bmla Landscape ArchitectureREQUEST FOR PROPSAL EVALUATION On -Call Landscape Architectural Design Services Consultant: BMLA Landscape Architecture Reviewer: J5 N610 Refer to Scoring Breakdown on next sheet. Date: Understanding and Approach 25 /(o Experience 25 /5 - Scope of Work 30 /67 Presentation 5 L/ Format 5 L/ Unique Qualities 10 3 Total 100 /,r) Unique Qualities (Intangibles): (Explanation) Comments:_ /V ,)r� ��, !yYl �f M(, 1/� 4 1A, �J� � -(K TOTAL e;6 Reviewer's Signature �i� , � Contract Administrator's Initials Date REQUEST FOR PRO 4SL EVALUATION On -Call Landscape Architectural Design Services Consultant: BMLA Landscape Architecture Reviewer: ������ X� 5,"- � � v��Date:4e��11�5 Refer to Scoring Breakdown on next sheet. Understandin2 and Approach 25 /S Experience/r/de,ar,qC ,otic oti 25 Scope of Work 30 Presentation 5 _3� Format 5 Z Unique Qualities 10 —/C� Total 100 •q Unique Qualities (Intangibles): (Explanation) h/0 T �dC.g L - 1(107- �'Qoi� ,Co2 ,�i -Cis f-�5,�q�c�l�J/,�� IVO / N$.�CG7Id _ 7-C �-I ® 7` e "047- .1't L-, /7--,/ zC 4 z 5 , r&,(,, 5-5-7 i/NT - �r5!'I�•tJ�� Cr W -1-S 5�c-`)COc ¢ Nor d %�`� «�� �Q�iIQ�L4/ w� S S NdT /.V12_'&_'197�4 U Comments: N U IT'! (f-,) mrd .�/ 4 ,�r`]'`�iC / �9 �� y� 4� Zap C 4z /jam /Vd� j .✓lo�sT/l�P� ��r c ♦�svC� e �it�S �cI'S ��rr� jU CQ Pro, -,r -- C el TOTAL 9� Reviewer's Signature Z/6 Contract Administrator's Initials Date REQUEST FOR PROPSAL EVALUATION On -Call Landscape Architectural Design Services Consultant: BMLA Landscape Architecture Reviewer: Lorisa lirl�L�1 ` Date: 1 Z� Refer to Scoring Breakdown on next sheet. Understanding and Approach 25 2.1 Experience 25 2.5 Scope of Work 30 5 Presentation 5 Format 5 Unique Qualities 10 Total 100 77, Unique Qualities (Intangibles): (Explanation) TOTAL Reviewer's Signature Luj X Contract Administrator's Initials Date REQUEST FOR PROPSAL EVALUATION On -Call Landscape Architectural Design Services Consultant: BMLA Landscape Architecture Reviewer:,r,��6�z Wil% Date:�Q/ Refer to Scoring Breakdown on next sheet. Understanding and Approach 25 Experience 25 Aa Scope of Work 30 9 Presentation 5 Format 5 Unique Qualities 10 5 Total 100 4;5.3 Unique Qualities (Intangibles): (Explanation) %wi� 'G? , V z2 lylzw�_z r ,r ,i_ 4/0 r1 Y .ft/,_� .. TOTAL Reviewer's Signature Contract Administrator's Initials Date