2016-18 Bengal Engineering Amendment 2 - Dune Palms Bridge Project 2011-05ice._ - •--.
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PROJECT NO. 2011-05
CONSULTANT: Bengal Engineering, Inc.
Attention: Scott Onishuk, P.E.
250 Big Sur Drive
Goleta, CA 93117
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Pursuant to the (erns of the original Professional Services Agreement, you are hereby directed to
make the herein described changes or do the following described work not included in the
previously approved scope of work. Unless otherwise stated all work shall conform to the terns,
general conditions, and scope of services ofthe Professional Services Agreement.
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This contract amendment authorizes additional services pursuant to Bengal Engineering, Inc's
Additional Work Request. dated November 19, 2015 to provide additional cUltural and
architCOUral surveys in accordance with comments received from the Caltrans Environmental
Group, Bengal Engineering, Inc's additional work request, dated November 19, 2015 is attached
and made a part hereof and shall not exceed $7,800.00.
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Previous Contract Amount Through Contract Amendment No. -1- $1,174,548.00
Add this Amendment $ 7.800.00
Revised Contact Total $1,182,348.00
The contract term is not affected by this Agreement Amendment.
By: Nick Nickerson, Project Manager
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November 30, 2015
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Il"e, the andersigned Cwt.sultam, have given earefitt consideration to the change prapnsed and
hereby agree, i/ this I)rol)osal is ccj)t)roved,, that we will ln•ovide aid eyrripmenl, Jin'nish all
materials, her n-111 all labor, exc•elN as marl' be uotect ahove, and /�er/urm all services necessur'v to
conrl)letc the chore .slh a it {i (mirk, euld ilerehv acc•eol a.� /11/1 J)gvl rent the arrrourrt shown uhov(",
Accepted By: !S F Title: Director
Consultant: Bengal Engineering, Inc. Date: 11/30/15
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November 19, 2015
Ed Wimmer, PE
City of La Quinta
78495 Calle Tampico
La Quinta, CA 92253
Subject: Dune Palms Low Water Crossing Replacement BLRKS-5433 (014)
Proposal for Additional Work Request: Environmental Studies
Dear Mr. Wimmer,
Bengal Engineering is submitting our request for additional services and fee for the Dune
Palms Bridge project.
This Additional Work Request is a result of Caltrans' direction for additional cultural and
architectural surveys in order to continue with their environmental review of the project.
Attached are our Scope of Services and proposed fee for this work.
Scott Onishuk, PE
Bengal Engineering website: Bengal Engineering.com
250 Big Sur Dr. Scott@BengalEngineering.com
Goleta, CA 93117
(805) 563-0788
Proposal for Additional Services
Dune Palms Low Water Crossing Replacement BLRKS-5433 (014)
Submitted to City of La Quinta, November 19, 2015,�;
Additional Scope of Services. "Exhibit A":
Task 1.0 Extended Cultural Field Survey and Mobile Home Park Architectural
Extended Cultural Field Survey
Per the July 7, 2015 field meeting, Caltrans Staff noted they would require the project to
perform an extended field survey along the east edge of Dune Palms Road, south of the
channel, of sufficient width that will cover the land that may be impacted by the construction
Mobile Home Park Architectural Survey
In addition to the Extend Cultural Field Survey, Caltrans requested the project to conduct a
field survey of the Dune Palms Mobile Estates by an architectural historian survey and
record the mobile home park and evaluate it for significance under Section 106. The
evaluation process requires research on the age of the homes. The resulting document will
be a technical memo of results.
Should the mobile home park be determined not to meet significance criteria, Caltrans has,
in the past on other projects, permitted the negative technical memo to be appended to the
HPSR and not required a Historical Resources Evaluation Report (HRER).
With Parsons Brinckerhoffs (PB's) initial review of the mobile home park site, PB is
proposing to prepare the above noted memo, which will be ready for the review and
approval process within two weeks of authorization.
If the mobile home park is evaluated as significant, an HRER might need to be prepared.
The preparation of the HRER would be prepared as an additional negotiated scope and fee.
However, if an HRER is deemed required by Caltrans, the results of the memo developed
for the Mobile Home Park Architectural Survey would be incorporated into the HRER.
Bengal's subcontractor, Parsons Brinckerhoff (PB) will perform both the Extended Cultural
Field Survey and the Mobile Home Park Architectural Survey.
Fee Schedule:
Task 1.0 Extended Cultural Field Survey and Mobile Home Park
Architectural Survey $7 800