2015-18 Bengal Engineering Amendment 1 - Dune Palms Bridge Project 2011-05V _ _ 4 X4P Q"btrC4J aF 1�`' PROJECT NO. 2011-05 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT: DUNE PALMS ROAD LOW WATER CROSSING REPLACEMENT FEDERAL AID PROJECT NO. BRLKS 5433 (014 CONSULTANT: Bengal Engineering, Inc. Attention: Scott Onishuk, P.E. 250 Big Sur Drive Goleta, CA 93117 CONTRACT AMENDMENT NO. 1 Pursuant to the terms of the original Professional Services Agreement, you are hereby directed to make the herein described changes or do the following described work not included in the previously approved scope of work. Unless otherwise stated all work shall conform to the terms, general conditions, and scope of services of the Professional Services Agreement. DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE This contract amendment authorizes additional services pursuant to Bengal Engineering, Inc's Additional Work Request, dated March 13, 2015 and removes the environmental work objective associated with the Section 7 Consultation/Coordination. The additional services include additional Utility Potholing and Data Collection, and Noise Modeling in accordance with Bengal Engineering, Inc's additional work request, dated March 13, 2015 which is attached and made a part hereof and shall not exceed $19,900.00. This contract amendment removes the Section 7 Consultation/Coordination Environmental Work Objective in the amount of ($22,133.00) Considering the above, this amendment provides for a net decrease of ($2,233.00) Previous Contract Amount Through Contract Amendment No. -0- $1,176,781.00 Add this Amendment ($ 2,233.00) Revised Contract Total $1,174,548.00 The contract term is not affected by this Agreement Amendment. Submitted � _ Date: By: 3 ,Z* Approved 3 y Date: / �� /2/'`s -' gy Z ****************************************************************************** We, the undersigned Consultant, have given careful consideration to the change proposed and hereby agree, if this proposal is approved, that we will provide all equipment, furnish all materials, perform all labor, except as may be noted above, and perform all services necessary to complete the above specified work, and her by accept as full payment the amount shown above. Accepted By: 5. Title: b % t- TOR Consultant: QVN)&^L f >.X% X Date: 3 " l 9-k IS Bengal Engineering, Inc. Civil, Bridge, Hydraulics, Structural & Highway Engineers March 13, 2015 Ed Wimmer, PE City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Subject: Dune Palms Low Water Crossing Replacement BLRKS-5433 (01A Proposal for Additional Work Request Dear Mr. Wimmer, Bengal Engineering is submitting our request for additional services and fee associated with the above referenced project. As documented in the PDT Meeting Minutes #8 dated February 10, 2015, the CVWD 54" Mid -Valley Pipeline was not able to be located during the original potholing investigation conducted in October 2014. This is due to insufficient location data provided by CVWD at that time. Subsequently, CVWD had been unable to provide the location of the pipeline with certainty, therefore the location of this key pipeline remains unknown. In addition, as discussed at the last two PDT Meetings, this project is a Type I project due to the changes in the roadway profile. If there are noise sensitive receivers within the project area, a Type I project requires a Noise Technical Report that includes a model for existing, no build, and build conditions. The mobile homes and residences adjacent to the project location are considered sensitive receivers. According to the PES, the project proposes to relocate the mobile homes to an area within the same location, and they will still have to be addressed in the Noise Study. In the event that the mobile homes cannot be relocated in the same location, due to the lots being unusable for this purpose, the next line of mobile homes will constitute the new sensitive receivers. Attached are our Scope of Services and proposed fee. The format for this additional work request is "Time and Materials" with a not to exceed price as shown. Because of inability to predict the effort required at each individual requested location the cost estimate shown herein are "budget figures, not to exceed". Sincerely, 5 ` L Scott Onishuk, PE Principal Proposal for Additional Services Submitted to City of La Quinta March 9, 2015 Scope of Services, "Exhibit A": Task 1.0 Utility Potholing Our subcontractor, "C Below", working under the direction of Bengal Engineering, shall perform the potholing investigation detailed below. r Utility Potholing and Data Collection. Bengal plans to locate the 54" Mid -Valley Pipeline and the 33" lateral connection. First, we will coordinate with CVWD locate the pipeline, along with having our surveyor stake out the "Record Alignment" as provided to us by CVWD. Next, we will pothole the Mid - Valley pipeline and the lateral, coordinating both with our subcontractor, and with CVWD to oversee our operations. Our project survey team will also be on site to provide data collection of the pipe locations. Finally, we will compile the completed utility base map which will be used throughout the project. At this time Bengal anticipates up to five new potholes to locate these features for the project. However, this potholing is an uncertain undertaking because CVWD has not be able to find surveying records for the construction, and the locations CVWD provided for previous potholing proved to be offset from the location where they now believe the pipeline to be located. In addition, the pipeline is deeply -buried. Therefore we have requested a fee for additional potholes, should we need to continue potholing to find the line. Each pothole in addition to the five included in the base budget, would be undertaken at a unit cost per pothole with no additional mobilization. Subconsultant ("C Below") estimate is provided as part of this request. Task 2.0 Utility Survey Section 37 under the direction of Bengal Engineering shall locate horizontally and vertically the exposed utilities as indicated in Task 1 for use throughout the project. The survey data will be plotted within the utility plan and field notes and digital data will be made available for the City's and CVWD use. Task 3.0 Project Management Bengal Engineering will manage the additional work by tracking the schedule, budget, QA/QC and coordination with CVWD to be sure the timing of the utility location services coincides with the potholing and survey services. Task 4.0 Noise Modeling Parsons Brinckerhoff under the direction of Bengal Engineering will perform noise modeling for the existing, no build and build conditions for the project on the mobile home park site. The results of the 2 Proposal for Additional Services i ,. Submitted to City of La Quinta 4r March 9, 2015 modeling will be summarized in the final Noise Report and any noise attenuation measures will be noted and identified. For the below noted fee, we propose to shift fee amounts set aside for an originally scoped Biological Assessment and Section 7 Consultation/Coordination, which at this time we do not believe we will need on this project. The proposed request will not increase the overall project fee, rather it will shift monies around to accommodate the required services and activities. Task 1.0 Utility Potholing (5 potholes) $6,900 (1) Task 2.0 Utility Survey $2,000 Task 3.0 Project Management (Anticipated 8 hours) $1,200 Task 4.0 Noise Modeling $6,800 (2) ContinLrency for 3 Additional Potholes 1000 1 location up to depth of 25' 3 000 1 Total Not to Exceed Fee: $19,900 We propose Bengal Engineering Hourly Rate $150/hr Reimbursable Expenses will be billed at cost +15%. (1) Potholes will be invoiced on a per each basis, based on the number and depth range required to locate the facility. (2) Fee breaks down into the following hours per classification: Project Manager — 6 hours @ $205 Sr. Engineer/Planner — 20 hours @ $188 Technical Specialist — 6 hours @ $204 3