SNC 1995-007cettif athl 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 777-7000 FAX (619) 777-7101 January 2, 1996 County Recorder County of Riverside P. O. Box 751. Riverside, CA 92502 SUBJECT: STREET NAME CHANGE 95-007 Dear Sir/Madame: This letter is to inform you that the City of La Quinta has approved a street name change for a street located within the City. The street is a cul-de-sac off of Calle Paloma as indicated in the attached map. The City has approved the name change of the cul-de-sac to Paloma Court. Please make the appropriate changes to your records. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN Community Development Director -�--t-ems ��tth./, SUE J. MOURIQUAND Associate Planner Cc: City Manager Building & Safety Department Engineering Department Attachments MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 RESOLUTION 95-99 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE STREET NAME CHANGE OF A PORTION OF CALLE PALOMA TO PALOMA COURT. CASE NO. STREET NAME CHANGE 95-007 - CITY OF LA QUINTA WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, did on the 12th day of December, 1995, in accordance with Section 14.08.110 of the La Quinta Municipal Code state their intent to consider a change in a portion of the street name Calle Paloma to Paloma Court located in a portion of the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 6, Township 6 south, Range 7 east, S.B.B.M.; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, did on the 19th day of December, 1995, in accordance with Section 14.08.110 of the La Quinta Municipal Code state their intent to consider a change in a portion of the street name Calle Paloma to Paloma Court as indicated in the attached Exhibit"A"; and, WHEREAS, said City Council of the City of La Quinta, California did on the 19th day of December, 1995, find the following facts and reasons to justify the approval of Street Name Change 95-007: 1. This street name change does not conflict with any approved specific plan, the La Quinta -General Plan, and the La Quinta Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances. 2. Residents of the cul-de-sac portion of Calle Paloma have continual problems with mail delivery, delivery of goods and services, and are concerned with possible delays in emergency response times due to confusion of addresses located on the cul-de sac and those on the main portion of Calle Paloma therefore, this street name change is deemed in the public interest and necessity for public health, safety, and welfare concerns. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of La Quinta as follows: 1. That the City Council has followed the requirements of the La Quinta Municipal Code, Chapter 14.08 pertaining to Street Name Changes. 2. That the City Council hereby approves Street Name Change 95-007 changing the cul-de-sac portion of Calle Paloma to Paloma Court. RESOCC.165 Resolution 95-99 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held this 19th day of December, 1995, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Council Members Adolph, Henderson, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Bangerter NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None GLENDA BANGERTER 1 ayor City of La Quinta, Calif.• a ATT1EST: AUNDRA L. JUHOLA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM DAWN HONEYWELL, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California RESOCC.I65 Exhibit "A" 769-07 ioo. mmrman Itnglii ITV .723W1= yr wr oa= siminammin winsimioomi T.R.A. 020-0/6 1 S2 SW4 NE4 SEC. 6 i MB. Z/A60.6ZDos rl Club Traci unit No. 5 PM /74/45-46 Perm/ Mop Ab. 267/0 SCALE: N.T.S. 5; OF Ttk COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: December 19, 1995 ITEM TITLE: Approval of a Street Name Change 2 (SNC95 007) to officially change the cul-de-sac portion`from�Calle Paloma; to Paloma Court. Applicant: City of La Quinta AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS*SESSION: r v_t 4..'S,. may. �" CONSENTS CALENDAR: STUDYSESSION PUBLIC HEARING:• .. RECOMMENDATION By Council Resolution approve StreetName Change (SNC95-007) to officially change the cul-de- sac portion from Calle Paloma to Paloma Court; as fr iidicated• Exhibit" "A'° FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW Staff has identified a confusing and potentially". unsafe situation for which a streetiname change will resolve the concerns: There is aycul de sa_c off of Calle Paloma thatYwas'created-when the block wall was constructed along Washington Street. Approximately two years ago, the' City installed a. street sign identifying the cul-de sac as "Paloma`'Court The residents,'on"the,cul-de- sac are having difficulty ,in receiving{ their mail as , the Post Office does not "recognize Paloma Court. Similarly, the residents are' havingwdifnculty in receiving deliveries of good„ and services. A further concern is that there will be delays in emergency response, : such' as fire; police; and ambulance, due to the lack of formal..recognition of: Paloma Court Section4 08.110 of the Municipal>,Code provides procedures for streetrname=.changes ` Staff'hasdetermined that this requested street name change is in the public,,interest and necessityand as,'suchi are processug this request according to the emergency procedures outlined' in' the. above refer ncedCode ,Section. Officially `changing the name of the street will ;provide the necessary,notification to the 'different entities affected. Please see the attached Planning Conumssion Staff Report of December 12, 1995,for background information on this' request (Attachmentt1) Discussion The Planning Commission recommended approval, at its December 12, 1995, meeting to change the name of thecul-de-sac off of Calle Paloma to Paloma Court in order to solve confusion with mail delivery and potential delays in emergency responses to residents on the cul-de-sac: The Commission has forwarded a recommendation for approval of the name change based on public interest and necessity. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The following findings can be made for this request: 1. This street name change does not conflict with any approved specific plan, the La Quinta General Plan, or the La Quinta Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances. 2. Residents of the cul-de-sac portion of Calle Paloma have continual problems with mail delivery, delivery of goods and services, and are concerned with possible delays in emergency response times due to confusion of addresses located on the cul-de-sac and those on the main portion of Calle Paloma, therefore, this street name change is deemed in the public interest and a necessity for public health, safety, and welfare (concerns. 3. That the Planning Commission has followed the requirements of the La Quinta Municipal Code, Chapter 14.08 pertaining to Street Name Changes. The following options are available to the City Council: 1. Approve the Street Name Change; 2. Deny the Street Name Change; or 3. Provide direction to staff. rry H�: an ommu ty Development Director Attachments: 1. Planning Commission Staff Report dated December 12, 1995 CCLC.001 A RESOLUTION'." RESOLUTION 95 COUNCIL :CITY OF LA. QUINTA, CALIFORNIA,'APPROVING THE STREET NAME• CHANGE OF A PORTION OF;CALLE PALOMA TO PALOMA COURT. r�CI CASE NO. STREET NAME CHANGE' 95-007 - CITY OF LA _QUINTA WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quirita California;` did on the 12th day of December`,'1995, in accordancexwith,Section 14.08.110 of the La Quinta Municipal a Code state their intent to consider change in i portion of the street name Calle Paloma to Paloma Court located in a portion of the=southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 6, Township 6 south, Range 7 east; S.B BM ;and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, did on the 19th day of December, 1995, in accordance with Section 14.08 110 of the :La.Quinta Mumcipal.Code state their intent to consider a change p t g n a �oftion of the Street name Calle" Paloma to Palomma Court as indicated in the attached Exhibit"A",'and, WHEREAS, said City Council of the:City of La Q day of December, 1995, find the following facts and reasons to jus Change 95-007: Uinta, California (lid on the 19th d ify the approval of Street Name .; 1.This street name change does not conflictwith any: approved'specific p1 General Plan, and the La unata Zomn T Q g and Subdivision Ordinances an, ' the La Quinta Residents of the cul de -sac portions of" Calle Paioma have continualproblems with; snail q S 1,4 delivery,- delivery of goods and services, and are concerned with possible delays in emergency response`°ti• mes due to confiis on of addresses located one a cul de' sac'and those on the main portion of Ca11ePaloma therefore, this street name`change is `deemed in the public interest and necessity forpublic'health safety, and welfare concerns. NOW, THEREFORE; BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of La Quinta' as follows: That the City Counci1 has followed the requirements of the La Chapter 14.08 pertaining to Street Narne,Changes: That the City Council hereby,approvesStreet Name Change 95-007 portion of Calle Paloma to Paloma Court , RESOCC.165 �uinta. Municipal Code, changing 'the cul-de-sac Resolution 95- PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTEDat a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held this 19th day of December, 1995, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: GLENDA BANGERTER, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: SAUNDRA L. JUHOLA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM DAWN HONEYWELL, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California RESOCC.165 MB. 2/1E1-620ssert C/ub - Troei, Uni/ No, 5 P.M"/74/45;96;°Poive1;'Mop 9W. 267/0 DATE: CASE NO.: APPLICANT: REQUEST: LOCATION: BACKGROUND: ttachrnent 1 STAFF REPORT. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DECEMBER 12, 1995 STREET NAME CHANGE (SNC),95=007 CITY OF LA QUINTA STREET NAME CHANGE OF THE CUL-DE-SAC'PORTION.OF CALLE PALOMA TO PALOMA COURT EAST OF WASHINGTONSTREET,NORTH OF CALLE TAMPICO, AND WEST OF CALLE QUINTO A confusing and potentially unsafe''situatioi was brought to the attentionof thezCommnty Development Department by a resident on the short*cul-de sac portion of Calle,Palomar.north:.of!'Calle,,Tampico (Attachment 1). The resident is having difficultyreceivmg-mail°and deliveries at herrPaloma Court address. The United States Post Office will,` not,,reco nine Paloma Court (Attachment 2)This sit anon has caused confusion and frustration on the part of the residents living on the cul,de sac There N�are 3 residences''on the cul-de-sac with a potential of.2 additional residences m theafuture. There is a potential for emergency responses to be delayed 'unnecessarily due°to this problem. A Paloma Court street sign unofficial) was° installed ap roximatel two, ears ago. The cul-de-sac was V � PP V Y 9 created when the masonry perimeter wall was constructed :along Washington Street Prior .to that ,the roadway went through,, to Washington Street H torically; 'segments: Today, the remaining through segmentof _Calle`PalomaYintersects Avenida-Tujunga andfAvenide Ultimo to +tio +ti In order to resolve this issue, the City has:initiated astreetname change process'as.allowed'by.Section 14.08.110 of the Municipal Code This section permits f.the Planning Commission to forward . a J Y �` ;;. posy„ t.. recommendation to the City Council based on publiic interest and .necessity, without ra public hearing,being held. The City Council can then take whatever` action they deem appropriate. It is City practice in the naming of streets to name,cul-de-sacs as "courts"-: The' current 'street sign designating the cul-de-sac as. "Paloma Court" follows this practice. The official processing of the'new name has been transmitted to all potentially interested ` gencies for review'and°comment All `comments. received thus far have been' favorableto-,the name. change "F;aloma Court" (Attachment 3) An official name change ,will resolvethe mail :and del veryrrproblemsgfor the residentsfof'the�cul de sac and eliminate possible delays in emergency; responses from' ambulances, police, and fire departments: RECOMMENDATION: By Resolution 95•_ move to recommend approval of a change of name for the cul-de-sac from Calle Paloma to Paloma Court, as indicated in Exhibit "A" Attachments: 1. Location map showing proposed street name change. 2. Information submitted by resident 3. Agency comments. 7 AVEULTIMO AVE•TrUJUNGA' D LA QUINTA;A'RaTS FOUNDATION' 30 MBER OF CIVIC WMERCE• ttachniet1L2_____ DOWNEY 3501 Jamboree. Road P.O. Box '600p CONN124* 7-0441230.09 2995 10/17/95 CONN '1...INDA 50 --9 1 5 CALLED PALOMA';- LA CU I NTA CA 92253=.28:24 PROUDLY SERVING AS THE LA QUINTA POLICE DEPARTMENT City of La Quinta Community,Development Depar-tmeni 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, Cal;. `�92253 Attention Leslie Mouriquand Re: Street Name Change #9.5-007r Calle Paloma to Paloma°''Court Dear Ms. Mouriquand, The Sheriff's Department has ' no street name change. We appreciate the opportunity to enforcement point of view. RONALD F ..; DYE, Captain Indio Station Commander TO: Community Development Department FROM: David M. Cosper Public Works Director/City Engineer DATE: November 6, 1995 SUBJECT: Street Name Change 95-007 The Public Works Department supports the subject street name change. FB/fb 11 FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT City Manager Public Works Department /Building & Safety _Parks & Recreation Fire Marshal XChamber of Commerce Imperial Irrigation District 2Southern'California Gas /Desert Sands'School District _CV Unified School District /CV Water District Riverside County: LA QUINTA CASE NO(S): a lWaste Manag• ement ..US'iPostaltSe lice General Telephone Colony 'Cable ;Stinhne,Transit Cagltrans (District _Aricultural Commission _CV Archaeological Society BIA esert,COuncik City of.Indio/Indian Wells CV Mountain -Conservancy CV Recreation & Parks PROJECT DESCRIPTION: PROJECT LOCATION: Principal, Planner- Current �Principal;Planner" - 'Alvan Associate Planner. Curr lvan. `X. Planning Manager, a a. Community Develo ent t& . Planning Department lEnvironmental Health r.i , n, The City of IA Quinta Development Review Committee is co ng'an initial environmental s } Quality Act;(CEQA)-for the above referenced project(s) Attached is the information sib 'mi Your comments are requested with respect to 1. Physical impacts the proonctpresents on public#resources., facilities, and/orseerrvices., 2. Recommended conditions: a) that yqu or your agency believe would mitigate any' potential adverse effectin b) or should apply t the projectdesstgn;rc) or improvements. to satisfy other regulations and concerns whichryour agency irresponsible; and , / " ou find that the identified impacts wil h ve significant adverse effects on the env\4 � cannot be avoided throug conditions. please recommend the scope and f:?cttti,of additional.study(ies) whichanay be hilpfu .'` Please send your response by J i. � , You are invited to:attend.the'DEVELOPMENf REVIEWCOMMITTE meeting at La Quinta City Hall: L ; ;- ubtl i>{4 s M a ravT(or uental, e;project proponent. NO Contact Person: L J ,Q rat rZ1 c^t,A, rya rj Title:CFC o-Gi'�-P, Lr1_a_P2 Comments made by: / Tide:.►•, r.. RapErzolativr FILEOpy B' #3 STAFF REPORT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DATE: DECEMBER 12, 1995 CASE NO.: STREET NAME CHANGE (SNC) 95-007 APPLICANT: CITY OF LA QUINTA REQUEST: STREET NAME CHANGE OF THE CUL-DE-SAC PORTION OF CALLE PALOMA TO PALOMA COURT LOCATION: EAST OF WASHINGTON STREET, NORTH OF CALLE TAMPICO, AND WEST OF CALLE QUINTO BACKGROUND: A confusing and potentially unsafe situation was brought to the attention of the Community Development Department by a resident on the short cul-de-sac portion of Calle Paloma, north of Calle Tampico (Attachment 1). The resident is having difficulty receiving mail and deliveries at her Paloma Court address. The United States Post Office will not recognize Paloma Court (Attachment 2). This situation has caused confusion and frustration on the part of the residents living on the cul-de-sac. There are 3 residences on the cul-de-sac with a potential of 2 additional residences in the future. There is a potential for emergency responses to be delayed unnecessarily due to this problem. A Paloma Court street sign unofficially was installed approximately two years ago. The cul-de-sac was created when the masonry perimeter wall was constructed along Washington Street. Prior to that the roadway went through to Washington Street. Historically, Calle Paloma was split into two segments. Today, the remaining through segment of Calle Paloma intersects Avenida Tujunga and Avenida Ultimo to the north. In order to resolve this issue, the City has initiated a street name change process as allowed by Section 14.08.110 of the Municipal Code. This section permits the Planning Commission to forward a recommendation to the City Council based on public interest and necessity, without a public hearing being held. The City Council can then take whatever action they deem appropriate. It is City practice in the naming of streets to name cul-de-sacs as "courts". The current street sign designating the cul-de-sac as "Paloma Court" follows this practice. The official processing of the new name has been transmitted to all potentially interested agencies for review and comment. All comments. received thus far have been favorable to the name change "Paloma Court" (Attachment 3). An official name change will resolve the mail and delivery problems for the residents of the cul-de-sac, and eliminate possible delays in emergency responses from ambulances, police, and fire departments. RECOMMENDATION: By Resolution 95-_ move to recommend approval of a change of name for the cul-de-sac from Calle Paloma to Paloma Court, as indicated in Exhibit "A". Attachments: 1. Location map showing proposed street name change. 2. Information submitted by resident 3. Agency comments. ttachment 1 hi CIR NIS AVE ULTIMO AVE TUJUNGA LA QUINTA ARTS FOUNDATION MBER OF MMERCE BOTTLEBRUSH OR B DR c it ,. , LA QUINTA SCHOOLS AV 50 ®• AVE NUESTRA RFCKF NEW AV 52 TE Calle Paloma to Paloma Court CASE MAP CASE No. treet Name Change 95-00 LOCATION MAP SCALE: NTS ttachment2 DOWNEY SAVINGS 3501 Jamboree Road P. O. Box 6000 n�....6 (`A CYILCQ,LAA• CONN124* T044123009 2995 10/17/95 CONN 'LINDA 50--915 CALLE PALOMA LA OUINTA CA 92253-2E34 . 1111111111111111it11111111111111111111111111 • RIVERSIDE COUNTY LARRY D. SMITH, SHERIFF 4At achment 3 Sheri�f 82-695 DR. CARREON BLVD. • INDIO, CA 92201 • (619) 863-8990 PROUDLY SERVING AS THE LA QUINTA POLICE DEPARTMENT November 3, 1995 City of La Quinta Community Development Department 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, Cal. 92253 Attention Leslie Mouriquand Re: Street Name Change #95-007 Calle Paloma to Paloma Court Ie f" 4I.ly f i NOV13 190E j CITY pl.: iaLl� f o g PLAfl1R�'i41 J P:aS;?.ME'!T Dear Ms. Mouriquand, The Sheriff's Department has no negative comments on the proposed street name change. We appreciate the opportunity to comment on the project from a law enforcement point of view. Sincerely, LARRY D. SMITH , Sheriff RONALD F. DYE, Captain Indio Station Commander cetty/44athit TO: Community Development Department FROM: David M. Cosper Public Works Director/City Engineer DATE: November 6, 1995 SUBJECT: Street Name Change 95-007 The Public Works Department supports the subject street name change. FB/fb ce-,;itt 4 41 Quad - a, DATE: / D 3I 'CfS FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT City Manager Public Works Department ,Building & Safety _Parks & Recreation Fire Marshal XChamber of Commerce Imperial Irrigation District Southern California Gas Desert Sands School District CV Unified School District /CV Water District Z( Waste Management Principal Planner - Current IUS Postal Service `Principal Planner - Advan General Telephone XAssociate Planner - Colony Cable Curr.L/Advan. �( 4Sunline Transit ZC Planning Manager _Caltrans (District II) _XCommunity Development _Agricultural Commission _CV Archaeological Society _BIA - Desert Council _City of Indio/Indian Wells _CV Mountain Conservancy CV Recreation & Parks Riverside County: /Sheriff s Department NOV 9 1995 Planning Department /Environmental Health LA QUINTA CASE NO(S): :) rt.vrl o._ (tin -> PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 7' 1,, n .v r, P PROJECT LOCATION: o i c4 m A_ (t rTt' I rr' - �, ,-' . �.'', ,- . A yY`II The City of La Quinta Development Review Committee is conducting an initial environmental s Quality Act (CEQA)-for the above referenced project(s):-"Attached is the information subm Your comments are reques with respect to: 1. Physical impacts the pro ect presents on public resources, facilities, •and/orservices. • dy p sut'ti{ talil�8fia xnvtrotimental ted by the"project proponent. , GITY PLAN:.;i•;:t.:: MAMi;lti \` 2. Recommended conditions: a) that yQu or your agency believe would mitigate.any potential adverse effects b) or shouldapply to the projectdesign; c) or improvements to satisfy other regulations and concerns which your agency is -responsible; and 3. ou find that the identified impacts wil\ve significant adverse effects on the env\ hich cannot be avoided through conditions, please recommend the scope and focu1of additional study(ies) which may by,,krelpfu Please send your response by � in 1 6145. You are invited to attend the. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE meeting at La Quinta11City Hall:' Date: -j 3 F-t- Time: Contact Person: es is e. VY), , ( l ft Comments made by: / •— Title: Title: NO CO t4ME 1 r�'i-e , t CL► ci e _ Date: /1 O 6 - S s— Phone: d- J - dfr6 Agency/Division: ric-_sz PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 95- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE STREET NAME CHANGE OF A PORTION OF CALLE PALOMA TO PALOMA COURT. CASE NO. STREET NAME CHANGE 95-007 - CITY OF LA QUINTA WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, did on the 12th day of December, 1995, in accordance with Section 14.08.110 of the La Quinta Municipal Code state their intent to consider a change in a portion of the street name Calle Paloma to Paloma Court located in a portion of the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 6, Township 6 south, Range 7 east, S.B.B.M.; and, WHEREAS, said Planning Commission at the meeting held on December 12, 1995, did find the following facts and reasons to justify the recommendation for approval of Street Name Change 95-007: 1. This street name change does not conflict with any approved specific plan, the La Quinta General Plan, and the La Quinta Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances. 2. Residents of the cul-de-sac portion of Calle Paloma have continual problems with mail delivery, delivery of goods and services, and are concerned with possible delays in emergency response times due to confusion of addresses located on the cul-de sac and those on the main portion of Calle Paloma., therefore, this street name change is deemed in the public interest and necessity for public health, safety, and welfare concerns. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta as follows: 1. That the Planning Commission has followed the requirements of the La Quinta Municipal Code, Chapter 14.08 pertaining to Street Name Changes. 2. That the Planning Commission hereby recommends to the City Council approval of Street Name Change 95-007 changing the cul-de-sac portion of Calle Paloma to Paloma Court. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission held this 12th day of December, 1995, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Jacques Abels, Chairman ATTEST: JERRY HERMAN, Community Development Director City of La Uinta, California Exhibit "A" T.R. A. 020-0/6 1- - AV£N/DA M.B. 21/6I-620eser! Club Trott Uni/ No, 5 PM /74/45-46 Parcel Mop Ab. 267/0 CASE MAP CASE No. SCALE: SNC 95-007 Paloma Court c6, 4 4 gj4 DATE: I D'.3I -C(S FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Icily Manager Public Works Department /Building & Safety _Parks & Recreation Fire Marshal Chamber of Commerce Imperial Irrigation District ASouthern California Gas Desert Sands School District CV Unified School District 1_CV Water District Waste Management I( Principal Planner - Current 4US Postal Service 1Principal Planner - Advan General Telephone Y Associate Planner - 4Colony Cable Curr.L/Advan. �( 4Sunline Transit .Planning Manager _Caltrans (District II) _XCommunity Development _Agricultural Commission Director _CV Archaeological Society _BIA - Desert Council _City of Indio/Indian Wells _CV Mountain Conservancy CV Recreation & Parks Riverside County: Sheriff's Department _Planning Department Environmental Health LA QUINTA CASE NO(S): �,-} 1^ a Q-r i1) (2t,yn e Q y_o e. rj S - '7 r PROJECT DESCRIPTION: n 4 JO r- -' ,1 -f ezt 1 j Pea j 8 m ft , -�- n P0.1 (3-- PROJECT LOCATION: a. Knit eo The City of La Qt`ta Development Review Committee is con- t�ehng an initial environmental study pursuant to-tfie�alifornia Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) r the above referenced project(,$) Attadhed is the information submitted by the-pr ject proponent. Your comments are request d with respect t 1. Physical impacts the pro resents on public resources, facilities, services. 2. Recommended conditions: a) that yo or your agency believe would mitig te.any potential adverse effects; b) or should ap1y to the projec esign; c) or improvements to satisfy other regulations and conceriii'vhich your agency is r sponsible; and 3. ou find that the identified impacts will have significant adverse effects on the enviro conditions, please recommend the scope and focu f additional study(ies) which may be elpfut:.� hich cannot be avoided through \Y" Please send your response by ;U ) c_; j q45. You are invited to attend the. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE meeting at La Quinta City Hall: Date: Time: Contact Person: 2,es1,'e. ' 1 Fa t l t'Z 1 ('41 A fk 11 d Title: M-ee P an n e _ Comments made by-. r' . /V ' • Title: Date: Phone: Agency/Division: FROM: Tuff frJJ DATE: / D -3 I -Cl,S- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT C▪ ity Manager Public Works Department /Building & Safety _Parks & Recreation F▪ ire Marshal XChamber of Commerce Imperial Irrigation District ASouthern California Gas Desert Sands School District _CV Unified School District XCV Water District Riverside County: Waste Management US Postal Service G▪ eneral Telephone C• olony Cable Principal Planner - Current Principal Planner - Advan Associate Planner - Curr.L/Advan. \,( 4Sunline Transit Z( Planning Manager _Caltrans (District II) _XCommunity Development _Agricultural Commission Director _CV Archaeological Society _BIA - Desert Council _City of Indio/Indian Wells CV Mountain Conservanc CV Recreation & Parks Sheriff's Department N O V 1 3 1995 nCri i Y(7'�f lg _Planning Departm rtt ° nvironmental Healt LA QUINTA CASE NO(S): A) (Am e JQ 0.6 L rf c: - (o '7 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: r ,�, r1 p r� n r �}- �. F, n r� -� e JA P F rh ( (S m rL ( u_of PROJECT LOCATION: The City of La Quinta Development Review Committee is conch'� g an iritial environmental study pursuant to•tne Quality Act (CEQA) fo the above referenced project (s)-:'"A'ttached is the information submitted by the -project proponent. Your comments are request with respect tor 1. Physical impacts the pro resents on public resources, facilities, d/orservices. 2. Recommender nditions: a) that'you or your agency believe would mitigate any potential adverse effec b) or should the project esign; c) or improvements to satisfy other regulations and concernsrvhich your agency i responsible; and 3. ou find that the identified impacts will have si conditions, please recommend the scope and focu ifornia Environmental ply to icant adverse effects on the enviro hich cannot be avoided through additional study(ies) which may be e Please send your response by /U �; 5 ! Q 45. You are invited to attend the . DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE meeting at La Quinta City Hall: Date: Contact Person: Time: e. tc)t _.rzi (zlu yld Title: PI an n e Comments made by: D. Pi 72 n'14,9 0-- Title: 1.1. Date: 11 _. ,' %f Phone: S 3 22 7 Agency/Division: gS D - L 't',O ra FROM: c6Abit 4 4 Ogle • DATE: /0 -31 -9,S— COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Icily Manager Public Works Department /Building & Safety _Parks & Recreation Fire Marshal XChamber of Commerce Imperial Irrigation District ASouthern California Gas Desert Sands School District CV Unified School District _CV Water District A( Waste Management LUS Postal Service General Telephone Colony Cable 4Sunline Transit _Caltrans (District II) _Agricultural Commission /( Principal Planner - Current Principal Planner - Advan ,Associate Planner - Curr.. /Advan. y( Planning Manager _XCommunity Develo sent CV Archaeological Society _BIA - Desert Council _City of Indio/Indian Wells _CV Mountain Conservancy _CV Recreation & Parks Riverside County: Sheriff's Department _Planning Department P Nov 6 61995 // Environmental Health LA QUINTA CASE NO(S): �-�r� e-j- i')c m e \ r`ZA � r , PROJECT DESCRIPTION: rt n � P 4 n !) f er, I P� �m PROJECT LOCATION: e_cL i e P Q' 6 m ( s e P gt The City of La Qum Development Review Committee is co'ddq i g an initial environmental s dy pu su uto-tl �al l Quality Act (CEQA or the above referenced projects) Attached is the information submf,ted by theproject proponent. Y OF LA CUNT $ PLANNING A tT s+ Ei Your comments are request with respect t resents Physical impacts the prod p on public resources, facilities, and/or -services. 2. Recommended nditions: a) that the projec esign• c) or im rovem 3. ou find that the identified impacts will ha e sign conditions, please recommend the scope and fpcu nvirorimental u or your agency believe 7 mitigate any potential adverse eff c ; b) or should aply to p enn to satisfy other regulations and concerns hich your agency i responsible; and Please send your response byrU meeting at La Quinta City Hall:` Date: Contact Person: eSl1,e. icant adverse effects on the envirorime�t"which cannot be avoided through additional study(ies) which may be6lpfui: !� ) D a 4 5. You are invited to attend the. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE Time: � t� ✓Z i (co l ft rl d Title: NO COMMENT 4�t9Gi /1+6 Pi an n e e. Comments made by: / Date: // 0 6 - S s' Phone: d 1'3 - dfS1 Title: Agency/Division: ri(z • c6, 4 44-W DATE: IG-.3I 'C(S FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT City Manager Public Works Department /Building & Safety _Parks & Recreation Fire Marshal XChamber of Commerce Imperial Irrigation District 1Southern California Gas Desert Sands School District CV Unified School District /CV Water District Waste Management 4US Postal Service General Telephone Colony Cable 4Sunline Transit _Caltrans (District II) _Agricultural Commission _CV Archaeological Society _BIA - Desert Council _City of Indio/Indian Wells _CV Mountain Conservancy CV Recreation & Parks Riverside County: Sheriff's Department _Planning Department Principal Planner - Current `Principal Planner - Advan ,Associate Planner - Curr.L/Advan. fir( A( Planning Manager (Community Development Director lEnvironmental Health LA QUINTA CASE NO(S): �, } �^� Q-t iU c v'n e r\(;) e_ S - (Doi-7 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: ('-jr n rL . e r-i- k > r\ (f ( 1 11 Q 1 o m -)-- o art - e tk . ) _--- PROJECT LOCATION: .eat 1 e P a_ 1 e rn al_. . ( S -e -e /I -t-}-ci r_h d y-l--n, , l>S p rwi/b m k, ' in 1-1. lea* }u u... r The City of La Quinta Development Review Committee is con� g an initial environmental study pursuant toe Califoraia 1~ o Quality Act (CEQA or the above referenced project�ttac'lted is the information submitted by t romject proponent)A.� Your comments are request : with respect t 1. Physical impacts the pro resents on public resources, facilities, and/services. d mice. 2. Recommended conditions: a) that u or your agency believe voui g any potential adverse effyts b) or should aply to the project4gn; c) or improvemen to satisfy other regulations and concerns ich your agency is -responsible; and 3.fou find that the identified impacts will ha conditions, please recommend the scope and f Please send your response by AJ /) \) r 3 p 1 a qs. meeting at La Quinta City Hall: Date: Contact Person: 4e.S)l`e Time: icant adverse effects on the enviro . i hich cannot be avoided throu additional study(ies) which may be : Ipfu You are invited to attend the. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE \k/ r\d Title: snC-t t l Q.n n e Comments made by: Date: Phone: Title: Agency/Division: c6uti 4 4a�-W DATE: ID-3I -CfS FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT City Manager Public Works Department Building & Safety _Parks & Recreation Fire Marshal XChamber of Commerce Imperial Irrigation District Southern California Gas Desert Sands School District CV Unified School District /CV Water District Riverside County: 2( Waste Management 4US Postal Service General Telephone Colony Cable 4Sunline Transit _Caltrans (District II) _Agricultural Commission Principal Planner - Current Principal Planner - Advan Associate Planner - Curr.EAdvan. �( .Planning Manager 1Community Development Director _CV Archaeological Society _BIA - Desert Council _City of Indio/Indian Wells _CV Mountain Conservancy CV Recreation & Parks Sheriff's Department _Planning Department lEnvironmental Health LA QUINTA CASE NO(S): S-}-r e:-j- rNUe. D 7 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: C �,, (I r er, I to P 1 o m, Ck; PROJECT LOCATION: I >< P Q e rr-1 ( S -e e 4 --1± p ci. m p) • ti The City of La rota Development Review Committee is conducting an initial environmental study pursuant to-tfie Quality Act (CEQA or the above referenced project ttaa d is the information submitted by the -project ject prop Your comments are request : with respect t 1. Physical impacts the pro' _ i resents on public resources, facilities, d/oriservices. 2. Recommended . nditions: a) that )�u or your agency believe woutd mitiga - the projec : esign; c) or improvements, ttostisfy other regulations and concerns Please send your response by /`) 6 k) �3 j 61Q5. You are invited to attend the. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE meeting at La Quinta City Hall: N. ifornia Environmental nent. 3. ou find that the identified impacts will ha conditions, please recommend the scope and foci' Date: T a A - Time: y potential adverse effec . , b) or should .. ply to ich your agency i responsible; and icant adverse effects on the enviro f additional study(ies) which may be : elpfu Contact Person: L,eSye. a-int t t'Z,l l'� . £ ft d Title: hich cannot be avoided through ra+e. P1 Cz.n n e 2 . Comments made by: A / Date: Phone: . 4 Title: r Agency/Division: FROM: cc-, 4 4 Ogle • DATE: / -31 -9S- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ,City Manager Public Works Department /Building & Safety _Parks & Recreation Fire Marshal XChamber of Commerce Imperial Irrigation District Southern California Gas Desert Sands School District _CV Unified School District _KCV Water District Waste Management .US Postal Service ,&General Telephone ,Colony Cable 4Sunline Transit _Caltrans (District II) _Agricultural Commission Principal Planner - Current Principal Planner - Advan Associate Planner -' Curr.. /Advan. u < Z( Planning Manager /(/( _XCommunity Development Director _CV Archaeological Society _BIA - Desert Council _City of Indio/Indian Wells _CV Mountain Conservancy CV Recreation & Parks Riverside County: Sheriff's Department _Planning Department Environmental Health LA QUINTA CASE NO(S): �-}-�^� e_--t )I) C m �Q ,�� e. -{fie 7 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Cj,1 y e r+ k n /-r f e L\ e P a 1 o m ?al e m G- PROJECT LOCATION: e.a..1. e_ •P Q 1 ®r 04._, (S -e 4 a ri--vtp The City of La . iota Development Review Committee is con Quality Act (CEQA or the above referenced project �tta Your comments are request : with respect t 1. Physical impacts the pro g an initial environmental study pursuant o-tfie . • ifornia Environmental ed is the information submitted by th s r ject pronent. resents on public resources, facilities, . ,d/. • services. 2. Recommended • nditions: a) that the projec u or your agency believe wo ' mitiga esign; c) or improvemen to satisfy other regu ations and concerns 3. ou find that the identified impacts will ha conditions, please recommend the scope and y potential adverse effec .; b) or should . •ply to ich your agency i responsible; and scant adverse effects on the enviro hich cannot be avoided throu u . additional study(ies) which may be : • 1pfu Please send your response by •i'V ) 3 6145. You are invited to attend the. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE meeting at La Quinta City Hall: Date: Time: Contact Person: Les)i'e. Y L t'Q C U rl Y Title: se9C.,t Ct+6 PI an ri e Comments made by: Date: 1/-,- 9c Phone: -7-CC.' 9 Title: tt , Agency/Division: CIR -;"i ES NIS AVE ULTIMO AVE TUJUNGA D LA QUINTA ARTS ,f FOUNDATION JNBER OF WMER E BOTTLE BRUSH DR LA QUINTA SCHOOLS VM ell TE Calle Paloma to Paloma Court CASE MAP CASE No. treet Name Change 95 00 LOCATION MAP SCALE: •NTS VPHIAL GATI ,. CT COACHELLA VALLEY POWER DIVISION 81-600 AVENUE 58 • P.O.BOX 1080 •LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253-1080 TELEPHONE (619) 398-5811 • FAX (619) 398-5848 IIDPD-DDC Ms. Leslie J. Mouriquand City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Ms. Mouriquand: January 8, 1996 Re: Street Name Change 95-0007 Change from Calle Paloma (portion) to Paloma Court JL[.JuL J A N 1 6 1995 CITY O'LAGWIq,..A PLANNING DEPARTMENT After reviewing the plans for the project described above, it has been determined this project will not impact electric service to the area. If I can be of further assistance, please contact me at 398-5818. TFL:rg CORR96/CTY-LQ Sincerely, Ate- T HOMAS F. LYONS, JR., P.E. Engineer, Senior RIVERSIDE COUNTY LARRY D. SMITH, SHERIFF Sheriff 82-695 DR. CARREON BLVD. • INDIO, CA 92201 • (619) 863-8990 PROUDLY SERVING AS THE LA QUINTA POLICE DEPARTMENT November 3, 1995 City of La Quinta Community Development Department 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, Cal. 92253 Attention Leslie Mouriquand Re: Street Name Change #95-007 Calle Paloma to Paloma Court Dear Ms. Mouriquand, The Sheriff's Department has no negative comments street name change. NOV 1 3 1995 CITP1 NlY OF :, GU►!P IG DEPARTMENT on the proposed We appreciate the opportunity to comment on the project from a law enforcement point of view. Sincerely, LARRY D. SMITH , Sheriff RONALD F. DYE, Captain Indio Station Commander Tay/ 4 4aibtrad MEMORANDUMry ITV OF ..: PLANNINGEPARMENT TO: Community Development Department FROM: David M. Cosper Public Works Director/City Engineer DATE: November 6, 1995 SUBJECT: Street Name Change 95-007 The Public Works Department supports the subject street name change. FB/fb