470 Hanrahan 2018 ElectionOfficeholder and Candidate >, CALIFORNIA Campaign Statement - RECEIVED FORM Date of election if applicable: Amendment (Explain Below) Short Form FnrUs�annlr I.IrAIli,, Day, Year) SEP 2 7 2018 CITY OF LA QUINTA N Y CLERKDEPARTMENT 1. Statement Covers Calendar Year 20 A . 2. Officeholder or Candidate Information lIIA E OF OFFICEHOLDER IgNDIDATE P I r��C�LZ�t STREETADDRESS 5y . STATE ZIPDE aU t�i� CA AREA CODEIDAY-rIME PHONE NUMBER OPTIONAL: FAX I E-MAIL ADDRESS 3. Office Sought or Held OFFICE SOUGHT R HELD A J �t../ JURISDICTION (LOCATION] DISTRICT NUMBER J a Q UI N;! ` (IFAPPLICABLE) 4. Committee Information List all committees of which you have knowledge that are primarily formed to receive contributions or to make expenditures on behalf of your candidacy. COMMITTEE NAME AND I D NUMBER COMMITTEE ADDRESS NAME OF TREASURER 5. Verification I declare under penalty of perjury that to the best of my knowledge I anticipate that I will receive less used all reasonable diligence in preparing this statement. I certify under penalty of perjury under the Executed on L�l V Z 0 l q, DATE Clear Form I I Print Form I� 1 2 000 and that I will s enJ less than $2,000 during the calendar year and that I have m of tV and correct, By SIGNATURE OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE FPPC Form 470/470 Supplement (Jan/2016) FPPC Advice: advice@fppc.ca.gov IR661275-3772) )ppc.ca.gov