water use man- agement and water conservation. The manual would serve as a guideline for maintenance of current LMD areas as well as set a design standard for all future landscape installations to meet water con- servation standards. Process Overview Fur the Inlrl.,., nl phis du.l.lm•I ......... .m........ IN, n.anaaI is d..it;n.J lu Enid, ).,I. Ihrmlph Shu s,rps s• hr Ihnllgl,l I.f .0 Ix•i luprix.l ..fu.4•fl )..... ..i gr. ('U mnj,n .augxmrtuc iuil%ui. m4 pl.nuiug, :.,it,. •rnl ,:, •�-•11 L.r •.nv llm,• pl a... in dw pn..0 II. .:\. w,•.liv us, <arll <�nI,I,,,nrnl- II I..ay Ila Im" nal ,vill I.:.III al,,,nl si.r, hum—i"i,s. W,rk- hn11hApIu1Il,. lalh•Il,i.lk .,I nl,'I, vpr .•Ilul shrr,s liw llu iolor „n. ..11nllndn.rihr lll..,v. .,. Ixdol.ging lr Ihn1Lrg.r .. ...,.I .I ,hntpr or .nl.., mli.iru, .,'y,,­..rrk r,,, a h n...... .m Ihr .dli.in,.�•. it oJl�v I,,.I Is. II, Ih.•sr.uud pl,:ur...... .rill ideal ilk—ld,1. amts rl Ihr Ieods.apc :nr p,nrw wl wgcu . d..........s„i.m same. \�.nr lhr.rl.. lo, Ili. -v ,.ill h.-�srduollgl., III„ -Ju. gl.. 'Ihe.lil,v Il.is I,II...-., Ill lulp) .Jc. iJc Ixnl u, Ilighllghl,vh.vl lh.-uq,l. I-rlug Jl..u,.<.I ... whid.ill. al..I..JI.I ,,y 1.-m- l.sl.u.u.I.r.IIL p,. rdo <J........ .'ll"'W'd pinoa Ji.n, III. �Ilgh Ila - pm s.d ,.Ilr,ling Ihr a". nl I,�, Irrigal ndrr. , Il,r rlly.L.l ., slsw i1 tial s roes,. i� ng Ihr ®Illpaf r-'lll• ns.1f.rr, Il.- J.div h .,r« -,I.• . .1., h' '1,61"T d v';in, Ik. .rill.. Y"". r f6vpv ug�uhr uJ i, got rally Ilprh„ h.r pip.,, robe~ Ir .. a.nu.sllcrs, cavi.„umcnwl scusms, .nal ®I'I:Iming alta o, Ibr ryy.s rf pl.w .I.,m,W i":n i in Ihr Lludso.pr. 'This plain n..0 and an ficin lbch.rm .,ftrs,shn,hs, an.l gr..und O ..n.r ...•h zs mrE ■ —F Wrnmo ■ Soils,el.•r to .b.- plamiul; w<Jiunl .A A (/_ •ri.d. I., Thi., rslx,l rm..rr., i, la..am, ”` `�� .hc qualm• ..r rf,hs<,il in n-Lvi„n u, ie prrrept v the w:nrr rrgllh.m.....,I rhr plain marcri.,l. Vlaiunvanrr ods.. u, Ihr upk,rp..l nal only Ihr pl,ysiral 4draiinn .y.urnl hal .,I,, to Ihr Ilam ......... .lu.l sail,, M.,in.el,ancc .al, ..I- O dr.lny wn.r<=nsmwtrneypenlaxln lu..sl Le ..nurpw:din,l u,l sul„rnddm mho .mnpuu us Iwc, I odor 161 rack Jal uk.IAcin,dvulJ il, bora ,I.11 .vitt, ra1.l, O<mrm,.w<r mna..a�an qm Planting Principles Plant Selection Plain .rlrcrinn sigtulisauJy innnencrs rhe w.nr rc- quircn,<•Ins uF ., I,.uJscapr. L:rralillg .. lan,hcaperrlur h:u In.uq•ul.. til plana rrc.ucs inmms,, mi: mJinxur. auJ arras ILr mc2,liol,. She .rn,crpl ol'arri,.ape L.I es theft varied uses with n f als m, .vmrr <nnsma hn esisul.I; h'i't apes, we can .Icrenniuc rotor plants ale cum•.uly h, the land—l- and what Their ....Is arc in onhr w "I".. 1;" lillutc Ie lucll„ns se. Udliziug lie Water Use Classificariau of 14m 1—yeSj_ies ( W UCOI s) you e. assess existing Widsapes water need, (UCCI'.. UWR, 2000). 'This n phy .0h Wa it unn Applied W—r Al- lawcd (MAWA) and E urriamd WS¢cr Use (CWU)cal- allarions. nmx ulaJa,iuns sununaruc narcr rneJs fr each by<herone, as w•rll s dse wtal nee is far nn eorire r. •This may idemify plmuing auras Ih.0 am sui.ahl< f 1r,<,i,l, .I I— suer use Alam or with ar- ,ifcidplxccumm mlL VV.oer providers, incl ling the Mesrolmli- an W ,er Disnicr, provide reba,es ro public n.sion,ars fmnm ro time for turf replaccmcnc(MWD, 2008). n,is'i be a rlhl, option when waver conservuiou goals rrgnirr a;,rrarrr invrsrmenr nF fiords Placement Piacenmm nlpl.uuing n,.urrial in the landaapc el ,also hve ea si Nil-rwJ,c uNry4im u end of G piugplann ioro hyd nes is inquired iu d,god- deslgu. n,ey :ue gmupings of plants wirl, s ,,alar w. , needs, i,cli :is Ireec shrubs, sh.IJy a rns and sunny liras. -The closer the .,crier needs of lhe platin svhhh, a hydmrmm, the mom a '.m ly —er may be applied (Chy oFSmra Manic,, 2008). Use of u,rf or shrubs is nxrro,v strips near ha,dse,pe may ”. i .over ,svreriog. Turf is n—Lally waramd Md, s,,,.,y irriga,ion, amt ill narrow arcs, ovcrspray is ofs., barb sidas of Jin planting area. Limiting Z'q•pe of ana In d.ip ur suhs Lf a irriga.iuu wtll raJucc roarer Ims auJ datnagc ro Ilanlscapc by,varer Aow Plamin p ndlysis utl ria • PlaniSNettlon - Tla[emertt nl7Adlnilnanu 9 BMLA Landscape Architecture PROPOSED STAFFING BAXTER MILLER, RLA, ASLA, BIA, ULI, President Registered Landscape Architect #2136 Bachelor of Science in Landscape Architecture, 1978, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo Baxter Miller is responsible for the overall operation and design direction of BMLA Landscape Architecture, which he established in 1987. He has led a wide variety of projects from parks and streetscapes to national memorials and downtown redevelopment. Baxter has 30 years of practical knowledge in design which helps him to work with developers, cities, and agencies to create a unique vision that translates into real world projects. He works extensively with the American Society of Landscape Architects as an Executive Board Member to promote the technical advancement and public prominence of the profession. STEVE SHIRREL, RLA, ASLA BIA, Vice President of Operations Registered Landscape Architect #5062 Bachelor of Science in Landscape Architecture, 1995, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo Steve Shirrel is responsible foroverseeing the day-to-day operations of the office, including developing marketing strategies, project contracting, establishing and maintaining budgets, scheduling, and internal work flow. He oversees the design and production teams to make sure they deliver the highest level of service to their clients. Steve has over 25 years of experience working within the Northern California and Southern California markets and has designed a wide variety of projects including parks, streetscapes, urban infill, commercial developments and multi -family and single family housing projects. He is a member of the American Society of Landscape Architects and the Building Industry Association of Southern California. SHANNON KARLSON, RLA, ASLA, Director of Production Registered Landscape Architect #6070 Bachelor of Science in Landscape Architecture, 1996, Cal Poly Pomona Shannon has been with BMLA since 1998 and is the Director of Production managing and overseeing the majority of projects at BMLA. Along with directing duties, Shannon is responsible forthe preparation of contracts and budgets, coordination with project consultants, construction document oversight and delivery of product to clients as well as client relations. Shannon's interest and expertise in native and California -friendly plant material and water conserving irrigation methodologies has led to the implementation of sustainable design practices in all of the projects on which he has worked. SAM FERGUSON, RLA, ASLA, Senior Project Manager Registered Landscape Architect #5601 Bachelor of Science in Landscape Architecture, 2006, Cal Poly Pomona Associates of Arts in Math/Science and Humanities, 2002, Mt. San Jacinto College Samantha Ferguson is responsible for the production of a variety of projects ranging from large- scale residential to medium scale public works. She has gained experience working on park projects with clients stretching from developers through county agencies. Samantha's curiosity for the built environment has given her a wide range of skills allowing her to be involved with many of these projects from the concept phase through construction administration. 10 BMLA Landscape Architecture JEFF TROJANOWSKI, RLA, ALSA, ISA, Senior Project Manager — Registered Landscape Architect #5785 Certified Arborist WE -9665A, International Society of Arboriculture Bachelor of Science in Landscape Architecture, 2002, Cal Poly Pomona Jeff Trojanowski joined BMLA with 15 years of experience in the profession. He brings with him significant knowledge and insight as a Certified Arborist and Registered Landscape Architect. With his vast experience and knowledge, Jeff is invaluable when involved in a project. He is an asset as a part of the design team, as well as aiding the production side in all our current and future projects. PABLO CORTEZ, RLA, Landscape Architect Registered Landscape Architect #6373 Bachelor of Science in Landscape Architecture, 2007, Cal Poly Pomona A landscape designer with more than 10 years of experience, Pablo has designed and implemented a variety of projects ranging from schools, medical campuses, streetscapes, parks, commercial, retail, single and multi -family residential. He has taken projects from schematic and conceptual through construction documentation and administration. He brings a varied set of talents that include Auto- CAD, Photoshop and 3D rendering software, as well as sketching and drafting/designing by hand. Coordinating with architects, civil engineers and product representatives he has quickly taken project lead duties at BMLA overseeing and implementing our client's visions. I F1L- . 1-9=01- ...may 1 1 BMLA Landscape Architecture WORK PLAN/TECHNICAL APPROACH PROJECT UNDERSTANDING -- - In an ongoing basis, the City of La Quinta will be embarking on landscape and irrigation projects, which could include a variety of tasks such as GIS asset management, community outreach, infill planting, irrigation retrofit, and turf removal. Using our proven methodology, the BMLA team will endeavor to provide designs that meet both the aesthetic needs and water conservation efforts of the City. SCOPE The tasks involved in each project will vary based on the scope of the intended work, but as a general approach the BMLA team could proceed with the following. PROJECT INITIATION Kick -Off Meeting: BMLA will be available to attend a project kick-off meeting with the City to review the goals and objectives, as well as define schedules and milestones for the project. Site Analysis: Evaluate existing site conditions including but not limited to the existing landscape, grading/drainage, existing irrigation equipment, utilities, and other critical information required for a complete design. Conduct GIS site evaluation. Preliminary Data Research: Review site data in the forms of maps, reports and legal documents pro- vided by the CLIENT. Said documents may include previous landscape plans, topographical maps, street improvement plans, right of ways or other information available at the time of the project initi- ation. COMMUNITY OUTREACH Community Workshop: BIALA will conduct a community workshop to solicit input from the public re- garding the design of the proposed project. DESIGN DEVELOPMENT Concept Landscape Site Design: The concept design will illustrate the conceptual treatments for re- placement planting. The illustrations may include plans or other methods of communication neces- sary to convey the proposed design solution. Opinion of Probable Construction Costs: BMLA will prepare an opinion of the likely construction costs for the proposed improvements illustrated in the final design solution. Because of the preliminary nature of the illustrations the estimate will have a substantial but suitable contingency applied to the Iota 1. Client Coordination Meetings: BMLA will be available to attend design coordination meetings with the client and his consultants for the purposes of receiving input and providing direction to the team. CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS Documents will be prepared to meet the minimum standards of the approving jurisdictions having control over the project in accordance with the state and local standards, codes and regulations. 12 BMLA Landscape Architecture Demolition Plans: BMLA will prepare detailed plans that illustrate the locations and limits of proposed landscape removal. The plans will also identify the location and limits of the exiting site features that shall remain in place and protected from construction impacts. Irrigation Plans: BMLA will prepare the necessary irrigation retrofit plans to water the proposed plant- ed areas with 100 % coverage. The plans will include the location, type, size and manufacture of the proposed equipment and material necessary to construct the proposed system. The plans will also include the required notes and calculations necessary to demonstrate the engineering suitability of the proposed system. Planting Plans: BMLA will prepare plans that illustrate the location, size, quantity and type of proposed plant material as required to complete the intended design solution. The plans may include but not limited to trees, shrubs, ground covers, flower color, mulches and vines. Water Scheduling: BMLA will prepare the detailed watering schedule for the proposed irrigation sys- tem. The schedule will be distributed to the client and Jurisdiction up on request. Opinion of Probable Construction Costs: BMLA will prepare an opinion of the probable construction costs for the proposed improvements illustrated in the final design solution. Because of the prelimi- nary nature of the illustrations the estimate will have a substantial but suitable contingency applied to the total of the opinion. COST & PRICE HOURLY RATES - Principal $200 VP of Operations $200 Director of Production $150 Senior Project Manager $125 Project Manager $100 Landscape Designer II $ 85 Landscape Designer 1 $ 75 Researcher $ 75 Clerical $ 45 Expenses, such as reproduction of drawings, costs of postage and delivery shall be billed at cost as a reimbursable expense. Auto travel shall be charged at the current allowable IRS mileage rate. 13 BMLA Landscape Architecture