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2018 10 02 CC & PC Special Study Session
CITY COUNCIL – REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 2, 2018 SPECIAL JOINT STUDY SESSION – LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL & PLANNING COMMISSION NOTICE AND CALL OF SPECIAL JOINT STUDY SESSION MEETING OF THE LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL AND LA QUINTA PLANNING COMMISSION TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA AND TO THE CITY CLERK: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Special Joint Study Session Meeting of the La Quinta City Council and La Quinta Planning Commission is hereby called to be held on October 2, 2018, commencing at 6:00 p.m. (or soon thereafter) at La Quinta City Hall, 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California. STUDY SESSION 1. DISCUSS HIGHWAY 111 CORRIDOR VISIONING 2. DISCUSS AMENDMENTS TO THE CENTRE AT LA QUINTA SPECIFIC PLAN (SP 1997-029) 3. DISCUSS PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO TITLES 9 AND 13 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE RELATED TO FLAGPOLES, GARAGE SPACES, AND LOT LINE ADJUSTMENTS TO STREAMLINE DEVELOPMENT PROCESSES AND STANDARDS Dated: September 27, 2018 /s/ Linda Evans LINDA EVANS, Mayor Attest: MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Monika Radeva, City Clerk, do hereby declare that the foregoing notice for the Special Joint Study Session Meeting of the City Council and Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, on October 2, 2018, was posted on the outside entry to the Council Chamber at 78495 Calle Tampico and on the bulletin boards at 51321 Avenida Bermudas and 78630 Highway 111 on September 27, 2018. DATED: September 27, 2018 MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 1 OCTOBER 2, 2018 SPECIAL JOINT STUDY SESSION – LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL & PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL, AND SPECIAL JOINT STUDY SESSION MEETING OF THE LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2018 3:00 P.M. CLOSED SESSION | 4:00 P.M. OPEN SESSION JOINT SESSION – 6:00 P.M. (or shortly thereafter) CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL: Councilmembers: Fitzpatrick, Peña, Radi, Sanchez, Mayor Evans PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "Request to Speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. The City Council values your comments; however in accordance with State law, no action shall be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda unless it is an emergency item authorized by GC 54954.2(b). CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA CLOSED SESSION 1. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION (QUARTERLY REVIEW) PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54957, COUNCIL APPOINTED POSITION – CITY MANAGER 2. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT: SILVERROCK RESORT (APNs 770-200-026; 776-150-021; 776-150-023; City Council agendas and staff reports are available on the City’s web page: www.LaQuintaCA.gov CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 2 OCTOBER 2, 2018 SPECIAL JOINT STUDY SESSION – LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL & PLANNING COMMISSION 770-060-056; 770-060-057; 770-060-058; 770-060-059; 770-060-061; 770-060-062; 777-490-004; 777-490-006; 777-490-007; 777-490-012 AND 777-490-014 CITY NEGOTIATOR: FRANK J. SPEVACEK, CITY MANAGER NEGOTIATING PARTIES: ROBERT S. GREEN, SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY UNDER NEGOTIATION: PRICE AND TERMS OF PAYMENT FOR THE SALE OF REAL PROPERTY RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION RECONVENE AT 4:00 P.M. REPORT ON ACTIONS(S) TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "Request to Speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. The City Council values your comments; however in accordance with State law, no action shall be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda unless it is an emergency item authorized by GC 54954.2(b). ANNOUNCEMENTS, PRESENTATIONS AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 1. PROCLAMATION HONORING FIRE PREVENTION WEEK IN LA QUINTA – OCTOBER 7 – 13, 2018 2. PROCLAMATION HONORING CODE OFFICER APPRECIATION WEEK AND LA QUINTA CODE OFFICERS 3. PROCLAMATION HONORING POLICE VOLUNTEER MILDRED DONLEY FOR HER PUBLIC SERVICE CONSENT CALENDAR NOTE: Consent Calendar items are routine in nature and can be approved by one motion. PAGE 1. APPROVE MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 18, 2018 7 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 3 OCTOBER 2, 2018 SPECIAL JOINT STUDY SESSION – LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL & PLANNING COMMISSION 2. EXCUSE ABSENCES FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSIONER DORI QUILL FROM OCTOBER 8, 2018 COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION MEETING AND PLANNING COMMISSIONER PAUL QUILL FROM OCTOBER 9, 2018 PLANNING COMMISSION MEEETING 21 3. AUTHORIZE OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR THE CITY CLERK’S ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT AND CITY MANAGER’S MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT TO ATTEND THE CALIFORNIA CITY CLERK’S ASSOCIATION “NUTS AND BOLTS” WORKSHOP IN BREA, CALIFORNIA, OCTOBER 15-16, 2018 23 4. AUTHORIZE OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR ANIMAL CONTROL/CODE COMPLIANCE SUPERVISOR AND MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST TO ATTEND THE CALIFORNIA JOINT POWERS INSURANCE AUTHORITY ANNUAL MANAGEMENT ACADEMY IN CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, OCTOBER 22-25, 2018 25 5. APPROVE DECLARATION AND DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS EQUIPMENT 27 6. APPROVE DEMAND REGISTERS DATED SEPTEMBER 7, 14, AND 21, 2018 29 7. AWARD CONTRACT TO ELECNOR BELCO ELECTRIC, INC FOR THE HIGHWAY SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT (PROJECT NO. 2016-01) 51 8. APPROVE COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF PALM DESERT AND CITY OF INDIAN WELLS FOR DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF THE WASHINGTON STREET INTERSECTION WITH FRED WARING DRIVE (PROJECT NO. 2017-01) 57 9. APPROVE AMENDMENT NO. 5 TO IMPLEMENTATION OF SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL TO PROVIDE SILVERROCK WAY PLAN MODIFICATIONS (PROJECT NO. 2014-13) 73 10. APPROVE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING TO PURCHASE MARINE SAFETY EQUIPMENT FOR THE IRONMAN® 70.3 INDIAN WELLS/LA QUINTA EVENT 83 BUSINESS SESSION 1. APPROVE FIRST ROUND COMMUNITY SERVICES GRANTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2018/19 101 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 4 OCTOBER 2, 2018 SPECIAL JOINT STUDY SESSION – LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL & PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARINGS – NONE SPECIAL JOINT STUDY SESSION BETWEEN THE LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION (6:00 p.m. or shortly thereafter) CALL TO ORDER – Planning Commission ROLL CALL: Commissioners Bettencourt, Caldwell, Currie, Proctor, Quill, Wright, and Chairperson McCune STUDY SESSION – City Council and Planning Commission 1.DISCUSS HIGHWAY 111 CORRIDOR VISIONING 109 2. DISCUSS AMENDMENTS TO THE CENTRE AT LA QUINTA SPECIFIC PLAN (SP 1997-029) 117 3. DISCUSS PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO TITLES 9 AND 13 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE RELATED TO FLAGPOLES, GARAGE SPACES, AND LOT LINE ADJUSTMENTS TO STREAMLINE DEVELOPMENT PROCESSES AND STANDARDS 187 ADJOURNMENT – Planning Commission DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS 1.CITY MANAGER – UPDATE ON JACQUELINE COCHRAN REGIONAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY JOINT POWERS AUTHORITY TERMINATION 193 2. CITY ATTORNEY 3.CITY CLERK 4. COMMUNITY RESOURCES 5. DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT 6. FACILITIES 7. FINANCE MAYOR’S AND COUNCIL MEMBERS’ ITEMS REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 1.CVAG COACHELLA VALLEY CONSERVATION COMMISSION (Evans) 2.CVAG ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE (Evans) 3. CVAG EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (Evans) 4.GREATER PALM SPRINGS CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU (Evans) CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 5 OCTOBER 2, 2018 SPECIAL JOINT STUDY SESSION – LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL & PLANNING COMMISSION 5. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES DELEGATE (Evans) 6. COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT JOINT POLICY COMMITTEE (Evans) 7. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS (Evans) 8. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBCOMMITTEE (Evans & Radi) 9. COACHELLA VALLEY MOUNTAINS CONSERVANCY (Fitzpatrick) 10. DESERT RECREATION DISTRICT COMMITTEE (Fitzpatrick and Radi) 11. COACHELLA VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT COMMITTEE (Fitzpatrick & Peña) 12. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE INFO EXCHANGE COMMITTEE (Fitzpatrick) 13. RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION (Fitzpatrick) 14. SILVERROCK EVENT SITE AD HOC COMMITTEE (Fitzpatrick) 15. CANNABIS AD HOC COMMITTEE (Peña and Sanchez) 16. CVAG PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE (Peña) 17. EAST VALLEY COALITION (Peña) 18. CVAG VALLEY-WIDE HOMELESSNESS COMMITTEE (Peña) 19. JACQUELINE COCHRAN REGIONAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY (Peña) 20. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES – PUBLIC SAFETY POLICY COMMITTEE (Peña) 21. COACHELLA VALLEY ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIP (Radi) 22. CVAG TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE (Radi) 23. SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY (Radi) 24. CITYWIDE SECURITY CAMERAS AD HOC COMMITTEE (Radi) 25. DESERT SANDS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT COMMITTEE (Radi and Sanchez) 26. ANIMAL CAMPUS COMMISSION (Sanchez) 27. IID ENERGY CONSUMERS’ ADVISORY COMMITTEE (Sanchez) 28. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES/TRANSPORTATION & LABOR POLICY (Sanchez) 29. RIVERSIDE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION (Sanchez) 30. COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION MINUTES DATED JUNE 11, 2018 195 ADJOURNMENT – City Council ********************************* The next regular meeting of the City Council will be held on October 16, 2018 at 4:00 p.m. at the City Hall Council Chambers, 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Monika Radeva, City Clerk, of the City of La Quinta, do hereby declare that the foregoing Agenda for the La Quinta City Council meeting was posted on the City’s website, near the entrance to the Council Chambers at 78495 Calle Tampico, and the bulletin boards at the Stater Brothers Supermarket at 78630 Highway 111, CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 6 OCTOBER 2, 2018 SPECIAL JOINT STUDY SESSION – LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL & PLANNING COMMISSION and the La Quinta Cove Post Office at 51321 Avenida Bermudas, on September 28, 2018. DATED: September 28, 2018 MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California Public Notices The La Quinta City Council Chamber is handicapped accessible. If special equipment is needed for the hearing impaired, please call the City Clerk’s office at (760) 777- 7092, twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the meeting and accommodations will be made. If special electronic equipment is needed to make presentations to the City Council, arrangements should be made in advance by contacting the City Clerk’s office at (760) 777-7092. A one (1) week notice is required. If background material is to be presented to the Councilmembers during a City Council meeting, please be advised that eight (8) copies of all documents, exhibits, etc., must be supplied to the City Clerk for distribution. It is requested that this take place prior to the beginning of the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the City Council regarding any item(s) on this agenda will be made available for public inspection at the Community Development counter at City Hall located at 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California, 92253, during normal business hours. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 1 of 14 SEPTEMBER 18, 2018 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2018 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at 3:00 p.m. by Mayor Evans. PRESENT: Councilmembers Fitzpatrick, Peña, Radi, Sanchez, Mayor Evans ABSENT: None PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA – None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA City Clerk Radeva requested that the title and motion for Business Session Item No. 2 be amended to introduce an Ordinance amending Section 6.14.010 and not Chapter 6.14 of the La Quinta Municipal Code pertaining to removal of liquid waste. Councilmember Radi said he would like to provide comments on Consent Calendar Item No. 11. Councilmember Peña said he will recuse himself from participating in the discussion on Closed Session Item No. 2 due to a potential conflict of interest stemming from the proximity of his residence to some of the real properties under negotiation. Mayor Evans requested to add two items under Announcements, Presentations, and Written Communications portion of the agenda: 1. La Quinta’s Helen Putnam Award for Leadership and Development Excellence from the League of California Cities 2. Food in Need of Distribution (FIND) Food Bank presentation Council concurred. CLOSED SESSION 1. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT: SILVERROCK RESORT (APNs 770-200-026; 776- CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 1 7 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 2 of 14 SEPTEMBER 18, 2018 150-021; 776-150-023; 770-060-056; 770-060-057; 770-060- 058; 770-060-059; 770-060-061; 770-060-062; 777-490-004; 777-490-006; 777-490-007; 777-490-012 AND 777-490-014 CITY NEGOTIATOR: FRANK SPEVACEK, CITY MANAGER NEGOTIATING PARTIES: ROBERT S. GREEN, SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY UNDER NEGOTIATION: PRICE AND TERMS OF PAYMENT FOR THE SALE OF REAL PROPERTY 2. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT: 770-123-001; 770-020-036; 770-020-003; 770- 020-004; 773-370-003; 773-145-022; AND 773-145-023 CITY NEGOTIATOR: FRANK SPEVACEK, CITY MANAGER NEGOTIATING PARTY: OTLQ, LLC; JADE PROPERTIES, LLC; ATTALAH; 50905 BERMUDAS, LLC; LA QUINTA HOUSING AUTHORITY UNDER CONSIDERATION: PRICE AND TERMS OF PAYMENT 3. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – ANTICIPATED LITIGATION SIGNIFICANT EXPOSURE TO LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (2) OR (3) OF SUBDIVISION (d) OF GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9 (NUMBER OF POTENTIAL CASES: 1) COUNCIL RECESSED THE OPEN SESSION PORTION OF THE MEETING AND MOVED INTO CLOSED SESSION AT 3:04 P.M. MAYOR EVANS RECONVENED THE OPEN SESSION PORTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING AT 4:03 P.M. WITH ALL MEMBERS PRESENT REPORT ON ACTION(S) TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION: City Attorney Ihrke reported the following: 1. Closed Session Item No. 1 – no actions were taken that require reporting pursuant to Government Code section 54957.1 (Brown Act). 2. Closed Session Item No. 2: Councilmember Peña recused himself from participating in the discussion on this item due to a potential conflict of interest stemming from the proximity of his residence to some of the real properties under negotiation. Council authorized Staff to negotiate and execute acquisitions of right-of-way agreements for the properties identified on the agenda under this item; and that the agreements will be a public record after they are executed. Council authorized Staff to negotiate and execute right-of-entry agreements for the properties adjoining the properties identified on 8 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 3 of 14 SEPTEMBER 18, 2018 the agenda under this item; and that the agreements will be a public record after they are executed. 3. Closed Session Item No. 3 – no actions were taken that require reporting pursuant to Government Code section 54957.1 (Brown Act). PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Councilmember Peña said 231 years ago, on September 17, 1787, the Constitution of the United States was signed, and led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA PUBLIC SPEAKER: Alena Callimanis, La Quinta – said she is a Trilogy resident; thanked Council for the opportunity to speak; spoke about the lack of road and landscaping improvements along Avenue 60 and portion of Madison Street, and the health and safety concerns posed by the dust spill-over onto the road; presented a PowerPoint presentation overview of the Trilogy community’s recent actions to bring about a resolution on this matter, and their communications with Staff and the developer, Mr. Nolan Sparks with the Drummond Corporation; and asked that specific language be included to establish a timeline to address the dust, landscaping, roadway, and bike lane improvements along Avenue 60, before any future approvals are granted. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Dale Tyerman, La Quinta – expressed his gratitude to Council, Staff, and Trilogy residents for their efforts, willingness, and deep commitment to resolve the Trilogy community’s health and safety concerns due to the lack of road and landscaping improvements along Avenue 60; presented a PowerPoint presentation overview of the road improvements timely completed along Avenue 58 and portion of Monroe Street, the developer’s obligations under the terms of the Subdivision Improvement Agreement; and asked Council to withhold any future approvals until the off- site improvements along Avenue 60 are completed, to include specific language to establish a timeline for the completion of the off-site improvements, to hold the developer accountable, and if unable to compel the developer to complete the improvements, the Trilogy community requests that the City take proactive actions to complete the work and seek restitution from the developer. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Mark Johnson, La Quinta – said residents are patiently waiting for the SilverRock Resort project to proceed; the project covenants included provisions regarding resident tee times, allowing residents to make tee time reservations at least a week in advance and to reserve minimum 1/3 of all tee times, that could be put in place before the developer assumes 9 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 4 of 14 SEPTEMBER 18, 2018 responsibility of managing the golf course; and asked Council to direct Staff to put this provision into motion as soon as possible. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Bob Horn, Founder/President of All Things Are Possible, Inc. (ATAP), Palm Desert – said approximately 13 years ago he founded the Red Hot Ballroom program, an after-school program teaching children ballroom and Latin dances, which is now in all Coachella Valley schools; the mission of ATAP is to empower disadvantaged youth through academics, athletics, awareness, and art; ATAP has partnered with Desert Recreation District to implement 26-week ballroom dancing program, 10-week playing ukulele program, a three-month music and motion program, and a band and orchestra program at a La Quinta facility; the Coachella Valley Symphony will be sponsoring students into the band and orchestra program; there are music and motion programs for special needs adult groups; and ATAP has applied for the City’s Community Services Grant Program, and asked Council for their support. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Toni DeAztlan, La Quinta – said she resides at the La Quinta Polo Estates; addressed Council at the August 7, 2018, meeting; is happy to see the street widening and pedestrian sidewalk improvements along Madison Street; expressed concerns about the construction noise and safety of her property; provided the Cities of La Quinta and Indio with proposals to ensure the safety and security of her property; and asked that the City provide her with a Staff contact to discuss and address her concerns. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Kristie Beasley, Vice President with the Desert Sands Educational Foundation (DSEF) – said DSEF works with the Desert Sands Unified School District (DSUSD) to supplement programs that have been eliminated or minimized due to the lack of funding; last year, DSEF launched CAMFest, Children’s Art & Music Festival, which is being expanded this year to also include dance and theater; funds raised are equally distributed within all schools within the DSUSD; DSEF plans to apply for the City’s Community Services Grant Program, and asked Council for their support. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Fritz Bachli, La Quinta – said he would like to speak on behalf of the Trilogy community, which is spending millions to mitigate the dust from the Andalusia development; the City is responsible for enforcing La Quinta Municipal Code Section 6.16.020 regarding Fugitive Dust Control (PM 10); expressed concerns about the dust emissions from Andalusia; and asked Staff to look into this issue and determine whether Andalusia is compliant with the City’s established PM 10 requirements. ANNOUNCEMENTS, PRESENTATIONS, AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 10 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 5 of 14 SEPTEMBER 18, 2018 1. LA QUINTA’S HELEN PUTNAM AWARD FOR LEADERSHIP AND DEVELOPMENT EXCELLENCE FROM THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES Mayor Evans said the City of La Quinta was recognized by the League of California Cities for its engaged and proactive employee development programs and trainings and was awarded the 2018 Helen Putnam Award for Leadership and Development Excellence. 2. FOOD IN NEED OF DISTRIBUTION (FIND) FOOD BANK PUBLIC SPEAKER: Debbie Espinosa, President and CEO of FIND Food Bank – said it is FIND’s 35th anniversary this year; it was established to feed hungry children, seniors, and adults throughout the Coachella Valley; today, it provides not only healthy and nutritious food assistance, but also outreach services to help low-income households build sustainability and self-sufficiency; presented a PowerPoint presentation overview of her experience and qualifications, the region FIND serves, local community volunteer support, collaborations with 100+ non-profit partners, and the programs and services FIND provides to the community; and showed a video featured by CBS Local 2 News Story depicting FIND’s staff, operations, and services; and thanked Council and the community for their continuous support. Councilmember Peña said Council has been proactively supporting the community on variety of needs; has been responsive on addressing resident concerns; and assured the Trilogy community that every effort is being made to ensure a resolution to their concerns. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVE MINUTES DATED AUGUST 7, 2018 2. APPROVE 2018 COUNCIL CANDIDATES BRIEFING AND SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES DATED SEPTEMBER 5, 2018 3. ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 576 ON SECOND READING AMENDING CHAPTER 3.33 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO THE COLLECTION OF TRANSPORTATION UNIFORM MITIGATION FEE 4. APPROVE DEMAND REGISTERS DATED JULY 27, AUGUST 3, 10, 17, 24, AND 31, 2018 5. AUTHORIZE OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT TO ATTEND THE SECOND YEAR OF CALIFORNIA PARKS AND RECREATION SOCIETY MAINTENANCE 11 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 6 of 14 SEPTEMBER 18, 2018 MANAGEMENT SCHOOL IN LAKE ARROWHEAD, CALIFORNIA, NOVEMBER 12-16, 2018 6. AUTHORIZE OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR FINANCIAL SERVICES ANALYST TO ATTEND GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION TREASURY MANAGEMENT BEST PRACTICES IN ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, FEBRUARY 12-13, 2019 7. AUTHORIZE OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST TO ATTEND THE PUBLIC AGENCY RISK MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION CONFERENCE IN ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA, FEBRUARY 10-13, 2019 8. EXCUSE ABSENCE FOR PLANNING COMMISSIONER CALDWELL FROM THE SEPTEMBER 11, 2018 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING 9. ACCEPT LA QUINTA HIGH SCHOOL AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF ADAMS STREET AT BLACKHAWK WAY (PROJECT NO. 2017-05) 10. APPROVE PURCHASE OF BACKHOE AND STUMP GRINDER FROM RDO EQUIPMENT AND A DUMP TRAILER FROM BIG TEX TRAILERS 11. APPROVE FIRST AMENDMENT TO EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY’S FINANCE DIRECTOR 12. APPROVE AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO CONTRACT SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC. FOR FINANCE AND HUMAN RESOURCES SOFTWARE SERVICES CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 11 Verbal announcement by City Attorney Ihrke: Pursuant to Government Code Section 54953(c)(3), this announcement is to verbally report that this item affects the City’s executive employee, as defined by Government Code Section 3511.1(d), regarding salaries, salary schedules, and compensation paid in the form of fringe benefits. Approval of this item would amend the City’s Finance Director salary to $161,963.36. This adjustment would increase the total annual salary by $5,403 and $1,183 in benefits, for a total annual cost of $6,586; this increase is within the approved salary schedule which is budgeted for fiscal year 2018/19. 12 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 7 of 14 SEPTEMBER 18, 2018 Councilmember Radi said Finance Director Campos has proven herself over and over during her tenure, and thanked her for her service, high level of skills, performance, and character. MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Radi/Fitzpatrick to approve the Consent Calendar as recommended, with Item No. 3 adopting Ordinance No. 576. Motion passed unanimously. BUSINESS SESSION 1. RECEIVE AND FILE FOURTH QUARTER 2017/18 TREASURY REPORTS FOR APRIL, MAY, AND JUNE 2018 WITH FISCAL YEAR- END SUMMARY Finance Director Campos and Financial Services Analyst Hallick presented the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk’s Office. Council commended Staff for presenting the information in a report that is thorough, clear, and easy to follow; and discussed Staff’s conscientious and engaged hands-on approach to the City’s financial and investment activities; applicable fees when investments are purchased and the competitive rates provided by the City’s broker First Empire who does not act in the capacity of a fiduciary and may only trade with express approval from Staff under authority of the City’s Investment Policy; information provided by First Empire are daily market updates and inventory available, and a quarterly portfolio analysis, which includes interest rates risk, callable investments, and the City’s holdings, which are held in trust with Pershing LLC; likelihood of interest rates increasing based on current economic conditions; inversion of the yield curve; tracking of economic indicators for any possibility of a recession; the Financial Advisory Commission’s (FAC) strong engagement and participation alongside Staff in the City’s financial decisions to ensure transparency and accountability; and the FAC’s sound oversight of Measure G funds. MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Radi/Peña to receive and file the fourth quarter fiscal year 2017/18 Treasury Reports for April, May, and June 2018 with fiscal year-end summary as recommended. Motion passed unanimously. 2. INTRODUCE AND ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 6.14.010 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO REMOVAL OF LIQUID WASTE; AND APPROVE A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (MOU) WITH THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE TO PROVIDE ONSITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEMS REGULATION [ORDINANCE NO. 577] 13 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 8 of 14 SEPTEMBER 18, 2018 Management Analyst Mignogna presented the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk’s Office. Council discussed the need for this amendment was due to a recent change in state law; terms of the MOU; this amendment does not constitute any change in the existing process, the City is merely adopting the County of Riverside Department of Environmental Health approved Local Agency Management Program to ensure compliance with state regulations. MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Radi/Peña to take up Ordinance No. 577 by title and number only and waive further reading. Motion passed unanimously. City Clerk Radeva read the following title of Ordinance No. 577 into the record: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING SECTION 6.14.010 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO REMOVAL OF LIQUID WASTE MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Radi/Peña to introduce at first reading Ordinance No. 577 amending Section 6.14.010 of the La Quinta Municipal Code pertaining to Removal of Liquid Waste. Motion passed unanimously. MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Radi/Peña to approve a Memorandum of Understanding with the County of Riverside Department of Environmental Health to provide onsite wastewater treatment systems regulation; and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement as recommended. Motion passed unanimously. STUDY SESSION 1. DISCUSS AUTO DEALERSHIPS’ PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS ALONG HIGHWAY 111 FRONTAGE Assistant to the City Manager Villalpando presented the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk’s Office. Mayor Evans said the City has budgeted $500,000 for a capital improvement project to improve and enhance the City-owned right-of-way property and sidewalks along the three auto dealerships located along Highway 111; however, the improvements are contingent on the auto dealerships participation in the project, and meeting their individual financial responsibilities for the improvements slated to be constructed on their privately-owned properties adjacent to the right-of-way; this project is a collaborative process, and to date no consensus has been reached between 14 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 9 of 14 SEPTEMBER 18, 2018 the three auto dealerships which comprise the Auto Centre at La Quinta Association (Association). PUBLIC SPEAKER: Mr. Michael Hastings, Principal with Direct Point Advisors, representing the Association – said the Association voted in favor of the project; the Association is comprised of three members, and two members voted in favor, the third member was involved in the research, comment, planning, creative input, and negotiation process from the beginning, but did not vote in favor and decided not to participate; the Association has been ready to move forward with the project since March of 2017; La Quinta Chevrolet was sold by the Garff Corporation, and the new owners have been endorsed by General Motors. Council discussed that once construction of the improvements begins, the current pilot display program will be eliminated; the specific plan amendment serves as the City’s zoning regulations and any non-compliance can be enforced by virtue of police power; the Association is open for the third auto dealership to join the project should they change their standing; revised sign program for the Association, removal of all existing signs, and installation of revised signs will only include signage for participating parties; the City is appreciative of the dealerships’ presence in the community; and the timeline for the specific plan amendment, which will include a joint study session with the Planning Commission on October 2, 2018, to kick-off the design process. Council reached a consensus and directed Staff to proceed with Option 1 as presented, consisting of a specific plan amendment for the auto dealerships, which will require a 90-day trial consultation period; and a site development permit for landscaping and signage, which will require Planning Commission review and approval prior to Council consideration. PUBLIC HEARINGS – After 5:00 p.m. 1. APPEAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL (APPEAL 2018-0001) – ADOPT A RESOLUTION TO SUSTAIN PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVAL OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP) 2018-0003 FOR A 65 FOOT MONOPALM CELL TOWER AND ASSOCIATED GROUND EQUIPMENT LOCATED EAST OF EISENHOWER DRIVE AND AVENIDA MONTEZUMA INTERSECTION IN THE LA QUINTA COMMUNITY PARK; CEQA – EXEMPT FROM ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW PURSUANT TO SECTIONS 15332 (CLASS 32) AND 15303 (CLASS 3) [RESOLUTION NO. 2018-048] Verbal announcement by City Attorney Ihrke: With respect to administrative Appeal 2018-0001, pursuant to California case law, including California Supreme Court, precedent to ensure fairness in 15 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 10 of 14 SEPTEMBER 18, 2018 procedural due process, for the record, the City Attorney’s Office separated and set up administrative firewalls from the advocacy assistance that the Acting Assistant City Attorney Travis Van Ligten provided to Staff and the Planning Commission when the appeal was initiated, and City Attorney Ihrke advising the Council on an administrative appeal. Pursuant to California Supreme Court rulings, the City Attorney’s Office has set up administrative procedures to ensure that City Attorney Ihrke is considering and advising the Council on this item for the first time tonight. City Attorney Ihrke noted that earlier in the day, he received correspondence from the appellant’s Outside Counsel for AT&T, Aaron Shank with Porter Wright Morris & Arthur LLP, requesting changes to Condition of Approval No. 40 (COA) regarding a maintenance agreement; AT&T’s Counsel provided substitute language for COA 40, which has been distributed to Council, and made available for the public. Senior Planner Flores presented the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk’s Office. MAYOR EVANS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 5:47 P.M. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Alexis Hadley, Project Manager with Smartlink representing AT&T – said the appellant withdraws objections on the following: COA 6 – allows the City to be reimbursed for additional legal fees; the applicant agrees with the proposed COA, as long as the City is not requesting to be named as a third-party beneficiary in the lease agreement; COA 38 – discusses invisibility of antennas and remote radio units on the palm trees; the applicant agrees with the City’s proposed revised language; COA 41 – asks AT&T to waive federal rights under Code Section 6409; the applicant appreciates the City’s revision to the COAs and the removal of COA 41; COA 40 – requires AT&T to enter into a maintenance agreement with the City; the applicant finds that a maintenance agreement would cause undue stress to AT&T and the City, if the City tried to enforce maintenance on property, which it does not own; the applicant is requesting that the City vamp up the maintenance requirements within the COAs for the CUP and use that as its recourse and Code Compliance to enforce maintenance should there be any issues in the future; pursuant to conversation between counsels of AT&T and the City earlier in the day, consensus was reached that revamping the maintenance COA would be an appropriate alternative. 16 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 11 of 14 SEPTEMBER 18, 2018 Council discussed the time AT&T has to correct an issue pursuant to COA 40; height of the monopalm and addition of a live palm tree; maintenance of palm fronds; length of the lease agreement for the location of the tower placement; frequency of technology upgrades of antennas and remote radio units; Council review of this item was to ensure zoning compliance with City regulations. Council and appellant concurred to add language to COA 40 to specify removal of graffiti within 24 hours, per the City’s standard, after receiving notification from the City. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Joshua Bonner, CEO and President of the Greater Coachella Valley Chamber of Commerce – said the Chamber, as part of its general platform adoption, has taken a vested interest in communications, particularly small cell deployment; macro sites are important because they carry the majority of mobile data transmission and allow the deployment of Internet of Things Solutions and City of the Future, which support the future of local economy; and this type of support for data transmission is vital. MAYOR EVANS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 6:01 P.M. MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Peña/Radi to make a finding, included in Resolution No. 2018-048, that the project is exempt from environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to Sections 15332 (Class 32) as in-fill development and 15303 (Class 3) for new construction or conversion of small structures. Motion passed unanimously. MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Peña/Fitzpatrick to adopt Resolution No. 2018-048 to deny Appeal 2018-0001 and sustain Planning Commission Approval of Conditional Use Permit 2018- 0003; modify Conditions of Approval Nos. 38 and 41 as proposed, and No. 40 as amended below; and approve the site plan, architectural design, and landscaping for a 65-foot monopalm cell tower and associated ground equipment: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, SUSTAINING THE PLANNING COMMISSION’S APPROVAL OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A 65-FOOT MONOPALM CELL TOWER AND ASSOCIATED GROUND EQUIPMENT AT THE LA QUINTA COMMUNITY PARK Condition of Approval “40. Applicant shall erect, install, repair and maintain the Proposed Facility in safe condition and good repair in accordance with applicable regulatory codes for safe practices, state or local authority having jurisdiction. The site and Propose Facility must be maintained at all times in a neat and clean manner 17 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 12 of 14 SEPTEMBER 18, 2018 and in accordance with all approved plans. Applicant shall comply with LQMC Section 13.24.160, regarding maintenance. Applicant shall maintain its facilities in good and safe condition and in a manner that complies with all generally-applicable federal, state, and local requirements. Applicant shall maintain all open graded, undeveloped land in order to prevent wind or water erosion, including control measures as approved in the City Fugitive Dust Control Plan. Any disturbed areas including landscaping shall be replaced in- kind. Applicant shall comply with all recommended repair and maintenance service intervals provided by the equipment manufacturers. Applicant shall ensure that its employees, agents or contractor which perform work in furtherance of maintaining the Proposed Facility are adequately trained and skilled to access the site in accordance with applicable industry and governmental standards and regulations. All graffiti on the facilities must be removed at the sole expense of the Applicant within 24 hours of notification by the City.” Motion passed unanimously. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS All reports are on file in the City Clerk’s Office. City Manager Spevacek said a Special Joint Study Session Meeting between the La Quinta City Council and Planning Commission will be held on Tuesday, October 2, 2018, at 6:00 p.m., to discuss the Highway 111 corridor specific plan amendment and the revisions to the City’s development code. 4-A. USE OF BODY WORN CAMERAS BY CITY CODE COMPLIANCE OFFICERS Community Resources Director Escobedo and Public Safety Analyst Moreno presented the department report which is on file in the Clerk’s Office. Council discussed the City owns the cameras; tying the use of the cameras to the City’s personnel policy to ensure remedies are in place for employees’ conduct; this 90-day pilot program will be launched October 8, 2018, and will be re-evaluated thereafter to determine if it is a viable safety option for Staff and the community; importance of proactive public education and notification of the purpose and intent of the program, which are: 1) to create transparency in the engagement with the public and community, 2) to increase and enhance public safety, and 3) to provide an accurate account of events as they occur; Staff’s training and procedures were established in concert with the County of Riverside Sheriff’s Department, and were thoroughly vetted by the City Attorney’s Office and the California Joint Powers Insurance Authority to ensure it is legally in compliance and it reduces risk; requirement for residents to give consent prior to the use of body worn cameras on private property; checks 18 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 13 of 14 SEPTEMBER 18, 2018 and balances to ensure proper storage, retention, and integrity of the recordings. MAYOR’S AND COUNCIL MEMBERS’ ITEMS Council commended Staff for their continuous efforts for La Quinta, for which the City was recognized by the League of California Cities and awarded the 2018 Helen Putnam Award for Leadership and Development Excellence. Councilmember Radi said the City’s partnership with SunLine Transit Agency and the unveiling of the fully wrapped SunLine buses on August 1, 2018, with the two winners’ paintings of the art contest for local elementary and middle school students, and the La Quinta logo was a wonderful event that was very well attended. Councilmember Radi reported on Councilmember Sanchez and his attendance at the Quarterly Legislative Breakfast with Assembly Members Eduardo Garcia and Chad Mayes on September 5, 2018, at the Classic Club in Palm Desert; and La Quinta’s candlelight vigil in honor of those who lost their lives on 9/11. Councilmember Radi reported on reading to students at Benjamin Franklin Elementary school on September 14, 2018, “The Dot” book by Peter H. Reynolds, which is about art and how to help kids make their mark. This event was scheduled in celebration of “International Dot Day – Making a Mark;” and directed Staff to collaborate with staff at Benjamin Franklin, in order to hold this event next year citywide. Mayor Evans reported on her attendance at three realtor groups to provide updates on La Quinta’s housing and economic development efforts. Mayor Evans said she was invited by the Office of Intergovernmental Affairs to participate in the Women Mayors of America White House Conference on September 20, 2018, which she is looking forward to attending and is personally paying for the trip and her accommodations. REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS La Quinta’s representative for 2018, Councilmember Fitzpatrick reported on her participation in the following organizations’ meetings: COACHELLA VALLEY MOUNTAINS CONSERVANCY RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION (RCTC) La Quinta’s representative for 2018, Councilmember Peña reported on his participation in the following organizations’ meetings: CVAG PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE 19 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 14 of 14 SEPTEMBER 18, 2018 EAST VALLEY COALITION JACQUELINE COCHRAN REGIONAL AIRPORT La Quinta’s representative for 2018, Councilmember Radi reported on his participation in the following organizations’ meetings: CVAG TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY AD HOC COMMITTEE Councilmember Peña requested that Staff bring forward the East Valley Coalition item for Council consideration as a business item. Council concurred. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, a motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Radi/Fitzpatrick to adjourn at 6:37 p.m. Motion passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California 20 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: October 2, 2018 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: EXCUSE ABSENCES FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSIONER DORI QUILL FROM OCTOBER 8, 2018 COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION MEETING AND PLANNING COMMISSIONER PAUL QUILL FROM OCTOBER 9, 2018 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING RECOMMENDATION Excuse absences for Community Services Commissioner Dori Quill from the October 8, 2018 Community Services Commission meeting and Planning Commissioner Paul Quill from the October 9, 2018 Planning Services Commission meeting. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Commissioner Dori Quill requested to be excused from the October 8, 2018, Community Services Commission meeting because she will be out of state. Commissioner Quill has no absences for fiscal year 2018/19. Commissioner Paul Quill requested to be excused from the October 9, 2018, Planning Commission meeting because he will be out of state. Commissioner Quill has no absences for fiscal year 2018/19. FISCAL IMPACT No meeting attendance compensation is paid to absent members. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The Municipal Code states: “If any member of a board, commission or committee absents him/herself from two consecutive regular meetings or absents him/herself from a total of three regular meetings within any fiscal year, his/her office shall become vacant and shall be filled as any other vacancy. A board, commission or committee member may request advance permission from the city council to be absent at one or more regular meetings due to extenuating circumstances, and/or may request the city council to excuse an absence after-the-fact where such extenuating circumstances prevented the member from seeking advance permission to be absent. If such permission or excuse is granted by the city council, the absence shall not be counted toward the above-stated limitations on absences.” ALTERNATIVES Council may deny this request, which would result in the absences being counted toward the commissioner’s limitation on absences as noted above. Prepared by: Nichole Romane, Management Assistant Approved by: Monika Radeva, City Clerk CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 2 21 22 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: October 2, 2018 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: AUTHORIZE OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR THE CITY CLERK’S ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT AND CITY MANAGER’S MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT TO ATTEND THE CALIFORNIA CITY CLERK’S ASSOCIATION “NUTS AND BOLTS” WORKSHOP IN BREA, CALIFORNIA, OCTOBER 15-16, 2018 RECOMMENDATION Authorize overnight travel for the City Clerk’s Administrative Assistant and City Manager’s Management Assistant to attend the California City Clerk’s Association “Nuts and Bolts” workshop in Brea, California, October 15-16, 2018. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The “Nuts and Bolts” workshop is a long-standing annual course offered at low cost by the California City Clerk’s Association as an introduction to the Clerk’s Office tasks and responsibilities, including those associated with public meetings. The Administrative Assistant and Management Assistant are new to the Clerk’s and City Manager’s Offices and this training will provide an opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge of laws, procedures, and best practices; the Management Assistant supports the Housing Commission. FISCAL IMPACT Estimated expenses $1,500 or $750 each, which includes registration, travel, lodging, parking, and meals. Funds are available in the 2018/19 Travel and Training Budgets (101-1005-60320 and 241-9101-60320). BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The “Nuts and Bolts” workshop is offered annually and is an opportunity for those who work in the City Clerk’s Office or who staff public meetings to learn the skills and materials necessary to be successful and effective. The workshop will cover agendas, meetings, minutes, legislative procedures, Political Reform Act, Federal Political Practices Commission regulations, elections, records management, Brown Act, and Public Records Act. The Staff that hold the Administrative Assistant and Management Assistant positions were recently promoted; one of their job responsibilities is to attend and take minutes for City Council and Board/Commission meetings. This workshop will provide basic training for these tasks. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 3 23 ALTERNATIVES The Council may elect not to authorize these requests; however, this professional development opportunity will benefit City service delivery. Prepared by: Nichole Romane, Management Assistant Approved by: Monika Radeva, City Clerk 24 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: October 2, 2018 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: APPROVE OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR ANIMAL CONTROL/CODE COMPLIANCE SUPERVISOR AND MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST TO ATTEND THE CALIFORNIA JOINT POWERS INSURANCE AUTHORITY ANNUAL MANAGEMENT ACADEMY IN CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, OCTOBER 22- 25, 2018. RECOMMENDATION Approve overnight travel for Animal Control/Code Compliance Supervisor and Management Specialist to attend the California Joint Powers Insurance Authority Management Academy in Carlsbad, California, October 22-25, 2018. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Management Academy (Academy) is offered by the California Joint Powers Insurance Authority (CJPIA) to help managers and supervisors improve management and supervisory skills. The Academy is held once a year in California. This year’s Academy will be held in Carlsbad, California. FISCAL IMPACT Total estimated expenses for both attendees are $1,800, which includes training registration, travel, lodging, parking, and meals. Funds are available in respective Department’s Travel and Training accounts (101-6004-60320 and 101-6006-60320). BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The Academy provides attendees with the tools and resources to improve performance, motivation, and commitment of employees in a regulated employment environment. The Academy will help Staff to explore their roles as managers, supervisors, and emerging leaders in the following areas: expectations and roles as managers and supervisors in the public sector; importance of setting up employees for success; coaching techniques to use, develop, and discover organizational talent; effective performance appraisals; decision making skills; writing skills; and CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 4 25 problem solving skills. CJPIA’s Academy topics are specific to the public sector and provide best risk management practices to help avoid litigation and losses in the workplace. The Academy provides an opportunity for Staff to network and learn about the latest industry methodologies and supervision techniques taught by experts within the industry. ALTERNATIVES The Council may elect not to approve this travel request or reduce the number of attendees. Prepared by: Carla Triplett, Human Resources Analyst Approved by: Angela Scott, Human Resources Manager 26 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: October 2, 2018 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: APPROVE DECLARATION AND DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS EQUIPMENT RECOMMENDATION Approve the declaration and disposal of surplus equipment. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY •The City has surplus, obsolete and non-functional equipment that has limited market value. •Pursuant to the City’s Surplus Supplies and Equipment Policy (Policy), Council must declare property surplus prior to sale. •Upon Council approval, a notice for bid will be advertised in The Desert Sun and the City’s website. FISCAL IMPACT Sale proceeds will be deposited into the original Fund they were purchased from. Advertising cost will be approximately $400 and is budgeted (101- 1006-60450). BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The City’s surplus consists of both functioning and non-functioning equipment that is no longer needed or has outlived its purpose (Attachment 1). Surplus items are identified by Department Directors, and the Finance Department consolidates the items for Council’s review. Per City Policy, if no bids are received, the surplus equipment will be donated to a non-profit organization or discarded. ALTERNATIVES Staff does not recommend an alternative action; this process occurs so that the City may discard surplus property and equipment. Prepared by: Jessica Delgado, Management Assistant Approved by: Karla Campos, Finance Director Attachment: 1. List of Surplus Property and Equipment CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 5 27 Inventory Number Item Type Make/Brand Model Number or Description Serial Number Condition Note if Non-working 948 Monitor HP 19IN L1950 CNC809S7H8 Poor Display issues 949 Monitor Gateway 15IN 700G MPC5B50H01758 Fair Not working 950 Monitor Gateway 15IN TFT1780PS+MW679 B0N 03028 Fair Working 951 Monitor HP Compaq 15IN LA1751G CNC010NTSY Fair Working 952 Monitor Samsung 24IN 2443BWX MY24HCGQ801463H Poor Used/poor display 953 Computer Gateway Laptop 265M 40292300 Good Working 954 Monitor Dell 24IN P2414HB CN-0524N3-74261-42C-2WYL Poor Not working 955 Monitor Dell 24IN P2414HB CN-0524N3-74261-42C-32GL Poor Display issues 956 Computer Lenovo Thinkcentre R6U S1R5576 Fair Working 957 Monitor LG 15IN L1718S 608UXXQ15674 Fair Working 958 Monitor Samsung 15IN 720N MJ17H9FPC03536Y Fair Working 959 CAT 5/6 Extender HDMI Over Cat 5 SECO MVE-AH010 03A14 Poor Not working 960 Monitor Samsung 10IN DB10D 0LQHHTSFC00565L Poor Display issues 961 Computer Dell Optiplex 3020 2X85H02 6362640722 Poor Working-PSU issues 962 Monitor LG 15IN L1718S 608UXSK15686 Fair Display issues 963 Printer HP Laserjet 1200 SERIES CNBJJ47534 Poor Not working 964 Office Chair Unknown Black Leather N/A Fair Used- Left arm is missing 965 Computer Speakers Altec Lansing N/A N/A Poor Unknown 966 Electronic Pencil Sharpener Panasonic Black N/A Poor Not working 967 Keyboards Dell and Microsoft PACK OF 10 N/A Good Working 968 Generator Honda ES3500 ANL-261 Poor Unknown 969 Radar Gun Kustom Signal Pro Laser III N/A 21094 Poor Unknown 970 Radar Gun Kustom Signal Pro Laser III N/A 18077 Poor Unknown 971 Cameras Vievu PVR-LE2 1 box of 6 Several Poor Unknown 972 Breathalyzers Lifeloc FC20 1 box of 6 Several Poor Unknown 973 Motorola Mobil Computer and Cables Serveral 1 box of several mobil computers and miscellaneous cables.Several Poor Comes with case 974 Printer HP Q7492A JP82D19021 Fair Unknown 975 05-'06 Honda ST1300 and '09 BMW R1200RTP parts and other miscellaneous items Serveral Some items included are crash bars, under skirts, shotgun mounts, ticket writer holders, LIDAR holders, radar parts, auxilary lights and controllers, and siren boxes. Items are located in 4 boxes. N/A Used Unknown 976 2015 Cadet Academy PT Shorts Unknown Several items.N/A Good New 977 Cables Serveral 1 box of miscellaneous cables.N/A Fair Used 28 ATTACHMENT 1 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: October 2, 2018 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: APPROVE DEMAND REGISTERS DATED SEPTEMBER 7, 14, AND 21, 2018 RECOMMENDATION Approve demand registers dated September 7, 14, and 21, 2018. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY – None FISCAL IMPACT Demand of Cash: City 3,264,120.04$ Successor Agency of RDA 3,690.70$ Housing Authority 4,402.75$ 3,272,213.49$ BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Routine bills and payroll must be paid between Council meetings. Attachment 1 details the weekly demand registers for September 7,14, and 21, 2018. Warrants Issued: 119778-119829 181,852.37$ 119830-119909 459,466.13$ 119910-119970 859,102.84$ Wire Transfers 1,290,135.40$ Voids -$ Payroll Tax transfers 86,807.88$ Payroll Chks 37358-37359 & Direct Dep 394,848.87$ 3,272,213.49$ CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 6 29 The most significant expenditures on the demand registers are: Account Name Amount American Asphalt Construction 490,633.63$ Pavement Management South INC OMNI-MEANS Design 205,319.31$ La Quinta Village Road Diet Project Tri-Star Contracting Construction 149,027.77$ La Quinta High School INC ADA improvements Conserve Landcare Landscape 116,252.51$ Citywide Landscape Contract Services NAI Consulting Professional 48,989.61$ Aug- Professional Services Services PurposeVendor Wire Transfers: Seventeen transfers totaled $1,290,135. Of this amount, $667,860 was for debt service payment, $280,960 for Landmark, and $148,843 for CalPERS. (See Attachment 2 for a full listing) ALTERNATIVES Council may approve, partially approve, or reject the demand registers. Prepared by:Derrick Armendariz, Account Technician Approved by:Rosemary Hallick, Financial Services Analyst Attachments:1. Demand Registers 2.Wire Transfers 30 9/6/2018 7:16:01 PM Page 1 of 5 City of La Quinta Packet: APPKT01739 - DA 09/07/2018 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item)Account Name Account Number Fund: 101 - GENERAL FUND -26.53Sales Taxes Payable08/22/18- WC GYM WIPES TAX1197782XL CORPORATION 101-0000-20304 438.45Operating Supplies08/22/18- WC GYM WIPES1197782XL CORPORATION 101-3002-60420 105.88Security & Alarm08/23/18- WC HVAC MAINT119779ALARM MONITORING SERVICE…101-3008-60123 40.00Blood/Alcohol Testing07/15/18- BLOOD ANALYSIS119780AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSES …101-2001-60174 180.00Blood/Alcohol Testing07/31/18- BLOOD ANALYSIS119780AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSES …101-2001-60174 215.00Membership Dues08/20/18- CALBO MEMBERSHIP119782CALIFORNIA BUILDING OFFICI…101-6003-60351 196.05LT Care Insurance PayLONG TERM CARE119784CALPERS LONG-TERM CARE P…101-0000-20949 170.00Sheriff - Other07/29/18- POLICE TOW119787CLASSIC AUTO TRANSPORT 101-2001-60176 3,000.00Advertising08/23/18- SUMMIT SPONSORSHIP119788COACHELLA VALLEY ECONOMI…101-3007-60450 110.00Travel & Training11/08/18- GREATER PS ECONOMIC SUMM…119788COACHELLA VALLEY ECONOMI…101-1006-60320 1,216.00Landscape ContractFY 18/19 CITYWIDE LANDSCAPE SVCS119789CONSERVE LANDCARE 101-2002-60112 364.65Citywide Conf Room Supplies08/27/18- CITYWIDE COFFEE119790DAIOHS FIRST CHOICE SERVICES 101-1007-60403 230.59Administrative Citation Services08/16/18- CITATION PROCESSING - CODE119791DATA TICKET, INC.101-6004-60111 11,218.27Animal Shelter Contract Service07/2018- ANIMAL SERVICES119792DEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL SER…101-6004-60197 105.00Blood/Alcohol Testing07/2018- BLOOD/ALCOHOL ANALYSIS119793DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 101-2001-60174 428.00HVAC08/24/18- SPORTS COMPLEX COOLER MA…119794DESERT COOLER SPECIALIST INC 101-3008-60667 95.00Maintenance/Services08/23/18- SPORTS COMPLEX ICE MACHINE119795DESERT FOUNTAIN GAS SUPPLY 101-3008-60691 33.00Travel & Training08/09/18- PUBLIC OFFICIALS LUNCHEON119797DESERT VALLEY BUILDERS ASS…101-1001-60320 1,968.75Professional ServicesFY18/19 CONSULTING SVCS FOR EMP LDR…119799HENSON CONSULTING GROUP 101-1004-60103 5,200.00Professional ServicesFY18/19 CONSULTING SVCS FOR EMP LDR…119799HENSON CONSULTING GROUP 101-1004-60103 185.00HVAC08/23/18- SPORTS COMPLEX HVAC119800HYDE'S AC 101-3008-60667 950.00Travel & Training08/22/18- LEADERSHIP TRAINING - GIL119805LEADERSHIP COACHELLA VALL…101-1002-60320 18.66Materials/Supplies07/25-08/22/18- LQ PARK DRINKING FOU…119806LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…101-3005-60431 13.96Operating Supplies07/25-08/22/18- MATERIALS119806LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…101-7003-60420 7.16Operating Supplies07/25-08/22/18- SUPPLIES119806LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…101-7003-60420 33.09Tools/Equipment07/25-08/22/18- SIDEWALK REPAIR MATE…119806LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…101-7003-60432 126.62Tools/Equipment07/25-08/22/18- CONCRETE BLADE119806LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…101-7003-60432 9.07Tools/Equipment07/25-08/22/18- TOOLS119806LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…101-7003-60432 103.30Tools/Equipment07/25-08/22/18- LADDER119806LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…101-7003-60432 128.07Tools/Equipment08/29/18- OPERATIONS MAINT119807MOWERS PLUS INC 101-7003-60432 79.92Office Supplies08/23/18- CHAIR MAT119810OFFICE DEPOT 101-1005-60400 6.08Office Supplies08/22/18- OFFICE SUPPLIES119810OFFICE DEPOT 101-1005-60400 317.90Forms08/24/18- 8 1/2X11 COPY PAPER119810OFFICE DEPOT 101-1007-60402 6.95Office Supplies08/27/18- BANDAIDS119810OFFICE DEPOT 101-1005-60400 830.55Temporary Agency Services08/24/18- CC TEMP SERVICES119811OFFICE TEAM 101-1005-60125 901.74Temporary Agency Services08/31/18- CC TEMP SERVICES119811OFFICE TEAM 101-1005-60125 105.70Operating Supplies08/24/18- LQ LOGOS FOR INSPECTOR VES…119813PALMS TO PINES PRINTING 101-6003-60420 787.96Operating Supplies07/2018- POLICE DUAL BAND RADIOS119814RIVERSIDE COUNTY INFORMAT…101-2001-60420 416.21Sheriff - Other06/24/18-07/24/18- COPS MOTOR FUEL119815RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60176 200.00Garnishments PayableGARNISHMENT119816RIVERSIDE DEPARTMENT OF C…101-0000-20985 36.72LQ Police Volunteers08/15/18- POLICE SHREDDING119817SHRED-IT USA - SAN BERNADI…101-2001-60109 281.30Life Insurance Pay08/2018- STD INSURANCE119819STANDARD INSURANCE COMP…101-0000-20947 2,927.01Disability Insurance Pay08/2018- STD/LTD INSURANCE119819STANDARD INSURANCE COMP…101-0000-20955 292.90Life Insurance Pay07/2018- STD INSURANCE119819STANDARD INSURANCE COMP…101-0000-20947 3,377.80Disability Insurance Pay07/2018- STD/LTD INSURANCE119819STANDARD INSURANCE COMP…101-0000-20955 292.90Life Insurance Pay09/2018- STD INSURANCE119819STANDARD INSURANCE COMP…101-0000-20947 3,095.24Disability Insurance Pay09/2018- STD/LTD INSURANCE119819STANDARD INSURANCE COMP…101-0000-20955 79.97Citywide Conf Room Supplies08/16/18- CITYWIDE SUPPLIES - CUPS/HOT…119820STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-1007-60403 145.21Office Supplies08/16/18- OFFICE SUPPLIES119820STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-3002-60400 167.87Office Supplies08/22/18- BINDERS119820STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-7006-60400 71.54Utilities - Cable08/16-09/15/18- FS#32 CABLE119821TIME WARNER CABLE 101-2002-61400 33.76Utilities - Cable08/16-09/15/18- FS#70 CABLE119821TIME WARNER CABLE 101-2002-61400 59.99Utilities - Cable08/29-09/28/18- FS#32 CABLE119821TIME WARNER CABLE 101-2002-61400 ATTACHMENT 1 Demand Register 31 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01739 - DA 09/07/2018 9/6/2018 7:16:01 PM Page 2 of 5 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item)Account Name Account Number 61.00Pest Control08/10/18- LQ PARK PEST CONTROL119823TRULY NOLEN INC 101-3008-60116 70.00Pest Control08/22/18- WC PEST CONTROL119823TRULY NOLEN INC 101-3008-60116 76.00Pest Control08/03/18- CITY HALL PEST CONTROL119823TRULY NOLEN INC 101-3008-60116 42.00United Way DeductionsCONTRIBUTION119824UNITED WAY OF THE DESERT 101-0000-20981 49.01Mobile/Cell Phones07/14-08/13/18- EOC CELL PHONES / WIFI119825VERIZON WIRELESS 101-2002-61304 152.10Maintenance/Services08/14/18- FS#93 ELECTRICAL WORK119827VINTAGE E & S INC 101-2002-60691 396.00ConsultantsWELLNESS WORKS- EMPLOYEE ASSISTANC…119828WELLNESS WORKS 101-1004-60104 540.00Contract Traffic EngineerFY 18/19 ON-CALL TRAFFIC ENGINEERING …119829WILLDAN 101-7006-60144 360.00Contract Traffic EngineerFY 18/19 ON-CALL TRAFFIC ENGINEERING …119829WILLDAN 101-7006-60144 540.00Contract Traffic EngineerFY 18/19 ON-CALL TRAFFIC ENGINEERING …119829WILLDAN 101-7006-60144 Fund 101 - GENERAL FUND Total:43,664.37 Fund: 201 - GAS TAX FUND 192.00Asphalt08/13/18- ASPHALT MIX119783CALIFORNIA COMMERCIAL AS…201-7003-60430 728.09Materials/Supplies08/16/18- CONCRETE MATERIAL119785CALPORTLAND 201-7003-60431 240.68Storm Drains08/27/18- DRAIN COVER119796DESERT SEWER SUPPLY INC 201-7003-60672 -201.69Storm Drains08/27/18- DRAIN COVER119796DESERT SEWER SUPPLY INC 201-7003-60672 37.78Materials/Supplies07/25-08/22/18- SIDEWALK REPAIR MATE…119806LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…201-7003-60431 62.11Materials/Supplies07/25-08/22/18- SIDEWALK REPAIR MATE…119806LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…201-7003-60431 18.17Materials/Supplies07/25-08/22/18- OBELISK REPAIR119806LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…201-7003-60431 24.22Materials/Supplies07/25-08/22/18- SIDEWALK REPAIR MATE…119806LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…201-7003-60431 199.48Asphalt08/28/18- ASPHALT PATCH119812OMEGA INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY, I…201-7003-60430 135.94Traffic Control Signs08/21/18- SIGNS/TRAFFIC CONTROL119822TOPS'N BARRICADES INC 201-7003-60429 658.16Traffic Control Signs08/24/18- SIGNS/TRAFFIC CONTROL119822TOPS'N BARRICADES INC 201-7003-60429 Fund 201 - GAS TAX FUND Total:2,094.94 Fund: 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND -3,643.98Building Improvements06/13/18- LIBRARY MAKERSPACE119803JB FINISH INC.202-3004-72110 3,643.98Building Improvements06/13/18- LIBRARY MAKERSPACE119803JB FINISH INC.202-3004-72110 3,643.98Building ImprovementsLIBRARY MAKERSPACE- JB FINISH119803JB FINISH INC.202-3004-72110 49.00Pest Control08/10/18- MUSEUM PEST CONTROL119823TRULY NOLEN INC 202-3006-60116 Fund 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND Total:3,692.98 Fund: 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 357.00Operating Supplies08/21/18- SHOP WIPES119781ATCO MANUFACTURING COM…215-7004-60420 2,444.46Landscape Contract07/01/17-06/30/18- LANDSCAPE MAINT119786CITY OF PALM DESERT 215-7004-60112 575.69Utilities - Electric07/01/17-06/30/18- LANDSCAPE MAINT119786CITY OF PALM DESERT 215-7004-61116 41,838.77Landscape ContractFY18/19 CITYWIDE LANSCAPE L&L MAINT.…119789CONSERVE LANDCARE 215-7004-60112 25.01Materials/Supplies07/25-08/22/18- MATERIALS - LA FONDA119806LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…215-7004-60431 134.89Tools/Equipment08/09/18- CHAINSAW PARTS119807MOWERS PLUS INC 215-7004-60432 109.88Tools/Equipment08/29/18- LOPPERS119807MOWERS PLUS INC 215-7004-60432 6.73Materials/Supplies08/20/18- IRRIGATION MATERIAL119818SMITH PIPE & SUPPLY CO 215-7004-60431 70.83Operating Supplies08/27/18- PLANTS REPLACMENT119826VINTAGE ASSOCIATES 215-7004-60420 Fund 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND Total:45,563.26 Fund: 221 - AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND 3,150.00AB 939 Recycling Solutions08/31/18- RECYCLE APP AB 939119809MUNICIPAL MEDIA CORP.221-0000-60127 Fund 221 - AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND Total:3,150.00 Fund: 248 - SA 2004 LO/MOD BOND FUND (Refinanced in 2014) 246.70Relocation Benefits07/21-08/20/18- WSA TEMP119801IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 248-9102-60159 Fund 248 - SA 2004 LO/MOD BOND FUND (Refinanced in 2014) Total:246.70 Fund: 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 165.34Construction07/01/17-06/30/18- LANDSCAPE MAINT119786CITY OF PALM DESERT 401-0000-60188 -3,852.51Retention PayablePO#1819-0017 RETENTION 1119789CONSERVE LANDCARE 401-0000-20600 77,050.25ConstructionFY18/19 QUINTERRA AND ADAMS BASIN, …119789CONSERVE LANDCARE 401-0000-60188 350.00Construction08/27/18- CAMERA REPAIR119802ITERIS 401-0000-60188 1,534.40Construction08/28/18- LED STOCK119804JTB SUPPLY CO., INC.401-0000-60188 3.31Construction07/25-08/22/18- HARDWARE119806LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…401-0000-60188 54.05Construction07/25-08/22/18- SEALANT119806LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…401-0000-60188 9.38Construction07/25-08/22/18- PLYWOOD119806LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…401-0000-60188 32.31Construction07/25-08/22/18- HS CROSSWALK MATERI…119806LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…401-0000-60188 32 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01739 - DA 09/07/2018 9/6/2018 7:16:01 PM Page 3 of 5 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item)Account Name Account Number 6,837.50TechnicalON-CALL CONSTRUCTION SURVEYING SVC119808MSA CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60108 Fund 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS Total:82,184.03 Fund: 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 1,112.49Fuel & Oil08/2018- FUEL CHARGES119798FUELMAN 501-0000-60674 143.60Vehicle Repair & Maintenance07/25-08/22/18- FLOOR JACK119806LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…501-0000-60676 Fund 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT Total:1,256.09 Grand Total:181,852.37 33 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01739 - DA 09/07/2018 9/6/2018 7:16:01 PM Page 4 of 5 Fund Summary Fund Expense Amount 101 - GENERAL FUND 43,664.37 201 - GAS TAX FUND 2,094.94 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 3,692.98 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 45,563.26 221 - AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND 3,150.00 248 - SA 2004 LO/MOD BOND FUND (Refinanced in 2014)246.70 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 82,184.03 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 1,256.09 Grand Total:181,852.37 Account Summary Account Number Account Name Expense Amount 101-0000-20304 Sales Taxes Payable -26.53 101-0000-20947 Life Insurance Pay 867.10 101-0000-20949 LT Care Insurance Pay 196.05 101-0000-20955 Disability Insurance Pay 9,400.05 101-0000-20981 United Way Deductions 42.00 101-0000-20985 Garnishments Payable 200.00 101-1001-60320 Travel & Training 33.00 101-1002-60320 Travel & Training 950.00 101-1004-60103 Professional Services 7,168.75 101-1004-60104 Consultants 396.00 101-1005-60125 Temporary Agency Servic…1,732.29 101-1005-60400 Office Supplies 92.95 101-1006-60320 Travel & Training 110.00 101-1007-60402 Forms 317.90 101-1007-60403 Citywide Conf Room Suppl…444.62 101-2001-60109 LQ Police Volunteers 36.72 101-2001-60174 Blood/Alcohol Testing 325.00 101-2001-60176 Sheriff - Other 586.21 101-2001-60420 Operating Supplies 787.96 101-2002-60112 Landscape Contract 1,216.00 101-2002-60691 Maintenance/Services 152.10 101-2002-61304 Mobile/Cell Phones 49.01 101-2002-61400 Utilities - Cable 165.29 101-3002-60400 Office Supplies 145.21 101-3002-60420 Operating Supplies 438.45 101-3005-60431 Materials/Supplies 18.66 101-3007-60450 Advertising 3,000.00 101-3008-60116 Pest Control 207.00 101-3008-60123 Security & Alarm 105.88 101-3008-60667 HVAC 613.00 101-3008-60691 Maintenance/Services 95.00 101-6003-60351 Membership Dues 215.00 101-6003-60420 Operating Supplies 105.70 101-6004-60111 Administrative Citation Se…230.59 101-6004-60197 Animal Shelter Contract S…11,218.27 101-7003-60420 Operating Supplies 21.12 101-7003-60432 Tools/Equipment 400.15 101-7006-60144 Contract Traffic Engineer 1,440.00 101-7006-60400 Office Supplies 167.87 201-7003-60429 Traffic Control Signs 794.10 201-7003-60430 Asphalt 391.48 201-7003-60431 Materials/Supplies 870.37 201-7003-60672 Storm Drains 38.99 202-3004-72110 Building Improvements 3,643.98 202-3006-60116 Pest Control 49.00 215-7004-60112 Landscape Contract 44,283.23 215-7004-60420 Operating Supplies 427.83 34 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01739 - DA 09/07/2018 9/6/2018 7:16:01 PM Page 5 of 5 Account Summary Account Number Account Name Expense Amount 215-7004-60431 Materials/Supplies 31.74 215-7004-60432 Tools/Equipment 244.77 215-7004-61116 Utilities - Electric 575.69 221-0000-60127 AB 939 Recycling Solutions 3,150.00 248-9102-60159 Relocation Benefits 246.70 401-0000-20600 Retention Payable -3,852.51 401-0000-60108 Technical 6,837.50 401-0000-60188 Construction 79,199.04 501-0000-60674 Fuel & Oil 1,112.49 501-0000-60676 Vehicle Repair & Mainte…143.60 Grand Total:181,852.37 Project Account Summary Project Account Key Expense Amount **None**99,629.35 1819TMICT 2,148.79 201603CT 77,050.25 201603RP -3,852.51 201705T 6,837.50 CSA152E 38.99 Grand Total:181,852.37 35 9/14/2018 4:41:45 PM Page 1 of 8 Demand Register City of La Quinta Packet: APPKT01747 - DA 09/14/2018 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item)Account Name Account Number Fund: 101 - GENERAL FUND 715.84Civic Center Lake Maintenance08/2018- CC LAKE MAINT119831ALL VALLEY BBQ, SPA & PATIO…101-3005-60117 80.00Blood/Alcohol Testing08/15/18- BLOOD ALCOHOL TESTING119832AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSES …101-2001-60174 190.35Operating Supplies08/16-08/30/18- WC JANITORIAL SUPPLIES119834AMERIPRIDE SERVICES INC 101-3002-60420 448.00Blood/Alcohol Testing07/25/18- BLOOD ANALYSIS119836BIO-TOX LABORATORIES 101-2001-60174 430.00Travel & Training09/17-09/21/18- TRAINING - DUCHENE119838CALIFORNIA ASSOC OF CODE 101-6004-60320 300.00Library Petty Cash09/11/18- PETTY CASH FOR LIBRARY MAK…119840CITY OF LA QUINTA 101-0000-10505 7,740.00MSHCP Mitigation Fee08/2018- MITIGATION FEE119842COACHELLA VALLEY CONSERV…101-0000-20310 -77.40CVMSHCP Admin Fee08/2018- MITIGATION FEE119842COACHELLA VALLEY CONSERV…101-0000-43631 94.68Utilities - Water09/07/18- WATER SERVICE119843COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-2002-61200 1,182.29Utilities - Water -Pioneer Park09/07/18- WATER SERVICE119843COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3005-61207 48.09Utilities - Water09/07/18- WATER SERVICE119843COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3008-61200 399.65Utilities - Water09/10/18- WATER SERVICE119843COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-2002-61200 952.79Utilities - Water -Monticello Pa…09/10/18- WATER SERVICE119843COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3005-61201 16.96Utilities - Water -Seasons Park09/10/18- WATER SERVICE119843COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3005-61208 9.45Cash Over/Short08/21/18- REFUND JUNE TOT OVERPAYM…119844COHEN, TED 101-0000-42300 35,851.00Landscape ContractPARKS MAINTENANCE FY18/19119845CONSERVE LANDCARE 101-3005-60112 621.70Administrative Citation Services07/2018- CITATION PROCESSING - POLICE119846DATA TICKET, INC.101-6004-60111 14,047.10Animal Shelter Contract Service06/2018- ANIMAL SERVICES119847DEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL SER…101-6004-60197 600.00Community Experiences08/17/18- MOVIES IN THE PARK - FB POOL119849DESERT RECREATION DISTRICT 101-3003-60149 68.80Utilities - Cable08/22-09/21/18- EOC CABLE119850DISH NETWORK 101-2002-61400 428.20Operating Supplies07/19/18- WC SLIDING DOOR MAINT119851DOOR TECH, LLC 101-3002-60420 140.98Materials/Supplies08/27/18- CITY HALL PAINT119852DUNN-EDWARDS CORPORATI…101-3008-60431 900.00Training & Education/MOU09/23/18- TUITION REIMB119854ESCOBEDO, CHRIS 101-1004-60322 6,262.50Plan ChecksON CALL BUILDING PLAN REVIEW & INSPE…119855ESGIL CORPORATION 101-6003-60118 34.99Utilities - Telephone08/28-09/27/18- SPORTS COMPLEX PHONE119856FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS…101-3005-61300 434.90Uniforms06/13/18- CODE UNIFORMS119857GALLS LLC 101-6004-60690 52.53Uniforms06/14/18- CODE UNIFORMS119857GALLS LLC 101-6004-60690 -45.59Uniforms06/22/18- UNIFORMS119857GALLS LLC 101-6004-60690 -217.45Uniforms07/06/18- CODE UNIFORMS CREDIT119857GALLS LLC 101-6004-60690 43.45Uniforms08/31/18- CODE UNIFORMS119857GALLS LLC 101-6004-60690 77.89Utilities - Gas07/26-08/27/18- FS#93 GAS SVC119858GAS COMPANY, THE 101-2002-61100 750.00Membership Dues08/02/18- CHAMBER DIRECTORY119859GCVCC 101-3007-60351 37.50LQ Police Volunteers09/01/18- UPDATED CRIME REPORT FORM119860GRAPHTEK INTERACTIVE 101-2001-60109 1,950.00Consultants06/05/18- 2ND QTR SALES TAX119863HINDERLITER DE LLAMAS & AS…101-1006-60104 2,608.23Consultants08/09/18- 1ST QTR SALES TAX119863HINDERLITER DE LLAMAS & AS…101-1006-60104 48.64Maintenance/Services07/27-08-20/18- FS#93 FILTERS119864HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-2002-60691 65.16Maintenance/Services07/27-08-20/18- FS#70 SMOKE ALARM119864HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-2002-60691 48.40Materials/Supplies07/27-08-20/18- CC CAMPUS FLOWERS119864HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3005-60431 77.83Materials/Supplies07/27-08-20/18- CC CAMPUS BENCHES119864HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3005-60431 11.02Materials/Supplies07/27-08-20/18- SPORTS COMPLEX SAFE…119864HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3005-60431 21.21Materials/Supplies07/27-08-20/18- SPORTS COMPLEX ELECT…119864HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3005-60431 98.70Tools/Equipment07/27-08-20/18- SPORTS COMPLEX ELECT…119864HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3005-60432 6.04LQ Park Water Feature07/27-08-20/18- LQ PARK WF PLASTIC CO…119864HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3005-60554 48.95Tree Maintenance07/27-08-20/18- DESERT PARK TREES INS…119864HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3005-60557 124.40Materials/Supplies07/27-08-20/18- PW YARD GATE REMOTE119864HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3008-60431 24.95Materials/Supplies07/27-08-20/18- CITY HALL LIGHT BULBS119864HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3008-60431 18.09Materials/Supplies07/27-08-20/18- SPORTS COMPLEX MATE…119864HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3008-60431 95.22Materials/Supplies07/27-08-20/18- CITY HALL PAINT SUPPLI…119864HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3008-60431 -67.57Materials/Supplies07/27-08-20/18- CITY HALL MATERIALS RE…119864HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3008-60431 71.36Materials/Supplies07/27-08-20/18- CITY HALL MATERIALS119864HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3008-60431 409.99Materials/Supplies07/27-08-20/18- WC FAUCET /HEAVY DUT…119864HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3008-60431 204.24Materials/Supplies07/27-08-20/18- LUMBER119864HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3008-60431 87.70Materials/Supplies07/27-08-20/18- WORK STOOL119864HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3008-60431 36 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01747 - DA 09/14/2018 9/14/2018 4:41:45 PM Page 2 of 8 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item)Account Name Account Number 32.59Materials/Supplies07/27-08-20/18- CITY HALL DESK LAMP119864HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3008-60431 10.70Materials/Supplies07/27-08-20/18- CITY HALL LOCK119864HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3008-60431 22.77Materials/Supplies07/27-08-20/18- CITY HALL FUSES119864HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3008-60431 17.40Materials/Supplies07/27-08-20/18- OLD FS#32 SPRINKLERS119864HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3008-60431 97.74Materials/Supplies07/27-08-20/18- CITY HALL SANDPAPER119864HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3008-60431 459.53Materials/Supplies07/27-08-20/18- CITY HALL NAIL GUN/MA…119864HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3008-60431 27.24Materials/Supplies07/27-08-20/18- CITY HALL KEYS119864HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3008-60431 199.82Materials/Supplies07/27-08-20/18- STUDY SESSION WHITE …119864HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3008-60431 78.20Tools/Equipment07/27-08-20/18- HUSKY ELECTRICIAN DRI…119864HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3008-60432 314.24Tools/Equipment07/27-08-20/18- CITY HALL NAILGUN/MA…119864HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3008-60432 45.54Operating Supplies07/27-08-20/18- SAFETY ITEMS119864HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-7003-60420 377.71Tools/Equipment07/27-08-20/18- DRILL COMBOKIT/EXTEN…119864HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-7003-60432 13.26Tools/Equipment07/27-08-20/18- CLAMPS119864HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-7003-60432 3,063.94Tools/Equipment07/27-08-20/18- POWER DRILLS AND ACC…119864HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-7003-60432 30,962.84Marketing & Tourism Promoti…FY 18/19 PRINT & DIGITAL MARKETING SE…119867JNS MEDIA SPECIALISTS 101-3007-60461 70.00Travel & Training09/11/18- REGISTRATION FEE119870LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE 101-1004-60320 1,200.00Lot Cleaning09/05/18- 723-182-010 18-1369 LOT ABA…119871MOYA, DANIEL 101-6004-60120 2,437.50ConsultantsCIP DEV/MEASURE A 5YR CIP119873NAI CONSULTING INC 101-7006-60104 100.21Postage08/14/18- FINANCE CHARGES119874NEOFUNDS BY NEOPOST 101-1007-60470 77.37Mobile/Cell Phones/Satellites08/2018- EOC SATELLITE PHONES119876NI GOVERNMENT SERVICES INC 101-2002-61304 36.28Office Supplies08/30/18- OFFICE SUPPLIES119877OFFICE DEPOT 101-1006-60400 26.09Office Supplies08/31/18- OFFICE SUPPLIES119877OFFICE DEPOT 101-1006-60400 22.19Fire Station08/31/18- FS COFFEE SUPPLIES119877OFFICE DEPOT 101-2002-60670 125.28Office Supplies09/06/18- CUTLERY119877OFFICE DEPOT 101-1005-60400 20.74Postage09/01/18- OVERNIGHT MAIL119878ONTRAC 101-1007-60470 447.00HVAC08/29/18- CITY HALL HVAC MAINT119879PACIFIC WEST AIR CONDITION…101-3008-60667 447.00Maintenance/Services08/10/18- FIRE STATION HVAC REPAIR119879PACIFIC WEST AIR CONDITION…101-2002-60691 1,134.31Maintenance/Services08/21/18- FS#93 HVAC MOTOR REPLACE…119879PACIFIC WEST AIR CONDITION…101-2002-60691 4,950.00Maintenance/Services09/05/18- FS#93 HVAC MAINT119879PACIFIC WEST AIR CONDITION…101-2002-60691 -104.13Sales Taxes Payable08/20/18- POWDERED DRINK MIX TAX119880PACWEST TOOL AND SAFETY 101-0000-20304 250.00Maintenance/Services09/05/18- FS#93 GATE SERVICE119881PATTON DOOR & GATE 101-2002-60691 20.00Credit Card Fees08/2018- WC CREDIT CARD FEES119882PLUG & PAY TECHNOLOGIES I…101-3003-60122 20.00Administration08/2018- HUB CREDIT CARD FEES119882PLUG & PAY TECHNOLOGIES I…101-6001-60102 250.00Maintenance/Services09/05/18- LQ PARK ROLLING DOORS SVC119883PRECISION GARAGE DOORS & …101-3008-60691 288.19Operating Supplies08/23/18- BUSINESS LICENSE PAPER119884PRINTING PLACE, THE 101-6006-60420 -1,012.00Machinery & Equipment08/29/18- SERVICE CREDIT119885QUINN COMPANY 101-2002-80101 1,012.00Machinery & Equipment06/12/18- FS#70 GENERATOR MAINT119885QUINN COMPANY 101-2002-80101 2,286.43Machinery & Equipment08/31/18- CITY HALL GENERATOR119885QUINN COMPANY 101-2002-80101 420.00Map/Plan CheckingFY18/19 ON-CALL MAP CHECKING SERVIC…119888RASA/ERIC NELSON 101-7002-60183 233.35Mobile/Cell Phones/Satellites08/23-09/22/18- EOC SATELLITE PHONES119889ROADPOST USA INC.101-2002-61304 258.43Operating Supplies08/15/18- OPERATING SUPPLIES119891SMART & FINAL 101-3002-60420 19.25Tree Maintenance08/16/18- IRRIGATION PARTS119892SMITH PIPE & SUPPLY CO 101-3005-60557 11.84LQ Police Volunteers08/01/18- POLICE SUPPLIES119894STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-2001-60109 172.24Office Supplies08/01/18- CODE OFFICE SUPPLIES119894STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-6004-60400 -21.41Office Supplies08/08/18- CODE SUPPLIES CREDIT119894STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-6004-60400 156.53Office Supplies09/05/18- CERT FRAMES119894STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-1005-60400 7,062.50Marketing & Tourism Promoti…PROMOTIONAL SERVICES119895THE CHAMBER 101-3007-60461 59.99Utilities - Cable09/03-10/02/18- FS#93 CABLE119897TIME WARNER CABLE 101-2002-61400 129.60Travel & Training08/07/18- MILEAGE REIMB FOR TRAINING119900TRIPLETT, ALCADIA 101-1004-60320 67.00Pest Control08/10/18- FS#70 PEST CONTROL SVC119902TRULY NOLEN INC 101-2002-60116 62.00Pest Control08/10/18- FS#93 PEST CONTROL119902TRULY NOLEN INC 101-2002-60116 47.00Pest Control08/10/18- PW YARD PEST CONTROL119902TRULY NOLEN INC 101-3008-60116 3.68Materials/Supplies07/09/18- CITY HALL KEYS119904VALLEY LOCK & SAFE 101-3008-60431 44.19Utilities - Telephone07/11-08/10/18- LQPD TICKET WRITERS119905VERIZON WIRELESS 101-2001-61300 976.59Utilities - Telephone07/26-08/25/18- LQPD WIRELESS119905VERIZON WIRELESS 101-2001-61300 152.10Maintenance/Services08/14/18- FS#93 FEMALE CORD CAP119907VINTAGE E & S INC 101-2002-60691 -15.75Sales Taxes Payable7/10-8/09/18- DIGITAL GUAGE TAX119909WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-0000-20304 881.09Employee Computer Loan7/10-8/09/18- COMPUTER LOAN - MIRTA119909WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-0000-20915 80.84Recruiting/Pre-Employment7/10-8/09/18- CM MGMT ASST PANEL119909WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-1004-60129 47.38Travel & Training7/10-8/09/18- JPIA TRAINING SUPPLIES119909WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-1004-60320 37 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01747 - DA 09/14/2018 9/14/2018 4:41:45 PM Page 3 of 8 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item)Account Name Account Number 70.84Travel & Training08/2018- TRAINING SUPPLIES119909WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-1004-60320 433.56Subscriptions & Publications7/10-8/09/18- 18' CA MUNICIPAL LAWBO…119909WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-1005-60352 100.00Administration08/2018- FRAUD CHARGE - BUILDABEAR119909WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-1006-60102 -263.86Materials/Supplies08/2018- FERGUSON CREDIT119909WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-3005-60431 75.00Membership Dues08/2018- MAILCHIMP119909WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-3007-60351 824.00Travel & Training7/10-8/09/18- NPDES TRAINING COURSE119909WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-3008-60320 270.00Travel & Training7/10-8/09/18- TRAFFIC CONTROL COURSE119909WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-3008-60320 89.16Operating Supplies08/2018- BATHROOM ITEMS119909WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-3008-60420 65.74Operating Supplies7/10-8/09/18- TRAINING BOOK119909WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-6003-60420 195.75Supplies - Field7/10-8/09/18- DIGITAL GUAGE119909WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-6003-60425 360.00Travel & Training08/2018- ATTSA TRAINING119909WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-7003-60320 Fund 101 - GENERAL FUND Total:141,468.37 Fund: 201 - GAS TAX FUND 185.18Safety Gear07/27-08-20/18- SAFETY GEAR119864HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 201-7003-60427 321.90Materials/Supplies07/27-08-20/18- CONCRETE119864HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 201-7003-60431 214.24Materials/Supplies07/27-08-20/18- SIDEWALK REPAIR119864HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 201-7003-60431 186.79Materials/Supplies07/27-08-20/18- SIDEWALK REPAIR119864HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 201-7003-60431 6.37Materials/Supplies07/27-08-20/18- MATERIALS119864HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 201-7003-60431 107.63Materials/Supplies07/27-08-20/18- SIDEWALK REPAIR119864HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 201-7003-60431 13.99Uniforms08/13/18- UNIFORMS119890SERVICE WEAR APPAREL 201-7003-60690 56.20Materials/Supplies09/01/2018- DIG ALERT SVC 28119903UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT 201-7003-60431 Fund 201 - GAS TAX FUND Total:1,092.30 Fund: 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 1,243.32Maintenance/Services09/06/18- LUMBER YARD SECURITY SYST…119830ALARM MONITORING SERVICE…202-3006-60691 5,475.00Maintenance/ServicesLIBRARY CARPORT REPAIRS119833AMERICAN WROUGHT IRON 202-3004-60691 177.92Utilities - Water09/07/18- WATER SERVICE119843COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…202-3006-61200 2,086.00Landscape ContractPARKS MAINTENANCE FY18/19119845CONSERVE LANDCARE 202-3004-60112 1,169.00Landscape ContractPARKS MAINTENANCE FY18/19119845CONSERVE LANDCARE 202-3006-60112 796.84Building Improvements08/16/18- MAKERSPACE GLASS INSTALL119862HENRY'S GLASS COMPANY 202-3004-72110 67.34Operating Supplies07/27-08-20/18- MAKERSPACE EYE GLASS…119864HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 202-3004-60420 49.00Tools/Equipment07/27-08-20/18- LIBRARY/MAKER MATER…119864HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 202-3004-60432 64.58Tools/Equipment07/27-08-20/18- LIBRARY MATERIALS119864HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 202-3004-60432 142.52Maint-Other Equipment07/27-08-20/18- LIBRARY CEILING LIGHT119864HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 202-3004-60665 92.33Maintenance/Services07/27-08-20/18- KNEE PADS119864HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 202-3004-60691 1,752.38Maintenance/Services07/27-08-20/18- MUSEUM SHADE119864HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 202-3006-60691 173.87Maintenance/Services07/27-08-20/18- LUMBER YARD MOTION L…119864HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 202-3006-60691 44.09Maintenance/Services07/27-08-20/18- LUMBER YARD MATERIA…119864HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 202-3006-60691 -178.27Maintenance/Services07/27-08-20/18- LUMBER RETURN119864HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 202-3006-60691 314.51Operating Supplies07/19/18- MAKERSPACE SUPPLIES119877OFFICE DEPOT 202-3004-60420 17.04Operating Supplies07/20/18- MAKERSPACE SUPPLIES119877OFFICE DEPOT 202-3004-60420 26.30Operating Supplies07/19/18- MAKERSPACE SUPPLIES119877OFFICE DEPOT 202-3004-60420 48.93Operating Supplies07/20/18- MAKERSPACE SUPPLIES119877OFFICE DEPOT 202-3004-60420 9.56Operating Supplies07/19/18- SUPPPLIES MAKERSPACE119877OFFICE DEPOT 202-3004-60420 447.00HVAC08/06/18- LIBRARY HVAC MAINT119879PACIFIC WEST AIR CONDITION…202-3004-60667 290.42Operating Supplies07/23/18- MAKERSPACE SUPPLIES119894STAPLES ADVANTAGE 202-3004-60420 322.97Operating Supplies07/24/18- MAKERSPACE SUPPLIES119894STAPLES ADVANTAGE 202-3004-60420 78.26Operating Supplies07/26/18- MAKERSPACE SUPPLIES119894STAPLES ADVANTAGE 202-3004-60420 143.15Operating Supplies08/28/18- MUSEUM ARCHIVING SUPPLIES119894STAPLES ADVANTAGE 202-3006-60420 340.00Maintenance/Services08/24/18- MUSEUM SENSOR LIGHTS POW…119907VINTAGE E & S INC 202-3006-60691 4,233.00Building Improvements05/31/18- MAKERSPACE CRAFT ROOM119907VINTAGE E & S INC 202-3004-72110 27.06Operating Supplies7/10-8/09/18- MUSEUM EDU EVENT119909WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 202-3006-60420 Fund 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND Total:19,454.12 Fund: 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 542.08Utilities - Water - Medians09/07/18- WATER SERVICE119843COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…215-7004-61211 949.13Utilities - Water - Medians09/10/18- WATER SERVICE119843COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…215-7004-61211 3,815.00Landscape ContractPARKS MAINTENANCE FY18/19119845CONSERVE LANDCARE 215-7004-60112 29.70Supplies-Graffiti and Vandalism07/27-08-20/18- GRAFFITI SUPPLIES119864HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 215-7004-60423 257.96Supplies-Graffiti and Vandalism07/27-08-20/18- GRAFFITI MATERIALS119864HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 215-7004-60423 28.98Supplies-Graffiti and Vandalism07/27-08-20/18- GRAFFITI REMOVAL119864HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 215-7004-60423 38 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01747 - DA 09/14/2018 9/14/2018 4:41:45 PM Page 4 of 8 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item)Account Name Account Number -8.64Supplies-Graffiti and Vandalism07/27-08-20/18- GRAFFITI SUPPLIES RETU…119864HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 215-7004-60423 59.45Materials/Supplies07/27-08-20/18- TREE STAKES119864HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 215-7004-60431 41.26Materials/Supplies07/27-08-20/18- SAW BLADES119864HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 215-7004-60431 40.37Utilities - Electric - Medians09/10/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE119866IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 215-7004-61117 5,528.00SilverRock Way LandscapeSILVERROCK RESORT PERIMETER LANDSC…119869LANDMARK GOLF MANAGEM…215-7004-60143 5,278.00SilverRock Way LandscapeSILVERROCK RESORT PERIMETER LANDSC…119869LANDMARK GOLF MANAGEM…215-7004-60143 6,028.00SilverRock Way LandscapeSILVERROCK RESORT PERIMETER LANDSC…119869LANDMARK GOLF MANAGEM…215-7004-60143 5,478.00SilverRock Way LandscapeSILVERROCK RESORT PERIMETER LANDSC…119869LANDMARK GOLF MANAGEM…215-7004-60143 1,294.13Operating Supplies08/20/18- 08/20/18- POWDERED DRINK M…119880PACWEST TOOL AND SAFETY 215-7004-60420 215.00Materials/Supplies08/24/18- IRRIGATION CONTROLLER119892SMITH PIPE & SUPPLY CO 215-7004-60431 449.44Operating Supplies09/05/18- PLANTS119906VINTAGE ASSOCIATES 215-7004-60420 909.59Materials/Supplies08/2018- COBBLE FOR LA FONDA119909WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 215-7004-60431 Fund 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND Total:30,935.45 Fund: 224 - TUMF FUND 18,374.40TUMF Payable to CVAG08/2018- TUMF FEE119841COACHELLA VALLEY ASSOC OF…224-0000-20320 Fund 224 - TUMF FUND Total:18,374.40 Fund: 248 - SA 2004 LO/MOD BOND FUND (Refinanced in 2014) 861.00Relocation Benefits09/11/18- WSA RELOCATION BENEFITS119861HARRISON, WILLIAM 248-9102-60159 861.00Relocation Benefits09/11/18- WSA RELOCATION BENEFITS119886RAMIREZ, JOSE 248-9102-60159 861.00Relocation Benefits09/11/18- WSA RELOCATION BENEFITS119893SOTO, OLGA 248-9102-60159 861.00Relocation Benefits09/11/18- WSA RELOCATION BENEFITS119899TRAN, NGOC 248-9102-60159 Fund 248 - SA 2004 LO/MOD BOND FUND (Refinanced in 2014) Total:3,444.00 Fund: 270 - ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUND 3,750.00Art Purchases09/10/18- FINAL ART PAYMENT119896THETFORD & SHAVIN ART ENT…270-0000-74800 Fund 270 - ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUND Total:3,750.00 Fund: 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 859.13Construction08/21/18- BEACON BATTERIES119848DESERT BATTERY CO INC 401-0000-60188 215.21Construction06/21/18- RESTROOM SEAMLESS MIRRORS119862HENRY'S GLASS COMPANY 401-0000-60188 369.53Construction07/27-08-20/18- RESTROOM REMODEL T…119864HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 401-0000-60188 -1,500.10Construction07/27-08-20/18- RESTROOM TILES RETURN119864HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 401-0000-60188 2,620.00TechnicalTIE-OUT ADDTL MONUMENTS119872MSA CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60108 4,820.00TechnicalON-CALL CONSTRUCTION SURVEYING SVC119872MSA CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60108 725.00Professional ServicesMADISON (AVE 50-AVE52)119873NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 935.00Professional ServicesN LQ PARKWAY TURF CONVERSION119873NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 125.00Professional ServicesSSAR SYS SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT119873NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 1,667.50Professional ServicesEISENHOWER DRAINAGE119873NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 145.00Professional ServicesWASHINGTON ST AT FRED WARING DR119873NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 2,102.50Professional ServicesJEFFERSON-AVE 53 ROUNDABOUT119873NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 19,797.50Professional ServicesLQ VILLAGE-A ROAD DIET PROJECT119873NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 145.00Professional ServicesEISENHOWER RETENTION BASIN LANDSC…119873NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 870.00Professional ServicesCALLE TAMPICO DRAINAGE119873NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 1,931.42Professional ServicesDUNE PALMS BRIDGE IMPROVEMENT119873NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 645.00Professional ServicesCC CAMPUS LAKE/IRRIG CONVERSION IM…119873NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 2,900.00Professional ServicesRETENTION BASIN (DPLM AT WWHO)119873NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 510.00Professional ServicesBPMP BRIDGE PREVENTATIVE MAINT PLAN119873NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 1,528.19Professional ServicesHSIP INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS119873NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 1,605.00Professional ServicesHSOP TRAFF SIGNAL INTERCONNECT NET…119873NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 565.00Professional ServicesWASHINGTON DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS119873NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 2,095.00Professional ServicesDUNE PALMS ST IMPROVEMENTS (WWR …119873NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 870.00Professional ServicesSB821 LQ HIGH SCHOOL ADA119873NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 7,390.00Professional ServicesPAVEMENT MGMT PLAN ST IMPROVEME…119873NAI CONSULTING INC 401-0000-60103 2,930.54Construction08/27/18- LANE LIGHTS119875NEXTECH 401-0000-60188 -7,843.57Retention PayablePO #1718-239 FINAL RETENTION119901TRI-STAR CONTRACTING, INC.401-0000-20600 156,871.34Construction2017-05 LA QUINTA HIGH SCHOOL ADA I…119901TRI-STAR CONTRACTING, INC.401-0000-60188 2,288.00Construction04/16/18- RESTROOM REMODEL HANDRY…119907VINTAGE E & S INC 401-0000-60188 4,427.00Construction06/18/18- RESTROOM REMODEL WALL B…119907VINTAGE E & S INC 401-0000-60188 1,859.76Construction08/15/18- RESTROOM REMODEL LED LIG…119907VINTAGE E & S INC 401-0000-60188 535.82Construction09/05/18- LIGHTING SUPPLIES119908WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTR…401-0000-60188 Fund 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS Total:215,004.77 39 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01747 - DA 09/14/2018 9/14/2018 4:41:45 PM Page 5 of 8 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item)Account Name Account Number Fund: 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 27.18Vehicle Repair & Maintenance09/11/18- TRAILER LIGHTS119835AUTOZONE 501-0000-60676 562.70Motorcycle Repair & Mainten…08/30/18- MOTO R1200TRP MAINT119837BMW MOTORCYCLES OF RIVE…501-0000-60679 16,811.91Vehicles, Rentals & Leases09/2018- FLEET LEASE119853ENTERPRISE FM TRUST 501-0000-71030 399.00Car Washes09/08-09/18/18- CAR WASHES119887RAN AUTO DETAIL 501-0000-60148 2,507.00Fuel & Oil08/16-08/31/18- UNLEAD/DIESEL FUEL119898TOWER ENERGY GROUP 501-0000-60674 Fund 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT Total:20,307.79 Fund: 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 736.30Copiers08/20-09/19/18- CONTRACT CHARGES119839CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES, …502-0000-60662 1,585.93Software Licenses7/10-8/09/18- LQ MICROSOFT AZURE119909WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 502-0000-60301 Fund 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Total:2,322.23 Fund: 503 - PARK EQUIP & FACILITY FUND 2,692.00Parks07/12-07/25/18- ENGINEERING INSPECTI…119868LANDMARK GEO-ENGINEERS &…503-0000-71060 Fund 503 - PARK EQUIP & FACILITY FUND Total:2,692.00 Fund: 601 - SILVERROCK RESORT 54.33Repair & Maintenance07/27-08-20/18- SILVERROCK THERMOST…119864HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 601-0000-60660 156.37Repair & Maintenance07/27-08-20/18- SRR EVAPORATIVE COOL…119864HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 601-0000-60660 410.00Repair & Maintenance09/06/18- SRR CONFORT STATION119907VINTAGE E & S INC 601-0000-60660 Fund 601 - SILVERROCK RESORT Total:620.70 Grand Total:459,466.13 40 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01747 - DA 09/14/2018 9/14/2018 4:41:45 PM Page 6 of 8 Fund Summary Fund Expense Amount 101 - GENERAL FUND 141,468.37 201 - GAS TAX FUND 1,092.30 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 19,454.12 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 30,935.45 224 - TUMF FUND 18,374.40 248 - SA 2004 LO/MOD BOND FUND (Refinanced in 2014)3,444.00 270 - ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUND 3,750.00 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 215,004.77 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 20,307.79 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 2,322.23 503 - PARK EQUIP & FACILITY FUND 2,692.00 601 - SILVERROCK RESORT 620.70 Grand Total:459,466.13 Account Summary Account Number Account Name Expense Amount 101-0000-10505 Library Petty Cash 300.00 101-0000-20304 Sales Taxes Payable -119.88 101-0000-20310 MSHCP Mitigation Fee 7,740.00 101-0000-20915 Employee Computer Loan 881.09 101-0000-42300 Cash Over/Short 9.45 101-0000-43631 CVMSHCP Admin Fee -77.40 101-1004-60129 Recruiting/Pre-Employme…80.84 101-1004-60320 Travel & Training 317.82 101-1004-60322 Training & Education/MOU 900.00 101-1005-60352 Subscriptions & Publicati…433.56 101-1005-60400 Office Supplies 281.81 101-1006-60102 Administration 100.00 101-1006-60104 Consultants 4,558.23 101-1006-60400 Office Supplies 62.37 101-1007-60470 Postage 120.95 101-2001-60109 LQ Police Volunteers 49.34 101-2001-60174 Blood/Alcohol Testing 528.00 101-2001-61300 Utilities - Telephone 1,020.78 101-2002-60116 Pest Control 129.00 101-2002-60670 Fire Station 22.19 101-2002-60691 Maintenance/Services 7,047.21 101-2002-61100 Utilities - Gas 77.89 101-2002-61200 Utilities - Water 494.33 101-2002-61304 Mobile/Cell Phones/Satell…310.72 101-2002-61400 Utilities - Cable 128.79 101-2002-80101 Machinery & Equipment 2,286.43 101-3002-60420 Operating Supplies 876.98 101-3003-60122 Credit Card Fees 20.00 101-3003-60149 Community Experiences 600.00 101-3005-60112 Landscape Contract 35,851.00 101-3005-60117 Civic Center Lake Mainten…715.84 101-3005-60431 Materials/Supplies -105.40 101-3005-60432 Tools/Equipment 98.70 101-3005-60554 LQ Park Water Feature 6.04 101-3005-60557 Tree Maintenance 68.20 101-3005-61201 Utilities - Water -Monticel…952.79 101-3005-61207 Utilities - Water -Pioneer …1,182.29 101-3005-61208 Utilities - Water -Seasons …16.96 101-3005-61300 Utilities - Telephone 34.99 101-3007-60351 Membership Dues 825.00 101-3007-60461 Marketing & Tourism Pro…38,025.34 101-3008-60116 Pest Control 47.00 101-3008-60320 Travel & Training 1,094.00 41 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01747 - DA 09/14/2018 9/14/2018 4:41:45 PM Page 7 of 8 Account Summary Account Number Account Name Expense Amount 101-3008-60420 Operating Supplies 89.16 101-3008-60431 Materials/Supplies 1,980.83 101-3008-60432 Tools/Equipment 392.44 101-3008-60667 HVAC 447.00 101-3008-60691 Maintenance/Services 250.00 101-3008-61200 Utilities - Water 48.09 101-6001-60102 Administration 20.00 101-6003-60118 Plan Checks 6,262.50 101-6003-60420 Operating Supplies 65.74 101-6003-60425 Supplies - Field 195.75 101-6004-60111 Administrative Citation Se…621.70 101-6004-60120 Lot Cleaning 1,200.00 101-6004-60197 Animal Shelter Contract S…14,047.10 101-6004-60320 Travel & Training 430.00 101-6004-60400 Office Supplies 150.83 101-6004-60690 Uniforms 267.84 101-6006-60420 Operating Supplies 288.19 101-7002-60183 Map/Plan Checking 420.00 101-7003-60320 Travel & Training 360.00 101-7003-60420 Operating Supplies 45.54 101-7003-60432 Tools/Equipment 3,454.91 101-7006-60104 Consultants 2,437.50 201-7003-60427 Safety Gear 185.18 201-7003-60431 Materials/Supplies 893.13 201-7003-60690 Uniforms 13.99 202-3004-60112 Landscape Contract 2,086.00 202-3004-60420 Operating Supplies 1,175.33 202-3004-60432 Tools/Equipment 113.58 202-3004-60665 Maint-Other Equipment 142.52 202-3004-60667 HVAC 447.00 202-3004-60691 Maintenance/Services 5,567.33 202-3004-72110 Building Improvements 5,029.84 202-3006-60112 Landscape Contract 1,169.00 202-3006-60420 Operating Supplies 170.21 202-3006-60691 Maintenance/Services 3,375.39 202-3006-61200 Utilities - Water 177.92 215-7004-60112 Landscape Contract 3,815.00 215-7004-60143 SilverRock Way Landscape 22,312.00 215-7004-60420 Operating Supplies 1,743.57 215-7004-60423 Supplies-Graffiti and Van…308.00 215-7004-60431 Materials/Supplies 1,225.30 215-7004-61117 Utilities - Electric - Media…40.37 215-7004-61211 Utilities - Water - Medians 1,491.21 224-0000-20320 TUMF Payable to CVAG 18,374.40 248-9102-60159 Relocation Benefits 3,444.00 270-0000-74800 Art Purchases 3,750.00 401-0000-20600 Retention Payable -7,843.57 401-0000-60103 Professional Services 46,552.11 401-0000-60108 Technical 7,440.00 401-0000-60188 Construction 168,856.23 501-0000-60148 Car Washes 399.00 501-0000-60674 Fuel & Oil 2,507.00 501-0000-60676 Vehicle Repair & Mainte…27.18 501-0000-60679 Motorcycle Repair & Main…562.70 501-0000-71030 Vehicles, Rentals & Leases 16,811.91 502-0000-60301 Software Licenses 1,585.93 502-0000-60662 Copiers 736.30 503-0000-71060 Parks 2,692.00 42 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01747 - DA 09/14/2018 9/14/2018 4:41:45 PM Page 8 of 8 Account Summary Account Number Account Name Expense Amount 601-0000-60660 Repair & Maintenance 620.70 Grand Total:459,466.13 Project Account Summary Project Account Key Expense Amount **None**234,548.04 091002P 725.00 091004P 2,095.00 111205P 1,931.42 151603P 19,797.50 151612P 6,002.50 1819PMPP 7,390.00 1819PMPT 2,620.00 1819TMICT 4,325.49 201601P 1,528.19 201602P 1,605.00 201603P 935.00 201606P 645.00 201701P 145.00 201703FFE 7,659.40 201704P 145.00 201705CT 156,871.34 201705P 870.00 201705RP -7,843.57 201705T 4,820.00 201707P 510.00 201708P 125.00 201709P 2,102.50 201725E 2,692.00 ARCHIVEE 143.15 CSA152E 824.00 MAKERE 6,254.17 Grand Total:459,466.13 43 9/20/2018 6:43:48 PM Page 1 of 5 Demand Register City of La Quinta Packet: APPKT01753 - DA 09/21/2018 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item)Account Name Account Number Fund: 101 - GENERAL FUND -26.53Sales Taxes Payable09/10/18- WC GYM WIPES TAX1199102XL CORPORATION 101-0000-20304 438.45Operating Supplies09/10/18- WC GYM WIPES1199102XL CORPORATION 101-3002-60420 274.80Instructors09/13/18- PILATES119913BERETTO, LUCILLA 101-3002-60107 1,742.90Recruiting/Pre-EmploymentDESIGN & DEV DIRECTOR RECRUITMENT119915BLACK & COMPANY LLC, TERI 101-1004-60129 889.16Recruiting/Pre-Employment06/18/18- D & D RECRUITMENT119915BLACK & COMPANY LLC, TERI 101-1004-60129 150.00Membership Dues0901/2018-08/31/19- MEMBERSHIP - CAL…119918CALIFORNIA PARK & RECREAT…101-3002-60351 196.05LT Care Insurance PayLONG TERM CARE119919CALPERS LONG-TERM CARE P…101-0000-20949 26.07Recruiting/Pre-Employment09/18/18- ONBOARDING SUPPLIES119920CASH/PETTY CASH 101-1004-60129 32.32Travel & Training09/18/18- LQ 2.0 SUPPLIES119920CASH/PETTY CASH 101-1004-60320 23.72Travel & Training09/18/18- PASSION AND PURPOSE119920CASH/PETTY CASH 101-1004-60320 14.45Office Supplies09/18/18- CARDSTOCK PAPER119920CASH/PETTY CASH 101-1005-60400 38.06Travel & Training09/18/18- BUDGET VIDEO SUPPLIES119920CASH/PETTY CASH 101-1006-60320 23.60Office Supplies09/18/18- OFFICE SUPPLIES119920CASH/PETTY CASH 101-1006-60400 26.49Office Supplies09/18/18- OFFICE SUPPLIES119920CASH/PETTY CASH 101-1006-60400 41.95Travel & Training09/18/18- SHELTER TRAINING SNACKS119920CASH/PETTY CASH 101-2002-60320 22.09Travel & Training09/18/18- STVRP RETREAT REIMB119920CASH/PETTY CASH 101-3001-60320 19.98Travel & Training09/18/18- ULI TAP SUPPLIES119920CASH/PETTY CASH 101-6002-60320 11.12Travel & Training09/18/18- ULI TAP MEETING SUPPLIES119920CASH/PETTY CASH 101-6002-60320 7.00Travel & Training09/18/18- PARKING SANTA ANA119920CASH/PETTY CASH 101-7006-60320 310.49Utilities - Water09/18/18- WATER SERVICE119922COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-2002-61200 2,468.89Utilities - Water -Monticello Pa…09/18/18- WATER SERVICE119922COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3005-61201 104.32Utilities - Water -Fritz Burns pa…09/18/18- WATER SERVICE119922COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3005-61204 207.96Utilities - Water -Community P…09/18/18- WATER SERVICE119922COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3005-61209 94.99Utilities - Water09/18/18- WATER SERVICE119922COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3008-61200 501.17Utilities - Water -Desert Pride09/13/18- WATER SERVICE119922COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3005-61206 329.21Utilities - Water09/18/18- WATER SERVICE119922COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-2002-61200 137.20Utilities - Water -Eisenhower P…09/18/18- WATER SERVICE119922COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3005-61203 148.18Utilities - Water -Velasco Park09/18/18- WATER SERVICE119922COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3005-61205 36.06PM 10 - Dust Control09/18/18- WATER SERVICE119922COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-7006-60146 180.60Instructors09/13/18- CARDIO STRENTH/TAI CHI119923COHEN, ANN MARIE 101-3002-60107 205.81Citywide Conf Room Supplies09/12/18- COFFEE SUPPLIES119924DAIOHS FIRST CHOICE SERVICES 101-1007-60403 51.01Subscriptions & Publications10/2018- SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE119926DESERT SUN, THE 101-6001-60352 1,398.06Operating Supplies08/17/18- WC SLIDING DOOR SENSOR119927DOOR TECH, LLC 101-3002-60420 165.00Consultants09/04/18- PHYSICALS119928EISENHOWER OCCUPATIONAL…101-1004-60104 230.00Recruiting/Pre-Employment09/04/18- PHYSICALS119928EISENHOWER OCCUPATIONAL…101-1004-60129 165.00Travel & Training09/04/18- PHYSICALS119928EISENHOWER OCCUPATIONAL…101-7003-60320 28.52Postage09/14/18- OVERNIGHT MAIL119929FEDEX 101-1007-60470 110.26Professional Services09/2018- LQ ARMORED SERVICE119931GARDAWORLD 101-1006-60103 822.91Travel & Training09/12-09/14/18- MILEAGE/EXP REIMB LE…119932GRAHAM, MARCIE 101-3007-60320 325.00Travel & Training09/10/18- ONSITE HEARING TEST119933HEALTH METRICS INC 101-7003-60320 54.50Recruiting/Pre-Employment08/2018- PRE EMPLOYMENT BACKROUND119936IRC INC 101-1004-60129 224.00Instructors09/17/18- PERSONAL TRAINER119937KEPLER, KRISTOFFER 101-3002-60107 577.50Employee Recognition Awards09/19/18- 2018 EMP RECOG DEPOSIT119938LA QUINTA RESORT & CLUB 101-1004-60340 122.50Instructors09/13/18- TAI CHI CHUAN119939MEDEIROS, JOYCELEEN 101-3002-60107 10,604.10JanitorialJANITORIAL SERVICES119940MERCHANTS BUILDING MAINT…101-3008-60115 187.20Instructors09/13/18- ZUMBA119942MISELL, STACY 101-3002-60107 1,139.00Lot Cleaning09/17/18- 54735 VELLIGO BOARD UP PRO…119943MOYA, DANIEL 101-6004-60120 175.00Membership Dues09/18/18- NRPA MEMBERSHIP - CALDER…119944NATIONAL RECREATION & PA…101-3002-60351 651.42Materials/Supplies09/14/18- FURNITURE SHIELDS119948PALMS TO PINES PRINTING 101-3008-60431 1,607.50Community Experiences11/17/18- GAMES FOR BREW IN LQ %50 P…119949PARTY PALS 101-3003-60149 1,050.00Community Special Events09/17/18- COMMUNITY BUDGET VIDEO119950PETERSON, GREGORY E 101-1006-60137 145.73Travel & Training09/12-09/14/18- MILEAGE REIMB LEAGUE…119951RADEVA, MONIKA 101-1005-60320 3,000.00Technical09/14/18- CITY SPONSORSHIP119952RAP FOUNDATION/SENIOR IN…101-3002-60108 44 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01753 - DA 09/21/2018 9/20/2018 6:43:48 PM Page 2 of 5 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item)Account Name Account Number 430.00Map/Plan CheckingFY18/19 ON-CALL MAP CHECKING SERVIC…119953RASA/ERIC NELSON 101-7002-60183 24.00Due to County Recorder07/2018- PMER 2017-0002 RIVCO RECORD…119954RIVERSIDE ASSESSOR 101-0000-20325 18.00Technical08/2018- RIVCO RECORDER119954RIVERSIDE ASSESSOR 101-6004-60108 444.39Sheriff - Other07/24-08/24/18- MOTOR COP FUEL119955RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60176 200.00Garnishments PayableGARNISHMENT119956RIVERSIDE DEPARTMENT OF C…101-0000-20985 1,636.60Instructors09/13/18- TAEKWONDO119957ROJAS, MIGUEL ANGEL 101-3002-60107 128.00Instructors09/17/18- PERSONAL TRAINER119958ROSE-FARKAS, LORETTA ANN 101-3002-60107 141.07Travel & Training09/12-09/13/18- LEAGUE OF CA EXP REIMB119959SCOTT, ANGELA 101-1004-60320 529.20Instructors09/13/18- BALLROOM DANCING119960SHIRY, TERESA 101-3002-60107 246.43Operating Supplies09/07/18- YARD DRINKING WATER119961SPARKLETTS 101-7003-60420 59.87Citywide Conf Room Supplies09/07/18- CENTRALIZED WATER SERVICE119961SPARKLETTS 101-1007-60403 193.63Office Supplies09/11/18- OFFICE SUPPLIES119962STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-6001-60400 1,755.00Travel & Training09/19/18- TOASTERS INTERNATIONAL M…119964TOASTMASTERS INTERNATIO…101-1004-60320 42.00United Way DeductionsCONTRIBUTION119966UNITED WAY OF THE DESERT 101-0000-20981 120.40Instructors09/13/18- MEDITATION119967VERMA,VIBHAKAR 101-3002-60107 323.00Marketing & Tourism Promoti…09/12/18- WEBSITE MAINT119968VISION INTERNET PROVIDERS 101-3007-60461 -6.29Sales Taxes Payable08/2018- IT SUPPLIES TAX119969WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-0000-20304 -43.56Sales Taxes Payable08/2018- LEAGUE SUPPLIES - AUDIO CASE…119969WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-0000-20304 110.65Travel & Training08/2018- GCVCC BREAKFAST119969WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-1001-60320 11.97Travel & Training08/2018- COUNCIL MTG SUPPLIES119969WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-1001-60320 44.29Travel & Training08/2018- GCVCC BREAKFAST119969WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-1002-60320 131.11Travel & Training08/2018- LEAGUE ANNL CONF - SCOTT119969WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-1004-60320 183.65Travel & Training08/2018- PASSION & PURPOSE LUNCHEON119969WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-1004-60320 541.38Advertising08/2018- LEAGUE SUPPLIES - AUDIO CASE119969WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-3007-60450 1,645.00Advertising08/2018- LEAGUE EXPO SUPPLIES119969WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-3007-60450 571.25Advertising08/2018- LEAGUE CONF BOOTH119969WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-3007-60450 35.00Travel & Training08/2018- REG FOR IES-APA/AEP - CHERI119969WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-6002-60320 90.38Subscriptions & Publications08/2018- 18 SUBDIVISION MAP ACT BOOKS119969WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-6002-60352 380.00Travel & Training08/2018- ATSSA MEMBERSHIP - D HANSEN119969WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-7003-60320 195.00Travel & Training08/2018- STORM WATER APP FEE119969WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-7003-60320 60.26Subscriptions & Publications08/2018- 18 SUBDIVISION MAP ACT BOOKS119969WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 101-7006-60352 770.00Travel & Training09/15/18- CODE OFFICER BATON TRAINING119970WOODS SECURITY AND TRAIN…101-6004-60320 Fund 101 - GENERAL FUND Total:42,522.45 Fund: 201 - GAS TAX FUND 53.90Storm Drains08/29/18- STORM DRAIN CAP119930FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, INC 201-7003-60672 72.84Paint/Legends09/05/18- STREETS PAINT119963THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO.201-7003-60433 113.54Paint/Legends09/07/18- WHITE STRIPING PAINT119965TOPS'N BARRICADES INC 201-7003-60433 594.32Traffic Control Signs09/07/18- TRAFFIC SIGNS119965TOPS'N BARRICADES INC 201-7003-60429 358.28Traffic Control Signs09/10/18- TRAFFIC SIGNS119965TOPS'N BARRICADES INC 201-7003-60429 458.38Traffic Control Signs09/11/18- TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS119965TOPS'N BARRICADES INC 201-7003-60429 Fund 201 - GAS TAX FUND Total:1,651.26 Fund: 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 32.09Operating Supplies09/18/18- MAKERSPACE SUPPLIES119920CASH/PETTY CASH 202-3004-60420 2,470.30JanitorialJANITORIAL SERVICES119940MERCHANTS BUILDING MAINT…202-3004-60115 659.25JanitorialJANITORIAL SERVICES119940MERCHANTS BUILDING MAINT…202-3006-60115 1,915.90Operating Supplies08/2018- MAKERSPACE MONITORS119969WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 202-3004-60420 Fund 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND Total:5,077.54 Fund: 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 1,571.42Utilities - Water - Medians09/13/18- WATER SERVICE119922COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…215-7004-61211 4,332.19Utilities - Water - Medians09/18/18- WATER SERVICE119922COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…215-7004-61211 325.00Travel & Training09/10/18- ONSITE HEARING TEST119933HEALTH METRICS INC 215-7004-60320 569.29Utilities - Electric09/17/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE119935IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 215-7004-61116 50.57Utilities - Electric - Medians09/17/18- ELECTRICITY SERVICE119935IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 215-7004-61117 1,097.08Materials/Supplies08/2018- GRAVEL FOR LA FONDA119969WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 215-7004-60431 Fund 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND Total:7,945.55 Fund: 241 - HOUSING AUTHORITY 4,368.75Professional ServicesFY18/19 HOUSING COMPLIANCE & MONI…119917CAHA, BECKY 241-9101-60103 34.00Professional Services08/2018- RIVCO RECORDER119954RIVERSIDE ASSESSOR 241-9101-60103 Fund 241 - HOUSING AUTHORITY Total:4,402.75 45 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01753 - DA 09/21/2018 9/20/2018 6:43:48 PM Page 3 of 5 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item)Account Name Account Number Fund: 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS -25,822.82Retention PayablePO#1819-20 RETENTION #1119911AMERICAN ASPHALT SOUTH I…401-0000-20600 516,456.45ConstructionFY 18/19 PMP - ZONE 2 - SLURRY SEAL & S…119911AMERICAN ASPHALT SOUTH I…401-0000-60188 23,703.31DesignDUNE PALMS BRIDGE LOW WATER CROSS…119912BENGAL ENGINEERING INC 401-0000-60185 16.28Construction09/18/18- ICE CHEST119920CASH/PETTY CASH 401-0000-60188 100.00Design09/20/18- APPLICATION FEE119925DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIO…401-0000-60185 625.00DesignON-CALL PROF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTUR…119934HERMANN DESIGN GROUP INC 401-0000-60185 1,315.90DesignON-CALL PROF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTUR…119934HERMANN DESIGN GROUP INC 401-0000-60185 285.00DesignON-CALL PROF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTUR…119934HERMANN DESIGN GROUP INC 401-0000-60185 3,840.00DesignON-CALL PROF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTUR…119934HERMANN DESIGN GROUP INC 401-0000-60185 190.00DesignON-CALL PROF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTUR…119934HERMANN DESIGN GROUP INC 401-0000-60185 570.00DesignON-CALL PROF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTUR…119934HERMANN DESIGN GROUP INC 401-0000-60185 2,765.25DesignSRR PHASE II INFRASTRUCTURE PRJ 20141…119941MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIO…401-0000-60185 9,037.55ConstructionFLASHING BEACON SYS- M PAIGE CROSS…119945NEXTECH 401-0000-60188 79,847.54DesignFY18/19 VILLAGE COMPLETE STREETS119947OMNI-MEANS 401-0000-60185 125,471.77DesignFY18/19 VILLAGE COMPLETE STREETS119947OMNI-MEANS 401-0000-60185 1,160.00DesignFY18/19 ON-CALL MAP CHECKING SERVIC…119953RASA/ERIC NELSON 401-0000-60185 Fund 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS Total:739,561.23 Fund: 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 7,582.81Machinery & EquipmentDUMP TRAILER119914BIG TEX TRAILER WORLD INC 501-0000-80100 3,862.69Vehicle Repair & Maintenance08/17/18- TRUCK #87 REPAIRS119916BRAVO'S AUTO & BODY REPAIR 501-0000-60676 309.94Parts & Maintenance Supplies09/07/18- TRUCK LIGHTS119965TOPS'N BARRICADES INC 501-0000-60675 Fund 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT Total:11,755.44 Fund: 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 50.00Software Licenses08/13-09/13/18- BASECAMP 2119969WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 502-0000-60301 228.00Software Licenses08/2018-08/2019- SURVEY MONKEY SUBS…119969WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 502-0000-60301 78.20Operating Supplies08/2018- IT SUPPLIES119969WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 502-0000-60420 752.77Computers08/2018- PLANNING MONITORS119969WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 502-0000-80103 Fund 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Total:1,108.97 Fund: 504 - INSURANCE FUND 23.98Travel & Training09/18/18- RISK SPECIALIST SUPPLIES119920CASH/PETTY CASH 504-1010-60320 8.69Office Supplies09/06/18- OFFICE SUPPLIES119946OFFICE DEPOT 504-1010-60400 Fund 504 - INSURANCE FUND Total:32.67 Fund: 601 - SILVERROCK RESORT 44,340.00Tamarisk Removal Pump RepairCLOUDBURST ENGINEERING - SRR REPLAC…119921CLOUDBURST ENGINEERING, I…601-0000-60214 648.65Bank Fees09/2018- SRR ARMORED SERVICE119931GARDAWORLD 601-0000-60455 15.97Bank Fees08/2018- SRR ARMORED SERVICE119931GARDAWORLD 601-0000-60455 40.36Bank Fees08/2018- SRR ARMORED SERVICES119931GARDAWORLD 601-0000-60455 Fund 601 - SILVERROCK RESORT Total:45,044.98 Grand Total:859,102.84 46 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01753 - DA 09/21/2018 9/20/2018 6:43:48 PM Page 4 of 5 Fund Summary Fund Expense Amount 101 - GENERAL FUND 42,522.45 201 - GAS TAX FUND 1,651.26 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 5,077.54 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 7,945.55 241 - HOUSING AUTHORITY 4,402.75 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 739,561.23 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 11,755.44 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 1,108.97 504 - INSURANCE FUND 32.67 601 - SILVERROCK RESORT 45,044.98 Grand Total:859,102.84 Account Summary Account Number Account Name Expense Amount 101-0000-20304 Sales Taxes Payable -76.38 101-0000-20325 Due to County Recorder 24.00 101-0000-20949 LT Care Insurance Pay 196.05 101-0000-20981 United Way Deductions 42.00 101-0000-20985 Garnishments Payable 200.00 101-1001-60320 Travel & Training 122.62 101-1002-60320 Travel & Training 44.29 101-1004-60104 Consultants 165.00 101-1004-60129 Recruiting/Pre-Employme…2,942.63 101-1004-60320 Travel & Training 2,266.87 101-1004-60340 Employee Recognition Aw…577.50 101-1005-60320 Travel & Training 145.73 101-1005-60400 Office Supplies 14.45 101-1006-60103 Professional Services 110.26 101-1006-60137 Community Special Events 1,050.00 101-1006-60320 Travel & Training 38.06 101-1006-60400 Office Supplies 50.09 101-1007-60403 Citywide Conf Room Suppl…265.68 101-1007-60470 Postage 28.52 101-2001-60176 Sheriff - Other 444.39 101-2002-60320 Travel & Training 41.95 101-2002-61200 Utilities - Water 639.70 101-3001-60320 Travel & Training 22.09 101-3002-60107 Instructors 3,403.30 101-3002-60108 Technical 3,000.00 101-3002-60351 Membership Dues 325.00 101-3002-60420 Operating Supplies 1,836.51 101-3003-60149 Community Experiences 1,607.50 101-3005-61201 Utilities - Water -Monticel…2,468.89 101-3005-61203 Utilities - Water -Eisenho…137.20 101-3005-61204 Utilities - Water -Fritz Bur…104.32 101-3005-61205 Utilities - Water -Velasco …148.18 101-3005-61206 Utilities - Water -Desert Pr…501.17 101-3005-61209 Utilities - Water -Commun…207.96 101-3007-60320 Travel & Training 822.91 101-3007-60450 Advertising 2,757.63 101-3007-60461 Marketing & Tourism Pro…323.00 101-3008-60115 Janitorial 10,604.10 101-3008-60431 Materials/Supplies 651.42 101-3008-61200 Utilities - Water 94.99 101-6001-60352 Subscriptions & Publicati…51.01 101-6001-60400 Office Supplies 193.63 101-6002-60320 Travel & Training 66.10 101-6002-60352 Subscriptions & Publicati…90.38 101-6004-60108 Technical 18.00 47 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01753 - DA 09/21/2018 9/20/2018 6:43:48 PM Page 5 of 5 Account Summary Account Number Account Name Expense Amount 101-6004-60120 Lot Cleaning 1,139.00 101-6004-60320 Travel & Training 770.00 101-7002-60183 Map/Plan Checking 430.00 101-7003-60320 Travel & Training 1,065.00 101-7003-60420 Operating Supplies 246.43 101-7006-60146 PM 10 - Dust Control 36.06 101-7006-60320 Travel & Training 7.00 101-7006-60352 Subscriptions & Publicati…60.26 201-7003-60429 Traffic Control Signs 1,410.98 201-7003-60433 Paint/Legends 186.38 201-7003-60672 Storm Drains 53.90 202-3004-60115 Janitorial 2,470.30 202-3004-60420 Operating Supplies 1,947.99 202-3006-60115 Janitorial 659.25 215-7004-60320 Travel & Training 325.00 215-7004-60431 Materials/Supplies 1,097.08 215-7004-61116 Utilities - Electric 569.29 215-7004-61117 Utilities - Electric - Media…50.57 215-7004-61211 Utilities - Water - Medians 5,903.61 241-9101-60103 Professional Services 4,402.75 401-0000-20600 Retention Payable -25,822.82 401-0000-60185 Design 239,873.77 401-0000-60188 Construction 525,510.28 501-0000-60675 Parts & Maintenance Supp…309.94 501-0000-60676 Vehicle Repair & Mainte…3,862.69 501-0000-80100 Machinery & Equipment 7,582.81 502-0000-60301 Software Licenses 278.00 502-0000-60420 Operating Supplies 78.20 502-0000-80103 Computers 752.77 504-1010-60320 Travel & Training 23.98 504-1010-60400 Office Supplies 8.69 601-0000-60214 Tamarisk Removal Pump …44,340.00 601-0000-60455 Bank Fees 704.98 Grand Total:859,102.84 Project Account Summary Project Account Key Expense Amount **None**115,737.22 111205D 24,863.31 141517D 2,865.25 151603D 205,319.31 1819PMPCT 516,456.45 1819PMPRP -25,822.82 1819TMICT 9,053.83 201603D 6,825.90 BREWE 1,607.50 CSA152E 248.90 MAKERE 1,947.99 Grand Total:859,102.84 48 City of La Quinta Bank Transactions 9/01/18 – 9/21/18 Wire Transaction Listed below are the wire transfer from 9/01/18 – 9/21/18 Wire Transfers: 09/06/2018 - WIRE TRANSFER - LANDMARK 135,608.64$ 09/06/2018 - WIRE TRANSFER - CALPERS 1,050.00$ 09/06/2018 - WIRE TRANSFER - CALPERS 108,498.40$ 09/07/2018 - WIRE TRANSFER - ICMA 4,275.48$ 09/07/2018 - WIRE TRANSFER - LQCEA 441.00$ 09/07/2018 - WIRE TRANSFER - CALPERS 522.17$ 09/10/2018 - WIRE TRANSFER - CALPERS 39,502.76$ 09/11/2018 - WIRE TRANSFER - TASC 1,224.96$ 09/18/2018 - WIRE TRANSFER - DEBT SERVICE 667,860.22$ 09/18/2018 - WIRE TRANSFER - FIRST AMERICAN TITLE 18,991.00$ 09/18/2018 - WIRE TRANSFER - FIRST AMERICAN TITLE 11,340.00$ 09/18/2018 - WIRE TRANSFER - COMMON WEALTH TITLE 98,237.00$ 09/19/2018 - WIRE TRANSFER - LAWYERS TITLE 41,905.51$ 09/19/2018 - WIRE TRANSFER - CALPERS 269.22$ 09/21/2018 - WIRE TRANSFER - ICMA 14,625.48$ 09/21/2018 - WIRE TRANSFER - LQCEA 432.00$ 09/21/2018 - WIRE TRANSFER - LANDMARK 145,351.56$ TOTAL WIRE TRANSFERS OUT 1,290,135.40$ ATTACHMENT 2 49 50 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: October 2, 2018 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: AWARD CONTRACT TO ELECNOR BELCO ELECTRIC, INC. FOR THE HIGHWAY SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT (PROJECT NO. 2016-01) RECOMMENDATION Award a contract to Elecnor Belco Electric, Inc. in the amount of $815,411 for the Highway Safety Improvements Program Intersection Improvements Project. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY •The Highway Safety Improvements Program (HSIP) Intersection Improvements Project (Project) will upgrade the signal cabinets at eight intersections; cabinet controllers at fifteen intersections; and, replace all intersection safety lighting and internally illuminated street name signs with LED lights (Attachment 1). The project will also update all intersection street name sign panels. •Construction is funded with federal HSIP funds. •Elecnor Belco Electric, Inc. of Chino, California, submitted the lowest responsible and responsive bid of $815,411. (Attachment 2) FISCAL IMPACT The total project budget is $1,260,400. The 2016/17 Capital Improvement Program allocated $1,134,300 of HSIP Grant funds and $126,100 of Measure A Funds for the required City match. The following table presents the project budget: Project Budget Design / Professional $ 132,300 City Administration $ 13,500 Inspection/Testing/Survey: $ 92,537 Construction: $ 815,411 Contingency: $ 206,652 Total Budget: $ 1,260,400 CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 7 51 BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS In August 2015, Council ratified the submission of an HSIP grant application to upgrade the traffic signal equipment, safety lights, and street name signs at various intersections throughout the City to improve traffic safety. The HSIP Intersection Improvements include: Upgraded Traffic Signal Cabinets and Cabinet Controllers: New traffic signal cabinets and cabinet controllers will replace outdated equipment improving signal reliability and timing. LED Lighting: New LED lighting will replace existing high-pressure sodium bulbs for the intersection safety lights and street name signs to improve visibility at night. New Street Name Sign Panels: All street name sign panels will be upgraded to current standards improving driver readability. In May 2018, Staff solicited construction bids from qualified contractors. The City received one bid on June 7, 2018. The project was re-advertised to meet federal requirements. On August 2, 2018, Staff solicited construction bids from qualified contractors. The City received five bids on August 30, 2018 (Attachment 2). The following is the project schedule: Council Considers Project Award October 2, 2018 Execute Contract and Mobilize October 3 to November 1, 2018 Construction (45 Working Days) November to January 2018 Accept Improvements February 2018 ALTERNATIVES Staff does not recommend an alternative. Prepared by: Julie Mignogna, Management Analyst Approved by: Bryan McKinney, City Engineer Attachments: 1. Project Map 2. Bid Comparison Summary 52 WASHINGTON STADAMS STDUNE PALMS RDJEFFERSON STFRED WARING DR MILES AVE HIGHW A Y 1 1 1 AVENUE 47 AVENUE 48 AVENUE 50 AVENUE 52 CALLE TAMPICOEISENHOWER DRINDIAN WELLS LA QUINTA INDIOC:\Users\JNICKERSON\Desktop\Reference\Logos\North Arrow.png 08-LA QUINTA-2 INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT MAP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1112 13 141516 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2425 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 35 37 39 40 41 42 43 50 51 34 36 38 44 45 46 48 49 47 1. Washington / Palm Royale 2. Washington / Fred Waring 3. Fred Waring / Palm Royale 4. Fred Waring / Adams 5. Fred Waring / Dune Palms 6. Washington / Miles 7. Miles / Seeley 8. Miles / Adams 9. Miles / Dune Palms 10. Miles / Ped Crossing 11. Dune Palms / Desert Crest 12. Washington / Channel 13. Adams / Westward Ho 14. Dune Palms / Westward Ho 15. Hwy 111 / Plaza La Quinta 16. Hwy 111 / Washington 17. Hwy 111 / Simon 18. Hwy 111 / LQ Center 19. Hwy 111 / Adams 20. Hwy 111 / La Quinta Dr 21. Hwy 111 / Dune Palms 22. Hwy 111 / Depot Dr 23. Hwy 111 / Jefferson 24. Jefferson / Vista Grande 25. Washington / Simon 26. Washington / Ave 47 27. Adams / Ave 47 28. Dune Palms / Coralina 29. Washington / Ave 48 30. Adams / Ave 48 31. Dune Palms / Ave 48 32. Jefferson / Ave 48 33. Washington / Rancho LQ 34. Eisenhower / Coachella 35. Jefferson / Ave 49 36. Eisenhower / Fernando 37. Washington / Sagebrush 38. Eisenhower / Ave 50 39. Washington / Ave 50 40. Park / Ave 50 41. Jefferson / Ave 50 42. Washington / Village Center 43. Jefferson / Pomelo 44. Eisenhower / Tampico 45. Tampico / Bermudas 46. Tampico / Desert Club 47. Washington / Tampico 48. Ave 52 / Bermudas 49. Ave 52 / Desert Club 50. Washington / Ave 52 51. Ave 52 / Centrino ATTACHMENT 1 53 54 BID OPENING: 08-30-2018BID COMPARISON SUMMARYCity Project No. 2016-01Federal Project No. HSIPL-5433(015)Item No.Description QTY Unit Unit Price Extended Price Unit Price Extended Price Unit Price Extended Price Unit Price Extended Price Unit Price Extended Price Unit Price Extended Price1 Mobilization1 LS 90,000.00$ 90,000.00$ 29,000.00$ 29,000.00$ 31,713.00$ 31,713.00$ 9,160.00$ 9,160.00$25,000.00$ 25,000.00$ 33,000.00$ 33,000.00$ 2 Traffic Control1 LS 85,180.00$ 85,180.00$ 26,000.00$ 26,000.00$ 26,196.03$ 26,196.03$ 146,960.00$ 146,960.00$ 20,000.00$ 20,000.00$ 54,822.00$ 54,822.00$ 3Remove Existing Controller and Replace with Cobalt ATC Controller15 EA 30,000.00$ 450,000.00$ 10,612.00$ 159,180.00$ 9,422.65$ 141,339.75$ 10,180.00$ 152,700.00$ 10,000.00$ 150,000.00$ 11,000.00$ 165,000.00$ 4Remove Existing Cabinet and Replace with Type "O" Cabinet3 EA 30,000.00$ 90,000.00$ 28,634.00$ 85,902.00$ 29,791.33$ 89,373.99$ 43,162.00$ 129,486.00$ 30,900.00$ 92,700.00$ 39,000.00$ 117,000.00$ 5Remove Existing Cabinet and Replace with Type "P" Cabinet5 EA 9,000.00$ 45,000.00$ 28,782.00$ 143,910.00$ 28,720.35$ 143,601.75$ 43,041.00$ 215,205.00$ 31,000.00$ 155,000.00$ 31,000.00$ 155,000.00$ 6LED Retrofit of Safety Luminaire159 EA 1,300.00$ 206,700.00$ 688.00$ 109,392.00$ 800.97$ 127,354.23$ 527.00$ 83,793.00$ 750.00$ 119,250.00$ 650.00$ 103,350.00$ 7LED Retrofit of Internally Illuminated Street Name Sign Type "A" Housing - Eight-foot Sign103 EA 1,200.00$ 123,600.00$ 778.00$ 80,134.00$ 1,054.60$ 108,623.80$ 802.00$ 82,606.00$ 1,500.00$ 154,500.00$ 1,130.00$ 116,390.00$ 8LED Retrofit of Internally Illuminated Street Name Sign Type "A" Housing - Six-foot Sign44 EA560.00$ 24,640.00$ 633.00$ 27,852.00$ 995.94$ 43,821.36$ 709.00$ 31,196.00$ 900.00$ 39,600.00$ 930.00$ 40,920.00$ 9Remove and Replace Illuminated Street Name Sign Type "A" Housing & Edge Housing - Eight-foot Sign129 EA560.00$ 72,240.00$ 864.00$ 111,456.00$ 1,039.25$ 134,063.25$ 662.00$ 85,398.00$ 1,500.00$ 193,500.00$ 3,000.00$ 387,000.00$ 10Remove and Replace Illuminated Street Name Panels - Six-foot Sign51 EA550.00$ 28,050.00$ 835.00$ 42,585.00$ 784.73$ 40,021.23$ 673.00$ 34,323.00$ 900.00$ 45,900.00$ 930.00$ 47,430.00$ 1,215,410.00$ 815,411.00$ 886,108.39$ 970,827.00$ 995,450.00$ 1,219,912.00$ Denotes Calculation ErrorBID PRICE: 886,840.80$ PTM GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC.ECONOLITE SYSTEMS, INC.SIERRA PACIFIC ELECTRICAL CONTRACTINGDBX, INC.ELECNOR BELCO ELECTRIC, INC.SUBTOTAL BID ITEMS 1-10:Engineers Estimate9/4/2018Page 1 of 1ATTACHMENT 2ATTACHMENT 2 55 56 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: October 2, 2018 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: APPROVE COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF PALM DESERT AND CITY OF INDIAN WELLS FOR DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF THE WASHINGTON STREET INTERSECTION WITH FRED WARING DRIVE (PROJECT NO. 2017-01) RECOMMENDATION Approve a cooperative agreement with the Cities of Palm Desert and Indian Wells for the design and construction of the Washington Street intersection with Fred Waring Drive Project; and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY •The project will construct triple left turn lanes on all four approaches to the Washington Street and Fred Waring Drive intersection. •The estimated cost is $1,860,745, with the Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG) funding 75% $1,395,555 as part of its regional share. •The proposed cooperative agreement (Agreement) with the Cities of Palm Desert and Indian Wells is a reimbursement agreement for the remaining 25% of the cost (Attachment 1). •La Quinta will pay 50% of the local agency cost with Palm Desert and Indian Wells, splitting the other 50%. FISCAL IMPACT The City would pay $232,595. This represents 50% of the local agency cost; two of the four approaches are located in the City of La Quinta. The remaining 50% would be shared by the cities of Palm Desert and Indian Wells. The City’s share is budgeted in the Capital Improvement Program using Measure A funds. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 8 57 The following is the anticipated agency cost share: Agency Project Percentage Share Project Cost Share CVAG 75% $1,395,555 La Quinta 12.5% $232,595 Palm Desert 6.25% $116,297 Indian Wells 6.25% $116,297 BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The project will create triple left turn lanes on all four approaches to the Washington Street and Fred Waring Drive intersection. The work will include modifying the median curb locations and reconstructing the curb, gutter and sidewalks at the intersection corners. The 2013 update to the City’s General Plan acknowledged that Washington Street has operational deficiencies. Staff determined that installing triple left turn lanes at critical intersections would help traffic flow; the triple lefts constructed at the intersections of Calle Tampico at Washington Street, Eisenhower Drive at Washington Street, and Washington Street at Highway 111 have improved traffic flows. Both Palm Desert and Indian Wells voiced support for adding an additional left turn lane on all approaches to this intersection to improve traffic flow and reduce delays. An intersection improvements analysis was submitted to CVAG and the executive committee approved the project in February 2018. In April 2018, Council approved a reimbursement agreement with CVAG. This Agreement provides the reimbursement terms with the cities of Palm Desert and Indian Wells. ALTERNATIVES Council may choose not to approve the agreement. This would require the City to pay the full cost of City funded portion of the project. Prepared by: Julie Mignogna, Management Analyst Approved by: Bryan McKinney, City Engineer Attachment: 1. Cooperative Agreement 58 COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT FOR DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF TRIPLE LEFT TURN LANES ON WASHINGTON STREET AND FRED WARING DRIVE This COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT FOR DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF TRIPLE LEFT TURN LANES ON WASHINGTON STREET AND FRED WARING DRIVE (hereinafter “Agreement”) is entered into this ______ day of _______________, 2018 between the City of La Quinta, a municipal corporation and charter city, referred to herein as “La Quinta,” the City of Palm Desert, a municipal corporation and charter city, referred to herein as “Palm Desert,” and the City of Indian Wells, a municipal corporation and charter city, referred to herein as “Indian Wells.” La Quinta, Palm Desert, and Indian Wells are collectively referred to in this Agreement as “Contracting Parties” or “Parties.” 1.0 SCOPE OF AGREEMENT 1.1 Scope. In compliance with all terms and conditions of this Agreement, Contracting Parties hereby agree to engineer, construct, finance, operate, and maintain triple left turn lanes on Washington Street and Fred Waring Drive to mitigate left turn lane queuing and to ensure the intersection of Washington Street and Fred Waring Drive operates at an acceptable level of services (“Project”), depicted in Exhibit “A” attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The cost of proposed improvements to design and construct the Project is specified in the Project Estimate in Exhibit “B” attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference (“Project Cost”). Parties hereby agree that design and construction of the Project will be publically advertised for proposals from professional services firms for plans and specifications and publically bid to construction contractors and subcontractors (collectively referred to herein as “Contractors”), and thus subject to all California laws governing publically bid projects. Contracting Parties hereby agree that the City of La Quinta shall be the lead agency regarding the Project and shall be responsible for the public bidding process and completion of all Project components, and that Indian Wells and Palm Desert shall reimburse La Quinta for 25% of the Project Cost, excluding the items in Section 3.2, in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. 1.2 Compliance with Law. The Project contemplated herein shall be paid for and constructed in accordance with all ordinances, resolutions, statutes, rules, regulations, and laws of the City and any Federal, State, or local governmental agency of competent jurisdiction. 1.3 Wage and Hour Compliance. Contracting Parties shall require all Contractors to comply with applicable Federal, State, and local wage and hour laws for the Project. 1.4 Licenses, Permits, Fees and Assessments. Contracting Parties shall require Contractors to obtain such licenses, permits, and approvals as may be required by law for the performance of the Project, and Contractors shall be responsible to pay for any ATTACHMENT 1 59 fees, assessments, and taxes, plus applicable penalties and interest, which may be imposed by law and arise from or are necessary for the performance of the Project. 1.5 Familiarity with Project. Any Contractor shall warrant that they (a) have thoroughly investigated and considered the Project to be performed, (b) have investigated the site where the Project is to be constructed and fully acquainted with the conditions there existing, (c) have carefully considered how the Project should be completed, and (d) fully understand the facilities, difficulties, and restrictions attending completion of the Project. 1.6 Additional Services. In accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Contracting Parties shall fund and construct the Project as depicted in Exhibit “A” herein and the Project Cost in Exhibit “B” herein. If any additional work is required in addition to the work specified in Exhibit “B,” (“Additional Work”), Contracting Parties shall not authorize any Contractor to perform such Additional Work until receiving prior written authorization from all Contracting Parties. Any Additional Services required shall be approved in advance and paid for in proportional shares (i.e., 25% for Indian Wells, 25% for Palm Desert, and 50% for La Quinta) upon obtaining written authorization for such Additional Services from all Contracting Parties. If it is determined that a cost overrun exceeding 15% of the construction bid will occur, the Contracting Parties shall endeavor to negotiate in good faith among each other and with any Contractor to agree upon an alternative course of action. All contract change orders which individually or cumulatively exceed 15% of the bid price as described in Exhibit “B” for the relevant contract bid items shall be submitted by La Quinta to Palm Desert and Indian Wells for review and approval prior to authorization by La Quinta to Contractor. 1.7 Responsibility for Operations and Maintenance Following Project Completion. Upon completion of the Project, the Contracting Parties shall assume maintenance responsibilities for the improvements within the respective jurisdictions of the Contracting Parties. Notwithstanding, any agreement(s) in place prior to this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect in accordance with the terms and provisions of those preexisting agreements. 2.0 PAYMENT OF COSTS 2.1 Contract Sum. For the Project contemplated by this Agreement, Contracting Parties shall pay a combined total price in the amount of $1,860,745 (“Project Cost”), as described in more detail in Exhibit “B.” The City of Indian Wells shall contribute 25% of the Project Cost, the City of Palm Desert shall contribute 25% of the Project Cost, and 60 the City of La Quinta shall contribute 50% of the Project Cost, subject to the following terms. The Parties acknowledge that La Quinta is pursuing outside funding for the Project from Coachella Valley Association of Governments (“CVAG”). In the event such funding is obtained from CVAG, the total Project Cost attributable to the Contracting Parties shall decrease by the amount obtained from CVAG, and the Parties’ respective Project Cost obligation percentages shall be maintained. La Quinta shall be responsible for the initial payment of Project Costs. Palm Desert and Indian Wells shall deposit $100,000 upon execution of this Agreement. La Quinta shall draw down from the deposited funds to pay the initial invoices for work performed. After the deposited funds are exhausted, Indian Wells and Palm Desert shall pay the remainder of their respective 25% obligation for Project Costs upon the completion of the Project Any Additional Services required shall be paid for in proportional shares pursuant to Section 1.6. 3.0 COORDINATION OF WORK 3.1 Representative of Contracting Party. The following principals of Contracting Party (“Representatives”) are hereby designated as being the representatives of each Contracting Party authorized to act in its behalf with respect to the Project specified herein and make all decisions in connection therewith: a. Bryan McKinney, P.E., City of La Quinta E-mail: bmckinney@la-quinta.org b. Ken, Seumalo, P.E., City of Indian Wells E-mail: kseumalo@indianwells.com c. Tom Garcia, P.E., City of Palm Desert E-mail: tgarcia@cityofpalmdesert.org The foregoing Representatives shall be responsible during the term of this Agreement for directing all activities of their respective Contracting Party. For purposes of this Agreement, the foregoing Representatives may not be changed without the approval of all Contracting Parties, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or denied. 3.2 Contracting Party Responsibilities. In furtherance of this Agreement, and as the lead agency for the Project, La Quinta hereby agrees to complete the following tasks in addition to its responsibility to pay 50% of the Project Cost. 61 (1) To prepare Plans, Specifications and Estimates (PS&E) for the Project. PS&E shall be prepared in accordance with the standards and practices of La Quinta and all applicable laws and regulations. (2) To prepare final design documents and drawings for the Project by or under the direction of a Civil Engineer registered and licensed in the State of California. Such specifications, plans and reports shall bear the professional seal, certificate and signature of the professional engineer responsible for their preparation. (3) To provide Palm Desert and Indian Wells a copy of the low bid received for the project to review and approve. Palm Desert and Indian Wells shall notify La Quinta in writing of approval or comments within 10 days of receipt of the low bid package. Approval of the low bid shall not be unreasonably withheld or denied. Failure by either Palm Desert or Indian Wells to submit written comments timely within 10-days of receipt shall be deemed an approval of the low bid and all related bid documents. (4) To apply for a no fee encroachment permit for work within the Palm Desert and Indian Wells street rights-of-way, in accordance with Palm Desert and Indian Wells standard permit procedures; provided however, that Palm Desert and Indian Wells agree to cooperate in the issuance of any other required permits necessary for the Project. (5) To administer public works contract change orders for construction of the Project. (6) To retain or cause to be retained for audit by Palm Desert and Indian Wells for a period of three (3) years from the date of final payment, all records and accounts relating to construction of the Project. (7) Upon completion of the Project, to furnish Palm Desert and Indian Wells a complete set of full-sized reproducible “Drawing of Record” plans. (8) Within sixty days of completion of the Project, provide a final accounting of the Project and invoice (or refund) to Palm Desert and Indian Wells for the Contracting Agency’s portion of the Project Cost. Palm Desert and Indian Wells hereby agree to issue, free of charge, upon application by La Quinta or any employee, agent, or contractor of La Quinta, the necessary encroachment permits for required work within the Contracting Party’s street right-of-way associated with the Project. In construction of the Project, La Quinta will furnish or contract for a representative to perform the function of “Resident Engineer,” and Palm Desert and 62 Indian Wells hereby reserve the right to provide a representative to assist the Resident Engineer. Should La Quinta contract for a Resident Engineer, the parties shall interview candidates and the candidate selected to serve as Resident Engineer shall be approved by at least two of the three parties. Representatives from Palm Desert and Indian Wells may consult with La Quinta’s Resident Engineer; however, La Quinta’s Resident Engineer’s decision shall be considered final. 3.3 Independent Contractor. The Parties hereby acknowledge that neither Contracting Parties nor any employees of Contracting Parties shall have any control over the manner, mode, or means by which Contractor and its agents and employees perform the services contemplated in the Project Cost, except as otherwise set forth herein. Contracting Parties shall not be liable for compensation or indemnification to Contractor for injury or sickness arising out of performing the Services for the Project hereunder. Notwithstanding any other City, state, or federal policy, rule, regulation, law, or ordinance to the contrary, Contractor and any of its employees, agents, and subcontractors providing services for the Project shall not qualify for or become entitled to any compensation, benefit, or any incident of employment by Contracting Parties, including but not limited to eligibility to enroll in the California Public Employees Retirement System (“PERS”) as an employee of Contracting Parties and entitlement to any contribution to be paid by Contracting Party for employer contributions and/or employee contributions for PERS benefits. 4.0 INDEMNIFICATION. 4.1 Indemnification by La Quinta. La Quinta agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Palm Desert and Indian Wells, and their respective officials, officers, agents and employees from and against liability, expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees), losses, suits and actions, and for damages relating to suits and actions (including bodily injury, death, personal injury, or property damage) arising from La Quinta’s performance or failure to perform under this Agreement, except to the extent such liability, expenses, losses, and damages are caused by the negligence or willful misconduct of Palm Desert and/or Indian Wells, in their respective comparative amounts as established by a court of competent jurisdiction or otherwise stipulated by the Contracting Parties. 4.2 Indemnification by Palm Desert. Palm Desert agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless La Quinta and Indian Wells, and their respective officials, officers, agents and employees from and against liability, expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees), losses, suits and actions, and for damages relating to suits and actions (including bodily injury, death, personal injury, or property damage) arising from Palm Desert’s performance or failure to perform under this Agreement, except to the extent such liability, expenses, losses, and damages are caused by the negligence or willful misconduct of La Quinta and/or Indian Wells, in their respective comparative amounts as established by a court of competent jurisdiction or otherwise stipulated by the Contracting Parties. 63 4.3 Indemnification by Indian Wells. Indian Wells agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless La Quinta and Palm Desert, and their respective officials, officers, agents and employees from and against liability, expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees), losses, suits and actions, and for damages relating to suits and actions (including bodily injury, death, personal injury, or property damage) arising from Indian Well’s performance or failure to perform under this Agreement, excpet to the extent such liability, expenses, losses, and damages are caused by the negligence or willful misconduct of La Quinta and/or Palm Desert, in their respective comparative amounts as established by a court of competent jurisdiction or otherwise stipulated by the Contracting Parties. 4.4 Indemnification from Contractor. Contracting Parties shall require each and every Contractor performing work for the Project to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless, to the maximum extent allowable by law, the Contracting Parties for that work performed on the Project by the Contractor. 5.0 RECORDS AND REPORTS. 5.1 Records. Contracting Parties shall keep such ledgers, books of accounts, invoices, vouchers, canceled checks, reports (including but not limited to payroll reports), studies, or other documents relating to the Project (“Books and Records”) for three (3) years following completion of the Project. Any and all such Books and Records shall be maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and shall be complete and detailed. The Contracting Parties shall have full and free access to such Books and Records of any other Contracting Party at all times during normal business hours, including the right to inspect, copy, audit, and make records and transcripts from such Books and Records. 5.2 Ownership of Documents. All drawings, specifications, maps, designs, photographs, studies, surveys, data, notes, computer files, reports, records, documents, and other materials plans, drawings, estimates, test data, survey results, models, renderings, and other documents or works of authorship fixed in any tangible medium of expression, including but not limited to, physical drawings, digital renderings, or data stored digitally, magnetically, or in any other medium prepared or caused to be prepared for the Project (the “Documents and Materials”) shall be the joint property of all Contracting Parties. Any Contracting Party shall be entitled to use or reuse such completed Documents and Materials for other projects and/or use uncompleted documents for any purpose. 6.0 ENFORCEMENT OF AGREEMENT. 6.1 California Law. This Agreement shall be interpreted, construed, and governed both as to validity and to performance of the parties in accordance with the laws of the State of California. Legal actions concerning any dispute, claim, or matter 64 arising out of or in relation to this Agreement shall be instituted in the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of California, or any other appropriate court in such county, and Contracting Parties covenant and agree to submit to the personal jurisdiction of such court in the event of such action. 6.2 Disputes. In the event of any dispute arising under this Agreement, the injured party shall notify the remaining Contracting Parties in writing of its contentions by submitting a claim therefore. The injured party shall continue performing its obligations hereunder so long as the injuring party commences to cure such default within ten (10) days of service of such notice and completes the cure of such default within forty-five (45) days after service of the notice or as soon thereafter as practicably may be accomplished, provided that if the default is an immediate danger to the health, safety, or general welfare, the injured party may take such immediate action as deemed warranted. Compliance with the provisions of this Section shall be a condition precedent to termination of this Agreement for cause and to any legal action, and such compliance shall not be a waiver of any party's right to take legal action in the event that the dispute is not cured. 6.3 Waiver. No delay or omission in the exercise of any right or remedy of a non- defaulting party on any default shall impair such right or remedy or be construed as a waiver. Contracting Parties’ consent or approval of any act by any other Contracting Party requiring consent or approval shall not be deemed to waive or render unnecessary consent to or approval of any subsequent act of Contracting Party. Any waiver by any Contracting Party of any default must be in writing and shall not be a waiver of any other default concerning the same or any other provision of this Agreement. 6.4 Rights and Remedies are Cumulative. Except with respect to rights and remedies expressly declared to be exclusive in this Agreement, the rights and remedies of the Contracting Parties are cumulative and the exercise by any party of one or more of such rights or remedies shall not preclude the exercise by it, at the same or different times, of any other rights or remedies for the same default or any other default by another party. 6.5 Legal Action. In addition to any other rights or remedies, any party may take legal action, at law or at equity, to cure, correct, or remedy any default, to recover damages for any default, to compel specific performance of this Agreement, to obtain declaratory or injunctive relief, or to obtain any other remedy consistent with the purposes of this Agreement. 6.6 Attorneys' Fees. If any Contracting Party to this Agreement is required to initiate or defend or made a party to any action or proceeding in any way connected with this Agreement, the prevailing party in such action or proceeding, in addition to any other relief which may be granted, whether legal or equitable, shall be entitled to reasonable attorneys’ fees; provided, however, that the attorneys’ fees awarded pursuant to this Section shall not exceed the hourly rate paid by such Contracting Party 65 for legal services multiplied by the reasonable number of hours spent by the prevailing party in the conduct of the litigation. Attorneys’ fees shall include attorneys’ fees on any appeal, and in addition a party entitled to attorneys’ fees shall be entitled to all other reasonable costs for investigating such action, taking depositions and discovery, and all other necessary costs the court allows which are incurred in such litigation. All such fees shall be deemed to have accrued on commencement of such action and shall be enforceable whether or not such action is prosecuted to judgment. The court may set such fees in the same action or in a separate action brought for that purpose. 7.0 CITY OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES; NONDISCRIMINATION. 7.1 Non-liability of City Officers and Employees. No officer, official, employee, agent, representative, or volunteer of any Contracting Party shall be personally liable to any Contracting Party, or any successor in interest, in the event of any default or breach by any Contracting Party or for any amount which may become due to Contracting Party or to its successor, or for breach of any obligation of the terms of this Agreement. 7.2 Conflict of Interest. Contracting Parties covenant that neither Contracting Parties, nor any officer or principal thereof, has or shall acquire any interest, directly or indirectly, which would conflict in any manner with the interests of Contracting Parties or which would in any way hinder Contracting Parties’ performance of this Agreement. Contracting Parties agree to at all times avoid conflicts of interest or the appearance of any conflicts of interest in the performance of this Agreement. No officer or employee of any Contracting Party shall have any financial interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement nor shall any such officer or employee participate in any decision relating to this Agreement which effects his financial interest or the financial interest of any corporation, partnership or association in which he is, directly or indirectly, interested, in violation of any local or State statute or regulation. 7.3 Covenant against Discrimination. Contracting Parties covenant that, by and for itself, its heirs, executors, assigns, and all persons claiming under or through them, that there shall be no discrimination against or segregation of, any person or group of persons on account of any impermissible classification including, but not limited to, race, color, creed, religion, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, national origin, or ancestry in the performance of this Agreement. Contracting Parties shall take affirmative action to ensure employees and Contractor’s employees and agents are treated during employment without regard to their race, color, creed, religion, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, national origin, or ancestry. 8.0 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 8.1 Notice. Any notice, demand, request, consent, approval, or communication any Party desires or is required to give to any other Party shall be in writing and either served personally or sent by prepaid, first-class mail to the address set forth below. Any 66 Party may change its address by notifying the other party of the change of address in writing. Notice shall be deemed communicated forty-eight (48) hours from the time of mailing if mailed as provided in this Section. To City of La Quinta: CITY OF LA QUINTA Attention: City Manager 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 To City of Indian Wells: CITY OF INDIAN WELLS Attention: City Manager 44-950 Eldorado Drive Indian Wells, CA 92210 To City of Palm Desert: CITY OF PALM DESERT Attention: City Manager 73510 Fred Waring Drive Palm Desert, CA 92260 8.2 Interpretation. The terms of this Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the meaning of the language used and shall not be construed for or against any party by reason of the authorship of this Agreement or any other rule of construction which might otherwise apply. 8.3 Section Headings and Subheadings. The section headings and subheadings contained in this Agreement are included for convenience only and shall not limit or otherwise affect the terms of this Agreement. 8.4 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, and such counterparts shall constitute one and the same instrument 8.5 Integrated Agreement. This Agreement including the exhibits hereto is the entire, complete, and exclusive expression of the understanding of the parties. It is understood that there are no oral agreements between the parties hereto affecting this Agreement and this Agreement supersedes and cancels any and all previous negotiations, arrangements, agreements, and understandings, if any, between the parties, and none shall be used to interpret this Agreement. 8.6 Amendment. No amendment to or modification of this Agreement shall be valid unless made in writing and approved by all Contracting Parties. The parties agree 67 that this requirement for written modifications cannot be waived and that any attempted waiver shall be void. 8.7 Severability. In the event that any one or more of the articles, phrases, sentences, clauses, paragraphs, or sections contained in this Agreement shall be declared invalid or unenforceable, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect any of the remaining articles, phrases, sentences, clauses, paragraphs, or sections of this Agreement which are hereby declared as severable and shall be interpreted to carry out the intent of the parties hereunder unless the invalid provision is so material that its invalidity deprives any Party of the basic benefit of their bargain or renders this Agreement meaningless. 8.8 No Third Party Beneficiaries. With the exception of the specific provisions set forth in this Agreement, there are no intended third-party beneficiaries under this Agreement and no such other third parties shall have any rights or obligations hereunder. 8.9 Authority. The persons executing this Agreement on behalf of each of the Parties hereto represent and warrant that (i) such party is duly organized and existing, (ii) they are duly authorized to execute and deliver this Agreement on behalf of said party, (iii) by so executing this Agreement, such party is formally bound to the provisions of this Agreement, and (iv) that entering into this Agreement does not violate any provision of any other Agreement to which said party is bound. This Agreement shall be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns of the parties. [SIGNATURES ON FOLLOWING PAGE] 68 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the dates stated below. CITY OF LA QUINTA, a California municipal corporation FRANK J. SPEVACEK, City Manager Dated: ATTEST: MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM: WILLIAM H. IHRKE, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California CITY OF INDIAN WELLS, a California municipal corporation WADE MCKINNEY, City Manager Dated: 69 ATTEST: City Clerk City of Indian Wells, California APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney City of Indian Wells, California CITY OF PALM DESERT, a California municipal corporation LAURI AYLAIAN, City Manager Dated: ATTEST: City Clerk City of Palm Desert, California APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney City of Palm Desert, California 70 Exhibit A Project Improvement Exhibit 71 Exhibit B Project Cost Estimate 72 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: October 2, 2018 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: APPROVE AMENDMENT NO. 5 TO IMPLEMENTATION OF SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL TO PROVIDE SILVERROCK WAY PLAN MODIFICATIONS (PROJECT NO. 2014-13) RECOMMENDATION Approve Amendment No. 5 to the Implementation of Services Agreement with Michael Baker International for $19,150 to provide plan modifications for SilverRock Way; and authorize the City Manager to execute the amendment. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY •In August 2006, the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency (RDA) contracted with RBF Consulting, now Michael Baker International (Consultant), to design the SilverRock Phase II Infrastructure Improvements. •In July 2016, Council approved an Implementation of Services Agreement (Agreement) with Michael Baker International to complete project plans, specifications and engineer’s estimate (PS&E) for SilverRock Resort Phase II Infrastructure Improvements (Project No. 2014-13). •Amendment No. 5 to the Agreement (Attachment 1) includes plan modifications for SilverRock Way. FISCAL IMPACT Sufficient funds are available for this amendment. The project is funded with Bond proceeds. Original Implementation Agreement $394,170 Amendment No. 1 $ 7,000 Amendment No. 2 $183,565 Amendment No. 3 $ 26,800 Amendment No. 4 $100,700 Amendment No. 5 $ 19,150 Revised Agreement Total $731,385 CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 9 73 BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The RDA entered into a Professional Services Agreement (PSA) with RBF Consulting in July 2006 to design Phase II infrastructure improvements for SilverRock. In 2014, Council approved an agreement with SilverRock Development Company (Robert Green Company), which requires the City to fund the design and construction of SilverRock Way, a public roadway that will be owned and maintained by the City. In August 2016, the City entered into an agreement with Consultant to finish designing these improvements. Amendments No. 1 and 2 added the design of the Jefferson Street and Avenue 53 roundabout to the project (Project No. 2017-09), Amendment No. 3 provided preliminary engineering services for the SilverRock Phase II and Event Site, and Amendment No. 4 provided final engineering and coordination services for the SilverRock Event Site (Project No. 2016-08). The proposed SilverRock Way plan modifications in Amendment No. 5 will slightly re-align SilverRock Way near the intersection with Avenue 52. The change in alignment will reduce the amount of existing asphalt, curb, and gutter to be removed and require installation of approximately 360 feet less of waterline pipe, providing a cost savings of $193,760 for the construction of the SilverRock Way improvements (Attachment 2). ALTERNATIVES Staff does not recommend an alternative, as this work would provide significant cost savings for the construction of the SilverRock Way improvements. Prepared by: Julie Mignogna, Management Analyst Approved by: Bryan McKinney, City Engineer Attachments: 1. Amendment No. 5 to Implementation Agreement 2.SilverRock Way Plan Modification Cost Savings 74 AMENDMENT NO. 5 TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL This Amendment No. 5 to Professional Services Agreement (Agreement) with Michael Baker International ("Amendment No. 5") is made and entered into as of the 2nd day of October, 2018 (“Effective Date”) by and between the CITY OF LA QUINTA (“City”), a California municipal corporation and Michael Baker International (“Consultant”). RECITALS WHEREAS, on or about August 16, 2006, the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency and Consultant, formerly known as RBF, entered into an Agreement to provide those services related to the SilverRock Resort Phase II Infrastructure Improvements, Project No. 2014-13. The term of the Agreement is in full force and effect until completion of the services; and WHEREAS, Amendments 1 and 2 previously amended Scope of Services, Contract Sum, and Schedule of Performance to include design of a roundabout at Jefferson Street and Avenue 53; and WHEREAS, Amendment 3 previously amended Scope of Services, Contract Sum, and Schedule of Performance to include preparation of Plats and Legals for the SilverRock Venue Site; and WHEREAS, Amendment 4 previously amended the Scope of Services, Contract Sum, and Schedule of Performance to provide SilverRock Venue Site Final Engineering and Coordination; and WHEREAS, the City is utilizing Consultant to prepare the Plans, Specifications and Estimates (PS&E) for SilverRock Resort Phase II Infrastructure Improvements, Project No. 2014-13. WHEREAS, the City and Consultant wish to amend the Scope of Services to include SilverRock Way Plan Modifications; and WHEREAS, the Contract Sum of the Agreement is being amended by $19,150 for the additional services being provided; and WHEREAS, no changes are indicated to the Term of the Agreement; and NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenant herein contained, the parties agree as follows: ATTACHMENT 1 75 sufficiency and receipt of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: For the Services rendered pursuant to this Agreement, Consultant shall be compensated in accordance with “Exhibit B” (the “Schedule of Compensation”) in a total amount up to but shall not exceed Seven Hundred Thirty One Thousand Three Hundred and Eighty Five Dollars ($731,385.00) (the “Contract Sum”) for the life of the Agreement encompassing initial terms and Amendments 1 through 5, except as provided in Section 1.6. Exhibit B – Deliverables and Budget is amended as attached in Exhibit B attached hereto and made apart hereof. In all other respects, the Original Agreement shall remain in effect. 1.Section 1.1 – Scope of Services. is amended to read as follows: For the services rendered pursuant to this Agreement, Consultant shall provide additional services outlined in Exhibit “A”, dated 7/11/18, attached hereto and made apart hereof. 2.Section 2.1 – Contract Sum is amended to read as follows: AMENDMENT In consideration of the foregoing Recitals and the covenants and promises hereinafter contained, and for good and valuable consideration, the 76 77 Page 1 of 2154969 AWR #5 SilverRock Way Plan Modifications 2018-07-11 PN 154969 Add. No. 05 July 11, 2018 ADDITIONAL WORK SUMMARY Client: City of La Quinta Project: SilverRock Way Work Requested By: Bryan McKinney, John Gamlin Summary of Additional Work: SilverRock Way Plan Modifications FINAL ENGINEERING Task 1. Street Improvement Plan Modifications - Michael Baker shall modify the existing Street Improvement Plans for SilverRock Way to retain the existing conditions past the last island. At that point, the right-of-way will transition back to the proposed thirty-one (31) foot width. The new Street Improvement Plans will be resubmitted to the City for review and approval. Deliverable: •Street Improvement Plans Task 2. Water Improvement Plan Modifications - Michael Baker shall modify the existing Water Improvement Plans for SilverRock Way to retain the existing water main based on the new alignment established in Task 1. The new Water Improvement Plans will be resubmitted to CVWD for review and approval. Deliverable: •Water Improvement Plans Task 3. Amended Parcel Map - Michael Baker shall prepare one (1) set of Amended Parcel Maps and associated documents as required. The amended maps shall be based on the new alignment established in Task 1. These maps will be submitted to the City for review and approval. Deliverable: •Amended Parcel Map Task 4. Project Meeting and Coordination - Michael Baker shall attend meetings and coordinate with the city and local jurisdictional agencies as necessary. Its anticipated meetings will be required with the City Staff and CVWD. A total of 6 hours has been budgeted for this task. Any additional work, if required, will be performed on an hourly basis for an additional fee. Exhibit A Scope of Services 78 Page 2 of 2 154969 AWR #5 SilverRock Way Plan Modifications 2018-07-11 EXCLUSIONS Consulting services relating to any of the following tasks may be completed by Michael Baker if negotiated under a separate contract for an additional fee; but are presently specifically excluded from the Agreement: 1. Geotechnical investigations, borings, percolation tests and Reports 2. CEQA Studies / Reports 3. Final Monumentation of Parcel Map 4. Traffic Study 5. Off-Site Improvement Plans 6. Qualified Stormwater Practitioner Services (QSP) 7. Lake Engineering (including new lake design, lake abandonment, and lake pump station relocation) 8. Dry Utility Design and Coordination 9. Existing Utility Potholing 10. Any other service not specifically set forth in the above Scope of Services 11. Tentative Parcel Map or Parcel Map CLIENT RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Client shall provide access to the site. 2. Client is to provide all indemnification, abatement, disposal or other actions required by local, state or federal law regarding hazardous materials. 3. Client shall pay all governmental fees and cost. 4. Client shall provide a recent (within 30 days) title report for the subject property. The title report shall include all schedule “B” documents. 79 Exhibit B Schedule of Compensation The following represents the revised contract total of Seven Hundred and Thirty-One Thousand Three Hundred and Eighty-Five Dollars ($731,385.00) after the consideration of Amendments 1-5. Base Contract: Amendment 1: Amendment 2: Amendment 3: Amendment 4: Amendment 5: Total Contract Sum with Amendments: $394,170.00 $7,000.00 $183,565.00 $26,800.00 $100,700.00 $19, 150.00 $731,385.00 Amendment 5 Cost: 80 DescriptionOriginal QtyUnit Unit/Cost Total CostRevised QtyUnit Unit/Cost Total Revised Cost DifferenceSawcut and Remove Existing A.C. Paving to Limits Shown on Plan35,660 SF $ 10.00 $ 356,600.00 24,294 SF $ 10.00 $ 242,940.00 $ 113,660.00 Sawcut and Remove Existing Curb & Gutter to Limits Shown on Plan1,342 LF $ 20.00 $ 26,840.00 693 LF $ 20.00 $ 13,860.00 $ 12,980.00 Sawcut and Remove Existing Curb to Limits Shown on Plan678 LF $ 40.00 $ 27,120.00 0 LF $ 40.00 $ - $ 27,120.00 Remove, Relocate and Modify Existing Median and/or Parkway Landscape, Irrigation and Lighting to City of La Quinta Requirements.1 LS $4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 0 LS $4,000.00 $ - $ 4,000.00 Furnish and Install 18" Ductile Iron Water Main Class 350 with Restrained Joints 6,374 LF $ 100.00 $ 637,400.00 6,014 LF $ 100.00 $ 601,400.00 $ 36,000.00 Total Savings = $ 193,760.00 SilverRock Way Entry ModificationsSilverRock Way Entry Modifications Savings 2018-08-10ATTACHMENT 2ATTACHMENT 2 81 82 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: October 2, 2018 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: APPROVE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING TO PURCHASE MARINE SAFETY EQUIPMENT FOR THE IRONMAN® 70.3 INDIAN WELLS/LA QUINTA EVENT RECOMMENDATION Approve a three-year Memorandum of Understanding between World Triathlon Corporation, Greater Palm Springs Convention Visitors Bureau, and the Cities of Indian Wells and La Quinta to purchase marine safety equipment for the IRONMAN® 70.3 Indian Wells/La Quinta event, and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In December 2017, the City Council approved a three-year host venue agreement with World Triathlon Corporation (WTC) for an IRONMAN® 70.3 event. The agreement committed the City to a $75,000 per year financial contribution to host the event and be a title sponsor. In order to use Lake Cahuilla (site of the swim portion of the event), the Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) requires new marine safety equipment to be purchased to prevent the quagga mussel from invading its water system. The host partners for the event and World Triathlon Corporation have tentatively agreed to equally split all costs for the required new equipment. FISCAL IMPACT The estimated cost of all the equipment is $85,000. The City’s portion is up to one-quarter of the total or $21,250 Funds are available in the Machinery and Equipment account (101-7001-80101). BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS On September 25, 2018, CVWD Board of Directors approved an exception to the no-boat policy for Lake Cahuilla (Attachments 1). This exception allows WTC to operate the IRONMAN® 70.3 event provided that all the marine safety equipment is purchased new and maintained solely for use on Lake Cahuilla. CVWD has agreed to house the equipment at no additional cost and will supervise the annual transport of the equipment to Lake Cahuilla. This will prevent contamination of the equipment from the quagga mussel. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 10 83 If this agreement is approved, the four partners would jointly own the equipment. The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) (Attachment 2) includes the following provisions: The City of Indian Wells will be responsible for the procurement of the equipment. The City of La Quinta will pay one-quarter of all final equipment costs (not to exceed $21,250). The City of La Quinta will be provided one-quarter ownership of all equipment. The City of La Quinta will have the right to retain any surplus value garnered from any future sale of equipment. The equipment is a one-time purchase for all three years of the event. The City of Indian Wells appropriated the funds for the equipment purchase on September 20, 2018. La Quinta’s approval would allow for this event to take place in December and make it one of the few California desert cities to own marine safety equipment. ALTERNATIVES The Council could elect not to approve the agreement. This would lead the cancellation of the event. Prepared by: Jaime Torres, Management Analyst Approved by: Chris Escobedo, Community Resources Director Attachments: 1. CVWD Safety Equipment Ban on Lake Cahuilla dated September 5, 2018 2. Memorandum of Understanding 84 ATTACHMENT 1 85 86 87 88 ITEM DETAIL QTY COST SHIPPING COST TAX TOTAL Item 2.5' Yellow 4 115.00$ 235.00$ 70.80$ 765.80$ 2.5' Orange 4 115.00$ 70.80$ 530.80$ 5' Yellow 8 370.00$ 236.80$ 3,196.80$ 5' Orange 8 370.00$ 236.80$ 3,196.80$ 8' Red 8 570.00$ 364.80$ 4,924.80$ Orange Sausage 2 410.00$ 46.80$ 866.80$ Roka Sausages 2 500.00$ 150.00$ 116.50$ 1,366.50$ Roka Cube 1 700.00$ 42.00$ 742.00$ 25lb Weights 58 24.95$ -$ 28.76$ 1,475.86$ Rope 10 12.95$ -$ 7.77$ 137.27$ Large Carabiners 19 11.95$ -$ 20.48$ 247.53$ Throw Cushions 40 17.12$ -$ 15.39$ 700.19$ Peterson Buoys 20 43.95$ -$ 879.00$ 931.74$ Resting Rafts 5 X 6 Foot 3 497.95$ -$ 89.63$ 1,583.48$ Safety Flags 18 Inch 50 3.65$ -$ 32.85$ 215.35$ Inflatable Rescue Boards 15 1,064.00$ -$ 2,084.00$ 18,044.00$ 14.5 Foot Boat 6 3,200.00$ 150.00$ 118.00$ 19,468.00$ Yamaha 4 Stroke 25 hp Motor 6 3,805.00$ 200.00$ 228.30$ 23,258.30$ Prop Guards 11"6 161.95$ 81,652.02$ 89 90 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CITY OF INDIAN WELLS, GREATER PALM SPRINGS CONVENTION VISITORS BUREAU, AND THE WORLD TRIATHALON CORPORATION This Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) is made and entered into this ____ day of ______________, 2018 by and between the WORLD TRIATHALON CORPORATION, a Florida Corporation (“WTC”), City of La Quinta, a California municipal corporation (“LA QUINTA”), City of Indian Wells, a California municipal corporation (“INDIAN WELLS”), Greater Palm Springs Convention & Visitors Bureau, a destination services organization (“CVB”), hereinafter individually and collectively referred to as the “PARTY” or the “PARTIES.” RECITALS WHEREAS, on or about December 19, 2017, La Quinta, INDIAN WELLS, and WTC entered into a Host Venue Agreement to host the three (3) INDIAN WELLS LA QUINTA IRONMAN 70.3 TRIATHLON 70.3 (collectively the “EVENTS”); and WHEREAS, on or about September 5, 2018, the PARTIES agreed, in a letter (Exhibit A) to the Coachella Valley Water District (“CVWD”), to purchase safety equipment specifically for the EVENTS, that will meet CVWD’s specified manufacturing certifications for freedom from contamination; and NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants, conditions and advantages herein stated, the PARTIES hereto agree as follows: SECTION I PURPOSE AND GOALS 1.1 In undertaking the purchasing and acquisition activities set forth in this MOU, the PARTIES agree to jointly purchase “Marine Safety Equipment” hereinafter referred to as the “EQUIPMENT.” 1.2 In undertaking the purchasing and acquisition activities set forth in this MOU, the PARTIES agree to equally own and have an equal interest in the EQUIPMENT as follows: a. WTC – 25% b. LA QUINTA – 25% c. INDIAN WELLS – 25% ATTACHMENT 2 91 d. CVB – 25% 1.3 The purpose of this MOU is to formalize the partnership and understanding between the PARTIES and set forth the terms by which the PARTIES will own, manage, coordinate, transport, program, and administer the EQUIPMENT during the EVENTS 1.4 The PARTIES developed a list of the EQUIPMENT to purchase and is outlined and specified in Exhibit B, IRONMAN 70.3 EQUIPMENT LIST, attached hereto and incorporated here in this reference. The PARTIES agree to use best efforts in accomplishing such purchase. 1.5 At the expiration of this MOU, the PARTIES will have the right to retain any surplus value garnered from any future sale of equipment. SECTION II PARTY OBLIGATIONS In conducting purchasing activities set forth in this MOU, the PARTIES individually agree to perform the following tasks or undertaking: 2.1 World Triathlon Corporation will: a) Coordinate and secure permanent storage of the EQUIPMENT at the Coachella Valley Water District’s facility; and b) Arrange and coordinate the EQUIPMENT’S transportation to and from Coachella Valley Water District’s facility; and c) Brand the EQUIPMENT with official Indian Wells La Quinta Ironman 70.3 logos; and d) Maintain equipment to Coachella Valley Water District standards; and e) Provide financial support as determined in Section 5.2 below. 2.2 The City of La Quinta will: a) Provide financial support as determined in Section 5.2 below. 2.3 The City of Indian Wells will: a) Provide financial support as determined in Section 5.2 below. 2.4 Greater Palm Springs Convention & Visitors Bureau will: a) Provide financial support as determined in Section 5.2 below. 92 SECTION III EFFECTIVE DATE AND TERM 3.1 This MOU shall become effective as of the date on which the last Party executes this MOU (“Effective Date”). 3.2 The Term of the MOU will commence on the Effective Date and continue until the end of all EVENTS, unless terminated earlier by the Parties as provided in Section 8.4 below, and will automatically terminate unless otherwise extended by written amendment to this MOU executed by all of the Parties. SECTION IV ASSOCIATE PARTNERS 4.1 The PARTIES, may engage other agencies as partners (“Associate Partners”) for the undertaking of the purchasing activities described herein. Agencies desiring to become an Associate Partner shall submit a minute order from their governing body for consideration to each of the PARTIES for their individual approval. Unanimous approval by all PARTIES will be required to grant Associate Partner status, evidenced by a minute order from each of the PARTIES. Once approved by all the PARTIES and upon payment of the partner contribution (in an amount determined collectively by the parties), the Associate Partner status shall be approved. A partner shall be entitled to participate in the programs created by the partnership created herein but is not a party to the MOU. SECTION V FINANCING AND BUDGETING 5.1 It is the intent and understanding of the PARTIES to this MOU that the activities conducted pursuant to this MOU will be financed by mandatory contributions from the PARTIES. 5.2 Each PARTY shall contribute a one-time mandatory contribution of Twenty-One Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($21,250) (“Mandatory Contribution”), which will cover the equipment costs for all three years of the event(s). The Mandatory Contribution shall be used only for purchasing EQUIPMENT as described in this Exhibit B. 93 5.3 Payment shall be made no longer than 30 days after the Effective Date. Payment shall be made payable to and remitted to the PARTY that is the purchasing agent identified in Section 6.1 below. SECTION VI ACCOUNTING 6.1 Indian Wells is designated as the purchasing agent. Indian Wells shall account separately for all funds collected or disbursed pursuant to this MOU. Indian Wells shall maintain and keep records of all expenditures and obligations incurred pursuant to this MOU and all fees received thereby according to generally recognized accounting principles. Such records shall be maintained by Indian Wells for a minimum of three (3) years. The records relating to this MOU shall be open to inspection and audit by the Parties or its authorized representative on an annual basis or as is deemed necessary by the Parties upon reasonable notice to the Indian Wells. 6.2 Indian Wells shall provide the Parties an expenditure report immediately after the complete purchase of the EQUIPMENT, but in no case no later than (2) months following the purchase. SECTION VII REPAIR PROVISIONS 7.1 WTC agrees to keep the EQUIPMENT in good condition and to deal with all essential repairs without delay, and to cover the costs of such repairs. 7.2 Each of the PARTIES agree that no non-essential maintenance and/or improvements to the EQUIPMENT may be carried out without the consent of the CVWD. SECTION VIII GENERAL PROVISIONS 8.1 Indemnification. Each of the PARTIES agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless each and every other PARTY and its officers, officials, board of supervisors, city council, employees, or agents from and against any damages including, but not limited to, attorneys’ fees, expert and consultant fees, and other costs and fees of litigation, arising out of the alleged gross negligence, intentional or willful misconduct of the PARTY, its agents, officers, officials, 94 board of supervisors, city council, employees or representatives in the performance of this MOU. It is the Intent of the PARTIES that where negligence or responsibility got injury or damages is determined to have been shared, principles of comparative negligence will be followed, and each PARTY shall bear the proportionate cost of any loss, damage, expense and liability attributable to that PARTY’S negligence. In the event a claim or suit is filed, and liability is based on the active conduct of two or more of the PARTIES, then such parties shall cooperate and contribute to the defense and indemnity of the claim or suit on equal basis until such time as comparative negligence is established and damages apportioned. At that time, the responsible PARTIES shall reimburse the other PARTIES for their costs in accordance with their proportionate share of liability. The PARTIES shall promptly notify each other of any claims or demands which arise and for which indemnification is sought. The terms of this Section shall survive the termination of this MOU. The PARTIES each hereby certify that they have adequate insurance, self- insured retentions or other self-insurance programs sufficient to meet any obligation arising under Section 7.1 8.2 Notices. Any notices, bills, invoices, or reports relating to this MOU, and any request, demand, statement or other communication required or permitted hereunder shall be in writing to the address set forth below and shall be deemed to have been received on (a) the day of delivery, if delivered by hand during regular business hours or by confirmed facsimile during regular business hours or (b) on the third business day following deposit in the United States mail, postage prepaid: City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Attention: Frank Spevacek, City Manager City of Indian Wells 44-950 Eldorado Drive Indian Wells, CA 92210 Attention: Wade McKinney, City Manager World Triathlon Corporation 3407 West Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, Suite 100 Tampa, FL 33607 95 Attention: Chief Legal Officer Greater Palm Springs Convention & Visitors Bureau 70-100 Highway 111 Rancho Mirage, CA Attention: Scott White, President & CEO 8.3 Alternative Dispute. The Parties agree that before either arty commences any legal or equitable action, action for declaratory relief, suit, proceeding, or arbitration that the Parties shall first submit the dispute to mediation through a mutually acceptable professional mediator in Riverside County. Each party shall bear its own expenses and costs associated with the mediation. The cost of mediator shall be shared equally by the Parties. 8.4 Termination. Either Party may terminate its participation in this MOU for any reason by giving a one-year written notice to the designated representatives of other Parties. In the event this MOU is terminated, any property acquired by the Parties in connection with this MOU from the Effective Date of this MOU, including but not limited to money, shall be divided and distributed between the Parties in proportion to the contributions made. The PARTIES agree that WTC may choose to buy the EQUIPMENT at market value. Except as otherwise provided herein, upon termination of this MOU, or an individual Parties termination of participation in this MOU, neither Part shall have any obligation to the other Parties. 8.5 Legal Authority. Nothing in this MOU binds the Parties to perform any action that is beyond its legal authority. 8.6 Conflict of interest. No member, official or employee of the County or the Cities, shall have any personal interest, direct or indirect, in this MOU nor shall any such member, official or employee participate in any decision relating to this MOU which affects his or her personal interest or the interests of any corporation, partnership or association in which he or she is directly or indirectly interested. 8.7 Interpretation, Governing Law and Venue. This MOU and any dispute arising hereunder shall be governed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of California. This MOU shall be construed as a whole according to its fair language and common meaning to achieve the objectives and purposes of the Parties hereto, and the rule of construction to the effect that ambiguities are to be resolved against the drafting party shall not be 96 employed in interpreting this MOU, all parties having been represented by counsel in the negotiation and preparation hereof. Any legal action related to the performance or interpretation of this MOU shall be filed only in the Superior Court of the State of California located in Riverside, California, and Parties waive any provision of law providing for a change of venue to another location. 8.8 No Third-Party Beneficiaries. This MOU is made and entered into for the sole protection and benefit of the Parties hereto and shall not create any rights in any third parties. No other person or entity shall have any right of action based upon the provisions of this MOU. 8.9 Section Headings. The Sections headings herein are for the convenience of the Parties only and shall not be deemed to govern, limit, modify or in any manner affect the scope, meaning or intent of the provisions or language of this MOU. 8.10 Compliance with Laws and Regulations. By executing this MOU, the Parties agree to comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, regulations and ordinances. 8.11 Waiver. Failure by a party to insist upon the strict performance of any of the provisions of this MOU by the other party, or the failure by a party to exercise its right upon the default of the other party, shall not constitute a waiver of such party’s right to insist and demand strict compliance by the other party with the terms of this MOU thereafter. 8.12 Severability. Each paragraph and provision of this MOU is severable from each provision, and in the event any provision in this MOU is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remaining provisions will nevertheless continue in dull force without being impaired or invalidated in any way. 8.13 Authority to Execute. The persons executing this MOU or exhibits attached hereto on behalf of the Parties to this MOU hereby warrant and represent that they have the authority to execute this MOU and warrant and represent that they have the authority to bind the respective Parties to this MOU to the performance of its obligations hereunder. 8.14 Assignment. The parties shall not assign, transfer, or subcontract any interest in this MOU. Any attempt to so assign, transfer, or subcontract any rights, duties, or obligations arising hereunder shall be null, void and of no effect. 97 8.15 Amendment. This MOU may be amended, in writing, from time-to-time by unanimous vote of the PARTIES acting through their governing bodies. 8.16 Exhibits; Precedence. All documents referenced as exhibits in this MOU are hereby incorporated in this MOU. In the event of any material discrepancy between the express provisions of this MOU and the provisions of any document incorporated herein by reference, the provisions of the MOU shall prevail. 8.17 Independent Contractor. Each party to this MOU shall have no power to incur any debt, obligation, or liability on behalf of another party to this MOU or otherwise act as an agent of another party. 8.18 MOU Administration. The City Managers in the case of the cities of La Quinta and Indian Wells, and the Chief Legal Officer, in the case of World Triathlon Corporation, or their designees, shall administer the terms and conditions of this MOU for their respective city of county. 8.19 Cooperation; Further Act. The Parties shall cooperate fully with one another and shall take any additional acts or sign any additional documents as may be necessary, appropriate or convenient to attain the purposes of this MOU. 8.20 Entire Agreement. This MOU, including all exhibits and attachments hereto, is intended by the Parties hereto as a final expression of their understanding with respect to the subject matter hereof and as a complete and exclusive statement of the terms and conditions thereof and supersedes any and all prior and contemporaneous agreement and understandings, oral or written, in connection therewith. Any amendments to or clarification of this MOU shall be in writing and acknowledged by all Parties to this MOU. (Signatures on Following Page) 98 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the PARTIES hereto have caused this MOU to be executed by their duly authorized representatives on the dates set forth below: CITY OF LA QUINTA: GREATER PALM SPRINGS CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU: By: By: FRANK J. SPEVACEK SCOTT WHITE, City Manager President & CEO Dated: Dated: ATTEST: WORLD TRIATHLON WORLD TRIATHLON CORPORATION: By: ______________________ MONIKA RADEVA, By: City Clerk ANDREW MESSICK, Chief Executive Officer Dated: __________ APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CONTENT: By: ________________________ WILLIAM H. IHRKE, City Attorney 99 CITY OF INDIAN WELLS: By: WADE MCKINNEY, City Manager Dated: Attest: By: ANNA GRANDYS, City Clerk Dated: 100 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: October 2, 2018 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: APPROVE FIRST ROUND COMMUNITY SERVICES GRANTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2018/19 RECOMMENDATION Approve first round Community Service Grants for fiscal year 2018/19. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY •The Council considers Community Services Grants and Economic Development/Marketing funding request three times per fiscal year. •Twelve grant applications were received and reviewed by the Community Services Grant Ad Hoc Committee (Committee). •The Old Town Artisan Studios (OTAS) submitted a request for a Jumbo Match Grant to create “Wellness West,” which would provide art classes and services to the public. •The Council may approve or modify the Committee’s recommendations. FISCAL IMPACT The total fiscal year 2018/19 grant budget is $60,000 (101-3001-60510). Twelve organizations submitted a total of $55,500 in grant requests. The Committee recommends funding $20,500 in grant requests. The Council appropriated an additional $110,000 for external requests received during the budget process. OTAS’ request in the amount of $25,0000 would come from those funds. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Grants are awarded to 501(c)3 non-profit organizations that benefit La Quinta residents. Grants are limited to $5,000 per request and consecutive fiscal year funding is not allowed (Attachment 1). Council created a Starter Grant category for organizations applying for the first time. This allows first time applicants up to $500 of funding and eligibility to apply again the next fiscal year. BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 101 Old Town Artisan Studio (OTAS) has approached the City with an offer for an ongoing partnership called “Wellness West” for creative health and wellness art programs and art therapy services. They have requested a match grant in the amount of $25,000 to assist with additional instructors and administrative expenses. The initial cost for a year of programming is $50,000 as OTAS is contributing the other $25,000 to form the service partnership. OTAS would be required to provide a programming schedule, monthly metrics on attendance, and a marketing plan to promote programs and services. After the first year, the City will evaluate and assess the OTAS program before entering into an ongoing agreement for contract services. The Committee, comprised of Mayor Evans and Council Member Peña, reviewed the applications and recommended the following: Applicant Requested Committee Recommendation All Things Are Possible, Inc.* $5,000 $500 Animal Samaritans $5,000 $2,500 Assistance League of Palm Springs Desert Area $5,000 $1,000 Desert Cancer Foundation (DCF) $5,000 $3,000 Hidden Harvest $5,000 $2,500 JFK Foundation-Ophelia Project $5,000 $2,500 KVCR TV* $5,000 $500 Operation Healing Forces $5,000 $0 Palm Desert La Quinta Youth Football League (PDLQ) $5,000 $1,000 Prenatal University $500 $0 Riverside County Sheriff Explorer Post 503 $5,000 $5,000 The Desert Symphony $5,000 $2,000 Total $55,500 $20,500 *Starter Grant Recipient Attachment 2 presents all submitted grant requests. All applications are available for review in the Community Resources Department. ALTERNATIVES Council may modify and/or deny funding for any or all grant applications received. Prepared by: Christina Calderon, Community Resources Manager Approved by: Chris Escobedo, Community Resources Director Attachments: 1. City of La Quinta Grant Guidelines 2. Grant Request Descriptions 102 The City of La Quinta offers a grant program for community services support. •Community Services Grants go to recognized nonprofit organizations that benefit the residents of La Quinta. •Grants are considered and funded up to three times per year (rounds). •All three rounds are held within the city’s fiscal year (July 1 – June 30). •Organizations that have been funded are ineligible for funding for the next fiscal year. •All funding requests are limited to an amount not to exceed $5,000. Q: How much money is available? A: Requests are limited to an amount not to exceed $5,000. Any funding amount requested could be adjusted to a lesser amount at the discretion and approval of the City Council. Q: Who can apply for this grant? A: Applications are accepted from recognized nonprofit organizations that directly benefit La Quinta residents. Second consideration is given to nonprofit organizations that indirectly affect the quality of life for the residents of La Quinta. Q: Can an individual apply for this grant? A: No, individuals are not eligible for funding through the City of La Quinta grant program. Q: What if my organization is applying for a grant for the first time? A: Organizations applying to the Community Services Grant program for the first time are eligible for a “Starter Grant” The “Starter Grant” allows first time applicants grant funding up to $500 if they demonstrate their commitment to provide services to the La Quinta community. If an organization is selected to receive the “Starter Grant” they would then be eligible to apply to the program again the next fiscal year. Q: Can my organization request “seed” money for a start-up? A: Yes, organizations can request “seed” money, however they are required to obtain matching funds from other sources in the same fiscal year before the grant funds will be released. Q: Is my organization eligible if we received Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds? A: No, organizations that receive CDBG funds from the City of La Quinta during the same fiscal year are not eligible for funding. Q: Is my organization eligible if we received Community Services Grant (CSG) funds in the past? A: Yes, and No. Organizations that were funded before June 30, 2017 are now eligible to apply. Organizations that were funded after July 1, 2017 are ineligible for funding and must wait until July 1, 2019 to re-apply. What you need to do: 1.Determine eligibility based on the information provided above. If eligible, proceed to step 2. 2.Review the grants calendar for submission dates (in red). If within due date, proceed to step 3. 3.Fill out the grant application. Once completed proceed to step 4. 4.Submit application via email to ccalderon@laquintaca.gov, or in person to the Wellness Center. a.The Wellness Center is located at 78450 Avenida La Fonda, La Quinta, CA 92253. The next steps: 5.Applications are received and reviewed by staff to ensure eligibility and completeness. 6.Completed grant applications will be reviewed by a designated Grant Review Committee (in blue). a.The committee’s review includes: consideration of the funding amount, the intended use of the funds, and the organizations service to the community. If the committee approves the application, they will then recommend for approval to the City Council. 7.Committee approved applications are submitted to the City Council for consideration and approval (in green) 8.If approved, funds will be dispersed to grantee (in white ) and can be spent over a 12 month period. 9.Funding expenditures will need to be reported to the city at 6 months and a full reconciliation form with supporting documentation will be due before the end of the 12 month period. For more information on the City of La Quinta Grant program, please contact the Community Resources Department at the Wellness Center 760.564-0096 COMMUNITY SERVICES GRANT OVERVIEW IS MY ORGANIZATION ELIGIBLE? THE PROCESS… ATTACHMENT 1 103 104 Community Services Grants First Round JULY 2018 AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Second Round NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY 2019 FEBRUARY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Third Round MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE 2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Application Due Date Ad-Hoc Committee Review City Council Decision Checks Distributed 105 106 Recommended Grant Requests: 1.All Things Are Possible, Inc. is requesting $5,000 for funding scholarships for 10 special needs children/adults, at a cost of $500 per person, to participate in 26 classes in their Music and Motion Therapy programs. The Music and Motion Therapy programs consist of basic dance movement, ballroom dancing, voice, band and orchestra. All Things Are Possible, Inc. is a first-time applicant for the Community Services Grant program. The Grant Review Committee recommends funding $500 as a Starter Grant. 2.Animal Samaritans is requesting $5,000 for the Adoption Animal Rescue Program. This program rescues adoptable, at-risk animals and provides them a safe haven until they are able to be adopted. Animal Samaritans coordinates the efforts for pet fosters, arranges transportation and facilitates placement with no-kill shelters and rescue groups throughout the U.S. and Canada. for This organization was last funded $5,000 in 2016/17. The Grant Review Committee recommends funding $2,500. 3.Assistance League of Palm Springs Desert Area is their Operation School Bell program to provide 150 Desert Sands Unified School District low income, at-risk elementary children with school appropriate clothing bags. Each clothing bag consists of three (3) shirts, two (2) pairs of shorts, six (6) pairs of socks and six (6) pairs of underwear; clothing bags cost approximately $35 per student. This organization was last funded $5,000 in 2016/17. The Grant Review Committee recommends funding $1,000. 4.Desert Cancer Foundation (DCF) is requesting $5,000 to provide financial assistance to 10 La Quinta residents currently receiving cancer treatment services that will help them focus on their health needs, ease the financial stress of medical expenses and enhance their quality of life. These La Quinta residents are approved DCF clients that meet the financial guidelines (300% Federal Poverty Level). This organization was last funded $1,000 in 2015/16. The Grant Review Committee recommends funding $3,000. 5.Hidden Harvest is requesting $5,000 to fund their program that provides healthy fruits and vegetables to the low income, underserved populations in the Coachella Valley. Hidden Harvest provides a steady stream of gleaned produce from local farms and packing houses and distributes them at senior markets once a month. This organization was funded $5,000 in 2015/16. The Grant Review Committee recommends funding $2,500. 6.JFK Foundation – Ophelia Project is requesting $5,000 to fund their Ophelia Project Teen Mentoring Program at La Quinta High School. Students receive a 2-team mentored program per month with 15 sessions per year. They learn goal setting, team building, education, financial literacy, health & fitness, personal & internet safety, self-esteem, the arts and community service. This organization was last funded $3,000 in 2016/17. The Grant Review Committee recommends funding $2,500. ATTACHMENT 2 107 7.KVCR TV is requesting $5,000 to be used to produce the television show “Uncovered in the Archives”, a 13-episode program in its first season. KVCR TV is a first-time applicant for the Community Services Grant program. The Grant Review Committee recommends funding $500 as a Starter Grant. 8.Palm Desert La Quinta Youth Football League (PDLQ) is requesting $5,000 to fund costs associated for securing referees, providing equipment and securing field use for game play. PDLQ Football League will be playing over 6 home games at La Quinta High School this season; first time in their 25-year history. This organization was last funded $1,000 in years prior to 2000. The Grant Review Committee recommends funding $1,000. 9.Riverside County Sheriff Explorer Post 503 is requesting $5,000 to send 8-10 explorers to Explorer Academy Training at the Ben Clark Training Center in Riverside, California. The cost to attend this training is $200 per Explorer. This program gives participants the training and opportunity to learn about a career in law enforcement. This organization was last funded $5,000 in 2016/17. The Grant Review Committee recommended funding $5,000. 10.The Desert Symphony is requesting $5,000 towards providing a symphony experience through free concerts to local school children in the Coachella Valley through the “Children’s Music Discovery Series” held at the McCallum Theatre. This organization was last funded $2,000 in 2016/17. The Grant Review Committee recommends funding $2,000. Grant Requests not recommended for funding and/or did not meet the criteria in the Grant Guidelines include: 11.Operation Healing Forces is requesting $5,000 to go towards their therapeutic retreats for disabled, wounded and active special forces operators and their spouses. These retreats help focus on reintegration, rehabilitation, and resiliency; special forces operators and their spouses participate in peer-to-peer counseling and recreation therapies to enable bonding and communication of shared hardships and experiences. Operations Healing Forces is a first-time applicant for the Community Services Grant program. The Grant Review Committee does not recommend funding this organization. The committee understands the organization’s purpose but agreed that it is not an appropriate use of City grant funds. 12.Prenatal University is requesting $5,000 to provide community education lecture events to be held Indio and La Quinta this fall 2018. Prenatal University provides leading-edge research and public education programs that include bonding, communication and music exercise to enhance happiness and cognitive health from preborn through Adulthood. Information and education on the prevention of stress is distributed to prenatal, family and women’s health facilities, and the public. Prenatal University is a first-time applicant for the Community Services Grant program. The Grant Review Committee does not recommend funding this organization. The committee understands the organization’s purpose but agreed that it is not an appropriate use of City grant funds. 108 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION JOINT MEETING: October 2, 2018 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: DISCUSS HIGHWAY 111 CORRIDOR VISIONING RECOMMENDATION Discuss and provide direction regarding Highway 111 Corridor visioning. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY •Council and the Planning Commission have identified Highway 111 Corridor (Corridor) visioning as a priority. •Staff requested technical assistance from the Urban Land Institute (ULI) to provide expert recommendations for the Corridor. •A Process Action Team (PAT) was convened to implement Corridor Visioning including stakeholder outreach and business attraction. •Staff recommends crafting a Corridor Area Plan (Area Plan) as the best option to guide future improvements and development. FISCAL IMPACT - None BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The Council and Planning Commission have identified Highway 111 Corridor visioning as a priority for 2018/19. The first step in this effort was engaging ULI, a network of real estate and land-use experts, to convene a technical assistance panel of 11 specialists and devise a strategy based upon field and market data, community realities, and best practices. The ULI report (City of La Quinta Highway 111 Corridor Study, July 23, 2018) has been published to the City website and shared with local stakeholders. A PAT consisting of Staff from Community Resources, Design and Development, Facilities and the City Manager’s Office was convened in June 2018 as a second step to implement Corridor visioning. The PAT identified major goals that include economic development, brand awareness, recreation and wellness, and placemaking. Current PAT efforts include meetings with Corridor property owners to discuss the ULI report and future Corridor opportunities. Staff has met with property owners of Plaza La Quinta, Washington Park, One Eleven La Quinta shopping center, Point Happy, the auto dealerships and Pavilion at La Quinta. STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 109 In addition, Staff is actively engaged in business recruitment efforts for experiential retail as recommended in the ULI report. The third and next step involves engaging professional planning services. VISIONING OPTIONS Staff outlined Corridor visioning options to Council and Commission in previous study sessions as follows: •Option 1: Update Existing Highway 111 Design Guidelines (landscape, lighting, and entryways). •Option 2: Create a Corridor Area Plan that would provide a set of design guidelines, traffic analysis, and code revisions to guide development. •Option 3: Create a Highway 111 Specific Plan that consolidates all of the existing 12 Specific Plans within the Corridor area into one plan. HIGHWAY 111 CORRIDOR AREA PLAN Staff recommends Option 2, developing an Area Plan based review of the ULI report and recent property owner discussions. Staff believes an Area Plan will satisfy both City interests in Corridor beautification and economic development by providing design guidance and flexibility for commercial redevelopment or expansion to adapt with the rapidly changing retail environment. DESIGN SERVICES The Area Plan effort would engage professional design services to create Corridor development types and standards consistent with the Highway 111 Corridor area mixed-use overlay district (adopted in 2016) and the future CV Link. Development standards would demonstrate redevelopment opportunities to create new retail and residential uses, design concepts to enhance existing retail space, and outline multi-modal circulation connectivity to Highway 111 and to CV Link. CORRIDOR DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AUDIT The 12 Specific Plans within the Highway 111 Corridor each have customized development standards that fostered the development that exists today. Most have more restrictive standards than the City’s Development Code for parking, sign and landscape, building square footage, and building height. Rigid standards include building height limitations of 22 feet within 150 feet of Highway 111, a 50-foot landscape setback from Highway 111, and a 50-foot building setback from CV Link. These standards constrain Corridor property owners interested in intensifying development with new retail and housing options; to modify them they need to process specific plan amendments which requires time and money. Through the development of an Area Plan, each of the Specific Plans would be audited to determine if they should be amended or rescinded and replaced by the Area Plan. The Area Plan would incorporate the mixed-use overlay district to allow housing opportunities in proximity to retail establishments. 110 HIGHWAY 111 STREETSCAPE AND BRANDING The Area Plan would establish a new Corridor landscape program for medians and landscape parkways consistent with developing a Highway 111 brand. The branding program would also identify opportunities for new wayfinding signage and City entry monuments. Corridor property owners have expressed interest in partnering with the City to establish a consistent Corridor landscape program. Finally, a qualitative traffic analysis would be developed to identify complete street opportunities that accommodate vehicles, bicyclists, pedestrians, and transit. Previous Corridor analysis has not employed a complete-streets approach. SCHEDULE The Highway 111 visioning activities have begun and would continue as follows: •ULI PAT Highway 111 Corridor Schedule: March 2018–July 2018 Highway 111 Corridor Study was prepared and the ULI report recommendations were presented to Council and Planning Commission. •Highway 111 Corridor Process Action Team (PAT) Schedule: June 2018-Ongoing A core group of City Staff will facilitate and manage planning and improvement efforts through monthly PAT meetings. PAT efforts include monthly Corridor property owner engagement. •Highway 111 Corridor Area Plan Request for Proposals (RFP) Schedule: October 2018-November 2018 An RFP would be published for professional services to conduct the supporting analysis and prepare an Area Plan. •Community Outreach Schedule: January 2019-April 2019 The Area Plan consultant team will solicit input from Highway 111 businesses, property owners, and residents through community meetings and focus groups. •Development Standards, Visual Simulations, and Circulation Schedule: February 2019-June 2019 Existing Corridor guidelines and standards would be reviewed and those that are outdated, and stifle creativity and economic development may be discarded. New visual design guidelines and visual simulations would be created for street, landscape, and development types appropriate for Highway 111. The Highway 111 configuration and traffic patterns would be analyzed to identify complete street design opportunities. •Highway 111 Corridor Area Plan Consideration/Adoption 111 Schedule: July 2019 The Planning Commission and Council would consider the Area Plan. SPECIFIC PLAN ALTERNATIVE Staff does not recommend a comprehensive Corridor Specific Plan. A Specific Plan requires the collection and analysis of significant amounts of detailed data per Government Code, including the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report estimated to add $200,000 to the $205,000 currently budgeted for the visioning effort. A Specific Plan requires a level of specificity that is not appropriate at this time, while an Area Plan establishes and encourages a guide and vision for development of the Highway 111 Corridor. Prepared by: Gabriel Perez, Planning Manager Approved by: Danny Castro, Design and Development Director Attachments: 1.Highway 111 Corridor Opportunities and Constraints Map 2. Highway 111 Corridor Visioning Schedule and Goals 112 !( !( !( !( !(!(!(!( ¬«5 ¬«1 ¬«2 ¬«10 ¬«3 ¬«11 ¬«9 ¬«6 ¬«6 ¬«7 ¬«4 ¬«5¬«5 ¬«8 City of La Quinta Design and Development Department Highway 111 Corridor Map January 2018 ® Planning Division Legend Highway111 Area Boundary Highway 111 !(Highway 111 Intersections 65' Landscape Setback CV LINK ROUTE (FUTURE) CV Link Frontage Opportunity Vacant Properties Drive-throughs Specific Plans 1. Washington Park 2. One Eleven Shopping Center 3. Jefferson Plaza 4. Dune Palms Plaza 5. Centre at La Quinta 6. La Quinta Corporate Centre 7. Point Happy Shopping Center 8. La Quinta Court 9. The Pavilion at La Quinta 10. Komar Desert Center 11. Dune Palms and Highway 111Washington StreetAdams StreetDune Palms RdJefferson StreetHighway 111 CV Link Westward Ho Dr City Property ATTACHMENT 1 ATTACHMENT 1113 114 HWY 111 ROAD MAP HWY 111 GOALS Economic Development Brand Awareness PlacemakingRecreation and Wellness Now -Jan 2019 Pavement Management Plan Issue consultant RFP Signal Synchronization Sign and Equipment Upgrades Charging Stations DATA GATHERING Jan -May 2019 Auto Dealerships Property Owner meetings complete Coachella Related Events in Parking lots Hotel Project near Komar Desert Center Charging Stations Signal Synchronization Sign and Equipment Upgrades VISIONING June -Aug 2019 Sam's Club Study Session Punch Bowl Social ACTION PLAN Sept 2019 -? Landscape Improvements and Median Maintenance Entry Monuments Catalyst Project Entitled IMPLEMENTATION Now Jan 2019 Sept 2019 May 2019 ATTACHMENT 2 ATTACHMENT 2115 116 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION JOINT MEETING: October 2, 2018 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: DISCUSS AMENDMENTS TO THE CENTRE AT LA QUINTA SPECIFIC PLAN (SP 1997-029) RECOMMENDATION Discuss amending the Centre at La Quinta Specific Plan. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY •At the September 18, 2018 meeting, Council directed staff to work with the auto dealerships to establish permanent vehicle display pads on the Highway 111 frontage. •In 2015, the Council accepted the dealership’s request to allow temporary vehicle displays in the Highway 111 front setback pending a permanent display solution. •The Centre at La Quinta Specific Plan (Specific Plan) must be amended to accommodate the display pads. To implement, the City would process a Specific Plan amendment and reconfigure the sidewalk, and the dealers would construct display pads and install new signage. FISCAL IMPACT The adopted 2018/19 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) allocates $500,000 to the proposed Highway 111 sidewalk improvement project. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS In October 2015, Direct Point Advisors (DPA) and representatives from each auto dealership made a presentation to Council announcing their desire to refurbish the La Quinta Auto Center frontage and dealership branding. One request was to display vehicles in the front setback area of each dealership. The Council agreed to allowing vehicle displays in front setback on a temporary basis until a permanent configuration was crafted. The City engaged Hermann Design Group to prepare a preliminary design concept; the dealers then engaged contractors to design new auto center signs, and to value engineer the site plan and prepare cost estimates. At the September 18, 2018 Council meeting, the Council reviewed the frontage refurbishment proposal (Attachment 1) wherein the City would STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 117 relocate the meandering sidewalk along Highway 111 to abut the curb from Adams Street to La Quinta Drive, and the dealers would construct pads (comprised of interlocking pavers), pad lighting and new landscaping. Council directed Staff to proceed; the first step requires amending the Specific Plan. Specific Plan Amendment The Specific Plan (Attachment 2) was adopted June 12, 1997 and last amended on July 3, 2018. The proposed amendment would modify: •The existing sign standards to allow a stand-alone sign program for the auto dealerships, and •The parkway landscaping scheme and vehicle display standards to facilitate the vehicle display pads. Prepared by: Gil Villalpando, Assistant to the City Manager Approved by: Frank J. Spevacek, City Manager Attachments: 1. Highway 111 Dealership frontage proposal 2. The Centre at La Quinta Specific Plan 118 ATTACHMENT 1 119ATTACHMENT 1 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION JOINT MEETING: October 2, 2018 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: DISCUSS PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO TITLES 9 AND 13 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE RELATED TO FLAGPOLES, GARAGE SPACE, AND LOT LINE ADJUSTMENTS TO STREAMLINE DEVELOPMENT PROCESSES AND STANDARDS RECOMMENDATION Discuss and provide direction on proposed amendments to Titles 9 and 13 of the La Quinta Municipal Code related to flagpoles, garage spaces, and lot line adjustments to streamline development processes and standards. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Proposed modifications to La Quinta Municipal Code (Code) sections would •establish new standards for flagpoles; •clarify additional garage space requirement for non-bedroom conversions; and •allow merger of parcels in the lot line adjustment process. FISCAL IMPACT No fiscal impact is anticipated from this effort. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Council adopted Code amendments in 2016 and 2017 to streamline the development review process. Since then, Staff has identified additional amendments that would further streamline and clarify development standards. This joint study session provides an opportunity for the Council and Commission to provide direction on several proposed amendments. Staff will then schedule the amendments for Commission and Council consideration. Attachment 1 presents a summary of the proposed amendments. Attachment 2 provides detail on the proposed text amendments, which are summarized below. STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 3 187 Flagpole Standards (Chapter 9.60 Supplemental Residential Regulations) Staff receives requests for installation of ground mounted pole structures for the display of flags within the front yard of single-family dwellings. Flags are currently allowed for display within residential zones only if they are building mounted. The Code currently has no regulations for ground mounted flagpoles in front yards. Temporary model home complexes are permitted to have multiple flags on flagpoles that don’t exceed twenty feet in height, per Section 9.60.240. Staff proposes a Code revision to provide standards for flagpoles in residential zones. The alternative is to not amend the Code, thereby prohibiting flagpole installation in residential zones. Additional garage space for bedroom conversion (Section 9.50.100 Additional Bedrooms) The City recently established standards for additional bedrooms in homes, including a requirement to construct an additional garage space when the home would have four (4) or more bedrooms as a result of a proposed bedroom addition, regardless of the number of existing garage spaces. Staff has received requests from applicants proposing additional bedrooms in homes that currently have three or four existing bedrooms and an existing three (3) car garage. Staff proposes requiring the additional garage space only if the single- family dwelling only has a two-car garage. The alternative is to not amend the Code and require additional garage space regardless of the number existing vehicle spaces within a garage. Lot line adjustments (Section 13.32.020 Applicability) A lot line adjustment is a procedure for adjusting the boundary lines between two or more existing parcels. Code Section 13.32.020(B) states a lot line adjustment (LLA) cannot alter the number of parcels. The proposed amendment would allow a LLA to merge parcels, which would reduce the number of parcels that originally existed. However, a LLA cannot increase the number of parcels that originally existed. The Subdivision Map Act permits the merger of parcels through a LLA. Prepared by: Carlos Flores, Associate Planner Approved by: Gabriel Perez, Planning Manager Attachments: 1. Matrix of proposed Code amendments 2. Title 9 and 13 proposed Code amendments (redline) 188 Affected Code Section(s)Existing Challenge/ Inefficiency Suggested Change to Code Add Section 9.60.340 - Flagpoles within front yard of single-family residences and has no established standards Establish standards on flagpoles for single-family homes Amend Section 9.50.100 - Additional Bedrooms Existing homes with three or more garage spaces have to construct an additional garage space if proposing an additional bedroom Only require an additional garage space if existing home has two garage spaces Amend Section 13.32.020 - Applicability Lot line adjustments do not allow for parcels to be merged during the process Allow for parcel mergers to occur via lot line adjustment Code Amendments Prepared for Joint City Council and Planning Commission Meeting ATTACHMENT 1 ATTACHMENT 1Staff receives many requests for installation of flagpoles 189 190 ATTACHMENT 2 Joint Study Session Proposed Amendments 9.60.340 Flagpoles A. Flagpoles shall be allowed in all residential zoning districts subject to the following standards: 1. Height of flagpoles shall not exceed 20 feet. 2. Flagpoles shall be located within building setbacks of underlying zone. 3. Installation of flagpoles shall not be installed without a building permit. Section 9.50.100 Additional Bedrooms This section provides the following minimum developmental standards applicable to the addition to an existing single-family dwelling or modification to the floor plan configuration of an existing single-family dwelling that results in additional bedrooms. A. Existing single-family dwelling units may not exceed maximum bedrooms as follows: SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLINGS LIVABLE AREA IN SQ. FT. BEDROOMS MAX. No 2,000 or less 4 2,001-2,850 5 2,851-3,500 6 greater than 3,500 No Maximum B. The total area of all bedrooms shall not exceed 40% of the total livable area of the dwelling. The calculation of bedroom area shall not include closets or bathrooms. C. When as a result of new construction or modification of a single-family dwelling the number of bedrooms is proposed to equal or exceed four (4), an additional garage space of 10 by 20 feet shall be provided if such single- family dwelling has existing garage space for only two vehicles. Access to the additional garage space shall be from existing driveways and not result in new street curb cuts. 191 ATTACHMENT 2 D. Bedrooms added as a result of new construction or modification of a single-family dwelling shall be used only by the occupants of the main residence, their non-paying guests, or domestic employees. No additional bedrooms may be rented or used as a short term vacation rental (“STVR”) except upon application and issuance of a STVR permit pursuant to Chapter 3.25 of this code. 13.32.020 Applicability. Lot line adjustment may be utilized to reconfigure the size or shape of one lot provided that: A. All property line segments adjusted are boundary lines of the subject lot (though the extensions of the adjusted segments may affect several lots); B. The lot line adjustment does not alter the number of lots No greater number of lots than originally existed will result from the lot line adjustment; and C. The applicant and/or owner of the property has not received approval of a lot line adjustment affecting any of the lots to be altered, or lots abutting any of the lots to be altered, for a period of six months immediately preceding the date of the current application, unless the property is zoned neighborhood commercial, community commercial, regional commercial, office commercial, commercial park, village commercial or major community facilities in which case there shall be no time restriction between lot line adjustments. (Ord. 562 § 1, 2017; Ord. 539 § 6, 2016; Ord. 444 § 1, 2007; Ord. 326 § 3, 1998; Ord. 272 § 1, 1995) 192 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING DEPARTMENT REPORT TO: Madam Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Frank J. Spevacek, City Manager DATE: October 2, 2018 SUBJECT: UPDATE ON JACQUELINE COCHRAN REGIONAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY JOINT POWERS AUTHORITY TERMINATION In early September the City received correspondence from the County of Riverside stating that the County was exercising its right to terminate the Second Amended and Restated Joint Powers Agreement Creating the Jacqueline Cochran Regional Airport Authority. The effective date of the termination will be November 27, 2018. The County took this action because the Cities of Indian Wells and Palm Desert, and the Torres Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indians are withdrawing from the Regional Airport Authority. The City of La Quinta does not have to take any action regarding this matter unless the City Council wishes to provide input. The $12,500 in annual membership fees will not be expended. DEPARTMENT REPORT ITEM NO. 1 193 194 COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 11, 2018 COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, JUNE 11, 2018 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the La Quinta Community Services Commission was called to order at 5:31 p.m. by Chair Chiapperini. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Commissioners Marley, Quill, Wyler and Chair Chiapperini PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Quill led the Commission in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 1. FACILITY UPDATES Presented by Robert Ambriz, Parks Superintendent Pickleball Court conversion to begin June 18 Spohn Ranch X-Park design build contract approved by Council on June 5 – Steve Howlett, Facilities Director LED light conversion 2. MAKERSPACE UPDATE Presented by Christina Calderon, Community Resources Manager 3. VACANT COMMISSIONER UPDATE Presented by Chris Escobedo, Community Resources Director Commission is requesting Council to consider re-implementing the policy to appoint alternatives to the City’s boards/commissions. Council approved the elimination of this policy on September 20, 2016. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVE MINUTES OF MAY 14, 2018 MOTION - A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Marley/Wyler to approve the May 14, 2018 minutes as corrected. Motion passed unanimously. >>>PRESENT: Commissioners Marley, Quill, Wyler and Chair Chiapperini<<<<< >>>MOTION: Motion passed: 3 ayes, 1 absent (Van Horn), 1 abstain (Quill). << BUSINESS ITEMS 1. APPROVE SUMMER SCHEDULE REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEM NO. 1 195 COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 11, 2018 Presented by Lisa Chaudhry, Community Services Commission Secretary MOTION - A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Marley/Quill to approve the Summer Schedule as submitted. Motion passed unanimously. 2. APPROVE ART IN PUBLIC PLACES (APP) FUNDING FOR THE FIRST INSTALLMENT OF THE LA QUINTA ART ALLEY PROJECT Presented by Christina Calderon, Community Resources Manager MOTION - A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Wyler/Quill to approve Art in Public Places funding for the installation of three murals for the La Quinta Art Alley Project. Motion passed unanimously. 3. RECOMMEND EVENT SITE Presented by Chris Escobedo, Community Resources Director and Steve Howlett, Facilities Director MOTION - A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Marley/Chiapperini to recommend to Council for approval the SilverRock Venue Site Phase I Enhanced Plan. Motion passed unanimously. Commissioner Quill expressed concerned with building the park before Montage/Pendry has secured funding. COMMISSIONER’S ITEMS Events attended: Quill – Joint Council meeting Marley – Joint Council meeting, Food Truck Cinema Suggestions: demographic study, vegan options, security Wyler – Joint Council meeting Chiapperini – Joint Council meeting There was a consensus among the commissioners to research options for the addition of a playground water feature for the Fritz Burns Park. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Quill/Marley to adjourn the meeting at 7:01 p.m. Motion passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, LISA CHAUDHRY, Community Services Commission Secretary City of La Quinta, California 196 HAND OUTS CITY COUNCIL MEETING & SPECIAL JOINT STUDY SESSION MEETING WITH PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 2, 2018 Sparky is a trademark of NFPA. ©2018 NFPA LOOK for places fire could start You don’t have to be a super sleuth to protect yourself and others from fire. Take a good look around your home for fire dangers and address the problems. Kitchen ❑ Anything that can catch fire is kept away from the stovetop. ❑ Children are kept 3 feet (1 metre) away from the stove and areas where hot food or drink are being prepared. ❑ Pets are kept o cooking surfaces and nearby countertops to prevent them from knocking things onto burners. ❑ Food that is simmering, baking, roasting, or boiling is being checked on by someone in the home. Heaters ❑ Anything that can burn is kept at least 3 feet (1 metre) away from heating equipment. ❑ Children are kept 3 feet (1 metre) away from open fires and space heaters. ❑ Heating equipment and chimneys are cleaned and inspected every year by a qualified professional. ❑ Portable heaters are turned o when leaving the room or going to bed. ❑ The fireplace has a sturdy screen to stop sparks from flying around the room. Electricity ❑ All electrical work is done by a qualified electrician. ❑ Only one heat-producing appliance is plugged into a receptacle outlet at a time. Extension cords are not used. ❑ Electrical cords are checked to make sure they are not running across doorways or under carpets. LISTEN for the sound of the alarm A working smoke alarm will clue you in that you need to escape. Fire moves fast. You could have only minutes to get out safely once the smoke alarm sounds. ❑ Make sure everyone in your home knows the sound of the smoke alarm and understands what to do when they hear it. ❑ Children, older adults, and people with disabilities may need assistance to wake up and get out. ❑ When the smoke alarm sounds, get out and stay out. ❑ Go to your outside meeting place. Call 9-1-1 or the fire department. ❑ Never go back inside for people, pets or things. LEARN two ways out of every room ❑ Draw a map of each level of the home, showing all doors, windows and two ways out of every room. ❑ Make sure all doors and windows that lead outside open easily. ❑ Practice day and nighttime home fire drills. Share your home escape plans with guests. ❑ If you live in a high-rise or condo, talk to the building manager about the evacuation plans. ❑ If you must escape through smoke, get low and go under the smoke on your way out. ❑ If you cannot get out, close the doors and cover the vents and cracks around the door with cloth or tape. Call 9-1-1 or the fire department. LOOK. LISTEN. LEARN. Fire Safety Checklist FIREPREVENTIONWEEK™ COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 2, 2018 ANNOUNCEMENTS, PRESENTATIONS, & WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS ITEM NO. 2 - PROCLAMATION HONORING FIRE PREVENTION WEEK IN LA QUINTA, OCTOBER 7-13, 2018 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CITY OF INDIAN WELLS, GREATER PALM SPRINGS CONVENTION VISITORS BUREAU, AND THE WORLD TRIATHALON CORPORATION This Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) is made and entered into this ____ day of ______________, 2018 by and between the WORLD TRIATHALON CORPORATION, a Florida Corporation (“WTC”), City of La Quinta, a California municipal corporation (“LA QUINTA”), City of Indian Wells, a California municipal corporation (“INDIAN WELLS”), Greater Palm Springs Convention & Visitors Bureau, a destination services organization (“CVB”), hereinafter individually and collectively referred to as the “PARTY” or the “PARTIES.” RECITALS WHEREAS, on or about December 19, 2017, La Quinta, INDIAN WELLS, and WTC entered into a Host Venue Agreement to host the three (3) INDIAN WELLS LA QUINTA IRONMAN 70.3 TRIATHLON 70.3 (collectively the “EVENTS”); and WHEREAS, on or about September 5, 2018, the PARTIES agreed, in a letter (Exhibit A) to the Coachella Valley Water District (“CVWD”), to purchase safety equipment specifically for the EVENTS, that will meet CVWD’s specified manufacturing certifications for freedom from contamination; and NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants, conditions and advantages herein stated, the PARTIES hereto agree as follows: SECTION I PURPOSE AND GOALS 1.1 In undertaking the purchasing and acquisition activities set forth in this MOU, the PARTIES agree to jointly purchase “Marine Safety Equipment” hereinafter referred to as the “EQUIPMENT.” 1.2 In undertaking the purchasing and acquisition activities set forth in this MOU, the PARTIES agree to equally pay total purchase costs (“PURCHASE COSTS”) for, and to own and have an equal interest in, the EQUIPMENT as follows: a. WTC – 25% b. LA QUINTA – 25% COUNTIL MEETING - OCTOBER 2, 2018 - HAND OUT BY STAFF CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 10 REVISED MOU TO PURCHASE MARINE SAFETY EQUIPMENT FOR IRONMAN 70.3 INDIAN WELLS/LA QUINTA EVENT c. INDIAN WELLS – 25% d. CVB – 25% 1.3 The purpose of this MOU is to formalize the partnership and understanding between the PARTIES and set forth the terms by which the PARTIES will own, manage, coordinate, transport, program, and administer the EQUIPMENT during the EVENTS 1.4 The PARTIES developed a list of the EQUIPMENT to purchase and is outlined and specified in Exhibit B, IRONMAN 70.3 EQUIPMENT LIST, attached hereto and incorporated here in this reference. The PARTIES agree to use best efforts in accomplishing such purchase. 1.5 At the expiration of this MOU, the PARTIES will have the right to retain any surplus value garnered from any future sale of equipment. SECTION II PARTY OBLIGATIONS In conducting purchasing activities set forth in this MOU, the PARTIES individually agree to perform the following tasks or undertaking: 2.1 World Triathlon Corporation will: a) Coordinate and secure permanent storage of the EQUIPMENT at the Coachella Valley Water District’s facility; and 2.1 WTC hereby agrees to complete the following tasks separate from and in addition to its responsibility to pay 25% of the PURCHASE COSTS for its financial support as determined in Section 5.2 below: b)a) Arrange and coordinate the EQUIPMENT’S transportation to and from Coachella Valley Water District’sCVWD’s facility and Lake Cahuilla; and c)a) Brand the EQUIPMENT with the official Indian Wells La Quinta Ironman 70.3 logosEvent Logo, as described in Exhibit C of the Host Venue Agreement dated December 19, 2017; and d) Maintain equipment to Coachella Valley Water DistrictCVWD standards; and e)b) Provide financial support as determined in Section 5.2 below be present during any required inspections. 2.2 The City of La Quinta will: COUNTIL MEETING - OCTOBER 2, 2018 - HAND OUT BY STAFF CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 10 REVISED MOU TO PURCHASE MARINE SAFETY EQUIPMENT FOR IRONMAN 70.3 INDIAN WELLS/LA QUINTA EVENT a) ProvidePay 25% of the PURCHASE COSTS for its financial support as determined in Section 5.2 below. 2.3 The City of Indian Wells will: a) Providehereby agrees to complete the following tasks separate from and in addition to its responsibility to pay 25% of the PURCHASE COSTS for its financial support as determined in Section 5.2 below.: a) Coordinate and secure storage of the EQUIPMENT at CVWD’s facility; and b) Serve as the PURCHASING AGENT as set forth in Section VI of this MOU. 2.4 Greater Palm Springs Convention & Visitors Bureau will: a) ProvidePay 25% of the PURCHASE COSTS for its financial support as determined in Section 5.2 below. a) SECTION III EFFECTIVE DATE AND TERM 3.1 This MOU shall become effective as of the date on which the last Party executes this MOU (“Effective Date”). 3.2 The Term of the MOU will commence on the Effective Date and continue until the end of all EVENTS, unless terminated earlier by the Parties as provided in Section 8.4 below, and will automatically terminate unless otherwise extended by written amendment to this MOU executed by all of the Parties. SECTION IV ASSOCIATE PARTNERS 4.1 The PARTIES, may engage other agencies as partners (“Associate Partners”) for the undertaking of the purchasing activities described herein. Agencies desiring to become an Associate Partner shall submit a minute order from their governing body for consideration to each of the PARTIES for their individual approval. Unanimous approval by all PARTIES will be required to grant Associate Partner status, evidenced by a minute order from each of the PARTIES. Once approved by all the PARTIES and upon payment of the partner contribution (in an amount determined collectively by the parties), the Associate Partner status shall be approved. A partner shall be entitled to COUNTIL MEETING - OCTOBER 2, 2018 - HAND OUT BY STAFF CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 10 REVISED MOU TO PURCHASE MARINE SAFETY EQUIPMENT FOR IRONMAN 70.3 INDIAN WELLS/LA QUINTA EVENT participate in the programs created by the partnership created herein but is not a party to the MOU. SECTION V FINANCING AND BUDGETING 5.1 It is the intent and understanding of the PARTIES to this MOU that the activities conducted pursuant to this MOU will be financed by mandatory contributions from the PARTIES. 5.2 Each PARTY shall contribute a one-time mandatory contribution equal to one-quarter (1/4) of the total PURCHASE COSTS to acquire all EQUIPMENT and pre-EVENT storage, not to exceed Twenty-One Thousand TwoFive Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($21,250) (“Mandatory Contribution”), which will cover the equipment costs for all three years500) per PARTY (the “MANDATORY CONTRIBUTION” of the event(seach PARTY). The Mandatory ContributionMANDATORY CONTRIBUTION shall be used only for purchasing EQUIPMENT as described in this Exhibit B and for any temporary storage prior to each EVENT. 5.3 Payment shall be made no longer than 30 days after the Effective Date. Payment shall be made payable to and remitted to the PARTY that is the purchasing agent identified in Section 6.1 below. SECTION VI ACCOUNTING 6.1 Indian Wells is designated as the purchasing agent. Indian Wells shall account separately for all funds collected or disbursed pursuant to this MOU. Indian Wells shall maintain and keep records of all expenditures and obligations incurred pursuant to this MOU and all fees received thereby according to generally recognized accounting principles. Such records shall be maintained by Indian Wells for a minimum of three (3) years. The records relating to this MOU shall be open to inspection and audit by the Parties or its authorized representative on an annual basis or as is deemed necessary by the Parties upon reasonable notice to the Indian Wells. 6.2 Indian Wells shall provide the Parties an expenditure report immediately after the complete purchase of the EQUIPMENT, but in no case no later than (2) months following the purchase. COUNTIL MEETING - OCTOBER 2, 2018 - HAND OUT BY STAFF CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 10 REVISED MOU TO PURCHASE MARINE SAFETY EQUIPMENT FOR IRONMAN 70.3 INDIAN WELLS/LA QUINTA EVENT SECTION VII REPAIR PROVISIONS 7.1 WTC agrees to keep the EQUIPMENT in good condition and to deal with all essential repairs without delay, and to cover the costs of such repairs. 7.2 Each of the PARTIES agree that no non-essential maintenance and/or improvements to the EQUIPMENT may be carried out without the consent of the CVWD. SECTION VIII GENERAL PROVISIONS 8.1 Indemnification. Each of the PARTIES agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless each and every other PARTY and its officers, officials, board of supervisors, city council, employees, or agents from and against any damages including, but not limited to, attorneys’ fees, expert and consultant fees, and other costs and fees of litigation, arising out of the alleged gross negligence, intentional or willful misconduct of the PARTY, its agents, officers, officials, board of supervisors, city council, employees or representatives in the performance of this MOU. ItWTC shall be solely liable for any and all injuries resulting from, or damage incurred by, use of the EQUIPMENT. However, in all other instances, it is the Intent of the PARTIES that where negligence or responsibility gotof injury, or damages is determined to have been shared, principles of comparative negligence will be followed, and each PARTY shall bear the proportionate cost of any loss, damage, expense and liability attributable to that PARTY’S negligence. In the event a claim or suit is filed, and liability is based on the active conduct of two or more of the PARTIES, then such partiesPARTIES shall cooperate and contribute to the defense and indemnity of the claim or suit on equal basis until such time as comparative negligence is established and damages apportioned. At that time, the responsible PARTIES shall reimburse the other PARTIES for their costs in accordance with their proportionate share of liability. The PARTIES shall promptly notify each other of any claims or demands which arise and for which indemnification is sought. The terms of this Section shall survive the termination of this MOU. COUNTIL MEETING - OCTOBER 2, 2018 - HAND OUT BY STAFF CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 10 REVISED MOU TO PURCHASE MARINE SAFETY EQUIPMENT FOR IRONMAN 70.3 INDIAN WELLS/LA QUINTA EVENT The PARTIES each hereby certify that they have adequate insurance, self- insured retentions or other self-insurance programs sufficient to meet any obligation arising under Section 7.1 8.2 Notices. Any notices, bills, invoices, or reports relating to this MOU, and any request, demand, statement or other communication required or permitted hereunder shall be in writing to the address set forth below and shall be deemed to have been received on (a) the day of delivery, if delivered by hand during regular business hours or by confirmed facsimile during regular business hours or (b) on the third business day following deposit in the United States mail, postage prepaid: City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Attention: Frank Spevacek, City Manager City of Indian Wells 44-950 Eldorado Drive Indian Wells, CA 92210 Attention: Wade McKinney, City Manager World Triathlon Corporation 3407 West Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, Suite 100 Tampa, FL 33607 Attention: Chief Legal Officer Greater Palm Springs Convention & Visitors Bureau 70-100 Highway 111 Rancho Mirage, CA Attention: Scott White, President & CEO 8.3 Alternative Dispute. The Parties agree that before either arty commences any legal or equitable action, action for declaratory relief, suit, proceeding, or arbitration that the Parties shall first submit the dispute to mediation through a mutually acceptable professional mediator in Riverside County. Each party shall bear its own expenses and costs associated with the mediation. The cost of mediator shall be shared equally by the Parties. 8.4 Termination. Either PartyAny PARTY may terminate its participation in this MOU for any reason by giving a one-yearsixty (60) days advance written notice to the designated representatives of other PartiesPARTIES. In the event a PARTY terminates its participation in this MOU during the three year term of the EVENTS, such PARTY shall not be entitled to any return of the MANDATORY COUNTIL MEETING - OCTOBER 2, 2018 - HAND OUT BY STAFF CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 10 REVISED MOU TO PURCHASE MARINE SAFETY EQUIPMENT FOR IRONMAN 70.3 INDIAN WELLS/LA QUINTA EVENT CONTRIBUTION paid pursuant to Section 5.2 or any costs paid pursuant to paid pursuant to Section 1.2 of this MOU. In the event this MOU is terminated, any property acquired by the Parties in connection with this MOU from the Effective Date of this MOU, including but not limited to money, shall be divided and distributed between the Parties in proportion to the contributions made. The PARTIES agree that WTC may choose to buy the EQUIPMENT at market value. Except as otherwise provided herein, upon termination of this MOU, or an individual Parties termination of participation in this MOU, neither Part shall have any obligation to the other Parties. 8.5 Legal Authority. Nothing in this MOU binds the Parties to perform any action that is beyond its legal authority. 8.6 Conflict of interest. No member, official or employee of the County or the Cities, shall have any personal interest, direct or indirect, in this MOU nor shall any such member, official or employee participate in any decision relating to this MOU which affects his or her personal interest or the interests of any corporation, partnership or association in which he or she is directly or indirectly interested. 8.7 Interpretation, Governing Law and Venue. This MOU and any dispute arising hereunder shall be governed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of California. This MOU shall be construed as a whole according to its fair language and common meaning to achieve the objectives and purposes of the Parties hereto, and the rule of construction to the effect that ambiguities are to be resolved against the drafting party shall not be employed in interpreting this MOU, all parties having been represented by counsel in the negotiation and preparation hereof. Any legal action related to the performance or interpretation of this MOU shall be filed only in the Superior Court of the State of California located in Riverside, California, and Parties waive any provision of law providing for a change of venue to another location. 8.8 No Third-Party Beneficiaries. This MOU is made and entered into for the sole protection and benefit of the Parties hereto and shall not create any rights in any third parties. No other person or entity shall have any right of action based upon the provisions of this MOU. 8.9 Section Headings. The Sections headings herein are for the convenience of the Parties only and shall not be deemed to govern, limit, modify or in any COUNTIL MEETING - OCTOBER 2, 2018 - HAND OUT BY STAFF CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 10 REVISED MOU TO PURCHASE MARINE SAFETY EQUIPMENT FOR IRONMAN 70.3 INDIAN WELLS/LA QUINTA EVENT manner affect the scope, meaning or intent of the provisions or language of this MOU. 8.10 Compliance with Laws and Regulations. By executing this MOU, the Parties agree to comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, regulations and ordinances. 8.11 Waiver. Failure by a party to insist upon the strict performance of any of the provisions of this MOU by the other party, or the failure by a party to exercise its right upon the default of the other party, shall not constitute a waiver of such party’s right to insist and demand strict compliance by the other party with the terms of this MOU thereafter. 8.12 Severability. Each paragraph and provision of this MOU is severable from each provision, and in the event any provision in this MOU is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remaining provisions will nevertheless continue in dull force without being impaired or invalidated in any way. 8.13 Authority to Execute. The persons executing this MOU or exhibits attached hereto on behalf of the Parties to this MOU hereby warrant and represent that they have the authority to execute this MOU and warrant and represent that they have the authority to bind the respective Parties to this MOU to the performance of its obligations hereunder. 8.14 Assignment. The parties shall not assign, transfer, or subcontract any interest in this MOU. Any attempt to so assign, transfer, or subcontract any rights, duties, or obligations arising hereunder shall be null, void and of no effect. 8.15 Amendment. This MOU may be amended, in writing, from time-to-time by unanimous vote of the PARTIES acting through their governing bodies. 8.16 Exhibits; Precedence. All documents referenced as exhibits in this MOU are hereby incorporated in this MOU. In the event of any material discrepancy between the express provisions of this MOU and the provisions of any document incorporated herein by reference, the provisions of the MOU shall prevail. 8.17 Independent Contractor. Each party to this MOU shall have no power to incur any debt, obligation, or liability on behalf of another party to this MOU or otherwise act as an agent of another party. COUNTIL MEETING - OCTOBER 2, 2018 - HAND OUT BY STAFF CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 10 REVISED MOU TO PURCHASE MARINE SAFETY EQUIPMENT FOR IRONMAN 70.3 INDIAN WELLS/LA QUINTA EVENT 8.18 MOU Administration. The City Managers in the case of the cities of La Quinta and Indian Wells, and the Chief Legal Officer, in the case of World Triathlon Corporation, or their designees, shall administer the terms and conditions of this MOU for their respective city of county. 8.19 Cooperation; Further Act. The Parties shall cooperate fully with one another and shall take any additional acts or sign any additional documents as may be necessary, appropriate or convenient to attain the purposes of this MOU. 8.20 Entire Agreement. This MOU, including all exhibits and attachments hereto, is intended by the Parties hereto as a final expression of their understanding with respect to the subject matter hereof and as a complete and exclusive statement of the terms and conditions thereof and supersedes any and all prior and contemporaneous agreement and understandings, oral or written, in connection therewith. Any amendments to or clarification of this MOU shall be in writing and acknowledged by all Parties to this MOU. (Signatures on Following Page) COUNTIL MEETING - OCTOBER 2, 2018 - HAND OUT BY STAFF CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 10 REVISED MOU TO PURCHASE MARINE SAFETY EQUIPMENT FOR IRONMAN 70.3 INDIAN WELLS/LA QUINTA EVENT IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the PARTIES hereto have caused this MOU to be executed by their duly authorized representatives on the dates set forth below: CITY OF LA QUINTA: GREATER PALM SPRINGS CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU: By: By: FRANK J. SPEVACEK SCOTT WHITE, City Manager President & CEO Dated: Dated: ATTEST: WORLD TRIATHLON WORLD TRIATHLON CORPORATION: By: ______________________ MONIKA RADEVA, By: City Clerk ANDREW MESSICK, Chief Executive Officer Dated: __________ APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CONTENT: By: ________________________ WILLIAM H. IHRKE, City Manager COUNTIL MEETING - OCTOBER 2, 2018 - HAND OUT BY STAFF CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 10 REVISED MOU TO PURCHASE MARINE SAFETY EQUIPMENT FOR IRONMAN 70.3 INDIAN WELLS/LA QUINTA EVENT CITY OF INDIAN WELLS: By: WADE MCKINNEY, City Manager Dated: Attest: By: ANNA GRANDYS, City Clerk Dated: COUNTIL MEETING - OCTOBER 2, 2018 - HAND OUT BY STAFF CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 10 REVISED MOU TO PURCHASE MARINE SAFETY EQUIPMENT FOR IRONMAN 70.3 INDIAN WELLS/LA QUINTA EVENT 1 Monika Radeva From:Monika Radeva Sent:Wednesday, October 03, 2018 3:58 PM Cc:Frank Spevacek; Teresa Thompson; BIhrke@rutan.com Subject:Mark Johnson's Comments on Consent Calendar 8 - City Council Meeting 10/2/18 Good afternoon Mayor and Councilmembers, The email below authored by Mr. Mark Johnson regarding Consent Calendar Item No. 8 was emailed to my attention yesterday, 10/2/18, at 2:51 p.m. I did not receive it until today, since by the time it was sent I was already in the Council Chamber administering the Council meeting. I am forwarding Mr. Johnson’s comments below for your review; the email will also be included as part of the 10/2/18 agenda packet hand-outs. Thank you. From: Mark Johnson <mark18trek@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2018 2:51 PM To: Monika Radeva <mradeva@laquintaca.gov> Cc: Frank Spevacek <Fspevacek@laquintaca.gov>; Bryan McKinney <Bmckinney@laquintaca.gov> Subject: LA Quinta City Council Meeting‐10/2/18‐Comment‐Consent Item #8 Good afternoon Monika: I am unable to attend today’s City Council meeting but do have a comment for Consent Item #8‐APPROVE COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF PALM DESERT AND CITY OF INDIAN WELLS FOR DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF THE WASHINGTON STREET INTERSECTION WITH FRED WARING DRIVE (PROJECT NO. 2017-01) Comment: Please ensure this project coordinates/compliments with any and all proposed projects to eliminate/divert excess/unallocated stormwater away from La Quinta Del Oro subdivision retention basins. The La Quinta Del Oro retention basins were designed to only accept flow (large and small) from the subdivision and a very small area at the subdivision entrance on Miles. Excess/unallocated stormwater is generated along Washington Street from Indian Wells (maybe Palm Desert also) and flows to the east gutter on Washington south to Miles, east on Miles north gutter and enters LQDO at Via Rosa. The LQDO retention Monika Radeva, CMC | City Clerk City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253 Tel: (760) 777-7035 Email: MRadeva@LaQuintaCA.gov www.LaQuintaCA.gov www.PlayInLaQuinta.com COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 2, 2018 - HAND OUT BY MR. MARK JOHNSON CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 8 - PULLED AND MOVED TO BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 3 COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT WITH CITIES OF PALM DESERT & INDIAN WELLS FOR WASHINGTON ST INTERSECTION 2 basins were not designed to accept this excess/unallocated stormwater. This excess/unallocated stormwater needs to be diverted to a different location. Mark L. Johnson 78370 Via Dijon La Quinta, CA 92253 760‐777‐2698 mark18trek@gmail.com COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 2, 2018 - HAND OUT BY MR. MARK JOHNSON CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 8 - PULLED AND MOVED TO BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 3 COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT WITH CITIES OF PALM DESERT & INDIAN WELLS FOR WASHINGTON ST INTERSECTION 1 Monika Radeva From:Wanda Wise-Latta Sent:Tuesday, October 02, 2018 11:59 AM To:Teresa Thompson Cc:Gabriel Perez; Monika Radeva; Nichole Romane Subject:FW: Study Session Item 3 Hi Teresa, Please see email at bottom regarding Study Session Item No. 3 Development Code Tune Up. It was sent to Council at their city email addresses. Gabe and Bryan were copied. Do copies need to be provided for the public at today’s Council meeting? Wanda Wise-Latta |Executive Assistant City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico ◦ La Quinta, CA 92253 760.777.7118 From: Gabriel Perez Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2018 11:15 AM To: Wanda Wise‐Latta <wlatta@laquintaca.gov> Subject: FW: Study Session Item 3 FYI Gabriel Perez | Planning Manager City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Ph. 760-777-7062 Website | Map gperez@laquintaca.gov From: Chris Hermann <chris@hdg‐inc.com> Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2018 9:14 AM To: Linda Evans <Levans@laquintaca.gov>; Kathleen Fitzpatrick <kfitzpatrick@laquintaca.gov>; John Pena <jpena@laquintaca.gov>; rradi@laquinta.org; Steve Sanchez <ssanchez@laquintaca.gov> Cc: Kristin Hermann <kristin@hdg‐inc.com>; Gabriel Perez <gperez@laquintaca.gov>; Bryan McKinney <Bmckinney@laquintaca.gov> Subject: Study Session Item 3 Dear Mayor Evans and Honorable Council members: I am concerned about Item 3 on tonight’s Agenda and specifically the language that requires an additional garage when a home has the space to add an additional bedroom. For example: COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 2, 2018 - HAND OUT BY HERMAN DESIGN GROUP, INC STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 3 - DEVELOPMENT CODE TUNE UP 2 We own a home ( 1886 sf ) in the cove that has been a 3 bedroom vacation rental and there is a 10 x 10 room that could easily accommodate an additional bedroom, nursery or office by simply building a wall where it is currently attached to the master and adding a door to the hallway. All requirements of a legal bedroom can be met by the County as well as building code. We have a two car garage and two full off street parking places and one space on the street. Our tenants typically have two cars maximum. Under the current vacation rental policy, we can currently rent it out to 8 people without the additional bedroom, however, without the “bedroom” we choose to limit occupancy to 6. It appears that this is trying to control vacation rental occupancy and vehicular parking issues, however driveway parking availability should be considered. In addition there are many 4 bedroom homes in the Cove that are vacation rentals with a two car garage now and off street parking to accommodate their guests. I would like you all to consider the implications of this constraint in further detail and perhaps amend this to include language that permits an occupancy to off street parking ratio that aligns with the current bedroom to occupancy ratio. For example: 4 bedrooms requires 3 or 4 off street parking places (garage has to be empty and useable for two cars) and driveway has to have one or two additional locations to park in front of the two car garage. Best regards, Chris Chris Hermann, RLA/ASLA CEO/President Hermann Design Group, Inc. 77‐899 Wolf Road, Suite 102 Palm Desert, CA 92211 Phone: (760) 777‐9131 x101 Fax: (760) 777‐9132 chris@hdg‐inc.com COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 2, 2018 - HAND OUT BY HERMAN DESIGN GROUP, INC STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 3 - DEVELOPMENT CODE TUNE UP POWER POINTS CITY COUNCIL MEETING & SPECIAL JOINT STUDY SESSION MEETING WITH PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 2, 2018 10/3/2018 1 City Council Meeting October 2, 2018 City Council Meeting October 2, 2018 Fire Prevention Week 10/3/2018 2 Reproduced from NFPA’s website, www.nfpa.org/publiceducation. ©2018 10/3/2018 3 10/3/2018 4 10/3/2018 5 City Council Meeting October 2, 2018 B1 - Community Services Grant Requests 2018-19 Community Services Grants •Third round budget $60,000 •Ad Hoc Committee recommending ten non-profits - totaling $20,500 •$39,500 would remain for next two grant rounds •Approve Committee’s recommendations 10/3/2018 6 Applicant Requested Committee Recommendation All Things Are Possible, Inc.* $5,000 $500 Animal Samaritans $5,000 $2,500 Assistance League of Palm Springs Desert Area $5,000 $1,000 Desert Cancer Foundation $5,000 $3,000 Hidden Harvest $5,000 $2,500 JFK Foundation Ophelia Project $5,000 $2,500 *Starter Grant Recipient Applicant Requested Committee Recommendation KVCR TV Educational Foundation* $5,000 $500 Palm Desert La Quinta Youth Football League (PDLQ) $5,000 $1,000 Riverside County Sheriff Explorer Post 503 $5,000 $5,000 The Desert Symphony $5,000 $2,000 Total $45,000 $20,500 *Starter Grant Recipient 10/3/2018 7 Special Joint City Council and Planning Commission Study Session Meeting October 2, 2018 10/3/2018 8 City Council and Planning Commission Meeting October 2, 2018 S1- Highway 111 Corridor Update Objective •Develop vision for land use, infrastructure and aesthetic options to guide future Corridor property reuse and development •Council and Planning Commission consideration 10/3/2018 9 Urban Land Institute Study 10/3/2018 10 Hwy 111 Process Action Team •Economic development, brand awareness, recreation and wellness, and placemaking •Corridor update clearinghouse •Property owner engagement •Business attraction 10/3/2018 11 10/3/2018 12 City Needs •Revamped Landscape Program - partnership with property owners •Marketing/branding •Wayfinding and entry monuments •Traffic and complete streets analysis Development Standards/Land Use •12 Specific Plans with specific standards •Parking, site plans, signs, landscaping, permitted uses, development standards •Existing City standards – requires setbacks from storm channel, landscape setbacks, and height limitations 10/3/2018 13 Development Standards Audit •Audit Corridor specific plans •Assess current Corridor zoning standards •Determination made to amend Specific Plan or rescind and replace with Area Plan •Create Corridor development types and standards consistent with mixed-use overlay district •New retail and residential uses •Design concepts to enhance existing retail space •Multi-modal circulation connectivity to Highway 111 and CV Link Design Services 10/3/2018 14 Streetscape and Branding •New Corridor landscape program •Wayfinding and entry monuments •Traffic analysis to identify complete street opportunities Visioning Options •Option 1: Update Existing Highway 111 Design Guidelines (landscape, lighting, and entryways). •Option 2: Create a Corridor Area Plan with design guidelines, traffic analysis, and code revisions. •Option 3: Create a Highway 111 Specific Plan to consolidate all 12 Specific Plans into one plan. 10/3/2018 15 Corridor Area Plan •Creates a vision for future development; placemaking •Provides design guidelines, design standards, branding •Complete Street analysis, connectivity to Highway 111 and CV Link •Identifies Code revisions 10/3/2018 16 City Council and Planning Commission Meeting October 2, 2019 S2 – Discuss Centre at La Quinta Specific Plan Objective •Discuss amending specific plan –sign program, parkway landscaping scheme, and vehicle display pads •Council and Planning Commission consideration 10/3/2018 17 Frontage –City responsibility/funding •Process specific plan •Relocate sidewalks –Dealer responsibility/funding •Construct display pads and pad lighting •Construct retaining wall •Revamp/relocate irrigation and landscaping •Install new signage Current Frontage 10/3/2018 18 Current Display Pads Current Display Pads 10/3/2018 19 Proposed Frontage Current Signage 10/3/2018 20 Proposed Signage Option 1 •Amend Specific Plan - 90-day process •Site Development Permit for landscaping and signage •City relocates sidewalk 10/3/2018 21 Option 2 •Frontage remains as-is •Enforce code: –Landscape maintenance –Display of vehicles on parkway and City right of way 10/3/2018 22 City Council and Planning Commission Meeting October 2, 2018 S3 – Proposed 2018 Code Amendments to Title 9 and 13 Background •Staff annually recommends Code streamlining amendments •Council and Planning Commission consideration 10/3/2018 23 Flagpoles •Requests to install ground-mounted flagpole within residential front yards •No existing regulations •Building-mounted flags allowed •Staff recommends a flagpole standard Garage Spaces •Properties with three car garage require additional garage space •Staff recommends additional garage space requirement if dwelling only has a two car garage 10/3/2018 24 Garage Space Lot Line Adjustments (LLA) •Existing code states LLA can’t alter number of parcels •Staff recommends allowing LLA to merge parcels that does not increase number of parcels 10/3/2018 25